Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Internal Control
Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Internal Control
Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Internal Control
Business Ethics,
Risk Management
and Internal
Learning Module
I. Course Code GBRIC202
II. Course Title Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management & Internal
III. Module Number 2
IV. Module Title Business Ethics and Risk Management
V. Overview of the This module demonstrate conformance with the IIA Code of
Module Ethics and examine the effectiveness of risk management within
processes of functions.
VI. Module Outcomes After studying the module, the student should be able to:
1. Conduct themselves in a respectable manner that upholds the
dignity and integrity of the accountancy profession by
adhering the code of professional ethics.
2. Apply critical thinking skills in problem solving decision
3. Know
Home the importance of Risk Management in Corporate
VII. General Instructions Email Address:
You must allot the necessary time to complete the lessons each
week. IfNumber:
Contact you choose not to complete the lesson using the schedule
provided, you must understand that it is your full responsibility to
complete them by the last day of completion. Time is of the
essence. The module is designed to assess student understanding
of the assigned lessons found within the associated content of the
midterm and final period of the course. The assessment part of the
module is composed of varied types of questions. You may see
true/false, traditional multiple choice, matching, multiple answer,
completion, and/or essay. Pay attention to the answer to the
assessment questions as you move through each lesson. After each
module you will be given a summative test. Your responses to the
Name: Eugenioparts of the module
S. Otic Jr. will be checked and recorded.
Because the assessment questions are available within the whole
Academic Department:
completion Department
period and because of Business
you can reference Education
the answers to
the questions
Email Address:within the content modules, we will not release the
answers within modules. However, your professors are happy to
discuss the assessments with you during their consultation time,
should you have any questions. You may work collaboratively.
This is independent work.
Business ethics refers to standards of moral conduct, behavior and judgment in business. It
involves making the moral and right decisions while engaging in such business activities as
manufacturing and selling a product and providing a service to customers. Business ethics is an
area of corporate responsibility where business are legally bound and socially obligated to
conduct business in an ethical manner.
Lesson Objectives:
Explain what business ethics is
Discuss the purposes of business ethics
Describe the scope and impact of business ethics on
a) The economy
b) Society
c) Environment
d) Business managers
Special Purpose: there are other purposes which are corollary to the main purpose. These
purposes include the following:
1. To make businessmen realize that they cannot employ double standards to the actions of
other people and to their own actions.
2. To show businessmen that common practices which they have thought to be right
because they see other businessmen doing it, are really wrong.
3. To serve as a standard or ideal upon which business conduct should be based.
Social Impact – the social impact of corporate governance contributes to the ethical climate of
society. If business offer bribes to secure work or other benefits, engage in accounting fraud or
breach regulatory and legal limitations on their operations the ethics of society suffer.
Impact on Business Managers – the concepts end principles for the ethical conduct in business
are relegated to managers of the business enterprise. Thus, although the manager is expected to
act in the best interest of the business, he cannot be expected to act in a manner that is contrary to
the law or to his conscience.
In particular, a manager should:
Acknowledge that his role is to serve the business enterprise and the community;
Avoid all abuse of executive power for personal gain, advantage or prestige;
Reveal the fact to his superior whenever his personal business of financial interests
conflict with those of the company;
Be actively concerned with the difficulties and problems of subordinates, treat them
fairly and by example, lead them effectively, assuring to all the right of reasonable access
and appeal to superior;
Fully evaluate the likely effects on employees and the community of the business plans
for the future before taking a final decision and
Cooperate with his colleagues and not attempt to secure personal advantage of their
Enrichment Activities:
Answer the following questions.
1. What does business ethics means?
2. What is the main objective of observing ethical behavior in business?
3. Explain how business managers could act ethically.
4. Explain the economic impact of observing business ethics.
5. What is the impact of business ethics to the society in general?
Lesson Objectives:
To familiarize yourself of the common unethical practices of business establishments
Describe how direct misrepresentation is committed by business firms
Describe how indirect misrepresentation is done by business firms
Describe how over-persuasion becomes unethical
Describe some unethical corporate practices
Misrepresentation may be classified into two types: direct misrepresentation and indirect
Direct Misrepresentation – characterized by actively misrepresenting about the product or
customers. This includes:
Quantity understatement or short numbering – in this unethical practice, the seller gives
the customer less than the number asked for or paid for.
Unethical Practices of Corporate Management
Practices of corporate management that involve ethical considerations may be classified into
two: practices of the board of directors and practices of executive officers. In many cases, the
practices may apply to both categories of corporate management and the only dividing line is in
the financial magnitude and implications of a particular corporate management practice.
