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Evidence of COVID Vaccine Injury - MWM

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This document is intended to provide some insight into and evidence of

possible adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines. It is structured as follows:
1. A background on harms caused by other vaccines, which were
only discovered after they were licensed and marketed. This
includes at least 2 examples where the vaccine was suspended
due to a relatively small number of reports of injury or death. This
section includes links to supporting documentation from
mainstream sources, published research and the CDC.

What we will see is that at least 2 vaccines were suspended due

to a relatively small number of reported adverse events, with
thorough investigations only being launched afterwards. In other
words, historical precedent shows that the CDC takes reports very
seriously and in at least 2 cases suspended a vaccine based on a
small number of reports. Why are they not doing that now when a
large number of serious adverse events are being reported?

2. A discussion of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System

(VAERS) and summary of studies that have tried to measure the
extent to which adverse events are underreported.

3. A presentation and discussion of data on adverse events reported

to VAERS for COVID-19 vaccines, including deaths.

4. Presentation of adverse events based on EU, UK and Israeli data

and links to news reports on 4 adverse events: anaphylaxis, Bell’s
palsy, autoimmune thrombocytopenia and vaginal bleeding.

5. A compilation of news and social media reports detailing

anecdotes of many adverse events of people shortly after
receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. Here is another compilation. I don’t
think all of these are real, but I don’t think all of them are fake.

6. A discussion of possible mechanisms by which COVID-19 vaccines

could cause adverse reactions.
Many people believe that since the short term safety studies involving tens
of thousands of participants did not show severe adverse reactions, then
the unlicensed but authorized for emergency use vaccines for COVID-19
must be safe. But many licensed vaccines that went through clinical trials
have been found to cause injury and even been recalled after the fact.
Some examples are below.
Keep in mind that most of the information presented below comes from
mainstream sources, which we can expect to underestimate the harm
caused by vaccines. In fact, there is an argument to be made that every
vaccine produces harm even though the damage may only manifest years
later and appear unconnected to the vaccine. Also, calling these gene
therapy injections “vaccines” is just a way to take advantage of the
indemnity extended to vaccines so the manufacturers can’t be sued.
Remember that all of the chronic and auto-immune diseases wreaking
havoc on us and fueling the trillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry can be
found among the “side effects” of the inserts packaged with every vaccine.
It’s a classic racket: profiting off of problems you create. (If you want to
share this document with friends or family but believe this statement is too
radical for them, here is a link to a slightly more palatable version.)
1. The Dengue Virus developed by Sanofi Pasteur and introduced in the
Philippines. According to Wikipedia, “The program was stopped
when Sanofi Pasteur advised the government that the vaccine could
put previously uninfected people at a somewhat higher risk of a
severe case of dengue fever…. In late November 2017, the DOH
suspended the school-based vaccination program.” The Philippine
Department of Justice filed criminal charges against health and
regulatory officials and officials of Sanofi Pasteur for “reckless
imprudence resulting in homicide,” alleging that the vaccine was
marketed despite awareness of its risks. More on this at NPR.

2. The vaccine approved for use against the 2009 H1N1 “swine flu”
epidemic caused narcolepsy or cataplexy in about 1 in 16,000 people,
with more than 800 children “so far known to have been made ill by
the vaccine.” As that link shows, the UK government paid out 60
million pounds to people in the UK afflicted. More from that link:

“There's no doubt in my mind whatsoever that Pandemrix increased

the occurrence of narcolepsy onset in children in some countries -
and probably in most countries," Emmanuelle Mignot, a specialist in
sleep disorder at Stanford University in the United States told

“Among [those affected] is Josh Hadfield, 8, from Somerset, who is

on anti-narcolepsy drugs costing £15,000 a year to help him stay
awake during the school day.”
“‘If you make him laugh, he collapses. His memory is shot. There is no
cure. He says he wishes he hadn't been born. I feel incredibly guilty
about letting him have the vaccine,’ said his mother.”

“Despite a 2011 warning from the European Medicines Agency

against using the vaccine on those under 20 and a study indicating a
13-fold heightened risk of narcolepsy in vaccinated children, GSK has
refused to acknowledge a link.”

3. Until at least 1963, the polio vaccine was contaminated, exposing at

least 98 million people to a highly carcinogenic monkey virus, SV-40.
People vaccinated against polio thought to be contaminated show an
increased risk of many different cancers.

4. The first vaccine against Rotavirus was approved for use in 1998, but
withdrawn a year later after it was found that babies who received
the vaccine were at greater risk of developing intussusception, a type
of bowel blockage that can be fatal if not addressed in time. The
vaccine became available in October 1998 and in July 1999, the CDC
suspended the vaccine after just 15 cases of intussusception had
been reported to VAERS (see below).
5. The 1976 Swine Flu vaccination campaign was stopped after 25
deaths and 362 cases were reported of people developing Guillain-
Barré syndrome following vaccination.

6. The Canadian government withdrew the Trivirix MMR vaccine in

1987 “because of an association between the Urabe Am9 [mumps]
strain and aseptic meningitis.” That vaccine was then licensed under
a different name and introduced to the U.K. in 1988, even though
regulators were aware of widespread reports of cases of meningitis
from the vaccine. The vaccine was withdrawn from the UK market in
1992 following the leak of early results of a study showing a higher
risk of meningitis among children who received that vaccine.

7. The Cutter Incident: “On April 12, 1955, following the announcement
of the success of the polio vaccine trial, Cutter Laboratories became
one of several companies that was recommended to be given a
license by the United States government to produce Salk's polio
vaccine…. some lots of the Cutter vaccine—despite passing required
safety tests—contained live polio virus in what was supposed to be
an inactivated-virus vaccine…. The mistake produced 120,000 doses
of polio vaccine that contained live polio virus. Of children who
received the vaccine, 40,000 developed abortive poliomyelitis (a
form of the disease that does not involve the central nervous
system), 56 developed paralytic poliomyelitis—and of these, five
children died from polio. The exposures led to an epidemic of polio in
the families and communities of the affected children, resulting in a
further 113 people paralyzed and 5 deaths…. After a thorough
investigation, they found nothing wrong with Cutter's production
methods. A congressional hearing in June 1955 concluded that the
problem was primarily the lack of scrutiny from the NIH Laboratory
of Biologics Control…. All five companies that produced the Salk
vaccine in 1955…had difficulty completely inactivating the polio virus.
Three companies other than Cutter were sued, but the cases settled
out of court. The NIH Laboratory of Biologics Control, which had
certified the Cutter polio vaccine, had received advance warnings of
problems: in 1954, staff member Dr. Bernice Eddy had reported to
her superiors that some inoculated monkeys had become paralyzed
and provided photographs.”

8. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is by far the biggest promoter of
vaccines in the world. The Indian government’s vaccination board
recently cut financial ties with the foundation following a report
showing the financial conflicts of interest and accusing the
foundation of “altering aid priorities by ‘legitimizing the role of
multinational pharmaceutical companies’ by pushing for public-
private-partnerships (PPPs). According to Global Justice Now, both
the BMGF-funded Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and
Malaria (GFATM) and the GAVI Alliance, are PPPs and have
questionable associations with the pharmaceutical industry.”

In 2010, an HPV vaccination trial run by the BMGF- PATH NGO was
halted early over safety concerns and the use of unethical
procedures, and a parliamentary committee “excoriated U.S.
nonprofit [running the trials] and its Indian partner for alleged ethical
violations in a trial of a vaccine to protect against cervical cancer
caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV)” and recommended legal
action against the organization running the trials. “Rather than
endeavoring to protect women’s health, PATH, [the committee]
charged, was a willing tool of foreign drug companies hoping to
convince the Indian government to include the HPV vaccine in its
universal vaccine program, a roster of mandatory immunizations that
the government is required to pay for. ICMR [an Indian regulatory
agency], the panel’s report asserts, has “completely failed to perform
[its] mandated role and responsibility as the apex body for medical
research in the country. … Rather, in [its] over-enthusiasm to act as a
willing facilitator of the machinations of PATH, [it has] even
transgressed into the domain of other agencies which deserves the
strongest condemnation and strictest action against [it].”
“In 2014, doctors from the Kenyan Catholic Doctors Association
discovered that the tetanus vaccinations that had been administered
to 2.3 million girls and women by the World Health Organization and
UNICEF [which are heavily funded by the BMGF] had been
contaminated with the anti-fertility hormone hCG.” This was not the
first time that WHO was found distributing hCG-laced tetanus
vaccines. Tetanus vaccines combined with hCG were developed by
WHO researchers in the 1970’s as a “birth control vaccine.”

The Corvelva NGO in Italy hired a scientist to conduct an analysis of

the contents of several vaccines marketed in Italy and found many
surprising results, including insufficient levels of antigens, large
amounts of human and animal DNA, and many other strange things.
What Is VAERS and How Reliable Is It?
One of the ways we learn about adverse events from approved
vaccines is the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
(VAERS). From the VAERS website:
“VAERS is a national early warning system to detect possible
safety problems in U.S. licensed vaccines... VAERS accepts and
analyzes reports of adverse events (possible side effects)
following vaccination….
“VAERS is not designed to detect if a vaccine caused an adverse
event, but it can identify unusual or unexpected patterns of
reporting that might indicate possible safety problems requiring
a closer look.”
It was created by the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act
that limited vaccine manufacturer liability for vaccine injury and
created a national system of vaccine injury compensation, which
has paid out about $4.5 billion since its creation.
Because it is passive (reports are made voluntarily) and most
people are unaware it exists, adverse events following vaccination
are underreported. The rate of underreporting is currently
unknown, but based on available evidence it is very high:
1. This meta-analysis of research on underreporting of adverse
events from pharmaceutical drugs (not vaccines) found the
median rate of underreporting overall to be 94% and 80%
for serious adverse reactions. A paper by former FDA
commissioner David Kessler cites a study showing that only
1% of serious adverse events from drugs are reported.
Adverse reactions to vaccines are arguably even less likely to
be reported because people are less likely to acknowledge
or connect adverse events from vaccinations than they are
from a drug.
2. An HMO in New England was awarded a million-dollar grant
from the AHRQ to automate the process of reporting to
VAERS. In their grant report, they state: “Although 25% of
ambulatory patients experience an adverse drug event, less
than 0.3% of all adverse drug events and 1-13% of serious
events are reported to the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA). Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events
are reported.” (No citation is given so source of statement is
unclear; possibly from internal testing.) This would mean
that only 1 out of 100 or fewer adverse events are reported.
They never had a chance to test the system they developed
against VAERS, because “the necessary CDC contacts were
no longer available and the CDC consultants responsible for
receiving data were no longer responsive to our multiple
requests to proceed with testing and evaluation.”
3. Another study of a partially automated reporting system in a
large healthcare network found the odds of a physician
submitting a report after the new system was implemented
was 30-times higher than prior to implementation.

4. A CDC study of VAERS underreporting for two serious

adverse events, anaphylaxis and Guillain-Barré syndrome
(GBS), estimated a range of underreporting depending on
the event and the vaccine. For anaphylaxis they estimated
between 13-25% of adverse events were reported for most
vaccines except the H1N1 vaccine in 2009 where 76% of
events were reported. For GBS, VAERS was estimated to
capture between 12% to 64% of events.
COVID-19 Vaccine Reports to VAERS
So even though VAERS cannot be used to conclude a causal
relationship between vaccination and an adverse event, it is used
by the CDC to monitor vaccines for safety “signals.” What kinds of
signals are being reported to VAERS?
As of Feb. 26, there have been 1,265 deaths reported to VAERS
following a COVID vaccine. If the estimates above based on
attempts to automate vaccine adverse event reporting are
correct, the true number of deaths is somewhere between 30 to
100 times that number, or between 37,950 deaths and 126,500
deaths. If the CDC study on anaphylaxis and GBS applies, reported
deaths should be between 1,664 and 9,730.

Total adverse events reported for COVID-19 vaccines: 32,409

Total number if 30x underreporting: 972,270
Total number if 99x underreporting: 3,240,900

Adverse events listed as SERIOUS: 8,911

Total number if 30x underreporting: 267,330
Total number if 99x underreporting: 891,199

Adverse events listed as REQUIRING HOSPITALIZATION: 2,743

Total number if 30x underreporting: 82,290
Total number if 99x underreporting: 274,300

Adverse events categorized as ‘PERMANENT DISABILITY’: 479

Total number if 30x underreporting: 14,370
Total number if 99x underreporting: 47,900
Reported deaths by days since COVID-19 vaccination (VAERS as of 2/26):

According to this news article, the death rate per vaccine dose is
much higher than the flu vaccine this year:
“According to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting
System (VAERS), there were 21 deaths this flu season after 180+
million flu vaccines, a rate of 1 death per 9,000,000 vaccinations.”
“The COVID-19 vaccine, however, according to VAERS, shows 1
death reported per 35,000 shots or 10,000 completed
vaccinations (so far), a 300-900 greater likelihood. The Center for
Disease Control (CDC) maintains there is "no link" between the
vaccine and the deaths.”
Pressing Questions

1. If VAERS is supposed to provide the CDC with a signal about

potential problems with (new) vaccines, why are they
dismissing these deaths rather than launching some kind of
investigation into this signal?

