Paul VI Beatified Book
Paul VI Beatified Book
Paul VI Beatified Book
Since his time at Milan, not a few called him already “ ‘the man of
the utopias,’ an Archbishop in pursuit of illusions, generous
dreams, yes, yet unreal!”… Which brings to mind what Pius X said
of the Chiefs of the Sillon1: “… The exaltation of their sentiments,
the blind goodness of their hearts, their philosophical mysticisms,
mixed … with Illuminism, have carried them toward another
Gospel, in which they thought they saw the true Gospel of our
However, the honest reader will find that our writings reproduce his
true dominating mentality — so deeply rooted in him as to have
disastrously inspired his entire pastoral and magisterium.
Certainly, writing about him has not been easy on me, as Paul VI
was the Pope at the center of an Ecclesiastical collapse, the most
dreadful the Church has ever witnessed throughout Her history.
In writing about him, therefore, one cannot beat about the bush,
quibble in search of sensational episodes in order to hide the reality,
that is, the real responsibilities of his unsettling Pontificate, in the
complex framework of the Second Vatican Council.
And so, let us open directly the pages of the First Address to the
Council, in which Paul VI made his own, manifestly, the principle
of modernist heresy that Pope John XXIII has already expressed, in
his Opening Address of the Council, on October 11, 1962, (an
Address which had been inspired by the then Archbishop of Milan,
Mgr Giovanni Battista Montini), in which he said:
“Neque opus Nostrum, quasi ad finem primarium, eo spectat, ut de
quibusdam capitibus praecipuis doctrinae ecclesiasticae disceptetur,
sed potius ut ea ratione pervestigetur et exponatur, quam tempora
postulant nostra.”
One cannot invent dogma, nor can one reduce it into convenient
cliché, as has been done in these years of upheaval and arrogance,
ignoring that Christ, and only He, is and shall always be the
absolute truth.
How topical is still that whole 2nd Chapter of Epistle 2 of St. Paul
to the Thessalonians: “… 2:7-11. For the mystery of iniquity already
worketh: only that he who now holdeth do hold, until he be taken out of
the way. And then that wicked one shall be revealed: whom the Lord Jesus
shall kill with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness
of his coming: him whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in
all power and signs and lying wonders: And in all seduction of iniquity to
them that perish: because they receive not the love of the truth, that they
might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to
believe lying: That all may be judged who have not believed the truth but
have consented to iniquity.”
This is the reason, the only reason, in the light of the Gospel and of
the Tradition of the Church that we ask the reader to follow through
with the reading.
During the course of the works of the XXXV Assembly of the
Italian Bishops Cardinal Ruini, president of CEI (Italian Episcopal
Conference), before the Pope and the Bishops, announced the
decision of filing the cause for the beatification of Paul VI.
Although the assent of the Permanent Council of the Italian
Episcopal Conference had already been granted, the procedure for
the causes of the Popes also calls, however, for the consultation of the
entire national Episcopate. A Pope, in fact, is not only the Bishop of
Rome, but he is also the Primate of Italy, and therefore the placet of
the Italian Bishops was one more passage required by the canonical
procedure, such as it was established by Paul VI himself, and,
subsequently, by John Paul II in the document “Divina Perfectionis
I believe this true, both for the Monsignor’s profound honesty and
sincerity, and for other sources that I gathered subsequently, on this
scheme to raise to the altars the two Popes of Vatican II, in order
to manifest the supernaturalness of Vatican II, and consequently of
this New Church with its Reforms, despite the explicit declaration
of Paul VI himself when he spoke of the “self-destruction afoot
within the Church (for which he himself was primarily
Definitely, one need have lost all love for the Church and for souls
– atop ordinary good sense – to have found the nerve to propose
beatifying Paul VI! This will to sanctify a Pope that openly
refused his duties exceeds the limits of imagination. A Pope, like
any Catholic, must indeed seek his own sanctification through the
fulfillment of the duties related to his own station.
How many times had I noticed that Paul VI was against his
Predecessors, despite the illusory quantity of mundane applause he
received! How many times had I pondered his “Great Design,”
opposed, however, to the Faith of the Catholic Tradition, to the extent
of recalling to mind what St. Pius X had written:
“Through some cracks the smoke of Satan has entered the temple
of God: there is doubt, uncertainty, problematic, anxiety,
confrontation. One does not trust the Church anymore; one
trusts the first prophet that comes to talk to us from some
newspaper or some social movement, and then rush after him
and ask him if he held the formula of real life. And we fail to
perceive, instead, that we are the masters of life already. Doubt
has entered our conscience, and it has entered through windows
that were supposed to be opened to the light instead …
“The Pope does not believe he must follow a line other than that
of faith in Jesus Christ, Who holds His Church at heart more
than anyone else. He shall stifle the tempest. How many times has
the Master repeated: ‘Confidite in Deum. Creditis in Deum et in
Me credite!’ The Pope will be the first to execute this command of
the Lord and to abandon himself, without anguish or
inopportune anxieties, to the mysterious play of the invisible but
very certain assistance of Jesus to His Church.”10
A Pilate-speak indeed! Three years earlier, when he threw
everything up in the air in order to reform, change, and modify, did
he not govern, and impose his ideas, creating all the premises of that
tempest on the Church, and thus relinquishing any right to fold his
arms, to abandon the helm of the boat of Peter, demanding that God
Himself miraculously rescue Paul’s scuttled ship!
It is one more false and hypocritical joke, for God had not put him
at the helm of Peter so that he would set the boat adrift with his
Reforms, but so that he would govern it according to Tradition, as
had his Predecessors.
Paul VI should not have asked of God a miracle to save the Church
again, but should instead have humiliated himself, corrected his
own errors, fulfilled the work of salvation demanded by his duty.
Paul VI had not seen what the Earth had become — God having
been ejected by the French Revolution — when governed under
Freedom, Equality, Fraternity, under the false Great Principle of
1789, which had replaced the Law of God, to submit it to the Rights
of Man? Therefore, he was to be the faithful Judge of the Honor of
God and of the Rights of God in order that the Will of God be
respected. Evidently Paul VI had forgotten the command of Jesus:
But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His justice; and all
these things shall be added unto you11; Paul VI had forgotten that
the future belongs to God, to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior
of the World, and that, at the end of times, “Now shall the prince of
this world be cast out”12, to make room only for the “Church of
God: One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman.
With such a picture before me, how could I not be tempted to ask
whether Paul VI had ever had a true vocation to the priesthood? Even
the words I had read on the book of the “Dialogues with Paul VI” of
Jean Guitton – his greatest friend – had made me reflect a lot:
“Nonetheless, if one had these feelings, could one join the priesthood
in the Twentieth century? If I feel thus, it means that I am called to
another state, where I will realize myself more harmoniously, for
the common good of the Church.”13
“I noticed how his thoughts were of a secular kind. With him, one
was not in the presence of a cleric, but of a layman, promoted,
unexpectedly, to the papacy.”14
Paul VI, then, would have been a layman (not a priest, that is!)
That had upset me. Precisely because the lay Giovanni Battista
Montini had become “Pope” Paul VI.
Let us ask why that which the Church had always strongly rejected
and condemned, Vatican II adopted within the doctrinal riverbed?
After these clear hints we can say that the subversion (of the Faith)
in the universal Church is the inescapable consequence of the
Pontificate of Paul VI, who used Vatican II to achieve his liberal
dreams of renovation and revision.
“It is precisely thus that the Council has come to Us. Two terms
characterize it: RENOVATION and REVISION. We are
particularly keen that this spirit of renovation” – according to the
expression of the Council – “be understood and experienced by
everyone. It responds to the characteristic of our time, wholly
engaged in an enormous and rapid transformation, and
generating novelties in every sector of modern life. In fact, one
cannot shy away from this spontaneous reflection: if the whole
world is changing, will not religion change as well? Between the
reality of life and Christianity, Catholicism especially, is not there
reciprocal disagreement, indifference, misunderstanding, and
hostility? The former leaps forward; the latter would not move.
How could they go along? How could Christianity claim to have,
today, any influence upon life?
“And it is for this reason that the Church has undertaken some
reforms, especially after the Council. The Episcopate is about to
promote the renovation that corresponds to our present needs;
Religious Orders are reforming their Statutes; Catholic laity is
qualifying and finding its role within the life of the Church;
Liturgy is proceeding with a reform in which anyone knows the
extension and importance; Christian education reviews the
methods of its pedagogy; all the canonical legislations are about
to be revised.
Unfortunately, for all this the most real and grave responsibilities
must indeed be attributed to him who never should have done it. And
the evidence is incontrovertible for it is derived from official data,
present in all of his opening and continuing papal Addresses, such as
“Ecclesiam suam” of August 1964, in the imminence of the
discussion upon “Lumen gentium,” concluded on 21 November
1965, and with the ENDING of Vatican II, in particular with his
ADDRESS of December 7, 1965, (the most disconcerting address of
all), and with the Constitutions and Conciliar Decrees, strictly
3) Trust: with only two human aspects of the dialogue; that is:
trust in the intrinsic virtue of the word (revealed is not specified!),
and trust in the approach of those who welcome it (with no hint at
the supernatural action, nonetheless necessary, of prayer and
As one can see, here too Paul VI expressly declared that Vatican II
did not intend to teach, through dogmatic definitions, any chapter of
doctrine, and therefore, necessarily, Vatican II is in no part covered
by infallibility, since infallibility is tied only to the truths taught
by the Universal Ordinary Magisterium as revealed – and,
therefore, to be believed de fide divina, aut catholica – by the
Solemn Magisterium and by the Ecumenical Councils, or even by
the Supreme Pontiff, as regards dogmatic definitions.
