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Some questions may have been altered or removed compared to the version of this
paper used during the competition period.
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Students are not expected to have memorised all the facts assessed, or be familiar
with all the topics presented. Their biological intuition and problem solving is being
British Biology Olympiad 2020
This was split into 2 papers of 45 minutes each. There were originally 79 questions
in total.
You may use a calculator.
It is recommended that you have pen and paper to hand for rough work.
No marks are subtracted for incorrect answers.
Some questions have more than one answer you need to choose. For some
questions, you need to put the answers in the correct order.
In which of the following polymers would you find alpha glucose joined only by 1,4
glycosidic bonds?
A. Amylopectin
B. Amylose
C. Cellulose
D. Glycogen
Four different concentrations of glucose solution were each tested using Benedict's
solution. The same volume of glucose and Benedict's solution was used in
each case. After 5 minutes the colour of the precipitate was noted:
A. Sample 1: orange
B. Sample 2: yellow
C. Sample 3: green
D. Sample 4: brick-red
Which of the following statements about clones is true?
B. Cholera
C. Common cold
D. Influenza
Put the stages of meiosis in the correct order.
A. Chiasmata form
B. Homologous chromosomes separate
C. Non-identical sister chromatids separate
D. Homologous chromosomes pair up
E. DNA replicates
The transpiration rate of a plant may vary during the day. Which of the following
would result in an increase in transpiration?
A. A decrease in temperature
B. Closure of stomata
C. Humidity increasing
D. Wind speed increasing
Which of the following parts of the molecule are the amino group, the
carboxyl group and the R (variable) group?
Which of the following organelles is surrounded by a double membrane?
A. Lysosome
B. Nucleus
C. Peroxisome
D. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
A. Atrioventricular bundle
B. Atrioventricular node
C. Bundle of His
D. Sinoatrial node
Sufferers of DiGeorge syndrome may not develop a thymus gland correctly. Which
leucocytes (white blood cells) would be present in lower numbers in these
A. B lymphocytes
B. Dendritic cells
C. Helper T lymphocytes
D. Macrophages
Titin is the largest known protein and is a component of muscle. In humans the
protein is 34,350 amino acids long.
A. 34,350 bases
B. 68,700 bases
C. 103,050 bases
D. 137,400 bases
Which of the following levels of organisation represents a decrease in hierarchy?
1. Chloroplast
2. Lysosome
3. Mitochondrion
4. Nucleus
A. 1 and 3 only
B. 2 and 4 only
C. 1, 2 and 3 only
D. 1, 3 and 4 only
Which factor impedes the movement of water molecules across a cell membrane?
A. Water molecules and the phospholipid fatty acid tails are both non-polar
B. Water molecules and the phospholipid fatty acid tails are both polar
C. Water molecules are non-polar but the phospholipid fatty acid tails are
D. Water molecules are polar but the phospholipid fatty acid tails are non-
Tannins are chemicals produced by plants to defend themselves against herbivores,
pathogens and UV radiation. They are found in grapes and help wine age.
What is the most likely ratio of the oxidised : reduced form in the
mitochondrial matrix and in the stroma of chloroplasts?
A. 1 and 2 only
B. 1, 2 and 4 only
C. 1 and 3 only
D. 2, 3 and 4 only
A. 0.25 μl
B. 4.0 μl
C. 5.0 μl
D. 6.25 μl
The flow diagram shows some of the light dependent reaction (LDR) processes in
For the LDR to continue, photosystem 2 (PS2) must gain electrons. Where do
these electrons come from?
A. ATP production
B. Photolysis
C. Photosystem 1
D. Reduced NADP
The following table gives the volume of oxygen stored in humans and seals per
kilogram of body mass.
Which molecule accounts for the high oxygen content in the muscles of
A. Actin
B. Haemoglobin
C. Myoglobin
D. Myosin
Slide 1 Slide 2
Slide 3 Slide 4
A. A is cartilage, B is collagen
B. A is cartilage, B is smooth muscle
C. A is smooth muscle, B is collagen
D. A is smooth muscle, B is cartilage
A. Artery
B. Lymph vessel
C. Oesphagus
D. Vein
A. Fructose
B. Glucose
C. Starch
D. Sucrose
A. Fungi
B. Prokaryotae
C. Protoctista
D. Plantae
The average efficiency of energy transfer between plants and herbivores is 10% but
from herbivores to carnivores is about 20%.
When herbivores consume autotrophs, they use energy in a number of ways. Which
of the following is not one of these:
A. Digestion
B. Heat loss
C. Movement
D. Releasing nutrients back into the food chain
A. 0%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 75%
E. 100%
In the lac operon, which of the following proteins have DNA binding sites?
