An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
Communication Systems
1.1 Introduction
Until the late 1980s, analog modems were most widely used for data transmission over
telephone wirelines. The techniques developed in digital communications from the
1960s through the mid-1980s were mainly targeted for wireline modems. Since then,
various forms of digital transmission technologies have been developed and become
popular for communication over digital subscriber loops, Ethernet, and wireless
networks. The basic principles of synchronization techniques developed in the analog
modem era have evolved. They are still being used directly or as the foundation of
synchronization in other types of digital communication systems.
Since the mid-1980s, wireless has taken over wireline as the main form of communi-
cation connecting our society and permeating citizens’ everyday life. Because of the
widespread deployment of cellular communication systems, wireless technologies have
been making impressive progress in all disciplines including synchronization.
Another important area of digital communications is satellite communication, which
also experienced rapid progress during the same time period. While satellite communi-
cation has its unique properties, it also has many commonalities with wireline and
wireless communications including those in the area of synchronization. In this book,
we will focus mainly on the theories and techniques of synchronization for wireline and
cellular-type wireless communication systems. However, what is discussed is also
applicable to satellite communications.
To achieve bidirectional communications, two communication channels are needed.
The two channels can be physically independent or can share the same physical media.
Over wirelines, communications in the two directions can be either symmetric or
asymmetric. For wireless, such as mobile communications, they are most likely
asymmetric in the two directions. Communications from wireless base stations to
mobile devices are usually called forward link communications. Communications in
the other direction, i.e., from devices to the base stations, are usually called reverse link
communications. In this book, most techniques discussed and examples given for
wireless communications are assumed for the forward link, although what is discussed
can be adapted for the reverse link as well.
In this chapter, an overview of the communication system and its main functional
blocks is provided in Section 1.2. The details of the three major components of a typical
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2 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
communication system, i.e., the transmitter, the channel, and the receiver, are presented
in Section 1.3. Section 1.4 provides a high-level view of the main synchronization
functions in communication systems as an introduction to the subjects on which this
book focuses. Sections 1.5 and 1.6 describe the basics of code division multiple access
(CDMA) and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) technologies to
facilitate the discussion of synchronizations in communication systems that employ
these technologies presented in later chapters. Finally, Section 1.7 summarizes what has
been discussed and provides a summary of the common parameter notations used in this
book to conclude this chapter.
In some references, Tx is often used as a shorthand notation of transmitter. It can also be used to describe or
specify any quantity that is transmitter related. The same usages can also apply to Rx.
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1.2 A High-Level View of Digital Communications Systems 3
In digital communication terminology, the term demodulation commonly refers to the general operation of
recovering the original data symbols from their modulated forms. In a loose sense, it may also mean the
operations for data symbol recovery including frequency down-conversion, or carrier phase and/or
frequency offset correction.
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4 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
The source information processing and recovery blocks are sometimes viewed as associated with the
transmitter and receiver, respectively. However, in order to concentrate on the aspects that are most pertinent
to the subject matter of this book, their functions will not be considered here.
Direct-sequence spread spectrum communication is also a type of single-carrier digital communication.
To avoid confusion, in this book, the term “single-carrier communication” generally refers to non-DSSS
single-carrier communication, unless otherwise specified.
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1.3 Major Components of Typical Digital Communication Systems 5
same error rate is called the coding gain with the SNR measured by the ratio of energy
per information bit (Eb) divided by noise density (N0), i.e., Eb/N0.
Due to the introduced redundancy, the number of coded bits generated by the FEC
encoder is always greater than the number of input information bits. Consequently, the
ratio of the number of the input information bits divided by the number of the output
coded bits, known as the coding rate R,
number of information bits
R¼ (1.1)
number of coded bits
is always less than 1 in order to achieve positive coding gain.
Channel coding is an important component in a digital communication system. Its
purpose is to improve the performance of digital communication systems so that these
systems can approach the theoretical limit given by the Shannon channel capacity [1].
In earlier years, the most commonly used FEC codes were algebraic block codes,
convolutional codes, and trellis codes. Since the mid-1990s, turbo and low-density
parity-check (LDPC) codes have become popular in communication system designs
because of their ability to approach and/or achieve the Shannon channel capacity.
FEC is one of the most important disciplines of digital communications and has a
very well developed theoretical foundation. Due to the scope of this book, it is not
possible to cover all of its details. We will only mention some of its aspects related to
synchronization when appropriate. Interested readers can find abundant information
regarding the coding theory, code design, and code implementation from many
references and textbooks including [2] and [3].
In many communication systems, especially those intended for communication over
fading channels, the coded bits are interleaved before being further processed. Briefly,
an interleaver changes the order of the input bits. As a result, the consecutive coded bits
are distributed over a longer time period when transmitted. Interleaving makes the
effects of impulsive noise and channel deep fading spread over different parts of
the coded bit stream, so that the impact of the noise and fading on the decoding in
the receiver is reduced.
Because an interleaver only changes the order of the coded bits, the numbers of the
input and output bits are the same. Thus, the interleaver can be viewed as a rate one
encoder, which provides no coding gain over static channels.
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6 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
The most popular interleavers used for digital transmissions are block interleavers [4,
5] and convolutional interleavers [6, 7]. Similar to error correction coding, interleaving
does not directly affect synchronization. We will not elaborate on its functions further.
The interested reader can find the relevant information in the available references.
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1.3 Major Components of Typical Digital Communication Systems 7
When each data symbol represents more than two coded bits, MPSK and QAM
constellations are often used. An MPSK constellation consists of 2M points evenly
distributed on a circle centered at the origin, and each data symbol corresponds to
M coded bits. The 8PSK constellation is shown in Figure 1.3(c). As shown there, the
triplet 000 maps to the constellation points of the complex number cos(π/8) + jsin(π/8),
001 maps to sin(π/8) + jcos(π/8), etc.
The most popular QAM constellations have 2N constellation points on a square lattice
grid. Therefore, each constellation point represents a data symbol mapped from an
N-tuple of coded bits. The 16QAM constellation with four-bit Gray mapping and the
coordinates of its constellation points in the complex plane is shown in Figure 1.3(d).
So far in this section, we have assumed that the output of the channel encoder is
coded binary bits, and these bits are mapped to complex-valued data symbols. There are
also channel encoders that directly generate complex data symbols from the information
bits. One example is trellis coding, which was widely used during the 1980s and early
1990s. However, from the viewpoint of synchronization, only the form of the channel
modulation symbols is relevant. Therefore, in the rest of this book, we are interested
only in the type of data symbol constellations that is used in the transmission regardless
of how the symbols are generated.
In the literature, data symbols as described above are often referred to as data
modulation symbols. However, to distinguish the data modulation symbols from the
channel modulation symbols to be discussed below, we will refer to them simply as data
symbols. For single-carrier communications, data and channel modulation symbols are
the same. However, they are different for OFDM and CDMA communication systems.
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8 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
additional training signals are sent during the normal data transmission/receiving
session to improve the efficiency of the system.
In contrast, for wireless communication, the channel often experiences fast fading. As
a result, the data symbols to be transmitted are usually organized in packets, which are
transmitted consecutively to form a long data stream. Each packet has a short time span
and is embedded with synchronization signals. In the receiver, these synchronization
signals, such as pilot symbols, are used to perform channel estimation for the estimation
of data symbols, as well as to achieve carrier and timing synchronization. These signals
can also be used to obtain other information from systems that the receiver needs to
communicate with.
