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MMWP 2008C Datasheet

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MultiModality Workplace
syngo 2008C Data Sheet

syngo MultiModality Workplace

The syngo MultiModality Workplace is Seamless departmental

intended to be used for viewing, manipu- workflow
lation, communication, and storage of
medical images on data exchange media. Siemens supports seamless workflow
throughout your clinical environment
The syngo MultiModality Workplace including patient registration, image
can be used as a stand-alone device or acquisition, processing, reporting,
with a variety of compatible syngo- and archiving, and image distribution.
Windows XP-based software options as
listed in this datasheet. The syngo MultiModality Workplace is an
integral workflow component providing
The syngo MultiModality Workplace diagnostic processing, support for inter-
does not support the display of X-ray ventional angiography and therapy plan-
mammography images for diagnosis. ning on a single workplace.
The basic configuration of the syngo The syngo MultiModality Workplace helps
MultiModality Workplace includes Patient you to improve your speed and efficiency,
Browser, 2D Viewing, Filming and Ar- allowing optimized workflow within your
chiving and Networking. Common syngo clinical suite.
applications for 3D post-processing, secu-
rity and DICOM SR viewing are optional. Seamless enterprise workflow
It can be further extended with a broad By incorporating known standards
spectrum of compatible modality-specific such as DICOM, syngo together with an
and cross-modality applications to suit interface to Hospital Information Systems
your individual clinical focus, e.g. in (HIS) such as Soarian™ provides access to
angiography, cardiology or oncology. critical systems beyond radiology.

syngo MultiModality Applications in Clinical Workflow

Patient Registration Processing Intervention* Image Distribution

Image Acquisition MultiModality Reporting

* Processing parallel to intervention

syngo MultiModality
Customized packages expand the basic functions
of the syngo MultiModality Workplace into a highly
effective evaluation and processing workplace.
The syngo MultiModality Workplace can be configured
to your requirements based on the modality image
type and your clinical focus.
syngo Fly Through + 3D VRT

Standard syngo Applications syngo Security Package

Provides functionality for user manage-
syngo Patient Browser
ment and flexible access control for
Offers consistent access to patient and
patient data.
exam data from all applications.
syngo Viewing Compatible syngo Applications
Offers comprehensive functions for relevant to several modalities
2D processing and image evaluation. syngo TrueD
syngo Filming Enhances clinical workflow by enabling
efficient reading of multi-modality patient syngo TrueD
Provides as interactive virtual filmsheet
a 1:1 preview with direct image manipu- scans from three different time points,
lation capabilities. including PET•CT, SPECT•CT as well as
the fusion of CT or MR with PET or SPECT
syngo Applications relevant images.*
to multiple imaging modalities
syngo InSpace 4D
syngo 3D Basic Displays the complete volume dataset
Processes volume datasets from various interactively in real time for online diag-
modalities as MIP, MPR, or SSD reformats, nosis or surgical planning.
quickly and easily in routine use.*
syngo Colonography
syngo 3D VRT Locates and evaluates colon polyps syngo Colonography
Displays CT, MR, NM, and conventional using non-invasive, real-time virtual 3D
angiography volume datasets with endoluminal viewing for both CT and MR
excellent quality to the finest detail and datasets.
provides advanced editing, including
syngo Expert-i
bone removal.*
Allows the user to access and use the
syngo Fly Through syngo MultiModality Workplace from any
Provides virtual endoluminal views of Expert-i client in the network. Provides
hollow structures. full-screen display on one monitor and
offers the remote user to use all syngo
syngo Image Fusion
functionalities like viewing, filming, syngo InSpace 4D
Provides superimposed datasets from
exporting, 3D reconstruction, and post-
different modalities enhancing diagnostic
syngo WebSpace Client
syngo FusedVision3D
Allows users to perform advanced pro-
Enables 3D visualization of fused
cessing from data retrieved from syngo
anatomical and functional volume data
WebSpace and to use syngo WebSpace
using advanced rendering techniques.
without moving to a different workplace.
syngo SR Viewer
Allows the viewing of DICOM structured

*Supports Dual Monitor option.

