Management Considerations For Pediatric Oral Surgery and Oral Pathology
Management Considerations For Pediatric Oral Surgery and Oral Pathology
Management Considerations For Pediatric Oral Surgery and Oral Pathology
Management of unerupted and impacted teeth supports the removal of third molars when pathology (e.g.,
There is a wide clinical spectrum of disorders of eruption in cysts or tumors, caries, infection, pericoronitis, periodontal
both primary and permanent teeth in children. These may disease, detrimental changes of adjacent teeth or bone) is asso-
be syndromic or non-syndromic and include ankyloses,27-28 ciated and/or the tooth is malpositioned or nonfunctional
secondary retention,28 tooth impaction, or primary failure of (i.e., an unopposed tooth).37-39 There is no evidence to
eruption29. Clinically, it may be difficult to differentiate between support37-40 or refute3 the prophylactic removal of disease-free
the various disruptions; however, there have been many re- impacted third molars. Factors that increase the risk for
ports30,31 to assist the clinician in making a diagnosis. There is surgical complications (e.g., coexisting systemic conditions,
increasing evidence that there is a genetic etiology for some of location of peripheral nerves, history of temporomandibular
these eruption disruptions which may help in a definitive joint disease, presence of cysts or tumors)38,39 and position
diagnosis.29 Management of unerupted teeth will depend on and inclination of the molar in question41 should be assessed.
whether the tooth affected is likely to respond to orthodontic The age of the patient is only a secondary consideration.41
forces. If not, surgical extraction is the preferred treatment Referral to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for consultation
option.29 and subsequent treatment may be indicated. When a decision
is made to retain impacted third molars, they should be
Impacted canines monitored for change in position and/or development of
Tooth impaction may occur due to a mechanical obstruction. pathology, which may necessitate later removal.
Permanent maxillary canines are second to third molars in
frequency of impaction.32 Early detection of an ectopically Supernumerary teeth
erupting canine through visual inspection, palpation, and Supernumerary teeth and hyperdontia are terms to describe
radiographic examination is important to maximize success of an excess in tooth number. Supernumerary teeth are thought
an intervention.33 Routine evaluation of patients in mid-mixed to be related to disturbances in the initiation and proliferation
dentition should involve identifying signs such as lack of ca- stages of dental development.21 Although some supernumerary
nine bulges and asymmetry in pattern of exfoliation. Abnormal teeth may be syndrome-associated (e.g., cleidocranial dysplasia)
angulation or ectopic eruption of developing permanent cus- or of familial inheritance pattern, most supernumerary teeth
pids can be assessed radiographically.33 When the cusp tip of occur as isolated events.21
the permanent canine is just mesial to or overlaying the distal Supernumerary teeth can occur in either the primary or
half of the long axis of the root of the permanent lateral incisor, permanent dentition.21,42,43 In 33 percent of the cases, a super-
canine palatal impaction usually occurs.32 Extraction of the numerary tooth in the primary dentition is followed by the
primary canines is the treatment of choice to correct palatally supernumerary tooth complement in the permanent denti-
displaced canines or to prevent resorption of adjacent teeth.32 tion.44 Reports in incidence of supernumerary teeth can be
One study showed that 78 percent of ectopically erupting as high as three percent, with the permanent dentition being
permanent canines normalized within 12 months after removal affected five times more frequently than the primary dentition
of the primary canines; 64 percent normalized when the and males being affected twice as frequently as females.21
starting canine position overlapped the lateral incisor by more Supernumerary teeth will occur 10 times more often in
than half of the root; and 91 percent normalized when the the maxillary arch versus the mandibular arch.21 Approxi-
starting canine position overlapped the lateral incisor by less mately 90 percent of all single tooth supernumerary teeth are
than half of the root.32 If no improvement in canine position found in the maxillary arch, with a strong predilection to the
occurs in a year, surgical and/or orthodontic treatment were anterior region.21,42 The maxillary anterior midline is the most
suggested.32,33 A Cochrane review34 and a systematic review35 common site, in which case the supernumerary tooth is known
reported no evidence to support extraction of primary canines as a mesiodens; the second most common site is the maxillary
