Tooth Whitening An Evidence Based Perspe
Tooth Whitening An Evidence Based Perspe
Tooth Whitening An Evidence Based Perspe
Tooth Whitening
An Evidence-Based
Tooth Whitening
Jorge Perdigão
Tooth Whitening
An Evidence-Based Perspective
Jorge Perdigão
University of Minnesota
Our team started working on this project immediately after I finished editing and
writing the book Restoration of Root Canal-Treated Teeth: An Adhesive Dentistry
Perspective (Springer, 2016). As with the previous book, this new book project
made me feel truly blessed to have known so many talented colleagues from differ-
ent parts of the world. The countries represented in this book include Brazil,
Germany, Portugal, Spain, and the United States of America.
More interestingly, the coauthors of this book represent different generations of
dental professionals. We will not mention here how old the oldest authors are, but
the two youngest authors were born in 1987 and 1989. Dentistry is indeed an out-
standing global and beautiful vocation.
The driving force behind the current book was the need for a compilation of
independent evidence-based information on dental whitening. We have all fielded
questions from patients inquiring about different whitening methods, including
over-the-counter bleaching, as-seen-on-TV laser bleaching, shopping-mall bleach-
ing, and jump-start bleaching, just to mention a few. As a dental professional, I have
been asked about bleaching techniques that I had never heard before, mostly anec-
dotal, yet the patients had read all the details about these supposedly cutting-edge
methods online.
My ultimate goal is to contribute to a better understanding of dental whitening
and how we can improve its outcome based on the available evidence.
Thank you for reading.
My gratitude extends to all my current and former students, mentors, and teachers.
I am also fortunate to have worked in clinical and research projects with so many
gifted coworkers in so many countries. And I am extremely appreciative of my fam-
ily for their patience and support. We never quit.
Jorge Perdigão
x Contents
xii Contributors
So Ran Kwon Center for Dental Research, Loma Linda University School of
Dentistry, Loma Linda, CA, USA
Yiming Li Center for Dental Research, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics,
Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, Loma Linda, CA, USA
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry,
Loma Linda, CA, USA
Alessandro D. Loguércio Department of Dental Materials, State University of
Ponta Grossa, Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil
Guilherme C. Lopes Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Santa
Catarina, Campus Universitário, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
Leandro M. Martins Department of Restorative Dentistry, Federal University of
Amazonas, Manaus, AM, Brazil
Hendrik Meyer-Lueckel Department of Operative Dentistry, Periodontology and
Preventive Dentistry, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Filipa Oliveira Private Practice, Lisbon, Portugal
Sebastian Paris Department of Operative Dentistry and Preventive Dentistry, Center
of Dentistry, Oral Medicine and Maxillofacial Surgery, Charité - Universitätsmedizin
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Jorge Perdigão Division of Operative Dentistry, Department of Restorative
Sciences, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Vanessa Rahal Department of Restorative Dentistry, Araçatuba School of
Dentistry, Univ. Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Araçatuba, SP, Brazil
Carmen Real Division of Comprehensive Care, Department of Primary Dental
Care, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Alessandra Reis Department of Dental Materials, State University of Ponta
Grossa, Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil
Diana Gabriela Soares Department of Physiology and Pathology, Araraquara
School of Dentistry, Univ. Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Araraquara, SP, Brazil
Part I
Tooth Whitening with Peroxides
Introduction to Tooth Whitening
So Ran Kwon
Few dental treatments have been more successful and conservative in nature than
tooth whitening. Therefore, it is noteworthy to mention the efforts of pioneers in
our dental profession who continuously attempted to search for the most effec-
tive and safest whitening agent. This quest has extended to determine the best
whitening technique to meet our patients’ desires and expectations about the
aesthetic outcome. Here, a short history of tooth whitening agents developed and
employed based on the type of discoloration is summarized, as is our current
knowledge on the relative efficacy and safety of various types of tooth whitening
regimens available. The information on proper diagnosis and treatment planning
will guide the clinician in establishing a step-by-step protocol for determining
the etiology of the discoloration, selecting the best whitening technique, and
monitoring tooth color until the desired outcome has been achieved.
removal of tooth structure using this technique and found tooth whitening to be a
promising alternative (Kirk 1906). Despite the great plea for preservation of tooth
structure and less invasive dentistry, the majority of practitioners opposed tooth
whitening and argued that it was technique sensitive, the duration of treatment was
too long, and the relapse of color to the original shade was too frequent (Kirk 1889).
Nevertheless, the quest for the ideal whitening material continued and resulted in
numerous experimental whitening agents, which were either direct or indirect oxi-
dizers employed mostly for the treatment of nonvital teeth (Kirk 1889). A variety of
whitening agents were used, reflecting the diverse nature of discoloration. For
example, oxalic acid removed iron stains associated with pulp necrosis and hemor-
rhage (Atkinson 1862), chlorine was indicated for silver and copper stains encoun-
tered with amalgam restorations (Kirk 1889), and ammonia readily removed iodine
stains caused by root canal therapy (Stellwagen 1870). The most resistant stain,
originating from metallic salts of metallic restorations, was removed using cyanide
of potassium, although due to toxicity, its use was not recommended.
While most of the early dental literature focused on nonvital bleaching, as early
as 1868, whitening of vital teeth was being attempted with oxalic acid (Latimer
1868). Hydrogen peroxide, currently the most widely used whitening material, was
reportedly used in 1884, and was called hydrogen dioxide by Harlan (Harlan 1884).
At the time, chemical manufacturing companies were relatively unrestricted, as
were dentists, who were at liberty to mix their own solutions in their office (Haywood
1992). Early work also experimented with a variety of ways to speed the bleaching
process, including electric current (Westlake 1895), ultraviolet rays (Rosenthal
1911), and other heating instruments and lights (Abbot 1918; Fisher 1911).
Manufacturing companies introduced bleaching products in the early 1900s, a tran-
sition that limited the choice of materials available to the dental profession (Haywood
1992). The product Superoxol was introduced by a manufacturing company, and
developed into the bleaching agent used by the majority of dentists because of its
efficacy and safety (Haywood 1992).
The introduction of easy and safe to use bleaching agents eventually gave rise to
over-the-counter (OTC) products that could be used at home.
The innovative technique of home whitening can be traced back to the ortho-
dontist, Bill Klusmier, in the late 1960s in Fort Smith, Arkansas (Haywood 1991).
While treating a patient during the orthodontic retention phase, he recommended
placing Gly-oxide, an oral antiseptic containing 10 % carbamide peroxide (Marion
Merrel Dow, Inc.) into the orthodontic positioner at night to facilitate tissue healing
(Haywood 1991). He noticed a significant improvement in tissue health and an
additional benefit of lightening of tooth color. Further investigation using 10 %
carbamide peroxide in a custom-made tray worn at night led to the first publication
on “Nightguard Vital Bleaching” in 1989 (Haywood and Heymann 1989). This
technique caused a major shift from the in-office use of highly concentrated hydro-
gen peroxide with activating lights, to home whitening using lower concentrations
of carbamide peroxide. In addition, this technique had fewer side effects and could
be offered to a larger section of the general patient population at a lower cost
(Haywood 1992).
1 Introduction to Tooth Whitening 5
Since the introduction of Nightguard Vital home whitening, the formula has been
continually improved. Carbopol was added to increase the gel viscosity, so it would
stay in the tray longer. This also enabled slow release of the active ingredient,
increasing the duration of its effectiveness (Matis et al. 1999). Since some were
concerned that whitening gels might cause enamel erosion, various forms of fluo-
ride were added to the formulation. Tooth sensitivity was one of the most common
reason patients gave for stopping the whitening process before the desired endpoint,
so desensitizers were added, such as potassium nitrate, sodium fluoride, and amor-
phous calcium phosphate. These additions effectively reduced the incidence and
severity of tooth sensitivity (Browning et al. 2008; Gallo et al. 2009; Maghaireh
et al. 2014; Navarra et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2015).
As demand for white teeth increased, manufacturers began supplying over-the-
counter products (OTC). The early OTC products were introduced in 1990, and
involved a three-step system: an acid prerinse, a lower strength peroxide material,
and a final toothpaste. Most often, these systems were inappropriately used, causing
damage to the enamel (Cubbon and Ore 1991). Strip technology, which involved
placing a clear strip of tape with 6.5 % hydrogen peroxide onto the tooth (Crest
White Strips, Proctor and Gamble), was an innovative advance for home-whitening
systems (Gerlach 2000).
The evolution of techniques for tooth whitening is summarized in Table 1.1 and
reflects the efforts of the dental profession’s efforts to preserve tooth structure and
simultaneously enhance the restoration and aesthetics of smiles. The future will
likely bring about even more innovations.
Tooth whitening is now the most common elective dental procedure (Dutra et al.
2004), and has proven to be safe and effective when supervised by the dentist
(American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs 2009). More than 1
million Americans whiten their teeth annually, resulting in nearly $600 million in
revenues for dental offices (Dutra et al. 2004). Considering the numerous over-the-
counter whitening products available and the heightened consumer interest in whiter
teeth, it is the responsibility of the dental profession to educate the public about the
efficacy and adverse effects of different tooth whitening modalities, suggest or pro-
vide appropriate options based on patient’s needs and preference, and establish reli-
able and valid monitoring tools for the whitening process.
The variety of methods and products available reflects the high demand for
whiter teeth. Traditionally tooth whitening could be classified into three categories:
(1) professionally applied in-office whitening with high-concentration materials
(Fig. 1.1a); (2) dentist-dispensed patient-applied home-whitening with custom fab-
ricated trays (Fig. 1.1b); and (3) over-the-counter products (Fig. 1.1c) like strips,
paint-on gels, or brush-on adhesive liquids (Kwon and Li 2013). With the increased
demand and a quest for less expensive options, protocols for do-it-yourself (DIY)
whitening (Fig. 1.1d) are now found on the Internet, using natural ingredients such
1970 Cohen and Parkins (1970) 35 % hydrogen peroxide and a heating instrument Tetracycline stains
1972 Klusmier (Haywood 1991) Used the same technique with Proxigel as it was thicker and stayed in the tray longer Vital teeth
1975 Chandra and Chawla (1975) 30 % hydrogen peroxide 18 % hydrochloric acid flour of Paris Fluorosis stains
1977 Falkenstein (Haywood 1992) 1-min etch with 30 % hydrogen peroxide 10 % hydrochloric acid 100 W (104 °F) light Tetracycline stains
1979 Compton (Haywood 1992) 30 % hydrogen peroxide heat element (130–145 °F) Tetracycline stains
1979 Harrington and Natkin (1979) Reported on external resorption associated with bleaching pulpless teeth Nonvital teeth
1982 Abou-Rass (1982) Recommended intentional endodontic treatment with internal bleaching Tetracycline stains
1984 Zaragoza (1984) 70 % hydrogen peroxide and heat for both arches Vital teeth
1986 Munro (Haywood 1992) Used Gly-oxide to control bacterial growth after periodontal root planning. Noticed Vital teeth
tooth lightening
1987 Feinman (1987) In-office bleaching using 30 % hydrogen peroxide and heat from bleaching light Vital teeth
Introduction to Tooth Whitening
1988 Coastal Dental Study Club Mouth guard bleaching technique Vital teeth
(Haywood 1992)
1988 Munro (Darnell and Moore 1990) Presented findings to manufacturer, resulting in first commercial bleaching product: Vital teeth
White + Brite (Omnii Int)
1989 Croll (1989) Microabrasion technique 10 % hydrochloric acid and pumice in a paste Vital teeth,
1989 Haywood and Heymann (1989) Nightguard vital bleaching, 10 % carbamide peroxide in a tray All stains, vital and
nonvital teeth
1990 Introduction of commercial, over-the-counter bleaching vital teeth products Vital teeth
1991 Bleaching materials were investigated while the FDA called for all safety studies and
data. After 6 months the ban was lifted
1991 Numerous authors Power bleaching, 30 % hydrogen peroxide using a light to activate bleach All stains, vital
1991 Garber and Goldstein (1991) Combination of bleaching power and home bleaching Vital teeth
1991 Hall (1991) Recommended no etching teeth before vital bleaching procedure Vital teeth
1994 American Dental Association Safety and efficacy established for tooth bleaching agents under the ADA seal of
(Engel 2011) approval
a b
c d
Fig. 1.1 (a) In-office whitening procedure with light activation. (b) At-home whitening with cus-
tom fabricated trays. (c) Over-the-counter whitening with strips. (d) Do-it-yourself whitening with
strawberry puree
as lemons, apples, and strawberries (Kwon and Li 2013; Natural Teeth Whitening
Solutions). The availability of OTC products and various DIY methods has pro-
vided the general population better access to whitening, but use without the supervi-
sion of a dentist has raised several potential concerns. Tooth discoloration can be the
secondary effect of an undiagnosed illness, overuse of whitening materials can dam-
age the enamel surface, and the at-home process might go unmonitored (Hammel
1998; Kwon and Li 2013; Natural Teeth Whitening Solutions). Therefore, the
supervision of a dentist or use of custom fabricated trays should be the treatment
modality of choice. The patient’s final decision, however, will most likely depend
on preference. Although at-home whitening with 10 % carbamide peroxide is safe
and effective under a dentist’s supervision (American Dental Association Council
on Scientific Affairs 2009), in-office whitening has its merits, especially in elderly
patients who may prefer the convenience and in young children who may require
full supervision during the entire procedure. Also, patients who cannot tolerate
wearing trays and those who desire an immediate effect might also prefer an in-
office treatment.
Several studies have compared the efficacy, side effects, and patient acceptance
of in-office, at-home, or over-the-counter whitening. Patient opinion was found to
depend on the whitening product, study design, application time, and methods of
color assessment. One study evaluated the time required to achieve a six-tab differ-
ence on a Vita Classical shade guide, and found this occurred the fastest with
10 S.R. Kwon
If a patient desires whiter teeth or would benefit from tooth whitening in conjunc-
tion with restorative or orthodontic treatment, their prognosis depends on the nature
of the discoloration and the expectations of the patient. Discoloration due to extrin-
sic origins respond better to whitening but even discoloration due to intrinsic origin
(e.g., tetracycline staining) can respond to whitening if the treatment time is suffi-
cient (Haywood 1991). The absolute contraindications to tooth whitening are few,
but unrealistic expectations, an unwillingness to comply with treatment, pregnancy,
allergy to components in the whitening material, and severe sensitivity should be
carefully considered before starting treatment.
Like any dental examination, the proper steps for diagnosis include obtaining medi-
cal and dental history and radiographs and conducting a thorough clinical
1 Introduction to Tooth Whitening 11
Active dental caries that may be close to the pulp should be given special atten-
tion. Carious lesions can be temporarily treated prior to the whitening treatment and
finalized once the color is stabilized.
A single dark tooth is a red flag and might be associated with a previous trau-
matic injury or even a periapical pathosis (Kwon 2011). Radiographs and pulp vital-
ity testing can guide the treatment (Chap. 6).
Crack lines are not an absolute contraindication but the patient should be aware
they may exacerbate sensitivity or become even more visible after tooth whitening
(Kwon et al. 2009).
Localized decalcification areas and white spots should be carefully examined as
they might blend in with the lighter tooth color or could become more noticeable
(AlShehri and Kwon 2016). In these instances, other conjunctive treatments such as
microabrasion or resin infiltration and restorative treatment may be indicated
(Chaps. 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 15).
Translucent areas often observed on incisal edges will remain translucent upon
whitening treatment and may end up looking grayish, continuing to be a concern for
some patients. In severe cases, a resin composite restoration to mask the translu-
cency may be needed.
Existing tooth-colored restorations in the aesthetic zone should be carefully
examined since there may be a need for retreatment that should be explained in
advance, to allow the patient to make the necessary financial commitment.
The symmetry in gingival contour should be observed and possibly resolved
prior to whitening, in order to enhance the aesthetic outcome.
Severe abrasion, attrition, and recessions should also be observed and explained
to the patient, as root exposures will not respond to whitening (Hilton et al. 2013;
Pashley 1989).
Preexisting tooth sensitivity needs to be addressed prior to the treatment, since it
may become severe upon treatment compromising the outcome of the treatment. Erosion
As lifestyles have changed throughout the decades, the consumption of soft drinks
has increased in the United States by 300 % in 20 years (Calvadini et al. 2000; Lussi
12 S.R. Kwon
et al. 2006). At the same time, the incidence of dental erosion is growing steadily
(Lussi et al. 2006). Initially, erosion is limited to the enamel, but in advanced cases
dentin becomes exposed and causes functional and aesthetic concerns that require
treatment. Generally, the tooth becomes more chromatic with the loss of enamel,
and one of the first distinct visual changes patients complain about is tooth color
(Fig. 1.3). The treatment plan may vary depending on the severity and location of
dental erosion. Restorative options, including direct resin composite and indirect
porcelain restorations, are suggested for the rehabilitation of a severe loss of tooth
structure. While dental erosion is considered to be a contraindication to tooth whit-
ening (Lussi et al. 2006), it may be beneficial in the early stages if the patient desires
a whiter smile. Indeed, since the prevalence of dental erosion is steadily increasing,
the topic merits continued research.
a b
Fig. 1.4 (a) The best time for initiating whitening in children should be carefully discussed with
the parents. This 12-year-old child complained about his dark teeth as well as the localized white
areas on the upper anterior teeth. (b) Treatment options include at-home whitening with custom
fabricated trays when the child is compliant or in-office whitening where the whole procedure is
performed in the clinic
The success of tooth whitening is mainly determined by changes in tooth color and
is subjective to each patient; however, evaluating tooth color is extremely difficult
because of the complex optical characteristics of the tooth, which include gloss,
opacity, transparency, translucency, and optical phenomena such as metamerism,
opalescence, and fluorescence (Hunter 1987). Patients commonly inquire about the
expected final shade after tooth whitening. So first recording the baseline tooth
color will help determine the prognosis, and is invaluable in monitoring progress.
The prognosis of whitening is significantly enhanced with shades in the yellow-
orange range, whereas gray and bluish discolorations are more stubborn (Leonard
2003). Additionally, rather than promising a specific shade, it is prudent to suggest
a reliable reference point, such as the white of an eye, so the patient can perceive the
difference (Mrazek 2004). Commonly the white of the eye is whiter than the base-
line tooth color, providing a good reference point for the progress being made dur-
ing treatment. One of the best ways to demonstrate the efficacy and progress of
whitening is to compare the color difference of the upper, treated arch versus the
lower, untreated arch. This difference is very helpful in encouraging compliance
and also for some who cannot discern color changes well. Many times it is also
important to have color change validated by friends or family, and photographs can
be an essential monitoring tool (Kwon and Li 2013).
The Vitapan Classical (VITA Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Germany) shade
guide, with values oriented according from the lightest to the darkest tab, is com-
monly used for visual shade matching. Nevertheless, the lack of logical order, uni-
form color distribution, and light shade tabs has been pointed out as drawbacks of
the Vitapan Classical (Ontiveros and Paravina 2009). To facilitate the monitoring of
tooth whitening, a shade guide was developed, the VITA Bleachedguide 3D Master
(VITA Zahnfabrik, Bad Sackingen, Germany), composed of 15 tabs that exhibit a
wider color range and more consistent color distribution, compared to the Vitapan
Classical. The VITA Bleachedguide 3D Master was also evaluated to be the easiest
to arrange, the most harmoniously arranged and most preferred for the monitoring
of tooth whitening (Paravina 2008). The initial color tab, selected during baseline
color measurements, can be easily placed along whitened teeth, leading to the antic-
ipation of the whitening progress. The effect of tooth whitening can be easily moni-
tored by selecting the closest shade tab before and after whitening and counting the
difference in tab numbers, expressed as a difference in shade guide units (ΔSGU)
(Kwon et al. 2015b).
Methods using specialized instruments to determine tooth shade have become
available with advancements in technology. These methods have the advantage of
being uninfluenced by the human eye, environment, and light source, and generate
reproducible results (Chu 2003). Additionally, methods using instruments provide
objective shade data and allow different image-analysis options, such as basic shade
analysis, smile analysis, and synchronization, to produce a split image of pre- vs.
postwhitening. These images (Fig. 1.6a, b) can be printed immediately and are
1 Introduction to Tooth Whitening 15
Fig. 1.6 (a) Smile analysis before whitening. (b) Smile analysis after whitening
16 S.R. Kwon
effective tools to show objective results on the progress of tooth whitening. They
also provide motivation to initiate and continue treatment. This technique is cur-
rently used more often in research, because it is as yet expensive and time consum-
ing for use in clinical dentistry.
Acknowledgment Special thanks to Taylor & Francis for granting permission to use and update
Table 2.1 in Bleaching Techniques in Restorative Dentistry Edn 1 by Linda Greenwall.
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Abou-Rass M (1982) The elimination of tetracycline discoloration by intentional endodontics and
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1 Introduction to Tooth Whitening 19
Tooth discoloration is classified as extrinsic or intrinsic, with extrinsic stains
arising from accumulation of residue on the surface of the tooth, and intrinsic
discoloration from stains within the enamel or dentin. For both types of stains,
tooth whitening with hydrogen peroxide is a common treatment. Hydrogen per-
oxide likely exerts its effects by interacting with chromophores within the tooth
structure, acting via what is known as the “chromophore effect.” Despite having
the desired cosmetic effect, however, hydrogen peroxide treatment also may
likely affect sound tooth tissue; and the unknowns surrounding unwanted side
effects remain a concern. Here, the etiology of extrinsic and intrinsic stains is
summarized, as is our current understanding of hydrogen peroxide treatment and
mechanisms of action. This information might guide further research and devel-
opment efforts to create new technology for the treatment of tooth
The human tooth is composed of three dental hard tissues: enamel, dentin, and the
cementum, which are each distinct in their mineral composition and function. Of
the three tissues, dental enamel is the most mineralized and is the hardest tissue of
the body. Enamel is ~96 % mineral, 3 % water, and 1 % organic matter by weight,
whereas dentin is 70 % mineral, 20 % organic matrix, and 10 % water by weight
(Nanci 2013). Unlike bone tissue, which remodels itself continuously through
balanced bone resorption and formation, the dental hard tissue does not turn over.
Nonetheless, the enamel interface undergoes continuous, dynamic ion exchange
with the oral biofilm, with calcium phosphate apatite crystals moving in both direc-
tions to maintain proper mineral balance (Peters 2010). Indeed, enamel and dentin
form a semipermeable membrane that allows small molecules to pass into the tooth
structure. This property largely accounts for tooth discoloration from extrinsic
sources. The key properties that cause enamel and dentin to bind to and retain stain-
ing molecules, however, are still not well understood.
consumed and the time, duration, and amount of drug intake (Dayan et al. 1983).
Proper diagnosis is imperative as tetracycline staining is considered one of the most
difficult stains to remove. Diagnosis is established by acquiring patient history, and
assessing clinical appearance and fluorescence under ultraviolet light (Hattab et al.
The importance of appearance in our society has increased the demand for instant
tooth whitening, resulting in a prolific and diverse array of products and tech-
niques. To keep pace with this trend, dental professionals have invested a great
amount of effort to elucidate the mechanisms through which peroxides promote
tooth whitening. The “chromophore theory” is based on the interaction of hydro-
gen peroxide (H2O2) with organic chromophores within the tooth structure and has
traditionally been accepted as the mechanism by which peroxide exerts its whiten-
ing effects. Organic chromophores have electron-rich areas, and when reactive
2 Tooth Whitening: How Does It Work 25
oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide encounter stain molecules, they convert
the chromophore chains into simpler structures or alter their optical properties and
diminish the appearance of the stain (Albers 1991). Although the chromophore
theory is widely adopted, it is not fully understood and many fundamental ques-
tions remain: How do organic chromophores diffuse into the tooth? How do they
interact with tooth structure? Where do they accumulate? What is the composition
and fate of the breakdown products of any oxidation process? These questions
merit further investigation.
To facilitate understanding of tooth whitening, the process must be evaluated in
three distinct phases: (1) the movement of the whitening agent applied from the
outer surface into the enamel and dentin; (2) the interaction of stain molecules with
hydrogen peroxide upon its penetration into the tooth structure; and (3) the micro-
morphologic changes induced by peroxide-based materials on tooth surface and
structure that may lead to optical changes. The outcome of these three phases results
in the final color change of the tooth after whitening. Ideally, whitening agents will
maximize lightening while minimizing concurrent damage to the tooth structure
(Kwon and Wertz 2016). Investigating the effects of peroxide during each phase
will increase our understanding of the whitening process and optimize whitening
Extrinsic stains that are limited to the external surface of the tooth can be readily
removed with tooth brushing or dental prophylaxis. However, once the stain
becomes internalized within the enamel and dentin, hydrogen peroxide must pene-
trate these layers in order to interact with organic chromophores. Although peroxide-
based tooth whitening was introduced in the 1800s, the quantification of hydrogen
peroxide penetration into the pulp cavity was not quantified until 1987 by Bowles
and Ugwuneri (Bowles and Ugwuneri 1987). This in vitro study used leucocrystal
violet and horseradish peroxidase to spectrophotometrically measure hydrogen per-
oxide at submicrogram levels and is a well-established, accurate, selective, and sen-
sitive analytical method that is still used today (Mottola et al. 1970).
Studies evaluating the diffusion phase found that peroxide penetration was
enhanced by the following: higher hydrogen peroxide concentrations (Bowles and
Ugwuneri 1987; Gökay et al. 2004; Hanks et al. 1993; Palo et al. 2010); prolonged
application (Hanks et al. 1993; Kwon et al. 2012b; Rotstein et al. 1991); increased
temperature (Bowles and Ugwuneri 1987; Rotstein et al. 1991); the large size of
dentinal tubules in young teeth (Camps et al. 2007); variations in tooth structure due
to location, acid etching or restorations (Benetti et al. 2004; Camargo et al. 2007;
Camps et al. 2010; Palo et al. 2012; Patri et al. 2013); and light activation (Camargo
et al. 2009). Penetration was also improved by specific formulations and delivery
systems (Bharti and Wadhwani 2013; Cooper et al. 1992; Gökay et al. 2005; Park
et al. 2016; Pignoly et al. 2012; Thitinanthapan et al. 1999). The results of all
reviewed studies are in accordance with Fick’s second law of diffusion, which states
26 S.R. Kwon
that the diffusion of a molecule is proportional to the surface area, diffusion coeffi-
cient, and concentration, and that it is inversely proportional to the diffusion dis-
tance (Brotherton Boron 1994).
Additionally, studies were performed to determine the path of diffusion into the
tooth by whitening agents. Since peroxide-based materials are water soluble, it was
speculated that the diffusion of these molecules was similar to the flow of fluids that
occur in the enamel interprismatic spaces and dentinal tubules (Ake-Linden 1968;
Kwon et al. 2012a; Pashley 1996). In a study utilizing confocal laser scanning
microscopy, the diffusion pathway of hydrogen peroxide was correlated to
Rhodamine B. This demonstrated diffusion of the dye into interprismatic spaces and
accumulation along the dentin-enamel junction, followed by uptake into the termi-
nal branch of the dentinal tubules where it could directly access the predentin and
pulp cavity (Kwon et al. 2012a). However, this is not simply passive diffusion of
these molecules, but requires a concentration gradient that is determined by the
chemical affinity for each dental tissue (Ubaldini et al. 2013). Thus, as chemical
composition can affect the outcome of treatment, it is important to identify the opti-
mal whitening concentration and application times so that concurrent tooth struc-
ture damage may be minimized without compromising whitening efficacy.
Although a wide variety of whitening products are available, most contain hydrogen
peroxide as the active agent (Dahl and Pallesen 2003). Hydrogen peroxide may be
applied directly, or produced in a chemical reaction from sodium perborate or carb-
amide peroxide (Budavari et al. 1989). Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is slightly more
viscous than water with a molar mass of 34.0147 g/mol and acts as a strong oxidiz-
ing agent (Hess 1995). The rate of decomposition and the type of active oxygen
formed depends on the temperature and concentration of peroxide, as well as the pH
and presence of cocatalysts and metallic reaction partners (Goldstein and Garber
Homolytic cleavage, the splitting of shared, bonding electrons resulting in an
unshared electron:
HOOH → H • + • OOH or HO• + • OH
This type of cleavage is favored by light and heat and forms free radicals.
Heterolytic cleavage, which is a deprotonation reaction leaving an electron pair:
HOOH → H + + • OOH −
This deprotonation occurs at increased pH and generates perhydroxyl anions
(Feinman et al. 1991).
A third pathway is derived by a combination of homolytic and heterolytic cleav-
age and generates active oxygen that is both an anion and a free radical:
HOO• + OH − → O •− 2 + H 2 O ( basic condition ) and HOO • → O•− 2 + H − ( acidic condition )
2 Tooth Whitening: How Does It Work 27
Active oxygen is attracted to electron-rich areas of stain molecules and cleaves dou-
ble bond to reduce color or remove the compound (Albers 1991).
Despite the well-known chemistry of hydrogen peroxide and its application to
establish the chromophore theory, many issues remain unsolved. Studies using
Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopies failed to detect
chromophores or their breakdown products in the enamel, and are inconsistent with
the chromophore theory (Darchuk et al. 2008; Eimar et al. 2012; Fattibene et al.
2005). Thus, continued investigation is required to fully understand the mechanisms
of hydrogen peroxide in eliminating stains.
Ideally, as hydrogen peroxide moves from the external tooth surface into the
enamel and dentin, its oxidizing action should be limited to organic chromophores
until it reaches a certain saturation point, or whitening threshold. Oxidizing action
beyond the whitening threshold—characterized by the depletion of chromophores—
has been cautioned against as it might compromise tooth structure. Indeed, review
of the literature suggests hydrogen peroxide has significant interactions with the
organic and inorganic components of enamel and dentin well before the saturation
point. This may account for alterations in the physical properties of the tooth sub-
strate after the whitening treatment (Attin et al. 2005).
Extensive studies using ion-selective electrode probes, FT-Raman spectroscopy,
and a combination of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive
X-ray spectrometer and microcomputerized tomography suggest that hydrogen per-
oxide interacts with the tooth structure, and changes the chemical composition of
enamel and dentin (Kwon and Wertz 2016). While evidence exists that peroxide-
based materials do not irreversibly influence the chemistry of enamel and dentin
beyond clinical relevance (Arcari et al. 2005; Cavalli et al. 2011; Goo et al. 2004;
Lee et al. 2006; Mc Cracken and Haywood 1996; Rodrigues et al. 2007), several
studies have demonstrated significant changes in the calcium/phosphate ratio, indic-
ative of alterations in the inorganic components of hydroxyapatite (Al-Saleni et al.
2007; Berger et al. 2010; Bizhang et al. 2006; de Freitas et al. 2004; Efeoglu et al.
2005; Efeoglu et al. 2007; Rotstein et al. 1996; Rotstein et al. 1992).
Microcomputerized tomography studies of enamel treated with 10 % or 35 % carb-
amide peroxide demonstrated a demineralization depth of 50 μm and 250 μm,
respectively (Efeoglu et al. 2005; Efeoglu et al. 2007). Furthermore, infrared spec-
troscopic analysis showed changes in the enamel that was both concentration and
time dependent.
It is worth noting that changes in the organic component of enamel and dentin
are likely due to the oxidizing ability of hydrogen peroxide, while changes in the
mineral component are mainly attributed to its acidity (Jiang et al. 2007). Several
studies provide evidence supporting that the organic matrix of enamel and dentin is
oxidized by hydrogen peroxide. X-ray diffraction analysis of hydroxyapatite sug-
gests hydrogen peroxide influences the organic tissue, and Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance-based measurements indicate that proline and alanine may be more sus-
ceptible to an attack by the hydroxyl radical (Kawamoto and Tsujimoto 2004; Sato
et al. 2013; Toledano et al. 2011). Other studies assessing morphological changes in
the enamel and dentin used atomic force microscopy (AFM) and FTIR to show that
the tooth enamel matrix protein or organic matrix of dentin had partially lysed,
28 S.R. Kwon
causing these effects (Abouassi et al. 2011; Chng et al. 2005; Hegedüs et al. 1999;
Mahringer et al. 2009; Sato et al. 2013; Ubaldini et al. 2013). Moreover, other stud-
ies have implicated that proteolysis by dentin metalloproteinases and cathepsin B
might also compromise the organic component of dentin (Sato et al. 2013; Toledano
et al. 2011).
Collectively, these studies demonstrate that hydrogen peroxide indeed interacts
with all components of dentin and enamel. Thus, it may not only target chromo-
phore stains, but also whiten by modifying the organic substances within the tooth.
Future studies must identify the clinical significance of interactions between hydro-
gen peroxide and each tooth layer.
The anticipated final outcome of tooth whitening is to increase color lightness and
reduce chroma in the yellow-blue and red-green spectrum based on the CIE Lab
system (Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage 1995). The separate contribu-
tions of enamel and dentin on tooth color have been evaluated, with some studies
placing more emphasis on the role of dentin (Kwon et al. 2013; Wiegand et al. 2005;
Kugel et al. 2007). Nevertheless, enamel characteristics also play a key role in the
optical properties of the tooth. Enamel contributes to the overall tooth color by
decreasing the translucency of the tooth, masking the color of the underlying dentin
(Kawamoto and Tsujimoto 2004; Ma et al. 2009, 2011). Changes in the enamel
have been attributed to micromorphological alterations through deproteinization,
demineralization, and oxidation of the most superficial enamel layer (Eimar et al.
2011; Ma et al. 2009, 2011). This changes the density of enamel making the distri-
bution of enamel crystals less compact and potentially increasing its refractive index
(Li et al. 2010; Ma et al. 2011).
Determining how subtle enamel surface changes affect the tooth has been an area
of interest. Studies have found that rough surfaces create a more diffuse reflection,
turning the object brighter, whereas a smooth surface leads to more specular reflec-
tion. Additionally, an increase in back scattering of short wavelengths, reflected as
bluish-white, plays a considerable role in the light scattering of teeth (Joiner 2004).
This is most easily demonstrated by the whitish color change in early caries lesions
due to the increased opacity of the tooth enamel (Ma et al. 2009, 2011; Vieira et al.
2008). Further, some studies suggest tooth color change that is associated with tooth
whitening is mainly due to mineral loss rather than the breakdown of chromophores
(Jiang et al. 2007; Kwon et al. 2002; Lee et al. 2006; Mc Cracken and Haywood
1996). The subsequent uptake of minerals after tooth whitening and the reversal of
the treatment substantially support this suggestion (Li et al. 2010).
Because of the impact of surface changes on the appearance of tooth color,
changes in surface topography have been extensively investigated. SEM and AFM
studies showed increased roughness and surface irregularities upon whitening treat-
ment (Ben-Amar et al. 1995; Bitter and Sanders 1993; Hosoya et al. 2003; McGuckin
et al. 1992; Pedreira De Freitas et al. 2010; Pinto et al. 2004; Shannon et al. 1993;
2 Tooth Whitening: How Does It Work 29
Yeh et al. 2005; Zalkind et al. 1996). Notably, most of these changes have not been
seen in studies where a remineralizing agent or saliva was used as a storage medium
(Duschner et al. 2006; Haywood et al. 1991; Joiner et al. 2004; Scherer et al. 1991;
Turkun et al. 2002; White et al. 2003). Thus, continued research on the effects of
whitening treatments on surface and tooth color changes are necessary to order to
prescribe treatments that will have long-lasting effects with minimal changes to the
overall structure of the tooth.
