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Client Data 2009 2010

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client lobbyist payment_typ date_paid amount details_comments

for Susan Cameron & Jennifer

3 Click Solutions Charles Hutchins fee reporting period 6000 Kingland

3M Company Garry, Daniel B Salary/Expenses Reporting Period 1680

3M Company Weiser, R S fee reporting period 24000

3M Traffic Safety Systems Division Weiser, R S fee reporting period 5000

Amy Campbell
AARP Campbell/Patterso Payment for lobby 6/30/2010 7500 Craig Patterson

AARP Koeppl, Bruce AARP salary portio6/30/2010 800

AARP Carroll, Anthony J AARP salary portio6/30/2010 8905.16

Accountants Association of Iowa Carney, Appleby, retainer reporting period 14000 paid quarterly

Accountants Association of Iowa Carney, Appleby, reimbursed expens reporting period 2 photocopies

AEAs of Iowa (Area Education AgeAEAs of Iowa Salary, expenses 6/30/2010 21837

AFLAC Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 6/30/2010 14400

Remittance actually submitted by
AFSCME International on behalf of
AFSCME Nichols, Marcia L salary reporting period 40000 Council 61.

AFSCME Melissa Peterson contract salary reporting period 4000

AFSCME Sheri Carnahan salary reporting period 3224

AFSCME International has paid

Ricky Feller's salary on behalf of
AFSCME Richard Feller salary reporting period 1790 AFSCME Iowa Council 61
AFSCME Mitchell Stille salary report period 26000

Jerry Fitzgerald
Mark Joyce
Agribusiness Association of Iowa Fitzgerald, Joyce Fee Reporting Period 15000 Maggie Fitzgerald

Agribusiness Association of Iowa L&L Murphy Consu

Salary Reporting period 19999.92 Lobbyist is Larry Murphy

Agribusiness Association of Iowa Reisinger, Mark fee reporting period 0

Ahlers Law Firm Juie Smith, Larry check 1/1/2010 15000

Airport Firefighters Laverne Shroeder retainer fee 6/25/2010 1000

ALCOA Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 12000

Alegent Health McClure, Jeanne Lsalary reporting period 3000

Allergan Inc Heller, Mike Retainer reporting period 0
Allergan Inc Feltner, Paula J Retainer reporting period 0
Allergan Inc Heller, Mike Retainer reporting period 0

Alliance of Automobile Manufactur Hultman, Cal & MiRetainer 1/1/2010 27500.04

Retainer fee - 7/1/2009 through
Alliance Pipeline, Inc Johnson, Brian E Retainer 2010 44552 6/30/2010

Alliance Pipeline, Inc Johnson, JoAnn Monthly retainer 2010 0

Alliant Energy Harrmann, Terry salary 06/28/2010 12806.07

Alliant Energy Harrmann, Terry expenses 6/28/2010 84.54

Alliant Energy Aller, Thomas L salary 6/28/2010 0

Alliant Energy Aller, Thomas L expenses 6/28/2010 0

Allied Charities of Iowa, LLC Murphy, Larry na reporting period 0

Alter Trading Corporation Beason, Curtis E Salary/Retainer/Fe 6/30/2010 0

Alter Trading Corporation Eide, Matt Retainer 12/31/2009 1375
Alter Trading Corporation Pederson, John Retainer 12/31/2009 1375

Alter Trading Corporation Peterson, Melissa Retainer 12/31/2009 1375

Altria Client Services and its afflila Scott, David H Retainer Fees 6/30/2010 16625

Altria Client Services and its afflila Crawford, Gerald Retainer Fees 6/30/2010 3000

Altria Client Services and its afflila Mauro, Nicholas J Retainer Fees 6/30/2010 0

Altria Client Services and its afflila Hultman, Cal Retainer Fees 6/30/2010 71250

Altria Client Services and its afflila Triplett, Michael Retainer Fees 12/31/2009 0

Altria Client Services and its afflila Alston, Garth R Compensation 6/30/2010 2144.34

Altria Client Services and its afflila Alston, Garth R Expense Reimburs 6/30/2010 1271.74
payment for services from October
Alzheimer's Association, Greater I Hultman, Cal lobbying and consu6/30/2010 12000 through June 2010.
total costs of staff time for direct
lobbying between 7-1-09 and 6-30-
Alzheimer's Association, Greater I Carol Sipfle salary for direct l 6/30/2010 77 10

John Cacciatore, JustinHupfer and

American Cancer Society PolicyWorks retainer reporting period 18000 Juie VandeHoef are the lobbyists

American Cancer Society Peggy Huppert salary and expense reporting period 3311.42

American Cancer Society Stacy Frelund salary and expense reporting period 639.9
American Chemistry Council Easter, John salary reporting period 3000

American Civil Liberties Union ( Ryan, Marty salary reporting period 11052

American Civil Liberties Union ( Krewson, salary reporting 6750 may not be executive

American Civil Liberties Union ( Stone, R B salary reporting period 10905

Lobbyists are:
Justin Hupfer
American Coalition for Clean Coal Policyworks retainer reporting period 45960 John Cacciatore

American Council of Engineering Scott, David H fee reporting period 2600

Terease Harms, Kent Hartwig, Kyle
American Diabetes Association Advocacy Strategi fee/retainer reporting period 10000 Frette, Jennifer Schulte

American Express Company Thornton, F Richa fee reporting period 0

Carney & Appleby, PLC -
Lobbyist: Jim Carney, George
American General Finance Manage Iowa Consumer CreLegislative Retain 03/12/2010 11500 Appleby & Jennifer Tyler

Lobbyists are Juie VandeHoef,

American Heart Association PolicyWorks retainer reporting period 20000 John Cacciatore and Justin Hupfer
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
American Institute of Architects, I Nyemaster Goode Retainer 6/30/2010 12750 Epperly
Retainer Keith Luchtel, James
West, Paula Dierenfeld, Scott
American Insurance Association Nyemaster Goode Retainer 7/23/2010 23816.21 Sundstrom, Brad Epperly

Retainer 20400.00
Expenses 64.43
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
American International Group (AIG Nyemaster Goode Retainer and Expe 6/30/2010 20464.43 Epperly
American Petroleum Institute Scott, David H fee June 30, 2010 2750

Don Avenson, Brice Oakley, Tom

American Society of Landscape ArcAvenson, Oakley, retainer reporting period 3500 Cope

American Water Works AssociationScott, David H fee 6/30/2010 1650

Retainer 22100.00
Expenses 3577.08
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
America's Health Insurance Plans Nyemaster Goode Retainer and Expe reporting period 25677.08 Epperly

Susan Cameron & Jennifer

Ameristar Casinos Charles Hutchins fee reporting period 60000 Kingland

Ameristar Casinos Haus, Kim K fee/retainer reporting period 36000 State Haus Communications, LLC
Ameristar Casinos Bell, Jane salary reporting period 0

Ameristar Casinos Stremming, Troy salary reporting period 0

Ameristar Casinos Block, Matthew salary reporting period 0

Amgen Brown, Julie reimbursement of 7/1/2009 1309

Amgen Brown, Julie salary 7/1/2009 5984.07
Amylin Pharmaceuticals Greenberg, Kim salary reporting period 0

Anderson Financial Services dba L James Carney, G. AFees 8/26/2009 2000 Leg. fees and expenses

Anderson Financial Services dba L James Carney, G. Fees 9/25/2009 2000 Leg. fees and expenses

Anderson Financial Services dba L James Carney, G. AFees 10/27/2009 2000

Anderson Financial Services dba L James Carney, G. Afees 11/27/2009 2000

Anderson Financial Services dba L James Carney, G. Afees 12/28/2009 2000

Anderson Financial Services dba L James Carney, G. AFees 1/27/2010 2000

Anderson Financial Services dba L James Carney, G. AFees 3/24/2010 2000

Anderson Financial Services dba L James Carney, G. AFees 2/25/2010 2000

Anderson Financial Services dba L James Carney, G. AFees 4/27/2010 2000

Anderson Financial Services dba L James Carney, G. AFees 5/27/2010 2000

Anderson Financial Services dba L James Carney, G. AFees 6/25/2010 2000

Anderson Financial Services dba L James Carney, G. AFees 7/27/2009 8000

Anheuser Busch Companies, Inc Carney, James W Lobbying 06/30/2010 10000

Animal Rescue League of Iowa Haus, Kim K fee/retainer reporting period 9000
Annett Holdings, Inc. Weiser, R S retainer reporting period 12000
only through 2009, no other
Apollo Data Technologies Adelman, David R na reporting period 0 payments made
Legal expenses incurred during
Archer Daniels Midland Company Anderson, AndrewLegal 4/29/2010 4479.25 2010 Iowa Legislative Session
Legal expenses incurred during
Archer Daniels Midland Company Anderson, AndrewLegal 5/28/2010 57957.6 2010 Iowa Legislative Session
Legal expenses incurred during
Archer Daniels Midland Company Anderson, AndrewLegal 6/28/2010 350.55 2010 Iowa Legislative Session

Archer Daniels Midland Company Anderson, AndrewLegal 6/30/2010 5366.8

Artistic Waste Services, Inc Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 6000

Assisted Living Federation of Amer Adelman, David R Annual Retainer 1/1/2010 20000 Annual Retainer for representation.
Associated Builders and Contracto Jaques, Sandra Fee 7/1/09-6/30/10 30000

Associated Builders and Contracto Jaques, Sandra reimbursement 7/1/09-6/30/10 1217.73

Associated Builders and Contracto Spenner, Greg salary 7/1/00-6/30/10 550

Associated General Contractors of Newhard, Scott D Fee 6/30/2010 40000

Lobbyist are:
Jerry Fitzgerald
Mark Joyce
Association of Iowa Cemeteries Fitzgerald, Joyce Fee Reporting Period 6800 Maggie Fitzgerald

Association of Iowa Cemeteries Fitzgerald, Joyce Fee 10/13/2009 0 included in above total amount
Association of Iowa Fairs Blixt, Larry fee reporting period 8000

Jim Carney, George Appleby,

Association of Iowa Rental Dealers Carney, Appleby, fees reporting period 5000 Jennifer Tyler

Association of Iowa Workforce PartColwell, Amelia salary reporting period 0

Association of Iowa Workforce PartAddy, Jerry fees/retainer reporting period 0

Association of Operating Room NurGoeldner, Linda salary reporting period 4619

Association of Operating Room NurLord-Dinan, Eliza salary reporting period 1381

AstraZeneca Johnson, Kevin Salarie and Reimb 6/30/2010 1460.29

Bank of America Corporation/Bank Feeney, Kimberly salary reporting period 0

Bankers Financial Services, LLC Sherzan, Gary retainer reporting period 20000

Baxter Healthcare Oakley, Brice; Av salary 7/1/2009 18000

Baxter Healthcare Oakley, Brice; Av reimbursed expens 7/1/2009 371.69

Bayer Healthcare, LLC Craig Mischo Salary reporting period 0
Bayer Healthcare, LLC Mischo, Craig Salary reporting period 0

Don Avenson, Brice Oakley, and

Bernstein Liebhard LLP Avenson, Oakley, fee for reporting perio 19125 Tom Cope

Black Hills Energy Walter, Susan J Salary Reporting Period 28500

Retainer 35700.00
Expenses 121.94
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
BNSF Railway Company Nyemaster Goode Retainer and Expe 6/30/2010 35821.94 Epperly

Board of Educational Examiners Maurer, George salary reporting period 2074

Board of Educational Examiners Myers, Beth salary reporting period 3150

Board of Regents, State of Iowa Bob Donley Salary / Benefits 8537.08

Board of Regents, State of Iowa Bob Donley x 0

Board of Regents, State of Iowa Bob Donley Expenses 351.68

Board of Regents, State of Iowa Andrew Baumert Salary / Benefits 44374.17

Board of Regents, State of Iowa Andrew Baumert x 0

Board of Regents, State of Iowa Andrew Baumert Expenses 4198

Board of Regents, State of Iowa Keith Saunders Salary / Benefits 51888.06

Board of Regents, State of Iowa Keith Saunders x 0

Board of Regents, State of Iowa Keith Saunders Expenses 2931.45

Board of Regents, State of Iowa Joe Murphy Salary 31708.04

Board of Regents, State of Iowa Joe Murphy x 0

Board of Regents, State of Iowa Joe Murphy Expenses 3514.84

Bridgepoint Education Carney & Applebyretainer 6/30/2010 39000

Bridgepoint Education Carney & Appleb reimbursement for 6/30/2010 1223.33

Bristol Myers Squibb & Company Skinner, Nielsen Retainer 1/1/2010 24000

Jerry Fitzgerald, Maggie Fitzgerald,

Broadlawns Medical Center Consulting and Marfee reporting period 40151.76 Mark Joyce

CAFE Iowa Citizens Action Netwo Harms, Threase A, Retainer 1/1/2010 8000 Paid to Advocacy Strategies, LLC

Canadian National Railroad Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 20000

Cargill Zumwinkle, Michasalary reporting period 1500

Casey's General Stores Avenson, Oakley &Fees for reporting perio 23350

Casey's General Stores Avenson, Oakley &expenses for reporting perio 151.5

Cedar Rapids Builders Association Carney, James W Retainer 2010 5004.44

Cedar Rapids Physician-Hospital OrWasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 6/30/2010 12600

CEDIA (Custom Electronic Design &
Reaman, Darren Salary and Expens 6/30/2010 821.12

CEDIA (Custom Electronic Design &

Carney & ApplebySalarie, Fees, Reta 6/30/2010 2750
Mike Triplett, Mary Hultman, Cal
Central Iowa Apartment Alliance Hultman Companyfees reporting period 10000 Hultman

Central Iowa Building & Constructi Fey & Gomez, Inc fees reporting period 43755 Mike St Clair & Tom Fey

Central Iowa Power Cooperative - Murdock, Dennis Salary June 30, 2010 0

Central Iowa Power Cooperative - Roberts, Stephen Retainer June 30, 2010 7500

Central Iowa Power Cooperative - Roberts, Stephen Retainer February 5, 2010 25000

Central Iowa Power Cooperative - Thornton, F Richa Retainer April 16, 2010 25000

CGI Techonologies & Solutions Avenson, Oakley Salaries, Fees and 06/30/10 16250

Child and Family Policy Center Bruner, Charles Salaried Reporting Period 0

Child and Family Policy Center Elias, Victor Salaried Reporting Period 16020

Child and Family Policy Center Fitzgerald, Carrie Salaried Reporting Period 4110

Child and Family Policy Center Hansen, Sheila Salaried Reporting Period 6120

Child and Family Policy Center Perlowski, Karon Salaried Reporting Period 240

Cigar Association of America, Inc Wimmer, William retainer reporting period 46750
left Citigroup Management as
CitiFinancial of Iowa Consumer CreDeMay, James na reporting period 0 lobbyist late 2009

Citigroup Management Corporation DeMay, James salary reporting period 2800

Citigroup Management Corporation DeMay, James expenses reporting period 1366.46

City of Cedar Falls Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 10500

Lobbyists are Larry Murphy and
City of Cedar Rapids L&L Murphy Consu
Salary Reporting period 60000 Gary Grant

William Sueppel & Timothy

City of Clinton Meardon Sueppel fees/expenses reporting period 41788.39 Krumm
City of Coralville Brice Oakley Lobbying 7/14/2009 6875