Extremely clear yet bewildering words, for they are the violation of
the principle of identity (or of contradiction).
In both one and the other, in fact, the center is always Man.
Paul VI and the Vatican II, instead, pushed things in a manner that,
by degrees, God has almost disappeared to make room for man. In
this picture, Christianity has become religion of man, and although
the name of God remain and the religion be still called “Christian,” in
reality, however, it is nourished only by the second Commandment,
filled with “let us love one another,” with “enough with religious
war,” with “let nothing stand in our way anymore”… in order to
embrace only those things that might unite us.
Paul VI could not deny openly this dogmatic truth, but he went as
far as to say that love is “due to every man for his quality of man.”33
However, from the reading of his texts his obsession, his primary
anxiety is only, or almost, at the level of man. In fact, he expresses
himself thus:
“All these doctrinal riches (of the Council) aim at one and one
thing only: to serve man.” 36
“We too, no more than any other, We have the cult of man.”37
“The religion of the God who became man has met the religion
(for such it is!) of man who makes himself God. And what
happened? Was there a clash, a battle, a condemnation? There
could have been, but there was none!”38
The whole of the writings and speeches of Paul VI show, with sad
clearness, that man, rather than God, is the center of his cares…
That all was thought out, judged, and directed in function of man.
After which, one could accuse Paul VI of giving man a “cult” that
should not be given him. Man must certainly be loved, but not of a
disorderly love, that is, a love not regulated by the love of God or
independent of His love.
Let us further quote, therefore, some other “text” that illustrate this
“cult of man” in Paul VI, so evident in his humanism.
“Could the Church, could We but look upon him (man) and love
him?…” “The Council is a solemn act of love toward humanity.
May Christ assist us so that it be truly so.”
It was then this very form of idolatry toward man that caused
Religious Freedom to be proclaimed as a fundamental and absolute
right of man! This very false love for man gave life to “Gaudium et
Spes,” or “The Church in the World of Today,” “which will
represent the crowning of the work of the Council,” and which
Paul VI will proclaim inspired to the religion of Man, “center and
crown of the world.”41
“Another point we must stress is this: all this rich teaching (of the
Council) is channeled in one direction, the SERVICE OF
MANKIND, of every condition, in every weakness and need…
“Has all this, and everything else that We might say about the
human value of the Council, perhaps diverted the attention of the
Church in Council toward the trend of modern culture, centered
on humanity? Nay, the Church stood Her course, but She turned
to man… The modern mind, accustomed to assess everything in
terms of usefulness, will readily admit that the Council’s value is
great if only because everything has been referred to human
usefulness. Hence no one should ever say that a religion like the
Catholic religion is without use, seeing that when it has its
greatest self-awareness and effectiveness, as it has in Council, it
declares itself entirely on the side of man and in his service…”42
“The first step toward the final and transcendent goal which is
the basis and cause of every love… Our humanism becomes
Christianity, our Christianity becomes centered on God; in such
sort that we may say, to put it differently: a knowledge of man is
a prerequisite for a knowledge of God.”
This truly papal line, however, stands opposite to that liberal Paul
VI, who, at Sidney, on December 2, 1970, stated to the press:
A vision which is far from that of the Gospel, and certainly does
not reflect the Words of Jesus: “Think not that I am come to send
peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword”51… and for
this He was always a “sign of contradiction.”
These are his own words: “no other intention” than that of
working for human causes; therefore, not as a custodian of the
Faith, but as an “expert humanist!” His faith, that is, is in man.
That is why he regarded Christianity as mere “humanism.”
For that reason, after His “Ecclesiam suam” the Church must not
convert anymore, because “The Church makes herself dialogue…”
a dialogue that characterized his Pontificate54; a dialogue that would
no longer consist in preaching the Gospel, but rather in working for a
peaceful coexistence between good and evil, between true and false.
So, the “more solid basis” to achieve the peace, is not the respect
of God and of His laws, but “the sense of an intangible human
dignity,” the “recognition of an abiding and happy equality
between men,” based “upon the basic principle of human
brotherhood… ” And yet, Jesus had said: “Without Me, you can
do nothing.”58
But Paul VI, instead, speaking at FAO (Rome based UN Food and
Agriculture Organization), had this to say:
“As for you, it is man you succor, it is man you sustain. How can
you act against him, when you exist for him and could not
succeed but with him?” 59
“You are a sign. You are an image. You are a mystery of the
presence of the Christ (!!). The Sacrament of the Eucharist offers
us His hidden Presence, live and real; but You too are a
sacrament, a sacred image of the Lord in our midst.”61
But we, instead, shall continue to say: “Now to the King eternal,
immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory
forever and ever. Amen.”63
It is now clear that the “new Church” of Paul VI has broken with
the past:
“The religion of the God who became man has met the religion of
man who makes himself God”64.
There is, by now, “an osmosis” between the Church and the
world65; and that is, an interpenetration; a reciprocal influence.
And yet, the Apostle St. John had written, instead, “The whole
world lieth in wickedness.”66 And Jesus had said, “He that is not
with Me is against Me.”67
Good for us that the above mentioned Cardinal also recalled that
Montini was very familiar with the French culture, which much
contributed to the formation of such a view of the Church. In fact,
Montini had read and studied (?) their books: that of De Lubac:
“Meditation Upon the Church”; that of Hamer: “The Church is
Communion”; that of Congar: “True and False Reform of the
Church”; that of Maritain: “The Church of Christ”; etc…
That is why, in his First Letter, St. John Evangelist says: “I write
unto you, little children…Love not the world, neither the things
that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the
Father is not in him; for all that is in the world, the lust of the
flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the
Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust
thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”82
And St. Paul writes: “But God forbid that I should glory, save in
the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is
crucified unto me, and I unto the world.83
And Jesus reaffirms this detachment from the world in His prayer
to the Father for His Apostles, too: “I have given them Thy word;
and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the
world, even as I am not of the world.”86 Thus “Opening to the
world,” in the theological-Christian language, can only mean
“opening to Satan,” “Prince of this world.”
Now, this “brimming over with love and admiration” for the
world, whose “values” he “honors,” goes also counter to the
Scriptures, which say: “Love not the world, neither the things that
are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father
is not in him.”95
Hence to Paul VI, the Catholic approach before the World should
change, broaden, leaving of Tradition but a few marks of paint. He
himself reiterates it:
Here, Paul VI says that, after the Council, the Church recognizes,
yes, the eternal conflict between Gospel and World, but, “in
addition,” She similarly recognizes the new approach, opposed to
Tradition, and that is to say, She “recognizes, serves, and loves the
world,” “such as the world presents itself today.”
Double track, that is. Two irreconcilable approaches. All that is left
to do is to repeat the verdict of Christ: “No man can serve two
masters.”98 That is to say: either one loves Jesus and His Gospel, or
one loves the World, loathing Jesus and His Gospel.
Here you have a typical example of how one could make wicked
use the “Sacred Texts.” Under the cover that “charity pardons
anything… puts up with anything…” one invokes tolerance
toward the vices of the world, too. Not so did Jesus, however, when
to the Pharisees, proud and duplicitous, He addressed: “O generation
of vipers… Whitewashed Sepulchers”101. Sure, God is merciful
toward the man that falls because of his weakness, but then repents,
whereas He is terrible toward the pride and sensuality persisting in
the world.
There is matter for reflection. But reflection was also Paul VI’s
obligation. And why on earth, then, would he not remember that:
“Woe unto me, if I preach not the gospel!106 of St. Paul?
“In the first years following Vatican II Council, the candidate to the
episcopate seemed to be a priest primarily ‘opened to the world,’
and, indeed, this prerequisite topped the list. After the 1968
Movement, with the worsening of the crisis, it was discovered, not
seldom through bitter experiences, that what was needed were
bishops open to the world, and yet concurrently capable of
standing up to the world and to its harmful tendencies, in order to
heal them, contain them, alert the faithful against them. Many
bishops have harshly experienced, in their own dioceses, how
times have really changed in comparison with the not-so-critical (an
euphemism?) optimism of the immediate post-Council.”108
Paul VI, however, after “Pacem in Terris,” flung open the doors of
the Council to his “apertura al mondo” (opening to the world). One
has only to read “Gaudium et Spes” to dispel any doubt. His “love to
the world,” his “cult of man,” were but a counter-altar to the
straightforward affirmation of Jesus, “My kingdom is not of this
It was a real utopia his agitated soul, his ambivalent behavior, his
obsession of reconciling, at any cost, the Church with the modern
world, with modern philosophy, subjectivist and immanentist, and
modern culture, imbued with subjectivism and immanentism, were
nourishing. Surely it wasn’t a guiltless action, for it was a path
already blocked off by the past Magisterium, with Mirari Vos (1832)
of Gregory XVI, with the Syllabus (1864) of Pius IX, with Pascendi
(1907) of St. Pius X, with Humani Generis (1950) of Pius XII,
which firmly condemn all these apertures and, consequently, even
those false “restorations” that suffocated the perennial philosophy,
the Scholastic theology, and the dogmatic Tradition of the
It is the new theology that has determined the crisis that paralyzes
the life of the Church, as it is permeated – we repeat with Humani
Generis – with “false opinions that threaten to subvert the
foundations of Catholic doctrine.”
