Logistics 1.7 1.8
Logistics 1.7 1.8
Logistics 1.7 1.8
Information from the customers flows in the form in the form of sales
Converted into finished products. Thus, the process is viewed in terms of two
a. Inventory Flow
b. Information Flow
a)Inventory Flow:-
From supplier and ends when this raw material is converted into a
b. Information Flow..
I )Planning and Co-ordination flows:-It provides information concerned with planned activities.
Customer service, then logistical cost will increase. In the same manner,
Market leader
State 4
Customer service
State 3
Market access
State 2
State 1
Network design which will reduce overall logistical costs but yet provide
Forecasting and order processing are two areas of logistical work that
Physically moves the products from where they are produced to where
They are needed. It acts as a physical link that connects the company to
Cost: The cost refers to total cost for the movement of goods between
Safety Stock
Lead Time
Replenishment of stock
Amount of right material, in the right condition, at the right place, at the
Right time.
Maintenance equipment.
Of logistical operations.
Logistical packaging.
Consumer packaging