RNA polymerase
repressor protein
Which is the most likely explanation of the way the disease is inherited?
The principle of competitive exclusion states that two species cannot occupy the
same niche in the same habitat. Why?
Sometimes animals need to move quickly away from predators; however, digesting
food takes time.
Which is not a store of energy that can be used in a 100 meter sprint?
B. Fat
C. Glucose
D. Glycogen
E. Phosphocreatine
Which of the following does not need to use transporter proteins to cross cell
B. Glucose
D. Proteins
E. Testosterone
A. Different frequency
B. Greater amplitude
C. Opposite charge
D. Smaller amplitude
E. Travels in a different direction
Keystone species have a disproportionate effect on other species in a habitat
and increase the overall diversity of an ecosystem.
A. Beaver
B. Coral
C. Great white shark
D. Oak tree
E. Zebra
Which of the following is an animal hormone?
A. Auxin
B. Cytokinin
C. Glucose
D. Glucagon
E. Glyphosate
In 2015, ecologists erected exclosures, which are fences around some areas
to keep out large mammals.
Ignoring the effect of weather and climate, what effect will this have?
The development of each part of a flower is determined by whether three
transcription factors (A, B or C) are turned on. The table shows which parts of
the flower A, B and C are turned on in.
Sepal A
Petal A&B
Stamen B&C
Carpel C
Recently, there have been large fires in Australia.
Which characteristic will the plants which replace burnt woodland most likely
In a rare disease, the veins of the lungs become blocked and constricted.
Which of the following is true of human metabolism?
To test whether cuttlefish use stereopsis, they were fitted with red (R) and
geen (G) filtered eyeglasses and red and green images of prey were projected
on a screen. The distance the cuttlefish reached with their tentacles to grab
the virtual prey was measured.
A. Concentration of insulin
B. The number of insulin receptors the cell expresses
C. The presence/absence of other hormones
D. Whether the insulin was produced in yeast or animals
E. Which genes are silenced in that cell type
F. Which type of insulin receptors the cells express
Which animal is behaving altruistically?
2) Longitudinal Study: Two groups of healthy people who are similar except
for one factor (e.g. smoking) are studied over time to see who develops
1) Flexing of the bone forces fluid through micro channels in the bone
D) Injecting viruses carrying certain genes can turn muscle into bone
In the UK, there is thought to be around 1 person with an undiagnosed HIV
infection for every 10 000 uninfected people. Data for two new self-testing
kits are shown:
People with a positive result are told to go to their doctor for a re-test and
then treatment.
What is true about these tests when they are taken in the UK?
A. If everyone is tests themselves, Test B will give more positive results than
Test A
B. Pharmacies should offer Test A rather than Test B
C. Someone with a negative result from Test B has a 1% chance of having HIV
D. Someone with a positive result from Test A is more likely to have HIV than
they are to not have HIV
E. Test A is better at ruling out false positive results than Test B
You take a portion of the sample, dilute it and add it to a cell chamber
(haemocytometer) which contains squares of a known volume and look at it
with a microscope.
The phages were incubated with bacteria. The amount of radioactive sulfur
and phosphorus remaining in phage particles or transferred to the bacteria
was measured.
35 32
Proportion of radioactivity transferred to new phage particles < 1% ~ 30%
In an experiment, ribosomes and all the other factors needed for translation,
are mixed with radioactive tRNAs carrying amino acids.
In the presence of the drug tetracycline, the ribosomes are only half as
radioactive as they are usually, and peptide synthesis is slowed or
A → B → C → D → vulva
You test whether the gene inserted into the plasmid correctly by performing
a restriction enzyme digest, followed by gel electrophoresis.
Cut sites are shown with dashed lines. bp = base pairs, kb = kilobase pairs.
A. During mitosis
B. During PCR reactions
C. During transcription
D. During translation
E. Only in Eukaryotes
Which is a learned behaviour?
Which is not involved in making proteins from DNA?
A. Endoplasmic Reticulum
B. Nucleus
C. Nucleolus
D. Plasmodesmata
E. Ribosome
F. Spliceosome
A. Adding a second enzyme which breaks down glucose would speed up the
B. After an hour 20% glucose-6-phosphate would remain
C. The enzyme would probably work with sucrose-6-phosphate
D. The reaction can only occur in the presence of an enzyme
E. The reaction would happen quicker at 100 degrees C
Some breeds of cat can be black, yellow or tortoise shell (black and yellow patches).
Almost all tortoiseshell cats are female. They are the offspring of either tortoiseshell
females or of one black and one yellow parent. What contributes to this