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Visa Form Rana Arslan Hameed

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Application for National Visa PHOTO

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2. Surname(s) at birth (previous surname(s)) 2 Date of application:
3. Forename(s) 3 Visa application number:
4. Date of birth (day-month-year) 5. Place of birth 7. Current nationality File processed by:
15-05-1998 6. Country of birth Nationality at birth, if different: Documents presented:
PAKISTAN N/A □ Travel document
8. Sex 9. Marital status □ Government authorisation
□ Request for government
□ Male □ Female □ Single/a □ Married □ Separated □ Divorced □ Widow(er) authorisation
□ Others (specify) □ Means of livelihood
□ Proof of accommodation
10. For minors: surname(s), forename(s), address (if different from that of applicant) and nationality of person who □ Medical certificate
exercises parental responsibility or legal guardian □ Criminal record certificate
□ Travel medical insurance
N/A □ Note verbale
□ Others:
11. Spanish National Identity Document Number, where applicable

12. Type of travel document
Decision on visa:
□ Ordinary passport □ Diplomatic passport □ Service passport □ Official passport □ Special passport
□ Other travel document (please specify) □ Refused

□ Issued:
13. Number of travel document 14. Date of Issue 15. Valid until 16. Issued by Valid from …………
DW6276241 21-01-2019 20-01-2029 GOVT. OF PAKISTAN until ………………….

17. Postal and e-mail address of applicant Telephone number(s) Number of entries:
VEHARI,61100 PUNJAB +923055047691 □ One □ Two □ Over Two
18. Residence in country other than country of current nationality Number of days:

□ No
□ Yes. Residence permit or equivalent document…………Nº…………………….Valid until……………………

19. Current Profession


To be completed according to data which appears in travel document.
To be completed according to data which appears in travel document.
To be completed according to data which appears in travel document.

20. Principal purpose of journey:
□ Residence - Temporary work as employee (nine months a year)
□ Residence without work permit □ Studies
□ Residence - Family reunion □ Research (within the framework of hosting agreement signed by research
□ Residence - Employee organisation)
□ Residence - Self employed □ Accreditation

21. Date of intended entry into Spain 22. Number of entries requested: □ one □ two □ more than two

23. Postal address of applicant in Spain

24. Spanish Foreign National Identity Number 25.- Date of notification of decision issued by competent body for non-nationals 5
(NIE) 4

26. Data of individual resident in case of application for residence visa for family reunion

Surname(s) and forename(s) of individual resident in Spain

Relationship (between applicant and individual resident in Spain)

□ spouse □ dependent direct relative (of spouse or partner )in the ascending line of
□ registered partner the individual resident
□ son/daughter(of the individual resident or spouse) □ dependent person subject to legal representation of individual resident

Date of birth Nationality Spanish Foreign National Identity Number or Spanish National
Identity Number
Postal address of individual resident in Spain Telephone number of individual resident

N/A E-mail address of individual resident

27. Data of employer or company in the case of application for residence and employment visa

Surname(s) and forename(s) of employer or company name and surname(s) and forename(s) of contact person within company

Postal address of employer or company Telephone number of employer or company

N/A E-mail address of employer or company

Spanish Foreign National Identity Number or Spanish National Identity Number of employer or contact person within company

Spanish Company Tax Identification Code

Essential when a decision has been previously issued by competent body for non-nationals in which applicant has received authorisation to
reside or work
Essential when a decision has been previously issued by competent body for non-nationals in which applicant has received authorisation to
reside or work

28. Data of educational establishment or research centre in case of applying for student or research visa

Name of educational establishment or research centre


Postal address of educational establishment or research centre Telephone number of educational establishment or research centre
AV.MONTAÑANA 1005, 50059, +34 976716000
ZARAGOZA, SPAIN E-mail of educational establishment or research centre iamz@iamz.ciheam.org
Intended starting date for study or research Intended finishing date for study or research

21-09-2020 11-06-2022
In the case of temporary stay of minors for educational reasons in programmes promoted and funded by Public Administrations, non-profit associations or
foundations or other bodies or persons who do not exercise parental responsibility or who are not legal guardians:

Surname(s) and forename(s) of person providing minor with accommodation or name of accommodating organisation and surname(s) and forename(s) of
contact person within organisation


Postal address of person providing minor with Telephone number of person providing minor with accommodation or accommodating
accommodation or accommodating organisation organisation

N/A E-mail of person providing minor with accommodation or accommodating organisation

Spanish Foreign National Identity Number or National Identity Number of person providing minor with accommodation or contact person of


I am aware of and consent to the following: the collection of the data required by this application form and the taking
of my photograph are obligatory for the visa application to be examined. Any personal data concerning me which
appears on the visa application form, as well as my photograph, will be supplied to the relevant authorities and
processed by those authorities for the purposes of deciding on my visa application. Such data as well as the decision
taken on my application will be entered into and stored in a database. The authority responsible for its processing is the
Consular Post at which the visa application was submitted. Data shall be accessible to those authorities competent to
carry out checks on visas at external borders and in Spain, immigration and asylum authorities for the purposes of
verifying whether the conditions for the legal entry, stay and residence in the territory of Spain are fulfilled, for
identifying persons who do not or who no longer fulfil these conditions, for examining asylum applications and for
determining responsibility for such examination.

I am aware that I may exercise my rights of access, rectification, opposition and deletion of my personal data, pursuant
to the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on Protection of Personal Data, by writing to: Dirección
General de Asuntos y Asistencia Consulares del Ministerio de Asunto Exteriores y de Cooperación; calle Ruiz de
Alarcón 5, 28071 Madrid.

I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief all particulars supplied by me are correct and complete. I

am aware that any false statements shall lead to my application being refused or to the annulment of

a visa already granted.

I am aware that once the visa request has been submitted, a copy of this form, stamped to

indicate the date and place of reception, shall be returned to the applicant and that arrangements

may be made with the applicant as to the channel for requesting corrections or the supply of documents or certificates
required, as well as for serving notice of summons and for notifying him/her of the decision adopted.

Notices and requests shall be made by telephone or fax to the contact number provided by the

interested party or his legal representative. If these go unanswered, they shall be served

in writing to the domicile set out in the application, which must be located within the consular


Summons and requests served must be complied with within a period not exceeding ten days, unless

personal attendance is required, in which case the deadline is fifteen days.

Once all the possibilities of serving a notice have been exhausted, it shall be carried out by

means of an announcement posted on the relevant notice board of the Consular Post for

ten days.

If no reply is received to a request or summons within the time period, the applicant shall be deemed to have
withdrawn his/her request and he/she shall be notified of the decision establishing this to be the case.

Decisions on a visa application shall be notified within a maximum period of one month, which cannot be extended,
counting from the day following the date the application was submitted at the competent Consular Post for processing,
except in the case of residence visas without work permit in which case the maximum period shall be three months. In
this latter case, the application for the relevant residence authorisation which must be issued by the corresponding
Government Department Office or Provincial Government Office shall put a hold on this time period until this
authorisation is notified to the Consular Post.

Once the visa is granted it must be collected within a month, unless it is a visa for a family reunion or a

visa for study purposes; in these cases, the period for collection is two months. If a visa is not

collected within the aforesaid periods, the applicant shall be deemed to have renounced the visa

granted and the application and accompanying documentation will be archived.

I am aware that the visa fee is not refundable if the visa is refused

27. Place and date 28. Signature (for minors, signature of person exercising parent responsibility or legal guardian)


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