The Old Man and The Sea: What's Inside
The Old Man and The Sea: What's Inside
The Old Man and The Sea: What's Inside
the Sea
Study Guide by Course Hero
What's Inside The Old Man and the Sea is narrated in the past tense.
h Characters .................................................................................................. 3
d In Context
k Plot Summary ............................................................................................. 6
is female and both beautiful and cruel because she gives and shoulders, and bone spurs in his feet, requiring repeated
takes life; conversely, the marlin is male because of his surgery. Playing superbly through severe pain is the source of
strength and calm. The old man does not question the order of Santiago's admiration in The Old Man and the Sea.
things. On the contrary, he accepts that every creature, himself
included, has a place in the natural circle of life. He declares he
was born to be a fisherman as much as the marlin was born to Response to Critics
be a fish. Therefore, as a fisherman he must fish to survive.
There is no moral judgment; it simply is the way nature The Old Man and the Sea is likely the least autobiographical of
intended. Hemingway's work. Just over 50 years old, Hemingway was
not an old man at the end of his life. However, he had not
published much in over 10 years, and critics had practically
Deep-Sea Fishing pronounced him dead as a writer. The harsh reception of his
novel Across the River and Into the Trees in 1950 has been
After returning from Europe following World War II, Hemingway likened to the sharks' feeding frenzy in The Old Man and the
and his fourth wife, Mary Welsh, lived in Cuba. Hemingway Sea. Similar to the novella's title character, Santiago, who, by
spent much of his time deep-sea fishing on his boat, the Pilar. capturing the biggest marlin of his career, shows he is still a
These experiences provided background for the vivid powerful fisherman, Hemingway wrote The Old Man and the
descriptions of a fisherman's skill in The Old Man and the Sea. Sea, showing himself still a powerful writer. On submitting The
Hemingway was an accomplished fisherman himself, Old Man and the Sea to his editor, Wallace Meyer, Hemingway
participating in and winning competitions in the waters around presented his opinion of the work: "the best I can write ever for
Key West, Havana, and Bimini in the Bahamas soon after all of my life." Indeed, the critical and commercial acclaim of the
purchasing his boat in 1934. Then in 1936 Hemingway story finally silenced his critics.
published an essay in Esquire about an old man being pulled by
a huge marlin for several days before returning ashore with
less than half the fish remaining. While Hemingway never
a Author Biography
claimed his story was based on a particular person, this essay,
as well as his acquaintance with Carlos Gutierrez and Gregorio
Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois, near Chicago,
Fuentes, both captains on the Pilar, appear to be seeds for the
on July 21, 1899. In his career as a journalist he often covered
novella. Like his fascination with fishing, the story itself had
wartime hot spots. As a novelist he is acclaimed for works such
been developing inside him for a number of years.
as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell
Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea, for which he received the
Pulitzer Prize in 1953.
Joe DiMaggio
As a teenager Hemingway began his writing career as a
It is no secret that Hemingway appreciated physical prowess reporter for the Kansas City Star. Rather than go to college, he
and athleticism. The frequent references to baseball in general volunteered in 1918 as an ambulance driver in the Italian army
and Joe DiMaggio in particular speak of Hemingway's during World War I. He returned to the United States after
admiration for athletic ability, strength, endurance, and being severely injured, staying at his family's home in Michigan
perseverance. These traits defined Joe DiMaggio. DiMaggio to recover.
was born to Sicilian immigrants in California in 1914 and made
his major league debut in 1936 with the New York Yankees. In 1921 Hemingway married his first wife, Hadley Richardson,
DiMaggio played center field and was an All-Star every one of and within months the couple moved to Paris. While in Paris,
his 13 years with the team. With an unparalleled 56-game Hemingway joined the expatriate artistic community centered
hitting streak, DiMaggio led the Yankees to win the World around the American writer Gertrude Stein, who hosted a salon
Series nine times. Perhaps most impressive about DiMaggio's where writers and artists frequently met. Hemingway
success was that he played a consistently flawless game socialized with well-known modernists such as F. Scott
despite numerous injuries—twisted ankles, dislocated Fitzgerald, Pablo Picasso, James Joyce, and Ezra Pound; Stein
famously referred to this group as the "lost generation." became an international best seller, making its author a
Modernist writers commented on the insecurities and lack of celebrity after almost 10 years of virtual literary silence. The
direction in a world that seemed to have lost all meaning after novella's critical acclaim helped cement Hemingway's
the brutality of World War I. reputation as a literary giant, and in 1954 he won the Nobel
Prize in Literature.
