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Assessment Task - Assignment 1: MKT10007 Fundamentals of Marketing

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Faculty of Business and Law

Assessment Task – Assignment 1

Fundamentals of Marketing

Assessment Type Analytical Report

Associated Unit Learning
1, 2, 4
Group or Individual task Individual
Value (%) 20%
Due Date Refer to Canvas
1,000 words +/- 10% (= 900 to 1,100 words), excluding cover page and
Submission details/form
reference list.

Purpose or Overview
 To gain an understanding of the major conceptual and theoretical principles upon which the practice of marketing is
 To develop higher order, critical thinking skills with regards to how key marketing concepts can be used in analysing
a range of marketing problems as presented in a contemporary advertisement.

Detailed Assignment instructions

You will produce a report on an advertisement that has been allocated to you.
Your Report will be in seven parts:
1. Introduction
2. Definitions of key marketing terms.
3. A brief description of the advertisement.
4. Analysis of the advertisement using each of the 4Ps.
5. Identification of who you believe the advertisement is targeted towards.
6. Discussion on how the advertisement is Positioned in the minds of the target audience.
7. Conclusion
Reports are to be submitted in MS Word format (preferred) or as .PDF files to Canvas. Reports are not to be submitted
in Pages, Google Docs, or any other format.
Reports are expected to have a cover page that as a minimum details:
 MKT10007
 Semester and Year
 Assignment Number
 Date of Submission
 Your Name
Reports should also have page numbering and a table of contents that includes page numbers.

MKT1007 Fundamentals of Marketing – Assignment 1 Assessment Task Page 1 of 6

Part 1 – Introduction
You need to state what the report is about. This is a short statement that summarises:
 what brand and product the advertisement is for, and
 each of the key elements of that the report contains.

Part 2 - Definitions
You need to provide formal definitions for each of the following terms:
 Marketing
 Marketing Mix
 Product
 Place
 Price
 Promotion
 Positioning
 Category
 Sub-category
 Brand
This information should be presented in a table and all definitions should be provided with in-text referencing from
suitable academic or business sources.

Part 3 – Description of the Advertisement

Here you will present three key pieces of information.
Firstly, you will insert into your Assignment a picture of the advertisement that you have been allocated.
Secondly, you will describe the advertisement. You should include any branding, slogans, call to action text, celebrity
endorsers, colours, links to websites and social media, any imagery or style cues that you think are important.
Lastly, answer the question “what do you think the advertisement wants the reader to do?”

Part 4 – Analysis of the Advertisement

Here you analyse the advertisement’s marketing mix using each of the 4Ps.

State the Brand and the Product to the SKU level (Stock Keeping Unit = the product you can pick up, buy and take home;
e.g. Johnnie Walker Green Label Scotch Whisky 700mL.)
Describe the appearance of the product. Be as specific as possible – you can often find information on products on the
company website or in the product’s specifications e.g. Johnnie Walker Green Label Scotch Whisky is a 15 year old
blended Scotch whisky that contains 43% alcohol by volume.
Where appropriate this should include how the product is packaged. For example; the Johnnie Walker Green Label
Scotch Whisky’s primary packaging is a 700mL recyclable glass bottle with a green screw cap. The bottle has green and
gold labelling with the “Walking Man” logo and a Royal Warrant seal on the neck label. The bottle is sold in a green
cardboard outer carton.
Describe how the product is used or its purpose.
Is the product part of a product range? For example the Johnnie Walker family of whiskies includes Red Label, Black
Label, Gold Label, Green Label, Blue Label etc.

State the price of the product.
When providing pricing data always state where you sourced the pricing from and date you sourced it.
In a table compare the price of this product with similar competitor products. For example, if the advertisement is
for Red Bull energy drinks you would compare Mother, Monster, V, etc.; you would not compare it to Gatorade,
Coca Cola or Coffee.

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When comparing prices, make sure that the prices are presented for the same package size, or in standard units
(e.g. $/g).

Describe how widely available the product is. Would you say it is easy to find?

Describe the place (the shop or website) where the product can be purchased. For example, if the advertisement is for
Red Bull energy drinks you would describe both supermarkets and their online shops as well as other retail outlets
like convenience stores, vending machines, cafes etc.

