Future Career Portfolio Part 4: Preferred Careers
Future Career Portfolio Part 4: Preferred Careers
Future Career Portfolio Part 4: Preferred Careers
Please refer to the instructions for helpful links and more detailed direction on the questions.
Preferred Careers
What exams or activities must National Registration I must attend Veterinary College
be passed for full qualification examination for Practical nurses and complete the Veterinary
in the field? of Ontario must be passed. Registration Exam with The
College of Veterinarians of
What professional association College of Nurses of College of Veterinarians of
or organization must you Ontario(CNO) Ontario (CVO)
belong to, if applicable, to work
in your field?
If applicable, why is belonging Only nurses registered with Registration with the CVO
to a professional organization CNO can call themselves maintains standards of entry-
important? What is the role of “nurses” in Ontario. Without level competence that ensures
the organization in relation to this registration it is illegal to both public protection and
you and in relation to the practice in as a RPN in Ontario. equitable access to the
public? The status as a RPN assures the profession. Furthermore, a
public that you have the liability insurance may also be
sufficient knowledge and skill to offered to registered doctors as
work as a nurse. needed.
Describe the work environment I would be able to work in a I would be able to work with
you may be able to work in. If hospital, nursing home, or other animals and practice surgery,
there are different clinical setting to treat and help dentistry, and other healthcare
environments possible, describe patients. I prefer to work in a needs of animals.
several. Which do you prefer? hospital.
Does the job involve shift work? Yes. I will be working in shifts if I I will most probably work in a
Describe. were to work in a hospital and private clinic and so, there will
this might include morning, be less shift work since I will
afternoon, evening and have to work according to the
overnight shifts. clinic’s opening hours.
Describe several ways you can Keep up with the news related Keep up with the news on
stay current in your career in to the field via the CNO website the field via CVO.
terms of best practices and new and make sure all the new Talk to other professionals in
techniques and technologies. practices and methodology is the field.
followed. It is also important to Research on finding new
participate in institution-based diseases and treatments
training programs depending on regarding to animal care.
the hospital/ clinic I will be
working on.
Can you specialize in the field? Yes, if I wanted, I could go back Yes, I can certify in different
If so, list as many specialities as to school to complete a nursing treatment areas related to
you can degree in order to become a animal care such as animal
registered nurse in Ontario. surgery, and animal dentistry.
Select one or more specialties Registered Nursing Animal surgery
you are interested in pursuing,
if applicable.
What courses, programs or I will need a Bachelor’s degree Veterinary Surgery
other training do you need to in Nursing specialization
get these specialities?
Do you need to work for a No. No.
certain amount of time before
training for these specialities?
How long?
Where can you get the required A college or a university Veterinary college
Sewmi Wijayawickrema