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Mechanics II - Ch.2 + TD

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Chapter 2

Kinetics of Rigid Bodies

Parts 1+2
1- Geometry of mass, Center of gravity
P is a point related to (S) of elementary mass mi.
The total mass of (S) Is:

We Can consider the elementary mass dm to make the

Distribution on the whole rigid body (S).

In the case a continuous distribution the total mass is or


Linear distribution
Volume distribution Surface distribution m = s S
The center of mass of (S)

G is the center of mass of m if:

The coordinates of G w.r.t to a point A is:
m1(GA+AM1) +m2(GA+AM2) +…= 0

In the case of a continuous distribution:

M is an elementary point mass related to S
Ex2: (S) a homogenous triangular plate in the plane xoy, of mass m,
and of surface density s, OA=a, OB=b
-Find the center of gravity of (S).


Ex3: Find the center of
gravity Of a homogenous
cone (S) Of height h
and of circular base
Of radius R, of mass m.

2nd method
Let’s consider un
element of
volume dV,
We can use the symmetry to determine the center of gravity G of (S). G belongs to the elements of
symmetry of (S).

-Symmetry by rotation: G belongs to the axis of rotation

-Symmetry by plane (mirror) G belongs to the plane of symmetry

For example: The half disk of radius R has the plane YOZ as a plane of symmetry. So G belongs to this
plane : XG=0

Guldin Theorems
1-First theorem: Let’s consider a curve of length L and of center of
Mass G. The rotation of this curve around an axis of rotation D
didn’t cross it and make a surface S. The distance between G and
the axis D is d:
Example: the quarter of a circumference of radius R:
The length of this quarter is L:

The rotation around OY axis make a half hollow hemisphere of surface:

So the distance of G to OY axis is:

The rotation around OX axis make a half hollow hemisphere of surface:

So the distance of G to OX axis is:

The coordinates of G are:

Second theorem-Guldin
Let’s consider a homogeneous solid of area S and of center of gravity G.
The rotation of the surface around the axis d didn’t cross it and make a
Volume V. The distance of G to D is :

Quarter of a disk of radius R:
The area S is:
The rotation around OY makes a half full sphere of volume V:

The distance from G to OY axis is :

The rotation around OX makes a half full sphere of volume V:

Barycenter reference

A solid (S) of center of gravity G is in motion w.r.t a reference

The reference of the barycenter at G is

Is the reference in translation motion w.r.t R
From the definition of the barycenter we Velocity
can calculate the velocity and the
acceleration of the center of the center of
gravity w.r.t (R).

Moments of inertia, operator of inertia, matrix of inertia of a solid

The moment of inertia of a solid w.r.t an axis D is:

The operator of inertia of (S) at a point A:

In the triangle AHP:
The operator of inertia of (S) at
A in u direction w.r.t /R

Matrix of inertia

The operator of inertia is symmetric and linear , then we associate to it a linear matrix of inertia:
Is the transpose of the unit vector u.


Off diagonal element

Ixy is called the product of inertia between the ZoX and ZoY


(ZOX) x

The total matrix of inertia w.r.t a reference R is:

A= I OX = I XX
B= I OY = I YY
C= I OZ = I ZZ
Moment of inertia w.r.t a point
P (S)

Calculate the matrix of inertia [I(S)] at O w.r.t R of a
quarter of a homogeneous hoop of radius R and mass m
And of linear density l.

Example: A full homogeneous cylinder (S) of radius R and height h of mass m. OZ
is the axis of symmetry of revolution of its related reference Rs(O,X,Y,Z). A=B


Off-diagonal elements are null, OX, OY and OZ

are axis of symmetry.
The matrix of inertia of (S) at O w.r.t Rs is:

Example: A hollow homogeneous sphere of mass m of radius R of a related reference Rs (OXYZ).
OX, Oy and OZ are axis of symmetry. Rs is a principal reference of inertia.

A=B=C and the off diagonal elements are null

The matrix of inertia is a principal matrix of inertia

The matrix of inertia of (S) at O w.r.t Rs

Huygens’ Theorems:
The moment of inertia ID of (S) of mass m w.r.t an axis D which is parallel
to the axis DG (G is the center of gravity of (S)) is:

Where is the distance from the center of gravity G to D

Example: A rod S homogeneous of mass m and of length L placed along OY axis
The moment of inertia of S w.r.t D along OZ axis is ID:

ID= IDG +md2

Where d is the distance between the two axis.

ID is parallel IDG
Rs (XYZ)
Where IO(G,m)
Is the matrix of moments between
R and RG references
Let’s show

By using the definition of the center of gravity G of (S)

is the moment of inertia of S w.r.t

Is the square of the distance of o
Is the moment of inertia of S wr.t
Is the square of the distance from

Is the moment of inertia of S wr.t

Is the square of the distance from

Let’s show

Is the product of inertia of S w.r.t


is the product of inertia of S w.r.t

Is the product of inertia of S w.r.t

Example: Full homogeneous sphere of radius R

The coordinates of the center of gravity G are:

The matrix of inertia of S at G:

The matrix of inertia at O

Kinetics of a solid is the kinematic study by taking the influence of
the mass.

