Antonio G. Anson and Cesar G. Anson, Respondents.: Topic: Consequential Damages
Antonio G. Anson and Cesar G. Anson, Respondents.: Topic: Consequential Damages
Antonio G. Anson and Cesar G. Anson, Respondents.: Topic: Consequential Damages
1. The respondents are the co-owners of a parcel of agricultural land that was placed under the
coverage of Operation Land Transfer pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 27 in 1972. Only
18.8704 hectares of the total area of 20.5254 hectares were subject of the coverage.
2. After the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) directed payment, LBP approved the
payment of P265,494.20, exclusive of the advance payments made in the form of lease rental
amounting to P75,415.88 but inclusive of 6% increment of P191,876.99 pursuant to DAR
Administrative Order No. 13, series of 1994.
3. The respondents instituted Civil Case No. 94-03 for determination and payment of just
4. The Court of Appeals rendered a decision ordering petitioner LAND BANK OF THE
PHILIPPINES to pay respondents just compensation and interest in favor of
respondents and at the same time directed LBP to pay the costs of suit.
5. LBP disagreed with the imposition of 12% interest and its liability to pay the costs of suit.