Project Report On Performance Appraisal System of Shell Pakistan Limited
Project Report On Performance Appraisal System of Shell Pakistan Limited
Project Report On Performance Appraisal System of Shell Pakistan Limited
Prepared by:
Abdul Mateen
M.Hammad Waheed
Submitted to:
All praise is for Almighty Allah, the most merciful most compassionate
who help his poor creatures in the time of crisis and best owned upon
it, his unfathomable kindness and guidance.
Last but not least we wish to express our feelings and passion of
gratitude to our parents who always prayed for our success, health
and brilliant future. Our words cannot express our deepest thanks to
our parents whose love and sacrifices are invested and written on
every page.
Due to the proper guidance of our competent Teacher Mrs. NUSRAT HUMA,
we have been able to Complete this task, so we all very grateful to her.
Respected Madam,
Enclosed in this Project is what was required by you. We have tried our best
to apply everything which has been taught by you.
Yours obediently,
SHELL is Oil Company and its Network spread all over the country. It is very
organized and well established and biggest Oil Company in Pakistan.
The experience of SHELL Company is very valuable in Market and people well
known about SHELL Oil Company, so we select this company to gain
1.1 Background:
This study is investigating the Relationship between the Independent Variables &
Dependent Variables in Shell Pakistan (Ltd). (
(I.V) (D.V)
Legal Issues
Appraisal System
Ethical Issues
This is the period when the whole world is facing the problem of energy and
resources. The countries having access to these resources are ruling the world
and still want to expand their energy resources as natural Resources always
been the main asset of every country. Countries spend and provide opportunities
for foreigners and locals for finding the Natural Resources to meet the future
challenges. In Pakistan, Petroleum Sector has been the key factor and has
witnessed huge response from the foreign companies and local companies to
invest because the soil of Pakistan is full of natural resources but the local
government has not sufficient resources to explore and make use of these
resources that is why foreign companies are always appreciated to invest in
energy sector in Pakistan and Shell is one the leading energy exploring and
selling brand in whole world as well as Pakistan so there must be a proper
human resource system in Shell. We have tried to pull out the problems in Shell
regarding various aspects and given certain recommendations in order to make it
more proper and effective. Number of petroleum companies, which includes
national and multi-national companies has entered into the market, and have
made their names and images in the eyes of Pakistani customers by providing
them with their quality products and services but some have failed to compete
due to certain major problems and human resource is a key factor in success of
any company and Shell is a successful company so we want to improve its
human resource so that it can get a stable position in the market to be on the top.
Experts do agree that no company can grow if its employees are not satisfied.
This project is based on the Performance Appraisal System strategies adopted
by the Shell for its employees to work under huge task and different environment
at different places. The performance appraisal system is the main factor in
employee performance which has the big effect on the internal and external
environment of the company and Shell has a strong performance appraisal
1.5.1 Observation:
During the era of our course we studied the HR system of various companies but
we wanted to select for our project a leading company in any sector. We choose
the energy sector because we all are aware of the energy crisis that is being
currently faced by the whole world and in coming age the need for energy will be
more critical. We wanted to select a company that operates in Pakistan and Shell
being a multinational was the perfect for our research project. So we started our
working on the HR system of Shell and specifically on performance appraisal
system of Shell. After the preliminary studies we observed that there is need of
some reforms in the performance appraisal system and the performance
appraisal system is being affected by some legal and ethical issues then we
started collecting our research data.
We started gathering the data from different sources i.e. preliminary or secondary
data from internet and books then we prepared a questionnaire that was to be
used to interview different Shell HR professionals. We moved to different regional
offices of Shell and on some petrol pumps and interviewed different people in
order to analyze that are they satisfied with the policies regarding timings, salary,
bonuses, environment, management decisions etc. So we got the enough data
During the research period our tem visited the Shell offices in Karachi (head
quarter) and Rawalpindi to gather information regarding our project.
