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Ulang Kaji MTES 3043

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Masa antara tarikh :

Setengah tahun = 2
Suku tahun = 4
Setiap bulan = 12
Setiap hari = 365
Tempoh tepat setahun (exact time) = 365 用来找 faedah tepat

Tempoh anggaran setahun (approximate time) = 360 用来找 faedah biasa

Formula (Jumlah pinjaman/nilai matang/maturity value)

S = P (1+rt)

Faedah mudah (simple interest)


Faedah Kompaun (compound interest)

FV = PV (1+i)n

FV = Nilai masa hadapan (Future value)

PV = Nilai kini (Present value)
I = kadar faedah setahun (interest rate anually)
N = bil. Tahun

Lebih dari sekali dari setahun: (over one time from a year)
i nm
FV = PV (1+ )

Differences between compounding and Discounting

Compounding Discounting
Proses change from present value to future Proses change from future value to present
value value
Cause future value increase, rate increases Causes present value decrease, rate

Kadar faedah efektif (Effective interest rate)

i m
R = (1+ ) –1
r = kadar faedah efektif
I = kadar faedah setahun / kadar norminal (norminal interest rate)
M = kekerapan kompaun setahun (number of period)

Lebih kerap faedah dikompaun, lebih tinggi nilai depan sesuatu amaun.
Secara tahunan, kadar norminal = kadar efektif (effective rate)
Uses :
1. for savings or investment products, such as a certificate of deposit. Since any loan is an investment
product for the lender, the terms may be used to apply to the same transaction, depending on the point
of view.
2. may be calculated or applied differently depending on the circumstances, and the definition should be
studied carefully.

Anuiti (Annuity)
1. Anuiti Biasa (Ordinary annuity) = anuiti serta-merta (immediately annuity)
a. Bayaran dibuat pd setiap akhir masa faedah kompaun
b. Pembayaran pendapatan bermula dlm 12 bln slps dibeli
c. Cth : Cukai tanah, pembayaran balik pinyaman bank
2. Anuiti Matang (Annuity due) = Anuiti cukup tempoh
a. Bayaran dibuat pd awal masa faedah
b. Cth : bayaran sewa rumah, dibayar sblm menduduk premis
3. Anuiti tertunda 没有按时还利息
a. Pembayaran pendapatan bermula >12 bln slps dibeli (blh bayar sekali gus / membuat satu
siri bayaran berkala sehingga persaraan)
b. Bayaran pertama dibuat slps selang masa penangguhan
4. Anuiti serta-merta (immediately annuity)

R = bayaran berkala setiap tempoh

i = kadar faedah kompaun setiap tempoh
n = bil. Tempoh bayaran

FVn (Annuity Due) = PMT (FVIFAi,n)(1 +i)

Pelunasan Pinjaman
1. Kaedah bayar balik pinjaman
a. Pembayaran tunggal pd hujung tempoh pinjaman (最后才一次过还钱)
b. Pembayaran faedah sahaja secara berkala (每个月只还利息)
c. Pembayaran berkala secara uniform (konsep anuiti serta-merta)
2. Pelunasan pinjaman

Pemilihan pelaburan (investment evaluation)

Projek bebas = penerimaan & penyingkiran projek tidak memberi kesan kpd projek lain
Projek esklusif = penerimaan sst projek memberi kesan kpd penerimaan & penyingkiran projek lain

Kaedah penilaian : (Evaluation method)

1. Nilai kini bersih (NPV) Net Present Value

CF n
NPV = t
−CF 0
(1+k )
CF n =Aliran Tunaitambahan tahunan selepas cukai (net cash inflow during the period)
CF 0 =Pelaburan Awal (initial investment)
k =Kos modal projek (cost modal)
n=Hayat projek (number of time periods)

Definition = difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cah
outflows over a period of times.

Projek diterima jika NPV = +ve , projek ditolak jika NPV = -ve
Jika NPV =0 , aliran tunai hanya cukup utk menampung modal yg dikeluarkan


Tahun / Aliran Tunai / Diskaun / Nilai Kini /

Year Cash Inflows Discounting factors present value
(n) (RM) (r1 = 15%) (RM)
0 -200 000 1.000 -200 000
1 100 000 0.870 87 000
2 80 000 0.756 60 480
3 60 000 0.658 39 480
4 40 000 0.572 22 800
5 20 000 0.497 9 940
NPVA = 19 780

Nilai Kini (RM )= AliranTunai × Diskaun( %)

NPV =Jumlah Nilai Kini


100 000 80 000 60 000 40 000 20 000

[ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
( 1+ 0.15 ) ( 1+ 0.15 ) ( 1+0.15 ) ( 1+0.15 ) ( 1+0.15 )5
−200 000
¿ ( 86956.52+60491.49+39450.97+22870.13+ 9943.53 )−200 000

¿ 219712.64−200 000

¿ RM 19 712.64

2. Kadar pulangan dalaman, IRR (Internal of Return)

IRR : kadar diskaun yg memberi NPV=0

IRR=NPV + ( )
( r −r )
NPV + NPV 1 2 1

NPV =NPV pada kadar diskaunrendah

NPV 1 =NPV pada kadar diskaun tinggi(tandanegatif tidak diambil kira)
r 1=kadar diskaunrendah (low discount rate)
r 2=kadar diskauntinggi

3. Tempoh bayar balik (Payback Peroid)

Definition = the amount of time it takes to recover the cost of an investment
Shorter paybacks period = more attractive investments

4. Nisbah kos Faedah (Benefit-Cost Ratio)

Used in cost-benefit analysis to sumerize overall relationship between the relative costs & benefits
of project
BCR > 1.0 = NPV +ve
Jumlah faedah
Nisbah kos faedah=

5. Pulangan ke atas Pelaburan

Jumlah Faedah−Pelaburan Awal
Keuntungan Atas Purata ( KTP ) =
Pulangan Atas Pelaburan( ROI )= ×100 %
Pelaburan Awal

ROI = Return On Investment

Inflasi = keadaan kenaikan harga umum dlm ekonomi secara berterusan

Kadar Inflasi (KI) – Inflation rate

(CPI x+1 – CPIx) / CPIx

Indeks Harga Pengguna (CPI) – Consumer Price Index

Real Rate of Return / Real Rate of Interest

Kadar Pulangan Sebenar = (1+kadar nominal / 1 + kadar inflasi) - 1

Bon = kontrak bertulis antara peminjam & pemberi pinjaman (pemegang bon)
- Menyatakan peminjam berjanji utk membayar dlm tarikh yg ditentukan
- Membuat bayaran faedah yg ditentukan
- Akan dinyata dlm bon 法案
- Harga belian bon =

All formula = pg 140 – 143

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