This up-to-date review of the literature illustrates that tooth whitening occurs in
three distinct phases, challenging the validity of the widely accepted “chromophore
effect” as the dominant mechanism of hydrogen peroxide. As such, this theory must
be modified to reflect the true complexity of the mechanisms that drive whitening.
Indeed, stains are not determined by the properties of the organic staining molecules
alone but are also affected by micromorphologic alterations on the tooth surface and
within the tooth structure; thus, whitening likely affects intact enamel and dentin
microstructures, an underrecognized concern (Kwon and Wertz 2016). In future
studies, an appreciation of the complexity of the tooth whitening process will spear-
head innovation toward materials and techniques that meet the ever-growing inter-
est in safely obtaining a brighter smile.
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Overall Safety of Peroxides
Yiming Li
Current tooth whiteners contain peroxides as active ingredients, which release
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in the process of application. The primary source of
safety concerns with the peroxide-based tooth whiteners is the capability of H2O2
to produce oxidative free radicals or reactive oxygen species (ROS), which have
been associated with various pathological consequences including carcinogene-
sis and degenerative diseases. This chapter will review and discuss toxicology of
H2O2, its presence in the human body, and its potential systemic effects, genotox-
icity, and carcinogenicity on the basis of evidence available in the literature.
3.1 Background
Safety concerns with peroxide-based tooth whiteners are primarily originated from
their content of peroxide compounds (Li 1996, 1997, 2011; Li and Greewall 2013).
Carbamide peroxide (CH6N2O3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) are the most com-
monly used peroxide compounds as the active ingredient in current extracoronal
tooth-whitening products, while sodium perborate (NaBO3) is primary for intra-
coronal bleaching procedures (Rotstein and Li 2008). Carbamide peroxide, or urea
hydrogen peroxide, is a white crystal or a crystallized powder. Chemically, carb-
amide peroxide is composed of approximately 3.5 parts of H2O2 and 6.5 parts of
urea; a tooth whitener of 10 % carbamide peroxide thus contains approximately
3.5 % H2O2. Sodium perborate is also a white powder available either as monohy-
drate, trihydrate, or tetrahydrate. The monohydrate and tetrahydrate forms are com-
monly used for intracoronal bleaching, with H2O2 content theoretically around 34 %
and 22 %, respectively. In an aqueous medium, both carbamide peroxide and sodium
perborate decompose to release H2O2, which, therefore, is the true active ingredient
of the peroxide-based tooth-whitening products.
H2O2 as a chemical was first identified in 1818, and the well-known Fenton reaction
was proposed in 1894. Two enzymes, peroxidase and catalase, found in 1898 and
1901, respectively, were quickly recognized to play important roles in H2O2 metab-
olism in humans. Shortly after the discovery of another important enzyme, superox-
ide dismutase (SOD), in 1969, research efforts on biological properties of H2O2
have significantly increased (Li 1996).
The toxicology of H2O2 has been investigated extensively, and there are a number
of comprehensive reviews on the topic available in the literature (IARC 1985;
ECETOX 1993; Li 1996; SCCP 2005; CEU 2011). A key characteristic of H2O2 is
its capability of producing reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are known to
induce various toxicities, including hydroxyl free radicals that have been implicated
in various stages of carcinogenesis (Floyd 1990; Li 1996). Oxidative reactions of
ROS with proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids are believed to be involved in a number
of potential pathological consequences; the damage by oxidative free radicals may
be associated with aging, stroke, and other degenerative diseases (Harman 1981;
Floyd et al. 1988; Lutz 1990; Li 1996).
The major mechanism responsible for the observed toxicity of H2O2 is believed
to be the oxidative reactions and subsequent damage in cells by ROS. In cell culture
studies, H2O2 is highly cytotoxic at concentrations ranging from 1.7 to 19.7 μg/mL
or 0.05 to 0.58 mmol/L (Rubin and Farber 1984; Bates et al. 1985; Ramp et al.
1987; Tse et al. 1991; Hanks et al. 1993; Li 1996, 2003). Hepatocytes were less
sensitive to the cytotoxicity of H2O2 than fibroblasts and endothelial cells (Sacks
et al. 1978; Simon et al. 1981; Rubin and Farber 1984), while human gingival fibro-
blasts derived from primary cultures and L929 mouse fibroblasts (ATCC CCL 1;
Manassas, VA) were found to respond similarly to the cytotoxicity of H2O2 (Li
On the other hand, the human body is equipped with various defensive mecha-
nisms available at cellular and tissue levels to prevent potential damage of H2O2 to
cells during oxidative reactions and to repair any damages sustained. A number of
enzymes, such as catalase, SOD, peroxidase, and selenium-dependent glutathione
peroxidase, exist widely in body fluids, tissues, and organs, to effectively metabolize
H2O2 (Floyd 1990; Li 1996). Simply adding iron chelators and antioxidants or increas-
ing serum concentration in culture media effectively reduces or eliminates the cyto-
toxicity of H2O2 (Sacks et al. 1978; Rubin and Farber 1984). In a cell culture study,
20 mM H2O2 was undetectable after 30 min in the culture media alone and after
15 min in the media with bone tissues, indicating decomposition and inactivation of
3 Overall Safety of Peroxides 37
hydrogen peroxide in cell culture systems (Ramp et al. 1987). These enzymes also
exist in human saliva; in fact, salivary peroxidase has been suggested to be the body’s
most important and effective defense against the potential adverse effects of H2O2
(Carlsson 1987). Marshall and coworkers (2001) found that the human oral cavity,
including that of adults, juveniles, infants, and adults with impaired salivary flow, was
capable of eliminating 30 mg H2O2 in less than one and a half minutes.
The detection of H2O2 in human respiration was first reported in 1880; however, it
was not until 1969 when SOD was discovered H2O2 was recognized as an important
by-product in oxygen metabolism of humans (Li 1996, 2011). H2O2 is now known
as a normal intermediate metabolite in humans. It exists in human serum, and it is
present in human breath at levels ranging from 0.34 to 1.0 μg/L (Sies 1981; Williams
et al. 1982). The daily production of H2O2 in human liver is approximately 6.48 g in
a period of 24 h (FDA 1983). An important source of endogenous H2O2 is from
phagocytic cells, such as neutrophils and macrophages, which play an essential role
in defense against various pathological microorganisms.
Systemic effects of H2O2 have been investigated for both acute and chronic expo-
sures. A unique characteristic of H2O2 in inducing systemic toxicity is its concentra-
tion in addition to the dosage.
The reported acute systemic toxic effects of H2O2 in animals vary widely, accord-
ing to the H2O2 concentration as well as the application mode. In rats, the intrave-
nous 50 % lethal dose (LD50) of H2O2 was found to be 21 mg/kg (Spector 1956).
Using the up-and-down method, in which the dosing is adjusted up or down accord-
ing to the outcome (death or survival) of the animal that received the previous dos-
age, the oral LD50 of 4 % H2O2 solution in male and female rats was estimated at 780
and 600 mg/kg, respectively (Li 1996). The LD50 for percutaneous application of
H2O2 is much higher at >7,500 mg/kg (FDA 1983). The values of LD50 are inversely
related to the concentrations of H2O2, and they vary markedly between different
animal species and strains (IARC 1985; FDA 1983; ECETOX 1993; Li 1996).
Tissue responses to topical application of H2O2 are also related to the H2O2 concen-
tration, but they are usually minimal at low concentrations of ≤3 %.
Acute toxicity, including fatalities, has been reported in humans who acciden-
tally ingested large amounts of concentrated H2O2 solutions (Spector 1956; Giusti
1973; Giberson et al. 1989; Humberston et al. 1990; Rackoff and Merton 1990;
Christensen et al. 1992; Cina et al. 1994; Sherman et al. 1994; Asanza et al. 1995;
Ijichi et al. 1997; Rider et al. 2008; Byrne et al. 2014). A retrospective survey of a
regional poison control center found that over a 36-month period, 325 cases were
caused by H2O2 poisoning, which accounted for 0.34 % of all the reported causes
(Dickson and Caravati 1994); however, the majority of the 325 cases (71 %) was
38 Y. Li
pediatric population (age <18 years), with ingestion of H2O2 solution being the most
common route of exposure (83 % of cases). One major factor associated with the
toxicity of H2O2 is its concentration. Ingestion of H2O2 solutions of less than 10 %
usually produces no significant adverse effects, although it may cause mild irritation
to mucous membranes, which results in spontaneous emesis or mild abdominal
bloating (Humberston et al. 1990; Dickson and Caravati 1994). Exposure to H2O2
concentrations higher than 10 %, however, can result in severe tissue burns and sig-
nificant systemic toxicity. In addition to the tissue damage caused by oxidative reac-
tions, gas embolism is responsible for various pathological consequences of H2O2
ingestion (Rackoff and Merton 1990). Each milliliter of 1 % H2O2 releases 3.3 mL
oxygen; therefore, 10 mL of 30 % H2O2 can produce 1 liter oxygen (Giberson et al.
1989; Humberston et al. 1990). Common symptoms observed in acute toxicity of
H2O2 include stomach and chest pain, retention of breath, foaming at the mouth,
loss of consciousness, motor and sensory disorders, fever, gastric hemorrhage, and
liver damage. Although rare, death can occur.
Several animal studies have been conducted on acute systemic toxicity of tooth
whiteners containing carbamide peroxide. Oral gavage of 5 g/kg tooth whiteners
containing 10 and 22 % carbamide peroxide produced no evidence of acute sys-
temic toxicity in rats (Cherry et al. 1993; Adam-Rodwell et al. 1994). One study
reported unusually low LD50 (87.18–143.83 mg/kg) of two products containing
10 % carbamide peroxide in female Swiss mice (Woolverton et al. 1993). The rea-
sons for the low LD50 values are unclear but may be attributed to differences in
animal species, materials, and method. Using the up-and-down method, the LD50 of
a tooth-whitening gel with 10 % carbamide peroxide was estimated at 23.02 g/kg in
female rats (Li et al. 1996).
Chronic systemic toxicity of H2O2 has been investigated using animal models.
No visible abnormalities were detected in mice drinking 0.15 % H2O2 (about
150 mg/kg/day) ad libitum for 35 weeks, and their growth was also normal (FDA
1983). Necropsy results, however, showed changes in the liver, kidney, stomach,
and small intestine. Solutions of >1 % H2O2 (>1 g/kg/day) caused pronounced
weight loss and death of mice within two weeks. A rat study by Ito et al. (1976)
found that when administered by an oral gastric catheter 6 days weekly for 90 days,
the dose of 506 mg/kg suppressed body weight gain, decreased food consumption,
and caused changes in hematology, blood chemistry, and organ weights. The princi-
pal tissue affected was gastric mucosa, and the effects were local. The no-observed-
effect level (NOEL) of H2O2 was 56.2 mg/kg/day. Another rat study found that the
NOEL of H2O2 was 30 mg/kg/day when animals were treated by oral gastric cath-
eter daily for 100 days (Kawasaki et al. 1969). The same study showed no adverse
effects in rats receiving the diet containing 6 mg H2O2 in 20 g of food.
3.5 Genotoxicity
The genotoxic potential of H2O2 has been investigated extensively using microbes,
plants, insects, cultured mammalian cells, and animals (IARC 1985; ECETOX
1993; Li 1996; SCCP 2005). In a number of bacterial systems, H2O2 induced
3 Overall Safety of Peroxides 39
3.6 Carcinogenicity
The carcinogenicity of H2O2 was the subject of a number of critical reviews (IARC
1985; ECETOX 1993; Li 1996, 1998, 2000, 2011). Several investigators found no
evidence of carcinogenicity of H2O2 or carbamide peroxide. Repeated subcutaneous
injections of 0.5 % H2O2 for up to 332 days did not induce tumors in a mouse study
(Nakahara and Fukuoka 1959). Another 56-week study showed that 5 % carbamide
peroxide and 3 % H2O2 were inactive as tumor promoters (Bock et al. 1975). Klein-
Szanto and Slaga in 1982 reported that twice-weekly application of 15 and 30 %
H2O2 on mouse dorsal skin for 50 weeks did not induce any squamous cell carcino-
mas, and they thus concluded that H2O2 at 15 and 30 % was not a complete carcino-
gen. The same study also found that at 15 and 30 % concentrations, H2O2 was not a
tumor initiator but exhibited extremely weak tumor-promoting activity after 25
weeks of twice-weekly application following previous application of the carcinogen
DMBA as the initiator. At concentrations <15 %, H2O2 did not cause tumor promo-
tion. In contrast, Nagata and coworkers (1973) reported that a single subcutaneous
injection of 0.6 % H2O2 was not carcinogenic, and in fact, repeated applications of
0.6 % H2O2 on mouse skin significantly inhibited tumor development induced by the
potent carcinogen benzo(α)pyrene.
The studies that reported carcinogenicity of H2O2 and subsequently generated
safety concerns about the use of H2O2 or peroxide-containing tooth whiteners were
conducted by Ito’s group (1981, 1982, 1984) and Weitzman and coworkers (1986).
In the 1981 study by Ito and coworkers, male and female C57Bl/6 J mice received
0.1 % or 0.4 % H2O2 in drinking water for up to 100 weeks, with distilled water as
the negative control. An increased incidence of duodenal carcinoma was observed
40 Y. Li
in females only in the 0.4 % H2O2 group (4 of 50 mice), and one carcinoma was
observed in one male mouse in each of the 0.1 and 0.4 % groups. However, results
showed no dose-related incidence of duodenal adenomas. Using standard methods
for data analysis in which sexes are analyzed separately, no significant increase in
carcinoma incidence was noted in males or females. Statistical significance was
achieved only when the data from males and females were combined.
In the second study by Ito’s group (1982), three strains of mice, including the
C57Bl/6 N strain that was used in the initial study, received 0.1 % or 0.4 % H2O2
solution in drinking water for up to 740 days. Duodenal cancer (pathologically not
defined as benign, malignant, carcinoma, or adenoma) was observed only in
C57Bl/6 J mice between 420 and 740 days, with an incidence of 1 and 5 % for the
0.1 and 0.4 % H2O2 groups, respectively. However, temporary cessation of H2O2 and
replacement with distilled water for 10, 20, or 30 days decreased the incidence of
lesions in both the stomach and duodenum.
The third study by Ito’s group (1984) investigated four strains of mice that
received 0.4 % H2O2 solution in drinking water for 7 months (C57Bl/6 N mice) and
6 months (other three strains). The incidence of duodenal lesions was highly strain-
dependent and inversely related to duodenal, liver, and blood catalase activity.
C57Bl/6 N mice had low catalase activity, and the number of tumors was 41 times
that observed in mice with high catalase activity, and about ten times higher than
that for the strain with normal catalase activity. Of particular interest is the observa-
tion that another strain of catalase-deficient mice had a lower duodenal tumor inci-
dence, both in total number of tumors and number of tumors per mouse, than that of
the C57Bl/6 N mice.
Because of the potential significance of the results reported by Ito’s team, these
studies were reviewed and carefully evaluated for study design, experimental con-
duct, and data presentation (FDA 1983; IARC 1985; FDA 1988; ECETOX 1993).
Major limitations of the research include unverified H2O2 concentration and stabil-
ity in drinking water, inadequate control and documentation of tumor pathology,
and lack of information on food consumption and survival. In addition, these studies
did not measure individual animal water intake, which is relevant because reduced
water intake may contribute to the development of lesions. When water consump-
tion is decreased, the texture of the stomach contents changes, which may increase
the likelihood of tissue injury when coarse materials transverse the duodenum,
resulting in an increased rate of cell proliferation, or regenerative hyperplasia
(Bertram 1991). From a 14-day study in C57Bl/6 N mice, water consumption was
found to decrease with increasing H2O2 content (Weiner et al. 2000). Therefore, in
the same strain of mice it is appropriate to assume that the decrease in water intake
also occurred during H2O2 exposure in Ito’s studies. As a consequence, gastrointes-
tinal irritation occurred. As observed in Ito studies, changes to the epithelia were
primarily localized to the duodenum, indicating that the lesions are not chemically
induced but indicative of mechanical irritation. On the other hand, as demonstrated
by Ito and coworkers, the C57Bl/6 N mouse strain used in their studies has a low
level of duodenal catalase activity and a high spontaneous incidence of premalig-
nant duodenal lesions. The difference in catalase activity among animal strains
3 Overall Safety of Peroxides 41
likely is one of the reasons that other studies that used a similar experimental design
to the study of Ito’s group, have not found carcinogenicity of H2O2. As such, after
evaluating the Ito studies, the Cancer Assessment Committee (CAC) of the US Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) concluded that Ito’s studies did not provide suffi-
cient evidence that H2O2 was a duodenal carcinogen.
The study by Weitzman et al. (1986) examined effects of topical application of
H2O2 on the cheek porch mucosa of male Syrian golden hamsters. Animals were
treated twice weekly with DMBA, a carcinogen, in combination with 3 or 30 %
H2O2 for 19 or 22 weeks. Groups receiving DMBA or 30 % H2O2 alone were also
included. Results showed that 30 % H2O2 alone did not induce any tumors at either
of the two time periods. At 19 weeks, no tumors were observed in animals receiv-
ing the DMBA and 3 % H2O2, and 30 % H2O2 had no tumor-enhancing effect. After
22 weeks, there was no tumor-enhancing effect with 3 % H2O2. The incidence of
carcinomas was higher in animals receiving a combination of 30 % H2O2 and
DMBA (5/5 animals) compared to those treated with DMBA alone (3/7 animals),
but the significance level was marginal (p = 0.054). The significance of the observed
increase in incidence of carcinoma associated with 30 % H2O2 at 22 weeks has
been questioned because of the small number of animals used and the marginal
statistical significance observed (Li 1996; Marshall et al. 1996). It is also difficult
to explain the marked differences in results between the two time periods, an inter-
val of only 3 weeks. In addition, repetitive treatment with H2O2 solutions greater
than 15 % was considered too irritating to tissues to enable detection of tumor-
promoting activity, because cells would not survive the toxic effects of high con-
centrations of H2O2 (Klein-Szanto and Slaga 1982). Marshall and colleagues
(1996), using the similar experiment design to the Weitzman study, found that
H2O2 up to 3 % was not carcinogenic or cocarcinogenic. The studies by Weitzman
et al. (1986) and Marshall et al. (1996) are particularly significant in that they do
not demonstrate a synergistic effect between H2O2 and the polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbon DMBA during coadministration. Tumor promotion studies (Bock
et al. 1975; Klein-Szanto and Slaga 1982) provide additional evidence for a lack of
interaction between chemical carcinogens and H2O2. The study by Marshall et al.
(1996) found a reduction in tumor incidence following H2O2 administration, and
such an effect was observed with 3 % H2O2 and baking soda in the hamster cheek
pouch model.
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Bertram T (1991) Gastrointestinal tract. In: Haschek WM, Rousseaux CG (eds) Handbook of toxi-
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Dickson KF, Caravati EM (1994) Hydrogen peroxide – 325 exposures reported to a regional poi-
son control center. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 32:705–714
ECETOX (1993) Joint assessment of commodity chemicals No. 22 – hydrogen peroxide. European
Center for Toxicology of Chemicals, Brussels
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status as a direct human food ingredient with specific limitations. Fed Regist
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J 4:2587–2597
Floyd RA, West MS, Eneff KL, Hogsett WE, Tingey DT (1988) Hydroxyl free radical mediated
formation of 8-hydroxyguanine in isolated DNA. Arch Biochem Biophys 262:266–272
Giberson TP, Kern JD, Pettigrew DW, Eaves CC, Haynes JF (1989) Near fatal hydrogen peroxide
ingestion. Ann Emerg Med 18:778–779
Giusti GV (1973) Fatal poisoning with hydrogen peroxide. Forensic Sci 2:99–100
Hanks CT, Fat JC, Wataha JC, Corcoran JF (1993) Cytotoxicity and dentin permeability of carb-
amide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide vital bleaching materials, in vitro. J Dent Res
Harman D (1981) The aging process. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 78:7124–7132
Humberston CL, Dean BS, Krenzelok EP (1990) Ingestion of 35% hydrogen peroxide. J Toxicol
Clin Toxicol 28:95–100
IARC (1985) Hydrogen peroxide. IARC Monogr Eval Carcinog Risk Chem Hum 36:285–314
Ijichi T, Itoh T, Sakai R, Nakaji K, Miyauchi T, Takahashi R, Kadosaka S, Hirata M, Yoneda S,
Kajita Y, Fujita Y (1997) Multiple brain gas embolism after ingestion of concentrated hydrogen
peroxide. Neurology 48:277–279
Ito R, Kawamura H, Chang HS, Toda S, Matsuura S, Hidano T, Nakai S, Inayoshi Y, Matsuura M,
Akuzawa K (1976) Safety study on hydrogen peroxide: acute and subacute toxicity. J Med Soc
Toho Jpn 23:531–537
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istration of hydrogen peroxide. Gan 72:174–175
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tumor promotion. J Invest Dermatol 79:30–34
3 Overall Safety of Peroxides 43
Tse CS, Lynch E, Blake DR, Williams DM (1991) Is home tooth bleaching gel cytotoxic? J Esthet
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Weiner ML, Freeman C, Trochimowicz H, Brock W, De Gerlache J, Malinverno G, Mayr W,
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Complications from the Use of Peroxides
André Luiz Fraga Briso, Vanessa Rahal,
Marjorie Oliveira Gallinari, Diana Gabriela Soares, and
Carlos Alberto de Souza Costa
While dental whitening or dental bleaching is one of the most popular aesthetic
procedures, dentists should base their decision to prescribe peroxide-based whiten-
ing agents on evidence-based techniques and regimens. The contact of bleaching
products with the mucosa, dental tissues, and preexisting restorations may trigger a
series of adverse effects both on soft and hard tissues. This chapter details the pre-
cautions that must be taken prior to prescribing different bleaching therapies with
the goal of improving the patient’s smile, without damaging oral tissues.Additionally,
this chapter will discuss tooth sensitivity, which is the most common side effect of
any bleaching treatment. The prevention of tooth sensitivity is of upmost impor-
tance to avoid discomfort to patients and increase patient’s compliance.
4.1 Introduction
Tooth bleaching (or tooth whitening) is a cosmetic procedure widely used owing to
its technical simplicity, proven clinical efficacy, and noninvasiveness, as it does not
remove tooth structure. Tooth bleaching is based on the oxidative potential of hydro-
gen peroxide (HP), the main active component of bleaching agents, as this molecule
is able to diffuse through the tooth enamel and promote the breakdown of organic
pigments in dentin. The two bleaching techniques traditionally used under the
supervision of a dental professional are the at-home (Chap. 6) and the in-office
(Chap. 7) bleaching techniques. Dentist-supervised at-home whitening is consid-
ered the safest for the patient, as a result of the low concentration of carbamide
peroxide (CP) or hydrogen peroxide (HP) used. Although the dental professional
supervises the at-home bleaching technique, the patient applies the product at home.
This bleaching procedure has raised questions concerning the risk of systemic tox-
icity in addition to the indiscriminate and/or inappropriate use of bleaching products
by patients, which may increase the risk of adverse effects on oral tissues.
In-office techniques traditionally involve the use of HP-based gels in high
concentrations (30–40 %). The procedure is performed in the dental office under
full control of the dentist. However, the use of HP in high concentrations results
in the diffusion of the molecule into the pulp chamber in toxic levels, resulting in
important changes in the pulp connective tissue that have been linked to high
levels of postbleaching sensitivity (Costa et al. 2010; de Almeida et al. 2015b;
Simões et al. 2015). Additionally, extreme caution must be taken to protect oral
soft tissues and prevent swallowing of bleaching product, as contact of this prod-
uct with oral mucosa can cause chemical burns resulting in severe discomfort for
the patient.
In clinical practice, tooth sensitivity and gingival tissue irritation are the most
frequently reported adverse effects by patients who undergo different bleaching
treatments (Almeida et al. 2012; Simões et al. 2015). However, in addition to its
adverse effects on soft tissues, tooth bleaching has been scientifically proven to
cause changes in mineralized tissues and in existing restorations, the extent of which
depends on the technique used (Hayacibara et al. 2004; Cavalli et al. 2004; Sasaki
et al. 2009; Mourouzis et al. 2013; AlQahtani 2013; Soares et al. 2013b; Torabi
et al. 2014b). Thus, in this chapter, we will discuss changes in soft tissues, mineral-
ized tissues, and adhesive restorations caused by the different bleaching techniques
currently available and the clinical aspects related to postbleaching tooth
The literature has shown that HP causes major changes in various cell types (Zhu
et al. 2012). Therefore, the contact of the molecule with biological tissues such as
gingival tissue, periodontal ligament, and pulp tissue during bleaching is not desir-
able. As bleaching products with different HP concentrations, presentation forms,
and application protocols are available for clinical or home use, distinct cellular
responses are expected depending on the regimen used. Thus, the dentist should be
aware of the possible adverse effects of each therapy in order to use the best clinical
alternative for each particular clinical situation. In this chapter, greater emphasis
will be given to the effects of the different bleaching modalities on gingival and
periodontal tissues. The effect of these techniques on the pulp tissue will be
described in detail in Chap. 5.
4 Complications from the Use of Peroxides 47
Direct contact of the bleaching gel with oral soft tissues may cause chemical
burns due to the caustic potential of HP, resulting in the development of gingival
ulcers and erosions (Powell and Bales 1991; Haywood et al. 1997; Oda et al. 2001).
HP may also cause changes in the periodontal tissue that can lead to gingival reces-
sion. The magnitude of these effects is proportional to the contact time and concen-
tration of HP in the bleaching product (Powell and Bales 1991; Haywood et al.
1997; da Costa Filho et al. 2002). These negative effects can be prevented in the
in-office technique by carefully applying a gingival barrier, which effectively pre-
cludes the contact of the whitening gel with gingival tissue and periodontal liga-
ment. For the unsupervised at-home technique, the fabrication of a suitable tray
with clear instructions for use is indispensable to prevent irritation of oral tissues.
However, many over-the-counter (OTC) products (Chap. 6) are available for use
without dentist supervision and are applied in trays with poor adaptation to dental
arches, which can increase the risk of product contact with the periodontal tissues,
especially in patients with dental misalignment. In addition, bleaching strips with
various HP concentrations, which do not require the use of trays, have gained popu-
larity mainly because of their low cost compared to that of dental professional-
supervised bleaching. However, these OTC products result in direct contact of the
gingival papilla with the bleaching strip, as they are not customized to fit the indi-
vidual dental arches of patients. With this in mind, the biological effects of different
types of bleaching techniques on soft oral tissues are discussed in the following
sections based on scientific evidence available in the current literature.
The supervised at-home bleaching technique is based on the use of bleaching gels
containing 10–22 % CP or 4–10 % HP. However, only 10 % CP has received the
American Dental Association (ADA) seal of acceptance, as seen in Chap. 6.
Therefore, at-home bleaching that involves the use of a 10 % CP gel has been con-
sidered the safest treatment modality. In this regard, the recent literature provides
long-term reports on the aesthetic and biological effects up to 17 years post treat-
ment (Boushell et al. 2012).
CP is a product of the weak link between HP and urea, which is easily broken in
the presence of water, releasing about 3.3–3.5 % HP in the process (Kwon et al.
2002; Sulieman 2008). Thus, the mechanism of CP home bleaching gels is the slow
and gradual release of low HP concentrations onto the tooth structure. For this rea-
son, the product should be applied daily for 1–8 h, over relatively long periods
(1–4 weeks) in order to achieve the desired aesthetic result.
Gingival irritation associated with supervised home bleaching is related to two
key factors, namely (1) mechanical trauma due to the tray and (2) the toxic effect of
the gel on the oral mucosa. The first step to prevent trauma to gingival tissues during
at-home bleaching is to use custom-fitted trays by dentists in a patient’s stone model.
Prefabricated trays do not provide good adaptation and may expose the oral mucosa
to contact with the peroxide bleaching product. Still, the tray may cause trauma due
48 A.L.F. Briso et al.
a b
Fig. 4.1 Traditional tray showing (a) the evident possibility of direct contact of the bleaching gel
(arrow) with soft tissue and (b) the scalloped tray, 0.5 mm short of the gingival tissue line, that
allows keeping the bleaching gel in contact exclusively with enamel
to defects in the stone model or improper trimming of the tray. To prevent this
adverse event, during tray try-in the practitioner must identify potential compres-
sion areas that can produce traumatic ulcerative lesions, which may result in severe
discomfort for the patients (Matis 2003).
Once the possibility of mechanical trauma to gingival tissue caused by the tray is
ruled out, efforts should be directed to retain the gel inside the tray throughout its
use, reducing the possibility of leakage of the product and its consequent contact
with adjacent soft tissues. In vitro studies have determined that low HP concentra-
tions (3 %) exert a cytotoxic effect on gingival fibroblasts and negatively affect pro-
liferative capacity, fibronectin expression, and Type I collagen (Tipton et al. 1995;
Oda et al. 2001). Animal studies have shown that the topical application of 10 % CP
in rat tongue for 20 min once a week, for 3 weeks, promoted epithelial changes
characterized by increased cell proliferation of the basal layer, which was transient
and reversible 10 days after the procedure (De Castro Albuquerque et al. 2002).
This demonstrates that even low HP concentrations can have a toxic potential when
in direct contact with oral mucosa cells.
Several alternatives have been discussed in relation to the design of the tray that
can prevent leakage of the bleaching gel to soft tissue regions. Scalloping the tray at
the gingival level has proven to be an effective measure to prevent the outflow of
product to regions beyond the cervical tooth region (Matis 2003). It is, therefore,
suggested that the tray does not extend to the gingival tissue or should be ≈0.5 mm
short of the gingival tissue line, preventing its compression while minimizing the
possibility of direct contact of the bleaching product with soft tissue. After the appro-
priate volume of the bleaching gel is applied into the tray, the excess gel must be
removed using a toothbrush or a cotton swab immediately after the patient adapts the
tray in the mouth. As discussed in Chap. 6, the use of tray reservoirs does not improve
bleaching effectiveness (Matis 2003). Additionally, the inclusion of reservoirs results
in a greater amount of HP detectable in saliva (Matis et al. 2002). Thus, reservoirs are
not indicated. This will result in better adaptation of the tray to the teeth to be
bleached and less leakage of the bleaching gel, preventing tissue damage. Figure 4.1a
shows the overlapping of extended scalloped trays with the gingival tissue in com-
parison trays that are trimmed to avoid overlapping with the tissue (Fig. 4.1b).
4 Complications from the Use of Peroxides 49
cocarcinogen agent does not start mutations alone but requires a neoplastic initiator
in the oral cavity (Naik et al. 2006). The possibility of the correlation between a
cocarcinogen agent and an initiator is a contraindication for carrying out aesthetic
While there are an abundant number of studies on CP-based gels for at-home
application, few studies are available related to the effects of HP-based home gels
on soft tissues. Several studies showed that the amount of HP in saliva is propor-
tional to the HP concentration in bleaching gels and that the use of CP-based gels
results in lesser amount of HP in saliva than products containing pure HP (Hannig
et al. 2003, 2005). The decomposition of 10 % CP into HP has been demonstrated
to occur primarily in the first hour after bleaching, and this degradation occurs
primarily in the region of product contact with the tooth surface (Matis et al. 1999).
However, current clinical evidence shows that a better bleaching outcome is
obtained when 10 % CP is applied for 8–10 h (Matis et al. 2009; Cardoso et al.
2010), as seen in Chap. 6.
Thus, the application of a sufficient amount of bleaching gel (enough to cover the
tooth surface) in a custom-fitted scalloped tray without reservoirs promotes effective
tooth bleaching with minimal damage to oral soft and/or pulp tissue. Furthermore, in
order to prevent inadvertent swallowing of bleaching product residues, home bleach-
ing with the use of gels with 10 % CP applied using a scalloped tray model slightly
short of the free gingival margin (≈0.5 mm) has been recommended.
The direct contact of bleaching gels with gingival and periodontal tissues
should be avoided in order to eliminate the possibility of tissue damage medi-
ated by HP.
Currently, another type of tooth bleaching treatment, which involves the use of OTC
products, has become popular (see Chap. 6). OTC products can be purchased in
supermarkets, drugstores, or even on the Internet, and are used without dentist
supervision. These products emerged in the United States about 15 years ago as an
alternative treatment of stained teeth with lower cost than traditional supervised
treatment (Demarco et al. 2009). The active component is the same as that in
4 Complications from the Use of Peroxides 51
traditional bleaching agents, that is, either CP (10–18 %) or HP (1.5–14 %), which
is available in various forms such as bleaching strips, varnishes, gels, paint-on liq-
uids, mouthwashes, and toothpastes. However, these products offer no protection to
soft tissue adjacent to the teeth subjected to bleaching. As such, their indiscriminate
use without professional guidance raises concerns about the possible adverse effects
(Demarco et al. 2009).
Also available online are bleaching gels to use with universal trays, even those
administered with lights and electrodes. Poor adaptation of the tray results in the
flow of the material to the oral cavity, causing contact of a large amount of product
with the oral mucosa and possible swallowing of high concentrations of toxic com-
ponents. An OTC product was applied in areas of gingival recession (Ghalili et al.
2014), a procedure contraindicated especially when using prefabricated trays.
Studies that used varnishes and paint-on liquids showed that these products do not
promote effective bleaching of the tooth surface (Kishta-Derani et al. 2007; Lo et al.
2007). Furthermore, clinical evidence suggests that both at-home bleaching and in-
office bleaching are equally efficient for bleaching teeth and are found to be supe-
rior to Whitestrips (Bizhang et al. 2009). We therefore consider that these materials,
apart from having poor aesthetic effectiveness, may also cause some risk to the
health of consumers (Fig. 4.2).
Among the OTC bleaching products, bleaching strips are the most popular prod-
ucts owing to their aesthetic result, making them superior to other products of the
same category available in the market (Xu et al. 2007; Yudhira et al. 2007; Kwon
et al. 2013). These products were created to use without trays, with a thin layer of
HP added to the adhesive surface that is released in relatively short periods
(5–60 min). A systematic literature review demonstrated that there are differences
in aesthetic effectiveness between the products due to the levels of active ingredi-
ents and that the whitening strips and products with high concentrations of HP
caused more adverse effects (Hasson et al. 2006).
Bleaching gels with 10 % CP for at-home use contain 3.3–3.5 % HP in its com-
position, about half of the HP concentration found in the less-concentrated strips.
Clinical studies have demonstrated that the HP concentration in the saliva of patients
who underwent bleaching with strips (5.3 % HP) is about two to four times higher
than the concentration in saliva observed for 10 % and 15 % CP gels applied in cus-
tom trays (Hannig et al. 2003, 2005).
