Dermatological and Transdermal Formulations
Dermatological and Transdermal Formulations
Dermatological and Transdermal Formulations
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The past two decades have witnessed brilliant discoveries regarding the structure and func-
tions of the stratum corneum.
—Albert Kligman, 2000
An immense amount of research has been carried out over the past two decades on
the micromorphology of the skin, in particular of the stratum corneum, and the
important role that this organ plays in the maintenance of human life. It has also
been nearly two decades since the publication of Brian Barry’s book Dermatological
Formulations—Percutaneous Absorption. This book remains one of the most widely
and frequently cited references in the field of skin transport and also has been used
extensively as an introduction to the complexities surrounding the theory and de-
velopment of topical pharmaceutical products.
The introduction and subsequent success of transdermal therapeutic systems
have advanced our understanding of the structure of the skin and the mechanisms
of transport through the barrier membrane. In addition, technological developments
in molecular biology and pharmacology have led to an increased understanding of
the biochemistry of skin diseases. The result is the introduction of new therapeutic
strategies that use both existing and new chemical entities to treat skin diseases. This
volume serves as a useful addition to the literature in the dermatopharmaceutics field.
The rational treatment of skin diseases, based on the biochemical mechanisms
underlying the pathology, is discussed in Chapter 2. For example, vitamin D3 deriv-
atives, such as calcipotriol and calcitriol, have recently been introduced as topical
therapeutic modalities for the treatment of psoriasis. This is a result of the finding
iv Preface
that some compounds of this type possess a high binding affinity to specific cellular
receptors and are potent regulators of cell differentiation and inhibitors of cell pro-
liferation in human keratinocytes. Cosmetic scientists have long known the epidermal
advantages of another vitamin, retinol (vitamin A). Deficiency of this vitamin has
been implicated in squamous metaplasia and keratinization of epithelial tissue, and
several derivatives have been synthesized and evaluated for their effects in such
diseases as acne, psoriasis, and hyperkeratosis. The results have been somewhat
variable; however, the recent identification of several receptor proteins for retinoic
acid should lead to the development of more potent analogs with fewer side effects.
The ability to enhance skin penetration and permeation has been the subject of
considerable research over the past two decades and is reviewed in Chapter 6. The
science of penetration enhancement has expanded considerably over the past few
years, and it is now possible to increase drug delivery across the skin using both
chemical and physical means. Various synthetic (e.g., SEPA威 and Azone威) and nat-
ural (e.g., terpenes) compounds have proved useful in this respect. Moreover, there
is evidence that the skin penetration of large molecules such as insulin can be in-
creased using physical methods of enhancement, such as iontophoresis.
The use of the skin as a drug delivery route for both topical and systemic
therapy is covered in Chapter 7. Transdermal drug delivery using patches or semi-
solid formulations is now a reality with products available for travel sickness, hy-
pertension, angina, postmenopausal symptoms, male hypogonadism, pain, inflam-
mation, and smoking cessation. Problems of irritation are being overcome with the
development of skin-compatible materials, such as some of the newer pressure-sen-
sitive adhesives. The success of such systems has been achieved only by means of
a greater understanding of the physical and biochemical nature of the permeation
routes through the skin, especially in relation to the intercellular lipid lamellae of
the stratum corneum (as discussed in Chapters 1, 3, and 4). In addition, the methods
of studying percutaneous absorption, both in vivo and in vitro, have become more
standardized thanks to the efforts of the American Association of Pharmaceutical
Scientists (AAPS), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and other indus-
trial and regulatory bodies. Chapter 5 provides a complete description of the AAPS/
FDA guidelines for such experimentation, together with a full evaluation of the in
vivo tape-stripping procedure. This chapter also gives a description of the use of
cultured skin membranes for the study of irritation and other toxic responses to
materials applied to the skin.
The formulation of dermatological vehicles has become more innovative with
the introduction of many new excipient materials and the development of delivery
systems made up of vesicles such as liposomes and niosomes. These are discussed
in Chapters 6 and 7. As an example, the feasibility of using supersaturated solutions
as vehicles for improving dermal drug delivery has been established. This type of
strategy will undoubtedly reduce the amount of drug necessary for a therapeutic
effect, which should result in fewer local side effects and a lower incidence of
unwanted systemic effects. The use of liposomes and niosomes in cosmetic formu-
lation is reputed to impart beneficial properties to such products as moisturizers.
Although these types of vesicles can be useful in the targeting of pharmaceutical
agents to epidermal sites of action, their usefulness in transporting drugs across the
skin to systemic sites has yet to be fully established. The usefulness of multivariate
optimization in the scale-up of dermatological dosage forms is discussed in Chapter
Preface v
Kenneth A. Walters
Preface iii
Contributors ix
4. Skin Transport 89
Michael S. Roberts, Sheree Elizabeth Cross, and Mark A. Pellett
viii Contents
Index 549
Peter J. Dykes, B.Sc., Ph.D. Cutest (Skin Toxicity Testing Company), Cardiff,
C. Colin Long, F.R.C.P. Department of Dermatology, Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust,
Cardiff, Wales
An-eX Analytical Services Ltd., Cardiff, Wales
University of Queensland, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia
The skin is the largest organ of the body, accounting for more than 10% of body
mass, and the one that enables the body to interact most intimately with its environ-
ment. Figure 1 shows a diagrammatic illustration of the skin. In essence, the skin
consists of four layers: the stratum corneum (nonviable epidermis), the remaining
layers of the epidermis (viable epidermis), dermis, and subcutaneous tissues. There
are also several associated appendages: hair follicles, sweat ducts, apocrine glands,
and nails. Many of the functions of the skin can be classified as essential to survival
of the body bulk of mammals and humans in a relatively hostile environment. In a
general context, these functions may be classified as protective, maintaining homeo-
stasis, or sensing. The importance of the protective and homeostatic role of the skin
is illustrated in one context by its barrier property. This allows the survival of humans
in an environment of variable temperature; water content (humidity and bathing);
and the presence of environmental dangers, such as chemicals, bacteria, allergens,
fungi, and radiation. In a second context, the skin is a major organ for maintaining
the homeostasis of the body, especially in terms of its composition, heat regulation,
blood pressure control, and excretory roles. It has been argued that the basal meta-
bolic rate of animals differing in size should be scaled to the surface area of the
body to maintain a constant temperature through the skin’s thermoregulatory control
(1). Third, the skin is a major sensory organ in terms of sensing environmental
influences, such as heat, pressure, pain, allergen, and microorganism entry. Finally,
the skin is an organ that is in a continual state of regeneration and repair. To fulfill
2 Walters and Roberts
each of these functions, the skin must be tough, robust, and flexible, with effective
communication between each of its intrinsic components.
Many agents are applied to the skin either deliberately or accidentally, with
either beneficial or deleterious outcomes. The use of topical products was evident in
ancient times, and there are reports of systemic benefits of topical anti-infective and
hormonal agents in the 1940s. Modern transdermal patch technology was introduced
in the late 1970s. The main interests in dermal absorption assessment are in the
application of compounds to the skin (a) for local effects in dermatology (e.g., cor-
ticosteroids for dermatitis); (b) for transport through the skin for systemic effects
(e.g., nicotine patches for smoking cessation); (c) for surface effects (e.g., sunscreens,
cosmetics, and anti-infectives); (d) to target deeper tissues (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory agents [NSAIDs] for muscle inflammation); and (e) unwanted absorp-
tion (e.g., solvents in the workplace, agricultural chemicals, or allergens). Figure 2
summarizes these processes and sites of effect of compounds applied to the skin.
The skin became popular as a potential site for systemic drug delivery because it
Figure 2 (A) Structure of the skin and processes of percutaneous absorption and trans-
dermal delivery. Absorption can occur through sweat ducts (1), intercellular regions of the
stratum corneum (2), and through the hair follicles (3). (B) Dermal absorption, sites of action
and toxicity.
Structure and Function of Skin 3
4 Walters and Roberts
was thought to (a) avoid the problems of stomach emptying, pH effects, and enzyme
deactivation associated with gastrointestinal passage; (b) to avoid hepatic first-pass
metabolism; and (c) to enable control of input, as exemplified by termination of
delivery through removal of the device. In practice, as discussed later in this book,
delivery of solutes through the skin is associated with various difficulties, such as
(a) the variability in percutaneous absorption owing to site, disease, age, and species
differences; (b) the skin’s ‘‘first-pass’’ metabolic effect; (c) the reservoir capacity of
the skin; (d) irritation and other toxicity caused by topical products; (e) heterogeneity
and inducibility of the skin in both turnover and metabolism; (f) inadequate definition
of bioequivalence criteria; and (g) an incomplete understanding of the technologies
that may be used to facilitate or retard percutaneous absorption. However, the con-
trolled delivery of solutes through the skin continues to be of interest, with the further
development of technologies, such as chemical penetration enhancement, sonopho-
resis, transferosomes, and electroporation. The extent to which these are translated
into practice will be defined by time.
A. The Epidermis
The epidermis performs a number of functions, as shown in Figure 3, one of the
most important being the generation of the stratum corneum, as described later. The
stratum corneum is the heterogeneous outermost layer of the epidermis and is ap-
proximately 10–20 m thick. It is nonviable epidermis and consists, in a given cross-
section, of 15–25 flattened, stacked, hexagonal, and cornified cells embedded in a
mortar of intercellular lipid. Each cell is approximately 40 m in diameter and 0.5
m thick. The thickness varies, however, and may be a magnitude of order larger
in areas such as the palms of the hand and soles of the feet, areas of the body
associated with frequent direct and substantial physical interaction with the physical
environment. Not surprisingly, the absorption of solutes, such as methyl salicylate,
is slower through these regions than through the skin of other parts of the body. The
stratum corneum barrier properties may be partly related to its very high density (1.4
g/cm3 in the dry state), its low hydration of 15–20%, compared with the usual 70%
Structure and Function of Skin 5
for the body, and its low surface area for solute transport (it is now recognized that
most solutes enter the body through the less than 0.1-m–wide intercellular regions
of the stratum corneum). Each stratum corneum cell is composed mainly of insoluble
bundled keratins (⬃70%) and lipid (⬃20%) encased in a cell envelope, accounting
for about 5% of the stratum corneum weight. The intercellular region consists mainly
of lipids and desmosomes for corneocyte cohesion, as described later. The barrier
function is further facilitated by the continuous desquamation of this horny layer
6 Walters and Roberts
with a total turnover of the stratum corneum occurring once every 2–3 weeks. Ac-
cordingly, very lipophilic agents, such as sunscreens and substances binding to the
horny layer (e.g., hexachlorophane), may be less well absorbed into the body than
would be indicated by the initial partitioning of the agents into the horny layer from
an applied vehicle. The stratum corneum also functions as a barrier to prevent the
loss of internal body components, particularly water, to the external environment. It
is estimated that the efficiency of this barrier is such that water loss from ‘‘insensible
perspiration’’ is restricted to 0.5 L/cm2/h⫺1, or 250 mL of water per day for a normal
adult. Disorders of epithelization, such as psoriasis, lead to a faster skin turnover,
sometimes being reduced to 2–4 days, with improper stratum corneum barrier func-
tion formation.
The cells of the stratum corneum originate in the viable epidermis and undergo
many morphological changes before desquamation. Thus the epidermis consists of
several cell strata at varying levels of differentiation (Fig. 4). The origins of the cells
of the epidermis lie in the basal lamina between the dermis and viable epidermis. In
this layer there are melanocytes, Langerhans cells, Merkel cells, and two major
keratinic cell types: the first functioning as stem cells having the capacity to divide
and produce new cells; the second serving to anchor the epidermis to the basement
Figure 4 Epidermal differentiation: major events include extrusion of lamellar bodies, loss
of nucleus, and increasing amount of keratin in the stratum corneum. The diagram is not to
scale and only a few cells are shown for clarity.
Structure and Function of Skin 7
membrane (2). The basement membrane is 50–70 nm thick and consists of two
layers—the lamina densa and lamina lucida—which comprise mainly proteins, such
as type IV collagen, laminin, nidogen, and fibronectin. Type IV collagen is respon-
sible for the mechanical stability of the basement membrane, whereas laminin and
fibronectin are involved with the attachment between the basement membrane and
the basal keratinocytes.
The cells of the basal lamina are attached to the basement membrane by hemi-
desmosomes, which are found on the ventral surface of basal keratinocytes (3).
Hemidesmosomes appear to comprise three distinct protein groups: two of which are
bullous pemphigoid antigens (BPAG1 and BPAG2), and the other epithelial cell-
specific integrins (4–6). BPAG1 is associated with the organization of the cytoskel-
etal structure and forms a link between the hemidesmosome structure and the keratin
intermediate filaments. The integrins are transmembrane receptors that mediate at-
tachment between the cell and the extracellular matrix. Human epidermal basal cells
contain integrins ␣21, ␣31, and ␣64. Integrin ␣64 and BPAG2 appear to be the
major hemidesmosomal protein contributors to the anchoring of the keratinocyte,
spanning from the keratin intermediate filament, through the lamina lucida, to the
lamina densa of the basement membrane (7). In the lamina densa, these membrane-
spanning proteins interact with the protein laminin-5 which, in turn, is linked to
collagen VII, the major constituent of the anchoring fibrils within the dermal matrix.
It has also been suggested that both BPAG2 and integrin ␣64 mediate in the signal
transductions required for hemidesmosome formation (8) and cell differentiation and
proliferation. Integrin ␣31 is associated with actin and may be linked with laminin-
5. Epidermal wounding results in an up-regulation of these proteins that appears to
be involved with cell motility and spreading. The importance of maintaining a secure
link between the basal lamina cells and the basement membrane is obvious, and the
absence of this connection results in chronic blistering diseases such as pemphigus
and epidermolysis bullosa.
In addition to hemidesmosome cell–matrix binding, another site for adhesion
of the cells of the epidermal basal layer and the basal membrane is the adherens
junction (9). The adherens junction expresses a protein profile different from des-
mosomes and hemidesmosomes (10,11) and contains talin, vinculin, and cadherins,
and with the possible participation of type XIII collagen (12). Whereas the desmo-
somes and hemidesmosomes are linked to cytoplasmic keratin, the adherens junctions
are linked to cytoplasmic actin microfilaments.
The cohesiveness of, and the communication between, the viable epidermal
cells, the cell–cell interaction, is maintained in a fashion similar to the cell–matrix
connection, except that desmosomes replace hemidesmosomes. Adherens junctions
are also located at keratinocyte–keratinocyte borders (13,14). At the desmosomal
junction there are two transmembrane glycoprotein types: desmogleins and desmo-
collins (each of three subtype desmosome-specific cadherins), which are associated
with the cytoplasmic plaque proteins, desmoplakin, plectin, periplakin, envoplakin,
and plakoglobin (Fig. 5), and provide a linkage to keratin intermediate filaments. On
the other hand, in the adherens junction, classic cadherins act as transmembrane
glycoproteins and these are linked to the actin filaments by ␣-, -, and ␥-catenins
(15,16). Thus, in the epidermis, the desmosomes are responsible for interconnecting
individual cell keratin cytoskeletal structures, thereby creating a tissue very resistant
to shearing forces.
