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Final Obe-Syllabus Teaching Multigrade Classes

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Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum

all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent

graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tomas Del Rosario College human resources needs in the profession,
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City government, business, industry and home.
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082

Department: EDUCATION
I. Course Description:
TMC - Teaching Multi-Grade Classes
This course in implementation of multi-grade course that deals with the theories, principles and concepts
of multi-grade learners and classes. It includes pedagogical approaches and contextualized learning
environments for the different grade and age levels are grouped for instructions in different school situations.
This course also designed to teach the pedagogical practices designed for multigrade settings. As such, the
students will have the opportunity to examine the emerging concepts in multigrade education and understand
how the learners are nurtured in a multi-age learning environment. It is important that the students acquire the
knowledge and understanding of teaching and management strategies, instructional strategies and assessment
strategies to support the growing need in multigrade education.

II. Course Credit: Three (3) units

III. Course General Objectives

At the end of the course, the students should be able to:

1. state their philosophy which illustrates their beliefs on learning within multigraded classrooms;
2. relate their personal experience with multigrade teaching to new learning from research;
3. promote awareness and understanding of how children of different ages learn in a multigrade classroom;
4. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the philosophy and goals of multigrade teaching;
5. assess and evaluate elementary school student learning at formative and summative levels.
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tomas Del Rosario College human resources needs in the profession,
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City government, business, industry and home.
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082

IV. Course Content

Intended Learning Assessment

Time Frame Topics Teacher-Learner Activities
Outcomes Methods/Tasks
Prelim Period 1. Overview on multigrade
 Teacher- led
Introduction to A. Educational policies in
presentation and
Teaching Multi Grade multigrade teaching  Guided essay
Classes B. Implications for with Rubrics
 What is Multi- teaching in multigrade  Activities
Reflection and
Grade Classes classroom  Recitation
C. Multigrade, multi-age,  Quiz
and multilevel

 Use information 2. Learning styles of  Lecture/ Discussion  Group

on learning children dynamics
styles of A. Multiple intelligences  Peer Activity
learners to Storytelling and other  Reflective
know the cultural strategies Papers on
strengths and articles on MG
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tomas Del Rosario College human resources needs in the profession,
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City government, business, industry and home.
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082


Preliminary Exam
Midterm Period
 Design 3. Efficient classroom  Reflective Discussion  Reporting
classroom organization for  Brainstorming/ Peer  Essay
management multigrade settings Activities  Learning Plan
plans in A. Seating plans and  Individual Planning  Video
organizing classroom layouts Asynchronous Documentation
multigrade B. Organizing display and
settings. learning center areas

4. Management strategies
 Identify for multigrade classrooms
effective A. Teacher routines
management B. Student routines
strategies for
multigrade 5. Organizing instructional
classrooms. content
A. Selecting content that
 Demonstrate is teacher directed
understanding /student directed
of how B. Principles of
curriculum is Curriculum Design
developed.  Lesson Planning in
multigrade context
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tomas Del Rosario College human resources needs in the profession,
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City government, business, industry and home.
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082

 Apply
principles in
organizing and
 Mid- Term Examination
Final Period  Discuss effective 6. Effective instructional  Discussion  Individual
instructional strategies in  Peer Activity Presentation
strategies in multigrade schools  Classroom  Quiz
multigrade A. Team teaching Observations
schools B. Self-directed learning  Demo-Teaching
C. Peer teaching
D. Multi-grade grouping
E. Direct and indirect
 Identify strategies
strategies and
administrative 7. Assessment strategies
strategies that in multigrade schools
are beneficial in 1. Individual learning
improving the techniques (self-
implementation assessment, learning
of multigrade log, collaborative
classrooms writing)
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tomas Del Rosario College human resources needs in the profession,
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City government, business, industry and home.
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082

2. Evaluation methods

8. Administrative
strategies to support
multigrade schools
A. Making use of
alternative sources

B. Scheduling schemes

V. Course Requirement:
a. Complete attendance
b. Examinations
c. Quizzes
d. Homework
e. Asynchronous Activities

VI. References :

1. Collingwood, I. 1991. Multiclass teaching in primary schools: A handbook for teachers in the Pacific. Apia:UNESCO.
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tomas Del Rosario College human resources needs in the profession,
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City government, business, industry and home.
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082

2. Multi-grade Publications published online by Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory’s Rural Education divisi on
multiage education (7 books in PDF format) found at http://www.nwrel.org/ruraled/
3. Multiage links found at http://www.multiage-education.com/multiagelinks/
4. Profile of multigrade schools in the Philippines. http://www.seameo-innotech.org
5. Teaching in the Multigrade Classroom (2002). Primary and Secondary Teacher Education Project. Australian Agency
for International Development (AusAID) and GRM International.
6. Ministry of Education, Secondary School Instruction, Elementary and Preschool Instruction, "Senegal Teacher's Guide
for Multigrade
Classrooms" (2009). Learning Initiatives for Rural Education. 8. Retrieved from

Classroom Policies:

1. Uniform and Dress code

a. Students should be in proper uniform, wear school ID and appropriate dress during on-line classes.
b. Students are not allowed to wear spaghetti strap for girls and sando for boys during on-line classes.

2. Attendance, Tardiness and Absenteeism

a. Minimum of 80% attendance of the total contact hours in the subject is required (checking is done every meeting)
b. Tardiness of 15 minutes is equivalent to one hour period of absence.
c. A minimum of three consecutive absences without justifiable reasons requires a promissory note or written explanation from parents or guardians.
d. Six consecutive absences in the class means “drop” in the subject. Failure to attend regular classes after taking the prelim exam means of grade of
5.0 in the subject.
e. Always open your WEBCAM at all times. Failure to open the webcam will automatically mark absent in the class.

3. Taking Examinations
a. Always seek strong internet connections whenever there will be scheduled quizzes or examinations.
b. Be ready at all times and avoid absences whenever there would be examinations.
c. Examinations/ Quizzes would be posted on SCHOOLOGY only.
d. Other policies will be imposed as deemed necessary and agreed upon between the students and the subject professor.
Vision: Truth and Goodness in Man and for Mission: Produce through a responsive curriculum
all others through Education. morally upright, committed and competent
graduates capable of meeting the growing
Tomas Del Rosario College human resources needs in the profession,
Capitol Drive, San Jose, Balanga City government, business, industry and home.
Telefax No: (047) 791-6152; Tele No: (047) 791-6082

4. Other Policies
a. Always pay attention with the discussions
b. Make some necessary actions whenever the internet connections are quite weak
c. As much as possible avoid making faces or any actions that will destruct the attention of your classmates.
d. Be prepared all the time.
e. Enjoy the learning in TEACHING MULTI GRADE CLASSES.

Prepared by: Recommending Approval:


Department Chair



Vice President for Academics, Student Affairs and Extension Services

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