Compatible syngo Applications • syngo QCA
for angiography, cardiology and Provides quantitative coronary vessel
standard x-ray analysis, optimized for small vessels
like coronary arteries.
syngo DynaCT
Provides CT like soft tissue images during • syngo LVA
an interventional procedure enhancing Provides left ventricle analysis including
decision making at the tableside. e. g. ejection fraction calculation and
wall motion analysis.
• syngo DynaCT Cardiac
Enables 3D visualization of the heart • syngo LVA biplane
by means of 3D reconstruction from Provides left ventricle analysis for
projection images of a C-arm rotational simultaneous biplane acquisitions.
angiography of an AXIOM Artis system • syngo QVA
with flat detector. Provides quantitative vessel analysis for
syngo DynaCT syngo iPilot abdominal and peripheral vessels.
Offers roadmapping using 3D datasets syngo Composing
from Angio, MR or CT. Provides effective Creates filmless panoramic images for
guidance during an interventional proce- overall evaluation of anatomical regions –
dure. with the specialized optional modules
syngo iGuide AngioLeg, Spine, OrthoLeg and Ortho
Offers live and integrated needle guid- Measurement.
ance in one smooth on-screen workflow, • syngo AngioLeg Composing
increasing confidence in and accuracy Creates overview images of the entire
of needle procedures. peripheral vascular tree.
syngo InSpace 3D syngo iGuide Toolbox • syngo Spine Composing
Provides mapping of 3D graphics into the Creates overview images of the spine
2D image on the imaging system at the for easy global evaluation of anatomical
correct geometrical position. Only in con- regions for x-ray and MR images.
junction with dedicated imaging system
software. • syngo OrthoLeg Composing
Creates overview images of the leg
syngo InSpace 3D bones.
Optimizes angiographic interventions
through real-time 3D displays – right at • syngo Ortho Measurement
the exam table. Enables a fast identification of ortho-
pedic parameters.
syngo IC3D • syngo InSpace EP
Enables “one-click” segmentation and Compatible syngo CT
endoscopic view of the left atrium Applications
based on CT and MR scans – planning
syngo CT Basic Evaluation
of Afib procedures in 3D.
Supports the evaluation of CT images
• syngo InSpace 3D Stenosis through volume calculation, determination
Measurement of dynamic parameters and image
Provides 3D analysis of stenotic vessel manipulation functions.
segments and aneurysm volumes.
syngo LungCARE CT
syngo IC3D Allows the accurate evaluation and fol-
syngo InSpace EP Creates 3D models of coronary vessel low-up of early-stage pulmonary nodules.
segments for highly accurate quantification
• syngo Lung CARE CAD
of lesions – stent size and length quan-
Computer-aided detection (CAD) tool
tification with as few as two projection
that assists the radiologist in the detec-
tion of solid pulmonary nodules during
syngo Angio (DSA) review of multi-detector computed
Shifts DSA image processing of native tomography examinations of the chest.
and subtracted angiography series to the
syngo Colonography
syngo MultiModality Workplace – the
Locates and evaluates colon polyps
imaging system is freed immediately for
using non-invasive, real-time virtual 3D
the next acquisition.
endoluminal viewing for CT datasets.