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1.3 Major Components of Typical Digital Communication Systems 9
DAC outputs are generated for every complex channel symbol, one from its real part
and the other from its imaginary part. To simplify our discussion, we will assume that
the DAC outputs are impulses. Practically, it is more common to use the “sample-and-
hold” DACs to generate output in the form of rectangular pulses with a width equal
to T. The description given below is also applicable to such DACs with minor
The power spectrum of a channel symbol sequence has a constant magnitude as it is
assumed that the channel symbols are, by design, uncorrelated in most systems. For
T-spaced symbols, the spectrum is periodic with a period of 1/T [8] as shown in
Figure 1.4(b).
It is possible to generate the analog baseband pulses by suitable analog low-pass
filtering of the analog impulses generated by DACs directly from the symbol sequence
as indicated in Figure 1.4(b). Because the analog filter performs both spectrum/pulse
shaping and image rejection, it is quite demanding to implement. In practice, it is more
efficient to perform spectrum shaping first by digital low-pass filtering. Once converted
to the analog domain, the spectral images can be rejected by using a simple analog filter
as described below.
To perform digital spectrum shaping, the channel symbol sequence is first up-
sampled by inserting zeros between adjacent symbols. As an example, we consider
the simplest case that one zero is inserted between any two adjacent channel symbols.
The spectrum of the symbol sequence does not change after zeros are inserted. How-
ever, because the sample spacing is now equal to T/2, the spectrum of the new sequence
has a base period of 2/T as shown in Figure 1.4(c). The zero-inserted sequence is filtered
by a digital low-pass filter, which has the desired frequency response such as SRCOS
previously mentioned. Figure 1.4(d) shows the power spectrum of the sequence at the
filter output.
DACs are used to convert the digital sample sequence at the digital low-pass filter’s
output to T/2 spaced analog impulses, which have the power spectrum shape shown in
Figure 1.4(d). Given that the spectrum has a period of 2/T, the image bands are located
at 2m/T Hz, m = 1, 2, . . . A simple analog low-pass filter shown in the figure filters
the impulse sequence to retain the baseband signal spectrum centered at zero frequency
and removes the image spectra. The output of the analog low-pass filter is the desired
baseband signal waveform as shown in Figure 1.4(e).
In practical implementations, sample-and-hold circuits are usually incorporated into
DACs to generate rectangular pulses. For T/2 spaced input digital samples, the widths of
the rectangular pulses are equal to T/2. Thus, the power spectrum at the DAC output is
equal to the spectrum shown in Figure 1.4(d) multiplied by a window of
sin 2 ðπTf Þ=ðπTf Þ2 ¼ sinc2 ðTf Þ.5 As a result, the power spectrum of the actual analog
waveform is no longer the same as the squared frequency response of the digital
spectrum shaping filter.
In this book, the sinc function is defined as sinc(x) = sin(π x)/π x, commonly used in information theory and
digital signal processing, such as in Matlab. It can also be defined as sinc(x) = sin(x)/x in some other
disciplines in mathematics.
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10 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
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1.3 Major Components of Typical Digital Communication Systems 11
a small portion of the main lobe of the sinc filter of the rectangular pulse, where it is
relatively flat. Therefore, very little distortion is introduced. Descriptions of the practical
baseband pulse generation using DACs with sampling-and-hold circuits can be found in
the references (e.g., [9, 10]).
The generated analog baseband signal waveforms can be expressed as
xT ð t Þ ¼ ak gT ðt kT Þ (1.3)
where ak’s are the complex-valued channel modulation symbols at time kT, and gT(t) is
the combined impulse response of the digital low-pass filter, DAC output pulse, and the
analog low-pass filter and often has the SRCOS frequency response given by (1.2). In
other words, the overall pulse/spectrum shaping filtering is performed by the composite
functional block that consists of all of these filtering functions. It is referred to as the
transmitter filter in the rest of this book.
where xT,r(t) and xT,i(t) are the real and imaginary parts of xT(t). In the literature, they are
often called in-phase and quadrature components of xT(t), denoted by I(t) and Q(t),
respectively. The modulated signal can also be viewed as the real part of the product of
xT(t) and the complex sinusoid ej2πfc t . The modulator implementation and the spectrum
of the modulated carrier signal xc(t) at the carrier frequency fc are shown in Figure 1.5.
The modulated carrier signal is then amplified and filtered to meet the regulatory
requirements and is ready to be transmitted over the channel.
1.3.2 Channel
In the field of digital communications, a channel refers to the physical medium that
connects a transmitter and a receiver. The signal sent by the transmitter propagates
through the channel before it reaches the receiver. During the transmission process,
impairments introduced by the channel distort the signal. Thus, the signal that reaches
the receiver will not be the same as its original form when it was generated at the
transmitter. The receiver regenerates the original information bits with no or few errors
from the impaired received signal.
The impairments introduced by the channel include linear and/or nonlinear distor-
tions, as well as additive noise and interference. Depending on the type of the channel,
these impairments have different forms. In most cases, the interference is from many
different and independent sources. Thus, it can be modeled as Gaussian noise according
to the central limiting theorem.
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12 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
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1.3 Major Components of Typical Digital Communication Systems 13
fd ¼ 2 109 ’ 185Hz (1.5)
1:08 109
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14 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
If a vehicle is moving in open space, e.g., on the highway, the observed Doppler
frequency shift behaves as a single tone. Namely, the carrier has a simple frequency
change, which is equivalent to an offset of the carrier frequency that the receiver can
correct by carrier synchronization. However, when a vehicle is in complex areas, e.g., in
urban environments, the received signal’s carrier frequency, phase, and magnitude will
all be timing varying. In this case, the Doppler frequency can be modeled as a random
variable. Its power spectrum, called Doppler spectrum, is distributed between fd,max and
fd,max, where fd,max is computed by (1.5) at the vehicle speed. The most popular Doppler
spectrum model, called the Jakes model, shown in Section 1.2 of [11], is given by
8 "sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
> #1
< C f
Pðf Þ ¼ πf 1 f f d, max (1.6)
> f d, max
: d, max
0 f > f d, max
where fd,max is the maximum Doppler frequency and C is a constant to normalize the
Above, we discussed some characteristics of the wireless channels, characteristics
that are useful when considering the channels’ impact on synchronization functions.
More information regarding the general characteristics of wireless and mobile channels
can be found in the literature, including the classic book [11] on this topic and other
textbooks such as [5, 12, 13].
where r(t) = r(t) + jri(t) is the complex baseband received signal, which is the
transmitted baseband waveform convolved with the time response of the equivalent
baseband channel [5]. It can be expressed as
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1.3 Major Components of Typical Digital Communication Systems 15
r ðt Þ ¼ ak gc ðt kT τÞ þ zc ðt Þ (1.8)
where gc(t) is the impulse response of the composite channel including the transmitter
filter and the channel, τ is an unknown but constant delay, ak’s are the channel
modulation symbols, and zc(t) is an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) process
introduced by the channel.
The real and imaginary parts of r(t), i.e., rr(t) and ri(t), also called the I and Q
components, can be generated as follows.
