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Kanawa Land Vehicles

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By Nigel Findley

Wheels for the Possibility Wars

Roleplaying the Possibility Wars T1>I

Kanawa Land Vehicles Published by

Nigel Findley

Bill Smith
Additional Material RR3 Box 2345
Greg Farshtey Honesdale, PA 18431
Development and Editing 20567
John Paul Lona
Graphics Angar Uthorion, Aysle, BanIk Kaah, Core Earth, Cosm, Cosmverse, Cyberpapacy,
Darkness Device, Dr. Mobius, Gaunt Man, Gospog, Heart of the Coyote, High Lord,
Infiniverse, Kanawa, Living Land, Maelstrom, Maelstrom Bridge, Nile Empire,
Erik Van der Palen Nippon Tech,Orrorsh, Pella Ardinay, Possibility Raiders, Possibility Storm, Possibil-
Cover Illustration ity Wars, Ravagon, Stormers, Storm Knights, Torg and the Torg logo are trademarks
of West End Games. ®, nI, and © 1992 West End Games. All Rights Reserved.
Rob Caswell, John Paul Lona, Francis Mao, Tom Peters
Interior Illustrations

Stephen Crane, Steve Crow, Bill Smith, Ed Stark

Playtesting and Advice

Publisher: Daniel Scott Palter. Associate Publisher: Richard Hawran e Editors: Greg Farshtey, Bill Smith, Ed Stark
Art Director: Stephen Crane. Graphic Artists: Cathleen Hunter, John Paul Lona • Sales Manager: Fitzroy Bonterre
Sales Assistant: Maria Kammeier-Kean • Administrative Assistant: Jeff Dennis· Special Projects Manager: Ron Seiden
Warehouse Manager: Ed Hill· Treasurer: Janet Riccio

®, TM and ©1992 West End Games. All Rights Reserved .

•• 2


Welcome to the first edition of the Land Vehicles advanced experimental vehicles will operate without a
catalog from the Ama-Tsu-Mara Transportation Division flaw. For this reason, we have broken the entries down
of Kanawa Corporation. We are proud to offer to you, In by the level of technology inherent in each one.
the form of this catalog, access to the widest possible Each catalog entry includes the following information:
range of vehicles, to match the greatest scope of poten- Vehicle Name/ldentification
tial needs. Description
It is the goal of Kanawa Corporation to be the premier Evaluator's Comments
source of high-quality equipment, regardless of specifics Technical Data
and technological level. By creating distinct divisions,
such as Hachiman Weapons, or acquiring other compa- Following the lead of Hachiman Arms, our evaluators
nies and recasting them as divisions, as in the case of have been selected from all over the world, and from the
Mitiya Corp., Kanawa is now your sole source for equip- widest possible range of backgrounds. Their comments
ment and vehicles ranging from handguns to missiles, are provided here exactly as written, with deletions or
from land, water and air vehicles to low-orbital spacecraft modifications.
and satellites I To order any of these fine vehicles, contact your
At Ama-Tsu-Mara Transportation, it has been our nearest Kanawa Corporation representative, or transmit
privilege to scour the world for the finest examples of land your request along with your bank code number via FAX
vehicles in many different categories and incorporating or computer directly to Ama-Tsu-Mara Transportation.
many different levels oftechnological sophistication. We For the convenience of our customers, all prices are
have then analyzed these vehicles, refined the design given in US dollars.
when appropriate, and then constructed them using our This volume is complemented by the Kanawa Air and
own highly advanced manufacturing techniques. The Sea Craft catalog.
result is that you may have complete confidence in the
quality of any vehicle you see in this volume. Following
corporate policy, each catalog entry will list the item
under the name of its original manufacturer or deSigner.
These unsettled times have made it necessary for
Ama-Tsu-Mara Transportation to offer vehicles based on Atsuko Watanabe, B.Sc., M.A., M.BA
a wide range of technological bases. It seems that there Managing Director
are parts of the world where any vehicle more sophisti- Ama-Tsu-Mara Transportation Division
cated than a horse-drawn carriage will simply not func- Kanawa Corporation
tion. Conversely, there are other locales where the most Tokyo, Japan


This chapter includes vehicles that are appropri- icked team can easily destroy a carriage.
ate for use in th realms of Aysle and Orrorsh, where
technology is generally limited to that seen during the Horse
Middle Ages and England's Victorian era. Note that DEXTERITY 10
within these realms, seemingly acausal events can Long jumping 11, maneuver 11, running 13, un-
occur, and are generally attributed to "magic." armed combat 11
Climbing 13
Horse-Drawn Vehicles TOUGHNESS 10
Horse-drawn vehicles represent a situation slightly MIND4
different from those which are covered by the ex- Test (8), willpower (8)
panded vehicle rules in the appendix of this book. CHARISMA 5
There are effectively two ways of "killing" a horse- Charm (8), persuasion (9), taunt (10)
drawn vehicle: destroy the structural integrity of the SPIRIT 5
vehicle, or kill the horse(s) pulling it. Intimidation (7)
4 Possibility Potential: none
Destroying the Vehicle Natural Tools: hooves, damage value STR+2J
14; speed value 12
For attacks targeting the vehicle, use the rules for
vehicle combat in the appendix. Note, however, that
smashing the vehicle will not always immobilize the Locomotives
horses. (Remember those scenes from Westerns
where the stage coach loses a wheel, but the horses This catalog uses a standard terminology to de-
gallop on, dragging the driver behind them by the scribe locomotives. This terminology specifies the
reins ... ) number, position and function of the locomotive's
wheels. The syntax is X-Y-Z, where X is the number
Targeting the Horses of wheels on the leading "truck," Y is the number of
drive wheels, and Z is the number of trailing (non-
If the horse pulling a vehicle is incapacitated or drive) wheels. Thus, "4-6-0" signifies a locomotive
killed, the vehicle is considered to crash at its current engine with four wheels on the leading truck, fol-
speed. (This is also the case if only one horse in a lowed by six drive wheels. This train has no trailing
team is killed or incapacitated.) The statistics for a wheels.
typical horse are given below. Note that "Passenger" figures refer to the number
Rather than killing the horse(s), an attacker might of people normally within the cab of the train or on the
try to "spook" it/them. All but the best-trained horses operating platform. Obviously, many people can
will be spooked by close-by gunfire, and virtually any hang onto the outside of a large engine, but these
horse will be spooked by explosions or fire. To spook "hitchers" gain no concealment or armor benefits.
a horse, a character must have the means at hand to The "Speed" figure refers to unladen speed, I.e.,
create such an effect (this can range from a pistol to the engine alone. The text will mention representa-
a lightning spell), and must generate an intimidation tive laden speeds. The "Weight" figure refers to train
total against the horse's intimidation or Spirit. On a plus tender (if applicable).
Good or better result, the horse is frightened by the
If a horse is spooked, the driver of the vehicle must Concealment and Armor
generate a beast riding total against a difficulty
number of the animal's Mind +7 to bring it under Benefits
control. If the driver fails, the horse gallops away at
top speed, towing the vehicle behind it. If the horse Many of the vehicles in this catalog provide con-
is a member of a team, the entire team panics and cealment and/or armor benefits and statistics are
gallops off. The horse and carriage travel at "panic given for same.
speed," 10 kilometers per hour faster than the maxi- "Concealment benefit" refers to the amount of
mum speed listed for the vehicle. cover provided by a vehicle to its driver and passen-
Each round, the driver can make another beast gers. As with the concealment rules on page 78 ofthe
riding roll to gain control of the horse(s). For each Torg Ru/ebook, this figure provides a modifier to the
round that the vehicle is travelling at "panic speed," difficulty of any attempt to hit someone riding in the
it suffers damage as if it had been hit by an attack (it vehicle.
suffers damage value 18 on a road or smooth sur- "Armor adds/max." refers tothe Toughnessbonus
face, 24 when on rough ground.) Obviously, a pan- provided by a vehicle to those within it.


Description Evaluator's Comments

The sulky is a light, one-person carriage buiit for I have always enjoyed sulky racing, so it was with
speed and maneuverability. The single seat is shel- great anticipation that I took delivery of the vehicle
tered by a leather canopy. Sulkies are normally provided to me by Ama-Tsu-Mara. It took me virtually
pulled by only one horse, and are much favored by no time at all to find that this is a well-built vehicle,
the wealthy in Aysle. light yet strong and reliable. Drawn by my favorite
Sulkies are also found in the possession of spies horse, it is as fast as the wind.
for both the Dark and the Light, who often use them I had good reason to be thankful for that speed. I
for quick getaways. A "landowner" speeding off to was travelling from my family's lands in Amersham to
inspect a faraway estate will draw less attention than the manor of some friends in Hemel Hempstead,
a lone horsemen tearing out of a town. when I was foully ambushed by gospogs. I had
Sulkies are, however, inconvenient in inclement expected no trouble, and so was unarmed. Alii could
weather, as they have no cover to protect the driver do was depend on the speed of my horse and of the
from the elements. With the bizarre weather patterns sulky to save my life. I whipped up my horse, and we
currently present in much of the world, this can be a tore away as though the very devil were at our heels.
definite drawback. I must strongly recommend the Ama-Tsu-Mara 5
Outside of Aysle, sulkies are predominantly used sulky for its speed. Were it one whit slower, I would
for sport. not be alive to write this evaluation.

Sir Charles Darcey

Darcey Hall




~L- ----I

Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
10 150/48/30/11 12 -2 3000 (18)
Weight Value: 12 Length Value: 2

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max
Driver nil nil

CA T. NO. 74-35521

Description Evaluator's Comments
There seems little enough for me to say. Any
This simple four-wheel carriage can carry four
carriage is, in essence, nothing more than a box with
passengers in comfort. The bench seats within the
wheels. This carriage is different only in that the
carriage are upholstered in leather, and curtains are
craftsmanship seems to be a little better than the
provided to cover the windows, to exclude light and
wind. The driver's seat is atop the cabin at the front.
While many of my peers prefer keeping the cur-
The carriage is designed to be drawn by a team of
tains drawn while they travel (complaining, as they
two horses, although one horse can draw it at re-
do, about the dust of the road), I recommend against
duced speed (speed value 24/15/9).
it. I knew of a family near Oxford who boarded their
Due to technological restrictions, there is no sus-
carriage for a trip to the great city of London. They
pension; the axles pass through bearings bolted
drew the curtains, and settled back for the long
directly to the underside of the carriage.
journey. When they finally stepped out of their ve-
Passenger carriages are in use throughout Aysle.
hicle, they found they were in Leicester, prisoners of
Storm Knight parties containing edeinos or other
House Daleron - it seems the driver was a change-
conspicuous members often find the ability to con-
6 ling who had spirited them off, all unaware. Thus my
ceal themselves behind curtains most advantageous.
r----------------------------.., insistence on always
knowing the route I am

Sir Thomas
( ) Beauchamp Equerry
House Tancred
Hemel Hempstead

............ I~3

. . . .Ufi
" "L...- ..1

Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mprlkmh/mphlvalue Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
9 150/48/30/11 5 12 -3 800(15)
Weight Value: 13 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max
Driver nil nil
Passenger DN+5 TOU+3/15

CAT. NO. 74-36521


Description The armored carriage is often used to transport
important personages through perilous country in
In appearance, this vehicle is little different from Aysle (and is there any part of that realm that isn't
any other four-passenger carriage. Appearances perilous?) In situations where the level of danger is
can be deceiving, however ... high, the armored carriage from Ama-Tsu-Mara is
The Ama-Tsu-Mara armored carriage provides the only rational choice!
excellent protection for its passengers, in the form of
sheets of metal bolted to the inside of the passenger Evaluator's Comments
compartment. The curtains that can be drawn across
the windows are backed by light chain mail, further The level of protection offered by this carriage is
enhancing security. excellent, but there is a cost. The carriage is consid-
This protection is even extended to the driver. The erabiy heavier than any similar vehicle, and thus is
coachman's seat is surrounded on three sides by somewhat slower. It is intended to be drawn by a
shoulder-high panels of hardwood. Vulnerable only team of two, but increasing the team to four horses
in front, the coachman will rarely encounter a foe has little effect on the speed. The limitation seems to
staunch enough to aim and fire accurately in the face be the weight on the axles, not the actualloadthatthe
of a team of charging horses. horses are pulling.
It is easy to forget, in a
dangerous environment,
that the coachman is
highly exposed and con-
stantly risking his life to
drive the carriage. Thus I
am gratified to see him
provided with some ievel
of protection.
01 course, a rational
enemy will direct his at-
tacks against the only
part of the "system," if
you will, that is com-
pletely unprotected: the
horses. Once the car-
~ riage is immobilized, ar-
~ mor is of little help.
~ Sir Thomas
g Beauchamp Equerry
House Tancred
~ Hemel Hempstead
"L... ..J

Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmhfmph/value Pass. Tough Rating (Value)
I' 100/32120/10 5 13 -3 2000 (' 7)
Weight Value: 14 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max
Driver DN+2 +2114
Passenger DN+5 +5/23

CA T. NO. 74-37521


Description cal engine. Ama-Tsu-Mara is not responsible for

deaths resulting from such action. (If the magical
The "fey carriage" from Ama-Tsu·Mara is abso- engine's enclosure is opened, the device explodes,
lutely unique, being the first vehicle to incorporate inflicting a damage value of 35, with a blast radius of
cutting-edge technology with the incredible capabili- 0-8/15/20.)
ties of magic! This true "horseless carriage" can achieve a speed
The fey carriage looks very much like an open of 32 kilometers per hour, even on grades as steep as
buckboard. There are only two immediately notice· 20 degrees, and can maintain this speed indefinitely.
able differences. One is the large "helm" or rudder When endurance is a major issue, the fey carriage is
positioned in front of the driver's seat. This helm the answer to your transportation problems.
allows the driver to steer the front wheels. The
second is that there are no horses, nor any require- Evaluator's Comments
ment for them!
Attached beneath the bed of the buckboard is There is something patently unnatural about see-
Ama·Tsu-Mara's patented "magical engine," con- ing a buckboard moving without horses harnessed to
structed in Aysle by subcontracted Ayslish engi- it. I still feel a kind of atavistic discomfort when I ride
8 neers. Within, harnessed magical energy spins a this vehicle. I force myself to suppress this feeling,
flywheel. Energy is then drawn from this flywheel and however, since the fey carriage is a marvel, and one
delivered to the rear wheels through an innovative that will find much use throughout the land.
belt drive system. The major advantage this vehicle has over horse-
Note: Users should not attempt to open the magi- drawn wagons is its range. There is no need to worry
about exhausting the
horses, or arranging for
FEY CARRIAGE fresh ones at regular in-
tervals on a long journey.
Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mprJkmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
One merely has to point
this carriage in the appro-
9 100/32/20/1 0 8 11 -2 40k(23)
priate direction and go.
Weight Value: 14 length Value: 3
Sir George Harmstead
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. Castle Tancred
Any nil nil High Wickham

~ _
CA T. NO. 74-38521


Description a fixture in the realm of Orrorsh. The Ama-Tsu-Mara

model is based on top of the line Victorian designs.
The hansom is an enclosed four-wheel carriage,
designed to be pulled by one horse. Its simple, Evaluator's Comments
classic design lends it an aura of class and sophisti-
catiori, but there's more to the vehicle than that. Ama-Tsu-Mara shipped one of these puppies
The Ama-Tsu-Mara hansom has leaf springs to over to Florida, so I could test it on the roads around
absorb road shock, and guarantee a comfortable the theme park that I know so well. Thanks to them
ride. The passenger compartment, large enough to for that.
hold two adults comfortably, has a small oil lamp When I climbed aboard this thing, I felt I should be
mounted above the door. The driver is mounted upon wearing a deerstalker hat and heading for Baker
an elevated seat behind the body of the carriage, and Street: it really captures the feel of the "Sherlock
has an iron post about which to loop the reins and a Holmes era." As a light carriage, it's surprisingly
socket to hold his whip. The vehicle also features a stable, and the springs sure soak up the roughness
high dashboard and and folding half-doors. of a bad road.
The Ama-Tsu-Mara hansom is designed expressly The interior is comfortable and quite warm. The
for service in the city, where narrow roads and traffic driver's seat is totally exposed, however, so dress 9
require the maximum of maneuverability. The han- accordingly.
som, along with its larger cousin, the four-wheeler, is The four-wheeler is similar to the hansom, but is
.... ..., able to seat four. It's my
understanding that city-
dwelling Victorians carry
a distinctive-sounding
cab whistle, one blast of
which summons a four-
wheeler, two a hansom.

Jack Deacon
Head Wrangler
Kanawaland Theme
Park, Florida



~L- ---I

Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mprl kmh/mphtvalue Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
1B 150/40/25/11 3 12 -2 750 (15)
Weight Value: 13 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver nil nil
Passenger DN+5 TOU+3115

CA T. NO. 74-39521


Description Tsu-Mara's hansom cab, to ensure that the comfort

of the ride matches the splendor of the coach's
This beautifully-appointed coach is designed to appearance.
provide a level of luxury appropriate for monarchs or
visiting dignitaries. It is a heavy four-wheel coach, Evaluator's Comments
designed to be drawn by a team of four horses, and
can carry six passengers in the utmost comfort. Ignore the marketing hype: this is a tarted-up
The bench seats within are upholstered with soft- coach. The "mythological scenes rendered in the
est burgundy velvet, and the interior walls and ceiling classical style" are pastel cherubim and seraphim
are hand-painted with mythological scenes rendered floating in the clouds, and enough to make you lose
in the classical style. The coachman's seat, atop at your lunch. The gilt scrollwork is just overkill, in
the front, is weather-resistant leather. At the rear massively bad taste, and the burgundy upholstery
corners are small platforms where uniformed foot- reminds me of Paris brothels.
men will stand. The hand-carved exterior is gilt, to So much for the aesthetics. The state coach is
add to the aura of opulence. heavy and stable at slow speeds, and the ride is very
But beneath the beautiful finish is enough heavy smooth. It's so heavy that even a team of four isn't
10 wood to stop a bullet from a powerful rifle, added going to get it going too fast ... and you wouldn't want
protection for the occupants within. The state coach that anyway. When I got it up to 15 mph, the body
uses the same leaf-spring arrangement as Ama- swayed so much I was sure it was going over. Forthis
~ ---, kind of thing, I guess
speed isn't an issue: you
STATE COACH don't haul your king or
Speed Maneuver Price queen behind four gal-
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value) loping horses.
18 60/24/15/9 9 13 -3 15k (21)
Weight Value: 15 Length Value: 5 Jack Deacon
Head Wrangler
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. Theme Park, Florida
Driver/Footman nil nil
Passenger DN+5 TOU+4/20



~ L...- ---J

CAT. NO. 74-310521



Description If you're looking for something less ostentatious

than a coach, but no less functional, the landau may
The landau was, in a sense, the first convertible. be what you need. This vehicle tells the world, "I have
Popular in the late nineteenth century, it was a two- class and I don't need to spend a lot of money to
seated. carriage whose top consisted of two parts, prove it."
which could be folded down behind the scenes. The
driver sits on a raised platform behind a team of one Evaluator's Comments
or two horses.
The landau is the ideal vehicle in any sort of It also says, "I can't make up my mind whether I
weather - when the spring breezes blow, the top want you to see me riding in my carriage or not," but
can be lowered to allow passengers to breath fresh that's neither here nor there.
air. When rains come, simply bring the top up and The landau has a great deal to recommend it.
you're protected. In addition, the landau affords Anyone who's ridden a long distance in a stuffy
privacy to those who requre it. hansom, or found themselves covered with the dust
Another advantage of the landau is that it is of the road after a trip in an open sulky, can appreci-
smaller in size than most coaches and thus more ate the folding top. There are no windows as such in
maneuverable. The roof portion behind the driver's the top, butthere are flaps which can be pinned back 11
seat features a hatch through which passengers can to allow air circulation.
provide directions to their chauffeur. Unfortunately, the biggest asset of the landau is
also its biggest flaw. Rais-
ing the top while in com-
bat can be a pain (Dex-
terity total of 8) and the
cloth of which it's com-
posed provides a mini-
mum of protection. (Con-
cealment and armor ben-
efits provided below refer
to the landau with the top
If you can live with that,
though, this isa nice, light
carriage that will get you
where you're going.