2. The 1976 Swine Flu and the 1998 Rotavirus vaccines were
suspended based on far fewer reports of adverse events. The
CDC is ignoring historical precedent. Why? And why has it not
suspended the COVID-19 vaccines based on the much larger
number of reported adverse events and deaths?

Actually, the Israeli Ministry of Health just announced an

investigation into reports of inflammation of the meninges and
the heart muscle (including pericarditis and myocarditis) in people
shortly following vaccination. (It is worth noting that 20% of
VAERS reports for COVID-19 vaccines were cardiac-related.) But
these are only a fraction of reported events. The investigation
needs to be expanded to include ALL morbidity and mortality.
The Israeli government could easily do this, because their health
records are highly centralized, and they know whether and when
people were vaccinated and if they had any documented health
problems after. They already used the data to publish a (flawed)
study of the vaccines’ effectiveness. If they wanted to put this
issue to rest, they could, but as of this writing they have not.
Why not?
Each VAERS case is assigned a unique ID number
and has a description of the incident (death, disability, etc.)

On the following pages are approx. 70 of the 929 deaths recorded in

VAERs. Anyone can view the database via the following steps:

1. Accept the disclaimer at bottom of page

2. Click on VAERS data search

3. In section 1, click on group results by "VAERS ID" , and by "vaccine type" and by "event category"

4. Under optional measures (still in section 1) tick off "adverse event description"
5. Scroll down to section 3 and under Vaccine Products select "Covid19 vaccine" Make sure it is the
only option selected. (You will have to deselect "All vaccine products" from the top of the list.)

6. Scroll down to section 5 and under event category select "death". Make sure it is the only option
selected. (Don’t forget to deselect “all events” from the top of the list).

Scroll to the very bottom and click send.

VAERS ID # 938118-1 AGE 51. FEMALE Vaccinated 1/5/2021. Died. 1/10/2021. Pfizer vaccine. On 1/8/2021 17:30 patient
taken to ER, cerebellar hemorrhage, stroke, aneurysm.

VAERS ID # 946293-1 AGE 51. MALE Vaccinated 1/7/2021. Moderna . Became increasingly hypoxic around 1800hours on
1/7/2021. Transported to ER for acute on chronic hypoxia respiratory failure. Expired on 1/12/2021@2325 at med center.

VAERS ID # 918518-1 AGE 50. FEMALE Vaccinated 12/31/2020. Died 12/31/2020. Moderna

VAERS ID # 930910-1 AGE 52. FEMALE Vaccinated 1/8/2021. Died 1/8/2021. Patient received COVID vaccination 12:15pm.
Patient was monitored for the appropriate amount of time by nursing staff. Patient passed away at 2:15pm. Moderna

VAERS ID # 933739-1 AGE 54. FEMALE. Vaccinated 1/8/2021. Died 1/10/2021. 2 days later. Staff member checked on her at
3am and patient stated that she felt like she couldn't breathe. 911 was called and taken to the hospital. While in the
ambulance, patient coded. Two EEGs were given to determine that patient had no brain activity. Pfizer

VAERS ID # 923219-1 AGE 41. FEMALE Vaccinated 12/30/2021. Died. 1/1/2021. Pfizer vaccine. The patient did not
experience any adverse event at the moment of inoculation with COVID-19 vaccine or the following days. On January 1,
2021, at lunch time, two days after receiving the vaccine, the patient was found unresponsive in her bed by her partner.

VAERS ID # 936805-1 AGE 25. MALE Vaccinated 12/22/2020. Found unresponsive and expired at home on 1/11. Moderna

VAERS ID # 943397-1 AGE 28. MALE Vaccinated 12/23/2020. Died 1/14/2021. Patient was found unresponsive at work in the
hospital. Patient pupils were fixed and dilated. Pfizer

VAERS ID # 939050-1 AGE 32. FEMALE Vaccinated 12/28/2020. Died on 1/4/21 at 7:20am. Moderna

VAERS ID # 921667-1 AGE 39. FEMALE Vaccinated 12/29/2020. It was reported that the staff member deceased somewhere
between 1/3/2021 and 1/4/2021. Pfizer

VAERS ID # 933578-1 AGE 43. MALE Vaccinated 1/8/2021. Died 1/9/2021. Moderna

VAERS ID # 937527-1 AGE 44. FEMALE Vaccinated 12/23/2020. Died on 1/4/2021. Pfizer

VAERS ID # 929764-1AGE 45. MALE Vaccinated 12/28/2020. Died 12/29/2020. The patient was found deceased at home
about 24 hours after immunization. Moderna

VAERS ID # 934968-1AGE 54. MALE Vaccinated 1/4/2021. Died 1/6/2021. Pfizer. The patient received the vaccine on
04Jan2021, after which he started not feeling well. He went right home and went to bed. He woke up and ate a bit but not
much and then was kind of pale. The patient then started to vomit, which continued throughout the night. He was having
trouble in breathing. Emergency services were called, and they took his vitals and said that everything was okay, but he was
very agitated; reported as not like this prior to the vaccine. The patient was taken to urgent care where they gave him an
unspecified steroid shot and unspecified medication for vomiting. The patient continued to vomit throughout the day and
then he was very agitated again and would fall asleep for may be 15-20 minutes. When the patient woke up, he was very
restless (reported as: his body was just amped up and could not calm down). The patient calmed down just a little bit in the
evening. When the patient was awoken at 6:00 AM in the morning, he was still agitated. The patient stated that he couldn't
breathe, and his mind was racing. The patient’s other brother went to him and he was not responsive, passed on 06Jan2021
around 10:15 AM. It was reported that none of the symptoms occurred until the patient received the vaccine.

VAERS ID # 942106-1 AGE 54. MALE Vaccinated 1/8/2021. Died 1/9/2021. Pfizer vaccine. On scene, the patient had a
witnessed arrest with EMS starting CPR. He was given 3 rounds of epi without ROSC. Patient's wife, had noted patient
had received covid vaccine the prior day.

VAERS ID: 924456-1, AGE 85 vaccination was administered at approx. 10:00 AM and the patient continued throughout day
without any complaints or signs of adverse reaction. When the nursing staff went to the room to check on the resident
patient was found unresponsive, no chest rises, noted regurgitated small amount of food to mouth left side.
VAERS ID # 928933-1 AGE 56. FEMALE Vaccinated on 12/23/2020. Died on 1/8/2021. Moderna.