Multiplying rc(t) by cos 2π^fc t, where ^fc is the locally generated down-conversion
frequency, sometimes called demodulation frequency, which is nominally equal to fc,
we obtain
r c ðt Þ cos 2π^f c t ¼ r r ðt Þ cos 2πfc t cos 2π^fc t r i ðt Þ sin 2πfc t cos 2π^fc t
The last terms on the right side of (1.9) are at about twice the carrier frequency, which
can be removed by low-pass filtering of r c ðt Þ cos 2π^fc t. The first two terms can be
expressed as 0:5Re r ðt Þe j2πΔft , where Δf ffi fc ^fc is called the carrier frequency offset
of the baseband signal at the frequency down-converter output. Similarly,
r c ðt Þ sin 2π^fc t ¼ 0:5Im r ðt Þej2πΔft þ terms with frequency fc þ ^fc (1.10)
Thus, Im r ðt Þej2πΔft can be generated by low-pass filtering of r c ðt Þ sin 2π^fc t with a sign
change. The frequency down-converter implementation, which generates the baseband
signal, based on (1.9) and (1.10) with carrier frequency offset Δf, is shown in Figure 1.7.
The sinusoids for frequency down-conversion are generated by a local oscillator (LO)
with down-conversion frequency ^fc , which may be slightly different from the modula-
tion frequency fc due to the inaccuracy of the LO. As a result, there will be a nonzero
frequency offset Δf. The offset can be corrected either by adjusting the LO frequency or
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16 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
digitally later in the received signal samples. In both cases, the information from the
carrier synchronization block is used, as will be shown in Chapter 5.
The low-pass filters only need to reject the image signals at twice the carrier
frequency. Thus, their design and implementation are not very demanding. In practice,
they also serve the purpose of antialiasing filtering for the analog-to-digital converters
(ADCs) and need to meet the necessary requirements.
Thus, the frequency down-conversion process described above converts the modu-
lated waveform at the carrier frequency to the equivalent baseband signal.
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1.3 Major Components of Typical Digital Communication Systems 17
The samples are filtered in the digital domain to implement the MF or approximate MF.
Such a receiver filter can also be implemented by a combination of analog and digital
Without getting into the details of implementation, we can model the analog base-
band signal at the receiver filter output as
yðt Þ ¼ ej2πΔft ak gðt kT τÞ þ zðt Þ (1.11)
where g(t) is the impulse response of the overall channel including the transmitter filter,
channel, and the receiver filter; τ is an unknown but constant delay; Δf is the frequency
offset described in the last subsection; and z(t) is an AWGN process. If the sampling
delay is equal to τ and with the sampling rate of 1/T, the sample yn can be expressed as
yn ffi yðnT þ τÞ ¼ ej2πΔf ðnTþτÞ ak gðnT kT Þ þ zn (1.12)
where zn is AWGN. If g(lT) = 0 for l 6¼ 0, such a channel satisfies the Nyquist (ISI-free)
criterion [15, 16] and is referred to as the Nyquist channel and we have
For example, if the transmitter filter is an SRCOS filter, the channel has a single path,
i.e., no time dispersion, and the receiver filter matches the transmitter filter, then the
overall channel has a raised-cosine (RCOS) frequency response. The CIR of such
Nyquist channels has a form similar to a sinc function with its peak at g(0) [5]. Thus,
the sample given by (1.12) is at the peak of the CIR and yn is ISI free. Otherwise, there
will be ISI terms ej2πΔf ðnTþτÞ ∞k¼∞, k6¼n ak gðnT kT Þ in yn.
The digital samples are often generated at a rate of 1/T or 2/T depending on the type
of processing that follows. The sampling rate should be synchronous to the remote
transmitter’s channel symbol rate, which is detected and controlled by the receiver
timing synchronization block as will be discussed in Section 1.4.2 and Chapter 6.
There are two ways to generate digital samples that are synchronous to the remote
transmitter symbol timing. Traditionally, they are generated by sampling the baseband
waveform, and the sampling is done by using ADCs with a sampling clock that is
synchronous to the remote transmitter timing. In recent years, it has become more
common to generate digital samples first by using ADCs with sampling clocks that are
free running or asynchronous to the remote transmitter timing. Samples with the desired
timing are generated from the asynchronous digital samples through digital resampling.
Digital resampling, also called digital rate conversion, is the subject of Chapter 7 of
this book.
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18 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
Figure 1.8 Samples of 16QAM signal for data symbol and decoding metric generation
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1.3 Major Components of Typical Digital Communication Systems 19
The concepts of the likelihood, log-likelihood, the maximum likelihood, and the log-likelihood ratio will be
introduced in Chapter 2.
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20 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
divided by the noise variance are the LLRs of the first and the second bits that determine
the QPSK data symbol.
It is quite complex to compute the exact LLR of a coded bit for high-order data
symbol constellations. In general, it is necessary to evaluate the likelihood values of the
received signal sample with respect to all of the possible transmitted data symbols, i.e.,
all of the constellation points [19]. Therefore, in practical implementations, approximate
LLRs are often used instead of the exact ones with little loss in performance.
One of such approaches to computing approximate LLRs is that, instead of evaluat-
ing all of the likelihood values, only the two largest ones, one for the bit equal to one
and the other for the bit equal to minus one, are computed. Moreover, it can be shown
that maximizing the probability of the received sample with regard to the transmitted
data symbol is equivalent to minimizing the distance between the received sample and
the corresponding constellation point [5]. Therefore, only the two closest constellation
points corresponding to the coded bit being one and minus one, need to be considered.
Let us use the received signal sample A shown in Figure 1.8(b) as an example. For
the first bit in the transmitted symbol, the closest constellation points for the first bit
being one and minus one are B and C, respectively. When the noise is stationary, the
LLR of the first bit is simply equal to the difference of the distance between A and
C minus the distance between A and B divided by the noise variance. Similarly, the
LLR of the second bit is equal to the difference of the distance between A and D minus
the distance between A and B divided by the noise variance.
There are a number of methods to compute, with QAM constellations, the LLR of
the coded bits of the transmitted data symbol. The theory and the details of these
approaches can be found in [19, 20].
In Section 1.3, we provided a general view of the major transmitter and receiver
functions in digital communication systems. The descriptions were given in the context
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1.4 Synchronization Functions in Digital Communication Systems 21
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22 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
For point-to-point communications, the roles of the two entities on the two ends of
the channel are symmetric in most systems. However, the communication protocols
usually assign one entity as the master and the other as the slave. The master first starts
transmitting synchronization signals and the slave will listen until such signals are
detected. Then, their operations will continue according to the communication protocols.
The analysis, details of the operations, and the implementation of initial acquisition in
various communication systems, will be presented in Chapter 3.
The delay introduced by the overall channel may be longer than the transmitter symbol interval T and can be
expressed as MDT + τ. Only the fractional part of the delay τ is observable and can be determined from the
received signal at the physical (PHY) layer and is thus of interest to receiver synchronization. The integer
part MDT can be determined at higher layers during system acquisition if necessary.
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1.4 Synchronization Functions in Digital Communication Systems 23
sampling frequency synchronous to the remote transmitter channel symbol rate. In other
words, timing synchronization needs to achieve both phase and frequency synchroniza-
tion between the receiver sampling clock and the transmitter channel symbol clock.
