UCU-HBO MOdule 1
UCU-HBO MOdule 1
UCU-HBO MOdule 1
At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:
Definition of human behavior;
Identify Organizational goal;
Explain the benefits of studying organizational behavior (OB);
Brief history of Organizational Behavior; and
Explore on the Ethics and organizational behavior
For so long, manmade serious attempts to be productive, economic or otherwise.
He did it either individually or in group. In his quest for fulfilling his dreams, he is
always confronted with the risk of failure, and the risk is most often associated with th e
human factor, i.e., him and the others. Even if it was a machine that disrupted the production
process, the person who decided to buy or use the machine faces the risk of placing
his character under suspicion.
It has become clear that the quality and quantity of the output of the individual,
the group, or the organization depend heavily on the actions of the person. It follows
that those who have knowledge of human behavior are better equipped to interact with
individuals, groups, or organization.
With his thoughts,
feelings, emotions, Sentiments
Figure 1
The Places Where the Person Exhibit His Behavior
In explaining behavior as a goal, OB needs to systematically describe how people behave under a variety of
conditions, and understand why people behave as they do.
OB must be used to predict behavior so support can be provided to productive and dedicated employees,
and measures could be instituted to control the disrupted and productive ones.
OB can offer some means for management to control the behavior of employees. As control is an important
component of effective performance, the usefulness of OB must have overlooked.
The Elements of OB
1. people
2. structure
3. technology
4. environment
Technology refers to the combination of resources, knowledge and techniques with which people
work and affect the task that they perform. It consists of buildings, machines, work processes, and
assembled resources.
Environment refers to institutions or forces outside the organization that potentially affect the organization's
performance. It includes suppliers, customers, competitors, government regulatory agencies, public pressure groups,
and the like.
A person who is much adept in the performance of his work may be successful up to a certain extent, but he
will require another skill to make other people believe that he should be more successful than his current achievement.
An example is the dentist who is well-trained in his discipline but is avoided by many would-be patients. It is not
surprising to see a number of dentists with insufficient number of patients. Many of these dentists would benefit from
acquiring people skills through the study of OB.
Another example is the group of highly productive employees who complain that they are always bypassed in
promotions. Studying OB may help them find answers to their queries.
Personal Growth
Personal growth makes a person highly competitive in the workplace. The chance to achieve personal growth is
enhanced by knowledge of OB. For instance, knowledge of the behavior of others through the study of OB will help the
person understand his own behavior. A person who strives to know himself better is entering the realm of intrapersonal
intelligence, which is a very useful type of intelligence for one who wants to achieve his personal goals.
Intrapersonal thinking may be described briefly as one possessed by a person with highly accurate understanding of
himself or herself.
It is modern history, however, that provide us with records of how concerned scientists and experts
made studies which have direct or indirect bearing to OB.
The origins of OB can be traced to the following:
1. the human relations approach
a. the scientific management approach by Frederick W. Taylor
b. the human relations approach by Elton Mayo and others
2. the personality theories
a. Freud's model
b• the behaviorist approach by Watson and Skinner
c. the humanist approach by Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls, and Abraham Maslow
Frederick W. Taylor was the well-known disciple of the scientific management movement. The primary
purpose of scientific management was the application of scientific methods to increase the individual worker s
productivity. Taylor used scientific analysis and experiment to increase worker output. He did it by regarding
individuals as equivalents of machine parts and assigned them specific repetitive tasks.
Elton Mayo and his research team conducted the Hawthorne studies in 1920 to determine what effect hours of
work, periods of rests and lighting might have on worker fatigue and productivity. It was discovered that the social
environment has an equivalent if not greater effect on productivity than the physical environment. Mayo concluded that social
interaction is a factor for increased productivity.
Another group of researchers espoused the personality theories and made significant contributions to the development
of OB.
A great contributor is the psychologist Sigmund Freud who brought the idea that people are motivated by far
more than conscious logical reasoning. Freud believed that irrational motives make up the hidden subconscious mind,
which determines the major part of people's behavior.
Through an approach called behaviorism, another eminent psychologist, J.B. Watson, formulated the theory
about learned behavior. This theory indicates that a person can be trained to behave according to the wish of the trainer.
