Type H14 Wide Body Shackle: Non-Standard Sizes or Custom Products Available On Request
Type H14 Wide Body Shackle: Non-Standard Sizes or Custom Products Available On Request
Type H14 Wide Body Shackle: Non-Standard Sizes or Custom Products Available On Request
Material : Alloy steel
* Shackles from WLL 30 ≤ 125 ton are not supplied with an eyebolt, shackles from WLL 900 ton completed with eyebolts on both sides
ton inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch inch lbs
36000025 30 1 3/8 1 3/4 2 9/16 7 3/32 3 9/16 5 1/32 3 5/32 7 15/16 1 25/32 8 1/32 11 1/2 31
36000040 40 1 25/32 2 3 5/16 7 7/8 4 9/32 5 1/2 3 13/16 9 15/16 2 3/32 9 1/8 13 1/32 46
36000055 55 2 9/16 2 3/16 3 3/4 9 27/32 5 1/8 6 5/16 4 5/16 11 13/16 2 5/32 11 11/32 15 3/4 73
36000075 75 2 15/16 2 3/4 4 5/16 11 13/16 5 29/32 7 9/32 4 23/32 13 19/32 2 3/8 13 5/32 19 3/32 117
36000125 125 3 11/32 3 5/32 5 1/2 14 9/16 6 1/2 8 21/32 5 29/32 15 9/16 3 5/32 15 11/32 22 15/16 185
36000150 150 3 9/16 3 3/4 5 29/32 15 3/4 7 7/8 9 27/32 6 11/16 16 17/32 3 9/16 16 7/8 25 1/8 254
36000200 200 4 1/8 4 1/8 6 5/16 18 29/32 8 7/8 10 13/16 8 1/16 18 1/2 4 5/16 19 1/16 29 23/32 403
36000250 250 4 23/32 4 23/32 7 3/32 21 21/32 9 7/16 11 13/16 9 1/16 20 15/32 4 15/16 21 1/4 33 15/32 562
36000300 300 5 1/2 5 9/32 7 11/16 23 5/8 11 1/32 13 25/32 10 7/16 22 27/32 5 1/2 24 23/32 37 9/32 811
36000400 400 6 5/16 6 5/16 9 1/16 24 13/32 13 14 9/16 12 19/32 25 25/32 6 11/16 27 1/8 40 3/4 1259
36000500 500 6 11/16 7 3/32 10 7/16 26 25/32 13 25/32 17 5/16 13 3/8 27 15/16 7 3/32 30 11/16 44 9/32 1585
36000600 600 7 3/32 7 7/8 11 13/32 28 11/32 15 15/16 19 9/32 14 9/16 31 5/16 7 15/32 33 11/32 47 3/4 2116
36000700 700 8 1/4 8 15/32 12 19/32 30 23/32 18 5/16 21 1/4 15 3/4 34 21/32 8 1/4 37 11/16 52 3/8 2976
36000800 800 8 21/32 9 1/16 13 19/32 31 1/2 18 5/16 21 27/32 16 17/32 36 13/32 8 21/32 38 31/32 53 15/32 3086
36000900 900 9 1/4 9 27/32 14 9/16 33 15/32 18 29/32 23 1/32 17 5/16 39 3/4 9 1/4 41 3/4 57 3/32 4079
36001000 1000 9 1/4 10 5/8 15 3/4 33 15/32 20 7/8 24 7/32 18 1/8 41 11/32 9 7/16 42 15/16 58 21/32 4519
36001250 1250 10 13/16 11 13/16 17 29/32 37 13/16 22 7/16 25 3/8 22 1/16 47 5/8 11 7/32 47 7/16 66 3/4 6614
36001500 1550 10 13/16 12 19/32 19 3/32 38 19/32 24 26 25/32 22 27/32 48 13/16 11 13/32 48 13/16 68 11/16 7275
36001750 1750 12 3/16 14 3/16 19 11/16 44 3/32 26 27 9/16 23 5/8 52 5/32 11 13/16 53 77 5/32 10362
36002000 2000 12 19/32 15 5/32 20 15/32 44 7/8 26 25/32 27 3/4 24 13/32 53 3/4 12 3/16 53 7/8 79 7/32 10582
36002500 2500 13 15 3/4 20 15/32 44 7/8 29 1/8 27 15/16 25 54 5/16 12 19/32 54 7/16 81 5/16 11905
36003000 3000 13 3/8 16 17/32 20 7/8 44 7/8 29 15/16 28 11/32 25 19/32 55 1/2 13 55 5/8 81 7/8 12787
36003500 3500 13 25/32 17 5/16 21 1/4 44 7/8 31 3/32 29 17/32 26 3/8 58 1/4 13 3/8 58 1/4 83 7/8 14991
36004000 4000 14 3/16 18 1/8 21 21/32 44 7/8 31 7/8 29 15/16 27 5/32 59 7/16 13 25/32 59 7/16 84 1/4 15873
Tolerance: Inside length ± 7.5%, all other forged parts ± 5%, machined parts ± 1/32 inch 11-01-2021
Safety factor : ≤ 2000 ton 5 times
> 2000 ≤ 3000 ton 4,5 times
> 3000 ton 4 times
Finish : Painted
Temperature range : ≤ 40 ton -20°C up to +200°C
> 40 ton -40°C up to +200°C, Polar Rated
Standard certification : Certificate of Conformity
3.1 material certificate EN 10204
* Shackles from WLL 30 ≤ 125 ton are not supplied with an eyebolt, shackles from WLL 900 ton completed with eyebolts on both sides
ton mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg
36000025 30 35 44 65 180 90 128 80 202 45 204 292 14
36000040 40 45 51 84 200 109 140 97 252 53 232 331 21
36000055 55 65 56 95 250 130 160 110 300 55 288 400 33
36000075 75 75 70 110 300 150 185 120 345 60 334 485 53
36000125 125 85 80 140 370 165 220 150 395 80 390 583 84
36000150 150 90 95 150 400 200 250 170 420 90 429 638 115 HOOKS
36000200 200 105 105 160 480 225 275 205 470 110 484 755 183
36000250 250 120 120 180 550 240 300 230 520 125 540 850 255
36000300 300 140 134 195 600 280 350 265 580 140 628 947 368
36000400 400 160 160 230 620 330 370 320 655 170 689 1035 571
36000500 500 170 180 265 680 350 440 340 710 180 779 1125 719
36000600 600 180 200 290 720 405 490 370 795 190 847 1213 960
36000700 700 210 215 320 780 465 540 400 880 210 957 1330 1350
36000800 800 220 230 345 800 465 555 420 925 220 990 1358 1400
36000900 900 235 250 370 850 480 585 440 1010 235 1060 1450 1850
36001000 1000 235 270 400 850 530 615 460 1050 240 1091 1490 2050
36001250 1250 275 300 455 960 570 645 560 1210 285 1205 1695 3000
36001500 1550 275 320 485 980 610 680 580 1240 290 1240 1745 3300
36001750 1750 310 360 500 1120 660 700 600 1325 300 1346 1960 4700
36002000 2000 320 385 520 1140 680 705 620 1365 310 1368 2012 4800
36002500 2500 330 400 520 1140 740 710 635 1380 320 1383 2065 5400
36003000 3000 340 420 530 1140 760 720 650 1410 330 1413 2080 5800
36003500 3500 350 440 540 1140 790 750 670 1480 340 1480 2130 6800
36004000 4000 360 460 550 1140 810 760 690 1510 350 1510 2140 7200
Tolerance: Inside length ± 7.5%, all other forged parts ± 5%, machined parts ± 1 mm 11-01-2021