During initial acquisition, the signal detector searches for the signal energy peak by
correlating a known transmitted symbol sequence with the received signal samples at
different sampling times. Thus, the signal peak found can serve as the initial timing phase
estimate. Once entering the data mode, the timing phase and frequency information
contained in signal samples for data recovery are extracted and used to maintain and
fine-tune the timing phase and frequency synchronization. Timing synchronization is
usually achieved by forming a feedback loop and thus it is often called timing locked loop
(TLL) or timing control loop (TCL). Once the TLL has converged, its output is synchron-
ous to the remote transmitter timing, i.e., the remote transmitter’s channel symbol clock.
The timing synchronization functions in receivers of different communication
systems, such as single-carrier systems with or without spreading and OFDM systems,
have their commonalities and differences. The theory and the details of timing
synchronization operations of various communication systems will be presented in
Chapter 6.
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24 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
systems, to reliably recover the transmitted data, the phase of the symbol estimate
should align with that of the original transmitter data symbols.
Hence, the receiver carrier synchronization function, also called carrier recovery,
needs to perform both carrier phase and carrier frequency synchronization. Various
schemes for carrier synchronization have been developed and implemented in digital
communication systems. Briefly, the carrier synchronization block obtains the carrier
phase and frequency offset information from the analog or digital form of the received
signal. The information is processed and used to compensate for these offsets in the
corresponding receiver blocks.
Detailed descriptions of the various aspects of carrier synchronization and the
realization are discussed in Chapter 5.
So far, we focused our discussions on single-carrier communications. Due to the
widespread applications of DS-CDMA and OFDM technologies in recent years, a
significant portion of this book is devoted to synchronization in communication systems
that employ these technologies. To facilitate our further discussion, the basics of these
technologies are presented in the next two sections.
For a long time, commercial digital communication systems almost exclusively used
single-carrier technology without spreading to wider band. The first commercial wire-
less communication system using DSSS technology was the IS-95 cellular system
proposed in the late 1980s and standardized in a TIA standard committee in the United
States in the early 1990s. Later, IS-95 evolved into the cdma2000–1x standard, one of
the worldwide 3G wireless communication standards. They are known as DS-CDMA,
or simply CDMA, cellular communication systems [21, 22]. Another member of this
family, cdma2000 Evolution-Data Optimized, or simply EV-DO, was developed in the
mid to late 1990s specifically for wireless data communications. In the late 1990s, the
DS-CDMA technology was adopted by the European Telecommunications Standards
Institute (ETSI) in a new wireless communication standard called wideband CDMA
(WCDMA) [23]. It was later adopted by the 3GPP partnership of standard organizations,
which have standard organizations in many countries including ETSI as a member.
WCDMA is now a member of the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
(UMTS) family. WCDMA and cdma2000 are radio interfaces of IMT-2000, the 3G
standard adopted by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
In a DS-CDMA system, the transmitter first generates a spreading sequence, which is
complex-valued, with white noiselike flat spectrum, and at a rate of fch, called chip rate.
Here the term chip refers to a symbol interval of the spreading sequence and chip rate
refers to the rate at which the CDMA channel symbols are transmitted. In that sense, a
chip is equivalent to a channel modulation symbol in the conventional single-carrier
systems discussed above. The spreading sequence is divided into multiple segments,
each of which has N elements. Every data symbol for transmission is multiplied to a
segment of the sequence. The resulting sequence is modulated to the transmitter carrier
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1.5 Basics of DSSS/DS-CDMA Communications 25
frequency and is then transmitted. Thus, the chip rate is equal to N times the input data
symbol rate. The spectrum of such generated transmission signal is N times wider than
the spectrum of direct transmission of data symbols without spreading. In other words,
the spectrum of the transmitter signal is spread by a factor of N. Hence, N is called the
spreading factor. This is where the term spread spectrum comes from.
Since the DS-CDMA signal occupies a wider spectrum than the original signal, it is
not spectrum efficient. However, the receiver can combine coherently N received signal
samples to generate an estimate of the data symbol. The SNR of the data symbol
estimate will be N times higher than the received signal sample. This process is called
despreading, which yields a processing gain of N. Due to the processing gain, the
system can operate at a much lower SNR to achieve the same performance of a
nonspread spectrum system. Essentially, the DS-CDMA technology trades spectrum
efficiency for improved SNR. DS-CDMA is particularly suitable for voice
During a conversation, one person usually speaks for only about 30 percent of the
time. In other words, the speech activity is about 30 percent on average. DS-CDMA can
effectively take advantage of this speech activity factor. Below, we consider the forward
link communication from a base station to mobile devices as an example.
In base stations of a DS-CDMA system, such as IS-95/cdma2000–1x and WCDMA,
the data from multiple users are spread by different sequences that are uncorrelated or
orthogonal to each other and added together before transmission. At the receiver, when
despreading the received signal using one user’s spreading sequence for the user’s data,
the interference from other users’ signals, which are spread with uncorrelated or
orthogonal sequences, are suppressed. Hence, the desired user’s signal is enhanced
and recovered. Due to the speech activity factor, on average, the power of the interfer-
ence from other users is not as high as when the users transmit full power all the time.
This is why the DS-CDMA can support more simultaneous users than the early
generations of TDMA and FDMA systems could.
For wireless data communications, the advantage of DS-CDMA disappears relative
to other communication technologies. For data communication it is most efficient to
totally avoid inter-user interference. As a result, most wireless data communication
systems employ transmission technologies that create no or little such interference. For
example, Long Term Evolution (LTE) and recent generations of Wi-Fi systems use the
OFDM technology. EV-DO essentially employs TDMA for handling user data signals,
even though it uses direct sequence spreading for other purposes.
Below, we describe the basic operations of DS-CDMA forward-link transmitters and
receivers to establish the foundation for the device synchronization functions described
in the later chapters.
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26 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
CDMA system, multiple data and control channels are transmitted simultaneously in the
same frequency band. To distinguish the data from different channels, each data symbol
is multiplied by a channel-specific spreading code. The spread symbols from different
channels are added together before being transmitted. A typical forward-link transmitter
of a CDMA communication system is shown in Figure 1.9. Because many of its
components are the same as that in generic single-carrier transmitters, only the parts
unique to CDMA are shown.
Similar to what is described in Section, coded bits of CDMA traffic and
control channels are mapped into data symbols at the symbol rate 1/T. Each data symbol
is multiplied to a channel-specific spreading code. In order for the receiver to distin-
guish the data symbols from different channels, the channel spreading codes are
uncorrelated or orthogonal to each other.
The spread spectrum signals are generated in two steps. In the first step, a symbol
from each channel is multiplied, also called covered, by a channel-specific orthogonal
code. If the symbols of different channels have different rates, the length of the
orthogonal code is inversely proportional to the data symbol rate of the channel. As a
result, the spreader outputs of all of the channels will have the same chip rate fch. To
simplify the discussion, in this section, we only consider the case that the symbol rates
of all channels are the same. In addition, the transmitter also generates a pilot channel
with unmodulated symbols, typically BPSK with value +1. The pilot symbols are
repeated to be at the same rate as other channels. This step is called time spreading.
In the time-spreading step, the purpose of applying the orthogonal code covering is to
eliminate, or at least to reduce, the interference between different channels. The most
popular orthogonal spreading code is Walsh code [24]. Hence, we will use it as the
example in the discussion below.
