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Road Map and OUtlines BS (CS) 2020-24

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Department of Computer Science

Government College University Faisalabad

Road Map for Affiliated Colleges under Semester System

BS (Computer Science) Session 2020-24

Semester 1 Semester 2

Course Credit Course Credit

Course Title Course Title
Code Hours Code Hours
CSI-321 Introduction to Computing Applications 3(2-1) CSI-301 Programming Fundamentals 4(3-1)
MTH-323 Calculus & Analytical Geometry 3(3-0) ELE-401 Digital Logic Design 4(3-1)
AAF-302 Financial Accounting 3(3-0) MTH-324 Multi-variate Calculus 3(3-0)
ENG-322 English Composition & Comprehension 3(3-0) CSI-405 Discrete Structures 3(3-0)
PST-321 Pakistan Studies 2(2-0) ECO-408 Introduction to Pakistani Economy 3(3-0)
ISL-321 Islamic Studies/Ethics 2(2-0) ENG-422 Technical Writing 3(3-0)
Total 16(15-1) Total 20(18-2)
Semester 3 Semester 4

Course Credit Course Credit

Course Title Course Title
Code Hours Code Hours
CSI-401 Data Structure and Algorithms 4(3-1) CSI-403 Computer Organization and Assembly 4(3-1)
CSI-302 Object Oriented Programming 4(3-1) Language
CSI-504 Computer Networks 4(3-1) CSI-406 Database Systems 4(3-1)
MTH-423 Differential Equations 3(3-0) SWE-401 Introduction to Software Engineering 3(3-0)
PHY-323 Basic Electronics 3(2-1) CSI-418 Wireless Communication 3(3-0)
STA-321 Introduction to Statistical Theory 3(3-0) CSI-505 Numerical Computing 3(3-0)
Total 21(17-4) Total 17(15-2)
Semester 5 Semester 6

Course Credit Course Credit

Course Title Course Title
Code Hours Code Hours
CSI-404 Theory of Automata 3(3-0) CSI-502 Artificial Intelligence 4(3-1)
CSI-407 Professional Practices 3(3-0) CSI-402 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3(3-0)
CSI-503 Operating Systems 4(3-1) CSI-506 Web Design and Development 3(2-1)
ENG-421 Communication Skills 3(3-0) CSI-508 Fundamental of Data Mining 3(3-0)
MTH-424 Linear Algebra 3(3-0) CSI-602 Distributed Database Systems 3(2-1)
Total 16(15-1) Total 16(13-3)
Semester 7 Semester 8

Course Credit Course Credit

Course Title Course Title
Code Hours Code Hours
CSI-601 Mobile & Application Development 3(2-1) CSI-604 Information Security 3(3-0)
CSI-603 Computer Graphics 3(2-1) Foreign Language* 3(3-0)
SOC-307 Introduction to Sociology 3(3-0) *Department can offer any one of the following languages Chinese , French,
German, English, Persion, Arabic
CSI-605 Parallel & Distributed Computing 3(3-0)
CSI-631 Project 6(0-6)
CSI-501 Compiler Construction 3(3-0)
Total 12(6-6)
Total 15(13-2)

Grand Total= 133

Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad


Course Name: Introduction to Computing Applications

Course Structure: Lectures: 2, Labs: 1 Credit Hours: 3

Prerequisites: None (first semester course)

This course focuses on a breadth-first coverage of the use of computing and
communication technologies to solve real life problems; including computing
environments, general application software like word processing, visual
presentation applications, tabular data manipulation, DBMS, WWW, Email
management systems, Virus, Anti-Virus and Spam Protection; Introduction to
the basic computing hardware (main building blocks), operating systems, data
networks; software engineering and communication technology along with
social and ethical issues. An introduction of the program of study in computing
for which this course is being taught (CS, IT, SE etc.). The course attempts to
provide every student a set of productivity tools that they will be able to use for
the rest of their lives.

Course Outline:
Number Systems, Binary numbers, Boolean logic, History computer system,
basic machine organization, Von Neumann Architecture, Algorithm definition,
design, and implementation, Programming paradigms and languages,
Graphical programming, Overview of Software Engineering and Information
Communication Technology, Operating system, Compiler, DBMS, Computer
networks and internet, WWW, web mail applications, Computer graphics, AI,
Viruses and Anti-Viruses, Use of office productivity tools, such as word
processors, spreadsheets, presentation applications, etc., Social, Ethical,
Professional and Legal Issues, and overview of the complete program of
studies in computing and its structure.

Suggested Text Book:

1. Introduction to Computers by Peter Norton, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill SiE,
ISBN 0-07-059374-4.

Reference Material:

1. Computers: Information Technology in Perspective, 9/e by Larry Long and

Nancy Long, Prentice Hall, 2002/ISBN: 0130929891.
2. An Invitation to Computer Science, Schneider and Gersting, Brooks/Cole
Thomson Learning, 2000.
3. Information System Today by Leonard Jessup, Joseph Valacich.
4. Computers Today by Suresh K. Basandra.
5. Computer Science: An overview of Computer Science, Sherer.
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Course Name: Calculus and Analytic Geometry

Course Structure: Lectures: 3, Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: None
Objectives: To provide foundation and basic ground for calculus and analytical geometry
Course Outline: Complex Numbers, DeMoivre’s Theorem and its Applications, Simple
Cartesian Curves, Functions and Graphs, Symmetrical Properties, Curve Tracing, Limit
and Continuity, Differentiation of Functions. Derivative as Slope of Tangent to a Curve
and as Rate of Change, Application to Tangent and Normal, Linearization,
Maxima/Minima and Point of Inflexion, Taylor and Maclaurin Expansions and their
convergence. Integral as Anti-derivative, Indefinite Integration of Simple Functions.
Methods of Integration: Integration by Substitution, by Parts, and by Partial Fractions,
Definite Integral as Limit of a Sum, Application to Area, Arc Length, Volume and
Surface of Revolution.
Reference Material:
1. Swokowski, Olinick and Pence, Calculus and Analytical Geometry, 6th edition, 1994,
Brooks/Cole Publishers.
2. Howard Anton, Calculus, 7th edition. 2002, John Wiley and Sons (WIE).
3. William E. Boyce Richard C. Diprima, Calculus, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471093335.
4. Thomas Finny, Calculus and Analytical Geometry, 10th edition, John Wiley and Sons.
5. Erwin Kreyzig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th edition, 1993, John Wiley & Sons


