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QL Design 110 14B Spec Sheet 1980

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l.--A-l 110,148

F--^--J R


B 32 LBS
1 70 SO FT

the Quality Ltghting People

3s35 Commerc al Avenue. Nonhbrook. ll inois 60062
3121498 6540 TWX 9r0 686 s946 (OL rNC. NBFK)
Design llO

100, 175,250 MV
I75,250 MH
100, 150 250 HPS

Housing: Design 1 10 luminaire shall exclude all d irt, insects and moisture. entire length ot the door and is
be constructed ol heavy guage mounted to main housing.
aluminum interlocked at corners and Optical System: Reflector 148 is made
retained with rein{orced corner ol two halves of highly heat resistant Ballast Type: All ballasts fu rn ished
polysulfane plastic coated in a vacuum are high power factor (900/0
braces provid ing exceptional
strength and rigidity. This ingenious with a layer of pure aluminum (reflec- minimum). Mercu ry vapor, metal
construction is achieved with no tance 90%) and protected by a coating halide, and high pressure sodium
visible lasteners. Ref lector wilh lamp of silicone oxide. The vertical contours ot ballasts incorporate CWA (constant
socket assem b ly is h inged to provide the specular reflector shall be adjustable wattage auto transformer) circu itry
access to ballast and {itter so as to enable it to provide different providing 10-10% voltage-to wattage
compartment. Exterior linish is vinyl- distributions of luminous intensity. The regulation. A 10% input voltage
clad on aluminum with clear sealer continuous curves in the horizontal and variation resulls in a 10% lamp
coat to prevent deg radation. vertical were approximated by 42 poly- wattage variation. All ballasts provide
Standard color Bronze 313. lnternal reliable lamp starting to-20 degrees
main support system is lastened to Lamp supporl: Socket and mounting Fahrenheit. All ballast components,
two side panels. bracket assembly is mounted on an core and coil, capacitors, and starter
adjustable bracket which allows lamp are mounted to main support brace
Latches: Aircralt type qu arter turn
to be adjusted for peak candlepower with keyhole type mounting slots to
latches with leaf spring retainers.
angles and cut-off control. Socket lacilitate field replacement of ballast.
These latches combine the
advantages o.f ease ol operation along assembly rs a locking type protecting Mounling System: Each luminaire
with maximum resistance to fatigue the arc tube from vibration. shall be eq u ipped with a cast
and vibration. Lens: Opticaliy clear tempered g lass aluminum internalslip fitter for
is heat and impact resistant. Flat or mounting to pole tenon. Fittershall
Gasketing: The entire lens assembly d ropped convex styles are available accommodate a 2" (2.375 O.D.) pipe.
shall be gasketed using silicone- depend ing on photometric A 3 degree leveling adjustment shall
impregnated Dacron gasketing. This req u irements. Lens doors are lormed be incorporated into slip fitter desig n.
materialwill permit the luminaire aluminum sheeting and v inyl f in ished
interior to "breathe" d u ring periods ol same as fixtu re housing. A piano type Labels: All lum inaire U.L. approved
energ izin g and de-energ izing, butwill h inge made of sta in less steel runs the and IBEW labels.

the Qualttv Li9httnq Peaple

3535 Commerc al Avenue. No(hbrook. ll inois 60062
312,i498-6540 TWX 910 686 5946 (OL tNC NBFK)

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