Design Automatic Hand Sanitizer Microcontroller Based Using Arduino Nano and Ultrasonic Sensors As An Effort To Prevent The Spread of Covid-19
Design Automatic Hand Sanitizer Microcontroller Based Using Arduino Nano and Ultrasonic Sensors As An Effort To Prevent The Spread of Covid-19
Design Automatic Hand Sanitizer Microcontroller Based Using Arduino Nano and Ultrasonic Sensors As An Effort To Prevent The Spread of Covid-19
The government through the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) has made a decision to suspend teaching
and learning activities in schools. The learning process that starts face to face directly in the classroom turns into distance
learning /brave. However, the government decided to reopen schools in the Covid-19 corona virus green zone for
teaching and learning activities for students. The opening of special schools in the green zone will be held in mid-July
2020. School openings must be opened with strict health protocols, no updated potential for new Covid-19 clusters in
schools. This is a form of application of the "New Normal" that is being adapted to the people of Indonesia. Indonesian
people must consider the existence of this corona virus pandemic with new normalcy, such as using a compilation mask
outside the home, always using a hand compass tool and using a loudspeaker and distance measuring device. The
purpose of this study was to make an automated hand sanitizer design as an effort to improve the delivery of Covid-19
in schools. Automatic hand sanitizer is useful to facilitate the hand sanitizer liquid out of the bottle, so it is more effective
to use and does not run out quickly. This study uses an Arduino Nano microcontroller as the main control, a human
hand detection sensor, and a servo motor as an actuator that will activate the automatic bottle. The mouth of the hand
sanitizer bottle uses an elastic hose that leads to the part where the cleaning liquid comes out. This research uses the
Research and Development (RnD) method. The result of this research is an automatic hand sanitizer with a large size
hand sanitizer that can be mounted into a tool with a maximum of 500 ml. This automatic hand sanitizer will
automatically release the hand sanitizer fluid which approves the sensor under the user's hand protective device.
running water for washing hands, of course schools also [7]. This research and development method was chosen
have to provide a hand sanitizer in each classroom or because it is longitudinal andstill canbe developed in the
room that is easily accessible and frequently used. Hand future.
sanitizer is an instant hand sanitizer that can kill germs
without using water and can be used anytime and 2.1. Collecting Data and Information
anywhere [6]. Because of its practicality, a hand sanitizer
is very suitable for use in a Covid-19 pandemic like this. Collecting data and information in this study using
observation techniques. The observation technique was
When the central government implemented the "New carried out to determine the proper and efficient design
Normality" by opening schools during the Covid-19 of the automatic hand sanitizer. The tool was designed
pandemic, schools were obliged to maintain the health of based on observations about the hand sanitizer that had
all academicians, both teachers and employees., and been circulating in the community, then an automatic
students, as well as school guests. WHO (World Health system was added to reduce touch so as to prevent and
Organization) recommends taking care of yourself in reduce transmission of Covid-19.
order to survive the corona virus which allows it to stick
to hands. Therefore, an automatic hand sanitizer is
2.2. Making Tool
needed that is practical and efficient in regulating the
release of gel and hand sanitizer liquid that comes out of In designing an automatic hand sanitizer using a
the bottle. voltage source that comes from a 5 Volt battery that can
Before entering the classroom, according to the be recharged using a battery charging module with type
protocol, the teacher and students wash their hands using TP4056 to turn on the hand sanitizer. The charging
soap provided by the school and a hand sanitizer in each battery module is a module that is used to recharge the
class. The school does not provide a place to wash hands energy into the battery by inputting electrical energy
in every class, and it is felt that it will take a long time for through a micro USB port [8].
students to queue to wash their hands. terms, an Automatic hand sanitizer is equipped with an switch
automatic hand sanitizer In practical makes it very easy located on-off on the left side of the hand sanitizer. The
for users to use the hand sanitizer and reduces touch. This on-off switch is used to connect and cut off the current
Automatic Hand sanitizer uses the Arduino Leonardo Pro flow from the battery [9]. In this hand sanitizer there is
Micro as a microcontroller and an Ultrasonik sensor as a also an indicator inform light the of a red and green LED
human hand detector. light. A red light indicates the hand sanitizer is in standby
2. METHODS and ready to use. The green light indicates that the hand
sanitizer is active and will release liquid hand sanitizer.
