CourseOutline SpeechCom 2021 Shumaila Omar
CourseOutline SpeechCom 2021 Shumaila Omar
CourseOutline SpeechCom 2021 Shumaila Omar
Speaking in front of larger audience is one of the most commonly reported phobias; the good news-
no reported deaths so far!
For many gossip is fun, group discussion is tough yet stimulating; however, addressing a large
audience is a near-death experience.
Course Description:
Effective oral communication is an essential academic skill. The course aims to enable students use
this skill in their academic and professional careers. It would help students apply the fundamental
elements of interpersonal communication for formal oral speech events. The course is designed to
prepare students to develop adequate oral communication skills that will enable them to communicate
not only in work-related situations, but also in personal domains. Therefore, this oracy-focused
course is designed as a lead up to the more advanced Business Communication course as well as real
communication challenges such as academic presentations and group tasks.
Learning Goal:
Course participants will be able to communicate orally in an effective manner in a range of
formal / academic setting, applying requisite rhetorical modes.
Course Objectives:
The aim of this course is to help students improve their oral communication skills, to build students’
foundation in the core components, and introduce them to modes of rhetoric. The focus is more on
practice than theory- students are expected to learn through application and simulations of real-life
challenges such as impromptu and argumentative speaking.
Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. analyze and assess effective interpersonal oral communication models.
2. communicate effectively in an academic environment.
3. speak confidently in public.
The course is premised on giving real-life application of the skills learned in the classroom. Each
theoretical component is accompanied with relevant practical exercises. Oral presentation experiences
are heavily integrated throughout the course with a focus on public speaking design and delivery.
Audio-visual aids are also used to assist students in retaining the main points and tips. Short clips of
model speeches and presentations are also shown to make the learning process interesting as well as
useful. Peer learning is encouraged through group discussions. Students also get the opportunity to
learn their strengths and weaknesses by watching their own recorded presentations.
Diversified methodologies as simulations (Panel Discussions, Parliamentary debates and MUNs), oral
presentations (individual & group), and group discussions would be employed to optimize the
learning opportunity
Academic Conduct:
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Maria Hassan Speech Communication 2020- IBA, Karachi
Students are required to adhere strictly to IBA’s rules and regulations, especially attendance and
plagiarism policies. All PowerPoint templates and references must be properly documented.
Students are required to follow the dress code as per IBA rules (see Students’ Handbook). This will
especially be considered on the day of an assessed/unassessed task. Students are required to have
gone through the relevant material provided in the resource pack prior to respective teaching sessions.
Students’ performance will be evaluated on a number of listening and speaking-related tasks. If a
student is absent on the day of any assessed oral activity, (s)he would get a zero on that task. The
course follows absolute grading based on the criteria defined for each task. Assessment plan is
designed to engage you in major modes of rhetoric including, definition, explanation, narration,
information and persuasion
1. Quizzes
Quiz # 1 - Impromptu Speeches
An impromptu is a speech with minimal/ no preparation without any notes or cue cards. You will be
required to deliver an impromptu speech on a randomly picked topic/ issue/ theme.
Quiz # 2 Dramatic/ Interpretive Reading
Dramatic readings increase students comfort levels with speaking in front of an audience. You will
be required to select a short text (prose/poetry) for a dramatic reading in front of a class of peers.
Quiz # 3 Pantomime
Mime is a non-verbal expression of a narrative or a thought/idea. Pantomime is one of the oldest
forms of theatre performances. With its origin in ancient Greece, the tradition was one of the
dominant genres of Elizabethan drama and Comedia dell’ arte in French theatre. For this quiz,
students would present a group performance on a given theme. Assessment would be divided into two
categories; individual and group.
2. Assignments
Assignment # 1 Oral Documentary – Individual Speeches
A documentary is a nonfictional representation of some aspect of reality. For Assignment 1, you will
have to deliver a three-minute speech to orally document a topic with the help of visual aids such as
pictures and mute videos. The desired outcome is to orient your audience on the subject.
Assignment # 2 Model Parliamentary Debate:
A Parliamentary Debate is modeled around the procedures of the British Parliament. You will
participate in a debate on a pre-announced motion, according to the assigned role i.e. Proposition or
Opposition, following the details guidelines provided by the instructor.
Assignment # 3 - MUN Simulation:
This simulation mandates students to practice on Persuasive Speaking in a highly formal settings.
You will be required to choose a resolution, decide a country to represent for the resolution, present a
3-4 minute formal speech, following the details guidelines provided by the instructor.
3. Exams
Mid Term- Group Presentation – Informative Speeches (20 minutes- Groups of 04)
As a group, you will share the findings of a small scale research you will conduct to inform your
audience about the findings
Final Term- Persuasive Speeches
You will be required to deliver a 5-6 minutes’ persuasive speech, followed by a Q/A session on a
topic of your choice.