8 Walters and Roberts
The importance of the calcium ion in cell regulation and intercellular com-
munication has been known for some time (17). It is not surprising, therefore, that
the formation of desmosomes and hemidesmosomes appears to be induced by Ca2⫹
and mediated by protein kinase C (PKC) activation (18). The presence of Ca2⫹
activates the metabolism of inositol phospholipids, resulting in the generation of
diacylglycerol and inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate. The diacyglycerol subsequently acti-
vates protein kinase C, which plays an important role in keratinocyte differentiation
(19), and the inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate generates further Ca2⫹ influx into the cyto-
plasm. The epidermal distribution and function of Ca2⫹, and several other physio-
logical elements, has been recently reviewed (20). As discussed later, Ca2⫹ also plays
a role in proteolysis and desquamation.
Another cell type found in the epidermal basal layer is the Langerhans cell.
Although it has been proposed that these dendritic cells plays a role in the control
of the proliferation of keratinocytes (21), they have since become recognized as the
prominent antigen-presenting cells of the skin immune system (22,23). As such, their
Structure and Function of Skin 9
main function appears to be to pick up contact allergens in the skin and present these
agents to T lymphocytes in the skin-draining lymph nodes; thus, they play an im-
portant role in contact sensitization. Cell surface moieties on the Langerhans cells
are modified and the cells increase in size following topical application of hapten.
The activated cells migrate from the epidermis to the dermis and from there to the
regional lymph nodes where they sensitize T cells. The ability of Langerhans cells
to migrate from bone marrow, localize in a specific region of the epidermis, and
further migrate when activated, suggests that there is some mechanism for accu-
mulation in the epidermis, adhesion to keratinocytes and the basement membrane,
and for disruption of the adhesive bond. Migration into the epidermis may be me-
diated by granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), tumor ne-
crosis factor-␣ (TNF-␣), interleukin-6 (IL-6), transforming growth factor- (TGF-
), chemotactic cytokines, such as monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP), and
cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen (CLAA) (24). The adhesive bonds within
the epidermis appear to be formed by interaction of Langerhans cells with extracel-
lular matrix proteins, such as fibronectin and laminin, through 1-integrins (25).
Detachment of Langerhans cells from keratinocytes and the basement membrane
following skin sensitization may be mediated by epidermal cytokines, including GM-
CSF and TNF-␣ (26), whereas cell maturation, which occurs during transit to the
local lymph nodes, may be mediated by GM-CSF. Recently, it was shown that IL-
1 and TNF-␣ acted directly on Langerhans cells to reduce adhesion to keratinocytes
and the basement membrane by down-regulating the binding protein E-cadherin (27).
Melanocytes are a further functional cell type of the epidermal basal layer and
are also present in hair and eyes. The main function of these cells is to produce
melanins, high molecular weight polymers of indole quinone, which affect pigmen-
tation of the skin, hair, and eyes (28,29). Melanin is produced in the melanosomes:
membrane-bound organelles that are transferred to keratinocytes, probably by a pro-
cess involving phagocytosis (30), to provide a uniform distribution of pigmentation.
Intracellular movement of melanosomes is possibly mediated by actin and microtu-
bules (31). Visible pigmentation is dependent not only on the number, shape, and
size of the melanosomes, but also on the chemical nature of the melanin. Hair color
is governed by melanocytes which reside in the hair bulbs within the dermis (32).
Melanosomes are transferred to the growing hair shaft. The major function of skin
pigmentation is to provide protection against harmful environmental effects, such as
ultraviolet (UV) radiation, especially in the proliferating basal layers where the mu-
tagenic effects of this type of insult have particularly serious implications. Melano-
cytes remain attached to the basal layer and are thought to exist in a nonproliferative
state when in contact with undifferentiated keratinocytes. Recent studies have indi-
cated, however, that melanocytes can proliferate if they are separated from the basal
layer and surrounded by differentiated keratinocytes (33).
Regulation of melanogenesis is a complex process (34) involving some 80
genetic loci. It is mutations of these genes that lead to pathological states, such as
albinism, vitiligo, and Waardenberg’s syndrome. The initial substrate for melanin is
tyrosine, which is hydroxylated to dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA), and from there
may be processed through several routes to produce either the eumelanins (5,6-
dihydroxyindole melanin and 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid melanin) or
pheomelanins (Fig. 6). Eumelanins are brown–black, whereas pheomelanins are yel-
low–red. It is thought that interactions between the tridecapeptide ␣-melanocyte-
10 Walters and Roberts
stimulating hormone (␣-MSH) and agouti signal protein are responsible for govern-
ing the type of melanogenesis pathway followed and that, in conditions in which
␣-MSH dominates, eumelanins are produced. UV radiation appears to increase pro-
duction of the precursor hormone proopiomelanocortin, which increases ␣-MSH pro-
duction, resulting in increased levels of eumelanins (35,36).
The final type of cell found in the basal layer of the stratum corneum is the
Merkel cell. These cells can be distinguished from the keratinocytes by their clear
cytoplasm and lack of tonofilaments. The cells are closely associated with nerve
endings, present on the other side of the basement membrane, which suggests they
function as sensory receptors of the nervous system. Although histochemical evi-
dence demonstrating the presence of acetylcholinesterase suggests a sensory role for
Merkel cells, there has been no direct evidence for the release of neurotransmitters.
Indeed, acetylcholinesterases have been found in keratinocytes (37). Despite this lack
of confirmation, most researchers in the field agree that Merkel cells play a role (a)
in the mechanosensory system; (b) in trophic action on peripheral nerve fibers; (c)
in stimulating and maintaining proliferation and keratinocytes; and (d) in release of
bioactive substances to subepidermal structures (38,39).
B. The Dermis
The dermis, a critical component of the body, not only provides the nutrative, im-
mune, and other support systems for the epidermis, through a thin papillary layer
adjacent to the epidermis, but also plays a role in temperature, pressure, and pain
regulation. The main structural component of the dermis is referred to as a coarse
reticular layer. The dermis is about 0.1–0.5 cm thick and consists of collagenous
fibers (70%), providing a scaffold of support and cushioning, and elastic connective
tissue, providing elasticity, in a semigel matrix of mucopolysaccharides. In general,
the dermis has a sparse cell population. The main cells present are the fibroblasts,
which produce the connective tissue components of collagen, laminin, fibronectin,
and vitronectin; mast cells, which are involved in the immune and inflammatory
responses; and melanocytes involved in the production of the pigment melanin.
Contained within the dermis is an extensive vascular network providing for the
skin nutrition, repair, and immune responses and, for the rest of the body, heat
exchange, immune response, and thermal regulation. The blood flow rate to the skin
is about 0.05 mL min⫺1 cc⫺3 of skin, providing a vascular exchange area equivalent
to that of the skin surface area. Skin blood vessels derive from those in the subcu-
taneous tissues, with an arterial network supplying the papillary layer, the hair fol-
licles, the sweat and apocrine glands, the subcutaneous area, as well as the dermis
itself. These arteries feed into arterioles, capillaries, venules, and, thence, into veins.
Of particular importance in this vascular network is the presence of arteriovenous
anastomoses at all levels in the skin. These arteriovenous anastomoses, which allow
a direct shunting of up to 60% of the skin blood flow between the arteries and veins,
thereby avoiding the fine capillary network, are critical to the skin’s functions of
heat regulation and blood vessel control. Blood flow changes are most evident in
the skin in relation to various physiological responses and include psychological
effects, such as shock (‘‘draining of color from the skin’’) and embarrassment
(‘‘blushing’’); temperature effects; and physiological responses to exercise, hemor-
rhage, and alcohol consumption.
12 Walters and Roberts
C. The Subcutis
The deepest layer of the skin is the subcutaneous tissue or hypodermis. The hypo-
dermis acts as a heat insulator, a shock absorber, and an energy storage region. This
layer is a network of fat cells arranged in lobules and linked to the dermis by
interconnecting collagen and elastin fibers. As well as fat cells (possibly 50% of the
body’s fat), the other main cells in the hypodermis are fibroblasts and macrophages.
One of the major roles of the hypodermis is to carry the vascular and neural systems
for the skin. It also anchors the skin to underlying muscle. Fibroblasts and adipocytes
can be stimulated by the accumulation of interstitial and lymphatic fluid within the
skin and subcutaneous tissue (41).
D. Skin Appendages
There are four skin appendages: the hair follicles with their associated sebaceous
glands, eccrine sweat glands, apocrine sweat glands, and the nails. Each appendage
has a different function as outlined in Table 1. The hair follicles are distributed across
the entire skin surface with the exception of the soles of the feet, the palms of the
hand and the lips. A smooth muscle, the erector pilorum, attaches the follicle to the
dermal tissue and enables hair to stand up in response to fear. Each follicle is as-
sociated with a sebaceous gland that varies in size from 200 to 2000 m in diameter.
The sebum secreted by this gland (Table 2), consisting of triglycerides, free fatty
acids, and waxes, protects and lubricates the skin as well as maintaining a pH of
about 5. The fractional area for these is slightly more than 1/1000 of the total skin
surface (see Table 1). Also described in Table 1 are the eccrine or sweat glands and
apocrine glands, accounting for about two-thirds and one-third of all glands, respec-
tively. The eccrine glands are epidermal structures that are simple, coiled tubes aris-
ing from a coiled ball, of approximately 100 m in diameter, located in the lower
dermis. It secretes a dilute salt solution with a pH of about 5, this secretion being
stimulated by temperature-controlling determinants, such as exercise and high en-
vironmental temperature, as well as emotional stress through the autonomic (sym-
pathetic) nervous system (see Table 1). These glands have a total surface area of
about 1/10,000 of the total body surface. The apocrine glands are limited to specific
body regions and are also coiled tubes. These glands are about ten times the size of
the eccrine ducts, extend as low as the subcutaneous tissues and are paired with hair
In many respects the nail may be considered as vestigial in humans. However,
some manipulative and protection function can be ascribed. Certainly nail plate com-
position, layers of flattened keratinized cells fused into a dense, but somewhat elastic
Structure and Function of Skin
Table 1 Appendages Associated with the Skin
Hair follicle and sebaceous
Parameter gland Eccrine gland Apocrine gland Nails
Function Protection (hair) and lubrication Cooling Vestigal secondary sex Protection
(sebum) gland?
Distribution Most of the body Most of the body Axillae, nipples, anogenital Ends of fingers
and toes
Average/cm2 57–100 100–200 Variable —
14 Walters and Roberts
Squalene 15 15
Wax esters 25 25
Cholesteryl esters 2 2
Triglycerides 57 42
Fatty acids 0 15b
Cholesterol 1 1
Expressed as weight%.
Most abundant fatty acid in human sebum is C16:1.
Source: Courtesy of P. Wertz.
mass, will afford some protection to the highly sensitive terminal phalanx. The cells
of the nail plate originate in the nail matrix and grow distally at a rate of about 0.1
mm/day. In the keratinization process the cells undergo shape and other changes,
similar to those experienced by the epidermal cells forming the stratum corneum.
This is not surprising because the nail matrix basement membrane shows many
biochemical similarities to the epidermal basement membrane (42). Thus, the ex-
pression of integrins ␣21 and ␣31 within the nail matrix basement membrane zone
is indicative of a highly proliferative tissue. The structure of the keratinized layers
is very tightly knit but, unlike the stratum corneum, no exfoliation of cells occurs.
Given that it is a cornified epithelial structure, the chemical composition of the nail
plate is not remarkable, and there are many similarities to that of the hair (Table 3)
(43,44). Thus, the major components are highly folded keratin proteins (containing
many disulfide linkages) with small amounts (0.1–1.0%) of lipid, the latter presum-
ably located in the intercellular spaces. The principal plasticizer of the nail plate is
water, which is normally present at a concentration of 7–12%.
The nail plate comprises two major layers (the dorsal and intermediate layer)
with, possibly, a third layer adjacent to the nail bed (45,46). The dorsal nail plate is
harder and thinner than the intermediate plate, suggesting that there are differences
in the chemical composition of the two layers, which further suggests that applied
drugs may possess differing partitioning tendencies between the layers. The latter is
a particularly important consideration for the topical treatment of fungal infections
of the nail (onychomycoses) (47), and mechanisms for enhancing solubility and
diffusivity of drugs within these layers have been suggested (48).
description and many events occur that indicate that ‘‘dead’’ does not necessarily
indicate a lack of response.
A. Epidermal Differentiation
The development of the stratum corneum from the keratinocytes of the basal layer
involves several steps of cell differentiation, which has resulted in a structure-based
classification of the layers above the basal layer (the stratum basale). Thus the cells
progress from the stratum basale through the stratum spinosum, the stratum granu-
losum, the stratum lucidium, to the stratum corneum (49). Cell turnover, from stratum
basale to stratum corneum, is estimated to be on the order of 21 days.
The exact mechanism whereby keratinocytes in the basal layer are stimulated
to initiate the differentiation process is not fully understood. Protein kinase C and
several keratinocyte-derived cytokines may play a regulatory role in the differenti-
ation process (50,51). Thus, for example, interleukin-1 (IL-1) stimulates the produc-
tion of other cytokines, in both autocrine and paracrine fashion, which act to induce
proliferation and chemotaxis (Fig. 7). These inducing cytokines include GM-GSF,
transforming growth factor-␣ (TGF-␣), nerve growth factor, amphiregulin, IL-6, and
IL-8. On the other hand, transforming growth factor- (TGF-), the production of
which is also initiated by IL-1, suppresses keratinocyte growth, but stimulates ker-
atinocyte migration, the latter possibly as a result of modulation of hemidesmosomal
and desmosomal integrins. It has also been suggested that urokinase-type plasmin-
ogen activator (uPA) may activate growth factors and stimulate epidermal prolifer-
16 Walters and Roberts
ation (52). Generation and activation of the serine protease, plasmin, from plasmin-
ogen is induced by uPA and the activated plasmin instigates localized extracellular
proteolysis of cell surface adherent proteins and eventual disruption of the hemides-
mosomes. The increasing understanding of the role of cytokines in the maintenance
of epidermal homeostasis has stimulated research into the possibility of using such
compounds as active principles in cosmetic products (53).
The stratum spinosum (prickle cell layer), which lies immediately above the
basal layer, consists of several layers of cells that are connected to each other and
to the stratum basale cells by desmosomes and contain prominent keratin tonofila-
ments. The cells of the stratum spinosum have a larger cytoplasm than those of the
stratum basale. Within the cytoplasm are numerous organelles and filaments. It is
clear that the ␣-keratins of the stratum spinosum are somewhat different from those
found in the stratum basale (54), indicating that, although mitosis has ceased and a
phase of terminal differentiation has been initiated, the cell still maintains a capacity
to alter the transcriptional expression of its genes. In the outer cell layers of the
stratum spinosum, intracellular membrane-coating granules (100–300 nm in diam-
eter) appear within the cytosol, marking the transition between the stratum spinosum
and stratum granulosum.
