Information System of Warehousing Logistics Enterprise: Abstract-The Logistics Processes of The Storage Logistics
Information System of Warehousing Logistics Enterprise: Abstract-The Logistics Processes of The Storage Logistics
Information System of Warehousing Logistics Enterprise: Abstract-The Logistics Processes of The Storage Logistics
Abstract—The logistics processes of the storage logistics 1)To reduce logistics costs effectively
enterprises is analyzed, the warehousing information models, In order to achieve the maximum benefit with the
system structures, management modules and their operational smallest cost, the enterprises have to find a way of
processes are studied, to provide enterprises with an automatic optimizing the allocation of logistics resources and
business information platform which not only meets internal implementing a reasonable decision-making [2]. This is vital
management needs, but also the demands for the exchange of for both enterprise logistics and logistics enterprises. Lots of
information between the enterprise supply chain stakeholders. problems need to be solved by using information technology,
e.g. storage configuration, goods packing and
Keywords-WMS; logistics warehousing; information system
containerizatioin, goods allocation in shelves and cargo
I.INTRODUCTION space, the formulation of the work plan, arrangement of
personnel, decision-making of inventory, demand cost
Warehousing plays a vital role in the entire supply chain prediction, system control etc. Some intelligent means are
of an enterprise. If the enterprise cannot guarantee the considered to be useful and significant for the logistics and
correct purchase, delivery and effective control of the safety warehouse system to get the optimization of
stock, it results in the increase of administrative expenses, decision-making and top utilization of the resources.
and the decrease of the quality and level of service, which 2)To enhance the competitiveness of logistics
affects the competitiveness of the enterprise. To establish an enterprises
sound information system architecture, and to realize the From a perspective of the competitiveness, enterprises
informatization of storage [1] have become the basic matters are often very concerned traditionally about some single
of modern enterprise management, which make a lot of governance aspects of the activities, but after the formation
contributions to the enterprise information sharing, the of the supply chain system, especially after the prosperous
increase of the turnover rate of storage, the reduce of development of the third-party logistics enterprises, this
inventory and enterprise logistics cost, the realization of the competition is no longer limited within a single field, but
uninterrupted, timely and seamless connection, and operate throughout the entire logistics process. By applying
each aspect of warehousing smoothly and coordinatedly. information technology, the competition ability of a logistics
business could be improved tremendously. For warehousing,
II.CURRENT SITUATION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF many international logistics activities improved their
WAREHOUSING LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT IN efficiency through enhancing up the facilities of the
CHINA automated warehousing years ago. In other words, in the
case of underdeveloped information, a lot of logistics
A.The current situation of storage type logistics in China
technical means depend on the facility capacity. But along
In China, the current storage management is basically in with the development and application of information
the state of artificial or semi-automatic, which brings a low technology, especially after the formation of the supply
efficiency, while cannot realize information-based, paperless chain system, information processing, and the ability of
operation absolutely. Traditional simple static storage governance determines the response capability of the whole
management is unable to ensure the efficient use of supply chain. The logistics competition has shifted from the
corporate resources. Warehouse and inventory control original concern about the level of logistics facilities to
operations nowadays are very complicated, so a manual information governance capacity and technical level.
recording leads to a time-consuming, laborious and
error-prone, and huge loss on business’s value. III.WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS
B.The significance of warehousing logistics A.WMS and its implementation process
informationization WMS, an abbreviation of the warehouse management
system, is a management system with many functions such
The application of information technology in as comprehensive management, inventory management,
warehousing and logistics system is definitely meaningful, quality control, and real-time inventory management, which
reflected in the following respects. focuses on the effectively control and track the whole
process of warehouse business and logistics management, so module(SAIMM),special goods store information
as to realize the enterprise storage information management management module(SGSIMM),warehousing data statistical
perfectly. analysis module(WDSAM),shipping information
The overall system is divided into: storage management management module(SIMM),shipment statistics
module(SMM), entering management module(EMM), management module(SSMM).Warehouse feedback and
delivery of cargo from storage module and database analysis system(WFAS)is also an important part of this
management module(DCSDMM). The sub management system. Figure 1 shows the relationship of the modules. The
module: storage statistics information management transmission format of the information, such as external
module(SSIMM),warehousing information management information transmission and information exchange format
module(WIMM),goods cargo space information within the system should adopted EDI during receipts and
management module(GCSIMM), inventory management delivery. It helps speed up the rate of the information flow.