The primary aim of Financial Accounting is to provide students with an introduction to
the process and function of financial reporting. Whilst a large proportion of the course is
aimed at understanding accounting as a process, taking a preparers‟ perspective, we
will also seek to develop an understanding of the importance of the role of accounting in
today‟s society.
After studying this course the student will be able to understand:
1. The language of accounting and financial reporting;
2. Complete Accounting Cycle
3. Preparation and the role of Journal, Ledger and subsidiary books
4. Preparation of balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow statement.
Week 01
Accounting and its role
Development of accounting
Accounting Theory and Conceptual framework
Accounting Defined
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad
Why study Accounting
Financial statements
Major fields of Accounting
Accounting as a Career
Week 02
Basic Accounting Concepts
The Entity Concept
The Reliability (or Objectivity) principle
The cost Principle
The Going-Concern Assumptions
The Stable Currency Assumptions
Ethics-the-Most Fundamental Principle of Accounting
Qualitative characteristics of Financial statements
Week 03 & 04
The recording process
The Recognition Issue
The Valuation Issue
The Classification Issue
The Recording Process
Analysis of Transaction
The Journal
The Ledger
Balancing the Accounts
Week 05 &06
Preparation of Financial Statements
Preparing Trial Balance
Locating and correcting errors in recording process
Preparing Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet
Week 06 &07
The adjusting and closing entries
Need for Adjusting Entries
Recording adjusting entries
Preparing adjusted trial balance
Recording closing entries
Preparing post-closing trial balance
Preparing work-sheet
Preparation of Financial Statements
Week 08 & 09
Accounting for trading organization
The Purchase Function
Accounting for Purchases and Sales
Return and allowances
Periodic System
Perpetual System
Preparation of financial Statements
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad
Departmental Accounts
Week 10 & 11
Accounting Systems
Developing a System
Subsidiary Journals
Subsidiary ledgers
Cash Book
Petty cash book
Control Accounts Week 12
Cash and temporary investment
Nature and Composition of Cash
Cash Management and Control
Maintaining Bank Account
Bank Reconciliation
Short term investments
Week 13 & 14
Accounting for debtors and stock
Accounting Treatment of Bad Debts
Direct write-Off Method
Aging Schedule
Percentage of Sales Method
Recoveries of Bad debts
Measurement of Stock Quantity
Measurement of Stock Cost
Perpetual Stock System
Periodic Stock System
Week 15 & 16
Accounting for property, plant and equipment
Property, Plant and Equipment
Lump-sum Purchase
Subsequent Expenditure
Depreciation methods
Review of Useful life
Intangible Assets and Amortization
Wasting Assets and Depletion
1. Williams, Haka, Bettner: Financial & Managerial Accounting, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall
2. Professor Muhammad Ammanullah Khan: Financial Accounting, Latest Edition
3. Frank Wood‟s: Business Accounting 1, Eleventh Edition
4. Meigs and Meigs, Accounting for Business Decision, 9th Edition/Latest Edition
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Course Name: English Composition and Comprehension

Course Structure: Lectures: 3, Labs: 0, Credit Hours: 3.
Objectives: Enhance language skills and develop critical thinking.
Course Contents:
Reading and Study skills, Note –taking on reading, Precis writing, Critical thinking
skills, Dictionary Skills, Develop your own study reading system (detective novels),
enhancing vocabulary,

For EAP & EFF if they are part of required degree

(Technical writing, Report writing (formal + informal report), writing of research
proposal, writing of research paper, Interviews, Job interviews (face to face)and
Telephonic Interviews)

 READING: Topic sentence, identify main idea, distinguish between Fact &
Opinion, Skimming & Scanning, SQ3R, Notes taking techniques, Analyzing
techniques in paragraph structure, identify writer’s intent (cause effect, reasons,
comparison & contrast), making notes by using different techniques (tables,
mind maps, lists, graphs etc), comprehension paragraph
 WRITING: Self-expression in writing. Difference between Paragraph and Essay
writing Descriptive, narrative, discursive, argumentative. Comprehension
 ACADEMIC WRITING: How to write a proposal for research paper/term paper.
Difference between Summary & Review writing (Paragraphing optional). How
to write a research paper/term paper (emphasis on style, content, language, form,
clarity, consistency)
 REPORT WRITING: technical, progressive etc.
Note: Extensive reading is required for vocabulary building (Newspapers, story books,
daily writing, learning, movies, magazines and Detective novels).
Recommended Books:
a) Essay Writing and Academic Writing
1. Writing. Advanced by Ron White. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Third
Impression 1992. ISBN 0 19 435407 3 (particularly suitable for discursive,
descriptive, argumentative and report writing).
2. College Writing Skills by John Langan. Mc=Graw-Hill Higher Education.
3. Patterns of College Writing (4th edition) by Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R.
Mandell. St. Martin’s Press.
b) Presentation Skills
c) Reading
1. The Mercury Reader. A Custom Publication. Compiled by norther Illinois
University. General Editiors: Janice Neulib; Kathleen Shine Cain;
Stephen Ruffus and Maurice Scharton. (A reader which will give students
exposure to the best of twentieth century literature, without taxing the taste
of engineering students).
2. Reading and Study Skills by John Langan
3. Study Skills by Riachard Yorky
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Pakistan Studies
Credit Hour: 2(2-0)
contemporary Pakistan,
ideological background of Pakistan.
issues arising in the modern age and posing challenges to Pakistan.
Course Outline:
1. Historical Perspective
a. Ideological rationale with special reference to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Muhammad
Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
b. Factors leading to Muslim separatism
c. People and Land
i. Indus Civilization
ii. Muslim advent
iii. Location and geo-physical features.
2. Government and Politics in Pakistan
Political and constitutional phases:
a. 1947-58
b. 1958-71
c. 1971-77
d. 1977-88
e. 1988-99
f. 1999 onward
3. Contemporary Pakistan
a. Economic institutions and issues
b. Society and social structure
c. Ethnicity
d. Foreign policy of Pakistan and challenges
e. Futuristic outlook of Pakistan
Recommended Books:
1. Burki, Shahid Javed. State & Society in Pakistan, The Macmillan Press
Ltd 1980.
2. Akbar, S. Zaidi. Issue in Pakistan’s Economy. Karachi: Oxford University
Press, 2000.
3. S.M. Burke and Lawrence Ziring. Pakistan’s Foreign policy: An Historical
analysis. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1993.
4. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Political Roots & Development. Lahore,
5. Wilcox, Wayne.The Emergence of Bangladesh., Washington: American
Enterprise, Institute of Public Policy Research, 1972.
6. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Kayyun Toota, Lahore: Idara-e-Saqafat-e-
Islamia, Club Road, nd.
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Course Name: Islamic Studies/ Ethics

This course is aimed at:
1 To provide Basic information about Islamic Studies
2 To enhance understanding of the students regarding Islamic Civilization
3 To improve Students skill to perform prayers and other worships
4 To enhance the skill of the students for understanding of issues related to faith and
religious life.
Course Outlines

Introduction to Quranic Studies

1) Basic Concepts of Quran
2) History of Quran
3) Uloom-ul -Quran
Study of Selected Text of Holly Quran
1) Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related to Faith(Verse No-284-286)
2) Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to Adab Al-Nabi
(Verse No-1-18)
3) Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon Related to Characteristics of faithful (Verse
4) Verses of Surah al-Furqan Related to Social Ethics (Verse No.63-77)
5) Verses of Surah Al-Inam Related to Ihkam(Verse No-152-154)

Study of Selected Text of Holly Quran

1) Verses of Surah Al-Ihzab Related to Adab al-Nabi (Verse
2) Verses of Surah Al-Hashar (18,19,20) Related to thinking, Day of Judgment
3) Verses of Surah Al-Saf Related to Tafakar,Tadabar (Verse No-1,14)
Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) I
1) Life of Muhammad Bin Abdullah ( Before Prophet Hood)
2) Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Makkah
3) Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Makkah
Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) II
1) Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Madina
2) Important Events of Life Holy Prophet in Madina
3) Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Madina
Introduction To Sunnah
1) Basic Concepts of Hadith
2) History of Hadith
3) Kinds of Hadith
4) Uloom –ul-Hadith
5) Sunnah & Hadith
6) Legal Position of Sunnah
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad
Selected Study from Text of Hadith

Introduction To Islamic Law & Jurisprudence

1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
2) History & Importance of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
3) Sources of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
4) Nature of Differences in Islamic Law
5) Islam and Sectarianism

Islamic Culture & Civilization

1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture & Civilization
2) Historical Development of Islamic Culture & Civilization
3) Characteristics of Islamic Culture & Civilization
4) Islamic Culture & Civilization and Contemporary Issues
Islam & Science
1) Basic Concepts of Islam & Science
2) Contributions of Muslims in the Development of Science
3) Quranic & Science
Islamic Economic System
1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System
2) Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic Economics
3) Islamic Concept of Riba
4) Islamic Ways of Trade & Commerce
Political System of Islam
1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System
2) Islamic Concept of Sovereignty
3) Basic Institutions of Govt. in Islam
Islamic History
1) Period of Khlaft-E-Rashida
2) Period of Ummayyads
3) Period of Abbasids