Although further keratin differentiation occurs in the stratum granulosum
(55,56), new keratin synthesis stops. The most characteristic features of this layer
are the presence of many intracellular keratohyalin granules and membrane-coating
granules, the assembly of the latter appearing to take place in the endoplasmic re-
ticulum and Golgi regions (57,58). Within these granules lamellar subunits arranged
in parallel stacks are observed. These are believed to be the precursors of the inter-
cellular lipid lamellae of the stratum corneum (57,59). Also present in the lamellar
granules are hydrolytic enzymes, the most important of which is stratum corneum
chymotryptic enzyme (SCCE). SCCE is a serine protease that, because of its ability
to locate at desmosomal regions in the intercellular space, has been implicated in
the desquamation process (60–62). In the outermost layers of the stratum granulosum
the lamellar granules migrate to the apical plasma membrane where they fuse and
eventually extrude their contents into the intercellular space (57). At this stage in
the differentiation process, as a result of the release of selective lysing enzymes, the
keratinocytes lose their nuclei and other cytoplasmic organelles, become flattened
and compacted to form the stratum lucidum, which eventually forms the stratum
corneum. The extrusion of the contents of lamellar granules is a fundamental re-
quirement for the formation of the epidermal permeability barrier (63,64), and dis-
turbances in this process have been implicated in various dermatological disorders
The entire process of epidermal terminal differentiation is geared toward the
generation of the specific chemical morphology of the stratum corneum. Thus, the
end products of this process are the intracellular protein matrix and the intercellular
lipid lamellae.
velope consists of both protein and lipid components. The protein envelope (⬃10
nm thick) is a covalent, cross-linking of several proteins as a result of actions by
sulfhydryl oxidases and transglutaminases; whereas the lipid envelope (⬃5 nm thick)
are lipid attached covalently to the protein envelope. Sulfhydryl oxidases and trans-
glutaminases lead to the formation of disulfide and isopeptide bonds, respectively
(66). It has been suggested that cross-linking by the creation of N-(␥-glutamyl) lysine
isodipeptide bonds formed by epidermal transglutaminases is a reaction possibly
mediated by cholesterol sulfate (67). The envelope lies adjacent to the interior surface
of the plasma membrane. In addition to the predominant protein loricrin, several
other envelope precursor proteins have been identified including cystatin-␣ (68),
cornifin-␣ (69), elafin, and filaggrin (70). The predominance of the structural proteins
in the cornified envelope are as follows: involucrin (65 kDa; 2–5%), loricin (26 kDa;
80%), small proline-rich proteins (a family of 11–14 closely related proteins, in-
cluding cornifins and pancornulins, 6–26 kDa; 3–5%), and cystalin A or keratolinin
(12 kDa; 2–5%). There are also a range of proteins with an expression of less than
1%, including elafin, profilaggrin, keratin intermediate filaments, desmoplakin I and
II, S100 proteins, and annexin I (also called lipocortin I) (66).
Formation of the envelope is believed to occur in two stages. In the first stage
soluble proteins, such as involucrin and cystatin-␣, form a scaffold to which other
insoluble precursors, including loricrin, are added in the latter stage. Thus, the cor-
nified envelope is formed by the sequential deposition of consecutively expressed
proteins starting with the fixation of involucrin as a scaffold on the intracellular
surface of the plasma membrane in a calcium- and phospholipid-dependent manner.
It is cross-linked to desmoplakin and envoplakin and also covalently bound to -
hydroxyceramides. Other proteins then reinforce the envelope by attaching, including
loricin and small proline-rich proteins (66). The cross-linked protein complex of the
corneocyte envelope is very insoluble and chemically resistant. Cornified cell en-
velopes are also present in the hair follicle and nail matrix but, although morpho-
logically similar, the pattern and types of precursor are slightly different from those
of the epidermis (71).
It is currently proposed that the corneocyte protein envelope plays an important
role in the structural assembly of the intercellular lipid lamellae of the stratum cor-
neum. The work of Downing and colleagues (72–75) has demonstrated that the
corneocyte possesses a chemically bound lipid envelope comprised of N--hydroxy-
ceramides that are ester-linked to the numerous glutamate side chains provided by
the -sheet conformation of involucrin in the envelope protein matrix (74) (Fig. 8).
Recent molecular modeling of the human involucrin molecule has suggested that a
conventional ␣-helical conformation could also provide the requisite number of glu-
tamate side chains for ester linkage (76). The lipids of the cornified cell envelope
are resistant to extraction by chloroform–methanol mixtures, but can be extracted
following alkaline hydrolysis. This lipid envelope may provide the framework for
the generation of the intercellular lipid lamellae. Inhibition of the formation of N--
hydroxyceramides may be achieved using aminobenzotriazole, an inhibitor of type
4 cytochrome P450. Behne et al. (77) demonstrated that, in the absence of N--
hydroxyceramides, the stratum corneum intercellular lipid lamellae were abnormal
and permeability barrier function was disrupted. These data provide direct evidence
supporting the important roles of N--hydroxyceramides in epidermal barrier ho-
meostasis and corneocyte lipid envelope formation.
Structure and Function of Skin 19
Figure 8 The corneocyte protein envelope plays an important role in the structural assem-
bly of the intercellular lipid lamellae of the stratum corneum. The corneocyte possesses a
chemically bound lipid envelope comprised of N--hydroxyceramides that are ester-linked to
the numerous glutamate side chains provided by the -sheet conformation of involucrin in
the envelope protein matrix. (From Ref. 74.)
Figure 9 There are distinct alterations in the distribution of lipid type during the course
of epidermal differentiation. Polar phospholipids, which dominate in the basal layer, are vir-
tually absent in the outer layers of the stratum corneum. Levels of ceramides and neutral
lipids increase in the latter stages of terminal differentiation.
stabilization of the lamellae (92). Wertz (93) and Nemes and Steinhardt (66) have
suggested that the long-chain ceramides constituting the lipid envelope and attached
covalently to the protein envelope function in a ‘‘Velcro-like’’ fashion by interdigi-
tating with the intercellular lipids, allowing the structural integrity of the lipid la-
mellae to be maintained.
The functions of the individual ceramide type are not fully understood, and the
knowledge that has been accumulated is based mainly on examination of barrier
function, lipid content, and lipid distribution in diseased skin. For example, acylcer-
amides, isolated from acne comedones and the skin of patients with acne, contained
higher proportions of saturated and monounsaturated C16 and C18 fatty acids, and less
linoleate than those isolated from control subjects (94). Distribution of free fatty
acids showed a similar pattern. Reduction in dietary linoleate in experimental animals
results in epidermal hyperproliferation and impaired skin barrier function (95). In
patients with acne, epidermal hyperproliferation produces a keratinous follicular plug
that results in the formation of a comedone. These observations suggested a potential
role of ceramide 1 as an essential constituent of the skin barrier and, possibly, as a
mediator of epidermal proliferation (96). Also, the distribution and amount of cer-
amide types in psoriatic scales is different from that in normal skin (97), but the
significance of this anomaly is unknown. Similarly, ceramide content was reduced
in the stratum corneum of patients with atopic dermatitis (98).
In many biological membranes cholesterol acts as a stabilizer and reduces the
mobility of the alkyl chains. The exact function of cholesterol and cholesterol esters
in the stratum corneum intercellular lamellae are unknown, although it is likely that
cholesterol acts to reduce fluidity of the ceramide alkyl chains. Cholesterol and cer-
amides are present at almost equimolar proportions throughout the stratum corneum.
Norlén et al. (99) obtained values of 37%mol for ceramides and 32%mol for cho-
lesterol using human forearm skin (interestingly, the molar distribution of cholesterol
esters and free fatty acids was also similar at 15%mol and 16%mol, respectively).
This finding supports the suggestion that cholesterol and ceramide may interact on
a molecular one-to-one basis in the stratum corneum intercellular lamellae (100).
There is strong evidence that cholesterol interacts with phospholipids to form one-
to-one molar complexes involving hydrogen bonding of the 3--hydroxyl of choles-
terol with the glyceryl oxygen at the 2 position of the phospholipid (101). It is
possible that a similar type of binding occurs between ceramides and cholesterol
within skin lipids.
The exact functions of cholesterol esters within the stratum corneum lamellae
are also elusive. It is theoretically possible that cholesterol esters may span adjacent
bilayers and serve as additional stabilizing moieties. Similarly, the role of fatty acids
is unclear. The recent work of Norlén and colleagues (102) has indicated that the
free fatty acids of the stratum corneum are composed entirely of saturated long-chain
acids, the majority of which are lignoceric acid (C24, 39%mol) and hexacosanoic
acid (C26, 23%mol). The authors extracted lipid from the deeper layers of the stratum
corneum and concluded that the sometimes reported presence of shorter-chain sat-
urated and unsaturated fatty acids in the outer layers of the stratum corneum is the
result of contamination from sebaceous gland lipid and the environment.
Overall, the intercellular lipid lamellae appear to be highly structured, very
stable, and constitute a highly effective barrier to chemical penetration and perme-
ation. However, the exact structure and physical state of the stratum corneum inter-
24 Walters and Roberts
cellular lipid lamellae are not known. Forslind and colleagues (103,104) proposed a
domain mosaic model in which the long-chain ceramides are in a crystalline state,
whereas short-chain and unsaturated free fatty acids are in the liquid state. The model
proposes that large crystalline domains are surrounded by thin liquid crystalline chan-
nels and suggests that any water present in the region is associated with the liquid
crystalline phase or the corneocytes. Considerable information on lipid structure
within the stratum corneum has been generated by Bouwstra and colleagues (105–
108) using small-angle X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopic tech-
niques. These and earlier studies have shown that the lipid lamellae of the stratum
corneum are orientated parallel to the corneocyte surface and have repeat distances
of approximately 6.0–6.4 and 13.2–13.4 nm. Bouwstra et al. (107) have proposed
that the broad band represents regions where ceramide moieties are partly inter-
digitating, and the narrow band represents regions of full interdigitation.
In a more recent study on lipid packing (109), the Leiden group have evaluated
lipid organization of the stratum corneum using electron diffraction. Whereas wide-
angle X-ray diffraction techniques were able to demonstrate lattice spacings that were
consistent with orthorhombic (crystalline) packing of the lipids (reflections at 0.415
and 0.375 nm), they cannot confirm the presence or absence of hexagonal (gel)
packing, where only the 0.415 nm reflection occurs. On the other hand, electron
diffraction technology can distinguish between orthorhombic and hexagonal packing.
In this elegant study the authors found that, although the majority of lipids in the
intercellular space were present in the crystalline state, there were some lipids ex-
isting in the gel state that has a slightly looser hexagonal packing arrangement in
the outer layers of the stratum corneum. It was suggested that the existence of the
gel phase represents the influence of contaminating sebaceous lipid in this region,
but it is tempting to speculate that the alteration in lipid states in these outer layers
is somehow related to the process of desquamation. Fenske et al. (110) showed a
similar lateral packing in model membrane systems made of stratum corneum lipids.
E. Desquamation
The mechanisms underlying the desquamation of stratum corneum cells are not fully
understood. Suzuki et al. (111) suggested that, through the action of two types of
serine protease, the degradation of desmosomes leads to desquamation. Certainly
there has to be proteolysis of any intercellular adhesive structures between the ter-
minal keratinocytes. Egelrud’s group have suggested that desquamation may be reg-
ulated by the extent of activation of protease precursors and changes in the pH of
the stratum corneum intercellular space (112–114). Tape strips of the outer layers of
human stratum corneum contained precursors and active forms of both stratum cor-
neum chymotryptic enzyme and stratum corneum tryptic enzyme (113). Although
both enzymes possessed maximum activity at pH 8.0, considerable activity was re-
tained at pH 5.5 (the pH of the skin surface).
Other proteins that may play a role in desquamation include cathepsin D, a
protease active in the acid range (115), desquamin (116), and stratum corneum ge-
latinase (117).
Relevant to the discussion on desquamation is the role of corneodesmosomes
or corneosomes, a description for homogeneously electron-dense desmosomes in the
intercellular region. Much emphasis has been placed on the protein corneodesomosin,
Structure and Function of Skin 25
which is located in the extracellular part of the desmosomes and adjacent parts of
the cornified cell envelope. It has been suggested that this protein is continuously
degraded, providing an explanation for the gradient of increased corneocyte cohe-
siveness from the skin surface toward deeper layers (118). It has been postulated
that cell cohesion is lost through proteolytic degradation, which may be inhibited by
calcium ions.
Scaly skin diseases may sometimes be a consequence of a disrupted desqua-
mation process. Desquamation is associated with a conversion of cholesterol sulfate
to cholesterol (119). Interestingly, X-linked ichthyosis, a scaly disease characterized
by a disrupted desquamation process, is identified with a lack of the enzyme cho-
lesterol sulfatase (120). More recent work (121) has shown that hyperkeratosis at-
tributable to desmosomes is associated with an increased content of cholesterol sul-
fate in patients with X-linked ichthyosis. It is apparent that cholesterol sulfate retards
desquamation by acting as a serine protease inhibitor.
It has been suggested that the vesicle-like structures observed by van Hal et
al. (126) may depict the lacunae that result from desmosomal degradation (127).
Lacunae are discontinuous microdomains located in the extracellular space in the
middle to outer layers of the stratum corneum (128). During hydration the lacunae
provide an obvious site for water pooling and, during prolonged exposure to water,
lateral expansion of the lacunae occurs through polar head regions of the intercellular
lipids (Fig. 11) (127). Although the expansion of the individual lacunae may lead to
a continuous lacunar system, this process does not appear to disrupt the lipid la-
mellae. Menon and Elias (127) have proposed that the continuous lacunal system
may represent a putative ‘‘poor’’ pathway through the stratum corneum.
It is well recognized that natural moisturizing factor (NMF) can make up to
10% of the corneocyte dry weight and, as humectants, these materials can sorb water
extensively. There appears to be an absence of NMF in severe, dry flaking skin in
both psoriasis and ichthyosis vulgaris. Rawlings et al. (88) have pointed out that the
amino acids to which filaggrin is proteolyzed are themselves precursors for the nat-
ural moisturizing factor. Glutamine is converted to the potent humectant, pyrrolidone
carboxylic acid, a major component of NMF, whereas histidine is converted to uro-
canic acid. Interestingly, filaggrin is converted to NMF only when the water activity
is between 0.70 and 0.95, filaggrin being stable at higher water activities and pro-
teolysis being impeded by low water activity. Hence, under occlusive conditions the
stratum corneum NMF level decreases to close to zero, and all corneocytes contain
filaggrin. The result of this homeostatic mechanism is that the skin has prevented
itself from being ‘‘overhydrated.’’
In conclusion, the current observations suggest that stratum corneum hydration
does not lead to an overall decrease in intercellular lipid order and only small
amounts of water are present in the intercellular polar head group regions (89).
Therefore, it is tempting to revisit a possible mechanism by which hydration pro-
motes percutaneous absorption, which has been raised in an earlier review (122). In
that model, swelling of the keratin is akin to the ‘‘bricks’’ becoming swollen in the
‘‘bricks-and-mortar’’ model of the stratum corneum, with a loosening of the inter-
cellular lipid ‘‘mortar.’’ The overall effect should be an increase in the mobility of
the chains and in permeability, without an effect on the lipid ordering.
B. Chemical Damage
When the stratum corneum is perturbed, several localized biochemical events occur
that result in rapid reconstitution of barrier function (64,129–137). Thus, in extreme
cases of stratum corneum damage, such as acetone-induced delipidation (129–131)
or tape-stripping (137), there appears to be a biphasic pattern of recovery: a rapid
phase of repair, followed by a slower phase of normalization. The initial rapid phase
of barrier recovery involves the expeditious secretion of preformed lamellar bodies
from the granular cells into the intercellular space (64), an increase in epidermal
cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis (134,135), and accelerated production and secre-
tion, into the intercellular space, of new lamellar bodies. The subsequent and slower
phase of barrier repair involves an increase in ceramide synthesis (135) and an in-
crease in DNA synthesis (136) leading to epidermal hyperplasia. A similar response
to barrier perturbation occurs following treatment of the skin with sodium dodecyl
sulfate (SDS) (137), but the magnitude of the response depends on the severity of
Structure and Function of Skin 27
the induced perturbation. It is remarkable that the initial perturbation, which occurs
in the outermost layers of the stratum corneum, can rapidly stimulate biochemical
events in the stratum granulosum and lower levels of the epidermis.