Jack Deacon
Head Wrangler
Theme Park, Florida
~L... ....l

Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mprlkmh/mphlvalue Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
18 150/45/30/11 3 12 -2 15k (21)
Weight Value: 13 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver nil nil
Passenger DN+5 TOU+2I14

CAT. NO. 74-311521



Description erties of airflow much better than did engineers of the

1830s. Thus, we can mathematicaliy"tune"the boiler,
The Improved Steam Carriage provides self-mo- steam pipes and cylinders to achieve maximum
tive power at an almost unbelievably low technologi- output, without risking an embarassing failure on the
cal level. The mechanics of the Ama-Tsu-Mara Im- roadways of Orrorsh (definitely not a place one
proved Steam Carriage are based on innovations wants one's car to stali).
that first appeared in the 1830s and 1840s_ This As a result, the Improved Steam Carriage is the
design rings many changes on those technologies, finest self-motive vehicle available in its technologi-
however_ cal class ... just what you'd expect from Ama-Tsu-
Throughout the design process, the overriding Maral
consideration was to produce a vehicle that will oper-
ate in areas where more modern conveniences mys- Evaluator's Comments
teriously cease to function. This, of course, limits
the materials and manufacturing techniques used This machine is an abomination! Ali so-calied
throughout the Improved Steam Carriage. But there "auto-mobiles" are abominations, but this is even
was no limit on our creative approach to problem- moreso.
12 solving, as is evident in the finished product. Its appearance is hideous: a flat ·car similar to a
Obviously, engineers at the Ama-Tsu-Mara Re- railway bogey, topped with a large boiler and angular
search and Development lab outside Tokyo under- levers and cylinders that make the device resemble
stand thermodynamics and the mathematical prop- nothing so much as an infernal spider.


Theodore Weems
Speed Maneuver Price Missionary, Sumatra
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough Rating (Value)
17 25/8/5(7 3 10 -3 3000 (18)
Weight Value: 13 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max
Any nil nil

CAT. NO. 74-312521



Description Evaluator's Comments

Originally designed by the Knox Automobile Com- It must be said that the Lennox is a very fine
pany of Springfield, Mass., the 1904 Lennox is the automobile. Ihave driven automobiles that use steer-
first word in luxury. ing wheels, and I have become familiar with this
Its two bench seats are upholstered in finest system of steering. Upon trying the Lennox, how-
leather, and its coachwork is of hand-varnished and ever, I find the lever system to be much more
polished wood. The removable canopy top has a intuitive, more like operating the rudder of a boat.
glass windshield, and curtains to protect the passen- Unfortunately, it is exceptionally time-consuming
gers from the sun. to remove and replace the canopy top; considering
The Lennox has a smooth-action steering lever, the value inherent in the vehicle, this is not the kind
and brakes are individually applied via one hand and of task one would comfortably delegate to servants.
two foot levers. The single cylinder engine, beneath There are, of course, some general problems with
the front seat, generates 8 horsepower. When opu- motoring about the Victorian colonies. These amaz-
lence is the requirement, the Lennox is the answer. ing contraptions cannot go very far before needing
additional fuel, and
~. petrol stations are few 13
and far between, on
both Gaea and Earth.
In addition, although

IJ! there are many paved

roads on this new world
(many more than back
home), most haven't
been maintained since
our arrival. That makes

E§) for a ride that is little
smoother than that
~ given by a horse-drawn

~~I ~
And finally, one must
deal with wrong-headed
Sacellum clergymen
who are convinced that
I. all horseless carriages
are products of the oc-
cult. This is all poppy-
cock, of course, al-
though I'll confess that
the first time my Lennox
roared to life, I had a few
1904 KNOX LENNOX moments of hesitation.
Speed Maneuver Price Baronet Percy
Tech mpr/kmh/mphlvalue Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
19 40/16/10/B 5 13 -3 4500 (19) Sibolga, Sumatra
Weight Value: 14 Length Value: 2

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver DN+ 1 TOU+2114
Other DN+2 TOU+3/16

CAT. NO. 74-313521



Description Evaluator's Comments

If you're looking for a two-passenger light run- The Cadillac is unique among the horseless car-
about, look no farther. The Cadillac "E" is for you! riages in which I have ridden, in that the attention to
As you'd expect from Cadillac, the "E" Light Run- styling and detail rivals that of a well-made touring
about sports the designer touches that make a car coach. It is impossible to motor through a town
stand out from the pack. The frame is pressed steel, without passersby turning to look and they are invari-
the body hand-worked wood. The one cylinder en- ably impressed with what they see.
gine generates 9 HP, and this power is delivered to . I have driven models with both the familiar hand-
the rear wheels via a smooth chain drive. throttle and an innovative foot-throttle. Although the
The bench seat has a curved back, somewhat foot-throttle is much more difficult to grow accus-
similar in shape to a flattened number three, provid- tomed to, once familiarity is achieved it is much more
ing maximum lateral support to driver and passen- efficient than the standard design.
ger. The removable leather top protects you from the Much as the older aristocracy scorns the introduc-
elements, and completes the stylish "look" of the car. tion of new technology, I find myself welcoming it.
This carriage is a fine
14 new offering, and Iwould
not be surprised to see it
rise to dominance on the
roads of Majestic.

David Jervis
Sibolga, Sumatra



~ "--- ----1


Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
19 100/30/18/10 2 13 -3 3000 (18)
Weight Value: 13 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor AddlMax
Any DN+1 TOU+2114

CAT. NO. 74-314521



Description Evaluator's Comments

Mass transportation at its finest! The Oldsmobile It would seem that American designers harbor a
Coach joins cutting-edge technology with opulent fascination with loud and smelly technology. I am
comfort. puzzled: why would anyone ride in a contraption
The vehicle is driven by a 16 HP, 2-cylinder such as this, and have one's ears assaulted by the
engine, the power delivered to the rear wheels via a racket of an engine, when one could just as easily
smooth and efficient chain drive system. The engine ride in a quiet coach?
is mounted beneath the driver's seat, removing the Despite this misgiving, I must admit that the
necessity for a forward-extending hood. The Coach's Oldsmobile Coach is somewhat effective. It has less
bodywork is handmade from the finest woods, and of a tendency to break down than many contraptions
the greatest attention has been lavished on fit and of its ilk I have seen.
finish. I would expect thatthe hopeless technophiles and
The bench seats are upholstered in hard-wearing the lower classes - those without refined sensitivi-
fabric, and the passenger area is protected from the ties - will enjoy riding in this beast. And of course
weather by a surrey-like top. The Oldsmobile Coach one often sees the poor refuse of other realms riding
carries 10 passengers, plus driver, in luxury. in these things, unaware as they are of the joy of 15
riding behind a fine
horse. For myself, I will
content myself with my
trusty carriage, or per-
haps a hansom cab.

Lord Peter

~L-- ....I


Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
19 60/24/15/9 11 13 -3 4000 (18)
Weight Value: 15 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Any DN+2 TOU+2114

CAT. NO. 74-315521



Description Evaluator's Comments

The Campbell 4-4-0 design is one of the most The most notable feature about the Campbell is its
efficient wood-burning trains ever built With four load-pulling capacity: it is quite powerful for a 12-ton
small wheels on the front "truck" and four large drive train. I've seen it run light at over 83 kmh, and tow a
wheels, it resembles many mid-size and mid-capac- 450-ton train on level ground at 25 kmh. That's prelly
ity freight trains of the late 1830s_ Its broad conical impressive.
stack is highly recognizable_ Of course, some of you are probably wondering,
The Campbell 4-4-0 is designed for flexibility and "What the devil do I want with my own train?" Good
for range_ Its tender can carry 1000 gallons of water, question - the best answer I can give is a story about
and one whole cord of wood_ Ideal for long hauls, the a Storm Knight band of my acquaintance. They were
Campbell was renowned for its ability to travel over tired of packing their gear and moving every other
poor quality track_ In its time, it was among the most week, but realized that staying in one place in Orrorsh
popular engines in America, requiring lillie mainte- for any length of time was a bad idea. So they bought
nance and able to handle many different types of (all right, stole) a train and converted it into a rolling
loads. headquarters. They can change their location every
16 night, if need be, and are still able to accumulate the
large amounts of necessary gear that it would be
otherwise inconvenient to store and move.
Of course, there are
problems with operating
CAMPBELL 4-4-0 a train in Majestic -
Others on the tracks,
Speed Maneuver Price and other hindrances.
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/Value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
But for some, it's just
19 250/97/60/12 2 27 N/A 10m (35) what they need.
Weight Value: 20 Length Value: 5
Phillip Young
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. Singapore
Any DN+7 TOU+15/35

............... _ •...••..•. ~~
~i111 ~~
.~ ; ! ' - - - - ---J

CAT. NO. 74-316521



Description and this angular mass of black iron was somewhat

The 2-8-0 "Consolidation" appeared on the scene I was surprised once more when our tests were
in 1866, one of the earliest large coal-burning en- complete. The "Consolidation" exceeded my wildest
gines. With eight large drive wheels, the "Consolida- expectations for a machine originally designed in
tion" can efficiently apply the huge amounts of power 1866. Unladen, the locomotive and tender can reach
generated by its large boiler. It is a perfect choice for a speed of 120 kmh on the flat. This limitation is not
both freight and passenger applications. due to lack of power; I am certain the engine could
The Consolidation dominated American railways travel faster were it not for the very serious risk of
for decades, known for its ability to pull trains twice its derailment at higher speeds.
weight. It's ideal for pulling long trains or especially Its ability to tow loads up significant grades was
heavy freight cars. also very high. On grades of 20 meters vertical rise
per kilometer, the engine could tow a train of 30,000
Evaluator's Comments kg. On grades of 30 meters per kilometer, it could tow
a train of 19,000 kg. In both cases, its speed was
I have to say it was surprising when I first saw the down to 25 kmh.
"Consolidation" pulling into the switching yard in For the level of technology involved, I must admit 17
Saitama. Certainly, I had been informed that the
that the "Consolidation" is surprisingly effective.
evaluation model would be appearing, but still the
contrast between our sleek shinkansen bullet-trains Toshi Kanga
Switching Supervisor

Speed Maneuver Price

Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
19 400/120175/13 3 28 NIA 12m (36)
Weight Value: 22 Length Value: 6

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Any DN+7 TOU+ 16/38



~;L..- .....

CAT. NO. 74-317521



Description Much olthe rail already laid is totally untrustworthy.

It seems to have been somehow extruded, and
Another fine train developed by Baldwin, the Ten- shows few or none of the expansion gaps we build
Wheeler is a 4-6-0 configuration that first appeared into our railways. (Some people claim that this is the
in 1870. Coal-burning like the "Consolidation," the result of an advanced method of laying rail, but if it is
Ten-Wheeler turns in a literally amazing towing ca- so advanced, why does this type of rail cause more
pacity. As a long-range, heavy-duty freight train, the derailments than any other?) Slowly we are replac-
Ten-Wheeler is absolutely without peer. ing this untrustworthy rail using familiar Victorian
The Ten-Wheeler is also famous for being one of techniques.
the fastest of the early American trains. This makes On the lengths of track that we can trust, the
it ideal for carrying passengers or loads of freightthat Baldwin Ten-Wheeler is a marvelous freight train.
have to absolutely, positively be there ... well, you Running light, its maximum effective speed is over
get the idea. 72 mph. On the flat it can tow an astounding 1,230
tons, while on a grade of 100' (vertical rise) per mile,
Evaluator's Comments it can tow 155 tons. Its maximum effective speed
laden to this degree was almost 26 mph. I am highly
18 The relatively few rail lines within Majestic limit the
impressed by the Ten-Wheeler, and would like to
overall effect that locomotives have on our campaign
acquire more.
to spread civilization throughout this benighted re-
Lord John Fotheringay
Supervisor of Railways

Speed Maneuver Price

Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
19 4001120175/13 3 28 N/A 5m (36)
Weight Value: 22 Length Value: 6

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Any DN.? TOU.16/38

[ ]~



CAT. NO. 74-318521



Description Evaluator's Comments

This is the first motorcycle ever marketed by the Not from me.
British company, Triumph, which would later turn out I wondered what A-T-M would have to say about
so many famous bikes. this, how they'd hype it up. Let's face it, it's a kludge.
Its frame design is like that of a pedal bike - in The frame of a pedal bike isn't suited forthe mounting
fact, it retains the pedals, gears and chain - with a of an engine. (What about mopeds? you ask. Differ-
small engine mounted beneath the cross-bar. ent frame design, I answer.)
This design marries light weight with flexibility: the Weight distribution is, in a word, lousy. This thing
rider can pedal the bike when noise is an issue, or just feels unstable, particularly at speed. ("Speed,"
engage the motor for easy riding. The engine is a that's a laugh. Twenty-five kmh if you're lucky, and
Belgian Minerva model, 239 cm3 displacement, gen- going downhill.) Always wear thick pants when riding
erating 1.75 HP. this thing. I've seared my calves a couple of times,
Despite its unusual appearance, the 1902 Tri- accidentally coming in contact with the engine.
umph has garnered rave reviews from evaluators the Okay, okay, complaints aside, it does what it's
world over. supposed to do. For the level of technology involved,
it's pretty good. I under- 19
stand that in Orrorsh, this
is the best you can find,
Speed Maneuver Price but I doubt you're going
Tech mor/kmhfmphlvalue Pass. Tough. Rating (Value) to ourtun your average
19 60/24/15/9 10 -2 900 (15) creepy-crawly with it.
Weight Value: 8 Length Value: 1 Give me my trusty Harley
hog any day.
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. Dirk Patterson
Rider nil nil
"Security Consultant"
No Fixed Address

«L..- ----J

CAT. NO 74-319521

Has this ever happened to you? You're flying
down a back street in Cairo, trying to lose a horde of
Main Battle Tanks
shocktroopers who are hot on your trail. Bullets are Different Shell Loads: A tank's main weapon

flying past your head, the scent of burning rubber fills can fire different types of shells:
the air, and merchants leap out of your way as you
crash through a bazaar. But you have confidence High Exp[osive (HE) shells are ideally suited for
that your trusty Mustang can get you out of this "soft" targets, such as infantry in the open or behind
scrape and- soft cover;

[i) SUddenly, the car sta[ls. It's dead. You know

there's something you could do to start it again, but
before you can think of it, the shocktroopers are on
you like vultures on dead meat. Next thing you know,
you're spending eternity in the Omegratron.
Armor Piercing (AP) shells are generally solid,
non-explosive rounds. AP shells exchange effective-
ness against soft targets for improved armor-defeat-
ing characteristics;
High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) shells are ex-
20 Not a pretty picture, is it? p[osive rounds designed to detonate only after they
That, dear friends, is why, if you insist on driving have partially penetrate armor;
through the Nile Empire, Ama-Tsu-Mara is where to
get your wheels. We offer a fu[1 line of early 20th High Explosive Squash Head (HESH) shells are
century autos, trucks and tanks, guaranteed to get specialized anti-tank round that deform on impact
that a[l-important shipment of unblessed gin to the and then detonate, causing fragments to spall off
speakeasy on time. from the inside of the armor and fly around the interior
One tip - these vehicles tend to be big gas- of the vehicle at high velocity.
guzzlers. Fortunately, fuel is cheap and plentiful in As a general rule, any of the tank guns discussed
the Ni[e (under a do[lar a gallon in most places) so herein can fire any of these different loads. The
that's not a big problem. But we would not advise damage and blast radius statistics are for HE shells.
buying one of these beauties and taking it to Japan Different loads have the following effects.
- the cost of keeping it fueled wil[ break you, more AP shells have no blast radius, and affect only
than likely. targets that they hit direct[y. They receive a +5 to their
damage value when used against armored targets.
HEAT she[ls have a standard blast radius of 0-3/
5/12. They receive a +4 to their damage value when
used against armored targets.
HESH shells have a standard blast radius of 0-5/
8/12. They receive a+4 to their damage value when
used against armored targets.


Description Evaluator's Comments

The Phantom III from Rolls Royce was designed I think I would have to class the Phantom III as
to meet the twin needs of efficiency and comfort. In perhaps the finest automobile of all time. Ride com-
our opinion, the designers definitely achieved their fort is unmatched for a car of this vintage, and the big
goals. With its large V-12 engine and Rolls Royce's V-12's smooth application of power must be experi-
famous attention to detail, the Phantom III couples
speed with luxury.
The coachwork shows the outstanding fit and
finish for which Rolls Royce is renowned, and the
interior appointments are sumptuous. The Ama-Tsu-
enced to be believed. The four-speed gearbox is
smooth, and handles the engine's power admirably.
With an experienced driver at the wheel, the car will
reach 100 kmh in 17 seconds.
The engineering involved in a V-12 is consider-
Mara model sports true "limousine" styling, in that the able, of course - there are, after all, 24 spark plugs
passenger compartment is separated from the driver's - which means that the maintenance requirements
seat by a sliding glass partition. The driver's seat is are also considerable. The Phantom III has a repu-
upholstered in soft leather, while the rear bench seat tation for extensive camshaft wear, and this must be
is upholstered in burgundy velvet. Brass brightwork taken into account.
within and without completes the package. Unfortunately, you see relatively few of these on 21
the roads of the Nile Em-
pire - those that are in
1936 ROLLS ROYCE PHANTOM III use are in the hands of
bootleggers or high-rank-
Speed Maneuver Price ing lieutenants of Mobius.
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/vaJue Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
Even in these troubled
21 400/145/90113 5 15 +1 l1k(21) times, it seems that the
Weight Value: 16 Length Value: 4 Rolls is the classic "sta-
tus symbol."
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. Derek Hanforth
Driver DN+2 TOU+2113 Autocar America
Others DN+4 TOU+4/15 Reviewer
Atlanta, GA

"'L...- ----J

CAT. NO. 74-321521


1935 BMW 315//

Description Evaluator's Comments

The 315/1 is one of the first entries in the unbroken Much as you may associate them with "Yuppie
line of exceptional sports roadsters produced by the scum," Beamers are good cars. Even back in 1935
Bavarian Motor Works. It is a fast two-passenger they were good cars. I got to test a pre-release
soft-top, with the long hood and short rear character- version of this baby on the highways and smaller
istic of this class of vehicles. roads outside Tokyo, and I fell in love.

(If Engineering is outstanding, as befits a BMW. The

1.49 liter six-cylinder engine turns out 40 brake
horsepower, which is weli complemented by precise
Forget about the soft top. With the top up, the car
looks dorky. Just buy yourself a tonneau cover to
keep the rain out.
Forty horses doesn't sound like much, but it sure

Whether you're running from shocktroopers or gets this thing going. The sense of speed is much
just in a hurry to seethe Pyramid of Giza (while it's still greater in the 315/1 than I've ever experienced in a
there), the 315/1 is the auto you need in the Nile. contemporary Beamer, which makes this a very
exhilarating car to drive.
Adding to the excitement
22 is thefull-throated roar of
the exhaust - unmuffled
by emission control crap,
I might add.
The white-faced in-
struments and pull-out
switches look real art
deco, but I understand
from the Ama-Tsu-Mara
people that they're char-
acteristic of German en-
gineering of the period.

Holly Langland
No Fixed Address

~L.- ...I

1935 BMW 315//

Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mprJkmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
21 400/140/90113 2 15 +1 8000 (20)
Weight Value: 15 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Any DN+3 TOU+3/14

CA T. NO. 74-322521


Description Evaluator's Comments

The W125 racing car from Mercedes-Benz is the Think about this, boys and girls: 333 kilometers
perfect counter-argument to those who believe that per hour, in a 1937 car - when the vaunted
"old" means "slow." in the fast-paced realm of the Lamborghini Diablo turns in a top end of 340!
Nile Empire, you don't have time to waste getting Impressive. Note, however, that the rest of the

from here to there, and the WI25 will get you there car's systems don't quite live up to the engine. You'll
ahead of cyberpriests, Akashans, and techno-de- go through clutch pressure plates like candy, and
mons. expect to strip a few gears while you get used to the
Arguably one of the fastest cars from the 1930s, weird gearbox.
the W125 is a singleseat speed machine born to the Also, consider adopting an auto mechanic to keep

track. Its eight-cylinder, 5.66 liter engine generates it tuned. The brakes and the steering don't stack up
an astounding 592 horsepower, giving the W125 a either. Do not try to turn this thing at any1hing over
top speed of almost 333 kilometers per hour. 250, or something in the steering linkage will prob-
For the person who needs to make the Cairo to ably break. And the braking distance is scary.
Khartoum run in ahurry-and has no need for cargo Finally, when they say cargo capacity is nonexist-
capacity - the W125 is the perfect choice. ent, they mean it. Even something like a briefcase 23
has to be lashed onto
the back.
All that crap aside,
driving this rocket is the
most fun you can have
outside of the "Mobius
Strip." Just recently, I
was "vacationing" in the
Nile, carrying a message
from the Cairo Templars
to one of those long-un-
derwearguys in Thebes.
I ran into a shocktrooper
motorized unit -then I
ran circles around them
and left them breathing
§ sand.
~ Definitely not for the
0: faint of heart.

•> Jack Sylvestro

~< Test Driver
e Laguna Beach, CA


Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
21 1000/3201200/15 12 +2 12k(21)
Weight (Value): 15 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver DN+2 TOU+3/14

CA T. NO. 74-323521


Description brakes on all four wheels.