City of Coralville Brice Oakley Lobbyist 10/13/2009 6952.6 $6875 lobbying & $77.60 mileage

City of Coralville Brice Oakley Lobbyist 1/12/2010 6913.8 $6875 Lobbyist & $38.60 mileage
City of Coralville Brice Oakley Lobbyist 4/13/2010 6875

Lobbyist include:
Jerry fitzgerald
Mark Joyce
City of Des Moines Fitzgerald, Joyce Fee Reporting Period 55000 Maggie fitzgerald

Jerry Fitzgerald
Mark Joyce
City of Des Moines Fitzgerald Joyce Expense Reporting Period 5000 Maggie Fitzgerald
City of Des Moines Erickson, James salary reporting period 0 no direct lobbying this period
City of Des Moines Criss, Roy W salary reporting period 0 no direct lobbying this period
City of Des Moines Smith, Craig S salary reporting period 0 no direct lobbying this period

City of Dubuque Van Milligen, Mic Salary Reporting Period 1210.71

City of Dubuque Steinhauser, Cindy Salary Reporting Period 591.08

City of Dubuque Heiar, David J Salary Reporting Period 551.55

City of Dubuque Goodmann, Teri Salary Reporting Period 4362.89

Don Avenson, Tom Cope & Brice
City of West Des Moines Avenson, Don Lobbying Fees for reporting perio 36750 Oakley
Don Avenson, Tom Cope & Brice
City of West Des Moines Avenson, Don Lobbying Expense for reporting perio 155.2 Oakley

Jim Carney, George Appleby,

Coalition for Citizens Safety Carney, Appleby, fee reporting period 3500 Jennifer Tyler

Coalition for Family and Children's Feltner & Heller Fees 30000 Contracted Lobbying Services

Coalition for Family and Children's Oliver, Kristie n/a 0

Cohen-Esrey Real Estate Services, Brown Winick lobbying 6/1/10 6325 lobbying efforts in the Statehouse

lobbying purposes - no
Communication Data Services Nyewmaster, Goode
retainer 6/30/2010 6750 reimbursable expenses
Cal Hultman, Mary Hultman, Mike
Community Bankers of Iowa fka Io Hultman Companyfees reporting period 18000 Triplett

Community Foundation of Greater Adelman, David R Lobbying 12/21/2009 15000

Community Foundation of Greater Adelman, David R Lobbying 02/16/2010 5000

payment was made to Advocacy
Community Health Charities Harms, Threase A Retainer 2/1/2010 2500 Strategies
Community Health Charities Frette, Kyle L Retainer 2/1/2010 0
Community Health Charities Schulte, Jennifer Retainer 2/1/2010 0

Community Health Charities Hartwig, Kent R Retainer 2/1/2010 0

Community Health Charities Harms, Threase A Retainer 5/1/2010 2500 Paid to Advocacy Strategies
Community Health Charities Frette, Kyle L Retainer 5/1/2010 0
Community Health Charities Schulte, Jennifer Retainer 5/1/2010 0

Community Health Charities Hartwig, Kent R Retainer 5/1/2010 0

Community Hepatitis/HIV AdvocateAdvocacy Strategi fee/retainer reporting period 1500 Harms, Hartwig, Frette, Schulte
Coventry First Feltner, Paula J lobbying 7/30/2010 12500
Coventry First Heller, Mike lobbying 7/30/2010 12500
CRST International Weiser, R S retainer reporting period 15625
CVS Caremark Capitol Edge fees reporting period 38400 Mike St Clair & Tom Fey
CWA Iowa State Council Slater, Midge Lobbyist fee 7/30/2010 3600 This is the total amount

I am a full time employee of

Dairyland Power cooperative, thus
Dairyland Power Cooperative Kenric Scheevel % of salary 1/01/2010 14000 am apportioning a % of my salary.
James Carney, George Appleby,
Davenport Bar Investments, Inc. Carney, Appleby, fee reporting period 7500 Jennifer Tyler

Davis, Brown, Koehn, Shors & Rob Roberts, Stephen salary reporting period 0

Davis, Brown, Koehn, Shors & Rob Lickteig, Michelle salary reporting period 0
Salary 58,731.00
Deere & Company Francque, Jason A Salary and Expens 7/23/2010 66073 Expenses 7,342.00

Retainer 95580.00
Expenses 700.23
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
Deere & Company Nyemaster Goode Retainer and Expe 7/23/2010 96280.23 Epperly

Delta Dental Plan of Iowa Davis, Brown, Koeretainer 10/8/2009 11250

Delta Dental Plan of Iowa Davis, Brown, Koeretainer 12/16/2009 11250

Delta Dental Plan of Iowa Davis, Brown, Koeretainer 3/17/2010 11250

Delta Dental Plan of Iowa Davis, Brown, Koeretainer 6/23/2010 11250

Denny Elwell Company Sisson, Karen A na reporting period 0

Department of Education Addy, Jim salary 6/30/2010 13797.7
Department of Education Berger, Jeff salary 6/30/2010 28288.78

Department of Education Cawiezell, Konni salary 6/30/2010 42710.45

Department of Education Fangman, Kevin salary 6/30/2010 2575.44

Department of Education Utman, Roger P salary 6/30/2010 2333.87
Department of Education Jeffrey, Judy A salary 6/30/2010 19095.14
Department of Education Wegner, Mary salary 6/30/2010 2421.75

Department of Education Wooderson, Steve salary 6/30/2010 2516.24

Department of Inspections & Appea Mandernach, Stev Salaries and Benef 6/30/10 33624

Department of Inspections & Appea Beverly Zylstra Salaries and Benef 6/30/10 29136

Department of Justice, Iowa AttorneEric Tabor Salary Reporting Period 383

Department of Natural Resources Richard Leopold salary 6/30/2010 9973

Department of Natural Resources Tahtinen, Sharon salary 6/30/2010 34918

Department of Natural Resources Ford, Diane salary 6/30/2010 34918

Des Moines Area Regional Transit Bill Wimmer monthly 2010 1250

Des Moines Public Schools Nancy Sebring salary and receptio Jan. - June 2010 2306.74
Lobbyists are Larry Murphy and
Des Moines University L&L Murphy Consu
Salary reporting periond 35040 Kim Majerus
Des Moines Water Works Linda Kinman Salary 6/30/2010 5966.48
Jerry Fitzgerald
Maggie Fitzgerald
Diamond Jo Worth, LLC Fitzgerald, Jerry Fee Reporting Period 20000 Mark Joyce
Jerry Fitzgerald
Maggie Fitzgerald
Diamond Jo, LLC Fitzgerald, Jerry fee reporting period 20000 Mark Joyce

DIRECTV, Inc. Schoenfeld, Craig contract retainer 6/30/2010 5000

Disability Rights of Iowa fka Iowa Roberts, Stephen fee Reporting Period 24000

DISH Network LLC Schoenfeld, Craig Retainer 6/30/2010 5000

William Wimmer did lobbying

work for DISH through the firm
Wasker, Dorr, Wimmer &
DISH Network LLC Schoenfeld, Craig Retainer 7/1/2009 0 Marcouiller, P.C.
Dupont/Pioneer Hunt, Billi J Salary 64660
Easter Seals Harms, Threase A Retainer 2/22/2010 4000

Eastern Iowa Community College - Keir, Patricia A 0 Reporting Period 0

Eastern Iowa Community College - Mohr, Gary M 0 Reporting Period 0

Retainer 25500.00
Expenses 83.60
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
Eastlake Partnership Nyemaster Goode Retainer and Expe 6/30/2010 25583.6 Epperly

Elevator Industry Workers Preserva Henter, James D Fee Reporting Period 20000
Eli Lilly Hultman, Cal retainer fee reporting period 40000 lobbyist includes Mary Hultman

Eli Lilly Capetillo, Mary L salary reporting period 0 no lobbying activity for this period

Enterprise Rent-A-Car Wasker, Dorr, Wi fee reporting period 15000 Craig Schoenfeld, Bill Wimmer

Entertainment Software Association Henter, James D Fee Reporting Period 15000

Epilepsy Foundation Advocacy Strategi retainer 6/29/2010 10000

Epilepsy Foundation Advocacy Strateg reimbursement 3/12/2010 53.53

Epilepsy Foundation Advocacy Strategi reimbursement 1/29/2010 53.53

Express Scripts Harrold, Michael salary portion reporting period 0 did not do any active lobbying
Ned Chiodo, Frank Chiodo, Scott
Express Scripts PRI/NC fee reporting period 12000 Neward

Amount revised to include salaries

paid for lobbying both the
Family Planning Council of Iowa Jodi Tomlonovic SALARIES 07/01/09-06/30/10 7532.42 executive and legislative branches.
Father Flanagan's Boys' Home Feltner, Paula J Lobbying fees June 16. 2010 18000
Father Flanagan's Boys' Home Heller, Mike Lobbying fees June 16. 2010 18000
Retainer 116721.00
Expenses 9604.62
James West, Paula Dierenfeld,
Federation of Iowa Insurers Nyemaster Goode Retainer and Expe 6/30/2010 126325.62 Scott Sundstrom, Brad Epperly
No activity in Iowa during this
FedEx Corporation Yadon, Michael salary reporting period 0 period
FedEx Corporation 0 0 0 0 0

Four Oaks of Iowa Skinner, Nielsen Retainer 1/1/2010 15000

Terese Harms, Kent Hartwig, Kyle
Free Clinics of Iowa Advocacy Strategi retainer/fee reporting period 7500 Frette, Jennifer Schulte

Friends of Iowa Land Owners & Sp Thornton, F Richa fees reporting period 12500

Lobbyists Susan Cameron and

Genentech Inc., a Member of the R Charles Hutchins Contract Lobbyist 06/30/2010 14000 Jennifer Kingland

Genentech Inc., a Member of the R Setzepfandt, Scott Lobbyist Salaries, 06/30/2010 8497.26

Genentech Inc., a Member of the R Setzepfandt, Scott Lobbyist Reimbur 06/30/2010 2134.29

See payments to Charles Hutchins

Genentech Inc., a Member of the R Cameron, Susan see payments to Ch06/30/2010 0 & Associates

Genentech Inc., a Member of the R Kingland, Jennifer see payments to Ch06/30/2010 0

Lobbyists are Tom Fey & Mike St
General Motors, LLC Fey & Gomez,Inc. retainer reporting period 12000 Clair

Genesis Health Systems Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 25000

GlaxoSmithKline Feltner, Paula J Retainer reporting period 17502
GlaxoSmithKline Heller, Mike Retainer reporting period 17502

GlaxoSmithKline Koenecke, Mary P Salary/Expenses reporting period 0

GlaxoSmithKline Pura, Roy Salary/Expenses reporting period 2677

Goodwill Industries of Iowa Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 0

lobbyists include John Cacciatore,

Google Inc. Policy Works fee reporting period 42142 Justin Hupfer, Julie VandeHoof

Gov.com/Charles Hutchins & AssocKelly, Joe salary reporting period 0

Governor's Office of Drug Control Kendell, Gary W salary reporting period 0

Great Plains Laborers' District CounDave Parker Salary 2009-2010 21824 Lobbying salary 2009-2010

Great River Entertainment, LLC Carney & Applelb Supplies reimburs 04/01/2010 27.5

Lobbyist fee is $3,750

Great River Entertainment, LLC Carney & Applebylobbyist fee and s 05/27/2010 3789.15 Supplies reimbursement is $39.15

Great River Entertainment, LLC Carney & Applebylobbyist fee 8/12/2009 3750
Great River Entertainment, LLC Carney & Applebysupplies reimburs 9/10/2009 6.56

Lobbyist fee is $3,750

Great River Entertainment, LLC Carney & Applebylobbyist fee and s 11/06/2009 3753.76 Supplies expense is $3.76

Great River Entertainment, LLC Carney & Applebysupplies used rei 12/04/2009 14

lobbyist fee is $3,750; supplies

Great River Entertainment, LLC Carney & Applelb lobbyist fee and s 02/05/2010 3760 expense is $10.00
Greater Cedar Valley Alliance Steve Firman Fees 6/30/2010 22903.34

Greater Des Moines Convention andAdelman, David R na reporting period 0 monitoring

Brad Epperly, Paula Dierenfeld,
Keith Luchtel, Scott Sundstrom,
Greater Des Moines Partnership Nyemaster Goode Legislative Servic 6/30/10 12000 James West

Greater Des Moines Partnership Jay Byers Staff Salary 6/30/10 34000

Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Comp St Clair, Mike Retainer 01/04/2010 5000

Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Comp St Clair, Mike Retainer 01/18/2010 5000

Growmark, Inc Wantland, David salary reporting period 0

Growmark, Inc Vest, Danny salary reporting period 0

Ms. Campbell did not perform any

during the reporting period. She
registered in an abundance of
Therefore, there is no portion of her
pay allocated to lobbying as defined
GTECH Bonnie J. CampbelNA 6/30/2010 0 Iowa state statute.

Harlan Municipal Utilities Argotsinger, Todd 0 reporting period 0

Harlan Municipal Utilities Keast, Amy 0 reporting period 0
Harlan Municipal Utilities Doran, Randall J 0 reporting period 0
Harlan Municipal Utilities Hall, Robert W 0 reporting period 0

Harlan Municipal Utilities Burchett, Allen W 0 reporting period 0

Harlan Municipal Utilities Gaffigan, Herbert 0.00 reporting period 0

Harlan Municipal Utilities Jones, Michael P 0 reporting period 0

Employed by Harrah's, as part of

job duties, they may appear before
the Executive Branch for Lobbying
Harrah’s Operating Company, Inc. Guidry, Loren (Bo Salaried Employee 6/30/2010 0 from time to time.

Employed by Harrah's, as part of

job duty may appear before
Executive Branch for Lobbying
Harrah’s Operating Company, Inc. DeSantiago, Rory Salaried Employee 6/30/2010 0 purposes from time to time.
Employed by Harrah's, as part of
their job duties, they may appear
before the Executive Branch for
lobbying purposes from time to
Harrah’s Operating Company, Inc. Baker, A John Salaried Employee 6/30/2010 0 time.