Although the exact mechanisms stimulating these events are unknown, there is
some indication that a change in the rate of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) in-
duced by barrier alterations, may play a role (131). This increase in TEWL may lead
to focal changes in the concentration of certain ions in the outer epidermis. In the
normal state, the epidermis possesses a Ca2⫹ ion gradient such that there is more
Ca2⫹ in the outer layers than the inner (138). Following barrier disruption the Ca2⫹
gradient is lost. The presence of higher levels of intracellular Ca2⫹ in the outer
epidermis is believed to block lamellar body secretion (139,140), and reduced levels
will stimulate secretion. In addition, K⫹ may play a role in this homeostatic mech-
anism and may also influence barrier repair independently of Ca2⫹ (141). Thus,
although there are still many uncertainties concerning the biochemistry of barrier
repair, there is much evidence that suggests the role of ion concentration and the
induction of lipid-producing enzymes; such as 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme
A and serine palmitoyl transferase (142).
Perturbation of barrier function sometimes, but not always, also induces an
inflammatory response that results in irritation. It is important to appreciate that
irritation is used to describe skin reactions that can range from a mild and transient
erythema or itch, to serious vesiculation (see Chaps. 12 and 13). Whereas the insults
of solvent delipidation and tape-stripping of the stratum corneum result in barrier
repair and epidermal hyperplasia, they do not necessarily lead to an irritant reaction.
On the other hand, application of SDS almost always results in an irritant response
(143,144). Although solvent delipidation and tape-stripping of the stratum corneum
both physically remove the intercellular lipid lamellae, which results in considerable
increases in TEWL, SDS intercalates with the lamellae and increases fluidity in this
region (145), resulting in an increase in TEWL. Furthermore, although other surface-
active agents, such as sodium laurate and polysorbates, can increase TEWL to levels
similar to SDS, the resultant irritation is much less and, in some cases, not signifi-
cantly different from untreated skin (146). It follows that irritation subsequent to
exposure to SDS must be a result of factors other than an increase in water transport
and the stimulation of lipogenesis.
That surface-active agents can cause skin irritation is well established and has
been so for many years (147). Also, whereas ionic surfactants can cause severe
irritation, nonionic surfactants are considered virtually nonirritant in normal use
(148,149). Thus, much of the research on surfactant-induced skin irritation has in-
volved studies on SDS. The collective data suggest that SDS can interact with both
lipid and protein structures in the stratum corneum. Interaction with lipids will in-
crease lipid fluidity and thereby enhance skin permeability. This alone, however,
apart from increasing its own permeation, will not account for the irritation caused
by SDS. Although SDS can penetrate into the corneocyte and interact with the protein
structure such that ␣-keratin is uncoiled (150), it is difficult to relate this aspect to
an irritant response. A more likely explanation for the irritation induced by SDS is
its capacity to stimulate keratinocyte production of inflammatory mediators such as
IL-1 and PGE2 (151). Whether this induction is secondary to some interaction be-
tween SDS and the corneocyte cell membrane is unknown.
Structure and Function of Skin 29
C. Biochemical Abnormalities
There are a large number of diseases that can affect epidermal barrier function, and
it is beyond the scope of this chapter to consider any of these in great depth. Some
of the diseases affect the formation of the corneocyte (‘‘broken brick syndrome’’)
whereas other affect the intercellular lipid (‘‘weak mortar syndrome’’). For instance,
Nemes and Steinhardt (66) refer to more than ten different diseases involving genes
that encode keratin intermediate filaments, including Unna–Thost disease and tylosis.
Other genetic diseases are related to defects in the genes associated with the structural
proteins of the cornified envelope or transglutaminases. For instance, a genetic defect
in TGM1, the gene that encodes the transglutaminase I enzyme, leads to a life-
threatening disease: lamellar ichthyosis (66).
A reduction of the effective intercellular lipid barrier properties can lead to
deficiencies ranging from dry skin (depletion of lipids owing to excessive use of
detergents), to hyperproliferation and abnormal scaling. Causes include essential fatty
acid deficiency, abnormal intercellular deposition of various lipids, accumulation of
30 Walters and Roberts
Figure 12 Creation of free space (free volume) in the intercellular lipid lamellae of the
stratum corneum allows a greater mobility of the hydrocarbon chains that may result in
enhanced diffusivity. This could be induced by enhancer shape [e.g., oleic acid and lauroca-
pram (Azone)] or by electrostatic headgroup interactions.
Structure and Function of Skin 31
The aim of this chapter has been to introduce the reader to the basic morphology
and function of skin, to outline the stages in the development of the barrier layer, to
define the chemical makeup of the stratum corneum, and to illustrate repair mech-
anisms following barrier disruption. What is evident is that the skin is more than
another simple biological barrier membrane, into and through which therapeutic
agents can be delivered. Rather, the skin should be viewed as an extremely selective
semipermeable membrane overlying a powerful immune system ready to react to
any given insult. Although it is difficult to resolve the latter, without pharmacological
intervention, the problem of membrane permeability may be approached by several
diverse strategies. It is important to fully understand the mechanisms of percutaneous
absorption and the means by which skin permeation is quantified. The remaining
chapters in this book develop the concept of the skin, both as a therapeutic target
and as a portal for drug delivery to the systemic sites. Formulation development and
scale-up are addressed together with a comprehensive evaluation of bioequivalence
for dermatological and transdermal dosage forms. Finally, consideration is given to
adverse cutaneous reactions and safety aspects of formulations applied to the skin.
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Common Skin Disorders and Their
Topical Treatment
Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust, Cardiff, Wales
Dermatologists have the advantage over other clinicians in that their patients present
with diseases that are usually visible and accessible. This means that the majority of
skin diseases may be treated topically with treatment delivered directly to the desired
site of action, thereby avoiding, or at least we hope attenuating, the potential for
systemic side effects. Systemic treatment may be needed if the skin disease is severe,
recalcitrant, or fails to respond to topical therapy. The aim of this chapter is to
provide a brief synopsis of common skin disorders and their current topical treatment
for nonspecialists. A glossary of common dermatological terms has been included at
the end of this chapter (see Sec. XII).
A. Introduction
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of unknown etiology that affects
between 1 and 3% of the population. There is increased proliferation of the epidermis
with infiltration of inflammatory cells within the dermis and epidermis, coupled with
dilation of the upper dermal capillaries. Psoriasis tends to run in families and may
be associated with certain HLA phenotypes; individuals with first-degree relatives
with psoriasis are more likely to develop the disease themselves. Abnormalities of
arachidonic acid metabolism have been demonstrated within psoriatic plaques, and
it is possible that arachidonic acid and its metabolites may be intimately involved
in the psoriatic process. An increase in the levels of prostaglandins (PGs) may cause
42 Long
B. Clinical Patterns
Several clinical patterns in psoriasis are recognized. The most common is chronic
plaque psoriasis in which there are erythematous plaques of psoriasis with an over-
lying silvery scale usually affecting the elbows, knees, and at times, the scalp and
lower back (Fig. 1). Guttate psoriasis, which may be precipitated by a streptococcal
infection of the throat, is characterized by numerous small, scaling erythematous
plaques on the trunk and limbs. Psoriasis may also affect the flexures and may cause
a glazed erythematous appearance similar to that seen in seborrheic eczema.
Erythrodermic psoriasis is characterized by severe erythema affecting the whole
of the patient’s skin. This may develop following deterioration of the patient’s pso-
riasis or be precipitated by use of potent topical or systemic steroids. There may be
associated systemic symptoms, and the patient is at risk from hypothermia owing to
excessive heat loss, dehydration, and cardiac failure.
Figure 1 A large plaque of psoriasis on the trunk: There is erythema with overlying silvery
Treatment of Skin Disorders 43
C. Topical Therapy
1. Emollients
Emollients act by blocking transepidermal water loss and help to soften and soothe
the skin. In psoriasis, they help reduce scaling and may make the skin more com-
fortable. Patients should be encouraged to use an emollient bath oil or shower gel
when bathing and to apply emollients when other treatments (see later discussion)
have been washed off. There are numerous emollients available, and it is important
that the patient tries several until they find one that suits them best. Emollients are
particularly beneficial in patients with erythrodermic or pustular psoriasis who are
unable to tolerate other more ‘‘active’’ forms of topical therapy.
2. Coal Tar
Many preparations of coal tar are available, and there are differences between the
composition of coal tar obtained from different sources. Coal tar may be formulated
in different vehicles to produce creams, gels, and pastes. The mode of action is
unclear, but it is believed to have an antimitotic effect on proliferative cells (5). Tar
is also a photosensitizer and may be used in combination with ultraviolet light (UV)B
radiation therapy in the Goeckerman regimen. Crude coal tar preparations have the
disadvantages of mess and smell, but do not cause systemic toxicity. Tar preparations
may be applied to normal skin without ill-effect, but may be irritant to the skin of
the face, flexures, and genitals, and can cause folliculitis. It is doubtful whether
concentrations of crude coal tar greater than 10% are of any additional benefit. Coal
tar solutions (in alcohol) are cleaner and more cosmetically acceptable, but they are
less potent and less effective.
3. Anthralin (Dithranol)
Anthralin [known abroad as dithranol], a synthetic derivative of chrysarobin (an
extract of tree bark) is the most effective topical antipsoriatic treatment. Similar to
tar, its mechanism of action is unknown, but anthralin is known to act as an anti-
mitotic agent by reducing DNA synthesis (6), and it also inhibits the enzyme glucose-
6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Anthralin is active only in its reduced form and thus
must be combined with an antioxidant. In Lassar’s paste, anthralin is combined with
salicylic acid, which acts as a kerotolytic agent (and will help remove scale), and in
Dithrocream, ascorbic acid is present as an antioxidant. Anthralin may cause irrita-
tion, burning, and staining of the skin, and may also stain clothing. It is important
to initiate therapy with a weak concentration (such as 0.1%) and then increase the
concentration as the patient’s tolerance increases. In Ingram’s method of applying
anthralin the patient soaks in a warm bath containing coal tar solution (1:800) and,
after drying, is exposed to UVB radiation. A paste of the agent is then applied to
the lesions. This procedure is repeated daily. In the hospital anthralin is frequently
44 Long
left on for several hours, but short-contact therapy, in which it is washed off 30–60
min after application, may be more convenient for outpatients.
4. Calcipotriol [Calcipotriene]
Calcipotriol [known in the United States as calcipotriene] is a vitamin D analogue
that has benefit in psoriasis. Vitamin D analogues reverse the increased proliferation
and other changes seen in psoriatic skin, and this may be through intracellular vi-
tamin D receptors known to be present in epidermal keratinocytes, Langerhans cells,
T lymphocytes, and macrophages (7). Vitamin D analogues may also affect the in-
flammatory cell infiltrate. Calcipotriene (ointment or cream) has the advantage of
being cosmetically more acceptable to patients than tar or anthralin (dithranol) prep-
arations, but may cause irritant dermatitis in some patients. Patients are limited to a
maximum of 100 g/week because there is a potential risk of hypercalcemia and
5. Topical Steroids
Topical steroids have anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, antimitotic, and vaso-
constrictive effects on the skin. Topical steroids are effective in reducing the inflam-
matory changes seen in psoriasis, but there is a risk of precipitating widespread
erythroderma, particularly if potent preparations are used, or if topical steroids are
suddenly withdrawn. For these reasons, topical steroids are usually avoided in the
general treatment of psoriasis. However, weak topical steroids are useful in treating
areas such as the scalp, face, and flexures, where other treatments such as tar, an-
thralin, or calcipotriene are likely to cause irritation.
6. Treatment of Scalp Psoriasis
Scalp psoriasis, similar to psoriasis elsewhere, will respond to a similar range of
topical therapy although the presence of hair makes treatment more difficult. Appli-
cation is messy. For thick plaques on the scalp topical therapies include oil of cade,
‘‘ung. cocois,’’ and combinations of coal tar and salicylic acid (such as 6% coal tar
and 3% salicylic acid), all of which are effective at removing scale and settling
inflammation. These preparations may be applied to the scalp and left on overnight
before being washed out in the morning with a tar-based shampoo. Patients should
be warned to use old pillowcases or towels, or to wear a showercap to protect
bedding. Other more cosmetically acceptable preparations include calcipotriene scalp
solution (Dovonex), 0.025% fluocinolone acetonide gel (Synalar gel), and 0.1% be-
tamethasone valerate (Betnovate scalp application). Various tar-based shampoos can
be used to reduce mild inflammation and scaling.
A. Classification of Eczema
Eczema may be considered as either endogenous or exogenous. The terms eczema
and dermatitis are synonomous, although dermatitis is sometimes used to imply that
the eczema has been caused by an external agent (exogenous). Endogenous eczemas
include atopic eczema, seborrheic eczema, discoid eczema, pompholyx, and varicose
eczema. Exogenous eczemas include both irritant and allergic contact dermatitis as
Treatment of Skin Disorders 45
Figure 2 Excoriated atopic eczema in the flexural aspects of the elbow: There is licheni-
fication with increased prominence of the skin markings.
46 Long
C. Contact Dermatitis
Irritant contact dermatitis is caused by (usually repeated) exposure to chemical or
mechanical trauma. Some individuals seem more prone than others. In allergic con-
tact dermatitis the sensitizing agent (antigen) crosses the stratum corneum to reach
the epidermal Langerhans cells. The antigen is processed by the Langerhans cells
and presented to circulating T lymphocytes with subsequent development of a clone
of T lymphocytes with a specific memory for that particular antigen. In an individual
sensitized to a particular antigen, repeat exposure to that antigen will result in mi-
gration of the sensitized T lymphocytes to the site of exposure, with initiation of the
inflammatory eczematous process. Both irritant and allergic contact dermatitis usu-
ally start at the site(s) of initial or more frequent contact, but may spread to involve
other areas.
D. Treatment of Eczema
In exogenous irritant or allergic contact dermatitis the mainstay of treatment is to
identify the precipitating agent and to avoid it if at all possible. Otherwise the same
general principles apply to the treatment of all forms of eczema. If there is a pos-
sibility that the eczema may be infected, skin swabs should be submitted for bacterial
culture and sensitivity and, if appropriate, an antibiotic such as flucloxacillin should
be prescribed. For acute, particularly wet and weeping eczema, astringent solutions
such as potassium permanganate (1:10,000) are indicated. The involved area, such
as hands or feet, can be placed in a bowl of the solution or, alternatively, wet gauze
swabs may be applied directly to the skin. The majority of patients with eczema
have a chronic, dry scaling, rash. These patients should be advised to use emollients
frequently. They should also avoid soap and use soap substitutes, such as emulsifying
ointment or Diprobase, wherever possible. Emollient bath oil and gels should be
used when bathing, and ointments and creams applied to the skin after bathing. If
these simple measures fail to settle the eczema, a topical corticosteroid may be
necessary. Topical corticosteroids have an anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive,
antimitotic, and vasoconstrictive action on the skin. These actions are mediated by
a nuclear receptor for hydrocortisone to which other steroids also bind (9). The
stronger the affinity of the steroid for the receptor the more potent the steroid. The
anti-inflammatory action of the corticosteroids depends on the induction of peptides,
known as lipocortins, which antagonize the actions of phospholipase-A2 which acts
to release arachidonic acid from membrance phospholipids. Other effects of corti-
costeroids include lysosomal and cellular membrane stabilization, a reduction in the
number of epidermal Langerhans cells, and modulation of the migration of inflam-
matory cells.