B.F. Skinner extended Watson's theory with his own theory of behavior modification. Skinner concluded that when
people receive a positive stimulus like money or praise for what they have done, they will tend to repeat their behavior. When
they are ignored and receive no response to the action, they will not be inclined to repeat it.
The humanist movement is another important aspect in the development of OB. It is composed of a group of
psychologists and three prominent contributors — Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls, and Abraham Maslow.
Rogers focused on the person as an individual instead of adhering to a rigid methodology. He believes that people should
acquire their own values and attitudes rather than be committed to a fixed set of prescribed goals. The more self-directed
and aware people are, the better they are able to develop their own individual values and adapt to a changing environment.
Fritz Perls' contribution is the Gestalt psychology wherein the person is seen as being plagued by
numerous split, or conflicting desires and needs, which dissipate energy and interfere with that
person's ability to achieve his potential. The object of Gestalt psychology is to integrate conflicting needs
into an organized whole, in which all parts of a person work together towards growth and development.
For his part, Abraham Maslow forwarded his model which espouses the idea of developing the
personality toward the ultimate achievement of human potential. This process is referred to as self-actualization. To
achieve this objective, the person must work his way Up the succeeding steps of a hierarchy of needs.
What is Ethics
Ethics refers to the set of moral choices a person makes based on what he or she out do
Organizational Ethics. This are moral principles that define right or wrong behavior in organization.
Ethical Behavior. This refers to behavior that is accepted as morally “good” and “right” as opposed to
“bad” and “wrong”
What constitute right and wrong behavior in organization is determined by:
1. The public
2. Interest groups
3. Organization
4. The individual’s personal morals and values
Ethics Issues
There are important ethical issues that confront organizations. They consist of the following:
1. Conflict of interest
- When a person is in the position of having to decide whether to advance the interest of the organization or to
operate in his or her own personal interests.
2. Fairness and honesty
- People in organizations are expected to be fair and honest.
3. Communication
4. Relationship within the organization
Questions for Review and Discussion
1. Why is the prediction of behavior an important goal of OB?
2. What are the components of the internal social system of the organization
3. How may technology be described as an element of OB.
4. What benefits may be derived from studying OB?
5. What is the specific contribution of Frederick Taylor to the development of OB.
6. In Freud’s opinion, what determines the major part of people’s behavior?
7. What may be expected of a society with low regard for morals?
8. When does “conflict of interest’ exist?
For Research
Prepare a five-page report on the contribution of Abraham Maslow to OB
Case Study
Mr. Francisco Bundoc is a successful businessman who operates a chain of restaurant in Central Luzon. He resides in
the capital city of his province and is the current president of the local chapter of a civic organization. He has been recently
appointed member of the board of regents of a state university representing the community as prominent citizen. The university has
campuses in various towns of the province where he lives.
In the meetings held monthly by the board of regents, Mr. Bundoc acted as the champion of the students' cause. When
the university president, Dr. H.C. Agao, proposed an increase in tuition, Mr. Bundoc opposed it, even tried to personally convince
the other members of the board to do the same. The proposal was rejected by a majority vote.
Not accustomed to accepting defeat, Dr. Agao devised a way to make Mr. Bundoc submit to his wishes. He befriended
the wife of Mr. Bundoc and insinuated to her that she can do business with the university through catering services. Mrs. Bundoc
agreed and soon she became the sole food caterer to most of the meetings and parties held at the university. The arrangement
proved to be a lucrative source of income for Mrs. Bundoc.
Every time that she had the opportunity, she told her husband - the importance of maintaining good relationship with Dr.
Agao. Soon, Mr. Bundoc's stand as opposition in the board softened. He became more accommodating to the proposals presented
by Dr. Agao.
Question: Is there anything wrong with the actions of the three personalities in this case? Elaborate your answer.
People exhibit certain behavior in and out of organizations. The realization of individual,
group, or organizational goals will depend on the human factor, specifically human behavior.
The benefits of studying OB are: (1) the development of people skills; (2) personal growth;
(3) enhancement of organization and individual effectiveness; and (4) sharpening and refinement of
common sense.
If the organization is expected to survive, its actions must be in consonance with ethical
Lesson An overview of human behavior in organization
Lesson https://www.slideshare.net/rajasshrie1/chapter-1-ob-38248150