Sample Size:
HR Managers 08 02
Employees 40 10
TOTAL 68 16
1.5.4 SCALE:
The selection of a right scale was a critical decision in our project but with the
guidance of our supervisor and mutual consent we have used the Consensus
Scale for our research project. By using this scale there is a panel of judges
which measure the selected items and made the opinion about the particular. We
have selected this scale for our project because consensus scale is developed
after the selected items are examined and tested for their reliability and validity.
After getting the data for our project from various sources we summarized the
data and under the supervision of our supervisor all the group members gathered
and interpreted the outcomes of our research.
After thoroughly study of Strategies adopted by Shell, we can say that there is a huge
role of Performance Appraisal System on employee which plays in the success of the
business. Analysis has shown that well motivated employee is a one step before every
During the period of our research we had the first limitation of resources
that were monetary, transport, references. We had to move to different places to
get the information and had to consult different books and research material. As
we were not funded by the parents or university so we had the lack of resources
that was a real limitation for the project.
Time I will say was the most critical factor that limited our
findings for the research. As we three students are doing job in private as well as
government sector so it was a real hurdle for us to go from the office in office
timings as managers had strict eye on us so we had to go after the office timing
but we cannot meet the officials that time. So due to the shortage of time we
faced a lot of delay for our project.
1.7.3 Security:
MBA PROJECT: Performance Appraisal System of SHELL Page 18
A lot of time was wasted due to the security reasons
because we had to pas through many securities checks to enter in different
offices as Shell is a Dutch company and many officials were not allowed to meet
the outsiders by security reasons that resulted in delays and insufficient
(Richard L. Oliver…2007)
SHELL literature review illustrates, summarize, appraise and clarify its Performance
Appraisal System for which it launches hypothetical foundation for their Products &
There is, says Dulewicz (1989), "... A basic human tendency to make judgements about
those one is working with, as well as about oneself."
Encourage Debate:
Current Research shows that employees are likely to feel satisfied with their
Appraisal result if they have right to feel freely in case of any Query/request on
discussion its performance to meet future performance goals achievement.
(Greenberg, 1986)
Constructive Target:
(Lockeet al 1981)
According to supported theories in Management it‘s quite clear that goals which
are "...specific, difficult and accepted by employees will lead to higher levels of
performance than easy, indistinct goals (such as do your best) or no goals at all."
Appraiser Rewards:
(Bannister, 1986)
One major condition in selecting traits is that they should be in somehow relevant to the
appraisee's job.
The biggest advantage of these methods is that they are structured and
standardized which allow the appraiser’s to comparison & contrasted rating in
entire workforce.
Subjected to Each employee is the same basic rating criterion, with the same
Employee Number
III. What are your work-related goals for the upcoming year?
IV. What are your long-range development goals (i.e., 1-3 years)?
What actions can the District or your Supervisor take to help you?
List subjects you would like to discuss during your Performance Appraisal
and Development meeting?
Our thought about the research is that to create relative worth of an employee
by multiple and complex training tasks for the Purpose of Effective
Shell signed an agreement with Aker Kvaerner and Starkraft to launch the
project to work on technology potential on commercially. Shell with its
partners aim to complete this project by the end of this year 2010.
After completing this project Shell would become the first in the world to
develop and commercialize on large-scale, multi-megawatt fuel cells. An
investment of $125 million has been spent on this project.
Previously Shell has the successful partnership with Siemens
Westinghouse. They both have produced the technology of Capture
Carbon Dioxide.
Shell in partnership with UNDP establish the route to assess the issues,
impacts and concerns, including surveys and interviews involving project-
affected people, community organizations and other relevant
Shell has conducted an overall Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA). Shell being the leaders of the consortium lead the
discussions with Petro China Company limited (Petro China) over possible
participation in the West East Pipeline Project. The ESIA is being carried
out with the approval of Petro China, and builds upon the Environmental
Impact Assessment commissioned by Petro China last year.
