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PPE Plate No.1

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Cagayan De Oro City


ME 24
Energy Classification, Sources and Utilization

Plate No.1

January 28, 2021

February 05, 2021 Criteria for Rating (100 pts.)
Criteria Actual
SUBMITTED BY:  Promptness (20 pts.)

Roland A. Quiao  Neatness (10 pts.)

 Computations/Answers/
SUBMITTED TO: Data Analysis and Sketches
(40 pts.)
Dr. Rogelio C. Golez, Jr.  Conclusion and
Instructor Recommendation
(30 pts.)
Remarks: ❑
Total Score 100
2nd SEMESTER School Year: 2021-2022
Plate No. 1

Energy Classification, Sources and Utilization


Energy is the ability to do work and is associated with all our activities. When a force is applied
to an object over a distance, work is done (Work = Force × Distance). The energy of an object or
of a system is how much work the object or system can do on some other object or system. It is a
measure of the capability of an object or system to do work on another system or object. Energy
can be transferred from place to place and every time energy moves or changes it will effect
some changes in associated objects like they become hotter or colder, some physical movement
etc., which can be used for our various applications.

Most of the energy we use today comes from primary and secondary energy forms. Primary
energy sources are sources which can be found naturally such as fossil fuels - coal, oil, and
natural gas, biomass, radioactive minerals etc., which have not been subject to any sort of man‐
made conversion process. When primary energy is converted to a different form like electricity,
gasoline etc., they are secondary forms of energy, also known as energy carriers and they need to
be made using these primary energy sources. Globally the nonrenewable, primary energy sources
are providing nearly 80% of our energy needs (32% from oil, 26% from coal and 21% from
natural gas). Hydro and nuclear sources are responsible for around 5% each of our global energy
needs, while biomass and waste provide almost 10%. This is primarily due to wood burning in
developing countries.

As the nonrenewable energy sources are generally more reliable, affordable and easier to store
and transport their consumption is increasing significantly throughout the globe resulting in the
decline of their reserves. Rapidly reducing primary energy reserves are prompting global focus
on the development of innovative cost-effective renewable energy technologies such as wind,
solar, ocean and geothermal which currently supply nearly 0.5% of total energy needs.


To be able to;

1. Demonstrate the ability to perform a parametric study for the important parameters that
control the performance of various energy generating systems.
2. Define the different types of energy.
3. Describe the principles of different types of power plants


Reference books and internet sources.


1. Search in the internet and download the following information needed for this purpose.
1.1 Classification of energy source
1.1.1 Nonrenewable energy
1.1.2 Renewable energy
1.2 For each of the following make an introduction, how it works, give more details,
enumerate the advantages and disadvantages and determine whether it is renewable or
1.2.1 Pumped storage reservoir
1.2.2 Hydro-electric power
1.2.3 Geothermal energy
1.2.4 Biomass
1.2.5 Nuclear power plant
1.2.6 Fossil fuels
1.2.7 Wind power
1.2.8 Wave power
1.2.9 Ocean power
1.2.10 Solar energy
1.2.11 Tidal power

1.3 Define the different types of energy stated below:

1. Mechanical Energy
2. Thermal Energy
3. Nuclear Energy
4. Chemical Energy
5. Electromagnetic Energy
6. Sonic Energy
7. Gravitational Energy
8. Kinetic Energy
9. Potential Energy
10. Ionization Energy
11. Radiant Energy
Activity 1

1. Classification of energy source

Nonrenewable energy - A non-renewable resource is a natural resource that cannot

be readily replaced by natural means at a quick enough pace to keep up with
consumption. An example is carbon-based fossil fuel. The original organic matter,
with the aid of heat and pressure, becomes a fuel such as oil or gas.

Renewable energy-A renewable resource is a natural resource which will replenish

to replace the portion depleted by usage and consumption, either through natural
reproduction or other recurring processes in a finite amount of time in a human time
scale. This includes biomass energy (such as ethanol), hydro-power, geothermal
power, wind energy, and solar energy. Biomass refers to organic material from plants
or animals. This includes wood, sewage, and ethanol (which comes from corn or
other plants).

2. For each of the following make an introduction, how it works, give more details,
enumerate the advantages and disadvantages and determine whether it is renewable or

Name Type of Working Principle Advantages Disadvantages


Pumped Renewabl Pumped-storage hydr Flexible and high initial capital cost and
storage e o-power (PSH) is a reliable potential site-specific
reservoir type of hydroelectric negative environmental
energy storage. It is a and ecological impacts
configuration of two
water reservoirs at
different elevations
that can generate
power (discharge) as
water moves down
through a turbine;
this draws power as
it pumps water
(recharge) to the
upper reservoir.