to facilitate eruption of ectopic permanent maxillary canines. molar area, with the tooth known as a paramolar.21,42 A me-
A prospective randomized clinical trial demonstrated that siodens can be suspected if there is an asymmetric eruption
extraction of primary canines is an effective measure to correct pattern of the maxillary incisors, delayed eruption of the
palatally displaced maxillary canines and is more successful in maxillary incisors with or without any over-retained primary
children with an early diagnosis.36 Consultation between the incisors, or ectopic eruption of a maxillary incisor. 45 The
practitioner and an orthodontist may be useful in the final diagnosis of a mesiodens can be confirmed with radiographs,
treatment decision. including occlusal, periapical, or panoramic films,46 or com-
puted tomography.9,10 Three-dimensional information needed
Third molars to determine the location of the mesiodens or impacted tooth
Panoramic or periapical radiographic examination is indicated can be obtained by taking two periapical radiographs using
in late adolescence to assess the presence, position, and devel- either two projections taken at right angles to one another or
opment of third molars.7 The AAOMS recommends that a the tube shift technique (buccal object rule or Clark’s rule)47
decision to remove or retain third molars should be made or by cone beam computed tomography.10,12,13
before the middle of the third decade.3 Evidence-based research
Complications of supernumerary teeth can include delayed a soft diet, regular oral hygiene, and analgesics as needed.69 The
and/or lack of eruption of the permanent tooth, crowding, use of electrosurgery or laser technology for frenectomies has
resorption of adjacent teeth, dentigerous cyst formation, peri- demonstrated a shorter operative working time, a better ability
coronal space ossification, and crown resorption. 42,48 Early to control bleeding, reduced intra- and post-operative pain and
diagnosis and appropriately timed treatment are important in discomfort, fewer post-operative complications (e.g., swelling,
the prevention and avoidance of these complications. Because infection), no need for suture removal, and increased patient
only 25 percent of all mesiodens erupt spontaneously, surgical acceptance.62,69,70 These procedures require extensive training as
management often is necessary.44,49 A mesiodens that is conical well as skillful technique and patient management.54,60,65,67,71-75
in shape and is not inverted has a better chance for eruption
than a mesiodens that is tubular in shape and is inverted.48 The Pediatric oral pathology
treatment objective for a non-erupting permanent mesiodens A wide spectrum of oral lesions occurs in children and ad-
is to minimize eruption problems for the permanent incisors.48 olescents, including soft and hard tissue lesions of the oral
Surgical management will vary depending on the size, shape, maxillofacial region. There is limited information on the
and number of supernumeraries and the patient’s dental prevalence of oral lesions in the pediatric population. The
development.48 The treatment objective for a non-erupting largest epidemiologic studies in the U.S. place the prevalence
primary mesiodens differs in that the removal of these teeth rate in children at four to 10 percent with the exclusion of
usually is not recommended, as the surgical intervention may infants.76,77 Although the vast majority of these lesions rep-
disrupt or damage the underlying developing permanent resent mucosal conditions, developmental anomalies, and
teeth.50 Erupted primary tooth mesiodens typically are left to reactive or inflammatory lesions, it is imperative to be vigilant
shed normally upon the eruption of the permanent dentition.50 for neoplastic diseases.
Extraction of an unerupted primary or permanent mesio- Regardless of the age of the child, it is important to estab-
dens is recommended during the mixed dentition to allow the lish a working diagnosis for every lesion. This is based on
normal eruptive force of the permanent incisor to bring itself obtaining a thorough history, assessing the risk factors and
into the oral cavity.43 Waiting until the adjacent incisors have documenting the clinical signs and symptoms of the lesion.
at least two-thirds root development will present less risk to Based on these facts, a list of lesions with similar characteris-
the developing teeth but still allow spontaneous eruption of tics is rank ordered from most likely to least likely diagnosis.
the incisors. 3 In 75 percent of the cases, extraction of the The entity that is judged to be the most likely disease becomes
mesiodens during the mixed dentition results in spontaneous the working diagnosis and determines the initial management
eruption and alignment of the adjacent teeth.50,51 If the adja- approach.
