Low-Gain Stability of Projected Integral Control For Input-Constrained Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems (Extended Version)
Low-Gain Stability of Projected Integral Control For Input-Constrained Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems (Extended Version)
Low-Gain Stability of Projected Integral Control For Input-Constrained Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems (Extended Version)
Abstract— We consider the problem of zeroing an error loop, and that the closed-loop stability will be guaranteed if
output of a nonlinear discrete-time system in the presence the integral gain is sufficiently low; a famous and widely-
of constant exogenous disturbances, subject to hard convex deployed example of this design philosophy is the tuning of
arXiv:2103.06836v1 [math.OC] 11 Mar 2021
error output to be driven to zero. The model (3) would most by some positive definite matrix P 0. The inequality (7) is
commonly arise by discretizing a continuous-time model; we called a variational inequality [22], and we notate a solution
therefore associate a sampling period Ts > 0 to (3). of the inequality as η̄ ∈ VIP (Γ, π ◦ K). Note that if η̄ lies
For any fixed w, the possible equilibrium state-input-error in the interior of the set Γ, then there exists τ > 0 such
triplets (x̄, ū, ē) are determined by the algebraic equations that η = η̄ − τ ē ∈ Γ. The inequality (7) then implies that
−ēT ē ≥ 0, implying that ē = 0. In other words, if the input
x̄ = f (x̄, ū, w), ē = h(x̄, ū, w).
constraints are strictly feasible, then (7) is an exact error-
To capture the steady-state and dynamic behaviour of (3), we zeroing design specification. A geometric interpretation of
assume that there exist convex sets X , U, W such that (7) uses the normal cone of the set Γ at η̄ ∈ Γ, defined as
(A1) f and h are continuous in all arguments on X × U × W,
NΓP (η̄) := {d ∈ Rp | hd, η − η̄iP ≤ 0 for all η ∈ Γ}.
f is continuously differentiable with respect to x and u,
and f , h, ∂f ∂f
∂x , and ∂u are all Lipschitz continuous on
With this, (7) can be equivalently expressed as
X × U uniformly in w ∈ W; −ē = −π(K η̄, w) ∈ NΓP (η̄), as illustrated in Figure
(A2) there is a class C 1 map πx : U × W → X which is 1. The interpretation of Figure 1 is that from the point η̄, any
Lipschitz continuous on U × W such that further attempt to adjust in the direction −ē = −π(K η̄, w)
will result in constraint violation.
πx (u, w) = f (πx (u, w), u, w), (u, w) ∈ U × W.
(A3) the equilibrium x̄ = πx (u, w) is exponentially stable,
uniformly in (u, w) ∈ U × W.
Assumptions (A1)–(A3) capture the idea that the plant
model is sufficiently smooth, and converges exponentially
to a locally unique equilibrium when subject to reasonable
constant inputs u and w. We call the map
π : U × W → Rm , π(ū, w) := h(πx (ū, w), ū, w) (4) Fig. 1: Illustration of constrained error-zeroing specification.
Substituting the individual bounds for |∆Vf1 |, |∆Vf2 |, and parameters are selected as Ti = 30, and λ = 0.9. The inputs
∆Vf3 from (31), (32), and (33) back into (24), we obtain the uk ∈ R3 are constrained to the convex set
overall bound
C = {u ∈ R3 | |u1 | + |u2 | ≤ 1, |u3 | ≤ 2}.
∆Vf ≤ ζk Qf ζk
For comparison purposes, we simulate (i) the response of
where Qf := Q1 + Q2 + Q3 evaluates to
the closed-loop system without constraints with the basic
−ρf + k1 λ2 + (k2 + k6 )λ k3 λ2 + (k4 + k7 )λ
integral controller (2), and (ii) the response of the closed-
Qf = .
k3 λ2 + (k4 + k7 )λ k5 λ2 loop system with constraints with the DP-I controller (14).
Step #5 – Putting the Pieces Together: Define the com- Figure 2 shows the response under several step changes to the
posite Lyapunov candidate V (ξ, η, w) = Vs (η) + Vf (ξ, η, w). two reference signals. In the unconstrained case, as expected,
Along trajectories of (18), we combine the previous inequal- the reference signals are tracked after the initial transient
ities to compute that response. In the constrained case, sufficient actuator capacity
is not available, and exact tracking is not achieved. Figure 3
∆V = V (ξk+1 , ηk+1 , w) − V (ξk , ηk , w) ≤ ζkT Qζk shows the control signal, projected onto the u1 –u2 plane; the
two responses are identical when the projection operation is
holds for all (ξk , ηk , w) ∈ Br (0) × Γ × W, where
inactive (see Section III-A), but as expected uk ∈ C at all
−ρf + (k1 + q1 )λ2 + k̃2 λ k3 λ2 + k̃4 λ
times in the constrained case.
k3 λ2 + k̃4 λ −(1 − c2dfb ) + k5 λ2
and where for compactness we set k̃2 = k2 + k6 and
k̃4 = k4 + k7 + q2 . Note that the (1, 1) element of Q is
negative and O(1) as λ → 01 . From Proposition 2.1, we
have that
1 − c2dfb = 2λ(1 − cfb ) − λ2 (1 − cfb )2 ,
with cfb ∈ (0, 1), and therefore the (2, 2) element of Q
is negative and O(λ) as λ → 0. Since the off diagonal
elements are O(λ) as λ → 0, it is straightforward to
argue that there exists some λ? > 0 such that Q ≺ 0
for all λ ∈ (0, λ? ). Using (23a), there therefore exists
ε > 0 such that ∆V (ξk , ηk , w) ≤ −εV (ξk , ηk , w) for all
(ξk , ηk , w) ∈ Br (0) × Γ × W. Standard arguments (e.g., [30,
Thm. 13.2] now complete the proof. Fig. 2: Tracking response of closed-loop system; dashed black lines
denote reference set-points.