• syngo Colonography Polyp syngo Neuro DSA CT
Enhanced Viewing (PEV) Visualizes intracranial vascular structures
Supports as automated second reader based on cerebral CTA combined with
tool the visualization of lesions. masked based digital bone removal.
syngo Neuro DSA CT data are ready when
• syngo Colonography Unfolding
needed due to automatic preprocessing
Allows the user to unfold the colon for
after transfer of CT data to the syngo
easier polyp visualization and navigation.
syngo Calcium Scoring
syngo Neuro Perfused
Displays the quantity and distribution of
Cerebral Blood Volume (PBV) CT
coronary calcification for the diagnosis
Calculates a volume that represents the
and treatment of cardiac disease.
amount of blood in the parenchyma.
syngo Circulation syngo Neuro PBV CT is used in cases of
Offers comprehensive cardiac and chest suspected stroke.
pain evaluation with integrated reporting syngo CT Basic Evaluation
syngo Pulmo CT
in a single application.
Quantitatively evaluates lung density
• syngo Circulation QCA and structure to help early diagnosis and
with Plaque Analysis* treatment of lung disease and surgical
Allows fast coronary tree segmentation, intervention planning.
accurate stenosis quantification, stent
syngo InSpace 4D
planning and plaque analysis.
Displays the complete volume dataset
• syngo Circulation LVA interactively in real-time for online diag-
Enables complete ventricular function nosis or surgical planning.
evaluation in multiphase cardiac data-
• syngo InSpace 4D AVA
sets. syngo Circulation
Provides advanced vessel segmentation
• syngo Circulation PE Detection** and stenosis quantification.
Facilitates automatic detection and
• syngo InSpace Parenchyma
comprehensive evaluation of pulmo-
Supports the physician in evaluation,
nary emboli including preprocessing.
documentation and follow-up of
• syngo Circulation with MI support diseases of the pulmonary tissue in CT
Provides hybrid visualization of cardiac thoracic datasets.
SPECT/PET and CT data. Possibility
• syngo InSpace EP
to launch Corridor 4DM and Cedars
Enables “one-click” segmentation and
Cardiac Suite and to retrieve report
endoscopic view of the left atrium
information.*** syngo LungCARE CT
based on CT and MR scans – planning
syngo Dental CT of Afib procedures in 3D.
Enables fast display and assessment of
syngo Dual Energy
teeth and jaw in true anatomical size.
Visualizes and analyzes information about
syngo Osteo CT**** anatomical and pathological structures
Measures the mineral density of the using CT images taken at the same time
lumbar spine to help early diagnosis of of different kV levels. Operates with
osteopenia and osteoporosis, and to Siemens Dual Source CT scanners.
assess the effectiveness of treatment.
syngo CT Oncology
syngo Volume Perfusion CT Neuro Designed to fast-track routine CT oncology
syngo Volume Perfusion CT
Evaluates Volume Perfusion CT data of imaging and follow-up offering a range
the brain allowing a 3 dimensional analysis of automated tools to support physician
of stroke and tumor perfusion. It aids in in detection and evaluation of suspicious
the early differential diagnosis of acute lesions like lung and liver lesion or lymph
ischemic stroke and allows imaging of node assessment, including Lung CAD
* Plaque Analysis is a separate
blood brain barrier disruptions in brain algorithms for computer-aided detection option that requires the QCA
tumors. of pulmonary nodules. option as a prerequisite.
** Commercially not available
syngo Volume Perfusion CT Body
in the US.
Allows evaluation of 3 dimensional *** If Corridor 4DM or Cedars
dynamic CT data of tumor and organ Cardiac Suite is available.
perfusion for differential diagnosis, **** Commercially not available
therapy and monitoring of tumors. in Japan.