VAERS ID # 935511-1 AGE 56. FEMALE Vaccinated 1/8/2021. Died 1/9/2021. Moderna. Patient received the 1st dose of
Moderna and was found deceased in her home the next day.

VAERS ID # 941811-1 AGE 56. FEMALE Vaccinated 1/4/2021. Died 1/11/2021. Moderna. Resident began having fever on
1/11/21. Resident sent to nearest ER for evaluation. Later in the evening the staff AT Medical Center called to inform staff
that resident had expired @ 2230 as a result of Respiratory Failure and Sepsis.

VAERS ID # 944595-1 AGE 56. MALE Vaccinated 1/12/2021. Died 1/14/2021. Pfizer. Cardiac arrest within 1 hour Patient had
the second vaccine approximately 2 pm on Tuesday Jan 12th He works at the extended care community and was in good
health that morning with no complaints. He waited 10-15 minutes at the vaccine admin site and then told them he felt fine
and was ready to get back to work. He then was found unresponsive at 3 pm within an hour of the 2nd vaccine. EMS called
immediately worked on him 30 minutes in field then 30 minutes at ER was able to put him on life support yet deemed Brain
dead on 1-14-21 and pronounced dead an hour or so later.

VAERS ID # 921768-1 AGE 58. FEMALE Vaccinated 1/4/2021. Died 1/4/2021. Pfizer.

VAERS ID # 920815-1 AGE 58. FEMALE Vaccinated 12/30/2020. Died 1/4/2021. 6 days later. Moderna .

VAERS ID # 930154-1 AGE 60. MALE Vaccinated 1/5/2021. Died 1/8/2021. Moderna.

VAERS ID # 933090-1 AGE 60. MALE Vaccinated 1/5/2021. Died. 1/9/2021. Pfizer.

VAERS ID # 939270-1AGE 48. MALE Vaccinated 12/22/2020. Died 12/31/2020. Pfizer

VAERS ID # 941743-1 AGE 60. FEMALE Vaccinated 1/12/2021. Died 1/13/2021. Moderna. Found deceased at 3am

VAERS ID # 932898-1 AGE 61. MALE Vaccinated 12/17/2020. Died. 12/30/2020. Pfizer vaccine. The patient had an apparent
cardiac arrest on 12/23/20 and was admitted to the ICU. He was taken off of life support on 12/30/20.

VAERS ID # 942085-1 AGE 62. FEMALE Vaccinated 1/2/2021. Died 1/8/2021. Pfizer. On 1/8/21 at 0615 resident was shaking.
Reported all over pain. At 0850 she was not responsive.

VAERS ID # 940955-1 AGE 66. FEMALE. Vaccinated 1/11/2021. Died 1/11/2021. Pfizer. Cardiac Arrest. Patient was found
pulseless and breathless 20 minutes following the vaccine administration. Received the second dose of BNT162B2. Took the
first dose on 21Dec2020. MD found no signs of anaphylaxis.

VAERS ID: 926600-1, 65yo Patient did not report any signs or symptoms of adverse reaction to vaccine. Patient reported not
feeling well and passed away that day.

VAERS ID: 925154-1, 84yo DEATH within 1 day, no current illness.

VAERS ID: 926797-1, 93yo had a vaccination on 12/31/2020 late morning passed away early morning 01/01/2020.

VAERS ID: 927189-1, 74yo Patient was vaccinated at 11am and was found at the facility in his room deceased at
approximately 3:00pm. Nurse did not have cause of death

VAERS ID: 927260-1, 87yo No adverse effects noted after vaccination. Patient found unresponsive at 16:45 on 1/6/21.
Abnormal breathing patterns, eyes partially closed SPO2 was 41%, pulseless with no cardiac sounds upon auscultation.
CPR, pulse regained, patient breathing. Patient sent to ER had multiple cardiac arrest and severe bradycardia and passed.

VAERS ID: 924664-1, 92yo No current illness. At 1855, I was alerted by caregiver, resident was not responding. Per
caregiver, she was doing rounds and found resident in bed, unresponsive, mouth open, observed gurgling noises. Primary
caregiver observed resident at baseline and ambulating after dinner at approximately, 1800 less than an hour prior to
incident. Resident received the first dose of vaccine on 1/2. Expired at 0615 per Castle RN.
VAERS ID: 923993-1, 62yo Patient was vaccinated Dec 30, 2020. Prime dose of Moderna vaccine. Observed for full 15
minutes post-injection. No complaints when asked during observation. Released. Subsequently, vaccine clinic staff learned
from the patient's supervisor that patient had expired on Jan 2, 2021at his home.

VAERS ID: 909095-1, 66yo on 12/24/2020 the resident was sleepy and stayed in bed most of the shift. He stated he was
doing okay but requested pain medication for his legs at 250PM. At 255AM on 12/25/2020 the resident was observed in bed
lying still, pale, eyes half open and foam coming from mouth and unresponsive. He was not breathing and with no pulse.

VAERS ID: 924464-1, 61yo coughing up blood, significant hemoptysis -- > cardiac arrest. started day after vaccine

VAERS ID: 921768-1, 58yo Vaccine received at about 0900 on 01/04/2021 at her place of work, Medical Center, where she
was employed as a housekeeper. About one hour after receiving the vaccine she experienced a hot flash, nausea, and
feeling like she was going to pass out after she had bent down. Later at about 1500 hours she appeared tired and lethargic,
then a short time later, at about 1600 hours, upon arrival to a friends home she complained of feeling hot and having
difficulty breathing. She collapsed, when medics arrived, she was still breathing slowly then went into cardiac arrest and
was unable to be revived.

VAERS ID: 910363-1, 84yo Patient had mild hypotension, decreased oral intake, somnolence starting 3 days after
vaccination and death 5 days after administration.

VAERS ID: 913143-1, 84yo Vaccine administered with no immediate adverse reaction at 11:29am. Vaccine screening
questions were completed and resident was not feeling sick and temperature was 98F. At approximately 1:30pm the
resident passed away.

VAERS ID: 913733-1, 85yo My grandmother died a few hours after receiving the moderna covid vaccine booster 1. The
treating hospital did not acknowledge this and I wanted to be sure a report was made.

VAERS ID: 914604-1, 74yo Spouse awoke 12/20 and found spouse dead. Client was not transferred to hospital.

VAERS ID: 914690-1, 83yo Within 24 hours of receiving the vaccine, fever and respiratory distress, and anxiety developed
requiring oxygen, morphine and ativan. My Mom passed away on the evening of 12/26/2020.