Hand sanitizer s need to be prepared in each On the front of the automatic hand sanitizer, there is
classroom. Making an Automatic Hand sanitizer based the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. The ultrasonic sensor is
on a Microcontroller is an automatic system that used to detect hands with a distance of approximately 7
functions to increase the efficiency of using the hand cm from the sensor [10]. If a human hand has been
sanitizer so that it is more effectively used and does not detected, the sensor will send input to the Arduino nano
run out quickly in use. Automatic hand sanitizer is useful as a microcontroller (central controller). The Arduino
for making it easier for the hand sanitizer liquid to come nano microcontroller is the control main which has a
out of the bottle, so that students don't have to press the program to access data from the input [11] of the
bottle first. This Automatic Hand sanitizer uses the ultrasonic sensor. Arduino nano will send a signal and
Arduino Leonardo Pro Micro as a microcontroller and an drive the pump motor, so that it will pump the hand
infrared sensor as a human hand detector. The pump sanitizer liquid to the water pass hose. The hand sanitizer
motor gets power from a 5 volt battery and acts as an liquid will be released by a small pipe in front of the
actuator that will press the bottle automatically. The appliance.
mouth of thebottle is hand sanitizer connected using an
elastic hose that leads to the part where the sanitizer The design of the automatic hand sanitizer work
liquid comes out.hand sanitizer This automaticwas system is as follows.
developed with the aim of improving strict health
protocols, so that no Covid-clusters are found new19 in
The research method used is the method of
research and development (Research and Development
or R&D). Research and Development (R&D) methods
are research methods used to research a product to
produce a new product and then test the effectiveness of
the product so that it can function in the wider community Figure 1 Automatic Hand sanitizer Design
Advances in Engineering Research, volume 196
The main part of the automatic hand sanitizer 3.1. Working Principle
working system is the Arduino Leonardo Pro Micro as
the main control. In Arduino, there are programs that are To turn on the automatic hand sanitizer can be done
used to access data from the input. The input consists of by pressing the on switch on the left side tool. After the
an ultrasonic sensor. The data from the sensor ultrasonic on switch is pressed, the hand sanitizer is in standby,
is then processed by the microcontroller to control the which is indicated by a red indicator light. Users can use
Arduino output in the form of motor drivers and lights the automatic hand sanitizer by placing their hands in
indicator. The motor driver is used to start the pump front of the ultrasonic sensor with a distance of less than
motor when getting commands from the microcontroller 8 cm from the sensor. The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor is
[12]. The motor driver is used because the a sensor that can detect hands via ultrasonic waves.
microcontroller cannot directly turn on the pump motor.
When the ultrasonic sensor detects a hand, the
The hand sanitizer design automatic is shown in Figure 2
signal from the ultrasonic sensor is then processed and
and the specification is shown in Table 1.
obtained in the Arduino Leonardo Pro Micro
3. RESULTS microcontroller. After that, Arduino will send an output
signal to the motor driver and indicator lights. The motor
This research produces a tool in the form of an driver is used to turn on the pump motor when getting
automatic hand sanitizer that can be used for the general commands from the microcontroller. The motor driver is
public. This tool contains 500 ml of hand sanitizer liquid used because the microcontroller cannot directly turn on
that can be refilled. The hand sanitizer can be filled with the pump motor.
liquid in the form of a gel or in liquid form. Hand
sanitizer can be installed by attaching it to the wall or When the ultrasonic sensor detects the hand, the green
placing it on the table. Specifications of automatic hand indicator light will light up. This indicates that the hand
sanitizer are shown in Figure 3. sanitizer is active and will discharge liquid from the hand
sanitizer. The pump motor will run for 1 (one) second,
Description: because the program isset with a delay of 1 second. The
A. Ultrasonic Sensor automatic hand sanitizer flowchart is as in Figure 4.
B. Green Indicator Light The hand sanitizer is equipped with a safety device in
the form of hand detection which must be more than 1
C. Red Indicator Light (one) second. This is done in order not to make toys for
D. Stainless Pipe underage children. One time filling of hand sanitizer
liquid can be used up to approximately 400 times. One
E. On off Switch time charging the battery, the hand sanitizer can be active
F. Hand sanitizer Bottle for approximately 20 hours.
Advances in Engineering Research, volume 196
Based on the results of the research on the design of
the automatic hand sanitizer that the researchers did, it
can be concluded that the hand sanitizer can work well
when the hands are at a distance of 7 cm. According to
the researchers, 7 cm is considered ideal because it has
been adjusted to the discharge pipe for the hand sanitizer
Figure 5. Display of Automatic Handsanitizer . The hand sanitizer can be active for approximately 20
System hours and one time filling of the hand sanitizer liquid can
be used up to 400 times.
3.2. Test Results
Testing of automatic hand sanitizer tools is carried
out by testing the performance of automatic hand This work was supported by Department of Electrical
sanitizer s. Testing of the automatic hand sanitizer tool is Engineering Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya.
in the form of testing the success rate of the tool. The Thanks for support us.
component that detects hands is an ultrasonic sensor.
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