ITTC - Recommended Procedures and Guidelines: Experimental Wake Scaling Methods
ITTC - Recommended Procedures and Guidelines: Experimental Wake Scaling Methods
ITTC - Recommended Procedures and Guidelines: Experimental Wake Scaling Methods
ITTC – Recommended -03-02.5
Procedures and Guidelines Page 1 of 8
7.5-02-03 Propulsion
7.5-02-03-02 Propulsor
Table of Contents
however, requires a careful flow liner layout best results. In cases where this region is not
based on RANS calculations. It is recommended long enough to achieve a sufficient shortening,
that flow lines be calculated at full scale Reyn- it is recommended to (additionally) reduce the
olds number in an unlimited flow regime and to model length in the forebody rather than in the
shape the flow liner along these calculated flow afterbody. For this purpose it is reasonable to re-
lines around the afterbody. The liners should place the original forebody by a shorter dummy
range from the aft shoulder of the ship model piece as shown in Figure 2. An easy relation to
sufficiently far behind the propeller plane (at estimate the required shortening can be derived
least three propeller diameters) as illustrated in from simple flat plate boundary layer consider-
Figure 1. Since each hull form naturally leads to ations according to Johannsen (1992):
a different flow liner geometry, this expensive
technique might be restricted to research pur- Vtunnel water
= ⋅ λ −1.111
poses. lshortened model lship
plane only at the same time. According to ITTC more theoretical considerations are nowadays
recommended procedure 7.5-02 03-03.1, sec- still impossible to quantify the effect of this
tion 2.10, this horizontal plane should be located technique. Even more than with the other tech-
in a depth, where the cavitation predominantly niques described in this procedure, it is recom-
occurs. This is normally around 0.8 to 0.9 R at mended to check its outcome by a wake meas-
the top of the propeller disk. It can be reasonable, urement when applying it to a cavitation exper-
to do something similar with respect to the in- iment (see also section 4).
flow velocity. Normally, the tunnel water speed
is adjusted to meet a certain KT-value for the 4.2 Model Wake Field from a Dummy
model propeller (thrust identity, see above pro- Model
cedure, section 2.2). This KT, however, is an in-
tegral value, and for wake scaling purposes it A dummy model should be used in medium
can be worthwhile to deviate from the resulting sized cavitation tunnels for cavitation tests and
speed to achieve full scale identity of a local ad- pressure fluctuation measurements. The after-
vance coefficient J instead. If so, J-identity body of the dummy model must be similar to the
should be achieved in the same region as de- ship. The length of the geometric similar after
scribed above with respect to the cavitation body depends on the dimension of the test sec-
number, i.e. in the region of maximum wake. tion and the blockage factor. The test section
Due to scale effects the 12 o'clock wake peak blockage should not exceed 25 %.
behind the ship model is generally deeper than
at full scale and compensation of this scale ef- Attention should be paid to the design of the
fect will require a higher tunnel water speed than fore body. The first step of the wake field simu-
obtained from KT-identity. When applying this lation should be a check that no flow separation
wake scaling method it is recommended to de- on the dummy model occurs.
termine the correct tunnel water speed by com-
parative RANS calculations of the model and The wake field of the dummy model at a
full scale wake field of the ship under consider- given inflow speed should be measured to get
ation. the necessary information regarding the wake
field simulation. Typically, the wake of a small
With respect to free surface facilities the ca- dummy model results in a wake peak that is
veats mentioned under "Scaling by Water Speed even less pronounced than in full scale. Wire
Increase" apply here as well. mesh screens can therefore be mounted perpen-
dicular to the hull to simulate the predicted full
4.1.5 Scaling by Hull Surface Treatment scale propeller inflow. The configuration used
strongly depends on the skills of the model basin
Due to the low Reynolds number at model and on existing correlation data between model
scale, flow separation may occur earlier on the and full scale.
hull than on the real ship. Similar to the dents in
a golf ball it is possible to reduce this scale effect The wake scaling by additional wire screen
to some extent by surface treatment of the model patches is a time consuming iterative process of
hull. Sand roughening or wire screens along the wire screen modifications and wake measure-
surface are in use for this purpose. This tech- ments to achieve the target propeller inflow.
nique, however, should be handled with care During the wake field simulation the rudder
since the unrealistic surface roughening might should be dismounted. Measurement of the
also stimulate unrealistic cavitation. Further-
ITTC – Recommended -03-02.5
Procedures and Guidelines Page 7 of 8
wake can be performed by using any suitable ve- model and full scale cavitation behavior or pres-
locimetry technique. When using pitot tube or sure pulse level. One should for example be
Laser Doppler Velocimetry, ITTC procedures aware of the fact, that the exaggerated model
should be adopted. wake field might help to compensate for the un-
der prediction of cavitation that might result
The simulated wake shall be documented to from a too low gas content as it is usual in the
verify that the deviation from the target wake tunnel water. If so, a more realistic wake simu-
can be neglected. lation would even reduce the accuracy of a cav-
itation prediction. So it can be stated that an ex-
Since – depending on its dimensions – the perimental wake scaling procedure has to be
dummy hull model alone normally generates a carefully adjusted to the individual cavitation
wake peak, which is less pronounced than at full testing facility.
scale, the scaling techniques described in sec-
tion 4.1 must be regarded as counterproductive All techniques for wake scaling applied in a
with respect to full scale wake similarity. In cavitation experiment should be documented in
spite of this fact an increased tunnel water speed the corresponding test report.
(resulting in a higher model propeller speed)
may be reasonable to achieve a high propeller
Reynolds Number during the cavitation test as 6. LIMITATIONS
recommended by ITTC procedure 7.5-02-03-
03.1, section 2.2. In cases where no experimental wake scaling
can be used in the cavitation experiment, one
should at least be aware of the effects, which this
5. GENERAL REMARKS REGARDING deficiency may cause
ING • Over prediction of suction side cavitation
When applying one or more of the experi- • Inception of suction side cavitation at lower
mental wake scaling techniques described here, cavitation numbers,
it is strongly recommended to verify the final • Under prediction of pressure side cavitation
outcome by wake measurements under consid- extent,
eration of ITTC recommended procedures 7.5- • Over prediction of safety margin against
02-03-02.3 or 7.5-02-03-02.4 respectively. face cavitation inception,
Independent of that, one should always keep • Over prediction of first harmonic hull pres-
in mind that the wake field adjusted in a cavita- sure pulses,
tion tunnel is only one little piece of the compli- • Influence on higher harmonic pressure
cated chain leading to a cavitation or pressure pulses in either direction.
pulse prediction at its end. Many other aspects
contribute to the accuracy of this prediction and While most of the above mentioned devia-
their individual inaccuracies may to some extent tions lead to a full scale prognosis on the safe,
cancel out each other. For this reason the use of conservative side, one should be particularly
a wake scaling method should not be justified by aware of the fact that higher harmonic pressure
achievement of a particularly good similarity pulses as well as pressure side cavitation phe-
between model and full scale wake alone, but by nomena might appear less critical in the experi-
achievement of a particularly good similarity of ment than in full scale.
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Procedures and Guidelines Page 8 of 8
7. BENCHMARK TESTS AND VALI- chain in total than the wake scaling technique
DATION alone.