Walsh codes, also called Walsh functions or Hadamard codes, are a family of binary
orthogonal codes with lengths of N = 2M. There are N members in a group of length-N
Walsh functions. Each of the length-N Walsh functions can be expressed as an
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1.5 Basics of DSSS/DS-CDMA Communications 27
ðiÞ ðiÞ
N-dimensional vector, denoted by wN i = 0, 1, . . ., N1, with N elements, wN , 0 ,
ðiÞ ðiÞ
wN , 1 , . . ., wN , N1 , each of which is equal to either 1 or +1, and
t X
N 1
ðiÞ ðjÞ ðiÞ ðjÞ N for i ¼ j
wN wN ¼ wN , k wN , k ¼ (1.14)
0 for i ¼
6 j
where PnN is a diagonal matrix with elements of spnN , spnNþ1 , spðnþ1ÞN1 , which
are the elements of the scrambling code. With no loss of generality, we will assume that
these elements have unit magnitude. The pilot sequence after scrambling is the same as
the scrambling sequence.
After the CDMA chips are up-sampled and low-pass filtered, they are converted to
analog signals by the D-to-A conversion and further filtered by analog filters. Finally,
the baseband analog signal is up-converted in frequency, i.e., modulated, to carrier
frequency fc and is then transmitted. These final steps are the same as those performed
by the single-carrier transmitters discussed in Sections and The nominal
transmission bandwidth is equal to fch. Commonly, the transmitter filter is designed so
that the transmitted signal will have a baseband spectrum close to an SRCOS shape.
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28 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
samples by an ADC at a rate of mfch, where m is an integer. The low-pass filter performs
the antialiasing function. It is usually designed to match, at least approximately, the
transmitter filter characteristics. The signal spectrum after receiver filtering is close to
RCOS shape and approximately satisfies the Nyquist criterion for a single-path trans-
mission channel.
For DS-CDMA systems, the communication channel is usually modeled as a multi-
path channel due to radio wave reflections. The impulse response of such a channel is a
combination of multiple impulses with different delays and complex gains. Namely,
hch ðt Þ ¼ gl δðt τl Þ (1.16)
where δ(t) is the Dirac delta function, and gl and τl are the complex gain and delay of the
lth path of the channel, respectively. These paths are assumed resolvable, i.e., the
spacing between two adjacent paths is greater than the chip duration Tc.
The digital samples generated from the ADCs are processed by a RAKE receiver [27].
The function of the RAKE receiver, which consists of multiple “fingers,” is to generate
the estimates of the transmitted data symbols. The RAKE receiver is a key component
of a DS-CDMA receiver and will be discussed in detail in the next section.
To estimate data symbols effectively, the RAKE receiver must have the precise
knowledge of the complex gain gl and time delay τl of the paths. Thus, determining
the existence of the paths with sufficient signal energy and their delay and phases is the
main synchronization task of a DS-CDMA receiver.
The receiver operations in initialization and in data traffic states can be summarized
as follows.
During initial acquisition, a searcher in the receiver looks for the pilot channel signal
or special synchronization signals that are defined by system designs. Once such a
desired signal is found, the receiver also acquires the carrier phase and time delay of at
least one of the paths with sufficient energy. The searcher passes the information to at
least one RAKE finger for it to demodulate the signal. At the same time, the carrier
frequency offset value is estimated. It is then used to initialize the frequency value of the
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1.5 Basics of DSSS/DS-CDMA Communications 29
local clock generator to reduce the offset between the local reference and the remote
transmitter carrier frequencies. The details of the DS-CDMA receiver operations in the
initial acquisition stage are discussed in Section 3.5.
After the system parameters are acquired during initial acquisition, the communi-
cation link between the base station and the device can be established, and then the
receiver enters the data mode.
In the data mode, the receiver continues improving the accuracy of the estimated
carrier and timing parameters. It also searches for new paths with sufficient energy
from the acquired base station and from other base stations. When a new path is
found, the searcher passes its information to an available RAKE finger to demodulate
its signal. If the new path’s signal is stronger than one of the existing ones, the new
path may be assigned to the weaker RAKE finger and the older path may be
deassigned. These operations are called finger management, which is one of the
most important functions of the DS-CDMA timing synchronization. It is probably
also the most difficult and challenging operation of DS-CDMA receivers. The
examples of the timing synchronization operations of DS-CDMA systems are
discussed in Section 6.5.
After initial correction of a frequency offset, the RAKE fingers will track the carrier
phase changes of the associated paths. The residual frequency offset can be computed
from consistent phase changes. Carrier synchronization is usually less difficult to achieve
than timing synchronization in DS-CDMA systems, except in some special cases.
In the receiver, the LO inaccuracy will cause a much larger carrier frequency offset
than the timing frequency offset. Therefore, it is easier to correct the LO frequency from
the estimated carrier frequency offset than from the estimated timing frequency offset.
The estimated carrier frequency offset can then be used to correct the timing frequency
error, since the carrier and timing frequencies are most likely derived from the same
reference in the transmitter. However, it is also possible that these two frequencies are
not locked. For example, additional frequency up and down-conversion may be
involved during transmission. In such cases, it may be desirable to implement a
second-order loop to correct the residual timing frequency error.
Once the initial finger timing phases are estimated accurately, the estimation of data
symbols and combining of the outputs of multiple fingers are performed in a RAKE
receiver, which generates the estimates of transmitted data symbols. Decoding metrics
are derived from the symbol estimates and used by the decoder to recover the transmit-
ted information bits. These operations are relatively less dynamic than the timing and
carrier synchronizations. The details of recovering DS-CDMA symbols by RAKE
receivers are described below.
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30 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
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1.5 Basics of DSSS/DS-CDMA Communications 31
In addition to recovering the transmitted data symbols, the RAKE fingers also
generate information for adjusting the delay of the samples as needed to achieve the
best receiver performance. If the sampling rate is equal to 8fch or higher, the delay
adjustment is simply to select the sample at the path delay. If the sampling rate is equal
to 2fch, the digital samples need to be resampled to obtain a higher timing resolution by
digital interpolation, a process that will be described in Chapter 7. Moreover, the fingers
also detect the existing carrier frequency offset, which is sent to the carrier-frequency
synchronization block to reduce the offset. These operations will be described in detail
in Chapters 5 and 6.
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32 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
where gl is the complex gain of the lth path in the sample and znNþk is the interference
term including both noise and ISI.
To estimate the complex channel gain gl , the synchronization block collects N
ðlÞ ðlÞ ðlÞ
samples, ynN , ynNþ1 , . . ., yðnþ1ÞN1 , which are generated from the same data symbol
Si(n). The channel gain estimate is obtained by summing the N unscrambled samples,
N 1 X X
N 1 X
N 1
ðlÞ spnNþk 2 wðiÞ Si ðnÞ þ sp∗
nNþk ynNþk ¼ gl N, k nNþk znNþk (1.18)
k¼0 i2 active channels k¼0 k¼0
Because the elements of the scrambling sequence have unit magnitude and
PN1 ðiÞ PN1 ð0Þ ðiÞ
k¼0 wN , k ¼ k¼0 wN , k wN , k ¼ 0 if i 6¼ 0, only the contributions of the pilot symbols
remain and we have
N 1
sp∗ 0
nNþk ynNþk ¼ gl N þ znN ¼ N^
g l ðnNT c Þ ffi N^g l ðnÞ (1.19)
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1.5 Basics of DSSS/DS-CDMA Communications 33
The carrier phase in gl is removed by multiplying the conjugate of the estimated path
gain ^
g l ðnÞ obtained from the finger’s synchronization block. The output is the estimate
of the transmitted symbol weighted by the magnitude squared gain of the lth channel
path as
1 ∗ X N 1
ð1Þ ðlÞ 2^
g^l ðnÞ wN , k sp∗
nN c þk ynNþk ¼ jgl ðnÞj S 1 ðnÞ (1.22)
N k¼0
The weighted symbol estimates from the active fingers are added together to generate a
combined estimate of the transmitted symbols. In CDMA systems under low SNR
conditions, the noise variances in these estimates are approximately equal to each other.