Hydro- Renewabl It is electrical energy Low Environmental

electric e produced through the emissions, consequences, Expensive
power power of moving Reliable, to build, Limited reserves
water. safe

Geother Renewabl are used in order to High degree fluid needs to be pumped
mal e generate electricity accuracy back into the underground
energy by the use of reservoirs faster than it is
geothermal energy depleted. Management is
(the Earth's internal required to maintain
thermal energy). sustainability.
They essentially
work the same as a
coal or nuclear power
plant, the main
difference being the
heat source.

Biomass Renewabl wood waste or other always and not as efficient as fossil
e waste is burned to widely fuels, can lead to
produce steam that available as deforestation
runs a turbine to a renewable
make electricity, or source of
that provides heat to energy, less
industries and homes. expensive
than fossil

Nuclear Non- are a type of power Produces no Waste is radioactive and

power renewable plant that uses the polluting safe disposal is very
plant process of nuclear gases, does difficult and expensive
fission in order to not
generate electricity. contribute to
They do this by using global
nuclear reactors in warming
combination with the
Rankine cycle, where
the heat generated by
the reactor converts
water into steam,
which spins a turbine
and a generator.

Fossil Non- A fossil fuel is a fuel Readily Increasing fuel costs,

fuels renewable formed by natural available, Release carbon dioxide
processes, such as relatively (CO2) when burnt –
anaerobic easy to greenhouse gas
decomposition of produce
buried dead energy from
organisms, them
containing organic
molecules originating
in ancient
photosynthesis that
release energy in

Wind Renewabl means getting the Renewable Noise and visual pollution
power e electrical energy by & clean
converting wind source
energy into rotating of energy,
energy of the blades Low
and converting that operating
rotating energy into costs
electrical energy by
the generator.

Wave Renewabl is the capture of Environment Effect on Marine

power e energy of wind waves Friendly, Ecosystem, Weak
to do useful work – Abundant Performance in Rough
for example, and Widely Weather
electricity generation, Available.
water desalination, or Variety of
pumping water. A Ways to
machine that exploits Harness.
wave power is a
wave energy
converter (WEC).

Ocean Renewabl Energy Conversion Predictable If using tidal energy, it can

power e (OTEC) is a process and reliable only supply power for
that can produce about 10 hours a day
electricity by using because of the pattern of
the temperature the tides and it is
difference between expensive.
deep cold ocean
water and warm
tropical surface

Solar Renewabl commonly called a Reduces Weather Dependent

energy e solar cell, is a non- Electricity
mechanical device Bills, Low
that converts sunlight Maintenance
directly into Costs
electricity. Some PV
cells can convert
artificial light into

Tidal Renewabl is harnessed by It is an still has some

power e converting energy inexhaustible environmental effects, it is
from tides into useful source of an intermittent energy
forms of power, energy; source, it requires long
mainly electricity Tidal energy gestation time
using various is
methods. environment
energy and

3. Define the different types of energy stated below

1. Mechanical Energy -is the energy that is possessed by an object due to its motion or
due to its position.

2. Thermal Energy (also called heat energy)- is produced when a rise in temperature
causes atoms and molecules to move faster and collide with each other.

3. Nuclear Energy- is the energy in the nucleus, or core, of an atom. Atoms are tiny units
that make up all matter in the universe, and energy is what holds the nucleus together.

4. Chemical Energy- is energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds, like atoms
and molecules.

5. Electromagnetic Energy- is a form of energy that is all around us and takes many
forms, such as radio waves, microwaves, X-rays and gamma rays.

6.Sonic Energy- is a production elements sound library that lives up to it's name.

7.Gravitational Energy- is the energy stored in an object due to its height above the

8.Kinetic energy- of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion.

9.Potential Energy potential energy- is the energy held by an object because of its
position relative to other objects, stresses within itself, its electric charge, or other factors.

10.Ionization Energy or ionization energy- is the minimum amount of energy required

to remove the most loosely bound electron of an isolated neutral gaseous atom or
11.Radiant Energy- is the energy of electromagnetic and gravitational radiation.

I conclude that in this study I was able to learned to perform a parametric study for the
important parameters that control the performance of various energy generating systems. Most of
the energy we use today comes from primary and secondary energy forms. Primary energy
sources are sources which can be found naturally such as fossil fuels, coal, oil, and natural gas,
biomass, radioactive minerals, which have not been subject to any sort of man‐made conversion
process. When primary energy is converted to a different form like electricity, gasoline, they are
secondary forms of energy, also known as energy carriers and they need to be made using these
primary energy sources. Furthermore, I was able to identify different types of energy and the
principles on how do they work in a power plant. There are advantages and disadvantages which
can be utilize in different ways, as a mechanical engineering study, it will enhance my
knowledge in dealing different types of energies and use its principles that can be apply in the
power plant.

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