Data Flow Diagrams (DFDS) : External Entity Process External Entity
Data Flow Diagrams (DFDS) : External Entity Process External Entity
Data Flow Diagrams (DFDS) : External Entity Process External Entity
A Data Flow Diagram represents how data is passed through a system. To do this, it provides
information about the input, output, and the processes related to the system. In simple
words, it depicts the flow between different entities in a system and how data is processed.
Entity Process
Process Entity
Process Datastore
1. Process
a. Depicts work or action performed on data so that they are transformed, stored or
b. Every process must have at least one input data flow and at least one output data
c. Each process should have a number as well as name
2. External Entity(Source/Sink)
a. Extenal Entity can be a person,organization or a system that is external to the
system but interacts with system
b. It is the origin and/or destination of the data
c. External entities provide data to the system or receive data from the system, and
serve to establish the system boundaries.
d. Every external entity should be named.
3. Data Flow
a. Depicts data that are in motion and moving as a unit from one place to another in
the system.
b. Data flows show what inputs go into each process and what outputs each process
c. Select a meaningful name to represent the data
4. Datastore
a. A data store is a collection of data that is stored in some way
b. The name of the store as well as the number are recorded in between lines
c. Data fIowing out from the data store is retieved by process or entity
d. Data flowing in updates or is added to the data store
Elements of Data flow diagrams with their symbols
Types of DFDs
1. Logical DFD
A logical DFD focuses on the business and how the business operates. It describes the business
events that take place and the data required and produced by each event.
2. Physical DFD
A physical DFD shows how the system will be implemented as we mentioned before.
Levels of DFD
1. Context Diagram
The first DFD in every business process model, whether a manual system or a computerized system, is
the context diagram.
The context diagram shows the overall business process as just one process (process 0 i.e., the
system itself)
Also shows the data flows to and from external entities.
Data stores usually are not included on the context diagram, unless they are “owned” by
systems or processes other than the one being documented.
For example, an information system used by the university library that records who has borrowed
books would likely check the registrar’s student information database to see whether a student is
currently registered at the university. In this context diagram, the registrar’s student information
data store could be shown on the context diagram because it is external to the library system, but
used by it.
2. Level 0 Diagram
The next DFD is called the level 0 diagram or level 0 DFD.
The level 0 diagram shows all the major processes that comprise overall system with first level of
numbering (processes numbered 1 through 3)
Shows how all the major processes of the system are interrelated by data flows.
Also shows external entities, and data stores.
Another key principle in creating sets of DFDs is balancing. Balancing means ensuring that all
information presented in a DFD at one level is accurately represented in the next-level DFD. This
doesn’t mean that the information is identical, but that it is shown appropriately.
3. Level 1 Diagram
In the same way that the context diagram deliberately hides some of the system’s complexity, so, too,
does the level 0 DFD. The level 0 DFD shows only how the major high-level processes in the system
Each process on the level 0 DFD can be decomposed into a more explicit DFD, called a level 1
diagram, or level 1 DFD, which shows how it operates in greater detail.
If we are decomposing process 2, so the processes in this level 1 DFD are numbered 2.1, 2.2, and
2.3.These three children processes wholly and completely make up process 2.
The level 1 DFD shows more precisely which process uses the input data flow and which
produces the output data flows
4. Level 2 Diagrams
Shows all the processes that comprise single process at level-1 diagram.
Shows how information moves from and to each of these processes.
Level 2 diagram may not be needed for all level-1 processes.
If process 2.2 in level-1 diagram is decomposed into three processes then they are numbered 2.2.1,
2.2.2, and 2.2.3.
Steps in Building DFD