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Training Toulouse AAWS

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Airbus Engineering

Airbus Avionics
Toulouse Training
Your avionics partner,
inside Airbus

OEM F6198
Airbus Avionics
training About
optimizes your our
avionics TRAININGS
maintenance... in

IN ENGINEERING IN AVIONICS WORKSHOP The objective is to give trainees the right level of knowledge in systems and computers in order to be
more efficient in front of aircraft failures involving computers.
• System description overview • SRUs description (level 2)
• LRU description • Repair with ATEC (level 2) Performing better troubleshooting will decrease the no fault found (NFF) rate, improve reliability and
• Open VSILs, VSBs overview • BITE decoding in ATEC result file decrease your maintenance costs. Trainees will get thorough knowledge of each LRU and the
• Knowledge of line information useful • The tricks of the repair trade corresponding method of test in order to reduce the repair time. 
for shop operators
On top of improving their job:

Engineering people will get basic knowledge on ATE system, and will understand importance of
IN TRAINING line reports in the repair job,
capability to deliver internal training to Shop people will get knowledge about the operational unit environment, and will be aware of main
engineering and repair shop people tenance tests, which can be performed on aircraft.

Training Each training is conducted by the engineer in charge of tech-

nical support of the equipment, in English language.
free of charge Trainees requirements will be requested by the instructor
for in a message sent to each trainee one month before the
... and covers all Airbus aircraft session.

Airbus aircraft operators In order to adapt our trainings to your daily job, and to be clos-
er to operational concern operators can have, we encourage
families you to come with concrete examples you experienced and for
lodging & travelling costs are which you wish explanations (it could be more beneficial if
at the operator expenses you could send these examples before the training)
ATA 24 BMU (Battery Monitoring unit) P/N LA6N0...
ATA 27 PRIM (Flight Control Primary Computer) P/N LA6P0...
SEC (Flight Control Secondary Computer) P/N LA6S0...
BCM (Back Control Module) P/N LA6K0...

Training content
ATA 42 IMA CPIOM H P/N C13209...
System overview, LRU description, SRU IMA CPIOM J P/N C13210...
description (function only), repair process ATA 46 ASFC (Avionics Server Function Cabinet) P/N LA6L0...
(BITE decoding, test, find and replace (FSA) OSFC (Open world Server Function Cabinet) P/N 822-9222...
faulty SRU) PRINTER P/N 822-2827...
KCDU keypad / KFTA casing P/N 822-2976... / P/N 822-2977...
OMT (On-board Maintenance Terminal)
RDU Display P/N 822-2891...
ATSU specificy A380 IMA/NSS A380 NSS KCDU keypad / KMCA casing P/N 822-2976... / P/N 822-2978...

A350 IMA/FSA & A350 FSA

specificity specificity

ATA 27 FCGU (Flight Control and Guidance Computer) P/N LA8P0...

Training which provides Training only addressing These trainings are LRU fa- SEC (Flight Control Secondary Computer) P/N LA8S0...
an overview of FANS en- platform (hardware + OS) miliarization trainings, where
ATA 42 IMA CPIOM A, B, E, F, G P/N C31000/C31001/C13145/C13096/
vironment including FANS maintenance. For a system the shop part will be restrict- C13097
evolutions. Of course ATSU or software applications ed to a lecture course, with- IMA CPIOM C, D P/N LA8C0, LA8D0...
software customization is training, Airbus Customers out on job handling in shop. IMA IOM A P/N LA8M0...
broached during the session, Services to be contacted ATA 46 ANSU OPS (Aircraft Network Server Unit) P/N 251375101...
but AOC description and (through Airbus (NSS) ANSU AFMR (Aircraft Network Server Unit) P/N 252666043...
customization are not ad- representative team). ARU OPS (Aircraft Router Unit) P/N 251375122...
SIRU (Secure Interface Router Unit) P/N 251375122...
dressed as these are under ARU AFMR (Aircraft Router Unit) P/N 252666064...
AOC providers responsibility. TPU (Terminal Processor Unit) P/N 251480853...
PRINTER P/N 251375218...
OMT (On-board Maintenance Terminal) P/N 251375193...
OIT display (On-board Information Terminal) P/N 251375151...
OIT keyboard P/N 251375164...
OIT ACD Left & Right P/N 251375172... / P/N 251375185...
OWD (Open World Diode) P/N 251480840...
NCU (NSS Control Unit) P/N 251375143...
FAN kit P/N 251375130...

