Paper-Ii: Labour Perspectives in India (Probable Questions)
Paper-Ii: Labour Perspectives in India (Probable Questions)
Paper-Ii: Labour Perspectives in India (Probable Questions)
1. Two views on unemployment that has gained ascendance since 1990s. One,
globalization can only worsens unemployment. Second, that rapid technological
change is resulting in jobless growth. How do you understand unemployment in
the light of these anxieties in the industrialized countries and developing
countries like India?
2. Explain the labour problems faced by our country under the present economic
and social conditions.
Employment for inclusive’ Growth:
1. Basis of Consumption:
Basis of Production
Basis of Distribution
Inelastic of labour
7. Types of Unemployment
Open Unemployment:
Disguised Unemployment:
• It is a situation in which more people are doing work than actually required. Even
if some are withdrawn, production does not suffer. In other words it refers to a
situation of employment with surplus manpower in which some workers have
zero marginal productivity.
• So their removal will not affect the volume of total production. Overcrowding in
agriculture due to rapid growth of population and lack of alternative job
opportunities may be cited as the main reasons for disguised unemployment in
Seasonal Unemployment:
Technological Unemployment:
• It is the result of certain changes in the techniques of production which may not
warrant much labour. Modern technology being capital intensive requires less
labourers and contributes to this kind of unemployment.
Structural Unemployment:
This type of unemployment arises due to drastic changes in the economic structure of a
country. These changes may affect either the of a factor or demand for a factor of
production. Structural employment is a natural outcome of economic development and
technological advancement and innovation that are taking place rapidly all over the
world in every sphere.
Casual Unemployment:
Chronic Unemployment:
Frictional Unemployment:
8. Causes of Unemployment
o Slow Economic Growth:
Slow Industrial Growth
Fall of Cottage and Small industries
Slowdown in Agricultural Growth
Growth of the Service Sector
Lack of Capital
Increase in Population
Immobility of labour
9. Discuss the circular flow diagram in case of a two sector closed economy using
10. Measures of Unemployment UPS CWS CDS
11. Stages of development following Marx
Primitive Communism
There will fill in the blanks for these types of questions and questions might be
there on equilibrium output
1) How does socio-legal research stand apart from social science research?
Illustrate with examples the advantages/disadvantages of socio-legal research
perspectives vs social science research perspectives.
2) Let’s suppose a researcher aims for understanding the status of level of
compliance with labour and environmental regulations in the food and beverage
industry. In case s/he follows survey technique, how should the interview
schedule for the producers be developed?
3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of survey technique from the
perspective of both qualitative and quantitative socio-legal research?
4) What do you mean by focus group discussion? When is focus group discussion
applicable? Elaborate with examples.
5) Let’s suppose a researcher aims for understanding the status of level of
compliance with labour and environmental regulations in the food and beverage
industry. How will the study be designed methodologically taking both qualitative
and quantitative approaches into consideration?
6) What is the importance of measures of central tendencies in quantitative
analyses? Illustrate your answers with examples and figures if applicable.
7) What do you mean by case study? How many types of case studies may be
conducted in socio-legal research? Elaborate your answer with examples.
8) What do you understand by case studies? When is the case study method
applicable in socio-legal research? What are the limitations of case studies?
Answer with examples.
9) Elaborate the advantages and disadvantages of case studies in the context of a
socio-legal research problem.
10)How do you plan for a case study analysis?
11)What is the context in which Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) would be
applicable? How would you plan for a PRA? Elaborate your answer with
12)Explain the tools of PRA with examples.
13)Develop the steps for PRA within a context of your choice.
14)What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of PRA?
15)What are the applications of PRA? What are the scopes of PRA?
16)What do you mean by SWOT analysis? Elaborate with examples.
17)When is the SWOT analysis applicable? Elaborate with the help of examples.
18)Discuss the advantages of SWOT analysis.
19)Explain the limitations of SWOT analysis.
20)Compare the advantage and/or disadvantages of qualitative and quantitative
methodologies of socio-legal research in your own words.
21)Explain the steps of undertaking a focus group discussion.
22)What are the criteria of undertaking focus group discussion?
23)When is survey method applicable in socio-legal research? What do you think
are the advantages and limitations of survey method?
24)Let’s suppose a researcher is willing to study the status of women workers in
construction sector. Who will be the stake holders needed to be interviewed in
this context? Develop the survey instruments for any of those stake holders in
this context.
25)Discuss the various types of legal research with examples.
26)How many types of sampling methods are generally being followed in socio-legal
research? Discuss the sample designs that help in generalisation of the results.
27)Describe the non-probability sampling techniques with examples.
28)What do you mean by ethnographic research? How do you connect ethnographic
research with case studies?
29)Describe the elements of SWOT analysis with examples.
30)Discuss the steps to design a framework for quantitative analysis in socio-legal
31)Compare the applicability, purpose, advantages, disadvantages, and limitations
of Survey, FGD, Case studies, PRA and SWOT analysis.
32)How many types of reports are you familiar with? Compare between two widely
used techniques of referencing.
33)Discuss the components of academic and informative reports.
34)Find the mean median mode of
7, 2, 1, 3, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 ,21 ,23 ,30, 8 ,5 ,8 ,1 ,3 , 8, 8, 8,12 ,14
35)Find the appropriate measure of coefficient of variation for the following
less than 9 1
10_19 2
20-29 4
30-39 4
more than 40 3