Study of Enhanced-Oil-Recovery Mechanism of Alkali/Surfactant/Polymer Flooding in Porous Media From Experiments
Study of Enhanced-Oil-Recovery Mechanism of Alkali/Surfactant/Polymer Flooding in Porous Media From Experiments
Study of Enhanced-Oil-Recovery Mechanism of Alkali/Surfactant/Polymer Flooding in Porous Media From Experiments
Mechanism of Alkali/Surfactant/Polymer
Flooding in Porous Media From
Pingping Shen, SPE, Jialu Wang, SPE, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, PetroChina;
Shiyi Yuan, SPE, Taixian Zhong, SPE, PetroChina; and Xu Jia, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and
Development, PetroChina
Summary ter), bridging between inner pore and outer pore, is the main
The fluid-flow mechanism of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in mechanism of ASP flooding in an oil-wetting reservoir. For a
porous media by alkali/surfactant/polymer (ASP) flooding is vertical heterogeneous reservoir, ASP flooding increases dis-
investigated by measuring the production performance, pressure, placement efficiency by displacing residual oil through decreased
and saturation distributions through the installed differential- IFT, simultaneously improving sweep efficiency by extending the
pressure transducers and saturation-measurement probes in a swept area in both vertical and horizontal directions. Some physi-
physical model of a vertical heterogeneous reservoir. The fluid- cal and chemical phenomena, such as emulsion, scale deposition,
flow variation in the reservoir is one of the main mechanisms of and chromatographic separation, occur during ASP flooding (Ari-
EOR of ASP flooding, and the nonlinear coupling and interaction hara et al. 1999; Guo 1999). Because ASP flooding in porous
between pressure and saturation fields results in the fluid-flow media involves many complicated physicochemical properties,
variation in the reservoir. In the vertical heterogeneous reservoir, many oil-recovery mechanisms still need to be investigated.
the ASP agents flow initially in the high-permeability layer. Later, Most research has been performed on the microscopic dis-
the flow direction changes toward the low- and middle-permeabil- placement mechanism of ASP flooding, while the fluid-flow
ity layers because the resistance in the high-permeability layer mechanism in porous media at the macroscopic scale lacks suffi-
increases on physical and chemical reactions such as adsorption, cient study. In this paper, a vertical-heterogeneous-reservoir model
retention, and emulsion. ASP flooding displaces not only the re- is established, and differential-pressure transducers and saturation-
sidual oil in the high-permeability layer but also the remaining oil measuring probes are installed. The fluid-flow mechanism of
in the low- and middle-permeability layers by increasing both increasing both macroscopic sweep efficiency and microscopic
swept volume and displacement efficiency. displacement efficiency is studied by measuring the production
performance and the variation of pressure and saturation distribu-
tions in the ASP-flooding experiment. An experimental database
Introduction of ASP flooding also is set up and provides an experimental base
Currently, most oil fields in China are in the later production for numerical simulation.
period and the water cut increases rapidly, even to more than
80%. Waterflooding no longer meets the demands of oilfield
production. Thus, it is inevitable that a new technology will re- Experimental Apparatus and Method
place waterflooding. The new technique of ASP flooding has been Experimental Apparatus. The experimental apparatus is com-
developed on the basis of alkali-, surfactant-, and polymer-flood- posed of six subsystems: a driving pump, the physical model, a
ing research in the late 1980s. ASP flooding uses the benefits of saturation-measurement system, a pressure-measurement system,
the three flooding methods simultaneously, and oil recovery is a liquid-collection system, and a control and data-acquisition sys-
greatly enhanced by decreasing interfacial tension (IFT), increas- tem. The experimental apparatus is illustrated in Fig. 1.
ing the capillary number, enhancing microscopic displacing effi- The driving pump is one set of ISCO 500D syringe pumps. The
ciency, improving the mobility ratio, and increasing macroscopic control and measurement system is composed of 25 differential-
sweeping efficiency (Shen and Yu 2002; Wang et al. 2000; Wang pressure transducers, 37 saturation-measuring probes, a pressure
et al. 2002; Sui et al. 2000). transducer, a temperature-measuring probe, an HP75000 data-
Recently, much intensive research has been done on ASP acquisition set, and a Pentium II processor. The liquid-collection
flooding both in China and worldwide, achieving some important system is composed of three oil/water two-phase flowmeters that
accomplishments that lay a solid foundation for the extension of can measure the quantity of water and oil automatically with high
this technique to practical application in oil fields (Baviere et al. precision. The range of the 25 differential-pressure transducers is
1995; Thomas 2005; Yang et al. 2003; Li et al. 2003). In previous DP = 0–70 kPa, and the precision is 2.5%. The range of the 37
work, the ASP-flooding mechanism was studied visually by using saturation-measuring probes is Sw = 0–1.0, and the precision is
a microscopic-scale model and double-pane glass models with 3.4%. The whole process of experiment and data acquisition is
sand (Liu et al. 2003; Zhang 1991). In these experiments, the controlled automatically by a computer. The automation reduces
water-viscosity finger, the residual-oil distribution after water- errors and improves measurement precision.