VAERS ID: 914895-1, 78yo Injection given on 12/28/20 - no adverse events and no issues yesterday; Death today, 12/30/20,

VAERS ID: 914917-1, 63yo Death by massive heart attack. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA

VAERS ID: 914961-1, 88yo pt passed away with an hour to hour and 1/2 of receiving vaccine.

VAERS ID: 914994-1, 90yo pt was a nursing home pt. pt received first dose of covid vaccine. pt was monitored for 15
minutes after getting shot. staff reported that pt was 15 days post covid. Pt passed away with in 90 minutes of getting

VAERS ID: 915562-1, 88yo pt received vaccine at covid clinic on 12/30 at approximately 3:30, pt vomited 4 minutes after
receiving shot--dark brown vomit, Per staff report pt became short of breath between 6 and 7 pm that night. Pt passed
away at approximately 10pm.

VAERS ID: 915682-1, 85yo Resident received vaccine per pharmacy at the facility at 5 pm. Approximately 6:45 resident
found unresponsive and EMS contacted. Upon EMS arrival at facility, resident went into cardiac arrest, code initiated by
EMS and transported to hospital. Resident expired at hospital at approximately 8 pm

VAERS ID: 915920-1, 96yo Resident was living in an assisted living facility. She fell on 11/24/2020 and was admitted to this
facility for rehab. Received vaccine 12/28/2020 in am and expired that afternoon.
VAERS ID: 918065-1, 64yo Vaccine 12/30/2020. 1/1/2020: Pronounced deceased 1/1/2020

VAERS ID: 918388-1, 65yo Vaccine 12/30/2020. 1/1/2020: Resident found unresponsive without pulse, respirations at 04:30
CPR performed, expired at 04:52 by Rescue, No acute illness at time of vaccination.

VAERS ID: 918418-1, 65yo Vaccine 12/30/2020. 1/1/2020: Resident became SOB, congested and hypoxic requiring oxygen,
respiratory treatments and suctioning. Stabilized after treatment and for the next 72 hours with oxygen saturations in the
90s. On 1/3/2021 was found without pulse and respirations.

VAERS ID: 918487-1, 94yo Two days post vaccine patient went into cardiac arrest and passed away.

VAERS ID: 915880-1, 99yo Patient died within 12 hours of receiving the vaccine.

VAERS ID: 918518-1, 50yo syncopal episode - arrested - CPR - death

VAERS ID: 919108-1, 100yo Fever, Malaise, passed the day after vaccine.

VAERS ID: 919537-1, 96yo Resident exhibited no adverse events during 30 minute monitoring following vaccine
administration. Resident found without pulse at 1900.

VAERS ID: 920326-1, 89yo Redness and warmth with edema to right side of neck and under chin. Resident expired on 1.1.21.

VAERS ID: 920545-1, 93yo "The resident received is vaccine around 11:00 am and tolerated it without any difficulty or
immediate adverse effects. He was at therapy from 12:36 pm until 1:22 pm when he stated he was too tired and could not do
anymore. The therapist took him back to his room at that time and he got into bed himself but stated his legs felt heavy. At
1:50 pm the CNA answered his call light and found he had taken himself to the bathroom. She stated that when he went to
get back into the bed it was ""abnormal"" how he was getting into it so she assisted him. At that time he quit breathing and
she called a RN into the room immediately. He was found without a pulse, respirations, or blood pressure at 1:54 pm.

VAERS ID: 920815-1, 58yo Found deceased in her home, unknown cause, 6 days after vaccine.

VAERS ID: 920832-1, 104yo Vaccine 12/30/2020 Screening PCR done 12/31/2020 Symptoms 1/1/2021 COVID test result came
back positive 1/2/2021 Deceased 1/4/2021

VAERS ID: 921175-1, 77yo Resident received Covid Vaccine, noted after 30 mins with labored breathing BP 161/77, HR 116, R
38, T 101.4,epipen administered, sent to ER, died

VAERS ID: 921481-1, 88yo Vaccine given on 12/29/20 by Pharmacy. On 1/1/21, resident became lethargic and sluggish and
developed a rash on forearms. Resident expired on 1/4/2021

VAERS ID: 921547-1, 65yo RESIDENT RECIEVED VACCINE ON 1/2/20. DEATH ON 1/4/2021.

VAERS ID: 921572-1, 87yo Resident had body aches, a low O2 sat and had chills starting on 12/30/20. He had stated that they
had slightly improved. On 1/2/21 during the NOC shift his O2 sat dropped again. He later went unresponsive and passed

VAERS ID: 921667-1, 39yo LTCF Pfizer Vaccine clinic conducted 12/29/2020 Vaccine lead received a call indicating that a staff
member deceased somewhere between 1/3/2021 and 1/4/2021. Cause of death is unknown, and an autopsy is being

VAERS ID: 921880-1, 96yo The resident was found deceased a little less than 12 hours following COVID vaccination.
Article on VAERS Reports from Earlier Data Release (Feb. 14)

FDA has had 10

months to get a
safety monitoring
system in place, but
is nowhere near
implementing one!
UK Adverse Events ‘Yellow Card’ Reports




Note: The UK only counts deaths within 1 week of vaccination. More detailed data can be found
at the link above (scroll down to Vaccine Analysis Profile links).

Summary of UK Data as of Jan. 24:

Article on UK Data up to Dec. 31, 2020
The EU also has a passive vaccine adverse events monitoring
system. Here are stats on the Moderna, Pfizer and newcomer
AstraZeneca vaccines, which does not include reported deaths.
For the Moderna vaccine, as of March 6 there are 4,495 reports
that include the following adverse reactions (purple is serious,
red is non-serious):

Note the large number of reports of serious blood and lymphatic system
disorders, cardiac disorders, eye disorders, gastrointestinal disorders,
immune system disorders, musculoskeletal and connective tissue
disorders, nervous system disorders, respiratory disorders and vascular
For the Pfizer vaccine, as of March 6 there are 89,239 reports
including the following adverse events (purple is serious, red is

Note the large number of reports of serious blood and lymphatic system
disorders, cardiac disorders, eye disorders, gastrointestinal disorders,
immune system disorders, musculoskeletal and connective tissue
disorders, nervous system disorders, respiratory disorders and vascular
For the AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine (approved end of January),
as of March 6 there are already 21,172 reports including the
following adverse events (purple is serious, red is non-serious):

Note that compared to the other vaccines, reports on this one tend to
skew more serious. Also note the large number of reports of serious
blood and lymphatic system disorders, cardiac disorders, eye disorders,
gastrointestinal disorders, immune system disorders, musculoskeletal and
connective tissue disorders, nervous system disorders, respiratory
disorders and vascular disorders.
Researchers release data showing
'significant mortality from vaccine' in Israel
Many reports of death following vaccination worldwide
MOST of these people would have survived COVID
(based on published survival statistics)