Harrah’s Operating Company, Inc. Carney, James W Contract 6/30/2010 45000

Contract w/ Carney & Appleby,
Harrah’s Operating Company, Inc. Appleby, George Contract 6/30/2010 0 PLC
Part of Contract with Carney &
Harrah’s Operating Company, Inc. Tyler, Jennifer A Contract 6/30/2010 0 Appleby, PLC

Harrah’s Operating Company, Inc. Campbell, Bonnie Contract 2/23/2010 7500

Harrah’s Operating Company, Inc. May, Lorraine Contract 6/30/2010 0

Harris Corp paid Charles Hutchins

& Assoc (GovCOM) $48000 for
the period of 7/1/2009-6/30/2010
Harris Corporation Cameron, Susan lobbyist 6/30/2010 48000 for State of Iowa lobbyist expenses
Lobbyists are John Cacciatore,
HAVA Partners Policy Works retainer reporting period 21829.25 Justin Hupfer, and Julie Duhme
Hawkeye Community College Ovel, Steve Salary 6/30/2010 4078
Hawkeye Community College Ovel, Steve Expenses 6/30/2010 920
Hawkeye Community College Schmitz, Greg Salary 6/30/2010 0
Hawkeye Community College Schmitz, Greg Expenses 6/30/2010 0

Hawkeye Community College Flynn Ferguson, K Salary 6/30/2010 1234

Hawkeye Community College Flynn Ferguson, K Expenses 6/30/2010 594

Heartland Carwash Association Skinner, Nielsen retainer 1/1/2010 0

Heartland Carwash Association Mona Bond salary 1/1/2010 0
Heartland Carwash Association Dawn Carlson salary 1/1/2010 0

Heartland Security & Tech Solution Murphy, Larry na reporting period 0

Heavy Highway Contractors Associ Piazza, Jr, James P salary reporting period 25000

HGI Lakeside (Herbst Gaming Inc) Jerry Crawford & Fees 6/28/2010 1000
Ho-Chunk, Inc Kelly, Joe fee reporting period 36000 July 09 thru June 2010

Home Builders Association of Iowa Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 6/3/2010 815.41

Home Builders Association of Iowa Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 07/15/2009 791.67

Home Builders Association of Iowa Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 08/10/2009 791.67

Home Builders Association of Iowa Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 09/15/2009 791.67

Home Builders Association of Iowa Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 10/20/2009 791.67

Home Builders Association of Iowa Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 11/10/2009 791.66

Home Builders Association of Iowa Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 12/15/2009 791.66

Home Builders Association of Iowa Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 1/8/2010 815.42

Home Builders Association of Iowa Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 2/15/2010 815.42

Home Builders Association of Iowa Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 3/11/2010 815.42

Home Builders Association of Iowa Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 4/13/2010 815.42

Home Builders Association of Iowa Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 5/14/2010 815.41

Hospice and Palliative Care Assoc Strickler, Shannon salary 6/1/2010 5000

Hospice and Palliative Care Assoc Anthony, Becky salary 6/1/2010 1000

Hubbell Realty Company Brown Winick La fees reporting period 19360 Adam Greg, Marc Beltrame
Hultman Company Mary Hultman salary reporting period 0

Humane Society of the United State Haus, Kim K retainer reporting period 5000

Humane Society of the United State Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 20000

Hungry Canyons Schroeder, Lavern check 4/5/2010 7500

Hy-Vee, Inc Food Marketing InsDues 7/1/2009 9318.2

Hy-Vee, Inc Food MArketing InDues 04/06/2010 9758.86

Hy-Vee, Inc Food Marketing InsDues 08/26/02009 9318.2

Hy-Vee, Inc Food marketing InsDues 01/22/2010 9758.86

Hy-Vee, Inc Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 07/20/2009 5312.16

Hy-Vee, Inc Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 04/08/10 5312.19

Hy-Vee, Inc Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 10/20/2009 5312.16

Hy-Vee, Inc Wasker, Dorr, Wi Retainer 01/11/2010 5312.19

meals, mileage, lodging, telephone,

postage, office supplies, and any
additional expenses not to exceed
IBEW Iowa State Conference Pieper, Kimberlee expenses reporting period 27250 27,250 per year
IBM Joe Shannahan Fee/Compensation 6/30/2010 6000

Ignition Interlock Systems of Iowa, Weiser, R S retainer reporting period 5000

IMS Health Cal Hultman retainer 6/1/2010 12000 representation

Independent Insurance Agents of I Skow, Bob salary reporting period 10712

Independent Insurance Agents of I Blixt, Larry fees reporting period 5356

Indian Hills Community College - Lindenmayer, Jim Salary Reporting Period 0

Indian Hills Community College - Keck, Tom Volunteer Reporting Period 0 Board member unpaid for lobbying
Mileage from Ottumwa to DSM
and return for IACCT Student
Indian Hills Community College - Morrissey, Robert Reimbursed ExpenReporting Period 100 Legislative Seminar

Indian Hills Community College - Lamansky, H. Roy Volunteer Reporting Period 0 Board member unpaid for lobbying

ING North America Insurance Corp Mathews, Miles fees reporting period 0

Insurance Auto Auctions Jim Carney, Georg retainer 4000.64

Don Avenson, Brice Oakley, Tom

Integrys Energy Group Avenson, Oakley, fees reporting period 12000 Cope

Integrys Energy Group Avenson, Oakley, reimbursement reporting 779

Interfaith Alliance of Iowa Action Advocacy Strategi Contract fee 6/14/2010 2500

Interfaith Alliance of Iowa Action Advocacy Strategi Contract fee 2/1/2010 2500

Interfaith Alliance of Iowa Action Advocacy Strategi Contract fee 11/1/2009 2500

Interfaith Alliance of Iowa Action Judie Hoffman Contract fee 10/1/2009 2000

Interfaith Alliance of Iowa Action Judie Hoffman Contract fee 7/1/2009 2000

International Games Technology (I Chatigny, Michell N/A reporting period 0

International Union of Operating EnVandermyde, Tod Salary reporting period 13396

International Union of Operating EnLester, Kal Salary reporting period 3420

Iowa Academy of Family Physician Harbison, Jennifer salary reporting period 43000
Lobbying fee for legislative and
Iowa Academy of Ophthalmology, Jaques, Sandra Fee 2009-2010 10000 executive branch

Iowa Academy of Trial Lawyers Feltner & Heller, fee reporting period 15000 Mike Heller, Paula Feltner

Iowa Advocates for Choice in Educ Eide, Matt Lobbying fees 6/30/2010 16000
Iowa Afterschool Alliance Colwell, Amelia salary/fee reporting period 0
Iowa Afterschool Alliance Addy, Jerry salary/fee reporting period 0

Fitzgerald, Joyce & Associates

Jerry Fitzgerald, Mark Joyce,
Iowa Alliance for Fair Competition Fitzgerald, Jerry Fee 7/21/2009 2000 Maggie Fitzgerald

Fitzgerald, Joyce & Associates

Jerry Fitzgerald, Mark Joyce,
Iowa Alliance for Fair Competition Fitzgerald, Jerry Fee 10/23/2009 2000 Maggie Fitzgerald

Fitzgerald, Joyce & Associates

Jerry Fitzgerald, Mark Joyce,
Iowa Alliance for Fair Competition Fitzgerald, Jerry Fee 4/5/2010 2500 Maggie Fitzgerald

Fitzgerald, Joyce & Associates

Jerry Fitzgerald, Mark Joyce,
Iowa Alliance for Fair Competition Fitzgerald, Jerry Fee 06/21/2010 1000 Maggie Fitzgerald

Iowa Alliance for Retired American Slater salary reporting period 0

Justin Hupfer, John Cacciatore and

Iowa Alliance in Home Care PolicyWorks retainer reporting period 12000 Julie VandeHoef are teh lobbyists

Iowa Alliance of Boys & Girls Club Avenson, Oakley legislative service March 30, 2010 0

Iowa Alliance of Boys & Girls Club Avenson, Oakley legislative service March 30, 2010 5000

Iowa Alliance of Environmental Co Bond, Mona fees reporting period 1000

Iowa Alliance of Surety Companies Triplett Enterpris Lobbying 11/16/2009 28000

Iowa American Legion Schroeder, Lavern retainer reporting period 3600

for Naomi Sea Young (7/01/09-
Iowa Annual Conference of The Un IAUMC salary 6/30/2010 72505.56 6/30/10)

Iowa Association for Justice (fka I Wasker, Dorr, Wi Lobbying Retainer July 1, 2009-June 49773.75 Craig Schoenfeld and Bill Wimmer

Iowa Association for Justice (fka I Lisa Davis-Cook Share of Salary July 1, 2009-June 18163.2

Iowa Association for Justice (fka I Brad Lint Share of Salary July 1, 2009-June 13262.86

Iowa Association of Business & Ind Gilliland, John R salary 6/30/2010 30000

Iowa Association of Business & Ind Ralston, Mike salary 6/30/2010 5000

Iowa Association of Business & Ind Molt, Nicole L salary 6/30/2010 30000
This is the annual amount paid for
services from Troy Skinner and
Iowa Association of Chiefs of Polic Skinner,Nielsen Paid Lobbyist 6/30/2010 13900 Kellie Paschke.

Don Avenson, Brice Oakley, Tom

Iowa Association of Community ColAvenson, Oakley, fee/retainer/expen reporting period 33750 Cope
Mark Joyce, Jerry Fitzgerald,
Iowa Association of Community ColFitzgerald, Joyce fee reporting period 40000 Maggie Fitzgerald

Iowa Association of Community ColDolan, M J salary reporting period 3914

Iowa Association of Community ColPalmer, David L salary reporting period 500

Iowa Association of Community ColKinney, Daniel P salary reporting period 0

Iowa Association of Community ColDeGabriele, Setha salary reporting period 0

Iowa Association of Community ColKeck, Tom na reporting period 0

Iowa Association of Community ColDerr, Debra A salary reporting period 0

Iowa Association of Community ColLamansky, H. Roy na reporting period 0

Iowa Association of Community ColLindenmayer, Jim na reporting period 0

Iowa Association of Community ColMorrissey, Robert na reporting period 0

Iowa Association of Community ColOvel, Steve salary reporting period 0

Iowa Association of Community ProGeorge Appleby, J Retainer & expens Reporting Period 25054.76

Retainer 22100.00
Expenses 78.99
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
Iowa Association of Credit and Coll Nyemaster Goode Retainer and Expe 7/23/2010 22178.99 Epperly

53550.00 Retainer
549.43 Expenses
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
Iowa Association of Electric CooperNyemaster Goode Retainer and Expe 6/30/2010 54099.43 Epperly

Iowa Association of Electric CooperKading, Brian Salary 6/30/2010 4000

Iowa Association of Electric CooperCoonan, Tim Salary 6/30/2010 1000

Iowa Association of Electric CooperGoodale, Regi Salary 6/30/2010 0

Iowa Association of Electric CooperLanda, Mark Salary 6/30/2010 0

Iowa Association of Health UnderwrBlixt, Larry fee reporting period 15000

Iowa Association of Homes & ServiEide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 22000

Iowa Association of Independent CoSteinke, Gary fee 6/30/2010 52787.5

Ned Chiodo
Larry Pope
Julie Smith
Iowa Association of Independent CoPersonal Representfee 6/30/2010 21000 Scott Newhard

Iowa Association of Magistrate Jud Feltner, Paula J Contract fees 6/30/2010 7250

Iowa Association of Magistrate Jud Heller, Mike Contract fee 6/30/2010 7250

Iowa Association of Marriage and F Emily Piper retainer 4/10/2010 3500

Iowa Association of Mortgage Brok Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 8625

Iowa Association of Municipal Utili Bob Haug salary 1/1/2010 10000

Iowa Association of Municipal Utili Julie Smith salary 1/1/2010 20000

Iowa Association of Municipal Utili J.A.Smith Law fee 1/1/2010 40000

Iowa Association of Municipal Utili Larry Pope fee 1/1/2010 0

Fees 34160.00
reimbursement expenses 612.45
Iowa Association of Nurse Anesthe Carney, Appleby, Fees and reimburs 7/22/2010 34772.45 total 34772.45

Lobbyist Joe Kelly is the paid

lobbyist for Lowell Junkins and
Iowa Association of Nurse Praction Joe Kelly, Lobbyis contract 6/30/10 1250 Associates

Joe Kelly is the paid lobbyist for

Iowa Association of Nurse Praction Joe Kelly, Lobbyis contract 6/30/10 1500 Lowell Junkins and Associates

Iowa Association of Regional Coun Avenson, Oakley fee 10/26/2009 4000

Iowa Association of Regional Coun Avenson, Oakley fee 4/14/10 4000

Iowa Association of Regional Coun Avenson, Oakely expenses 1/26/10 40.07

Iowa Association of School Boards Jim Moore Salary 07/2009-06/30/20 0

Iowa Association of School Boards Len Cockman Salary 07/2009-06/30/20 0

Iowa Association of School Boards Mary Delagardelle Salary 07/2009-06/30/20 0

Iowa Association of School Boards Jackie Black Salary 07/2009-06/30/20 0

Iowa Association of School Boards Maxine Kilcrease Salary 07/2009-06/30/20 0

Iowa Association of School Boards Connie Maxson Salary 07-2009-06/30/20 309.36

Iowa Association of School Boards Emily Piper Salary 07/09-06/30/2010 40000

Iowa Association of School Boards Margaret Buckton Salary 07/2009-06/30/20 164.65

Iowa Association of School Boards Mary Gannon Salary & Travel E 07/2009-06/30/20 11947.78

Iowa Association of School Boards Lou Ann Gvist Salary 07/2009-06/30/20 0

Iowa Association of Water Agencie IRWA Event at the Capito2-9-10 876.02 Waer Day at the Capitol

Iowa Athletic Trainers Society Carney, James W Retainer Reporting Period 1500

Retainer: 61,200.00
Expenses: 197.37
Paula Dierenfeld, Brad Epperly,
Keith Luchtel, Scott Sundstrom,
Iowa Automobile Dealers Associati Nymaster Goode Retainer/Expenses Reporting Period 61397.37 James West

Iowa Automobile Dealers Associati Gary W. Thomas Salary Reporting Period 9000

Iowa Automobile Dealers Associati IADA Services, In Rented Employee Reporting Period 6000 Bruce Anderson

Iowa Automotive Recyclers Piazza, Jr, James P SALARIES 2/20/2010 7500

Iowa Automotive Recyclers Piazza, Jr, James P SALARIES 4/29/2010 7500

Iowa Bankers Association John Sorensen salary reporting period 3912

Iowa Bankers Association Sharon Presnall salary reporting period 10727

Iowa Bankers Association Hartwig, Robert salary reporting period 5943

Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services,Sorensen, John salary reporting period 230

Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services,Presnall, Sharon K salary reporting period 715

Iowa Bankers Insurance & Services,Hartwig, Robert salary reporting period 396

Iowa Bankers Mortgage Corporatio Sorensen, John salary reporting period 230

Iowa Bankers Mortgage Corporatio Presnall, Sharon K salary reporting period 715

Iowa Bankers Mortgage Corporatio Hartwig, Robert salary reporting period 396

Iowa Behavioral Health Associatio Triplett, Deanna salary 6/30/2010 5000

Iowa Behavioral Health Associatio Shepard, Julie salary 6/30/2010 2500

Iowa Behavioral Health Associatio Kingland, Jennifer retainer 6/30/10 5000

Iowa Behavioral Health Associatio Cameron, Susan retainer 6/30/10 5000

William J Wimmer
Iowa Beverage Association Wasker, Dorr, Wi lobbying retainer 7/1/2009 6562.5 Craig R Schoenfeld

William J Wimmer
Iowa Beverage Association Wasker, Dorr, Wi lobbyist retainer 10/1/2009 6562.5 Craig R Schoenfeld
William J Wimmer
Iowa Beverage Association Wasker, Dorr, Wi lobbyist retainer 1/4/2010 6562.5 Craig R Schoenfeld

William J Wimmer
Iowa Beverage Association Wasker, Dorr, Wi lobbyist retainer 4/1/2010 6562.5 Craig R Schoenfeld
Iowa Biodiesel Dickey, Gary Retainer 1/1/2010 13440 Salaries, Fees, and Retainders
Iowa Biodiesel Dickey, Gary Mileage 1/1/10 72.44 Mileage reimbursement
Iowa Biodiesel Olson, Randy Lobby activities 1/1/10 3000