What is clear, however, was always his cult of man, his love for
the world, which nourished his chimeras, specifically:
But the glory of God and the salvation of souls is a theme Paul
VI, in his writings and speeches, has nearly forgotten.
“It is the ferment of the Gospel that has aroused and continues
to arouse in man's heart the irresistible requirements of his
“We have trust in human reason… One day, reason must come to
be the ultimate word.”113
Luckily, that day shall never come. Yet ever since 1789 this trust in
human reason is preached. This human reason has been severed
from its root, God, and placed at the service of the shallows of
human nature. That is why any catastrophe is possible.
And yet, even the Protestant theologian Karl Barth posed himself
the question, on that opening to the world, on the part not only of
Protestantism of any chapter, but also of post-Conciliar Roman
“With the windows opened onto the world – he wrote – haven’t our
Protestants, as well as the last Council, gone too far? When too
many windows are built and opened, the house ceases to be a
house… the concept of ‘Church’ could be broadened to the extent
that it would fade out into the dim nebulosity of an unconscious
And again:
Could one not think, at this point: if the whole world has to change,
should religion not change, too? If between the reality of life and
Christianity – especially Catholicism – there is disagreement,
misunderstanding, indifference, mutual hostility, how could
Christianity claim to have retained any influence upon today’s life? Is
that why Vatican II called for reforms and revisions? But why, then,
did Jesus say, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words
shall not pass away?”123 And if that is the case, the Gospel shall
always be the same, regardless of world change. And the doctrine of
Jesus shall be always “A sign which shall be contradicted.”124
And that, even Paul VI should have known, rather than fancying a
Masonic-like humanitarian and social philanthropic organization.
“The Church, although respecting the jurisdiction of the
Nations, must offer her help to promote a global humanism, I
mean to say, an integral development of man as a whole and of
each and every man… Placing herself at the forefront of social
action, She must direct all of her efforts to sustaining,
encouraging, and driving the initiatives that operate toward the
integral promotion of man.”126
Building a world, that is, wherein every man might live a fully
human life.
“They strive to learn more, and have more so that they might
increase their personal worth. And yet, at the same time, a large
number of them live amid conditions that frustrate these
legitimate desires.”128
Perhaps here, again, Paul VI overlooked Jesus’ maxim, when He
said, “It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than
for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”129
So that’s Paul VI’s idea of peace: a new spirit, a new mind, and a
new pedagogy. And here are the foundations: to give a new
ideological education.
And furthermore:
“We wish to give our life a sense. Life is worth the sense we give
to it, the direction we impart to it, the end we direct it to. What is
the end? It is peace. Peace is a beautiful thing, yet hard… It is the
fruit of great struggles, of great plans, and, most of all, it is the
fruit of justice: If you want Peace, work for Justice.”141
“…What is our message? What are needed above all are moral
weapons, which give strength and prestige to international law;
the weapon, in the first place, of the observance of pacts.”144
But there, at the UN, it certainly wasn’t Peter who spoke. For Peter,
authentic Vicar of Christ, would not kneel before the pride of Man,
incarnated in that Masonic Organization that intends to run the world
without God.
“Jesus did not announce for future society the reign of an ideal
happiness from which suffering would be banished; but, by His
lessons and by His example, He traced the path of the happiness
which is possible on earth and of the perfect happiness in
Heaven: the royal way of the Cross. These are teachings that it
would be wrong to apply only to one's personal life in order to
win eternal salvation; these are eminently social teachings, and
they show in Our Lord Jesus Christ something quite different
from an inconsistent and impotent humanitarianism”150.
This is also confirmed by the fact that the “key posts” in the Church
have already been assigned to the modern exponents of the Nouvelle
Théologie, whose official newspaper is the Magazine “Communio,”
subsidized by cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation
for the Doctrine of Faith.
Someone has pointed out that several theologians, named bishops
in recent years, come from the files of “Communio”; such as the
Germans Lehman and Kasper; the Swisse Von Schönbern and
Corecce; the French Léonard; the Italian Scola; the Brazilian
With the advent of Paul VI, there came into being that
reformist religion which, by degrees, supplanted the traditional
religion. From the loftiness of his Papal See, Paul VI could impose
those liberal and pro-Modernist leanings he had breathed ever since
his youth, setting off immediately that insane and ruinous process of
experimentation in the Church, which is but novelties supported by
the modernists.
And while Pius X had foiled the insidious tactic of the modernists –
who presented their errors, “scattered and linked” – denouncing,
with his “Pascendi,” those dangerous novelties as “an authentic,
well-organized system of errors,” Paul VI, instead, brutally
revealed his modernist side, when there came the LXX anniversary of
that great Encyclical of St. Pius X, through the mass media (Vatican
Radio of 4 September 1977 and Osservatore Romano of 8
September 1977), which defined “Pascendi” as a “revelation” of
modernism, “not altogether historically respectful.” But Paul VI
didn’t stop here! He denigrated the anti-modernist battle of St. Pius
X, stating that “there lacked the knowledge or the will or the
respectful courage of reading distinctions and differences in their
own reality.” Hence St. Pius X would have been an idiot and a
pusillanimous charlatan!..
That was thus the “commemoration” of that great Pope and Saint,
which revealed, however, in Montini’s heart, all his bitterness and his
well-known typical modernist imprint. And for that, Paul VI
repudiated those wise and inspired documents of Pius X’s as they
were “a rash pruning of sprouts then attempting to grow,” when,
instead, they had revealed the nature of a luxurious darnel, rather
than that of sprouts, which suffocated almost all the good wheat the
Church had harvested in the preceding centuries.
- What is the reason for his scandalous passivity before the Dutch
schism, allowing errors to spread throughout the Catholic world?153
- He let the Holy See be challenged upon the most important points
of the Faith, without reactions on his part.
And thus he turned the Church into a sort of Political Party, and
turned religion into a sort of stirring Center of integral humanism,
“as he wanted to build a world wherein every man, no matter
what his race, religion or nationality, can live a fully human
Utopia or apostasy?
This was the real face of Paul VI. This was his Pontificate. Always
a progressive, upon election he would appear not to have succeeded
Peter so much as Judas.
One need only recall his steadfast opposition, at the Council, of the
“Coetus Internationalis Patrum,” while He never stopped
supporting the liberal Bishops.
And yet reading closely his writing, one could see that Paul VI had,
yes, taken up the old Creed of Nicea, but had also inserted into it
some points of a more recent Catholic doctrine.
What then? Was it his umpteenth clever action in order to hide his
real mind? Was he shielding himself from the critics, since he had
failed to condemn the Dutch Catechism? (Shortly after, in fact, he
had himself photographed together with ill-famed Dominican father
Schillebeeckx, co-author of that ill-famed catechism.
Benedict XIV blessed Monsignor Jouin for his work: “Against the
Sects That are the Enemy of Religion.”
“As for the Masonic sect, the faithful must keep in mind that the
penalty stipulated by the Canon Law Code (canon 2335) is still in
The approach of the Church, then, up until Vatican II, was always
clear and coherent. The condemnation of Freemasonry was because
of its tendency to destroy religious order and Christian social order,
even if it presents itself under the mask of tolerance and respect of
the others. Its real aim, however, is that of rebuilding society on new
bases, excluding Our Lord Jesus Christ, in order to achieve a
universal religion, according to the principle of democracy.
In fact, ever since that sect was able to operate, there were, in
France, five revolutions (1789-1830-1848-1870-1945), four foreign
invasions (1815-1870-1914-1940), two spoliations of the Church;
the expulsion of the Religious Orders; the suppression of Catholic
schools; the secularization of the institutions (1789 and 1901)…
“Since nothing has come about that would solicit a change, in this
matter, in the decisions of the Holy See, the provisions of the
Canon Law retain their full validity, for any type of freemasonry
And so, the new approach of the Church was the change of
course of Vatican II, guided formerly by John XXIII, and
subsequently by Paul VI, which adopted ecumenical and liberal
positions toward Freemasonry, even though for 250 years they had
been utterly different.
And yet, in France, it was no secret that his political ideas were
redder than his habit, and that he also belonged to Freemasonry; that
his “initiation” had taken place in 1912; that he “received the light”
at Cambrai; that he frequented three Lodges at Lille and one at
Valenciennes, and then two more at Paris, “reserved to
parliamentarians”; and that, in 1924, he was elevated to the 30th
degree and made “Kaddosh Knight.”168 As one can see, a
curriculum vitae of a freemason bishop-cardinal that is quite
eloquent as to the weight he had in the Council.
In fact, having considered the events that took place under Paul
VI’s Pontificate (such as to cause him to say that self-destruction of
the Church was afoot), one can perceive how it had been possible that
Freemasonry could pay such a bombastic tribute to Paul VI.
As one can see, this concession was in open contrast with Canon
2335 of the Codex Juris Canonici, which established:
- And how many Masonic laws have entered the Church under his
Pontificate: divorce, abortion, separation between Church and
State, degradation of Seminaries and Religious Congregations,
parity of women, and so forth and so on.
And again:
“Would it not be possible that the name of the very same God,
instead of irreducible oppositions… generate a possible
agreement… without the prejudice of theological discussions?”