Since this article was published,

VAERS has recorded 18,541 COVID
vaccine adverse reactions
929 deaths
316 permanent disabilities
5,000 ER / hospitalizations

Source: https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html
This doctor are
would now
have hadnumerous deaths
a 99.5% chance of surviving
but he died from
to the ITP (vaccine
COVID reaction)
Why wasThere
no oneare now
warned numerous
that deaths
immune thrombocytopenia
is to the
a reaction COVID
to the COVID vaccine
There arein
X-ray tech now numerous
ER within hours of deaths
Within hourslinked
the COVIDheart failure,
vaccine dialysis...death
within 2 days of second Pfizer shot
More deaths within minutes / hours of vaccine

She required CPR within 15 minutes of shot but

media claims her death was not related to vaccine
(without evidence or autopsy results)
India demands investigation after 19 young health
workers die within hours/days of vaccine
More News Reports from India
Four prominent medical personnel deaths in Italy

Disclosure - the articles on this

page were written in Italian and
translated to English via Google.
Minor translation abnormalities
may have occurred.
Facebook temporarily blocked all searches
using @irelandeasthospitalgroup (which
owns & manages Wexford General)

Facebook moved quickly to 'debunk' anyone claiming

a correlation, even prior to any autopsy.
They also blocked any searches for posts tagged with
the hospital group's @ name.
Will these are now
employers numerous
accept liability fordeaths
their front-line
workers' deaths
linked if they require
to the the shot
COVID in order to work?
The deaths in elderly within 24 hours
of the vaccine is particularly alarming
(even though the media told us it would happen)
Reports of significant injuries
post-injection are being reported

Moderna reports higher risk of common side effects

5,052 suffered a "health impact event" as of Dec. 19
CDC defines "health impact event" as one that renders a
patient "unable to perform normal daily activities, unable
to work, required care from doctor or health care
That's a rate of about 2.3% of vaccine recipients
CDC says a severe allergic reaction, anaphylaxis, was
It's impossible to know how effective the vaccines are
beyond the number of days they've been given to humans.
It's also impossible to know this soon what are the
potential long term side effects, if any.

Ohio school
Will you trade potential facial paralysis
for a 99.5% survival rate?

Interesting that Pfizer

ignored the initial
reports of this side
effect because...
"hysterical women."
Some of these injuries are devastating knowing they
would have almost certainly survived COVID

Tilli says the paramedic checked her vitals and

noticed her heart rate was high. She received a
Benadryl shot and it seemed to work for a few
minutes. But the symptoms returned and
worsened, she says. "The supervisor from the
paramedics was there and he just said 'OK, let's
give her the EpiPen,'" Tilli said.

"Within a minute, I just said, 'Something doesn't

feel right in my body,' and I remember just
passing out and leaning over to the right."

Dave Thompson, superintendent of the local

paramedic service, confirmed to CBC News that
Tilli was taken to hospital in stable condition.

Tilli says when she woke up, she was told she
suffered seizures and needed CPR for a brief
period. She doesn't remember much during the
reaction, but says one moment sticks out —
accepting the fact that she could die.

"There was a moment where, I don't want to say I

gave up, but I was just like 'It is what it is.' ... [Days
later] when I was in bed the other night, I was
thinking, 'What if I left my two girls without a
mother?'" Tilli said.
Even the very young are
experiencing deadly reactions
Some of these vaccine injuries
will be life-long and devastating
Are we just now recognizing the
danger of PEG? After the rollout?
Many front line workers are sharing
their injuries on social media
Some news outlets are covering their injuries
- A testimony of two nurses -
one managed to go home / one went to ICU
These three front line workers had the same reaction -
uncontrollable full body tremors

I encourage you to go to their Facebook pages to watch the recordings.


Deaths within one day of first dose

Dec 31 posted "got the shot" Died Dec 31

Posted her vax card Jan 12 Died Jan 13

Deaths within one day of second dose

Got second dose on Feb 12 Died on Feb 13

2nd dose given 21 days after Jan 27

which means Roni received 2nd dose
on Feb 16
Posted her first dose on Jan 27 Died on Feb 16
Mom confirms her 28-year-old
passed 48 hours after shot
Death within 48 hours

Feb 12 posted "got first jab" Died within 48 hours

Feb 20 got second shot Full term fetus died within

48 hours
Stroke (age 28) & Cardiac Arrest (age 34)

Just five days after the

second dose of the Pfizer
COVID-19 vaccine,
perfectly healthy 28-
year-old health care
worker Sara Stickles had
aneurysm. “Today
around 1:45 she had what
looks like a brain
aneurysm and is in a very
deep coma.” wrote her
twin sister Kara Stickles.

The young mother, who

is a health care worker
and just began a position
Thomas's friend Don Paul told The Morning Edition, at Swedish American
“Thomas worked as an aide at Saskatchewan Hospital Hospital in Wisconsin, is
North Battleford. Thomas believed he may have been on life support and the
exposed to the virus at the hospital early in February — family has been told to
only 24 hours after being given his first dose of a say their good-byes. She
COVID-19 vaccine. By Monday, Thomas had chest pains leaves behind a young
and went to the ER. While he was waiting for the son.
doctor to do the assessment, he had a sudden cardiac
arrest and died,"
Even more deaths and injuries reported from
healthcare workers on social media

We have at least 100 more screenshots of injuries shared by healthcare workers.

And More...

Mary Meadows death was announced 3 weeks

a�er she received the first dose, sugges�ng she
might have died just a�er receiving the second
These families have lost their
fathers & mothers
More stories of loss
Miscarriages within days of shot are alarming

14 weeks - took vax

14 1/2 weeks - miscarried
Two different men
both in critical condition
both exactly 36 hours after shot
Is it a coincidence that these two legends
passed within days of taking the vaccine?

17 days between vaccine & death - Mr. Aaron was laid to

rest with no autopsy performed.

less than 1 week between vaccine and death though vaccine status is heresay.
Healthcare workers & service members
declining the COVID vaccine in record numbers
A typical vaccine safety trial lasts a MINIMUM of 2 years.
Pfizer & Moderna have ENDED their safety trials after only 7 months by
allowing placebo recipients to receive the vaccine.
This eliminates all possibilties of capturing long-term adverse effects.

