BACC 222 Business Law
BACC 222 Business Law
BACC 222 Business Law
Course Outcomes: After completing this course, the students will be:
a. Oriented with the basic precepts of the Philippine Legal System;
b. Knowledgeable about provisions in the Civil Code of the Philippines governing business
c. Able to analyze case problems in the Supreme Court Rulings; and
d. Able to appreciate business laws and apply knowledge gained to relevant situations.
Duration/Credits: 3 units
Course Outline:
A. Obligations
1.4 The nature, purpose, scope and key principles of national legislation, directives and case
B. Contracts
1. Concepts and classification
2. Elements and stages
5. Persons bound
6. Consent
7. Objects of contracts
8. Considerations of contracts
9. Formalities of contracts
10. Interpretation and reformation of contract
11. Defective contracts
11.1 Rescissible
11.2 Voidable
11.3 Unenforceable
11.4 Void
C. Contract of Sales
1. Nature, characteristics and kinds of sale
2. Elements, forms, requisites and perfection of a contract of sale.
3. Implied and specified terms
4. Distinguished from
4.1 Dacion en pago
4.2 Cession in payment
4.3 Contract for a piece of work
4.4 Barter
5. Earnest money as distinguished from option money