The squared path gain is proportional to the SNR of the path. Thus, the summation
approximately implements maximum ratio combining and is optimal if these noises and
interferences are spatially white.
In the analysis below, we consider the chip cNn, sent at t = nNTc. After passing through
the channel, the signal containing cNn that arrives at the receiver is
ycnN ðt Þ ¼ cnN gðt nNT c Þ ¼ cnN gl hT ðt nNT c τl Þ (1.24)
In this book, we adopt the notations [a,b], [a,b], (a, b), and (a, b) of an interval (region) of the real numbers
between a and b, as commonly used in mathematics. A square bracket, [ or ], means the associated endpoint
is included in the interval. A parenthesis, ( or ), means that the associated endpoint is excluded from the
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34 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
The matched filter output at the optimal sampling time for the received signal ycnN ðt Þ is
equal to
ð "X #
∗ ∗
cnN gj hT u nNT c τj gl hT ðu nNT c τl Þ du (1.25)
j¼0 l¼0
Now let us consider the RAKE receiver. If the receiver filter matches the transmitter
filter, the output of the lth rake finger sampled at nNT c þ T p þ τl , i.e.,ynN , l , can be
expressed as
nNT c þT
ð p þτl
ynN , l ¼ cnN gl jhT ðu nNT c τl Þj2 du (1.27)
nNT c T p þτl
It is the peak value at the receiver filter output due to the signal from the lth path.
Weighting ynN , l by the conjugate of the lth path gain estimated and adding the weighted
RAKE finger outputs together, we obtain the RAKE receiver output
nNT c þT
ð p þτl
L1 X
l ynN , l ¼ cnN j gl j 2
jhT ðu nNT c τl Þj2 du (1.28)
l¼0 l¼0
nNT c þτl
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1.6 Introduction to OFDM Communication 35
Earlier we described various aspects of the communication systems that are based on
single-carrier communication technologies with and without spread spectrum. In recent
years, OFDM has become the technology of choice in the latest generation of digital,
especially wireless, communications.
The first major digital communication standard employing OFDM was DVB-T, the
European digital terrestrial television standard, which was developed around the late
1990s [29]. In the United States, a variation of OFDM, called discrete multitone (DMT)
modulation, was adopted for the digital subscriber line (DSL) standards [30]. For
wireless data communications, OFDM was first standardized in the HyperLAN, ETSI’s
wireless local area network (LAN), also called Wi-Fi, standard. In 1999, OFDM
technology was adopted by IEEE 802.11 standard committee as the 802.11a Wi-Fi
standard for the 5 GHz band. OFDM technology was extended to the 2.4G MHz band in
the 802.11g standard ratified in 2003. Later on, new 802.11 standards have emerged that
further improved wireless LAN’s performance [31].
Another important OFDM wireless communication standard is the Long-Term Evo-
lution (LTE) [32], also commonly known as 4G LTE. It is for wireless high-speed data
communications targeted to mobile phones and other devices in wide area network
(WAN) environments. LTE is the evolution of 3G wireless standards including
cdma2000 and WCDMA. It was first proposed by NTT DoCoMo in Japan, then
developed and finalized at 3GPP. The main advantage of LTE is that it can effectively
use a wideband wireless spectrum, e.g., up to 20 MHz or even wider, in each direction
to achieve very high data throughput, e.g., 300 Mbps and higher.
The popularity of OFDM is the result of a number of its salient features as
summarized below.
First, OFDM is a type of multicarrier communication technology. The OFDM signal
transmitted from a transmitter consists of a plurality of carriers, called subcarriers.
Multiple data symbols, each of which is modulated onto a separate subcarrier, are
grouped in an OFDM symbol and transmitted. The subcarriers are orthogonal to each
other. Hence, there will be no intersubcarrier interference (ICI) and no loss of efficiency
even with overlaps in spectra between them. Its theoretical channel capacity is the same
as that of a single-carrier system.
Second, when communicating over multipath channels, with proper design, OFDM
communication can more effectively and efficiently combat ISI than single-carrier
communication. As ISI is one of the major limiting factors affecting the transmission
efficiency, OFDM has the potential to provide higher spectrum efficiency than the
single-carrier technology with a reduced implementation complexity at the same time.
Third, an OFDM receiver eliminates ISI without performing channel inversion as
equalizers in single-carrier receivers. In theory, OFDM communication can achieve the
Shannon channel capacity more efficiently than single-carrier communications.
Finally, OFDM signaling is a natural fit for multiple input, multiple output (MIMO)
technology, which has been used to further improve the spectrum efficiency of digital
communication systems.
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36 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
However, OFDM also has its shortcomings. The main deficiency of a communi-
cation system using OFDM signaling is its higher overhead than that of the single-
carrier signaling. To eliminate ISI, the first portion of an OFDM symbol, called a cyclic
prefix (CP), duplicates the last portion of the same symbol. Therefore, the CP does not
carry information that should be transmitted, i.e., it constitutes an overhead. In
addition, it is necessary for OFDM signaling to include reference symbols, or pilots,
to facilitate data symbol recovery and synchronization functions. In contrast, single-
carrier communications do not have anything equivalent to CP and may be able to
dedicate less energy on reference/pilot signals when they are necessary. Nevertheless,
after making trade-offs, the advantages of OFDM outweigh its disadvantages. As a
result, OFDM has become attractive and important in today’s wideband high-speed
data communications systems.
Another potential issue with OFDM is its sensitivity to frequency and timing errors.
To combat ISI, it is desirable to design the subcarriers to have narrow bandwidths.
However, such a design results in long OFDM symbol lengths and OFDM becomes
susceptible to carrier frequency error, Doppler effects, and, albeit to a lesser degree,
timing error. Therefore, proper design and implementation of synchronization functions
in OFDM receivers are crucial.
The theory, characteristics, and implementations of OFDM communication systems
have been thoroughly studied and presented in the literature, including [33, 34, 35]. In
this section, we consider the basics of OFDM system implementation and signaling
design to facilitate the discussion on synchronization in OFDM communication systems
later in this book.
Because of the need to reduce the complexity of implementation, today’s OFDM
systems are based, almost with no exception, on a structure that was first proposed in
[36]. In such OFDM system implementations, the modulation and demodulation of data
symbols are accomplished by using inverse discrete Fourier transforms (iDFT) and
discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) that are usually implemented by using the computa-
tionally efficient inverse fast Fourier transform (iFFT) and fast Fourier transform (FFT)
algorithms. To begin, we provide an overview of the operations of such OFDM
transmitters and receivers, including their synchronization functions.
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1.6 Introduction to OFDM Communication 37
symbol, ND of such modulation symbols, one per sequence, together with (NDFT ND)
zeros form an input data vector XN DFT ðnÞ of the iDFT block.