Social System of Islam

1) Basic Concepts of Social System of Islam
2) Elements of Family
3) Ethical Values of Islam

Reference Books:
1) Hameed ullah Muhammad, “Emergence of Islam” , IRI,
2) Hameed ullah Muhammad, “Muslim Conduct of State”
3) Hameed ullah Muhammad, ‘Introduction to Islam
4) Mulana Muhammad Yousaf Islahi,”
5) Hussain Hamid Hassan, “An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law” leaf Publication
Islamabad, Pakistan.
6) Ahmad Hasan, “Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence” Islamic Research
Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad (1993)
7) Mir Waliullah, “Muslim Jrisprudence and the Quranic Law of Crimes”
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad
Islamic Book Service (1982)
8) H.S. Bhatia, “Studies in Islamic Law, Religion and Society” Deep & Deep
Publications New Delhi (1989)
9) Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, “Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia” Allama
Iqbal Open University, Islamabad (2001)
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad


Course Name: Programming Fundamentals

Course Structure: Lectures: 3, Labs: 1 Credit Hours: 4

Prerequisites: None
Objectives: The course is designed to familiarize students with the basic
structured programming skills. It emphasizes upon problem analysis, algorithm
designing, and program development and testing.
Course Outline: Overview of computers and programming. Overview of
language for e.g. C language C. Basics of structured and Modular programming.
Basic Algorithms and problem solving, development of basic algorithms,
analyzing problem, designing solution, testing designed solution. Fundamental
programming constructs, translation of algorithms to programs, data types,
control structures, functions, arrays, records, files, testing programs.

Reference Material:

1. Problem Solving and Program Design in C / 6E

Hanly & Koffman
Addison-Wesley | Published: 02/06/2009
ISBN-10: 0321535421 | ISBN-13: 9780321535429
2. C How to Program, 5/E
(Harvey & Paul) Deitel & Deitel, ISBN-10: 0132404168 ISBN-13:
9780132404167 Publisher: Prentice Hall Copyright: 2007
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Course Name: Digital Logic and Design

Course Structure: Lectures: 3 / Labs: 1 Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: Discrete Structures, Introduction to Computing
Objectives: This course introduces the concept of digital logic, gates and the digital
circuits. Further, it focuses on the design and analysis combinational and sequential
circuits. It also serves to familiarize the student with the logic design of basic computer
hardware components.
Course Outline:
Overview of Binary Numbers, Boolean Algebra, switching algebra, and logic gates,
Karnaugh Map and Quin-McCluskey methods, simplification of Boolean functions,
Combinational Design; two level NAND/NOR implementation, Tabular Minimization,
Combinational Logic Design: adders, subtracters, code converters, parity checkers,
multilevel NAND/NOR/XOR circuits, MSI Components, design and use of encoders,
decoders, multiplexers, BCD adders, and comparators, Latches and flip-flops,
Synchronous sequential circuit design and analysis, Registers, synchronous and
asynchronous counters, and memories, Control Logic Design, Wired logic and
characteristics of logic gate families, ROMs, PLDs, and PLAs, State Reduction and
good State Variable Assignments, Algorithmic State Machine (ASM) Charts,
Asynchronous circuits, Memory systems, Functional organization, Multiprocessor and
alternative architectures: Introduction to SIMD, MIMD, VLIW, EPIC; systolic
architecture; interconnection networks; shared memory systems; cache coherence;
memory models and memory consistency, Performance enhancements, Contemporary
Reference Material:
Digital Design, 2nd Ed., M. Morris Mano, Prentice Hall, 1991.
Practical Digital Logic Design and Testing, P K Lala, Prentice Hall, 1996.

Course Name: Multivariate Calculus

Course Structure: Lectures: 3 / Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Calculus and Analytical Geometry

Objectives: The goals are to develop the skills to have ground knowledge of
multivariate calculus and appreciation for their further computer science courses.

Course Outline: Functions of Several Variables and Partial Differentiation.

Multiple Integrals, Line and Surface Integrals. Green’s and Stoke’s Theorem.
Fourier Series: periodic functions, Functions of any period P-2L, Even & odd
functions, Half Range expansions, Fourier Transform. Laplace Transform, Z-

Reference Material:
1. James Stewart, Multivariable Calculus, 6th edition, 2007, Cengage Learning
2. Swokowski, Olinick and Pence, Calculus and Analytical Geometry, 6th edition,
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad
1994, Thomson Learning EMEA, Ltd.
3. Bernard Kolman, William F. Trench, Elementary Multivariable Calculus, 1971,
Academic Press.
4. Howard Anton, Albert Herr, Multivariable Calculus, 5th edition, 1995, John

Course Name: Discrete Structures

Course Structure: Lectures: 3 / Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: None
Objectives: Introduces the foundations of discrete mathematics as they apply to
Computer Science, focusing on providing a solid theoretical foundation for further
work. Further, this course aims to develop understanding and appreciation of the
finite nature inherent in most Computer Science problems and structures through
study of combinatorial reasoning, abstract algebra, iterative procedures, predicate
calculus, tree and graph structures. In this course more emphasis shall be given
to statistical and probabilistic formulation with respect to computing aspects.
Course Outline: Introduction to logic and proofs: Direct proofs; proof by
contradiction, Sets, Combinatorics, Sequences, Formal logic, Prepositional and
predicate calculus, Methods of Proof, Mathematical Induction and Recursion, loop
invariants, Relations and functions, Pigeonwhole principle, Trees and Graphs,
Elementary number theory, Optimization and matching. Fundamental structures:
Functions; relations (more specifically recursions); pigeonhole principle; cardinality
and countability, probabilistic methods.

Reference Material:
1. Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 6TH edition, 2006,
Mcgraw Hill Book Co.
2. Richard Johnsonbaugh, Discrete Mathematics, 7TH edition, 2008, Prentice Hall
3. Kolman, Busby & Ross, Discrete Mathematical Structures, 4th edition, 2000,
Prentice-Hall Publishers.
4. Ralph P. Grimaldi, Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied
Introduction, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1985.
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Course Name: Introduction to Pakistani Economy