module(IMM),stock alert information management
The system uses Barcode management system. It information into the system, and the inventory data is
controls the whole process of implementation of various changed automatically according to the purchase receipt.
aspects. Barcode management system manages goods cargo 3)Warehouse management
space, batch, and shelf life, distribution and bar code label In the system of warehouse management, the inventory
serial number. It regulates the operations of the entire receipt, increases automatically after taking delivery, when sales
delivery and replenishment set of goods. Another function of outbound, inventory system reduces by itself. Anytime
this system is producing statistical reports according to except when stock-in or stock-out, the inventory cannot be
customer demand. Introducing the barcode into the system changed, so parity transfer is unable to affect the entire
can remove the steps of hand-written notes and sent the inventory changes and the administrator could check the
information to the room and resolve the ills of treasury stale inventory of a particular model at any moment.
lag. We can track the goods through the barcode system, no 4)Sales management
matter where does the goods flow to. The combination of When the products get out of the warehouse,
barcode technology and information technology helps the administrator uses scanner to get the data of the items on the
enterprise rational and efficient use of warehouse space, storehouse column directly, while the total inventory is
providing customers with the best service in a fast, accurate, reduced automatically at the same time.
low-cost way. This is a whole system operation process.
The warehouse management process is inevitably
associated with procurements and sales, so the following B.Functional modules and applications of WMS
processes should be put a close attention: 1)Functional modules of WMS
1)Initial information collection WMS generally has the following several function
To analyze customer database is the first stage of the modules: separate order processing and inventory control
system procedures, which establishes a bar code for each management, basic information management, movement of
product, prints the barcode which includes commodity’s goods, information report, receipt management, picking,
name, quantity, specifications, bar code serial number, the inventory and shift library management, print management
date of inbound and outbound, etc [3]. and background service system [4].
2)Purchase management The basic information management: The system not only
When entering the goods to the storage, a printed supports to set the basic information, including name, size,
barcode label is used by a scanner to input relative manufacturer, product batch number, production date, valid
and box packaging, but encode all goods cargo spaces and
store them in the system database, so that the system can Allocation management: According to the transfer in
effectively track the location of goods, and it is easy for different warehouses, the system produces requisition
operators to quickly locate the physical location of the target numbers, and supports allocation of the goods in different
cargo space in the warehouse. warehouses.
Shelf management: On the basis of the automatic Stocktaking management: Stock taking of inventory
calculation, shelf management supports manual intervention, warehouse is carried out any time when needed, inventory
provides the slotting deposited and the remaining space. The receipts are created, and inventory operation worked
main job of this part is giving shelf suggestions according to quickly;
the principle of avoiding storage space wasting. Then the The stock alarm: When the amount of stock quantity is
operators can confirm and adjust directly. less than the given quantity, the system alarms to tell the
Picking management: Picking directive contains location administrator to renewal goods as soon as possible.
information and the optimal path, according to the layout
and the picking order of the cargo space, the system IV. SUMMARY
automatically gives the guiding path in RFID terminal Enterprise logistics warehousing is a central part of the
interface and other related equipment, to avoid invalid production and consumption, and in a logistics business
shuttle and commodity finding, and improve the picking enterprise of warehouse, storage is the top priority, which is
amount within unit time[5]. a specific service and able to provide time and space utility
Inventory management: This part supports automatic and value-added product. It is therefore necessary to
replenishment, through the automatic replenishment strengthen the management of logistics, realize the
algorithm, not only ensures that the inventory can improve informationization, and make every process more reasonable
storage space utilization, but reduces the probability of and optimal.
cellular phenomenon. The system is able to make logical
segmentations and dynamic settings through the analysis of ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the deep information, and improve the usage of the space Supported by“the Fundamental Research Funds for the
and the accuracy of control. Central Universities”, 2011-IV-061
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