Compatible syngo MR • syngo Vessel View
Applications Artery-Vein Separation
Provides as an extension to syngo
syngo MR Basic Evaluation Vessel View automated separation of
Integrates widely varying functions – such arteries and veins in an MR angio
as soft tissue evaluation, mean curve, dataset.
position display or dynamic analysis, that
simplify diagnosis and treatment planning. syngo DTI Evaluation
Calculates parametric maps, colored frac-
syngo Soft Tissue Motion Correction tional anisotropy (FA), volume ratio (VR)
Provides motion-corrected images in or eigenvector maps E1, E2, E3, E1-E3, to
dynamic MRI studies, which are to be assess the diffusional anisotropy of the
used as input data for soft tissue evaluation brain. The maps are visualized in 2D and
(syngo MR Basic Evaluation is prerequisite). 3D in the anatomical context.
syngo Argus Viewer • syngo DTI Tractography
syngo Argus Flow Provides an overview of patient images Allows the visualization of white mat-
for quick and easy diagnosis of cardio- ter tracts of the human brain based on
vascular MR studies. multi-directional diffusion weighted data.
syngo Argus Function syngo MR Composing
Quantifies the global and regional cardiac Creates overview images of the spine and
function timesaving and fully automatic. vessels, e. g., whole body angiography,
syngo Argus 4D Ventricular Function for easy global evaluation.
Enables quick global and regional cardiac syngo MR Distortion Correction
function assessment of MR cardiac data- Corrects 2D and 3D distortion caused
based on a 4D model of the left ventricle. by gradient non-linearity.
syngo Spectroscopy Evaluation
syngo Argus Flow
Compatible syngo MI
Provides automated MR image analysis
for quantification of blood and cerebro- Applications
spinal fluid (CSF) flow. syngo MI Applications Viewing
syngo Neuro Perfusion Evaluation Provides comprehensive tools to display
Provides colorized maps of hemodynamic and evaluate SPECT, SPECT•CT and
parameters like mean transit time and PET•CT data.
time to peak – to assist with the diagnosis syngo MI Applications Processing
of lesions such as tumors. Provides comprehensive protocols
syngo Spectroscopy Evaluation for the evaluation of SPECT, SPECT•CT,
syngo Neuro Perfusion Evaluation PET and PET•CT studies.
Provides fully automated and protocol
driven spectroscopy evaluation as well as syngo MI Applications CardioScore
in-depth interactive processing to gener- Combines patient's calcium scoring
ate fitted spectra and metabolite maps. results with fused VRT consisting of
syngo BOLD 3D Evaluation myocardial perfusion / viability and CT
Allows advanced processing of fMRI data all in one interactive display.
including motion correction, spatial syngo Volumetric Analysis
filtering and statistical evaluation. FMRI Incorporates specialized fused viewing
results results are displayed as colored tools for SPECT•CT images with syngo MI
overlays onto 2D anatomical datasets or Applications. Also calculates standardized
syngo Vessel View in 3D volume-rendered anatomical data- uptake values (SUV) to evaluate lesions in
sets. PET and PET•CT studies.
syngo Vessel View syngo TrueD
Supports automatic quantification of Optimizes oncology evaluation through
stenoses and evaluation of aneurysms – the registration, visualization and
for potentially faster diagnosis of quantification of hybrid imaging studies,
vascular disease. such as PET•CT by comparing images
from multiple sessions, e.g. pre- and
post- therapy up to three time points.