Training An emergency cellular phone number will be sent by the

instructor one month before the training.
schedule Daily training hours:
ATA 27 FCPC (Flight Control Primary Computer)
P/N LA 2K0 / LA 2K1/ LA 2K2
FCSC (Flight Control Secondary
ATA 31 FWC (Flight Warning Computer)
P/N 35-0E0-1 / 35-0E0-5...
SDAC (System Data Acquisition
Computer) P/N LA 2B0… Concentrator)
Mornings am 9:00 / 12:00 P/N 35-0E5-1 / 35-0E5-5...
ATA 31 FWC (Flight Warning Computer) ECP (ECAM Control Panel)
Afternoons pm 2:00 / 5:00 P/N LA 2E0 / LA 2E2… P/N 35-0L0…
SDAC (System Data Acquisition CAL (Cockpit Amplifier Loudspeaker)
Lunches at AIRBUS restaurant from Monday to Friday Concentrator) P/N LA 2E5… P/N 35-0D5 …
ECP (ECAM Control Panel)
are free of charge for participants P/N LA 2E9… ATA 46 ATSU (Air Traffic Services Unit)
P/N LA 2T0 …
ATA 46 ATSU (Air Traffic Services Unit)
P/N LA 2T0 …
Arrival For trainees lodging out of
at Toulouse airport Toulouse downtown and
not near airport
Whether it is to go to the hotel Every day morning and after the training
or to the training centre, each Each trainee has to be driven on his own
Training centre trainee has to be driven on
location his own (taxi, public bus,
airport shuttle, etc.) 

For trainees lodging in For trainees lodging

Toulouse downtown near the airport
Saint-Martin Du Touch Plant Day 1
A shuttle is available and can pick them up in Toulouse, in front of
316, Route de Bayonne Each trainee has to be driven on his own to reach
Air Algérie building (Boulevard de Strasbourg, near Jean Jaurès
(La Crabe Gate round about) Airbus gate
Metro Station). for more details, answer your hotel reception desk.
31060 Toulouse Cedex 9
For training starting on Monday morning Other days morning and every day after the
Shuttle at 08:15 AM (for a training start at 9 AM) training
AIRBUS Will be discussed on the 1st day in function of your
LAGARDERE AIRBUS For training starting on Wednesday afternoon hotel location
PLANT BLAGNAC Shuttle at 01:15 PM (for a training start at 2 PM)
Every day after the training
TRAINING The shuttle will pick you up at the training centre, and will drop
CENTRE PLANT you off in front of Air Algérie building

For information, there is also an hotel resort
nearby our premises, which allow trainees to
come on foot.

In any case, for hotel arrangement, you can



In front of Air Algerie
Boulevard de Strasbourg
(near to Jean Jaurès Metro Station)

Shuttle = bus or car or van

Airbus logo on windscreen and shuttle side
Should you have any request or information need, please contact us at:


E-mail Systems.support@airbus.com // Spec2000: TLSAA7X

Or visit our website at: https:w3.airbus.com/avionics_simulation


• Integrated in AirbusWorld Customer Portal

• Training & e-Learning module
• Tech pub on-line (SIL, VSB, CMM, etc.) with automatic notification of newly
• introduced documents
• Prices catalogue ( spares, standard exchange, repairs, etc.)
• Status for spares deliveries & repairs (link to the forwarder tracking device with AWB)

AIRBUS OPERATIONS SAS AIRBUS Operations SAS 316 route de Bayonne 31060 Toulouse Cedex
09 - France
AVIONICS & SIMULATION PRODUCTS © AIRBUS Operations SAS. 2014 - All rights reserved, Airbus, its
M6525 logo and the product names are registered trademarks.
316 Route de Bayonne Concept design by EYYRC.
Computer renderings by EYYRC.
31060 Toulouse Cedex 09 - France Printed in France by Airbus Multimedia Support.

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