The AB is actually pretty slick all around when it
Premier among American-built cars in 1928 were comes to engineering. The car is hard to start; the
Chevrolets, and premier among Chevrolets were the engine is heavy to crank. When it does start, it's
members of the "National Series," now lovingly dupli- noisy. This is my major beef with this car - it handles
cated by the engineers at Ama-Tsu-Mara. like a dream, but when you need to beat it from a gin

The AB Coach is a luxury passenger car by joint, you don't have time to fight with the starter.
anyone's criteria. Seating six on its two leather- The advantage of the AS is that it has more room
upholstered bench seats, the AB Coach could achieve for passengers and cargo than a speed demon like
aspeed of around 60 miles per hour. Its four-cylinder, the W125. The AB is favored for "milk runs," bootleg-
171 cubic inch engine delivers smooth power, while ger trips in and out of Cairo. They reportedly can be

its 271 cm wheelbase makes for a stable ride. purchased with hidden compartments large enough
to stowaway your average Joe.
Evaluator's Comments I think Ama-Tsu-Mara made something of a mis-
take flying me out to a high-tech test track outside
Don't be fooled by the sales hype. Chevies defi- Tokyo to demo this thing ... particularly when cutting-
24 nitely had their problems in the '20s and '30s. edge monsters like the Yoshi-Asahi Venture were
That aside, the AS Coach was something of a blowing by at upwards of 300 klicks. The poor old AS
ground-breaking car. It was the first Chevy-and, to
kind of pales in comparison. But on the streets of
the best of my knowledge, the first car - to offer Cairo, I think it would look a lot better.

Tina Graham
Speed Maneuver Price Dallas
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough Rating (Value)
21 250/100/60/12 6 14 o 3000 (18)
Weight Value: 14 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Any DN+1 TOU+1/10



"~ 'iL- _

CA T. NO. 74-324521


Description A-T-M rates the DB as a half-ton class, but it's kind

of light in its cargo capacity for this class. Fit and
The Series DB was perhaps the finest light-duty finish might be good for a truck of this vintage, but this
delivery truck ever developed by Chevrolet. Its cargo says more about 1935-vintage standards than it says
box is fully enclosed, protecting freight from the for the truck. In the model I test-drove, the cab
elements and from prying eyes. The coachwork leaked, and I couldn't get the driver's side window to
shows fine workmanship, and the fit and finish is seat properly.
exceptional for designs of this vintage.
The original DB was offered in forest green and
black only. Ama-Tsu-Mara expands your options by
offering any single-hue custom paint job as part of
When you load this thing to the gunwales, it feels
kind of rickety in the rear end, kind of unstable. That's
probably a consequence of the single rear wheels.
The engine is only 206 in3 (3,375 cm3 for you

the purchase price. metric types). so don't expect any great perfor-
mance, particularly when loaded.
Evaluator's Comments Still in all, if you've got large amounts of cargo to
transport around the Nile Empire, you could do
I guess you could best describe this as a prehis-
worse than this truck. There are enough of them on
toric step van.
the roads that you won't stand out, and you can hide 25
....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . , a triggerman in the cargo
box in case some
shocktrooper decides he
wants to inspect your
goods. Although I would
never advocate doing
anything illegal, there's a
lot of dough to be made in

unblessed liquor and hot

George Keller
"Import Consultant"
No Fixed Address


Speed Maneuver Price
Tech kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
21 250/100/60/12 2 15 o 10k (20)
Weight Value: 17 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max
Driver DN+2 TOU+3/14
Passenger DN+4 TOU+4/15
In rear TOU+7/20
* Fully concealed; cannot be targeted directly.

CAT. NO. 74-325521



Description vehicles are being used by the Logistics Division of

Battlegroup Mobius! (I know the harsh realities of
The L6500 cargo carrier is one of severai marketing, but there's something that bothers me
Mercedes-Benz trucks that saw considerable use deep down about a company selling trucks to the
during World War II. The cargo area is open for ease people I consider my enemies as well as to my
of loading and unloading, although a canvas top IS colleagues.)
often added to provide some protection from the Philosophy aside, the L6500 is quite a wonderful
weather- With a cargo capacity of roughly 5,900 kg,
(If the L6500 is a reliable workhorse.
The vehicle's six cylinder engine has a displace-
ment of 12.52 liters (764 in3), and turns out 150
truck. I've loaded close to 16 metric tons of "requisi-
tioned" military goods into it, and it hasn't complained
at all. Of course, if you do that kind of thing, you've got
to make sure that the shocktroopers are otherwise

horsepower. The engine is very low-revving, and occupied.
reaches its maximum horsepower at low rpm, guar- Overloaded, the good old L6500 is about as fast
anteeing that the vehicle will not bog down when as an old man with a walker- Even empty, don't
trying to accelerate with a full load. expect good off-the,line speed: the gear ratios make
for a very slow pickup.
26 Evaluator's Comments The manual says it can only take the driver and
one passenger, but I've gotten four people into the
I saw the L6500 for the first time several months cab, and another two dozen stacked like cord-wood
before I had the chance to drive it. A number of these in the back.
Now that I've got my
1935 MERCEDES-BENZ L6500 own L6500, I wouldn't
have anything else.
Speed Maneuver
Tech kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating Price (Value) Roberta "Bob"
21 400/125/80/13' 2 18 o 20k (22) Carstairs
. Unladen
Soldier of Fortune
Weight Value: 20 Length Value: 4 No Fixed Address
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver DN+3 TOU+4/15
Passenger DN+4 TOU+S/16
In rear TOU+ 1/13
• Fully concealed; cannot be targeted directly

~ I---
'= f-
00000 = ~

"76) jI

I , i,7

CA T. NO. 74-326521


Description sense of menace which can only contribute to the

tank's effectiveness on the field of battle.
Developed in the final days of World War II, the
Maus "Super-Heavy" MBT couples unmatched sur- Evaluator's Comments
vivability with punishing firepower.
Armor thickness ranges from 180mm, to 350mm This is not a tank: this is a heavily-armored pillbox
on the turret front, allowing the Maus to shrug off on tracks.
virtually any weapon found on the battlefields of the
Nile Empire.
The Maus is driven by a 1,200 HP diesel engine,
and carries a 128mm gun as its main armament. This
The developers are right when they say that the
armor can defeat most contemporary anti-tank weap-
ons, but there is a trade-off. The Maus weighs 166.5
metric tons. The turret alone weighs 45 metric tons-
heavy gun packs enough punch to defeat the armor almost as much as an entire M6A1 heavy tank! This
of virutally anything but another Maus. means that the 1,200 HP engine can push the Maus
The tank's blocky, angular shape is dictated by the up to a blazing top speed of 20 kmh.
mass of armor involved. However, many evaluators This, of course, makes it very vulnerable to infan-
have said that the lines add to the Maus' palpable try. A fast sprinter - possibly carrying a satchel
charge - can outrun the 27
Maus at full highway
speed. Also, visibility is
even worse than with
most MBTs. Unless the
o commander and driver
stick their heads out -
not a good idea in a high-
threat environment - the
six-man crew ofthe Maus
can see basically squat.
An enemy fireteam can
be swarming all overyour
Maus before you even
know they're there. The
Maus adds weight to the
doctrine statement, "In-
fantry need tanks, but
tanks also need infantry."
MAUS "SUPER-HEAVY" MAIN SA TTLE TANK All that aside, theMaus
is incredibly tough to kill.
Speed Maneuver Price The Nile Empire has sev-
Tech kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
eral Maus tanks operat-
21 60119/1219 6 32 -4 800k (30) ing with Battlegroup
Weight Value: 25 Length Value: 6 Neteru, and I've had the
dubious privilege of get-
CONCEALMENT/ARMOR: ting close enough to one
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. to bounce several 88mm
Commander* DN+5 TOU+15/40 AT shells off its armor ...
.. TOU+15/40
... before turning tail and
running like hell.
. Only when tank is operating with open hatches.
When tank is kbuttoned up,~ all crew are fUlly concealed.
John Wayles
.. Fully concealed at all times.
.H Can be injured only if the tank is killed. Mercenary
Masada, Israel
Main: 128cm gun
Damage Range Burst Radius
Tech Value Ammo S M L Short Med. long
21 29 1 100·800 3k 4.5k O·4m 10m 25m

CAT. NO. 74-327521



Description crewed by only two individuals. One serves as driver,

the other as commander/gunner.
This highly effective British design, dating from With a maximum thickness of 1Omm of armor, the
1929, was initially developed by Vickers, although MKlla is a light, maneuverable vehicle, pertectly
Ama-Tsu-Mara has wrung its own changes on the suited to "shoot-and-scoot" situations, or infantry
initial design. support roles where the opposition is short of anti-

The MKlla is notable in that it is designed to be tank weapons. The MKlla's main armament is a .303
caliber Vickers heavy
machine gun, increasing
the vehicle's effective-
ness against infantry.

Some background on
me first, so you know
where I'm coming from_ I
was a squad leader, 11th
Armored Cavalry Regi-
ment US Army, in Ger-
many, running M1
Abrams tanks. When the
stuff hit the fan, I was in
~ Israel, showing the Israeli
army the capabilities of
~> the M1.
• When things changed,
2 my trusty Abrams just
wouldn't run consistently
"3'L...... ----I
any more, and most
people around me had
trouble dealing with high-
LIGHT TANK MKlJa tech stuff -laser sights,
Speed Maneuver Price fire-control computers,
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value) etc. But not me.
21 150/48/30/11 2 24 ·3 lOOk (25) So I got to eval the
LightTank MKlla. First im-
Weight Value: 17 Length Value: 4
pression is, this isn't a
CONCEALMENT/ARMOR: tank: it's an armored car
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
with delusions of gran-
deur. Only 10mm of ar-
Commander· DN+4 TOU+11130
mor on the turret front?
TOU+ 11/30
Give me a break. Line up
. Only when tank is operating with open hatches. .
ten of these babies front
to back, and my Abrams
.. When tank is "buttoned up," fUlly concealed, and cannot be targeted directly.
Fully concealed; cannot be targeted directly. could punch asabot round
••• Can be injured only if the tank is killed. right through them all.
Lt. Jerry Mackall
Main: .303 Vickers MG 11 th Armored
Damage Range
Tech Value Ammo S M L
Cavalry Regiment
21 23 20 3-100 500 1k Detached Duty

CA T. NO. 74-328521


Description ful enough to drive the vehicle to a top speed of

almost 64 kmh.
Thesix-wheeled G3a appeared in Europe in 1929, Although its major military purpose is the safe
and became the model on which many later armored transport of infantry fireteams, the G3a can inflict
cars were based. significant casualties on enemy infantry with its
With 13.5mm of armor, the G3a offers significant 7.92mm machine gun mounted at the commander's
protection to its crewoffour, plus up to six fully-armed station. The Ama-Tsu-Mara implementation of this
infantrymen. Its six-cylinder, 68 HP engine is power- design adds "strakes" - armor plates to enhance the
protection of the com-
mander when operating
the machine gun.

As would be expected
from Daimler Benz (and
Ama-Tsu-Mara), reliabil-
ity is exceptional.

Something's wrong
'" here. The Light Tank
Mklla is a British tank,
and it has less armor than
a German armored car.
~ Makes you wonder,
~ doesn't it?
It's strange, but I'm
~> much happier with the

g G3a than I am with the
Mklla. It could well be
~ just because of the
"'L- -----' names. If you call some-
thing a tank, I'll compare
it with myoid Abrams. If
DAIMLER BENZ GB3 ARMORED CAR you call itan armored car,
Speed Maneuver Price
I'll compare it with BMPs,
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. TOU9 h Rating (Value) BMDs, Saladins or
21 150/61/38/11 6 24 -3 75k (25)
M113s. In comparisons
like that, the G3a doesn't
Weight Value: 17 Length Value: 5
look too shabby.
CONCEALMENT/ARMOR: Forget what they say
about being able to load
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
a full six-man fire team
Commander* DN+S TOU+11130
into a G3a. Maybe if
they're real small and
. Only when tank is operating with open hatches.
armed with handguns
only. I'd say you can get
.. When vehicle is Ubuttoned up," all crew are fully concealed.
Fully concealed at all times. a maximum of six people
... Can be injured only if the tank is killed. into this thing, and that's
inclUding the 4-man crew.
Main: 7.92mm MG Lt. Jerry Mackall
Damage Range
Tech Value Ammo S M L
11 th Armored
21 23 15 3-150 500 , .5k Cavalry Regiment
Detached Duty

CAT. NO. 74-329521



Description ing from 6mm underneath to 14.5mm in the front.

The SdKfz 251 is designed to be run by a two-man
Introduced in 1936, the SdKfz 251 became the crew.
main troop carrier of the German Wermacht in World
War II. The half-track design, with its initially strange- Evaluator's Comments
looking combination of wheels and tracks, combines
relatively high speed with very good cross-country The Nile Empire got their hands on a few of these
capability. things for eval, but decided against them for acouple
The SdKfz 251 boasts a 100 HP, 4.2 liter 6- of reasons. First, the sand plays merry hell with the
cylinder engine, which can accelerate the vehicle to running gear; there's nothing much you can do about
a top speed of 52.8 kmh, even when laden with an that. Second, they didn't like the fact that the troops
entire 10-man infantry squad_ in the back were totally unprotected. I think itwas this
The "cargo box" of the SdKfz 251 is generally left reason more than any other that made them turf the
open, although it can be covered with a canvas top_ SdKfz 251.
This is to ease loading and unloading of troops. The Which was dumb_ In the right application, this is
vehicle is lightly armored, with armor thickness rang- just perfect. If you're expecting a small infantry
, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ambush - I'm talking a
a building - you do not
Speed Maneuver Price want your troops cooped
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
up in some metal box.
21 150/55/35/11 12 25 -3 lOOk (25) Think it through: some-
Weight Value: 19 Length Value: 5 body cuts loose on your
half-track with a heavy
CONCEALMENT/ARMOR: machine gun from a roof
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. emplacement. If the
Driver DN+4 TOU+ll/30 troops are in a closed
Gunner* DN+1 TOU+3/15 compartment, they've got
Others DN+2 TOU+3/15 to debark, which takes
* When operating gun; otherwise as ~others." time.
ARMAMENT Sean O'Malley
Main: Dual-mount .303 Browning MG Soldier of Fortune
Damage Range
No Fixed Address
Tech Value Ammo S M L
21 26 11 3-250 lk 2k

CA T. NO. 74-330521


Description Evaluator's Comments

The Jeep is arguably the most easily recognized A Jeep is a Jeep, and that's all there is to it. Jeeps
vehicle in the world. Its blocky form and vertical grill haven't changed much since the old MB - if you look
are definitely distinctive, as is its reputation for reli- at the dashboard of a modern CJ, you'll know what I
ability. mean - but that's not a bad thing.
The model MB appeared in 1941, and was qUickly I had a buddy back in the States who collected

adopted by the US Army and other Allied forces in Jeeps, and he had an original 1941 model MB. It was
World War II. The MB's simple design made it a still running just the way it did when it came off the
perfect candidate for modification. Jeeps found use assembly line - in other words, just as loud and
as transports, command vehicles, and even as light rough. The engine in this model is a copy of the old

gun vehicles with .30 caliber and even .50 caliber "Go-Devil" engine: not very powerful, but reliable as
machine guns mounted in the rear. hell.
The MB sports several remarkable examples of Everybody uses Jeeps in this part of the world (the
smart design, most of which have been neglected by Nile shocktroopers call it something else, of course
other designers since. For example, the MB's head- - I can't pronounce the Terran Arabic name). Check
light is designed to swing back from its mount so as to the paint job carefully when you see a jeep approach- 31
illuminate the engine compartment for night repairs. ing.
The MB isn't pretty, but its widespread reputation , A quick note: some people - including some
as a solid workhorse is well-deserved. shocktroopers - don't know there's a storage com-
partment under the
Jeep's seat. This igno-
rance is useful, since I've
sometimes had occasion
to leave a long-delay gre-
nade in that compartment
for the Jeep's owner.

Roberta "Bob"
Soldier of Fortune
No Fixed Address

Speed Maneuver Price
Tech kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough Rating (Value)
21 250180150112 4 15 o 6000 (19)
Weight Value: 15 Length Value: 4

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Any DN+1 TOU+2J15

CAT. NO. 74-331521


1938 BMW R.71

Description The R.71 is particularly favored by Nile officers,

who enjoy riding in the sidecar while their aides drive.
Ama-Tsu-Mara's R.71 is a recreation of one of the When outposts to be inspected are set well apart in
many fine motorbikes manufactured by the Bavarian the desert wastes, a vehicle that can vault the dunes
Motor Works, and boasts that company's almost with no problem is a handy tool to have at one's
mythical reliability. It is a large, stable bike, tailor- disposal.
made for mounting a sidecar, and was widely used The R.71 is currently one of A-T-M's top sellers

(B by the German Wehrmacht during World War II.

At the bike's heart is a 746cm3 side-valve two-
cylinder engine, pouring out 22 horsepower. Driven
by this powerful engine, the bike is fast and nimble,
and is available for a limited time only at the price
listed below. We are, of course, aware that some of
these bikes are available on Cairo's black market,
but we strongly suggest our readers resist tempta-

easily able to exceed 120 kmh on the straightaway.
The R.71 is easy to maintain and easy to repair-
both key features for a bike that's designed to see a
lot of action!
tion. Many of those vehicles are factory rejects, bikes
which did not meet our high standards of quality. A-
T-M will accept no responsibility if such a vehicle
stalls in front of an onrushing tank - we will simply
hope that the money you
saved buying on the
street has been invested
in life insurance.

"Large, stable bike."
Translation: solid, heavy,
clunky. A pig to ride, even
without a sidecar. (With
a sidecar? Don't ask.)
The bike is tough,
though, and it is reliable.
When I was asked to
evaluate this baby, I de-
~ cided to give it "Clive's
& Patented Torture Test."
i2 We'll bypass the whole

g• story, but suffice it to say
that the R.71 absorbed
~ half a dozen rounds of
~!L.- -----..l
.303 rifle fire and kept
going. (Unfortunately, I
can't say the same for
1938 BMW R,71 the guy in the sidecar.
Speed Maneuver Price RIP, Tommy; sorry, bUd.)
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
21 400/125178/13 2' 13 +2 2000 (17) Roger Clive
"Security Consultant"
* Two passengers with sidecar. If sidecar is mounted, add +1 to the difficulty numbers of
all/and vehicles rolls associated with maneuverability. Cairo
Weight (Value): 11/12" Length Value: 2

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Rider DN+ 1 TOU+2115
Sidecar DN+3 TOU+3/15

CA T. NO. 74-332521


Description Evaluator's Comments

The single-cylinder, 493cm3 Model 90 is the speed- Let's get a couple of things out of the way right
lover's ideal! Its four-speed gearbox is smooth as now. Sunbeam has always been renowned for "its
silk, and quickly drives the bike up to a top speed of attention to detail, fit and finish" - more so than for
over 144 kmh. Light and agile, the Model 90 is a joy innovation. In that way, Sunbeam is much like Rolls
to ride. Royce. And that business about the saddle: spring it

Sunbeam has always been renowned for its atten- all you like, contour it all you like, it's still a damn
tion to detail, and the fit and finish of this bike saddle!
reinforce this reputation. Its single saddle is con- The Model 90 is a fast and agile bike, though.
toured and sprung to provide the maximum comfort Everything works smoothly, and there are no obvi-
for long rides.
Available in a full spectrum of colors - including
metallics! - the Sunbeam Model 90 looks as good
as it rides. If speed and comfort are important to you,
then the Model 90 is your bike.
ous mechanical glitches.
Apparently the Nile Empire has discovered the
Sunbeam. Mostly they seem to like BMWs and
Sterlings, but I have seen a couple of Sunbeams
tearing around the streets of Thebes. They say Dr.
Mobius is assembling an 33
elite squad of agents, all
of whom use this bike in
their daily operations.
Something that can cut
through alleys and go
where your average se-
dan can't is of great use
to people who need to
evade pursuit in a hurry.

Roger Clive
"Security Consultant"


Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
21 400/150190/13 1 12 -3 2000 (17)
Weight Value: 11 Length Value: 2

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Rider DN+1 TOU+2114

CA T. NO. 74-333521


Description Evaluator's Comments

The MB M204B is the top-of-the-iine excavator Okay, so this thing moves lots of dirt. So what?
from Mercedes-Benz, and benefits from the same Most people reading this catalog will have other
attention to engineering detail as any Mercedes car. ideas in their pointy little heads, right?
A single engine - a 12.93 liter four-cylinder, gener- This thing is great for tearing down walls, derailing
ating 120 HP - supplies power for both the tracks trains and crushing cars. Trust me: I've tried. Unfor-

(If and the excavator arms.

