Bohol Island State University: Republic of The Philippines
Bohol Island State University: Republic of The Philippines
Bohol Island State University: Republic of The Philippines
A premier Science and Technology university for the formation of a world class and virtuous human
resource for sustainable development of the Bohol and the country.
MISSION: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the
professional and technological fields; undertake research and development, and extension services
for sustainable development of Bohol and the country.
GOALS: 1. Pursue faculty and education excellence and strengthen the current viable curricular programs
and develop curricular programs that are responsive to the demands of the times both in the
industry and environment.
2. Promote quality research outputs that respond to the needs of the local and national
3. Develop communities through responsive extension programs.
4. Adopt efficient and profitable income generating projects/enterprise for sustainability.
5. Provide adequate, state-of-the-art and accessible infrastructure support facilities for quality
6. Promote efficient and effective good governance supportive of high quality education.
5. upgrade competencies and integrate values within and across the learning and tool
subjects in a progressive and student-friendly learning environment.
Course Description This course aims to prepare prospective Social Studies teachers to undertake an
undergraduate research project. It gives teachers the opportunity to conduct researchers
that address problems, issues and concerns in Social Studies teaching and learning. It
also showcases their research skills through the application of the different disciplinary
It covers the formulation of Chapter 1 (The Problem and Its Scope) and some
pertinent pages of the research output. Furthermore, they will undergo a research title
proposal hearing and had constructed research instrument ready for validation.
Course Credits
3 units
Class Schedule
Second Semester, A.Y. 20___ -20___
a. Articulate the latest developments in their specific Participate in continuing education and professional development in the specific
field of practice. (PQF level 6 descriptor) field of practice.
b. Effectively communicate in English and Filipino, Demonstrate effective oral and written communication using both English and
both orally and in writing Filipino languages.
Exhibit adequate technical writing and oral communication abilities.
c. Work effectively and collaboratively with a Work effectively as a member of multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
substantial degree of independence in multi- Display good judgment of people, actions and ideas and communicate them
disciplinary and multi-cultural teams. (PQF level 6 efficiently.
descriptor) Demonstrate effective leadership, coordination and decision-making skills.
Demonstrate productive project management skills.
d. Act in recognition of professional, social, and Articulate the contribution of one’s profession to society and nation building.
ethical responsibility Articulate the responsibilities of a Filipino citizen in relation to the rest of the
Demonstrate respect for intellectual property rights.
Explain professional knowledge and ethical responsibilities.
e. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and Articulate one’s possible contributions to society and nation building.
cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722)
Program Outcomes Common to Graduates of a Horizontal Type of Institution as defined in
i. Articulate the rootedness of education in Generate opportunities for reflection on historical, social, cultural and
Philosophical, sociocultural, historical, political processes as they affect the day to day lives of the students.
Psychological, and Political contexts
j. Demonstrate mastery of subject Actively engages students to sustain interest in the subject matter.
matter/discipline Implements learner-friendly classroom management procedures and
k. Facilitate learning using a wide range of Use varied teaching methodologies appropriate for diverse learners.
teaching methodologies and deliveries Evaluate current teaching approaches and innovate based on learners’
modes appropriate to specific learners and needs.
their environments
l. Develop innovative curricula, instructional Implement and evaluate the curriculum.
plans, teaching approaches, and resources Effectively write and carry out the lesson plan with mastery.
for diverse learners Deliver interesting lessons with congruent objectives, subject matter,
teaching-learning activities, materials and assessment procedures.
m. Apply skills in the development and Source and organize data and information concerning teaching and
utilization of ICT to promote quality, learning.
relevant, and sustainable educational Analyze and interpret data and information using appropriate tools and
practices. procedures.
Compose and disseminate properly well-written reports (progress
reports, assessment, official communications, among others).
n. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in Behave in accordance to the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers.
planning, monitoring, assessing, and Use the community as learning resource.
reporting learning processes and
o. Practice professional and ethical teaching Plans ad carries out personal and professional advancement.
standards sensitive to the local, national,
and global realities
p. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and
professional growth through varied
experiential and field-based opportunities
BSEd major in Social Studies Program Outcomes and Performance Indicators
q. Utilize appropriate various sociocultural Relate current events with available historical data to help students
and historical materials in explaining develop critical perspectives towards social issues
current issues Draw the connections between and among people, events, and
places to analyze local and global social issues
r. Organize communities towards self- Design community-based activities to help learners achieve an
reliance and self-sufficiency integrated view of social development
Organize student clubs/activities for community outreach projects
Conduct public assembles to increase social awareness
s. Demonstrate leadership skills that will help Train students to be involved in community-related activities
in teaching or training students who will Establish linkages with government and non-government
empower their communities organizations to promote public welfare.