flooding, and the oil bank formed by microscopic emulsion flood- The physical model is a heterogeneous sand-packing model
ing were observed. In Tong et al. (1998) and Guo (1990), with a vertically positive rhythm. The model-geometry size is
deformation, threading, emulsion (oil/water), and strapping were length L = 0.5 m, width W = 0.5 m, and height H = 0.1 m. The
observed as the main mechanisms of ASP flooding in a water- model is divided into three layers with the same width and differ-
wetting reservoir, while the interface-producing emulsion (oil/wa- ent permeabilities. The permeability K of these three layers is
0.15, 0.55, and 2.1 mm2, respectively. The heterogeneity-variation
factor is 0.72. The three layers are separated by nonpermeable
Copyright ã 2009 Society of Petroleum Engineers
boards. A vertical injection well injects fluid into the three layers
This paper (SPE 126128) was revised for publication from paper IPTC 11257, first pre- simultaneously, and the produced liquid is collected at the outlets
sented at the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Dubai, 4–6 December 2007.
Original manuscript received for review 2 June 2007. Revised manuscript received for
of the three layers. The model simulates the unified injection and
review 13 March 2008. Paper peer approved 19 March 2008. separated production in an interbedded heterogeneous reservoir.
Fig.1—Schematic of the experimental apparatus. 10 1016 Om. The electrical property of a reservoir reflects
the water-saturation variation. When an electrical current I is
The thick black lines in the model represent the borders of the supplied between Electrodes A and B, an electric field is estab-
three different layers, as shown in Fig. 2. lished in the reservoir. The electrical-potential difference be-
Thirty-seven saturation-measuring probes and 25 differential- tween the two measuring electrodes M and N is measured, and
pressure transducers are installed in the model. Among them, 10 the difference reflects electrical-resistivity variation in the res-
differential-pressure transducers and 11 saturation-measuring ervoir, as shown in Fig. 3.
probes are in the high-permeability layer, five differential- The electrical current I is a low-frequency rectangle-wave
pressure transducers and 14 saturation-measuring probes are in alternating current and is adjustable. The electrical-potential dif-
the middle-permeability layer, and 10 differential-pressure trans- ference between M and N, DUMN, is measured, and resistivity R is
ducers and 12 saturation-measuring probes are in the low-perme- calculated with the following equation:
ability layer. In Fig. 2, the points marked by only a number are the
differential-pressure transducers and the points marked with a R¼b ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)
number plus “a” are the saturation-measuring probes. I
where b is the electrode-system coefficient, which is related only
Experimental Procedure. Quartz sands of different sizes were to the dimension and type of electrode system. b is determined in
mixed together and placed into a tube to measure permeability. a uniform medium with known electric conductivity.
The quartz sands of different sizes were used as the experimental After measuring the electrical resistivity of a reservoir, the
porous media and were mixed with brine in the model. The grain saturation is calculated according to Archie’s law:
size with permeability K = 0.15 mm2 was a mixture of 50% grain bRo
of 80–100 mesh and 50% grain of 160–180 mesh. The grain size Snw ¼ ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
with permeability K = 0.55 mm2 was a mixture of 75% grain of
80–100 mesh and 25% grain of 160–180 mesh. The grain size of where Rt is the resistivity of rock saturated with oil (measured
permeability K = 2.1 mm2 was a mixture of 80% grain of 80–100 resistivity), Ro is the resistivity of rock saturated with water, Sw is
mesh and 20% grain of 160–180 mesh. After the model was the water saturation, b is a coefficient, n is the saturation index,
saturated with brine, simulated oil was used to displace the water. and b and n are determined through a coreflooding experiment. In
The injection and production wells were exchanged during the oil- an ASP-flooding experiment, b and n should be modified by the
saturating process until there was no displaced water in the pro- ASP-flooding displacement (Shen et al. 2002).
duction well. The irreducible water saturation in the model was On the basis of the electrode-measurement theory, the small
approximately 25%. saturation probes were made to measure the water-saturation vari-
During the ASP-flooding experiment, 0.3 pore volumes (PV) ation in 3D physical modeling with advanced techniques, such as
of ASP solution was injected when the water cut reached 95%. double molding, and antioxidization and anticorrosion materials.
After the ASP slug was injected, 0.2 PV of polymer solution was The shape and size of the probe is shown in Fig. 4. The probe is
injected as a protecting slug. Waterflooding followed the polymer
slug. The experiment was ended when the water cut reached 95%
again. In the experiment, data from the 25 differential-pressure
transducers and the 37 water-saturation-measuring probes were
collected every 5 seconds with inlet pressures and volumes of
produced water and oil.