Where applicable, this should include both company and non-company stores. For example Adidas Originals Superstars
are available from Adidas stores as well as non-company stores such as Rebel Sports, Platypus, and JD Sports etc.

Describe how the product is displayed, and what is done in the retail environment to promote sales. For example, if the
advertisement is for Red Bull energy drinks you could discuss the beverage aisle and the refrigerated display
fridges. If the advertisement is for Chanel No.5 fragrance you would discuss the retail environment, the use of
testers, the advice provided by sales staff etc.

List where the product is advertised or promoted.

This should include both brand controlled media and retailer controlled media. For example, if the advertisement is for
Timberland 6” Yellow Classic Boots you would list the promotional channels that Timberland use as well as those that
other retailers that sell Timberland boots may use (e.g. Platypus, Myer, etc.).
Be specific, for example don’t just state “social media” but actually list the social media platforms that the brand uses.
Thought should also be given to any promotional activities that may happen within the retail space – this could include
testers, price promotion (discounts, bundling), placement within store, demonstrations, technical or expert advice, test
drives, etc.

Part 5 – Identification of the Advertisement’s Target Audience

Here you will describe who you think the advertisement is targeting. This needs to be reasonably specific and should
justify your choice using the each of the marketing mix findings from Part 4 as well as your findings from Part 3.

Part 6 – How is the Product and Brand in the Advertisement Positioned

State how is the product and brand featured in the advertisement positioned in the mind of the target audience. Your
response should be justified using your findings from previous sections.

Part 7 – Conclusion
Here you will present a summary of your findings.
The Conclusion should relate to the purpose of the report as stated in the Introduction
Important; no new information is presented in the Conclusion.

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Student Manual Guides – See Canvas > Modules > Student Manual >
 Chapter 4 – Finding information, Chapter 7 – Report Writing, Chapter 9 - Referencing.
 Please consult Swinburne Library and/or Learning Skills Advisors if you require help with how to find and reference
your information sources.
When reading your assignment, the markers will be guided by these three questions, elaborated on the rubric at the
end of this document:
 To what extent is the work derived from reliable and varied sources that together create a comprehensive picture of
 To what level does it showcase and justify how the various sources were used to arrive at the conclusion?
 To what degree is the work compelling and creative, and also error-free and adheres to instructions (e.g. word limit,
 Use Times New Roman font, font size 12 in portrait orientation.
 Ensure your report is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
 To avoid plagiarism, you are required to provide a reference whenever you include information from other sources
in your work.
 Referencing conventions required for this unit are: Harvard Referencing System
 Helpful information on referencing can be found at http://www.swinburne.edu.au/library/referencing/

Submission Requirements
 Assignments and other assessments must be submitted through Canvas assessment submission system.
 Please ensure you keep a copy of all assessments that are submitted.

Extensions and Late Submission

 Late Submissions - Unless an extension has been approved, late submissions will result in a penalty.
 You will be penalised 10% of the assessment’s worth for each calendar day the task is late, up to a maximum of 5
working days. After 5 working days a zero result will be recorded.
 Extensions can only be granted by the Unit Convenor.

Student Study Support Services

 You should talk to your Unit Convenor or Tutor, for information on academic support services available for
Swinburne students.
 Alternatively see the Student Services and/or the Library Website for further study support resources.

Plagiarism is the action or practice of taking and submitting or presenting the thoughts, writings or other work of
someone else as though it is your own work. Plagiarism includes any of the following, without full and appropriate
acknowledgment to the original source(s):
 The use of the whole or part of a computer program written by another person;
 The use, in essays or other assessable work, of the whole or part of a written work from any source including but
not limited to a book, journal, newspaper article, set of lecture notes, current or past student’s work, any other
person’s work, a website or database;
 The paraphrasing of another’s work;
 The use of musical composition, audio, visual, graphic and photographic models,
 The use of realia that is objects, artefacts, costumes, models and the like.

Plagiarism also includes the preparation or production and submission or presentation of assignments or other work in
conjunction with another person or other people when that work should be your own independent work. This remains
plagiarism whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of the other person or people.