t. Integrate local and global perspectives in Access information from local and foreign media about social
teaching the principle of the common good issues to enhance teaching
Distinguish truthful from false presentation of information from
social media
u. Employ principles of sustainable Initiate advocacy campaigns towards the attainment of sustainable
development in teaching and learning development goals
Organize initiatives for stewardship of natural resources
Participate in activities that promote environmental consciousness
Integrate the environmental principles in learning and teaching
v. Show scholarship in research and further Participate in research to improve the teaching and learning of
Major Course Syllabus/Research in Social Studies 1Page 3
Course Syllabus
social studies
Join seminars, trainings, workshops, and related activities to
improve the teaching and learning of social studies
w. Display the qualities of an innovative Design innovative strategies that heighten students’ engagement
teacher who has mastery of the subject in the social studies classroom
matter Produce assessment materials to measure students’ performance
Program Outcomes
4. Conceptualize research
problem and hypothesis
8. Formulate research
I - Introduced concepts/principle
Facilitates learning of the competencies (input is provided and competency is evaluated)
P - Practiced with supervision
Allows student to practice competencies (no input but competency is evaluated)
D - Demonstrated across different clinical setting with minimal supervision
Opportunity for development (no input or evaluation, but there is opportunity to practice the
Time-frame Remarks
Orientation (Course Syllabus, VMGO, Classroom Policies) Levelling Off 2 days
Lecture, Discussion, Group Discussion, Group Presentation, Oral
Recitation, Oral Questioning, Group Study, Brainstorming, Think-Pair-
Share, Demonstration, Interactive Learning, Collaborative Learning,
Group Reporting, Library Work, Project-based strategies
Grading System 60% passing mark/transmutation of raw scores or cumulative related scores
Major exams 20%
Outcomes-based Project 40%
Class performance, 40%
(quizzes,activity,oral recitation& assignment)
Total 100%
Main Textbooks
Almeida, A. B., Gaerlan, A. A. & Manly, N. E. (2016). Research fundamentals: from concept to output; a guide for researchers & thesis
writers, Quezon City, Philippines: Adriana Publishing Co. Inc.
Bago, A. L. (2011). Thesis writing with confidence, Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing, Inc.
Calderon, J. F., & Gonzales, E. C. (2004). Methods of research and thesis writing, Mandaluyong City, Philippines: National Book
Chan, E. I 2008. Research in various disciplines seeing through the process of writing . Mega-Jesta Prints, Inc.
Cristobal A.P. Jr. 2013. Research made easier. C & E Publishing, Inc.
Galero-Tejero, E. 2011. A simplified approach to thesis and dissertation writing. MandaluyongCity: National Bookstore Inc.
Hittleman, D. R. et al. 2002. Interpreting Educational Research. New Jersey: Pearson Ed. Inc.
Kember, D. 2000. Action Learning and Action Research. USA: Stylus Publishing, Inc.
Librero, F. 2006. How to write a thesis proposal some practical guidelines. (3rd Ed.) College, Laguna, Philippines: Institute of
Development Communication College of Agriculture Pub. Program, UP Los Banos.
Louis ,R. M. and Parker ,R. A. 2008. Designing and conducting survey research. San Francisco: Jossey – Bass Publishers.
Manlapaz, E. Z. and Francisco Ma. E. N. 2006. The college research paper. Quezon City: National Bookstore, Inc.
Mills, J. E. 2000. Action Research. A Guide for the Teacher Researcher. US: Prentice Hall.
Pontillo, R. R., et al. 2003. Research and Technical Writing. Philippines: Trinitas Pub., Inc.
Tejero, E. G. 2011. A Simplified Approach to Thesis and Dissertation Writing. Phillipines: National Bookstore.
Turabian, K. L. 2012. A manual for writers of term papers, Theses and dissertations. (4th Edition) Chicago and London: The University
of Chicago Press, Ltd.
Vizcarra, F. O. 2003 . Introduction to Educational Research. Quezon City: Great Books Trading
Zulueta, Francisco M. 2010. Methods of research thesis writing and applied statistics. National Bookstore, Inc.