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Abstraction: Lesson 1: Quantitative Data Collection

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What is the need for quantitative data collection?
In contrast to qualitative data, quantitative data is everything about figures and numbers.
Researchers often rely on quantitative data when they intend to quantify attributes, attitudes, behaviours,
and other defined variables with a motive to either back or oppose the hypothesis of a specific phenomenon
by contextualizing the data obtained via surveying or interviewing the study sample. As a researcher, you
do have the option to opt either for data collection online or use traditional data collection methods via
appropriate research. However, you will need computational, statistical, and mathematical tools to derive
results from the collected quantitative data.
Any traditional or online data collection method that helps in gathering numerical data is a proven
method of collecting quantitative data

Methods of Definition Types

Data Collection
• carried out by utilizing some form of • Simple random
random selection and enabling researchers sampling
to make a probability statement based on • Systematic
Probability random sampling
data collected at random from the targeted • Stratified random
demographic sampling
• standard method used for data collection. • Telephone
However, the interviews conducted to interviews
collect quantitative data are more • Face-to-face
Interviews structured, wherein the researchers ask interviews
only a standard set of questionnaires and
nothing more than that • Computer-
Assisted Personal
• are designed in a manner to legitimize the • Web-based
behavior and trust of the respondents. questionnaire
Surveys/questi More often, checklists and rating scale • Mail
onnaires type of questions make the bulk of Questionnaire
quantitative surveys as it helps in
simplifying and quantifying the attitude or
behavior of the respondents
• it is a pretty simple and straightforward • Structured
method of collecting quantitative data. In observation
this method, researchers collect
quantitative data through systematic
Observation observations by using techniques like
counting the number of people present at
the specific event at a particular time and
a particular venue or number of people
attending the event in a designated place
Document • is a process used to collect data after • Public Records
Review reviewing the existing documents. It is an • Personal
efficient and effective way of gathering Documents
data as documents are manageable and are • Physical Evidence
the practical resource to get qualified data
from the past. Apart from strengthening
and supporting the research by providing
supplementary research data document
review has emerged as one of the
beneficial methods to gather quantitative
research data.

Quantitative data is not about convergent reasoning, but it is about divergent thinking. It deals with
the numerical, logic, and an objective stance, by focusing on numeric and unchanging data. More often,
data collection methods are used to collect quantitative research data, and the results are dependent on the
larger sample sizes that are commonly representing the population researcher intend to study.


What is the need for qualitative data collection?

Qualitative research is a type of study carried out with a qualitative approach to understand the exploratory
reasons and to assay how and why a specific program or phenomenon operates in the way it is working. A
researcher can access numerous qualitative data collection methods that he/she feels are relevant.
Qualitative data collection methods serve the primary purpose of collecting textual data for research and
analysis. The collected research data is used to examine.
1. knowledge around a specific issue or a program, experience of people,
2. meaning and relationships, and
3. social norms and contextual or cultural practices demeaning people or impacting a cause.
The qualitative data is textual or non-numerical. It covers mostly the images, videos, texts, and written or
spoken words by the people. You can opt for any digital data collection methods, like structured or semi-
structured surveys, or settle for the traditional approach comprising individual interviews, group

Methods Definition Types

An individual or a face-to-face interview is a direct
conversation between two people with a specific
structure and purpose. The interview questionnaire is
Individual interview designed in the manner to elicit the interviewee’s
knowledge or perspective related to a topic, program,
or issue.
a piece of detailed information about a product or an • Paper
issue. If you want to create questionnaires for surveys
collecting textual or qualitative data, then ask more
open-ended questions. To answer such questions, the • Online
respondent has to write his/her opinion or perspective surveys
concerning a specific topic or issue. Unlike other
Qualitative surveys qualitative data collection methods, online surveys
have a wider reach wherein many people can provide
you quality data that is highly credible and valuable.
Also be considered a type of interview, but it is
conducted in a group discussion setting. Usually, the
focus group consists of 8 – 10 people (the size may
vary depending on the researcher’s requirement). The
researchers ensure appropriate space is given to the
Focus group participants to discuss a topic or issue in a context. The
discussions participants are allowed to either agree or disagree
with each other’s comments.
Observations is one of the traditional qualitative data collection • Covert
methods used by researchers to gather descriptive text • Overt
data by observing people and their behavior at events
or in their natural settings. In this method, the
researcher is completely immersed in watching or
seeing people by taking a participatory stance to take
down notes. Aside from taking notes, different
techniques such as videos, photographs, audio
recordings, tangible items like artifacts, and souvenirs
are also be used.

Qualitative research is one of the best methods for identifying the behavior and patterns governing social
conditions, issues, or topics. It spans a step ahead of quantitative data as it fails to explain the reasons and
rationale behind a phenomenon, but qualitative data quickly does.

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