- Later on, Paul VI would give his pastoral and his ring to the
Burmese Buddhist U’thant, Secretary General of the UN.
Now, apart from the Samaritan that has nothing to do with it (the
Good Samaritan stooped compassionately over a human being and
not over a religion), here, instead, one can but remark that the
religion of man who makes himself God is that same religion of
Freemasonry, as the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France
Jacques Mitterand had clearly expressed, in one of his speeches:
It must be noted that this Jesuit heretic was one of the “masters
of Vatican II, through, in particular, his disciple De Lubac, who,
although banished by Pius XII,184 was reintegrated by John XXIII,
who even called him as consultant at the Council. Paul VI, then, in
closing the Thomist Congress, “in the hall of the Chancery, insisted
that de Lubac speak of Teilhard de Chardin.”185
But that was nothing new. The penetration had been in progress for
almost two centuries. John Paul II, for example, attributed the
Pontifical suppression of the Company of Jesus to the doings of
Freemasonry.193 That means the enemies of the Church have always
found the gates of the Vatican quite more than ajar.194 And that is
admitted even in the high spheres.195
As to the Conclaves of the future, Siri used to say one should pray in
order to obtain the grace that the prospective participants be truly free
from any partisan influence and influx, not only of an ethical and
political nature, but even social. And that no sect lay its hand onto
these [Conclaves]! He referred to Freemasonry, which he claimed
to know, through direct confidences, received from the affiliated, and
to know the schemes through which Freemasonry attempted to
tighten its grip on men and organs of the Vatican (he did not refrain
from suggesting names), and threatened to extend its grip onto the
Conclave. Perhaps it was also on the account of that, that he proposed
abolition of the secret: that all take place in the light of day!
All true – one would say – if one consider that the said list includes
the names of two Cardinals (Villot and Casaroli) who have been
Secretary of State of the Holy See; it also includes that of another
cardinal (Poletti) whom Paul VI appointed Vicar of Rome, that is,
as his own representative in the government of that Diocese.
And what to say, then, when that list also features as affiliated to
Freemasonry other most authoritative Prelates, such as cardinals
Baggio, Suenens, and others?
After all, his theological positions and his ideals were always in the
sphere of the various cardinals and bishops that appear in the list of
Pecorelli’s Osservatorio Politico (OP) Magazine, which also reports
his data: Affiliation: 6/8/1966; Registration: 041/3; Monogram:
Finally, one must not forget that, at the Council, it was cardinal
König who recommended to the conciliar Fathers finally to take into
consideration the ideas of Teilhard de Chardin on evolution.
10th - cardinal Achille Liénart
Cardinal Liénart was also one of the chiefs of that organized group
of Northern European conciliar Fathers of a liberal bent, who took
control of the Council, steering it toward those new and unexpected
shores which are still destroying the Church.
In any case, that list should have sparked off either a shower of
denials or a purge in the ecclesial ranks. On the contrary, not a single
denial was to be had. As for purges, the newly elected Pontiff did
not have the time, perhaps even because Pope Luciani, who had
manifested his intention of having a hand in the issue of the IOR
and thus involve the list of alleged Prelates affiliated to
Freemasonry, too, passed away in circumstances and ways as yet
unknown.222 What is more, Mino Pecorelli, the author of that list,
was gunned down a few months later, on March 20, 1979; hence,
with him were buried all other secrets concerning the Masonic sect in
his possession.
One could ask: why is it that all of the listed in that Masonic list
have never come together in order to deny that public denunciation,
complete with detailed entries (Affiliation, Registration, Monogram),
asking the courts for a clarifying investigation, at least on the
graphological analysis of the acronyms at the foot of the
documents? How not recognize, then, that that lack of denials and
prolonged silence are more than eloquent as they take on the value of
circumstantial evidence of the greatest import?
1st, that the names uttered by him are all to be found in Pecorelli’s
The theme of our investigation may as well stop at this stage, at the
mole Pecorelli, who was able to infiltrate the archives of the Grand
Orient and subtract those confidential documents.
But Leo XIII did not die too soon. God granted him 25 years of
reign, and the Masonic sect had to postpone that convenient union
with the Church. In fact, Leo XIII, on four different occasions,
steadfastly confirmed Pius IX’s Syllabus, and truthfully said of
himself, “Our struggle has not only the defense and integrity of
religion as an objective, but also that of civil society, and the
restoration of the principles that are the foundation of peace and
And thus came Vatican II, whose ambiguous texts will cause the
Anglican observer Gregory Baum to say, “The Council has,
therefore, admitted that the Church of Christ is something wider
than the Roman Catholic Church; and the other Protestant
observer, Oscar Cullmann, “All of the texts are formulated so as
not to shut any door, and will not present in the future any
obstacle to discussions among Catholics, nor to the dialogue with
non-Catholics, as it was customary, with the dogmatic decisions
of the previous Councils.”
Now, do the Pope and the Bishops ignore the consequence of this
cult of Man? Don’t they know how many and which crimes have
been committed, in the aftermath of that Satanic French Revolution,
precisely in the name of Human Rights? Have they forgotten that it
was revolutionary France that put Europe to the sword, claiming in
this way to liberate the oppressed peoples?
“…They fear not to draw between the Gospel and the Revolution
blasphemous comparisons.”226
Paul VI filled his entire Pontificate with a relentless preaching of
Human Rights, both of individuals and Nations.227
“In her desire to convert fully to her Lord, and in order better to
fulfill her ministry, the Church intends to manifest respect and
care of ‘Human Rights’ within herself.”232
Sure, Paul VI is not St. Paul Apostle, nor did he share with him a
common view. In fact, he continued to identify evangelization with
the defense of Human Rights. Said he:
But Paul VI ignored that voice of the Magisterium, too, and thus
Now, no one can doubt that the human means be the sole of real
interest to Paul VI. “Of the utmost importance,” for the “moral
reconstruction of Europe,” is not the Gospel, said he, but Human
Rights, which are based:
In any case, Paul VI should have known that the sole means to
check such upheavals is to CHRISTIANIZE THE WORLD, giving it
Jesus Christ, preaching His Gospel, administering His Sacraments,
through which comes to us the indispensable grace of God.
And on he goes:
Words to the wind, these of Paul VI, which shall never yield the
smallest act of virtue, or a renunciation, or a sacrifice, or an
evangelical forgiveness, or any other Christian good.
But neither Christ, nor the Grace of the Sacraments, nor the Law of
the Gospel dwell in Paul VI’s mind, committed, as he is by now, on
the naturalist level. In fact, at Bombay, on December 3, 1964, he
would stress once again that:
“We must – said he – close ranks with one another not only
through press and radio and ships and jet-planes, but we must
close ranks through our hearts, through our mutual
understanding, esteem, and love.”
Everything onto the human, that is! Religion, with him, had no
longer a place. It is the cult of man that must breed the love of man.
And the same must be said of Justice. And yet Paul VI, even here,
to the conciliar Fathers, on October 4, 1965, said this:
Now, that is not the design of God, but a causing of the faithful to
look away from Heaven in order to turn them into slaves of the
World, as read in the Apocalypse.
“Isolation is no longer an option. The hour has come for the great
fellowship of men with each other, and for the setting up of a
United and fraternal World community” and “The work of peace
is not limited to one religious faith; it is the work and duty of
every man, regardless of his religious convictions. Men are
brothers, God is their Father and their Father wants them to live
in peace the ones with the others.”245
But Paul VI, too, in his address of January 30, 1965, would say:
“The Church cannot turn a blind eye onto the ideological, moral
and spiritual animation of public life… Work with faith, yes,
with confidence toward the Systems that form the norm and
history of our society, and which today are the democratic ones.”
Paul VI, therefore, that new city, ideal and secular, he wanted to
fortify with that supplement of faith and love the UN needs. But
that means that, by osmosis, they will change into one, in man and in
love for the world. And that in order to ensure the success of the
project of the man who makes himself God. Hence The religion of
the God who became man should thus place itself at the service of
the the religion of man who makes himself God!
How could this Pope, who even at Bethlehem, on January 16, 1964,
had said, “We must ensure to the life of the Church a new way of
feeling, of willing, of behaving,” go on to speak and act as he
It is a speech that might have hinted to a lost faith even on his part,
his belonging amongst those who are still dealing with religion
notwithstanding, so that all religions could fraternize in the temporal
action, brushing aside dogmatic conflicts, since religious struggles
are forever gone,250 since it is no longer the case to interest the souls
in supreme things,251 but to put them at the service of humanity.
Paul VI, here, gave the halt to working for the true Kingdom of
God, in order to work, instead, for humanity.
And that was also his appeal to the Red Guards of the [Chinese]
Cultural Revolution, as was his letter to Cardinal Roy:
“The Church invites every Christian to a double task of
animation and renovation in order to evolve her structures and
adapt them to the requirements of our times… The Spirit of the
Lord, animating man renewed in Christ, shakes the horizons in
which his [man’s] intelligence is keen on finding his self-
assurance and the limits in which his action would be
circumscribed; he is seized by a force that pushes him to fly past
every system and every ideology.”253
No one can deny, today, that the famous revision of Vatican II had
been an authentic betrayal. It is no use attempting to explain and
justify this state of things. After trying, for many years, to pretend
that all was going well, that all the Church was suffering from was a
healthy crisis of growth, but that, in the end, all would turn out into a
wonderful flourishing, now, that thesis having become unsustainable,
they would have one believe that all of the current evil can be
attributed neither to the Pope nor to Vatican II, but only to the
disobedience of the faithful in failing to adapt to what the Council
would have wanted.
