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J. SE Asian Appl. Geol., Jul–Dec 2009, Vol. 1(2), pp.




Tun Naing∗ 1 , Subagyo Pramumijoyo1 , and Hiroshi Kawase2

1 Department of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2 Department of Architecture and Urban Design, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University

Abstract 1 Introduction

For the theoretical simulation or prediction of strong The May 27, 2006 earthquake caused severe
ground motion, it is prime importance to get in- damage in Yogyakarta Basin, especially in Ban-
formation of underground structures, especially for tul area. One main reason for such damage is
sedimentary layers overlying on bedrock, like in Yo- strong ground motion and ground amplifica-
gyakarta Basin. The Standard Penetration Test, tion. It is also important to determine site ef-
Spectral Analysis of Surface Wave (SASW) and fects quantitatively. During an earthquake, the
other geotechnical properties are used to estimate subsurface soil column acts like a filter with
S–wave velocity structures in this basin. SPT tests strain-dependent properties that can increase
were conducted at nine sites and SASW measure- the duration and amplitude of shaking in a nar-
ments were performed at seventeen sites. As a result, row frequency band related to the soil thick-
the S-wave velocity structures of top 30 m depth had ness, physical properties (P- and S-wave veloc-
been evaluated in each site. The average shear wave ities, density), and the shape of the surface and
velocity v30s had been successful estimated and the subsurface boundaries. The spectral content
sites are classified into three types; soft soil, medium (amplitude, period, and phase) and duration of
dense soil and hard soil. All sites where SPT per- earthquake recordings can therefore be signif-
formed are on soft soil according to their v30 s . How- icantly affected by local site conditions, espe-
ever, according to v30s from SASW measurements, 10 cially at unconsolidated soil and sediment sites
sites are located on medium dense soils type, 5 sites with a near-surface impedance contrast with
on dense soils and 2 sites on soft soils. The accept- underlying bedrock. The resonant period of
able equivalent S-wave velocitystructure is observed the ground is therefore of great importance for
by comparing the results from SASW and geotechni- earthquake engineering (Molnar et al., 2007).
cal approach in Imogiri, Bambang Lipuro, Pundong The most influential parameter in determin-
(Watu, Pranti) and Pandak (Wijirejo) areas. ing strong ground motion is the subsurface
Keywords: Ground motion, underground struc- shear-wave velocity (Vs ) structure. The 2005
ture, sedimentary layer, SPT, SASW, Pundong. Canadian National Building Code is based on
averaging the shear-wave velocity of the top 30
m (or equivalent) in order to designate a Na-
tional Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program
(NEHRP) amplification site class with an ap-
∗ Corresponding author: T. NAING, Department of propriate multiplicative amplification hazard
Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah factor. This is similar to current practice in the
Mada University, Jl. Grafika 2 Yogyakarta, 55281, Indone-


United States, and now in Europe (Eurocode 8),

(Molnar et al., 2007).
The theoretical evaluation of strong motions
and site effects requires information on shear
wave velocity structures, especially for sedi-
mentary layers above the bedrock. Theoreti-
cal simulation of strong motions for 1995 Kobe
earthquake had shown that sites effects caused
by 3D basin structure have an important role
in strong motions (Kawase and Matsushima,
1998). For 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake, there
is no enough information on velocity structures
of the basin. Therefore, the shear wave velocity
structures in Yogyakarta Basin is estimated by
Figure 1: Locations of SASW measurements
using Standard Penetration Tests at nine bore-
holes and Spectral Analysis of Surface Wave
(SASW) measurements in seventeen places as
first stage. The depths of SASW measurements
and SPT test are generally greater than 30m.
Therefore, the sites in this basin are classified
based on average shear wave velocity, v30s .