52 A.L.F. Briso et al.
As the bleaching strips have a predefined shape, contact of the HP-rich surface
with the gingival papilla occurs during treatment. As discussed previously, adverse
effects on gingival and periodontal tissues are expected, and the extent thereof may
lead to the development of problems in patients, especially because the products are
applied without dentist supervision, which may lead to its indiscriminate use.
The main concern regarding the safety of these bleaching strips is related to
the absence of protection of the gingival tissues.
In an interesting study by Auschill et al. (2012), the bleaching efficacy and biological
effects on soft tissues provided by bleaching agents with similar HP concentrations were
evaluated. However, the products were applied according to the supervised at-home
technique or by using a bleaching strip. Patients were instructed to use a home bleaching
gel containing 5% HP in a scalloped tray with a 1.0-mm reservoir or to apply a bleach-
ing strip containing 5.3% HP, without any method of protection of soft tissues, as rec-
ommended by the manufacturers. Both products were applied twice daily for 30 min
during the 14-day period. The bleaching efficacy during, at the end, and 18 months after
the treatment was statistically similar for both products. However, 40% of the patients
who used the bleaching strip reported soft tissue irritation, while only 20% of patients
who underwent bleaching with a tray reported the development of this adverse effect.
Tooth sensitivity was also more prevalent in the patients who used a bleaching strip
(60%) than in those who used a gel in the tray (47%). In both groups of patients, the
adverse effects were considered mild and transient. Taking into account both biological
factors (soft tissue irritation and tooth sensitivity), the incidence of discomfort during
bleaching was higher for the patients who underwent bleaching with bleaching strips.
Other clinical studies showed that the percentage of tooth sensitivity and soft
tissue irritation are proportional to the concentration of HP in bleaching strips, the
contact time with tooth and soft tissues, and the total treatment time (Kugel et al.
2011; Donly et al. 2010). According to the data reported by Swift et al. (2009),
about 80 % of soft tissue irritation cases occurred after long treatment periods in
patients who used bleaching strips. Lucier et al. (2013) evaluated the toxic effect of
bleaching strips containing 6–14 % HP on the gingival epithelium in vitro in a three-
dimensional culture model. The authors observed that the application of the bleach-
ing strips for 30 min resulted in changes in tissue morphology that were associated
with the apoptotic death of cells in all epithelial layers, inducing keratinocyte pro-
liferation and increased expression levels of proinflammatory cytokines. These
effects were proportional to the HP concentration.
The presence of cracks, enamel craze lines, exposed dentin, caries lesions,
wear facets, noncarious cervical lesions, restorations with marginal gaps, gin-
gival recession, gingivitis, and periodontal disease can influence the extent of
the harmful effects of bleaching products on oral and pulpal tissues.
4 Complications from the Use of Peroxides 53
However, the negative effects caused by bleaching agents used in these specific
clinical situations have been rarely studied. By contrast, a number of studies have
evaluated the aesthetic effectiveness of bleaching products and techniques. Thus,
the dentist should carry out a careful clinical exam prior to starting the bleaching
treatment in order to determine the ideal treatment for each particular case. As
discussed above, the use of products containing HP for tooth bleaching without
professional supervision represents a health risk to the population generally
unaware of the factors involved with the use of such products and the conditions
of their oral health. Regulatory bodies in Brazil (ANVISA 2015) and in the
European Union (European Commission Scientific Committee on Consumer
Products 2007; European Commission Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety
2010) have already restricted the commercialization of sodium perborate and
hydrogen peroxide-based bleaching products in order to protect the population
from the risks of using bleaching agents without professional supervision.
However, in several countries, including the United States, such products are still
accessible over-the-counter to the general population and have great economic
impact owing to the strong aesthetic appeal involved (Demarco et al. 2009).
Nevertheless, according to the Food and Drug Administration (2003), hydrogen
peroxide is safe at concentrations of up to 3%, but there are insufficient data avail-
able to permit final classification of its effectiveness at 1.5–3 % concentrations for
long-term OTC use in the mouth.
It is well established that once the in-office technique is decided upon, all oral soft
tissues, as well as the face and eyes of patients, must be protected from accidental
contact with the bleaching products. Clinical studies in which qualified practitio-
ners performed the entire bleaching procedure reported a percentage of 0–4 % of
patients with mild to moderate soft tissue irritation, irrespective of the HP concen-
tration used (Marson et al. 2008; Ward and Felix 2012). This result is expected, as
the placement of a suitable gingival barrier with flowable light-cured resin effec-
tively prevents the contact of the bleaching gel with the gingival and periodontal
tissues. However, the gingival barrier must be created carefully, and it must extend
not only to the cervical region of the teeth to be bleached but also to the adjacent
soft tissues in order to prevent inadvertent contact with the bleaching product
(please refer to video “In-Office Whitening”). Lip retractors and labial and lingual
protectors should also be used with constant suction. Figure 4.3 demonstrates the
correct use of gingival barriers and intraoral protective equipment in the in-office
bleaching. This equipment will prevent the contact of the bleaching agent with
other oral tissues caused by inadvertent movements of the patient. At the end of
the application period, the gel must be carefully aspirated from the tooth surface,
followed by washing with simultaneous suction, in order to prevent the flow of
highly concentrated product to the oral cavity and the swallowing of product resi-
due by the patient (Fig. 4.3).
54 A.L.F. Briso et al.
a b
c d
Fig. 4.3 (a) Correct use of the gingival barrier, carefully positioned in the cervical region of the
enamel, covering interdental regions and a considerable portion of the marginal gingiva. (b)
Application of bleaching gel in ideal conditions, minimizing the possibility of accidents with the
product. (c) Incorrect application of the gingival barrier, which does not adequately extend to the
tooth surface, only extending slightly into the soft tissue (arrow) and gingival papillae. (d) A typi-
cal accident during the bleaching procedure – the bleaching gel contacts the gingival tissue (arrow).
This is a placebo gel without HP, just for illustration purposes
Fig. 4.5 (a) Mandibular incisors submitted to in-office bleaching treatment with 38 % HP. (b)
Either the application of the gingival barrier in an excessively humid operative field or the extended
time that the gel was in contact with the teeth may have caused alterations in the gel’s thixotropic
characteristics and lead to a leakage of gel, causing extensive damage to the soft tissue. (c)
Application of neutralizing product based on sodium bicarbonate. (d) Clinical aspect 45 min after
the incident
4 Complications from the Use of Peroxides 55
a b
c d
Fig. 4.4 (a) Seepage of 35 % HP bleaching gel to the region that is not protected with the gingival
barrier. (b) Clinical characteristic of the gingival tissue immediately after contact with the bleach-
ing gel. (c) Application of a 10 % sodium bicarbonate neutralizing agent. (d) Clinical characteristic
of the gingival tissue 7 days after the incident
a b
c d
56 A.L.F. Briso et al.
a b
Fig. 4.6 Effect of 10 % CP on the gingival papilla region after the at-home component of a “jump
start” technique procedure. An allergic reaction to a component of the bleaching product may have
occurred since no tray compression was observed in the papilla region. (a) Pretreatment view. (b)
After removing the bleaching agent and gingival barrier, retraction in the gingival papilla associ-
ated with an erythematous surface is observed in the region between teeth #6 (13) and #9 (21). (c)
Clinical aspect after 7 days
concentration of HP present and/or released by the bleaching product, its pH, and
the time of contact of the gel with the tissue. In an ongoing in vivo study by our
research group, the oral mucosa of rats is exposed to the application of different
bleaching gels for 30 min. Then, biopsy samples of damaged tissues treated or
untreated with a neutralizing agent (such as sodium bicarbonate) are obtained and
processed for microscopic analysis of tissue response. Preliminary analysis of
histological sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin revealed that the extent
of tissue changes varied according to the bleaching product and that treating the
damaged mucosa with a neutralizing agent reduces the extent of damage caused
by the bleaching gels, particularly those with HP concentrations greater than 15 %
(Fig. 4.7).
Tooth bleaching has been the first choice of treatment of intrinsic pigmentation of
tooth structure (Williams et al. 1992; Perdigão 2010). The bleaching process is
believed to occur via the action of the low-molecular-weight HP, which easily diffuses
through the enamel and dentin, releasing reactive oxygen species that effectively pro-
mote the oxidation of the organic substrate present in the tooth structure. As a result,
4 Complications from the Use of Peroxides 57
dental pigmentation molecules become simpler or are eliminated. Although the tradi-
tional in-office bleaching technique (30–40 % HP, applied for 30–60 min) provides
highly satisfactory cosmetic results in a short period, the biological effects are cur-
rently controversial because of the scientific evidence proving that this therapy can
cause irreversible damage to the pulp-dentin complex.
The intense tooth sensitivity in patients treated with in-office bleaching causes
great discomfort to patients, which has led researchers to reassess the con-
cepts used in the last decades.
a b
Fig. 4.7 Bleaching gels are applied to the buccal mucosa of rats for 30 min, and then the injured
tissue is treated or untreated with a neutralizing agent (sodium bicarbonate). The mucosa exposed
to 10 % CP gel does not show any noticeable change in the epithelium and underlying connective
tissue (a, d). However, the epithelium treated with gels containing 15% (b, e) or 35 % (c, f) HP
shows numerous fingerlike papillae, acanthosis, and large areas of cell vacuolation. Intense inflam-
mation associated with cell hydropic degeneration and extensive areas of edema can be observed
in the underlying connective tissue. However, these tissue changes appeared less intense when the
mucosa of the animals exposed to these gels with high HP concentrations were subsequently
treated with a neutralizing agent
58 A.L.F. Briso et al.
c d
e f
Our research group has evaluated some parameters for the application of at-home
and in-office bleaching techniques, with the aim of finding more effective and more
biocompatible bleaching techniques. These parameters include the following: (1)
the need to irradiate the in-office bleaching product with a light source; (2) HP con-
centration in bleaching gels; (3) the contact time of the product with the dental
surface; (4) the need for reapplication of the product on the tooth surface during the
same clinical session; (5) the composition of the bleaching gel (CP or HP); (6) com-
bined use of at-home and in-office bleaching techniques; and (7) acid etching of the
enamel prior to bleaching.
The irradiation of in-office bleaching agents with light sources has had a strong
commercial appeal in recent decades. It has been widely used in dental offices to
(supposedly) accelerate the bleaching procedure, a technique known as power
bleaching. The action mechanism proposed for irradiation with light is based on
thermocatalysis, resulting in a twofold increase in HP decomposition with a tem-
perature increase of 10 °C (Buchalla and Attin 2007). However, the real benefits of
light-activating bleaching products remain controversial in the literature. According
to in vivo and in vitro studies conducted by our group, irradiation of the 35 % HP
bleaching gel with halogen lamps (20–40 s/application), and LED (60 s/application)
or LED/laser sources (3 min/application), did not promote a significant increase in
the bleaching effect after the first bleaching session to 1–6 months after bleaching.
Patients who underwent bleaching with light irradiation reported a longer duration
and greater intensity of tooth sensitivity (Almeida et al. 2012; Simões et al. 2015).
gel and for 17.5 % HP gel were measured for the same duration of contact with the
tooth structure (45 min).
Our data is in agreement with the results of Sulieman et al. (2004). These authors
observed that the bleaching efficacy was proportional to the concentration of the
bleaching agent applied on teeth discolored with black tea. It took 2, 4, 7, and 12
applications for the gels containing 25 %, 15 %, 10 %, and 5 % HP, respectively, to
reach the same bleaching effect observed after a single application of the gel con-
taining 35 % HP. Thus, gels with reduced HP concentration can reach the same
bleaching standard attained with more commonly used higher HP concentrations.
However, the effects of lower HP concentrations are more gradual and depend on
intensity of the stains.
Similar results were obtained for the at-home bleaching technique. After treat-
ment, gels with 16 % and 20 % CP were observed to have the same bleaching poten-
tial as a 10 % CP gel, with the latter resulting in lower tooth sensitivity and lower
incidence of soft tissue irritation (Meireles et al. 2010; Basting et al. 2012).
Regarding the presentation form, we observed that home bleaching gels with 10 %
CP have the same bleaching potential as gels with 6 % HP when applied using the
same treatment regimen (1.5 h daily for 3 weeks). However, the HP-based gel
resulted in HP diffusion into the tooth structure at about 50 % greater intensity.
Furthermore, the application of the product with 10 % CP for 1.5–3 h resulted in the
same aesthetic effect after 7, 14, and 21 days of treatment; and the shorter the con-
tact time, the lower the HP trans-amelo-dentinal diffusion (de Almeida et al. 2015a).
Home treatment with gels containing 10 % CP, applied for 3–4 h a day for 3 weeks
in a custom-fitted tray, had the same bleaching potential as traditional in-office
bleaching (Briso et al. 2010b; Almeida et al. 2012; Basting et al. 2012).
Figure 4.8 is a graph developed from data observed in our laboratory and clinical
trials. The at-home bleaching technique using either 10–16 % CP or 3–7 % HP in a
custom-fitted tray versus the in-office technique (20–40 % HP) most often provides
similar results at the end of the third week of treatment, reaching the chromatic satu-
ration in most of the cases within this period. We have also found that the combina-
tion of at-home and in-office techniques (jump start) provides a faster color change
at the beginning of treatment, which makes this an interesting option to accelerate
the aesthetic result. The association of in-office bleaching sessions with low HP
concentrations (15–20 %), with daily applications of bleaching gels with 10 % CP
over a short period (1.5 h daily), following the supervised home bleaching tech-
nique (scalloped custom-fitted tray with no reservoirs), presents itself as an
4 Complications from the Use of Peroxides 61
CP 10 %, 3 h
CP 10 %, 1.5 h
HP 6 %, 1.5 h
HP 6 %, 45 min
HP 35 %, 3 × 15 min
HP 35 %, 45 min
HP 20 %, 45 min
7 Days 14 Days 21 Days (end of treatment) 28 Days
Fig. 4.8 Color change (Delta E), according to bleaching posology employed and treatment time
attractive alternative to accelerate the aesthetic result using more biologically com-
patible bleaching techniques. However, practitioners should be aware that the indi-
cation of the at-home technique should be based on a detailed initial clinical
examination to avoid the application of the material in areas that may increase the
toxic potential of this therapy to the oral tissues. These precautions will be discussed
later in this chapter.
The need for successive reapplication of the bleaching product during the same
clinical session has also been questioned. In a recent study conducted by our group, we
observed that bleaching gels with 35–38% HP retain about 86% of the initial concen-
tration of HP after 45 min of contact with the tooth structure (Marson et al. 2015).
the tooth structure over short periods (5–15 min) resulted in a limited lightening
effect, even after six bleaching sessions (Soares et al. 2014a).
Finally, acid etching of the tooth structure prior to in-office bleaching has been
indicated in order to increase the effectiveness of this clinical procedure. In an
experiment conducted recently by our research group, etching the enamel with 37 %
phosphoric acid for 20 s immediately prior to application of 35 % HP bleaching gel
(three applications of 15 min each) did not result in a significant increase in bleach-
ing effectiveness and did not interfere with HP diffusion over the tooth structure.
Thus, as enamel acid etching with phosphoric acid changes the mineral structure of
the enamel and removes hydroxyapatite without benefiting the bleaching outcome,
it should not be used with in-office whitening.
In some cases, stains can still be observed on the enamel after completion of the
bleaching treatment. While there may be several types of stains, we found that these
usually have well-defined contours and are whitish. Some of these stains can be
transient and become imperceptible with the color stabilization and rehydration of
the dental element after bleaching. Often, these white spots already existed but only
became apparent after the color change produced by the treatment. On the other
hand, yellow teeth with enamel whitish stains may be candidates for tooth whiten-
ing to have the stains attenuated.
Considering the texture or color changes of the surface layers of enamel, enamel
microabrasion using acidic and/or abrasive agents has been suggested as an excellent
alternative to improve the appearance of the teeth (Croll 1997) by camouflaging the
white spots when they are not very deep (Chap. 9). Although some studies (Paic et al.
2008; Rodrigues et al. 2013) showed that the wear of the tooth surface after this pro-
cedure is minimal, it is necessary to consider that these changes can reach different
depths. Additionally, the aprismatic enamel layer may also be affected during removal,
in addition to the removal by enamel etching by hydrochloric acid in the microabra-
sive material. These changes may substantially alter the permeability of dental hard
tissues. This issue has concerned some researchers, especially when bleaching with
35 % HP is carried out immediately after the microabrasion procedure, as the HP dif-
fusion over the tooth structure in these conditions is about 20 % higher (Briso et al.
2014a). This increase in HP diffusion may decrease the safety of the procedure
Thus, in most cases, the microabrasive treatment is complemented with bleaching
because of the yellowish color of the teeth after erosion of the enamel. However, for con-
venience, aesthetic rehabilitation is initiated by performing the bleaching treatment,
which may be sufficient to make the intrinsic enamel stains partially or totally impercep-
tible, as previously described. If the enamel microabrasion is still deemed necessary, teeth
will invariably present a more yellowish appearance due to enamel removal and conse-
quent proximity to dentin. In these cases, a waiting period of 7 days is recommended
before at-home bleaching is initiated with low-concentration bleaching products.
4 Complications from the Use of Peroxides 63
4.3.3 C
hange in Hardness/Susceptibility to Caries/
Demineralization/Importance of Saliva
The effect of bleaching agents on dental enamel has been extensively studied in the
literature (Kwon et al. 2002; Spalding et al. 2003; Cavalli et al. 2004; Faraoni-
Romano et al. 2008; Forner et al. 2009). Morphological changes, increased surface
porosity, exposure of prisms, reduced organic content, change in the calcium/phos-
phate proportion, and reduced microhardness, are the main changes that occur in
enamel upon bleaching. These changes depend on the contact time of the gel with
the dental substrate, the CP/HP concentration in the product, and the pH of the
product during its use.
Soares et al. (2013b) showed that 16 % CP gel resulted in the formation of deeper
pores on the enamel surface compared to those formed with 10 % CP, along with a
more pronounced loss of calcium and phosphorus. Taking into account that the only
variable was the CP concentration, being all the other parameters standardized (pH
of the bleaching gel, the interval between applications, and the total treatment time),
the concentration of the bleaching gel was responsible for the more pronounced
changes observed when a 16 % CP gel was used. Current literature also demon-
strates that the use of high HP concentrations induces more pronounced alterations
in the ultimate tensile strength of human enamel accompanied by changes in the
enamel’s internal micromorphology and some intraprismatic material loss (da Silva
et al. 2005) (more information in Chap. 6).
As the pH of at-home CP bleaching gels ranges from 5.6 to 7.3 and the urea
released during the degradation of CP increases the pH within 15 min, the original pH
of these gels is unlikely to have any association with structural changes in the enamel,
even with prolonged contact time with the tooth surface. Thus, the pores are formed
on the enamel surface after bleaching as a result of the disruption of enamel protein
matrix and subsequent loss of the crystalline material surrounded by this matrix. This
hypothesis derives from the observation in several studies that enamel dissolution
occurs heterogeneously, with areas of erosion interleaved with areas of intact enamel
(Kwon et al. 2002; Spalding et al. 2003; Cavalli et al. 2004). As the distribution of
proteins and other organic materials are uneven on the enamel surface, the defects
observed after bleaching occur heterogeneously (Kwon et al. 2002). Other studies
have demonstrated that the dissolution occurs primarily in the interprismatic regions
and in the enamel hypomineralization areas, which are the regions with the greatest
amount of organic material (Spalding et al. 2003; Cavalli et al. 2004).
When gels with high HP concentration were used for in-office whitening, the
morphological changes on the enamel surface were significant enough to be
observed even after a single application of the product on enamel, increasing the
density of pits and different degrees of porosity (Kwon et al. 2002; Spalding et al.
2003). These changes may have been caused synergistically by the oxidative effect
of HP and its acidic pH. Although the average pH of in-office bleaching products
is around 6.5, many gels have a pH between 3.6 and 5.0 (Price et al. 2000), which
are pH values below the critical pH for enamel dissolution (5.5). Recent studies
have shown that the pH of bleaching product has a direct relationship with the
64 A.L.F. Briso et al.
roughness of tooth enamel after bleaching and that the pH of bleaching agents
tends to decrease with increased contact time with the tooth structure (Trentino
et al. 2015; Abe et al. 2016).
Despite the various morphological changes observed on the enamel surface, stud-
ies have shown that these changes are mild to moderate. However, the contact of
bleaching products with dentin can cause more severe changes. Reduction in wear
resistance (Faraoni-Romano et al. 2009), decreased hardness (Faraoni-Romano et al.
2008; Forner et al. 2009), and increased surface roughness (Faraoni-Romano et al.
2008) have been described to be more pronounced in enamel. These findings may be
explained by the specific composition of dentin, which has a greater organic content
than enamel. Additionally, dentin has increased susceptibility to the HP oxidative
action and acidic pH of the bleaching gels, as the critical pH value for the dentinal
dissolution is between 6.2 and 6.7 (Faraoni-Romano et al. 2009). Therefore, the con-
tact of bleaching agents with exposed dentin areas is highly contraindicated.
As the changes in the enamel are considered subtle, it remains a challenge how
to extrapolate these results to the in vivo situation, where factors such as saliva and
the presence of fluoride may act to remineralize tooth structure (Kwon et al. 2002).
Studies that performed bleaching in situ (Rodrigues et al. 2005; Faraoni-Romano
et al. 2009) or applied human or artificial saliva to specimens in between the bleach-
ing steps (Spalding et al. 2003; Faraoni-Romano et al. 2008; Sasaki et al. 2009)
showed insignificant changes in the enamel, which is attributable to the remineral-
izing action of saliva. Sasaki et al. (2009) also demonstrated that the storage in
artificial saliva of specimens bleached for 14 days resulted in a significant increase
in microhardness. In their study, Spalding et al. (2003) observed under scanning
electron microscopy that bleaching with 35 % HP followed by immersion in human
saliva for 1 week resulted in the formation of a granular blanket on the enamel sur-
face, which was probably due to remineralization process by saliva. Soares et al.
(2013a) observed that the use of solutions with 0.2 and 0.05 % sodium fluoride for
1 min after each application of the bleaching gel prevented the structural changes
observed in the enamel when gels containing 10 and 16 % CP were used. Kemaloğlu
et al. (2014) also demonstrated that fluoridated solutions (2.1 % sodium fluoride)
significantly prevent mineral loss in enamel subjected to 38 % HP bleaching gels.
Although these changes tend to reverse when in contact with saliva and fluoride,
the use of peroxides in demineralized areas may worsen existing conditions. In this
context, during clinical examination, the practitioner must pay attention to the pres-
ence of incipient carious lesions that may have become wider due to the bleaching
treatment. In a recent study conducted by our group, we found that the application
of a 35 % HP gel (three times for 15 min) on specimens with demineralized enamel
to simulate incipient lesion caries resulted in a more intense HP diffusion over the
tooth structure than that observed in healthy and bleached specimens. In the same
study, we found a greater reducing effect on enamel microhardness when deminer-
alized specimens were bleached, wherein the bleaching increased the depth of
demineralization of incipient caries lesions. The surface and subsurface morphol-
ogy were also more heavily affected in the previously demineralized enamel sub-
jected to bleaching (Briso et al. 2015).
4 Complications from the Use of Peroxides 65
Thus, at the end of the bleaching treatment, the presence of saliva and use of fluo-
rides to promote mineral saturation in the tooth structure are important to promote
a reduction in the demineralization process and an increase in the remineralization
of tooth structures. Prior to tooth bleaching, the dental professional should perform
a careful examination in order to detect the presence of exposed dentin areas, enamel
hypomineralization, and incipient carious lesions, considering that application of
bleaching gel is contraindicated in these regions.
Patients who undergo bleaching treatment may have various types of restorations.
Successful tooth bleaching relies on the direct contact of the bleaching gel with the
teeth and, hence, with the restorations, which may affect the characteristics of the
restorative material (Türker and Biskin 2003). The main changes are related to the
surface roughness (Türker and Biskin 2002, 2003), microhardness (Türker and
Biskin 2002), color (Gurbuz et al. 2013), and the marginal integrity of the restora-
tions (Ulukapi et al. 2003). Roughness
Surface roughness is an important characteristic of restorative materials.
Adequate surface polishing of restorations results in lower risk of plaque reten-
tion and better aesthetics, which ultimately increase the longevity of restorations
(Steinberg et al. 1999). The effect of bleaching agents on the roughness of restor-
ative materials is controversial in the literature. Slight changes in surface rough-
ness of resin hybrid materials after in-office bleaching (Hayacibara et al. 2004)
and formation of microscopic cracks on the surface of the composite (Mourouzis
et al. 2013) have been reported, as well as minimal effects on dental amalgam,
composite resin, glass ionomer, and porcelain exposed to bleaching products (de
A Silva et al. 2006).
In any case, new polishing should be considered in restorations subjected to
bleaching treatment, as no matter how mild, roughening of the restorative materials
might occur. Research studies that use the same bleaching products and methodolo-
gies are rare, making a direct comparison of results impossible. In actual clinical
practice, restorations are simultaneously subjected to the formation of biofilm, tooth
brushing, and mastication, besides the chemical challenges in the oral cavity – con-
ditions that are hardly simulated in laboratory studies. Meanwhile, saliva could
dilute the bleaching gel, often reducing its concentration and its effect on the surface
of the restorative materials (Wattanapayungkul et al. 1999; Steinberg et al. 1999; de
A Silva et al. 2006).
The Bis-GMA and UDMA matrix of indirect resins is greatly affected by the action
of bleaching products, causing the erosion of the resin matrix and the consequent dis-
placement of filler particles. In turn, porcelains may also exhibit changes in surface
roughness (Türker and Biskin 2003; Schemehorn et al. 2004; Torabi et al. 2014b) that
are attributed to the reduction in SiO2 and K2O2 molecules (Moraes et al. 2006). These
findings, however, are opposed to those of a previous study that observed polished
porcelains had a higher resistance to bleaching products (Butler et al. 2004). These
controversial results reported in the literature can be explained by the different method-
ologies and bleaching products used. While some studies use actual dosages, others
subject their specimens to long periods of exposure to the bleaching product. Hardness
The hardness of a material essentially relates to its properties, which in turn inter-
feres with its durability (Atash and Van den Abbeele 2005; AlQahtani 2013).
Reports showed reduced Vickers and Knoop hardness of resin materials when
exposed to bleaching agents. Reactive oxygen species are believed to promote the
cleavage of polymer chains, degrading the organic matrix that leads to the chemical
softening of resin (Taher 2005; de Alexandre et al. 2006; Briso et al. 2010a;
AlQahtani 2013). For the same reason, the hardness of the pit and fissure sealants
subjected to bleaching with low concentrations of CP was reduced. In this case, the
materials that showed the lowest microhardness values were those without filler
particles because of the higher percentage of organic matrix in their composition (de
Alexandre et al. 2006).
An in vitro study (Torabi et al. 2014a) also demonstrated changes in porcelain
microhardness. Although these values were significant, the release of SiO2 was not
clinically observed. An important factor to be emphasized is that glazed surfaces
seemed less susceptible to hardness changes, while the opposite was observed in
polished surfaces (Torabi et al. 2014a). Thus, finishing porcelain surfaces prior to
the bleaching treatment is recommended.
It is noteworthy that the bleaching products are highly unstable and that their pH
can affect the Knoop hardness of the restorative materials. For this reason, some
bleaching agents may cause more changes than others. Therefore, the selection of
bleaching agents that keep the pH around 7 throughout the complete bleaching pro-
cedure is recommended (Briso et al. 2010a).
The clinician must exert some caution when performing restorations immedi-
ately after the bleaching treatment, as at this time the teeth can appear dehy-
drated and with unstable color, but a color rebound may occur after a few weeks.
4.4.1 Symptoms
Reactive oxygen species from bleaching products quickly reach the pulp-dentin
complex, triggering a series of biological reactions that may change the pulp condi-
tion, causing pain to patients (Markowitz 2010). Tooth sensitivity is the most fre-
quent clinically detectable side effect of the bleaching treatment, and its occurrence
raises concerns for practitioners and causes disturbance to patients, causing them to
drop out of the treatment (Rahal et al. 2014).
The penetration of HP in dental pulp results in the release of biochemical
mediators involved in the inflammatory process, which sensitize the pulp noci-
ceptors and play a role in pain modulation by causing an increase in vascular
permeability and vasodilation, changing the sensitivity threshold of nerve fibers
(Markowitz 2010). Moreover, when the peroxide from bleaching agents comes in
contact with MDPC-23 odontoblast cells during in-office dental bleaching, sig-
nificant changes in their morphology may occur and the mitochondrial respira-
tion rate decreases (Costa et al. 2010; Soares et al. 2014b). Despite the obvious
differences between the experimental models, tests conducted in Wistar rats also
confirm the aggressive potential of the in-office bleaching treatment. Such dam-
ages were proportional to the intensity of the therapy used (Cintra et al. 2013). In
turn, a recent study on human teeth showed that excessive exposure to peroxides
may lead to a slight disturbance in the odontoblast layer on premolars and coagu-
lation necrosis areas in lower incisors subjected to the in-office bleaching treat-
ment (Costa et al. 2010).
All of these occurrences have encouraged authors to carry out studies with the
aim to minimize these side effects (Giniger et al. 2005; Armênio et al. 2008; Tay
et al. 2009). Among clinical analyses, neurosensory investigations through quantita-
tive sensory tests have led to the conclusion that patients who undergo bleaching
treatments experience different levels of discomfort, a fact observed when the pain-
ful tooth sensitivity threshold was altered (Rahal et al. 2014).
In clinical practice, the methods used to minimize patient discomfort rely on
the administration of analgesics and/or the use of topical desensitizing agents,
4 Complications from the Use of Peroxides 69
which may be added into the composition of bleaching agents (Jorgensen and
Carroll 2002; Croll 2003; Giniger et al. 2005; Haywood 2005; Armênio et al.
2008; Tay et al. 2009; Basting et al. 2012). Several types of desensitizing agents
with different action mechanisms have been used, some having physical action
that seals the dentinal tubules and others having neural action that blocks nerve
stimulation (Tay et al. 2009; Basting et al. 2012; Palé et al. 2014).
In fact, some desensitizers are effective and reduce the discomfort caused by the
bleaching treatment. A recent report (Rahal et al. 2014) showed a reduction in the
neurosensorial response of teeth treated with a desensitizer after bleaching. In this
split-mouth design study, the bleaching treatment was performed in the upper arch.
Only one hemiarch received the topical desensitizer containing 5 % potassium
nitrate and 2 % sodium fluoride. The results obtained after the use of the desensitizer
showed a clear reduction in sensitivity.
Despite all these studies on tooth sensitivity, products or techniques that restrict
the action of peroxides on dental pigments or that effectively modulate the penetra-
tion of peroxides in the pulp tissue have not yet been developed. Dentists have very
limited information on the potential for tooth sensitivity when considering tooth
bleaching as a therapy in which a HP-based drug is topically applied to tooth
enamel, thus causing undesirable side effects. Therefore, a patient-specific individu-
alized treatment is indispensable for delivering a controlled peroxide dosage in
function of each individual patient’s conditions.
In case of teenage patients who have wide pulp chambers, they should be treated
in a highly conservative manner, using low-concentration bleaching materials and
restricting their use to a few hours per day or simply discontinue the use for a few
days at a time.
In general, special attention should be given to the dosage used. Sometimes,
the practitioner may intuitively consider that the greater the amount of peroxide
that penetrates into dentin, the greater the color changes obtained. However, all
bleaching therapies (at-home and in-office) may provide similar results, taking
an average of 3 weeks for chromatic saturation (Bernardon et al. 2010). In the
case of the in-office technique with 35 % HP, the 30-min application time has
been proven to provide the same results as the 45-min exposure to bleaching.
Additionally, the continuous renewal of the bleaching product every 15 min has
proven to be unnecessary to achieve bleaching results, as the product retains its
activity throughout the clinical session (Marson et al. 2015). While the dosage
most often adopted for in-office bleaching (35 % HP from 45 to 60 min with
multiple changes) denotes great effectiveness in promoting peroxide penetration
into the pulp tissue, it does not result in effective bleaching of the teeth (Costa
et al. 2010; Soares et al. 2014b).
Another factor to be considered is the condition of the oral environment, which
should also be carefully analyzed. Besides recommending various bleaching tech-
niques, the practitioner must pay attention to the alternative routes of peroxide dif-
fusion, which can be neglected by the operator, greatly favoring the penetration of
the peroxide into the pulp chamber.
70 A.L.F. Briso et al.
The treatment options currently adopted by clinicians can result in all the unwanted
biological effects previously mentioned. This is especially important when no
concern is given to the suitability of the oral cavity for receiving a HP-based prod-
uct and when dosage is not adjusted for each type of patient. Thus, in addition to
the care in the indication of a suitable dosage for the patient, we must highlight
some specific conditions in which the penetration of peroxide into the pulp tissue
is increased, thereby causing great possibility of undesirable side effects to
These defects on the enamel surface represent a rapid penetration route of the
peroxides used in the in-office bleaching treatment (Briso et al. 2014a) and may be
harmful to pulp health and increase transoperative and postoperative pain. Thus,
regardless of the bleaching technique used, sealing these cracks with adhesive mate-
rials is recommended.
In the cervical region, two distinct conditions determine the type of treatment,
namely the presence and absence of cavitation. When cavitation is observed, this
area should be protected with resin-modified glass ionomer, with the possibility of
leaving the ionomer material underneath the final composite restorations with com-
posite resin after the bleaching treatment.
On the other hand, when the cervical dentin tissue is exposed without cavitation,
the insertion of the restorative material will invariably result in an anatomical over-
contour in the region. For this reason, we indicate the application of an adhesive
system as a means of sealing the dentinal tubules in the region. The material of
choice for these cases is a self-etching adhesive, as its acidic monomers slightly etch
dentin, followed by immediate penetration of the fluid resin, while minimizing the
incidence of etching in areas not protected by the adhesive (Yousaf et al. 2014).
However, because of its high solubility in the oral environment, in case of longer
bleaching treatments, the sensitivity may relapse. For this reason, reapplications of
the adhesive are often necessary (Baracco et al. 2012). Similarly, exposed dentin in
incisors, especially lower incisors and canines, is common. These regions must also
be protected before the bleaching treatment, although in this case, a pit and fissure
sealant is recommended (Fig. 4.9).
a b
c d
Fig. 4.9 (a) Incisal region with dentin exposure. (b) Acid etch with 35 % phosphoric acid (total-
etch technique). (c) Application of dentin/enamel adhesive. (d) Exposed dentin area is sealed and
teeth are ready to undergo bleaching treatment
an adequate protective measure for dental tissues. The adhesive systems and the pit
and fissure sealant are materials of choice for marginal sealing of these restorations
because they have good penetration and flow, forming an effective physical action in
these regions, at least during the course of the bleaching treatment.