The chemical concentration of the ASP agents used for the
experiment was 0.15 wt% 2600E polyacrylamide, 0.1 wt% sodium
hydroxide (NaOH), and 0.35 wt% of heavy alkyl-benzene
sulfonate surfactant. The viscosity of the ASP solution was m =
43–44 mPas, and the IFT of the ASP flooding was s = 5.510-3
mN/m. The oil used in the experiment was a simulated oil with
viscosity m = 10.0 mPas. The brine used to make the solution and
drive the water consisted of pure water and 2 wt% sodium chloride
Fig. 5—Production-performance curves of ASP flooding. (a) Production performance of ASP flooding. (b) Oil recovery of three
different permeability layers. (c) Water cut of three different permeability layers. (d) Produced-liquid percentage of three perme-
ability layers.
Fig. 6—Pressure variation at different locations in the model. (a) Pressure variation in high-permeability layer. (b) Pressure
variation in middle-permeability layer. (c) Pressure variation in low-permeability layer. (d) Pressure difference between inlet and
outlet in three different permeability layers.
in the middle- and low-permeability layers reach 0.6 L and 0.4 L, water cut of the production well starts to drop (Fig. 5c), and the oil
respectively. The oil bank in the middle-permeability layer recovery begins to rise (Fig. 5b).
reaches the production well when the injected volume is 0.57 PV During ASP flooding, the ASP solution initially moves faster
and the front edge of the oil bank in the low-permeability layer is in the high-permeability layer than it does in the middle- and
at 0.6 L. Last, the oil bank in the low-permeability layer reaches low-permeability layers because complex physicochemical reac-
the production well when the injected volume is 0.91 PV. tions, such as adsorption, retention, and emulsion of the ASP
Fig. 9 is a contour map of water-saturation distribution during solution, cause the flow resistance and the pressure to increase.
ASP flooding. The formation and the moving velocity of the oil Therefore, the pressure difference in the high-permeability layer
bank can be observed through water-saturation variation. The becomes higher than those in the middle- and low-permeability
formation of time of the oil bank in the reservoir is nearly the layers, as shown in Fig. 6d, which results in the fluid changing
same in these three permeability layers, but the movement of oil flow direction from the high-permeability layer toward the mid-
bank in the high-permeability layer is faster than it is in the dle- and low-permeability layers. The flow rate and the produced
middle- and low-permeability layers. The water saturation in- liquid decrease in the high-permeability layer, but they increase in
creases rapidly after the oil bank flows over. Therefore, only when the middle- and low-permeability layers (Fig. 5d).
the oil bank moves to the production well can ASP flooding In the follow-up waterflooding, when the ASP solution flows
enhance oil recovery greatly. out of the model, the flow resistance and pressure in the high-
permeability layer decrease (Fig. 6d) and the fluid flow turns
Comparison and Analysis. Comparing the production perfor- toward the high-permeability layer. Then, the flow rate and the
mance (Fig. 5), the pressure variation (Figs. 6 and 7), and water produced liquid increase again in the high-permeability layer and
saturation variation (Figs. 8 and 9) of the ASP flooding in the decrease in the middle- and low-permeability layers (Fig. 5d).
vertical-heterogeneous-layer model, we find that the fluid-flow Therefore, the variation of flow paths in the reservoir is the
distribution in the reservoir is the main mechanism of production important factor to enhance oil recovery greatly by ASP flooding.
performance variation. For example, when the oil bank in the
high-permeability layer is close to the production well (Fig. 8a, Experimental Database. A series of chemical-flooding experi-
the injected volume is approximately 1.48 PV), the pressure at all ments have been conducted, such as 1D, 2D, and 3D experiments,
points in the reservoir reaches the highest values (Fig. 6a), the polymer flooding, and ASP flooding. All the experimental data
b = coefficient
H = height
I = electrical current
K = permeability
l = coordinate
L = length
n = saturation index
P = pressure
Rt = resistivity of rock saturated with oil
Ro = resistivity of rock saturated with water
Sw = water saturation
t = time
V = velovity
W = width
b = electrode-system coefficient
m = viscosity
s = interfacial tension
This research was conducted with the financial support of
Fig. 9—Water-saturation distribution of ASP flooding. (a) National Key Fundamental Research Program of China under
Waterflooding (0.3 PV). (b) Waterflooding (0.92 PV). (c) ASP grants 2005CB221300 and G1999022511. The support is grate-
flooding (1.21 PV). (d) ASP flooding (1.35 PV). (e) Follow-up fully acknowledged.
waterflooding (1.45 PV). (f) Follow-up waterflooding (1.93 PV).
are collected in databases, such as physical-model parameters
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