MKT1007 Fundamentals of Marketing – Assignment 1 Assessment Task Page 4 of 6

It should be noted that Swinburne encourages its students to talk to staff, fellow students and other people who may be
able to contribute to a student’s academic work but that where independent assignment is required, submitted or
presented work must be the student’s own.
Enabling plagiarism contributes to plagiarism and therefore will be treated as a form of plagiarism by the University.
Enabling plagiarism means allowing or otherwise assisting another student to copy or otherwise plagiarise work by, for
example, allowing access to a draft or completed assignment or other work.
Swinburne University uses plagiarism detection software (such as Turnitin) for assignments submitted electronically via
Canvas. Your Convenor will provide further details.
The penalties for plagiarism can be severe ranging from a zero grade for an assessment task through to expulsion from
the unit and in the extreme, exclusion from Swinburne. Consequently you need to avoid plagiarism by providing a
reference whenever you include information from other sources in your work.

Assessment declaration and statement of authorship

1. I have not impersonated, or allowed myself to be impersonated by any person for the purposes of this assessment.
2. This assessment is my/our original work and no part of it has been copied from any other source except where due
acknowledgement is made.
3. No part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been
authorised by the lecturer/teacher concerned.
4. I have not previously submitted this work for this or any other course/unit.
5. I give permission for my assessment response to be reproduced, communicated, compared and archived for
plagiarism detection, benchmarking or educational purposes.

I understand that:
 Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s work as though it is your own. It is a form of cheating and is a very
serious academic offence that may lead to exclusion from the University.
 Plagiarised material may be drawn from published and unpublished written documents, interpretations, computer
software, designs, music, sounds, images, photographs, and ideas or ideological frameworks gained through
working with another person or in a group.
 Plagiarised material can be drawn from, and presented in written, graphic and visual form, including electronic data
and oral presentations.
 Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited.

I agree and acknowledge that:

1. I have read and understood the Declaration and Statement of Authorship above.
2. I accept that use of my Swinburne account to electronically submit this assessment constitutes my agreement to the
Declaration and Statement of Authorship
3. If I do not agree to the Declaration and Statement of Authorship in this context, the assessment outcome may not
be valid for assessment purposes and may not be included in my aggregate score for this unit.

Further information relating to the penalties for plagiarism, which range from a formal caution to expulsion from the
University, is contained in the Student Academic Misconduct Regulations 2012 which is available on the Policies and
Regulations website.

MKT1007 Fundamentals of Marketing – Assignment 1 Assessment Task Page 5 of 6

High Distinction (HD) Distinction (D) Credit (C) Pass (P) Fail (N)
80-100 70-79 60-69 50-59 0-49
Work that exceeds Very good work. Good work. Satisfactory. Unsatisfactory work that
expectations and may serve Purposefully and logically Generally clear, accurate Shows basic understanding requires further development
as a guide to others as an developed. and relevant. with minimal evidence of and needs improvement
example of “best practice” Thoroughly addresses all Adequately addresses all reflection or thoughtful Does not address the topic in
aspects of the task. requirements of the task. analysis. a meaningful way.
Shows evidence of sound Development is generally Merely complies with the May be extremely brief,
understanding and thoughtful logical, facts generally basic requirements. inaccurate, illogical or
examination. correct. undeveloped.
Brand and Product advertised, Brand and Product advertised, Brand and Product advertised, At Brand and Product not clear, only No introduction
All key elements of Report Most key elements of Report least half key elements of Report a few key elements

Definitions 10 valid definitions provided. Between 9 and 8 valid definitions Between 7 and 6 valid definitions 5 valid definitions provided. 4 or less valid definitions
(5%) provided. provided. provided. Allow ½ mark for each
valid definition provided.

Description of All required elements included All required elements included, Picture of advertisement plus at Picture of advertisement plus at Missing picture and/or fewer than
Advertisement least six of the required least three of the required three descriptors included
(5%) descriptors included descriptors included

Analysis of Comprehensive understanding of Most elements of the marketing Basic awareness of all of the Basic awareness of some of the Little or no awareness of
Advertisement all elements of the marketing mix mix explained marketing mix elements. marketing mix elements. marketing mix elements.

