ETL Specification Document
ETL Specification Document
ETL Specification Document
Area/Project Name/Application
ETL Specification Document
Date Author Details Of Change
1. Document Control............................................................................................................................ 2
1.1. Revision History.......................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Document Reviewers................................................................................................................. 2
1.3. Document Approvers.................................................................................................................. 2
2. High level overview.......................................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Purpose / Overview.................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. ETL / Technical Architecture....................................................................................................... 4
3. Specification Details........................................................................................................................ 5
3.1. Table / View Structures............................................................................................................. 5
Table Name: Table 1........................................................................................................... 5
Table Name: Table 2........................................................................................................... 5
Source Table Name: Table 1............................................................................................... 6
Source Table Name: Table 2............................................................................................... 6
Target Table Name: Table 3................................................................................................ 6
Target Table Name: Table 4................................................................................................ 7
3.2. Program List............................................................................................................................... 7
<Provide the name of the package/program/mapping>........................................................7
Subprogram 1 <Provide the name of the package/program >......................................................8
Subprogram 2 <Provide the name of the package/program>......................................................9
Source Qualifier Transformation 1 <Provide the transformation name>......................................9
<Provide Transformation Type> Transformation 1 <Provide the transformation name>..............9
Workflow 1 <Provide the name of the workflow >.......................................................................10
Session 1 <Provide the name of the session >..........................................................................10
Session 2 <Provide the name of the session >..........................................................................10
3.3. Detailed Column Mapping Specification...................................................................................11
3.4. Job Configuration and Scheduling Details................................................................................13
Job Name 1........................................................................................................................ 13
Job Name 2........................................................................................................................ 13
4. Appendix......................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1. Livelink URL............................................................................................................................. 14
< If identifying the table usage as Source, Target, Staging adds clarity to the ETL design, feel free to indicate that in the Table Name field as
Source, Target, Staging, etc. However, if the table is used as a combination of table usage types, then using the more generic table
specification template above would be preferred, and then clarify the table usage in the Program sections below..>
Cisco Systems Inc. Confidential 12/8/2021
ETL Specification Document Page 5 of 14
Database: Schema: Layer:
<Provide a textual description about what this package/program does. Also include any other diagrams
or flow charts to help describe the ETL process.>
<Copy and paste the following sections to describe the ETL process as needed. Sub programs sections are applicable to documenting
procedural program design. Transformation sections have been provided for documenting ETL designs for implementation using Informatica
(current ETL standard within the EDW environment.
NOTE: Depending on your ETL design you may have either 1- All procedural sub programs 2- All Informatica transformatoins or 3- Mixture of
procedural and Informatica ETL. The sub program and transformation templates below should be used according to your needs to document the
ETL design. For example, if additional fields are required, then add them. Or, if your ETL design will be fully deployed with Informatica, then delete
the sub program sections. Or, if you need to design a different type of transformation, such as an Aggregator transformation, copy the
Transformation template below and tailor the fields according to the transformation being designed. >
Sub Program
Subprogram 1 <Provide the name of the package/program >
Description <Describe what this package/program does>
<Source Table 1 Name>
Sources <Source Table 2 Name>
<Source Table 3 Name>
<Target Table 1 Name>
Targets <Target Table 2 Name>
<Target Table 3 Name>
Sub Program Level <Describe any table/dataset level filters>
DFD Reference
BRD Reference
Sub Program
Subprogram 2 <Provide the name of the package/program>
Description <Describe what this package/program does>
<Source Table 1 Name>
Sources <Source Table 2 Name>
<Source Table 3 Name>
<Target Table 1 Name>
Targets <Target Table 2 Name>
<Target Table 3 Name>
Sub Program Level <Describe any table/dataset level filters>
<Describe the basic join information>
Table Join Condition
DFD Reference
BRD Reference
< Templates for documenting ETL designs to be implemented within Informatica. Only Source Qualifier and generic templates are provided for
examples. Feel free to create new templates for different types of Transformations.>
Source Qualifier Transformation 1 <Provide the transformation name>
Table / Synonym / <Provide the table, synonym, or view which the Source Qualifier references>
<Provide filters or join conditions which should be applied to the SQ query>
<Provide psuedocode or the exact SQL which should drive this transformation>
SQL Override
< This section is specific to Informatica and can be used to document ETL design implemented within Workflows and Sessions which uses the
Mapping (Program) of this chapter. These sections will typically be used when a generic mapping has been defined which can be used by
multiple Sessions along with special SQL filters or conditions defined in each session. >
Workflow 1 <Provide the name of the workflow >
Description < Provide a textual description about what this workflow does. Include the workflow diagram which
consist of various tasks that are run concurrently or sequentially >
Session 1 <Provide the name of the session >
Update as Update as Update Truncate
Table Name Insert Delete
Update Insert else insert Table
<Target table 1>
<Target table 2>
<Describe any table/dataset level filters>
Session Level Filters
Session 2 <Provide the name of the session >
Update as Update as Update Truncate
Table Name Insert Delete
Update Insert else insert Table
<Target table 1>
<Target table 2>
<Describe any table/dataset level filters>
Session Level Filters
<Column Mapping with respect to process (Double click on the following spreadsheet to get to the details)>
Microsoft Excel