Pamantasan NG Lungsod NG Marikina: Senior High School Department
Pamantasan NG Lungsod NG Marikina: Senior High School Department
Pamantasan NG Lungsod NG Marikina: Senior High School Department
The Informed Assent Statement should be placed so that it can be read out loud to the
respondent before the actual interview begins, preferably on the first page of the
questionnaire, and then the respondent can sign to indicate their consent. In general, the
Have read the consent statement and the information it contains and had the
Agree to their responses being used for education and research on the condition that
their privacy is respected, and that they understand that any personal details may be
included in the research will be used in aggregate form only, so that they cannot be
personally identified;
Understand why they were selected to participate (e.g. the nature of their expertise, or
Understand that the results of the study might be published in a research journal or
In the case of dissertation research, they should understand that the document will be
form as well;
Name of Researchers
Research Title
I have read this consent form and the information it contains and had the opportunity
I understand that I was selected purposively from a larger group of people with my
I understand I have the right to withdraw from this project at any stage;
I understand that this research might be published in a research journal or book. In the
Name of Participant
under 18) :
Signature of Participant
under 18) :
Date :
The researcher must supply you with an Information sheet which provides his / her
contact details, outlines the nature of the research and how the information will be
used and explains what your participation in the research involves (e.g. how long it
will take, participants’ roles and rights (including the right to skip questions or
withdraw without penalty at any time), any anticipated risks/benefits which may
arise as a result of participating, any costs or payment involved (even if none, these
should be stated))
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina Senior High School Department, will conduct the
study entitled “ INSERT THE APPROVED TITLE HERE”. The objectives of the
Regarding this matter, Indicate your name, what you want to know or what you would
like to happen in this research. I am going to give you the primary information about the
study and invite you. If you are going to participate in the research, your
parent(s)/guardian also have to agree. But if you do not agree to take part in the research,
You may talk about anything in this form to your parents, friends or anyone else you feel
comfortable talking to. You can decide whether to participate or not after you have talked
If there are words that you don’t clearly understand or things you want me to explain
elaborately because you are interested or concerned, please don’t hesitate to ask me and I
Participant Selection
Participation is voluntary
Being in this research is voluntary. Just in case you decided to participate, it is highly
appreciated. On the other hand, if you want to quit while other procedure is on-going, we
Who to Contact
If you choose to be part of this research I will also give you a copy of this paper to keep
for yourself. You can ask your parents to look after it if there is a need.
Part II. Certification
I have read this information (or had the information read to me) and I have had my
questions answered and know that I can ask questions later if I have them.
Date: ___________________________________
I do not wish to take part in the research and I have not signed the assent below
If illiterate:
A literate witness must sign (if possible, this person should be selected by the participant,
not be a parent, and should have no connection to the research team). Participants who
I have witnessed the accurate reading of the assent form to the child, and the individual
has had the opportunity to ask questions. I confirm that the individual has given consent
Date ________________________
I have accurately read or witnessed the accurate reading of the assent form to the
potential participant, and the individual has had the opportunity to ask questions. I
Date ___________________________
I have accurately read out the information sheet to the potential participant, and to
the best of my ability made sure that the child understands that the following will be
I confirm that the child was given an opportunity to ask questions about the study, and all
the questions asked by him/her have been answered correctly and to the best of my
ability. I confirm that the individual has not been coerced into giving consent, and the