VTX HR Manual
VTX HR Manual
VTX HR Manual
Viyellatex HR Manual
HR Policy 1
Section A
Section One
D Policy 1: Employee Responsibilities & Obligations - General 2
D Policy 2: Attendance 3
D Policy 3: Manpower Planning 4
D Policy 4: Organisation Structure & Establishments
Section Two
D Policy 5: Recruitment & Appointment
D Policy 6: Minimum Standards for Employment
D Policy 7: Equal Employment Opportunity
D Policy 8: Employment Interviews
D Policy 9: Pre-Placement Medical Examination
D Policy 10: Reference Checking
D Policy 11: Definition of Employment Status
D Policy 12: Job Contract
D Policy 13: New Employee Orientation
Section Three
D Policy 14: Performance Management
D Policy 15 Training and Development
D Policy 16: Employees Records Privacy and Retention
D Policy 17: Reports, Information and HRIS (Refer to Kormii Manual)
D Policy 18: Compensation & Benefits
D Policy 19: Salary Administration
D Policy 20: Incentive scheme Plan
D Policy 21: Transfer & Transfer Expenses
D Policy 22: Travel
D Policy 23: Standard Service Year
Section four
D Policy 24: Leave Entitlement
D Policy 25: Annual Leave
D Policy 26: Sick/Prolong/Accident Leave
D Policy 27: Casual Leave
D Policy 28: Maternity Leave
D Policy 29: Leave Without Authorized Pay
D Policy 30: Leave Encashment (Refer to D Policy 25)
D Policy 31: Over-Staying of Leave/Loss of Lien
D Policy 32: Public Holidays
Section Six
Section Seven
Section Eight
Viyellatex HR Manual
Objectives of
HR Manual
The HR Manual for the employees of The Viyellatex Group sets
out the HR Policies and Procedures for all its business units
and functions with a view to providing uniformity in the
execution and monitoring of HR policies and practices
throughout The Group.
Human The Group recognises that the employees are an integral part
Resource of The Group being the most important resources in the
Policy organisation. Therefore, the employees, who serve in different
Business Units/Regions/Locations of The Group, are united in
their common endeavour to contribute to the strength and
HR Manual: Viyellatex Page 4 of 325
- Inequality of treatment
- Lack of promotion opportunities
- Out-dated system of wage payment
- Poor working conditions
- Inadequate training
- Poor communication
- Inadequate disciplinary procedure
Training and Training and Development activities help new employees learn
Development how to perform their jobs and help existing employees improve
job performance and prepare for higher positions. The primary
purpose of training and development in The Group is to assist
its employees to improve their skills, knowledge and overall
abilities in order to enhance both their personal growth and
their contribution to the achievement of The Group's objectives.
01.5 All employees are expected to comply with the Group's safety
Safety, Health procedures, to work in safe manner and to report any safety
& breach or concerns to their supervisors. (Consult Policy No.
Environment … on "Safety, Health & Environment")
01.8 All employees while on duty are instructed to carry with them
Identity Card their Identity Cards provided by The Group. Duplicate Identity
Card will be issued in the event of losing the first one on
payment of Tk:
Subject: Attendance
Policy: D-02.
(Annexure 2/1)
The Viyellatex Group
MONTH: __________________
Cumulative up to
Previous month in the
Current month current service year
Name of Employee PN No. of Total time No. of Total time Remarks
occasion Late occasions late
Responsibility functions:
a. Is it up-to-date?
04.4 The job specification spells out the quality of employees to fill
Job the job such as education, knowledge, skills, abilities and
Specification experience that the person must have in order to be able to do
the job competently. While the job specification is primarily
used for recruitment purpose, job description provides the
05.1 This Recruitment and Selection Policy has been framed with
Policy the view of recruiting and selecting people who have a strong
Statement: desire to achieve The Viyellatex Group’s vision, and who will
assist us in achieving the business results
Link with to assist with planning Group’s future people needs. Within the
Succession succession planning process, potential successors are
Planning identified for certain management positions. When such a
position becomes vacant, an individual may be approached
about the vacancy. However, this may not preclude
advertisement, or consideration of people who respond to that
advertisement. Vacant positions not filled through the
succession process are advertised.
05.7 Hiring While hiring, preference is given first to employees working for
from the the Company. The fact that a qualified employee is doing
outside vs. essential work in a position that may be harder to fill than
from within the current open position may be an influencing factor, but
HR Manual: Viyellatex Page 17 of 325
Attracting the
Candidates 1. Internal versus External Advertising
05.13 Hiring For Managers and above positions, Head of Group HR will
Decision make final selection in agreement with the requisitioning
BU/Function/Department Head and decide on appropriate
salary grades. For very senior positions he will consult the
Managing Director.
05.14 Many job applicants, whether they are hired or not, may form
Treatment of definite opinions of The Viyellatex Group. Following cautions
Job Applicants to be followed in the treatment:
05.15 Interview Candidates called for interviews (Annexure-III) are not entitled
Expenses to any payment from the Viyellatex Group excepting the
HR Manual: Viyellatex Page 21 of 325
05.18 Candidates selected in the final interview and found medically fit
Issuance of shall be given a written "Appointment Letter" in prescribed
Appointment format of the Group (available with the Corporate HR,
Letter Annexure-IX) and sent Regret Letters (Annexure-IV) to
candidates called for subsequent interviews (for the positions of
officers and above only) after initial scrutiny/screening and
preliminary interviews but not offered employment.
05.20 On joining the Company all new employees will submit a Joining
Joining Report Report in two copies.
Policy 05
(Annexure I)
B/UNIT/FUNCTION _______________________________
SCALE ________
DATE _________
NOTE: The job level of the new employee often dictates how wide spread circulation is for the
memo. If the new employee is a senior member or will assume a position which will require
contact with most employees, the memo is often circulated organization-wide. Other position
may dictate only a department distribution.
I am pleased to announce that Mr/Ms.. ……….. .. will be joining as (job title) on (day and date)
Mr/Ms..................................., will report to (name of supervisor) and will be responsible for
(brief statement of responsibilities).
(Insert a short paragraph about the employee's background and previous work experience, for the
senior position only)
We thank you for your application in response to our advertisement and interest you have shown
in our Company.
You are requested to please call on the undersigned at our Office for an interview on …………..
at ………….. hours.
Yours faithfully,
(Regret Letter)
Ref :
Mr/Ms.. .......................................
Dear Sir/Madam,
We have reviewed your education and work experience and regret that there is no similar
position open in which we would best utilise your qualifications.
We will keep your application/resume on file and contact you if any position becomes available
in the near future.
Yours sincerely,
Name: ...................................
Dear Mr./Ms,
Re: Assignment
Welcome to The Viyellatex Group. I am pleased that you will be joining us as (Position title).
Orientation program
Assignments for the probation period
Please review it prior to your first day. Human Resource Department will be happy to answer
any questions about it for you.
Please report to HR Department. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to call me: (Phone number )
Yours sincerely,
Policy 05
(Please read through this form first, and then complete it in your own handwriting)
……………………………………………. …………………………………………….
……………………………………….. ………………..
If you have any relative(s) working in VIYELLATEX GROUP, give name(s), designation(s), place of work and
Name: …………………………... Relation: ………………………..
Department: …………………….. Designation ……………….…… …………………………….
OTHER QUALIFICATION (Courses attended, training received or certificates obtained - not less than 7 days)
Dates Course attended Institute Country
From To
* You will have to provide proof of the last drawn salary of the current job, if employed by Viyellatex.
Have you had any serious illness? Give details. Have you ever been arrested? Give details.
No Yes No Yes
1. 1.
2. 2.
Have you applied to VIYELLATEX GROUP for a job before? If so, when & where, please give details.
1……………………………………… .2 …………………………………………….3………..……………….
Name Occupation/Designation Address
Name Relationship Address
Year School/College/University/ Month & Year Major Subject/ Qualification Class/ Awards
Professional body From To Group attained CGPA/
1. The particulars furnished in this application are accurate and complete to my knowledge and belief and I
have not knowingly withheld any information, which, if disclosed, would affect my application
2. I shall be deemed to have been guilty of gross default, misconduct in the event of my appointment with
Viyellatex Group if at any future date it is found that my declaration as above is false or materially
incorrect in any respect and in that case my service with the company will be liable to be terminated
without notice or payment of benefit whatsoever.
Date Signature of the applicant
NAME _______________________________POSITION________________________
Not Recommended
Date _________ Signature of the Interviewer
Applicant : Time:
Position: Date:
BU/Function: Place:
Candidate’s expectations, initiative & desire
to advance
Ability to handle multi task, wide range of
problems, different environments, coping with
conflicting and ambiguous demands
Ability to maintain boss-subordinate
relationship, team working, peer relationship,
external/public relations
Overall comments:
1. During the interview, please indicate on the form by scoring in the appropriate box, how well
the candidate matches the requirements for the position. Possible ratings: Outstanding 5;
Above average 4; Adequate 3; Poor 2; Unacceptable 0.
2. Your ratings should represent a comparison of this individual to the job requirements.
3. In the comments column, please write evidences as found against the particular criteria
during the interview. In doing so please ask politely appropriate questions (open, probing etc.)
to find out the evidences from the candidate’s given answers.
4. If you need, please add extra page and attach with the form.
5. After the interview the interviewer should review the form and make recommendation by
ticking the appropriate box as to whether the person should be employed or considered for
the employment or rejected
Applications are invited for the position of " ...............................................” to be initially placed
at......................... from employees or their children having the following qualifications.
Educational Qualification :
Special Attributes :
Experience :
Educational qualification may not be followed strictly incase of existing employees provided
they are found suitable in all other respects.
Copy to:
Policy 05
Further to our series of interviews and follow-up discussions, the management of The Viyellatex
Group (hereinafter referred to as Company) is pleased to offer you an appointment in Viyellatex
Limited (Garments) as ‘……………., Unit ………’, on the following terms and conditions:
2. You will be based at (Location) and will report to the (Job Title).
3. You will be on probation for 6 months from the date of your appointment. On
satisfactory completion of the period you will be confirmed in permanent
4. Unsatisfactory progress during probation may result in extension of the period at the
discretion of the Company. During the period of probation, one month’s notice or
payment of one month’s basic salary in lieu of notice will be required on either side
for termination of employment. No reason need be given for such termination.