Iowa Biotechnology Association St Clair, Mike Fees Reporting Period 18835

Included in amount paid to Mike St.
Iowa Biotechnology Association Fey, Thomas H Fees Reporting Period 0 Clair

Retainer 20400.00
Expenses 64.43
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
Iowa Broadcasters Association Nyemaster Goode Retainer and Expe 7/23/2010 20464.43 Epperly

Iowa Business Council Smith, Elliott G salary reporting period 1000

Iowa Capital Investment Corporatio Murdock, Dennis Salary 6-30-2010 0

Iowa Capital Investment Corporatio Roberts, Stephen Retainer 6-30-2010 7500

Iowa Capital Investment Corporatio Thornton, F Richa Retainer 6-30-2010 7500

Iowa CareGivers Association Hale, John D contract fee 7/31/2010 12092

Iowa Catholic Conference L&L Murphy Consu

Salary Reporting period 10000 Lobbyist is Larry Murphy.
Iowa Catholic Conference Tom Chapman Salary 2009-10 25000 Lobbying Total
Iowa Catholic Conference Joan Thompson Salary 2009-10 3000 Lobbying

Iowa Cattlemen's Association Shipley, Tom A Salary/Mileage/Mi Reporting Period 23637.09

Iowa Cattlemen's Association Berven, Bruce Salary/Mileage/Mi Reporting Period 3613

Iowa Cattlemen's Association Altringer, Jill M Salary Reporting Period 15000

Iowa Cattlemen's Association McAfee, Eldon L Executive Fees Reporting Period 2417

Iowa Center for Assisted Living Ackerson, Steve Salary 6/30/2010 10000

Iowa Center for Assisted Living Baddeloo, Cindy Salary 6/30/2010 17000

Iowa Center for Assisted Living Uhlenkamp, Lisa salary 6/30/2010 0

Iowa Center for Assisted Living Meyers, Kelly Ver salary 6/30/2010 0

Lobbyists are: Jen Kingland and

Iowa Center for Assisted Living Charles W. Hutch Retainer Reporting Period 17500 Susan Cameron
no lobbying fees were paid to
Iowa Central Community College - Kinney, Daniel P Lobbying Fees 6/30/2010 0 Daniel P. Kinney
Iowa Central Community College - Fitzgerald, Joyce Lobbying Fees 6/30/2010 7500 Amount paid for the fiscal year
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
Iowa Chamber Alliance Nyemaster Goode Retainer 6/30/2010 17000 Epperly
Iowa Chamber Alliance David Roederer Retainer 6/30/2010 20000
Iowa Chapter of Sierra Club Seaman, Neila salary reporting period 11493

Iowa Chiropractic Society Fitzgerald, Joyce, Fees 07/01/2009 2808.33

Iowa Chiropractic Society Fitzgerald, Joyce, Fees 08/01/2009 2208.33

Iowa Chiropractic Society Fitzgerald, Joyce, Fees 09/01/2009 1808.33

Iowa Chiropractic Society Fitzgerald, Joyce, Fees 10/01/2009 2208.33

Iowa Chiropractic Society Fitzgerald, Joyce, Fees 10/28/2009 2208.33

Iowa Chiropractic Society Fitzgerald, Joyce, Fees 12/02/2009 2208.33

Iowa Chiropractic Society Fitzgerald, Joyce, Fees 01/05/2010 2208.33

Iowa Chiropractic Society Fitzgerald, Joyce, Fees 02/01/2010 2208.33

Iowa Chiropractic Society Fitzgerald, Joyce, Fees 03/01/2010 2208.33

Iowa Chiropractic Society Fitzgerald, Joyce, Fees 04/06/2010 2208.33

Iowa Chiropractic Society Fitzgerald, Joyce, Fees 05/04/2010 2208.33

Iowa Chiropractic Society Fitzgerald, Joyce, Fees 06/03/2010 2208.33

Iowa Citizen Action Network PolicyWorks Lobbying 9/25/2009 2500.02 John Cacciatore from Policy Works

Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Carney, Kari salary 2587.02 salary to Kari Carney for lobbying

Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Adam Mason salary 5745.9 Salary to Adam Mason for lobbying

Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Bryan, Katie salary 1572.6 Salary to Katie Bryan for lobbying
Salary to Chris Neubert for
Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Neubert, Chirs salary 1729.92 lobbying

Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Schultz, Ruth salary 2640.26 Salary to Ruth Schultz for lobbying
salary to Sonia Skidmore for
Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Skidmore, Sonia salary 1216.67 lobbying
Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Aldao, Sharlin salary 507.64 salary to Sharlin Aldao for lobbying

Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Whelan, Lisa salary 4.63 salary for Lisa Whelan for lobbying

Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Fagan, Joe salary 5531.65 Salary to Joe Fagan for lobbying
Salary to Kristin Schaaf for
Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Schaaf, Kristin salary 1723.55 Lobbying
Salary to Matthew Covington for
Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Covington, Matth salary 1835.87 lobbying
Salary to David Goodner for
Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Goodner, David salary 7236.66 lobbying
Salary to Erica Palmer for
Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Palmer, Erica salary 1174.11 Lobbying
salary to Natalie Snyders for
Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Snyders, Natalie Salary 865.96 lobbying.
Salary to Hugh Espey for lobbying
Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Hugh Espey Salary 2255.81 time.
Matt Ohloff's salary towards
Iowa Citizens for Community Impr Ohloff, Matt Salary 333.81 lobbying for fiscal year.

Iowa Coalition Against Domestic V Markham, Amber salary reporting period 10000

payment for IowaCASA lobbyist,

Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assa Davis, Brown, Koelobbyist contract f 6/30/2010 7000 Michelle Lickteig

Iowa College Student Aid Commiss Greiner, Keith R salary reporting period 7823.41

Iowa College Student Aid Commiss Leeper, Julie salary report period 8298.69

Iowa College Student Aid Commiss adams, janet salary reporting period 35.76

Iowa Collision Repair Association Weiser, R S retainer reporting period 4700

Annual amount included as part of
salary for executive branch
Iowa Communications Network IT Gillispie, John P Portion of Salary 6/1/2010 100 lobbying duties
Annual amount included as part of
salary for executive branch
Iowa Communications Network IT Johnson, Mark W Portion of Salary 6/1/2010 500 lobbying duties
Annual amount included as part of
salary for executive branch
Iowa Communications Network IT Cassis, Joseph A Portion of salary 6/1/2010 400 lobbying duties.
Annual amount included as part of
salary for executive branch
Iowa Communications Network IT Lingren, David L Portion of Salary 6/1/2010 400 lobbying duties.

Iowa Communities Assurance Pool Don Averson, Bri Fees for reporting perio 4750

Iowa Community Action Associati Ross, Lana salary reporting period 15727

Iowa Community Education AssociaNorman, Ben salary reporting period 2250 paid monthly for 3 months

Iowa Competitive Bidding Alliance,Jim Carney, Georg fee and expense 2/10/2010 2103
Don Avenson, Brice Oakley, Tom
Iowa Conservation Alliance Avenson, Oakley fees reporting period 4325 Cope
Iowa Corn Growers Association Mindy Larsen Pol expenses 6/30/2010 278.73 mileage, meals related to lobbying

Iowa Corn Growers Association Emiliano Lerda portion salary 6/30/2010 5300 portion salary

Iowa Corn Growers Association Mindy Larsen Pol portion salary 6/30/2010 13910 portion salary

Iowa Corn Growers Association Fitzgerald, Joyce contract retainer 6/30/2010 49250 contract retainer

Iowa Corn Growers Association Emiliano Lerda expenses 6/30/2010 44.97 mileage, meals related to lobbying

Iowa Cosmetology Schools Associa Advocacy Strategi lobbying 1/26/2010 4000

Iowa Cosmetology Schools Associa Advocacy Strategi lobbying 5/31/2010 4000

Iowa Cosmetology Schools Associa Kreamer, Robert lobbying monitori 6/24/2010 3218.75

Legislative Representation - 2010

Iowa Council of Foundations Brick Gentry Law Legislative 12/21/09 15000 Session

Legislative Representation - 2010

Iowa Council of Foundations Brick Gentry Law Legislative 2/16/10 5000 Session

Iowa Council of Health Care Center Carney & Appleby,contract fees 4/5/2010 2000

Iowa Council of Health Care Center Carney & Appleby,contract fees 7/28/2009 2000

Iowa Council of Health Care Center Carney & Appleby,contract fees 10/7/2009 2000

Iowa Council of Health Care Center Carney & Appleby,contract fees 1/11/2010 2000

Iowa Council of Health Care Center Carney & Appleby,reimbursed expens 7/28/2009 1.68

Iowa Council of Health Care Center Carney & Appleby,reimbursed expens 10/7/2009 13.84

Iowa Council of Health Care Center Carney & Appleby,reimbursed expens 1/11/2010 3.38

Iowa County Attorneys Association Charles W. Hutchi Annual retainer 6/24/2010 30000

Iowa Court Reporters Association Wasker & Wimme fee reporting period 1200 Bill Wimmer

Don Avenson, Brice Oakley, Tom

Iowa Credit Union League Avenson, Oakley Retainer 1/22/2010 13750 Cope

Don Avenson, Brice Oakley, Tom

Iowa Credit Union League Avenson, Oakley Retainer 3/24/2010 13750 Cope
Amount paid over a period of July
Iowa Credit Union League Patrick Jury Salary 06/30/2010 5896.8 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010

Amount paid over a period of July

1, 2009 to June 30, 2010
Justin Hupfer, John Cacciatore,
Iowa Credit Union League PolicyWorks, LLC Retainer 6/30/2010 45864 Julie VandeHoef

Iowa Dairy Foods Association Truesdell, Mark E Fee Reporting Period 6380
On staff of Iowa Dental
Iowa Dental Association Blough, Barbara K Lobbying 06/30/10 0 Association.

Iowa Dental Association Carl, Larry F Lobbying 06/30/10 0 On staff of Iowa Dental Association
Iowa Dental Association Feltner, Paula J Lobbying 06/30/10 18068.75
Iowa Dental Association Heller, Mike Lobbying 06/30/10 18068.75

Iowa Dental Hygienists Association Avenson,Oakley lobbying for reporting perio 9922

Iowa Dental Hygienists Association Avenson, Oakley Expenses for reporting perio 50
Iowa Department for the Blind Keninger, Karen salary reporting period 0

Iowa Department of Administrative Johnson, Mark W Salary Reporting Period 1200

Iowa Department of Agriculture Fenton, Susan Sev salary reporting period 40000
Iowa Department of Corrections Sherzan, Gary contract reporting period 19800

Iowa Department of Cultural Affair Pederson, Cyndi S salary reporting period 18930

Iowa Department of Economic Dev Bret Mills Salary 1/6/2009 - 6/30/20 2190

Iowa Department of Economic Dev Diane Foss salary 7/01/09 - 6/30/201 3000

Iowa Department of Economic Dev Michael Tramonti Salary 6/30/2009-9/2009 172

Iowa Department of Economic Dev Vincent Lintz salary 7/01/09*-9/2009 100

Iowa Department of Economic Dev Erin Seidler Salary 7/01/09-11/2009 50

Iowa Department of Economic Dev Joseph O'Hern Salary 9/09-12/09 883

Iowa Department of Human Rights Scott, Rachel salary reporting period 13500

Iowa Department of Public Defen Orr, Timothy E salary 6/30/2010 0

Iowa Department of Public Defen Schwab, Gregory salary 6/30/2010 5100

Iowa Department of Public Defen Kuehn, Michael A salary 6/30/2010 0

Iowa Department of Public Defen Barton, Katherine salary 6/30/2010 0

Iowa Department of Public Defen Miller, David L salary 6/30/2010 5400

Iowa Department of Public Defen Benson, John R salary 6/30/2010 3700

Iowa Department of Revenue Schuling, Mark R Salary 6/30/2010 1626

Iowa Department of Revenue Daniels, Victoria Salary 06/30/2010 6337

Iowa Department of Revenue McNulty, Jim Salary 06/30/2010 2071
Iowa Department of Revenue Lipsman, Mike Salary 06/30/2010 1235
Iowa Department of Revenue Hyman, Dale Salary 06/30/2010 2795
Iowa Department on Aging Lisa Burk salary reporting period 35930
Iowa Department on Aging John McCalley Salary reporting period 31390
Iowa Dietetic Association Susan L Roberts lobbyist 6/29/2010 10400
Iowa Donor Network Charles W. Hutchi per contract monthly 21000

Iowa Drainage District Association Wentzien, Michaelfee reporting period 1000

Iowa Emergency Management AssocAdvocacy Strategi Retainer Reporting Period 7500

Cal Hultman, Mike Triplett, Mary
Iowa Emergency Medical Services Hultman Companyfees reporting period 12500 Hultman
Iowa Engineering Society Scott, David H fee 6/30/2010 2000
Iowa Environmental Council Baer, Nathaniel salary reporting period 10000

Iowa Environmental Council Gelb, Marian Rigg salary reporting period 3000
Iowa Environmental Council Laws, Lynn salary reporting period 1500

Iowa Ethanol Producers Associatio Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 56500

Iowa Ethics & Campaign Disclosur Smithson, W Charl% salary 06/30/2010 4827.4

Iowa Ethics & Campaign Disclosur Van Wyk, Meghan% of salary 06/30/2010 2187

Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Don Petersen Salary & Expenses reporting period 14536.2

Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Johnson, Joe Salary & Expenses reporting period 42436.76

Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Salvador, Mark Salary & Expenses reporting period 27240.4

Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Gruenhagen, Chris Salary & Expenses reporting period 24141.85

Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Elliott, Michelle Salary & Expenses reporting period 307

Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Robinson, Rick Salary & Expenses reporting period 1917.35

Iowa Farm Bureau Federation Presnall, Denny Salary & Expenses reporting period 790

Iowa Farmers Union Advocacy Strategi Retainer Reporting period 8000

Iowa Federation of Animal Owners Altringer, Jill M retainer repoting period 7000

Iowa Federation of Humane Societi Haus, Kim K fee/retainer reporting period 2500

Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CI Sagar, Ken D salary reporting period 4200

Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CI Laue, Janice K salary reporting period 23700
Iowa Finance Authority Hardisty, Irene Salary 6/30/2010 9876.19
Iowa Finance Authority Beary, Lori Salary 6/30/2010 9893.62
Iowa Finance Authority Jones, Joseph Salary 6/30/2010 32314.33
This includes on the time while
Bret was employed at Iowa Finance
Iowa Finance Authority Mills, Bret L Salary 6/30/2010 7583.34 Authority
Iowa Finance Authority O'Hern, Joe Salary 6/30/2010 12246.88
Iowa Finance Authority Pope, Carla Berg Salary 6/30/2010 9890.82
Iowa Finance Authority Thompson, Mark Salary 6/30/2010 11455.84

Iowa Foster and Adoptive Parents AEIde & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 4200
Iowa Foundation for Medical Care Joe Shannahan Contract fees 6/30/2010 6000
Iowa Friends of Legal Services Paula Feltner lobbyist fee 4000
Iowa Friends of Legal Services Mile Hller lobbyist fee 4000