Below (were) the end dates of the Pfizer & Moderna trials.
If you are injured by the COVID vaccine, it will be
nearly impossible to receive compensation for lost
work days and medical bills
Up next, the rollout of the J&J vaccine

Yarah Dalmau

Many deaths and other adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccines are

dismissed as unrelated simply because scientists do not understand how
they could be related. Lacking this knowledge, they assume they must be
unrelated. For example, in one of the news articles above, a woman in her
70’s passed out within 15 minutes of receiving her vaccine and died soon
after despite attempts to revive her. The official response was that her
death was unrelated to the vaccine because she didn’t have an anaphylactic
allergic reaction to the vaccine (which is the only well understood way that
someone could die from the vaccine). This is an extremely unscientific
approach to studying the issue, to put it mildly: we don’t understand how
or why it could have happened, therefore it didn’t. Below I summarize a
few mechanisms by which vaccines could cause short or long term harm:

Allergic Reaction to PEGylated Lipid Nanoparticles

Some people who receive COVID-19 RNA vaccines have anaphylactic shock.
Notably, this was not reported during the clinical trials but became
apparent very soon after the Pfizer vaccine came on the market. Scientists
do not know what causes it, but the leading hypothesis is that this is from
the PEGylated lipid nanoparticles that coat the RNA:
The CDC indicates caution with vaccinating people who have:
- Severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) after a previous dose of
an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine or any of its components
- Immediate allergic reaction of any severity to a previous dose of
an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine or any of its components (including
polyethylene glycol [PEG])*
- Immediate allergic reaction of any severity to polysorbate (due to
potential cross-reactive hypersensitivity with the vaccine
ingredient PEG)
But it could have easily been anticipated that people would have a severe
allergic reaction to PEG. From here:
“PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been shown to imbalance certain
immune responses and can induce allergies and even autoimmune
“A 2016 study in Analytical Chemistry reported detectable and sometimes
high levels of anti-PEG antibodies … in approximately 72% of
contemporary human samples and about 56% of historical specimens from
the 1970s through the 1990s. Of the 72% with PEG IgG antibodies, 8% had
anti-PEG IgG antibodies > 500ng/ml., which is considered extremely
elevated. Extrapolated to the U.S. population of 330 million who may
receive this vaccine, 16.6 million may have anti-PEG antibody levels
associated with adverse effects. The researchers confessed that the results
were entirely unexpected. The authors concluded that:

“’…sensitive detection and precise quantitation of anti-PEG Ab levels in a

clinical setting will be essential to ensuring the safe use of PEGylated drugs
in all target patient populations going forward.’

“Multiple previous studies regarding the prevalence of anti-PEG

antibodies in the population have stated that pre-screening should be
done prior to any administration of a PEG-containing medication.
Screening is likely to be even more important in the case of a vaccine
intended for parenteral administration to as many people as possible that
contains a substance to which a majority of the population unknowingly
has anti-PEG antibodies.”

Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)

Following is from here:
“Virus ADE is a biochemical mechanism in which virus-specific antibodies
(usually from a vaccine) promote the entry and/or the replication of
another virus into white cells such as monocytes/macrophages and
granulocytic cells. This then modulates an overly strong immune response
(abnormally enhances it) and induces chronic inflammation, lymphopenia,
and/or a ‘cytokine storm’, one or more of which have been reported to
cause severe illness and even death. Essentially, ADE is a disease
dissemination cycle causing individuals with secondary infection to be more
immunologically upregulated than during their first infection (or prior
vaccination) by a different strain.
“Akiko Iwasaki and colleagues describe this coronavirus ADE mechanism in
more detail in their 2020 research published in Nature Reviews
Immunology. They confirm that pre-existing SARS-CoV-specific antibodies
may thus promote viral entry into FcR-expressing cells. This process is
independent of ACE2 expression and endosomal pH and proteases,
suggesting distinct cellular pathways of ACE2-mediated and FcR-mediated
viral entry.
“In short, previous experience with veterinary coronavirus vaccines and
animal models of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV infection has raised safety
concerns about the potential for ADE and/or vaccine-associated enhanced
respiratory disease. These events were associated either with macrophage-
tropic coronaviruses susceptible to antibody-dependent enhancement of
replication or with vaccine antigens that induced antibodies with poor
neutralizing activity and Th2-biased responses.”
Another paper published in Nature Microbiology echoed these concerns.
However, it is worth noting that Pfizer reported results with high titers and
Th1-Biased response. There are however many other COVID-19 vaccines on
the market.

Epitope Homology & Molecular Mimicry

James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, a biologist and genomics expert published this
paper back in April 2020: “Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious
and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity.”
The basic argument is that the COVID-19 virus shares many epitopes with
human proteins. An epitope is “the part of an antigen molecule to which an
antibody attaches itself.” This means that anitbodies produced to fight a
COVID-19 infection might cause harm by attacking proteins produced by
the body that share the same epitopes.
The same thing could be true of COVID-19 vaccines. Lyons-Weiler wrote to
the FDA and the vaccine developers early on to point out the overlap
between the epitopes they included in the vaccine and natural epitopes. He
urged them to use epitopes that did not overlap, but was ignored.
Here is the abstract from the paper:
“Homology between human and viral proteins is an established factor in
viral- or vaccine-induced autoimmunity. Failure of SARS and MERS vaccines
in animal trials involved pathogenesis consistent with an immunological
priming that could involve autoimmunity in lung tissues due to previous
exposure to the SARS and MERS spike protein. Exposure pathogenesis to
SARS-CoV-2 in COVID-19 likely will lead to similar outcomes. Immunogenic
peptides in viruses or bacteria that match human proteins are good
candidates for pathogenic priming peptides (similar to the more diffuse
idea of “immune enhancement”). Here I provide an assessment of potential
for human pathogenesis via autoimmunity via exposure, via infection or
injection. SAR-CoV-2 spike proteins, and all other SARS-CoV-2 proteins,
immunogenic epitopes in each SARS-CoV-2 protein were compared to
human proteins in search of high local homologous matching. Only one
immunogenic epitope in a SARS-CoV-2 had no homology to human
proteins. If all of the parts of the epitopes that are homologous to human
proteins are excluded from consideration due to risk of pathogenic priming,
the remaining immunogenic parts of the epitopes may be still immunogenic
and remain as potentially viable candidates for vaccine development.
Mapping of the genes encoding human protein matches to pathways point
to targets that could explain the observed presentation of symptoms in
COVID-19 disease. It also strongly points to a large number of opportunities
for expected disturbances in the immune system itself, targeting elements
of MHC Class I and Class II antigen presentation, PD-1 signaling, cross-
presentation of soluble exogenous antigens and the ER-Phagosome
pathway. Translational consequences of these findings are explored.”
His concerns received validation from a paper published in January in
Frontiers in Immunology, “Reaction of Human Monoclonal Antibodies to
SARS-CoV-2 Proteins With Tissue Antigens: Implications for Autoimmune
Abstract: “We sought to determine whether immune reactivity occurs
between anti-SARS-CoV-2 protein antibodies and human tissue antigens,
and whether molecular mimicry between COVID-19 viral proteins and
human tissues could be the cause. We applied both human monoclonal
anti-SARS-Cov-2 antibodies (spike protein, nucleoprotein) and rabbit
polyclonal anti-SARS-Cov-2 antibodies (envelope protein, membrane
protein) to 55 different tissue antigens. We found that SARS-CoV-2
antibodies had reactions with 28 out of 55 tissue antigens, representing a
diversity of tissue groups that included barrier proteins, gastrointestinal,
thyroid and neural tissues, and more. We also did selective epitope
mapping using BLAST and showed similarities and homology between spike,
nucleoprotein, and many other SARS-CoV-2 proteins with the human tissue
antigens mitochondria M2, F-actin and TPO. This extensive immune cross-
reactivity between SARS-CoV-2 antibodies and different antigen groups
may play a role in the multi-system disease process of COVID-19,
influence the severity of the disease, precipitate the onset of
autoimmunity in susceptible subgroups, and potentially exacerbate
autoimmunity in subjects that have pre-existing autoimmune diseases.
Very recently, human monoclonal antibodies were approved for use on
patients with COVID-19. The human monoclonal antibodies used in this
study are almost identical with these approved antibodies. Thus, our results
can establish the potential risk for autoimmunity and multi-system
disorders with COVID-19 that may come from cross-reactivity between our
own human tissues and this dreaded virus, and thus ensure that the badly-
needed vaccines and treatments being developed for it are truly safe to use
against this disease.”
From a public comment submitted to the FDA by J. Patrick Whelan, MD, a
pediatric rheumatologist”
“I am a pediatric specialist caring for children with the multisystem
inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C). I am concerned about the possibility that
the new vaccines aimed at creating immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 spike
protein (including the mRNA vaccines of Moderna and Pfizer) have the
potential to cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver, and
kidneys in a way that does not currently appear to be assessed in safety
trials of these potential drugs.