The Hemingways found Hadley was pregnant with a child,
Jack, in 1923, and so they moved to Toronto, Canada (believing Hemingway sustained many injuries throughout his lifetime of
the hospitals were better there), where Hemingway worked as adventures. He was a heavy drinker who suffered from
a foreign correspondent for the Toronto Star. depression and several chronic ailments, among them liver
disease. When Hemingway and his fourth wife moved to
Soon after publishing The Sun Also Rises (1926), a novel Ketchum, Idaho, after buying a house in 1959, his mental health
heavily drawing on what Hemingway learned about bullfighting deteriorated. On July 2, 1961, Hemingway committed suicide.
during frequent trips to Spain, he and Hadley divorced in 1927. He was 61 years old.
Hemingway then married journalist Pauline Pfeiffer later that
year and returned to the United States to live in Key West,
h Characters
Florida. In 1928 their son Patrick was born, followed by another
son, Gregory, in 1931. During this marriage Hemingway
published A Farewell to Arms (1929), a World War I novel.
The 18-foot marlin is the old man's worthy adversary. Although
it has been hooked, the marlin shows no sign of defeat; instead
it pulls the old man's skiff for several days and nights, taking
control of the situation until exhaustion defeats it. Yet even in
death, its skeleton bears witness to the magnificent struggle
that took place out on the ocean.
Character Map
Young boy; kind,
helpful, and optimistic
Marlin Perico
Strong, huge fish; fights Kind man; works in
formidably; eaten by sharks Adversaries the village bodega
free food
Live in village near
Generous café owner
Havana, Cuba
Main Character
Minor Character
Although Perico never appears, he Around noon he feels a light pull on his line; he has hooked a
provides newspapers for Santiago. marlin. The fish is so strong that Santiago cannot bring it in.
Unlike other fish, this one does not jump out of the water or
Remembering how he won a long and thrash about in a panic, trying to remove the hook. Instead this
Strong man difficult arm-wrestling match and an marlin calmly pulls the skiff even farther out to sea.
from easier rematch against the "strong
Cienfuegos negro," Santiago associates this
For two days and nights, Santiago and the marlin remain on the
opponent with loss of confidence.
open sea. At first, Santiago tries to hold the line without
disturbing it, strapping it around his back to relieve the
pressure on his hands. He begins to wonder about the fish,
k Plot Summary which behaves so differently from any fish he's known, and he
remembers how he once hooked a female marlin while a male
marlin was watching. The female engaged in the usual
panicked fight against the hook and ultimately lost. All the while
A String of Bad Luck the male marlin stayed and watched, as if trying to save her.
Santiago compares himself to the marlin he has hooked now,
Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman working the waters of the
realizing they both are alone and lonely with nobody to come
Gulf Stream, has not caught a fish in 84 days, longer than
to their aid. As a warbler lands on his boat, the old man
anyone else and making him salao, worse than unlucky.
wonders whether this is its first flight and whether it will be cut
Santiago's body, particularly his skin, bears signs of age and
short by the hawks that are sure to come for it.
constant exposure to the elements as well as scars that speak
of struggles with strong fish. His eyes, however, are young, Suddenly the fish lurches forward as if, Santiago thinks, it has
hopeful, and undefeated. While many fishermen laugh about been hurt by something, and the line cuts deeply into
him, Manolin—a young boy who used to fish with Santiago until Santiago's hand. As the day wears on, his hand cramps, forcing
him to use his other hand to hold the line. He is both disgusted
and humiliated by his deformed hand. Alternately admiring the
The Sharks' Feeding Frenzy
marlin's strength and determination and pitying its hopeless
Attracted by the marlin's blood, a shark attacks. For a moment,
situation, Santiago feels more and more akin to the fish.