The iDFT block performs the iDFT of the input vector XN DFT ðnÞto generate an output
vector x(n), which consists of NDFT output samples, x(n,l), l = 0, . . ., NDFT 1. The
OFDM transmitter treats the NDFT output samples as a time sample sequence. This step
is usually called parallel-to-serial conversion. These samples are transmitted as OFDM
channel samples at a rate of fs. The sample time interval Ts is equal to 1/fs. As shown in
[36], iDFT effectively modulates the modulation data symbols, i.e., the elements of the
input vector, onto the corresponding subcarriers.
In the frequency domain, the spectrum of such an OFDM signal is periodic with a
period of fs. It has a total of NDFT subcarriers that span the entire bandwidth of fs, which
is called the DFT bandwidth. Thus, the spacing between adjacent subcarriers, which is
called the subcarrier spacing and denoted by fsc, is equal to fs/NDFT. The kth element of
the DFT input vector is modulated onto the kth subcarrier, which is a windowed
complex sinusoid function at frequency kfsc in the form of
j2πkf t
e sc 0 t < 1=f sc
νk ðt Þ ¼ (1.29)
0 otherwise
where 1/fsc = NDFT/fs = NDFTTs is equal to the time spanned by the NDFT samples at the
Ð 1=f
iDFT output. It can be shown that 0 sc ν∗ l ðt Þνk ðt Þdt ¼ 0, for l 6¼ k, i.e., they are
orthogonal to each other. Due to the rectangular time windowing, the spectrum of each
νk(t) has the shape of the sinc function.
An example of an iDFT input data vector with NDFT elements is shown in Figure 1.14.
The data vector has ND nonzero data elements including the frequency-domain multi-
plexed (FDM) pilots to be discussed later. The zero elements in the input data vector
correspond to the so-called guard subcarriers.
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38 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
Conventionally in digital signal processing, the indices of the iDFT and DFT input
vectors run from 0 through NDFT –1 as shown in Figure 1.13 and Figure 1.14. Following
this convention, the 0th element in the input vector corresponds to the DC subcarrier in
the frequency domain. The data symbols assigned to the 1st through (ND/2)th elements
are modulated onto the positive frequency subcarriers at frequencies from fsc to NDfsc/2.
The data symbols assigned to the (NDFTND/2)th through (NDFT –1)th elements are on
the subcarriers with negative frequency from NDfsc/2 to fsc. The guard subcarriers
are located at most positive and most negative frequencies. It is usually desirable to
allocate one null symbol to the position corresponding to the DC subcarrier in order to
simplify the receiver implementation. Alternatively, the iDFT can also be performed
with index from NDFT/2 to NDFT/2 1.
The spectrum of the iDFT output is shown in Figure 1.15. It can be seen that the
subcarriers in frequency domain have the shape of the sinc function. At the peak
position of a nonzero subcarrier, the contributions from all other subcarriers are equal
to zero. In other words, the subcarriers do not interfere with each other. This fact also
demonstrates the orthogonality among them.
In addition to the NDFT samples from the iDFT output, which is called the main
portion of an OFDM symbol in this book, each OFDM symbol contains additional parts
to facilitate the implementation and for the performance improvement of OFDM
In order to eliminate or, at least, to reduce the inter-symbol interference (ISI) between
the adjacent OFDM symbols, a guard-interval (GI) is added before the main portion of
the OFDM symbol. Commonly, the GI portion is the same as the last part of the main
portion and can be viewed as its cyclic extension. Therefore, such a GI is also called the
cyclic prefix, i.e., CP, of the OFDM symbol.
The CP is the key element of the OFDM signaling for effectively combating ISI. If
the CP is longer than the span of the multipath channel, the interference of ISI from the
multipaths can be completely eliminated. In addition, as will be shown later, the CP can
also play a useful role in achieving synchronization in OFDM systems. However, the
CP also constitutes an overhead of transmitted signal energy. Thus, it is important to
choose the CP length carefully in order to achieve the best possible system performance.
Two complete OFDM symbols with their CPs are depicted in Figure 1.16. The
portions with the same shade indicate that they have the same data. TM is the length
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1.6 Introduction to OFDM Communication 39
of the main portion of the OFDM symbol with NDFT samples, TCP is the length of
CP with NCP samples, and TSym is the duration of the entire OFDM symbol with
(NDFT+NCP) samples.
Since the time domain OFDM channel samples are generated at every Ts, the time
duration TM of the main portion of an OFDM symbol is equal to NDFTTs. The length of
the entire OFDM symbol is T Sym ¼ ðN DFT þ N CP ÞT s .
The baseband OFDM sample sequence with the CP extensions is converted to
analog waveforms by D-to-A conversion as shown in Figure 1.13. The generated
analog signals are modulated onto the carrier frequency, amplified to the desired
power, filtered again if necessary, and radiated from the transmitter antenna. These
operations are the same as the corresponding ones in any other form of digital
transmission, e.g., single-carrier or CDMA transmission, described previously. The
total bandwidth span of the NDFT subcarriers at the DFT output is equal to fs = 1/Ts.
Since only ND out of the NDFT subcarriers are modulated by data symbols, the
bandwidth occupied by the OFDM signal, called its data bandwidth, is only slightly
wider than (ND/NDFT)fs.
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40 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
During the OFDM transmitter operations, OFDM symbols are generated and trans-
mitted consecutively. An OFDM symbol is the unit of transmission in the time domain.
Furthermore, an OFDM symbol consists of ND active subcarriers, each of which is
modulated by a data symbol. Thus, the OFDM signals can be viewed as being
transmitted over a time-frequency two-dimensional space with the time unit of an
OFDM symbol and with the frequency unit of the subcarrier spacing fsc. This concept
will be used when we discuss the properties of OFDM systems.
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1.6 Introduction to OFDM Communication 41
XN DFT ðnÞ ¼ ½X ðn; 0Þ; X ðn; 1Þ; :::; X ðn; N DFT 1Þt (1.30)
xðnÞ ¼ ½xðn; 0Þ; xðn; 1Þ; :::; xðn; N DFT 1Þt (1.31)
To simplify the description below, we adopt matrix expressions of the DFT and iDFT
operators. The length-NDFT DFT operator can be expressed as
0 1
1 1 1 1 1
B 2ðN DFT 1Þ C
1 B B 1 W 2
W 4
W 6
WN DFT ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi B 3ðN DFT 1Þ C
N DFT B 1 W 3
W 6
W 9
B .. .. .. .. . . .. C
@. . . . . . A
1 2ðN 1Þ 3ðN 1Þ ðN 1Þ2
where W N DFT ¼ ej2π=N DFT [8].
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42 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
The iDFT operator is WH N DFT , where the superscript represents the complex conju-
gate and transpose, or Hermitian, operation. It is easy to verify that WN DFT satisfies
xð nÞ ¼ W H
N DFT XðnÞ (1.34)
The demodulation of OFDM symbols, i.e., recovering the elements of the data vector
X(n) is performed by the DFT operation.
yðnÞ ¼ ½yðn; 0Þ; yðn; 1Þ; :::; yðn; N DFT 1Þt ¼ hxðnÞ þ zðnÞ ¼ hWH
N DFT XðnÞ þ zðnÞ
where z(n) is an NDFT dimensional noise vector, whose elements are AWGN with
variance of σ 2z . The vector y(n) is processed by the receiver DFT block. The output
vector resulting from the DFT operation, YðnÞ ¼ ½Y ðn; 0Þ; Y ðn; 1Þ; :::; Y ðn; N DFT 1Þt ,
can be shown as
YðnÞ ¼ WN DFT ½hxðnÞ þ zðnÞ ¼ hWN DFT WH
N DFT XðnÞ þ WN DFT zðnÞ ¼ hXðnÞ þ z ðnÞ
where z’(n) is a transformed noise vector, whose elements are also AWGN with the
variance of σ 2z because the operator WN DFT is orthonormal.