The MB M204B is highly efficient, able to move
large volumes of earth and rock in short order. The
control layout is designed in such a way as to
tunately, it's not so great at running away afterwards:
it's slow, rea! slow_ Good thing it's got lots of heavy
metal just perfect for stopping bullets.
(The excavator arm can inflict crushing blows of

maximize the operator's efficiency from the first damage value 24. Use land vehicles skill to hit, and
moment he steps into the cab. add +5 to the difficulty when attempting to strike a
When dependability is paramount, go with the moving target.)
Mercedes-Benz MB M204B!
"Kid Gizmo"
34 Alexandria

~ (o~oJ
~L-- .J


Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough Rating (Value)
21 60/24/15/9 l' 24 -3 SOk (25)
• Up to 12 other people can "hitch a ride~ on the outside of the vehicle, but they
gain no armor or concealment benefits.
Weight Value: 24 Length Value: 5

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Operator DN+3 TOU+5/20

CAT. NO. 74-334521



We at Ama-Tsu-Mara are sure we speak for many Many people look around today and see the
of you when we state how happy we are that, despite English wielding magic, the French cybernetically-
the invasions by self-styled High Lords in North enhanced, and the Arabs firing fantastic gizmos at
America, Africa, and Europe, as well as bizarre each other, and feel as if the average non-realm
aliens in South America, much of whatthe media has resident man can't compete. We at A-T-M don'tthink
dubbed "Core Earth" has sUNived intact. This means that's fair. That's why we've put our best minds to
there are many areas where the best modern ve- work redesigning and refining the basic concepts of
hicles are still in demand, and we are happy to
provide them to our consumers.
When we talk about "Core Earth" autos, we're
20th century engineering. Here at last are the cars,
trucks and military vehicles people have been clam-
oring for, transportation that can carry you to the 21 st
talking about the most reliable, fuel-efficient driving century and beyond.
machines on the road. We're talking about comfort Many people no doubt believe that A-T-M's prices
and compatibility with a large percentage of Earth's for these fine vehicles will be beyond their means,
land mass, as well as the Cyberpapal, Akashan and now that competition from the American auto indus-
Tharkoldu realms. We're talking about cars loaded try has dwindled. Not so - A-T-M remains commit-
with enough horsepower to outdistance the hench- ted to quality at an affordable price, whether in war or
men of any High Lord. peace. We all must do our part in these troubled 35
Looking for something sporty and sleek? Check times, and the entire Kanawa Corporation is meeting
out the Callaway Twin Turbo Corvette, or the the crisis by holding the line on prices on such
Lamborghini Diablo. Need more space for cargo? essentials as cars, weapons, personal communica-
Looking for off-road capability? How about a motor- tions gear, computers, and a host of other products.
cycle so fast it leaves your enemies breathing ex- That's why you'll find the prices in this section the
haust fumes? They're all here, and they're all de- lowest you'll see anywhere today, and unlike so
signed and built for use in Core Earth I many of the black market junk about, you'll know that
the trusted name of Ama-Tsu-Mara will be backing
you all the way.


Description Evaluator's Comments

Hyundai does it again! The Elantra is the newest One of the other manufacturers sitting up and
offering from Korea's premier car company, a four- taking notice is Lotus ... who's been talking lawsuit
door sedan that offers comfort for five, while still because they say "Elantra" sounds too much like
qualifying as a compact. The Elantra's 1_6liter inline- "Elan," as in Lotus Elan. If you ask me, people who

four DOHC engine cranks out 113 HP, giving the car can'ttell a Lotus from a Hyundai shouldn't be allowed
more highway passing power- and downright guts out on the street anyway.
- than most cars in its price range_ And there's no Anyway, the Elantra is a good, solid front engine/
trade-off with comfort: the Elantra manages to be front drive compact sedan_ It's got a good mix of
both sporty and luxurious_ comfort and power and it seems to be reasonably

It+] Priced at around $13,000, the E!antra is sure to

make many other manufacturers sit up and take
reliable. (More so than the Pony, at least.) Watch out
for understeer at higher speeds_
Elantras aren't quite as flashy as some of the other
cars in this section, but
they get better mileage
36 than most sports cars do,
also. If you've got a lot of
ground to cover and more
than one passenger to
carry, I'd strongly recom-
mend this vehicle_ Out-
side of a truck, it's one of
the better autos for pro-
spec\ive realm runners,
particularly those work-
ing the border areas
where more frequenttrips
can be made and less
~ cargo needs to be car-
.3 ried.
Martha Worth
> Test Driver
• Miami

~""' ..J


Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mprl kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
23 400/160/100/13 5 14 +2 13k (21)
Weight Value: 15 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver DN+3 TOU+3/14
Others DN+4 TOU+4/15

CA T. NO. 74-336521


Description Evaluator's Comments

The Corvette has long been America's premier I gotta have one! I admit it, I'm a 'Vette freak. To
"street machine," combining panache and speed. this point, the ZR-1 "King of the Hill" was my dream
But for those with the desire - and the courage - to car. Now you can have my ZR-1 poster, cheap.
drive something faster, there's the Twin Turbo from This thing is a speed monster. Zero to 96 in 5 (they
Callaway Cars.
The Twin Turbo is a modified 1991 Corvette.
While the modifications to the bodywork are subtle-
but nonetheless arresting - the real difference is
under the hood. The power plant of this rocket is a
say 4.8, but Ijust couldn't shave that last 0.2 off), zero
to 128 in 7.2/ The six-speed manual is a dream.
Handling is great, too: lateral acceleration of 0.94 g!
Okay, those are the numbers. What is it like to
drive? It's a double adrenalin rush: exhilaration plus
350 in3 V-8 with twin turbochargers - intercooled, of fear. (Most people don't know what it's like to do 320
course - cranking out an astounding 403 horse- kmh.) It has the same great handling as a 'Vette-
power. That's enough to hurl the Twin Turbo to 96 sharp turn-in, quick reflexes- but even more so. It's
kmh in a gut-wrenching 4.8 seconds, and to give it a a touch temperamental, particularly if you don't feed
top speed of 320 kmh plus! it the unleaded premium it wants, but all in alii can't
If you want to blow away the competition - on the think of any better way of dropping 84 grand. 37
highway, on the racetrack, or just parked at the curb
- the Twin Turbo is for you! Garth Lee
Test Driver

Speed Maneuver Price

Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
23 1000/320/200/15 2 14 +3 84k (25)
Weight Value: 15 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver DN+4 TOU+2114
Others DN+S TOU+3/15


~L...- -----I

CAT. NO. 74-337521



Description Okay, the Diablo is a low-slung, dangerous beast.

At first glance, lots of people will think it's a Countach.
The Diablo is the latest and greatest speed ma- Once inside, though, you can tell the difference. The
chine from Lamborghini, the company that brought Diablo is plush and comfortable, more like a
you the Countach. The Diablo's heritage consis- Testarossa than a Countach. The stereo is also
tently shows in its design. The lines of the Diablo are outstanding.
very much those of the Countach, with its distinctive Handling is good. It's a mid-engine, rear-wheel-
rear styling. Theengineering, too, is pure Lamborghini:
(If the 485 HP, 348 in 3 V-12 power plant delivers the
company's famed combination of power and good
drive car, and it feels like it: weight distribution is
nearly perfect. I've got one kick against it, and that's
that the car develops a kind of disconcerting wobble
at over 288 kmh. It's not enough to make the car

Handling is, in a word, astounding. On the test dangerously unstable, but it is disturbing. When I'm
track, the Diabio delivers a lateral acceleration of blasting along at 320+, the last thing I want is some
0.95 g. If you're in the market for a two-door, two- kind of speed wobble.
passenger coupe, give the Diablo a test drive. You Anyway, this has been one good week: I got to
won't be disappointed. drive the Callaway Twin Turbo 'Vette and the Lambo
38 Diablo. How do they compare? Similar top ends,
Evaluator's Comments similar acceleration (zero to 96 kmh in 4.2 for the
Diablo, 4.8 for the 'Vette), identical lateral accelera-
Echo that: you won't be disappointed ... until you
tion. The big difference is the sticker price. You
check the price tag, that is. Then you'll turn paie, and
expect to pay for the Lambo marque, but a price
probably slink away.
differential of almost 150 grand seems a little steep.

Garth Lee
Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mphlvalue Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
23 1000/330/204/15 2 14 +4 233k (27)
Weight Value: 15 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver DN+4 TOU+2I14
Others DN+5 TOU+3115

CA T. NO.74-338521


Description If comfort, performance and downright fun are all

important to you, the 500SL is your car.
The SL series is Mercedes' newest and most
advanced line of sports coupes, and the 500SL is the Evaluator's Comments
flagship of this line. On first glance, the 500SL hardly
looks like a Mercedes. The familiar, somewhat boxy There's not much more I can say: forthe first time,
shape has been replaced by a low-slung, raked body
line that effortlessly cuts through the wind. But the
oversized Mercedes star, mounted in the sloped grill,
makes sure everyone knows just what's closing in on
them in their rear-view mirror.
the sales hype doesn't exaggerate. This is an out-
standing car. Its performance is exceptional on the
test track, and it's fun to throw it through the turns on
a winding mountain road. I would have liked the
option of getting of getting a manual transmission,
The 500SL has a power convertible top and a but considering the market, I suppose a 4-speed
removable hardtop. Mercedes innovations include automatic is the way to go. The car's 322 HP is plenty
integral alarm and central locking, both activated by to get you out of scrapes and get the old heart
an infra-red pushbutton "key," and a powered roll bar pumping hard.
that snaps into position should the car go out of It's my understanding that Ellen Connors, chair-
control. person of the Delphi Council, drives a 500SL. She 39
But don't think the 500SL is your typical conserva- apparently has an aversion to Japanese cars, and
tive Mercedes. Its 5-liter V-8 rockets the car to 96 certainly Tokyo never made anything to compete
kmh in 6.7 seconds, making it one of the fastest with this machine.
luxury coupes on the market. Your typical Mercedes says, "I'm rich."The 500SL
says, "I'm rich, but I'm fun too."

Gloria Maher
MERCEDES 500SL Test Driver
Speed Maneuver Price Houston
Tech mprkmh/mphlvalue Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
23 1000/280/175/15 2 15 +3 93k (25)
Weight Value: 16 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver DN+3 TOU+4/19
Others DN+S TOU+5/21



« iL... ----J

CA T. NO. 74-339521


Description Evaluator's Comments

Chevrolet has been bUilding vans for years, and When I first visited America, more than a decade
that experience shows in the Sportvan G30. The G30 ago now, I was puzzled by the popularity of vans,
sports good load capacity, while still being comfort- particularly among the young. In England, vans are
able and fun to drive. The standard 4.3 liter V-6 turns for freight delivery, and simply do not have the cachet

out 150 HP, plenty of power for towing or for passing that they have over here. Nobody in England would
on the highway. think of buying a van as a sport vehicle; sooner buy
But comfort is important too. The Ama-Tsu-Mara a London taxi as a sports car.
implementation comes standard with swiveling Things have changed. Today, I am a virtual exile
captain's chairs in the cab, a six-speaker stereo, and in the States - at home, who has need of a computer

a well-appointed driving environment. To make it systems analyst when most of the bloody machines
easier for you to customize your van to suit your own don't work? - and I drive a van myself.
needs, Ama-Tsu-Mara has left the rear interior unfin- The Sportvan G30 is a fine machine. The ride is
ished. The Sportvan G30 can become a camper, an smooth, and it is almost possible to forget one is
instrument vehicle, or simply a cargo-hauling work- driving a van_ Power steering makes even parallel
40 horse. A popular option is to mount up to three bench parking relatively easy_ My one warning is that it is
seats, increasing the passenger capacity to 15. too easy to overdrive the brakes. The G30 will travel
For those who want to couple passenger or cargo as fast many cars, but when one stands on the
capacity with fun, the Chevy Sportvan is the way to brakes, ·one is contending with the mass and mo-
go. mentum of a large van. As long as one is constantly
aware of this, the G30 is
safe and enjoyable to op-
Recently, I was called
in to do some work on
the computers at the
KanawaLand amuse-
ment park nearby. My
task required that I stay
quite late, and when I
~ emerged from the main
building, there was a
it: frightful row going on_
~> People dashing to and
~ fro, guns going off -
naturally, I made every
~ effort to get out of there
"' ....._ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _... promptly. Fortunately, I
was quick enough on the
brakes to avoid hitting a
CHEVROLET SPORTVAN G30 gentleman who dashed
out in front of me (fool-
Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
ishly, he was garbed all
in black, making him a
23 400/135/85/13 2" 16 +2 14k(21)
virtually invisible pedes-
·With increased seating, can handle 15. trian).
Weight Value: 16 Length Value: 3
Cedric Vyse
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. Orlando
Driver DN+3 TOU+3/17
Passenger" DN+S TOU+4/19
In rear TOU+4/19
** In cab.
*u Fully concealed, cannot be targeted directly.

CA T. NO. 74-340521

1986 FORD FT-8000

Description Evaluator's Comments

The FT-8000 is among Ford's finest heavy trucks, I always thought FORD stood for "Found On Road
and one of the company's largest non-articulated Dead." That's why it ticks me off to have to admit that
vehicles. The truck has three axles, one at the front the FT-8000 is actually a lot of truck for the money.
and two at the rear. We're not talking about the appointments of a cus-

The cab is large and comfortable for two. The tomized long-haul semi tractor here, but the cab is
hood is relatively long for such a vehicle, making well laid out and comfortable. (As any trucker will
space for the large 175 HP turbocharged engine. attest, that's a major issue. A badly designed cab
The rear of the truck can be configured in a number burns out drivers.)
of different ways, including an enclosed "box" or an It's nice to have a choice of transmissions. You

open "bed." can tailor your truck to your needs: heavy in-city
With its wide range of body configurations, and loads, light cross-country loads, or a compromise.
choice of four different transmissions, the FT-8000 I hear the US Army's been "requisitioning" civilian
provides the versatility for which Ford is rightly fa- vehicles to cart war materiel around the country
mous. since the big changes - particularly around the
Great Lake and in Cali- 41
fornia. I've talked to some
FORD FT-BOOO of their logistics guys, and
Iunderstand they're very
Speed Maneuver Price impressed with the FT-
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
8000 too. If you've got
23 400130/80/13 2 22 -3 90k (25) one - and can keep it
Weight Value: 20 Length Value: 5 out of their hands -
there's a lot of dough to
CONCEALMENTIARMOR be made out that way.
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver DN+3 TOU+4/18 John Mayhew
Passenger DN+5 TOU+6/21 Independent Trucker


CA T. NO. 74-341521

1980 MACK R-400

Description in a custom metallic paint job. As if the R-400 weren't

a good enough buy already, Ama-Tsui-Mara has
With its distinctive bulldog emblem, Mack is a made it even better!
company well known to all professional truckers. The
R series, and the R-400 in particular are - in the Evaluator's Comments
opinion of Ama-Tsu-Mara - among the finest trucks

ever made. I hate what they did to the interior of the truck I got
The R-400 is a three-axle tractor, designed for to evaluate. Red leather, red tufted crap, brass
high pulling capacity at highway speeds. Its engine doohickeys everywhere - it looked like a Mexican
compartment is large enough to make space for its brothel. If you want your truck pimped up, A-T-M will
massive V-B, which develops over 200 brake horse- sure enough do it for you.

power. Ama-Tsu-Mara engineers have gone to great The truck drives nice, I've got to say that. Even
trouble to ensure that the tractor is as stable at high taking freeway off-ramps at 24 kmh over the exit
speeds unloaded as it is when pulling a capacity speed, I didn't feel it ever "go light," or act like it was
load. going to flip. Brakes are great, and the steering is real
Realizing how important comfort and individuality solid - you know just where the truck's going.
42 are to professional drivers, Ama-Tsu Mara will build The Mack is an intimidating looking beast -
the cab interior to suit the purchaser. We'll also throw people get out of your way when you're driving one
.... .... ofthesebabies. Even the
scales give you a wide
berth, because of the roar
the engine makes. They
think it's some kind of a
monster, I guess. I don't
kick about it - when
you're hauling food from
resistance community to
resistance community,
anything that will keep
the lizards off your back
is appreciated.

Willy T. Boyle
~ Independent Trucker


.,'L.. .J

Speed Maneuver Price
Tech kmh/mphlvalue Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
23 400/140190/13 2 23 -3 120k (26)
Weight Value: 20121 * Length Value: 5

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver DN+3 TOU+4/20
Passenger DN+5 TOU+6/25
*Figure before slash refers to tractor only; figure after slash includes empty trailer.

CAT. NO. 74-342521



Description also sports tilt steering wheel and power windows.

Just because you want off-road capability doesn't
The Sidekick is an exceptional light utility vehicle mean you have to give up your creature comforts I
that couples road speed and comfort with off-road
capabiiity. In appearance, it resembles a smoother- Evaluator's Comments
iined, more refined version of Suzuki's popular Samu-
rai sport vehicle. The 1.6 liter inline-four turns out 80 Remember the stories about the Suzuki Samurai,
HP. In two-wheel drive, this is plenty to give the
Sidekick a top highway speed of almost 144 kmh.
When four-wheel drive is selected, it provides the
power to puil the vehicle through virtually any rough
about how it should have a fifth wheel on its roof
because it roiled over so much? Suzuki iicked that
problem with the Sidekick: it's nice and stable.
When I first sat in it, I thought I was in a car, not an
terrain. off-road utility vehicle. It simply doesn't have the
The Sidekick differs from the Samurai, and from spartan appearance I associate with smail jeep-iike
many Jeeps, in that the niceties have not been things. I drove it in the city and on the highway, and
ignored. The interior is plush and comfortable. in the my doubts increased. This thing doesn't run rough,
JLX model - the configuration selected by Ama- and it corners very smoothiy. Again, not something I
Tsu-Mara - the Sidekick has twin bucket rear seats, expect from a smail utiiity vehicle. 43
each of which is independently adjustable. The JLX Then I dropped it into four-wheel drive, locked the
hubs (yup, manual lock-
ing hubs) and did some
bushwhacking. Iwas very
surprised. There aren't
many places this thing
can't go. My wish list in-
cludes slightly higher
ground clearance, but
that's about it.
The Sidekick is agreat
get you where you want
to go off-road, and still let
you carry on a normal
conversation while

breaking the speed limit
~ on the highway.
~]-.::.,;~ ~ Rusty Kwan
~ Hunting Guide
• Creston
"'!L.- ....J

Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
23 400/140/90/13 4 14 +3 12k (21)
Weight Value: 15 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver DN+2 TOU+3116
Front Passenger DN+4 TOU+4/18
Rear Passenger DN+ 1 TOU+3/16

CA T. NO. 74-343521


Description Evaluator's Comments

There are those who claim that Jeep's legendary Be warned: do n%pt forthe V-6, it's a gutless pig.
toughness comes at the cost of comfort and el- Go for the inline 6 (which was originally manufac-
egance. The Cherokee proves them wrong. tured by AMC, by the way). It's a 4-liter and cranks
The Cherokee looks like the many "suburban 173 HP.