the old man feels defeated, that his catch was too good to last,
As the fish comes up from the depth of the ocean, Santiago and that it might as well have been a dream. Yet when the
notices it is two feet longer than his skiff. Santiago fears a fish shark takes a bite, it comes close enough for the old man to kill
of that size might take out all the line and be strong enough to it with his harpoon. Dying, the shark takes the harpoon with it.
break it. Comparing himself to the fish, he considers the marlin
Although he realizes other sharks will be attracted by the
nobler yet less intelligent than man. He prays for him yet at the
marlin's blood, Santiago thinks positively, contemplating how
same time vows to kill him.
much faster his skiff sails now that it is 40 pounds lighter. He
ties his knife to one of the oars to replace his harpoon. Not
hoping, he declares, is a sin. He wonders if killing the marlin is a
The Catch of a Lifetime sin even though he was born to be a fisherman and the marlin
was born to be a fish. He has not killed it for money or food; he
Trying to fight fatigue on the second day at sea, Santiago
has killed the fish for pride because that is what a fisherman
distracts himself by thinking of baseball. Disappointed this is
does, and he has killed the shark in self-defense. Everything
the second day he won't be ashore to hear about game results,
kills everything, he declares.
he trusts Joe DiMaggio will persevere despite his bone spurs
and win the game for the New York Yankees. As the sun sets, When two sharks appear, Santiago fights off the first of the
Santiago remembers an exciting arm-wrestling match that pair but loses an oar. Leaning over the side of his skiff, he
lasted 24 hours. Coming from behind and defying the odds, fights off the second, hitting it with his fist and a second knife.
Santiago persevered and won the match. He later won the While swallowing part of the marlin, that shark dies too, but a
rematch more easily because losing in the first match had quarter of the marlin is now gone. When the next shark arrives,
shaken his opponent's confidence. Santiago lets it take a bite and then hits it with the second
knife. Dying, the shark thrusts its head backward, and the knife
As a dolphin eats the bait on the old man's line, Santiago hoists
blade snaps. The old man is left with no weapon. More sharks
the dolphin onto the boat, unhooking and gutting it so he can
appear at sunset, and Santiago fights them off with the tiller
eat the meat the next day. He feels sorry for the marlin
and a short club. Although he cannot kill them, he hurts them
because it has no food. On the second night at sea, Santiago is
badly, and they swim off. Now half the marlin is gone.
so exhausted he finally falls asleep. He dreams of a school of
porpoises, of his village, and of the lions on the beaches of his Although Santiago regrets having gone out this far, he resolves
youth. to fight until he dies, hoping to sell enough of the fish to buy a
new harpoon. At midnight Santiago has to use his club and the
Santiago is startled awake as the line cuts through his right
tiller to fight off another pack of attacking sharks. When they
hand. The marlin has jumped. He assumes the fish will circle
finally leave, none of the marlin is left.
the skiff soon, marking the beginning of his work as a
fisherman and the beginning of the end for the fish. Indeed, Santiago feels defeated. Nonetheless he keeps going, using
when the sun rises on the third day, the marlin begins to circle. the jagged edge of the tiller to steer the skiff, marveling at its
With each subsequent circle, Santiago recovers some of the speed without the extra weight of the marlin. Beaten and
line, bringing the marlin closer and closer to the skiff. Finally, exhausted, he reaches the shore with nothing but the marlin's
once the fish is alongside the skiff, Santiago harpoons it. As skeleton tied to his boat. He admires the outline of the skeleton
the fish goes belly-up, dying, the old man mourns it, as if he has in the moonlight before he fights his way up the hill to his
killed a brother. Carefully tying the marlin to the side of his shack, carrying his mast on his shoulders.
boat, Santiago feels pride in his feat; he has overcome pain,
hunger, exhaustion, and injury. He turns the boat to sail back
home and wonders who is towing whom, deciding in the end
they are going in side by side, like brothers.