2 SASW Method

The SASW method is a relatively new in-situ

seismic method for determining shear wave ve-
locity profiles. Measurement is performed on
the ground surface, and so, the cost of mea-
surements is less than with traditional borehole
methods. The basis of the SASW method is Figure 2: Diagram of SASW measurement
the dispersive characteristic of Rayleigh waves
when traveling through a layered medium.
Rayleigh wave velocity is determined by the namic source is used to generate surface waves
material properties (primarily shear wave ve- of different wavelengths (or frequencies) which
locity, but also compression wave velocity and are monitored by two or more receivers at
material density) of the subsurface. known offsets as shown in Figure 2. Data
In Yogyakarta Basin, the SASW measure- from forward and reverse profiles are aver-
ments are performed in seventeen areas aged together. An expanding receiver spread is
throughout the basin as shown in Figure 1. used to avoid near field effects associated with
All measurements reached to the depth of 30 Rayleigh waves and the source receiver geome-
m and above. Therefore, the obtained data can try is optimized to minimize body wave signal.
reflect the effects of loose to dense sediments in During data analysis, all phase data are man-
this basin and applicable for seismic response ually checked through an interactive masking
analysis and strong ground motion. process to discard low quality data.

General Procedure SASW testing consists of Data Analysis First of all, the recorded data
measuring the surface wave dispersion curve are transformed into cross power spectrum
at the site and interpreting it to obtain the cor- by using fast Fourier Transform method. The
responding shear wave velocity profile. A dy- obtained auto power spectrum is then trans-

c 2009 Department of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University

NAING et al.

formed again into phase velocity spectrum

which reflects the dispersive characteristics of
Rayleigh waves. By using selected inversion
processes, the shear wave velocity structures of
studied areas have been obtained.

Recorded data

Fast Fourier Transform

Y1 (ω ) = FFT (y1 (t)) , Y2 (ω ) = FFT (y2 (t))

Cross Power Spectrum Figure 3: Location of Boreholes where SPT were

Gy1 y2 = Y1 (ω ) · Y2 (ω ) performed in Yogyakarta Basin

Time Delay ti = thickness of ith soil layer
t(ω ) = phase ( GGy1 y2 ( f ))/ω Ni = recorded blows number of ith soil layer
n = number of soil layer

Phase Velocity Data Analysis

VR (ω ) = X/t(ω )
By using corrected average N-values, void ra-
⇓ tio, specific gravity and shear strength param-
eters, the shear wave velocities structures have
Inversion Process been estimated step by step method. First of all,
the effective unit weight for each layer was de-
⇓ termined as follows (Craig, 1991).
Shear Wave Velocity Structure with Depth Gs γ w
γe f f = (Above water table) (2)
3 Geotechnical approach
Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Gs − 1
γe f f = γw (Under water table) (3)
The standard penetration tests were performed
at nine areas in Yogyakarta Basin, together with Where,
drilling program. The borehole locations in γe f f = effective unit weight of each layer
which SPT tests had been carried out were Gs = specific gravity of each layer
shown in Figure 3. The SPT test was conducted γw = unit weight of water
at every 2 m interval in bore holes. Then, the e = void ratio of each layer
average N-vales are determined for each layer The effective vertical pressure, effective con-
of evaluated subsurface soil profile in nine ar- fining pressures for each layer were determined
eas by using the following equation. as follows.
σ̄v = γe f f × depth (4)
∑ ti
i =1
N= n (1)
∑ ti /Ni σ̄0 = 1/3 (σ̄v + σ̄2 + σ̄3 ) (5)
i =1

62 c 2009 Department of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


and Dlinggo areas as shown in Figure 5(a–d).