• syngo TrueD RT Structure Creation • Cedars Fusion / Coronary Overlay
Allows the storing of VOIs created in Provides users of Cedars Cardiac Suite
syngo TrueD as DICOM RT structured the ability to review fused SPECT / PET
sets for exporting them to radiation and CT. Additionally allows the overlay
therapy planning systems. of a patient's coronary arteries extracted
using syngo Circulation over their
• syngo TrueD Gating Visualization
myocardial perfusion scan.
Allows the loading, visualization and
quantification of respiratory gated Emory Cardiac Toolbox™
hybrid imaging studies. Provides quantitative evaluation and
display of myocardiac perfusion and
• syngo TrueD Flexible Registration
viability. Includes normal PET databases
Allows for the performing of deform-
for Rubidium and Ammonia.
able (non-rigid) registration of datasets
across multiple time points. NeuroGam™
Aids in the interpretation and diagnosis
syngo CT Attenuation Correction syngo Volumetric Analysis
of brain diseases. Allows for comparison
Increases SPECT image fidelity using
of functional SPECT data with a normal
diagnostic Computed Tomography data
for attenuation correction and helps
increase reading accuracy. syngo Media Viewer
Enables viewing of hybrid imaging stud-
syngo onco•Flash
ies burned to CD or DVD. It includes MIP
Provides shortened SPECT and planar
views correlated to coronal, sagittal, and
acquisition times with syngo MI workflows
axial views, blended fused images, and
optimized for oncology and based on
SUV quantification.
Siemens' innovative Flash reconstruction
techniques. Compatible syngo RT syngo Scenium
syngo cardio•Flash Applications
Provides shortened SPECT acquisition syngo VSim** – Localization
times with syngo MI workflows optimized Enables contouring of target and critical
for cardiology and based on Siemens’ structures directly on single modality im-
innovative Flash reconstruction techniques. ages (standard) or fused multi-modality
syngo Scenium image data such as PET / CT and CT / MR
Aids in the assessment of a variety of (syngo Fusion required).
dementias and other disorders through syngo VSim** – Reference Point
visual evaluation and quantification of Management
PET FDG and SPECT 99mTc-ECD brain Allows fast and accurate isocenter, laser syngo TrueD
studies and comparison to normal data- and reference point definition using
bases. standard MPR mode or virtual fluoroscopy.
syngo CardioFusion syngo VSim** – Laser Marking
Provides innovative visualization of Provides laser supported patient skin
cardiac images from hybrid imaging marking by a single mouse click data
technologies. transfer to movable laser systems.
Corridor 4DM* syngo VSim** – Simulation
Provides 2D and 3D surface displays for Provides comprehensive visuals using
volumetric visualization for the assessment beam’s eye view (BEV), room’s eye view
of myocardial function and viability. (REV), arbitrary multi planar reconstruc- syngo VSim
• Corridor 4DM Coronary Overlay tions (MPRs) and shaded surface displays
Provides Corridor 4DM users the ability (SSD). Provides fast and accurate results
to overlay a patient’s coronary arteries using optimized planning and simulation
over their myocardial perfusion scan. tools.
The coronary extraction must be OIS Task Card * Corridor 4DM was developed
performed using syngo Circulation. by the University of Michigan
Offers a rich client interface to LANTIS
at Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Cedars Cardiac Suite* Oncology Information System (OIS). Cedars Cardiac Suite was devel-
Provides quantitative evaluation and It allows the user access to patient data, oped by Cedars Sinai Medical
display of 2D and 3D gated and static scheduling, charge capture and reporting Center at Los Angeles, Cali-
Myocardial Perfusion studies. provided by the OIS. fornia.
** Commercially not available in

Integration through syngo

syngo offers a variety of features that support an

easy integration into your IT environment and optimize
workflow in your department.

syngo Archiving and • DICOM Media Storage for data

Networking exchange on CD and DVD media

syngo offers DICOM functions such as • DICOM Print for documentation

receiving and sending digital examina- of images on DICOM-capable laser
tions and local data exchange to media cameras and network printers
like CD-R or DVD as well as connecting
the syngo MultiModality Workplace to syngo supports data compression to save
the radiological network. space on storage media (JPEG format,
lossy and lossless compression – 8 or
• DICOM Storage for data transfer and 12 bit, network transmission and export
archiving to connected network nodes to exchange media with configurable
compression parameters).
• DICOM Storage Commitment to confirm
successful storage at destination For details, refer to the DICOM con-
formance statement on the Internet at:
• DICOM Query & Retrieve to search www.siemens.com/DICOM
and access patient data on connected
DICOM nodes

Optimal workflow in syngo Service Functions IHE – Seamless workflow
radiology with syngo integration
syngo offers authorized users such as
The workflow features of the syngo system administrators a range of service IHE (Integrating the Healthcare
MultiModality Workplace accelerate the functions for system maintenance, con- Enterprise) is a user and vendor-driven
diagnostic process between modalities trol, and configuration. initiative to integrate multi-vendor
and the syngo Suite. environments and optimize workflow
• Maintenance status display through standardization.
• Interactive manual control of archiving
and networking tasks • Local service: password-protected, syngo enables full integration of the
user-specific access rights to various syngo MultiModality Workplace, as has
• Automatic data transfer based on: service levels been confirmed through participation
in tests (Connectathons) and demon-
• Marked images only • Remote maintenance by issuing limited strations in the US and Europe.
or full access rights to Siemens Service
• Printed images only personnel For information on IHE profiles and
transactions supported by syngo as
• Processing status: • Log book containing system and well as IHE user experiences, refer to
Completed application-related events, such as the Siemens Internet website under:
Quality Verified error messages www.siemens.com/IHE
For further information about syngo
• DICOM transfer status: MultiModality Applications contact your
Archived local sales representative.
Archived & Committed
Archived & Verified
Sent & Committed

The syngo 2008C software is released for the
hardware configuration described herein, which is
available from Siemens.