Iowa Funeral Directors Association Michael Triplett retainer 6/30/2010 12000

Iowa Funeral Directors Association Cal Hultman retainer 6/30/2010 12000

Iowa Funeral Directors Association Suzanne Gebel salary 6/30/2010 1500

Iowa Gaming Association Wes Ehrecke salary reporting period 8160

Iowa Golf Course Owners Associat Thornton, F Richa fees reporting period 25000

Iowa Good Roads Association Scott, David H fee 6/30/2010 2700

Iowa Greenhouse Growers Blixt, Larry fee reporting period 6000

Iowa Greyhound Association Crawford, Gerald Fees 2010 Reporting Pe 7500

Iowa Greyhound Association Avenson & OakleyFees 2010 Reporting Pe 22500

Retainer 59075.00
Expenses 194.49
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
Iowa Grocery Industry Association Nyemaster Goode Retainer and Expe 6/30/2010 59269.49 Epperly

Iowa Harness Horsemen's Associati Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 15000
Iowa Head Start Association Ross, Lana fee reporting period 1000

Lobbyist are: Susan Cameron and

Iowa Health Care Association Charles W. Hutch Retainer reporting period 50000 Jen Kingland

Iowa Health Care Association Ackerson, Steve Salary 6/30/2010 30000

Iowa Health Care Association Baddeloo, Cindy Salary 6/30/2010 5000

Iowa Health Care Association Uhlenkamp, Lisa Salary 6/30/2010 0

Iowa Health Care Association Meyers, Kelly Ver Salary 6/30/2010 0

Covers lobbying for Larry Pope and

Iowa Health Systems J.A. Smith Law, Jufee 1/15/2010 90000 Julie Smith
Iowa Health Systems Sabra Rosener salary 1/15/2010 50000
Iowa Hearing Association Kelly, Joe retainer reporting period 3000
Paula Dierenfeld, Keith Luchtel,
James West, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
Iowa Heat Pump Association Nyemaster Goode Retainer 6/30/2010 9600 Epperly

Iowa Heat Pump Association Dierenfeld, Paula Retainer 6/30/2010 0

Iowa Horsemen's Benevolent & ProtWeiser, R S retainer reporting period 18750

Iowa Hospital Association Keehnle, Maureen salary 6/1/2010 10000

Iowa Hospital Association Malone, Laura B salary 6/1/2010 10000

Iowa Hospital Association Boattenhamer, Gr salary 6/1/2010 10000

Iowa Hospital Association Norris, J Kirk salary 6/1/2010 10000

Iowa Hospital Association Strickler, Shannon salary 6/1/2010 10000

Iowa Housing Trust Fund Advocate Avenson, Oakley, Contract fees 3/31/2010 5625

Iowa Independent Auto Dealers AssPiazza, Jr, James P lobbying 2/3/2010 5000

Iowa Independent Auto Dealers AssPiazza, Jr, James P lobbying 4/21/2010 5000

Iowa Independent Auto Dealers AssPiazza, Jr, James P lobbying 6/16/2010 2500

Iowa Institute for Cooperatives Holm, David Partial salary 6/30/2010 11800 Partial salary

Iowa Institute for Cooperatives Lyon, Kayla Partial Salary 6/30/2010 24750
Paid auto expense & meals during
Iowa Institute for Cooperatives Sander, Drue Mileage & meals 6/30/2010 612.81 session

Iowa Institute for Cooperatives Koebernick, BurneSalary 6/30/2010 4500 Contract salary
Iowa Insurance Division Voss, Susan E salary reporting period 20000
Iowa Insurance Division Alger, Thomas G salary reporting period 21000

Iowa Insurance Division Goettsch, Craig A salary reporting period 20000

Iowa Insurance Division Robinson, Angel salary reporting period 0 none for the reporting period
Stephen Morain, Stephen Roberts,
Iowa Insurance Institute Davis Brown Law fees reporting period 47500 Michelle Lickteig

Iowa Insurance Institute Patterson Law Fir fees, expenses reporting period 17710 Fred Haskins is lobbyist

Don Avenson, Brice Oakley, Tom

Iowa Interactive, LLC Avenson, Oakley, fee reporting period 25000 Cope

Iowa Interactive, LLC Avenson, Oakley, expenses reporting period 18

Jerry Crawford, Jim Quilty, Nick
Iowa Interactive, LLC Crawford, Quilty, fees reporting period 30000 Mauro
No services required July 1,2009 -
Iowa Interior Design Coalition Carney & Appleby,Lobbying 6/30/2010 0 June, 30,2010

Iowa Lakes Community College Newhouse, Valeri Salary Reporting Period 0

The following payments were

02/10 - $5,000; 03/10 - $,5000;
04/10 - $5,000; and 06/10 - $5,000.
Lobbyists were Stephen Roberts &
Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperatives Davis Brown Law retainer reporting period 25000 Michelle Lickteig.
The following payments were
02/10 - $5,000; 03/10 - $,5000;
Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperatives Davis Brown Law retainer 06/01/10 0 04/10 - $5,000; and 06/10 - $5,000
Iowa Land Title Association Mike St. Clair Fee 7/15/2009 5500
Iowa Land Title Association Mike St. Clair Fee 10/2/2009 5500
Iowa Land Title Association Mike St. Clair Mileage 10/15/2009 445.77
Iowa Land Title Association Mike St. Clair Fee 1/4/2010 5500
Iowa Land Title Association Mike St. Clair Fee 4/1/2010 5500
Iowa Landlord Association Joe Kelly Retainer 1/6/2010 2000
Iowa League of Cities Kemp, Alan salary 6/30/2010 2484
Iowa League of Cities Harder, Jessica salary 6/30/2010 18737
Iowa League of Cities Osweiler, Megan salary 6/30/2010 12340
Iowa League of Cities Pope, Larry contract fees 6/30/2010 9998
Iowa League of Cities Smith, Julie contract fees 6/30/2010 70000

Iowa Legal Aid Groenenboom, DenTravel Reimburse 1/15/2010 136.65

Iowa Legal Aid Groenenboom, DenPersonnel Costs 4018.77

Iowa Legal Aid Hartsook, Scott Personnel Costs 365.68

Iowa Limestone Producers Associat White, Richard Salary Reporting Period 1004

This is the portion of Mary's annual

salary that we believe is attributable
Iowa Lottery Mary Neubauer salary 6/30/2010 18810 to her work at the Capitol.

This is the portion of Joe Hrdlicka's

annual salary that we believe was
attributable to his work at the
Iowa Lottery Joe Hrdlicka salary 4/1/2010 9405 Capitol.

Iowa Lumber Association Wasker, Dorr, Wi fees/expenses reporting period 18565.36 Bill Wimmer, Craig Schoenfeld

Iowa Manufactured Housing Associ Kelly, Joe salary 7/9/2010 3000

Iowa Medical Group Management AEide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 12500

Iowa Medical Society McHenry, Karla FuSalary 6/30/2010 15795.98

Iowa Medical Society Nemmers, Eric Salary 6/30/2010 8234.24
Iowa Medical Society Freeman, Jeanine Salary 6/30/2010 34393.97

Iowa Medical Society Abrams, Michael Salary 6/30/2010 4812.5 Reporting Period
Iowa Medical Society Nelson, Sandy Salary 6/30/2010 5505.36 Reporting Period
Iowa Medical Society Goodman, Heidi Salary 6/30/2010 10175.87

Iowa Medical Society Adelman, David R Retainer 6/30/2010 1000

Iowa Mortgage Association Presnall, Sharon K salary reporting period 715

Iowa Mortgage Association Hartwig, Robert salary reporting period 396

Iowa Motor Truck Association Scott, David H LOBBYIST FEE REPORTING PER 50000

Iowa Municipalities Workers' CompKemp, Alan salary 6/30/2010 2484

Iowa Municipalities Workers' CompHarder, Jessica salary 6/30/2010 3675

Iowa Municipalities Workers' CompOsweiler, Megan salary 6/30/2010 2468

Fee to Retaine Mr. Thornton's
Iowa Naturopathic Physicians AssocThornton, F Richa Lobbying fee 2/1/2010 5000 Services as a Lobbyist

Iowa Nebraska Equipment Dealers Rogers, William " salary reporting period 18000

Iowa Nebraska Equipment Dealers Schroeder, Lavern fee reporting period 20000

Iowa Network Services, Inc Schoenfeld, Craig Retainer 6/30/2010 10500

Retainer 68804.59
Expenses 214.40
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
Iowa Newspaper Association Nyemaster Goode Retainer and Expe 7/23/2010 69018.99 Epperly

Iowa Nurse Practitioners Society Kelly, Joe salary reporting period 2750

Iowa Nurses Association Goeldner, Linda salary reporting period 10797

Iowa Nurses Association Lord-Dinan, Eliza salary reporting period 3227

Ned Chiodo, Frank Chiodo, Scott

Iowa Operators Association (see a PRI/NC Consultin fee Reporting period 25000 Neward
Iowa Optometric Association Cameron, Susan Retainer 1/1/2010 12500
Iowa Optometric Association Cameron, Susan Retainer 6/15/2010 13000

Iowa Osteopathic Medical Associat Jaques, Sandra monthly retainer 1/22/2010 1250

Iowa Osteopathic Medical Associat Jaques, Sandra monthly retainer 7/13/2009 1250

Iowa Osteopathic Medical Associat Jaques, Sandra monthly retainer 8/6/2009 1250

Iowa Osteopathic Medical Associat Jaques, Sandra monthly retainer 9/17/2009 1250

Iowa Osteopathic Medical Associat Jaques, Sandra monthly retainer 10/23/2009 1250

Iowa Osteopathic Medical Associat Jaques, Sandra monthly retainer 11/30/2009 1250

Iowa Osteopathic Medical Associat Jaques, Sandra monthly retainer 12/23/2009 1250

Iowa Osteopathic Medical Associat Jaques, Sandra monthly retainer 2/9/2010 1250

Iowa Osteopathic Medical Associat Jaques, Sandra monthly retainer 3/5/2010 1250

Iowa Osteopathic Medical Associat Jaques, Sandra monthly retainer 4/7/2010 1250

Iowa Osteopathic Medical Associat Jaques, Sandra monthly retainer 5/14/2010 1250

Iowa Osteopathic Medical Associat Jaques, Sandra monthly retainer 6/4/2010 1250

Iowa Pharmacy Association Wasker, Dorr, Wi Lobbying Reporting Period 8250

Iowa Pharmacy Association Schultz, Nicole Salary Reporting Period 25000.05

Iowa Pharmacy Association Temple, Thomas Salary Reporting Period 7718.68

Iowa Pharmacy Association Schultz, Nicole Travel Reporting Period 1931.36 Mileage & Phone

Iowa Physical Therapy Association Eide & Heisinger, Fee 6/16/2010 12500

Don Avenson, Brice Oakley, Tom

Iowa Physician Assistant Associati Avenson, Oakley fees reporting period 10450 Cope
Iowa Podiatric Medical Society Fey, Thomas H fees 6/30/10 19658.2

Iowa Police Chiefs Association Eide, Matt retainer/fee reporting period 2500 John Pederson was also lobbyist

Iowa Policy Project French, Jill (Lily) fees & expenses reporting period 678.53

Iowa Pork Producers Association Degner, Richard Fee reporting period 2233

Iowa Pork Producers Association Schnell, Jeffrey fee reporting period 7122.5

Iowa Pork Producers Association McAfee, Eldon L fee reporting period 15853


Jerry Fitzgerald
Mark Joyce
Iowa Pork Producers Association Fitzgerald Joyce a Fee Reporting Period 36500 Maggie Fitzgerald

Jerry fitzgerald
Mark Joyce
Iowa Pork Producers Association Fitzgerald, Joyce Expense Reporting Period 3640 Maggie Fitzgerald
Iowa Poultry Association Altringer, Jill M retainer reporting period 13000

Iowa Poultry Association Vinchattle, Kevin Salary Reporting Period 3298

Iowa Poultry Association Shannahan, Joe Contract Reporting Period 8000

Iowa Poultry Association Knollenberg, Bren Salary Reporting Period 865

Iowa Poultry Association McAfee, Eldon L Fees Reporting Period 430

Iowa Poultry Association Knollenberg, Bren Expenses Reporting Period 32.5

Justin Hupfer
John Cacciatore
Iowa Professional Fire Fighters Policy Works retainer 2010 20166.63 Julie VandeHoef
Iowa Professional Fire Fighters Justin Hupfer retainer 2010 0
Iowa Professional Fire Fighters John Cacciatore retainer 2010 0
Iowa Professional Fire Fighters Julie VandeHoef retainer 2010 0

Retainer 25380.00
Expenses 108.44
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
Iowa Propane Gas Association Nyemaster Goode Retainer and Expe 6/30/2010 25488.44 Epperly
Iowa Psychiatric Society Emily Piper Retainer 2/1/2010 4500
Iowa Psychiatric Society Emily Piper retainer 4/30/2010 4500

Iowa Public Agency Investment TruKemp, Alan salary 6/30/2010 1242

Iowa Public Agency Investment TruHarder, Jessica salary 6/30/2010 1837

Iowa Public Agency Investment TruOsweiler, Megan salary 6/30/2010 1234

Iowa Public Employment Relations Riordan, James R salary reporting period 234.25 percent for reporting period

Iowa Public Employment Relations Berry, Jan reporting period reporting period 49.18 percent

Iowa Public Employment Relations Warner, Sue salary reporting period 91.36 percent for activity

Iowa Public Television Miller, Daniel K salary 6/30/2010 1292

Iowa Public Television Phillips, Molly M salary 6/30/2010 1023

Jerry Fitzgerald
Mark Joyce
Iowa Public Transit Association Fitzgerald, Joyce Fee Reporting Period 20260 Maggie Fitzgerald
Justin Hupfer and John Cacciatore
Iowa Pyrotechnics Association PolicyWorks retainer reporting period 2500 are lobbyists

Iowa Quarter Horse Racing Associa Jaques, Sandra Fee 2009-2010 20000 Lobby fee for 2009-2010
Iowa Renewable Fuels Monte Shaw prorated salary various 7953.75

Iowa Renewable Fuels Fitzgerald and Joy fee various 14500

Iowa Renewable Fuels Monte Shaw mileage various 258.5

Iowa Retail Federation Henter, James D Salary Reporting Period 30000

Iowa Retail Federation Heller, Mike Retainer Reporting Period 16417.92

Iowa Retired School Personnel AssoWimmer, William retainer reporting period 10000

Iowa Right to Life Lehman, Kim salary reporting period 0 no longer employed by right to life

Iowa Rivers Revival Lehman, Rosalyn fees reporting period 1000

Iowa Rural Water Association Emily Piper retainer 6/1/2010 18757

salaries, fees Linda Goeldner $1232

Iowa School Nurses Organization Iowa Nurses AssocSalaries, fees 6/30/2010 1600 salaries fees Betty Lord Dinan $368

Iowa Society for Respiratory Care Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 1500

Iowa Society of Anesthesiologists Hupfer, Justin fees 6/30/10 20625

Iowa Society of Anesthesiologists Hupfer, Justin expenses 6/30/10 268.95

Iowa Society of Anesthesiologists Mauro, Nicholas J fees 6/30/10 30000

Iowa Society of Association Execut Scott, David H fee 6/30/2010 1000

Retainer 46749.97
Expenses 227.19
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
Iowa Society of Certified Public Ac Nyemaster Goode Retainer and Expe 7/23/2010 46977.15 Epperly
Iowa Soybean Association Altringer, Jill M retainer reporting period 30000