“Puntmann et al. (JAMA Cardiol. 2020;5:1265-1273) showed that the

prospective study of 100 German patients who were recently recovered
from COVID-19 revealed significant cardiac involvement on cardiac MRI
scans in 78% of them, an average 2-1/2 months after their recovery from
the acute illness. Two-thirds of these patients were never hospitalized, and
there was ongoing myocardial inflammation in 60%. The abnormalities
occurred independent of preexisting conditions, severity of the initial
disease, and overall course of the acute illness.

“Magro et al. showed that there is complement-mediated damage even in

grossly normal skin of coronavirus-infected individuals (Human Pathology
2020:106:106-116). They have also shown (Magro et al. Annals of
Diagnostic Pathology 2021:50 in press ) that ACE-2 receptor expression is
highest in the microvasculature of the b and subcutaneous fat, and to a
lesser degree in the liver, kidney, and heart. They have further
demonstrated that the coronavirus replicates almost exclusively in the
septal capillary endothelial cells of the lungs and the nasopharynx, and that
viral lysis and immune destruction of those cells releases viral capsid
proteins (or pseudovirions) that travel through the circulation and bind to
ACE2 receptors in these other parts of the body leading to mannan-binding
lectin complement pathway activation that not only damages the
microvascular endothelium but also induces the production of many pro-
inflammatory cytokines. Meinhardt et al. (Nature Neuroscience 2020, in
press) show that the spike protein in brain endothelial cells is associated
with formation of microthrombi (clots), and like Magro et al. do not find
viral RNA in brain endothelium. In other words, viral proteins appear to
cause tissue damage without actively replicating virus.

“Is it possible the spike protein itself causes the tissue damage associated
with Covid-19? Nuovo et al (in press) have shown that in 13/13 brains from
patients with fatal COVID-19, pseudovirions (spike, envelope, and
membrane proteins) without viral RNA are present in the endothelia of
cerebral microvessels. Furthermore, tail vein injection of the full length S1
spike subunit in mice led to neurologic signs (increased thirst, stressed
behavior) not evident in those injected with the S2 subunit. The S1 subunit
localizes to the endothelia of microvessels in the mouse brain, and is a
potent neurotoxin. So the spike S1 subunit of SARS-CoV-2 alone is capable
of being endocytosed by ACE2 positive endothelia in both human and
mouse brain, with a concomitant pauci-cellular microencephalitis that may
be the basis for the neurologic complications of COVID-19.
“The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine (BNT162b2) is composed of an mRNA that
produces a membrane-anchored full-length spike protein. The mouse
studies suggest that an untruncated form of the S1 protein like this may
cause a microvasculopathy in tissues that express much ACE2 receptor. A
truncated form of S1 was much less damaging in mice.

“While there are pieces to this puzzle that have yet to be worked out, it
appears that the viral spike protein that is the target of the major SARS-
CoV-2 vaccines is also one of the key agents causing the damage to distant
organs that may include the brain, heart, lung, and kidney. Before any of
these vaccines are approved for widespread use in humans, it is
important to assess in vaccinated subjects the effects of vaccination on
the heart (perhaps using cardiac MRI, as Puntmann et al. did). Vaccinated
patients could also be tested for distant tissue damage in deltoid area skin
biopsies, as employed by Magro et al. As important as it is to quickly
arrest the spread of the virus by immunizing the population, it would be
vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting
or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a
result of failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of
full-length spike protein-based vaccines on these other organs.

“Particular caution will be required with regard to the potential widespread

vaccination of children before there are any real data on the safety or
effectiveness of these vaccines in pediatric trials that are only now

His concerns were further validated by research published around the same
time in Nature Neuroscience showing that a spike protein (S1) from SARS-
CoV-2 can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause inflammation. Here the
corresponding author explains:
“The spike protein, often called the S1 protein, dictates which cells the virus
can enter. Usually, the virus does the same thing as its binding protein, said
lead author William A. Banks, a professor of medicine at the University of
Washington School of Medicine…. Banks said binding proteins like S1
usually by themselves cause damage as they detach from the virus and
cause inflammation. ‘The S1 protein likely causes the brain to release
cytokines and inflammatory products,’ he said.
“In science circles, the intense inflammation caused by the COVID-19
infection is called a cytokine storm. The immune system, upon seeing the
virus and its proteins, overreacts in its attempt to kill the invading virus. The
infected person is left with brain fog, fatigue and other cognitive issues.”

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