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Human Pulpal Responses to Peroxides
Diana Gabriela Soares, Josimeri Hebling, and Carlos Alberto
de Souza Costa
5.1 Introduction
Despite the well-known role played by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on oxidative cells
stress and inflammatory tissue reactions induction, this molecule has been widely
used as the main active principle for bleaching therapies performed in vital teeth.
The results of randomized clinical trials for a wide array of bleaching products have
shown that a number of patients undergoing H2O2-based bleaching therapies com-
plain about tooth sensitivity (Reis et al. 2011, 2013; He et al. 2012; Tay et al. 2012;
Santana et al. 2014; de Paula et al. 2015).
Overall, to be regarded as an esthetically effective therapy, the H2O2 present in
the bleaching gels has to diffuse through enamel to reach dentin substrate in which
the intrinsic pigments are mainly located. This effect is possible since H2O2 features
high stability in comparison to other reactive oxygen species (ROS) due to its low
oxidation potential. After reaching dentin, the H2O2 molecule must give rise to other
free radicals with higher oxidation potential and capable of promoting effective
chromogen decomposition. However, dentin is a highly permeable tubular substrate
that provides an easy pathway for inward H2O2 diffusion to reach the pulp chamber.
Indeed, several laboratory studies (Gökay et al. 2000, 2004, 2005; Camargo et al.
2007; Ubaldini et al. 2013) have demonstrated that high concentrations of residual
H2O2 remain undissociated within hard tooth structures, and these nonreacted mol-
ecules are able to contact pulp cells. According to these studies, the higher the
concentration of H2O2 on the bleaching gel and the contact time with tooth struc-
ture, the higher the detection of residual H2O2 inside pulp chamber.
The presence of high concentrations of H2O2 in the extracellular environment is
considered a dangerous condition, since this molecule can diffuse through cellular
membranes. Once in the cell cytoplasm, H2O2 may be dissociated into several toxic
free radicals, leading to an oxidative stress condition, which is correlated with a pleth-
ora of cellular alterations, ultimately with cell death. The sensitivity of cells to undergo
oxidative stress during periods of high ROS exposure appears to be cell type specific
(Ceçarini et al. 2007). It has been shown that human dental pulp cells feature a high
sensitivity to the oxidative stress mediated by H2O2 in vitro. Therefore, the same
amount of H2O2 capable of causing complete depletion on human dental pulp cells
viability has no significant toxic effect on primary culture of human gingival fibroblasts
and other cell lineages (Zhu et al. 2012). Consequently, to understand the biological
effects of residual H2O2 released from bleaching gels on pulp tissue, our research group
has carried out innovative laboratory studies using artificial pulp chambers, as well as
in vivo histopathological investigations in human teeth. An overview of the scientific
and clinical data obtained in such studies is presented in this chapter.
Fig. 5.1 Patient subjected to a professional in-office tooth bleaching therapy, which can be esthet-
ically regarded as a success. However, the patient reported postbleaching sensitivity in the anterior
teeth (Images provided by Dr. Heraldo Riehl) (a) Clinical condition before bleaching therapy,
(b) In-office bleaching therapy with a 35% H2O2 gel, (c) Post-bleaching clinical condition.
Santana et al. 2014), with intensity varying from moderate to severe in around 60 %
of cases (Fig. 5.1) (Tay et al. 2012). The prevalence of tooth sensitivity may reach
100 % when traditional in-office therapy is associated with light sources (Reis et al.
Recent clinical studies have demonstrated that the prevalence and intensity of
tooth sensitivity is restricted to anterior teeth and proportional to the tooth size, with
incisors being the most susceptible teeth (de Almeida et al. 2012; Bonafé et al.
2013). Therefore, the toxic potential of traditional in-office therapy on pulp cells has
been the focus of a number of preliminary studies carried out by our research group.
When a 35 % H2O2 gel was applied for three consecutive periods of 15 min onto
3.5-mm thick enamel/dentin discs (simulating upper central incisors) adapted to
artificial pulp chambers (APC), gel components that diffused through dental struc-
ture (extract) caused toxic effects to pulp cells. In such laboratorial studies the
extracts were applied to the cells for 1 or 24 h. After a 1-h contact time, the
odontoblast-like cells, an immortalized cell lineage from rat dental papillae, fea-
tured 50–60 % of cell viability reduction (Soares et al. 2013a, b; Duque et al. 2014;
de Almeida et al. 2015; Soares et al. 2015a). Almost 100 % of cell viability reduc-
tion was observed after 24-h exposure of pulp cells to these extracts (Coldebella
et al. 2009; Trindade et al. 2009). Cell morphology was completely disturbed, with
cells showing apoptotic body-like structures, as shown on Fig. 5.2. Human dental
pulp cells exposed to the bleaching gel extracts were even more vulnerable, cor-
roborating data previously reported in the literature. Around 97 % of cell viability
reduction was observed in human pulp cells after only 1-h contact time. The
84 D.G. Soares et al.
Fig. 5.2 (a) Scanning electron micrograph showing the morphology of normal odontoblast-like
MDPC-23 cells. Original magnification = ×3,000. (b) Scanning electron micrograph showing a
MDPC-23 cell exposed for 1 h to the extract obtained after simulated traditional in-office bleach-
ing therapy. Original magnification = ×3,500
intensity of the negative effects caused by the 35 % H2O2 bleaching gel on pulp cells
was proportional to their contact time with dental structure, which was directly
related to the amount of H2O2 capable of diffusing through enamel/dentin discs
(Soares et al. 2013a, b, 2015a; Duque et al. 2014). Also, association of this in-office
bleaching technique with light sources increased significantly the in vitro cytotoxic-
ity (Dias Ribeiro et al. 2009), since this procedure leads to more intense H2O2 diffu-
sion through tooth structure, as previously demonstrated (Camargo et al. 2009).
According to our data, pulp cell viability reduction after tooth bleaching seems
to be associated with cell membrane rupture and oxidative stress generation, in a
time/concentration dependent fashion. In fact, these effects are proportional to the
H2O2 dosage capable of reaching the cells, with high concentrations leading to cell
death by necrosis following two pathways: (1) direct contact with free radicals from
extracellular H2O2 decomposition, leading to cell membrane rupture; (2) the onset
of a pathologic oxidative stress condition after H2O2 diffusion through cell mem-
brane and further decomposition into free radicals on cytoplasm, culminating with
lipid peroxidation (Soares et al. 2014a, 2015c).
Since the amount of H2O2 capable of reaching cells after trans-enamel and trans-
dentinal diffusion is the main pathway for bleaching-induced cell toxicity, reducing
this phenomenon is highly required for minimizing the oxidative damage on pulp
cells, turning bleaching into a safe procedure compatible with pulp health. More
recent data collected by our research group determined that decreasing the H2O2
concentration in the bleaching gel by 50 %, and applying the gel from 5 to 45 min
on enamel, may decrease 11.3- to 4.5-fold, respectively, the toxicity of in-office
tooth bleaching to pulp cells compared with simulated traditional therapy (35 %-H2O2
3 × 15 min) (Soares et al. 2014a). These alternative protocols using a 17.5 % H2O2
gel allowed such cells to overcome the low initial oxidative damage and feature a
regenerative phenotype through time (Soares et al. 2014a, 2015b).
According to our data, the degree of disturbance on the expression of odontoblas-
tic markers (ALP, DSPP, DMP-1, and mineralized nodule deposition) after tooth
bleaching, was related to the oxidative stress intensity and to the overexpression of
5 Human Pulpal Responses to Peroxides 85
IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6, and COX-2 on remaining cells (Soares et al. 2015b, 2016a). It
has been demonstrated that both oxidative stress intensity and pro-inflammatory
mediator dosage have direct relationship on pulp tissue regeneration capability.
Exposure of human dental pulp cells to high doses of pro-inflammatory mediators,
such as TNF-α and IL1-β, may negatively interfere with their odontoblastic markers
expression and mineralization rate, whereas low dosages seem to have an opposite
effect (Min et al. 2006; Paula-Silva et al. 2009; Alongi et al. 2010). Nevertheless, it
was demonstrated that human dental pulp cells under intense oxidative stress trig-
gered by long-term exposure to H2O2 had the expression of DSPP and DMP-1 mRNA
downregulated associated with no mineralized matrix deposition. Conversely, the
treatment of these cells with nontoxic concentrations of H2O2 enhanced ALP activity
and calcified nodule deposition as well as increased DSPP, OPN, and OCN expres-
sion (Lee et al. 2006, 2013; Min et al. 2008; Matsui et al. 2009).
Therefore, the lower the concentration of H2O2 in contact with pulp cells
after tooth bleaching, the higher the regenerative capability of human pulp
tissue to overcome the oxidative damage.
With this in mind, future studies should focus on strategies for reducing the
amount of residual H2O2 and other free radicals capable of diffusing through the
dental structure to reach the pulp chamber, since these toxic molecules play a cen-
tral role on pulp tissue damage.
Recent data obtained in our lab demonstrated that bleaching gels containing
8–10 % H2O2 minimize significantly the initial toxicity on human dental pulp cells
(Soares et al. 2015a). Also, we observed that these bleaching gels are capable of
promoting the same color alteration on thin enamel/dentin discs as high concen-
trated gels applied on thick discs (unpublished data). Therefore, tailoring the bleach-
ing regimen to the tooth size appears to be an interesting alternative to achieve an
effective, safe, and biocompatible in-office bleaching technique.
The at-home bleaching therapy with 10 % carbamide peroxide (CP) agents has been
considered the safest method for tooth bleaching since minimal clinical adverse
effects have been reported in literature (Boushell et al. 2012). The scientific data
obtained in recent years by our research group has demonstrated that the application
of 10 % CP gel from 1.5 to 8 h onto dental structure does not result in significant
86 D.G. Soares et al.
toxic effects on both odontoblast-like cells and human dental pulp cells (Soares
et al. 2011; Lima et al. 2013; Duque et al. 2014; Almeida et al. 2015). According to
our data, application of 10 % CP gel for 4 h onto 3.5 mm enamel/dentin discs results
in 16 times less intense H2O2 diffusion in comparison to the traditional in-office
bleaching protocol, i.e., 35 % H2O2 gel 3 × 15 min (Duque et al. 2014). Nevertheless,
higher CP concentrations (15–22 %) are available for at-home tooth bleaching, with
the appeal of promoting a faster bleaching outcome.
Data collected from our group showed that increasing CP concentration from 10
to 16 % increases the toxicity of this treatment to pulp cells (Soares et al. 2011).
Taking into consideration that clinical studies have demonstrated that higher con-
centrations of CP gels cause the same bleaching outcome as that achieved by using
10 % CP gel (Matis 2003; Meireles et al. 2010, Basting et al. 2012), the use of
higher concentration products has no advantage and may be more toxic to pulp
H2O2-based at-home bleaching products are also available. We have observed
that the application of 6 % H2O2 gels from 45 min to 1.5 h have no toxic effect on
odontoblast-like cells, instead the amount of H2O2 capable of diffusing through den-
tal structure and interact with the cells was twice as high as that of the 10 % CP gel
(Almeida et al. 2015). Also, a 10 % H2O2 whitening strip (WS) applied for 1 h on
tooth structure did not cause trans-enamel and trans-dentinal cytotoxicity to this
same pulp cell lineage. The WS resulted in about 13 times lower H2O2 diffusion
than that observed for traditional in-office bleaching therapy with the 35 % H2O2 gel
(Soares et al. 2013b). Despite the interesting results obtained with WS, this treat-
ment is currently carried out without direct professional supervision. Therefore,
there is a risk of overuse associated with this over-the-counter at-home bleaching
technique, which, in turn, may cause higher toxic effects to pulp cells. According to
our data, the toxic effect of the WS and CP was time dependent; the toxicity of these
products increases significantly after 1-h daily application during 5 consecutive
days (Lima et al. 2013; Soares et al. 2013b).
The main concern regarding at-home bleaching relies on the fact that it is a
patient-applied therapy; therefore, there is a risk of gel application on exposed den-
tin areas, craze lines, and restoration interfaces that may increase H2O2 diffusion
through hard tooth structures. Also, the inappropriate use of the tray may result in
gel overflow, with extended soft-tissue exposure and likely material ingestion.
Therefore, it is imperative that this treatment is performed under professional super-
vision. Also, the professional should perform a detailed clinical evaluation before
prescribing this therapy.
Based on data collected in in vitro studies, it is believed that the presence of high
concentrations of H2O2 within the pulp chamber is responsible for the intense oxida-
tive stress condition that causes cell membrane disruption associated with pulp cell
5 Human Pulpal Responses to Peroxides 87
death by necrosis (Soares et al. 2014a, 2015b, c, 2016a). This kind of cytotoxic
effect also promotes extensive damage on the neighboring tissue, since lysosome
enzymes and other toxic substances are leached from dying cells, causing a ripple
effect. Consequently, acute inflammatory reaction is expected with expression of a
plethora of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, followed by expression of
hyperalgesia mediators, such as prostaglandins (Cooper et al. 2010; Markowitz
2010; Pashley 2013; Cooper et al. 2014). These cellular events have been correlated
with the clinical symptoms of tooth sensitivity. In order to detect these events on
human pulp tissue, our group associated with other research groups around the
world has conducted histopathological analysis on human teeth subjected to profes-
sional in-office bleaching therapies. In many of these studies, sound premolars and
mandibular incisors scheduled to be extracted for orthodontic reasons were selected,
after respective approval by Ethical Committees. Therefore, the volunteers (or legal
guardians for patients below 18 years of age) received all necessary explanations
including the experiment rationale, the clinical procedures to be performed and pos-
sible risks, and signed a consent form explaining the research protocol.
When a bleaching gel with high concentration of H2O2 (38 %) was applied for
three times of 10 min each in sound mandibular incisors from young patients (age
mean 16.2 years), intense pulpal damage occurred in about 75 % of samples. Pulp
necrosis was observed in a wide area of coronal pulp tissue. Deposition of reaction-
ary dentin in part of the coronal and root pulp tissue associated to mild local inflam-
matory response was also detected in bleached incisors (Fig. 5.3).
Fig. 5.3 (a) Pulp horn (PH) of a human lower incisor subjected to a professional in-office bleach-
ing with 38 % H2O2. Note the large area of necrosis. H/E, ×64. (b) Intense deposition of tertiary
dentin is observed (arrows) in the radicular pulp chamber, in which a small area of residual pulp
(P) tissue with inflammation can be seen. H/E, ×64. (D dentin)
88 D.G. Soares et al.
On the other hand, pulps of premolars subjected to the same bleaching protocol
with the 38 % H2O2 gel showed the following histopathological features: tubular
dentin and predentin, intact odontoblastic layer, and cell-free zone and cell-rich
zone, such as observed in control groups (nonbleached incisors and premolars)
(control teeth – Fig. 5.4).
In this experiment, the mean of dentin thickness was 1.82 ± 0.08 mm for bleached
incisors and 3.10 ± 0.11 mm for bleached premolars. Only patients who had their
incisors bleached reported tooth sensitivity (de Souza Costa et al. 2010). Similar
results were found when sound mandibular incisors (mean age 18.2 years) were
bleached with a 35 %-H2O2 gel applied on enamel for 3 consecutive periods of
15 min each or 1 period of 45 min. Similar pulp tissue responses were found for
both tested protocols with the 35 %-H2O2 gel. The majority of bleached incisors
(80 %) exhibited large zone of coagulation necrosis in the coronal pulp tissue asso-
ciated to mild/moderate inflammatory response on surrounding tissue. Tertiary den-
tin adjacent to the necrotic tissue was observed in 25 % of those teeth, associated
with reactionary dentin in the lateral walls of the coronal and root pulp chambers
(Fig. 5.5). Moderate deposition of reactionary dentin with no coronal pulp necrosis
occurred in only 20 % of samples, which exhibited mild inflammatory pulp reaction.
All patients subjected to bleaching protocol reported tooth sensitivity (Roderjan
et al. 2015).
These data corroborate those obtained from clinical investigations, in which the
authors demonstrated that tooth sensitivity is restricted to anterior teeth subjected to
in-office bleaching (de Almeida et al. 2012; Bonafé et al. 2013). According to these
authors, teeth bleached with 35 %-H2O2 gel applied on enamel for 3 consecutive
periods of 15 min each had tooth sensitivity in 76.6 % of lateral incisors, 53.3 % of
central incisors, and 30 % of canines, with no discomfort reports for premolars.
Thus, one can conclude that enamel/dentin thickness plays an important role in
H2O2 diffusion across hard tooth structures to reach pulp chamber, causing tissue
damage and postbleaching sensitivity, which are more intense in anterior than in
posterior teeth.
Another investigation showed that partial pulp necrosis occurred in 60 % of man-
dibular incisors of elderly patients (54–62 years old; mean 58.2 ± 4.3) in comparison
with 100 % of young patients (18–30 years old; mean 20.1 ± 4.3) that were bleached
using the same in-office bleaching therapy. Additionally, areas of pulp necrosis
were larger in young teeth. The main dentin thickness on young and elderly patients
was 1.77 ± 0.08 mm and 1.99 ± 0.10 mm, respectively. As observed in the previous
study, the histological sections evidenced a number of differentiated odontoblast-
like cells that deposited a layer of reparative dentin below the necrotic area. These
pulp responses against bleaching products are similar to those observed after cal-
cium hydroxide application on pulps of sound teeth mechanically exposed (Roderjan
et al. 2014). Therefore, it seems that even in human pulps strongly damaged by in-
office tooth bleaching procedures, the pulp cells subjacent to the necrotic tissue are
capable of maintaining their phenotype, confirming the data collected in previous
in vitro studies carried out by our research group.
Based on these data, tooth sensitivity experienced by patients subjected to in-
office bleaching with 35–38 % H2O2 may be associated with inflammatory reac-
tion caused by oxidizing toxic compounds from bleaching gels capable of
reaching the pulp chamber, producing an intense chemical irritation of pulp cells.
Because of the fact that in-office tooth bleaching causes pulp damage, the release
of cell-derived factors, such as prostaglandins, would excite or sensitize pulpal
nociceptors. Additionally, we believe that the fluid shifts that occur in dentinal
tubules due to vasodilation and increased pulp pressure during local tissue
inflammation may trigger impulses in the intradentinal pulpal nerve fiber end-
ings, causing the intense tooth sensitivity that has been claimed by patients sub-
jected to this professional in-office therapy. However, further studies are needed
to assess in detail this topic.
Recent clinical trials showed that the intensity of tooth sensitivity is increased when
traditional in-office tooth bleaching is performed in anterior teeth that have adhesive
restorations with no clinical sign of margins degradation (Bonafé et al. 2013). It
seems that the presence of restorations in tooth to be bleached may enhance H2O2
diffusion into the pulp chamber. In addition, dental materials used to restore dental
cavities interfere significantly with this H2O2 diffusion through enamel and dentin
(Gökay et al. 2000, 2004; Benetti et al. 2004; Camargo et al. 2007). Therefore, as
several restorative materials and bleaching protocols are available in clinical prac-
tice, the question related to the safety of tooth bleaching performed in restored teeth
remains a concern (Fig. 5.6).
Previous studies demonstrated that different adhesive systems have variable
degrees of susceptibility to H2O2, as follows: one-step self-etch > two-step self-etch
> etch-and-rinse systems (Van Landuyt et al. 2009; Didier et al. 2013; Dudek et al.
2013; Roubickova et al. 2013). According to the results collected in our laboratory,
self-etch adhesive interfaces act as a pathway for H2O2 diffusion from tooth surface
into pulp chamber, increasing significantly the toxicity of a 35 %-H2O2 gel on pulp
cells (Soares et al. 2015d). Nevertheless, no significant difference concerning cyto-
toxicity and trans-enamel and trans-dentinal diffusion of H2O2 was observed when
etch-and-rinse adhesive restorations where bleached with a 20 or 35 % H2O2 gels for
45 min (Soares et al. 2014c). One can conclude that the compromised bond perfor-
mance of some self-etch adhesives to enamel and dentin creates a more permeable
tooth/restoration interface, facilitating H2O2 diffusion through dental structure.
Resin-modified glass-ionomer cements (RMGIC) interface seem to present the
same susceptibility to H2O2 as self-etch adhesive systems. The shear bond strength
of RMGIC to tooth structure is significantly lower than those observed for etch-and-
rinse adhesive systems, due to the low cohesive strength of GIC (Marquezan et al.
2011; Bonifácio et al. 2012; Nujella et al. 2012). According to our results, applying
a 35 %-H2O2 gel onto enamel/dentin discs containing RMGIC interfaces subjected
Fig. 5.6 Anterior teeth with resin composite restorations (arrows) that were selected by a clini-
cian for professional bleaching (Images provided by Dr. Heraldo Riehl)
5 Human Pulpal Responses to Peroxides 91
to hydrolytic degradation allowed for a more intense H2O2 diffusion through hard
dental structures, as well as increased the in vitro cytotoxicity to odontoblast-like
cells, leading to increased oxidative stress and IL-1β overexpression as well as dis-
turbing the odontoblastic markers expression (Soares et al. 2016b).
Therefore, clinicians should pay attention when selecting the bleaching protocol
to be applied in patients that have a number of restored teeth, especially incisors.
The materials used for restoring carious and noncarious lesions, as well as the integ-
rity of restoration margins, should be also analyzed in detail in order to prevent, at
least in part, damage to pulp tissue and possible postbleaching pain.
The primary strategy for minimizing pulp tissue damage is based on reducing
the amount of residual H2O2 capable of reaching the pulp tissue.
Fig. 5.8 (a) Coronal pulp (CP) of a molar of rat that received oral administration of ascorbic acid
(200 mg/kg) 90 min prior application of bleaching agent. Despite the intense damage in part of the
pulp horn (arrow), a large area of the subjacent coronal pulp is preserved. Masson’s Trichrome,
125×. (b) Seven days after tooth bleaching, complete pulpal healing (P) was observed in teeth of
rats treated with ascorbic acid. Masson’s Trichrome, 96× (D dentin)
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Part II
Current Techniques for Dental Whitening
with Peroxides: Evidence Supporting
Their Clinical Use
At-Home Tooth Whitening
Jorge Perdigão, Alessandro D. Loguércio, Alessandra Reis,
and Edson Araújo
Peroxides have been used to whiten teeth for over a hundred years. The popular-
ity of dental whitening has increased with the introduction of nightguard vital
whitening in 1989, as the appearance of the dentition and the color of the teeth
have increasingly become a concern for a large number of people. Current meth-
ods for at-home whitening include materials prescribed by dental professionals,
bleaching products available over the counter to use without the involvement of
a dental professional, and “do-it-yourself” methods widely advertised on the
Internet. This chapter compares the efficacy of the most popular at-home whiten-
ing techniques, including dental professional-prescribed at-home tray whitening
with carbamide peroxide (a precursor of hydrogen peroxide), over-the-counter
whitening, and combined in-office with at-home tray whitening. At-home tooth
whitening with a custom-fitted tray is the safest and most effective technique if
carried out under the supervision of a dental professional. This chapter reviews
the advantages and disadvantages of different at-home whitening techniques,
respective side effects, and treatment recommendations based on current scien-
tific information. Clinical cases will illustrate clinically relevant at-home whiten-
ing techniques.
6.1 Introduction
The terms “whitening” and “bleaching” are used interchangeably in the literature.
6 At-Home Tooth Whitening 103
OTC tooth-whitening products were not included in the list of accepted whitening
agents by the now extinct American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance Program.
Some toothpastes are also marketed as having a whitening effect. They typically
contain an abrasive to remove and/or prevent surface stains, such as hydrated silica,
calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate, dihydrate, calcium pyrophosphate, alu-
mina, perlite, and sodium bicarbonate (Joiner 2010). The inclusion of peroxides in
toothpaste is much more challenging in terms of formulation and the short exposure
time. A toothpaste with 0.5 % calcium peroxide has been shown to reduce natural
extrinsic stain after 6 weeks (Ayad et al. 1999). In the European Union, the maximum
concentration of peroxide allowed in toothpastes and mouth rinses is 0.1 % (European
Commission Scientific Committee on Consumer Products 2007). According to the
same document, most clinical studies with peroxide-containing toothpastes are spon-
sored by the respective manufacturers and rarely published.
• Yellow teeth caused by aging (Fig. 6.1), which is discussed in Sect.
• Tetracycline staining, especially degrees I and II (Jordan and Boksman 1984)
(Fig. 6.3), which is discussed in Sect.
104 J. Perdigão et al.
a b
Fig. 6.3 (a) A 23-year-old patient with a history of antibiotic intake when she was a child. Although
patient did not recall which type of antibiotic she had been prescribed, the clinical exam suggested
that the discoloration was compatible with tetracycline staining. (b) Aspect after 4 months of at-
home whitening with 10 % carbamide peroxide gel with potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride
(Opalescence 10 % PF, Ultradent Products, Inc.) overnight in a custom-fitted tray. Patient returned
to clinic for monthly recalls. She did not experience any sensitivity or any other side effects
a b
Fig. 6.4 (a) This 38-year-old patient was born and raised overseas in an “area where everybody
had brown teeth”. He used to drink water from a water well when he was a child in his home coun-
try. According to the patient’s account, all his siblings who lived in the same area had “brown
teeth.” The medical history revealed no significant findings. After an intra-oral exam, patient was
informed that at-home whitening might improve the appearance of his teeth as long as he under-
stood that the treatment could span over a few months. Patient agreed to have his teeth whitened
with 10 % carbamide peroxide gel with potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride (Opalescence 10 %
PF, Ultradent Products, Inc.) at-home in a custom-fitted tray. Patient was scheduled for monthly
recalls. (b) After 3 months of treatment, the appearance of the teeth improved considerably. Patient
was very happy, in spite of confessing that he did not wear the tray on a daily basis. Patient chose
to stop the treatment for a few months and then restart (Reprinted with Permission from Perdigao
J (2010) Dental whitening – revisiting the myths. Northwest Dent 89:19–21, 23–6. (Northwest
Dentistry, The Journal of the Minnesota Dental Association))
• Yellow/brown stains from enamel fluorosis (Fig. 6.4) or from idiopathic causes,
which are discussed in more detail in Sect. Clinical solutions related to
this topic can be found in Chaps. 12, 13, and 15.
• Discolored tooth caused by calcific metamorphosis (Fig. 6.5), which is discussed
in more detail in Sect.
• Whitening of anterior teeth prior to esthetic rehabilitation with veneers (Fig. 6.6)
or direct resin-based composite restorations (Chap. 14).
• Dietary stains
6 At-Home Tooth Whitening 105
a b
Fig. 6.5 (a) Frontal view of maxillary incisors in a 26-year-old patient whose chief complaint was
her discolored tooth #9 (FDI 2.1). Patient had had a traumatic injury to this tooth when she was 12
years old. No other signs or symptoms were associated with this tooth. Response to percussion was
identical in all her maxillary anterior teeth. Although the response to cold was negative, the pulp
responded to the electric pulp tester. (b) Periapical radiograph showing a calcified pulp space in
tooth #9 (FDI 2.1). (c) Clinical aspect after 2 weeks of at-home whitening with 10 % carbamide
peroxide gel with potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride (Opalescence 10 % PF, Ultradent Products,
Inc.) in a custom-fitted tray. Patient decided to bleach for another period of 2 weeks, but she did
not return for the recall appointment
a b
Fig. 6.6 (a) A 22-year-old patient with several resin-based composite restorations in his discolored
maxillary incisors. Tooth #9 (FDI 2.1) was not restored. (b) Clinical aspect after 2 weeks of overnight
at-home whitening with 10 % carbamide peroxide gel with potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride
(Opalescence 10 % PF, Ultradent Products, Inc.) in a custom-fitted tray. (c) Porcelain veneers were
bonded with a etch-and-rinse adhesive and a light-cure resin-based luting cement on teeth #7 (FDI
1.2), #8 (FDI 1.1), and #10 (FDI 2.2) 5 weeks after patient completed the bleaching treatment
Table 6.1 Advantages and disadvantages of at-home whitening with a custom-fitted tray super-
vised by a dental professional
Advantages Disadvantages
Very effective, durable whitening Tooth sensitivity
Backed with clinical and laboratory research Patient compliance
Safe Relatively long treatment time
Low cost compared to in-office procedures Over-the-counter whitening methods are less
Two major advantages of at-home whitening are its efficacy (Fig. 6.1) and stability
of posttreatment color (Table 6.1) (Swift et al. 1999; Ritter et al. 2002). After 10
years, 43 % of patients that whitened their teeth with 10 % carbamide peroxide for 6
weeks deemed the color to be stable (Ritter et al. 2002).
A major disadvantage of at-home whitening is patient’s compliance (Table 6.1),
as the dental professional is unable to monitor the daily treatment. Meireles et al.
(2008a) asked subjects to return all used and unused bleaching gel syringes to
ensure compliance based on the amount of gel used. This method, however, may be
difficult to implement on a regular basis.
Another disadvantage of at-home whitening compared to in-office whitening is
the longer treatment time for the former. However, one session of in-office whiten-
ing is not usually sufficient to achieve optimal results (Al Shethri et al. 2003), result-
ing in a similar overall treatment time for the two techniques.
There are several variables that influence the treatment outcome, including the tech-
nique, the type of bleaching agent, the concentration, and the application time
(Joiner 2006; Buchalla and Attin 2007; Meireles et al. 2008b; Matis et al. 2009a).
108 J. Perdigão et al.
a b
Fig. 6.7 (a) A 24-year-old patient suffered a traumatic injury to her tooth #8 (FDI 2.1). After 4 years,
her tooth became darker without any symptoms. The patient immediately visited her dentist who diag-
nosed pulpal necrosis. (b) A root canal treatment was performed and the lingual access preparation
restored with a resin-based composite material. (c) A special bleaching tray was fabricated to bleach the
discolored tooth following an at-home regimen. (d) A lower tray was fabricated and customized to serve
as stabilizer for the upper one-tooth tray. The lower tray was not used as a bleaching tray. (e) Patient
wearing the upper bleaching tray and the lower stabilizing tray. (f) After 5 days of at-home whitening
with 22 % carbamide peroxide gel (Whiteness Perfect 22 %, FGM) for 2 h twice daily
6 At-Home Tooth Whitening 109
diet is necessary by evaluating the effects of coffee, tea, wine, and dark fruits on
tooth whitening during the bleaching process (Matis et al. 2015). From five pub-
lished studies, the authors concluded that a nonwhite diet was not significantly
associated with less tooth whitening, and there was only a weak positive associa-
tion between tooth whitening and diet for subjects who consumed large amounts
of coffee/tea.
After the whitening regimen is completed, both coffee and red wine cause enamel
color change. Red wine, however, stains enamel more intensely than coffee (Cortes
et al. 2013).
The objective of the jump-start technique is to boost the bleaching effect with the
in-office treatment, then improve color stability with the at-home component to
reach a more esthetic result compared to in-office bleaching alone (Deliperi et al.
2004; Matis et al. 2009b). Clinical evidence, however, does not support this assump-
tion. Two recent clinical studies reported that the results of the combined in-office/
at-home technique were similar to those obtained only with the at-home technique
(Bernardon et al. 2010; Dawson et al. 2011). Therefore, the in-office component of
the combined jump-start technique does not improve the treatment outcome and
may be considered redundant. Nevertheless, this technique may motivate some
patients, as the whitening effect is visible immediately.
A more recent version of the jump-start technique is known as deep whitening
technique (Kör Whitening, Evolve Dental Technologies, Inc) (Sulieman 2008). This
technique currently includes three different modalities, according to the severity of
the discoloration: (A) 2 weeks of at-home overnight whitening with 16 % carbamide
peroxide, followed by one in-office whitening session with 34 % Tri-Barrel
Hydremide™ peroxide2; (B) in-office “conditioning” visit with 13 % Tri-Barrel
Hydremide™ peroxide in whitening trays followed by 3–4 weeks of at-home over-
night whitening, and a final in-office whitening session with 34 % Tri-Barrel
Hydremide™ peroxide; (C) in-office “conditioning” visit with 13 % Tri-Barrel
Hydremide™ peroxide in whitening trays, followed by 6–8 weeks of at-home over-
night whitening, and a final in-office whitening session with 34 % Tri-Barrel
Hydremide™ peroxide. All three methods require periodic at-home maintenance
after the treatment.
Hydremide is a trademark by Evolve Dental Technologies, Inc. Tri-barrel hydremide peroxide is
1 barrel of hydrogen peroxide gel, 1 barrel of carbamide peroxide gel, and the third barrel contains
an activator. The term hydremide derives from combining HYDROgen (peroxide) with carbaMIDE
6 At-Home Tooth Whitening 111
The trays used in the deep bleaching technique are specially made trays (Kurthy
2001). As per the respective manufacturer, these trays provide better sealing than
conventional bleaching trays, enabling the whitening agent to be active all night as
opposed to other tray whitening methods (Kör Whitening 2015). The manufactur-
er’s website also states: “Clinical Research associates as well as other researchers
have found that whitening gel in conventional whitening trays is only strongly active
for 25–35 minutes. This is due to rapid contamination of the whitening gel by
saliva.” However, this statement is not supported by independent research. It has
been shown that hydrogen peroxide releases all of its peroxide in 30–60 min, with a
quick decline, while carbamide peroxide releases about 50 % of its peroxide in 4 h,
then experiences a slow decline (Haywood 2005).
The use of light sources to allegedly activate the peroxide during the in-office
component of the jump-start technique has been used in many dental offices.
According to Christensen (2003), “all whitening methods are successful to some
degree” but “the use of lights with bleaching has been mainly a marketing tool.”
Sales of OTC bleaching products have increased dramatically in recent years (Chap.
1), driven not only by their lower cost compared to professional tooth-whitening
techniques but also by strong consumer demand for esthetic dental care and easy
access through online auctions and e-commerce sites. Additionally, OTC bleaching
products are easy to use and convenient for the patient (Kugel 2003). Concentrations
as high as 44 % carbamide peroxide are available from online auctions sites and
retailers. Non-dental options are the latest trend, including mall kiosks, salons, and
spas. More recently, whitening has been performed in passenger ship cruises (ADA
Council on Scientific Affairs 2010).
How does the efficacy of OTC whitening products compare to that of the dentist-
prescribed at-home whitening? While there are many studies comparing OTC whit-
ening with dentist-prescribed whitening, there are only a few independent clinical
studies (Serraglio et al. 2016). A study (Bizhang et al. 2009) measured tooth shade
with spectrophotometry and concluded that 6 % hydrogen peroxide whitening strips
applied twice a day for 30 min each for 2 weeks are not as effective as at-home
whitening with 10 % carbamide peroxide overnight for 2 weeks. Kishta-Derani
et al. (2007) evaluated four paint-on films self-adhering solutions that are brushed
on the tooth surface. These paint-on films contained hydrogen peroxide, sodium
percarbonate or carbamide peroxide. Two of the paint-on films did not result in any
112 J. Perdigão et al.
significant whitening effect after 2 weeks of daily application. The results obtained
with OTC whitening are not as pleasant and the procedure is not as safe as those
methods prescribed by a dental professional (Haywood 2003). For similar concen-
trations of hydrogen peroxide, OTC bleaching strips cause more gingival irritation
and tooth sensitivity than at-home tray whitening, as discussed in Chap. 4.