4x4s" that have been crowding the road, but at its In general, the Cherokee is the kind of 4x4 you see
heart, it's definitely a Jeep IWith an option of either an parked outside suburban homes. The hardest driv-
inline six or a V-6, the Cherokee has the pure to guts ing most of them ever got prior to the war was
to get you where you want to go, on or off-road. But romping a curb to get a choice parking space at the
the Cherokee is a comfortable driving environment, mall. But the Cherokee can go off-road, and it's very

too. Quiet even at extreme highway speeds, it offers good at it, as a score of realm runners have discov-
a comfortable ride that other 4x4s can only envy. ered to their relief.
Tough and rugged, yet smooth and refined, the The Cherokee is adeparture for Jeep: it's unibody,
Cherokee is the perfect blend. not body-an-frame like all previous jeeps, so it's a
little less rugged. Even
44 so, it's a tough bugger. A
friend of mine made a
run into Michigan with
one not long ago, and
had to make an un-
scheduled detour up the
side of a mountain to
avoid an edeinos hunt-
ing party. When it was all
over, man and Jeep were
still in one piece, and
that's all that counts. He
swears by the Cherokee
now, and except for the
~ rare occasions when it
stalls on him in the Living
Land, it's served him well.
• Zachary Hillborne
g Off-Road Magazine
~ Reporter
"''-- ---1 Dallas

Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
23 400/140/90113 6 15 +3 15k(21)
Weight Value: 15 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver DN+3 TOU+3/16
Front Passenger DN+4 TOU+4/19

CA T. NO.74-344521


Description Evaluator's Comments

The CBR600F2 is Honda's all-new 600 cm3 bike, I've done a little research, and the apparently the
and a wonderful machine it is. At its heart is a liquid- 600F2 is the most powerful middleweight bike in
cooled, fou r-valve-per-cylinder inline-fou r power plant history. Because of a relatively short stroke and
that generates 79.7 rear-wheel horsepower - a several other interesting design decisions, the Honda

stunning output for a 600! Despite this high power, is a really fast rewer - crack the throttle and the
the CBR delivers smooth, well-mannered power, engine responds instantly. The power curve seems
with minimal driveline lash. a little flat in the middle revs, but atthe high end it just
Honda's engineers have gone to great lengths to skyrockets. All in all, I'd say it feels more like a 750
ensure neutral steering characteristics, whether ac- than a 600.

celerating or braking. The suspension is firm, further And A-T-M wasn't just whistling the "Marseilles"
enhancing the rider's sense of control. with that bit about Cyberpapal patrols. I spent a little
Whether weaving through light city traffic, swing- time working with the Paris Liberte Militia (strictly
ing through tight curves on country roads, or evading freelance, you understand), and believe me, the
Cyberpapal patrols in the alleys of Lyon, the CBR is Church Police don't believe in things like "warning
the premier middleweight motorcycle. Honda has shots." When they're in pursuit, you make yourself 45
done it again! scarce as quickly as possible, and the Honda can get
into and out of places
where their vehicles
HONDA CBR600F2 wouldn't have a prayer,
Speed Maneuver Price so to speak.
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value) Ilove this bike. There's
23 400/140/90/13 2 12 +4 7000 (20) nothing negative Ican say
Weight Value: 11 Length Value: 2 about it. Ride it: you'll love
it, too.
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. Mark Harding
Any DN+l TOU+3/16
Private Investigator

~L.- ----I

CA T. NO. 74-345521


Description mum gun elevation of 12° above the horizontal, and

a maximum depression of 10° below the horizontal.
The Stridsvagn 104B - or as it is more commonly The S-Tank has a crew ofthree. The driver doubles
known, the S-Tank - was produced for the Swedish as gunner; the commander can also operate the gun
Army by Bofors_ Production commenced in 1966 and if necessary. The third crewmember is the radio
was completed in 1971_ TheS-Tank isin service with operator, who faces toward the rear of the tank. If

the Swedish Army. required, the radio operator can drive the tank back-
The S-Tank is unique among MBTs in that it has wards.
no turret. The gun is fixed within the hull of the very Primary armament is the L74 105mm gun, for
low-profile vehicle, and is directed by moving the which the tank carries 50 rounds. A box on the left
entire tank. To traverse the gun, the driver slews the side of the hull contains contains two 7.62mm Ksp 58

vehicle to right or left. To elevate or depress the gun, machine guns; these weapons are lined up with the
the height and angle of the tank's suspension is main gun. Another 7.62mm machine gun is mounted
changed_ (In other words, to elevate the gun, the to the left of the commander's cupola.
front suspension is raised while the rear is lowered.) The S-Tank is fast and maneuverable. Despite its
Although it may seem a ludicrous concept, the hydro-
46 pneumatic suspension system can achieve a maxi-
strange appearance, it is a highly effective fighting


Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/vslue Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
23 150/50/31/11 3 30 -4 750k (30)
Weight Value: 22 Length Value: 6

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver· DN+6 TOU+ 13/35
Others ..

• Only when hatch is open. When tank is ~bu"oned up, n

fully concealed. and cannot be targeted directly.
U Fully concealed: cannot be targeted directly.
... Can be injured only if the tank is killed.

Main: 105mm L74 gun
Damage Range Burst Radius
Tech Value Ammo S M L Short Med. Long
22 29 1 100-1k 2.5k 4k 0-4m 10m 25m
Secondary: 7.62mm Ksp 58 MG (x3)
Damage Range
Tech Value Ammo S M L
22 24 15 3·150 600 2k

CAT. NO. 74-346521


Evaluator's Comments Tank is exposed when you're in defilade, they'll stop

laughing ... particularly when the enemy rounds start
"No turret?" you say. "Stupid!" But think about it: coming in.
apart from the top of the turret, where do you want to
hit an enemy tank for the best chance of a kill? Right: Lt. Sam Farmer
on the turret ring, because it's an incredibly vulner- 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment
able spot. Look at the S-Tank; no turret, ergo no Alfeld
turret ring.
Also the S-Tank has a nice low profile. With the
suspension in the neutral position, it's only 2.5 meters
high; in comparison, an M60 is 3.2 meters high - a
much bigger target. It's also nice to have a small
crew, anyone of whom can driver the damn tank if it
becomes necessary.
Sure, cruise up to the forward area of the battle in
an S-Tank and your buddies in their M1 s are going to
laugh at you. But when they see how little of your S- 47



Description 2 is still exceptionally fast, achieving 68 kmh maxi-

mum road speed and 55 kmh cross-country. This is
The West German Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank is thanks to an MTU MB 873 Ka-500 engine, which
built by Krauss-Maffei AG of Munich, and entered develops an astounding 1500 HP. ~ower is delivered
service around 1980. Predictably, it is a fine design, to the tracks through an HSWL-354/3 gearbox that
and incorporates engineering of the highest quality. has four gears in each of forward and reverse.

A relatively heavy tank at 50,500 kg., the Leopard

• Evaluator's

11: Comments

• Well, it's not perfect,
2 but it's pretty good. The
turret design is very an-
~ 0
gular, with sloping sides,
and very distinctive. The
48 hull front and the turret
v are built with spaced ar-
%" ? '" mor - that is, two layers
of armor with space in
between them. This is a
good way of diminishing
the energy transferred by
anti-tank rounds like
HESH (High Explosive
Squash Head) that kills
tanks by "spalling"
chunks of metal off the
LEOPARD 2 MAIN BATTLE TANK inside of the hull. (The
Speed Maneuver Price Leopard 2 receives a
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value) TOU+2 bonus against
23 250/68142112 4 31 -4 800k (30) such rounds). It's also
Weight Value: 23 Length Value: 6
nice to note that the Leop-
ard 2 is lowto the ground,
CONCEALMENTIARMOR giving a small target pro-
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. file.
Driver- DN+9 TOU+14/37
Commander- DN+5 TOU+7/25
Sg!. LeMar Walker
Others 11th Armored Car
• Only when hatch is open. When tank is "buttoned up," fully concealed. Regiment
and cannot be targeted directly. Alfeld
•• Fully concealed; cannot be targeted directly.
OH Can be injured only if the tank is killed.

Main: 12Qmm gun
Damage Range Burst Radius
Tech Value Ammo S M L Short Med. Long
22 29 1 100-lk 3k 5k 0-4m 10m 25m
Secondary: 7.62mm MG-3 MG
Damage Range
Tech Value Ammo S M L
22 24 15 3·150 600 2k
Secondary: Grenade Launcher
Damage Range Burst Radius
Tech Value Ammo S M L Short Med. Long
22 14 1 10-50 200 300 0-3m 8m 15m

CA T. NO. 74-348521



Description SUpport vehicle to the Soviet Airborne Divisions. The

BMD is a small tracked vehicle, with a hull only 6.7m
The Soviet BMD first appeared in public in No- in length and a small turret.
vember 1973, and was immediately assigned as the The BMD's main armament is a 73mm smooth-
....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . , bore gun. Mounted co-
axially with this is a
7.62mm PKT machine
gun. In addition, two fur-
ther 7.62mm PKT ma-
chine guns are mounted
on the sides of the hull,
firing forward. Finally, the
armament is rounded out
by a launcher rail for a
Sagger wire-guided anti-
tank guided weapon
~ (ATGW).
~ In addition to its crew
e>> of three, a BMD can carry
o six infantrymen, in two
~ rows of three_ Each row

has a single hatch. There
='L- ...I is no provision for the in-
fantry to fight from within
the vehicle.
useful by the fact that it is
Speed Maneuver Price fully amphibious. Pro-
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
pelled by water jets at the
23 150/55134/11 9 25 -3 250k (27) rear, the BMD can
Weight Value: 19 Length Value: 5 achieve a water speed of
6 kmh.
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. Evaluator's
Driver' DN+9 TOU+l0/30
Others ..
The BMD is cramped
Only when hatch is open. When tank is "buttoned up," fully concealed,
and cannot be targeted directly.
and uncomfortable to ride
•• Fully concealed; cannot be targeted directly. or fight in. The armor is,
•• , Can be injured only if the tank is killed. out of necessity, quite
Main: 73mm gun Maj. Jeremy Gordon
Damage Range Burst Radius Weapons Evaluation
Tech Value Ammo S M L Short Med. Long
21 28 1 100-400
600 2.5k O·4m 10m 25m
Fort Benning
Secondary: 7_62mm PKT MG (x3)
Damage Range
Tech Value Ammo S M L
22 24 15 3-150 600 2k
Secondary: Sagger ATGW
Damage Range Burst Radius
Tech Value Ammo S M L Short Med. Long
22 28 1 100-400 lk 4k 0-5 15 20

CAT. NO. 74-349521



Description crew of three, it can carry 25 fully-equipped assault

marines. These troops sit in the large rear troop
At first glance, the LVTP-7 resembles a bulbous- compartment, on benches parallel to the sides of the
fronted tank with a tiny dome-like turret. In fact, the hulL The compartment has three roof hatches, al-
LVTP-7 is an amphibious assault vehicle used by the though the Marines usually embark and disembark
US Marine Corps. Although the LVTP-7 is equipped through a hydraulically-operated ramp in the rear of

with an M85.50 machine gun in the small turret, its the vehicle.
main purpose is to ferry assault troops into action.
And this it does exceptionally welL In addition to its Evaluator's

Tech mpr/kmh/mphlvalue Pass.

Weight Value: 21

"Land speed. Water speed is 13/8/8.
Length Value: 6
130k (26)
I've had occasion to
ride in the LVTP-7 be-
fore Igotthe nod to evalu-
ate A-T-M's version -
we were being pulled
back from the front after
an assault on the lizards
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. bogged down because
Driver" DN+9 TOU+9/30
of equipment faiiure -
and I didn't like the feel-
.. ,
ingofbeing inabigchunk
Only when hatch is open. When tank is "buttoned up," fully concealed, of metal on the water,
and cannot be targeted directly. with no windows and
•• Fully concealed; cannot be targeted directly. hearing stuff banging off
0" Can be injured only if the tank is killed.
the hulL
U. Barry Monson
Main: M85.50 MG
Damage Range
Tech Value Ammo S M L Fort Bragg
21 25 11 3-250 1k 2k

CA T. NO. 74-350521


Description Although its main purpose is to ferry assault

troops to their debarkation point, the Lebed is not
The Russian (formerly Soviet) Lebed is a prime undefended. Mounted atop the control cab is a
example of a modern assault hovercraft. 25 meters in 30mm cannon, perfect for anti-air operations.
length and 10 in width, the Lebed can load two BMD For mission flexibility, nothing can beat an assault
troop carriers (or equivalent vehicles) through the bow hovercraft. And for reliability, nothing can beat a
loading doors, and ferry them - plus their troops and Lebed!
equipment - over water or land at speeds in excess
of 90 kmh. The Lebed is driven by two ducted propel-
lers atop, mounted forward of its tall, aircraft-like
rudder. The GEV "skirt" is inflated by a third engine.
Evaluator's Comments
It's interesting. Just a few years ago, my job was
to figure out how to de-
fend territory against
Maneuver Price
Lebed. Now I'm working
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value) on more efficient ways of
23 250/96160/12 25 23 -4 750k (30)
using the Lebed to deploy 51
my own troops. That's
Weight Value: 24 Length Value: 8
progress, I guess.
Lebed with two, although
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
I like a third person dedi-
Drivers DN+4 TOU+10/25 cated to the 30 mil. A
Gunner· DN+2 TOU+3/18
Passengers TOU+ 15/40 single air attack - by a
fighter or a damn ptero-
• Only when operating cannon.
** Fully concealed; cannot be targeted directly.
dactyl, can ruin your
whole day.
Main: 30mm cannon Lt. Harvey Edwards
Damage Range USMC Trainer
Tech Value Ammo S M L Quantico
22 30 10 3-400 2.5k 4k



"'~ ----------------------------------,

CAT. NO. 74-351521



Description mounted the four headlights that help make the
vehicle so distinctive. Behind the small cab are the
The Train Grande Vifesse, or TGV, was devel- engines, which generate over 8000 HP. The TGV
oped for the French national railway system - the draws power from overhead lines by means of a
SNCF - and is Europe's answer to Japan's pantograph mounted behind the cab. As with the
shinkansen bullet train. Like the shinkansen, the shinkansen, the operating speed of the TGV is

TGV provides extremely high-speed passenger and limited more by track conditions than lack of power in
freight service between major metropolitan areas. the locomotive. This means that the locomotive is
The TGV locomotive is a long, streamlined shape limited to 270 kmh, whether it is running light or
with a low sloping nose, in the front of which are pulling a full 350-passenger train.
Whether you call itthe TGVorthe shinkansen, the

'. future of rail transportation lies with this type of train.

Evaluator's Comments
The look of the TGV is certainly distinctive. In my
(admittedly Eurocentric) opinion, the more angular
TGV looks more modern - and "tougher" - than the
The TGV's top speed is impressive, but top speed
isn't the real issue with train transportation. What
really matters is the average speed, including accel-
eration and braking. The TGV turns in one hell of a
good result here: on the Paris to Lyon run in France
(prior to the war), the TGV maintained an overall
average speed of 214 kmh.
You've also got to remember that track conditions
have a huge effect on the train's pertormance. On the
Paris to Lyon run, there are several hills where the
curvature at the top is great enough to require the
TGV to decelerate 220 kmh. Operators must under-
stand such conditions or they will derail their trains,
with the obvious highly unpleasant consequences.
It's my understanding that Storm Knights hijacked
a TGV locomotive during the recent military opera-
tion in France codenamed "Central Fire." They re-
portedly are still operating it on the rails of France,
although the "government" there denies it.

Doris Blaylock
Switching Supervisor
Chicago SWitching Yards


Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmhlmph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
23 10002701170115 4' 33 NIA 70m (40)
·10 cab.
Weight Value: 25 Length Value: 8

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Crew DN+S TOU+7124

CA T. NO. 74-352521

This chapter concentrates on vehicles that use caused oil prices to skyrocket, forcing many Japa-
the most advanced, "culling edge"technologies avail- nese to leave their cars at home due to the prohibitive
able today. A number of these vehicles are still cost of fueling them.
experimental, or at the prototype stage, which is A-T-M's extended technology vehicles include
reflected in their relatively high price. automobiles, motorcycles, and hovercraft technol-
Important Note: As a result of the major changes ogy to carry you over land and see. We stand firmly
that have shaken the world over the last years, there behind each and every one, although we warn our
is always a significant risk associated with using
highly advanced technology. Devices frequently prove
undependable in different regions of the world. Also,
customers not to allemptto operate these vehicles
for any extended length of time in the Nile Empire,
Orrorsh, Aysle or the Living Land. For reasons that
are unclear, there have also been reports of prob-
some individuals seem less able than others to "get
the hang" of very high technology. Purchasers must lems with them in some Core Earth nations. Our
keep in mind that Ama-Tsu-Mara offers no warranty engineers have been working on this problem, and
- express or implied - of suitability for any purpose. recently reported a breakthrough: you'll now find
Ama-Tsu-Mara is liable for the replacement cost of a many of these vehicles on the streets of Sacramento!
vehicle that fails due to factory defect, and is not A-T-M is proud to bring you the best in transporta-
liable for any other damages. tion, and we promise to keep the quality coming in 53
Naturally, along with the increased prices, you get '93! We're working hard on more efficient electric
increased value from Ama-Tsu-Mara. The vehicles cars and other non-polluting propulsion systems.
on the next few pages are among the most fuel- Despite recent setbacks, we are hoping to resurrect
efficient in the world, and feature the fine Japanese our operations in France in the coming months and
engineering renowned in every nation and realm. In bring you top-of-the-line Cyberpapal cars, trucks,
today's world, this is extremely important - the hovercraft and military gear.
instability in the Middle East since the war has A-T-M - our eyes are on the future, and it's
looking bright!


Description pear for the first-time on a low-cost, two-seat com-

muter vehicle. Carbon fiber and space-age compos-
Designed and built by the Yoshi-Asahi Technolo- ites are used throughout to reduce weight.
gies conglomerate based in Kyoto, the Y-A Com- Finally, the Commuter sports a sophisticated
muter is the perfect car for the crowded cities of Driver's Assistant'" control system. Similar to the "fly-
today. Powered by a silent, non-polluting electric by-wire" systems used in fighter planes, the Driver's
engine, it boasts quick pick-up and a top speed of Assistant drastically improves the maneuverability of
100 kmh - unheard of for electric cars! At the heart
(If of the Commuter is a specialized storage battery
developed in Yoshi-Asahi's energy management
labs. This battery can be charged directly from Japa-
the vehicle.
All in all, the Yoshi-Asahi Commuter is an as-
tounding vehicle, and doubtless the first of a new
class of automobiles.

nese-standard 220 volt mains, or by using V-A's
patented FastCharge transformer system (avail- Evaluator's Comments
able separately). A full charge from the mains takes
six hours, while the FastCharge transformer cuts this Overall, I like this car a lot. The low-slung styling
time by a factor of three. When fully charged, the is very slick, and I've always loved gull-wing doors.
54 battery will drive the car for over four hours of The electric drive is surprisingly effective. Zero-to-90
uninterrupted operation. acceleration lacks a little pizazz, at 21 seconds, but
Innovations in the Commuter aren't limited to the when you remember it's an electric, it's surprising
driver system, however. Stylish gull-wing doors ap- that the thing even gets to 60.
I think the most amaz-
ing thing is the Driver's
Assistant system. This
catalog doesn't do it jus-
tice: it does more than
just improve maneuver-
ability. The time you re-
ally notice it is in a panic
situation, when you're
stomping on the brakes
and cramping the wheel
over, praying for some-
thing to save you from
plowing into an unyielding
obstacle ahead. That's
~ when the Driver's Assis-
tant come into its own.
You'll feel the steering
~ wheel shift in your hand,
~ see the throttle and
§ brakes moderate them-
~ selves, as if the car's say-
.~,'L..- ..... ing to you, "No, stupid,
like this." Very sophisti-
YOSHI-ASAHI COMMUTER (The Driver's Assistant
system gives the driver a
Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value) +2 bonus to any land ve-
24 250/100/600/12 2
hiclestotal related to han-
13 +2 25k (22)
dling - i.e., to avoid a
Weight Value: 14 length Value: 3 crash.)
Sam McCarthy
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Consumer's Report
Driver DN+3 TOU+2114 Reviewer
Passenger DN+4 TOU+3/1S
San Diego

CAT. NO. 74-354521



Description that any discomfort that might distract the driver from
his task is detrimental to passenger security.
Who says you can't take it with you? If we're And passenger security is a major issue. The
talking about the level of luxury usually associated Venture is fully armor-plated, prOViding exceptional
with executive penthouses, the Venture limousine ballistic protection. The ventilation system is closed,
from Yoshi-Asahi proves the old saw wrong. protecting the occupants from gas attacks. And
The Venture is the first of the new generation of
luxury automobiles. Its power plant is designed spe-
cifically to match the special requirements of the
vehicle. The result is incredible power coupled with
smoothness. The Venture's computer-controlled
finally, gas vents around the body can release a
powerful stun gas to maximize security (damage
value 30, stun damage only).

Evaluator's Comments
active suspension takes the bumps out of the rough-
est road, and state-of-the-art suspension and brakes This is a big, heavy limo, but it handles like
keep everything under perfect control. something half its size. The engine is powerful enough
While engineering is important, it's luxury that to pull the car out of trouble in a hurry - something
puts the Venture ahead of the competition. Its pas- you don't often find with armored limos. The driver's
senger compartment seats five, surrounded by com- suite includes a Driver's Assistant drive-by-wire sys- 55
plete opulence: glove-soft leather, plush carpeting, tem that seems to work perfectly. (The DA systems
"brightwork" electroplated with 18 carat gold. The gives the driver a +2 bonus to any land vehicles total
standard entertainment suite includes professional- related to handling - i.e., avoiding a crash.)
quality sound and video systems, and a built-in It's easy enough to claim a car is "armored" - it's
microcomputer that will interface with corporate sys- something totally different to prove it. Ama-Tsu-Mara
tems through the vehicle's cellular phone system. let me flatten a lot of SMG bullets against the
The single-seat driver's compartment - separated coachwork of the Venture, and I'm now in a position
from the passenger suite by bulletproof glass - is to say this thing is armored. Security is a hot button
only marginally less luxurious, since Y-A believes these days, and the Venture provides it ... in spades!
The gas vents are a great touch, although I'd have
~----------------------------, liked more than one
YOSHI-ASAHI VENTURE "charge" of gas, just to be
sure. A driver's gun port
Speed Maneuver Price would have been nice,
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value) too, butthen you wouldn't
24 400/150/90/13 6 21 +2 500k (29) have a closed system.
Weight Value: 17 length Value: 3 My hat's off to Y-A and
A-T-M for this one.
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. Zeke Marshall
Driver DN+3 TOU+10/25 Wolfpack Security
Passenger DN+6 TOU+13/30 Consultants

~!L. ...l

CAT. NO. 74-355521



Description The Patrol Special boasts a sophisticated com-

munications suite, including cellular phone, single
Built by Kasigi Corporation, the Patrol Special is sideband radio, and an integral computer linked to
the first automobile task-designed for police opera- the central dispatching system. The vehicle can seat
tions. Its high-efficiency gas turbine engine provides five fully-equipped police officers.
exceptional acceleration and top speed, making the
Patrol Special an excellent choice for highway "inter- Evaluator's Comments
ceptor" operations. The engine also delivers suffi-
{H cient low-end torque to make the vehicle virtually
unstoppable when towing or pushing is required.
The Patrol Special is heavily armored. When all
The Patrol Special is fast, and it's very quiet inside
... an important issue when you're talking on the
radio. For something this heavy, it's incredibly ma-

windows and door are sealed, the crew compartment neuverable; I suppose the all-wheel steering has
is a closed environmental system providing protec- something to do with that.
tion from gas attacks. A built-in gas dispenser re- One thing I really like: the car has airbags for both
leases clouds of knockout gas around the vehicle. and the driver and the front-seat passenger. (Kasigi
The dispenser system contains two separately-trig- Corp. understands that cops don't often use
56 gered loads of gas. (The knockout gas does stun seatbelts.)
damage value 30.) The actual lines of this car are interesting: they
make it look actively ma-
lign and threatening. In
some ways, that's good
- perps are less likely to
make trouble, I sup-
posed. But it's kind of in-
compatible with a depart-
mental slogan of "To pro-
tect and serve" if the pa-
trol units look like some-
thing out of a "Road Bar-
barian" picture.

