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Mill liner solutions

Productivity enhancement
from comprehensive

A complete solution
for your operation
Mining businesses need to be able to rely on productive milling
operations, built on today’s most advanced equipment and expert
process know-how. FLSmidth serves the global mining industry
as a leading original equipment manufacturer (OEM) supplier
of engineering, equipment and service solutions. Today’s mill-
liner customers depend on FLSmidth for safe, efficient milling
equipment solutions. Our range of proven mill liners is ideal for
the full scope of mill brands currently available in the market.

Key benefits
Superior wear protection range of materials — including rubber, cast steel and composite
Designed to break raw materials down into usable product, few options — FLSmidth mill liners offer industry leading wear protection
■ ■ ■ pieces of mining equipment are exposed to as consistently intense for your SAG and ball mills. And, by incorporating unique geometric
Increased productivity Improved throughput Safer maintenance wear as mills. Mill liners help protect those mills, by providing a shield designs, these liners empower you to improve your equipment
Encompassing solutions derived from Optimised highly durable lower weight Lighter mill liners with fewer parts allow against the internal stresses that have been known to tear equipment performance, processing more raw materials and allowing for finer
expert process-knowhow, advanced mill liners allow for increased grinding for a less complex, less time-consuming apart from the inside. But liners only take so much punishment, grinding than traditional options.
equipment, and complete service. capacity and for your equipment to and much safer maintenance process. and when they wear out, maintenance, replacement costs and
process more tonnes of material. productivity-reducing equipment downtime are the natural result. Customised solutions
In mining, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Your business is
FLSmidth has the answer. As a complete supplier of mill liner unique, and so is the equipment it relies on. Our mill liners are
products and services, we offer optimised mill liner solutions to designed with this reality in mind.
■ ■ ■ fit any materials or applications. Including customised and ready-
Optimised milling circuit Reduced energy costs Additional uptime made solutions, our range of durable, high-quality liners give your Every FLSmidth mill liner solution is optimised to your unique
Full system efficiency with Overall energy expenditure is Highly durable mill liners allow equipment the wear protection it needs to continue operating at equipment needs. Whether that means finding the right liner, or
an improved process. reduced with low weight mill liners. for extended periods between peak efficiently, day after day, tonne after tonne. customising one specifically to your operation, you’ll be able to
scheduled maintenance times. operate secure in the knowledge that you’re giving your machinery
Cutting-edge technologies the best possible protection. With solutions designed specifically for
To optimise your equipment life and improve throughput, we employ you, we ensure that you get more out of your mills, so you get more
the latest in material sciences and engineering. Incorporating a out of your investment.
Options to fit
any need
Mill liners fill a basic role: to protect your mills from the intense
wear and tear that comes from grinding down hard, raw
materials. But even if they all do the same job, not all mill liners
are created equal. From the abrasion resistance of rubber to the
impact resistance of steel, different material parts offer different
advantages. FLSmidth supplies the full range of mill liners
options, including composite, steel and rubber liner solutions.

Composite Steel
For top performance across a range of applications, FLSmidth Surpassed only by composite mill liners, steel mill liners offer
PulpMax™ Composite Mill Liners are a best-of-both-worlds approach. high-quality impact wear protection in both SAG and ball mills. By
These liners offer a longer use life than other options on the market, incorporating different alloys into the steel mill liners, We tailor the
incorporating a unique matrix of rubber, steel and ceramic. By mill liner solution to fit specific customer applications. And, with Feedheads Shells
significantly reducing downtime and allowing for increased through- casting services available regionally around the globe, We optimise For SAG mills. Available in rubber-and-hot-rolled-steel composite For SAG mills. Available in rubber-and-hot-rolled-steel composite
put, PulpMax Composite Mill Liners offer a return on investment your supply chain to improve your logistics, cut down on lead times and cast steel; optimised around improving equipment life. and cast steel; optimised around improving performance and
unmatched by single material liners, and are an effective wear and save you money on transportation costs. equipment life.
solution in all SAG and ball mills.
Rubber liners are ideal for combating wear from abrasion grinding.
Rubber liners are generally a less expensive solution, and are read-
PULPMAX COMPOSITE MILL LINERS ily available throughout the world. Rubber liners are most commonly
used in smaller operations, typically found in ball mills smaller than
22 feet (6.5 metres) in diameter. Rubber mill liners are a reliable,
ON AVERAGE 50% REDUCTION IN WEIGHT standard solution that can be designed to fit most applications.