Certainly, one cannot lay all the blame for such a disaster upon
Paul VI alone, even though he himself spoke of self-destruction
afoot in the Church; in any case, he surely deserves the lion’s share
in the current decline of the Church.
How Paul VI, who let every heresy go free without ever intervening
against the theoreticians or the propagators, could refer to Catholic
Faith is impossible to comprehend. Sure, Paul VI undersigned the
encyclicals “Mysterium Fidei” (3 September 1965), “Sacerdotalis
Coelibatus” (24 June 1967), “Humanae Vitae” (25 July 1968),
which are a faithful[?] echo of Catholic Tradition; as he also had to
suffer for the systematic criticism that came about, for some of his
Acts of Magisterium, on the part of many priests and whole
Episcopates. In any case, his affirming Truth without ever
condemning errors remains incomprehensible.
This suggests that the faithful follow the directives of the Church,
but only “if they can well discern the raison d’être of the
definitions and of the laws,” or else… they would not be bound to
obey when those definitions and laws did not concur with their
own judgments - which introduced, even in the Catholic Church, the
free thought of Protestantism.
“The main reason that has urged the Congregation for the
Doctrine of Faith (to cut short the reprinting of the Index) – said
cardinal Ottaviani – is that it no longer responds to the needs… In
the Declaration On Religious Freedom, in the Decree On the
Apostolate of the Laity, and in the Constitution on The Church in
the Modern World, the Council has acknowledged to the secular
a greater maturity and higher responsibilities in the Church,
Mystical Body of Christ.”255
An odd act, to say the least, as it seems that Paul VI had had the
power to bestow upon the faithful a spiritual and intellectual
maturity capable of replacing the Magisterium of the Church.
“In the climate of the Council, the Church will formulate some
authorized indications, some alerts, some advises, some warnings,
rather than condemnations…”256.
And how explain that, months after the abolition of the Index, were
also abolished two articles of the Canon Law dealing with the
condemnation of bad books and with the imposition of sanctions
upon their authors? In fact, on November 15, 1966, it was again
Paul VI who declared abrogated Canon 1399 on the prohibition
of books, and Canon 2318 on ecclesiastical censures, imposed
upon the authors and apologists of immoral books and upon the
supporters of false doctrines.
Hence, even the authors who, in the past, had been condemned by
the Holy Office for their scandalous or heretical works, today, with
the New Church of Paul VI, are absolved, without asking of them
either repentance or retraction of their errors.
This leads to conclude that, to Paul VI, that which under his
Predecessors was considered error or hazard for the Christian souls,
under his Pontificate it was no longer such. Therefore, by absolving
the heretical or immoral authors and distributors, not converted, of
bad books, Paul VI signed the approval of the error and granted
it citizenship rights in the Church.
“Each one, within the Church… will retain the freedom one
deems worth… even with respect to the theological elaboration of
the revealed truth”259 (?!).
Bewildering indeed!
But Paul VI, too, had wanted a Vatican II that would be only
pastoral, hence removed from solemn pastoral formulas that are
called dogmatic260. Doubtless it was not to upset a modern man no
longer fond of the role of pupil, and not to upset the sensibility of the
separated brethren. In fact, in the same opening address, Paul VI
“To our Faith, which We hold as divine, we owe the frankest and
firmest adhesion. But We are convinced that She is not an
obstacle to the desired understanding between our separated
Brothers and us, precisely because she is truth of the Lord and
she is, therefore, principle of unity and not of divergence or
separation. In any case, We do not wish to make of our faith a
motive of polemic with them.”261 (?!)
So, only the Truth of the Lord is principle of unity, and that only
among those who accept it. And yet Paul VI, not to create “a
reason of polemic,” abstained from teaching of authority, as it
was indeed his very serious duty.
But what value could an encyclical have, then, which did not
contain specific teachings? Not a serious affair! However, given the
content of that encyclical, one can rejoice today that it did not have a
solemn and peculiarly doctrinal character, but a merely colloquial
“The Church must enter into dialogue with the world in which it
lives (?!) – it reads - We are fully aware that it is the intention of
the Council to consider and investigate this special and important
aspect of the Church's life.”264
But even with his appeal (of October 11, 1962), in “Mysterium
Fidei,” he desired a new language with new formulas, in order to
render the Catholic Faith more accessible and credible to modern
man. A feat he himself was never able to accomplish.
But that was and still is the ideal and plan of Freemasonry, too: to
eliminate all that divides, such as dogmas, hinge of a sole truth, the
holy intransigence that gave the Church millions of Martyrs. For that
very same plan Paul VI continued to fight, arrogant and blind, in
order to achieve his illusory Utopia of a Universal Humanism.
And the evidence of his Utopia is indeed in all the facts that have
taken place during his Pontificate: on the one hand, the friendship
with the dissidents, with the heretics, with the mundane, with the
rebels, with the atheists, and opening to all religions; on the
other, his constant hostility and inflexibility against the defenders
of the Catholic Faith.
That is to say:
“The race of man (…) is separated into two diverse and opposite
parts, of which the one steadfastly contends for truth and virtue,
the other of those things which are contrary to virtue and to
truth. The one is (...) the true Church of Jesus Christ (…) The
other is the kingdom of Satan.”
But Paul VI had ignored that ever since his “Ecclesiam suam,” in
which in practice he rejected the dominion of the Church upon the
temporal society (Christianity), to recognize only a profane World
as a universal social body, autonomous, external to the Church.
It is for this reason that, in his encyclical, Paul VI omitted the two
passages of St. Paul to the Corinthians:
And since all men, down deep, are good, he, Paul VI, “expert in
humanism”271, again said:
“Yes, peace is possible, for men, down deep, are good, they lean
toward reason, toward order and common good; peace is possible
for in the heart of the new men, of the young, of those who
understand the march of civilization…”272
“Democracy, which human communal living today appeals to,
must open up to a universal idea that transcends the limits and
the hurdles to an effective brotherhood.”273
“You, the people, have the right to be heard. But you have the
sacred and legitimate right to demand of your leaders that they
run the body politic in a manner that would cause you no
sufferings… Well, then, we are the democracy (!!)… This means
that people are in charge, that power comes of the number (?!),
from the people, such as it is. If we are conscious of such a social
progress that is spreading everywhere, we must give democracy
this voice, this password: the people does not want the war. The
masses must impose the principle that there must be no more
wars in the world.”
Thus even if the word of God is “Non est pax impiis”274, it must
no longer carry any significance.
And yet Paul VI, though “Vicar of Christ,” has substituted the
UN – that Masonic Babel Tower – as supreme hope for humanity.
This is the finest aspect of the United Nations; it is its most truly
human aspect; it is the ideal that mankind dreams of on its
pilgrimage through time; it is the world's greatest hope; it is, We
presume to say, the reflection of the loving and transcendent
design of God for the progress of the human family on earth, a
reflection in which We see the heavenly message of the Gospel.”
Paul VI, therefore, countered Pius XII’s line with his pragmatic
line: Communism, albeit atheist, does not imply, for that reason, a
basic inability to meet the social expectations contained in the
Gospel. Hence Monsignor Montini’s “contrasting” attitude toward
Pius XII, convinced as he was of the necessity of contributing, in
primis, to the improvement of the material living conditions of the
entire humanity. Hence his “secret relations” with the Communist
Party (PC), ever since he collaborated, or, better, betrayed Pius XII.
By now, Montini’s betrayal belongs to History. A true and
authentic history! It was 1954, and illness and old age were already
exacting their toll on Pius XII. It was colonel Arnauld, of the French
Deuxième Bureau, the Brigadier General for the Intelligence
Service, and Pius XII’s “James Bond.” A career officer, then, but,
above all, a man of strict morals and a practicing Catholic. At the end
of the war, he leaves the British and resumes his post within the ranks
of the French Secret Services. It is then, shortly after the armistice,
that the “Quai d’Orsay” (French Foreign Ministry) entrusts him with
a mission by Pope Pius XII, to ask him to expel from their dioceses
twenty-two French bishops, whom Charles De Gaulle’s government
held responsible for having favored Marshal Pétain’s regime. When
he presented the request of his government (received by the Pope
“very coldly”), Pius XII asked to know “the personal judgment of
the ambassador, of the Catholic, of the officer, whose sister is
Mother Superior of a Convent in Rome.” The colonel asked for
time in order to study the dossiers of the twenty-two bishops. When
he returned to Rome, he manifested his “judgment” on the case; Pius
XII concurred with his judgment and had only two bishops removed
from France, refusing to punish the others.
The Colonel takes on the offer, takes his oath to the Pontiff and sets
out on his new mission. During a tour in the East, he entered into
relationship with the Lutheran bishop of Uppsala, Primate of Sweden,
who, holding Pius XII in great esteem, did not hesitate to lend him
precious services, such as helping out members of the Clergy, held in
detention, and the stealthy introduction of Bibles into Russia, etc. In
the course of one of these meetings (toward the summer of 1954), the
archbishop of Uppsala suddenly said to the colonel, “The Swedish
authorities are perfectly aware of the Vatican’s relations with the
Soviets.” The Colonel promptly decided to question Pius XII, once
he returned from his mission. Back in Italy, in fact, he questioned the
Holy Father, who, quite astounded by the thing, asked the Colonel to
tell Monsignor Brilioth that the Vatican had no relations with the
And it is truly so! That is why we talk about it here, as well as for
the reason that I could personally verify the truth of Pius XII’s
heavy action toward His closest collaborator, through a personal
meeting with General G. Leconte, of the French Secret Services.