Topical corticosteroids are classified as being mild (e.g., hydrocortisone 1%),
moderately potent (e.g., clobetasone butyrate 0.05%), potent (e.g., betamethasone
valerate 0.1% or hydrocortisone butyrate 0.1%), or as very potent (e.g., clobetasol
propionate 0.05%).
Creams are suitable for moist or weeping areas of eczema, whereas ointments
should be used for dry, scaly, or lichenified areas. Local side effects of topical steroids
include masking or worsening of infection (especially fungal infections), thinning of
the skin, induction of striae, bruising and telangectasia, on aggravation of rosacea.
Treatment of Skin Disorders 47
Use of more potent topical steroids may result in pituitary–adrenal axis suppression,
iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome, and stunted growth.
In general, one should aim to use a steroid of sufficient potency to control the
eczema, and then aim to reduce the potency of the topical steroid preparation as the
eczematous rash improves. There is a tendency for the eczematous rash to rebound
when treatment is stopped or the potency of the topical steroid is decreased. The
aim should be for the patient to use the least potent topical corticosteroid that will
control the rash and, preferably, to use simple emollients only. It is important that
patients are prescribed adequate quantities of topical therapy and that these are ap-
plied regularly. There is doubt as to whether topical steroids need to be applied twice
daily and some topical steroids such as fluticasone propionate 0.05% (Cutivate) or
mometasone furoate 0.1% (Elocon) are claimed to be effective when applied once
daily. Patients may apply moisturizers ad lib in between applications of cortico-
Coal tar preparations may be helpful with reducing the pruritis of eczema and
may be particularly valuable in lichenified and localized eczema, such as lichen
simplex. Occlusive bandaging, such as Viscopaste, Coltapaste, or Ichthopaste band-
ages, may be of benefit, particularly if the eczema is excoriated. The bandages are
soothing and prevent further excoriation. Some patients, however, may develop sen-
sitivity to the preservatives found in these bandages.
Infection with S. aureus can frequently exacerbate eczema and patients may
benefit from the use of a combined topical steroid antibiotic preparation such as
Fucibet. However, topical antibiotics may cause sensitization, and, in recent years,
the problem of sensitization to topically applied corticosteroids themselves has also
been recognized, and should be considered if the eczema fails to settle.
E. Seborrheic Eczema
In infants, seborrheic eczema may present as greasy adherent scale on the scalp
(cradle cap). Seborrheic eczema in adults principally affects the greasier areas of the
body, including the scalp, eyebrows, eyelids, nasal–labial areas, and chin. In young
men, it may also affect the presternal area and upper back and, in the elderly, may
involve the flexures and may become generalized. Individuals who are immunosup-
pressed (including those with human immunodeficiency virus; HIV) are more prone
to develop seborrheic eczema. It is possible that, in affected individuals, the com-
mensal yeast-like microorganism Pityrosporum ovale has become pathogenic and
provokes an inflammatory response (10). Cradle cap in infants may be treated with
olive oil or arachis (peanut) oil. In adults, weak topical steroids, with or without
azoles such as miconazole, clotrimazole, or ketoconazole, may be used. Ketoconazole
shampoo, used two or three times weekly as a liquid soap to wash the affected areas,
can also be helpful. Topical 8% lithium succinate cream has also been of use.
A. Introduction
Acne is one of the most common and distressing of skin diseases commonly present
during adolescence and usually (but not always) resolves in early adult life. Seventy
percent of the population develop acne, but only a relatively small proportion seek
48 Long
Figure 3 Nodular acne of the face and neck: There are pustules, papules, nodules, and
cysts present. There is a high risk of scarring without treatment.
medical attention. Several variants of acne are recognized, including infantile acne,
which occurs on the face during the first few months and usually settles spontane-
ously, and occupational acne, resulting from exposure to oil, coal tar, chlorinated
hydrocarbons, or insecticides. Acne may be precipitated or exacerbated by certain
combined oral contraceptive pills or by androgenic hormones.
Acne vulgaris commonly affects the face, chest, and upper back, and usually
presents during puberty. The clinical features include an increased rate of sebum
secretion, comedones, papules, and pustules (Fig. 3). Severe acne may be compli-
cated by atrophic or nodular keloid-type scars or by the formation of chronic nodules
and cysts (Fig. 4).
Patients with acne tend to have a higher sebum excretion rate than others, and
there is a degree of correlation between the sebum secretion rate and the severity of
the acne (11,12). Circulating androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands with resulting
hypertrophy and increased sebum secretion. Furthermore, there is abnormal keratin-
ization of the epithelium lining the hair follicle, which may lead to obstruction of
the follicle with resulting comedone (blackhead) formation. Propionibacterium ac-
nes, a gram-positive commensal bacterium, proliferates within the obstructed hair
follicle, and may break down the lipid esters of sebum to liberate potentially irritating
fatty acids (13). Eventual rupture of the wall of the obstructed follicle and the release
of fatty acids into the surrounding dermis will result in an inflammatory response.
B. Treatment of Acne
The aims of treatment are to reduce the bacterial population of the hair follicles; to
encourage the shedding of comedones; to reduce the rate of sebum production; and
to reduce the degree of inflammation. Topical therapy is appropriate for mild-to-
moderate acne, but more severe forms of acne, in which there is a risk of scarring,
will require systemic therapy. Skin cleansers such as Phisomed or Hibiscrub are of
some value. Benzoyl peroxide reduces comedone formation, as well as reducing the
population of P. acnes, and may also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Benzoyl
peroxide cream may be applied twice daily at an initial concentration of 2.5% and
increased to 5 or 10% as tolerated. Benzoyl peroxide can have an irritant effect and
may also bleach both hair and clothing.
1. Topical Antibiotics
Topical erythromycin, clindamycin, and tetracycline are all effective in acne (14–
17). These antibiotics reduce the population of P. acnes and Staph. epidermidis, and
may have a separate anti-inflammatory action. The advantage of topical antibiotics
is the reduction in the risk of potential systemic side effects, and this is particularly
true with topical clindamycin. Topical tetracyclines may cause some yellow staining
of clothing and fluoresce under ultraviolet radiation. It is also possible that they may
exacerbate the problem of bacterial antibiotic resistance.
2. Topical Retinoids
Topical retinoids, including tretinoin and isotretinoin, act by decreasing epidermal
proliferation and reducing the abnormal keratinization process in the hair follicle.
This prevents new comedones forming and softens and removes existing comedones.
There is also a reduction in the level of P. acnes within the hair follicle. Although
topical retinoids are of particular value in severe acne, when there are numerous
comedones present, they are also effective in other forms of mild to moderate acne.
Initially, there may be some increased irritation and pain, but this usually settles with
use. Tretinoin cream is preferable to tretinoin gel for those with dry or fair skin.
3. Azelaic Acid
Azelaic acid, a dicarboxylic acid, produced by the yeast Pityrosporum, has been of
benefit in mild-to-moderate acne (18). The mode of action is unknown, but similar
to other acne treatments, may normalize follicular keratinization (possibly by reduc-
ing filagrin formation) and may reduce the population of P. acnes. Twenty percent
azelaic acid cream is well tolerated but may cause some local irritation.
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder, affecting the face, which causes
persistent erythema associated with telangectasia and papules. It most commonly
50 Long
Figure 5 Rosacea with erythema, telangiectasia, and papules: There is also a bulbous
enlargement of the nose (rhinophyma).
affects the forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin. Characteristically small pustules and
papules arise on a background of erythema and telangectasia (Fig. 5). The patients
may also complain of flushing in response to trivial stimuli. The rash may resemble
that seen in acne, but rosacea usually affects an older-aged group and is not char-
acterized by comedones. Persistent inflammation of the nose may result in rhino-
phyma (an irregular bulbous enlargement of the nose characterized by prominent hair
follicles). Over 30% of patients with rosacea may also suffer with conjunctivitis and
blepharitis. The etiology of rosacea is unknown, although the Demodex folliculorum
mite is present in increased numbers (19).
It is possible that rosacea is the result of repeated environmental trauma (cold
wind, ultraviolet radiation, and heat) which damage the upper dermal collagen and
vasculature. Rosacea-like symptoms may be precipitated by the prolonged use of
even moderately potent topical steroids on the face. Topical metronidazole gel
(0.75%) applied twice daily is effective therapy for most individuals with rosacea.
Figure 6 Multiple flat-topped violaceous papules of lichen planus on the flexural aspects
of the wrist.
disease. Topical tretinoin 0.05% and isotretinoin 0.1% have also been used to treat
multiple solar keratoses.
Sunscreens are preparations that filter out or reflect harmful ultraviolet radiation.
Various disorders may be precipitated or aggravated by exposure to ultraviolet light.
These include polymorphic light eruption, Hutchinson’s summer prurigo, cutaneous
porphyria, rosacea, and lupus erythematosus. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation is also
a major risk factor for both malignant melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer as
well as photoaging. Recurrent attacks of herpes simplex may also be precipitated by
ultraviolet exposure. Sunscreens differ greatly in their protective capacity and some
of the newer sunscreens also offer some degree of protection against ultraviolet A.
Ulcers may be seen at any body site, but are most commonly seen on the legs,
probably caused by a combination of trauma and impaired circulation. The venous
return of blood from the legs depends on efficient working of the calf muscles to
act as a pump coupled with the action of valves in the deep veins preventing the
reflux of blood. Damage to the valves of the deep veins following deep vein throm-
bosis may be associated with pregnancy. Injury or immobilization may also lead to
valvular incompetence.
The most common types of ulcer are venous ulcers caused by leaking valves
in the deep veins, resulting in venous hypertension, and edema of the subcutaneous
tissue. An extravascular accumulation of fibrinous material leaked from dermal blood
vessels results in a fibrous cuff around the capillaries that prevents diffusion of
oxygen and other nutrients through the blood vessel wall as well as causing fibrosis,
and sclerosis of the dermal capillaries. Venous ulcers are more common in women
than men and result from inadequate provision of nutrients and oxygen to the skin.
Venous ulcers are most commonly seen on the medial aspect of the lower leg usually
above the medial malleolus (inner aspect of the ankle) (Fig. 7). Large ulcers may
encircle the leg.
On examination, the lower leg and ankle and foot may be edematous, there
may be prominent varicose veins present. Leakage of blood into the skin may cause
deposition of hemosiderin. The ulcers may heal spontaneously or may become
chronic and indolent. The ulcers may be complicated by infection, bleeding or by
eczema. Varicose eczema, surrounding the ulcer, is common, and in many patients,
it may be due to allergic contact hypersensitivity to medicaments, such as neomycin
clioquinal (Vioform), lanolin, or ethylene diamine, used in treating the leg ulcer or
eczema. Rarely, in long-standing ulcers, malignant change with the development of
squamous cell carcinoma may occur, and patients with long-standing ulcers may
become anemic. It is important to try and improve venous return (drainage) by
1. Elevation of the legs for regular periods
2. Compression bandaging with elasticated stockings or bandages (which
should be graduated so that pressure is greatest at the ankle and least at
the top of the dressing)
Treatment of Skin Disorders 53
Figure 7 A large venous ulcer on the medial (inner) aspect of the leg.
3. Regular exercise
4. Weight reduction
Exudate and slough should be removed and ulcers may be cleaned with normal
saline, sodium hypochloride solution, Eusol, or 5% hydrogen peroxide. Topical an-
tiseptics, such as povidone iodine or potassium permanganate, may help reduce the
bacterial load. Crust may be loosened by the application of saline- or potassium
permanganate-soaked dressings. Local surgical debridement may be necessary for a
thick eschar. Hydrogen peroxide cream 1.5%, streptokinase/streptodornase solution
(Varidase) may also be useful in helping remove thick slough.
Numerous dressings are available to treat leg ulcers, including nonadherent
gauze, paraffin gauze, silver sulfadiazine (Flamazine), and absorbent hydrocolloid
dressings. Any ulcerated area of skin will rapidly become colonized with numerous
different bacteria, and these should be treated only if they are causing local cellulitis.
The main function of leg ulcer dressings should be to provide comfort, protection
for the wound, and an optimum local environment to allow reepithelization. Hydro-
colloid dressings have the advantage that they may be left in situ for several days
before changing. They have the disadvantages of an unpleasant odor and an unpleas-
ant fluid may collect beneath the dressing. Surrounding (varicose) eczema may be
treated with topical corticosteroids.
Ischemic leg ulcers are due to reduced circulation secondary to atherosclerosis,
vasculitis, or other causes of arterial obstruction. Arterial ulcers tend to be more
sharply defined and painful than venous ulcers. In the leg, they are more common
on the anterior aspect of the shin, rather than the medial aspect of the ankle. Com-
pression bandaging will impair arterial blood supply further and thus it is important
that arterial pulses are examined and if necessary Doppler ultrasound or other in-
vestigations are performed so that arterial ulcers are not incorrectly treated with
compression. Ulcers may also occur in diabetes, and vasculitis, or may be due to
pyoderma gangrenosum, as well as secondary to infection, trauma, or malignant
Decubitus ulcers (pressure sores) are the result of localized ischemia secondary
to prolonged pressure in patients who are immobile. They are most common over
54 Long
the sacrum ischial tuberosities, heels, occiput, shoulders, and elbows. The ulcers are
often deep and sloughy. Neuropathic ulcers result from decreased cutaneous inner-
vation, resulting in diminished sensation, and are most commonly seen on the feet.
Leg ulcers may also be due to sickle cell disease, idopathic thrombocytopenic pur-
pura, tuberculosis, syphillis, and deep fungal infections.
B. Dermatophyte Infections
Dermatophyte infection (ringworm) is restricted to invasion of the stratum corneum,
nails, and hair. The dermatophytes, Trichophyton, Epidermophyton, and Microsporum
species may infect humans. Microsporum species are usually acquired from infected
cats or dogs (M. canis) and are a frequent cause of tinea capitis (ringworm affecting
the head) in children. Infections from farm or other animals tend to cause more
vigorous inflammation than those from other sources. The infection may be diag-
nosed from microscopy of skin, nail, or hair treated with potassium hydroxide. Al-
ternatively, the fungus may be cultured.
Tinea corporis (ringworm affecting the skin of the trunk or limbs) often presents
as a pruritic, annular, erythematous, scaling plaque, which may resemble a patch of
Treatment of Skin Disorders 55
eczema or psoriasis, but is often solitary. Tinea cruris (ringworm affecting the groin)
presents as a well-demarcated pruritic erythematous scaling rash affecting the groins.
The rash may extend onto the thigh and genitalia. Trichophyton rubrum and Epi-
dermophyton floccosum are the most common causative fungi. Tinea pedis (ringworm
affecting the feet) may affect the skin of the toe web spaces, sole, or may extend
onto the sides and dorsal aspect of the feet. Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes;
and E. floccosum are the most common causative organisms.
Tinea manuum is a chronic form of ringworm affecting the hands (frequently
only one palm will be affected); T. rubrum is the most commonly identified organism.