Iowa Speech Language Hearing AssFeltner, Paula J fee 6/30/2010 6000

Iowa Speech Language Hearing AssHeller, Mike fee 6/30/2010 6000
Iowa Speedway Blixt, Larry fee reporting period 42000
Iowa Sportsman Federation Pope, Scott fees reporting period 15000

Iowa State Association of Assessors Heller, Mike Fees 6/24/2010 11860

Iowa State Association of Assessors Feltner, Paula J Fees 6/24/2010 11860

Iowa State Association of Counties Bonnett, Nathan Salary Reporting Period 5476.46

Iowa State Association of Counties De Groot, Hanna Salary Reporting Period 16217.98

Iowa State Association of Counties Eckerman Slack, Salary Reporting Period 0

Iowa State Association of Counties Hinton, Linda Salary Reporting Period 47512.1

Iowa State Association of Counties Peterson, William Salary Reporting Period 10532.9

Iowa State Association of Counties Mellick, Mary Bet Salary Reporting Period 35930.7

Iowa State Association of County S Iowa State Associawages and expense7/1/2009 thru 6/30 22145

Iowa State Bar Association Carney, Appleby, Retainer 6/30/2010 132000

Iowa State Bar Association Carney, Appleby, Expenses 6/30/2010 11012.51

Iowa State Bar Association Carney, Appleby, Salary 6/30/2010 40232.68

Iowa State Bar Association The Rafferty Grou Retainer 6/30/2010 19500

Iowa State Building & Construction Fey, Thomas H Fee reporting period 26203.2 Lobbyists include Mike St. Clair

Iowa State Education Association Hudson, Bradley Salary & xp reimb 6/30/2010 11198.22

Iowa State Education Association Cobb, Mary Jane Salary & xp reimb 6/30/2010 7297.01

Iowa State Education Association Studer, Jon Salary & xp reimb 6/30/2010 11050.55

Iowa State Education Association Bern, Chris Salary & xp reimb 6/30/2010 6492.82

Iowa State Education Association Smith, James A Salary & xp reimb 6/30/2010 6600.76
Iowa State Fair Johnson, Brian E Retainer 6/30/10 13500

Iowa State Fair Johnson, JoAnn Retainer 6/30/10 0

Lobbyists are Thomas Fey, Mike
Iowa State Patrol Supervisors AssocFey & Gomez, Assfee reporting period 5000 St. Clair
Iowa State Police Association Feltner, Paula J $3,000.00 6/30/2010 20774
Iowa State Police Association Heller, Mike $3,000.00 6/30/2010 20774

Joe Kelly, Susan Cameron, Jennifer

Iowa State Sheriffs & Deputies Ass Charles Hutchins fees reporting period 50000 Kingland
Iowa State Snowmobile Association Heller, Mike retainer reporting period 9750

Iowa State Snowmobile Association Feltner, Paula J retainer reporting period 9750

The Iowa State Troopers

Association spent $0 on lobbyists
Iowa State Troopers Association PolicyWorks retainer July 31, 2010 repo 0 during this reporting period

Iowa State UAW Stewart, Dennis salary reporting period 0 totally voluntary lobbying

Hultman, Cal
Hultman, Mary
Iowa Student Loan Liquidity CorporHultman Companyretainer 7/29/2010 24000 Triplett, Michael

Cacciatore, John
Hupfer, Justin
Iowa Student Loan Liquidity CorporPolicyWorks retainer 7/29/2010 16800 VandeHoef, Julie

Iowa Talented and Gifted Associati Feltner, Paula J fee reporting period 4250

Iowa Talented and Gifted Associati Heller, Mike fee reporting 4250

Iowa Taxpayers Association Wallace, Edward salary reporting period 25000

Iowa Telecom Schulz, Todd salary reporting period 12050
Iowa Telecom Schulz, Todd reimbursements reporting period 2100

Iowa Telecom Allen, Charles "C salary reporting period 9760

Iowa Telecom Allen, Charles "C reimbursements reporting period 200

Paula Dierenfeld, Jim West, Scott
Sundstrom, Brad Epperly, Keith
Iowa Telecommunications Associat Nyemaster Goode Retainer 2009-2010 18700 Luchtel

Iowa Telecommunications Associat Duncan, Dave Salary 2009-2010 14400

Iowa Telecommunications Associat Kunert, Kristin A Salary 2009-2010 12880

Iowa Thoroughbred Breeders and O Pope, Scott fee 1/19/2010 6250

Iowa Thoroughbred Breeders and O Pope, Scott fee 4/13/2010 6250

Legislative regulatory and political
Iowa Transportation Museum Hultman, Cal Lobbyist 6/30/2010 2500 service

Iowa Trust Association Presnall, Sharon K salary reporting period 715

Iowa Trust Association Hartwig, Robert salary reporting period 396
Iowa Turkey Federation Altringer, Jill M retainer reporting period 13000

Iowa Utilities Board Conrad, Joan salary, fee, retaine reporting period 7500

Iowa Utilities Board Berntsen, Robert salary, fee, retaine reporting period 214.65
Iowa Utility Association Mark Douglas Compensation June 30, 2010 47094 For lobbying.
Iowa Utility Association Jack Clark Compensation June 30, 2010 19602 For lobbying.

Iowa Valley Community College Schulte, Cindy S Salary Reporting Period 24187 FY10 Salary for Lobbying Purposes

Iowa Valley Community College Schulte, Cindy S Mileage Reimburs Reporting Period 844.22
Iowa Valley Community College Wynes, Tim A Salary Reporting Period 0
Iowa Veterans Home Purvis, Lisa M salary reporting period 20323.96

Iowa Veterans Home Purvis, Lisa M mileage & expensereporting period 2588.66

Iowa Veterinary Medical Associati Carney & ApplebyRetainer 7/15/09 2750

Iowa Veterinary Medical Associati Carney & ApplebyRetainer 10/14/09 2750

Iowa Veterinary Medical Associati Carney & ApplebyRetainer 1/15/10 2750

Iowa Veterinary Medical Associati Carney & ApplebyRetainer 4/15/10 2750

faxes, copies, phone charges,
Iowa Veterinary Medical Associati Carney & ApplebyExpenses 9/15/09 58.84 postage

Iowa Veterinary Medical Associati Carney & ApplebyExpenses 10/14/09 20.88 phone charges, copies, postage

Iowa Veterinary Medical Associati Carney & ApplebyExpenses 1/15/10 50.69 phone charges, copies, postage

Iowa Veterinary Medical Associati Carney & ApplebyExpenses 2/12/10 58 phone charges, copies

Iowa Veterinary Medical Associati Carney & ApplebyExpenses 4/15/10 20 phone charges

Iowa Voters for Companion Animal Haus, Kim K Lobbyist fee 1/13/2010 3500
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
Iowa Water Well Association Nyemaster Goode Retainer 6/30/2010 8500 Epperly

Iowa West Racing Association Eide, Matt annual total amoun7/1/2009 - 6/30/20 22000

Iowa West Racing Association Walter, Craig D annual total amoun7/1/2009 - 6/30/20 22000

Iowa Western Community College Dr. Dan Kinney retainer 7/13/2010 14500

Jerry Fitzgerald
Mark Joyce
Iowa White Tail Deer Association Fitzgerald joyce a Fee Reporting Period 9000 Maggie Fitzgerald

Iowa Wholesale Beer Distributors Feltner, Paula J fees and expenses 6/30/2010 24068.25

Iowa Wholesale Beer Distributors Heller, Mike fees and expenses 6/30/2010 24068.25

Iowa Wholesale Beer Distributors Douglas, Sheila P fees 6/30/2010 800

Iowa Wholesale Distributors Associ Schoenfeld, Craig lobbying 9/1/2009 14000 compensation for lobbying services

Iowa Wine Growers Association Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 5300

Joe Mowers is the Legislative

Liaison for Iowa Workforce
Iowa Workforce Development Mowers, Joseph Wages 6/30/2010 14867 Develoment; the primary lobbyist.

Iowa Workforce Development Buck, Elisabeth Wages 6/30/2010 2000 Ms. Buck is the Director of IWD.
Mr. Walsh is the Deputy Director
Iowa Workforce Development Walsh, Joseph Wages 6/30/2010 2000 of IWD

Iowans for Tax Relief Failor, Jr, Edward Expenses Reporting Period 6314.78
Iowans for Tax Relief Failor, Jr, Edward Salary Reporting Period 57725.9

Iowans for Tax Relief Earnhardt, Mary K Expenses Reporting Period 1622.07

Iowans for Tax Relief Earnhardt, Mary K Salary Reporting Period 21494.19

Iowans for Tax Relief Koberg, Katie Expenses Reporting Period 0

Iowans for Tax Relief Koberg, Katie Salary Reporting Period 8502.44

Iowans for Tax Relief Robinson, Cloyd Expenses Reporting Period 2539.34

Iowans for Tax Relief Robinson, Cloyd Salary Reporting Period 0

Iowans for Tax Relief Skinner, Nielson Expenses Reporting Period 0

Iowans for Tax Relief Skinner, Nielson Salary Reporting Period 20000

IRF Services, Inc Henter, James D Fee Reporting Period 0

Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc Beason, Curtis E Salary/Fees/Retain 6/30/2010 3320

Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc Eide, Matt Retainer 12/31/2009 0 Retainer Terminated 12/31/2009
Retainer Terminated as of
Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc Heisinger, Lorelei Retainer 12/31/2009 0 12/31/2009
Retainer Terminated as of
Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc Pederson, John Retainer 12/31/2009 0 12/31/2009
Retainer Terminated as of
Isle of Capri Casinos, Inc Peterson, Melissa Retainer 12/31/2009 0 12/31/2009
Jerry Fitzgerald
Maggie Fitzgerald
ITC Midwest Fitzgerald, Joyce Contract Reporting Period 40000 Mark Joyce

ITC Midwest Stump, Lisa Salary Reporting Period 0

ITC Midwest Collins, Doug Salary Reporting Period 0

ITC Midwest Brown, Frances Salary Reporting Period 0

ITS, Inc/Shazam, Inc Sorensen, John salary reporting period 230

ITS, Inc/Shazam, Inc Presnall, Sharon K salary reporting period 715

ITS, Inc/Shazam, Inc Hartwig, Robert salary reporting period 396

ITS, Inc/Shazam, Inc Jenkins, Richard S none reporting period 0

ITS, Inc/Shazam, Inc Hollinger, Michae none reporting period 0

ITW, Inc Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 7500

John Paul II Stem Cell Research InstLehman, Kim salary reporting period 0
Salary 1500.00
Johnson & Johnson Zalenski, Susan D Salary and Expens 6/30/2010 1941 Expenses 441.00
Retainer 24225.00
Expenses 81.87
Keith Luchtel, James West, Paula
Dierenfeld, Scott Sundstrom, Brad
Johnson & Johnson Nyemaster Goode Retainer and Expe 6/30/2010 24306.87 Epperly
amounts reported by individual
Junkins & Associates Kelly, Joe salary reporting period 0 clients

KAM Consulting L&L Murphy Consu

fees reporting period 0 Larry Murphy

Kaplan Feltner & Heller fee/retainer reporting period 35750 Mike Heller & Paula Feltner

Keep Iowa Beautiful Avenson, Oakley na reporting period 0 no payment in this reporting period

Kehl Management, Inc Beason, Curtis E Salaries Fees Reta 6/30/2010 0

Kirke Financial Services LLC Thornton, F Richa na reporting period 0

Kirkwood Community College - K Starcevich, Mick Salary 6/30/2010 0

Kirkwood Community College - K Starcevich, Mick Expenses 6/30/2010 0

Kirkwood Community College - K Ovel, Steve Salary 6/30/2010 32012

Kirkwood Community College - K Ovel, Steve Expenses 6/30/2010 7219

Lobbyists are Don Avenson, Brice

Koch Companies Public Sector LL Avenson, Oakley &Expenses For reporting peri 0 Oakley, Tom Cope

Lobbyists are Don Avenson, Brice

Koch Companies Public Sector LL Avenson, Oakley &Fees For reporting peri 29800 Oakley and Tom Cope

Kraft Foods Global, Inc Crawford Law Fir Retainer Reporting Period 24000 Nick Mauro, Jerry Crawford

Kraft Foods Global, Inc Hultman CompanyRetainer Reporting Period 24000 Cal Hultman
Kruse Kennels Scott, David H fee June 30, 2010 10000

Kum & Go Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 24000

Kwik Starr Blixt, Larry fee reporting period 20000
L&L Murphy Consulting Majerus, Kim fee reporting period 0 KAM Consulting
Landlords of Iowa Kelly, Joe fee/retainer reporting period 8000

League of Women Voters of Iowa Campbell/Patterso fees reporting period 10000 Amy Campbell, Craig Patterson

Learning Disabilities of Iowa Carney, James W Fee 10/7/2009 250

Learning Disabilities of Iowa Carney, James W Fee 1/12/2010 250

Learning Disabilities of Iowa Carney, James W Fee 4/6/2010 250

Learning Disabilities of Iowa Carney, James W Fee 7/9/2009 250

Lennox International Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 23400
Justin Hupfer
John Cacciatore
Leukemia & Lymphona Society PolicyWorks retainer 6/30/10 28500 Julie Vande Hoef
Life Safety Coalition Chiodo, Ned Consulting Fee 9/29/2009 7500
Life Safety Coalition Chiodo, Ned Consulting Fee 11/25/2009 7500

Life Serve Blood Center Carney & Appleby,Retainer 7/2/2009 3333.33

Life Serve Blood Center Carney & Appleby,Retainer 10/6/2009 3333.34

Life Serve Blood Center Carney & Appleby,Photocopy expens 10/1/2009 0.53

Life Serve Blood Center Carney & Appleby,Postage expense 10/1/2009 0.29

Life Serve Blood Center Carney & Appleby,Postage expense 10/1/2009 1.81

Life Serve Blood Center Carney & Appleby,Photocopy expens 1/4/2010 10

Life Serve Blood Center Carney & Appleby,Retainer 1/4/2010 5000

Life Technologies Hurst, Lisa salary 7/1/2009 0
Lights On Johnson, Brian E fees/salary reporting period 0
Lobbyists are Larry Murphy and
Linn County Board of Supervisors L&L Murphy Consu
Salary Reporting period 63750 Gary Grant.