luck. Manolin insists, claiming he will bring luck with him. He the sea is both beautiful and cruel in its power to give life to
promises to get the boat in order while the old man heals his and take it from those that live within it. While this sentiment
marlin calmly pulls the old man's skiff out to sea, unlike other Santiago to persevere. As in the beginning of the novella, when
fish that panic and thrash about trying to get free of the hook, a string of bad luck seems to have defeated him in the eyes of
thereby drilling it deeper into their skin and sealing the fate the village fishermen, he seems doomed. However, Santiago
they are trying to escape. This particular marlin displays more does not give in. In the baseball terminology the novella often
grace, strength, and vitality than other fish, qualities that make evokes, Santiago goes down swinging—and literally so. Losing
him a worthy adversary. A typical Hemingway hero, Santiago his harpoon to the first shark, then a makeshift harpoon to
must prove his manhood in a battle of wills. another, and then his second knife to yet another, he resorts to
beating the sharks first with his tiller—as his hero DiMaggio hits
Knowing the fish eventually will tire and surrender, Santiago a baseball with a bat—and finally with his bare fists. He does
vows not to do so himself. This determination is what ultimately not give up, even as he realizes with every shark he kills or
distinguishes man from fish, no matter how magnificent a drives away, his catch has dwindled.
creature and formidable an opponent the marlin may be.
Thinking of his hero DiMaggio, who played at the height of his
game despite painful bone spurs, Santiago is determined to Santiago as a Christlike Figure
endure loneliness, physical exhaustion, hunger, thirst, and pain
caused by wounds from the fishing line. What drives the old man forward is hope. At first he hopes to
reach the shore with enough of his catch left to sell for profit at
Santiago's left hand, crippled by a painful cramp, symbolizes
the market. Then he hopes to come home with enough of the
his endurance and willpower in the face of insurmountable
fish to sell to buy a new harpoon, and finally he hopes only to
obstacles. He waits for his hand to uncurl by itself with the
reach the shore before he succumbs to exhaustion. Marveling
same patience and fortitude he shows when waiting for the
at the ever-increasing speed of his skiff as the added weight of
fish to begin circling the boat. By showing that Santiago cannot
his catch dwindles, the quality of his hope changes. He arrives
force his hand to uncurl any more than he can force the fish to
ashore not with the youthful, perhaps naive hope for a better
come close, Hemingway shows that with resolve a man can
future, but with that of a wise old man aiming to sustain the
rise above his limitations; yet he also suggests no creature, not
status quo.
even man, can escape his ultimate fate.
Not hoping is a sin, Santiago thinks. Although the novella uses
Santiago reels in the marlin with superior skill and despite the
Christian images throughout, Hemingway does not evoke the
pain from three bleeding wounds, seeming to have proven
Christian idea of hope for a better afterlife. Santiago states he
wrong the villagers who have mocked him. He is not salao after
is not a religious man, and yet, by describing Santiago's three
all; having caught the biggest fish ever, he confirms his
bleeding wounds, Hemingway clearly evokes the image of
strength and vigor, thus confirming his value as a man. His
Christ at the cross, atoning for the sins of humankind.
catch fills him with both pride and sadness: pride because he
However, upon further reflection, Santiago dismisses the
has persevered and sadness because his triumph means the
Christian notion of sin as irrelevant. In Christian terms, killing is
defeat of a marvelous creature.
a sin, yet to Santiago what has happened out on the ocean has
little to do with moral or religious values. He kills the marlin
because he is a fisherman, and he kills the sharks to survive.
