Psur Guidance C
Psur Guidance C
Psur Guidance C
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Structures and processes............................................................................................................................... 2
3 PSUR document .............................................................................................................................................. 5
3.1. Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 5
3.2 Estimated volume of sales, population, and usage frequency of the devices ........................................ 5
3.2.1 Volume of sales ................................................................................................................................ 5
3.2.2 Characteristics of the population using the device .......................................................................... 6
3.2.3. Special considerations regarding implants ...................................................................................... 7
3. 3 Overview of Post Market Surveillance data ........................................................................................... 7
3.3.1 Post Market Clinical Follow-up Studies and post market performance follow-up studies .............. 7
3.3.2 Vigilance data outside clinical studies and post market performance follow-up studies ................ 8
3.3.3 Preventive and corrective actions taken for safety reasons ............................................................ 9
3.3.4 Other data source used in PSUR ..................................................................................................... 10
3.4. Evaluation of post-market data ............................................................................................................ 10
3.4.1 Evaluation of the Post Market Clinical Follow-up Studies and post market performance follow-up
studies...................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4.2 Evaluation of the vigilance data arising from outside post market clinical studies and post market
performance follow-up studies ............................................................................................................... 11
3.4.3 Evaluation of the preventive and corrective actions taken for safety reasons .............................. 12
3.4.4 Evaluation of the other data source used in PSUR ......................................................................... 12
3.4.5 Summary of the findings ................................................................................................................ 12
3.5. The assessment of the benefit-risk ratio .............................................................................................. 12
3.5.1 Baseline safety and performance information ............................................................................... 13
3.5.2 Update on characterization of risks ............................................................................................... 13
3.5.3 Effectiveness of risk reduction actions ........................................................................................... 14
3.5.4 Update on characterization of benefits.......................................................................................... 14
3.5.5. Update to Benefit- Risk Determination ......................................................................................... 15
4. PSUR evaluation by Notified Body............................................................................................................... 15
4.1 PSUR Evaluation regarding class IIII and implantable devices .............................................................. 15
4.2 PSUR Evaluation regarding class IIb and class IIa devices .................................................................... 15
1. Introduction
The Periodic safety update report (PSUR) is a post-market surveillance documents that is generated utilizing
vigilance and Post-Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) data. The PSUR is a standalone, comprehensive report
that is prepared by the manufacturer of the medical devices at least at defined time points during the port-
market phase. The manufacturer of the medical device is responsible for compiling the PSUR for his
A PSUR can include an individual device or multiple devices. Where multiple devices are included, they are
linked by the CE certificate. The PSUR should only relate to devices that have been certified by one Notified
The main objective of a PSUR is to present a comprehensive, concise and critical analysis of the benefit risk
balance of the medical device considering new or emerging information in the context of cumulative
information on risks and benefits. It summarises data gathered during the post market phase, including the
results of studies carried out, observed vigilance incidents and other datasets used in Post Market
Surveillance (PMS) actions with this medical device.
The legal requirements for PSURs are established in REGULATION (EU) 2017/745 Article 86. The required
content of PSURs is based on requirements outlined in Annex III and Annex XIV part B (MDR 2017/745).
This guideline provides guidance on the preparation and submission of PSURs. This guidance document is a
consensus document that was developed by the EU Commission, member states, Industry and Notified
The Medical device Regulations REGULATION (EU) 2017/745 Article 86 requires Manufacturers of Class III,
Class IIb and Class IIa medical devices to prepare the PSUR.
The manufacturer is responsible for the PSUR however other economic operators - Authorised
Representatives, Distributors, Importers must assist the manufacturer in contributing for gathering the
necessary information.
Article 122 of the Regulation also obliges Manufacturers that have placed devices on the market under the
Medical Devices Directive to prepare a PSUR.
It should be limited to legacy devices still placed on the market during the ”grace period”.
We must realize that otherwise, it would imply we initiate PSUR for very old devices not placed on the market for years
Timelines for PSUR preparation
The requirement to prepare the PSUR start at the date of the application of the MDR.
