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Craap Test

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Topic: Small sustainability actions matter starting from the very act in daily lives.

Convincing arguments to motivate: Ex. Elon Musk and his sustainable programs

Connecting points: After saying that there are plans that develop for better

sustainability(Convincing Argument), does not mean that the future is safe when every single

person can do small acts to help the environment(Topic).

Original Solution to propose/inspire: To support and enhance the sustainability of performance,

serious sustainability education and laws should be a regular standard for a better future.

APA Citations:

● Why Electric cars are more sustainable

○ Electric vehicles: A smart choice for the environment. (2020, November 23).

Retrieved January 25, 2021, from


● The need and the importance of Commercial Space Flight

○ Harris, K. (2020). Where No One Can Hear You Scream: Regulating the

Commercial Space Industry to Ensure Human Safety. Health Matrix: Journal of

Law-Medicine, 30, 375–405.

○ http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=27&sid=2273d112-61ca-4df8-



● Detailed Explanation and Analysis of how the planet is dying to human parasitic actions

○ Arya, A., & V. S. Patel. (2016). Impact of Global Warming and Climate Change

on Human and Plant Health. Daya Publishing House.

○ http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=12&sid=2273d112-61ca-4df8-



● Study showing ways to reduce carbon footprints of students for a better future

○ Lin, S. (2016). Reducing students’ carbon footprints using personal carbon

footprint management system based on environmental behavioural theory and

persuasive technology. Environmental Education Research, 22(5), 658–682.


● (Similar Solution) Ex. In Canada, there are actions being done towards having serious

education about sustainability and lifestyle changing the way people treat the planet

○ Bentham, D., Wilson, A., McKenzie, M., & Bradford, L. (2019). Sustainability

Education in First Nations Schools: A Multi-Site Study and Implications for

Education Policy. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy,

191, 22–42.

○ http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=26&sid=2273d112-61ca-4df8-



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