Loess Hills Schroeder, Lavern fees reporting period 3500

Long Lines LLC Heller, Mike na reporting period 0 none for this period

Fees paid for the period July 1,

Magellan Behavioral Care of Iowa, Carney & Applebyfees 6/29/2010 25500 2009 to June 30, 2010

Magellan Behavioral Care of Iowa, Carney & Applebyexpenses 6/29/2010 7.56

Lobbyists include Justin Hupfer,
John Cacciatore and Julie Vande
Magellan Midstream Partners PolicyWorks Fee Reporting period 40132.55 Hoef
Manatt's Inc Mona Bond Salary 6/1/2010 5000

March of Dimes Campbell/Patterso fees reporting period 4909.08

March of Dimes Anderson Legislatifees reporting period 4673 Erika Anderson

March of Dimes Phillips, Jessica L fees reporting period 13500

Mason City Clinic Adelman, David R retainer 6/23/2010 30000

Master Builders of Iowa Kleppe, Chad D salary reporting period 40276.78

Master Builders of Iowa Norvell, Scott salary/fees reporting period 9401.45

Master Builders of Iowa Heller & Feltner, fees reporting period 30000 Mike Heller, Paula Feltner
McDonald's mcdonald fee 7/27/2010 35000

Mechanical Contractors Associatio Brian E. Johnson Retainer 3/5/2010 20000

Mechanical Contractors Associatio JoAnn Johnson Retainer 03/05/2010 0
Medco Health Solutions, Inc Root, David salary reporting period 9786.33

Medco Health Solutions, Inc Triplett, Michael compensation reporting period 30000

Mediacom Communications CorporaCarney, James W Retainer/Misc Exp 7/9/2009 6034

Mediacom Communications CorporaCarney, James W Retainer/expenses 8/12/09 6059

Mediacom Communications CorporaCarney, James W Retainer/expenses 9/10/2009 6023

Mediacom Communications CorporaCarney, James W Retainer/expenses 10/26/2009 6024

Mediacom Communications CorporaCarney, James W Retainer/expenses 11/10/2009 6025

Mediacom Communications CorporaCarney, James W Retainer/expenses 12/08/09 6015

Mediacom Communications CorporaCarney, James W Retainer/expenses 1/15/10 6021

Mediacom Communications CorporaCarney, James W Misc Expenses 1/25/10 2335

Mediacom Communications CorporaCarney, James W Retainer/expenses 2/19/10 6054.24

Mediacom Communications CorporaCarney, James W Retainer 3/10/10 6000

Mediacom Communications CorporaCarney, James W Retainer/expenses 4/12/10 6130

Mediacom Communications CorporaCarney, James W Retainer/expenses 5/25/10 6032.4

Mediacom Communications CorporaCarney, James W Retainer 6/4/10 6000

Mediacom Communications CorporaWasker, Charles F Retainer 6/30/10 10000

Mediacom Communications CorporaWasker, Charles F Retainer 6/30/10 10000

Mediacom Communications CorporaFeltner, Paula J Retainer 6/30/10 35000

MedImmune, LLC Gossman, Abigail Salary and Reimbu6/30/2010 20261.45

Member Service Group Henter, James D Fee Reporting Period 0

Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp & its afMatthews, Martin salary reporting period 58243.63

Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp & its afFitzgerald & Assocfees reporting period 28000

Mercy Health Network Mauro, Nicholas J fee reporting period 500

Mercy Health Network Crawford, Gerald fee reporting period 500

Mercy Health Network Brown, Carmela salary reporting period 25000

Mercy Health Network Johnson, Angela salary reporting period 20000

Meredith Corporation Carney & Appleby,Lobbying Firm Fee6/30/2010 30014

Meredith Corporation Hadenfeldt, Jerry Salary 6/30/2010 38000
Meredith Corporation Slusark, Art Salary 6/30/2010 11000

Meridian Holdings, LLC Sisson, Karen A Retainer 6/30/2010 0

Metro Waste Authority Ned Chiodo, Fran fee 1/1/2010 10000

Metro Waste Authority Julie Smith Larry fee 1/1/2010 25000

Metropolitan Coalition, The Brick Gentry P.C. contract fee reporting period 25000

Metropolitan Coalition, The Anderson Legislat contract fee September 2009 17500

Microsoft Corporation Avenson, Oakley fees reporting period 24000

Microsoft Corporation Avenson, Oakley expenses reporting period 281.6

MidAmerican Energy Company Caris, David C Salary Reporting Period 17565.15

MidAmerican Energy Company Crist, Dean A Salary Reporting Period 0

MidAmerican Energy Company Davis, Andrew Jo Salary Reporting Period 47098.31

MidAmerican Energy Company Evans, Steven R Salary Reporting Period 0

MidAmerican Energy Company Munns, Diane C Salary Reporting Period 0

MidAmerican Energy Company Stewart, Suzan M Salary Reporting Period 0

MidAmerican Energy Company Weiss, Steven R Salary Reporting Period 0

MidAmerican Energy Company Woollums, Cathy Salary Reporting Period 0

MidAmerican Energy Company PRI NC Consultin Fee/Retainer Reporting Period 12500 Portion of fee related to lobbying

Middleton Children's Rights Center Julie Smith salary 1/1/2010 2500

Middleton Children's Rights Center Larry Pope fee 1/1/2010 0

Midwest Check Cashing heller, Mike Fees 06/30/2010 32500
Midwest Check Cashing Feltner, Paula J Fees 06/30/2010 32500
MillerCoors LLC Hultman, Cal Retainer 6/30/2010 18000
Compensated through payments
made to Hultman Company/Cal
MillerCoors LLC Triplett, Michael Retainer 6/30/2010 0 Hultman.

Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Carney & Appleby,Retainer 7/9/2009 3333.34

Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Carney & Appleby,Retainer 10/15/2009 3333.33

Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Carney & Appleby,Photocopy expens 10/15/2009 0.53
Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Carney & Appleby,Postage expense 10/15/2009 0.3

Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Carney & Appleby,Retainer 1/14/2010 5000

Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Carney & Appleby,Photocopy expens 1/14/2010 10

Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Carney & Appleby,Postage expense 1/14/2010 1.81

Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Carney & Appleby,Lobbying fees 6/25/2010 10000

Missouri River Energy Services Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 19992.92

Monsanto Company Tierney, David Salaries, Fees and 06/30/2010 9300

Monsanto Company Naig, Michael Salaries, Fees and 06/30/2010 6500

Monsanto Company Nyemaster, Goode,Salaries, Fees and 06/30/2010 40000

Montague Group Thornton, F Richa na reporting period 0 did not represent during this period

Mortgage Insurance Companies of Morrison, Stephen fees reporting period 27000

Motion Picture Association of AmerThornton, F Richa fees reporting period 12500

Motion Picture Association of AmerCampell /Pattersonfees reporting period 5000

Gerald Crawford, Nick Mauro, Jim

Motorola Crawford, Quilti, retainer, fee reporting period 15000 Quilti, Frank Chiodo

MultiStates/Association of Settlem PRI/NC CONSUL SALARIES, FEES 06/30/2010 27999.96

MultiStates/Community Financial S NONE NONE 06/30/2010 0

MultiStates/Community Financial S PRI/NC CONSUL SALARIES, FEES 06/30/2010 64999.98

MultiStates/Health Management Sy PRI/NC CONSUL SALARIES, FEES 06/30/2010 36000

MultiStates/Verizon Wireless PRI/NC CONSUL SALARIES, FEES 06/30/2010 23833.29

Mutual Insurance Association of Io St Clair, Mike Fees Report Period 7800

Mutual Insurance Association of Io St Clair, Mike Expense Reimburs Report Period 769.01
Fees contained in amount paid to
Mutual Insurance Association of Io Fey, Thomas H Fees Report Period 0 Mike St. Clair.
Craig Schoenfeld, Charles Wasker,
Mystique Casino Wasker, Dorr, Wi fees/expenses reporting period 80000.04 Bill Wimmer

National Association of Insurance Weiser, R S Lobbying Fee 7/1/2009 1195.83

National Association of Insurance Weiser, R S Lobbying Fee 8/1/2009 1195.83

National Association of Insurance Weiser, R S Lobbying Fee 9/1/2009 1195.83

National Association of Insurance Weiser, R S Lobbying Fee 10/1/2009 1195.83

National Association of Insurance Weiser, R S Lobbying Fee 11/1/2009 1195.83

National Association of Insurance Weiser, R S Lobbying Fee 12/1/2009 1195.83

National Association of Insurance Weiser, R S Lobbying Fee 1/1/2010 1195.83

National Association of Insurance Weiser, R S Lobbying Fee 2/1/2010 1195.83

National Association of Insurance Weiser, R S Lobbying Fee 3/1/2010 1195.83

National Association of Insurance Weiser, R S Lobbying Fee 4/1/2010 1195.83

National Association of Insurance Weiser, R S Lobbying Fee 5/1/2010 1195.83

National Association of Insurance Weiser, R S Lobbying Fee 6/1/2010 1195.83

National Career Assessment Servic L&L Murphy Consu

Salary Reporting period 15000 Lobbyist is Larry Murphy

National Federation of Independent Kunert, Kristin A Salaries, Fees, Ret 6/30/2010 300

National Federation of Independent Warren, Andy Salaries, Fees, Ret 6/30/2010 12385.12

National Fire Sprinkler Association Carney, Appleby, fee reporting period 13500

National Fire Sprinkler Association Carney, Appleby, reimbursed expens reporting period 6

National Multiple Sclerosis Society Sisson, Karen A Retainer 7/31/2010 0

National Rifle Association of Ame Rager, Chris Compensation Reporting Period 23652.9

National Rifle Association of Ame Rager, Chris Reimbursement fo Reporting Period 33126.55

National Rifle Association of Ame Cox, Christopher Compensation Reporting Period 0

National Rifle Association of Ame Cox, Christopher Reimbursement fo Reporting Period 0
half of original amount is
National Safety Council Weiser, R S Lobbying Jan - May, 2010 7500 consulting per S Weiser

Don Avenson
Brice Oakley
Tom Cope
Nature Conservancy, The Avenson, Oakley fee reporting period 19000 by contract for reporting period
NCCI Wood, Roy O salary reporting period 0

NCMIC Insurance Company Whitmer, Michael Salaries/fees 6/28/2010 1225

NCMIC Insurance Company Warren, Rod salaries/fees 6/28/2010 500

NCMIC Insurance Company Anderson, Jacquie salaries/fees 6/28/2010 187.5

NCMIC Insurance Services, Inc Whitmer, Michael Salaries/Fee 6/1/2010 1225

NCMIC Insurance Services, Inc Warren, Rod Salaries/Fees 6/1/2010 500

NCMIC Insurance Services, Inc Anderson, Jacquie Salaries/Fee 6/1/2010 187.5

NCMIC Insurance Services, Inc Walter, Craig D fee 6/1/2010 5000

NECA - Iowa Johnson, Brian E Lobbyist Fees 1/15/2010 6250

NECA - Iowa Johnson, JoAnn Lobbyist Fees 3/15/2010 3125

Next Era Energy (fka FPL) Johnson, Brian E Retainer 12/1/2009 30000

North Iowa Area Community Colle Derr, Debra A Salary 6/30/2010 5000

North Iowa Area Community Colle DeGabriele, Setha Salary 6/30/2010 4177.64
For Avenson, Oakley, and Cope
North Iowa Area Community Colle IACCT Lobbyist Fee 6/30/2010 15000 Consulting

Northeast Iowa Community College Wills, Penelope H salary 6/30/2010 1440

Northeast Iowa Community College Kruse, Tracy L salary 6/30/2010 600

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporati Olhausen, Vaun Salary reporting period 0

Jim Carney, George Appleby,
NPI Carney & Applebyfees reporting period 1000 Jennifer Tyler
Office of Consumer Advocate Easler, Jennifer C salary reporting period 0

Office of Energy Independence Robert Grayson salary reporting period 48735.09

Office of Energy Independence Roya Stanley salary reporting period 10459.86

Okoboji Tourism Committee Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 5000

One Iowa TJ Jochum ConsultContract Fee 6/30/2010 59500

Orchard Place Avenson, Oakley contract fees 6/30/2010 15000

Orchard Place Avenson, Oakley reimbursed expens 6/30/2010 77.6

Outcomes Pharmaceutical Health C Sisson, Karen A Retainer 6/30/2010 12000

Outdoor Advertisers Association of St Clair, Mike Fee Reporting Period 12000

Fee included in payment to Mike
Outdoor Advertisers Association of Fey, Thomas H Fee Reporting Period 0 St. Clair.

Palmer College of Chiropractic Hultman, Cal Lobbyist fee October 19, 2009 8000
Palmer College of Chiropractic Hultman, Cal Lobbyist Fee 1/11/2010 8000
Palmer College of Chiropractic Hultman, Cal Lobbyist Fee 4/16/2010 8000
Pella Corporation Linn, Myron R salary reporting period 0

Peninsula Gaming LLC Beason, Curtis E Salary/Fees/Retain 6/30/2010 3320

Penn National Gaming, Inc Feltner & Heller, fees reporting period 48000

Petroleum Marketers & Convenienc Troy Skinner Contract 6/1/2010 35000 Contract

Petroleum Marketers & Convenienc Dawn Carlson Salary 6/4/2010 45000

Petroleum Marketers & Convenienc Mona Bond Salary 6/4/2010 25000

Petroleum Marketers & Convenienc Kellie Paschke Contract 6/4/2010 0

Petroleum Marketers Management Heller, Mike lobbying 7/31/2010 7500

Petroleum Marketers Management Feltner, Paula J lobbying 7/31/2010 7500

Pfizer Inc. Idelkope, Julie Salary 06/30/2010 0 No activity during the period.

Pfizer Inc. Burns, Frank T Salary 06/30/2010 0 No activity for the reporting period
Therese Harms, Kyle Frette, Kent
Pfizer Inc. Advocacy Strategi retainer reporting period 2640 Hartwig, Jennifer Schulte

Pharmaceutical Research and Manu Carroll-Shern, Lin salary 7/1/2009 5433.34

Pharmaceutical Research and Manu Carroll-Shern, Lin reimbursed expens 7/1/2009 800

Pharmaceutical Research and Manu Hultman, Cal; Hul retainer 7/1/2009 59850
For Legislative Reception at
Pheasants Forever, Inc O'Connor, Matthe Travel/Lodging 06/18/2010 263.62 Quality Inn & Suites - 1/25/10
Pheasants Forever, Inc Wooley, James B Travel 02/19/2010 102.67
Pheasants Forever, Inc Wooley, James B Travel 04/30/2010 138.75
Salary payments to Nancy
Planned Parenthood of the Heartlan Nancy Robertson Salary 6/30/2010 3900 Robertson

Planned Parenthood of the Heartlan Kyle Carlson Salary 6/30/2010 11200 Salary payments
Reimbursement payments to Kyle
Planned Parenthood of the Heartlan Kyle Carlson Expense reimburs 6/30/2010 400 Carlson

Plumbers Local 33 Jochum, Thomas fees reporting period 30000 July 1, 2009 through April 30, 2010
Paid for by Tom Whitney Law
Polk County Government Brian Johnson Lobbyist 1/4/10 0 Office

Polk County Government Amy Campbell Lobbyist 1/4/10 0 Paid by Tom Whitney Law Office

Polk County Government Brian Johnson Lobbyist 3/1/10 0 Paid by Tom Whitney Law Office

Polk County Government Amy Campbell Lobbyist 3/1/10 0 Paid by Tom Whitney Law Office
Polk County Government Whitney, Tom Lobbyist 1/4/2010 43000
Polk County Government Whitney, Tom Lobbyist 3/1/2010 43000

Polk County Health Services, Inc Ferrell, Lynn D salary reporting period 0

Lobbyists are Justin Hupfer, John

Polk County Medical Society PolicyWorks Retainer Reporting Period 12000 Cacciatore and Julie Vande Hoef

Prairie Meadows Racetrack & Cas Skinner, Nielsen Retainer 1/1/2010 70000

Preservation Iowa Adelman, David R fee reporting period 15000 for all services for the coalition

Prevent Blindness Iowa Advocacy Strategi fee/retainer reporting period 8500 Harms, Hartwig, Frette, Schulte