5. Effective from the date of your joining, the following salary and allowances will be
paid to you in arrears:
If you agree to accept this employment on the terms and conditions noted above, please sign the
duplicate of this letter along with the attached Service Regulations and return to us.
We would welcome you to The Viyellatex Group and sincerely hope that your career with the
Company will be prosperous and rewarding.
Yours sincerely,
Head of Group HR
The Viyellatex Group
Strictly Confidential
Employment of all Management Staff will be governed by the following terms and conditions in
respect of the benefits they will derive from the Company and the obligations they will have to
discharge as an employee of The Viyellatex Group (hereinafter referred to as the Company).
Every Staff shall be bound by these Conditions of Employment and Service Regulations and any
amendments that may be made to the same from time to time. These Terms and Conditions are
bilateral between the individual staff and the Company and are strictly confidential.
The Standard Service Year for Management Staff starts from July 01 and ends on June
Part of the allowances may be paid against reimbursements against allowable house
hold expenses as perquisites subject to the sole discretion of the Company when
such policy is introduced.
The Basic salary and allowances are reviewed every year in July and
changes, if any, are communicated to the individual staff.
Salary and reimbursable, if any are paid monthly in arrears directly into the Bank Account
of the Staff. Payments against claims supported by vouchers are made once a month.
6.1 Accommodation
6.2 Transport
Depending on the job requirement Company may provide residential telephone and
mobile phones solely at the discretion of the Company.
All taxes on the income of the Staff is payable by the individual. Income Tax is computed
by the Company at the beginning of the service year on the basis of annual taxable
earnings and a declaration by the Staff. The tax is computed as per Income Tax Act rules
in force and is deducted from the monthly salary and paid to the Government. At the end
of the Income Tax year, a certificate is issued to the Staff showing the computation and the
amount of Income Tax deducted.
Annual Incentive Bonus, if any may be paid to the permanent Staff within 30 days after the
end of the financial year as per the Incentive Scheme in existence which will be totally
performance based.
9.1 Gratuity
Although not in existence at this moment, all staff will be entitled to receive payment
of Gratuity after completing 5 years of service with the Company whenever such
scheme is introduced.
Although not in existence at this moment, all the eligible staff will be entitled to be a
member of Staff Provident Fund after confirmation whenever such scheme is
Although not in existence all the permanent staff will be covered under Group
Insurance Policy from the date of their joining the Company's service when
introduced. The policy covers death and partial/total permanent disability
resulting from accident during employment.
A Staff is entitled to annual leave of 30 calendar days per Standard Service Year
and the leave should be availed within the service year. Accumulation of leave is
not generally allowed. A staff on application may be allowed advance leave at
the discretion of the Superior.
At the beginning of the Standard Service Year, a leave roster is prepared based
on leave plans submitted by the Staff. For leave of' 7 days or more application in
the prescribed form should be submitted to CEO's Office through the immediate
superior well in advance. There is no Casual leave and all casual absence will
be adjusted from the annual leave of the concerned staff. Application for casual
absence should be submitted preferably in advance. Post-facto application of
casual absence is not encouraged.
Staff who leave the Company’s service before completion of a Standard Service
Year, are paid compensation for the annual leave unutilised on a pro-rata basis. If
the leave already availed exceeds the pro-rata entitlement, deduction is made for
the excess period. For the purpose of leave compensation/deduction, only basic
salary is taken into consideration.
Absence due to sickness is considered as paid leave. Long absence will require
recommendation from a medical practitioner. Long and frequent sick leave may
be investigated by the Company.
10.6 Loan
The Company may agree to facilitate personal loan obtainable from the
Company’s Banker as per terms and conditions of the Bank’s Special Loan
Scheme for Company’s employee, if any. No other loan is paid by the Company.
10.7 Transfer
All Staff are expected to avail of convenient mode of transport. For journey by
Rail, River Steamer or Road, a Staff is entitled to travel in 1st class air-conditioned
coach/cabin, if available. A Staff on tour, are entitled to free accommodation,
meals in hotel, guest house or club as approved by the Company for different
locations and an amount at out of pocket expenses fixed by the Company.
Where a Staff makes his own arrangements for staying with friends or relatives,
he is paid a fixed Daily Allowance for the nights spent away from his place of
All Staff are required to devote full time, energy and attention to their duties
assigned by the Company. They are NOT allowed to have any gainful
employment anywhere or to engage in or be financially involved or interested in
any business or concern, directly or indirectly, other than as a house owner or
holder of share or debentures; unless specifically permitted by the CEO in
A Staff shall not remain absent without leave not will he leave the station of his
duty without permission from his superior.
A Staff shall not, either during his employment or after cessation of employment
for whatsoever reason, divulge or communicate to any person or persons except to
those officials of the Company who are entitled to know the same, or himself
make use of any of the Company’s secrets or any other information in relations to
the Company’s affairs or to the working of any process or invention which is
carried on or used by the Company or information of any incident or any other
matter which may come to his knowledge in the course of or by reason of his
employment as misconduct.
12.1 Dismissal
12.2 Termination
The services of any Staff may be terminated by the Company by giving 60 days
notice in writing or on payment of 60 days salary in lieu thereof. No reason need
be given for such termination.
12.3 Resignation
A Staff may resign from the services of the Company by giving 60 days notice in
12.5 Retirement
Name _______________________________________
Designation __________________________________
Strictly Confidential
Ref: HR/…/…
1. Your consolidated monthly remuneration will be Tk. ……… payable in arrear, itemized
breakdown of which will be communicated to you duly upon joining. In addition, you may
be entitled to the bonus/incentive as per the bonus/incentive scheme, if any in existence.
2. a) Other benefits, facilities, welfare, obligations, rules and regulations applicable to you are
mentioned in the enclosed service conditions for the Management Staff. The said
conditions of Employment and Service Regulations as may be amended from time to
time will be binding on you.
b) You will not disclose your salary, job group & other terms & condition to anyone in the
3. All taxes, if any on your income will be on your account and deducted from your monthly
4. You will be on probation for a period of 6 months from the date of your joining. During the
probation period your employment can be terminated by either party without assigning any
reason therefore and without payment of any compensation by serving on the other one
month notice or payment of one month salary in lieu thereof.
6. You will join in ………. Department. Your place of posting will be at the (Location) and you
will report to (Job Title) in …………. Department.
7. During the period you are on probation, you will not be entitled to any leave except on
account of sickness.
8. It is an expressed condition of this contract that you will not pass on, disclose to or discuss
with any unauthorized person either during your employment with the Company or after
cessation of employment any information, incident or document concerning the Company's
business, agreements, finances, planning, manuals etc. or staff salaries. Failure to observe
this condition will be construed as breach of trust and can warrant your dismissal and or
make you liable to such action as deemed appropriate under law.
Should you agree to accept this offer on the terms and conditions set out in this letter, you are
requested to return the duplicate copy of this letter duly signed by you.
We congratulate you on your selection and welcome you in The Viyellatex Group.
Yours faithfully,
(Strictly Confidential)
The following terms and conditions will govern employment of all Other
Management Staff (below managers’ grades) of the Company in respect of
the benefits they will derive from the Company and the obligations they will
have to discharge as an employee of the Company. Every Staff shall be
bound by these Conditions of Employment and Service Regulations and their
amendments from time to time.
The Terms and Conditions are bilateral between the individual Staff and the
Company and are Strictly Confidential.
The Standard Service Year starts from 1st July and ends on 30th June.
Monthly salaries, allowances and other cash benefits are paid into the Bank
Account of the Staff by cheque or bank transfer from Corporate Office.
At the end of the Income-Tax Year, a certificate is issued to the Staff stating
the amount of Income-Tax deducted at source.
E. 1 Bonus/Incentive
E. 2 Leave Encashment
At the end of the Standard Service Year the entire balance of Annual Leave is
encashed on a pro-rata basis. The leave encashment form, approved by the
respective Manager is sent to Corporate Office for payment by first week of
July. Staff who leave the Company’s service without fully availing his
annual leave entitlement, are allowed encashment of the balance outstanding
For the purpose of leave encashment only basic salary is taken into
F. 1 Transport
The Company will insure under a Group Insurance Policy, the life of all Staff
from the date he/she joins the Company. The policy covers death and
dismemberment during employment. The amount is normally paid to the
nominee of the Staff as nominated under the Provident Fund Rules.
The Staff may assign the amount insured to one or more nominees.
A Staff is entitled only to the following leave during the Standard Service
Sick leave is taken only when a staff is sick and should not be used as a
means to regularise absence for other reasons. Prolong sick leave will require
Doctor’s Certificate.
H.3 Holidays
The Company publishes at the beginning of the calendar year a list of paid
holidays. If a holiday coincide with other or weekly holiday, no substitute
holiday is observed.
H.4 Loan
H.5 Transfer
All Staff are required to devote full time, energy and attention to their duties
assigned by the Company. They are NOT allowed to have any gainful
employment anywhere or to engage in or be financially involved or interested
in any other business or concern directly or indirectly, other than house
owner or holder of share or debentures unless specifically permitted by the
Company in writing.
A Staff shall not remain absent without leave nor shall they leave the station
of their duty without permission from their superior.
A Staff will be liable for dismissal without notice or payment in lieu thereof
for any of the following reasons : -
J.2 Termination
The service of any Staff may be terminated with 60 days prior notice or on
payment of 60 days salary in lieu of the notice. No reasons need be given for
such termination.
J.3 Resignation
A Staff may resign from the services of the Company by giving 60 days
prior notice in writing.
J.5 Retirement
Signature ___________
Designation __________
Date ___________
Date .
Mr/Mrs _____________________
1. Basic Pay
Your starting monthly Basic Pay will be Tk: ……………… (Taka ...................)
payable in arrears.
In addition to the Basic Pay, you will receive other allowances benefits, Privileges
and facilities applicable to your Grade under the General Conditions of
Employment & Service Conditions for the Non-management Staff.
3. Tax Liability
4. Probation Period
You wi11 initially be on probation for a period of 6/3 months with effect from
the ......... During this period your employment can be terminated by either party at any
time without assigning any reason there for and without payment of any compensation.