Course Structure: Lectures: 3, Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3
Course Contents
Overview of Pakistan Economy
Development Experience, Approaches, Policies and Outcomes. Identification of Issues: The era of
1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s 1990’s and 2000’s. Structural Change and Sources of Growth. Emergence
of Economic Issues, Human Resource Development, Unemployment, Poverty, Income Distribution, Debt,
Deficit etc. Growth with limited development in Pakistan.
Development Planning and Resource Mobilization
Agricultural Development Policies and Priorities, Major Targets of Develop Plans and Emerging Issues;
Neglects and Successes: Mobilization of Domestic Resources; Shortages, Deficits and Role of Foreign
Aid. Agricultural Vs. Industrial Development Debate. Agricultural Adequacy.
Agriculture and Industrial Development: Emerging Issues
Pattern of Agricultural and Industrial Development, Land Reforms and Its Impacts, the Role of Green
Revolution and its Impacts: Present Status. Agricultural Price Policy and Income Tax. Sectoral Terms of
Trade. Industrial Development Policies and Strategies. Development of Large and Small Industries. Value
Added: Manufacturing Goods Vs. Primary Goods Production. Agriculture Vs. Industry: Development
Sectoral Development, Employment Pattern and Unemployment
Sectoral Priorities and Development Issues. Human Resource Development and Emerging Issues:
Population Growth, Labor Force Participation Rate and Employment Pattern, Unemployment and
Underemployment, Forecasting Manpower Needs and Employment. Strategies to combat unemployment.
Criteria to Measure Unemployment / Underemployment: Time Criterion, Productivity Criterion and New
Index of Unemployment: Application to Pakistan and Empirical Evidences. Good Governance, Social
Action Plan and its Impact. Role of Institution in Development. Social Sectors development Vs. High
Return Sectors: Growth trade off.
International Debt and Dependency
Concepts of Foreign Aid and Debt. Borrowing Vs. Domestic Reserve Mobilization (failure). Size of Foreign
Debt, Debt Saving and its Impacts. Strategies to combat with High Debt: Saving Policy, Foreign Trade
Promotion, Cutting non-development Expenditures, Rescheduling and its Impacts. Debt Management in
Pakistan and Its Impacts. Debt Modeling and Future Implications.
Poverty and Income Distribution
Pattern of Income Distribution: Rural and Urban. Definitions and Approaches to Measure Poverty: Income
Approach, Expenditure Approach, Basic Needs Approach, Poverty of Participatory Index (POPI). How to
Combat Poverty; Growth Strategy, Basic Needs, Labor Intensive Investment: Education / Training etc.
and Social Action Plan (SAP) , its Role and Critical Review, Evasion of Policies / Strategies to Combat
Poverty and Improving Income Distribution: Critical Evaluation. Neglect of Human Resource
Development. Child Labor. Factors Productivity Issues.
Inflation, Foreign Trade Deficit and Emerging Issues
Sources of Inflation in Pakistan. Policies to Combat Inflation and their Impacts. Trade Performance,
Instability and its Impacts. Policies to Combat Deficit and Trade Instability. WTO and Its Impacts. Reforms
and Further Needs. Expected Impacts of WTO and Challenges. Terms of Trade Issues, Market Access
and Health Related Rates.
Recommended Books
• Aslam M., Perspective on Development Planning In Pakistan, Allied Book Centre, Lahore, 2001-
• Chaudhary M. Aslam and Ahmad Eatzaz: Globalization, WTO and Trade Liberalization in Pakistan,
FerozSons, Lahore (2004).
• Chaudhary M. Aslam, Human Resource Development and Management in Pakistan, Ferozsons,
Lahore (1989).
• Khan, Shahrukh R., 50 Years of Pakistan’s Economy – Traditional Topics and Contemporary
Concerns. Oxford Univ. Press, Karachi (2000).
• Mahbool-ul-Haq Centre for Human Development (MHCHD), Poverty Profile of Pakistan, (1989)
Oxford University Press.
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad
• Human Development In South Asia, Annual Report.
• Saeed, Khawaja Amjad, The Economy of Pakistan, Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2004.
• Zaidi, Akbar, (1999), Issues in Pakistan Economy, Oxford Univ., Press, Karachi.
• World Development Reports, World Bank.

Course Name: Technical Writing

Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None

Course Outline:
Characteristics of Academic, Public, Work and Electronic Communities. Myths and Realities about
Writing. Effective Writing: Discovering and Planning; Purpose, Thesis, and Audience; Drafting:
Drafting Collaboratively, Drafting in Digital Environments; Revising, Editing, and Proofreading.
Paragraphs: Unfocused Paragraphs, Incoherent Paragraphs, Poorly Developed Paragraphs, Special-
Purpose Paragraphs. Unclear, Clear and Emphatic Sentences. Reasoning Critically. Reading Critically.
Arguing Persuasively & Logically. Designing Documents. Writing in Online Communities.
Presentation skills: Speaking Effectively. Interviews , telephonic, face to face, different kinds of
interviews. Techniques and strategies for making and delivering a presentation, use of AV aids
Academic Writing for Social and Natural Sciences: Goals of Writing, Audiences, Writing Tasks, Types
of Writing: Abstract, Informative Report, Lab Report, Research Report, Project Reports, Technical
report, short and long report, progressive report.
Business letters of different kinds, good news, bad news, invitations, adjustments, resignation, letter for
joining. Cover letter. CV and Resume with different types.
Public Writing: Goals of Public Writing, Public Audiences, Public Writing Tasks, Types of Public
Writing, Public Flyer, Letter to the Editor.
Researching and Writing: Types of Research Writing, Developing a Research Question, proposal for a
research, Developing a Preliminary Thesis, Creating a Research File and a Timeline, Reading and Note
taking, Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Synthesizing. Writing a Position Paper.
Reference Materials:
1. Writer's Companion – The Longman by Chris M. Anson, Robert A. Schwegler and Marcia F. Muth,
Pearson Longman, 4th Edition 2007. ISBN10: 0-20556-252-3
2. Technical English: Writing, Reading, and Speaking by Pickett and Laster. 8th Edition
3. The Technical Writer’s Companion by Alred, Gerald, Charles T. Brusaw and Walter E. Oliu, 3rd
Edition. ISBN 0-312-25978-6.
4. Mecnakshi Raman & Sangeeta Technical Communication
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad


Course Name: Data Structures and Algorithms

Course Structure: Lectures: 3 / Labs: 1 Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: Object Oriented Paradigms
Objectives: The course is designed to teach students structures and schemes, which
allow them to write programs to efficiently manipulate, store, and retrieve data.
Students are exposed to the concepts of time and space complexity of computer

Course Outline: Introduction to data structures; Arrays, Stacks, Queues,

Priority Queues, Linked Lists, Trees, and Graphs. Recursion, sorting and
searching algorithms, Hashing, Storage and retrieval properties and techniques for the
various data structures. Algorithm Complexity, Polynomial and Intractable Algorithms,
Classes of Efficient Algorithms, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic, Greedy
Reference Material:
Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with C++, 2nd ed, Frank M. Carrano, Paul
Helman, Robert Veroff, Addison-Wesley, 1998.
Data Structures and Algorithms (SAMS teach yourself), Lafore, Sams Publishing, 1999.
Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++, Horowitz, Sahni, and Mehta, Computer
Science Press, 1995.
Data Structures in JAVA, Standish, Addison Wesley, 2000

Course Name: Object Oriented Programming

Course Structure: Lectures: 3, Labs: 1 Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals
Objectives: The course aims to focus on object-oriented concepts, analysis and
software development.
Course Outline: Evolution of Object Oriented (OO) programming, OO concepts
and principles, problem solving in OO paradigm, OO programme design process,
classes, methods, objects and encapsulation; constructors and destructors,
operator and function overloading, virtual functions, derived classes, inheritance
and polymorphism. I/O and file processing, exception handling
Reference Material:
1. C++ How to Program, 6/E
(Harvey & Paul) Deitel & Deitel ISBN-10: 0136152503
ISBN-13: 9780136152507 Publisher: Prentice Hall
2. Java How to Program, 7/E
(Harvey & Paul) Deitel & Deitel ISBN-10: 0132222205 ISBN-13:
9780132222204 Publisher: Prentice Hall
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Course Name: Computer Networks

Course Structure: Lectures: 3, Labs: 1 Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: None
Objectives: To introduce students to the concept of computer communication.
Analogue & digital transmission. Network Layers, Network models (OSI, TCP/IP)
and Protocol Standards. Emphasis is given on the understanding of modern
network concepts.
Course Outline: Analogue and digital Transmission, Noise, Media, Encoding,
Asynchronous and Synchronous transmission, Protocol design issues. Network
system architectures (OSI, TCP/IP), Error Control, Flow Control, Data Link
Protocols (HDLC, PPP). Local Area Networks and MAC Layer protocols
(Ethernet, Token ring), Multiplexing, Switched and IP Networks, Inter-networking,
Routing, Bridging, Transport layer protocols TCP/IP, UDP. Network security
issues. Programming exercises, labs or projects involving implementation of
protocols at different layers.