Enrichment Activities
1. What are the two most common types of unethical practices of business establishments as
far as the products or customers are concerned?
2. Give and explain briefly at least three ways of directly misrepresenting products.
3. How is indirect misrepresentation of a product undertaken?
4. What does caveat emptor mean?
5. When does over-persuasion become unethical?
Lesson Objectives:
Define risk management
Explain briefly the basic principles of risk management
Describe the elements of risk management
Describe the steps in the risk management process
By implementing a risk management plan and considering the various potential risks or
events before they occur, an organization can save money and protect their future. This is
because a robust risk management plan will help a company establish procedures to avoid
potential threats, minimize their impact should they occur and cope with the results. This ability
to understand and control risk enables organizations to be more confident in their business
decisions. Furthermore, strong corporate governance principles that focus specifically on risk
management can help a company reach their goals.
In 2006, the Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, Washington integrated their risk
management functions into their patient safety department, ultimately creating the Virginia
Mason Production System (VMPS) management methods. VMPS focuses on continuously
improving the patient safety system by increasing transparency in risk mitigation, disclosure and
reporting. Since implementing this new system, Virginia Mason has experienced a significant
reduction in hospital professional premiums and a large increase in the reporting culture.
Establish context. Understand the circumstances in which the rest of the process will
take place. The criteria that will be used to evaluate risk should also be established and
the structure of the analysis should be defined.
Risk identification. The company identifies and defines potential risks that may
negatively influence a specific company process or project.
Risk analysis. Once specific types of risk are identified, the company then determines
the odds of them occurring, as well as their consequences. The goal of risk analysis is to
further understand each specific instance of risk, and how it could influence the
company's projects and objectives.
Risk assessment and evaluation. The risk is then further evaluated after determining the
risk's overall likelihood of occurrence combined with its overall consequence. The
company can then make decisions on whether the risk is acceptable and whether the
company is willing to take it on based on its risk appetite.
Risk mitigation. During this step, companies assess their highest-ranked risks and
develop a plan to alleviate them using specific risk controls. These plans include risk
mitigation processes, risk prevention tactics and contingency plans in the event the risk
comes to fruition.
Risk management strategies should also attempt to answer the following questions:
1. What can go wrong? Consider both the workplace as a whole and individual work.
2. How will it affect the organization? Consider the probability of the event and whether it
will have a large or small impact.
3. What can be done? What steps can be taken to prevent the loss? What can be done
recover if a loss does occur?
4. If something happens, how will the organization pay for it?
While risk management can be an extremely beneficial practice for organizations, its
limitations should also be considered. Many risk analysis techniques -- such as creating a model
or simulation -- require gathering large amounts of data. This extensive data collection can be
expensive and is not guaranteed to be reliable.
The ISO recommends the following target areas, or principles, should be part of the overall risk
management process:
The process should create value for the organization.
It should be an integral part of the overall organizational process.
It should factor into the company's overall decision-making process.
It must explicitly address any uncertainty.
It should be systematic and structured.
It should be based on the best available information.
It should be tailored to the project.
It must take into account human factors, including potential errors.
It should be transparent and all-inclusive.
It should be adaptable to change.
It should be continuously monitored and improved upon.
The ISO standards and others like it have been developed worldwide to help
organizations systematically implement risk management best practices. The ultimate goal for
these standards is to establish common frameworks and processes to effectively implement risk
management strategies.
These standards are often recognized by international regulatory bodies, or by target
industry groups. They are also regularly supplemented and updated to reflect rapidly changing
sources of business risk. Although following these standards is usually voluntary, adherence may
be required by industry regulators or through business contracts.
Enrichment Activities:
1. What does Risk Management means?7
2. What are the four Risk Management Approaches? Explain each.
3. What is Quality Assurance and Improvement Program all about?
4. What are the following Risk Management strategies and processes?
5. Enumerate the steps in the ISO 31000 risk management process.
1. Explain how business managers could act ethically.
2. Explain the economic impact of observing business ethics.
3. What is “interlocking directorship” and why could it lead to unethical actions of a
member of the board of directors?
4. Distinguish between direct misrepresentation and indirect misrepresentation.
5. Insider trading is consider an unethical practice? Why?
6. What is Risk Management?
7. What is the basic approach in managing risk?
8. What are the elements of risk management process?
9. What are the basic principles of risk management?
10. Search and explain the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002.
Answer in Assessment:
Cabrera, Ma. Elenita B., (2018) Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and
Internal Control, Manila, Philippines GIC Enterprises & Co., Inc.