From (1.36), we observe that the elements Y(n,k) of Y(n) are the estimates of X(n,k)
of X(n) scaled by the complex channel gain h. If h is known to the receiver, Y(n,k)/h are
unbiased estimates of X(n,k). Moreover, it can be shown that the elements h*Y(n,k) are
the log-likelihood estimates of X(n,k). For communication over single-path channels,
only the main portions of the OFDM symbols are used and the CPs are not needed. The
CPs play an essential role in combating the ISI generated from multipath channels as
shown below.
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1.6 Introduction to OFDM Communication 43
From the figure, we observe that the (n – 1)th OFDM symbol generates ISI in the nth
symbol and the nth symbol generates ISI in the (n +1)th symbol, as they overlap with
each other. However, if the CP length is longer than the multipath span, it is possible to
place the DFT window in such a way that there is no ISI from the OFDM symbol prior
to the one to be demodulated. Moreover, the samples inside the DFT window contain
one complete circularly shifted x(n) from each path. Thus, no information of the
transmitted data gets lost. Note that the optimal DFT window location is not unique if
the span of the multipath channel is shorter than the CP. The receiver performance for
an OFDM signal transmitted over multipath channel is analyzed below.
The discrete-time impulse response of a multipath channel, excluding the transmitter
and receiver filters, can be expressed as
hð t Þ ¼ hm δ ð t d m T s Þ (1.37)
where hm is the complex value of the mth channel path coefficient, dm is its delay in
units of the channel sample intervals Ts, and δ(t) is the Dirac delta function.
With a sampling frequency equal to 1/Ts, the continuous time frequency response of
this channel is the Fourier transform of h(t), which can be expressed as
M 1
H ðf Þ ¼ hm ej2πdm ðf =f s Þ (1.38)
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44 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
where z0 ðn; kÞ is the noise term in the kth element of the DFT output. By using the
property of the DFT of circularly shifted input sequences [37], we have,
M 1
Y ðn; k Þ ¼ X ðn; kÞ hm W dNmDFT
þ z0 ðn; kÞ (1.41)
Thus, when the cyclic prefix length and the DFT window position are selected properly,
the OFDM transmission channel can be viewed as consisting of ND independent
subchannels, each of which is carried by a subcarrier. If the transmitter carrier frequency
and receiver down-conversion frequency are synchronized, there will be no or little
inter-(sub)carrier interference, or ICI, between them. The impact of the frequency offset
on OFDM receiver performance and how to achieve OFDM carrier synchronization will
be discussed in Chapter 5.
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1.6 Introduction to OFDM Communication 45
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46 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
and their frame boundaries. They are also used for determining and correcting the rough
frequency offset and for establishing approximate timing. The long preamble symbols
are then used to perform channel estimation. In addition to being used for demodulation
of data symbols transmitted in the frame, the generated channel estimate is used to
determine the more accurate DFT window position, i.e., the more precise timing. They
are also used to further refine the estimate of the frequency offset. After these steps, the
receiver is ready to communicate with the Wi-Fi network.
More details of the Wi-Fi initial acquisition procedures based on the preamble TDM
pilots will be provided in Section 3.6.2.
The Primary Synchronization Signal (PSS) and the Secondary Synchronization Signal
(SSS) defined in the LTE standard can also be viewed as TDM pilots. Given that LTE is
a wideband system, in order to efficiently use the available resources and for systems’
robustness, the PSS and SSS occupy only parts of the total bandwidth. The PSS and
SSS are transmitted every half-frame (5 ms). They occupy a 1.4 MHz frequency band at
the center of the entire LTE channel bandwidth, which can be as wide as 20 MHz.
The PSS and SSS are used in LTE’s two-step system acquisition procedure. In the
process, the receiver also determines other system parameters such as slot and frame
boundaries, the cell’s FDM pilot positions, and it performs initial frequency offset
correction. The detailed operations of the initial acquisition using the PSS and SSS
are presented in Section 3.6.1.
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1.6 Introduction to OFDM Communication 47
pilots is called continuous pilots, which are mainly used for carrier frequency estima-
tion. The second type of pilots, shown as dark gray boxes, is evenly distributed over the
entire two-dimensional grid and called scattered pilots. They are mainly used for
channel estimation for performing data symbol recovery as explained below.
The main purpose of sending FDM pilots is to perform channel carrier phase
estimation for coherent detection of the data symbols. As shown by (1.43), to perform
coherent detection of a data symbol, we must have the estimate of the frequency-domain
channel coefficient of the subcarrier, on which the data symbol is modulated.
From (1.42), we observe that the estimate of the frequency-domain subcarrier
coefficient H(n,k) can be computed if X(n,k) is known to the receiver, i.e., if it is
an FDM pilot. For example, in Figure 1.19 the modulation symbol on OFDM symbol
n, the subcarrier k is a pilot, denoted by Xp(n,k). The estimate of H(n,k) can be
computed as
^ ðn; k Þ ¼ X ∗
H p ðn; k ÞY ðn; k Þ= X p ðn; k Þ (1.44)
If the channel coherence time is longer than the OFDM symbol time interval, the
channel frequency response for the OFDM symbols that are close to each other in time
is correlated. The estimate H ^ ðn; kÞ can be used as the estimate for recovering data
symbols on subcarrier k of these OFDM symbols, e.g., with time index n1 and n+1.
Similarly, if the coherence frequency bandwidth of the channel is wider than the
subcarrier spacing, channel estimate H ^ ðn; kÞ can be used to recover the data symbols
modulated on subcarriers near the kth subcarrier of the same OFDM symbol.
Moreover, because the modulation symbol on subcarrier k+6 is also a pilot, the
channel coefficients of subcarriers k+1 through k+5 can be computed by interpolating
H^ ðn; kÞ and H^ ðn; k þ 6Þ to obtain more accurate estimates. Theoretically, the best
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48 An Overview of Digital Communication Systems
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1.7 Summary and Notations of Parameters 49
Single-Carrier Communication
DS-CDMA Communication
OFDM Communication
Ts: OFDM channel sample duration/interval, called standard time unit in LTE
fs: OFDM channel sample rate, fs = 1/ Ts
WDFT: OFDM DFT bandwidth, WDFT = 1/ Ts = fs
fsc: OFDM subcarrier spacing, fsc = WDFT/NDFT = fs/NDFT
TSym: OFDM symbol duration/interval, T Sym ¼ ðN DFT þ N CP ÞT c
fSym: OFDM symbol rate, f Sym ¼ 1=T Sym ¼ f s =ðN DFT þ N CP Þ
ND: Number of data (active) subcarriers
WD: OFDM data bandwidth, WD = ND fsc = ND fs/NDFT = ND/(NDFTTs)
(Note: An OFDM channel sample corresponds to a channel modulation symbol in
single-carrier communication.)
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