Reference Material:
1. Introduction to Computer Networks /4, A. S. Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall 2003
2. Computer Networks and Internets, 5/E, 2008
Douglas E. Comer, Purdue University ISBN-10: 0136061273 ISBN-13:
9780136061274 Publisher: Prentice Hall
3. Data and Computer Communications By William Stallings Published by
Macmillan Pub. Co., 8th Edition 2006
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Course Name: Differential Equations

Course Structure: Lectures: 3 / Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Calculus and Analytical Geometry
Objectives: Develop fundamental skills of solving ordinary differential equations,
and developing differential equations for real-world problems.
Course Outline: Ordinary Differential Equations of the First Order: Geometrical
Considerations, Isoclines, Separable Equations, Equations Reducible to
Separable Form, Exact Differential Equations, Integrating Factors, Linear First-
Order Differential Equations, Variation of Parameters. Ordinary Linear Differential
Equations; Homogeneous Linear Equations of the Second Order, Homogeneous
Second-Order Equations with Constant Coefficients, General Solution, Real
Roots, Complex Roots, Double Root of the Characteristic Equation, Differential
Operators, Cauchy Equation, Homogeneous Linear Equations of Arbitrary Order,
Homogeneous Linear Equations of Arbitrary Order with Constant Coefficients,
Non-homogeneous Linear Equations. Modelling of Electrical Circuits. Systems of
Differential Equations. Series Solutions of Differential Equations. Partial
Differential Equations: Method of Separation of variables, wave, Heat & Laplace
equations and their solutions by Fourier series method.
Reference Material:
1. Michael Greenberg, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 1996, Prentice Hall
2. Erwin Kreyzig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th edition, 1993, John Wiley &
Sons Inc.
3. Zill, Prindle, Weber and Schmidt, A First Course in Differential Equations,
1996, Brooks/Cole Publishing,
4. Dennis G. Zill, Michael R. Cullen. Differential Equations with Boundary-Value
Problems, 1996, Brooks/Cole Publishing,
5. C. H .Edwards, David E. Penney, Elementary Differential Equations With
Applications, 1993, Prentice Hall.

Course Name: Basic Electronics

Course Structure: Lectures: 3 Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Electric Circuits
Objectives: Introduction of Electronics
Course Outline: Fundamentals of Semiconductor physics: Band theory,
semiconductors (intrinsic and extrinsic), pn junction, pn junctions as a rectifier, clipper
and clamper circuits, zener diode and voltage regulator, LED and LCD etc., Transistors:
Bipolar Junction transistors, BJT biasing circuits, Q-point, BJT as a switch, BJT
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad
amplifiers, classes of amplifiers, power amplifiers, Metal oxide transistors, nMOS,
pMOS and CMOS inverters circuits. Introduction to A/D and D/A conversion circuits.

Reference Material:
University Physics by Freedman and Young (10 th and higher editions).
College Physics by Resnick, Halliday and Krane (6th and higher edition).
Course Name: Introduction to Statistical Theory
Course Structure: Lectures: 3, Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: None
Objectives: To introduce the concepts of data analysis, presentation, counting
techniques, probability and decision making.
Course Outline: Introduction to Statistics, Descriptive Statistics, Statistics in
decision making, Graphical representation of Data Stem-and Lead plot, Box-Cox
plots, measures of central tendencies and dispersion, moments of frequency
distribution; Counting techniques, introduction to probability, sample space,
events, laws of probability, Conditional probability and Baye’s theorem with
application to random variable (Discrete and continuous) Binomial, Poisson,
Geometric, Negative Binomial Distributions; Exponential Gamma and Normal
distributions. Regression and Correlation, Estimation and testing of hypotheses,
use of elementary statistical packages for explanatory Data analysis.
Reference Material:
1. Ronald Walpole, Myers, Myers, Ye, “Probability & Statistics for Engineers &
Scientists”, 8th edition, 2008, Prentice Hall Publisher.
2. Lay L. Devore, Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences,
2003, Duxbury Publishers.
3. G. Cowan, Statistical Data Analysis, 1998, Clarendon, Oxford.
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Course Name: Computer Organization and Assembly Language
Course Structure: Lectures: 3, Labs: 1 Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: Digital Logic Design
Objectives: The main objective of this course is to introduce the organization of
computer systems and usage of assembly language for optimization and control.
Emphasis should be given to expose the low-level logic employed for problem
solving while using assembly language as a tool. At the end of the course the
students should be capable of writing moderately complex assembly language
subroutines and interfacing them to any high level language.

Course Outline: Microprocessor Bus Structure: Addressing, Data and Control,

Memory Organization and Structure (Segmented and Linear Models), Introduction
to Registers and Flags, Data Movement, Arithmetic and Logic, Programme
Control, Subroutines, Stack and its operation, Peripheral Control Interrupts,
Interfacing with high level languages, Real-time application.
Objectives and Perspectives of Assembly Language, Addressing Modes,
Introduction to the Assembler and Debugger, Manipulate and translate machine
and assembly code, Describe actions inside the processing chip, Discuss
operations performed by an instruction set, Write a fully documented program,
Using an assembler of choice.

Reference Material:
1. Stallings, "Computer Organization & Architecture", 7th ed, Prentice HALL,
2. Irvine, Assembly Language for Intel-based Computers, 5th ed, Prentice Hall,
3. Computer Organization and Design, The Hardware/Software Interface, 4th ed,
by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, 2008. Elsevier Publishers.

Course Name: Database Systems

Course Structure: Lectures: 3, Labs: 1 Credit Hours: 4

Prerequisites: Data Structures and Algorithms
Objectives: The course aims to introduce basic database concepts, different data
models, data storage and retrieval techniques and database design techniques. The
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad
course primarily focuses on relational data model and DBMS concepts.

Course Outline: Basic database concepts; Entity Relationship modelling,

Relational data model and algebra, Structured Query language; RDBMS; Database
design, functional dependencies and normal forms; Transaction processing and
optimization concepts; concurrency control and recovery techniques; Database
security and authorization. Small Group Project implementing a database. Physical
database design: Storage and file structure; indexed files; b-trees; files with dense
index; files with variable length records; database efficiency and tuning.

Reference Material:
1. Database Systems 8E, C.J.Date, Addison Wesley Pub. Co. (2004).
2. Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and
Management 5E, R.Connolly and P.Begg, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co (2009).
3. Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5/E, Elmasri and Navathe, Addison-
Wesley, ISBN: 0-201-74153-9.

Course Name: Introduction to Software Engineering

Course Structure: Lectures: 3, Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3

Prerequisites: Object Oriented Paradigm/Programming
Objectives: To study various software development models and phases of
software development life cycle. The concepts of project management, change
control, process management, software development and testing are introduced
through hands-on Team Projects.
Course Outline: Introduction to Computer-based System Engineering; Project
Management; Software Specification; Requirements Engineering, System
Modelling; Requirements Specifications; Software Prototyping; Software Design:
Architectural Design, Object-Oriented Design, UML modelling, Function-Oriented
Design, User Interface Design; Quality Assurance; Processes & Configuration
Management; Introduction to advanced issues: Reusability, Patterns;
Assignments and projects on various stages and deliverables of SDLC.