Further during the period of probation you shall not be entitled to any leave except on
ground of illness which will be without pay.
5. Confirmation in Employment
6. Notice Period
On confirmation you will be required to join the staff Provident Fund of Company.
8. Notice Period
Your place of work will initially be at our (Location) but you may be posted at any
place within Bangladesh, at any time convenient to the Company’s operation.
You will be required to abide by the Company's Rules & Regulations which are presently
in force and as amended by the Company from time to time.
It is an expressed condition of this contract that you will not pass on, disclose to or
discuss with any unauthorized person either during your employment with the Company
or after cessation of employment, any information, incident or document concerning the
Company’s business, agreements, finances, planning, manuals etc. or staff salaries.
Failure to observe this condition will be construed as breach of trust and can warrant
your dismissal and /or make you 1i ab1 e to such action as deemed appropriate
under law.
Should you agree to accept the employment with us on the terms and conditions set out in
this letter, you are requested to return the duplicate copy of this letter duly signed by you.
I ………………………… ........ confirm that I accept the employment with The Viyellatex
Group on the terms and conditions specified in Clause 1 to 10.
Copy to:
06.1 Candidates for the job opening will be selected on the basis of
Policy qualification, merit, competence, experience, future potential
Statement and satisfactory character and employment reference, without
regard to race, creed, sex, origin, etc.
Name of Applicant:________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ________________________________________
I. JOB FACTORS – GENERAL (Ask these questions for the applicant’s last
three positions)
___________ On your application you indicated you worked for ________ how long were you
employed there?
___________ Please describe your responsibilities and duties with this Company.
___________ What were some of the things that you particularly enjoyed about that job?
___________ What were some of the things you enjoyed least in that position?
___________ Tell me what you consider to be your major accomplishment at that Company.
___________ Tell me about some of your setbacks and dis-appointments on that job.
___________ Tell me about the progress you made while with that Company.
___________ What was the most valuable experience you obtained in that position?
_________ Why did you decide not to continue your formal education?
_________ If you worked, how many hours a week? What kinds of jobs?
_________ What steps have you taken to acquire additional education since leaving
High School?
_________ What training did you have in High School (or special Schools) that helped your
B. For university graduates and those who have had some university education.
_________ I see that you attended ____________ University. Why did you select that
_________ What were your overall university grades? How did they compare with your
High School Grades?
_________ What courses did you start in the University and later drop? Why ?
_________ In what types of extra curricular activities did you participate in the University?
_________ If you worked during High School or College, how many hours per week?
Summers? What types of Jobs?
_________ What were your vocational plans when you were in the University?
_________ What additional education have you had since you graduated from the University?
Questions related to specialised skills, training and experience should be developed for
each types of work for which applicants are being interviewed.
- In what way would a job in your Company meet your career objectives?
- What factors in the past have contributed most to your own growth?
- What factors do you believe may have handicapped you from moving ahead more
- What are your present earnings expectations? How do you arrive at this figure?
- What do you seek in this job that you are not getting in your present job?
- How would you describe the most effective superior you have had? What were his
or her strengths? Limitations? Describe your least effective superior.
- In the past, on what have superiors complimented you? For what have they
criticised you?
- Tell me about some of the significant problems you encountered on your jobs.
How did you approach them?
- If you join our Company, where do you think you can make the best contribution?
Procedure 1. Pre-placement medical examination of all prospective
candidates will be the responsibility of HR Department.
1. HR Department shall be responsible to collect
pre-employment references of the prospective
candidates and verify them.
5. Telephone Inquires:
6. Written Inquiries
11.2 Definitions
EMPLOYEE All persons who receive wages or salaries directly from the
Company and are offered employment in writing.
EPLOYEE For the purpose of fair and equitable compensation and job
GRADES evaluation, the different categories of job through out the
Company shall normally be classified into different grades
which would be made available on request from HR
Department. HR Department will keep the grades updated
and bring changes as would be required and through
approved process.
_________________________________Son of _________________________________
The Total cost for the work will be Taka …………….. (__________________________)
in word
I undertake not to ask for any payment before satisfactory completion of the work.
________________ _________________
Name of Contractor Signature of Manager
Signature of Manager
Date: ____________
Wages @ Taka _________________ per working day payable for the number of days worked.
___________________ _______________________
Signature of Worker Signature of Manager/Officer
_____________________ ___________________________
_____________________ ___________________________
_____________________ ___________________________
DATE: _______________
Please pay the following amount to the holder on surrender of this ticket.
________________________ __________
Signature of Manager/Officer Date
12.1 There may be some jobs for which employment of people may
Policy not be necessary but contract may be given either to an
Statement individual or to a firm for accomplishment of the job. The
contractor, at his own convenience and depending on the
volume of the work may either do the work himself or employ
one or more people to do the same.
12.2 Payment will be fixed on job basis and not on time basis.
Policy 12
In case of failure to perform the contracted job as described above, proportionate deduction will
be made by the Company from the amount receivable by the Contractor.
This work contract may be terminated by the Company at any time without giving any
prior notice and without assigning any reason.
I do hereby accept the above contract and the conditions thereof. I will be entitled to payment
only after completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Company. I also confirm that this
is purely a work contract, and does not entitle me to any employment with the Company or
payment other than what is stipulated above.
Note : To make 2 copies : one for the department file and the other for Accounts.
13.1 To invest time and effort in the new member, with the
Policy expectations of being repaid by loyalty, hard work and rapid
Statement learning, ensure congenial and homogeneous working
atmosphere for all new employees. Familiarize new employees
with the Company culture and train them, and teach them what
is important in the organisation.
(HR Department)
- Benefits
- Company History
Other objectives may come to mind that are more suitable for a
particular position. But remember, don’t try to fulfill all
objectives in one day, or even one week. Let employees
know which matters have high priority - cover these items first.
Detailed information which is not necessary for reducing
anxiety and succeeding on ‘Day One’ should be left for another
Customer expectations
1. MOs and KPIs are determined with reference to the
objectives or business plan of the department or business
unit, i.e. what does the Appraisee’s job contribute to
achievement of the organization’s goals?
2. it is the responsibility of senior Appraisers to communicate
and inform Appraisees about the goals of the business unit.
1. the MOs and KPIs are recorded, and signed off by both
2. along with MOs and KPIs EDP is also recorded and signed
off by all the parties
3. all the related documents are made in three copies and kept
with the appraiser, appraisee and HR Department.
4. Action plan:
Achieved >> Actual d
Overall 3.2562
Rating 5 3
Rate KPI Rate MO
Agreed Agreed Agreed (Achieve (Achieve
Agreed MO Wt KPI Wt d) d)
MO 1 40% KPI 1 30% 3 2.825
KPI 2 25% 3
KPI 3 20% 3
KPI 4 15% 2.5
KPI 5 10% 2
MO 2 20% KPI 1 30% 4 3.55
KPI 2 25% 4
KPI 3 20% 3
KPI 4 10% 3
KPI 5 10% 3
KPI 6 5% 3
MO 3 15% KPI 1 50% 4 3.525
KPI 2 13% 3.5
KPI 3 12% 3.5
KPI 4 10% 3.5
KPI 5 10% 2
KPI 6 5% 2
MO 4 10% KPI 1 23% 4 4
KPI 2 17% 4
KPI 3 15% 4
KPI 4 15% 4
KPI 5 15% 4
KPI 6 15% 4
MO 5 10% KPI 1 25% 3 2.875
KPI 2 25% 2
KPI 3 25% 4
KPI 4 25% 2.5
MO 6 5% KPI 1 45% 4 4
KPI 2 25% 4
KPI 3 20% 4
KPI 4 10% 4
2 Marginal
1 Unsatisfactory
Major Objectives (MOs Key Performance Indicator (Standards) KPI Self Rating Performance Assessment Performance Rating
Appraiser’s Comment
Appraisee’s Comment
Second Appraiser’s
Current Position
Functional/ Technical
competencies to be
Experience to be gained
Appraisee Date
Appraiser Date
* Read each characteristic and the various descriptions which follow.
* Then select the phrase that best reflects the employees and enter the rating (1-5) into the appropriate appraisal period.
* These characteristic may not apply to all job classifications. If this is the case, do not complete
1. INTEREST No enthusiasm Rarely Some Usually Very
for the job, enthusiastic enthusiasm enthusiastic enthusiastic
Coaching is the day to day process of guidance and input
to the Appraisee to improve performance. This includes:
agreeing performance expected, giving specific constructive
feedback, supporting growth and learning, assisting
Appraisees to solve their own problems, providing
consequences, and constant communication on issues and
changes affecting the Appraisee.
Mentoring is the process where experienced and
successful Appraisees are matched with newer or junior
Appraisees to provide useful job and career guidance and
support, advice on mistakes to avoid and skills to develop.
Training consists of instructional experiences which
develop new skills and knowledge that can be applied
immediately upon or shortly after arrival or return to the job.
Education refers to learning activities designed to improve
the capability of an Appraisee in a specific direction beyond
the current job / responsibility.
Technical Training
observation of others
coaching or counseling by the Appraiser or another
Appraisee or mentor
project or special assignment
more experience in the role
private study
formal training
- on-the-job
- on-site training centre
- off-site training
Please consider:
How the Appraisee’s workload will be handled so that s/he
may attend training with a clear mind, and without being
penalized by returning to an overload situation.
Who else needs to know that the Appraisee is on a training
Visibly supporting the learning by ‘popping in’ to the training
room where possible
Current Position
Functional/ Technical
Competencies to be
competencies to be
Experience to be gained
Appraisee Date
Appraiser Date
2. Bank Records
3. Contractual Agreements
4. Corporate Records
5. Correspondence
6. Employee Records
3. Government Inquires
16.5 All types of records as stated in the above clauses may or may
Empl. No.
________________________________________ Nationality:
________________________________________ Religion :
Name: ________________________________
Relationship: __________________________
Service Record
Effective Date … Events Reference Initial of Manager
Business requirement
Vacancy for the position
Succession Planning
Yearly performance ratings should be minimum 3 in last
three performance assessments
Assessment of the qualifications, competencies, skill
and abilities needed as the prerequisites against the
18.7 Unless there is a pressing need for doing otherwise, there will
Compensation be compensation survey carried out in every three years to
Survey adjust to the job market for maintaining competitiveness and
external equity. Based on the survey results among the
comparators, the salary and benefits structure will be adjusted.