cent teeth do not erupt within six to 12 months, surgical For most oral lesions, a definitive diagnosis is best made by
exposure and orthodontic treatment may be necessary to aid performing a biopsy. By definition, a biopsy is the removal
their eruption.45,47 of a piece of tissue from a living body for diagnostic study
and is considered the gold standard of diagnostic tests.78 The
Frenulum attachments two most common biopsies are the incisional and excisional
Frenulum attachments and their role in oral function increas- types. Excisional biopsies usually are performed on small
ingly have become topics of interest among a variety of health lesions, less than one centimeter in size, for the total removal
care specialists. Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie) and hypertrophic/ of the affected tissue. An incisional biopsy is performed when
restrictive maxillary frenula have been implicated in difficulties a malignancy is suspected, the lesion is large in size or diffuse
breastfeeding53, incorrect speech articulation54,55, caries forma- in nature, or a multifocal distribution is present. Multiple
tion56,57, gingival recession58, and aberrant skeletal growth59. incisional biopsies may be indicated for diffuse lesions, in
Studies have shown differences in treatment recommendations order to obtain a representative tissue sample. Fine needle
among pediatricians, otolaryngologists, lactation consultants, aspiration, the cytobrush technique, and exfoliative cytology
speech pathologists, surgeons, and dental specialists.54,60-66 Clear may assist in making a diagnosis, but they are considered
indications and timing of surgical treatment remain controver- adjunctive tests because they do not establish a definitive
sial due to lack of consensus regarding accepted anatomical and diagnosis.79,80
diagnostic criteria for degree of restriction and relative impact It is considered the standard of care that any tissue
on growth, development, feeding, or oral motor function.54,60-66 removed from the oral and maxillofacial region be submitted
When indicated, frenuloplasty/frenotomy (various methods for histopathologic examination.81 Exceptions to this rule in-
to release the frenulum and correct the anatomic situation) or clude carious teeth that do not have soft tissue attached, extirpated
frenectomy (simple cutting of the frenulum) may be a successful pulpal tissue, and clinically normal tissue, such as tissue from
approach to alleviate the problem.54,60,65,67 Each of these proce- gingival recontouring.81 Gross description of all tissue that is
dures involves surgical incision, establishing hemostasis, and removed should be entered into the patient record. In general,
wound management.68 Dressing placement or the use of antibi- a soft tissue biopsy should be performed when a lesion persists
otics is not necessary.68 Recommendations include maintaining for greater than two weeks despite removal of the suspected
Worldwide, the most frequently oral biopsied lesions in Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy
children include82: Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy is a rare occur-
• mucocele; rence that develops during the first year of life.88 This lesion
• fibrous lesions; may be present at birth. It occurs in the anterior maxilla 70
• pyogenic granuloma; percent of the time.83 Less frequently, melanotic neuroecto-
• dental follicle; dermal tumor of infancy occurs in the skull, mandible,
• human papillomavirus (HPV) lesion; epididymis and testis, and brain.83,88 The classic presentation
• chronic inflammation; is a bluish or black rapidly expanding mass of the anterior
• giant cell lesions (soft tissue); maxilla. Radiographic findings include an ill-defined
• hyperkeratosis; unilocular radiolucency with the displacement of tooth buds.88
• peripheral ossifying fibroma; There can be a floating tooth appearance.83 Surgical excision is
• gingivitis; required, and there is a 20 percent recurrence rate. Although
• gingival hyperplasia; this is a benign lesion, seven percent of reported cases have
• hemangioma; behaved malignantly resulting in metastasis and death.88
• ulcer;
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis attached gingiva (75 percent) but can be found on tongue,
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis is one of the most common oral lower lip, or buccal mucosa.108 Treatment is complete ex-
lesions, occurring in 20-30 percent of children.83 Recurrent cision with the removal of the source of irritant. 83,108 This
aphthous stomatitis is caused by a T-cell mediated immu- lesion can recur in 3-15 percent of cases.83
nologic reaction to a triggering agent. 105 Three variants of
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