Shell is in partnership with the State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion in
China. Both are working together on several projects mainly include
carbon dioxide mineralization & enhanced coal bed methane recovery.
Both are sponsoring doctoral and post-doctoral research so helping
researchers to work in our laboratories in Amsterdam.
Shell is a Dutch company operating in more than 11 countries and has
over 20,000 employees from all over the world and Shell head quarters
has directed the country offices in 2009 to make contracts with the local
governments and contribute more and more toward the social and
environmental issues of the particular country so Shell is heading toward
playing role in the betterment of society and environment. (
Shell has a great vision to be the world top company in the energy and petroleum
sector. Shell being the marketer of petroleum products and provider of highest
quality of products in Pakistan to its customers and its professional employees
help them to achieve the task and contribute them in developing the petroleum
infrastructure in Pakistan. (w ww . a uthors trea m.c om)
4.3.1 Objectives:
Shell objective is to manage its top position through competitive advantage by giving
high quality of products and retain highly professional employee in its organization.
4.3.2 Responsibilities:
i. To Shareholders:
ii. To Customers
To draw a work plan to win and maintain customers by developing and providing
products and services which offer value in terms of price, quality, safety and
environmental impact, which are supported by the requisite technological,
environmental and commercial expertise.
iii. To employees
Employees are the main asset of an organization. They provide their employees
with good and safe conditions of work, and good and competitive terms and
conditions of service, to promote the development and best use of human talent
and equal opportunity employment, and to encourage the involvement of
employees in the planning and the direction of its work.
To work for stakeholder’s Interest and make sure that every decision will
depict the picture of mutual agreement between all the stakeholders. Also
promote their interest in every step towards achieving highest tasks.
v. To society
The above noted five areas of responsibility are seen an inseparable. Therefore,
it is the duty of top management continuously to assess the priorities and
discharge its responsibilities as best it can on the basis of final assessment.
Honesty, integrity and fairness is the trademark of Shell. Shell believe that all
aspects of its business and all those with whom it does business shall also
comply these rules and follow the instructions of business strictly. Shell
employees must not enter into conflicts of their private financial activities and
must follow the code of conduct of business established by the organization.
In Shell Pakistan Recruitment and Selection team has been processing and promoting
successful hiring decisions over the years which can be sees through their success of a
department or faculty.
The selection committee of Shell scrutinizes the candidate with the right combination of
education, work experience, and creativity. These qualities of a candidate bring
efficiency and effectiveness in the productivity of the subject. (
Job Analysis, scope and skill sets required to successfully perform the
duties of the position.
Evaluation of the Job Description and Review of the Job Fact Sheet or
Position to ensure that the skills and abilities required correspond with the
current expectations of the position.
Market Based compensation and Salary available to the position
Final Analysis of the hiring impact on the budget. (
4.6.2 Derecruitment:
i. Handshake Policy
ii. Voluntary Separation Schemes
Shell being the market leader always believes in Honesty, truthfulness and
fairness in dealing with customers to achieve its credibility and trust of customers over its
products but there are certain elements internally and externally that create disturbance
in some areas of clarity. As matter of fact is that customer care is a great tool to achieve
the customer satisfaction but as we have found in our research that Shell some times
negatively influence the society and do not show the true picture to customers that often
create problem for the customers as customers satisfaction is key for any company
whether it is national or multinational so the HR department of Shell must create
necessary steps in order to improve the quality of customer care at different places that
mainly includes site offices and petrol pumps otherwise company may have to face
various steps to overcome the situation if the customer trust is once gone because in
such a challenging and competitive environment customer care is a whole department
itself. (
The only contribution made by Shell was during the earthquake period and that
was of minute value besides that Shell has failed to play a key role in helping the
society, so Shell must have a look over its policy and step forward in helping the
nation in monetary terms. (
There are regulatory bodies that monitor and control the price fixing of
petroleum products in the country like OGRA, OGDCL the companies are bound to
follow the decision but as being the market leader and a vast network among the country
Shell sometime establish cartels for price fixing so do not respects the regulatory bodies
and earn high profits. This is also a very bad practice in order to make the price
oproducts of your own choice that spoils the system and create bad impact in the mind
of customers. (
As talking about ethics one should show the both sides of picture
i.e.positive and negative, as energy and petroleum products do have certain side effects
for direct users, society and environment and Shell being a responsible body should take
in notice this fact but it deliberately keeps on omitting to provide information on side
effects that is against the meaning of honest and truthfulness and also step forward to
make people aware of the use of products that have dangerous side effects on
environment. (
5.3.2 Operations:
If operates under sole proprietorship, everything you own, including your home
and personal savings, can be seized should you lose a lawsuit. If you operate as
an LLC, only business assets are subject. As Shell is as Dutch company so do
come under the heads of sole proprietorship or LLC but it’s a foreign investment
The part concerned with our Project is the comparative methods which are used
in SHELL Pakistan for the assessment of Performance Scales for Evaluation.