Salary Structure (A)
Category H/RENT T'PORT
Grade Basic ALL ALL ALL
(times (times (times
Min basic) basic) basic)
Senior Leader (SL)
COO/CFO/HGpH 25,00 20,00
R M12 26,185 0 0 1.25 1.15 2
20,00 14,00
GM M11 19,950 0 0 1.17 0.85 2
17,00 12,00
DGM M10 15,960 0 0 1.16 0.7 2
Middle Manager (MM)
15,00 10,00
AGM M9 12,768 0 0 1.15 0.6 2
13,00 9,00
Manager I M8 11,103 0 0 1.14 0.5 2
12,00 8,00
Manager II M7 9,655 0 0 1.13 0.5 2
Front Line Manager (FLM)
10,00 7,00
Asst Manager M6 8,045 0 0 1.13 2
9,00 6,00
Sr Executive M5 6,996 0 0 1.13 2
7,50 5,00
Executive I M4 6,084 0 0 1.1 2
6,00 4,00
Executive II M3 5,290 0 0 1.1 2
4,50 3,00
Officer I M2 4,600 0 0 1 2
3,50 2,00
Officer II M1A 4,000 0 0 1 2
1,75 1,00
Officer III M1B 3,200 0 0 0.50 2
Category Grade Basic H/REN ALL ALL ALL
T T'PORT (times (times (times
Min basic) basic) basic)
Senior Leader (SL)
COO/CFO/HGpHR M12 2 12,500 10,000 1.25 1.15 2
Service Benefits
Components FLM (M1-M6) MM (M7-M9) SL (M10+) Remarks
Provident Fund 7% of basic 7% of basic 7% of basic Contributory
Group Term Insurance Tk.850,000 Tk. 1,000,000 Tk. 1,250,000 Insurance Policy
Tk. 50,000 per head for Tk. 75,000 per head for Tk. 100,000 per head for
Medical Insurance self, spouse & 2 children up self, spouse & 2 children self, spouse & 2 children
(hospitalisation) to 21 yrs of age up to 21 yrs of age up to 21 yrs of age Health Insurance Policy
Supervisory Staff
Grade Jobs Basic House Medic Monthly Convey Person Total % Incre Atten
s Rent al Gross ance al increas ment danc
(30%) Allowa Allowa e over e
nce nce declare Bonu
d min s
SS 1 See 4,965. 0
Annex 34 1,489.60 300.00 6,754.95 650.00 1,241.3 8,646.28 372
ure 5 4
SS2 See 0
Annex 4,728. 1,418.67 300.00 6,447.57 625.00 1,182.2 8,254.79 355
ure 5 90 2
SS3 See 4,503. 325
Annex 71 1,351.11 300.00 6,154.83 600.00 1,125.9 7,880.75 338
ure 5 3
SS4 See 4,289. 1,286.78 300.00 5,876.03 575.00 325
Annex 25 1,072.3 7,523.34 322
ure 5 1
Factory Workers
Grade Jobs Basic House Medic Monthly Convey Person Total % Incre Atten
s Rent al Gross ance al increas ment danc
(30%) Allowa Allowa e over e
nce nce declare Bonu
d min s
Grade See 1,225.50 19% 325
1 Annex 4,085. 250.00 5,560.50 550.00 6,110.50 Varia
ure 5 00 ble
Grade See 19% 325
2 Annex 3,010. 903.00 250.00 4,163.00 425.00 4,588.00 Varia
ure 5 00 ble
Grade See 1,859. 19% 325
3 Annex 75 557.93 250.00 2,667.68 250.00 2,917.68 Varia
ure 5 ble
Grade See 1,695. 19% 325
4 Annex 28 508.58 250.00 2,453.86 225.00 2,678.86 Varia
ure 5 ble
Grade See 1,526. 19% 325
5 Annex 50 457.95 250.00 2,234.45 200.00 2,434.45 Varia
ure 5 ble
Grade See 19% 325
6 Annex 1,365. 409.58 250.00 2,024.83 175.00 2,199.83 Varia
ure 5 25 ble
Grade See 1,209. 19% 325
7 Annex 38 362.81 250.00 1,822.19 150.00 1,972.19 Varia
ure 5 ble
Office Staff
Grade Jobs Basic House Medic Monthly Convey Total % Incre Atten
s Rent al Gross ance increas ment danc
(30%) Allowa e over e
nce declare Bonu
d min s
Grade See 19% 325
1 Annex 2,795. 838.50 250.00 3,883.50 375.00 4,258.50 Varia
ure 5 00 ble
Grade See 19% 325
2 Annex 2,150. 645.00 250.00 3,045.00 275.00 3,320.00 Varia
ure 5 00 ble
Grade See 1,859. 19% 325
3 Annex 75 557.93 250.00 2,667.68 250.00 2,917.68 Varia
ure 5 ble
Grade See 19% 325
4 Annex 1,365. 409.58 250.00 2,024.83 175.00 2,199.83 Varia
ure 5 25 ble
Policy 18
Annexure 5
Grade 1 Pattern Master, Chief Quality Controller, Chief Cutting Master/ Cutting Chief, Chief
Grade 2 Mechanic/Electrician, Cutting Master
Grade 3 Sample Machinist, Mechanic, Senior Sewing Machine Operator, Senior Winding Machine
Operator, Senior Knitting Machine Operator, Senior Linking Machine Operator, Senior
Cutter, Senior Quality Inspecter, Senior Marker/Senior Drawing Man/Woman, Senior Line
Leader, Senior Overlock Machine Operator, Senior Button Machine Operator, Senior
Kansai Machine Operator, Senior Input Man, Senior Production reporter, Senior Spot
Man, Senior Marker, Senior Quality Inspector, Senior Cutter, Senior Input Man, Senior
Fabric Supply Man, Senior Scissors Man, Senior Sticker Serial Man, Senior Bundle Card
Supply Man, Senior Collar Supply Man, Senior Sticker Attach Man, Senior Layer Man,
Senior Quality Inspector, Senior Getup Man, Senior Assort Man, Senior Spot Man,
Senior Wash Man, Senior Arranger, Senior Hang Tag Man, Senior Barcoad Man
Grade 4 Sewing Machine Operator, Winding Machine Operator, Knitting Machine Operator,
Linking Machine Operator, Marker/Drawing Man/Woman, Cutter, Mending Operator,
Pressing Man/Woman, Finishing Iron Man/Woman, Folder (Finishing Section), Packer,
Quality Inspecter, Overlock Machine Operator, Button Machine Operator, Kansai
Machine Operator, Poly Man/Woman, Packing Man/Woman, Line Leader, Input Man,
Production Reporter, Spot Man, Quality Inspector, Cutter, Marker, Input Man, Fabric
Supply Man, Scissors Man, Sticker Serial Man, Bundle Card Supply Man, Collar Supply
Man, Sticker Attach Man, Layer Man, Packing Man, Poly Man, Quality Inspector, Packer,
Folder, Iron Man, Getup Man, Assort Man, Spot Man, Wash Man, Arranger, Hang Tag
Man, Barcoad Man
Grade 5 Junior Sewing Machine Operator, Junior Winding Machine Operator, Junior Knitting
Machine Operator, Junior Linking Machine Operator, Junior Marker/ Junior Drawing Man,
Junior Cutter, Junior Mending Operator, Junior Pressing Man, Junior Finishing Iron Man,
Folder (Finishing), Junior Electrician, Junior Packer, Junior Overlock Machine Operator,
Junior Button Machine Operator, Junior Kansai Machine Operator, Junior Production
Reporter, Junior Input Man, Junior Spot Man, Junior Cutter, Junior Marker, Junior Input
Man, Junior Fabric Supply Man, Junior Scissors Man, Junior Sticker Serial Man, Junior
Bundle Card Supply Man, Junior Collar Supply Man, Junior Sticker Attach Man, Junior
Layer Man, Junior Packer, Junior Folder, Junior Iron Man, Junior Getup Man, Junior
Assort Man, Junior Spot Man, Junior Wash Man, Junior Arranger, Junior Hang Tag Man,
Junior Barcoad Man
Grade 6 General Sewing Machine Operator, General Winding Machine Operator, General Knitting
Machine Operator, General Linking Machine Operator, General Mending Machine,
General Fusing Machine Operator, General Colour Turning Machine Operator, General
Overlock Machine Operator, General Button Machine Operator, General Kansai Machine
Operator, General Production Reporter, General Spot Man, General Input Man, General
Fusing Machine Operator, General Input Man, General Fabric Supply Man, General
Scissors Man, General Sticker Serial Man, General Bundle Card Supply Man, General
Collar Supply Man, General Sticker Attach Man, General Layer Man, General Getup
Man, General Assort Man, General Spot Man, General Wash Man, General Arranger,
General Hang Tag Man, General Barcoad Man
Grade 7 Assistant Sewing Machine Operator, Assistant Winding Machine Operator, Assistant
Knitting Machine Operator, Assistant Linking Machine Operator, Assistant Mending
Operator, Assistant Cutter, Assistant Marker / Assistant Drawing Man, Pocjet Creasing
Machine Operator, Creasng Man, Line Iron Man, Assistant Dry Washing Man, Overlock
Machine Assistant, Button Machine Assistant, Kansai Machine Assistant, Finishing
Assistant, Assistant Input Man, Assistant Production Reporter, Assistant Spotman, Asst
Getup Man, Asst Assort Man, Asst Spot Man, Asst Wash Man, Asst Arranger, Asst Hang
Tag Man, Asst Barcoad Man, Finishing Asst, Asst Cutter, Asst Marker, Asst Input Man,
Asst Fabric Supply Man, Asst Scissors Man, Asst Sticker Serial Man, Asst Bundle Card
Supply Man, Asst Collar Supply Man, Asst Sticker Attach Man, Asst Layer Man
Office Staff
Grade 1 Store Keeper
Grade 2 Accounts Assistant, Store Assistant, Cashier, Import Assistant/Export Assistant,
Computer Operator
Grade 3 Typist, Clerk / Office Assistant, Telephone Operator, Time Keeper, Caretaker, Security
Guard, Driver, Cash Assistant
Grade 4 Peon, Darwan/Checker, Cook, Sweeper
Policy 18
Annexure 6
Service Benefits-Non Management Staff
Provident Fund 7% of basic 7% of basic 7% of basic Contributory
Tk.50,000 Tk.50,000 Tk.75,000 Accident, Disability &
Group Term
Death - (either or
BGMEA scheme)
Medical Benefits To continue To continue To continue Existing Facilities
Loan for Loan for purchasing Eligibility - minimum 5
purchasing one bi-cyle to be years service
one bi-cyle to paid back in 24
Bi-cycle Loan
be paid back instalments
in 24
Upto 100 cc - to be Eligibility - minimum 5
Motor cycle loan paid back in 24 years service
3 to 5 years: 3 to 5 years: 1 basic 3 to 5 years: 1 Repayble in 18
1 basic X yrs X yrs 5 to 10 basic X yrs 5 to instalments
5 to 10 years: years: 1.5 basic X 10 years: 1.5 basic
Service Loan 1.5 basic X yrs 10+ years: 2 X yrs 10+ years: 2
yrs 10+ basic X yrs basic X yrs
years: 2
basic X yrs
Benevolent - Ex- Equivalent - 5 Equivalent - 5 basics Equivalent - 5 Eligible for the
gratia basics basics permanent workers in
distress only due to
natural calamity, and
other catastrophes
(minimum 5 years
Festival Bonus To continue To continue To continue Existing Facilities
Incentive ???? ???? ???? ????