Grading Plan:
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Maria Hassan Speech Communication 2020- IBA, Karachi
5 9
Presentation/ Speech Imperatives: Verderber,
17-18 Topic Selection - General and Specific Purposes Chapters 12, 13 & 15
Research - Outlining the Speech Handouts-
19-20 Pre-Talk Checks - Time Management Term Exam Speech Outline &
Speech/ Presentation Structure - Transitions Grading Criteria
Overcoming Speech Anxiety , Rehearsing the Speech Group formation for Midterm
Oral Documentary-Practice
10 Presentation Patterns: Types and Methods of Delivery Verderber, Chapter 16
Personal Communication Styles Pantomime-
Quiz#3 Pantomime-Introduction – Group Formation
Assignment 1 Oral Documentary (2.5 mins* 10) Fill CP Self-Assessment
6 11 Assignment 1 Oral Documentary (2.5 mins* 20)
F 24- 12 Parliamentary Debates (Assign# 2)– Introduction Verderber, Chapters 11 & 17
25 Effective openings and closings Fill CP Self-Assessment
Attention Getter,
26-27 Preparing for ‘Introduction and Conclusion’
7 13 Submission Deadline: Term Exam- Speech Outlines Verderber, Chapter 16
M Informative Speaking
2-3 Types of Informative Speeches PD: (video)
Guidelines for Informative Speaking
4-12 Use of Visual aids
Informative Speeches- Practice
14 Logical Fallacies: Racism Video
How to develop an argument – Fill CP Self-Assessment
Parliamentary Debates – Practice
Term examination: Informative Speaking 20 %
All the students should have at least ONE meeting with the instructor before the first TERM exam.
8 15 Persuasive speaking Verderber,
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Essential Reading:
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Maria Hassan Speech Communication 2020- IBA, Karachi
Shumaila Omar is a PhD scholar in Applied Linguistics. She is an adjunct faculty at IBA and IVS,
and has a diverse ELT teaching experience at private and public universities in Karachi. She is also a
CELTA and IELTS trained teacher and has conducted trainings and workshops in Dubai and
Ms. Omar is an active member of TESOL (USA), IATEFL(UK) and SPELT(Pakistan). Currently, she
is the Chair of Professional Publication Council (PPC) SPELT. Shumaila teaches courses in Writing,
Oral Communication, Business Communication, ESP (English for Specific Purposes) and have also
developed courses in writing and Business Communication.
Her research and writing interests include classroom-based research, learner autonomy, assessment
of language learning, and Critical Discourse Analysis
Counselling Hours:
T & Th 10:00-11:15, or by appointment
Teaching Assistant: Ahmad Niazi
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Maria Hassan Speech Communication 2020- IBA, Karachi
channel, upload the video there and share the link with the instructor.
Assessment Status
Quizzes 1 1- Impromptu 5% 15%
2 2- Dramatic Reading 5%
3 3-Eulogy * In Progress
(Replacement of Pantomime) 5%
Assignment 1 1-Oral Documentary 10%
2 2-Parliamentary Debate 10% In Progress 30%
3 3-Refutation * Not assigned
(Replacement of MUN) 10%
Course Using all platforms including email, On going 5%
Participation** Facebook, class session, Facebook
group, WhatsApp, counselling
Project** Vlog Not assigned 5%
Exam Midterm In Progress 20%
(Informative Group Presentation )
Final (Persuasive Speech) 25%
*Eulogy (Encomion) and Refutation are two higher-order exercises of Progymnasmata
(Classical Rhetoric).
** Class Participation (10% in the original Course outline) has been replaced with two
components- Course Participation (5%) and Vlog (5%)
Name: Class #
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Maria Hassan Speech Communication 2020- IBA, Karachi
This evaluation sheet allows you to monitor your own participation in class. The class participation
point system is organized as follows:
1. Students receive a maximum of 5 points per day for participation
2. Failure to bring class materials or homework constitutes a 1 point deduction for each item
missing (i.e. no book, no homework=best score of 3)
3. Please rate your daily performance based on a scale of 0-5 and the following factors:
______ _______
Week 3(Dates: ) Week 4 (Dates: )
______ _______
Week 5 (Dates: ) Week 6 (Dates: )
______ _______
Week 7 (Dates: ) Week 8 (Dates: )
______ _______
Week 9 (Dates: ) Week 10 (Dates: )
______ _______
Week 11 (Dates: ) Week 12 (Dates: )
Average score:
________________ _______________________ _______________________
Student Signature Verification by a Peer: Name Instructor Signature
and Date and Date
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