Expert recommendations
Each material comes with its own advantages and best practices,
and each milling operation faces its own unique challenges.
ENGINEERED FOR INCREASED THROUGHPUT FLSmidth will help you choose the best mill liner materials to fit your
needs. Whether your goals are to cut costs, reduce energy spend,
improve throughput, reduce downtime or all of the above, We have
the mill liners — and the expertise — to help make it happen.

For SAG mills. Available in rubber-steel-ceramic composite and
cast steel; optimised around improving throughput efficiency.
Everything working together Every piece of the big picture
To get the most out of your operation, you need every part of it func- When it comes to most mill liner suppliers, expertise begins and
tioning optimally and working together seamlessly. We help make ends with the liners themselves. But there’s more to mills than just

We understand the processes that happen. Working closely with you and your machinery, on-site,
FLSmidth experts will help you improve your processes and identify
potential issues before they become problems. We’ll also help
the liners. And, with potentially large sums of money riding on the
efficiency and effectiveness of your mills, liner expertise by itself just
isn’t enough. That’s why FLSmidth takes things further.

that drive your business you optimise your comminution circuits for best possible energy
efficiency. The end result? Everything comes together to improve
your productivity, reduce downtime and cut energy costs.
As a complete OEM supplier of mills and mill parts, FLSmidth em-
ploys experts who understand mill equipment and processes inside
and out. That means that rather than focus on only one part of the
The profits are in the details equation, our experts take a holistic view of the entire mill and how
As an OEM manufacturer of mills and mill equipment, we have an Improving processes is your key to achieving the best possible it’s working with the rest of the comminution circuit. You get actual,
in-depth understanding of the milling process. Our experience return on investment (ROI). And, when it comes to optimising your complete solutions, rather than short-term fixes.
and know-how help you optimise your entire milling circuit. milling processes, FLSmidth on-site experts leave no stone un-
turned. Perfect your operation with an FLSmidth on-site visit, where When you invest in FLSmidth mill liners, you get more than just a
we evaluate and offer knowledgeable recommendations related to: premier product; you get process know-how and expertise earned
■■ Product feed size from working with mining sites around the globe.
■■ Tonnage

■■ Equipment settings Globally backed; regionally present — FLSmidth brings world-class

■■ Slurry density process knowledge directly to your site.
■■ Mill speed

■■ Operational setpoints

Composite materials
Rubber and hardened steel highly resistant to
inserts make a lighter and abrasion and impact
Specially selected geometry to longer-lasting part
ensure proper comminution Designs vetted through
and power draw. multiple simulations to select
the most effective mechanical
and material design

Iterative process to refine

and improve designs best Increased capacity
suited for each customers with optimised design
mill and application.

Extended wear life through

the use of engineered
ceramic matrix

Operational support to select

appropriate ramp-up curves FLSmidth field experts use 3D scanning
and equipment settings technology to identify the critical wear areas
to calculate and extend the wear life.
Liners are only
the beginning
There are many suppliers of mill liners on the market, but only
FLSmidth offers a complete range of value-added services to
back up our products. This is one of the core differentiators
that sets FLSmidth apart as a leader in the market.