We now illustrate the action of the controller via an V. C O N C L U S I O N S
academic example. For simplicity, we generate a random
We have formulated an approximate tracking specification
internally stable discrete-time LTI system with sampling
as a variational inequality, and designed projected integral
period Ts = 1, n = 5 states, r = 2 measurements, m = 3
controller to meet this specification while maintaining arbi-
control inputs, and nw = 2 exogenous reference signals, and
trary convex constraints on the input signal at all times. In the
consider a standard reference-tracking control arrangement
absence of constraints, the approximate tracking specification
where ek = yk − wk . For this system, the DC gain matrix
reduces to an exact tracking specification, and the projected
G(1) ∈ Rr×m has full row rank. For the DP-I controller
integral controller reduces to a classical integral controller.
(14), the gain K is selected as K = G(1)† , and hence the
The controller inherits what is perhaps the most important
monotonicity and Lipschitz conditions in Theorem 3.1 are
stability property of traditional integral control; under mild
satisfied with P = I2 and µ = L = 1; the remaining
monotonicity conditions on the plant equilibrium mapping,
1 For a function g : R → R which is positive definite with respect to 0, a closed-loop stability can be guaranteed when the plant is
function f : R → R is O(g(λ)) as λ → 0 if limλ→0 |f (λ)|/g(λ) < ∞. exponentially stable and the integral gain is sufficiently low.
Proof of Theorem A1: Let φk (z; u) denote the solution of
(35) from initial condition z0 = z and with input u ∈ U. By
uniform exponential stability, there exist constants M ≥ 1,
ρ ∈ (0, 1) and δ > 0 such that
kzk2 < δ =⇒ kφk (z; u)k2 ≤ M ρk kzk2 (37)
for all k ≥ 0 and for any u ∈ U. In particular
then, kφk (z; u)k2 ≤ M δ := for all k ≥ 0. Let
Bδ (0) = {ξ ∈ Rn | kξk2 < δ} and define
Z = {ζ ∈ Rn | ∃k ≥ 0, z ∈ Bδ (0), u ∈ U s.t. φk (z; u) = ζ}.
In other words, Z is the image of all solutions with initial
conditions in Bδ (0) and inputs in U. Due to uniform
exponential stability, we have that Z ⊆ B (0), so Z is a
bounded set. Moreover, by definition, Z is positively invariant.
Finally, note that Bδ (0) ⊆ Z, so 0 is in the interior of Z.
With this refined notation, we have that if z ∈ Bδ (0), then
Fig. 3: Control inputs; dashed black lines denote constraints. φk (z; u) ∈ Z for any k ≥ 0 and any u ∈ U.
Next, define the function V : Z × U → R by
XN −1
Future work will consider applications of this control scheme, V (z, u) = φk (z; u)T φk (z; u)
the extension of this scheme to a projected PID controller, and
the extension to more general discrete-time output-regulating for some N ≥ 1 to be determined. Since g is Lipschitz
controllers which admit a representation in incremental form. continuous in both arguments, so is φk , so V is continuous
in both arguments. We first observe that
V (z, u) = φ0 (z; u)T φ0 (z; u) + φk (z; u)T φk (z; u)
Consider the discrete-time nonlinear system k=1
≥ φ0 (z; u)T φ0 (z; u)
xk+1 = f (xk , u) (34)
= kzk22 .
where f : X × U → Rn , with X ⊆ Rn and U ⊆ Rm being By uniform exponential stability, it also holds that
convex sets. Assume that XN −1
(i) f is continuously differentiable on X × U, V (z, u) ≤ M 2 ρ2k kzk22 ,
(ii) f, ∂f ∂f
∂x , ∂u are Lipschitz continuous in x on the set X , and henceP(36a) holds for all (z, u) ∈ Z × U with c1 = 1
uniformly in the inputs u ∈ U, N −1
and c2 = k=0 M 2 ρ2k . Next, note that since Z is forward
(iii) there exists a continuously differentiable map
invariant, we have that g(z, u) ∈ Z for any z ∈ Z and any
πx : U → X which is Lipschitz continuous on U and
u ∈ U. We may therefore compute for z ∈ Z that
satisfies πx (u) = f (πx (u), u) for all u ∈ U.
V (g(z, u), u) − V (z, u)
Defining the new state variable z = x − πx (u), we obtain
N −1
the deviation model X
= kφk (g(z, u); u)k22 − kφk (z; u)k22
zk+1 = f (zk + πx (u), u) − πx (u) := g(zk , u), (35) k=0