Leave To continue To continue To continue Existing Facilities
Leave As per the As per the labour As per the labour During final settlement
encashment for labour laws laws laws
the separating
Leave As per the As per the labour As per the labour Maximum 40 days in
accumulation labour laws laws laws any given year
Rate: Basic / Rate: Basic / 208 X Labour Laws
Over Time 208 X 2 2
Rate:Tk. 40 Rate:Tk. 45 per Eligible for only the
per night night production people for
Night Food the duties after 12:00
Allowance pm
Rate: Tk. 10 Rate: Tk. 15 per Rate: Tk. 20 per For duties from 8:00 pm
Evening Tiffin per evening evening evening to 12:00 pm
Existing Existing practice to Existing practice to Rate: Gross/Calender
Night Allowance
practice to continue continue days of month X night
Existing Existing practice to Existing practice to Rate: Gross/Calender
Holiday practice to continue continue days of month X
Allowance continue holiday
5 yrs of svc: 5 yrs of svc: 51%; 5 yrs of svc: 51%; Entilement:
51%; 6 yrs of svc 60%; 6 yrs of svc 60%; On normal retirement
6 yrs of svc 7 yrs of svc 70%; 7 yrs of svc 70%; 1.5 month's basic for
60%; 8 yrs of svc 80%; 8 yrs of svc 80%; every years of service:
7 yrs of svc 9 yrs of svc 90% 9 yrs of svc 90% Other separation
70%; and 10+ yrs of and 10+ yrs 1 month's basic for
8 yrs of svc svc 100% of svc 100% every year of service;
80%; No gratuity below 5
9 yrs of svc years of serveice
90% and
10+ yrs of
svc 100%
Policy No. D 19
Salary Administration
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
All salary scales are open ended with both variable (for
management staff) and fixed (for non-management staff) rate
of annual increments (Policy on Compensation and Benefits).
19.5 Salary increase which are felt necessary and desirable and
Special Salary which are not covered under clause 19.4 or do not conform to
Adjustment the guidelines, are designated as special salary increase
20.1 Incentive Scheme Plan (ISP) has been introduced by The Viyellatex
Policy Group to provide a competitive management reward programme
Statement: which aims to encourage and recognise superior performance in the
achievement of Viyellatex’s business objectives and personal
In driving the business forward with renewed vigour, even more can
be achieved if the employees look for as many opportunities as
possible to demonstrate our commitment to Viyellatex’s work values.
5. Matrix: The following table shows the incentive matrix for the
20.4 1. Objective setting: The setting of financial measures for the year
Business is undertaken during the annual planning process.
2. Performance indicators: The measures for the business are:
20.5 How well an employee performs against their own personal objectives
Personal is equally important in determining the success of the business and
Performance The Viyellatex Group.
1. Performance appraisal:
Each year, as part of the Performance Appraisal Process,
employees in agreement with their manager establish their
personal objectives and the milestones to be achieved during the
year through drawing up respective Management Objectives
(MOs) and the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These
objectives should flow directly from the MOs and the KPIs of the
20.6 All payments under Incentive Scheme Plan (ISP) would remain at the
Management sole discretion of Management.
20.7 A person having been charged and punished or warned for any
Disqualificati misconduct during the incentive year will disqualify for the ISP
on payment for that particular year.
Excepting EMC Members, all the management
staff will be entitled to stay in Hotel Obakash
(Parjatan), BRAC Inn and Hotel Mid Town (or of
similar standard).
Excepting EMC Members, all the management
staff will be entitled to stay in Hotel Saint Martins,
Hotel Shaikat (Parjatan), Chittagong Club and
Hotel Harbour View (restricted to Grade 10 and
above only).
Other cities/towns
M1 to M6: any hotel within the tariff of Tk. 1,200
per day
M7 to M11: any hotel within the tariff of Tk. 1,500
per day
Excepting EMC Members, all the management
staff will be entitled to stay in Hotel Obakash
(Parjatan), BRAC Inn and Hotel Mid Town (or of
similar standard).
EMC Members will be entitled to stay in any hotel
or club of their choice.
Excepting EMC Members, all the management
staff will be entitled to stay in Hotel Saint Martins,
Hotel Shaikat (Parjatan), Chittagong Club and
Hotel Harbour View (restricted to Grade 10 and
above only).
Other cities/towns
M1 to M6: any hotel within the tariff of Tk. 1,200
per day
M7 to M11: any hotel within the tariff of Tk. 1,500
per day
EMC Members will be entitled to stay in any hotel
or club of their choice.
22.2.4 Daily Allowance will be paid at the rate of Tk. 600 per night* for
Daily Allowance M1 to M9 and Tk 900 for M10 and above if the management
staff makes his/her own arrangement for staying with friends or
22.2.5 Tk. 150 per night will be paid as Out of Pocket Allowance
Out of pocket where a staff stays in an approved accommodation and the
allowance cost of meals are borne by the Company. This should take care
of tips and non-voucher expenses.
22.2.9 Management staff will be paid Tk. 100 under certain conditions
Outside City while making a business trip outside the city limit of the
limit workplace (trip does not involve overnight stay and distance
covered by trip is at least 100 km).
22.3.2 1. Will be paid @ US$ 150 per night for USA, UK & European
Hotel countries, US$ 125 for other countries and US$ 80 for
Accommodatio Indian subcontinent (excepting for EMC members)
2. EMC members will be reimbursed at actual (reasonable
Transportation- Air/Rail/Steamer/Road/Others.....................
Purpose of visit:
Advance, if any (to be taken from any location) Tk. ….. ….. ……
( Taka ) Only.
Signature :
Approval :
Policy 22
Annexure 2
PCV NO/CR NO ..........
Taka Ps.
From …………………….. To ………
Total :
Less : Advance, if any (taken from … …. …. …. … … … … …)
Net payable to/by me Taka :
( Taka ) Only.
Note : Please include cost of Tickets purchased by the Company in transportation column and
show the same amount in advances deductible from total expenses.
Policy No. D 23
Standard Service Year
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
Management Staff
(M10+ )
Annual Leave: 20 days
Sick Leave: At actual
Casual Leave: 10 days
Maternity Leave: 16 weeks
Compensatory 1. Whenever an employee is required to work on a
/ Substitute published festival holiday (as stated in Policy No. 32), a
Leave for day for each day of such work will be treated as below:
office staff and
factory a. Two days’ additional compensatory holidays with full
workers pay and a substitute holiday shall be provided for
Name .................................... Empl. No. .................. Grade .............. B.F. from last year after
Unit ................................... Section ............................................... Current years entitlement
Total Due
Date From To No. of Casual Leave Annual Leave Sick Leave Leave Remarks
days without pay
Approved Balance Approved Balance Approved Balance
Note: All entries for leave without prior permission must be recorded in RED ink.
Policy 24
No. 2
Signature of applicant
___________ _________
Authority Date
______ day(s) has/have been added to your current year's C/L entitlement.
___________ _________
Authority Date
Policy No. D 25
Signature of Applicant Date
prior permission
____________ _________
Authority Date
_______ _____ ___________
Initial Date Initial
(When leave is granted without pay, this portion is to be sent to the Assistant who prepares salary/wage sheet)
_______________ ______________
Authority Date
applied for Casual Leave/Annual Leave _______________ days, form ____________________ to ________________
Alternate date of leave suggested is from _________________ to _________________ for which fresh application
should be made.
C/L days
A/L days
Policy No. D 26
Management Staff
1. Abuse Indicators
2. Follow-up-Actions
Heart Diseases
Policy No. 26
Medical Certificate for Sick Leave
Nature of Illness: .
Recommendations : ...................................................................................................
Remarks (if
any) ..........................................................................................................
(Signature of Medical
Policy No. D 27
Casual Leave
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
Signature of Applicant Date
prior permission
____________ _________
Authority Date
_______ _____ ___________
Initial Date Initial
(When leave is granted without pay, this portion is to be sent to the Assistant who prepares salary/wage sheet)
_______________ ______________
Authority Date
applied for Casual Leave/Annual Leave _______________ days, form ____________________ to ________________
Alternate date of leave suggested is from _________________ to _________________ for which fresh application
should be made.
C/L days
A/L days
Policy No. D 28
Maternity Leave
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
28.4 1. Maternity Leave payments are the same like any other
Payment paid leave. In case of office staff and factory workers,
for actual calculation of the minimum benefits the
reference should be drawn to Chapter IV of Bangladesh
Labour Act 2006.
Policy 28
________________________ ___________
Signature of Applicant Date
____________ ___________
Authority Date
Please submit to the undersigned the certificate of your child birth within seven days of
delivery of the child.
____________ ___________
Authority Date
Policy 28
I would request you to kindly grant me eight weeks post-natal maternity leave from
___________________________ to ___________________ and salary/wages including
allowances for the said period in advance. Certificate of child birth from
Dr/Clinic/Hospital is attached.
