MODULE TITLE:Business Research Methods: This Examination Is in TWO Sections
MODULE TITLE:Business Research Methods: This Examination Is in TWO Sections
MODULE TITLE:Business Research Methods: This Examination Is in TWO Sections
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SECTION A: Multiple Choice Questions
Please put a cross in the box against the relevant answer on the answer sheet provided and
attach to the answer booklet.
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5. Respondents were asked “Have you travelled by public transport in the past six
months?” in a questionnaire.
The responses to this question generate which type of data?
a. Nominal
b. Ordinal
c. Interval
d. Ratio
8. A researcher asks respondents: “How old are you?” in a structured interview. Later
on in the interview they are asked: “What is your date of birth?”
This is a way to illustrate the ___________ of the measurement?
a. Precision
b. Dependability
c. Reliability
d. Generalizability
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10. The literature review that the researcher writes becomes the:
a. Conceptual framework for the research project
b. Theoretical framework for the research project
c. Methodological framework for the research project
d. Analytical framework for the research project
11. “The more time spent studying, the greater the improvement in exam performance”.
This is an example of:
a) A hypothesis that results in a negative relationship
b) A hypothesis that results in a positive relationship
c) A statistic
d) A theory
12. In a questionnaire of 100 students at Queen Margaret University, 20% were found to
be Business Management students. Based on this information, the researcher
generalises that “20% of all students at Queen Margaret University are Business
Management students”.
This is an example of:
a) A sample
b) A population
c) Descriptive statistics
d) Inferential statistics
13. A critical part in the analytical process of qualitative data analysis is:
a. Coding the data
b. Assigning numerical values to the data
c. Exploring and presenting individual variables
d. Describing data using statistics
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15. Which one of the following criteria is used to evaluate quantitative research?
a. Validity
b. Trustworthiness
c. Credibility
d. Dependability
16. At what stage of the research process is it most important to adhere to ethics in a
research project?
a. Gaining access to human participants
b. Collection of data
c. Reporting findings
d. At every stage of the research process
17. A researcher would choose a focus group over a group interview because:
a. The researcher is interested in the ways in which individuals discuss issues as
members of a group rather than as individuals
b. Focus groups save time and money
c. Focus groups involve fewer participants
d. There is no moderator present in a focus group
19. Which one of the following best defines an inductive approach to research?
a. It is commonly associated with quantitative research
b. Theory develops as a result of testing a clearly defined hypothesis
c. Theory guides the research project
d. Theory emerges as a result of an explanation of the data gathered
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20. Maintaining anonymity of individuals taking part in a research project refers to:
a. Participants agreeing to take part once they are fully informed of any consequences
from their participation
b. A guarantee that some information provided by participants will remain confidential
and will not be disclosed
c. Concealing the identity of participants and ensuring the findings are not presented in
such a way that enables participants to be identified.
d. Participants have the right to decline participation in the study without their identity
being disclosed
21. Which one of the following refers to using two or more sources of data or multiple
data collection methods within one study?
a. Mixed methods
b. Multi-method quantitative study
c. Triangulation
d. Variation
22. In qualitative data analysis, the way in which you present or display your data into
something that is organised and meaningful is called:
a. Data reduction
b. Data display
c. Drawing conclusions
d. Testing for normality
23. Which one of the following is most likely to produce selection bias in a
a. Using a sample of university students to estimate the proportion of people who think
the legal drinking age should be lowered
b. Only receiving responses from half of the people in the sample
c. The researcher only recording responses which suits their own views
d. Using questions with biased wording
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24. Why is undertaking a piloting exercise useful?
a. It provides the opportunity to test your questions on some of the people who will be
in the final sample
b. It helps to identify and amend any problems in the question wording, order and
c. It helps to ensure that you have chosen the right sampling technique
d. All of the above
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SECTION B: Short Answer Questions
Please write your answers in an answer booklet(s). Each question is worth 10 marks.
1. Research is a multi-stage process. Outline the main steps in the research process in
relation to undertaking either an inductive or deductive approach to research.
2. Identify and discuss the key differences between qualitative and quantitative methodology.
3. Critique two data collection methods and relate them to their appropriate methodology.
5. Two approaches to sampling are probability and non-probability. Discuss the differences
between these approaches in terms of their appropriateness to qualitative and quantitative
6. Identify and discuss some of the main ethical issues you might need to consider whilst
undertaking business research.
7. Outline and discuss the criteria used to judge and ensure the quality of either qualitative or
quantitative research.
8. Outline the main stages undertaken in either a qualitative approach to data analysis or a
quantitative approach to data analysis.
End of Paper
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