Go Down Swinging Christian concepts of right or wrong do not apply. The marlin
was born to be a fish, the sharks to be sharks, and Santiago to
The constant tug and pull of contrasts in the eternal struggle
be a fisherman. They all have their assigned places in the
of life and death further appears in Santiago's struggle with the
eternal battle that is life.
sharks. Described as mindless creatures, the sharks are far
less worthy opponents than the marlin. Drawn to the marlin's As he arrives ashore with nothing but his skiff and the marlin's
blood, they engage in a feeding frenzy that ultimately seals skeleton stripped of the meat of his catch, Santiago is left with
their death. One by one, Santiago kills them as they take a bite: the realization that what drives individuals forward is the spirit
what sustains them destroys them. of survival. There is no redemption in the material successes of
the here and now, and there is no deliverance in an afterlife. As
However, more sharks keep coming—too many, it seems, for
he carries his mast on his shoulders toward his shack, much
like Jesus carried his cross, Santiago has accepted his fate
and is willing to endure it.
The story does not end here, however. The next morning
Manolin promises to fix Santiago's boat and vows to fish with
him again. The old man rests, dreaming yet again of the lions of
his youth playing in the sand. Wisdom, vigor, and youthful hope
meet and unite in the pair that will sail on. The old man has
emerged the victor by realizing the point is not to win, but to
keep trying.
Plot Diagram
10 Falling Action
Rising Action
4 12
3 Resolution
Introduction Climax
1. Santiago has not caught a fish in 84 days. 9. Santiago kills the marlin and ties it to his skiff.
2. Santiago sets out to fish on the 85th day. 10. Santiago fends off sharks as they eat the marlin's flesh.
3. Santiago hooks an 18-foot marlin. 11. Santiago returns with the skeleton and carries his mast.
Timeline of Events
Day 1, September
Day 1, night
Day 2, morning
Day 2, noon
Day 3
Day 3
Day 3
Day 3, night
Day 4, morning
Day 4
Day 4
his weapons.
Day 4, evening
Day 4, night
Day 5, morning
Day 5, morning
— Narrator
g Quotes
Speaking of the jellyfish that can hurt with their sting, the
narrator explains that nature is both beautiful and cruel in its
"Everything about him was old
ability to give and take life.
except his eyes and they ... were
cheerful and undefeated."
"No one should be alone in their
— Narrator old age ... But it is unavoidable."
Speaking about Santiago, the narrator explains that despite his — Santiago
old age and going out to fish every day and returning without a
catch for 84 days in a row, Santiago is not daunted and his Santiago refers not only to his loneliness after his wife's death,
spirit is unbroken. but also to the loneliness of a fisherman out on the sea. Neither
situation can be avoided; in the end each fisherman must face
his catch by himself, and all men must die alone. It is the human
"It is better to be lucky. But I'd condition that cannot be avoided and therefore must be
rather be exact."
— Santiago
"'Fish,' he said softly, aloud. 'I'll stay
— Santiago
— Narrator
Referring to the fish, the old man admires that despite the pain
"He is my brother. But I must kill the hook must cause, the fish has pulled him along for several
days instead of trying to rid itself of the hook or allowing itself
him and keep strong to do it."
to be reeled in. This action elevates the fish to a worthy
— Santiago
The old man feels kinship to the marlin he has hooked. Like the "A man can be destroyed but not
fish, the old man is part of the circle of life, and in that eternal
struggle to survive, man must kill even a magnificent animal. defeated."
— Santiago
"I wish I could show him what sort
Somewhat defenseless after having lost his harpoon when
of man I am."
protecting his catch from the sharks, the old man shows an
individual's willpower and resourcefulness will ultimately help
— Santiago
him persevere.
The old man wishes Manolin were with him so the boy could
help dispel his loneliness and help him catch the fish. Most of "It is silly not to hope."
all, Santiago wishes Manolin could witness the greatest catch
of Santiago's life. He wants to show Manolin that despite old
— Santiago
age and a long streak of bad luck, Santiago is still a great
The old man recognizes that even when a person faces
insurmountable odds, hope is what keeps people going. Hope
is eternal and ultimately leads to triumph.
"The thousand times he had
proved it meant nothing. Now he
was proving it again." "He leaned ... against the stern and
knew he was not dead. His
— Narrator
shoulders told him."
The old man's previous catches might be testaments to his
— Narrator
great skill, yet past accomplishments mean nothing. A
fisherman has to prove his physical prowess and his skill each
time he hooks and reels in a fish. A man can never rest on his The narrator explains Santiago knows he is alive because of
laurels. the pain he feels in his shoulders. At the moment the old man
faces the struggle that could kill him, he feels most alive.