Given that OTC whitening products are not custom-fitted to the patient’s mouth,
they are not the ideal vehicle for the application of peroxide-based gels. Ill-fitting
trays may result in soft tissue injury, poor patient compliance, and malocclusion
problems (Kugel 2003).
The correct diagnosis of the origin of the discoloration is critical, as different treat-
ment options lead to different clinical outcomes. It is, therefore, imperative that the
dental professional understands the etiology of each specific tooth discoloration
case to be able to diagnose and prescribe the proper treatment for each patient.
Please refer to Chap. 1 for further details.
A full-mouth exam and recent periapical radiographs of the anterior teeth are
essential during the diagnostic appointment. Intra-oral photographs are extremely
valuable to document the pretreatment tooth color for future comparisons and to
include in the patient’s record. Pulp testing is always necessary for single-tooth discol-
orations. Patient must be informed that existing anterior esthetic restorations, includ-
ing porcelain and resin-based composites, will not lighten with bleaching agents,
except for superficial extrinsic stains (Fig. 6.8). These restorations must be replaced
after the whitening treatment is completed to ensure an acceptable esthetic outcome.
Additionally, patient must also be informed that amalgam restorations that come in
contact with the bleaching gel may generate a “greening effect” of the tooth structure
in areas immediately adjacent to the amalgam material (Haywood 2002).
Haywood (2003) suggested that wearing a tray on only one arch might improve
patient’s compliance, as patient can directly observe the color change in one arch
compared to the arch that is not undergoing treatment. Additionally, the interocclu-
sal thickness of both maxillary and mandibular trays may exacerbate TMJ disorder
symptoms (Robinson and Haywood 2000).
The chance of a mismatch between the advertised concentration and the actual concentration is
very high (Matis et al. 2013).
Carbomer 934P or Carbopol 934P (The Lubrizol Corporation) is primarily used in commercially
available oral formulations, including bleaching gels for tray whitening.
114 J. Perdigão et al.
a b
c d
e f
Fig. 6.9 Custom-made bleaching tray for at-home whitening. (a) Occlusal view of the tray inserted
onto the stone model. The model has been trimmed to remove the palatal area to enhance the
vacuum over the teeth and obtain a tighter adaptation of the heated tray material to the teeth. (b)
Frontal view of the model after the tray was scalloped around the gingival margins. (c) Frontal
view of the scalloped tray. (d) Lingual view of the scalloped tray. (e) Incisal view of the scalloped
tray. (f) Demonstrating to patient how to load the bleaching gel into the tray
to a scalloped tray slightly short of the free gingival margin (0.5–1.0 mm) to prevent
possible irritation caused by the contact of the gel with the soft tissues (Chap. 4).
The scalloped design is contraindicated with low-viscosity bleaching gels, as the gel
is more likely to leak to the mouth and irritate the tongue and lips (Haywood 2003).
In specific situations, including clinical cases of one-tooth whitening, the tray may
be slightly extended gingivally. In case of inadvertent fabrication of shortened trays,
successful whitening still occurs beyond the borders of the short tray without
demarcation lines on the teeth (Oliver and Haywood 1999), as peroxides diffuse
easily through enamel.
The use of tray reservoirs to make space to retain the bleaching gel has been
patented (Fischer 1992). It remains, nevertheless, a controversial issue. Light-cured
block-out resin spacers are recommended by some manufacturers, but the use of
spacers to create reservoirs for the bleaching gel does not seem to increase the suc-
cess of home bleaching (Javaheri and Janis 2000; Matis et al. 2002). The bleaching
gel remains active for longer periods when reservoirs are used (Matis et al. 2002),
which may be the reason why tray reservoirs result in higher rates and higher inten-
sity of gingival inflammation during at-home bleaching (Kirsten et al. 2009).
The tray is then tried-in after fine trimming to check for a tight fit, making sure
that the patient does not feel any sharp edges. The dental professional must examine
the soft tissues very carefully at this stage to identify areas of compression that may
cause discomfort to the patient. It is crucial to demonstrate how to dispense the right
amount of gel into the tray, usually one drop (Fig. 6.9f). To verify the gel covers the
buccal aspect of the tooth the patient is instructed to ensure that a very slight amount
of gel has extruded from the tray at its gingival border. Then, the excess gel is wiped
out with a toothbrush or a cotton swab to prevent the contact of the gel with the
mucosa. The bleaching gel may also be applied from the lingual in case the buccal
enamel is covered with restorative material (Fig. 6.10). Haywood and Parker (1999)
described a case of porcelain veneers bonded to tetracycline-stained teeth that
resulted in a graying of the veneers. A custom-fitted tray with no reservoirs and no
gingival scalloping was used to bleach the teeth with 10 % carbamide peroxide
applied nightly for 9 months.
• The use of spacers for the bleaching gel does not improve the success of
home bleaching.
• The bleaching gel remains active for longer periods of time when spacers
are used.
• The use of a reservoir in the tray may result in higher intensity of gingival
a b
c d
Fig. 6.10 (a) A 43-year-old patient visited the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry
Comprehensive Care Clinic to ask for a second opinion about her front maxillary teeth. She had
direct resin-based composite veneers placed approximately 20 years back, but the restorative mate-
rial had become discolored with “black spots all over.” The patient was not sure if porcelain
veneers were indicated for her clinical situation. (b) The lingual view of the maxillary incisors
depicted a slight grayish dentin discoloration. Although the medical history was negative for anti-
biotic ingestion, the patient vaguely recalled having some fever episodes and possibly taking anti-
biotics in her childhood. We then informed the patient that we might be able to whiten her teeth if
she agreed to wear a tray with 10 % carbamide peroxide gel with potassium nitrate and sodium
fluoride (Opalescence 10 % PF, Ultradent Products, Inc.) for 2–6 months at night. After the patient
agreed and signed the respective consent form, a custom-fitted tray was fabricated and the patient
instructed to apply the whitening gel into the lingual aspect of the tray to whiten the teeth from the
lingual surface. Patient was also instructed to return to the clinic every month. (c) Retracted frontal
view after three months of at-home whitening. Note that the composite stains were removed by the
peroxide oxidative action. Patient did not experience any sensitivity or any alterations of the soft
tissues at each periodical recall. (d) Lingual view after 3 months. Compare the shade with that of
b. Old resin-based composite restorations were removed at a subsequent appointment and enamel
polished with diamond pastes. After observing the final result, patient was unsure whether or not
she wanted veneers. She decided that she did not want any other treatment (Reprinted with
Permission from Perdigao J (2010) Dental whitening – revisiting the myths. Northwest Dent
89:19–21, 23–6. (Northwest Dentistry, The Journal of the Minnesota Dental Association)
Heymann 1989). Currently, the typical treatment time for teeth that are inherently
discolored by aging or discolored by diet and chromogenic diet is from 2 to 4 weeks,
especially if the treatment is carried out overnight.
Although higher concentrations of peroxides result in a faster rate of whitening
than 10 % carbamide peroxide, they reach a similar final result (Matis et al. 2000;
Meireles et al. 2009; Basting et al. 2012). Higher concentrations, however, increase
the incidence of tooth sensitivity (Matis et al. 2000). We have only prescribed 10 %
6 At-Home Tooth Whitening 117
Should the recommended treatment be 2–4 weeks overnight for all patients?
This treatment regimen is usually adequate for shades A and B (reddish-brownish
and reddish-yellowish, respectively) in the Vita Classical A1-D4 shade guide
(VITA Zahnfabrik H. Rauter GmbH & Co. KG). When the tooth color has a gray
component (C and D shades, Vita Classical A1-D4 shade guide) or when teeth are
discolored by the accumulation of tetracycline stains in dentin, teeth do not
respond to whitening as well, especially when the stain accumulates in the cervi-
cal third.
The prescription of at-home bleaching treatments to child and teenage patients
has become a pertinent issue, as parents often ask their family dentists about the
possibility of whitening young patients’ teeth. Croll (1994) described a protocol for
“at-home” tooth bleaching in young patients. According to Croll and Donly (2014),
tray whitening of the permanent dentition in children and teenagers is safe and can
be performed in a similar manner as for adults. The American Academy of Pediatric
Dentistry has published a policy since 2009 on the use of dental bleaching for child
and adolescent patients (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Council on
Clinical Affairs 2015). However, this policy does not address the recommended
contact time of the gel with the dentition of young patients. While there is an abun-
dant amount of information on the safety of at-home bleaching gels for adults, stud-
ies focused on the tolerable carbamide peroxide concentration and respective
contact time with the tooth surface for young patients in terms of pulpal health are
lacking. With this in mind, stronger evidence may be needed to start recommending
tray whitening in child and teenage patients on a regular basis.
118 J. Perdigão et al.
a b
Fig. 6.11 (a) 38 year old patient with history of tetracycline ingestion. She was diagnosed with
mild tetracycline staining. Additionally, the maxillary central incisors had white spot areas in the
incisal third. (b) After 3 months of at-home whitening with 10 % carbamide peroxide with potas-
sium nitrate and sodium fluoride (Opalescence 10 % PF, Ultradent Products, Inc.) in a custom-
fitted tray with monthly recalls. Both the tetracycline stains and the white spot areas were
successfully camouflaged, in spite of a residual gray band in the cervical third
1. Mild tetracycline staining (Fig. 6.11) is usually very receptive to whitening. This
staining is yellow to gray with minimal or no banding and is uniformly spread
throughout the tooth, but more confined to the incisal three-quarters of the crown.
2. Moderate tetracycline staining (Fig. 6.12) may vary from a uniform deep yellow
discoloration, which is responsive to bleaching, to a dark-gray discoloration
band located between the cervical fifth of the crown and the tooth surface located
incisally to the band.
3. Severe tetracycline staining (Fig. 6.13) appearing blue-gray or dark gray, accom-
panied by significant banding across the tooth. Although whitening will some-
how lighten these teeth, they may not become esthetically acceptable without
bonded restorations.
a b
Fig. 6.12 (a) A 39-year-old patient with a history of tetracycline ingestion during infancy. He was
informed that long-term whitening (2–6 months) might lighten his teeth. However, there was no
assurance given of the final whitening result. Patient agreed to carry out the treatment by wearing
a custom-fitted tray with 10 % carbamide peroxide gel (Opalescence 10 %, Ultradent Products,
Inc.) every night. Instructions were carefully given to the patient, and a new appointment set up for
within 1 month (and every month thereafter). (b) Final result after 6 months. No sensitivity was
reported at any recall period; no alterations of soft tissues were observed. Patient started whitening
the lower arch immediately after the completion of the treatment in the upper arch (Reprinted with
Permission from Perdigao J (2010) Dental whitening – revisiting the myths. Northwest Dent
89:19–21, 23–6. (Northwest Dentistry, The Journal of the Minnesota Dental Association))
a b
Fig. 6.13 (a) Severe tetracycline staining in a 42-year-old patient. (b) Final aspect after 6 months
of at-home whitening with 10 % carbamide peroxide gel with potassium nitrate and sodium fluo-
ride (Opalescence 10 % PF, Ultradent Products, Inc.) in a custom-fitted tray with monthly recalls.
As expected, and as the patient had been informed, the cervical third was the most resistant area to
treatment time may be required to achieve satisfactory results (Leonard et al. 2003).
For mild-to-moderate tetracycline-stained teeth, the recommended treatment is 2–6
months with monthly recalls to evaluate the tooth color and potential side effects
(irritation of soft issues, exacerbation of symptoms from TMJ disorders, and tooth
sensitivity). The stains that are most difficult to remove are those located at the cer-
vical third. If no improvement in tooth color is observed within the first 3 months, it
is unlikely that any improvement will occur (Deliperi et al. 2006). In fact, the maxi-
mum lightening effect occurs during the first month (Matis et al. 2006). Therefore,
patients with tetracycline-stained teeth must be informed that a residual gray stain
may still be perceptible at the end of the treatment at the cervical third. These clini-
cal cases may need a longer bleaching regimen (Matis et al. 2006).
6 At-Home Tooth Whitening 121
a b
Fig. 6.14 (a) A 22-year-old patient whose chief complaint was “yellow teeth.” She also had white
spots on tooth #9 (FDI 2.1) and tooth #10 (FDI 2.2). (b) The at-home whitening treatment with
10 % carbamide peroxide gel with potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride (Whiteness Perfect 10 %,
FGM) in a custom-fitted tray highlighted the white spot areas
and 1 ml of ether. Heat was then applied by the patient according to his/her particu-
lar tolerance, using a modified soldering iron.
The efficacy of at-home whitening to treat discolorations caused by fluorosis or
by idiopathic causes depends on the stain (Haywood 2003). At-home whitening
usually lightens enamel brown stains (Fig. 6.4), but it may not work so well for
some white areas (Haywood and Leonard 1998; Bodden and Haywood 2003;
Perdigao 2010). In case the enamel demineralization is superficial (<0.5 mm), tray
whitening may camouflage the white spots without removing them (Fig. 6.11).
Conversely, at-home whitening may highlight the whitish areas in cases of deeper
white spots (Fig. 6.14). A few applications of a microabrasion suspension (Croll and
Cavanaugh 1986a, b; Croll 1997), which contains hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sili-
con carbide, may be used to disguise the white spots (for more information on
enamel microabrasion, please refer to Chaps. 9 and 12). The microabrasion com-
pound is applied by rubbing onto the enamel surface, removing a thin layer of
enamel (Donly et al. 1992; Paic et al. 2008). However, it is difficult to predict when
enamel microabrasion will remove a stain completely from a tooth (Celik et al.
2013), as the defect may be deeper than microabrasion can reach.
Resin-infiltration after enamel etching with HCl (Chaps. 10 and 13) may be the
current treatment modality best suitable for white spots (Senestraro et al. 2013).
Robinson et al. (1976) introduced a combination of HCl enamel etching with the
application of a low-viscosity resorcinol-formaldehyde resin as a potential cario-
static treatment. Among several research papers on the topic of enamel etching with
HCl followed by resin infiltration published in the 2000s, it is worth highlighting
two from the same research group. Paris et al. (2007) used confocal microscopy to
study resin infiltration of carious lesions using 15 % HCl to etch enamel, followed
by immersion in ethanol for 30 s and the application of a commercial dentin adhe-
sive, ExciTE (Ivoclar Vivadent). In 2009, Paris and Meyer-Lueckel described the
masking of white spots with resin infiltration using 15 % HCl etching followed by a
drying step with ethanol, and a very low viscosity light-cured resin (tetraethylene
glycol dimethacrylate). Please refer to Chap. 10 for details.
6 At-Home Tooth Whitening 123
Haywood and Leonard (1998) reported the use of nightguard vital bleaching
with 10 % carbamide peroxide to remove a brown stain from the maxillary central
incisor of a 13-year-old patient. Without any further treatment, the discoloration had
not returned after 7 years.
Two treatment-related predictors for side effects are bleaching gel concen-
tration and contact time (Bruzell et al. 2013).
124 J. Perdigão et al.
a b
c d
Fig. 6.15 (a) A 51-year-old patient with discolored tooth #8 (FDI 1.1) who came to our clinic
asking for a second opinion. His dentist had recommended a full-coverage tooth-colored restora-
tion for esthetic reasons. Patient had an old resin-based composite restoration on the mesial-lingual
aspect, which he did not want to have removed. Tooth responded positively to cold applied from
the lingual surface, although less intensely compare to the other maxillary front teeth. (b) Periapical
radiograph showing a calcified pulpal space on tooth #8 (FDI 1.1) and a coronal radiolucent image
corresponding to the existing resin-based composite restoration. The diagnosis was calcific meta-
morphosis. (c) Patient whitened the discolored tooth with 10 % carbamide peroxide gel with potas-
sium nitrate and sodium fluoride (Opalescence 10 % PF, Ultradent Products, Inc.) in a custom fitted
tray using the technique described by Denehy and Swift (1992). The tray coverage of the adjacent
teeth was trimmed to prevent their contact with the bleaching gel. Only tooth #8 (FDI 1.1) was
bleached. (d) After 3 weeks of tray whitening of tooth #8 (FDI 1.1). Patient was extremely satisfied
with the result. We recommended the replacement of the discolored restoration, which was still
visible after the tooth whitened considerably. Patient decided that he did not want to have the res-
toration replaced
Most studies indicate that whitening agents containing peroxides have no perma-
nent significant deleterious effects on enamel and dentin surface morphology,
surface microhardness, and chemical composition (Sulieman et al. 2004; Joiner
2007), while other studies show enamel erosions and changes in the enamel
structure, as discussed in Chap. 4 (Haywood et al. 1991; Shannon et al. 1993;
6 At-Home Tooth Whitening 125
a b
Fig. 6.16 (a) A 25-year-old patient with discolored #9 (FDI 2.1). Patient had an accident when she
was 21 years old. (b) After radiographic exam and clinical exam, the diagnosis was calcific meta-
morphosis. The tooth responded to cold stimulus applied form the lingual aspect. (c) and (d) A tray
was fabricated to cover only the discolored tooth. (e) Single-tooth tray inserted onto tooth #9 (FDI
2.1) and the lower stabilizing tray to prevent the upper single tooth tray from dislodging. The lower
tray was not used as a bleaching tray. (f) Clinical aspect after 3 weeks of daily whitening with 10 %
carbamide peroxide gel with potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride (Whiteness Perfect 10 %, FGM)
for 4 h daily. This patient had decided that she did not want to perform the treatment overnight
126 J. Perdigão et al.
Bitter 1998). Microhardness has been the most frequently used method for evalu-
ating the effects of peroxides on enamel and dentin (Joiner 2007). Lopes et al.
(2002) found no adverse effects on enamel microhardness and surface morphol-
ogy with 10 % carbamide peroxide, but bleaching with 3 % hydrogen peroxide
affected negatively the enamel hardness and surface morphology, which may
have been caused by the lower pH of the hydrogen peroxide material. Other
authors (Efeoglu et al. 2007) measured significant reduction in the mineral con-
tent of the enamel surface (but not dentin) after bleaching with 35 % hydrogen
peroxide for 2 h.
It has been reported that peroxides increase the porosity of enamel (Ben-Amar
et al. 1995), alter the chemical composition of dentin (Rotstein et al. 1992), reduce
the ultimate strength of enamel (Cavalli et al. 2004; da Silva et al. 2005), reduce the
flexural strength and flexural modulus of dentin (Tam et al. 2005), and induce mor-
phological alterations in the hydroxyapatite crystallites (Perdigao et al. 1998;
Perdigao and Lopes 2006).
A study tested the effects of the Carbopol polymer and glycerin (separately and
in association) on the physical properties of enamel and dentin in addition to the
effects of 10 % carbamide peroxide (Basting et al. 2005). The baseline microhard-
ness was not recovered during the 14-day posttreatment phase. All the materials
tested and their associations changed the microhardness of dental tissues, even in
the presence of artificial saliva. There was a tendency toward lower microhardness
after treatment with the Carbopol polymer.
The change in chemical composition of dentin post-bleaching may be due to a
reduction of the organic component in dentin (Rotstein et al. 1992). Treatment with
30 % hydrogen peroxide causes changes in the chemical structure of the dentin and
cementum, making them more susceptible to degradation. Exposure to 30 % hydro-
gen peroxide for 24 h also causes a significant decrease in the hardness and Young’s
modulus of intertubular dentin, as measured with AFM and nanoindentation (Chng
et al. 2005). The effect of hydrogen peroxide on dentin may be a result of both its
strong oxidizing action and its low pH. Peritubular dentin is more resistant to the
effects of hydrogen peroxide than intertubular dentin, which may be a result of the
higher mineral content of peritubular dentin. Enamel treatment with carbamide per-
oxide for 6 h per day during 14 days, followed by storage in artificial saliva in
between each application, resulted in significant reduction of the ultimate tensile
strength of enamel, regardless of the concentration of carbamide peroxide (10 %,
15 %, 16 % and 20 %) (Cavalli et al. 2004).
Another study (da Silva et al. 2005) evaluated the effects of peroxide bleaching
regimens on the ultimate tensile strength of human enamel. All different bleaching
procedures (7.5 % hydrogen peroxide, 30 min per day for 14 days; 10 % carbamide
peroxide 6 h per day for 5 days; 10 % carbamide peroxide 6 h per day for 14 days;
35 % carbamide peroxide, two applications of 30 min with a 5-day interval between
applications; 37 % carbamide peroxide, two applications of 30 min with a 5-day inter-
val between applications; 35 % hydrogen peroxide, two applications of 15 min with a
7-day interval between applications) significantly reduced enamel ultimate tensile
strength. This reduction in the ultimate tensile strength was accompanied by changes
6 At-Home Tooth Whitening 127
a b
Fig. 6.17 (a) Transmission electron micrograph of untreated human enamel. Original
magnification = ×150,000. (b) Transmission electron micrograph of human enamel bleached with
10 % carbamide peroxide gel (Opalescence 10 %, Ultradent Products, Inc.) for 2 weeks, 8 h
daily. Specimens were stored in artificial saliva at 37 °C between bleaching sessions. Original
magnification = ×150,000. (c) Transmission electron micrograph of human enamel bleached with
38 % hydrogen peroxide (Opalescence Xtra Boost, Ultradent Products, Inc.), four consecutive
applications of 15 min each. The ultra-morphology of the enamel crystallites is substantially
different from those shown in a and b. Original magnification = ×150,000
enamel surface porosity (Ben-Amar et al. 1995). This reduction may be as high as
76 % of the bond strengths to unbleached enamel (Spyrides et al. 2000). Removal of
surface enamel prior to bonding restores bond strengths to normal level (Cvitko
et al. 1991). The use of acetone-based adhesives or drying agents, such as 70 %
alcohol and acetone, may also restore bond strength of resin-based composite to
enamel immediately after bleaching (Barghi and Godwin 1994; Niat et al. 2012).
The enamel and dentin bond strengths remain low for the first 2 weeks post-
bleaching. After a lapse of 2 weeks, the bond strengths return to the level at of
untreated substrates (Cavalli et al. 2001; Shinohara et al. 2005). Increased concen-
tration of carbamide peroxide did not extend the time needed prior to bonding.
Dentists must wait for at least 2 weeks after the patient completes the whit-
ening treatment prior to performing any adhesive restorative procedure.
6 At-Home Tooth Whitening 129
Because this topic is extensively and elegantly discussed in Chap. 5, we will only
cite two studies that suggest the relatively innocuous nature of 10 % carbamide
peroxide to the human pulp. To study the pulp injury potential of 10 % carbamide
peroxide, an ex vivo study included 16 patients who had four premolars scheduled
to be extracted for orthodontic reasons (Fugaro et al. 2004). Tooth #5 was bleached
for 4 days, tooth #12 was treated for 2 weeks, tooth #21 was bleached for 2 weeks
followed by 2 weeks without treatment and tooth #28 was not treated, serving as
the control. All whitening treatments were performed overnight with 10 % carb-
amide peroxide. All teeth were extracted at the same time and prepared for histo-
logical evaluation at two different research centers. Slight pulpal changes caused
by 10 % carbamide peroxide were detected in 16 of the 45 bleached teeth. Neither
moderate nor severe reactions were observed. The slight histological changes
sometimes observed after bleaching tend to resolve within 2 weeks posttreatment
(Fugaro et al. 2004).
The apparent safety of nightguard vital bleaching may be due to the response by
odontoblasts with increased heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) production. Seventeen
intact first premolars scheduled for orthodontic extraction were bleached with 10 %
carbamide peroxide for 4 h immediately preceding extraction. Fourteen additional
premolars from the same individuals were not bleached. Upon extraction and histo-
logical evaluation, no significant differences were found in the concentration of the
enzyme HO-1 in the pulp, which is normally increased in cells subjected to oxida-
tive stress (Anderson et al. 1999). Please refer to Chap. 5 for in-depth information
on the topic of pulp injury with whitening agents.
Since this topic is discussed in more detail in Chaps. 4 and 5, we will include here
additional information on tooth sensitivity related to at-home whitening with a
custom-fitted tray.
Tooth sensitivity seems to be the most common lateral effect of whitening with
carbamide peroxide, which results from the penetration of peroxides into the pulp
space, but sensitivity usually relapses with termination of treatment (Haywood
130 J. Perdigão et al.
peroxide gel within a 15-min period (Cooper et al. 1992), which attests the lower
rate of decomposition of the carbamide peroxide compared to hydrogen peroxide.
When hydrogen peroxide is applied for periods longer than 15 min, it is capable of
diffusing through 0.5 mm of patent dentin, damaging pulpal tissue (Hanks et al.
1993). Clinically, 0.5 mm corresponds to areas of deep noncarious cervical lesions.
In case teeth are already sensitive prior to starting the treatment, this might indicate
that the dentin tubules are patent, which would make bleaching strongly contraindi-
cated. Pulpal tissue has limited volume to expand from injury; therefore, it may
have a compromised response to inflammatory stimuli because of pressure associ-
ated with edema, causing sensitivity (Heyeraas and Kvinnsland 1992). In case heat
is used, such as in the jump-start technique, pulpal enzymes may be significantly
inhibited (Bowles and Thompson 1986).
Manufacturers have added potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride to the composi-
tion of their whitening gels to prevent sensitivity during at-home bleaching treat-
ment. Carbamide peroxide gels for the at-home technique typically contain 0.11 %
(w/w) fluoride and 3 % (w/w) potassium nitrate (Chen et al. 2008).
The use of sodium fluoride daily after bleaching does not affect the bleaching
efficacy of carbamide peroxide but reduces the intensity of tooth sensitivity
(Armênio et al. 2008). The application of a 5 % potassium nitrate and fluoride gel in
the bleaching tray has been shown to reduce the incidence of tooth sensitivity in
patients undergoing at-home whitening with 10 % carbamide peroxide in a custom-
fitted tray (Haywood et al. 2001).
Clinical studies have reported that potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride added
to a 10 % carbamide peroxide gel reduced sensitivity over a 2-week at-home treat-
ment when compared to a 10 % carbamide peroxide gel without desensitizer (Tam
2001; Browning et al. 2008; Navarra et al. 2014). The application of 3 % potassium
nitrate and 0.11 % fluoride desensitizing agent for 30 min prior to at-home whiten-
ing with 10 % carbamide peroxide decreases tooth sensitivity when compared with
a placebo in a population at risk for tooth sensitivity (Leonard et al. 2004). Another
clinical trial reported that the use of 5 % potassium nitrate and 2 % sodium fluoride
prior to at-home vital bleaching with 16 % carbamide peroxide did not affect the
bleaching efficacy but reduced the number of days during which patients experi-
enced tooth sensitivity (Kose et al. 2011). To corroborate the effectiveness of potas-
sium nitrate and sodium fluoride, their use prior to in-office bleaching with 35 %
hydrogen peroxide also reduces tooth sensitivity significantly (Tay et al. 2009;
Wang et al. 2015).
Some clinicians recommend brushing with potassium-nitrate-containing tooth-
paste for 2 weeks before initiating the at-home whitening treatment with a custom-
fitted tray. This pretreatment has been shown to be beneficial to patients by reducing
tooth sensitivity during whitening (Haywood et al. 2005). Dentists have also recom-
mended the application of the desensitizing toothpaste in the bleaching tray for up
to 30 min (Haywood 2003). This recommendation may not be safe, as the tooth-
paste may contain ingredients that cause soft tissue reactions when the toothpaste is
left in contact with the soft tissue for that period of time.
Other desensitizers have been used. A clinical study compared the efficacy of
two desensitizers included in the composition of carbamide peroxide gels. Potassium
132 J. Perdigão et al.
• Refrain from being too optimistic when predicting the post-treatment tooth color.
• If the patient’s shade falls in the C or D range in the Vita Classical A1-D4 shade
guide, the final result will not be as pleasant as that for patients in the A or B
shade range.
• Prescribe 10 % carbamide peroxide with desensitizer included in the bleach-
ing gel.
• Inform patient that sensitivity is likely to occur; prescribe potassium-nitrate-
containing toothpaste to replace patient’s regular toothpaste. This toothpaste may
be more effective if used during 2 weeks prior to starting the bleaching
• The application of a gel of potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride prior to at-
home bleaching decreases tooth sensitivity and reduces the number of days dur-
ing which patients experience tooth sensitivity.
• Recommend that patient wears the bleaching tray preferably overnight.
• Give patient written instructions:
– Brush and floss before placing the tray.
– Insert the tray snugly over the teeth; gently tap the tray to move the gel into
place and adapt tray to the teeth
– Watch for excess gel along the tray border; remove it with a toothbrush or
with a cotton swab. Rinse mouth with water and do not swallow the gel.
– Wear tray for the time recommended.
– Brush and floss after removing the tray; wash tray thoroughly with water to
remove the residual gel.
6 At-Home Tooth Whitening 133
• Smokers should refrain from smoking from 2 h prior to inserting the tray in the
mouth to 2 h after removing the tray
6.7.1 Patients
Do I need to refrain from a potentially staining diet during and after tray whitening?
Current evidence from controlled clinical trials suggests that coffee, tea, red
wine, do not interfere considerably with the outcome of whitening.
Is it OK that I wear my tray filled with 10 % carbamide peroxide for 2 h per day?
That would be perfectly fine, but it will take longer to achieve the desired lighten-
ing effect compared to bleaching overnight. Current clinical evidence suggests that
overnight tray whitening results in whiter teeth and more durable results than whit-
ening for a few hours during the daytime.
As discussed in Sect. our opinion is that we may need stronger evidence
to recommend tray whitening in child and teenage patients.
I have some yellowish tooth-colored fillings in my front teeth. Will they get whiter if
I bleach my teeth?
They may look slightly lighter as a result of the oxidation of the surface pigment
(Fig. 6.10c), but in most cases tooth-color filling materials will not bleach (Fig. 6.8).
Existing tooth color fillings (resin-based composite restorations) may need to be
replaced after the whitening treatment is completed to make your smile look
How does the efficacy of OTC bleaching products compare to that of the dentist-
prescribed at-home whitening?
One of the very few independent studies, mentioned earlier in this chapter, con-
cluded that 6 % hydrogen peroxide whitening strips applied twice a day for 30 min
each for 2 weeks are not as effective as at-home whitening with 10 % carbamide
peroxide overnight for 2 weeks. Another study concluded that some paint-on
134 J. Perdigão et al.
products are ineffective. A recent systematic review reported that OTC products
should be assessed independently.
OTC bleaching strips also cause more tooth sensitivity and gingival irritation
than at-home tray whitening prescribed by a dental professional. In summary, at-
home whitening with 10 % carbamide peroxide in a custom-fitted tray is safer and
more effective than OTC bleaching treatments. The results obtained with OTC whit-
ening are not as pleasant and the procedure is not as safe as those methods currently
prescribed by a dental professional.
You usually prescribe 10 % carbamide peroxide for your clinical cases of at-home
whitening in a custom-fitted tray. What is the evidence?
Some patients choose not to be treated with at-home tray whitening for several
reasons. We always inform these patients that we also perform in-office whitening,
but that several sessions may be needed to obtain an acceptable final tooth color.
Patients must also be informed that in-office whitening is more likely to cause
tooth sensitivity than at-home whitening with a custom-fitted tray. Other potential
adverse effects of in-office whitening with >30 % hydrogen peroxide are described
in Chaps. 4, 5, and 7.
The use of sodium fluoride daily after bleaching does not affect the bleaching
efficacy of carbamide peroxide and may reduce the intensity of tooth sensitivity.
Current evidence from controlled clinical trials suggests that higher concentra-
tions result in a faster rate of whitening than lower concentrations with a similar
final result. At 1 year, 16 % carbamide peroxide concentration does not increase the
6 At-Home Tooth Whitening 135
We currently inform our patients that discolorations caused by aging and chromo-
genic foodstuff usually achieve a satisfactory lighter color after 2–4 weeks of over-
night tray whitening with 10 % carbamide peroxide. However, this result depends on
the patient’s compliance. The ideal final color is not reached if patient does not wear
the tray daily. For gray tooth shades, C’s and D’s in the Vita Classical A1-D4 shade
guide, we recommend 4–6 weeks of overnight tray whitening with 10 % carbamide
peroxide, with the prospect of a residual darker area at the cervical third of the teeth.
There is strong evidence that the only desensitizer that has been shown to reduce
sensitivity during whitening treatment is potassium nitrate. The evidence also
shows that the combination of potassium nitrate with sodium fluoride in toothpaste
is capable of preventing tooth sensitivity when used for 2 weeks prior to starting
the whitening treatment, or as a gel when applied 30 min prior to the inserting of
the bleaching tray. The inclusion of potassium nitrate in the composition of the
carbamide peroxide whitening gel may also help in the prevention of tooth
Is the jump-start technique more efficient than the at-home technique alone?
Current evidence from controlled clinical trials suggests that tray whitening
alone results in similar outcomes compared to the jump-start technique. However,
some clinicians claim that the jump-start technique motivates patients, as the initial
results are visible immediately after the initial in-office whitening component.
Yes, but it depends on the intensity of the stain. Please refer to Sect.
Do dentists have to wait for 2 weeks after the conclusion of the whitening treatment
before they can place bonded restorations on recently whitened teeth? Does this
apply to internal and to external whitening?
136 J. Perdigão et al.
How do we know that the concentration written on the syringe corresponds to the
concentration of peroxide inside the syringe?
The chance of a mismatch between the advertised concentration and the actual
concentration is very high. For bleaching some gels, the actual concentration is
between 16 % and 36 % lower than the label indicates.
I heard in a dental convention and recently read in a manufacturer’s site that gel in
conventional whitening trays is only strongly active for 25–35 min…
As discussed in Sect. 6.3.2, more than 50 % of the active agent is available after 2 h.
The percentage of carbamide peroxide recovered from tray and teeth is 10 % at 10 h.
Acknowledgment Dr. Jorge Perdigão would like to extend his special thanks to:
1. University of Minnesota School of Dentistry students for their help and inspiration.
2. Graduate students and faculty members of the University Rey Juan Carlos School of
Dentistry Post-Graduate Program in Esthetic Dentistry for their assistance with some
clinical cases.
3. Dr. George Gomes and Dr. Filipa Oliveira for their dedication and hard work.
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In-Office Whitening
Alessandro D. Loguercio, Leandro M. Martins,
Luciana M. da Silva, and Alessandra Reis
In this chapter, the step-by-step procedure of in-office whitening (or in-office
bleaching) and the efficacy and side effects of this bleaching modality will be
presented. Other characteristics of this protocol such as the number of clinical
appointments required to achieve effective whitening, concentration of the
bleaching products, the effects of dentin dehydration and demineralization on
the final outcome, as well as bleaching-induced tooth sensitivity will be
addressed. At the end, some frequently asked questions will be answered.
7.1 Introduction
clinicians with a better understanding of the protocol and particularities of the tech-
nique and facilitate its incorporation into the daily practice with confidence.
7.2 Efficacy
a b
Fig. 7.1 The effect of rubber dam on lightness can be observed in these three photographs.