Reference Material:
1. Software Engineering 8E by Sommerville Addison Wesley, 2006
2. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach /7E, Roger Pressman,
McGraw-Hill, 2009
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Course Name: Wireless Communication

Course Structure: Lectures: 3 Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3
Course Description: This course covers fundamental techniques in
design and operation of first, second, and third generation wireless
networks: cellular systems, medium access techniques, radio
propagation models, error control techniques, handoff, power control,
common air protocols (AMPS, IS-95, IS-136, GSM, GPRS, EDGE,
WCDMA, cdma2000, etc), radio resource and network management.
As an example for the third generation air interfaces, WCDMA is
discussed in detail since it is expected to have a large impact on future
wireless networks. This course is intended for graduate students who
have some background on computer networks.
Text Books/Reference Books:
1. W. Stallings, “Wireless Communications and Networks”,
Prentice Hall, 2002.
2. T.S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications: Principles &
Practice”, Second Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.
3. J. Schiller, “Mobile Communications”, Addison Wesley, 2000.
4. V.K. Garg, “IS-95 CDMA and cdma 2000”, Prentice Hall PTR,
5. J.P. Castro, “The UMTS Network and Radio Access
Technology - Air Interface
Techniques for Future Mobile Systems”, Wiley, 2001.
6. H. Holma and A. Toskala, “WCDMA for UMTS Radio Access
for Third Generation Mobile Communications”, John Wiley & Sons,
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Course Name: Numerical Computing

Course Structure: Lectures: 3 / Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Calculus and Analytical Geometry
Objectives: On completion of this unit, students will be able to demonstrate
programming proficiency using structured programming techniques to implement
numerical methods for solutions using computer-based programming techniques
.using Matlab for all methods. The course must serve the purpose of scientific
software development for science and engineering problems.
Course Outline: The concepts of efficiency, reliability and accuracy of a method.
Minimising computational errors. Theory of Differences, Difference Operators,
Difference Tables, Forward Differences, Backward Differences and Central
Differences. Mathematical Preliminaries, Solution of Equations in one variable,
Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation, Numerical Differentiation and
Numerical Integration, Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations,
Direct Methods for Solving Linear Systems, Iterative Techniques in Matrix Algebra,
Solution of non-linear equations.
Reference Material:
1. Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing Germund Dahlquist and Åke
Björck .
2. Numerical Methods for Scientific Computing : J.H. Heinbockel
3. Numerical Analysis: I.A. Khubaza
4. Numerical Analysis and Programming : Shan S Kuo
5. Numerical Analysis by Berden Fairs
6. Numerical Analysis by Gerald
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad


Course Name: Theory of Automata

Course Structure: Lectures: 3 Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Discrete Structures
Objectives: The course aims to develop an appreciation of the theoretical
foundations of computer science through study of mathematical & abstract
models of computers and the theory of formal languages. Theory of formal
languages and use of various abstract machines as ‘recognizers’ and parsing will
be studied for identifying/validating the synthetic characteristics of programming
languages. Some of the abstract machines shall also study as ‘Transducers’.
Course Outline: Finite State Models: Language definitions preliminaries,
Regular expressions/Regular languages, Finite automata (FAs), Transition
graphs (TGs), NFAs, Kleene’s theorem, Transducers (automata with output),
Pumping lemma and non regular language Grammars and PDA: Context free
grammars, Derivations, derivation trees and ambiguity, Simplifying CFLs ,
Normal form grammars and parsing, Decidability, Chomsky’s hierarchy of
grammars Turing Machines Theory: Turing machines, Post machine, Variations
on TM, TM encoding, Universal Turing Machine, Context sensitive Grammars,
Defining Computers by TMs.
Text Books/Reference Books:
1. An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, By Peter Linz, 4 th
edition, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2006
2. Theory of Automata, Formal Languages and Computation, By S. P. Eugene,
Kavier, 2005, New Age Publishers, ISBN (10): 81-224-2334-5, ISBN (13) :
3. John Hopcroft and Jeffrey Ullman, Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languages, and Computation, 2nd edition, 2001, Addison-Wesley.
4. Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, By John C.
Martin3rd edition, 2002, McGraw-Hill Professional.

Course Name: Professional Practices

Course Structure: Lectures: 3 / Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: None
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Objectives: A Computing graduate as professional has some responsibilities

with respect to the society. This course develops student understanding about
historical, social, economic, ethical, and professional issues related to the
discipline of Computing. It identifies key sources for information and opinion
about professionalism and ethics. Students analyze, evaluate, and assess ethical
and professional computing case studies.
Course Outline: Introduction, Computing Ethics, Philosophy of Ethics, Ethics
and the Internet. Intellectual Copy Right, Accountability and Auditing, Social
Application of Ethics.

1. Deborah G. Johnson, “Computer Ethics”, Pearson Education (2001) 3rd
2. Professional Issues in Software Engineering, M.F. Bott et. al.

Course Name: Operating Systems

Course Structure: Lectures: 3, Labs: 1 Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: None
Objectives: To help students gain a general understanding of the principles and
concepts governing the functions of operating systems and acquaint students with
the layered approach that makes design, implementation and operation of the
complex OS possible.
Course Outline: History and Goals, Evolution of multi-user systems, Process and
CPU management, Multithreading, Kernel and User Modes, Protection, Problems
of cooperative processes, Synchronization, Deadlocks, Memory management and
virtual memory, Relocation, External Fragmentation, Paging and Demand Paging,
Secondary storage, Security and Protection, File systems, I/O systems, Introduction
to distributed operating systems. Scheduling and dispatch, Introduction to
Lab assignments involving different single and multithreaded OS algorithms.
Reference Material:
1. Applied Operating Systems Concepts, 7th Edition, Silberschatz A., Peterson,
J.L., & Galvin P.C. 2004.
2. Modern Operating Systems, 3rd Edition, Tanenmaum A.S., 2008.

Course Name: Communication Skills

Course Structure: lectures: 3, Labs: 0, credit hours: 3.
Objectives: Enable the students to meet their real life communication needs.
Course contents: The seven C’s of communication, Levels of communication, The process of
communication, Types of communication (in detail), Flow of communication, Communication
Networks in an organization, Formal Network, Informal Network, Principals of effective
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad
communication and barriers to communication, Basic Skills (Writing, Listening, Speaking,
 LISTENING SKILLS: What is listening? Types of listening, Objectives & Barriers
to listening, Note taking tips. Improved by AV aids used & recommended by the
o PRESENTATION SKILLS: Personality development (emphasis on content,
style and pronunciation). Successful persuasive public speaking, Importance of
oral communication, Effective Presentative strategies, organizing & preparing
outline, visual aids.
o INTERVIEWS: Types of interviews, tips for successful interview.
 WRITING: Paragraph, Essay with different types, Letters & its types, memo writing,
Reports, Proposal, Research paper, Term paper, Thesis, Review writing, minutes of
 READING SKILLS: Definition & Importance of reading, levels & requirements,
how to improve reading skills & study skills as below.
o STUDY SKILLS: Skimming and Scanning, Intensive and extensive, Speed
reading, Summary, main idea and critical summary.
a) Grammar
1. Practical English Grammar by A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet. Exercises. Third edition.
Oxford University Press 1986. ISBN 0 19 431350 6
b) Writing
1. Intermediate by Marie-Chrisitine Boutin, Suzanne Brinand and Francoise Grellet. Oxford
Supplementary Skills. Fourth Impression 1993. ISBN 019 435405 7 Pages 45-53 (note taking).
2. Upper-Intermediate by Rob Nolasco. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Fourth Impression 1992.
ISBN 0 19 435406 5 (particularly good for writing memos, introduction to presentations,
descriptive and argumentative writing).
3. Mecnakshi Raman & Sangeeta Technical Communication.
4. Murphy, Effective Business Communication, 7th edition.
c) Reading
1. Advanced. Brian Tomlinson and Rod Ellis. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Third Impression
1991. ISBN 0 19 453403 0
2. Reading and Study Skills by John Langan
3. Study Skills by Riachard Yorky