Although both the marlin and the old man are part of the catches the greatest fish of his career after a long dry spell,
natural order of life, locked in the struggle between predator survives for days out on the ocean without proper supplies,
and prey, perseverance distinguishes the two. To triumph in his and emerges the victor against aggressive sharks. His skill and
struggle against the marlin, the old man must dig deep within perseverance while facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles
himself to overcome not only the marlin's strength but his own make him a hero worthy of respect even though he does not
limitations: age, exhaustion, pain, hunger, and thirst. The battle succeed in bringing home his catch.
Symbolizing the brute force of destruction, the sharks are in different ways and on different levels. First, although the old
mindless creatures following their base instincts: the bloodlust man has not caught a fish in 84 days, he does not bemoan his
that lures them to their prey. Yet their very bloodlust also lures fate or rage against his detractors. Instead, defying his streak
them to their death. As they take bites out of the marlin in a of bad luck, the old man keeps going out to fish, trying even
feeding frenzy, they come close enough to the skiff for harder by fishing farther out in the open sea than anyone else.
Santiago to kill them. What sustains them kills them. Neither Second, like the old man himself, the marlin does not surrender
their lives nor their deaths serve any purpose. Defeating them and go belly-up but uses its size and strength to pull the old
with sheer willpower and innovation, Santiago not only survives man's skiff even farther out to sea, thus making it a formidable
himself but also defends the magnificent marlin. He brings adversary. Third, seemingly dwarfed by the marlin's size and
home the skeleton and thus captures the creature's majesty strength, Santiago defeats the mighty fish after all because he
and glory. is willing to endure exhaustion, hunger, thirst, and pain. The
same willpower that enabled the old man's hero, Joe DiMaggio,
In a different interpretation, the sharks also symbolize all the to play a flawless game despite painful injuries enables the old
critics Hemingway faced in real life. Hemingway hadn't man to wait out his opponent's strength. Finally, when the
produced much writing publicly in many years, and his most sharks attack and feed on the marlin until nothing is left, the
recent publication had received a negative reception. This old man kills or fends them off one by one, despite losing a
novella seems to liken those critics to sharks who circle and weapon with each confrontation until he has nothing left but
pounce. his bare fists.
The Old Man and the Sea illustrates the theme of perseverance from other creatures. Although a strong opponent, eventually
Prescott, Orville. "The Old Man and the Sea." Books of the
Times. The New York Times, 28 Aug. 1952.
The lions, a connection to youth and virility, are a recurring
motif. The old man repeatedly dreams about lions playing on
the beaches of his past. Their playfulness suggests Santiago
sees them not as predators but as carefree creatures and part
of his youth. Santiago returns to this dream each time he faces
a seemingly insurmountable obstacle: on the night of the 84th
day without a catch, on the open sea as the elements threaten
to defeat him, and on the night he returns home without a
catch yet again. Taking him back to his youth, the dream
reminds him of his own vitality and strength, reenergizing his
determination to keep going against all odds. Additionally,
Santiago's dream of the lions at the very end of the story
signals hope that Santiago's strength, perseverance, and skill
will live on forever as Manolin will carry on his legacy.
Santiago's Hands
Santiago's hands are mentioned several times throughout the
story. When the old man first appears, they are full of age
spots, hinting at the old man's age, and marked with scars,
implying the physical toll a fisherman pays. In his struggle with
the marlin, the old man suffers a new cut on one hand and a
severe cramp in the other; however, he does not give up, and
he fights through his pain. Suggestive of the wounds Christ
suffered on the cross, the old man's scarred hands represent
his willingness to endure pain and suffering. In the end it is his
strong willpower that enables Santiago to survive his ordeal.
Although he returns without his catch, the marlin's skeleton is a
testament to his feat.
e Suggested Reading
Bryfonski, Dedrai. Death in Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man
and the Sea. Greenhaven, 2014.