We need to find the linear momentum and the angular momentum of a point mass
or a solid at a chosen point.

Case of a point mass of mass m

The linear momentum of this point mass w.r.t a reference R is

II- The angular momentum or the kinetic moment of this point mass at a point A w.r.t R is:
A is the point of application of the moment

The set of the linear momentum and the kinetic moment is constituting
the elements of reduction of a torsor named the
Kinetic torsor of the point mass at A w.r.t R
Where: the linear momentum is the resultant of the kinetic torsor
And s is the kinetic moment at a point is the moment of the kinetic torsor
at this point.

Note: The moment of a torsor is always an anti-symmetric field vector.

So: the kinetic moment is A-S

2- Case of a solid (S) of mass m:

I-The linear momentum of (S) w.r.t a reference R is

w.r.t R

II-The kinetic moment of (S) at a

point A w.r.t R

At a point B and w.r.t R:

Dynamic Torsor of a solid S w.r.t (R):
1- the resultant is :

2-The moment at a point A w.r.t (R)

d is an A-S field vector so:

Relation between the kinetic moment and the dynamic moment:
The kinetic energy of a solid S w.r.t (R)



Case of a
Example: a disk is in motion in the plane OXY of a fixed
reference along OY axis>

The disk is rolling without sliding on OY

Let R1 be the reference

related to (S) and

1- Determine the kinetic and dynamic torsors of S at G and at I

w.r.t (R)
2- Determine the kinetic energy of S w.r.t (R)

S is rolling without sliding on OY at I

Where I is the geometrical point
2- The kinetic energy of S w.r.t (R)
Ex1: (S) is a homogenous quarter sphere of center O, radius R and a mass M. R(O,X,Y,Z) is its related reference.

1- Determine the position of the center of gravity G of (S).

2- Determine the matrix of inertia of (S) at O [I(S)]O/R.
3-Determine the matrix of inertia of (S) at G [I(S)]G/R.

The interval of the quarter of the sphere is :

The mass M is :

The center of gravity G:


2- The matrix of inertia of (S) at O is:

The plane YOZ is a plane of symmetry,

3- The matrix of inertia at G, by using

Huygens's theorem:
Ex2: A rod AB (S1 ) of length 2l of mass m1 and center of gravity G.
(S2) is a disk of center C, radius R and mass m2. The extremity A of the
rod slides along x0 axis OA =XA(t) x0. S1 is in a point contact with S2 at J.
(S2) is rolling without sliding on x0 at I. OI = Xc(t), S2 is rotating around z
axis by q.
Let Reference related to

S1 S2

-b) Write the condition of rolling without sliding


0 0
0 0

0 0
Comoment between the kinetic torsor of S2 at C and
Comoment between the kinetic torsor of S1 at G and
The kinematic torsor of S12 at C
The kinematic torsor of S1 at G
1- Calculate the matrix of inertia of (S) at point O in the related reference (X,Y,Z) and at a point A(0,0,-R)
2-Calculate the moment of inertia of (S) w.r.t a tangent D to the sphere from A parallel to Y or X
3-Calculate the moment of inertia of (S) at A in (X,Y,Z) and the matrix of inertia in (u,Y, Z1) which is in
rotation a around OY.

Principal matrix of inertia at O in (X,Y,Z)

At point A in (A,X,Y,Z) The matrix related to the distance from
The center of gravity to A


Y=0x +1Y +0Z

Ex: Let’s consider a massless rod OA related to a reference R1(O,X1,Y1,Z1) rotation around Z1 axis with
An angular velocity a =cst. W,r,t R0 (O,x0,y0,z0)
A homogenous cylinder of mass m, height h, center of inertia G and of a related reference R3 (G,X3,Y3,Z3)
The disk is rotating around x2 of the intermediate reference R2 (G,x2,y2,z2) with an angular velocity Y.
R2 is in a translation motion along X1 axis with a x(t). (Y2,Y3)=(Z2,Z3)= Y
1-Determine the matrix of inertia of the cylinder at G in R3 and R2.
2-Determine the rotational vector of the cylinder w.r.t R0.
3-Determien the velocity and the acceleration of the point M related to the cylinder by using composition law.
4- Determine the kinetic torsor and the dynamic torsor at point O w.r.t R0.
5- Determine the kinetic energy
of the system

M related to R2

Kinetic torsor at
Dynamic torsor at
Kinetic energy of the system is the kinetic energy of the cylinder
as the rod is massless

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