(a) Patient’s smile before rubber dam isolation. (b) The rubber dam was placed in the upper dental
arch and left undisturbed for 10 min. (c) The effect of dehydration is observed immediately after
rubber dam removal (Images provided by Camilo Andrés Pulido Mora, DDS, MS)
Delta L*
3 One-hour smile 35 %
products (Adapted from
Matis et al. 2007)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Pola office 35 %
−4 Zoom 25 %
One-hour smile 35 %
as at-home bleaching (Matis et al. 2007). Several studies have demonstrated that 1
week of at-home bleaching with 10 or 16 % carbamide peroxide gel usually results
in a change of two to four shade guide units in the value-oriented Vita Classical
A1-D4™ shade guide (VITA Zahnfabrik H. Rauter GmbH & Co.KG, Bad Säckingen,
Germany) (Zekonis et al. 2003; Bernardon et al. 2010; da Costa et al. 2010; Rezende
et al. 2013). This is approximately equivalent to the change reported after a single
in-office bleaching session with 35 % HP gel when used for 45–60 min (Zekonis
et al. 2003; Bernardon et al. 2010; Kossatz et al. 2011; Reis et al. 2011b).
There are also other factors that may explain the general belief that in-office
bleaching is not effective. It is known that the whitening effect is related to the con-
centration, application time, and the number of changes of the in-office bleaching
gel (Dietschi et al. 2006; Joiner 2006; Matis et al. 2007). In an ongoing systematic
review of the literature (Luque-Martinez et al. 2016) we observed a high heteroge-
neity among studies in many issues, such as type of materials, concentration of the
products, and significant variations in in-office bleaching protocols.
Inefficient bleaching protocols will not lead to a satisfactory bleaching outcome.
For instance, some studies performed only a single in-office bleaching session (da
Costa et al. 2010; Giachetti et al. 2010; Moghadam et al. 2013; Pintado-Palomino
et al. 2015), which is not enough to reach patient’s satisfaction (de Silva Gottardi
et al. 2006; Salem and Osman 2011). At least two or three bleaching sessions may
need to be performed to obtain a similar whitening degree of a 2 or 3-week at-home
7 In-Office Whitening 149
bleaching (Marson et al. 2008b; Tay et al. 2009; Bernardon et al. 2010; Basting
et al. 2012; Reis et al. 2011b, 2013).
Similar variation occurs in regard to product application time. While a 40–50-
min application is related with a significant whitening outcome, there are reports
of shorter application times, such as 10–20 min (Auschill et al. 2005; Giachetti
et al. 2010; Mehta et al. 2013). A very recent clinical study reported that a single
15-min application of the 35 % HP does not achieve the same degree of whiten-
ing produced by two and three 15-min applications of the same product (Kose
et al. 2015).
Some manufacturers advocate the application of their products with light activa-
tion (quartz–tungsten halogen light curing units, LEDs, and lasers) to optimize the
bleaching outcome (Ziemba et al. 2005; Kishi et al. 2011; Bortolatto et al. 2014).
The benefits of this association are rather controversial (Buchalla and Attin 2007;
He et al. 2012), but it seems to be useless for high-concentrated HP gels (Marson
et al. 2008b; Alomari and El Daraa 2010; Kossatz et al. 2011; He et al. 2012). For
low-concentrated HP gels this light association may have some benefits, but this
still requires further evaluations (Ziemba et al. 2005; Ontiveros and Paravina 2009;
Bortolatto et al. 2014). This will be discussed in more detail in the section of fre-
quently asked questions in this chapter.
This variation makes the comparison of the in-office bleaching protocols very
difficult. However, efficient whitening has been observed in studies that employed
35 % HP, with reports of overall color change of five to eight shade guide units after
two in-office bleaching sessions (Marson et al. 2008b; Tay et al. 2009; Bernardon
et al. 2010; Strobl et al. 2010; Reis et al. 2011a). This wide range of color change
probably is the result of the small variations in the HP concentration, number of
bleaching sessions, and baseline color of the participants in the clinical trials
(Rezende et al. 2015b).
As in-office bleaching is used with higher HP concentrations, there are more con-
cerns about adverse effects in comparison with at-home bleaching. The two most
frequent adverse effect of in-office bleaching is bleaching-induced tooth sensitivity
(TS) and gingival tissue burning.
While effective bleaching is reported to occur with in-office bleaching, several pub-
lications have reported that patients undergoing bleaching procedures frequently
complain of painful and uncomfortable sensations arising in the treated teeth.
Although pain in bleached teeth can be evoked by cold or other stimuli, most
patients complain of tingling or shooting pain (zingers) of very short duration but
variable frequency (Haywood 2005) without provoking stimuli (Markowitz 2010).
150 A.D. Loguercio et al.
Unfortunately, this side effect is very frequent. The reported risk of bleaching-
induced TS in clinical trials of dental bleaching is quite variable but easily exceeds
50 %. A recent study that evaluated the individual patient data of 11 clinical trials
regarding bleaching produced a more accurate estimate of these risks. For in-office
bleaching in higher concentration (35 %), the risk of TS was reported to be 62.9 %
(95 % CI 56.9–67.3), which was not too different from that reported for 10–16 %
carbamide peroxide for at-home bleaching (51 % with a 95 % CI 41.4–60.6)
(Rezende et al. 2015b). Although the risk of TS was reported to be similar, the
intensity of TS was very different between bleaching protocols. In a 0–4 pain scale,
the overall mean intensity of bleaching-induced TS for in-office bleaching was
2.8 ± 2.9, while for at-home bleaching was 0.5 ± 0.9 (Rezende et al. 2015b).
The etiology of bleaching-induced TS is not fully understood. Since the hydro-
dynamic theory of dentin sensitivity has been widely accepted as the explanation of
dentinal sensation, some authors have used this theory to explain bleaching-induced
TS (Swift 2005). However, pain during and following bleaching treatment can
affect intact teeth lacking dentin exposure and this is in sharp contrast with the
hydrodynamic theory (Markowitz 2010).
In face of that, other investigators have hypothesized that bleaching-induced TS
may result from some degree of pulpal inflammation due to the higher amount of HP
that reaches the pulp. It is widely known that HP can pass easily through the enamel
and dentin to the pulp (Cooper et al. 1992) and can cause damage to the pulp cells as
seen in Chap. 5 (Costa et al. 2010). Further proof of this passage of HP is the fact that
color changes in dentin next to the pulp occur as fast they do at the dentin–enamel junc-
tion (McCaslin et al. 1999; Haywood 2005). Pulp tissue damage is likely to lead to the
release of cell-derived factors, such as adenosine triphosphate (Cook and McCleskey
2002) and prostaglandins, which excite or sensitize pulpal nociceptors (Huynh and
Yagiela 2003) causing the bleaching-induced TS (please refer to Chap. 5).
Several factors may affect the ability of HP to permeate the dental structures and
consequently the damage produced by the bleaching gels. For instance, the amount of
HP that permeates dental pulps is higher in teeth with restorations (Gokay et al. 2000;
Patri et al. 2013; Parreiras et al. 2014). In restored teeth, the depth and size of the res-
torations (Parreiras et al. 2014), as well as the type of adhesive and restorative material
(Gokay et al. 2000), may also play a significant role on the amount of HP penetration.
The tooth type is another important factor. Literature findings report that for the
upper dental arch (Bonafe et al. 2013), the tooth that was reported to give most
complaints of bleaching-induced TS was the upper lateral incisor. The thinner
enamel and dentin layers of incisors compared to other teeth may allow the fast pas-
sage of HP to the pulp, allowing less time for the production and release of protec-
tive enzymes against damage by HP. This was also in agreement with recent
histological studies of human pulps after in-office bleaching (Costa et al. 2010;
Roderjan et al. 2015). In one study (Costa et al. 2010), the authors observed notable
damage to the pulp tissue of lower incisors but not to premolars (Chap. 5).
Baseline color was strongly associated with TS in a recent study that pooled the
data from 11 studies from the same research group (Rezende et al. 2015b). In other
words, the darker the teeth, the lower the intensity and risk of TS. Darker teeth
7 In-Office Whitening 151
probably have higher organic content to retain the HP in the enamel and dentin sub-
strates, allowing less surplus HP to travel to the pulp tissue. Under these circum-
stances, it is possible that less HP comes in contact with the pulp tissue, which
generates lower TS. This, however, is a hypothesis yet not supported by basic research.
Several approaches have been tested to minimize the adverse side effect of TS. The
administration of some drugs perioperatively during in-office bleaching, such as
selective anti-inflammatory drugs (etoricoxibe) (de Paula et al. 2013), nonsteroid anti-
inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen) (Charakorn et al. 2009; Paula et al. 2013), antioxi-
dants (ascorbic acid) (de Paula et al. 2014), and corticoids (dexamethasone) (Rezende
et al. 2015a), was not effective to prevent the risk as well as the intensity of TS as
confirmed by a recent systematic review of the literature (Faria et al. 2015). Under
per-oral administration, several factors such as the immune system, lymphatic drain-
age, urinary excretion, and morphological characteristics of the dentin substrate may
modulate the amount of the medicine that reaches the plasma and extracellular fluid
around pulp cells, making these approaches not effective.
The most effective measures to minimize this side effect were through the applica-
tion of topical desensitizers (Wang et al. 2015). The preoperative application of a gel
composed of 5 % potassium nitrate and 2 % sodium fluoride for 10 min was capable
to reduce the risk of TS by half, as well as the intensity of TS (Tay et al. 2009). The
effect of fluoride in this process is not clear and the desensitizing effect of the associa-
tion of sodium fluoride and potassium nitrate seems to be more related to the presence
of potassium nitrate. This substance penetrates the enamel and dentin to travel to the
pulp where it creates a calming effect on the nerve by affecting the transmission of
nerve impulses (Ajcharanukul et al. 2007). After the nerve depolarizes in the pain
stimulus response, it cannot repolarize, so the excitability of the nerve is reduced.
Potassium nitrate has almost an anesthetic effect on the nerve (Haywood 2005).
In regard to the action of fluorides, it is hypothesized that the precipitation of
calcium fluoride crystals in dentin can reduce the functional radius of the dentinal
tubules and also the permeability of this tissue to the hydrogen peroxide. By doing
so, less hydrogen peroxide reaches the pulp chamber, reducing the tooth sensitivity.
This, however, is yet to be confirmed, as this process seems to occur only when
there are exposed dentin surfaces.
Another study showed that previous desensitization with Gluma desensitizer
(Heraeus Kulzer), composed of 5 wt% glutaraldehyde and 35 % weight% HEMA
(Baba et al. 2002; Qin et al. 2006), for 1 min significantly reduced sensitivity of the
anterior teeth during and after whitening compared with a placebo pretreatment (Mehta
et al. 2013). The authors of this study hypothesized that glutaraldehyde (molar mass
100 g/moL) and HEMA (molar mass 130 g/moL) might penetrate through enamel and
dentin along the same pathway as the peroxide radicals. On the way to the pulp, glutar-
aldehyde might react by cross-linking with enamel matrix proteins and with proteins in
the dentin tubular liquid, thus reducing easy passage of the HP radicals to the pulp.
Although some opinion leaders claim that application of desensitizer gels prior
to in-office bleaching affects the bleaching efficacy, this was not confirmed by
recent meta-analyses of the literature (Wang et al. 2015), probably because the
desensitizer gels used are transparent.
152 A.D. Loguercio et al.
There are many in-office bleaching products in the dental market, which makes their
choice quite difficult. They vary in the active concentration of HP, which ranges
usually from 15 to 40 % and in terms of pH (Freire et al. 2009; Price et al. 2000;
Majeed et al. 2011). There are some products that contain other additives such as
calcium gluconate and calcium phosphates and desensitizing agents (sodium fluo-
ride, potassium nitrate). These systems also vary in their mode of application: most
of them require product refreshment during a single in-office session, while for
some products; a single 40–50-min application is required.
The literature is scarce regarding the comparison of these systems both in terms
of effectiveness and side effects, and, therefore, the choice of these products is
7 In-Office Whitening 153
This procedure allows dentist and also the patient to monitor color change during
the bleaching protocol (Fig. 7.5). Patients usually very quickly get used to the new
tooth color and may not remember what color their teeth were before protocol. This
is even more important when both dental arches are bleached simultaneously. Shade
recording can be a procedure with a value-oriented or bleach shade guide (Fig. 7.5),
spectrophotometer, or by means of dental photographs.
Some authors encourage whitening one dental arch at a time (Haywood 2005),
because it minimizes TS, allows the patient to monitor the opposing arch to com-
pare progress, and it also encourages compliance. However, this procedure
increases significantly the cost of the bleaching protocol, as it requires more
dental visits.
Another advantage of color recording is that baseline dental color can predict the
whitening degree obtained after dental bleaching. A recent multivariable regression
analysis (Rezende et al. 2015b) identified a significant relationship between base-
line color and age in relation to color change estimates. After adjustment for the
other variables, every increase of one shade guide unit (in the value-oriented Vita
Classical A1-D4™ shade guide) in the baseline color resulted in an increase of
approximate 0.66 in the final color change in ΔSGU and 2.48 for the ΔE, meaning
that the darker the baseline tooth color, the higher the degree of whitening. In an
opposite trend, the degree of whitening is negatively affected by the participant’s
age (Rezende et al. 2015b).
This allows for the dentist to manage the patient’s expectations in regard to the
bleaching outcomes. Older patients with lighter baseline color may request more
than the two bleaching sessions to achieve the same whitening degree than younger
patients with darker baseline dental color.
It is important to perform a dental prophylaxis recording the baseline tooth color.
A recent published paper showed a significant difference (average of two ΔE units
of change) on tooth color when measured before and after dental prophylaxis. This
may reach the threshold for clinical detection (ΔE = 3.0) for some patients (de Geus
et al. 2015).
7 In-Office Whitening 155
As reported earlier, one of the main side effects of in-office dental bleaching is
TS. Although this side effect cannot be completely eliminated, the number of
patients that experience TS and the intensity of TS can be reduced by previous
application of a desensitizing gel composed of 5 % potassium nitrate (Tay et al.
2009; Wang et al. 2015). Desensitizers composed of glutaraldehyde and HEMA was
also reported to be effective to reduce the bleaching-induced TS, and can be an
alternative to the potassium nitrate gel (Mehta et al. 2013).
This procedure can be performed before or after isolation of the dental arch, as the
material is not aggressive to the gingival tissue. However, as the gel is usually agitated
with the aid of a rotating brush it is recommended to apply the desensitizer before the
protection of the soft tissues. The buccal surface of all teeth to be bleached should be
covered with a 1-mm thick layer of the desensitizer and left in place for at least 10 min
(Fig. 7.6). At the end of this period, the product should be agitated in each dental sur-
face for 20 s with a rotating brush before removal. The inclusion of this step into the
in-office bleaching protocol does not jeopardize the whitening efficacy of the hydrogen
peroxide (Tay et al. 2009). After this period, the product should be removed with gauze
(Fig. 7.7) or with a saliva ejector before application of the in-office bleaching gel.
Rinsing can be performed as a final step for complete removal of the product.
Hydrogen peroxide in high concentrations, such as those used for in-office bleach-
ing, may cause burning of the dental tissues (Fig. 7.4). Several attempts should be
made to avoid contact with the soft tissues.
The use of lip and cheek retractors associated with a light-cured gingival barrier
(Fig. 7.8) is quite common. The former can maintain lips, cheeks, and even tongue
away from the bleaching gel while the latter prevents the contact of the bleaching
gel with the gingival tissue. An increased frequency of micronuclei of cells from the
gingival tissue (which is an evidence of genotoxicity) was observed in patients
submitted to in-office bleaching (Klaric et al. 2013), which may be the result of soft
burning or even the contact with the gingival barrier. To avoid this, the light-curing
gingival barrier should be adequately light cured (Fig. 7.8), according to the respec-
tive manufacturer’s recommendations, and clinicians should look at the teeth from
an incisal aspect to detect any sealing failure of the gingival tissue.
Rubber dam isolation can also be used for protection of the soft tissues. However,
before rubber dam installation, a thick layer of petroleum jelly should be applied on
the gingival tissue of the teeth to be bleached. Due to the hydrophobic nature of the
petroleum jelly, the bleaching gel will be prevented from contacting the gingival
tissue even if eventual isolation failure occurs.
usually possess a basic pH that allows them to be used for longer application times
without increasing the risk of TS (Kossatz et al. 2012; Reis et al. 2013). The product
should be firstly removed with a cotton pellet, gauze, or high-speed suction
(Fig. 7.11) before rinsing the dental surfaces with water. This procedure prevents
any kind of soft tissue burning.
A recent clinical trial evaluated the impact of changing the bleaching protocol of
a high-concentration (35 %) in-office bleaching product. Instead of performing three
15-min applications as suggested by the manufacturer, the product was kept for
45 min without replenishment. A reduction of the bleaching speed and increase in the
TS intensity was observed, probably as a result of the slow but significant reduction
of the pH of the product throughout the 45-min application (Reis et al. 2011b).
a b
Fig. 7.11 (a) A suction tip was first used to remove the gel prior to (b) water rinsing of the tooth
158 A.D. Loguercio et al.
As explained earlier in this chapter, the very short color reversal that occurs within
some days after the in-office bleaching session cannot be interpreted as lack of
effectiveness of the in-office bleaching protocol. In a way to avoid patient’s
7 In-Office Whitening 159
a b
Fig. 7.12 One week after the second in-office bleaching session, the color of the patient’s teeth
was checked. (a) Teeth reached B1 color (the lightest color in the value-oriented Vita Classical
shade guide), which is five tabs lighter than the baseline patient’s teeth (A2) at the beginning of the
treatment (b)
As heat and light can accelerate the dissociation of hydrogen peroxide (Ontiveros
2011), both methods have been associated with in-office bleaching as early as 1918
(Abbot 1918). However, as we already mentioned earlier in this chapter, the
160 A.D. Loguercio et al.
literature findings point out that there is no advantage of associating it with high
concentrations of HP gels (Marson et al. 2008b; Alomari and El Daraa 2010;
Kossatz et al. 2011; He et al. 2012).
At first glance, this seems to be contradictory. In fact, from chemical theories,
one knows that in the simplest chemical reactions, the highest concentration of reac-
tants raises collisions per unit time, and hence increases the reaction rate. However,
if the reaction is complex and involves a series of consecutive steps, there might be
a limit to which the increased concentration leads to faster reaction rates. We
hypothesize that 35 % HP alone already produces enough free radicals for oxidizing
organic component of dentin, and, thus, the increase in free radicals produced by the
light activation might be useless. Consequently, the further increases in HP radicals
produced by light activation do not lead to faster bleaching due to the presence of
unknown rate-determining steps in the oxidizing mechanism of tooth bleaching.
On the other hand, this may not be the case when using low HP gels. Randomized
clinical trials that evaluated the effect of light associated with low HP concentration
seemed to show a faster whitening degree (Tavares et al. 2003; Ontiveros and Paravina
2009). This may not be the case when using low HP concentrated gels. For these gels
it seems that the limiting factor of the oxidizing reaction rate was the amount of free
radicals, and thus the association with light, which likely increases the amount of free
radicals, may produce a faster reaction rate and a whitening degree similar to that of
the 35 % HP gel associated or not with light (He et al. 2012; Bortolatto et al. 2014).
However, these findings are still preliminary and require further evaluations.
Some manufacturers indicated that their products contain orange-red color of caro-
tene as colorants and these compounds can be considered as activators because they
absorb primarily at wavelengths of blue lights. If the bleaching agent absorbs the
light energy of this wavelength, it heats and thus decomposes (Ontiveros 2011).
Unfortunately, a literature review indicated that although the temperature of the car-
otene-containing bleaching gel can increase considerably, this increase was not high
enough to accelerate HP decomposition significantly (Buchalla and Attin 2007).
Another option is the addition of some metals to enhance the oxidizing power of
the HP, as ferrous compounds or titanium dioxide. The photolysis of HP associated
with these compounds needs to be activated by a very specific wavelength, which
depends on the metals included (Ziemba et al. 2005; Kishi et al. 2011; Ontiveros
2011; Bortolatto et al. 2014).
For instance, one manufacturer combined iron with a low-concentrated HP for-
mulation. With ferrous compounds, HP can be combined with iron known as Fenton
reagent. Fenton reagents result in disproportion in which the iron is simultaneously
reduced and oxidized to form both hydroxyl and peroxide radicals by the same
HP. When Fe reacts (with or without UV radiation), the process is renewed and the
redox reaction is further fueled (Ontiveros 2011). This is the reason why products
that contain ferrous components recommend light activation by ultraviolet lights
7 In-Office Whitening 161
(Kugel et al. 2009; Ontiveros and Paravina 2009). The use of UV lamps requires
care. Patients, dentist, and auxiliaries should be protected because of the known
damage the ultraviolet radiation can cause on the skin. It should be mentioned that
Fenton reaction occurs with or without ultraviolet light activation. Perhaps, futures
studies should focus on the evaluation of the bleaching efficacy of these bleaching
systems without the use of UV lights.
Some low-concentrated HP gels (6–15 %) containing semiconductors of tita-
nium oxide nanoparticles doped with nitrogen have shown good bleaching efficacy
comparable to 35 % HP gels (Bortolatto et al. 2014; Martin et al. 2015). When
exposed to blue light (LED/Laser device), these nanoparticles catalyze the forma-
tion of hydroxyl radicals from HP (Sakai et al. 2007). As these titanium oxide
bleaching formulations can be used with visible lights they are safer than the previ-
ous formulations that recommend UV light activation.
Clinicians should follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application of the in-
office bleaching gels. There are some products that are necessary to be refreshed
two to four times in a 40–50-min clinical session, while other products require that
the product be left undisturbed for the whole period it stands on the dental surface.
It is suggested that acidic gels and those that do show reduction of the pH over time
should be refreshed; alkaline gels that keep the pH alkaline during application can
be left on the surface for the whole application period.
However, this can be changed based on the patient’s profile. In case the profes-
sionals are dealing with a very sensitive patient, the number of product refreshments
as well as its application time can be reduced. This will probably reduce the risk and
intensity of TS (Kose et al. 2015) but will also require more applications to achieve
patient’s satisfaction.
Usually, two to three in-office bleaching sessions using 35 % HP are required to
show a significant color change (Marson et al. 2008b; Tay et al. 2009; Bernardon
et al. 2010; Strobl et al. 2010; Reis et al. 2011a), but unfortunately this can vary
depending on the baseline color of the participants in the clinical trials (Rezende
et al. 2015b).
As previously mentioned, there are numerous studies that have exhibited micro-
structural changes of enamel surface induced by in-office bleaching agents (Dahl
and Pallesen 2003) and it results from the low pH of most bleaching products
162 A.D. Loguercio et al.
available in the market. Also, clinicians believe that these superficial alterations to
the enamel surface increase TS induced by in-office gels, mainly because the sur-
face becomes more porous to passage of HP.
This led different clinicians to evaluate whether the preoperative application of
remineralizing agents (Loguercio et al. 2015) or the addition of different remineral-
izing products to in-office bleaching formulations (fluoride, calcium phosphate
compounds, etc.) (Basting et al. 2012; Kossatz et al. 2012) might have an impact on
the reduction of bleaching-induced TS. These studies failed to find a reduction of
the bleaching-induced TS; however, no detrimental effect on the whitening effi-
ciency was detected (Basting et al. 2012; Kossatz et al. 2012; Loguercio et al. 2015).
A recent literature review that investigated the impact of bleaching procedures on
enamel surface indicated that these adverse on enamel effects are minimal. Laboratory
studies that simulated the intraoral conditions as closely as possible reported that as
soon as bleached enamel comes in contact with saliva, remineralization occurs and
within a few days no adverse effects can be measured (Attin et al. 2009). This was
also confirmed by in vivo studies when in-office gels were used after prolonged and
repeated applications (Spalding et al. 2003; Cadenaro et al. 2008, 2010).
As previously described, the in-office gels are more stable in acid solutions than in
alkaline solutions (Chen et al. 1993). This is why the majority of bleaching gels
commercially available are presented in two syringes/bottles, one containing the HP
product and other containing the colorants, thickening agent, etc.
When clinicians mix both syringes/bottles, a “chemical activation” occurs by
mixing two components of the respective bleaching gels, which can indeed increase
HP decomposition and the in-office gels are ready to use. This has led to erroneous
interpretation of in-office gels being “chemically activated.” Actually, the main func-
tion of the activating gel component (synonymously referred to as “catalyst” or
“booster”) is to increase the pH of the mixed gel to achieve a alkaline pH close to the
pKa of the hydrogen peroxide (pka = 11.0), thereby increasing the decomposition
rate of peroxide and the formation of oxidative radicals (Buchalla and Attin 2007).
As indicated in the Sect. 7.2, there are several factors that may explain the clini-
cian’s belief that in-office bleaching is not efficient when compared to at-home
bleaching. Thus, the combination of in-office and at-home bleaching (“combined
bleaching technique”) has been suggested for some clinicians as a way to potentiate
the bleaching effect and improve color stability (Kugel et al. 1997; Deliperi et al.
2004; Matis et al. 2009; Bernardon et al. 2010).
7 In-Office Whitening 163
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Intracoronal Whitening
of Endodontically Treated Teeth 8
Jorge Perdigão, Andressa Ballarin, George Gomes,
António Ginjeira, Filipa Oliveira, and Guilherme C. Lopes
Several techniques have been used within the last 170 years to lighten discolored
endodontically treated teeth. Internal whitening or intracoronal whitening offers
some advantages over more invasive treatments, as: (1) it is relatively easy to
carry out; (2) it involves the removal of minimal tooth structure; and (3) the cost
of treatment is low compared to that of other restorative options including full-
and partial-coverage restorations.
8.1 Introduction
Root canal therapy often results in tooth discoloration (Kingsbury 1861). When the
clinician believes that preserving the patient’s own tooth structure is the most appropri-
ate treatment, intracoronal whitening (or internal whitening or internal bleaching1) may
be indicated for esthetic reasons. While internal bleaching is a conservative technique
compared to more invasive procedures such as veneers or full-coverage esthetic resto-
rations, it results in a relatively low long-term success rate (Brown 1965; Howell 1981).
Ancient Egyptians and Romans used various methods to whiten teeth. Romans used
urine because it contains ammonia, a cleaning agent now found in many household
products. Egyptians used a paste of vinegar and pumice, combining the eroding effect
of acetic acid with the abrasive effect of pumice. Intracoronal whitening of discolored
endodontically treated teeth has been described in the dental literature since the nine-
teenth century (Dwinelle 1850; Fitch 1861). Dwinelle (1850) used chloride of lime or
bleaching powder (currently known as calcium hypochlorite) and soda to successfully
lighten nonvital teeth. The procedure was known as “bleaching” as consequence of the
use of bleaching powder. In May 1884, in a lecture to the Section of Oral and Dental
Surgery of the American Medical Association, Harlan described for the first time the
use of hydrogen peroxide to bleach root canal-treated teeth (Harlan 1884):
In order to bleach a pulpless tooth the operator must first fill the root at least one third its
length… Discolored dentine if hard need not be cut away. With the rubber dam adjusted
over the adjacent teeth, including the one to be operated upon, the cavity is thoroughly
washed with H2O2 repeatedly and then carefully dried….
The terms “whitening” and “bleaching” are used interchangeably in the literature.
8 Intracoronal Whitening of Endodontically Treated Teeth 171
Other bleaching agents were more popular among dentists until the 1900s (Chap.
1), including sodium peroxide, oxalic acid, potassium cyanide, chlorine- and sulfur-
based materials, and pyrozone (a mixture of ether and hydrogen peroxide) (Kingsbury
1861; Truman 1881; Kirk 1893). By 1903, the allusion to the use of hydrogen perox-
ide to bleach nonvital teeth had become more usual in the dental literature (Buckley
1903; Miller 1903).
More recently, sodium perborate, hydrogen peroxide, and carbamide peroxide
have been the materials of choice for intracoronal whitening (Brown 1965; Boksman
et al. 1983; Carrillo et al. 1988; Vachon et al. 1998). Two materials have been
favored, namely, 30–35 % hydrogen peroxide (Superoxol) and powdered sodium
perborate, which have been used either alone or in combination (Weisman 1963;
Freccia et al. 1982). Hydrogen peroxide generates free radicals and active oxygen
(Kashima-Tanaka et al. 2003).
Systemic Congenital
(systemic drugs)
Natural sources
Calcific metamorphosis
Endodontic sealer
Intrapulpal hemorrage
Pulp necrosis
Pulp remains
Restorative materials
Root resorption
the discoloration becomes more or less permanent. These red globules may be dis-
solved or broken up.” Spasser (1961) reported that “in many cases, the hemolysis
of red blood cells with the release of hemoglobin, especially when associated with
hemorrhage following pulp extirpation or trauma” was responsible for the discol-
oration of endodontically treated teeth. More recently other authors have corrobo-
rated this theory. Diffusion of blood components into the dentinal tubules caused
by pulp extirpation or traumatically induced internal pulp bleeding is one of the
causes for discoloration of nonvital teeth (Arens 1989). Products of blood (eryth-
rocytes) decomposition, such as hemosiderin, release iron. The iron can be trans-
formed to ferric sulfide with hydrogen sulfide produced by bacteria, which causes
a dark brownish discoloration of the tooth (Brown 1965; Glockner et al. 1999;
Attin et al. 2003). Other end products of hemoglobin decomposition, biliverdin and
bilirubin, are themselves known causes of color alteration in the skin and mucosae,
being responsible for jaundice in some systemic diseases (Shibahara et al. 2002;
Leuschner 2003).
Coronal discoloration of endodontically treated teeth may also be caused by end-
odontic sealers (Fig. 8.2), such as Grossman’s cement and AH26 silverfree (Dentsply
Caulk) (van der Burgt and Plasschaert 1985; van der Burgt et al. 1986). Temporary
restorative materials, such as classical ZOE, Cavit (3M ESPE), and I.R.M. (Dentsply
Caulk), also result in discoloration of endodontically treated teeth (van der Burgt
et al. 1986). Two mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)-based endodontic materials,
ProRoot MTA (Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties) and MTA Angelus (Angelus
Indústria de Produtos Odontológicos), have also been reported to cause tooth
Fig. 8.2 Clinical case of a recent discoloration (a) caused by endodontic sealer (b) in the pulp
chamber. This tooth lighten with the walk bleach technique using sodium perborate mixed with
distilled water after only one session (c, d)
174 J. Perdigão et al.
discoloration when used over a period of 12 weeks (Jang et al. 2013). The discolor-
ation was observed at the MTA-dentin interface and intracoronal dentin surface.
Removal of the discolored MTA resolved the discoloration.
Table 8.1 Indications and contraindications for internal whitening of endodontically treated teeth
Indications Contraindications
Discolorations from pulpal trauma or Inadequate root canal treatment
pulp remains
Discolorations that do not respond to Untreated caries lesions and abfraction lesions
external bleaching techniques
Dentin discolorations of various Loss of coronal tooth structure that prevents sealing of
origins, including endodontic sealers the bleaching material inside the pulp chamber
Defective restorations or enamel craze lines that may
result in seepage of the bleaching material to the
periodontal tissues
Patient’s high expectations
Discoloration caused by oxidation of metals (silver,
Discolorations restricted to enamel
8 Intracoronal Whitening of Endodontically Treated Teeth 175
In the thermocatalytic technique, heat is used to activate the release of nascent oxy-
gen from the oxidizing agent or agents, often hydrogen peroxide and sodium perbo-
rate (Ari and Ungör 2002). Several sources of heat have been utilized as adjunct
activation methods, including ultraviolet (UV) lights, infrared lights, flamed instru-
ments, and electrical sources of light and heat. Fischer (1911) reported heating
hydrogen peroxide with a special mercury arc light with a quartz lens, or Kromeyer’s
lamp, to irradiate the teeth with ultraviolet (UV) rays to mimic the sunlight. Prinz
(1924) recommended using heated solutions consisting of sodium perborate and
Superoxol for cleaning the pulp cavity. Dietz (1957) recommended a 20-in. infrared
light for the thermocatalytic technique in case only one appointment was feasible.
In 1963, the use of 30 % hydrogen peroxide with a source of light and heat from a
distance of 5 cm was reported (Weisman 1963).
In light of the risk of side effects from heating hydrogen peroxide in the
pulp chamber space (Madison and Walton 1990), including external cervical
resorption, the thermocatalytic technique is no longer advocated.
176 J. Perdigão et al.
For the walking bleach technique, hydrogen peroxide or water is mixed with sodium
perborate, but heat is not used to trigger the release of nascent oxygen. The use of
an intracoronal mixture of sodium perborate mixed with Superoxol or water has
been described as a successful technique (Kirk 1893; Nutting and Poe 1967; Rotstein
et al. 1993a). Saline and anesthetic have also been used instead of water (Madison
and Walton 1990). Propylene glycol, which is largely used as in the pharmaceutical
and food processing industry as a humectant and preservative, has also been sug-
gested in some countries as a vehicle for the intracoronal bleaching paste in lieu of
water. There is, however, no evidence that propylene glycol is more effective than
water to mix with sodium perborate for internal whitening.
The first description of the walking bleach technique using a mixture of sodium
perborate and distilled water was published in 1938 (Salvas 1938). The mixture was
left in the pulp space for a few days, while the access cavity was sealed with provi-
sional cement. This same technique was revived in 1961 (Spasser 1961) and modified
in 1967 (Nutting and Poe 1967), when 30 % hydrogen peroxide was used instead of
water to improve the bleaching effectiveness of the mixture. Although 30 % hydrogen
peroxide may boost the efficacy of internal whitening, the procedure can be success-
fully accomplished without hydrogen peroxide (Salvas 1938; Spasser 1961).
Clinically, the walking bleach technique of sodium perborate mixed with water
has been reported to be effective. In 57 out of 95 teeth (60 %), a good or acceptable
result was obtained after one or two visits (Holmstrup et al. 1988). The remaining
38 teeth (40 %) were treated over 3–9 visits. The method used sodium perborate
moistened with water and the access cavity was temporarily restored with Cavit
(3M ESPE) between visits. While 55/69 (79.7 %) of the teeth examined at 3 years
still had a good or acceptable result, 14 teeth (20.3 %) showed recurrence of discol-
oration that was considered unacceptable. The total number of teeth with an unac-
ceptable result either initially or after 3 years was 25 % of the treated teeth. Despite
recurrence, all examined teeth showed less discoloration than before bleaching.
Interestingly, it has been reported that patients treated with the walking bleach tech-
nique brush more often than other patients, developing a superior dental hygiene
regimen (Abou-Rass 1988).
In vitro and clinical studies have shown that three applications of sodium
perborate mixed with water are equally effective as applying sodium perbo-
rate and the 30 % hydrogen peroxide solution (Rotstein et al. 1991c; Rotstein
et al. 1993a; Holmstrup et al. 1988).
With the advent of the at-home vital whitening technique (Chap. 6), carbamide
peroxide (also known as urea peroxide) has been advocated for the walking bleach
technique alone or in combination with sodium perborate (de Souza-Zaroni et al.