Capt. Colin
Los Angeles Police


Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
24 600/195/120/14 5 19 +3 lOOk (25)
Weight Value: 16 Length Value: 3

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Driver DN+3 TOU+8/20
Others DN+5 TOU+l0/25

CA T. NO. 74-356521


Description handling. As if that weren't enough, the Horizon

boasts a sophisticated gyro-stabilization system that
We have seen the future of motorcycle design, makes it almost impossible to "put the bike down" at
and the future is the Ishido Horizon. Advanced tech- high speeds.
nology, combined with good old-fashioned market- The result? A road warrior that will blow away
ing smarts, has produced the fastest production bike anything on wheels.

The Horizon is a two-wheel-drive speed demon Evaluator's Comments
driven by lshido's patented gas turbine power plant.
Computerized adaptive transmission manage the This is like something out science fiction. You do
delivery of power to the two wheels depending on literally feel slung between the wheels, with your butt

factors such as traction and acceleration. For ex- maybe two hand-spans above the road ... which is
ample, under heavy acceleration, the majority of quite disconcerting when you're burning up the free-
power is delivered to the front wheel, with just enough way at 300 klicksl
drive on the rear to ensure perfect control. The A-T-M catalog description tells you what the
Just looking atthe Horizon tells you it's something adaptive transmission does, but not why it's impor-
quite new. The bike's wheels are much larger than tant. Basically, from a standing start you can grab a 57
those of any other machine, and the rider sits low to handful of throttle - just crack the throttle right the
the ground, virtually slung between the big tires. The way open - and pour on the kind of acceleration that
result is a low center of gravity and unmatched would spray any other bike right out from under your
....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , butt. No wheelies, no try-
ing to fight the front the
wheel back down on to
the road. Just accelera-
tion that squashes your
eyes out of shape.
I've done things on the
Horizon I couldn't do on
any other bike and live to
tell about it. Like take it up
to 320 kmh, lay the bike
so far that the big pipes
are kicking up sparks ...
then jam on the brakes. I
could feel the gyro fight-
ing to keep the bike from
, dumping. Let up off the
~ brakes, crack the throttle,
and the things pulls out of
a skid that would have
§ spread any other bike
(and me!) over a couple
~'L.- ....I hundred meters of high-
way. Very radical.

Donald "Dog" Grissik

Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/rnph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
24 1000/320/200/15 13 +4 lOOk (25)
Weight Value: 12 Length Value: 2

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Rider DN+2 TOU+3/14

CA T. NO. 74-357521


Description still water, the Sprinter can achieve a top speed of 80

kmh. On rougher surfaces, the operating speed is
At last, Ground Effect Vehicle (hovercraft) tech- limited to 50 kmh. The Sprinter can travel on water
nology comes home! The Sprinter, from Tokyo- with waves up to one meter, and over rough ground
based Matsushima Technologies Corporation, is a where the maximum height differential is 35 cm.
sports hovercraft, perfect for a day of fun on the For the individual who has everything, the

meadows, the snowfields or the lake. Matsushima Sprinter is the perfect "toy!"
An open-topped vehicle, the Sprinter has two
separate "cockpits," each large enough to seat one Evaluator's Comments
adult. The cockpits are on either side of the centerline
of the vehicle; each has a low windscreen. All con-
Yeah, it's a great toy for the "individual who has

trols and limited to the left cockpit; the right is for a
everything" ... including the quarter-million to buy it.
passenger. The Sprinter is a lot of fun. Even though you're
The ground effect "skirt" is inflated by the same
only doing 80 kmh max, it feels like you're going a lot
high-output gas turbine that drives the ducted propel-
faster. The ride is pretty smooth, and the machine is
ler which propels the vehicle. The drive propeller is
much quieter than I'd expected.
58 mounted just ahead of a stubby rudder. Steering
I understand that "personal GEVs" like this are
controls pivot both the propeller and the rudder,
licensed for road use throughout Japan. I doubt
making the Sprinter extremely maneuverable.
we're goin,9 to see that in the States in the nearfuture.
On smooth surfaces, such as finished roads and
Detroit would have a fit, for one thing; for another, I
~-----------------------------, wouldn't like to be aboard
MA TSUSHIMA SPRINTER one of these things if it got
hit by a bus.
Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value) Stephanie Watson
24 250/80/50/12 2 13 +2 250k (27) Test Driver
Weight Value: 14 Length Value: 3 San Francisco

Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
Any DN+5 TOU+2114

~.L.- ---J

CA T. NO.74-358521


Description The cabin of the Clydesdale is comfortable, and

sports a powerful heating/air conditioning system.
The Clydesdale is the first true "utility" hovercraft Sound-deadening technology is used throughout,
available to the general consumer_ At the front is a leading to a very quiet, smooth ride. In addition to the
two-man cab similar in design to that of a standard four front-mounted headlights, the Clydesdale has
pick-up. The remainder of the vehicle's bodywork is four powerful quartz-halogen driving lights mounted
somewhat similarto a pick-up's cargo box, except for atop the cabin.
the large rectangular "hump" of the engine in the
center. The engine inflates the vehicle's skirt and
provides power. Unlike Matsushima's other civilian
hovercraft, the Sprinter, the Clydesdale has no vis-
For cargo and utility tasks on rough or swampy
ground, the Clydesdale from Matsushima is the
obvious choice.
ible propellers. Forward, reverse and lateral motion Evaluator's Comments
are provided by a patented "vectored thrust" system
within the lift assembly. I think Matsushima's marketing people picked the
As a utility vehicle, Matsushima has traded speed name out of a dictionary without reading the descrip-
for load-carrying in the Clydesdale. The vehicle's top tion. Clydesdales were big horses that could pull
speed is about 60 kmh on smooth terrain, dropping incredible loads. Judging from this vehicle's load 59
to less than 50 kmh on rougher surfaces. The Clydes- carrying capacity, maybe a better name would have
dale can travel on water with waves up to 1.25
been the "Shetland" (as in "pony"). This "powerful
meters, and over rough ground where the maximum utility vehicle" has a maximum payload of only about
height differential is 60 cm. 500 kilos! And that includes the driver and any
Apart from that, it's a
MATSUSHIMA CL YDESDALE spiffy vehicle. Its lines are
almost purposely "indus-
Speed Maneuver Price trial" in appearance, to
Tech mprkmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
make it look tough and
24 250/65/42112 2' 15 o 300k (28) capable_
• In cab. Number of passengers in cargo bed is limited by weight.
Weight Value: 16 Length Value: 4 Cmdr. Mark Ramis
US Coast Guard
Position Concealment Benefit

Passenger (cab)
Passenger (bed)
t Armor Add/Max.

~'L_. ~ ____J

CA T. NO. 74-359521


Description dergoes preliminary processing by the PG-3's on-

board tactical computer; the "massaged" information
The PG-3 is the smallest ground effect vehicle is then transmitted to military headquarters for fur-
offered by Oda Aircraft, developer of a wide range of ther analysis. The PG-3 boasts sophisticated satel-
military vehicles. The PG-3 Patrol Hovercraft is a lite uplink capabilities,. allowing it to transfer several
high-speed, high-maneuverability vehicle expressly megabytes of compressed and encrypted data in a
designed for patrol and recce work. At first glance, "squirt" transmission lasting less than a second.

[4 the PG-3 resembles an armored personnel carrier

(APC) without the wheels. The enclosed rear com-
partment is studded with what at first resemble gun
ports. Actually, these are sophisticated sensor ar-
Although it is meant more for scouting missions
than combat, the PG-3 offers high "survivability"
even on the high-tech battlefield. The driver's com-
partment, which houses the crew of two, is well

rays. The PG-3 is an exceptional data gathering armored, with 4cm-thick quartz viewports tough
platform. Information gathered by the sensors un- enough to withstand most projectile impacts, and
; . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , ; : . . . . - - - - - . , even mid-yield laser
strikes. The computer and
passenger compartment,
60 which can carry fDur pas-
sengers Dr technicians is
tDtally enciDsed and ar-
mDred. As an DptiDn, Ama-
Tsu-Mara offers a versiDn
with a tDpside hatch, al-
IDwing access tD a gyro-
mDunte 30mm autD-

Oda seems tD have
SDme weird ideas abDut
infDrmatiDn-gathering and
reCDn. Why use a ground
vehicle? Why nDt send a
Mastiff RPV (remDtely pi-
IDted vehicle) tD fly Dver
the area YDU want tD sCDpe
DUt? Strange.
ODA PG-3 PATROL HOVERCRAFT If YDU ignDre this slight
glitch, the PG-3 is a nice
Speed Maneuver Price vehicle. Faster than YDur
Tech mpr/kmh/mphlvalue Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
standard APC, it's still al-
24 250170/44/12 6 23 -1 750k (29) mDst as well armDred.
Weight Value: 22 length Value: 4
Capt. MDntgDmery
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. USMC
Driver/Co-Driver DN+9 TOU+ 15/40 FDrt Bragg
Passenger TOU+ 15/40
** Fully concealed; cannot be targeted directly.

Main: 30mm cannon (auto)
Damage Range
Tech Value Ammo S M L
22 30 10 3-400 2.5k 4k

CA T. NO. 74-360521


Description vehicle, designed to carry two tireteams of combat

troops into action, and to provide limited fire support.
In appearance, the AG-? Assault Hovercraft looks The AG-? has none of the sophisticated information-
little different from the PG-3 Patrol Hovercraft, ex- gathering and -processing capabilities of the PG-3;
cept that its rear passenger compartment is some- its rear compartment is dedicated entirely to carrying
what longer. All of the important differences are and protecting troops.

"under the skin," as it were. The AG-? has a crew of three - driver, co-driver
The AG-? is a more powerful, heavily-armored and gunner-and can carry ten soldiers. Thegunner
. - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , is located in an armored
cupola that bulges slightly

above the roof of the crew
cab. From here, the gun-
ner controls the AG-7's
weapons: a 30mm
autocannon and four
[Q] tube-fired beam-riding
Hades missiles. The AG- 61
7's fire control computer
is able to maintain lock on
two separate targets si-

the AG-? has the same
capabilities as the PG-3:
1.5 meter seas or 50cm
obstacles. Speed is pre-
dictably somewhat lower:
natural, considering how
much better armored the
ODA AG-7 ASSAUL T HOVERCRAFT AG-? is. Most of the ve-
hicle is covered with com-
Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value) posite armor similarto that
onourownM1A1 Abrams
24 150/65/40/11 13 25 -2 1m (30)
MBTs - perhaps a little
Weight Value: 23 Length Value: 5 better.
The Hades missiles
are very like the Hellfire
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
missiles that our own AH-
Oriver/Co~Driver DN+9 TOU+ 15/40 54 Apache attack chop-
Gunner DN+5 TOU+ 10/30
Passenger TOU+ 15/40
pers use (could the simi-
larity in names just be a
.. Fully concealed; cannot be targeted directly.
coincidence? Guess so
ARMAMENT ... j These things are hid-
eously accurate, and
Main: 30mm cannon (auto)
Damage Range
carry very nasty armor-
Tech Value Ammo S M L piercing warheads.
22 30 10 3-400 2.5k 4k
Capt. Montgomery
Main: Hades missile system
Burst Radius
Damage Range
Tech Value Ammo S M L Short Med. Long USMC
23 29 1 50-2k 15k 0-5m 15m 20m Fort Bragg

CAT. NO. 74-361521



Description The AG-1 A is driven by three high-output gas

turbine engines. Two are dedicated to inflating the
The future of armor is here! The AG-1 A Hovertank "skirt" and providing lift, while one drives the vehicle,
from pace-setting Oda Aircraft combines the speed using a vectored thrust arrangement licensed from
and maneuverability of a hovercraft with the high Matsushima Technologies Corporation. Maximum
survivability and punishing firepower of a Main Battle speed is greater than any conventional MBT, and
Tank (MBT). can be maintained over a much greater range of

(If terrain - including, of

course, water I
The AG-1 A boasts an

upgraded version of the
composite "Chobham"
armor used on the US
M1A1 AbramsMBT. The
armor is designed to de-
feat the standard range
62 of anti-tank weapons:
shaped-charge war-
heads. For no additional
cost, the armor can be
coated with Ama-Tsu-
Mara's patented RE-
FLEX'" reflective/ablative
laser-defeating surtace.
o (REFLEX increases the
~ vehicle's Toughness by
~ +2 against laser attacks
~L - - 1 only.)

Speed Maneuver Price
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value)
I never thought I'd live
to see it. Hovertanks have
24 250180150/12 5 33 -1 2.5m (32)
always been something
Weight Value: 24 Length Value: 5 you see in science fic-
tion. Ididn't believe they'd
every work ... until I com-
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max.
manded one during ma-
Driver" DN+9 TOU+ 15/40 neuvers.
Others ..
The AG-1 A does ev-
. Only when hatch is open. When the tank is "buttoned up," fully concealed,
erything that A-T-M and
Oda say it will. It's fast-
.. and cannot be targeted directly.
Fully concealed; cannot be targeted directly. faster than the Abrams
... Can be injured only if tank is killed. - and maneuverable to
boot. The 125mm gun is
ARMAMENT accurate as god out to
Main: 125mm tank gun huge ranges, and it packs
Damage Range Burst Radius a really solid punch.
Tech Value Ammo S M L Short Med. Long
24 30 1 400-1.5k 3.5k 6k 0-4 10 25
Lt. Marshall Donnelly
Secondary: .50 cal machine gun USMC Trainer
Damage Range
Tech Value Ammo S M L (Detached Duty)
22 26 10 3-400 1.5k 2k

CA T. NO. 74-362521


Description flying from the track. The locomotive is driven by

three gas turbine engines that supply power to the
The fastest locomotive in the world! On its special drive wheels and also generate electric current for
test track outside Tokyo, the "Laser" from Kyogo the rest of the train's operation. So high is the output
Motors Incorporated has exceeded 400 kmh ... while from these turbines that the train's speed is
pulling a five-car train. undiminished even when it is pulling its maximum
The Laser uses cutting-edge aerodynamics and authorized load of ten passenger cars. The train's
specially-designed rails to achieve speeds that would
send the shinkansen bullet train or the French TGV
maximum speed is limited solely by the characteris-
tics of the track, not by the engine's power yield.
The Laser's cab is a high-tech dream. Virtually all
operations are fully computerized, and the single
crewperson is required solely to monitor computer
operation, and to meet the licensing requirements of
the new Japanese Ministry of High-Speed Transpor-
tation (set up solely as a result of the Laser program).
Although widespread introduction of the Laserwill
require replacement of currently-existing tracks, one
high-speed link has been built between Tokyo's
Shinjuku station and Kyoto. More rail lines are cur-
rently being built, or in the planning stages. Ama-
Tsu-Mara and Kyogo confidently predict that the
Laserwill be the dominant form of land transportation
within Japan within a decade.

Evaluator's Comments
Take a look at the Laser's design, and you'll see
a little of how it manages to stay on the tracks at high
speed. You can't see the wheels: they're shrouded
by a ground-ellect air dam. The effect is kind of like
turning the whole train into an "inverted wing." In-
stead of positive lift, the shape develops "negative
lift," forcing the train down on to the tracks. On the test
track, I've seen them take the Laser to about 425
kmh, but at that speed a grain of sand on the track will
kick the train into orbit. So 400 kmh is the fastest safe
The French were looking at buying a couple of
Lasers to serve Malraux and his private transportation
system. They bought one as a test model and -
against the advice and warnings of A-T-M - they ran
it on their current TGV tracks. Badmove. They gotthe
!~=~==:::::============-_~"':"-=--~--=-~-=------,thing uptoabout350kmh,
the train hit some kind of
KYOGOLASER "anomaly" in the track,
Speed Maneuver Price and it derailed. Total write-
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Rating (Value) oil, no survivors.
24 1000/400/250/15 l' 32 N/A 150m (41)
Marshall Hawks
• In cab. Passenger capacity of entire train depends on number and size of cars.
Weight Value: 26'· Length Value: 6 Managing Director
Railroad Department
Position Concealment Benefit Armor Add/Max. Transportation
Driver ON+4 TOU+7/28
.. Locomotive only.

CAT. NO. 74-363521



Speed Weight Length
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Value Value
[SurRy _ 'Y'c10 H " " - 150/48130/H 6F''''' ", ,m 1" "q'f2" 12 2 0,. '.

Pass. Carriage M 9 c"'"--- , 150/4S/30/11 5 12 13 3

m p:rmored Carria"ge'w ',:" 11

Fey Carriage
.. ,
'''1 00i321201·m7""'-"'W"....,,:F""'~~,..,.."'="""if4

100/32/20/10 S 11
14 3

~ ~
Landau ' - - -..........1"':S~-.-~1~5'?0/~4~'5/30/11·"· ~-'-~3~"""'~1c:.2""'=~~1~3-~~';;'3 ..... -_...1
[:~e Co~6:hh'~""""""''''='''''''V.:' "'TS""'='''''''''''=''''''tJU72<rff'5T9''''''''''''''"""""""~9-=""=-13~'''' "-~15~~"'-J5~"""''''''''''''''
64 Improved Steam 17 25/S/5/7 3 ""10"" 13 3
rf904'Knox [ennox ' ~;; rgc-....".--; '~..........""....5~f3-·-"'~·-14'.,..." ....·~·3'--9'""..,
f- . '
, 1'905 Cadillac "E" """""'-'"71"'9""'--=--"'100~/"3"'6'i1,~f1;S:f;/1""0C-=-'-'~'''''·2·"",,''j1;n3C''--'"''41';;3C----3n-~''-'''''''
Light Runabout
r~~~:;asmoDile~'~Sf', . - - ' " ~0~24~:~7Sf,"-y-,~""""""",,,,,Ff""'''':T3'''''''''''''-.-','; 5--~
Campbell 4·4·0 19 250/97/60/12 20 5
B'~~~~olida~i~~:'M w. 'm"""""'·'-'4007f2UI757f3':"·~~~ =:-:"']
Baldwin Ten-Wheeler-19 4061120/75/13 22 6
FfeMJ._ _ ... :'.,1'S' Od ~:QQI(012'!il!1)""
,..-.."..." ."",;r;;"".."",";' ;-'--2\)r-~'~' ~'''''''''_''''''"-'''
1907t 19 250/70/45/12 22 6
1'''1'902 TflUnllJll " " f9' ._> ,.,. ~~7?.ifTf51S '" ".. "" ~. 19~'~~":::"::':' ~8;;:==~1 ==rz;~
Model T 20 150/55/35/11 2 14 14 3


1936-Rblls Royce "3 P " 21 " * '" 40011:45l907'"'13>:""''''''''''-''''''''''''''''W'''
Phantom III
1935 BMW 315/1 21 400/140/90/13
1937li:lercedes" ' •• 21 • 1d01l732()12iROOi<iI;;:;~'53"'...-.....~r-·'''''''''';
....~i~;;-;~~~i-':~:-i~C:':e:"~2':'r~:.-le:jt=·=~~"-=2*-'1;-'~~~-'''2c;=;5 61{OOi60r5'1*'2-~=
AB Coach
Series DB
1935 Me7Ce'deS-B~e~n"'z ........'2"'1.--'....."""-4{;0"'0/125/S0113"'"

* Fully concealed; cannot be targeted.