________________________ ___________
Signature of Applicant Date
____________ ___________
Authority Date
____________ ___________
Authority Date
Policy No. D 29
Policy 29
(Unauthorized absence)
Empl. No ______________________________
Dept/BU ______________________________
Your such absence for ____________________ day (s) is therefore unauthorized and you
will NOT get any basic pay for the said period.
Policy No. D 31
Over-staying of Leave
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
31.4 An employee who has been dismissed from the service due to
Entitlement such misconduct will be entitled to all benefits and privileges
which have accrued to him due to his past services i.e.,
3. Bonus as applicable.
Policy 31
Our ref :
Empl. No:
In the circumstances, we would like to inform you that as you have failed to report
back for duty within 10 (ten) days of expiry of the leave granted to you, the management
will now be compelled to take appropriate disciplinary action against you unless you
report back to the duty immediately..
You are advised to also explain within …………………as why disciplinary action would
not be initiated against you.
Yours faithfully,
Policy No. D 32
2. The total loan amount will be recovered from the staff from
the monthly salary in 24 equal installments.
6. C&B will start deducting the total loan amount from the
monthly salary of the staff from the immediate next salary
payment date in 24 equal installments. However, the staff
will have the option to pay back the entire balance amount
at one go anytime during the loan repayment period
7. Upon full recovery, the C&B will issue a letter to the staff
stating that the amount has fully been recovered with a
copy to the Finance Department.
10. In case it is found that the loan has been diverted for a
different purpose other than the purpose for which it has
been granted, then the staff will be asked to refund the
balance amount to the Company.
33.6 This loan facility is only a welfare activity and cannot be taken
Performance as staff right as part of the salary. As such, Company might
use its discretion in granting loan to the staff who has
continuously been falling short of achieving performance
targets (MO/KPI). While endorsing the application, the
supervising manager should note this performance issue.
I would like to avail of the household asset loan of Tk. ____________ as per the entitlement of
Job Grade___ for purchasing the following house hold assets. I will repay the same in 24 equal
installments as per the Company policy.
As per the policy, I am attaching herewith …. quotations from the following vendor(s):
Please pay to the vendors directly with intimation to me. I am aware of all the clauses of Policy 33
and hereby undertake to abide by those.
Applicant ‘s name & Signature
Check/Verification: All the clauses of Policy 33 have been verified and found okay.
___________________ _____________________
Accounts & Finance C & B and ES
34.1 The Viyellatex Group provides medical benefits to all its management
Policy staff and their spouses and children in the form of Group Hospitalization
Statement: Insurance Scheme which is a comprehensive scheme designed for
coverage of hospitalization treatment expenses of an insured member
due to illness or injury sustained during the period of coverage.
34.2 The Viyellatex Group has reached an agreement with Delta Life
Scope Insurance Company Limited on an insurance scheme which shall cover
reasonable and necessary treatment expenses of an insured member
within his/her entitlement as per benefit schedule below, at any Govt.
Hospital as well as renowned private hospital/clinic registered as such
with the legitimate authority of the country.
34.6 Management staff will be entitled to claim the following expenses for
Reimbursable reimbursement within the above limits (clause 34.3):
34.7 Management staff will not be entitled to claim the following expenses for
Non- reimbursement:
Additional Food item & energy builders - Milk, Glucose, Rice, Mineral
water, Soft drinks, Juice, Horlicks etc., Food supplements - e.g. Vitamins
Non medicine item like Sanitary pad, Shampoo, Oil, Soap, Toilet & tissue
paper, Nappy, Cosmetics etc., Extra corporeal durable medical
appliances – e.g. Nebulizer, Hot water bag, Hearing Aid, BP Machine,
Telephonic bill, expenses not incurred for patient, any non specific
(miscellaneous) expense, VAT, Service Charge, Non realistic
unreasonable expenses, Herbal Medicine etc.
Specialized Hospital
United Hospitals, Gulshan-2
Apollo Hospitals (BD) Ltd, Dhaka
Chittagong Rangpur
Holy Crescent Hospital Limited Islami Bank
Community Hospital
Sylhet Khulna
Noorjahan Poly clinic Khulna Surgical &
Medical Hospital (pvt.) Ltd
Daratana Hospital & diagnostic Complex
SL. Name of the member Status of the member ID No & Date of Birth Desired Benefit
No. (Employee/ Spouse/ Designation
Child) ( if Employee)
Policy No. D 35
Succession Planning & Organization Review
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
35.2 The operating protocols for OMR reports will be as per the
OMR Reports: following process:
Step One
Review current business plans and
anticipated growth plans, and identify the HR
implications, including top-level organisation
structure, e.g.:
- closer alignment with Group Strategy
- change agenda (including growth projects)
- capability gaps
- headcount changes
Step Two
Succession plans based on planned jobs
- Planned job schedule provided
- Reach consensus on suitability of
successors on the basis of:
- performance
- desired career direction (aiming point)
- behavioural competencies
- knowledge and skills
- experience
Step Three
Identify strategic resourcing issues by
conducting a gap analysis between the needs
identified as part of the strategy review (step 1)
and the talent available (Step 2)
Step Four
Agree key actions to address issues regarding:
- organisation structure
- succession
- development
- strategic resourcing (including graduates /
young entrants)
- retention
c. Post-review
d. Corporate Level
Proforma A
Name Age
Job Title Key: Time in Job
Aiming Point Date (mm/yy) next
moved required
Person 1 Person 2
Person 3 Person 4
Person 5 Person 6
Person 7 Person 8
Person 9 Person 10
Person 11 Person 12
Proforma B
Succession Chart
Help Guide
These spreadsheets will be consolidated centrally and the required columns will be
used for filtering data during candidate searches. It is therefore imperative that these
Completing Succession Charts: Duplicate a Planned Role row for each succession
Note: If a candidate is a successor for the top tier in any functional area, it goes without
saying that s/he is a successor for the lower tiers as well – therefore, it is not necessary to
enter her / his details in each tier – only in the highest one that the candidate is considered a
successor for. However, if the candidate is a successor for more than one functional stream
(e.g. Finance and General Management), the candidate’s details should be entered in both
Column A (Planned Role) - Please use the Planned Role Title exactly as they are, to assist
in consolidation and filtering. Hovering over this cell will flag up note which will help you to
identify examples of jobs that fall within each generic role.
Column B (Surname)
Column E (Current Grade) - Please insert the current grade of the successor to the Planned
Column F (Business Units) - Please insert one of the Business Units (as applicable) into the
Column G (Function) - Please insert one of the following into the worksheet if applicable:-
Other (this option to be selected for all other enabling functions, as applicable)
Column I (Career Direction) - (E.g.) General Management, HR, Operations, Finance, etc.
Column J (Career Specialism) - Only complete this is the individual's skills are highly
specialised within a functional area - for example, Taxation (as part of a Finance Career
Direction) or Compensation (as part of an HR Career Direction).
Column K (Aiming Point) - Aiming Point is defined as the current view of the most likely level
and type of role which an individual is capable of reaching 5 to 10 years into the future. The
employee’s Aiming Point can clearly be a different role at the same or similar level. Please
select the aiming point from one of the Planned Roles.
Column L (Readiness) - Please indicate in this column readiness for the position.
0-24 No further significant development is required. Capable of succession within 24
Column M (Next Move) - The Next Move should be the position(s) that the individual needs
to move into to gain the necessary experience to ultimately achieve their aiming point.
Column N (Development Needs) - Skills and Experience that the individual needs in order to
be able to make their next move, in the short term, and to reach their aiming point in the long
term. This may include job experience, personal development objectives or training.
Watch List
Policy No. D 36
This will be applicable for all the units of Viyellatex Group, i.e.,
Viyellatex Garments, Viyellatex Fabrics, Viyellatex Spinning,
Interfab Shirt Manufacturing Company Ltd., Fashion Plastic,
Gothic Design units. Company referred hereinafter would
mean, any of these units.
Investment of 1. At least 50% of the fund so deposited in the respective
the Funds PFs has to be invested as follows for revenue generation:
a. ICB Mutual Fund certificate
b. ICB Unit Certificate
c. PSP, DSP or any other Govt. securities/bonds
2. Respective BUs will bear the expenses of administering
the PFs
3. Audit will be done as done in case of the establishment
and the expenses will be borne by the respective BUs.
4. The audit report will be sent to the Labour Director within
one month if sought by the Govt.
36.9 For further details, Provident Fund Rules of the respective BUs
Details of the as drawn, recognized and published to be consulted. All the
Fund details of the Fund along with the governance and modalities
are available in the published Rules.
ZvwiLt .......................
‡Pqvig¨vb Uªvwóª †evW©
wf‡qjv‡U· GgcBqxR cÖwf‡W›U dvÛ
wf‡qjv‡U· wjwg‡UW,
297, Li‰Zj, MvRxcyiv, U½x,
MvRxcyi - 1712
¯^v¶i t --------------------------------------------
bvg t ------------------------------------------- Awdm e¨envit
AvBwW bst 1. Av‡e`b MÖnb
c`ex t -------------------------------------------- 2. m`¨mc` bv¤^vi
3. UvKv KZ©b ïi“i ZvwiL
------------------------------------------ ------------------
BDwbU/e¨emv cÖwZôvb t
Draft HR Manual: Viyellatex Page 214 of 325
------------------------------ ¯^v¶i I mxjt
bvMwiKZ¡ t ------------------------------------
Policy 36
No. 2
wf‡qjv‡U· GgcBqxR cÖwf‡W›U dvÛ
bwg‡bkb cÎ
ZvwiLt .......................
bvg t .......................................
AvBwW bs t ........................................
wWcvU©‡g›U t ........................................
c`ex t .......................................
