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Email Customization For Forum v2

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Personalizing Requisition Email Notification...............................................................................................1

List of supported attributes for email notification...............................................................................1
A) Customizing attributes under the Line region.................................................................................2
B) Customizing attributes under Header region..................................................................................6

Personalizing Requisition Email Notification

On R11, the out of the box Requisition Approval email notification have been re-designed to display key attributes that are considered critical
for approval purposes, keeping in mind readability and clarity on a mobile platform. If customer needs additional attributes to be displayed in
the email to meet their specific business requirements, these can be added via personalization. The process to add these additional attributes
has been documented in this How to Document.

List of supported attributes for email notification

Table 1 lists the requisition attributes supported for email notification and their rendering logic.

Region Attribute Name Rendering logic

Approval Amount This field displays the approval amount (requisition amount + non-recoverable tax) on the
requisition header. 
Entered By  This field displays the preparer of the requisition. The Entered By field will be displayed if the
preparer is the same as the requester on all lines.
Requester This field is displayed if the requesters on all requisition lines are the same.
*Requisitioning BU  This field is hidden by default. It displays the requisitioning BU in which the requisition is created.
Description This field displays the requisition header description.
Justification  The field is only displayed in the notification if a value was entered in the Justification field
Buyer  This field is displayed for re-approval request of previously approved lines when the requisition is
submitted by buyer.
Item  This field is hidden by default. When personalized to display, the field will only be displayed if the
requisition line is a item master item.
*Category  This field is hidden by default. It displays the Category Name of the requisition line.
Requester  This field is displayed for each individual requisition line, if a requisition containing more than one
line has more than one requester.
Project  This field is displayed for a requisition line if at least one project is used on its distributions.
Task  This field is displayed for a requisition line if at least one project is used on its distributions.
Cost Center  This field is displayed if no project information is used on the distributions of the requisition line. It
will display the cost center value if all of the requisition line's distributions have the same cost
center, else it will display 'Multiple'.
*Charge Account This field is hidden by default. It will display the charge account value if all of the requisition line’s
distributions have the same charge account, else it will display ‘Multiple’.
*Charge Account  This field is hidden by default. It will display the charge account segments names, such as
Description Operations-Maintenance-S033-Hardware, if all of the requisition line’s distributions have the same
charge account, else it will display 'Multiple'.
*Suggested Supplier  This field is hidden by default. When personalized to display, this field will display the supplier name
if specified on the requisition line.
Replaced Line  The Replaced Line field is displayed only when lines on a requisition are submitted for re-approval
by the buyer e.g when the buyer had replaced a requisition line.
Split from Line
 This field is displayed only when requisition line(s) approval request is submitted by a buyer and the
line is a split from a previously approved requisition line. This field will display the parent line from
which the new line is split.
Table 1: Supported attributes for email notification (* indicates hidden attribute)

Figure 1 shows an example email notification with email template personalized to display the additional attributes.

Figure 1: Email notification with additional attributes

The following are the steps to customize the Requisition Approval email notification. Any changes carried out through this process will impact
all users that receive the approval email notification, i.e. this is a site level change.

1. Login to BPM Worklist app as the user who has customization privilege.

Note: To assign customization privileges, assign the roles Procurement Application Administrator and Application Implementation
Administrator to the user from OIM.

2. Open the approval notification.

3. Click the Edit link on the top left corner of the notification page.
Note: This customization will be at the Site level for all users receiving the approval notification.

4. The Design view appears by default. Click the View dropdown and select Source to change from Design to Source view.

5. Search for the ‘Iterator’ component.

A) Customizing attributes under the Line region

6. Under the iterator component, scroll down and locate the panelGrouplayout:horizontal components as shownin Figure 2. These
contain the requisition attributes supported for the line region of email.
This is the iterator

1. Item
2. Category
Amount 3. Requester
4. Project
5. Task
6. Cost Center
7. Charge Account
8. Charge Account Description
9. Suggested Supplier
10. Replaced Line
11. Split from Line

Figure 2: Components for line region of email

7. To enable the Category attribute, select the panelGrouplayout:horizontal as shown in Figure 3 a and click Edit.

a. From Child Components tab, validate that you have selected the right attribute.

Figure 3 a: Component for Category

b. Under Display Options tab, set Show Component = Y (Figure 3 b).

Figure 3 b: Set Show Component = Y for Category

c. Click on Apply > Ok.

8. To enable the Charge Account attribute, select the panelGrouplayout:horizontal as in Figure 4 a and click Edit:

a. From Child Components tab, validate that you selected the right attribute.

Figure 4 a: Component for Charge Account

b. Under Display Options tab, set Show Component = Y (Figure 4 b).

Figure 4 b: Set Show Component = Y for Charge Account

c. Click Apply > Ok.

9. To enable the Suggested Supplier attribute, select the panelGrouplayout:horizontal as shown in Figure 5 a and click Edit:

a. From Child Components tab validate that you selected the right attribute.

Figure 5 a: Component for Suggested Supplier

b. Under Display Options tab, set Show Component = Y ( Figure 4 b).

Figure 5 b: Set Show Component = Y for Suggested Supplier

c. Click Apply > Ok.

B) Customizing attributes under Header region

10. The requisition attributes supported for Header region of the email notification (e.g Requisitioning BU, Buyer etc) can be located
under the panelGroupLayout:horizontal as shown in Figure 6 .

1 Approval Amount
2 Requester
3 Entered By
4 Requisitioning BU
5 Description
6 Justification
7 Buyer

Locate the iterator component

& scroll up to find the
components highlighted here

Figure 6: Components for header region of email

11. To enable the Requisitioning BU attribute, select the panelGrouplayout:horizontal (above the iterator component) as highlighted in
Figure 7 a and click Edit:
a. From Child Components tab validate that you selected the right attribute.
Figure 7 a: Component for Requisitioning BU

b. Under Display Options tab, ensure Show Component = Y (Figure 7 b).

Figure 7 b: Set Show Component = Y for Requisitioning BU

c. Click Apply > Ok

12. Now apply the customization by clicking on the Save icon on top right corner of the page.
13. Create a requisition and submit it.
14. The new email notification will have the fields enabled (see Figure 1 above).

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