Tinea unguium (ringworm affecting the nail plate and nail bed) may be caused by
T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes, or E. floccosum. Affected nails are often thickened
and have a yellowish discoloration. Onycholysis (separation of the nail plate from
the nail bed) may also be seen.
Tinea incognito is the term used to describe dermatophyte infections treated
inappropriately with topical corticosteroids, which suppress the inflammatory re-
sponse, but allow the fungus to proliferate.
Topical imidazole creams (e.g., miconazole, econozole, or clotrimazole), which
interfere with ergosterol synthesis and thereby impair fungal cell wall permeability,
when used twice daily for 2 weeks, are adequate for most limited areas of fungal
infection. The more recently introduced topical allylamine terbinafine is also very
effective (20). More extensive infections, or involvement of the nail or scalp will
require systemic therapy.
C. Bacterial Infections
Various acute bacterial infections may affect the skin. These include impetigo, ery-
sipelas, cellulitis, furuncles, carbuncles, anthrax, diphtheria, and various mycobac-
terial infections, including tuberculosis and leprosy. Of these only impetigo (in which
a small area is infected) or furuncles, which are both caused by Staphylococcus
aureus, are amenable to topical treatment. In impetigo, which is more common in
young children, an inflamed erythematous area with a yellow crust may develop on
exposed skin. Local treatment with antibiotic washes, such as Phisomed or Hibiscrub,
and topical mupirocin or fucidic acid (Fucidin) ointment may be sufficient. More
extensive areas, larger than a few centimetres in diameter, will require treatment with
systemic antibiotics.
1. Antibiotics
Furuncles are hair follicles infected with S. aureus and present as yellow-headed
pustules. They are commonly seen on the back of the neck in men or in patients
treated with ointments or tar (particularly if the skin has been occluded). Extensive
areas of folliculitis (furuncles) will require systemic floxacillin (flucoxacillin), but
solitary or isolated lesions will respond to topical mupirocin or sodium fusidate
(Fucidin). Mupirocin (pseudomonic acid) interferes with bacterial protein synthesis,
has the advantage of no cross-resistance with other antibiotics and is available only
as a topical preparation. It is effective against both staphylococci and streptococci
and may be used in the treatment of folliculitis, infected eczema, and as prophylaxis
against nasal carriage of staphylococci. Fucidic acid inhibits bacterial protein syn-
thesis and is particularly effective against staphylococcal skin infections. Topical
56 Long
D. Viral Infections
1. Herpes Simplex
Herpes simplex type I commonly causes herpetic lesions on the face and oropharynx
whereas herpes simplex type 2 affects the genitalia. Following a primary infection,
the virus may become latent within nerve ganglia and recurrent episodes may occur
periodically. In children, primary herpes simplex type 1 infection presents as an acute
gingivostomatitis with vesicles (which may subsequently ulcerate) scattered on the
lips and buccal mucosa. The infection is accompanied by malaise, headache, and
fever. Primary herpes simplex type 2 infections are usually sexually transmitted and
cause multiple painful genital or perianal blisters and ulcers. The virus can also be
inoculated to other areas, or other individuals during contact sports such as rugby or
wrestling. Recurrent infections occur more or less at the same site each time, and
are often precipitated by ultraviolet stress, respiratory tract infections, or menstrua-
tion. There may be a preceeding discomfort or tingling followed within a few hours
by the development of erythema and vesicle formation. The episodes are usually
self-limiting. A crust often develops within 48 h and the lesions resolves within 5 or
6 days. Some patients with recurrent herpes simplex develop a widespread rash
known as erythema multiforme.
Topical antiseptics or antibiotics may prevent secondary bacterial infections,
and topical 5-idoxuridine lotion or acyclovir cream applied five times daily at the
first sign of discomfort may be effective in reducing the length and severity of attacks
(21). Following entry into herpes-infected cells, acyclovir is phosphorylated to the
active compound, acyclovir triphosphate, by herpesvirus-coded thymidine kinase.
Acyclovir triphosphate inhibits herpes-specific DNA polymerase, thereby preventing
further viral synthesis (22).
Herpes zoster (shingles) is caused by a reactivation of the varicellar–zoster
virus which causes childhood chickenpox. Following an attack of chickenpox, the
virus may remain dormant in a sensory root ganglion and may become reactivated
at a later date, often many years later. Shingles is more common in the elderly, those
with lymphoma, AIDS, or other causes of immunosuppression. The attacks often
Treatment of Skin Disorders 57
start with unilateral paresthesiae or pain and there may be accompanying systemic
upset and fever. Vesicular lesions similar to those seen in varicella (chickenpox)
develop within the course of the cutaneous nerve. Approximately 25% of patients
develop a distressing postherpetic neuralgia that may persist for months, or some-
times years, after the rash has settled. Although topical therapy has little role in
treating acute herpes zoster, topical antiseptics, such as Betadine paint may prevent
secondary bacterial infection. Recently, a counterirritant cream containing capsaicin
at a concentration of 0.75% (Axain) has been introduced for the treatment of post-
herpetic neuralgia, and this should be applied three or four times daily after the
herpetic lesions have healed (23).
2. Viral Warts
Viral warts are caused by infection with one of the many papillomaviruses, and are
spread by direct contact from infected individuals or possibly from shed skin on
changing room floors. Warts present as horny nodules in which small black throm-
bosed capillaries may be seen. Wart infections may persist for many months and
even years, but most resolve spontaneously. Topical therapies, including salicylic
acid (10–50%), lactic acid (4–20%), podophyllin (up to 15%), or glutaralderhyde
(10%), may be effective. Topical podophyllin (15%) in compound benzoin tincture
may be applied weekly to external genital warts and should be washed off 6 h after
application. The preparation is irritant and care should be taken not to apply the
paint to nonaffected skin. Severe toxicity has been reported to be caused by treatment
of extensive lesions. Podophyllotoxin 0.5% may be applied to genital warts for 3-
consecutive days and repeated weekly for up to 5 weeks if necessary.
3. Molluscum Contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum is a common viral infection, caused by a poxvirus, and is
common in childhood. Individuals with atopic eczema are particularly prone to in-
fection. Small pink umbilicated papules occur on the skin of the trunk and limbs.
The lesions usually resolve spontaneously within a few months but may be treated
by curettage, cryotherapy, or topical salicylic acid preparations as used for viral
warts. An alternative is to squeeze the papule with a forceps so as to express the
contents and to then apply silver nitrate, phenol, or iodine.
E. Scabies
Scabies is an infestation with the mite Sarcoptes scabei var. hominis, which is spread
by close skin-to-skin contact. The female mite burrows into the human stratum cor-
neum and lays her eggs. Affected individuals become sensitized to the mite and to
their waste products. Individuals who are immunosuppressed may develop extensive
infestation. Scabies presents as a severe generalized pruritus, affecting the trunk and
limbs, which is often worse at night. The patient may have a generalized eczematous
rash which may become impetiginized, and small linear streaks of scabies burrows
may be seen, in particular on the flexural aspect of the wrists, on the palm, on the
sides of the fingers, and on the soles of the feet. In men, papular lesions on the
genitalia are common. Norwegian scabies is characterized by infestation with large
numbers of mites and is most commonly seen in immunosuppressed patients, such
as those with leukemia or HIV infection. Patients develop crusted water lesions on
58 Long
the hands and feet which contain hundreds of mites. This form of scabies is highly
contagious owing to the large number of mites present.
Benzyl benzoate (25% lotion), 10% sulfur in yellow soft paraffin, lindane (1%
lotion), malathion (0.5% lotion), and permethrin (5% cream), all are effective. How-
ever, lindane should be avoided during pregnancy or in nursing mothers. It is im-
portant that all members of an affected household and any person having close
physical contact should be treated whether symptomatic or not. Treatment should be
applied to the whole body and in infants and younger children this should include
the scalp, neck, face, and ears. It is important that all areas, particularly the finger
and toe web spaces, and the genital areas are adequately treated. Two ‘‘coats’’ should
be applied (using a 2-in. paint brush for lotions if possible) to ensure all areas are
treated. The treatment should be washed off after 24 h and all clothing changed. The
most common causes of treatment failure are failure to treat all members of a house-
hold or failure to treat all areas of the body. It is important to warn patients that the
pruritus associated with infestation may persist for several days after treatment, and
topical steroids applied after successful treatment of the mites can help to settle the
F. Insect Bites
Some individuals seem particularly sensitive to bites from flea and other insects.
They develop pruritic papules and sometimes blister at the site of injury. Topical
corticosteroids may be of benefit, and any potential animal source should be treated.
For further information and good pictorial examples of the skin conditions described
in this chapter the reader is referred to the following compendia.
Champion RH, Burton JL, Ebling FJG, eds. Textbook of Dermatology. Oxford: Blackwell
Scientific, 1992.
Lawrence CM, Cox NH. Physical Signs in Dermatology. London: Wolfe, 1993.
du Vivier A. Atlas of Clinical Dermatology. 2nd ed. London: Gower Medical, 1993.
1. Brain S, Camp R, Dowd P, Kobza-Black A, and Greaves M. The release of leukotriene
B4 like material in biologically active amounts from the lesional skin of patients with
psoriasis. J Invest Dermatol 83:70–73, 1984.
2. Woolard PM. Stereochemical differences between 12-hydroxy-5,8,10,14-eicosatetrae-
noic acid in latelets and psoriatic lesions. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 136:169–76,
3. Gearing AJ, Fincham NJ, Bird CR, Wadhwa M, Meager A, Cartwright JE, Camp RD.
Cytokines in skin lesions of psoriasis. Cytokine 2:68–75, 1990.
4. Schröder J–M, Christophers E. Identification of C5a des arg and an anionic neutrophil
activating peptide (ANAP) in psoriatic scales. J Invest Dermatol 87:53–58, 1986.
5. Griffiths WAD, Wilkinson JD. Topical therapy. In: Champion RH, Burton J, Ebling FJG,
eds. Textbook of Dermatology. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific, pp 3054–3055, 1992.
6. Griffiths WAD, Wilkinson JD. Topical therapy. In: Champion RH, Burton J, Ebling FJG,
eds. Textbook of Dermatology. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific, pp 3055–3056, 1992.
7. Milde P, Hauser U, Simon T, Mall G, Ernst V, Haussler MR, Frosch P, Rautertberg EW.
Expression of 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D3 receptors in normal and psoriatic skin. J Invest
Dermatol 97:230–239, 1991.
60 Long
8. Hansen AE. Serum lipid changes and therapeutic effects of various oils in infantile
eczema. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 31:160–161, 1933.
9. Marks R. Topical corticosteroids: treatment of eczematous disorders. In: Munson PL,
ed. Principles of Pharmacology: Basic Concepts and Clinical Applications. New York:
Chapman & Hall, pp 1223–1226, 1995.
10. Hay R, Roberts SOB, and Mackenzie DWR, Mycology. In: Champion RH, Burton J,
Ebling FJG, eds., Textbook of Dermatology. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific, pp 1176–
1179, 1992.
11. Burton JL, Schuster S. The relationship between seborrhoea and acne vulgaris. Br J
Dermatol 84:600–601, 1971.
12. Cunliffe WJ, Schuster S. Pathogenesis of acne. Lancet 1:685–687, 1969.
13. Ebling FJG, Cunliffe WJ. Disorders of the sebaceous glands. In: Champion RH, Burton
J, Ebling FJG, eds., Textbook of Dermatology. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific, pp 1699–
1744, 1992.
14. Dobson RL, Belknap BS. Topical erythromycin solution in acne: results of a multi-clinic
trial. J Am Acad Dermatol 3:478–482, 1980.
15. Feucht CL, Allen BS, Chalker BK, Smith JG. Topical erythromycin with zinc in acne:
a double-blind controlled study. J Am Acad Dermatol 3:483–491, 1980.
16. Gloor M, Kraft H, Franke M. Effectiveness of topically applied antibiotics on anaerobic
bacteria in the pilosebaceous duct. Dermatologica 157:96–104, 1984.
17. Stoughton RB. Topical antibiotics for acne vulgaris. Arch Dermatol 115:486–489, 1979.
18. Nazzaro–Porro M, Passi S, Picardo M. Beneficial effect of 15% azelaic acid cream on
acne vulgaris. Br J Dermatol 109:371–374, 1983.
19. Spickett SG. Aetiology of rosacea. Br Med J 1:1625–1626, 1962.
20. Ryder NS. Terbinafine: mode of action and properties of squalene epoxidase inhibition.
Br J Dermatol 126(suppl 39):2–7, 1992.
21. Fiddian AP, Yeo JM, Stubbings R, Dean D. Successful treatment of herpes labialis with
topical acyclovir. Br Med J 286:1699–1701, 1983.
22. Motley RJ. Viral skin disease and its treatment. In: Munson PL, ed. Principles of Phar-
macology: Basic Concepts and Clinical Applications. New York: Chapman & Hall, pp
1255–1257, 1995.
23. Westerman RA, Roberts RG, Kotzmann RR, Westerman DA, Delaney C, Widdop RE,
Carter BE. Effects of topical capsaicin on normal skin and affected dermatomes in herpes
zoster. Clin Exp Neurol 25:71–84, 1988.
Basic Mathematical Principles in
Skin Permeation
sound knowledge of the underlying mathematical principles of membrane transport
is essential if we are to expand our understanding of how membrane barriers fulfill
their function and how we can alter their properties to our advantage. The subject
of the mathematics of diffusion are enough to fill entire books (1), but in this chapter
we have attempted to pick out those mathematical solutions and descriptions that are
both commonly used and most appropriate in the field of percutaneous absorption.
It is the purpose of this work to attempt to present these equations in a manner that
will enable readers to apply them to real numbers generated in their laboratories.
At its simplest and most ideal a membrane can be described as a homogeneous
slab of an inert material, with a finite and uniform thickness. This is a convenient
theoretical picture and, although it is somewhat removed from the reality of such
complex biological membranes as the stratum corneum, it is a logical model with
which to begin when attempting to construct any sort of mathematical treatise of the
process of membrane permeation.
Much of the early mathematics relating to transmembrane diffusion had its
origins in the theoretical description of heat transfer and conductance. Indeed, the
most basic of the diffusion equations, Fick’s first law, has its roots here.
62 Watkinson and Brain
The foregoing series of diffusional events occurs because the system in question
is not at equilibrium, and the laws of thermodynamics dictate that it must move
toward such a state. This irreversible tendency toward the achievement of a lower-
energy state arises as the result of increased entropy within the system and can be
expressed in terms of a net decrease in the Gibbs free energy of the system where,
under isothermal conditions,
⌬G = ⌬H ⫺ T⌬S
where ⌬G represents the free energy change, ⌬S is the decreasing entropy of the
system, T the temperature (in this case constant), and ⌬H the change in enthalpy.
The process of diffusion is driven primarily by the increase in entropy associated
with movement toward a more disordered (mixed) system, but in nonideal cases
(which are very common) is accompanied by some change in enthalpy.
In the example discussed thus far we have examined the interdiffusion of two
species (i.e., the movement of two mobile phases into each other). The purpose of
this chapter is to examine the diffusion of one mobile phase (the permeant) into a
second stationary phase (the membrane). Here, we may view the membrane as a
fixed plane of reference and consider only the flux of the permeant into it. To un-
derstand this in terms of the bidiffusional process, described earlier, we can consider
the void space and other mobile molecules within a membrane to be the second
diffusing substance.