Course Name: Linear Algebra

Course Structure: Lectures: 3, Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: None
Objectives: To provide fundamentals of solution for system of linear equations,
operations on system of equations, matrix properties, solutions and study of their
Course Outline: Vectors, Vector Spaces, Matrices & Determinants, Cofactor
and Inverse, Rank, Linear Independence, Solution of system of Linear systems,
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad
Positive Definite matrix, Linear Transformations, Operations on matrices, Inner
products, orthgonality and least squares, Eigenvalue & Eigenvectors. Applications
to Systems of Equations and to Geometry, Singular Value Decomposition.
Reference Material:
1. Bernard Kolman, David Hill, Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications, 9 th
edition, Prentice Hall PTR, 2007.
2. Gilbert Strang, Strang, Brett Coonley, Andy Bulman-Fleming, Andrew Bulman-
Fleming, Strang's Linear Algebra And Its Applications, 4th edition, Brooks/Cole,
3. Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version,
9th edition, Wiley, 2005.
4. David C. Lay, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley,
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Course Name: Artificial Intelligence
Course Structure: Lectures: 3 / Labs: 1 Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: Data Structures
Objectives: This course focuses on the set of computational tools and techniques,
which mimic the human decision-making process and capability.
Course Outline: Introduction to Common Lisp. AI classical systems: General
Problem Solver, rules, simple search, means-ends analysis. ELIZA, pattern
matching, rule based translators, OPS-5. Knowledge Representation: Natural
language, rules, productions, predicate logic, semantic networks, frames, objects,
scripts. Search: Depth first search, breadth first search, best first search, hill
climbing, min-max search, A* search. Symbolic Mathematics: student, solving
algebra problems, translating English equations, solving algebraic equations,
simplification rules, re-write rules, meta-rules, Macsyma, PRESS, ATLAS. Logic
Programming: Resolution, unification, horn-clause logic, Prolog, Prolog
programming. Sample case studies of shells and Knowledge Based Systems. A
brief appreciation of state of the art computational techniques like neural networks,
genetic algorithm, fuzzy sets.

Reference Material:
1. Artificial Intelligence by Luger, 4th edition Pearson Education.
2. Russell and Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Aproach, 2nd ed, Pearson

Course Name: Design &Analysis of Algorithms

Course Structure: Lectures: 3 / Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3

Prerequisites: Discrete Structure, Data Structures and Algorithms

Objectives: Detailed study of the basic notions of the design of algorithms and
the underlying data structures. Several measures of complexity are introduced.
Emphasis on the structure, complexity, and efficiency of algorithms.

Course Outline: Introduction; Asymptotic notations; Recursion and recurrence

relations; Divide-and-conquer approach; Sorting; Search trees; Heaps; Hashing;
Greedy approach; Dynamic programming; Graph algorithms; Shortest paths;
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad
Network flow; Disjoint Sets; Polynomial and matrix calculations; String matching;
NP complete problems; Approximation algorithms.

Reference Material:
1. Introduction to Algorithms /2E, T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, and R. L. Rivest,
MIT Press, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2001.
2. Algorithms in C++; Robert Sedgewick

Course Name: Web Design and Development

Course Structure: Lectures: 2 Lab:1 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Information Technology (required)
This course will extend the WWW Technologies and Web Based Applications
architecture, development, deployment and management concepts studied in the
course of Fundamentals of Information Technology. The instructor is expected to
cover an in-depth treatment of the web technology and applications related topics
including web standards, protocols, web applications architecture, web services,
search engine architectures, content management, web2, and semantic web, to
explore some of the technologies used for display, data access and processing,
and to give the students practice in integrating these to produce a functional web-
based system.
Course Outline:
In-depth study of World Wide Web architectures, protocols and standards (HTTP,
HTML, xHTML, CGI, XML, WML, cHTML, etc.), Web Technologies and Tools
(such as scripting tools) for web application development and deployment (web
servers, application servers, etc.), Web Based Applications including search
engines and content management, management of large scale web based
information systems, Web Services, Web2, Semantic Web, and Web3, principles
of web site design, practical exercise in web site development.
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad
Suggested Text Books:
1. Nuckles, Craig, Web Applications: Concepts and Real World Design, Wiley
2. Programming the World Wide Web (4th Edition) (Paperback), by Robert W.
Sebesta (Author), Paperback: 752 pages, Publisher: Addison Wesley; 4th
edition (August 17, 2007), ISBN-10: 0321489691

Reference Material:
1. Gosselin, Dan, et. al., The Web Warrior Guide to Web Design Technologies,
Cengage Learning, 2003
2. Zak, Diane, et. al., The Web Warrior Guide to Web Programming, Cengage
Learning, 2003
3. Leasure, T., Bob Leasure and James Leasure, The Web Warrior Guide to
Web Database Technologies, Cengage Learning, 2003
4. Morrison, Mike and Joline Morrison, Database Driven Websites, 2/e, Cengage
Learning, 2002
5. Web Wizard series for various technologies, Addison-Wesley
6. Jackson, J. C., Web Technologies: A Computer Science Perspective,
Pearson (LPE), 2008
7. Web Application Architecture: Principles, Protocols and Practices by Leon
Shklar and Richard Rosen (Paperback - Oct 31, 2008), Paperback: 420 pages,
Publisher: Wiley; 2 edition (October 31, 2008), ISBN-10: 047051860X
8. Web Engineering: The Discipline of Systematic Development of Web
Applications by Gerti Kappel, Birgit Prýýll, Siegfried Reich, and Werner
Retschitzegger (Paperback - Jul 5, 2006)

Course Name: Fundamental of Data Mining

Credit Hours: 3(3-0)
Prerequisites: Database Systems
Course Outline:
Data-Mining Concepts, Preparing the Data, Data Reduction, Learning From Data, Statistical Methods,
Decision Trees and Decision Rules, Artificial Neural Networks, Ensemble Learning, Cluster Analysis,
Association Rules, Web Mining and Text Mining, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic,
Visualization Methods, Data Mining Tools: Weka, CBA and Yale, etc.
Reference Materials:
1. Data Mining: Concepts, Models, Methods, and Algorithms by Mehmed
Kantardzic, Wiley-IEEE Press; 2nd Edition (August 16, 2011). ISBN-10:
2. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Third Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann
Series in Data Management Systems) by Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and
Jian Pei, Morgan Kaufmann; 3rd Edition (2011). ISBN-10: 0123814790
3. Principles of Data Mining (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning) by
David J. Hand, Heikki Mannila and Padhraic Smyth, A Bradford Book (August 1,
2001). ISBN-10: 026208290X
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Course Name: Distributed Database Systems