There are so many methods which are including in comparative method but the
most important and most popular are discussed below:
As name tells, grading method considers certain feature and marks them
accordingly to the appropriate scale. So many variables have been selected i.e.
analytical ability, cooperativeness, dependability, self-expression, job knowledge,
leadership, etc. Following is the example of Grading Method:-
A-Out standing
B-Very good
This method can be a demotivator factor among the group of employees of got
50 – 60% as compared to 80 – 90% points. (
In Shell this technique has been used for refers to attempts to correct a rater
tendency to give consistently high or low rating to all the employees. Following
Most of the time rater doesn’t go into the detail and the result
of evaluation doesn’t prove useful for training.
Under this method, the rater does not evaluate employee performance; he/she
supplies report about it and the final rating is done by personnel department. A
series of question are presented concerning an employee to his/her behavior.
Under this method the supervisor makes a free form, open ended appraisal of an
employee in their own words and put down its impression about the employee.
He/she takes note of these factors: (
The Free essay method used in appraisal should never be the main
method for appraisal as it lacks over the big picture.
The employee must not be held responsible for things which were
out of his control.
There must be room for occasional human errors and these should
not be considered for annual appraisal.
The appraisal system should be quarterly based, however this
exercise can be termed as informal appraisal.
The questions developed for checklist method must be
comprehensive and adaptable with certain exceptions that may
The method used in wage administration which is part of Forced
Distribution Method, should be scrapped as it sinks the employee’s
morale and motivation.
After having all above discussion we accept Ho that the legal and ethical issues
are directly related to performance appraisal system and reject Hi that legal and
ethical issues are not directly related to performance appraisal system.
In the project we have discussed various legal and ethical issues and seen their
impact on the performance appraisal system of the company. Basically
performance appraisal system is based on the performance of employees and
the legal and ethical issues create a bad impact on performance of the
employees resulting effect on performance appraisal system so we can say that
legal and ethical issues are directly related to performance appraisal system of
Searching for History and working of Shell on 12-07-2009 and was available at:
Searching for Human resource system on 12-07-2009 and was available at:
Searching for general information about Shell on 18-07-2009 and was available at:
Searching for the goals and objectives of Shell on 30-7-2009 and was available at:
Searching for the criteria set by the government for Shell on 7-8-2009 and was available at:
Searching for the customer satisfaction in Shell on 8-8-2009 and was available at:
Searching for performance appraisal of Shell on 20-8-2009 and was available at:
Searching for human resource management at Shell on 30-8-2009 and was available at:
Searching for articles about Shell on 15-9-2009 and was available at:
Searching for Shell Values and principles on 26-10-2009 and was available at:
Searching for methods of performance appraisal at Shell on 25-11-2009 and was available
at: -
Manager SHELL
Distributor, Islamabad.
2. Faisal Ikram