Prevent Child Abuse Iowa Scott, Stephen E salary reporting period 0

Principal Financial Group Hanson, Karen L Salary 6/30/2010 4200

Principal Financial Group Pederson, Merle T Salary 6/30/2010 51000

Principal Financial Group Van Gundy, GeorgSalary 6/30/2010 34531

Jim Carney, George Appleby,
Printing Industries of the Midlands Carney & Applebyfees reporting period 0 Jennifer Tyler

Professional Solutions Insurance Whitmer, Michael Salaries/Fees 6/1/2010 1225

Professional Solutions Insurance Warren, Rod Salaries/Fees 6/1/2010 500

Professional Solutions Insurance Anderson, Jacquie Salaries/Fees 6/1/2010 187.5

Professional Solutions Insurance Walter, Craig D Fee 6/1/2010 5000

Professional Solutions Insurance Se Whitmer, Michael Salaries/Fees 6/1/2010 1225

Professional Solutions Insurance Se Warren, Rod Salaries/Fees 6/1/2010 500

Professional Solutions Insurance Se Anderson, Jacquie Salaries/Fees 6/1/2010 187.5

Property Assessment Appeal Board Braunschweig-Norrsalary reporting period 0

Property Casualty Insurers Associa St Clair, Mike Total retainer amo Retainer/Fee 28998

Property Casualty Insurers Associa Fey, Thomas H Fee contained in reRetainer/Fee 0

Property Casualty Insurers Associa Avenson, Don Total retainer amo Retainer/Fee 21500

Property Casualty Insurers Associa Oakley, Brice Fee contained in r Retainer/Fee 0

Property Casualty Insurers Associa Cope, Tom Fee contained in r Retainer/Fee 0
Purdue Pharma LP Glosier, Meagan retainer 7/1/2009 0
Purdue Pharma LP Steckler, Chet retainer 7/1/2009 0
Qwest Sadler, Michael salary reporting period 23722.74
lobbyist are don avenson, brice
Qwest avenson & oakley retainer reporting period 33200 oakley & tom cope

lobbyist are susan cameron &

Qwest charles hutchins & retainer reporting period 33000 jennifer kingland
RACOM Cameron, Susan none reporting period 0

RACOM Kingland, Jennifer none reporting period 0

RAI Services Company Charles W. Hutchi Retainer 7/27/2009 1583.33

RAI Services Company Charles W. Hutchi Retainer 8/24/09 1583.33

RAI Services Company Charles W. Hutchi Retainer 9/24/2009 1583.33

RAI Services Company Charles W. Hutchi Retainer 10/23/2009 1583.33

RAI Services Company Charles W. Hutchi Retainer 11/20/2009 1583.33

RAI Services Company Charles W. Hutchi Retainer 12/23/2009 1583.33

RAI Services Company Charles W. Hutchi Retainer 1/25/2010 1583.33

RAI Services Company Charles W. Hutchi Retainer 2/22/2010 1583.33

RAI Services Company Charles W. hutchinRetainer 3/23/2010 1583.33

RAI Services Company Charles W. Hutchi Retainer 4/23/2010 1583.33

RAI Services Company Charles W. Hutchi Retainer 5/24/2010 1583.34

RAI Services Company Charles W. Hutchi Retainer 6/23/2010 1583.33

Wasker Dorr Wimmer & Marcouill,

lobbyists Craig Schoenfeld,
William Wimmer; retainer from
RAI Services Company Wasker Dorr Wimm
Retainer 6/23/2010 18999.98 July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010
Ned Chiodo, Frank Chiodo, Scott
Rasmussen Group, The PRI/NC Consultin fee reporting period 25000 Neward
Rathbun Regional Water Associatio Emily Piper retainer fee 6/30/2010 3500

Reach Out and Read - Iowa Adelman, David R retainer 6/30/2010 3000

10% of her Salary was used for this

calculation as 10% of her time was
Rebuild Iowa Office Emily Hajek Lobbyist 6/30/2010 7161.44 spent answering questions, etc...
50% of her salary is used in the
calculation as this is how much
Rebuild Iowa Office Susan Judkins Jost Lobbyist 06/30/2010 38511.2 time was spet lobbying.
no payments made during this
Recovery Audit Specialists, c/o Ve Triplett, Michael none reporting period 0 period

Reed Elsevier Inc Carney, James W retainer 7/1/2009 6030

Reed Elsevier Inc Carney, James W retainer 7/29/2009 3000

Reed Elsevier Inc Carney, James W retainer 8/26/2009 3000

Reed Elsevier Inc Carney, James W retainer 9/23/2009 3000

Reed Elsevier Inc Carney, James W retainer 10/28/2009 3000

Reed Elsevier Inc Carney, James W retainer 11/23/2009 3000

Reed Elsevier Inc Carney, James W retainer 12/22/2009 3000

Reed Elsevier Inc Carney, James W retainer 02/18/2010 3000

Reed Elsevier Inc Carney, James W retainer 03/17/2010 3000

Reed Elsevier Inc Carney, James W retainer 5/05/2010 3000

Reed Elsevier Inc Carney, James W retainer 5/26/2010 3000

Renewable Energy Group, Inc Steve Falck salary 06/30/2010 19500 through June 1, 2010

Riverside Casino & Golf Resort, L PRI/NC Consultin Fee reporting period 35000

Road Sprinkler Fitters Local 669 U Murphy, Bernard na reporting period 0

Roche Diagnostics Corporation Viohl, Jeff reimbursement of 7/1/2009 3360.35

Roche Diagnostics Corporation Viohl, Jeff retainer 7/1/2009 77500

Rockwell Collins, Inc Hobson, Thomas % of salary 6/30/2010 40000

Rockwell Collins, Inc Hobson, Thomas travel 6/30/2010 905.64

Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi Avenson, Oakley fee 7/01/09 5000 Paid for lobbying assistance

Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi Thomas J. Jochum 0 7/26/2010 139000

Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi Jochum, Thomas 0 06/30/2010 0

Sanofi-Aventis Sobotta, Russell salary 7/1/2009 8800

Sanofi-Aventis Sobotta, Russell reimbursed expens 7/1/2009 3455

no lobbying fees paid from 7-1-09
Satellite Broadcasting Communicat Wasker, Dorr, Wi lobbyist retainer 7/1/2009 0 to 6-30-10
School Administrators of Iowa Norman, Ben salary reporting period 48052.58

School Administrators of Iowa Tryon, Dr Gaylord salary reporting period 4886.04

School Administrators of Iowa Smith, Dan H salary reporting period 7346.11
School Administrators of Iowa Carver, Matt salary reporting period 2302.16

School Administrators of Iowa Boothroy, Bonnie salary reporting period 0

Scientific Games Corporation Crawford Quilty Retianer 06/30/2010 1000

ServiShare Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 6000

No work done during the 2010
session.m Final report for this
Sheet Metal Contactors of Iowa Hogan, Dennis lobbying salary 12/31/2009 0 lobbyist.

Sheet Metal Contactors of Iowa Adelman, David R Lobbying 6/23/2010 6000

Riverpoint legal expenses for 2010
Sherman Associates, Inc. Anderson, AndrewLegal 3/19/2010 12107.21 Iowa legislative session
Riverpoint legal expenses for 2010
Sherman Associates, Inc. Anderson, AndrewLegal 4/29/2010 1116.94 Iowa legislative session

Siouxland Chamber of Commerce Barbara Sloniker salary 6/30/2010 15975.66 Annual salary

Siouxland Chamber of Commerce Barbara Sloniker telephone 6/30/2010 4.2 Annual telephone expense

Siouxland Chamber of Commerce Babara Sloniker meals 6/30/10 74.73 Annual meals expense

Siouxland Chamber of Commerce Deborah V Durha telephone 6/30/2010 20.06 Telephone calls

Siouxland Chamber of Commerce Deborah V Durha Meals 6/30/2010 55.59 Meals

Siouxland Community Blood Bank oCarney & Appleby,retainer 7/2/2009 3333.33

Siouxland Community Blood Bank oCarney & Appleby,retainer 10/6/2009 3333.33

Siouxland Community Blood Bank oCarney & Appleby,Photocopy expens 10/1/2009 0.54

Siouxland Community Blood Bank oCarney & ApplebeePostage expense 10/1/2009 0.29

Society of Land Surveyors of Iowa Scott, David H fee 6/30/2010 4000

Southeastern Community College - Beverly Simone Salary 6/30/2010 1918.8

Jerry Fitzgerald
Mark Joyce
Southwestern Community College Fitzgerald Joyce a Fee Reporting Period 7500 Maggie Fitzgerald

Total lobbying fees paid to Carney

& Appleby PLC by SSAB was
$6,000.00. There were no other
SSAB Iowa, Inc fka IPSCO Steel, I SSAB Iowa Iowa I Lobbying Fees July 1, 2009 to Ju 6000 expenditures
State Auditor's Office/Auditor of St Jenkins, Warren G Salary Reporting Period 480

State Auditor's Office/Auditor of St Granwehr, Bernar Salary Reporting period 450

Justin Huipfer, John Cacciatore and

State Police Officers Council PolicyWorks retainer reporting period 26000 Julie VandeHoef are lobbyists

for Susan Cameron & Jennifer

Storm Lake Citizens for Save the L Charles Hutchins fee/retainer reporting period 10000 Kingland

Susan G Komen Breast Cancer FounFeltner & Heller, fees reporting period 16000 Paula Feltner, Mike Heller
SynGest, Inc Murphy, Larry na reporting period 0

Takeda Pharmaceuticals America Helmke, Steve L salary 7/1/2009 3046.15

Fee for lobbying executive and
Tanager Place Jaques, Sandra Fee 2009-2010 10000 legislative branches.

Team Iowa Adelman, David R fees reporting period 20000

Technology Association of Iowa Adelman, David R Retainer 7/25/2009 10000

includes Mark Joyce, Maggie

Technology Association of Iowa Fitzgerald, Joyce Retainer 2/24/2010 5000 Fitzgerald, Jerry Fitzgerald
Includes Maggie Fitzgerald, Jerry
Technology Association of Iowa Joyce, Mark Retainer 4/13/2010 5000 Fitzgerald

The First Tee Foundation of Greate Thornton, F Richa pro bono work reporting period 0
Jerry Fitzgerald, Maggie Fitzgerald,
TIAA-CREF Fitzgerald & Assocfee reporting period 13332.32 & Mark Joyce

Town Financial of Iowa Consumer CCarney, Appleby, fee reporting period 0 no payment during this period
Trans Iowa Weiser, R S retainer reporting period 5000

Travel Federation of Iowa Patterson, Craig fee reporting period 1591.4

Treasurer of State Larson, Stephen E Salary 1/11/2010 6706.7

Treasurer of State Strauss, Stephanie Salary 1/11/2010 2341

Lobbyists are Larry Murphy and
Trees Forever L&L Murphy Consu
Salary Reporting period 2000 Gary Grant
Tyson Foods, Inc Eide, Matt retainer reporting period 24000
total amount paid for reporting
period July 1, 2009 through June
Union Pacific Railroad Hultman, Cal annual retainer 30000 30, 2010

United Healthcare Services, Inc. Personal RepresentLobbying Retainer 18000

United Healthcare Services, Inc. Capitol Consultin Lobbying Retainer 24000

Jerry Crawford, Jim Quilty, Nick

United States Cellular (US) Crawford, Quilty retainer 6/30/2010 2000 Mauro
for both United Way of Iowa and
United Ways of Iowa Ramsey, Sarah salary reporting period 9806.4 United Way of Central Iowa

United Ways of Iowa Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 24500

University of Phoenix Nyemaster, Goode,Retainer Reporting Period 48000 $4,000 per month

UPS Eide & Heisinger, Retainer 1/1/2010 36000

Urban Education Network of Iowa Finch, Lewis W salary reporting period 6000

Urbandale/Windsor Heights Sanitar David R. Adelman Legislative Servic 4/21/2010 3000

US Assets, LLC Nyemaser, Goode, lobbyist fee 6/25/2010 7500

US Center for Citizen Diplomacy Avenson, Oakley &Fee for reporting perio 5000

US Center for Citizen Diplomacy Avenson, Oakley &Expenses for reporting perio 0
UST Public Affairs Scott, David H Retainer Fees 12/31/2009 20497.98
Verizon Communications john s. flannery salary 6/7/2010 5000

Vertias Investment Group, LLC Capitol Consultin Retainer 6/30/2010 0 Lobbying Services

VGM Group Tom Powers lobbying salary Reporting period 5000

Visiting Nurse Services Mary O'Brien Salary, benefits a 7/29/2010 24385

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc Irsik, Ryan salary 7/1/2009 59.34
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc Horn, Ryan salary 7/1/2009 600

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc Horn, Ryan reimbursed expens 7/1/2009 26.15

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc Irsik, Ryan reimbursed expens 7/1/2009 257.42

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc Paschke, Kellie; S retainer 7/1/2009 18000

Walter Kidde Portable Equipment I PolicyWorks contract fees 6/30/10 23900

Warren County Board of SupervisorOurth, Scott D salary reporting period 4500 portion relating to lobbying activity
Waste Management Heller, Mike fee reporting period 14000
Waste Management Feltner, Paula J fee reporting period 14000
Webster County Gaming LLC Daniel, Steve J fee reporting period 0 nothing this period
Amount reported is for the Iowa
General Assembly and Executive
Wellmark, Inc Griffin, Janet Pro-rated salary 6/30/2010 10450 Branch
Pro-rated Salary and travel
expenses. Amount reported is for
both the Iowa General Assembly
Wellmark, Inc Stork, Frank J Pro-rated Salary 6/30/2010 76675.06 and Executive Branch.

Wells Fargo ** use Wells Fargo a Carney Appleby retainer 6/30/2010 11500

Wells Fargo and Company Personal Representretainer 6/30/2010 42000

Wells Fargo and Company Scott Fontenot salary 6/30/2010 2500

Western Governors University Brown Winick La retainer reporting period 22707 Marc Beltrame, Adam Gregg

Western Iowa Tech Community Co Dunker, Dr. Rober salary reporting period 5128

Western Iowa Tech Community Co Stoik, Julene H salary reporting period 1964

Wild Rose Clinton, LLC Thornton, F Richa Retainer 6/28/2010 0

Wild Rose Clinton, LLC Sisson, Karen A Retainer 6/28/2010 0

Wild Rose Clinton, LLC Beason, Curtis E Retainer 6/28/2010 0
Wild Rose Emmetsburg, LLC Beason, Curtis E Retainer 6/28/2010 0

Wild Rose Emmetsburg, LLC Thornton, F Richa Retainer 6/28/2010 0

Wild Rose Emmetsburg, LLC Sisson, Karen A Retainer 6/28/2010 0

Wild Rose Entertainment LLC ** usBeason, Curtis E Retainer 6/28/2010 2610

Wild Rose Entertainment LLC ** usThornton, F Richa Retainer 6/28/2010 36000

Wild Rose Entertainment LLC ** usSisson, Karen A Retainer 6/28/2010 36000

YMCA State Alliance Roberts, Stephen Monitoring 6/30/2010 18000 Reporting period
Retainer Keith Luchtel, James
West, Paula Dierenfeld, Scott
Youth Homes of Mid-America Nyemaster Goode Retainer 7/23/2010 12750 Sundstrom, Brad Epperly

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