A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 7
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 7
A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 7
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to do the following:
III. Procedure
The class will play a game called “Pass the Box”. A box containing strips of
papers will be passed around the class while singing “Baba black sheep”.
Once the song stops, the person who is holding the box will answer a
question. He or she will pick a strip of paper from the box. Some of the strips
of paper contain questions about the previous discussions (badminton and
table tennis). Some also contains questions about tennis.
From these questions, the teacher will introduce the topic of the day.
The teacher will present a situation to the class, and the learners
will identify if the situation is a fault or not.
To assess what has been learned during the discussion and what is
needs to be further develop, ask the students for clarifications and
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment
Read p. ___ Modifying Exercise Programming in Dual Sports.