To my last question, “But why, then, did Pius XII send Montini to
Milan, such a prestigious cardinalitial see, after Montini had
betrayed him?” The General answered, smiling, “Nay! It wasn’t
Pius XII who sent him to Milan. We have here another ‘dossier,’
under the heading ‘Cardinal Pizzardo,’ containing documents
that say otherwise. After all, it would not have escaped you that Pius
XII never elevated him to the rank of Cardinal, although Milan was
traditionally a cardinalitial see, hence Montini found himself rejected
from the Roman Curia and removed, for good, by that very Pope he
had exerted not a little influence upon; and he was excluded by the
future Conclave as Pius XII was determined to bar him from the
Sacred College. Even his consecration[?] to archbishop, after his
nomination, was almost ignored by Pius XII.”
Another betrayal that certainly does not play into the hands of those
pushing for his beatification: a Paul VI who betrayed Pius XII,
and a Paul VI who betrayed his Homeland.
Paul VI, however, never forgot it, and one year later he took his
revenge. The freemason cardinal Villot, his Secretary of State,
addressed a statement to the Ukrainian bishops informing them that:
“The Ukrainian Church has no longer authority upon its Bishops
outside of the Holy See.” With that action, Paul VI stripped
cardinal Slipyi of any authority and his Church lost all its
autonomy. And so the Soviets had been satisfied. And in that way,
perhaps, Paul VI thought – his umpteenth illusion? – to foster
relations between the Vatican and the Kremlin.
In any case, that was the style of his pragmatism, which he always
practiced in his relationships with Moscow. As in regard to the
appointments of the Bishops in Lithuania, approving the Soviet
choices, despite their perverted continuous political control. And
when, in May of 1972, an Ukrainian student set himself ablaze,
publicly, in protest against Moscow’s oppression toward the Church,
the utter “silence” of the Vatican was more than eloquent, to
And so, on January 5, 1974, the Holy See publicized Paul VI’s
decision, breaking the “news” of the removal of cardinal
Mindszenty from the Primatial Episcopal See of Esztergom.
And yet, this Great Confessor of the Faith, laid to rest on May 15,
1975, in the Hungarian Chapel of St. Ladislao, at Mariazell (Austria),
instead of an apotheosis – as he deserved – saw not even a
“Representative” of the “new” Hungarian Catholic Church,
which sent neither a wreath nor a word. Not even the Apostolic
Nuncio to Austria attended. Only the “free world” – 4000
Hungarians exiled throughout the world, 250 priests and about a
hundred nuns – had convened before the tomb of that Apostle-
Martyr of our times.
But by now, on the wave of the Vatican II, the Holy See had taken
the path of the “dialogue” even with the Communist criminal power,
through compromises and collaboration. And thus any anti-
Communist position was regarded as outdated and unrealistic; and,
because of the utopia of a possible “normalization” of the
ecclesiastical position with the Soviet States, the Church of Paul VI
left our Martyrs of the Faith to their fate in exchange for an illusory
At this point, the Cardinal left Rome, and made contacts with his
emigrant and exiled people. But Paul VI promptly resumed his
attacks on the cardinal – whose shoes he was unworthy to kiss –
and on November 1, 1973, he forced him to resign from his
position of Archbishop-Primate of Hungary. Dignifiedly, yet
firmly, cardinal Mindszenty, on December the 8th, replied to Paul VI
that he could not give in spontaneously to his intimidation; and he
illustrated to him the heavy consequences his collaborationist policy
with the Marxist Regime would bring about.284 But Paul VI (who had
betrayed Pius XII already, precisely for his covert maneuvers with
Moscow), on December 18 informed him, cynically, that
Hungary’s Primatial See had been declared vacant already, and,
therefore, he must consider himself dismissed. Mindszenty took
note of Paul VI’s unspeakable action, bequeathing to him any
responsibilities for the consequences, but informed the press that the
“measure” against him had been taken unilaterally, against his
own will. After which, he felt free to publish his Memoirs, in which
he narrates – in the closing chapter – also the persecutions he
suffered on the part of the Vatican diplomacy and on the part of
the apologists of the Ostpolitik!
And now, let us again ask ourselves: is that the Paul VI one
would be willing to beatify? Is it perhaps on account of those
excesses of “charity” he had toward that capital defender of the
Catholic Faith, diabolically encroached on by the Satanic Marxist
empire? Lamentably, Paul VI would continue to ill-treat that
Martyr of the “Church of Silence,” placing on the Hungarian
Primatial See, in early 1976, as his successor, that darling of the
freemason cardinal König, Laszlo Lekai, former spokesman of the
Kadar Government by the Holy See, and defender of the ill-famed
“priests of the peace,” lackeys of the Marxist regime. In addition,
Paul VI, in 1977, would welcome Kadar at the Vatican, in full pomp,
Mindszenty’s Satanic persecutor, to whom Paul VI reaffirmed his
confidence (!!) in the “dialogue on the issues, open to the
comprehension of the cares and of the action of the State that are
now appropriate.”285
That is the real Paul VI. A Pope who, in defense of his Ostpolitik,
always blind and partner in crime with the enemies of Christ, let
millions and millions of Catholics rot in the Soviet gulags, and
millions more murdered, and let those red pirates lay their hands,
without ever uttering a word, upon so many Nations, and place them
under the bloody Communist yoke.
But that was always his cynical behavior with those that did not
share his views. Neither had he ever a word, a reaction, a cry of pain
for the persecuted and the Martyrs of the “Church of Silence,”
aching and bleeding to this day, sole true seed of a new Christian
Even at the international level, Paul VI’s heart always beat to the
left. We recall, for example, his stance on the Vietnam war, when the
Catholic Van Thieu, President of the Republic of South Vietnam,
went on a visit to the Vatican. Paul VI treated him with dissimulated
rudeness, while, on the contrary, he honored the chief of the North
Vietnamese delegation to the Paris conference, Xuan Thuy, with a
warmhearted personal mention, paying homage, in this manner, to
Hanoi’s stance on peace.
And it continued:
I lack, here, the space to piece back together the history of that
political about-turn from West to East of Paul VI’s diplomacy, of his
unhurried and yet continuous rehabilitation of atheist Marxism,
which went as far as to authorize Catholic Christians to join the
Communist party, as, for example, by installing, in a
Czechoslovakian Bishopric a President of the “Pacem in Terris”
Association, that is, an agent of Communism infiltrated into the
“We would like the Chinese youth to know with how much
trepidation and affection We consider the present exultation
toward ideals of a new, busy, prosperous, and harmonious life.
We send out our votes to China, so distant from Us
geographically and yet so spiritually close… And We would like
to reason of peace, with the leaders of Continental China, aware
as to how this supreme human and civil ideal be intimately
congenial with the spirit of the Chinese People.”291
Before this inhuman anguish, it would have been Paul VI’s duty to
perform a Pilgrimage to Fatima, and pray together with the Catholic
throng of traditional faith, to impetrate of the Virgin Mary the mercy
of God, and, consequently, the peace in this riotous world. But that
would not be the case. Paul VI did, to be sure, travel to Fatima, on
13 May 1967, fifty years after the Apparitions, but he did not go
there to see, but to be seen; not to hear the message of the Virgin
Mary, but to take the stage; not to kneel down, but to dominate before
an endless entreating crowd; not to receive celestial commands, but
to impose his earthly schemes; not to implore peace from the Holy
Virgin, but to demand it of man, but to impose, right there, in the
domain of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the schemes of the Masonic
World of Manhattan; in a word, to stay faithful to himself.
It was clear right from the outset. With a childish and impolite
pretext, he humiliated the President of Portugal, Salazar (one of the
most prestigious political Leaders of this century, and one of the
major authors of the Christian civilization); first by not taking the
time to meet him, at his office; then, by receiving him as any other
Portuguese citizen, without suite, without photographers, without any
apparatus the President’s dignity would have required. And so, by
humiliating the Head of State, Paul VI humiliated Portugal – the most
faithful Country of Catholic faith – paying no consideration to the
Nation or to her Leader. Even the progressive press underscored that
act of contempt, which Paul VI had flaunted, toward that still deeply
Catholic people.
He then went on to celebrate, in the Portuguese language, a hasty
and cold Mass, impossible to follow, so much so that even
Laurentin defined it “stammering.” It was noted, then, that his
speeches made but brief allusion to the Apparitions of 1917, and even
these were superficial and detached.
At this point the interpreter cut it short, saying, “And the Pope
blessed Sister Lucia as a father blesses a dear daughter whom,
perhaps, he is never to see anymore.”
Sure! Because there are even “graces” that will not be repeated.
“At Fatima, we have asked the Virgin Mary about the avenues
leading to peace, and it was answered to Us that peace will be
Men, be magnanimous!
Men, get closer to one another again, with the idea of building a
new world!
Yes, the world of the true men, which will never be such without
the sun of God on its horizon!”
The fact is, Pius V’s Bull, Quo Primum, still stands with all its
weight and authority. I shall stay, here, within the core of the issue.
