Iba Medical Insurance 2020-21
Iba Medical Insurance 2020-21
Iba Medical Insurance 2020-21
Sub: Renewal of IBA Group Health Insurance Scheme for Retirees for
the year 2020-21
1. M/s National Insurance Company is the Insurer for the IBA Group Health Insurance
Policy for Retirees for the year 2020-21. M/s MDIndia Health Insurance TPA Pvt Ltd is
the Third Party Administrator for administering the Retirees’ Policy.
2. All such eligible retirees/spouses of the deceased ex-employees who have not opted
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for IBA Group Health Insurance Policy for retirees till last year and such eligible
Retirees / spouses of the deceased ex-employees who have opted earlier and
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discontinued subsequently can opt now for the present policy of retirees for the year
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3. The compulsory retired employees can also join the IBA Group Health Insurance
Scheme from the year 2020-21.
4. The existing retirees covered under the policy, who are covered under With
Domiciliary (OPD) policy may switch over to Without Domiciliary Cover and vice
5. Retirees who are covered under existing Retirees' policy but not opted for super top
up policy last year can join the Super Top up policy on renewal.
6. Introduction of graded Sum Insured amount for both Base Policy and Top up policy.
However Super Top up policy is only available to Retirees who opt for 3 lakhs and 4
This is for the attention of the retirees and spouses of deceased employees/ retirees who
have joined the IBA Group Medical Insurance Scheme by exercising option, those Employees
who have retired during the Serving Employees’ Policy period of 2018-19 i.e. from 01.10.2018
to 30.09.2019, those eligible retirees/spouses of the deceased ex-employees who have not
opted for IBA Group Health Insurance Policy for retirees till last year and such eligible
Retirees / spouses of the deceased ex-employees who have opted earlier and discontinued
subsequently and the Compulsorily Retired employees.
The IBA Group Medical Insurance Policy for Retirees is due for renewal as on 01.11.2020 and
now M/s National Insurance Company has advised the premium payable for the renewal of the
policy. Further, M/s National Insurance Company has also informed that the “Super Top-Up
Policy without Domiciliary Cover” has been continued as an optional on paying additional
premium this year also. Also graded sum insured has been introduced for both base policy
and super top up policy.
The retirees and spouses of deceased employees/ retirees who are renewing the policy may
avail the benefit of the same, if they desire so. Also retirees those who had not opted earlier
for super top policy without domiciliary cover may opt for the same, by paying the additional
top up premium.
Retiree Option-I (Without domiciliary for Retired officers):
The policy will be renewed for a further period of one year i.e. from 01.11.2020 to
The details of premium for “Super Top up Policy without Domiciliary Cover” as communicated
by M/s National Insurance Company, is as under:
Super Top up policy is only available to Retired Award staff who opt 3 lacs and Retired
Officers who opt 4 lacs Sum Insured in Base Retirees Policy.
Award Staff can opt for 1 lac to 4 lacs Sum Insured in Super Top up policy; however officer
can choose any sum insured from 1 lac to 5 lacs in Super Top up Policy.
4,00,000 5243 3146
3,00,000 4194 2517
2,00,000 3408 2045
1,00,000 2097 1258
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For Retired Award Staff: :4
Sum Insured Family Floater Single Person
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As per the Policy Terms provided by M/s National Insurance Company Ltd, the Room Rent
a. For Sum Insured 1 lacs and 2 Lacs: Room Rent per day shall be payable up to 1.5% of
Sum Insured and ICU charges per day shall be payable up to 2% of Sum Insured.
b. For Sum Insured 3 lacs and 4 lacs: Room rent per day shall be payable up to Rs.5000/-
The retirees and spouses of the deceased employees/ retirees who opt for “Super Top Up
Policy” shall note that same will not cover Domiciliary (OPD) Treatment under any
Further, the commencement date of the “Super Top up Policy without Domiciliary Cover” if
opted, shall start from 1st November 2020 along with the main policy.
Retirees who are covered under existing Retirees’ Policy but not opted for super top up policy
last year can join the super top up policy this year by paying the requisite premium along with
renewal premium.
Existing retirees and spouses of deceased employees/ retirees who are covered under “With
Domiciliary (OPD) Cover” for the year 2019-20 which is expiring on 31.10.2020 are allowed to
switch over to “Without Domiciliary Cover” if they desire so.
Also, option to switch over to “With Domiciliary (OPD) Cover” is also available to such retirees
and spouses of deceased employees/ retirees who had opted for “Without Domiciliary Cover”
for the year 2019-20 which is expiring on 31.10.2020.