Technical Description Connection and Ambient Condition

Basic configuration
Type FSC Celsius R640 Line Voltage 100 – 240 V
Processor 2 x 3.0 GHz Intel Xeon Dualcore Frequency 50 – 60 Hz
RAM 4 GB (upgradable to 12 GB) Power consumption Max. 1000 W
System disk 73 GB Ambient temperature 10°C up to 35°C (IEC 721)
Hard disk for image data 147 GB Sound pressure level <28 db (A) for standard model
DVD writer DVD-R, CD-R
DVD reader DVD-ROM, CD-ROM Approval
Floppy disk 3,5“, 1,4 MB
Graphics card OpenGL graphics Product Safety IEC 60950
UL 60950
Network 2 x Gigabit Ethernet LAN on board CSA C22.2 No. 60950
Operating system Windows XP™ Ergonomics GS EK1-ITB2000
Dimensions (HxWxD) 446/215/620 mm Electromagnetic Tolerance EN55022 / CISPR22
Weight approx. 26 kg (depending EN55024 / CISPR24
on configuration) EN6100-3-2/-3
Options FCC class B
CE Label per EU guidelines
89/336/EEC (EMI) and
Standard or Enhanced Enhanced Graphics Card is need-
73/23/EEC (Product safety)
Graphics Card ed for e.g. InSpace, 3D, Neuro
DSA CT, Circulation, CT
Oncology and TrueD
Disk Expansion For increased capacity and
performance (additional 147 GB
for image data)

The standard configuration does not include a monitor.
The following monitors can be used with the syngo MultiModality Workplace:
Type* Format Resolution (pixels)
Flat-screen color monitor, high-end DSC 1905-DC 19“ 1.3 megapixel
Flat-screen color monitor, high-end DSC 1907-D 19“ 1.3 megapixel
Flat-screen color monitor, high-end DSC 1904-D 19“ 1.3 megapixel
Flat-screen color monitor, high-end DSC 1908-D 19“ 1.3 megapixel
Flat-screen monochrome monitor DSB 1804-DC 18.1“ 1.3 megapixel
for X-ray diagnostics
Flat-screen monochrome monitor, DSB 1906-DC 19“ 1.3 megapixel
high end

* Later models of the above monitors may also be ordered


The software described herein is CE-compliant in

accordance withDirective 93/42/EEC Appendix II
of June 14, 1993.

Whenever the hardware is supplied by us

and is labeled accordingly, it is CE-compliant
in accordance with EMCD 89/336/EEC and,
if applicable, with LVD 73/23/EEC.

NeuroGam is a trademark of Segami Corporation,

Columbia, Maryland.
Emory Cardiac Toolbox is a trademark of
Emory University, Atlanta GA.

On account of certain regional limitations of

sales rights and service availability, we cannot
guarantee that all products included in this
brochure are available through the Siemens
sales organization worldwide. Availability and
packaging may vary by country and is subject
to change without prior notice. Some/All of
the features and products described herein may
not be available in the United States or Japan.

The information in this document contains

general technical descriptions of specifications
and options as well as standard and optional Local Contact Information
features which do not always have to be present
in individual cases. Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
51 Valley Stream Parkway
Siemens reserves the right to modify the design, Malvern, PA 19355-1406 USA
packaging, specifications and options described Tel.: +1-888-826-9702
herein without prior notice. Please contact your www.usa.siemens.com/medical
local Siemens sales representative for the most
current information.
Global Business Unit Address
Note: Any technical data contained in this
document may vary within defined tolerances. Siemens AG, Medical Solutions
Original images always lose a certain amount Image and Knowledge Management
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Caution: US federal law restricts the herein Germany
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Telephone: +49 9131 84-0


Order No.: A91SW-21021-20C1-7600 | Printed in Germany | CC SW 00021 WS 07082. | © 07.2008, Siemens AG

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