Ji = ⫺Li 冉 冊
冉 冊 冉 冊冉 冊
From classic thermodynamics (the reader is referred to any physical chemistry text-
book) we have Eq. (4)
= 0i ⫹ RT ln ␥i Ci (4)
64 Watkinson and Brain
= RT 冋 1 ⫹ Ci 冉 冊册冒
⭸ ln ␥i
Ci (5)
Substitution of Eq. (5) and Eq. (3) into Eq. (2) gives
Ji = ⫺
冋 1 ⫹ Ci 冉 冊册 冉 冊
⭸ ln Ci
The general expression for the force Fi , acting on a molecule is given by Eq. (7).
Fi = ⫺N A⫺1 冉 冊
⭸ i
Ji = ⫺
NA fi 冋1 ⫹ Ci 冉 冊册 冉 冊
⭸ ln ␥i
that is,
Ji = ⫺Di 冉 冊
Di =
NA fi 冋 1 ⫹ Ci 冉 冊册⭸ ln ␥i
A and thickness ⌬x (see Fig. 1) that has a concentration C at position x and time t.
The amount of diffusing substance (moving from left to right) that enters the slab
per unit time is Jin A, where Jin is the flux and, therefore, the increase in concentration
inside the section owing to this influx of material (which has a volume A⌬x) is given
by Eq. (13).
dC Jin A Jin
= = (13)
dt A⌬x ⌬x
However, material is also leaving this section with a finite flux that we will call Jout
and the resulting change in concentration can be expressed as shown in Eq. (14).
dC Jout A Jout
=⫺ =⫺ (14)
dt A⌬x ⌬x
The difference between Eqs. (13) and (14) is equal to the net rate of change of
concentration in the section,
dC Jin ⫺ Jout
= (15)
dt ⌬x
If we now use Fick’s first law [see Eq. (12)] to describe these fluxes, we can now
write Eq. (16).
dCin dCout
Jin ⫺ Jout = ⫺D ⫹D
dx dx
= ⫺D
冉 冉 冊 冊
Cin ⫹
= D⌬x (16)
dx 2
Substituting this into Eq. (15) yields Fick’s second law of diffusion [Eq. (17)].
⭸C ⭸2C
=D (17)
⭸t ⭸x 2
Equation 17 contains partial derivatives because C is a function of both x and t.
冘 冉 冊 冉 冊
C0x 2 C0 n x ⫺Dn 2 2t
C= ⫹ cos(n)sin exp (18)
h n=1 n h h2
In the literature the form of diffusion equations, such as Eq. (18) is often simplified
by normalizing the concentration and distance variables relative to their maxima. In
Eq. (18), this involves normalizing x (distance) relative to h (membrane thickness)
where = x/h and C (concentration in the membrane at any point x) relative to C0
(concentration in the outer layer of the membrane at x = h) where u = C/C0. It is
also the norm to introduce the term = Dt/h2. These simplifications yield Eq. (19)
in which we can see that, for any value of , if x = 0 (i.e., at the distal side of the
membrane), we obtain u = 0.
2 1
u=⫹ cos(n)sin(n)exp(⫺n2 2) (19)
n=1 n
2 1
u=1⫺⫹ cos(n)sin[n (1 ⫺ )]exp(⫺n2 2) (20)
n=1 n
Equation (20) is often presented in the literature (6,7) in the form shown in Eq. (21).
2 (⫺1)n
u=1⫺⫹ sin[n (1 ⫺ )]exp(⫺n2 2) (21)
n=1 n
The difference between Eqs. (20) and (21) arises because the two equations use
different methods of making the sign of the alternate terms in the summation flip
from positive to negative [Eq. (22)].
冘 冘
⬁ ⬁
(⫺1)n 1
= cos(n) (22)
n=1 n n=1 n
It is clear from Eq. (21) that as t → ⬁ the exponential term will approach zero thus
reducing Eq. (21) to the simple form of Eq. (23).
u=1⫺ (23)
This is obviously a linear function and represents the concentration gradient that
occurs within a membrane once diffusion has reached steady state. Figure 4 depicts
Eq. (21) for increasing values of (i.e., it shows the pattern of buildup of a penetrant
within a membrane with increasing time; namely, the imperfection in the smoothness
of the some of the graphs is simply due to the relatively low number of points
calculated. As steady state is reached the distribution pattern becomes linear, as
represented by Eq. (23).
Attempts have been made to utilize expressions such as Eq. (21) to analyze
data acquired by the skin-stripping technique (7). This method of analysis has been
taken a step further by separately modeling concentration gradients across the stratum
corneum and viable epidermis (8).
Although useful, equations such as those discussed in the foregoing, are of
limited practical use for interpreting permeation data, as they describe the concen-
tration within a membrane at any time point t, and at any position x, within that
membrane. A more useful solution that yields the cumulative mass Q, of permeant
that passes through a unit area of a membrane in a time t is provided by the following
mathematical steps. By differentiating Eq. (21) relative to x, we obtain an expression
that describes the instantaneous concentration gradient. The flux dM/dt is then de-
termined at x = h and subsequent integration (between t = 0 and t = t) of this
expression produces Eq. (24), which describes the increase in Q relative to t.
冋 冘 冉 冊册
Dt 1 2 (⫺1)n ⫺Dn2 2t
Q = C0h ⫺ ⫺ 2 exp (24)
h2 6 n=1 n2 h2
Q = C0h 冋 册
冋 册
If we put Q = 0 into Eq. (26) we can solve for t and this yields the value of the
time axis intercept known as the lag time (tlag) as described by Eq. (27), which relates
it inversely to the diffusion coefficient and directly to the diffusional pathlength. The
use of this extrapolation for the calculation of diffusion coefficients is commonplace,
although when skin is concerned, the pathlength is unknown, making calculation of
absolute values of D difficult.
tlag = (27)
If we differentiate Eq. (26) relative to time we obtain Eq. (28), possibly the most
well-known form of Fick’s first law of diffusion, that describes the flux J, at steady
state. Note the link between the steady-state form of this law [Eq. (28)] and the more
general form that we derived earlier [Eq. (11)].
dQ DC0
=J= (28)
dt h
Figures 6 and 7 demonstrate the effect that changes in the values of the diffusion
Figure 5 Plot of Eq. (24) and Eqs. (25) and (26) representing diffusion through a mem-
brane with increasing time.
70 Watkinson and Brain
Figure 6 Effect of altering the diffusion coefficient on theoretical permeation profiles gen-
erated by Eq. (24) (h = 0.03, C0 = 100).
coefficient and the diffusional pathlength have on such plots. It is clear that a reduced
diffusion coefficient results in slower mass transfer, as does an increased diffusional
It is often impractical to use the forms of Eqs. (25), (26), and (28) as shown
because they include a term, C0 (the concentration of permeant in the outer layer of
the membrane), that is extremely difficult to measure. We can replace the value of
C0 with a term that links it to the concentration in the vehicle Cv through the partition
coefficient K, as described by Eq. (29) which rearranges to Eq. (30). The partition
coefficient is simply a measure of the relative affinity that a diffusant has for the
two media involved (i.e., the membrane and the vehicle above it).
K= (29)
C0 = KCv (30)
Substitution of Eq. (30) into Eq. (28), for example, produces Eq. (31), which is of
more practical use, as it links flux to the concentration of the permeant in the vehicle.
=J= (31)
dt h
We have already examined one derivation of the steady-state form of Fick’s
first law but we can approach the solution from a slightly different angle. Consider
a plane sheet, of thickness h, for which surfaces, x = 0, x = h, are maintained at
constant concentrations C0 and Ch, respectively. If the diffusion process has reached
steady state, thus producing a constant concentration gradient across it at all points,
provided that D is constant, using Fick’s second law of diffusion [see Eq. (17)] we
obtain the situation described in Eq. (32)
dC d 2C
=D =0 (32)
dt dx 2
(i.e., the rate of change of the concentration gradient across the membrane is zero).
This situation is known as steady state. If we now integrate Eq. (32) relative to x
once, we obtain Eq. (33).
D = cons tan t (33)
Equation 33 shows us that the concentration across the membrane reduces linearly
with distance (here from C0 to Ch) and, therefore, that the rate of transfer of diffusant
(the flux, J) is the same at all positions within the membrane. This rate is given by
Fick’s first law [see Eq. (11)] and we can now write
dC D(C0 ⫺ Ch)
J=D = (34)
dx h
If we know the membrane thickness h and the concentrations C0 and Ch, then we
can measure D from the determination of the flux J. Indeed, it is often assumed (by
the use of sink conditions in the receptor solution below the membrane) that the
value of Ch, the concentration at the inner surface of the membrane is zero. Thus,
the problem is simplified further and Eq. (34) reduces to Eq. (35), which is identical
with Eq. (28) derived earlier.
J= (35)
However, as it is difficult to measure the concentration C0 (the amount of diffusant
in the outermost layer of the membrane) we perform the same trick as earlier and
use the partition coefficient and the vehicle concentration to give us Eq. (31).
72 Watkinson and Brain
冋 冘 冉 冊
Dt 1 2 (⫺1)n ⫺Dn 2 2t
Q = KCv h 2 ⫺ ⫺ 2 exp (37)
h 6 n=1 n2 h2
The equation, as shown, is of limited use, as there are three unknown parameters,
but if we replace Kh and D/h2 with P1 and P2, respectively, we obtain Eq. (38) with
just two variables. By fitting P1 and P2 we can obtain a value of the permeability
coefficient as P1P2 = KhD/h2 = KD/h, which is equal to the permeability coefficient.
冋 冘 册
1 2 (⫺1)n
Q = P1Cv P2t ⫺ ⫺ 2 exp(⫺P2n 2 2t) (38a)
6 n=1 n2
Equations (37) and (38a) have been used extensively for the calculation of
diffusional parameters (e.g., Ref. 11). A similar use of a non–steady-state approach
(12) has been used where the partition coefficients were experimentally measured,
and the diffusion coefficient and pathlength estimated using a fitting routine.
It is also possible to use a short-time approximation derived by integrating a
Fourier transformation (see Eq. 37) that yields an expression valid at small t (see
Eq. 38b) (13,14).
log 冋册 冋 册
t 3/2
= log
h2 1/2
log D ⫺
By using Eq. (38b) we can construct a plot of log(Q/t 3/2) against 1/t that has
a gradient of ⫺h2/9.2D (from which D can be calculated) and an intercept on the y-
axis that gives an estimate of the remaining parameters. The short-time method is
Mathematical Principles in Skin Permeation 73
valid up to approximately 2.7 times the lag time. The major drawback of this method
is the requirement for excellent analytical sensitivity to collect good data at very
short time periods. Note that, as with all the other equations derived in this section,
this method is valid only if the diffusion coefficient is constant.
Equation (38b) is identical with that derived by Hadgraft (6), who presented it
in a slightly different form [Eq. (39)] where C0 = KCv as outlined earlier in Eq. (30).
8C0 D 3/2t 3/2
h3 1/2
exp 冉 冊
冘 冉 冊
C 4 (⫺1)n ⫺D(2n ⫹ 1)2 2t
=1⫺ exp (40)
C0 n=0 2n ⫹ 1 4h2
where C is the diffusant concentration at the interface, t is time, D is the diffusion
coefficient of the permeant, and h is the membrane thickness. There will be an initial
period during which permeant concentration at the interface increases, followed by
an exponential rise to a plateau that represents the saturation of the membrane with
permeant. Plots of C against time are given in Figures 8 and 9 for different values
of D and h, respectively.
For large values of time, the n = 0 term in Eq. (40) predominates, and the
long-time approximation of Eq. (40) is given by Eq. (41).
ln 冋冉
冊册 冉 冊
t (41)
which A = area of penetrant peak (at time t) of IR absorbance relating to the per-
meant, and A0 = area of penetrant peak corresponding to the situation where the
membrane is saturated (in the plateau region of the curve).
冘 冉 冊
A 4 (⫺1)n ⫺D(2n ⫹ 1)2 2t
=1⫺ exp (42)
A0 n=0 2n⫹ 1 4h2
Experimental values of penetrant peak areas against time are fitted using Eq.
(42). Values of D/h2 and A0 are allowed to vary until a best fit is achieved as measured
冋 冉冘 冊 冉 冊册
8 1 (2n ⫺ 1)2 2Dt
Mt = M⬁ 1⫺ 2 exp ⫺ (43)
n=1 (2n ⫺ 1)2 4h2
A second, but identical, form of this equation is often quoted (e.g., Ref. 1) and
follows as Eq. (44). The only difference between Eqs. (43) and (44) is in the way
the summation term is calculated. In Eq. (43) the sum runs from unity upward,
whereas in Eq. (44) it runs from zero. this has the effect of producing a slightly
different premultiplier and exponential term.
冋 冉冘 冊 冉 冊册
8 1 (2n ⫹ 1)2 2Dt
Mt = M⬁ 1⫺ 2 exp ⫺ (44)
n=0 (2n ⫹ 1)2 4h2
Note, Eq. (43) is the full solution for the burst effect without a reservoir and may
be applied over the complete time range of an experiment.
Hadgraft (6) also simplified this expression to give both short [see Eq. (45)]
and long [see Eq. (46)] time approximations (clearly, at long times the amount of
diffusant released is equal to that initially in the membrane).
冉 冊
Mt = 2M⬁ (45)
Mt = M⬁ (46)
Equation (47) (6) is the solution describing the buildup of diffusant in the receptor
compartment for the case in which the membrane was initially charged with permeant
and there was a reservoir present. Here, M⬁ is not a finite quantity of drug, for it
represents the content of the unchanging reservoir.
冋 冘 冉 冊册
Dt 1 2 1 ⫺n 2 2Dt
Mt = M⬁ 2 ⫹ ⫺ 2 exp (47)
h 3 n=1 n2 h2
Again, short- and long-term approximations can be made. The short-term approxi-
mation of Eq. (47) is identical with Eq. (45), whereas to derive the long-term ap-
76 Watkinson and Brain
Figure 10 Diffusion from a presaturated slab with and without a reservoir, together with
the long-time approximation as in Eq. (48) (D = 0.00001, h = 0.03, M⬁ = 100).
proximation, we simply note that large t will make the negative exponential term in
Eq. (47) tend to zero. This solution is given in Eq. (48).
Mt = M⬁ 冉Dt
3 冊 (48)
D. Complex Barriers
1. Diffusion Through Laminates
There are numerous examples for which a membrane is not a single homogeneous
system and, indeed, may consist of several barriers. For example, the skin can be
viewed at different levels of complexity that, as they are probed, reveal more and
more barriers in series with one another. At its simplest the skin might be viewed
as a single homogeneous slab, but the structure can also be viewed as three barriers
Mathematical Principles in Skin Permeation 77
Figure 11 The effect of changing the value of n in the summation term of Eq. (43) (D =
0.00001, h = 0.03, M⬁ = 1).
in series (i.e., the stratum corneum, epidermis, and dermis). Furthermore, the stratum
corneum contains bilayer structures that might also be considered to exhibit the
properties of barriers in series. The simplest starting point in this argument is to
assume that the constituent membranes that make up the laminate are themselves
isotropic and that each layer ‘‘i’’ of the laminate contributes a diffusional resistance
Ri to the overall resistance of the membrane (24). R is obviously inversely propor-
tional to the diffusivity within the layer and the partition coefficient relative to ex-
ternal phases. The shorter the pathlength, the lower the resistance will be; thus,
hi 1
Ri = = (49)
Di K i Pi
where Pi is equal to the permeability coefficient, as defined earlier. The overall
resistance of the laminate system (Rtotal ) is equal to the sum of the individual resis-
tances of the n membranes that make up the laminate, giving,
h1 h2 hn
Rtotal = Ri = ⫹ ⫹ ⭈⭈⭈ ⫹ (50)
i=1 D1K1 D2K2 Dn Kn
Importantly, the partition coefficients in Eq. (50) relate the concentration of permeant
in the i th phase of the laminate to the concentration in the initial phase and not the
(i ⫺ 1)th phase.