The first PSUR should be prepared one or two (class IIa devices) year following the certification of the device
under the MDR. The preparation of PSURs should continue throughout the lifetime of the device. The lifetime
of the device as indicated by the manufacturer in the device technical documentation (Annex II). The
preparation of PSURs should continue throughout the lifetime of the device even in the case where the
certificate for the device may be withdrawn.
For devices which are legally placed on the market under MDD/AIMDD/IVDD and still have a valid
certificate after May 26, 2020 a PSUR is required latest one year or two years, based on product
classification, after date of the application of the MDR.
(Which period of time?)Manufacturers of class IIb and III devices shall updated the PSUR at least annually and
manufacturers of class IIa devices shall update the PSUR when necessary and at least every two years.
The Manufacture should complete the PSUR report on the required dated, or no later than 120 days
exceeding this date. When required, The prompt submission of the report will allow the Notified Bodies to
conduct their evaluation within a three-month period and when necessary the manufacturer have the time
to update the PSUR.
As the PSUR should be a single stand–alone document for the reporting interval, based on cumulative data,
summary bridging reports and addendum reports will not be accepted. The PSUR shall be based on all
available data and shall focus on new information which has emerged since the data lock point of the last
t is recognised that the format of PSUR is depending on whether it should be submitted to Eudamed or not.
The level of detail provided in certain sections of the PSUR should depend on the device class and known or
emerging important information on the medical device’s benefits and risks. The extent of the information
provided may vary for example according to the length of the marketing history or clinical experience with
PSURs submitted to Eudamed consist of two principal elements: the PSUR FORM and the PSUR
DOCUMENT. The PSUR FORM details information regarding the manufacturer, NB, device and the
management of the PSUR process (appendix 1). The contents of PSUR DOCUMENT is described in the
section 3 and should include interval as well as cumulative data. The content of the PSUR DOCUMENT is
related to the post market data, its analysis and conclusions in point of view of the benefit-risk balance.
The PSURs not submitted to Eudamed consist solely of the PSUR DOCUMENT. To ensure the PSUR is a
standalone document the required data should be added on the beginning of the PSUR DOCUMENT.
When required, In addition to the manufacturers PSUR the Notified Body NB’s evaluation report also
consists of two principal elements like the PSUR: the NB Evaluation form (appendix 2) and NB Evaluation
PSUR process
PSURs are part of the device technical documentation or part of the custom-made device documentation.
The PSUR process consists of repeated cycles, called PSUR periods. The duration of one PSUR period is
same as the duration of the certificate i.e. a new certificate will start a new PSUR period. The PSUR periods
are separated from each other by ID number. Each PSUR period is divided into PSUR reporting periods.
PSUR reporting periods are separated by PSUR Period number and dates. The first PSUR reporting period is
Period One, the second is Period Two, etc. The PSUR reporting period closes when the timeline stated in
article 86 and 81 i.e. one or two years is reached. Within one PSUR reporting period several updates can be
prepared. The updated versions are separated by the version number (V1, V2 etc.).
The PSUR ID number is generated by Eudamed or given by the manufacture. In Eudamed the above-
mentioned documents are connected to each other by the manufacturer’s Single Registration Number and
PSUR process data.
The manufacturer should submit the PSUR regarding class IIb and III devices directly via email to their
Notified Body and when request to the Competent Authority.
There might be exceptional scenarios where a Notified body or a competent authority may request the
preparation of separate PSURs, for instance, where the evaluation of a serious public health issue is ongoing.
NB should annually review and evaluate PSURs regarding class III and implantable device. During the
surveillance audits NB should review and evaluate a sample of PSURs regarding the other device classes i.e.
class IIa and class IIb non-implantable devices. The evaluation should happen annually or every two-year
depending on the device class. The document Guidance on sampling of MDR Class IIa / Class IIb and IVDR
Class B / Class C devices for the assessment of the technical documentation should be utilize through
Class III and implantable devices evaluation report shall be made available to competent authorities (CA)
via email.