It shall be noted that the existing employees who retired from 01.10.2019 to 30.09.2020 /
spouses of deceased employees who expired on or after 01.10.2019 were given option to
exercise their option to “With Domiciliary Policy” if they so wish, at the time of paying pro-
rata premium as per HO Circular 656/2020 dated 31.08.2020. Also Retirees who have not
joined the IBA Group Medical Insurance Policy for Retirees by paying one month pro rata
premium, can join IBA Group Medical Insurance Retirees’ Policy 2020-21 starting from
01.11.2020, by paying renewal premium.
4. Other conditions:
a. All such eligible retirees/spouses of the deceased ex-employees who have not opted for
IBA Group Health Insurance Policy for retirees till last year and such eligible Retirees /
spouses of the deceased ex-employees who have opted earlier and discontinued
subsequently can opt now for the present policy of retirees for the year 2020-21.
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b. The compulsory retired employees can join the IBA Group Health Insurance Scheme from
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the year 2020-21. :4
The National Insurance Company has introduced graded sum insured amount for both Base
Policy and Super Top Up policy. However, Super Top up policy is only available to such of
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those retirees who opt for 3 lakhs and 4 lakhs sum insured under Base Retirees’ Policy.
The following conditions put forth by the Insurance Company:
Officers can opt for any sum insured from 1 lakh to 4 lakhs in Base policy.
Award staff can opt for any sum insured from 1 lakh to 3 lakhs in Base policy.
Super Top up policy is only available to Retirees who opt for Rs.3 lakhs and
Award staff can opt for any sum insured from 1 lakh to 4 lakhs in Super Top Up
d. M/s National Insurance Company has informed that “Under Option 2” domiciliary
treatment expenses reimbursement is covered upto Rs.30,000/- for workman retirees and
spouses of such deceased employees/ retirees and upto Rs. 40,000/- for retired officers/
spouses of deceased officers / retired officers, i.e., 10% of Base Policy Sum Insured opted
is available to even for such of those who have opted for Single person premium rate.
e. Once the options are submitted and premium is remitted there shall not be any change in
option, no option change will be allowed. After 1st November 2020, in case of
cancellation of policy the refund would be strictly as per cancellation clause of the Policy
provided by the Insurance Company.
The eligible retirees and spouses of the deceased employees/ retirees shall fill the
Annexure as per their option and submit to any nearby branch within the last date
stipulated i.e., on or before 22.10.2020.
On submission of the Annexure to the branch, the same will be fed by the
branches in an house soft-ware package (application) which will be available at all
the branches, and the options as mentioned by the retiree in the Annexure will be
fed in the package. After completion of the submission of the option in the
package, a print out of the same will be provided to the retiree by the branch and
an acknowledgement of the same will be taken by the branch in the copy
maintained by them.
The retirees who are unable to go directly to any nearby branch, shall sent the
filled Annexure by post to a nearby branch and on submission of the option as
chosen by the retiree in the package, an SMS will be send to the respective retiree
for confirmation of the uploading of the details in the package.
The said in house portal will be available in all the branches from 14.10.2020.
Further we are also exploring the possibility of a web-based application for
receiving the options which will be hosted in our Bank’s website shortly so as to
avoid the retirees coming outside in this COVID-19 atmosphere and the said
information will be given to the retirees once the application is made live.
g. The Insurance Premium will be debited on 28.10.2020. As such retirees are requested to
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maintain sufficient balance in their accounts on the said date.
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Further, it is advised that retirees / spouses shall inform the respective in the branches
to tick the appropriate columns in the option format available in the system, a model of
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i. In case the retirees and spouses of deceased employees/ retirees who do not submit the
option for the renewal of the policy for the year 2020-21, it shall be presumed that they
are not interested in renewing the policy and as such the Bank shall not be held
responsible under any circumstances for the lapse of Insurance Policy.
j. It may also be noted that the retirees and spouses of deceased employees/ retirees who
opt for renewal shall maintain sufficient balance in their pension account (registered
while opting for the policy). If sufficient Balance is not maintained in the account it shall
be presumed that such retirees are not interested in renewal of the policy and the Bank
shall not be held responsible under any circumstances for the lapse of Insurance Policy.
k. The terms, conditions & continuation of the scheme shall also be subject to Industry
Level decision and the clarification/ interpretation of various terms and conditions of the
scheme shall be strictly as communicated by the IBA/Insurance Company and the retirees
shall be bound by the same and Bank will not be responsible for the same in any manner.