2009). Aldecoa and Mayordomo (1992) suggested a 4-week treatment with 10 %
carbamide peroxide mixed with sodium perborate as a “second phase” of internal
8 Intracoronal Whitening of Endodontically Treated Teeth 177
whitening once the first phase of bleaching with hydrogen peroxide mixed with
sodium perborate was completed. The association of carbamide peroxide with
sodium perborate is more effective than that of water with sodium perborate (Yui
et al. 2008). Another study reported contradictory findings, as the sodium perbo-
rate mixed with 37 % carbamide peroxide association proved to be as effective as
sodium perborate mixed with distilled water for intracoronal bleaching (de Souza-
Zaroni et al. 2009).
As several concentrations of carbamide peroxide gels are available for the at-
home whitening technique, the use of 10, 17, or 37 % carbamide peroxide has been
studied regarding the ensuing infiltration of peroxide into radicular dentin. All three
concentrations resulted in significantly lower penetration of peroxide into radicular
dentin than a combination of Superoxol with sodium perborate. However, 37 %
carbamide peroxide resulted in significantly more penetration of peroxide that 10 or
17 % carbamide peroxide (Gokay et al. 2008).
Although there are different materials currently available for the walking
bleach technique, the combination of water with sodium perborate is still
preferred, as it may reduce the risks of side effects.
Freccia et al. (1982) stained extracted teeth with blood and then compared the results
of three nonvital bleaching techniques: thermocatalytic technique, walking bleach, and
a combined technique. Although the techniques were equally effective in bleaching
blood stained teeth, the walking bleach technique consumed the least operator time.
The prognosis may depend on the duration of the discoloration (Brown 1965; van
der Burgt and Plasschaert 1986). Brown (1965) reported that the shorter the time the
tooth has been discolored, the more successful bleaching is. Teeth that had been
discolored for less than 1 year had an 87.5 % success rate, while for teeth that had
been discolored over 5 years, the success rate dropped to 66 %.
Severely discolored teeth have less chance of successful bleaching (75 %) than teeth
with moderate or slight discolorations (90–100 %) (Brown 1965). Gradual discolor-
ations tend to bleach more efficiently than rapid discolorations.
178 J. Perdigão et al.
Some color relapse may occur in about 50 % of bleached teeth after 1 year, and
even more after a longer period (Brown 1965; Howell 1981). Teeth that are more
difficult to bleach are more likely to discolor again (Howell 1981). Specific end-
odontic sealers result is higher risk of color relapse than others (van der Burgt
and Plasschaert 1986). The probability of color reversal is much higher when the
discoloration is due to metallic stains or silver-containing medicaments (Freccia
et al. 1982).
Brown (1965) performed a survey on 80 teeth that had been bleached using 30 %
hydrogen peroxide, and compared standardized photographic records of the teeth
taken before and after bleaching, and at intervals of l–5 years. The author found that
20 (25 %) teeth failed, of which 14 teeth failed to respond to treatment at all, while
in 6 teeth the color relapsed after initially successful bleaching. Of the 60 (75 %)
successfully bleached teeth, 23 showed no postoperative change, but in 37 teeth
there was some color regression.
Stability of nonvital discolored teeth subjected to combined thermocatalytic and
walking bleach intracoronal techniques was evaluated at 16 years (1989–2005)
(Amato et al. 2006). The series comprised 50 patients (age range 7–30). After 16
years, 35 cases were evaluated. In 22 of these cases (62.9 %) the color had remained
stable and was similar to that of adjacent teeth, indicating a successful outcome of
the combined bleaching technique. There were 13 cases (37.1 %) classified as fail-
ures because of marked color relapse. Radiographically none of the cases re-
examined underwent internal or external root resorption. However, there is
insufficient evidence in terms of efficacy and safety to substantiate the use of the
combined technique over the walking bleach technique.
The success rate of the internal whitening technique is 50–90% without a direct
relationship between success and patient’s age (Brown 1965; Howell 1981).
However, other authors have stated that young teeth bleach faster than old teeth
because the dentinal tubules are wider in younger teeth (van der Burgt and
Plasschaert 1986).
Dietz (1957) reported a direct relation between the age of a tooth and its resis-
tance to bleaching, suggesting that more permanent results were obtained with teeth
of the older age groups. Camps et al. (2007) evaluated the diffusion of hydrogen
peroxide through human dentin in patients under 20 years old and in patients
between 40 and 60 years old. The teeth were endodontically treated, and a defect
was created at the CEJ. The access cavities were filled with 20 % hydrogen peroxide
gel. The amount of diffusing hydrogen peroxide was assessed at 1, 24, 48, and
120 h. Diffusive flux and maximal diffusion were higher through young teeth than
through old teeth.
8 Intracoronal Whitening of Endodontically Treated Teeth 179
The prognosis for success of any bleaching technique depends on the cause of the
discoloration (Freccia et al. 1982). When the discoloration is a result of products of
pulpal decomposition within the dentinal tubules, the prognosis is usually very good.
Recent discolorations from endodontic sealers are also easy to whiten (van der Burgt
and Plasschaert 1986) (Fig. 8.2). When the discoloration is due to metallic stains or
silver-containing medicaments, bleaching is more difficult and it is sometimes not
possible to achieve satisfactory results. In fact, internal discoloration caused by oxi-
dation of metals (silver, amalgam) cannot be removed by whitening treatments
(Attin et al. 2003).
Hydrogen peroxide is the main toxic substance that has been used for internal
bleaching (Chaps. 4 and 5). Hydrogen peroxide is a reactive oxygen species (ROS)
(Bax et al. 1992) with oxidative ability (Kashima-Tanaka et al. 2003), as seen in
Chap. 3. It is well known that free radicals and ROS exert biological actions such as
inflammation, carcinogenesis, aging, and mutation (Valko et al. 2007). ROS also
play an important role in tissue injury at sites of inflammation in various diseases
(Valko et al. 2007).
Table 8.2 displays a summary of the findings in clinical studies of internal whitening
and the reported number of external cervical resorption (ECR) cases. ECR is the
loss of tooth hard tissue as a result of odontoclastic activity (Patel et al. 2009).
Figure 8.3 shows cone-beam computed tomography images of ECR in endodonti-
cally treated teeth that had been unsuccessfully whitened internally prior to the
restorative procedures.
It has been reported that hydrogen peroxide is the cause of dentin and cementum
alterations leading to complications such as ECR (Harrington and Natkin 1979;
Lado et al. 1983; Montgomery 1984). Hydrogen peroxide seeps through the den-
tinal tubules into the surrounding tissues causing destruction of cells, which triggers
an inflammatory process that may lead to ECR. A study suggested that the combina-
tion of heat and hydrogen peroxide is responsible for ECR (Madison and Walton
1990). However, other studies reported clinical cases of ECR in which heat was not
used (Goon et al. 1986; Friedman et al. 1988). Even though the walking bleach
technique with sodium perborate and hydrogen peroxide is less harmful than the
thermocatalytic bleaching technique, ECR may also occur with the walking bleach
technique (Goon et al. 1986; Latcham 1986; Friedman et al. 1988). As hydrogen
peroxide has been used in most studies that reported ECR, several authors have
Table 8.2 Clinical studies of internal whitening
History of
Number of teeth ECR trauma Outcome
Harrington and 4 central incisors were root All with ECR; all resorptive All 4 teeth No reported outcome
Natkin (1979) canal treated in 4 patients lesions occurred in the cervical
whose age ranged from 11 to third of the root
15 years of age. In 3 of the 4
cases, the thermocatalytic
bleaching technique was
carried out from 6 to 15
years after the trauma and
completion of root canal
Same authors reported 3
extra cases that developed
Cvek and Lindvall 11 teeth with ECR after 2 teeth – superficial ECR that did 10/11, when
(1985) bleaching with 30 % H2O2 not progress; patients were
5 teeth – ECR followed by 11–16 years old
ankylosis. 4 teeth – ECR was
progressive and associated with
radiolucency in the adjacent
alveolar bone
Abou-Rass (1988) 112 severely tetracycline- No report of ECR after 3–15 years No history of 7 % failure – 8/112 teeth were noticeably dark
stained teeth in 20 patients trauma at the cervical zone
were root canal treated and Intracoronal restorative failures were relatively
internally bleached with a high (7 %), endodontic failure was only 2 % and
thick paste of sodium there was no evidence of external root
perborate in 30 % H2O2. resorption
Procedure was repeated after
1 week if needed.
J. Perdigão et al.
History of
Number of teeth ECR trauma Outcome
Friedman et al. 58 bleached teeth were 4/58 (6.9 %); resorption started No trauma for 43 teeth (74 %) were bleached once, 15 teeth
(1988) re-examined after 1–8 years apically; 2 teeth had advanced the 4 teeth with(26 %) were more than once; all teeth bleached
ECR; 2 teeth had arrested ECR, ECR with 30 % H2O2; 29/58 teeth (50 %) were found
one of them had been bleached esthetically satisfactory; 17/58 teeth (29 %)
with the walking bleach technique were clinically acceptable; 12/58 teeth (21 %)
were unacceptable, of which 4 had received
full-coverage restorations
Holmstrup et al. 95 teeth, walking bleach No report of ECR at 3 years 91/95 teeth had In 57 teeth (60 %), a good or acceptable result
(1988) technique with sodium history of after 1 or 2 visits. The remaining 38 teeth were
perborate moistened with trauma treated over 3–9 visits. Satisfactory initial result
water in 90 % of the cases After 3 years, recurrence of
discoloration was observed in 20 % of the teeth
Anitua et al. (1990), 258 intact tetracycline-stained No report of ECR at 4 and 6 years No history of Color relapse for 6/258 teeth (2.3 %) at the
Aldecoa and teeth underwent elective trauma 4-year recall; 10 % of teeth after 6 years
Mayordomo (1992) root-canal treatment; GIC
cervical barrier 1 mm below
CEJ, walking bleach
technique with 30 % H2O2
Intracoronal Whitening of Endodontically Treated Teeth
Table 8.2 (continued)
History of
Number of teeth ECR trauma Outcome
Glockner et al. 5-year clinical follow-up of Not reported Not reported Treatment was successful in 68 patients (79 %)
(1999) teeth bleached with 30 % after 5 years
H2O2 with sodium perborate,
walking bleach technique for
1 week; procedure repeated
until satisfactory results
Amato et al. (2006) Thermocatalytic technique None of the 13 failures had 42 of the initial 22 teeth (62.9 %) the color had remained stable
used with 35 % H2O2 and radiographic signs of 50 teeth has a and was similar to that of adjacent teeth; 13
sodium perborate heated ECR. However, authors stated that history of cases (37.1 %) classified as failures because of
with light source; 50 teeth for the 9 teeth for which the root trauma marked color relapse
initially selected, 35 were canal that had been re-treated, 2 of
evaluated at 16 years them showed fistula, pain and a
peri-radicular and/or latero-
radicular bone lysis area that had
failed to disappear or had
Excluding case reports of one tooth
J. Perdigão et al.
8 Intracoronal Whitening of Endodontically Treated Teeth 183
Fig. 8.3 Cone-beam computed tomography (a) with reconstructed three-dimensional (3D) image
(b) showing an ECR lesion on tooth #8 (FDI 1.1). This tooth had been treated with intracoronal
whitening in two different occasions, but did not respond to the treatment. The ECR lesion was
diagnosed after the tooth was restored with a cast post-and-core and a full-coverage restoration
(Images courtesy of Prof. Eduardo Vilain de Melo, Florianópolis, Brazil)
opposed the use of hydrogen peroxide for internal whitening to prevent ECR
(Montgomery 1984; Cvek and Lindvall 1985).
The first cases of ECR associated with intracoronal bleaching were published in
1979 (Harrington and Natkin 1979). This paper involved four cases of post-trauma
pulpal necrosis in permanent teeth of young patients, ranging from 11 to 15 years of
age. The four cases developed ECR lesions in the cervical third of the root. In three
of the cases, intracoronal bleaching was performed 6–15 years after the trauma and
184 J. Perdigão et al.
subsequent endodontic treatment. Superoxol and a heat source (bleaching tool and
a heat lamp) were used for the thermocatalytic bleaching technique. Although trau-
matic injury to the teeth was a common factor in the patients’ history, other studies
reported cases of root resorption in teeth without history of trauma (Lado et al.
1983; Goon et al. 1986; Friedman et al. 1988).
The same clinical report (Harrington and Natkin 1979) described three additional
similar cases in which ECR also occurred. The authors hypothesized that ECR may
have been caused by (1) the bleaching materials passing through the wide dentinal
tubules into the periodontal ligament, which triggered an inflammatory resorption; or
(2) an injury to the periodontal tissues by heat from the heat lamp or bleaching tool
used in these cases.
Contrary to suggestions that ECR is more frequent in traumatized teeth of young
patients some authors have reported that bleaching-related ECR is not more likely
to occur in young teeth with wide dentinal tubules (Friedman et al. 1988). In this
study resorption occurred in 3 of 34 teeth of patients older than 20 years, but only in
1 of 24 teeth of patients younger than 20 years.
Bleaching with sodium perborate and water has been advocated as a low risk
alternative to sodium perborate and hydrogen peroxide to prevent ECR lesions
(Holmstrup et al. 1988; Madison and Walton 1990). As discussed in Sect. 8.4.2, the
walking bleach technique with a paste of sodium perborate and water is currently
the standard intracoronal bleaching technique.
Several factors associated with ECR have been described in the literature:
(a) A causal relationship between a specific bleaching technique and ECR is still
not clear. Friedman et al. (1988) reported that ECR was not dependent on the
bleaching method. Authors reported that 7 % of the teeth displayed ECR in 58
cases monitored during a period of 1–8 years. Contrary to previous reports, the
lesions initiated apical to and not at the cementum-enamel junction (CEJ).
(b) A factor that may increase the risk of ECR associated with hydrogen peroxide
used in internal whitening is the anatomy of the CEJ. The penetration of hydro-
gen peroxide is significantly higher in teeth with cementum defects at the CEJ
than in those without defects (Rotstein et al. 1991b). To prevent the seepage of
hydrogen peroxide to the periodontal tissues, Madison and Walton (1990) sug-
gested that bleaching procedures should be confined to the supragingival part of
the pulp chamber to prevent chemicals from contacting tubules that communi-
cate with the cervical periodontal tissues.
The placement of a cervical barrier between the pulp chamber and the end-
odontic filling material has been advocated (He and Goerig 1989; Anitua et al.
1990). Originally the location of the barrier was 1 mm apical to the CEJ (He and
Goerig 1989). Other authors suggested that the barrier should be placed from
the CEJ level to 2 mm below the CEJ with a minimum thickness of 1 mm
(Costas and Wong 1991; Rotstein et al. 1992b). When the barrier was placed
2 mm below the CEJ the esthetic bleaching result from a walking bleach tech-
nique with sodium perborate and Superoxol was more acceptable than when the
barrier was placed at the CEJ level (Costas and Wong 1991). A 1 mm-thick
8 Intracoronal Whitening of Endodontically Treated Teeth 185
Fig. 8.4 (a, b) A periodontal probe is used to determine the level of the epithelial attachment from
the incisal edge of the tooth. This will serve as guide for placement of the root canal barrier
1985; Rotstein et al. 1991a; Heling et al. 1995). Hydrogen peroxide in high
concentrations may increase bacterial penetration through dentinal tubules
(Heling et al. 1995). This pathway for bacterial invasion may be a consequence
to structural defects or pathological alterations of the cementum (Rotstein et al.
(h) Ca(OH)2 (calcium hydroxide) is effective in arresting external inflammatory
root resorption (Heithersay 1975). Several cases of bleaching-induced root
resorption have been treated successfully by intracoronal application of
Ca(OH)2 (Montgomery 1984; Gimlin and Schindler 1990). The pH increases in
dental tissues after endodontic treatment with Ca(OH)2, which has a positive
influence on the local environment of the resorption areas by preventing osteo-
clastic activity and by stimulating the repair processes of the tissue (Tronstad
et al. 1981). As dentinal tubules become wide open when resorption occurs, a
communication between the pulp cavity and the periodontal tissues is formed.
It has been proposed that Ca(OH)2 placed in the pulp cavity penetrates the den-
tinal tubules to increase the pH in the root periphery and to promote repair
(Tronstad et al. 1981). However, both Ca(OH)2 paste and the resulting hydroxyl
ions have been shown to diffuse poorly through dentin (Wang and Hume 1988;
Fuss et al. 1989). Additionally, the therapy with Ca(OH)2 was not capable of
stopping the resorptive process in clinical cases of young patients treated with
the walking bleach technique (Goon et al. 1986; Latcham 1986; Friedman
1989). Bleaching-induced resorption in dogs was observed regardless of the
presence of Ca(OH)2, suggesting that Ca(OH)2 is unable to always prevent root
resorption associated with internal bleaching (Rotstein et al. 1991a).
(i) The resorption process does not seem to involve macrophages (Jimmenez Rubio
and Segura 1998), as no correlation was found between the mechanism of
action of sodium perborate and the adhesive properties of macrophages.
8.6.2 Ankylosis
Cvek and Lindvall (1985) followed up 11 maxillary incisors in 9 patients with radio-
graphic evidence of post-intracoronal bleaching ECR. Ten of the teeth had been end-
odontically treated as a consequence of traumatic injury at ages 11–16 years. The
bleaching treatment was performed in the traumatized teeth 12–90 months (mean of
48 months) after the accident. In five teeth, the resorption was associated with anky-
losis, which may have been caused by loss of vitality of periodontal tissue attached
to the root surface as a result of hydrogen peroxide seepage from the pup chamber.
Intracoronal bleaching affects the ultimate tensile strength and ultrastructure mor-
phology of bovine dentin. Cavalli et al. (2009) used sodium perborate, 35 % carb-
amide peroxide, 25 % hydrogen peroxide, and 35 % hydrogen peroxide. Bleaching
188 J. Perdigão et al.
was performed four times within a 72 h interval. Dentin ultimate strength was sig-
nificantly higher for the control group, in which dentin was not bleached. More
details on this topic are discussed in Chap. 4.
Different intracoronal whitening agents affect dentin fracture strength (Carrasco-
Guerisoli et al. 2009). Bovine teeth were subjected to several intracoronal bleaching
techniques. Controls were treated with either sodium perborate mixed with 10 %
hydrogen peroxide or no bleaching agent. Whitening systems with higher pH did
not result in perceptible changes of dentin ultrastructure. Apparently, both low pH
and hydrogen peroxide oxidation play a role in altering the ultrastructure of dentin
during internal dental bleaching. The use of alkaline products with reduced time of
application, as those used for in-office whitening techniques, may prevent such
morphological alterations (Carrasco-Guerisoli et al. 2009).
Restorative procedures using composite resin have been described to success-
fully restore the fracture resistance of bleached endodontically treated teeth (Roberto
et al. 2012).
The application of catalase on the mucosa has a protective effect against the hydro-
gen peroxide-induced injury in animals (Rotstein et al. 1993b). Tripton et al. (1995)
reported the in vitro ability of a concentration of catalase >20 U/ml to supress the
toxic effects of peroxide on mucosal fibroblasts. As described in Chap. 4, sodium
bicarbonate may also be used to treat these chemical burns caused by hydrogen
8 Intracoronal Whitening of Endodontically Treated Teeth 189
Figure 8.6 shows a diagram of an endodontically treated tooth before removal of the
access cavity restoration (A) and after the bleaching paste is sealed in the pulp
chamber (B). Figure 8.7 is a step-by-step clinical sequence of the walking bleach
a b c
d e
f g
Fig. 8.7 Clinical sequence of the walking beach technique. (a) Preoperative frontal view showing
a gray/brown discoloration of tooth #9 (FDI 2.1). Patient mentioned that this tooth had been darker
than the other teeth for at least 7 years. (b) Preoperative palatal (lingual) view. (c) Periapical radio-
graph. (d–i) Probing sequence to determine the level of epithelial attachment. (j) Isolation with
rubber dam. (k) Removal of coronal restoration and any residual pulp tissue left in the pulp horns.
(l) A periodontal probe is used to transfer the exact depth level for placement of the root canal bar-
rier. (m) Lingual view of gutta-percha removal from the root canal cervical area using a System B
Heat Plugger (Kerr Endodontics). (n) Frontal view of the System B Heat Plugger (Kerr Endodontics)
showing the rubber stop reference corresponding to the same length shown in the periodontal
probe of (l). (o) A resin-modified glass-ionomer material (Vitrebond Plus, 3M ESPE) is applied
into the root canal as a 2 mm-thick cervical barrier between the pulp chamber and the endodontic
filling material. (p) The RMGIC material is light cured from the cavity access for 40 s. Any excess
material must be removed with carbide bur in slow speed. (q) Sodium perborate is mixed with
distilled water to a consistency of slightly moist sand and inserted into the pulp chamber with a
plastic instrument or other suitable instrument. (r) The pulp chamber is filled with the bleaching
paste short of the access cavo-surface margin. (s) Residual liquid is removed with dry cotton pel-
lets by gently compressing the paste. A clearance of 1.5 mm is needed to insert a temporary resto-
ration. (t) Reinforced zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE) cement (I.R.M., Dentsply Caulk) is used as
temporary restorative material. (u) Frontal view of tooth #9 (FDI 2.1) immediately after removing
the rubber dam. The tooth is apparently lighter as a result of dehydration. (v) Frontal view of tooth
#9 (FDI 2.1) at the beginning of the second walking bleach session. (w) Frontal view of tooth #9
(FDI 2.1) after three walking bleach sessions
8 Intracoronal Whitening of Endodontically Treated Teeth 191
h i
j k
l m
n o
p q
r s
t u
v w
4. Periodontal probing determines the level of the epithelial attachment from the
incisal edge of the tooth (Fig. 8.7d–i). This will serve as guide for placement of
the root canal barrier.
5. Rubber dam isolation is required. The use of a light-cured resin to seal the gin-
gival margin and the interdental papillae may be needed, such as Opaldam
(Ultradent Products Inc.).
6. The restorative material is removed from the access cavity and from the
pulp chamber (Fig. 8.7j, k). The angulation of the bur must be parallel to
the long axis of the anterior tooth being bleached. Often inexperienced
clinicians remove the materials from the access preparation with the bur
angled facially (Fig. 8.8), which results in inadvertent removal of sound
dentin. In rare cases, the dentin structure on the buccal aspect is heavily
discolored; therefore, it must be carefully removed in slow speed to avoid
facial perforation.
7. At this time, check for residual discolored pulp tissue in the pulp horns and
remove it if necessary.
8. A periodontal probe is used to transfer the exact depth level (Fig. 8.7l) for place-
ment of the root canal barrier using the reference measured in Fig. 8.7d–i.
8 Intracoronal Whitening of Endodontically Treated Teeth 193
9. The root canal obturation material is removed from the cervical area of the root
(Fig. 8.7m, n), using a System B Heat Plugger (Kerr Endodontics) or a Peeso
reamer. A 2-mm thick layer of a resin-modified glass ionomer material, also
known as RMGIC (Fig. 8.7o) is applied into the root canal as a cervical barrier
between the pulp chamber and the endodontic filling material (Fig. 8.6) to pre-
vent the escape of hydrogen peroxide apically into the root canal and to the
periodontal tissues. A polycarboxylate cement may also be used in lieu of the
RMGIC, as both materials bond chemically to dentin. Ideally the cervical bar-
rier should match the contour of the epithelial attachment, as proposed by
Steiner and West (1994) (Fig. 8.5). The RMGIC material is light cured from the
cavity access for at least 40 s (Fig. 8.7p). Any excess material in the pulp cham-
ber must be removed with a carbide but in slow speed.
10. Sodium perborate is mixed with distilled water (anesthetic solution and
saline have also been used) to a consistency of slightly moist sand. This mix
must possess enough consistency to be inserted into the pulp chamber with
a plastic instrument (Fig. 8.8q) or plugged with an amalgam carrier. In case
the mix is too runny, it is extremely difficult to insert it adequately into the
pulp chamber. Once the paste is inside the pulp chamber (Fig. 8.8r), the
residual liquid is removed with dry cotton pellets by gently compressing the
paste (Fig. 8.7s).
194 J. Perdigão et al.
8.8 Summary
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sodium hypochlorite. J Endod 29:141–143
Kehoe JC (1987) pH reversal following in vitro bleaching of pulpless teeth. J Endod 13:6–9
Kim JH, Kim Y, Shin SJ, Park JW, Jung IY (2010) Tooth discoloration of immature permanent
incisor associated with triple antibiotic therapy: a case report. J Endod 36:1086–1091
Kingsbury CA (1861) Discoloration of dentine. Dent Cosmos 3:57–60
Kirk EC (1893) Sodium peroxide (Na2O2), a new dental bleaching agent and antiseptic. Dent
Cosmos 35:192–198
Kwon SR (2011) Whitening the single discolored tooth. Dent Clin North Am 55:229–239
Lado EA, Stanley HR, Weisman MI (1983) Cervical resorption in bleached teeth. Oral Surg Oral
Med Oral Pathol 55:78–80
Latcham NL (1986) Postbteaching cervical resorption. J Endod 12:262–264
Leuschner U (2003) Primary biliary cirrhosis – presentation and diagnosis. Clin Liver Dis
Madison S, Walton R (1990) Cervical root resorption following bleaching of endodontically
treated teeth. J Endod 16:570–574
Miller HC (1903) Bleaching teeth. Dent Cosmos 45:112–114
Montgomery S (1984) External cervical resorption after bleaching a pulpless tooth. Oral Surg Oral
Med Oral Pathol 57:203–206
Nutting EB, Poe GS (1967) Chemical bleaching of discolored endodontically treated teeth. Dent
Clin North Am 655–662
Patel S, Kanagasingam S, Pitt Ford T (2009) External cervical resorption: a review. J Endod
Plotino G, Buono L, Grande NM, Pameijer CH, Somma F (2008) Nonvital tooth bleaching: a
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Prinz H (1924) Recent improvements in tooth bleaching. A clinical syllabus. Dent Cosmos 66:
Roberto AR, Sousa-Neto MD, Viapiana R, Giovani AR, Souza Filho CB, Paulino SM, Silva-Sousa
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Rotstein I (1993) Role of catalase in the elimination of residual hydrogen peroxide following tooth
bleaching. J Endod 19:567–569
Rotstein I, Friedman S (1991) pH variation among materials used for intracoronal bleaching.
J Endod 17:376–379
8 Intracoronal Whitening of Endodontically Treated Teeth 197
Enamel microabrasion is a method of removing superficial enamel coloration
defects. Brown, white, and multicolored spots and streaks in tooth surfaces have
been called “dysmineralization,” and in some cases, such as fluorosis, their
cause is known. In other cases in which etiology of the defect is unknown, the
proper diagnosis is “idiopathic enamel dysmineralization.” Decalcification
defects, which are white, result from acid dissolution of the outer layer of
enamel and are the first stage in the dental caries process. Analogous to derm-
abrasion on skin surfaces, enamel microabrasion permanently removes color-
ation defects with a compound made of dilute hydrochloric acid and a fine
abrasive powder, in a water-soluble silica gel. The enamel surface is reduced
microscopically by simultaneous abrasion and erosion, and enamel loss is insig-
nificant and unrecognizable. This chapter reviews the procedure of microbra-
sion of enamel surfaces and gives examples of treatment for decalcification,
dysmineralization, and surface texture improvement. A fourth case shows
27-year postoperative results.
9.1 Introduction
In the early 1900s, Dr. Walter Kane used muriatic (hydrochloric) acid to erode
endemic brown and white fluorosis discoloration from the anterior teeth of people
in Colorado. Forty-four-year postoperative results of one of those patients (E. E.G.)
were pictured in an article by Dr. Robert McCloskey, published in the Journal of the
American Dental Association (McCloskey 1984). She had been treated in 1926 as a
16-year-old. Sixty years after Dr. Kane’s treatment (1986), the same patient was
photographed, then 76 years old (Fig. 9.1) (Croll 1987). A stark difference was
noted in the appearance of her incisors and canine teeth, compared to the untreated
posterior teeth. Some considered Dr. Kane’s method a type of dental bleaching, but
actually, the hydrochloric acid was dissolving the outermost layer of enamel that
contained the unsightly brown and white discoloration. As evidenced by the 60-year
postoperative view, the amount of enamel lost in treatment was unrecognizable and
of no long-term consequence (Fig. 9.1). E.E.G. reported that her “upper and lower
front teeth” (anterior) were treated by Dr. Kane, and “the teeth in back” (premolars
and molars) were not. She also remembered that Dr. Kane had warmed the teeth
with careful application of a flame, using a small torch. She did not recall any dis-
comfort from that. The results, as seen in the photograph, are dramatic and the
treated teeth give a much better appearance than those not “color-corrected” with
Dr. Kane’s muriatic acid/heat method.
Croll used a combination of 18 % hydrochloric acid mixed with fine grit labora-
tory pumice with the idea that combining chemical erosion with mechanical abra-
sion would also reduce the enamel surface microscopically, but more rapidly, and
with the clinician in control. In 1986, Croll and Cavanaugh first reported this type
of approach and termed the treatment “enamel microabrasion” (EM) (Croll and
Cavanaugh 1986a, b). After much more experience, a textbook followed (Croll
Enamel microabrasion is analogous to dermabrasion on skin surfaces. It repre-
sents a most conservative method of removing intrinsic, yet superficial, enamel dys-
mineralization (ibid, pg 22), decalcification, and texture defects avoiding the need for
restorative masking with artificial materials such as bonded resin-based composite or
bonded porcelain veneers. Successful microabrasion removes an insignificant and
unrecognizable amount of surface enamel and with it, the offending discolored or
A 16-year-old boy had white decalcification markings in the gingival half of his
maxillary anterior teeth, related to inadequate oral hygiene during his orthodontic
therapy (Figs. 9.3a–d). There was a caries lesion associated with the decalcification
on the maxillary left canine tooth (Fig. 9.3b). The maxillary premolars also had
facial decalcification spots. A small shear fracture was noted on the maxillary left
first premolar, perhaps occurring during orthodontic bracket removal (Fig. 9.3b).
The fractured region was smoothed with a fine-tipped diamond bur. White decalci-
fication areas were seen on some mandibular teeth also, but none were noticeable
when the patient spoke or smiled, and none had associated caries.
Treatment is shown in Fig. 9.3a–d.
A 10-year-old boy had white and brown idiopathic white and brown dysmineraliza-
tion, chiefly of the labial surfaces of the maxillary central incisors (Fig. 9.4a). The
cause of the white and brown dysmineralization could have been too much systemic
9 Enamel Microabrasion for Removal of Superficial Coloration 205
a b
c d
Fig. 9.3 (a) Decalcification from inadequate hygiene during orthodontics. (b) Left lateral view.
Note canine Class V caries lesion and small shear fracture of first premolar. (c) Operative field and
eye protection. PREMA® applied. (d) Three months after enamel microabrasion and resin-based
composite restoration of the maxillary left canine tooth
a b
c d
Fig. 9.4 (a) A 10-year-old with white and brown idiopathic enamel white and brown dysmineral-
ization. (b) PREMA® applied with rubber applicator tip. (c) Fluoride gel applied after microabra-
sion completed. (d) Immediately after enamel microabrasion treatment
206 K.J. Donly and T.P. Croll
a b
c d
Fig. 9.5 (a) An 8-year-old with pitting type amelogenesis imperfecta. (b) Slow-speed diamond
initiates enamel microreducation. (c) OPALUSTRE® slurry applied with rubber cup/brush assem-
bly (OpalCup™). (d) Three months after enamel microabrasion, enamel texture is normal
fluoride in the years of amelogenesis, but the permanent first molars where not
affected, and the parents could not identify a source of excess fluoride in the child’s
first decade. In addition, the family’s water source was not fluoridated. The diagno-
sis was recorded as idiopathic white and brown enamel dysmineralization, possibly
related to excess fluoride consumption in the early years. The parents were con-
cerned only with the maxillary central incisors at the time of treatment. Additional
enamel microabrasion for other teeth would be considered later. PREMA®
Compound was used to treat these teeth (Fig. 9.4a–d).
An 8-year-old girl had a pitting type of amelogenesis imperfecta (Fig. 9.5a). The
labial surface of her maxillary incisors had multiple round notches that did not pen-
etrate deeply into the surface. The maxillary central incisors were affected much
more than the lateral incisors. Although the appearance of these incisors could have
been substantially improved with bonded resin-based composite, it was felt that the
enamel defects were superficial enough to be eliminated, rather than covered up
(Killian and Croll 1990).
To hasten the procedure, an initial portion of the enamel removal was achieved
with a slow-speed diamond bur prior to placement of the rubber dam (Fig. 9.5b) (Croll
1993). OPALUSTRE® Enamel Microabrasion Slurry was used in the same manner
as PREMA® Compound in the other cases shown here. Ultradent’s OpalCup™ with
9 Enamel Microabrasion for Removal of Superficial Coloration 207
Fig. 9.6 (a) Enamel microabrasion of a 10-year-old in 1985, documented (Croll 1991). (b) Tooth
appearance 27 years after enamel microabrasion and 2 years after custom-tray carbamide peroxide
“home bleaching.”
internal brush bristles was used to apply the slurry to all four incisors (Fig. 9.5c).
Three months later, the incisors gave a much improved appearance (Fig. 9.5d).
In 1985, a 10-year-old girl had white and brown idiopathic enamel dysmineraliza-
tion discoloration of her maxillary central incisors. Enamel microabrasion was
completed and treatment was documented, before, immediately after, and 5 years
later, (Fig. 9.6a) (Croll 1991). Twenty-five years after treatment, the patient had
custom-tray carbamide peroxide tooth bleaching, for additional tooth color improve-
ment (Fig. 9.6b).
208 K.J. Donly and T.P. Croll
9.4 Discussion
Authors’ Disclaimer The authors have no financial interest in any product or com-
pany mentioned in this chapter. The second author (TPC) formerly had financial
interest in PREMA® and OPALUSTRE® by virtue of patent licensing agreements,
which ended with expiration of the patents.
