Mechanics II - Ch.2 + TD
Mechanics II - Ch.2 + TD
Mechanics II - Ch.2 + TD
Parts 1+2
1- Geometry of mass, Center of gravity
P is a point related to (S) of elementary mass mi.
The total mass of (S) Is:
Linear distribution
Volume distribution Surface distribution m = s S
The center of mass of (S)
Ex3: Find the center of
gravity Of a homogenous
cone (S) Of height h
and of circular base
Of radius R, of mass m.
2nd method
Let’s consider un
element of
volume dV,
We can use the symmetry to determine the center of gravity G of (S). G belongs to the elements of
symmetry of (S).
For example: The half disk of radius R has the plane YOZ as a plane of symmetry. So G belongs to this
plane : XG=0
Guldin Theorems
1-First theorem: Let’s consider a curve of length L and of center of
Mass G. The rotation of this curve around an axis of rotation D
didn’t cross it and make a surface S. The distance between G and
the axis D is d:
Example: the quarter of a circumference of radius R:
The length of this quarter is L:
Quarter of a disk of radius R:
The area S is:
The rotation around OY makes a half full sphere of volume V:
Moments of inertia, operator of inertia, matrix of inertia of a solid
Matrix of inertia
The operator of inertia is symmetric and linear , then we associate to it a linear matrix of inertia:
Is the transpose of the unit vector u.
(ZOX) x
The total matrix of inertia w.r.t a reference R is:
A= I OX = I XX
B= I OY = I YY
C= I OZ = I ZZ
Moment of inertia w.r.t a point
P (S)
Calculate the matrix of inertia [I(S)] at O w.r.t R of a
quarter of a homogeneous hoop of radius R and mass m
And of linear density l.
Example: A full homogeneous cylinder (S) of radius R and height h of mass m. OZ
is the axis of symmetry of revolution of its related reference Rs(O,X,Y,Z). A=B
Example: A hollow homogeneous sphere of mass m of radius R of a related reference Rs (OXYZ).
OX, Oy and OZ are axis of symmetry. Rs is a principal reference of inertia.
Huygens’ Theorems:
The moment of inertia ID of (S) of mass m w.r.t an axis D which is parallel
to the axis DG (G is the center of gravity of (S)) is:
ID is parallel IDG
Rs (XYZ)
Where IO(G,m)
Is the matrix of moments between
R and RG references
Let’s show
Let’s show
We need to find the linear momentum and the angular momentum of a point mass
or a solid at a chosen point.
II- The angular momentum or the kinetic moment of this point mass at a point A w.r.t R is:
A is the point of application of the moment
The set of the linear momentum and the kinetic moment is constituting
the elements of reduction of a torsor named the
Kinetic torsor of the point mass at A w.r.t R
Where: the linear momentum is the resultant of the kinetic torsor
And s is the kinetic moment at a point is the moment of the kinetic torsor
at this point.
w.r.t R
Case of a
Example: a disk is in motion in the plane OXY of a fixed
reference along OY axis>
The interval of the quarter of the sphere is :
The mass M is :
2- The matrix of inertia of (S) at O is:
S1 S2
0 0
0 0
0 0
Comoment between the kinetic torsor of S2 at C and
Comoment between the kinetic torsor of S1 at G and
The kinematic torsor of S12 at C
The kinematic torsor of S1 at G
1- Calculate the matrix of inertia of (S) at point O in the related reference (X,Y,Z) and at a point A(0,0,-R)
2-Calculate the moment of inertia of (S) w.r.t a tangent D to the sphere from A parallel to Y or X
3-Calculate the moment of inertia of (S) at A in (X,Y,Z) and the matrix of inertia in (u,Y, Z1) which is in
rotation a around OY.
Ex: Let’s consider a massless rod OA related to a reference R1(O,X1,Y1,Z1) rotation around Z1 axis with
An angular velocity a =cst. W,r,t R0 (O,x0,y0,z0)
A homogenous cylinder of mass m, height h, center of inertia G and of a related reference R3 (G,X3,Y3,Z3)
The disk is rotating around x2 of the intermediate reference R2 (G,x2,y2,z2) with an angular velocity Y.
R2 is in a translation motion along X1 axis with a x(t). (Y2,Y3)=(Z2,Z3)= Y
1-Determine the matrix of inertia of the cylinder at G in R3 and R2.
2-Determine the rotational vector of the cylinder w.r.t R0.
3-Determien the velocity and the acceleration of the point M related to the cylinder by using composition law.
4- Determine the kinetic torsor and the dynamic torsor at point O w.r.t R0.
5- Determine the kinetic energy
of the system
M related to R2
Kinetic torsor at
Dynamic torsor at
Kinetic energy of the system is the kinetic energy of the cylinder
as the rod is massless