Target Target identified with superior, Target identified with realistic and Target identified with some Target identified but little or no Target not clearly described.
Identification logical, and compelling and logical justification based on credible justification based on justification
(10%) justification based on Parts 3 & Parts 3 & 4 Parts 3 &

Positioning Comprehensive understanding of Good understanding of Position Credible understanding of Basic understanding of You did not demonstrate
(10%) Positioning. Superior, logical, with realistic and logical Positioning of the brand with Positioning of the brand. understanding of the Positioning
and compelling justification justification based on 3, 4 & 5. some logical justification based of the brand.
based on 3, 4 & 5. on Parts 3, 4 & 5.

Conclusion Superior, logical, and compelling Realistic and logical conclusions Credible conclusions were Basic conclusions has been No effective conclusion provided.
(5%) conclusions were developed with were developed with clear links developed displaying signs of provided but does not show Conclusions did not logically flow
clear and logical links to to preceding analysis and cognisance of the preceding clearly how data and facts from from analysis.
preceding analysis and insights. insights. analysis and insights. the analysis were used to
support the conclusions drawn.

Organisation Organisation appropriate to task. Organisation sufficient but may Organisation evident, clear Organisation evident but poorly Organisation not evident.
(5%) Paragraphing is to a high have been handled more overall progression. handled. May lack paragraphs / lack clear
standard. effectively. Paragraphing evident but central May lack paragraphs / lack clear central topics for paragraphs.
Cohesive devices used Paragraphing to a good topic may not always be clear. central topics for paragraphs. Little or no cohesion within or
accurately & appropriately standard. There may be underuse or some Some cohesion within or between sentences.
throughout Cohesive devices used inaccurate use of cohesive between sentences may be Missing cover, ToC and page
Has a cover, a ToC and page accurately (with minor lapses) devices. faulty. numbering.
numbering. Has two of the following: cover, Minor lapses in cohesion Has one of the following: cover, No use of headings and sub-
Headings and sub-headings ToC and page numbering. Has two of the following: cover, ToC and page numbering. headings.
used consistently. Some headings and sub- ToC and page numbering No use of headings and sub-
headings. headings

Grammar A wide range of grammatical Majority of sentences are error Frequent error free sentences. Some error-free sentences. Mostly simple sentence forms.
(5%) structures are employed with free (occasional lapses). Good control over grammar & Punctuation mostly accurate. Some error-free sentences.
precision. Errors do not interfere with punctuation (although errors Errors sometimes affect Punctuation mostly inaccurate.
Rare, minor errors / ‘slips’ may message. occur). meaning. Errors affect meaning.
occur. Errors have only minimal effect
on meaning.

Vocabulary Wide range of sophisticated Range of academic vocabulary, Sufficient range of vocabulary to Adequate vocabulary for the Vocabulary mostly inadequate for
(5%) vocabulary used with precision. generally used with precision demonstrate flexibility and some task. the task.
Vocabulary is of appropriate (some inaccuracies may occur). use of academic style & register. May lack an awareness of Lacks an awareness of academic
academic register. Errors in word choice or academic style & register. style & register.
Rare minor errors or ‘slips’ may formation may occur but have Errors in word choice or Errors in word choice or
occur. only minimal effect on meaning. formation have some effect on formation have large to some
meaning. effect on meaning.

Referencing Correct referencing for Harvard Correct referencing for Harvard An attempt at referencing for Harvard style referencing is Did not meet criterion.
(5%) style is evident throughout the style is evident throughout most Harvard style is evident evident in parts of the report (in- No referencing (in-text or
whole report (both in-text of the report (both in-text throughout most of the report, both text referencing and reference list)
referencing and references list). referencing and references list), (both in-text referencing and references list); however, Numerous unsubstantiated
Reference list is in alphabetical with only minor corrections references list), with improvement in correct style and assertions
order. required. improvements required in consistency is required. Unit convenor to be notified
Reference list is in alphabetical consistency. Numerous unsubstantiated immediately for the following:
order. assertions. Evidence of plagiarism
Fabrication of references

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