The NB evaluation report and PSUR are connected by PSUR running number and the date of the reporting
period The NB Evaluation reports are separate from each other by the ID number. The evaluation report
ID changes from report to report. Finally, NB adds the categorized outcome of the evaluation on the NB
Evaluation form and to the PSUR form.
The Notified Body should then, following their assessment, circulate the PSUR and their assessment to the
responsible CA.
The competent authorities may also request and review PSURs as part of their vigilance investigations, clinical
trial reviews and market surveillance activities. The results of their evaluation will be/ will not be added to
the database.
To ensure the manufacturer fulfil the obligations to prepare PSUR according to the regulation the NB
should evaluate at minimum 10 % of the PSUR FORMs during the surveillance audits.
3 PSUR document
The PSUR document includes information related to the data gathered during the PSUR reporting year or years and
the conclusions made by the analysis of the data throughout PSUR period (The idea in the current guidance document
is that the data is presented yearly (two years) but the analysis are made by the certificate period. Needs discussion
whether it is better to use one/two year period for both actions.). The PSUR should include the following 6 sections: An
Executive Summary, Estimated volume of sales, population, and usage frequency of the devices, Overview of Post
Market Surveillance data, Evaluation of post-market data, The assessment of the benefit-risk ratio. Guidance on what
should be included in each of these sections is outlined below:
3.2 Estimated volume of sales, population, and usage frequency of the devices
This section of the PSUR should provide a clear picture of the usage of the device including volume of sales,
patient population and usage frequency.
The number of devices provided should be based on the worldwide volumes of sales and should be broken
down to the volume of sales in EEA + CH + TR and Worldwide.
Details of the total number of the devices sold during the preceding 4 years should be provided as well as
the number of devices that remain on the market and are within their expected lifetime. This number
should be broken down to reflect the various sizes, models and system components of the device. Where
applicable and where possible, an estimate of the number of devices remaining in use in Europe should be
Depending on the product type, the number of products placed on the market can be reporting using one
of the following issues:
Consistent methods for calculating the distribution or implant numbers should be used throughout the
PSUR. If a change in the method is required, both the method and calculation should be provided in the
PSUR introducing the change, and any significant differences between the results using the two methods
should be highlighted. However, the change of the method could not materialize during the PSUR period.
Device name
Comment : It will be cumbersome to recalculate the number of sales on periods depending on the PSUR date.
Sales data are available in the companies based on fixed periods and not moving annual total.
We suggest to use the preceeding full years (as in the MIR form) and to recalculate on an annual basis only the period
N in order to get consistent data.
). Where post-market use of the device has occurred in special populations, information regarding
cumulative device distribution numbers or number of patients having implants and the method of
calculation should be provided. Populations to be considered for discussion might include
• elderly population
• paediatric population
• pregnant or lactating women
• patients with hepatic and/or renal impairment;
• patients with other relevant co-morbidity
• patients with disease severity different from that studied in clinical studies
• Off label use
3.3.1 Post Market Clinical Follow-up Studies and post market performance follow-up studies
In this sub- section a list of any completed and ongoing PMCF studies worldwide should be provided. It
should also detail the latest enrolment numbers. Do not report the clinical investigations.
For each study listed above more detailed information is required. Including a cumulative summary table of
reportable incidents from ongoing PMCF studies. The table should include only the ten most common
serious incidents where the leading code is the device problem code and where the incidents occurred in
EEA + CH + TR.
Table 4. Type and number of serious incidents occurred within PMCF studies
Device name
3.3.2 Vigilance data outside clinical studies and post market performance follow-up studies
This sub-section should provide the worldwide data for all serious incidents not included in clinical studies.
The serious incidents and incidents (non-serious incidents) are reported in separate tables. The tables
should be structured using Basic UDI-DI. For devices without Basic UDI-DI the tables should be structured
according to the way the number of sales is reported i.e. based on the model of device.