"* Only when tank is operating with open hatches. When tank is "buttoned up," fully concealed.
*"* Fully concealed at all times.
.... Can be injured only if tank is killed.
t See Chapter Twelve of the 70rg Rulebook for more details.

3000_(18)~ :...
800 (15)

2000 (17)

750 (1'5)
800 (15)

15k (21)

3000 (18)

Driver - DN+1 - - ~-Driiier - TOU+2114 4500 (19)
Other - DN+=.2_ _~O":,th"e,,,r~~TOU+~/16
Any - DN+1 Any - TOU+2/14 3000 (18)

.- Aily:'- DN+2 Xriy-- TOU+2114 4000 (18)

Any-DN+7 Any-TOU+15/35 10m (35)

Any-DN+7 Any-TOU+16/38 ~~,..,.,,~ 12m (36)
- ~~--~ -~
Any-DN+7 Any - TOU+ 16/38 15m(36)
~Any=DN+7 _·'~·=''''AnCTS:lO:;:-16/38 --='25m(37)
Any- DN+1 Any - TOU+8/35 ~ 15m (36)
Rider-Nil Rioer-'- Nil ~ 900(15)
Driver:- DN+1 Driver - TOU+2/14 3000 (18)
Other- DN+2 Other - TOU+3/16

1 Driver - DN+2 briver .::. TOU:"2/13 11k(21)

C+ Others- DN 4 Others - TOU+4/15 _~~.J
Any~DN+3 Any - TOU+3/14 8000 (20)
~~Any:=TOO+3/14 ---
L +2

Driver - DN+2

Any- DN+1 ---An¥=tOU+1/10

12k (21)

-=3000 (18)

0 Driver - DN+2 Driver - TOO+3114 l'Ok (20) .""

In rear-.
Passenger - DN+4 Passenger - TOU+4/15
In rear - TOW+7/20 ......-
0 Driver - DN+3 Driver - TOU+4/15 201(22)
Passenger - DN+4 Passenger - TOU+5/16
. In rear-
• In rear - TOU+ 1/13
-4 Cmdr. .-: DN+5 cmaT- Tc5u+ 15/40

Others- ...
Driver" - DN+7 Driver" - TOU+ 15/40 .
Oth.ers-= ****
800k (30)


Speed Weight Length
Tech mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Value Value
Light Tank Mklla 21 150/48/30/11 2 24 17· 4

r-...... , '
" ~

Daimler Benz G3A 21 150/61/38/11 6 24 17 5

fII1S-25~ Riill=:rra'cl{ Z- J5075573Mi1 12 -25 19 5

1941 JeepMB
1938 BMW R-:71

1931 Sunbeam
1946 Merceaes-Benz
MB M204B Excavator








1950t 21 400/110170/13 3 26 6
f9-55-Thunaeroim 21 40-07~ 2""578-o7r3 2 f6 111 3


Hyundai Elantra 23 400/160/100/13 5 14 15 3

Callaway Corvette 23 1000/320/200/15 2 14 15 3

Lamborghini Elia610 23 1000/330/204/15, 2 'f4 '5 3

Mercedes 500SL 23 1000/280/175i15 2 15 16 3

Ctievro et SporMin 23 400/135/85113 2 f6 16 3


1986 Ford FT-8000 23 400/130/80/13 2 22 20 5

1980 MacKR'4M 23 4007140790 13 2 23 20 5

Suzuki Sidekick 23 400/140/90/13 4 14 15 3

Jeep Cfierokee 23 40-07140/9-0 3 6 15 3

Honda CBR600F2 23 400/140/90/13 2 12 11 2

StridsvagnMBT 23 150/50/31m 3 30 22 6

Leopard 2 MBT 23 250/68/42/12 4 31 23 6

• Fully concealed; cannot be targeted .

.. Only when tank is operating with open hatches. When tank is ~buttoned up," fully concealed .
... Fully concealed at all times .
.... Can be injured only if tank is killed.
t See Chapter Twelve of the Torg Rulebook for more details.

Concealment Armor Price

Maneuver Benefit Add/Max. (Value)
-3 Cmdr. "-DN+4 Cmar.*' - TOU+ 11/30 1001< (25)
Driver " - DN+6 0river " - TOU+ 11/30
Othels '" Others- .flo.*

-3 Cmdr.*' - DN+5 Cmdr.*' - TOU+ 11/30 75k (25)
Driver" - DN+6 Driver" - TOU+ 11/30
Others - '" Olhers- **floflo
-3 Driver - DN+4 Sriver - ;roU+11/20 toOk (25)
Gunner - DN+1 Gunner - TOU+3/15

Qthers _ DN+2 Others - TOU+3/15
0 Anjl- DN+1 Any - TOU+2/15 6000 (19)
+2 Rider- DN+1 Rider - TOU+2115 2000(17)
Side_car - DN+3 Sidecar - TOU+3/15
+2 Rider- DN+1 Rider - TOU+2114 2000 (1.2')
-3 Operator DN+3 Operator TOU+5/20 80k (25)

N/A Any-DN+7 Any - TOU+ 18/40 50m (39)

+2 Driver DN+3 Driver TOU+3/14 8000T20)
Pass.-DN+5 Pass. - TOU+4/19

+2 Driver - DN+3 Driver - TOU+3/14 13k (21)

Otber.s- N+4 Othe~ - TOJ,J+4/15
+3 Driver - DN+4 Driver - TOU+2/14 84k (25)
Others - DN+5 Others - TOU+3/15
+4 Driver - DN+4 Driver - l'OU+2114 233k (27)
Others - DN+5 Others - TOU+3/15
+3 Driver - DN+3 Driver- TOU+4/19 93k (25)
Others - DN+5 Others - TOU+5/21
+2 Driver - DN+3 Driver - TOU+3/17 14K(21 )

In rear-
Pass.- DN+5
, Pass. - TGU+4/19
In rear - TOl!J+4/19
-3 Driver - DN+3 Driver- TOU+4/18 90k (25)
Pass. - DN+5 Pass. TOU+6/21
-3 Driver - DN+3 Driver - TOU+4/20 f20k (26)
Pass. - DJI,/±5 Pas_so - TQ.U+6/25
+3 Driver - DN+2 Driver - TOU+3/16 12k (21)
Front Pass. - DN+4 Front Pass. - TOU+4/18
Rear Pass. - DN+1 Rear Pass. - TOU+3/16
+3 Driver":" DN+3 Driver - TOU+3/16 15K{2T)
.FronLeass.. - ON 4 Front Pas.s. - TOU+4/14
±4 Ani' - DN+1 .8rJY. - TOU+3/16 7000 (20)
- --
-4 Driver" - DN+6 Driver** TOU"'13/35 7.50k (30)

Cmdr.*' - DN+4 Cmdr.*' - ;rOI!J+7/23
OtheJ.s- *flo*.
-4 Driver" - DN+9 Driver" - TOU+ 14/37 800k (30)

Others -
Cmdr.*' - DN+5
Cmdr.*' - TOU+7/25
Others - ****


Speed Weight Length
mpr/kmh/mph/value Pass. Tough. Value Value
150/55/34/11 9 25 19 5

" 'lot ex....". .. "

LVTP-7 23 150/64/40/11 28 24 21 6

(If r Lebed Assault

23 25 23 24 8

Traina Grande , -"''" 23
[1 ~~ Lotus Esprit"



600/21 0/130/14







r 199~OTaurus 23 400/160/100/?

rY-A CoiiiITi'Uter=-~-
24~ • 250/100/60/12 2 13 14 3

tLY-A-V'Emture"- 24'-- 4bb~/1=5-="O/-="90/~1=3~"'::'~~6~""''="2'''1-~"""1='7--"""3'"""---:.1


24i~....,,'-"'....,.6b0I195T12071'A4-M~~=5"'-- ~"19"""~"""1"'6~~-';-3-"""'-:J

Ishido Horizon 24 1000/320/200/15 1 13 12 2

MatsushimaSprmt~e-r-~24;~,-m =-,"':':;250/80/5071'2
2 13 14 3
Matsushima 24 250/65/42/12 2 15 16 4

UaaPG:3 'Patrol - am" 22 4

~d-H:,;o~vc;e~rc:,-,r~aft~~_~___ '~_""""'-'-':-_.=~ -:-?""""=--:::-'"""'_'""
Oda AG-7 Assault 24~5/-40-/11 13 25 23 5

250/80/50/12 5 33 24 5

Kyogo Laser 24 1000/400/250/15 32 26 6

• Fully concealed; cannot be targeted.

.. Only when tank is operating with open hatches. When tank is "buttoned up," fully concealed.
• u Fully concealed at all times.
**** Can be injured only if tank is killed.

Concealment Armor Price

Maneuver Benefit Add/Max. (Value)
-3 D-;;ve;;-* -..::. DN+9 Driver** - TOU7iO/30 250k (27)
Cmdr.** - DN+~ Cmdr.** - TOU+7/25
Others - *** . Others - ***~
-3 Driver** - DN+9 Driver** - TOU+9/30 130k (26)
Cmdr.*- - DN+4 Cmdr.** - TOU+7/25

Others - -**
Drivers - DN'f'4
Gunners - DN+2
Others- ****
0"' Drivers _ TOU+1 0/25
Gunners - TOW+3/18
750k (30) (B
Passerr9.ers - *** e.~1i9(ilr~}OlJ+ 15/10 T' (fJ
eo " T"'>",

N/A Crew-DN+5 Crew - TOU+7/24 70m (40)

-'+2- Drive"r =--DN+3 - ".- - "DriVer - 'rOU+3/16 35k (23)
Pass.- DN+4 Pass. - TOU+,4/~ 9
-3 Driver - DN+3
Pass.- DN+5
Driver - TOU+4/20
Pass. - TOU+6/21
120k (26) 69
+2 Driver= TOU+3/1'6 15k (21)
Briver - DN+3
Pass.-DN+5 Pass. -;;- TOU+5/21
- fSC'

Driver - b-N'.j:3 = • "~~

+2 Driver:""':,TOU+2/14 '25k (22)
Pa~s, -.QN+4 Pass. ~ TOI:J+3/15 =
+2 Driver - DN+3 Driver - TOU+10/25 50Ok (29)
Pass, - DN+ Pass. - TOU+13/30
+3 Driver-DN+ Driver -=TOO+8/20'" -'00k(25]
Pass,-DN+5 Pass. - TOlJ+10/26
+4 Rider- DN+2 Rider - TOU+3/14 100k (25)
+2- Any'- GlN+5 Any' - TOU'+2/14 250k (gZ) _...J
0 Driver - DN+3 Driver - TOU+3/16 300k (28)
Pass. (cab) - DN+4 Pass. (cab) - TOU+4/18
Pass. (bed) - DN+2 Pass. (bed) - TOU+2/15
Driver DN:j:9 -Driver ---':TOO+ r5?'Hi--~'-'75i:ik\3i:i}--~-'="'"
Pass.~. *** P-ass.-lQU±1l!/4Q~=.q ...__ .",,_, ~ ~ .
-2 Driver - DN+9 Driver - TOU+ 15/40 1m (30)
Gunner - DN+5 Gunner - TOU+ 10/30
Pass.- **- Pass. - TOU+ 15/40
,; ;;;;s;"n; • "
-1 Drive*" - DN+9 Driver** - TOU+ 15/40 25m (32)
Cmdr.** - DN+5 Cmdr.** - TOU+7/23
Othws~ *** Others - ****
N/A Driver - DN+4 Driver- TOU+7/28 150m (41)

The rules listed below replace the vehicle chase signed to travel in orbit or to other worlds.
rules on page 81 of the Torg Rulebook. These rules When a character makes a vehicles roll, he must
are designed to simulate the classic chases of count- factor the maneuverability rating of his vehicle into
less movies, with the emphasis on smoothness of his total. This modifier reflect the fact that some
storytelling rather than all the tactical aspects which vehicles handle better than others. The difficulty

ITt can be involved in such action_ If you find yourself

getting bogged down in calculations while running a
chase, feel free to ''wing it" to keep the flow of action
number of the roll is the speed value at which he is
now traveling, possibly modified by terrain, weather,
visibility, etc.

moving. In addition to the maneuverability, each vehicle
also has a Toughness (its ability to withstand dam-
age). Some vehicles also have an armor rating (to
Chases reflect how well the vehicle protects the driver, pas-
sengers, and in some cases, armor is applied to the
70 Initiative is determined in rounds in which chases
occur in the same way as in all other action se-
vehicle itself - some vehicles are tough to get
through, but once something penetrates their armor,
quences. Determine who is the hero and who the they are very vulnerable to damage), as well as a
villain and look on the appropriate conflict line to concealatJility benefit, making it more difficult to hit
determine who has the initiative in this round. people riding within.
Conflict line disadvantages may also come into
play. A character who gets a "setback" result might
have his passage blocked by an obstruction and Staging a Chase
have to quickly find another route. A villain who
breaks may be forced to abandon a chase if he does There are certain things a gamemaster must be
not do some damage to his quarry, perhaps due to aware of before running a chase sequence. First
police vehicles closing in. In addition, a flurry round among these are the statistics of all gamemaster
does not allow a vehicle to move twice its normal characters involved, as well as the characteristics of
number of meters per round in a single ten-second their vehicle.
span. The gamemaster should also know what type of
In each round of a chase, the character has the road the chase is taking place on (paved or unpaved,
option of moving at the proper speed limit for that straight or winding) and how much vehicular traffic is
particular terrain and traffic environment (see "Speed upon it. All of these factors go into determining the
Limit," below) or attempting to push his car past that speed limitofthe road (see below). The gamemaster
limit. If he tries to do the latter, he is doing a "speed should also make note of the weather conditions,
limit push," which is detailed below. which will be a factor when characters wish to speed
As long as a character is traveling at or below the up or do maneuvers.
speed limit of an area, and there are no hazards in his It might be useful to make a thumbnail sketch map
path, he is performing a simple action. An appropri- of the route the chase will take, with marks indicating
ate vehicles skill total is necessary if he attempts where random encounters are likely to take place_
either a speed limit push or a speed value push, or he
must act to avoid a hazard.
Example: Ed is driving his Corvette down a Speed Limit
busy freeway at rush hour. The speed limit is 48
kmh owing to the amount of traffic on the road, For the purposes of these rules, all roads are
but Ed wishes to exceed that speed. He makes considered to have a base speed limit. This has no
a successful speed limit push, but now must relation to state-imposed legal speed limits, but
generate a land vehicles total in each round in rather relates to the maximum safe speed value
which he is driving faster than the speed limit. (based on the Torg value chart) at which a vehicle
can travel the road. This is dependent upon the type
Relevant vehicles skills are as follows: land of road and the level of traffic. Keep in mind that,
vehicles for cars, trains, trucks, heavy equipment, based as they are up a logarithmic scale, all of the
tanks and other ground vehicles; air vehicles for values refer to approximate speeds. A vehicle can
planes, helicopters, dirigibles and gliders; water ve- increase its speed to the limit of the road in one round
hicles for power boats, canoes, oil tankers, subma- through a simple action. It can also decelerate up to
rines and other marine vehicles; and, finally, space one speed value per round as a simple action.
vehicles for space shuttles and other vehicles de- These speed limits assume a clear, sunny day.

Suggested modifiers to the speed value limit based

on adverse weather conditions are listed below.
Weather effects also come into play when attempting There are two kinds of "speeding" in the new Torg
to speed, and those modifiers are dealt with below on chase rules. When a driver chooses to speed, he must
the "Speed Value Limit - Weather Modifiers Chart." generate a land vehicles total to maintain it, taking into
These speed limits also refer to light traffic only. In account the maneuverability rating of his vehicle.
heavy traffic, subtract -2 from the limit value given. The first kind of push, going faster than conditions
Here is a chart with some suggested speed limits safely allow, is called a Speed Limit Push. The
for various types of roads: second kind of push is actually pushing the vehicle to
its limits, often risking serious harm to the vehicle-
Speed Value Limit Chart
Spd. Value
this kind of push is called a Maximum Speed Push.
Speed values and what they represent can be
found below on the Speed Value Reference Chart.
Road Limit
Paved, 4-lane, 14 Speed Value Reference Chart
Paved, two-Jane, 13 Speed
rural highway, Value MPR KMH MPH
straight 5
Paved, two-lane, 12 7 25 10 6
rural highway, 8 40 15 10
winding 9 60 25 15
City/town limits 12 10 100 40 25
11 150 60 40
Unpaved road, 11
12 250 100 60
13 400 150 100
Unpaved road, 10 14 600 250 150
winding 15 1,000 400 250
Off-road 8/11 * 16 1.5K 600 400
17 2.5K 1K 600
*Figure before the asterisk refers to vehicles
not designed for off-road use. Figures after
Speed Value is the vehicle's maximum speed
refer to off-road vehicles.
without pushing; MPR is meters per round - how
many meters a vehicle at that value will move in one
turn; KMH is kilometers per hour; MPH is miles per
Speed Value Limit- hour.
Weather Modifiers
Weather Condition Speed Value Mod. Speed Limit Push
Sunny o
Windy -1 When chases are conducted, the gamemaster
Rain -1 sets a "speed limit" for the chase (see above).
Fog -1 Drivers can and often do exceed the speed value
Darkness -1 limit; in most chases, the driver will attempt to exceed
Snow -2 the speed limit every round.
Ice -2 When acharacterwishes to exceed this value, the
player declares that they are "pushing" the speed
limit. They must then generate a land vehicles total,
Example: Bill is driving his Colt up Pennsylva- modified by the maneuver rating of their auto. The
nia Rte. 191, a rural, two-lane highway with a difficulty is based upon the speed value limit of the
number ofsharp CUNes. The traffic is very light, road upon which they are driving - determine the
meaning that his maximum safe speed value is value limit and then consult the "Speed Limit Diffi-
12, or 100 kmh. Halfway to his destination, it culty Chart" below to find this number.
begins to sleet, coating the road with ice. To If successful, find the result points on the "Speed
continue at a safe speed, Bill must slow down Limit Push Table"; the vehicle's speed increases the
to a speed value of 10, or 40 kmh. number of speed values listed up to its maximum
speed value. A vehicle cannot exceed the maximum
speed value it is capable of going by doing a speed
limit push. To exceed a car's maximum possible

speed, the character must allempt a Maximum Speed He is successful, and can continue to travel at
Push, explained below. that speed.
Should acharacter generate sufficient result points Example: Renee is driving a Suzuki Sidekick
on a speed limit push to exceed his car's maximum (maximum speed value 13) through city streets
speed value, he receives only the additional speed in light traffic. The speed limit for the road is 12.
required to bring it up to the maximum. Shock points She chooses to push against the difficulty num-
are also reduced to what they would be for that ber of 8, and receives a +3 bonus due to her
increase. auto's maneuverability. She rolls very well,
The number listed in parentheses is the shock generating a total of 16 for eight result points.

m damage the vehicle suffers as a result of exceeding

the speed limit; for more information see "Damage."
Once a character has successfully exceeded the
speed limit, he must generate a successful land
vehicles total (modified by maneuver rating) against
Normally, this would allow her car to in-
crease in speed by two values, from a 12 to a
14, taking four shock in the process. However,
the maximum speed of her car is a 13, and
cannot be exceeded using a speed limit push.

the push difficulty of the road's speed limit value, with
+3 added to the difficulty for each speed value above
the limit he has allained. This represents the greater
difficulty of handling a car going faster than road
conditions allow. A successful roll means the speed
level is maintained; if the roll iffailed, find the level of
disaster on the "Vehicle Failure Chart," below.
The gamemaster therefore rules that she has
achieved the same effect as if she had gotten
seven result points - an increase to speed
value 13 and no shock damage to her car.