Avwg GB g‡g© †NvlYv cÖ`vb KiwQ †h, wb‡gœv³ cÖ_g Kjv‡g hvi ev
hv‡`i bvg ewY©Z Kiv nj Avgvi g„Zz¨i ci Avgvi bv‡gi wnmv‡e
wf‡qjv‡U· wjwg‡UW GgcBqxR cÖwf‡W›U dv‡Ûi wb‡Ri Rgv‡bv Ask
I †Kv¤úvbx cÖ`Ë Askmn (hw` cª‡hvh¨ nq) Zvi me©‡gvU jvf¨vksmn hZ
UzKz cvIbv n‡e Zv 5g Kjv‡g ewY©Z kZKiv nv‡i wZwb ev Zviv Zv
MÖnb Kivi AwaKvix n‡ebt
m`‡m¨i cvIbv
bvg wVKvbv mv‡_ UvKvi
(1) (2) m¤úK© kZKiv
(3) Ask (5)
37.5 13. In the case of employees who retire from the services of
Conditions for the Company after attaining the normal retirement age as
Enhanced Rate applicable and after completing minimum 11 years of
employment with the Company, the rate of Gratuity
payable, will be 1.5 months’ Basic Salary/Wage multiplied
by number of completed years of service.
Policy No. D 38
Group Term Insurance Policy
38.1 The Viyellatex Group has introduced Group Insurance for all the
Policy employees being the most cost effective way of providing
Statement: immediate financial support to an employee & /or his family in
case of catastrophic events like death, disability or disease.
Management Staff
Other Staff
i) both hands above the wrist ii) one hand above the wrist and
one foot above the ankle
iii) both feet above the ankle iv) one foot above the ankle &
sight of one eye
Signature of the employee
Two witnesses to the signature of the employee who have signed in the presence of each
other and in the presence of the member.
1. Name Signature
2. Name Signature
Policy No. D 39
Level Ceiling
M7 700,000.00
M8 800,000.00
39.7 The following conditions will apply when the management staff
Private use of are allocated the private use of a Company vehicle:
Vehicles 1. The management staff are entitled to the vehicle
allowances covering reasonable fuel costs over and above
business requirements, i.e., for travel to and from work and
other business visits within the city. However, the
management staff will bear the cost of fuel consumed for
private use.
Own faults
1. If a management staff is involved in an accident while
driving a Company vehicle which is caused by his own
negligence or while driving without a valid driving license,
he will be liable to pay all charges arising from the
2. Company instructions on the procedure to be followed in
the event of an accident must be carried out at all times for
every Company vehicle and must be carefully read and
followed by all the management staff,
3. Generally, fines for traffic offences must be paid by the
concerned management staff as well as subsequent fines
relating to these offences
Date :
From :
To : Head of HR
I wish to avail of the facilities of Car Loan Assistance as per clause 39.3 of Policy No.
I agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of the said Policy. A quotation from the
vendor is enclosed herewith along with all the necessary documents obtained from the
bank for your perusal please.
The 25%/30% of the quoted price of Tk: _______________ may please be paid to the
Bank (branch name…….) for sanctioning the loan and treated as one-off grant to me
under this Policy for which I will indemnify The Viyellatex Group for covering my
separation from the Company before the tenure of full repayment of loan to the bank in
…..yrs. I am willing to execute the Company prescribed Indemnity Bond for this
Besides, an amount of Tk. ……… per month may also please be granted for payment to
the bank as the interest charges for the loan amount for a period of …yrs.
You are requested to endorse the attached documents from the bank for facilitating the
loan for the purchase of the car as per the Policy.
Signature _________________
Name ____________________
ID. No ___________________
All the documents have been verified and found okay for the payment as per Policy 39.
Date :
From :
To : Head of HR
I wish to avail of the special facilities of Car Loan Assistance as per clause 39.4 of Policy
No. 39.
I agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of the said Policy. A quotation from the
vendor/seller is enclosed herewith for your perusal please.
An amount of of Tk: _______________ of the total quoted price may please be granted
as the loan to me under this Policy for which I will indemnify The Viyellatex Group for
covering my separation from the Company before the tenure of full repayment of loan. I
am willing to execute the Company prescribed Indemnity Bond for this purpose.
As per the requirement I am enclosing herewith sixty post dated signed cheques with 60
equal installment amount of Tk………. each as realization of my entire loan amount of
Tk. ………….to be paid in sixty installments in next five years.
You are requested to do the needful for arranging the loan as above.
Signature _________________
Name ____________________
ID. No ___________________
All the documents have been verified and found okay for the payment as per Policy 39.
Signed by:
___________________ _____________________
Head of Finance Manager, C&B & ES
40.2 The purpose of our Code is to set out the values and
Purpose: standards which guide the way we do business. Our business
brings with it obligations to comply with the law, adhere to our
own policies and principles, exercise good stewardship of our
assets and the environment, and behave safely and ethically
at all times.
40.3 Our guiding principles are broken down into four stakeholder
Key Steps Key steps to maintaining our standards:
Guiding Our guiding principles:
The Viyellatex Group is committed to following a set of core
values – our guiding principles. These outline how we expect
our people to treat our customers, suppliers and markets, our
fellow employees, shareholders, and the communities in which
we work and live. Our guiding principles set the tone and
overarching objectives of the Code of Conduct. Our individual
standards provide the details of what issues we face and how
we are expected to respond to them.
Communities Responsibilities to local communities and the public:
& Public
The Viyellatex Group is committed to being a positive
contributor to the communities in which we do business. We
Customers, Responsibilities to customers, suppliers and markets:
Suppliers &
Markets In all our business dealings, The Viyellatex strives to be fair
and honest. We will always act in line with all applicable laws
and regulations. We will always compete vigorously but fairly,
complying with all laws protecting competition and the integrity
of markets,
Employees Responsibilities to and expectations of employees:
Employees’ Your personal responsibility to do the right thing – how the
Personal Code is enforced
Viyellatex employees must follow the principles and standards
contained in our Code. Those that do not follow the Code put
themselves, their co-workers and the company at risk. This is
not acceptable. A failure by an employee to comply with the
Code or any other company policy or requirement, may result
in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, referral for
criminal prosecution and legal action to recover losses or
damages resulting from such violation.
Policy No D-41
Conflict of Interest
42.6 With a view to bringing uniformity and to avoid delays and legal
Enquiry complications in recording the enquiry proceedings, the
Procedure following points are further clarified and stressed in this regard.
1. The charge-sheet must be read out to the accused and a
note to this effect should be made in the proceedings.
2. The statement of the prosecution witnesses is to be
recorded in the first person. The Enquiry Officer may put
question necessary to clarify the statement and record
them accordingly. After the completion of the statements,
the accused will be asked if he wishes to cross-
examine/ask any questions from witnesses. The exact
questions and answers will be recorded.
3. After the statement of all the witnesses have been
recorded, the accused will be asked if he wishes to make
a statement. This will also be recorded in the first person.
Questions for the clarification of the statement may be
asked by the Enquiry Officer and recorded exactly. In
case the accused declines to give a statement, a note to
that effect will be recorded and duly signed by the
4. The accused will be asked if he wishes to produce
defense witnesses and substantiate his statement with
some documentary evidence. The documentary evidence
so given should be placed on record. The statement of
witnesses, if any, should be recorded in the usual
manner as in 2 above.
5. All statements will be recorded in English or Bangla and
signed by the persons making the statement, accused,
and the Enquiry Officer.
Date : _____________
Position Department/Section/Location
1) Allegations have been made against you under section 23(4) of Bangladesh
Labour Laws 2006.
In that you are alleged to have :-
** Meanwhile you are placed under suspension pending inquiry with immediate
effect. During the period of suspension you will be paid subsistence allowance as
per law.
Signature and designation of
the person making charge
Date ___________________
Signature of the person charged
Date ______________________
N.B. : If the person charged refuses to sign, this fact will be confirmed in presence of the
two other responsible witnesses, and one copy of the charge sheet will be sent to his
local address under registered post and another copy will be displayed on the Notice
Witness(2) ____________________
Ref :
Date :
Employee No:
Address :
Dear ….. ,
Your explanation in reply to our show cause dated the .................... under our reference
no.................. is unsatisfactory.
Mr................................................, (Designation) has been appointed to inquire into the charges of
alleged misconduct as stated in our above show cause letter.
The inquiry will be held on (Date) at (Time) in the Chamber of (Designation) and on any other
subsequent date(s), time and place that may be deemed fit and necessary by the Inquiry Officer.
You are accordingly, advised to be present at the place of inquiry on the date and time mentioned
above alongwith your witness and evidences as deemed necessary by you.
In the inquiry you will be given every opportunity to adduce evidence and produce witnesses in
support of your statement/defence and cross examine the witnesses and evidence produced
against you.
Yours sincerely,
Ref :
Date :
Employee Number.
Address :
Dear …. …..,
Further to our show cause letter no................................... dated....................... whereby you were
asked to explain within (date) as to why disciplinary action should not be taken against you for the
misconduct stated therein.
As of to-day we have not received any explanation from you. You are therefore again directed to
submit a written explanation latest by (date) to the undersigned, failing which we will be
constrained to take further steps in the matter without waiting for your explanation.
Yours sincerely,
Policy No. D 43
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
43.1 Considering the gravity of the offence and for the purpose of
Policy conducting an enquiry into misconduct where management
Statement: considers it necessary, the employee may be suspended up to
sixty days pending enquiry.
a) Basic pay
b) All other allowances
Policy No. D 44
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
3. Safety Committees
Safety Committees have been set up in every unit and
5. Safety Audits
6. Accident Reporting
Monthly reports in the prescribed form are to be sent by
units to Head Office for monitoring the location wise
accidents, their nature and man-days lost because of
sickness/injuries resulting from these accidents and
also for corrective measure.
7. Safety Training
Comprehensive training courses on safety to be
conducted regularly. Managers, engineers and
supervisors should conduct safety counseling sessions
with their subordinates regularly.
Reporting and 1. Damages of Factory or equipment.
2. Product or substance causes or allegedly
causes damage to personnel, factory,
equipment, process or environment.