σ̄2 = σ̄3 = K0 σ̄v (6) The variations in dispersive characteristics of
Rayleigh reflect the complex changes in under-
Where, K0 is the coefficient of earth pressure
lying subsurface layers. There are also changes
at rest
in shear wave velocity structures and which can
K0 = 1 − sin φ (For sands)
be seen in Figure 5(a–d).
K0 = 0.4 + 0.007( PI ) (For 0 ≤ PI ≤ 40%)
In Jetis, Pleret and Srandakan areas, simi-
(For normally consolidated clays)
lar phase velocity spectra are observed with
σ̄v = effective vertical pressure
some variations and are shown in Figure 6(a–
σ̄0 = effective confining pressure
c). There are small changes in shear wave
Based on determined effective vertical pres-
velocity structures as shown in Figure 6(a–c).
sure, corrected N60 values and the shear mod-
The dispersion of Rayleigh wave in Kretek and
ulus of each soil layer were estimated by using
Pundong areas is quite different from other
the following relation (Seed et al., 1986).
areas. The phase velocity spectra and shear
wave velocity of these areas are shown in Fig-
Gmax ≈ 35 × 1000N60 (σ̄v )0.4 (7)
ure 7(a,b). The resulted shear wave velocity
Where, structures from geotechnical evaluation are de-
Gmax = maximum shear modulus of each scribed in Table 1–9.
N60 = N-value of 60% free-fall energy 5 Discussion
Finally, the shear wave velocity structures of
the studied areas had been determined based In this study, Spectral Analysis of Surface Wave
on obtained shear modulus values, void ratio (SASW) method used as a tool to evaluate the
and confining pressure of each layer, by using shear wave velocity structures of Yogyakarta
the following relations (Das, 1993). Basin and standard penetration test and other
s geotechnical aspects are also applied to support
Gmax SASW measurements.
vs = (8)
ρ The shear wave velocity structures in Bam-
bang Lipuro, Banguntapan, Kasihan, Piyungan,
vs = (18.43 − 6.2e) (σ̄0 ) /4
(9) Sedayu, and Bantul area, gradually increase
generally starting from 154 ms−1 to greater than
800 ms−1 . The shear wave velocity of Bam-
vs = shear wave velocityof soillayer
γe f f bang Lipuro area is very low and that reflects
ρ = density of soil layer the sediments in this area are loose and uncon-
solidated. Based on shear wave velocity atruc-
tures, Bantul and Piyungan areas are mainly
4 Results composed of hard and consolidated sediments.
But, the S-wave velocity in upper 6 m of Ban-
The phase velocities of dispersive Rayleigh
tul area is low (190 ms−1 ) and is mainly domi-
waves in Bambang Lipuro, Banguntapan, Kasi-
nated by loose and soft sediments. The medium
han, Piyungan, Sedayu, and Bantul areas show
dense sediments are dominant in Kasihan, Ban-
little or no variation in dispersion of Rayleigh
guntapan and Sedayu area.
waves as shown in Figure 4(a–f). The gradual
The phase velocities in Sanden, Imogiri, Pa-
increase in shear wave velocities with depths
jangan and Dlinggo areas show the variation
has been observed in these areas and the S-
in dispersion characteristics of Rayleigh wave
wave velocity structures of these areas are
and also show distinct changes in S-wave ve-
shown in Figure 4(a–f).
locity structures. Sudden changes indicate that
Some changes and variations of dispersive
there is a clear difference of the material prop-
characteristics have been observed in phase
erties in underlying layers. In Sanden and Pa-
velocity spectra of Sanden, Imogiri, Pajangan

c 2009 Department of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University

NAING et al.