Tables five and six should include all serious incidents that occurred within the PSUR reporting period (PSUR
period and PSUR reporting period is related to the duration of the certificate. Needs conversation). Table
five is for the high-volume sales of device and the table six for the low-volume sales of devices. The low
volume sales of devices should be reported in a separate table since one PSUR reporting period might be
too short to identify serious incidents.
The data relating to serious incidents should be broken down by the IMDRF codes and by region the serious
incident occurred. The IMDRF codes used in reporting are: the device problem code, health effect and
investigation finding codes. The leading code should be the device problem code for serious incidents
occurred in EEA + CH + TR.
Table 5. Serious incidents by the IMDRF codes and EEA + CH + TR and World
Device name
For the low-volume devices the recommended time period for data is 4 year, but it could be defined by the
manufacturer based on the number of devices sold. Similarly for high-volume devices the leading code
should be the device problem code for serious incidents occurred in EEA + CH + TR.
Table 6. Serious incidents over preceding XX years for lower volume devices.
Device name
The data relating to incidents (non-serious) should include both those incidents that manufacturer has
categorised a as trend report and incidents not included in a trend report. Of the latter, the ten most
common incidents should be reported. The data should be broken indicating the device problem code and
region where the incident occurred.
Table 7. Incidents during PSUR reporting period by device problem code and region
For each action, the date when it was taken, Manufacturer’s reference number, a brief description of the
reason for action and status at the time of the PSUR (i.e. initial, follow-up, final) should be included. Field
safety corrective actions (FSCA) and other actions taken for the safety reasons should be reported
separately (see below).
Preventive and corrective actions that have been taken for safety reasons and that have not led to a FSCA
should be considered under the following headings:
• Changes to labelling/IFU
• Plans for new studies to address safety concerns including new post-marketing study
requirement(s) imposed by competent authorities.
• Other preventive or corrective actions.
Table 8. FSCA during the PSUR reporting period and the status of the FSCA
Device name
Type of action Starting Staus of Mnfr. Rationale and description Impacted regions
Date the FSCA Reference of action taken
Literature searches for the PSUR should be wider than the involved medical device as they should also
include data dealing with the same type of device (same or different manufacturer).
new safety signals. Information relating to use errors or device combinations should also be considered for
Each dataset should be analysed individually, and a summary of the overall findings /results should be
made. The evaluation should be done in relation to the known and possible new side-effects and in
accordance with the previously defined thresholds (Annex I, section 3).
3.4.1 Evaluation of the Post Market Clinical Follow-up Studies and post market performance
follow-up studies
This sub-section should provide a brief summary of clinically significant performance and safety findings
identified from clinical post-market studies within the PSUR period. The results of the PMCF studies should
be reported for both ongoing and completed studies. Findings from completed studies should be evaluated
against each other and the possible conflicting results should be considered and reflected. The findings
should be reported preferably in a table so that historical information can be easily examined.
3.4.2 Evaluation of the vigilance data arising from outside post market clinical studies and post
market performance follow-up studies
This sub-section should provide analysis and conclusions drawn from the vigilance data (serious incidents,
non-serious incidents, use error, or device compatibility issues) summary tables in section 3.2 in relation to
the vigilance data gathered during the PSUR period. The analysis should be made in relation to the region
(EEA + CH+ TR and worldwide) and when necessary assess the possible differences.
The data should be analysed using the IMDRF investigation finding codes the IMDRF investigation finding
codes and should reflect the change over time including the cumulative incident rate. In cases the
investigation finding code is undetermined the clarification for it should be included.
Note for new safety data relating to the use of a number of device combinations it is important to
summarize the important safety findings e.g. valve-in-valve transcatheter procedure, modular hip
replacement procedure. The data can be used to evaluate the compatibility of devices.