Course Structure: Lectures: 2/Labs: 1 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Introduction to Database Systems
Students will learn the usage of different design strategies for distributed
databases, and will study query processing techniques as well as transaction
management and concurrency control concepts used in such systems
Course Outline:
Introduction to Distributed Data Processing; Distributed DBMS Architecture;
Distributed Database Design: Issues, Fragmentation and Allocation; Integrity
Constraints, Distributed Query Processing; Query Decomposition and Data
Localization; Query Optimization; Distributed Transaction Management and
Concurrency Control; Distributed DBMS Reliability and Replication Techniques;
Multidatabase Systems.
Reference Material:
1. M.T. Ozsu, P. Valduriez (eds.): Principles of Distributed Database Systems
(2nd Edition), Prentice Hall, 1999
2. P. Bernstein and E. Newcomer, Principles of Transaction Processing. Morgan
Kaufmann, 1997
3. M. Buretta, Data Replication. Wiley, 1997
4. R. Elmasri and S. Navathe. Fundamentals of Database Systems,
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Course Title: Mobile and Application Development
Credit Hours: 3(2-1)
Prerequisites: Web Technologies
Course Outline:
What is Android? Installing and Configuring the Android SDK Manager,
Creating Android Application, Anatomy of an Android Application. Eclipse.
Fragments, Calling Built-In Applications Using Intents, Displaying
Notifications. Components of a Screen, Adapting to Display Orientation,
Managing Changes to Screen Orientation, Utilizing the Action Bar, Creating
the User Interface. Listening for UI Notifications. Views, User Preferences.
Presisting Data. Sharing Data. Sending SMS Messages. Getting Feedback.
Sending E-mail. Displaying Maps, Consuming Web Services Using HTTP,
Accessing Web Services. Creating Services. Threading. Android games
Development, Publishing Android Applications. Handling Telephone Calls,
Reference Materials:
1. Beginning Android 4 Application Development by Wei-Menge Lee, John
Wiley & Sons, 2012
2. Beginning Android 4 by Grant Allen, Apress, (2011), ISBN: 1430239840.
3. Beginning Android games by Mario Zechner, Apress, (2011), ISBN:
4. Pro Android 4 by Satya Komatineni and Dave MacLean, (2012),
ISBN:1430239301 Apress
5. Professional Android 4 Application Development by Reto Meier, Wiley,
(2012), ISBN:1118237226

Course Name: Computer Graphics

Course Structure: Lectures: 2 / Labs: 1 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Object Oriented Programming , Visual Programming
Objectives: Study of various algorithms in computer graphics and their
implementation in any programming language.
Course Outline: Graphics hardware. Fundamental algorithms. Applications of
graphics. Interactive graphics programming — graph plotting, windows and clipping,
and segmentation. Programming raster display systems, Differential Line Algorithm,
panning and zooming. Raster algorithms and software — Scan-Converting lines,
characters and circles. Scaling, Rotation, Translation, Region filling and clipping.
Two and three dimensional imaging geometry (Perspective projection and
Orthogonal projection) and transformations. Curve and surface design, rendering,
shading, colour and animation.
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad
Reference Material:
1. Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice, J. D. Foley, A. van Dam, S. K.
Feiner and J. F. Hughes, Addison-Wesley ISBN: 0-201-12110-7.
2. Computer Graphics, F.S.Hill, Maxwell MacMillan ISBN: 0-02-354860-6.
1. 3. Interactive Computer Graphics: Functional, Procedural and Device-level
2. methods; Peter Burger and Duncan. F. Gillies; Addison-Wesley, (2003)

Course Name: Introduction to Sociology

Course Structure: Lectures: 3, Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives
This course will introduce students to the discipline of Sociology, its perspective, its basic
concepts and principles, its methods of analysis and its major sub-fields. Through this
introduction it is expected that students will begin to think in ways that take into account the
social realm of thought, including the impact of social forces, social constraints, and social
structure on an individual's thoughts and behaviours. The goals of the course are to encourage
students to begin to think critically about the social world, to examine various life issues with a
sociological lens, to 'problematize' social issues, and to spark the sociological imagination -
"the ability to see the relationship between individual experiences and the larger society" (C.
Wright Mills, 1959).
Course Contents: Nature, scope and subject matter of Sociology, Brief historical development
of Sociology, Introduction to Quranic Sociology, Society and community, Relationship with
other social Sciences, Social Interaction Processes The study of social life, Exploring the
global village, Sociology as a science, The Sociological imagination, The development of
Sociology, Sociology, Structure and function of social institutions, Inter-relationships among
various social institutions, Elements of culture, Organization of culture, cultural relativism, sub
cultures, ethnocentrism, Socialization and personality, Role and status, Socialization, Culture
and personality
Recommended Texts:
1. Horton and Hungt, (2004), Sociology, 6th edition, McGraw Hill
2. Tischler, Hnry L, (2002), Introduction to Sociology, 7th edition Horcourt
3. Macionis, John J and Plummer, Ken, (2005), Sociology, A Global International, 3rd
Edition, Prentice Hall.
Reference Material:
1. Kendall, Diana, (2001), Sociology in our times, 32nd Edition, Wadsworth.
2. James. M. Hensline, (1997), Sociology, Needhan Heigwb, Massachusetts, USA.
George J. Brgjar, Michael P. Soroke, (1997), Sociology, Needhan Heigwb, Massachusetts, USA.
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad

Course Name: Parallel and Distributed Computing

Credit Hours: 3(3-0)
Prerequisites: Data Communications and Computer Networks
Course Outlines:
Why use parallel and distributed systems? Why not use them? Speedup and
Amdahl's Law, Hardware architectures: multiprocessors (shared memory),
networks of workstations (distributed memory), clusters (latest variation).
Software architectures: threads and shared memory, processes and
message passing, distributed shared memory (DSM), distributed shared data
(DSD). Possible research and project topics, Parallel Algorithms,
Concurrency and synchronization, Data and work partitioning, Common
parallelization strategies, Granularity, Load balancing, Examples: parallel
search, parallel sorting, etc. Shared-Memory Programming: Threads,
Pthreads, Locks and semaphores, Distributed-Memory Programming:
Message Passing, MPI, PVM. Other Parallel Programming Systems,
Distributed shared memory, Aurora: Scoped behaviour and abstract data
types, Enterprise: Process templates. Research Topics.
Reference Materials:
1. B. Wilkinson and M. Allen, Parallel Programming: Techniques and
Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers, 1/e,
Prentice Hall, 1999.
2. W. Stevens, Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment, Addison
Wesley, 1993

Course Name: Compiler Construction

Course Structure: Lectures: 3 / Labs: 0 Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: Theory of Automata and Formal Languages
Objectives: At the end of the course students should understand the overall
structure of a compiler, and will know significant details of a number of important
techniques commonly used. They will be aware of the way in which language
features raise challenges for compiler builders.
Course Outline: Compiler techniques and methodology. Organization of
compilers. Lexical and syntax analysis. Parsing techniques. Object code generation
and optimization, detection and recovery from errors. Contrast between compilers
and interpreters.
Reference Material:
1. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools By Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi,
Jeffrey D. Ullman, Contributor Jeffrey D. Ullman ,Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 2nd
edition,1987 Original from the University of Michigan
2. Modern Compiler Design, By Dick Grune, Henri E. Bal, Ceriel J. H. Jacobs,
Koen G. Langendoen, John Wiley, 2000.
3. Modern Compiler Implementation in C, By Andrew W. Appel, Maia Ginsburg,
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad
Contributor Maia Ginsburg, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
4. Modern Compiler Design by Dick Grune, Henri E. Bal, Ceriel J. H. Jacobs, Koen
G. Langendoen, 2003, John Wiley & Sons.
Department of Computer Science
Government College University Faisalabad


Course Name: Information Security

Credit Hours: 3(3-0)
Prerequisites: Data Communication and Computer Networks
Course Outline:
Basic notions of confidentiality, integrity, availability; authentication models; protection models;
security kernels; Encryption, Hashing and Digital 33 Signatures; audit; intrusion detection and response;
database security, hostbased and network-based security issues operational security issues; physical
security issues; personnel security; policy formation and enforcement; access controls; information flow;
legal and social issues; identification and authentication in local and distributed systems;
classification and trust modeling; risk assessment
Reference Materials:
1. Computer Security: Art and Science, Matthew Bishop
2. Cryptography and Network Security by William Stalling 6th Edition, 2012
3. Principles of Information Security 3rd E by Michael E. Whitman and
Herbert J. Mattord

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