And yet, St. Pius V, St. Pius X, Pius XII (Pope of the “Mediator
Dei”), John XXIII and Paul VI himself, up until November 30, 1969,
had consecrated the Blessed Eucharist with the bi-millennial formula
of the Roman Canon, with assurance, with compassion, with faith,
in the Latin language, with subdued voice, following Canon IX of
Session XXIII of the Council of Trent.
Paul VI, with his reform of the Mass, disregarded the teaching
of the (1870) Vatican Council, which reads, verbatim:
“The Holy Ghost has promised the successors of Peter, not that they may
disclose new doctrine by His revelation, but that they may, with His
assistance, preserve conscientiously and expound faithfully the revelation
transmitted through the Apostles, the deposit of Faith.” (Pastor Aeternus,
July 18, 1870)
And he pursued295:
All St. Pius V did was to extend to the entire West the
traditional Roman Mass, as a barrier against Protestantism. Paul
VI, abolished the “Traditional Roman Rite” since his “pastoral”
aims were not for Catholics but for the Protestants. And in that
way, his “Novus Ordo” was but a “remarkable departure from
the Catholic theology of the Holy Mass” (Cardinals) Ottaviani and
Bacci in their “Brief Critical Review.”296 Even Osservatore Romano
(13 October 1967) announced: “The liturgical reform has taken a
remarkable step forward and has come closer to the liturgical
forms of the Lutheran Church.”
A liturgical turn that has all the flavor of a betrayal of the Faith! St.
Pius V retained the traditional Roman Rite, as surely Catholic.
Paul VI abolished the Traditional Roman Rite precisely because
it was Catholic, in order to introduce his new Missal, positively
protestantized, as one can easily prove.
The Catholic Faith, in fact, with respect to the Holy Mass, has
always taught us that it is “the bloodless renewal of the Sacrifice of
Calvary,” and that, after the “Consecration,” the bread and the
wine are really changed into the Body and Blood of Our Lord
Jesus Christ.
That said, one may ask oneself: How is it that today, after Paul
VI’s “reformation” of the Mass, the Protestants say they can accept
the Catholic Mass, whereas, before, they would not accept at all that
of Pius V? Is it perhaps that the Protestants have embraced the
Catholic Faith? Or is it rather because Paul VI’s Mass has
embraced the Lutheran thinking?
That language means that even our theology on Paul VI’s Mass has
become a theology conformant to the Protestant doctrine. These are
affirmations that call for reflection.
All this does not imply either the “Real Presence,” or the
“reality of the Sacrifice,” or the “sacramentality” of the
consecrating priest, or the “intrinsic value” of the Eucharistic
sacrifice, independently of the presence of the assembly. It implies,
in a nutshell, none of the essential dogmatic values of the Mass,
which constitute her true definition.
The second part, then, of that definition, namely that the Mass
realizes “eminently” the promise of Christ, “There, where two or
three… I am in their midst,” creates an ambiguity, since that
“promise of Christ” regards only, formally, a spiritual presence
of Christ, by virtue of His Grace, but regards not at all the “Real
Presence,” Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, such as is found in the
Holy Eucharist. Thus binding that “promise” of Christ to the Mass
would signify that the Mass realizes only a spiritual, not the real
and sacramental, presence of Christ.
That would be plenty to say that the definition of Paul VI’s Novus
Ordo is heretical. (And Paul VI, then?). However, after reading
that “Brief Critical Review” of the two cardinals, he had that
“paragraph 7” amended,306 if only in part, as the “text of the
Mass” has remained as it was. Not a word has been changed.
That would mean that even the current cult is still crippled.
It is thus evident that St. Pius V knew what he was saying when he
mapped out a limit, impassable “in perpetuo,” even by all of his
successors. His “QUO PRIMUM” Constitution did not have for an
object a disciplinary issue, subject to a Pastoral Government, which
might even be changed in accordance with the times, but his
Constitution had for an object a definitive Codification of that which
had been, ever since Apostolic Times, the dogmatic substance,
immune from doctrinal errors, of the Mass; as EUCHARISTIC
SACRIFICE (and not “Supper”!) and as CELEBRATION, which is
not at all, by its own nature, “COLLECTIVE” (as provided for,
instead, in art. 14 of the “INSTITUTIO GENERALIS,” after Vatican
(And if, nevertheless, anyone would ever dare attempt any action
contrary to this notice of Our permission, statute, ordinance,
command, precept, grant, indult, declaration, will, decree, and
prohibition, let him know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty
God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.)
While in the “Suscipe” of the Mass of St. Pius V the “aim” of the
offer was explicated, here, in Paul VI’s new Mass no mention is
made of it. Hence one can say that the change in the formulation
reveals a doctrinal change. In other words: the non-explication of
the Sacrifice is tantamount to the suppression of the central role
of the Real Presence. That “Real and permanent Presence” of
Christ, in Body, Soul and Divinity, is never hinted. The very
word “transubstantiation” is completely ignored.
b) The “Consecratory Formulas”
The fruits derived from Paul VI’s “new mass” stand as eloquent
proof. I would never come to lay down my pen, were I to document
the countless scandals and sacrileges, “black masses,” obscenities,
perpetrated after Vatican II, precisely due to the “new liturgy.”
Naturally, not all the disorders can be ascribed directly to Paul VI.
They are, however, the fruits of his liturgical revolution, and of his
inexplicable tolerance of so many ecclesiastics that profaned the
churches, turning them into dancing halls, theaters, concert halls,
social and Communist convention halls, without ever intervening
with a punishment, without ever requiring re-consecration of the
profaned churches. The apathy, the scandalous indifference of so
great a portion of the Hierarchy before the profaned Eucharist
(cabaret music, double entendre chants, or dull, indecent dances, etc.)
cannot be said to be a token of faith in the Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass, in the Real Presence, in the Greatness of God in the
Eucharist. Nor relegation of the Blessed Sacrament to a corner of the
church, almost hidden from the people; the disappearance of the
Ostensory, and the suppression, nearly everywhere, of the Hour of
worship, of the “Forty Hours,” of the processions of the “Corpus
Domini”; the standing reception of Communion; the abolition of the
genuflexions before the Blessed Sacrament, etc. They have all been
innovations that have diminished Faith in the Eucharist,
consequently, the esteem and love to Eucharistic Jesus, among both
clerics and faithful.
And yet Paul VI, on that March 23, not only considerately received
Doctor Ramsey, but went so far as to place on his finger a pastoral
ring – symbol of jurisdiction, that is – and then begged him to bless
the crowd gathered at St. Paul Outside the Walls. [Basilica in Rome]
Now, that was a gesture that beaconed a clear departure from the
thought of Leo XIII and of the other Popes; and it was like an official
approval of the Anglican ministries. It is proven by the fact that,
shortly after, the Anglicans celebrated the Eucharist in the Vatican.
And so did the Episcopalian Deans of the United States and Canada,
come to Rome for the Holy Year, who celebrated the Eucharist in the
Chapel of the Ethiopian College (on Vatican City’s territory). It was
perhaps the first Eucharistic celebration of a Church that had come
out of the Protestant Reformation, to take place in the Vatican. The
group was composed of 75 people, led by the Dean of Washington’s
Episcopalian Cathedral, the most Reverend Francis B. Sayre, and was
accompanied by the Catholic archbishop of Washington, Monsignor
William Wakefield Baum. Paul VI greeted them warmly during the
general audience of Wednesday, April 23315.
The Reverend Father Vinson, after his book: “The New Mass and
the Christian Conscience,” published another brochure under the
title: “Messe de l’Antéchrist”; a title suggested to him – writes he –
by a text of St. Alphonse Maria Liguori: “L’Antéchrist… tâchera
d’abolir et abolira réellement la Saint Sacrifice de l’autel, en
punition des péchés des homes!”
and one would convince oneself that the liturgical changes, operated
in the Novus Ordo Missae, are neither light nor small nor simple, but
that they are a “…very serious fracture,” since “… what of
PERENNIAL, finds in it but a diverse minor place, if at all”317…
Graver yet was that having reduced the Offertory into a mere
preparation of the gifts, along the lines of Luther, who eliminated
it altogether, precisely for the reason that the Offertory
expressed, in an undisputable manner, the sacrificial and
propitiatory character of the Holy Mass. And that is one of the
main reasons the Protestants can now celebrate their “supper” using
the text of the “Novus Ordo Missae,” without renouncing their
Max Thurian, a Taizé Protestant, also affirmed it, saying that one
of the fruits of the Novus Ordo Missae is that the non-Catholic
communities will be able to celebrate the supper with the same
orations of the Catholic Church. It is theologically possible.”318
Paul VI, therefore, with his “New Mass” imposed the errors
already condemned by the Council of Trent (dogmatic and
pastoral), and stood against Pius VI, who condemned those very
errors of the Synod of Pistoia against the Jansenists, and against
Pius XII who condemned, for example, in his Encyclical “Mediator
Dei,” the dinner-table-shaped altar…
In any case, that giving more value to the altar than to the
Tabernacle marked “… an irreparable dichotomy between the
presence, in the celebrant, of the Eternal Supreme Priest and that of
the Presence sacramentally realized. Today, in fact, it is
recommended that the Blessed be kept in a secluded place, wherein
the private devotion of the faithful might be expressed, as if it were a
relic, hence, upon entering the church, one’s eyes would no longer be
fastened onto the Tabernacle, but on an empty and bare dinner-
But Pius XII had written, “To separate the Tabernacle from the
altar is tantamount to separating two things that, by force of
their nature, must remain a whole.”321
And so, in conclusion, we can say that the Novus Ordo Missae is
not a vertical cult, going from man to God, but a horizontal cult,
between man and man. The New Church of Paul VI is, as already
demonstrated, the religion of man, to the detriment of God’s glory.
