Email Customization For Forum v2
Email Customization For Forum v2
Email Customization For Forum v2
Figure 1 shows an example email notification with email template personalized to display the additional attributes.
The following are the steps to customize the Requisition Approval email notification. Any changes carried out through this process will impact
all users that receive the approval email notification, i.e. this is a site level change.
1. Login to BPM Worklist app as the user who has customization privilege.
Note: To assign customization privileges, assign the roles Procurement Application Administrator and Application Implementation
Administrator to the user from OIM.
3. Click the Edit link on the top left corner of the notification page.
Note: This customization will be at the Site level for all users receiving the approval notification.
4. The Design view appears by default. Click the View dropdown and select Source to change from Design to Source view.
1. Item
2. Category
Amount 3. Requester
4. Project
5. Task
6. Cost Center
7. Charge Account
8. Charge Account Description
9. Suggested Supplier
10. Replaced Line
11. Split from Line
7. To enable the Category attribute, select the panelGrouplayout:horizontal as shown in Figure 3 a and click Edit.
a. From Child Components tab, validate that you have selected the right attribute.
8. To enable the Charge Account attribute, select the panelGrouplayout:horizontal as in Figure 4 a and click Edit:
a. From Child Components tab, validate that you selected the right attribute.
9. To enable the Suggested Supplier attribute, select the panelGrouplayout:horizontal as shown in Figure 5 a and click Edit:
a. From Child Components tab validate that you selected the right attribute.
10. The requisition attributes supported for Header region of the email notification (e.g Requisitioning BU, Buyer etc) can be located
under the panelGroupLayout:horizontal as shown in Figure 6 .
1 Approval Amount
2 Requester
3 Entered By
4 Requisitioning BU
5 Description
6 Justification
7 Buyer
11. To enable the Requisitioning BU attribute, select the panelGrouplayout:horizontal (above the iterator component) as highlighted in
Figure 7 a and click Edit:
a. From Child Components tab validate that you selected the right attribute.
Figure 7 a: Component for Requisitioning BU