Berg JH, Donly KJ (1991) The enamel surface and enamel microabrasion. In: Croll TP, ENAMEL
(eds) Microabrasion. Quintessence Publishing Co., Chicago, pp 55–60
Croll TP (1987) A case of enamel color modification: 60-year results. Quintessence Int
Croll TP (1991) Enamel microabrasion. Quintessence Publishing Co., Chicago
Croll TP (1992) Enamel microabrasion followed by dental bleaching: case reports. Quintessence
Int 23:317–321
Croll TP (1993) Hastening the enamel microabrasion procedure. J Am Dent Assoc 124:87–90
Croll TP (1998) Aesthetic correction for teeth with fluorosis and fluorosis-like enamel dysmineral-
ization. J Esthet Dent 10:21–29
Croll TP, Bullock GA (1994) Enamel microabrasion for removal of smooth surface decalcification
lesions. J Clin Orthod 28:365–370
Croll TP, Cavanaugh RR (1986a) Enamel color modification by controlled hydrochloric acid-
pumice abrasion. I. Technique and examples. Quintessence Int 17:81–87
Croll TP, Cavanaugh RR (1986b) Hydrochloric acid-pumice enamel surface abrasion for color
modification: results after six months. Quintessence Int 17:335–341
Cvitko E, Swift EJ, Denehy GE (1992) Improved esthetics with a combined bleaching technique:
a case report. Quintessence Int 23:91–93
Donly KJ, O’Neill M, Croll TP (1992) Enamel microabrasion: a microscopic evaluation of the
“abrosion effect”. Quintessence Int 23:175–179
Haywood VB, Heymann HO (1989) Nightguard vital bleaching. Quintessence Int 20:173–176
Killian CM (1993) Conservative color improvement for teeth with fluorosis-type stain. J Am Dent
Assoc 124:72–74
Killian CM, Croll TP (1990) Enamel microabrasion to improve enamel surface texture. J Esthet
Dent 2:125–128
McCloskey RJ (1984) A technique for removal of fluorosis stains. J Am Dent Assoc 109:63–64
Segura A, Donly KJ, Wefel JS (1997a) The effects of microabrasion on demineralization inhibition
of enamel surfaces. Quintessence Int 28:463–466
Segura A, Donly KJ, Wefel JS, Drake D (1997b) Effect of enamel microabrasion on bacterial colo-
nization. Am J Dent 10:272–274
Resin Infiltration After Enamel Etching
Sebastian Paris and Hendrik Meyer-Lueckel
Buccal white spot lesions are an unpleasant but frequent side effect of orthodontic
treatment with fixed appliances but also developmental defects such as fluorosis
appear as “white spots.” Resin infiltration was originally developed to arrest the
progression of noncavitated caries lesions. The technique uses low-viscosity res-
ins that penetrate the porous lesion body of white spot lesions. After infiltration,
the material is light cured and thus blocks the diffusion pathways for acids and
dissolved minerals. A positive side effect of resin infiltration is that infiltrated
lesions lose their whitish appearance and look more similar to sound enamel. This
effect can be used to camouflage aesthetically impairing white spot lesions. Using
resin infiltration much less enamel is removed compared to micro-abrasion or
restorative approaches. Nonetheless, significantly better aesthetic results com-
pared with noninvasive approaches such as fluoridation can be achieved.
White spots are among the most frequent dental aesthetic impairments. While
most whitish discolorations are early, noncavitated caries lesions, they may also
represent developmental defects with various etiologies such as fluorosis,
S. Paris (*)
Department of Operative Dentistry and Preventive Dentistry, Center of Dentistry, Oral
Medicine and Maxillofacial Surgery, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Assmannshauser Str. 4-6, 14197 Berlin, Germany
H. Meyer-Lueckel
Department of Operative Dentistry, Periodontology and Preventive Dentistry,
RWTH Aachen University, Pauwelsstr. 30, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Fig. 10.1 Schematic illustration of the origin of the whitish opaque appearance of initial caries
and developmental defects. (a) Sound enamel is relatively translucent for visible light. Light beams
(arrows) are primarily broken within the dentin. (b) In white spot lesions, pores contain media with
a lower refractive index compared to enamel. Therefore, the light is scattered between the pores
and the surrounding apatite crystals. Thus, the lesion appears whitish
10 Resin Infiltration After Enamel Etching 213
The cariogenic bacteria produce organic acids (e.g., lactic acid), which diffuse
into the tiny pores of enamel and there dissolve the enamel apatite. This causes an
increasing porosity within the enamel. Thus, in the initial stages of the disease the
caries lesion is characterized by porous enamel. The word “initial” may be some-
what misleading because lesions that appear as white spots are often several hun-
dred micrometer deep, often extending up the enamel dentin junction or even deeper.
It may take weeks to months and years until a caries lesion reaches a stage where so
much mineral is lost that the lesion collapses and a cavity forms. Nevertheless, car-
ies is a dynamic process. If the interplay of multiple etiological factors shifts toward
less cariogenic conditions, lesions can take up mineral from the saliva again and
start to remineralize. Usually de- and remineralization cycles alternate several times
a day, but if over time remineralization overweighs demineralization, the lesion
does not progress but arrests. This remineralization is usually confined to the outer
surface of the lesion where over time a so-called pseudo-intact surface layer is
formed. This surface layer has usually a thickness of approximately 20–40 μm (but
sometimes even more then 100 μm) and is considerably less porous than the under-
lying lesion body (Meyer-Lueckel et al. 2007). Thus, arrested or remineralized
lesions look very similar to active progressing caries lesions except the higher min-
eralized surface. For this reason, it is a challenge to differentiate inactive lesions
(enamel scars) from active progressing caries.
When white spot lesions arrest, along with the minerals also organic components
such as food pigments can be incorporated into the surface layer. This is why some
lesions may get a brownish discoloration and thus are called “brown spots”
(Fig. 10.2).
Caries lesions usually develop in tooth sites where plaque formation is fostered
such as in the fissure system or interproximal. On oral or buccal smooth surfaces
plaque formation is usually increased at the cervical margin. Quite frequently, buccal
caries lesions are observed after treatment with fixed orthodontic brackets. These
appliances hamper the natural cleaning as well as oral hygiene and thus promote
plaque formation. After removal of the brackets, these surfaces may be easily cleaned
again. This improvement in oral hygiene leads to an arrest of many buccal white spot
lesions. These lesions do not need any further treatment, as they are not signs of
active disease, but enamel scars. From an aesthetic point of view, however, both
active and inactive caries lesions are unattractive and may need intervention. Fluorosis
Today, enamel fluorosis is probably the most prevalent developmental defect of
human teeth. It is caused by chronic intoxication with fluorides during the phase of
enamel formation. It is believed that daily fluoride doses of 40 μg/kg bodyweight
may increase the risk of fluorosis in children and doses above 100 μg/kg almost
certainly cause dental fluorosis (Twetman and Ekstrand 2013).
Histologically, enamel fluorosis is characterized by an increased porosity in the
enamel (Thylstrup and Fejerskov 1978). In mild forms only the superficial enamel
is affected. In severe forms nearly the complete enamel is porous and the surface
may show pits and breakdowns. Clinically mild fluorosis appears as cloudy whitish
discolorations following the perikymata lines. This is the reason for their wavy
appearance. In more severe forms, the white lines converge to white spots that affect
from up to the complete cusp (Fig. 10.3). Very severe forms show complete opaque
and chalky enamel with pitting and often brownish discolorations. Fluorosis can be
distinguished from caries, since fluorosis usually affects multiple homologous teeth,
which were formed during the same period. Therefore, fluorosis is often seen on
homologous teeth.
capillary forces (Paris et al. 2010). When the resin is light cured, it blocks the
diffusion pathways and protects the remaining apatite crystals (Meyer-Lueckel
and Paris 2008).
One positive side effect of resin infiltration is an immediate color change of the
whitish lesion once it is infiltrated. The infiltrant resin has a refractive index of 1.52,
which is close to that of enamel (1.62). Therefore, light scattering between the
enamel pores and the surrounding enamel is significantly reduced when the pores
are filled with resin instead of water or air (Fig. 10.5). Under best conditions, the
resin-infiltrated lesions are optically masked and “disappear” (Paris and Meyer-
Lueckel 2009; Eckstein et al. 2015).
To achieve resin infiltration of porous enamel, the lesions need to be conditioned.
As the pseudo-intact surface layer has a much lower porosity compared with the
underlying lesion body, it hampers penetration of the infiltrant resin and thus must
be removed. This can be achieved by etching the lesion with 15 % hydrochloric acid
(HCl) gel for 2 min.
In the next step, the lesion must be properly desiccated. As the penetration of the
infiltrant resin infiltration is based on capillary action, any other liquid within the
porous enamel network would inhibit any infiltration. Usually, the desiccation is
achieved by a combination of air-blowing, an application of ethanol and another air-
blowing subsequently. Finally, the infiltrant resin is applied for 3 min. Although infil-
trants are chemically similar to many commercial bonding agents, it is strongly
recommended not to misemploy adhesives or bonding agents for caries infiltration but
to use the commercially available infiltrant kit. Infiltrant resins show a much higher
penetrability compared with bonding agents and thus ensure a deeper infiltration. But
Fig. 10.5 Masking of white spot lesions by resin infiltration. As the infiltrant resin has a similar
refractive index as enamel, light scattering within the white spot lesion is significantly reduced
(compare with Fig. 10.1)
10 Resin Infiltration After Enamel Etching 217
even with an infiltrant the relatively long application time of 3 min is recommended to
ensure a preferably complete infiltration of the lesion body (Fig. 10.6).
Currently, there is only one commercial kit for caries infiltration on the market:
Icon (DMG, Hamburg, Germany) is available for proximal or vestibular lesions. For
infiltration of aesthetically relevant white spot lesions, the vestibular kit is
a b
Fig. 10.6 Masking of fluorosis by resin infiltration. (a) Baseline. The patient complained
about whitish discolorations (dental fluorosis) in the upper front. (b) After cleaning and appli-
cation of light curing dam, the fluorosis becomes more distinct due to desiccation of the teeth.
(c) The lesions surface layer is eroded by etching with 15 % HCl for 2 min. (d) After rinsing
the etchant and drying, the teeth look frosty due to the etching pattern. Notice that the lesions
are still visible as only the surface layer was eroded. Now ethanol is applied to check the
completeness of surface layer erosion (for explanation, please see text). The ethanol is subse-
quently evaporated to desiccate the lesion as much as possible. (e) During application of the
infiltrant resin, an immediate color change can be observed. After 3 min, resin surplus is
removed and the material is light cured. A second infiltration step compensates possible
polymerization shrinkage. (f) After polishing the lesions, the lesions in the upper front are
nearly completely masked. After some days the aesthetic result is usually even better due to
rehydration of teeth
218 S. Paris and H. Meyer-Lueckel
Many patients in need for an aesthetic rehabilitation of buccal white spots had a
treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances. It should be ensured that the patho-
genic factors causing the caries are under control before aesthetic rehabilitation is
planned. Thus, orthodontic brackets should be removed and patients should be able
to maintain a proper oral hygiene. To improve the aesthetics of teeth with white spot
lesions, several treatment options should be considered:
• Enhancing remineralization
• Bleaching
• Resin Infiltration
• Micro-abrasion
• Composite restorations
• Veneers
et al. 2014; Gugnani et al. 2014). Similarly, mild posttraumatic lesions (Munoz
et al. 2013) may also be camouflaged by resin infiltration. For MIH lesions, how-
ever, both in vitro results (Crombie et al. 2014) as well as clinical reports (Kim et al.
2011) showed rather unreliable aesthetic results. It seems that yellowish or brown-
ish discolored MIH lesions show inferior aesthetic outcomes compared with whitish
lesions. This might explain why MIH lesions are obviously harder to be infiltrated
as these discolorations are associated with a high content of organic material. Thus,
in these lesions infiltration is possibly hampered by the organic material that fills the
enamel pores and thus blocks resin penetration. Nonetheless, an infiltration of the
underlying lesion and a “superficial” composite restoration of ca. 100–200 μm in
depth might be a very minimal invasive technique to be used in MIH teeth where
infiltration alone did not work.
10.4 Treatment
Before treatment, teeth should be cleaned using prophylaxis paste. To isolate the
gingiva and protect it from the applied chemicals, rubber dam is strongly recom-
mended. As for conventional rubber dam usually ligatures are necessary, light curing
rubber dam has been shown to be easier applicable and more convenient for the
patient. During application of light curing dam, it should be ensured that on the one
hand the plastic dam seals the gingiva tightly but on the other hand does not cover
cervical lesions. For lesions that are located very close to the cervical gingival mar-
gin, retraction cords help to displace the gingiva before application of the liquid dam.
In the next step, the surface layer is eroded by application of 15 % hydrochloric
acid gel (Icon etch) for 2 min. In most cases, it is advisable to cover all buccal
220 S. Paris and H. Meyer-Lueckel
treatment the teeth are desiccated, the final aesthetic result after some days is usu-
ally even better compared to directly after treatment.
1. Cleaning of teeth
2. Isolation by rubber dam or liquid dam
3. Etching with 15 % HCl for 2 min
4. Rinsing and drying
5. Re-wetting with ethanol to check completeness of surface layer erosion:
if negative repeat steps 3–5; if positive move on with step 6
6. Desiccation of ethanol
7. Application of infiltrant for 3 min
8. Removing of resin surplus
9. Light curing
10. Polishing
Attal JP, Atlan A, Denis M, Vennat E, Tirlet G (2014) White spots on enamel: treatment protocol
by superficial or deep infiltration (part 2). Int Orthod 12(1):1–31. doi:10.1016/j.
Auschill TM, Schmidt KE, Arweiler NB (2015) Resin infiltration for aesthetic improvement of
mild to moderate fluorosis: a six-month follow-up case report. Oral Health Prev Dent
13(4):317–322. doi:10.3290/j.ohpd.a32785
222 S. Paris and H. Meyer-Lueckel
Tooth whitening outcomes may be optimized when different bleaching tech-
niques are combined. For patients with generalized physiological tooth discol-
oration and darkened endodontically treated teeth, internal tooth whitening of
these nonvital teeth followed by at-home whitening of both arches is the rec-
ommended treatment. Dentists must inform their patients about the expected
outcomes of each procedure and provide an evidence-based choice.
11.1 Introduction
A. Ballarin, DDS
Private Practice, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
G.C. Lopes, DDS, MS, PhD (*)
Department of Dentistry, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Campus Universitário,
Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
J. Perdigão, DMD, MS, PhD
Department of Restorative Sciences, University of Minnesota,
515 SE Delaware St, 8-450 Moos Tower, Minneapolis, MN, USA
recent discolorations, as seen in Chap. 6, Fig. 6.7. This chapter illustrates a combined
technique in which a darkened nonvital tooth is first treated with internal whitening to
reach a tooth color similar to that of the remaining vital teeth, followed by at-home
whitening of both arches with 10 % carbamide peroxide in a custom-fitted tray.
This clinical case involved a 31-year-old patient whose chief complaints were the
discoloration of a maxillary right canine and the “yellow look” of the other teeth.
The medical history was not contributory to dental treatment. Upon clinical and
radiographic exam, the patient was informed that the discoloration on tooth #6
(FDI 1.3) was related to the respective root canal treatment. Patient was also
informed that internal whitening might result in color relapse after some time.
The small risk of external root resorption associated with this procedure, as
described in Chap. 8, was also mentioned to the patient. The treatment plan
included intra-coronal whitening of tooth #6 (FDI 1.3) followed by restoration
with an adhesively luted glass fiber post and a resin-based composite direct res-
toration. The next step in the treatment plan would be at-home whitening of both
arches with 10 % carbamide peroxide in a custom-fitted tray. Tooth #6 (FDI 1.3)
would be evaluated 6 months after the restoration to decide if a full-coverage
ceramic restoration might be needed. The patient accepted this treatment plan.
Figures 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7, 11.8, 11.9, 11.10, 11.11, 11.12,
11.13, and 11.14 illustrate the treatment sequence.
Swift EJ Jr, May KN Jr, Wilder AD Jr, Heymann HO, Bayne SC (1999) Two-year clinical evalua-
tion of tooth whitening using an at-home bleaching system. J Esthet Dent 11:36–42
At-Home Tray Whitening and Enamel
Microabrasion 12
Jorge Perdigão, Jennifer M. Homer#, and Carmen Real
Enamel microabrasion has been used to remove hypomineralized areas caused
by enamel fluorosis or those caused by an idiopathic condition. The combination
of at-home whitening with 10 % carbamide peroxide in a custom-fitted tray and
enamel microabrasion is discussed and illustrated in this chapter as a successful
treatment combination in cases of brown fluorosis stains that are not completely
eliminated with at-home whitening.
12.1 Introduction
Dr. Homer is a former University of Minnesota School of Dentistry student.
The chief complaint of this 29-old-female patient was related with the brown stains
of her maxillary central incisors (Fig. 12.1a, b). The medical history and the clinical
exam led to the diagnosis of enamel fluorosis. After radiographic exam, the treat-
ment plan presented to the patient consisted of long-term at-home whitening with
12 At-Home Tray Whitening and Enamel Microabrasion 235
a b
Fig. 12.1 (a, b) Pre-operative view of the discolored maxillary central incisors displaying brown
stains caused by fluorosis
a b
Fig. 12.2 (a, b) Clinical aspect after 7 weeks of overnight at-home whitening with 10 % carb-
amide peroxide with potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride in a custom-fitted tray
236 J. Perdigão et al.
Six consecutive applications of 60 s each were carried out, with water rinsing
between each application. Figure 12.5 depicts the intense dehydration immediately
after removing the rubber dam.
The patient returned to clinic 2.5 months later (Fig. 12.6). Although the patient
was extremely happy with the color improvement, we suggested a few more weeks
of at-home whitening with 10 % carbamide peroxide gel. Figure 12.7a, b represents
the final result after 3 weeks of at-home whitening. At this time, the patient decided
that she did not want to pursue further treatment.
a b
Fig. 12.3 (a, b) Patient retuned to clinic 4 weeks after the first recall
a b
Fig. 12.4 (a, b) The four maxillary incisors were treated with an enamel microabrasion com-
pound (Opalustre, Ultradent Products Inc.). Six consecutive applications of 60 s each were carried
out with water rinsing between each application
a b
Fig. 12.7 (a, b) Clinical aspect after 3 extra weeks of at-home whitening with 10 % carbamide
peroxide with potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride in a custom-fitted tray. At this time the patient
decided that she did not want to pursue any further treatment, as she was extremely happy with the
esthetic outcome
Acknowledgments We would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Patricia Nguyen, formerly a
University of Minnesota dental student, and to Dr. David W. Klein for their help with the clinical
case. Special thanks to all University of Minnesota Comprehensive Care Clinic Orange Group
Ardu S, Stavridakis M, Krejci I (2007) A minimally invasive treatment of severe dental fluorosis.
Quintessence Int 38:455–458
Bertassoni LE, Martin JMH, Torno V, Vieira S, Rached RN, Mazur RF (2008) In-office dental
bleaching and enamel microabrasion for fluorosis treatment. J Clin Pediatr Dent 32:185–188
Briso AL, Lima AP, Gonçalves RS, Gallinari MO, dos Santos PH (2014) Transenamel and trans-
dentinal penetration of hydrogen peroxide applied to cracked or microabrasioned enamel. Oper
Dent 39:166–173
Celik EU, Yıldız G, Yazkan B (2013a) Comparison of enamel microabrasion with a combined
approach to the esthetic management of fluorosed teeth. Oper Dent 38:E134–E143
Celik EU, Yildiz G, Yazkan B (2013b) Clinical evaluation of enamel microabrasion for the aes-
thetic management of mild-to-severe dental fluorosis. J Esthet Restor Dent 25:422–430
238 J. Perdigão et al.
Croll TP, Cavanaugh RR (1986a) Enamel color modification by controlled hydrochloric acid-
pumice abrasion. I. Technique and examples. Quintessence Int 17:81–87
Croll TP, Cavanaugh RR (1986b) Hydrochloric acid-pumice enamel surface abrasion for color
modification: results after six months. Quintessence Int 17:335–341
Donly KJ, O’Neill M, Croll TP (1992) Enamel microabrasion: a microscopic evaluation of the
“abrosion effect”. Quintessence Int 23:175–179
Loguercio AD, Correia LD, Zago C, Tagliari D, Neumann E, Gomes OM, Barbieri DB, Reis A
(2007) Clinical effectiveness of two microabrasion materials for the removal of enamel fluoro-
sis stains. Oper Dent 32:531–538
Sundfeld RH, Croll TP, Briso AL, Sundfeld RH, Croll TP, Briso AL, de Alexandre RS, Sundfeld
Neto D (2007) Considerations about enamel microabrasion after 18 years. Am J Dent
At-Home Tray Whitening and Resin
Infiltration After Acid Etching with HCl 13
George Gomes, Filipa Oliveira, and Jorge Perdigão
The treatment of discolored anterior teeth may involve combined techniques.
This clinical sequence illustrates the successful bleaching of “yellow” teeth with
at-home whitening using 10 % carbamide peroxide in a custom-fitted tray, fol-
lowed by masking idiopathic white spots with enamel etching with HCl followed
by resin infiltration.
13.1 Introduction
As discussed in Chap. 6, not all white or brown spots are caused by fluorosis.
Some of these stains may be considered idiopathic (Cutress and Suckling 1990).
Enamel “dysmineralization” has been used to refer to fluorosis-like discolorations
(Croll 1990).
The concept of resin infiltration after enamel etching with hydrochloric acid
(HCL) was introduced by Robinson et al. (1976) as a potential cariostatic treatment.
Croll (1987) used a clear resin sealant on phosphoric-acid-etched enamel to saturate
the surfaces with resin for smooth surface enamel defects. The research group of
Paris and Meyer-Lueckel (2009) described the masking of white spots with resin
infiltration using 15 % hydrochloric acid etching followed by a drying step with
ethanol, and a very low viscosity light-cured resin (tetraethylene glycol dimethacry-
late). Please refer to Chap. 10 for details.
The major concern that brought this 28-year-old male patient to seek dental care
was the “white areas” in his maxillary anterior teeth. Additionally, the patient was
not happy with the overall “yellow” color of his teeth. The patient’s medical history
did not shed any light into the cause of the white spots. The patient recollection was
that these whitish areas were visible since his teenage years. The diagnosis was
idiopathic discoloration.
The clinical exam revealed that the periodontal condition was excellent with no
probing depths >3 mm. There were a few areas of gingival recession without root
sensitivity. Periapical radiographs of the anterior teeth did not disclose any
The treatment plan presented to the patient included at-home whitening with
10 % carbamide peroxide gel (with potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride) in a
custom-fitted tray overnight for 3 weeks, followed by enamel etching with 15 %
hydrochloric acid (HCl) and resin infiltration. Figures 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.5,
13.6, 13.7, 13.8, 13.9, 13.10, 13.11, 13.12, 13.13, 13.14, 13.15, 13.16, 13.17, 13.18,
13.19, 13.20, 13.21, and 13.22 describe the sequential steps that resulted in a suc-
cessful outcome.
Croll TP (1987) Bonded resin sealant for smooth surface enamel defects: new concepts in “micro-
restorative” dentistry. Quintessence Int 18:5–10
Croll TP (1990) Enamel microabrasion for removal of superficial dysmineralization and decalcifi-
cation defects. J Am Dent Assoc 120:411–415
Cutress TW, Suckling GW (1990) Differential diagnosis of dental fluorosis. J Dent Res 69 Spec
No:714–720; discussion 721
Paris S, Meyer-Lueckel H (2009) Masking of labial enamel white spot lesions by resin infiltration-
-a clinical report. Quintessence Int 40:713–718
Robinson C, Hallsworth AS, Weatherell JA, Künzel W (1976) Arrest and control of carious
lesions: a study based on preliminary experiments with resorcinol-formaldehyde resin. J Dent
Res 55:812–818
At-Home Tray Whitening and Direct
Resin-Based Composite Restorations 14
George Gomes, Filipa Oliveira, and Jorge Perdigão
As discussed in Chap. 6, the esthetic appeal of anterior teeth may benefit from
at-home whitening prior to esthetic rehabilitation with veneers or prior to recon-
touring clinical crowns with direct resin-based composite restorations. This clin-
ical case illustrates the treatment details of a patient who wanted to change the
color and the length of her anterior teeth.
14.1 Introduction
enamel (Cvitko et al. 1991; Barghi and Godwin 1994; Ben-Amar et al. 1995;
Spyrides et al. 2000), and increases enamel surface porosity (Ben-Amar et al. 1995).
This reduction may be as high as 76 % of the bond strengths to unbleached enamel
(Spyrides et al. 2000).
After a lapse of 2 weeks, the bond strengths return to the level of untreated sub-
strates (Cavalli et al. 2001; Shinohara et al. 2005). Therefore, a minimum waiting
period of 2 weeks is recommended after the patient completes the whitening treat-
ment prior to performing any adhesive restorative procedure. In case the patient is
unable to wait for 2 weeks, it has been shown that removal of surface enamel prior
to bonding restores enamel bond strengths to normal level (Cvitko et al. 1991).
This chapter illustrates a combined technique in which at-home whitening of both
arches with 10 % carbamide peroxide in a custom-fitted tray was first completed, fol-
lowed by direct resin composite recontouring of the patient’s anterior teeth.
A 34-year-old female patient called the dental office to set up an appointment pri-
marily because she was concerned about the ‘how short her upper front teeth were’.
Additionally, the patient ‘wanted to have whiter teeth’.
During her appointment, the patient did not mention any other complaints. She
just wanted to improve the esthetics of her maxillary anterior teeth as well change
the appearance of her smile (Fig. 14.1a, b). The clinical examination revealed no
discomfort during function. The temporomandibular joint was asymptomatic. Upon
clinical and radiographic examination, the treatment plan presented to the patient to
improve the esthetics of her smile included at-home whitening with 10 % carbamide
peroxide with potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride in a custom-fitted tray over-
night for 2 weeks, followed by recontouring the incisal edges of the maxillary inci-
sors with direct resin-based composite to increase the length of the clinical crowns.
We also suggested the correction of the mesio-buccal line angle of tooth # 9 (FDI
2.1) and adjustment of the length of the maxillary canines with direct resin-based
composite. The patient agreed with the proposed treatment plan. Figures 14.2, 14.3,
14.4, 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, 14.8, 14.9, 14.10, 14.11, 14.12, 14.13, 14.14, 14.15, 14.16,
14.17, 14.18, and 14.19 show the treatment sequence step by step.
a b
Fig. 14.1 (a) Preoperative view of the patient’s smile. (b) Preoperative view of the patient’s max-
illary anterior teeth. Note the reduced length of the anterior teeth
14 At-Home Tray Whitening and Direct Resin-Based Composite Restorations 249
a b
Fig. 14.3 (a) Stone model of maxillary anterior teeth. (b) The stone model was waxed-up to
establish a harmonious length and shape of the anterior teeth. The patient was very happy with this
blueprint of her teeth. (c) A matrix made of putty-consistency VPS (vinylpolysiloxane) impression
material was prepared from the waxed-up model. This silicone index was used as guidance for the
lingual contour and to establish the new incisal edge position
250 G. Gomes et al.
a b
Fig. 14.4 (a) A mock-up was made with bis-acryl composite (Protemp 4 (also known as Protemp Plus),
3M ESPE) to allow the patient to foresee the esthetic outcome of the new restorations. (b) Diagnostic
resin-based composite restorations were made prior to the adhesive procedure, to verify the stratification
and thickness of each composite layer and the color. (c) Diagnostic restoration upon removal
a b
Fig. 14.18 (a) Preoperative right side view of the patient’s smile. (b) Postoperative right side view
of the patient’s smile
a b
Fig. 14.19 (a) Preoperative left side view of the patient’s smile. (b) Postoperative left side view
of the patient’s smile
14 At-Home Tray Whitening and Direct Resin-Based Composite Restorations 255
Barghi N, Godwin JM (1994) Reducing the adverse effect of bleaching on composite-enamel
bond. J Esthet Dent 6:157–161
Ben-Amar A, Liberman R, Gorfil C, Bernstein Y (1995) Effect of mouthguard bleaching on
enamel surface. Am J Dent 8:29–32
Cavalli V, Reis AF, Giannini M, Ambrosano GM (2001) The effect of elapsed time following
bleaching on enamel bond strength of resin composite. Oper Dent 26:597–602
Cvitko E, Denehy GE, Swift EJ Jr, Pires JA (1991) Bond strength of composite resin to enamel
bleached with carbamide peroxide. J Esthet Dent 3:100–102
Shinohara MS, Peris AR, Pimenta LA, Ambrosano GM (2005) Shear bond strength evaluation of
composite resin on enamel and dentin after nonvital bleaching. J Esthet Restor Dent 17:22–29
Spyrides GM, Perdigao J, Pagani C, Araújo MA, Spyrides SM (2000) Effect of whitening agents
on dentin bonding. J Esthet Dent 12:264–270
Restorative Options for Discolored
Teeth 15
Edson Araújo and Jorge Perdigão
Although dental professionals have an armamentarium of techniques for dis-
guising or removing tooth discolorations, these techniques are not always suc-
cessful. This chapter will focus on restorative options for discolored vital and
nonvital teeth.
a b
c d
Fig. 15.1 (a) Nonretracted frontal view of patient’s anterior teeth. (b) Retracted view showing
enamel fluorosis in all teeth. (c) Close-up view of maxillary incisors. (d) Lateral close-up view of
anterior teeth
childhood. According to the information given to her mother by the patient’s local
dentist, the drinking water contained excessive fluoride. Other children in the same
community had discolored white or brown teeth, according to the patient’s mother
recollection. Consequently, the diagnosis for this clinical case was dental fluorosis.
Out of the six maxillary anterior teeth, only tooth #8 (FDI 1.1) would fall into
TSIF score 6 as per Horowitz et al. (1984), and TF index score 5, as per Thylstrup
and Fejerskov (1978). The other five maxillary anterior teeth would fall into TSIF
score 7 (Horowitz et al. 1984) and TF index score 6 (Thylstrup and Fejerskov (1978).
Clinical and radiographic exams did not disclose any problem with soft tissues,
pulp vitality, and periodontal health. Esthetically, the shape of the anterior teeth was
not harmonious. The lateral incisors looked too short while the central incisors were
square shaped. A waxed-up model was prepared to reflect longer clinical crowns
with a more pleasant proportion. This model was used to explain to patient how a
change in the size of the clinical crowns might enhance her smile.
The following treatment plan was agreed with the patient:
Fig. 15.3 Gingivoplasty
to recontour the gingival
15.2 D
ental Fluorosis Treated with At-Home Whitening
and Porcelain Veneers
The major complaint of this 19-year-old female patient was related to the color of
her front teeth (Figs. 15.6, 15.7, 15.8, 15.9, and 15.10). She described major social
difficulties at school because of her “unpleasant smile.” She had no medical
260 E. Araújo and J. Perdigão
a b
Fig. 15.5 (a) Clinical aspect immediately after bonding the ceramic restorations with a two-step
etch-and-rinse adhesive (Adper Single Bond Plus, 3M ESPE) and a dual-cured resin-based luting
composite material (RelyX ARC, 3M ESPE). (b) Patient’s smile 2 days after the restorations were
a b
Fig. 15.6 (a) Nonretracted frontal view showing the wide yellowish discoloration on teeth #8
(FDI 1.1) and #9 (FDI 2.1) and white spot areas in other teeth. Some teeth display single pitted
enamel areas. (b) Retracted view. The lower incisors also have yellowish discolorations along the
perikymata. (c) Close-up view of the maxillary incisors
a b
Fig. 15.8 (a) Porcelain veneers fabricated with IPS e.max Press (Ivoclar Vivadent) lithium disili-
cate. (b, c) The thickness of the veneers ranged from 0.2 mm to 0.3 mm
The diagnosis for this clinical case was dental fluorosis. This patient’s fluorosis
level would fall into TSIF score of 4 (Horowitz et al. 1984) and a TF index score of
4 (Thylstrup and Fejerskov 1978). The treatment plan proposed to the patient was
at-home whitening with 10% carbamide peroxide gel in a custom-fitted tray for one
month and possibly every month thereafter up to 5–6 months, depending on the
outcome after the first month. In case at-home whitening did not result in “whiter”
teeth, we would try enamel microbrasion (Chap. 9) or a more invasive restorative
procedure, such as direct or indirect veneers. Patient was informed that microabra-
sion is usually less conservative than at-home whitening. Patient accepted this ini-
tial treatment plan.
262 E. Araújo and J. Perdigão
a b
Fig. 15.9 The veneers were cemented with a two-step etch-and-rinse adhesive system (Adper
Single Bond Plus, 3M ESPE) and a light-cure resin-based luting composite material (RelyX
Veneer, 3M ESPE) (a–c). One week after the luting procedure, the integration of the porcelain
restorations with the gingival tissue was excellent
Patient returned to the dental office after 5 weeks. No visible changes had
occurred with the color of her teeth. Patient’s compliance might have been respon-
sible for the apparently unsuccessful whitening regimen, as patient mentioned that
she forgot to wear the trays for a few days. At this point we asked patient if she
wanted to start the enamel microabrasion procedure, which she declined. She
wanted a “more permanent solution.”
After presenting the restorative treatment options to the patient, which
included direct resin-based composite veneers or porcelain veneers, she returned
2 weeks later to start the clinical procedure for 8 thin porcelain veneers in her
maxillary teeth.
15 Restorative Options for Discolored Teeth 263
15.3 E
namel Idiopathic Hypomineralization Treated
with Direct Resin-based Composite
a b
Fig. 15.11 (a) Smile of a 19-year-old female patient who had bleached her teeth a few months
earlier with 10% carbamide peroxide in a custom-fitted tray for 3 weeks. (b, c) Tooth #10 (FDI 2.2)
displayed an enamel hypomineralized area with a concavity in the central area of the lesion denot-
ing loss of enamel
264 E. Araújo and J. Perdigão
Fig. 15.12 Transillumination
confirmed that the center of the
hypomineralized area had a
thinner area of tooth structure
compared to the periphery
a b c
Fig. 15.13 The porous enamel was removed with a diamond bur
a b c
Fig. 15.14 After etching with 35% phosphoric acid for 15 s, a two-step etch-and-rinse adhesive
was applied, gently air dried and light cured, followed by a nanofilled resin-based composite;
(a) Finishing with aluminum oxide disks; (b) Placing secondary anatomy with a fine diamond
finishing bur; (c) The final polishing step was carried out with a felt disk impregnated with a fine
diamond paste
Fig. 15.15 Close-up
photograph of the restored
15.4 R
estorative Solution for a Case of Unsuccessful Intra-
coronal Whitening
Fig. 15.17 Preoperative
view showing the
discoloration of tooth #8
(FDI 1.1)
Fig. 15.18 After
replacement of resin-based
composite restorations and
preparation of tooth # 8
(FDI 1.1) for a porcelain
15 Restorative Options for Discolored Teeth 267
composite restorations in the anterior segment. The treatment plan proposed to the
patient to solve the compromised esthetics included replacement of the resin-based
composite restorations on teeth #7 (FDI 1.2), #9 (FDI 2.1) and #10 (FDI 2.2),
followed by a bonded porcelain crown to correct the discoloration of tooth #8
(FDI 1.1).
Ermis RB, De Munck J, Cardoso MV, Coutinho E, Van Landuyt KL, Poitevin A, Lambrechts P,
Van Meerbeek B (2007) Bonding to ground versus unground enamel in fluorosed teeth. Dent
Mater 23:1250–1255
Horowitz HS, Driscoll WS, Meyers RJ, Heifetz SB, Kingman A (1984) A new method for assess-
ing the prevalence of dental fluorosis – the tooth surface index of fluorosis. J Am Dent Assoc
Thylstrup A, Fejerskov O (1978) Clinical appearance of dental fluorosis in permanent teeth in rela-
tion to histologic changes. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 6:315–328