Relining services On-site services 3D scanning SAGwise™ total process control

When it comes time to replace you mill liners, every second of Expertise is something that’s best shared face to face. That’s why To understand how your mills are wearing — and how to best SAG mills walk a tightrope of loading efficiency. On the one side,
downtime can mean significant loss in profits. Our reline services we come to you. FLSmidth on-site services allow us to put boots on protect them — you need to go deeper. FLSmidth’s 3D scanning overloaded mills mean inefficient ore reduction, naturally leading to
help ensure that your equipment is back up and running as quickly the ground, with regional product specialists ready to visit your site services make it all possible. increased energy consumption. On the other side, an underloaded
as possible. We offer regionally based full-reline services and and put your milling operation under a microscope. These services SAG mill leads to an increase in critical impacts, causing damage
maintenance support. These services include assistance and include: In this process, a 3D scanner is inserted into the mill chamber. to critical media and mill liners, and resulting in costly repairs and
recommendations for: ■■ 3D scanning The scanner creates a complete, 360°, three-dimensional map of downtime. With our SAGwise™ total process control system, you can
■■ Planning ■■ Wear measurements and maintenance forecasts the existing liners and the entire interior of your mill. This map of keep your mills operating optimally, always.
■■ Inventory control ■■ Inventory control the worn liners is compared to scans of new liners. Differences
■■ Installation ■■ Detailed site and technical reports between the two scans are used to identify where and how the mill The SAGwise system sensors relay detailed operational data to in-
■■ Maintenance is experiencing wear. The analysis includes up to 50 million data telligent software, which analyzes the information and automatically
■■ Follow up Avoid unforeseen downtime and prevent failures before they occur. points. This information is incredibly detailed and reliable, and can adjusts feed, speed and pulp density to compensate. With SAGwise,
Our on-site services give regional experts a chance to get into your be used to gauge wearing trends, inform operating practices and you’ll enjoy the best possible energy consumptions and throughput,
mill and see exactly what’s happening and why. We then distill our accurately project wear life. while significantly reducing wear and downtime.
findings down into comprehensive reports designed to give you the
kind of insight that only comes from having experts on-site. With this data, we generate a comprehensive report for you, SAGwise total process control optimises your mill efficiency. SAG-
detailing equipment life estimations, shutdown planning and oppor- wise can reduce your mill power usage by as much as 6%, and cut
Laboratory services tunities for improvements in your operating procedures. We then the number of critical impacts nearly in half. Whether your SAG mill
Get quality data to build the cornerstone of proper flowsheet use discrete element method (DEM) software to simulate potential is old or new, and whether or not it was manufactured by FLSmidth,
design and optimisation projects. As a partner in your productivity, optimisations and other changes. And as the only supplier of mills the SAGwise process control solution will help you get the most out
FLSmidth Minerals Testing and Research Center and local FLSmidth as well as mill liners, we provide advisory services and audits to of your equipment.
testing center services extend to: help you improve productivity throughout your operation.
■■ Complete in-plant consultations

■■ Plant surveys

■■ Grade and recovery optimisation

■■ Ore characterisation

■■ Comminution evaluation

We follow a proven methodology with our lab services and provide

you with a full report detailing our findings, suggestions and techni-
cal recommendations.

Key service benefits

■ ■ ■
Increased productivity Improved safety Optimised equipment and processes
SAGwise™ audio sensors listen for and identify critical impacts,
and relay that information to software designed to automatically
adjust equipment settings to compensate.
Your partner in
productivity Optimise your milling operation

As your partner in productivity, we are fully committed to helping Our experts are ready to help.
your operation grow. That means providing you with reliable Contact them at:
products, valuable services and innovative support options.

Good enough is never good enough The right foundation

We operate under the belief that no matter how effective a product Our solutions are based on process and operational know-how
or solution is, there’s always room for improvement. That is why gained from designing and supplying minerals plants around the
we’re always looking for better ways to solve your problems. This globe. We look forward to working with you to optimise your milling
constant innovation allows us to provide the best possible service, operations, and providing you with the expert personnel and ser-
every time. vice offerings for a complete solution, customised to your business.
Explore our liner and process
Your success is our success With your needs as our starting point, together we bring the best analysis services
FLSmidth is a full equipment and service supplier, but we’re also possible solutions to light.
much more. We’re your partner, and we are invested in your flsmidth.io/mill-liners
success. That means we stand ready to provide the equipment,
software and advisory services to help your plant achieve its full
potential. With FLSmidth mill liners and liner solutions, not only do
you receive all of the benefits that come from working with the
original equipment manufacturer (OEM), you also have the backing
of a global market-leading company that is committed to your goals.

Minerals Technology Center

FLSmidth Inc.
7158 S. FLSmidth Drive
Tel: +1 801 871 7000
Fax: +1 801 871 7001
Learn from our experts
Midvale, UT 84047-5559 E-mail: info.slc@flsmidth.com
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Copyright © 2019 FLSmidth A/S. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FLSmidth is a registered trademark
of FLSmidth A/S. PulpMax is a trademark of FLSmidth A/S. This brochure makes no offers,
representations or warranties (express or implied), and information and data contained in this
brochure are for general reference only and may change at any time.
Bringing better
solutions to light
in the cement and
mining industries

The future is full of possibilities and you are leading the way. But it’s never
a straight journey and it’s easy to lose sight of true potential. With an ally
by your side who shares your ambitions and who sees your world from
different angles, we will find the right way together.

For more than 135 years, we have challenged conventions and explored
opportunities. Across more than 50 countries, we are 13,000 employees
who combine our unique process-knowledge on projects, products and
services to drive success. We develop the most advanced technology in our
industries and offer market-leading product and service ranges.

Rooted in Danish values, we employ our knowledge and experience to

navigate your complexity and bring better solutions to light. So no matter
where in the world you are, we are here to help you discover new ground
and achieve sustainable productivity enhancement.

We are the market-leading supplier of engineering, equipment and service

solutions to customers in the global mining and cement industries.

We discover potential.

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