3.4.3 Evaluation of the preventive and corrective actions taken for safety reasons
This sub-section should provide the analysis and conclusions drawn from the summary tables in section 3.3
in relation to the data gathered during the PSUR period. A conclusion of the effectiveness of any
corrective/preventive actions should be detailed and any changes in type of the corrective/preventive
actions should be evaluated. Any deviations from the defined actions should be explained and an
explanation outlining whether identical corrective or preventive actions are taken repeatedly.
Benefit-risk evaluation should be carried out throughout the lifecycle of the medical device to promote and
protect public health and to enhance patient safety through effective risk minimisation. The integrated
benefit-risk evaluation should be performed for all intended uses. (E.g technical documentation, IFU,
labelling, etc)
For the purpose of lifecycle benefit-risk management, it is necessary to continually evaluate the risks and
benefits of a medical device / IVD in everyday use and long-term use in the post-market phase. A different
Benefit-risk balance may emerge as vigilance data reveals further information about safety. The
manufacturer should therefore continually evaluate the benefit risk balance of the products for those
populations and environments where it is in use. This structured evaluation should be undertaken in the
context of ongoing medical device vigilance and risk management (article 10) to facilitate optimisation of
the benefit risk balance through effective risk minimisation.
The ten most common risks should be presented in a table including the prevalence of the risk and the
changes on them. In addition, the significant benefits to the patients should be reported in a table
including the assessment of acceptability by the patient group.
Comment : “ …in a table including…” Which number? Is it a free designed table for the manufacturer or is a
table included in this document?. It is not clear.
“…the changes of them…” Do we mean it should be presented whether each risk is unchanged, increased or
This sub-section should also include the baseline benefit information. For devices with multiple intended
uses, populations, and/or routes of administration, the benefit should, when relevant, be characterized
separately for each different use.
In particular, the expected rates for critical risks should be detailed, to enable conclusions to be drawn over
whether the risks presented by the device during the PSUR reporting period remain acceptable when
compared against the benefits it provides.
Depending on the type of device involved, the following factors should be considered during the risk
assessment process:
• The number of cases (numerator) and precision of estimate, taking into account the source of the
• The extent and/or duration of use (denominator) expressed as numbers of devices, patients,
patient-time, etc., and precision of estimate;
• The frequency (computed from numerator and denominator);
• The impact on the individual patient (effects on symptoms, quality or quantity of life, reversibility);
• The public health impact;
• The risks related to a specific population;
• Any patient factor relevant to risk (e.g. age, relevant co-morbidity, disease severity)
• The strength of evidence and its uncertainties, including analysis of conflicting evidence, if
This section should describe the manufacturer’s overall principles and methodology for identification of
safety related signals, including trigger levels and their justifications (see baseline information section
Safety related signals should be described/detailed in an overview (list) with manufacturer reference
number and NCA reference number (where available for reported adverse trends) for each identified
• New signals identified (since last PSUR reporting period), date of identification, evaluation
• New signals identified (since last PSUR reporting period), date of identification, evaluation
completed, conclusion incl. date of conclusion
• Signals followed up since the last PSUR
• Re-opened signals, date and reason for re-opening
Details of the particular effectiveness of risk reduction activities in all countries and regions are of particular
interest. Information may be summarized by region, if applicable and relevant.
This sub-section should provide a concise but critical evaluation of the strengths and limitations of the
evidence on performance, considering the following if available
3.5.5. Update to Benefit- Risk Determination
The conclusions of the benefit-risk determination should include but not limited to:
• Whether new and unexpected risks, including off-label or misuse, were identified during the
various post-market surveillance activities in any relevant European Member State
• Whether the rate of any residual risks or undesirable side-effects exceeded the predefined specific
thresholds in any relevant European Member State
• Whether the benefit-risk profile remains positive for the various claims in the intended target
populations and approved medical indications
• Whether the overall benefit-risk profile is acceptable when compared to the current
knowledge/state of the art in the medical fields concerned
4.2 PSUR Evaluation regarding class IIb and class IIa devices
The PSUR regarding the class IIb and Class IIa device should be evaluated as a part of the technical
documentation based on sampling.