(1) in the libera nos of the Novus Ordo Missae no mention is made
of the Blessed Virgin Mary or of the Saints. Their intercession,
therefore, is no longer invoked, not even at times of peril.322
(3) Paul VI’s Novus Ordo Missae is not even faithful to the
directives of the Council, but rather, it openly contradicts them,
since the texts and rites, according to the Council, had to be
arranged “in such a way that would allow the holy realities
signified by them to be expressed more clearly.” 324.
“The Holy Ghost has promised the successors of Peter, not that they may
disclose new doctrine by His revelation, but that they may, with His
assistance, preserve conscientiously and expound faithfully the revelation
transmitted through the Apostles, the deposit of Faith.” (Pastor Aeternus,
July 18, 1870) it must be concluded that Paul VI’s Novus Ordo
Missae, having introduced into his New Church a new doctrine – as
we have previously demonstrated –, cannot be matter of obedience
(obedience in the service of Faith and not Faith in the service of
obedience), hence any faithful is left with a theological duty of
obedience to God329 prior than to man, if he intends to remain
inflexible in his profession of the Catholic Faith, according to the
infallible doctrine of “Tradition!”
Paul VI, too, on the day of his “Coronation” (30 June 1963),
pronounced the following oath, addressing Our Lord Jesus Christ:
“I vow:
Today, however, one can say that Paul VI utterly disregarded his
oath before God, pronounced on the day of his coronation, by which
he coerced himself “not to diminish nor change anything of the
received Tradition, and nothing thereof I have found before me
guarded by my God-pleasing predecessors”… and “to cleanse all
that is in contradiction to the canonical order, and to guard the
Holy Canons and Apostolic Constitutions of his Predecessors”…,
“and to subject to severest excommunication anyone - be it
ourselves or be it another - who would dare to undertake anything
new in contradiction to this constituted evangelic Tradition and
the purity of the Orthodox Faith and the Christian Religion….”
“Each and every thing, established in this Declaration, has met with
the satisfaction (?!) of the Fathers of the holy Council. And We, by
virtue of the Apostolic authority bestowed upon Us by Christ,
together with the Venerable fathers, in the Holy Spirit, approve
them, decree them and establish them, and that which has thus
been established, we dispose that it be promulgated to the glory
of God.” (Rome, St. Peter’s, 7 December 1965. I, Paul VI, Bishop of
the Catholic Church).
Lenin’s hatred for religion was every bit as fierce: “All religious
ideas are an unspeakable abomination. God is a monstrous
cadaver. Faith in God is a weakness”; “From now on we shall be
pitiless with everyone. We shall destroy everything, and on the
And thus the Religion of God was abolished, and, in her place, there
appeared a new one: the religion of man. The Hierarchy, the
institutions, the places of cult, the rites and any reference to the
Religion of God were jeered at, repressed, encroached on, abolished,
eliminated, erased. Even the images and the religious symbols
suffered a similar fate and were outlawed, and, in their place, there
appeared a strange symbol: The “Five Pointed Star.”
The “five pointed red Star” thus emerged as the symbol of the
“new Communist religion”; a “religion” hinged upon the hatred to
God, and thus to man, and the alleged aspiration of shaping up the
“new man,” edifying a new “Temple.”
The “five pointed red Star” thus became the “symbol” of what
most of anti-Christian one could envision and conceive; it became
the “symbol” of the systematic war to the bitter end against God,
against Christianity and against the Christian Civilization.
In fact, Communism was the political re-proposition of the Masonic
and Satanic Order of the Enlightened of Bavaria, whose secret
program it had adopted, without changing a word, turning it into the
“Communist Manifesto” of 1848. Publication of the Manifesto was
financed by two Enlightened: Clinton Roosevelt and Horace
Now, the true “Spirit” is not the sentimental one, but the initiatic
one. The freemason, in the composition of the Square and of the
Compass – the most common symbols through which Freemasonry
is manifested – “sees” the Pentagram (or five-pointed-Star) both
inscribed and circumscribed346 (see figures on p. 291).
It is now clear why the programs of the sect are inscribed in its
symbology, and why it rarely omits to initial with its symbols its
initiatives and its triumphs, and, consequently, the historical
occurrences originating from its lodges, as well as the institutions
in which it wields its occult power. And it is precisely the five-
pointed Star, or Masonic Pentalpha, the symbol with which, more
frequently, Freemasonry is keen to mark its own conquests and
symbolize its own dominance.
In fact, it is the very Star that covers the flag of the United States of
America. It is the very Star that symbolized the Bolshevik
Revolution; the very Star that appeared on the emblem of the Red
Brigades; it is the very Star that appeared on the emblem of the
former Italian Communist Party (PCI) and on that of the former
Democratic Party of the Left (PDF) [name assumed November 24,
1989 by Italian Communist Party]; it is the very Star that stands
out on the Chinese, Cuban, North Korean, Vietnamese, Algerian,
Tunisian, Moroccan, and Somali flags, and on the flags of most
nations, as well as on the insignia of the Republic of Italy.
Even the epaulettes on the collar of Italian military uniforms carry the
same significance. They were prescribed, in 1871, by the then
Minister of war, Cesare Ricotti-Magnai, who, as a good freemason,
had suppressed military Chaplains and Sunday Mass, “replacing the
cross of the Savoy with the Masonic Star.”353 His “sister” Maria
Rygier of the French Lodge “Human Right,” wrote in a book, on
this subject: “… (Freemasonry) has given Italy her most precious
treasure: the holy Pentalpha, and has wanted that the Blazing Star
were placed in good stand on the uniform of her soldiers, doubtless
because the magical virtue of the blood, shed for the Homeland,
would vitalize the august pentacle.”354
Thus the Baphomet would be the god of base morals. No only. The
five-pointed-Star would then be the symbol of that foul “morals.”
It is the freemason Gorel Porciatti to say it: “(The five-pointed-
Star), when turned upside-down becomes the symbol of the
bestiality of the foul instincts; in it, so upturned, one can inscribe
the head of a beak (the head of the Baphomet!)”360.
That is the deepest and most jealously kept secret by the echelon
of Freemasonry. What now remains to be underscored is that this
truth without veils, namely, the self-divinization of Humanity, of
Freemasonry, and of the Battalion in command, constitute the
three triple truths that, represented by the three gilded triangles,
mutually intertwined, compose the five-pointed-Star.
However, while John XXIII and the other four conciliar Fathers
were sculpted face forward, Paul VI (last to the right) was sculpted
in profile, so as to show plainly his left hand bearing the Masonic
insignia: the five-pointed Star, or Masonic Pentalpha.
Shortly after the inauguration of that new bronze door of St. Peter’s
Basilica, I went to see it. Observing it closely, I immediately noticed
that Masonic emblem on the back of Paul VI’s left hand. So I rushed
to see a cardinal, to report the fact. He assured me that he would
promptly look after the matter. In fact, when soon afterwards I
returned to Rome, just to check on that bronze door, I noticed
immediately that that Masonic emblem on the back of Paul VI’s
left hand had been scraped off: all one could see was the live red of
the copper. It was all clear! Having been discovered, the responsibles
of the fact had seen, first, that the Masonic symbol were erased
from the hand, and then – as I myself could see on a subsequent trip
to Rome – had panel N. 12 replaced with another – the current one
– on which, however, the six previous figures had now become five,
as anyone can see.
How could anyone explain that a Pope (Paul VI) had his image
sculpted onto that bronze door, with that Masonic symbol on the
back of his hand, well aware that it would remain there as a
testimony, down the centuries, and that he, Paul VI, would be
judged a “Freemason Pope?”
And certainly one cannot say that that work of the sculptor Minguzzi
had been executed unbeknown to him and without his approval, since
he was to bless it on his birthday, as later published in a Special
Insert of the Osservatore Romano, for his eightieth birthday366, and
precisely with that satanic mark on his hand, a signature, as it
were – and not uncommon – of his Pontificate.”
Moreover, Paul VI should have known that the UN, at its highest
levels, is directed by a Satanic sect, the Lucifer Trust (renamed
Lucis Trust), which is the real spiritual brain of the UN and
UNESCO, whose founder had for an objective “to wipe out
Christianity from the face of the earth,” and “throw out God
from the heavens.”
And thus Freemasonry, with Paul VI, had penetrated not only
the grass-roots Church, but also the echelons of the Vatican, both
clerical and secular - conceded at the highest levels.374 It suffices to
read chapter IV (His Opening to Freemasonry”) of our book,
“Paul VI… beatified?” to realize this fact.
Who, then, was Paul VI? It will suffice to recall that Paul VI had
opposed to Pius XII’s “political-religious line” his own “political-
secular line,” through which he, Pro-Secretary of State, betrayed
Pius XII, setting up secret channels with Moscow and other
Communist Heads of State, forgetful of, or in contempt of what
Pius XI had written in his Encyclical “Divini Redemptoris
Promissio” (1937) against Communism, clearly branding it as
“intrinsically perverted” and as a “tragedy to humanity.”