Maximum Speed Push

Example: Tom is driving his 1937 Mercedes-
Benz W125 down a four-lane freeway in heavy Occasionally, a driver may wish to squeeze every
traffic. The weather is bright and clear, making last bit of speed out of his vehicle, either to close in
the speed value limit for the road 12. The on a target or pull away from an enemy. To do this,
maximum speed value of Tom's autoisa 15, so he must exceed the maximum speed value of his
he can attempt a speed limit push to go faster. vehicle, and risk serious damage to the engine.
Checking 1he Speed Limit Difficulty Chart, A character can attempt such a feat by generating
Tom's playersees that the difficulty for the push a land vehicles totai (modified by his auto's maneu-
is an 8. Tom has land vehicles at 10, and will verability rating) against a difficulty number of 10. if
receive a +2 bonus to his total due to the the character is already exceeding the speed limit of
Mercede's maneuverability rating. the road he is traveling, add +3 for each point of
Tom's player rolls an 8, for a total of 8, then speed value by which he is doing so. Find the results
adds the +2 maneuverability rating. The final on the "Maximum Speed Push Table." This will tell
total for the roll is a 10, which means Tom has
beat the difficulty by two points. Looking on the
Speed Limit Push Table, this means Tom's car Speed Limit Push Table
has sped up to a value of 13, and taken three
shock in the process. Result Speed Limit
The next round, Tom chooses to simply Points Push>
maintain that speed. His difficulty for doing so
is an 11 (the push ON of the road - an 8 - +3 S 1(5)
for the one speed value by which he is exceed- 1 1(4)
ing the limit.) He rolls a 16, adds in his maneu- 2 1(3)
verability rating, and ends up with a total of 15. 3 1(3)
4 1(2)
5 1(2)
Speed Limit Difficulty Chart 6 1(1)
7 1(0)
Speed Value Push 8 2(4)
Limit ON 9 2(3)
10 2(3)
7 15 11 2(2)
8 14 12 2(1)
9 13
13 2(1)
10 12 14 2(0)
11 10
15 3(4)
12 8
13 7 • A vehicle may increase its speed only as high
14 6 as its maximum speed value, suffering shock
15 5 as indicated.

you by what fraction of the car's rate of meters per

round speed has increased. The parenthetical value
Mu Iti-Actions
is the amount of shock damage the vehicle suffers. Driving in dangerous situations, especially chases,
Once this is accomplished, consult the "Maximum often requires the driver to conduct several actions in
Speed Results Table." In the left-hand column, find the same round. This procedure functions in much
the maximum speed value of your auto. Along the top the same manner as any other combat: the driver
row, find the fractional result you achieved on the declares which actions will be attempted, and their
push. Cross-referencing will reveal the number of priority. Using the "One-on-Many Chart," the
meters per round by which your speed has increased gamemastercan determine which actions succeeded
for that round. and which failed.
The effects of this push will last for one round
only. Failure to accomplish the push can cause
damage to the car - consult the "Vehicle Failure
Chart." Maximum Speed Push Table
Example: Daria is driving a Hyundai Elanlra
(speed value 13) at its maximum speed while
going down a super-highway (speed value limil
14), with a car full of Nile mobsters closing in
behind her. She wishes to increase her speed,
and has to make a maximum speed push to do
so. She generates a land vehicles total modi-
Max. Speed
/1 (4)
/1 (1 )
lied by the Elantra's +2 maneuverability rating 4 /2(1 )
against a difficulty number 0110, and achieves 5 /3(4)
four results. Read on the "Maximum Speed 6 /3(1 )
Push Table," this yields a result of /2(1). The 7 /4(4)
push is successlui - her vehicle takes one 8 /4(2)
shock point. 9 /5(4)
Daria's player then consults the "Maximum 10 /5(2)
Speed Results Table." Cross-referencing the 11 /6(4)
Elantra's max. speed value (13) with /2, she 12 /6(2)
finds a result 0140. The Elantra will move an 13 17(4)
additional 40 meters per round this round. This 14 /8(4)
effect will not carry over to the next round. 15 /9(4)

Maximum Speed Results Table

Value /1 /2 13 /4 /5 /6 17 /8 /9
0 .05 .1 .15 .2 .25 .3 .35 .4 .45
1 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 8. .9
2 .15 .3 .45 .6 .75 .9 1.05 1.2 1.35
3 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
4 .4 .8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6
5 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 9 10.5 12 13.5
8 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
9 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
10 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
11 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90'
12 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135
13 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
14 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360
15 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
16 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
17 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350
18 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
19 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600

Actions: 3) Maximum Speed Push - If a driver wishes to

1) Basic driving - A driver must make a land exceed the vehicle's maximum speed value, this
vehicles check every round in which he exceeds the push must be made every round, and reflects the
speed limit. Failure means a possible accident. The driver's ability to coax every last ounce of horse-
base difficulty (determined by the speed limit) is often power from the car, as well as drive in such a manner
very low, but the faster a vehicle moves, the more as to get maximum performance.
dangerous the activity becomes. Normally, this basic 4) Maneuver - Maneuvers, such as jumping,
check is given the highest priority simply because doing boot leg turns, taking more turns than is
failure normally is disastrous. allowed, and ramming other vehicles, are separate
A driver may automatically go the speed limit each actions with their own difficulty.

(If round (assuming the vehicle is capable of the speed

limit; if not, the driver may only go as fast as the
vehicle allows, although he may attempt a maximum
5) Other Actions - Drivers may attempt other
actions while driving, including combat, tricks and
other approved actions. Note that some such actions
speed push).

- i.e., attempting to trick an opponent by steering
2) Speed Limit Push - The driver may attempt to into an alley and letting him pass by - are performed
increase his vehicle's speed beyond the speed limit using the land vehicles skill, but results are read on
of a given area. If he is already exceeding the limit, the Interaction Results Table as normal.
this is in addition to maintaining the speed he is
74 currently driving.

Vehicle Failure Table

Result Points Result
1 Minimal Failure (vehicle drops 1 speed value, takes 2 shock points)
2 Average Failure (vehicle drops 2 speed values, takes 3 shock points)
3 Average Failure (vehicle drops 2 speed values; minor collision doing 5 shock points)
4 Good Failure (vehicle drops 2 speed values; setback occurs)
5 Good Failure (vehicle drops 3 speed values; takes 1 wound and 5 shock due to
6 Good Failure (vehicle drops 3 speed values; jump on brakes and swerve one car
width to the side [roll: 1-10, left; 11-20, right])
7 Good Failure (vehicle drops 3 speed values; debris totally obscures driver's vision
(-7 to all vehicles totals) until removed or achieve Good success on a maneuver or
other major setback may be substituted at gamemaster's discretion)
8 Superior Failure (driver loses control; vehicle spins. Next turn may be restarted from
speed value 0; takes 6 shock points)
9 Superior Failure (driver must jump on brakes to keep control; drops 5 speed values,
takes 2 shock points)
10 Superior Failure (driver almost loses control; minor collisions with nearby objects
causes 1 wound and 5 shock)
11 Superior Failure (driver loses control; vehicle spins into nearby object or other
vehicle, doing damage value to vehicle and all involved parties)
12 Superior Failure (driver loses control, smacks into object or other vehicle, doing
normal damage to all involved parties)
13 Spectacular Failure (driver loses control, vehicle flips, doing normal damage value
to all involved parties. If driver makes Spectacular success vehicle check on the next
round, vehicle lands on wheels, and if not 'killed' could conceivably be driven away)
14 Spectacular Failure (driver loses control; vehicle spins and flips, bursting into flame;
figure collision damage normally; fire does damage value 15 per round until
15 Spectacular Failure (vehicle hits nearest solid object head-on doing + 10 damage to
all involved parties)

Sample Maneuver Chart

ON Maneuver
10 Cutting across an interstate highway flat grass median at speed value 11. DN+2 for
each value above 11, DN-2 for each value beneath.
10 Bootleg turn at speed value 11. DN+2 for each value above 11, DN-2 for each level
12 Cutting across a highway median with a deep ditch at speed value 10. DN+2 for

each value above 10, DN-2 for each value beneath 10.
Jumping from ramp to ramp or perfectly flat ground, going at speed value 13 or
higher, a distance of 8 (40 meters). DN+4 for each additional distance value. DN-2
for each lesser distance value. DN-3 for each speed value above 13. DN+5 for each m
speed value above 13.
13 Taking a perpendicular road turn-off at speed value 12. DN+4 for each speed value
above 12. DN-2 for each value below 12.

Maneuvers driver's land vehicles skill plus the vehicle's maneu- 75

ver rating. Drivers may make active defenses against
Maneuvers are dangerous stunts that may be ramming, much like an active dodge (see page 78 of
attempted with vehicles, and include such things as the Torg Rulebook), with the minimum bonus num-
high speed U-turns, jumps, ramming other vehicles, ber always being +1.
and blocking other vehicles. Each maneuver has its
own difficulty, and some samples are listed above. Deceleration
Note that the difficulty numbers listed assume good
Sudden deceleration also qualifies as a maneu-
weather - add to the difficulties as appropriate in
ver. To attempt this, generate a land vehicles total
inclement weather (+ 1 in rain, +2 in snow, etc.)
modified by the vehicles maneuver rating against the
push difficulty number of the road's speed value limit.
Ramming Find the number of result points on the Power Push
Ramming is a special kind of maneuver, where Table, under"Speed," and read the positive points as
one vehicle attempts to run directly into another. In negative.
order to ram, a vehicle must have enough movement Example: Rod is traveling at speed value 12on
to pull even with the target vehicle. a road with a speed value limit of 1O. He wishes
The base difficulty to ram a vehicle is the target to decelerate to the speed limit in one round.

This has a difficulty number of 12, and Rod's are chasing a bunch of Nile villains. Third-party
modified land vehicles total to accomplish this encounters may move either with the heroes or
is 14, yielding two result points. This is equal to villains, but are not necessarily allied with either side.
a + 1(3) on the Speed column of the Power In the above example, the police would want to
Push Table - however, since he is decelerat- arrest both groups - assuming they knew about
ing, the result should be read as -1 (3). both groups. However, if they arrest just the heroes,
Rod's slamming on the brakes has reduced the Nile villains will be able to get away and blow up
his speed by one value, and done three shock an important building. Therefore, the police are a
points of damage to his vehicle. third party that could help or hinder the characters.

The gamemaster decides that they will move with the
heroes (On the action line, when side "H" is allowed
Hazards and Obstacles to move).

Hazards and obstacles are two things which can

III Vehicle Combat

affect the progress of a chase. A hazard is an
element which adds to the difficulty of a maneuver-
often it is a a temporary condition, or one present only Inevitably chases lead to shooting at each other or
on one portion of the road. An obstacle can be a more heaving large objects (grenades, rocks, chickens,
permanent element, one whose presence lowers the cows ... anything that's handy). Vehicle combat
76 speed value limit of a road. makes use of the standard combat skills, such as fire
Land vehicles totals are required to avoid a haz- combat and heavy weapons.
ard. Characters may choose to simply decelerate The difficulty number to hit a vehicle or one of its
when approaching obstacles. All hazards have a occupants in combat is based on the following for-
base difficulty (for rounds in which no roll was being mula:
made) as well as modifiers to difficulty numbers of
Target driver's vehicles skill, modified by maneu-
pre-existing land vehicles totals. If a character fails to
ver rating
avoid a hazard or an obstacle, consult either the
"Vehicle Failure Chart" or the rules for crashing + modifier for difficulty of making attack
below, depending on which is appropriate for the + range modifier (see page 77 of the Torg
situation. Rulebook)
Hazards and obstacles can be used to end a + the relative speed value of the two vehicles
chase, or allow one faction to catch the other. They If attacking driver/passenger, add target vehicle's
may also come into play when setbacks occur on the concealability rating
conflict line. Gamemasters should plan beforehand
where on the road characters will encounter hazards If attacking vehicle itself, subtract vehicle's size
andlor obstacles. value
= Difficulty to hit.
Hidden Hazards
Attack Modifiers
Hidden hazards are ones that aren't immediately
obvious in a situation, and effectively happen after Accurately firing a weapon from a moving vehicle
one side has taken its action. The gamemaster is not easy, and so there are difficulty modifiers
should determine hidden hazards based on a loca- attached to the action. They are largely dependent
tion or a "settime," to occur during aspecific turn. Set upon in which your direction you are firing:
time hazards occur simultaneous to one side's move- If you are firing outthe window nearestto you, add
ment, so the players don't realize that the hazard will + 1 to the difficulty to hit.
occur, and therefore the movement difficulties are If you are firing out the opposite window (passen-
much higher than they expect. The gamemaster may ger side if you're the driver), the modifier is DN+2.
allow players to make a Perception check against a If you are firing out the back of the vehicle, the
preset difficulty number to spot hidden hazards. modifier is DN+4.
Hidden hazards could be any of the hazards listed If you are firing forward, the modifier is DN+ 1.
above, rock slides, chain-reaction pile-ups, spilled
oil, etc.
Sample Obstacles
Encounters Speed Limit
Obstacles Modifier
Encounters are new, additional elements that are Road work SL-3
added to a chase, normally joining one side or the Merging traffic SL-2
others. An example of an encounter would be sev- Dust storm SL-3
eral squad cars that begin pursuing the heroes, who

Relative Speed Values faster than another to move over several range
bands in one turn.
Relative speed is how fast vehicles are moving in For a side that gets initiative, they may consider
relationship to each other. To determine relative theirshots to be occurring at the closest range during
speed, find the current speed values of the two their move. If a side gets initiative, but has a much
vehicles involved in the chase. Then find the value of slower vehicle and knows that the opposing side will
the measure of the difference between the two - this be able to close in, shoot and get out of range in the
is the relative speed value. Consult the "Relative same round, the characters may opt to use an
Speed Difficulty Chart" to find the appropriate modi- Opportunity Attack to wait for a better range.
fier. The side that doesn't get initiative is truly at the

Relative Speed Difficulty Chart

mercy of their combatants if the enemy has a much
faster vehicle. Sorry, but that's life. (If
Relative Speed
ON Modifier
Attacking Passengers
Vehicles provide cover to the passengers, the
driver or pilot and cargo that is carried. Vehicles have
listings for various positions: the Concealment is
added to the difficulty to hit the character, while the
Example: Steve is driving at speed value 14 Armor is additional armor protection the target re-
(600 meters per round) and Ed is driving at ceives from the vehicle. Any missed shots are con-
speed value 13 (400 meters per round). The sidered "clean misses," and missed the vehicle en-
difference in the measure 01 these two values tirely.
is 200 meters per round. On the "Torg Value
Chart, " the value 01200 is 12. Consulting the
"Relative Speed Difficulty Chart," a relative Damage
speed value of 12 translates to a +3 modifier to
the difficulty of the shot. Vehicles take damage on the Ord Combat Results
Table. Vehicles don't spontaneously repair damage,
Vehicle Size with the exception of shock. All other damage must
be fixed (see "Vehicle Repairs").
Vehicle size comes into play only if the firer is Vehicles take shock, "K" and Wound results just
targeting the vehicle rather than its driver or passen- like living beings. If a vehicle takes a second K, it just
gers. The vehicle size value can be found in the counts as two more shock points. If a vehicle takes
individual entries or on the "Land Vehicle Chart" in an "0" result before taking a "K", itsimply goes away.
this book. Subtract the size value from the difficulty If it takes an "0" after taking a "K," the vehicle breaks
number of the shot. down.
If a vehicle takes a "Knockdown," it cannot move
for one round. In visual terms, the vehicle spun out,
Taking a Shot temporarily lost power, the steering seized for a few
seconds, or some similar result.
With vehicles travelling as far as they do in one Wounds make a vehicle more difficult to drive and
round, it is quite possible for a vehicle which is much slower. If a vehicle has been wounded, add the
following modifier to all vehicles difficulties (driving,
speeding and maneuvering; other abilities, like com-
Sample Hazards bat, are unaffected) and reduce the maximum speed
Difficulty value of the vehicle.
Hazard Modifier If a vehicle suffers shock damage equal to its
Toughness, it stalls and refuses to start.
Potholes 6/DN+1
Icy patch 8/DN+2
Puddles 6/DN+1
Deer crossing Vehicle Damage Chart
the road 10/DN+4
Car/truck cuts Wound Difficulty Max. Speed
you off 12/DN+4 Level Modifier Value Reduction
Falling tree Wounded +1 o
branch 9/DN+3 Heavy +3 -1
Road debris 7/DN+1 Mortal +5 -2

Mortally wounded vehicles (those that have taken

three wounds) lose one shock point per round while
Vehicle Repairs
they are still running. This indicates the loss of oil, Vehicles may be repaired in three kinds of ways:
transmission and radiator fluid, and other complica- in the shop, in the field (normally on the roadside,
tions due to excessive damage. without proper tools) or on the fly (while the vehicle
A vehicle can heal one point of shock for each is being operated).
round in which it runs at one speed value or more
beneath the speed value limit of the road it is travel-
ing. On the Fly

m A character cannot spend Possibilities to repair

damage to a vehicle in which he is riding.

These kinds of repairs are conducted while the
vehicle is actually moving, and can only be used to fix
extremely minor problems. This includes the realm of

playing with ignition wires, fixing stuck throttles, and
other very basic repairs.
Crashes occur when drivers lose control of their For on-the-fly repairs, make a land vehicles total
vehicle and hit something - hardl The object can be against a difficulty of 15 + 1 per shock point taken by
another vehicle, a wall, a building, a tree or any other the vehicle; +3 if a "K" exists; and plus a modifier
object with enough mass to damage the car and its
78 occupants.
depending upon the number of wounds taken by the
vehicle: +3 if one wound, +5 if two wounds, +7 if three
When a crash occurs, roll a bonus number (rerolling wounds, and +9 if four or more wounds.
on 10's and 20's). This bonus number is applied to The leyel of success determines the level of
every1hing involved in the crash. repair: a Minimal success fixes two shock; if Aver-
Even though every item uses the same bonus age, fixes four shock; if Good, heals fixes six shock;
number, crash damage is figured individually for if Superior, fixes eight shock; if Spectacular, fixes ten
each item involved in the crash (since some items shock. KO's and wounds may not be fixed on the fly.
are heavier than others, and therefore do more Coordinating repairs on the fly has a difficulty of 12
damage to things they hit). (see page 47 of the Torg Rulebook).
To find the crash damage, add the Toughness of
the object struck, the bonus number, and the relative
speed value for the two colliding objects. A vehicle In the Field
uses its Toughness to resist damage.
Result points are applied both to the vehicle and In-the-field repairs are generally much more suc-
the passengers (passengers gain protection from cessful than on-the-fly repairs, but major fixes re-
the armor value of the vehicle as normal.) quire shop work. The difficulty to fix a vehicle is 8 +
1 per shock taken, +3 if a "K" or "KO" result exists,
Ramming plus a modifier based on the number of wounds the
vehicle has taken: +2 if one wound, +4 if two wounds,
If ramming, vehicles are considered to have +6 if three wounds, +7 if four wounds.
crashed, but only at their relative speeds. The target The number of result points is the number of shock
takes full damage, but the ramming vehicle gets a - fixed. A "K" result is fixed if the character gets 10 or
5 modifier to its damage value. more result points. It is impossible to fix wounds
When someone tries to run over a pedestrian or without shop work. As shock are removed, the diffi-
animal (effectively "ramming" them), the base diffi- culty to fix the vehicle should be correspondingly
culty is equal to the character's maneuver skill. lowered. Each "in the field" repair attempt takes one
Characters can actively maneuver to get out of the hour, with a +3 modifier for each time value the
way. A character on a mount (such as a horse), must repairing character tries to save by rushing.
make a beast riding total of 10 to force the animal to
maneuver out of the way.
In the Shop
"Dead Vehicles" and Crashing
In order to fix a vehicle in a shop (with appropriate
When a vehicle is "killed" in combat, the vehicle tools), the difficulty to fix the vehicle is 6 + 1 per shock
often crashes. The driver must make a land vehicles taken, +2 if a "K" or "KO" result exists, plus a modifier
total of 15. If the check is successful, the vehicle based on the number of wounds the vehicle has
merely spins to a halt. However, ilthe check is failed, taken: +2 if one wound, +3 if two wounds, +5 if three
find the level of failure on the "Vehicle Failure Table," wounds, +6 if four or more wounds. The result points
adding +3 to the result points. are the number of shock points healed; for wounds
and KO results, find the result points on the Ord chart
for the "Combat Results Table" and fix the level of
damage indicated.

Shock points and KO results may be fixed "in the Making Things Worse
shop" in one minute, but all wound results require at
least one hour of work. Look on the chart below: It has happened to everyone: a vehicle is sent to
the garage, and upon its return, the problem hasn't
Wound Repair Chart been fixed, and now there is something new that has
gone wrong with it. if any repair roll is missed by 5 or
Wound Level Repair Time more, the gamemaster generates a new bonus num-
ber (roll again on 10s and 20s) - find the bonus on
Wounded 1 hour (value 18) the Ord Combat Results Table and add the damage

Heavy 6 hours (value 22) to reflect that the mechanic/character actually made
Mortal 15 hours (value 24)
the situation worse!
Dead 25 hours (value 25)

Repair times may be reduced by coordinating


actions (see page 47 of the Torg Rulebook) , with the Jury-rigged repairs are subject to breakdowns if
difficulty to coordinate being 8 (for each character the character doesn't treat the vehicle in the most
coordinated, reduce the time value by one). Charac- gingerly manner. If a vehicle has ,~ny jury-~igged
ters may also attempt to speed repairs: add +3 to the repairs and the character rolls a "1, the repairs fall
difficulty for each time value "saved." and the vehicle sputters to a halt (this happens
regardless of whether or not the driver or pilot discon- 79
nected by rolling a "1.")
From The People Who Brought You PARANOIA®!

Based On The

10rg ®, 1M & © 1992 West End Games. Adventure Comics is adivision of Malibu Graphics Publishing Group.

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