Policy No. D 45
Smoking in Workplace
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
b. Smoking Areas
c. Visitors
d. Miscellaneous
Policy No. D 46
Employee Relations & Counseling and Employee
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
46.2 Through undertaking this program, the Company will make the
Objectives employees more productive, and do better work more
efficiently thereby:
Improving productivity
Decreasing time away from work
Lowering health care related concerns
Improving employee retention
Reducing accidents at work
Crisis response
Advice on coping with company reorganization, such as
Grief and loss support in the workplace
Services for a drug-free workplace
2. Referrals:
3. Follow-up:
46.3 The four types of core services that CEA will provide are:
1. Individual
2. Managerial/Supervisory
3. Organizational
4. Administrative
46.4 The Viyellatex Group recognizes the fact that sometimes life
Individual can get in the way of work. Everyone has days once in a while
when they don't get much work done and it can be extremely
difficult to focus on job duties every day.
employees with:
Policy No. D 47
Communication - General
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
47.5 The above guidelines will fall optional for the following
Exemptions communication:
E-mail Policy
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
47A.1 This policy must be complied with by all the employees and
Policy contractors those are provided with access to certain internet
Statement: and intra-net services of the Company, including but not
limited to internet access, e-mail, local area network, stand
alone computer terminals and laptops.
Personal e-mail
The e-mail account that you are assigned to be used only for
the Company business and to assist you in the performance of
your employment related activities. You are prohibited from
using e-mail accounts for personal reasons. You should only
give out your e-mail address for business purposes. You
should not give out e-mail addresses to individuals who have
no business purpose. The company has the unrestricted right
to access and disclose as all messages transmitted to and
from its e-mail system regardless of whether the content is
business related or personal in nature. This means that your
personal messages will be accessible by Company
management at all times and without any notice to you. You
should not transmit any messages over the Company e-mail
that you would not want to have disclosed to a third party.
Company e-mail should not contain personal information about
yourself or other parties whether they are the employees of the
Company or not.
Professional Tone
Employees should use the same level of care and
draftsmanship in e-mail transmissions as they do with the
respect to business letters. E-mails should be personally
written with professional tone, correct business form and style
should be used.
Violation of Policies
Violation of these policies may subject to the employee to
discipline under the Company’s employment policies, including
but not limited to termination of employment.
Policy No. D 48
Suggestions / Ideas
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
Policy No. D 49
Participation Committee
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
Policy No. D 50
Grievance Procedure
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
Policy No. D 52
Employee Separation - General
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
Received from Viyellatex Group the sum of Tk: (here state the full amount due)
in full and final settlement of my claim against the Company and the amount
due to me from the Company.
Date Signature
Policy No. D 53
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
Policy No. D 54
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
54.3 1. Either 2 months or 120 days’ notice (as the case may be)
Eligibility / or pay in lieu thereof.
2. Only in case of non-management, compensation at the
rate of 30 days last drawn basic pay for every completed
year of service or any part thereof in excess of six months.
(Without Notice)
Name :
Empl No. :
Location :
Termination of Employment
Your employment with the Company is hereby terminated with immediate effect. You
will be paid the usual termination benefits as per law.
You are accordingly advised to handover all Company documents, papers and other
articles including the Identity Card that are in your possession to ...........................
Please collect all your dues from Finance/Accounts during the working hours (preferably
the same day) or on any other subsequent working day.
HR/Authorized Manager
(with notice)
Name :
Empl No. :
(Location) :
Termination of Employment
You are given 2 months / 120 days (4 months) prior notice for termination of your
employment with the Company. This notice is from immediate effect and your
employment will automatically stand terminated effective from ............................ . You
will be paid the usual termination benefits as per terms and conditions of service / law.
You are accordingly advised to handover all Company papers, document and other
articles including the Identity Card that are in your possession to .............. on ..............
Please collect all your dues from Finance/Accounts during the working hours
on ................. (employee’s last working day) or on any other subsequent working day.
HR/Authorized Manager
Policy No. D 55
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
Our ref :
Date :
Name :
Empl No. :
Address :
Dear Sir,
On a careful perusal of the inquiry proceedings, the report thereon as well as other
connected papers and evidence, we find you guilty of the said charge of misconduct and
the punishment warranted therefor is that of dismissal.
Your past service records have also been looked into and there being no extenuating
circumstances in your favour, you are hereby dismissed from service with immediate
You are advised to collect your outstanding legal dues, if any, in full and final settlement
of all your claims against the Company from the Finance/Accounts Department on any
day during working hours after surrendering your Identity Card and other property of the
Company, if any, that are presently in your possession to .........................
Yours faithfully,
Policy No. D 56
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
Policy No. D 57
Deceased Employees
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
Policy No. D 58
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
58.3 Effort should be made to settle all his/her payments on his last
Benefits / working day.
1. Provident fund as per rule (Policy on PF)
4. Employment Certificate
Policy No. D 60
Exit Interview
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
3a. Are you aware of the clause of your service condition that you would not be able to work with
our competition for next two years or do similar business for next two years?
4. Do you intend to keep touch with VIYELLATEX GROUP after you leave us?
6. Did you have enough scope and opportunity here for self development (skill and knowledge)?
7. Do you think you would be able to use your skill and experience elsewhere? What are you
taking out from VIYELLATEX GROUP?
9. In your opinion what are the positive sides of VIYELLATEX GROUP (strength)?
10. In your opinion what are the areas VIYELLATEX GROUP should improve?
Policy No. D 61
Compliance Policy
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
Overtime and Working Hours
Except in extraordinary business circumstances, employees
working Hours
shall not be required to work more than 48 hours per week
with 12 hours overtime; or a lower limit on regular and
overtime hours set by the local law. Employees shall also be
entitled to reasonable meal breaks every day and at least one
day off after six consecutive days of work.
All overtime work shall be voluntary. Factory shall educate all
employees including managers and supervisors about the
policy. The total number of overtime hours shall not exceed
12 hours per week or the number specified by local law.
Overtime premium shall be paid in accordance with the law.
Physical harassment
None of the staff will indulge in intentional and unwelcome
physical contact, physical abuse (including and not
restricted to slapping, pushing, making workers to stay on
knees, hitting with any object), or threats of abuse to an
individual or an individual’s property.
Engaging workers in jobs which are typically not suitable to
their physical state or characteristic (employing pregnant
women in jobs which require long hours of standing,
making workers carry loads beyond their capacity etc).
61.6 a. Cleanliness:
The factory shall be kept clean and free from effluvia arising
from any drain privy or other nuisance, and in particular-
(a) Accumulation of dirt and refuge shall be moved daily by
sweeping or by any other effective method from the floors
and benches of work rooms and from the staircases and
passages and disposed of in suitable manner
c. Drinking Water:
d. Toilets:
In every floor-
Sufficient number of toilets shall be provided
conveniently situated and accessible to workers at all
Enclosed toilets shall be provided separately for male
and female workers
Toilets shall be properly lighted and ventilated
Fire alarm must be kept inside each toilet
All toilets must be maintained in a clean and sanitary
condition at all times with suitable detergent or
61.7 a. Tools:
Other Issues: 1. Tools mean all sort of mechanical and electrical
equipment irrespective of size, shape and capacity of
the same.
2. All tools must be held by authorized persons in the
factory who will be responsible for the maintenance/
records of this system.
3. All tools must be kept in a locked box or container at all
times. Only the authorized persons in the factory will be
allowed to keep the key of the container.
4. Without written permission through proper requisition,
none is allowed to receive, use and keep custody of
any tools
5. Records will be maintained of lost, broken and used
tools including those where all parts of the tools have
not been recovered after breaking. This is to ensure
that broken pieces do not come loose and get lost.
6. The tools box will accommodate different types of tools
for each machine’s maintenance. There will be two
containers, one for new tools and the other one for
used and broken tools.
7. New tools must be stored in the container in their
original plastic receptacle in order to avoid accidental
spillage of loose tools on to the factory floor and as well
on to the maintenance room. While, the containers for
used/ broken needles must be sealed to avoid
accidental spillage.
8. Comparing the number of new and used/ broken tools
of each type will produce an accurate record of tools in
9. There should not be any tools along with machines
kept as idle.
10. Mechanics must NOT be allowed having any tools at
their custody while at rest or after working hours.
11. The supervisor or mechanic in charge of the system
MUST complete all of the required information in full of
the accountability of all tools.
12. Supervisors or mechanics should replace new tools
b. Jewelries:
1. The use of jewelries can also end in to personal injury
or damage due to wrong perforation and hanging on
sensitive locations of the body
2. Hanging jewelries and open hairs are highly
discouraged at the work place
3. Thus the management makes the employees of all
level to be careful in using appropriate kinds of
jewelries if they feel like using however.
4. Any suggestion and corrective measures on the same
are highly patronizes by the management at all times.
61.9 The company shall maintain all the compliance issues given
Buyers by the respective buyers.
Policy 61
(Annexure 1)
Document checklist
Company Policy & Procedure
Management Practice
Copy of Worker’s Hand Book covering
recruitment, working hours, grievances,
disciplinary action, harassment & abuse,
performance appraisal, broken needle, wages
and benefits etc.
Personal File
Employment contract
Doctor Signed Age Verification Form
Confirmation letter
Increment letter
Warning letter
Dismissal/Termination/Resignation letter (if any)
Leave Application form
Service Record
Attendance Register
Leave Register
List of pregnant workers currently working in the
Documentation Maternity Leave Register
Broken Needle Register
First Aid Register
Accident Register
Grievance/Suggestion Box Register
Fire Drill Register
Fire Fighting Equipment Register
Statutory Documents
Photocopy of Trade License
Photocopy of Fire License
Photocopy of Bond License
Photocopy of Factory License
First Aid
List of first aid team members
First Aid Training documentation
List of first aid items kept in the first aid kits
Diploma Certificate of Medical Assistant
Health and Social Toilet
Toilet cleaning checklist
Cleaning of Drinking water container
Drinking water testing report
Copy of weight lifting instruction
General Safety
Copy of Safety Management Manual
Meeting Minutes of Safety Management (If any)
Chemical Safety
List of chemicals used in the factory
Copy of relevant Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) for each chemical
Records of disposable chemicals
Copy of general instruction on chemical handling
(if any)
Register for electric equipment maintenance
Generator maintenance register
Transformer Maintenance register (if exist)
Policy No. D 62
Stoppage of Work
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
MANAGER ___________________
DATE ___________________
MANAGER ___________________
DATE ___________________
Policy No. D 63
Lay Off
Effective Date:
Revision Date:
63.3 Laid-off employees other than those who have put in less than
Payments: one year continuous service will get :
MANAGER __________________
The laid-off employees will be paid lay-off compensation as admissible under Section 16
of Bangladesh Labour Act 2006.
MANAGER __________________