jangan area, highest S-wave velocity layer (>

500 ms−1 ) is found between 10 m and 15 m and
gradually decreased and decreased after 15 m.
∑ ti
i =1
s = (10)
Soft layer is found in upper 6 m. In Imogiri, ∑ni=1 ti /vsi
high S-wave velocity layer is observed between
The site classification based on v30
s calculated
5m and 10 m and then velocity is sharply de-
from SASW measurement is shown in Table 10
creased after 10 m. The high velocity layers
and that of from SPT is shown in Table 11.
will be sandstone layers and low velocity lay-
ers will be clayey layers and silty sand layers.
The complex nature of ground response will be 6 Conclusion
observed in these areas during an earthquake.
There are no sharp changes in S-wave veloc- The objective of this study is to estimate the
ity structure of Jetis, Pleret and Srandakan ar- S-wave velocity structure of Yogyakarta Basin,
eas. The low velocity layer (180-190 ms−1 ) is especially in southern part of basin, which is
encountered only in uppermost 5 m. After that, required for strong-motion evaluation for the
the velocity becomes constant up to 35 m depth 2006 Yogyakarta Earthquake and seismic re-
at 250 ms−1 . No hard layer is observed in these sponse analysis for the future safety. To achieve
areas and in which only medium dense sedi- this goal, SASW measurements in seventeen
ments are dominant. According to the S-wave sites and geotechnical evaluation at nine sites
velocity structures, Kretek and Pundong areas were conducted. As a result, the S-wave ve-
possess relatively hard layers in upper most 5 locity structures of top 30 m depth had been
m and weaker sediments underlain up to 32 m evaluated in each site. The average shear wave
depth. velocity v30
s had been successful estimated and
the sites are classified into three types; soft soil,
medium dense soil and hard soil. All sites
Comparison of Results
where SPT performed are on soft soil accord-
By comparing the results from SASW and ing to their v30 30
s . However, according to vs from
geotechnical approach in Imogiri, Bambang SASW measurements, 10 sites are located on
Lipuro, Pundong (Watu, Pranti) and Pandak medium dense soils type, 5 sites on dense soils
(Wijirejo) areas, the acceptable equivalent s- and 2 sites on soft soils.
wave velocity is observed. The maximum Both tests were carried out in Imogiri, Bam-
S-wave velocity in Bambang Lipuro is 177 of bang Lipuro, Pundong (Watu, Pranti) and Pan-
ms−1 from SASW and 187 ms−1 from SPT. The dak (Wijirejo) areas and the maximum S-wave
velocity from SASW was 156 ms−1 , and 154.46 velocity structures are equivalent although
ms−1 from SPT in Watu, Pundong area and 156 there are some differences. Therefore, SASW
ms−1 from SASW and 157 ms−1 from SPT in measurements supported by geotechnical ap-
Pranti, Pundong area. However, some differ- proach can be applied in seismic response anal-
ences are also observed in Imogiri and Pandak, ysis as a tool for evaluation of S-wave velocity
Wijirejo areas. structures.
However, all S-wave velocity structures eval-
Site Classification uated in this study are shallow structures and
deep S-wave velocity structures are needed to
The site classification is provided according to evaluate 3D basin structure which has a great
SNI-1726-2002, in which soil condition is classi- effect on detail seismic response analysis and
fied into three types: (1) soft soil, (2) medium determination of strong ground motion.
dense soil, and (3) hard or dense soil based on In order to interpolate 3D basin structure spa-
average s-wave velocity v30

s of soils in top 30 tially, both deep and shallow S-wave velocity

m depth. For that purpose, vs is determined structures are required and microtremor array
by using the following equation (Fathani, 2007). measurement using array record of long-period

64 c 2009 Department of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


and short-period is the best solution for that Das B. M., 1993, Principles of Soil Dynamics,
purpose. PWS-KENT Publishing Company, Boston, Mas-
Fathani T. F., 2007, The Determination of Peak
Acknowledgement Ground Acceleration at Opak-Oyo Fault, Bantul
Regency, Yogyakarta, The Yogyakarta Earthquake
2006, Geological Engineering Department, UGM.
Sincere gratitude is directed to Geological En-
Kramer, S.L., 1996, Geotechnical Earthquake Engi-
gineering Department, UGM and Japan Inter- neering, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
national Co-operation Agency (JICA) for their Molnar S. et al., 2007, Comparison of Geophysical
supports in every academic affair. The great Shear Wave Velocity Methods, Ninth Canadian
debt of gratitude is to my advisor Dr. Subagyo Conference, Ottawa, Canada
Pramumijoyo for his guidance and suggestions. Panah A. K. et al., 2002, Site Effect Classification in
The acknowledgement is extended to Professor East-Central of Iran, JSEE: Spring, Vol.4.No. 1/37.
Dr. Hiroshi Kawase for his empowerment and Satoh T. et al., 2001, Estimation of S-Wave Velocity
Structure in and around the Sendai Basin, Japan,
advices. Special gratitude and appreciation are
Using Array Records of Microtremors, Bulletin of
to Dr. Gunawan Handayani for his kind per- the seismological Society of America, 91, 2, pp.
mission to use SASW data. 206-218.
Satoh T. et al., 2001, S-Wave Velocity Structure of
the Taichung Basin, Taiwan, Estimated from Ar-
References ray and single station Records of Microtremors,
Bulletin of the seismological Society of America,
Craig R. F., 1991, Soil Mechanics, CHAPMAN & 91, 5, pp. 1267-1282.
HALL, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SE1 8HN.

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