In the skin we may, as alluded to earlier, consider it to be a trilaminate of
stratum corneum, epidermis, and dermis. By using Eq. (50) to describe its resistance
we would therefore arrive at Eq. (51).
hsc he hd
Rskin = ⫹ ⫹ (51)
Dsc Ksc De Ke Dd Kd
If we now take the view that if the stratum corneum is the rate-limiting barrier, then
the resistance of the other two layers becomes negligible and we obtain Eq. (52),
78 Watkinson and Brain
which is not very surprising because we already know that for a single isotropic
membrane we have P = KD/h.
Rskin = (52)
Dsc Ksc
This approach to diffusion in laminates can be used to look at the situation
when we have an isotropic lipophilic membrane sandwiched between two aqueous
phases (for example, a donor and receptor phase in a Franz diffusion experiment).
Even though it is usual practice to vigorously stir receptor solutions, unstirred aque-
ous layers will form at stationary surfaces in both donor and receptor compartments
(the thickness of these layers being related to the efficiency and rate of stirring). This
situation approximates a trilaminate system of aqueous–lipophilic–aqueous barriers.
hence, we can write Eq. (53) where Raq1, is the resistance of the stationary aqueous
barrier above the membrane, Rlip the resistance of the membrane itself and Raq2 the
resistance of the stationary aqueous layer beneath the membrane.
haq1 hlip haq2
Rtotal = Raq1 ⫹ Rlip ⫹ Raq2 = ⫹ ⫹ (53)
Daq1 Dlip K Daq2
Only one partition coefficient K, appears in Eq. (53) because the partition coefficient
between the bulk aqueous regions and the unstirred diffusion layers is considered to
be unity. Thus, K is the partition coefficient between the bulk aqueous phase and the
This type of system has been rigorously analyzed (4,25,26) and, at steady state,
under zero-order boundary conditions, yields Eq. (54).
= 冋 KDm Daq
hm Daq ⫹ (haq1 ⫹ haq2)KDm 册 (Cv ⫺ Cr) = Ptotal ⌬C (54)
(haq1 ⫹ haq2)2
tlag = (56)
Equation (57) is the result we obtain for a very thick membrane when K is
large. If the diffusion layers are of equal thickness we will obtain the expression
shown in Eq. (58).
hm haq1 haq2 K
tlag = (57)
haq Daq
hm haq K
tlag = (58)
The use of the laminate principle can be taken further if it is assumed that the
diffusional process occurs as a series of point-to-point movements of the diffusing
species. Most of the foregoing mathematics view permeability as a rate process that
contains contributions from both an equilibrium and a nonequilibrium step, but the
assumption of instantaneous partitioning of a solute is not always valid and a treat-
ment based on Eyring’s absolute reaction rate theory attempts to account for this
(28–30). If the flow of molecules through a membrane is viewed as a series of
successive molecular jumps of length from one energy minimum to another, the
whole diffusion process can be seen in terms of an energy profile (Fig. 12).
Thus, a third factor is introduced into the mathematical approach to diffusion
(i.e., the activation energy ⌬Ga required to prevent spontaneous partitioning from
occurring). If Ci is the concentration (molecules per milliliter) at the i th position in
the membrane, then the amount of material in a 1-cm2 cross-section and length i
(the distance between equilibria mazima) is Ci i , and the velocity of forward diffu-
sion is
vf = ki Ci i (59)
vb = ki⫹1Ci⫹1i⫹1 (60)
If it is assumed that ki = ki⫹1 = k and i = i⫹1 = then the net rate of diffusion, or
flux is
80 Watkinson and Brain
Figure 12 (a) A schematic representation of membrane interfaces and the phases involved
in solute transfer; (b) possible potential energy profile for a solute molecule diffusing through
a membrane.
J = ki Ci i ⫺ k⬘i⫹1Ci⫹1i⫹1 (61)
⫺k(Ci⫹1 ⫺ Ci)
J = k(Ci ⫺ Ci⫹1) =
J= (62)
ksm km
P= (63)
(2km ⫹ mkm)
where = mean jump distances, m = No. of jumps in the membrane, ksm, kms, km =
rate constants of adsorption and desorption at the interfaces, and diffusion in the
membrane, respectively.
However, the ratio ksm /kms can be defined as the partition coefficient K, giving
Mathematical Principles in Skin Permeation 81
1 2 ⌬x
= ⫹ (65)
P Dsm Dm K
So, if diffusion in the membrane is the rate-limiting step (km << kms), then
Dm K
P= (66)
(i.e., the same equation as produced by Fick’s first law) and, if the slowest step is
diffusion through the interface, them km >> kms, so
P= (67)
that is, the permeability constant will be independent of the partition coefficient and
the membrane thickness. If this is true, then the rate of diffusion will be controlled
by the nature of the interface and penetrant relative to each other. This can be
expressed thermodynamically by considering the expansion of the term ksm:
Dsm ksm
P= = (68)
2 2
and since ksm = (kT/h)e ⫺⌬Gsm /RT, then
P = (kT/2h)e ⫺⌬Gsm /RT (69)
where ⌬Gsm is the free energy of activation necessary for crossing the interface,
which will be dependent on the physicochemical relation between penetrant and
barrier. Thus, a compound that interacts in a way such that the value of ⌬Gsm is
reduced, will increase the rate of permeation (i.e., enhance penetration). The same
is true if the membrane is the rate-limiting medium (i.e., ⌬Gm becomes rate-deter-
mining) and the creation of free volumes within the acyl chain region by an enhancer
may reduce ⌬Gm.
It seems likely that it is a combination of these effects that is responsible for
the enhancing capacity of many compounds.
2. Diffusion Through Shunt Routes (Barriers in Parallel)
Many membranes can be viewed as containing more than one distinct route through
which diffusion can occur. The skin may be thought of as at least possessing the
potential to exhibit such parallel routes, in that its structure is pierced by numerous
appendages, such as hair follicles and sweat ducts. Indeed, although an issue of some
debate, it has been suggested that such routes are important in both passive (31–33)
and impassive (34,35) diffusion processes.
The mathematical problem of defining parallel routes of diffusion is less com-
plex than for the laminated structures we examined in the foregoing. If two diffu-
sional pathways through a single membrane are truly parallel, then the total flux
through that membrane is simply the sum of the individual fluxes through the parallel
routes (36). Thus, for unit area, the total flux (at any time) through n parallel routes
is defined by Eq. (70).
82 Watkinson and Brain
Jtotal = JA ⫹ JB =
= C0
= C0[PA ⫹ PB] (71)
The situation is more complex if diffusion has not yet reached steady state, but the
total flux is still just the sum of the flux through the two routes. Equation (72)
demonstrates the increasing degree of complexity that this situation yields for the
same situation as that described in Eq. (71), but before a steady state has been
再 冋 冘 冉 冊册冎
DA t 1 2 (⫺1)n ⫺DA n2 2t
Q= KA C0hA 2 ⫺ ⫺ 2 exp
hA 6 n2 h 2A
再 冋 冘 冉 冊册冎
DB t 1 2 (⫺1)n ⫺DB n 2 2t
⫹ KB C0hB 2 ⫺ ⫺ 2 exp (72)
hB 6 n=1 n2 h 2B
In a manner analogous to that used earlier we can derive the long-time approximation
of Eq. (72) as shown in Eq. (73) and use this to define an expression for the lag
time [Eq. (74)].
Q= 再
KA C0 hA 冋
DA t
2 ⫺
册冎 再
⫹ KB C0 hB 冋 DB t
2 ⫺
册冎 (73)
hA hB (KA hA ⫹ KB hB)
tlag = (74)
6(KA DA hB ⫹ KB DB hA)
If the two diffusional pathlengths for routes A and B are the same then Eq. (74)
reduces to Eq. (75).
h2(KA ⫹ KB)
tlag = (75)
5(KA DA ⫹ KB DB)
The shape of a plot of amount permeated versus time will obviously be dependent
on the relative ease by which a permeant can pass through the parallel routes. If one
of the routes is significantly more permeable than the other, there will be an initial
period where diffusion appears regular (at which time flux is occurring by a single,
more permeable, route only) before an increase in flux occurs as material starts
issuing from the second route. This increase in flux will be followed by a period in
which steady state is re-established (37).
An interesting example of parallel routes of diffusion are the pores that exist
in some membranes. If these are angled or tortuous, then there is an obvious length-
ening of the distance that a permeant must travel (i.e., the diffusional pathlength h
is increased). This will manifest itself in all the parameters that are dependent on
the membrane thickness, which is usually taken as the diffusional pathlength. To
Mathematical Principles in Skin Permeation 83
deal with this situation a variable, referred to as the tortuosity factor () is introduced
as a premultiplier to the membrane thickness (i.e., the new, increased, diffusional
pathlength, H = h).
3. Barriers with Dispersed Phases
The theory dealing with diffusion through heterogeneous systems has been addressed
by Barrer (38) in great detail for numerous types of systems. Many of these complex
systems are beyond the scope of this chapter so we will consider only those simple
cases in which the dispersion is uniform. A more comprehensive review of complex
systems (if particle size and shape are irregular and the dispersion nonuniform) is
provided by Barrer (38) and Higuchi and Higuchi (39).
Possibly the simplest case to deal with is that in which the dispersed phase is
diffusionally impervious and inert. The effect of such a dispersed phase (the filler)
will be to partially obstruct the movement of diffusants through the permeable phase
(the matrix). This will result in an increased diffusional pathlength which is addressed
mathematically by the introduction of the tortuosity factor, . The addition of filler
will also reduce the amount of space within the membrane through which diffusion
can occur. This will be related to the relative amounts (volume fractions) of matrix
(1) and filler (2) that are present in the system where we have 1 = 1 ⫺ 2. In a
random dispersion the relative cross-sectional areas of the phases are equal to their
relative volume fraction. The tortuosity factor is applied to the membrane thickness
h, such that the new, increased, diffusional pathlength H equates to the term h.
Hence, for a diffusional system at steady state we can use Eq. (31) and obtain
Eq. (76).
dQ KC0 D 1 KC0 D(1 ⫺ 2)
=J= = (76)
dt h H
It is clear that the lag time will reflect the longer pathlength, but it is not affected
by the volume of filler present, as demonstrated by Eq. (77).
h2 2 H 2
tlag = = (77)
6D 6D
Slightly more complex situations arise if the filler has adsorptive properties.
This situation has been examined by numerous authors (39–42). Irrespective of how
the permeant molecules are adsorbed onto the filler, the steady-state flux for a stan-
dard zero-order process is still given by Eq. (76) (because the filler is not involved
in any absorption process). Hence, it is only the lag time that is affected and length-
ened by such a process. If the amount of permeant adsorbed is linearly related to
the concentration, then the lag time is described by Eq. (78) where is the adsorptive
capacity of the filler.
tlag = (1 ⫺ 2) (78)
If the situation arises where the concentration is particularly high then the filler can
adsorb only a finite amount of permeant and the steady state is still represented by
Eq. (76), but the expression for the lag time approximates to Eq. (79). Note that Eq.
(77) is an approximate solution only.
84 Watkinson and Brain
tlag = 冉
冊 2 h2
A greater complexity arises if the system that we are dealing with contains
filler particles that are themselves permeable. An emulsion is a good example of
such a system where diffusant can pass through both the filler and its supporting
matrix. Higuchi and Higuchi (39) derived an expression [Eq. (80)] for the total
permeability of a model system of this nature, in which it was assumed that the
dispersed phase was spherical.
Mt =
8M⬁pD 3/2 t 3/2
1/2h3(K ⫹ p 1/2)冉 冊
Mt = M⬁ 冉
1 ⫺ exp 冉 冊冊
Flynn and colleagues (44) examined this situation and arrived at a solution that
describes the situation over the full time period [Eq. (83)]. Using such expressions
it is possible to understand how such changes in an applied formation may affect
diffusion through the skin.
Mathematical Principles in Skin Permeation 85
Mt 兹DmK
再 冎
M⬁ (hv ⫹ hm K)s 3/2
冉 冑 冑
sinh 冑 s
hv cosh
hm ⫹ K
sinh 冑s
hm cosh 冑 冊
冉冑 冑K 冑 Dm
hv cosh
hm ⫹ sinh 冑
hv sinh 冑 冊
The case for which the diffusion coefficient is some function of either time,
depth, or concentration, may well describe the situation in biological and indeed
synthetic membranes more accurately than that for which its value is assumed con-
stant. The movement of a diffusant, and perhaps some constituents of the vehicle in
which it is formulated, into a membrane could quite easily change the nature of the
membrane itself. One can visualize a situation in skin, for example, where the ab-
sorption of penetration enhancers over the period of an experiment may change the
value of D. Indeed, the movement of solvent molecules into the stratum corneum
may also affect the partitioning behavior of the diffusant. These phenomena will not
occur instantaneously, thus making the diffusional and partitioning steps of the pen-
etration process variables that are time-dependent. These are complicated situations
that are beyond the scope of this chapter. The interested reader is referred to Crank
and Park (45) and Crank (1) for further reading.
The possibility of there being a depth dependency of rates of diffusion through
stratum corneum has been addressed (7). If the skin is treated with a penetration
enhancer, there will be a concentration gradient of that enhancer across the skin (as
a consequence of Fick’s second law of diffusion). If the enhancer has the same effect
per lipid molecule at all depths; then it follows that the degree of enhancement will
reduce as the skin is penetrated farther. If, for the sake of argument, the enhancer
action arises from increasing the diffusion coefficient of a penetrant, we will see a
consequent reduction in its value with depth, owing to the nature of the enhancer
D = D0 exp 冋 册
P = P0 exp 冋 册
ln P = ln P0 ⫺ (87)
1. Crank J. The Mathematics of Diffusion. 2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1975.
2. Daynes HA. The process of diffusion through a rubber membrane. Proc R Soc Lond A
97:286–307, 1920.
3. Barrer RM. Permeation, diffusion and solution of gases. Trans Faraday Soc 35:628–
643, 1939.
4. Flynn GL, Carpenter OS, Yalkowsky SH. Total mathematical resolution of diffusion
layer control of barrier flux. J Pharm Sci 61:312–314, 1972.
5. Flynn GL. Dermal diffusion and delivery principles. In: Swarbrick J, Boylan JC, eds.
Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology. Vol. 3. New York: Marcel Dekker, pp.
457–503, 1991.
6. Hadgraft J. Calculations of drug release rates from controlled release devices. The slab.
Int J Pharm 2:177–194, 1979.
7. Watkinson AC, Bunge AL, Hadgraft J. Computer simulation of penetrant concentration–
depth profiles in the stratum corneum. Int J Pharm 87:175–182, 1992.
8. Yamashita F, Koyama Y, Sezaki H, Hashida M. Estimation of a concentration profile of
acyclovir in the skin after topical administration. Int J Pharm 89:199–206, 1993.
9. Shah JC. Analysis of permeation data: evaluation of the lag time method. Int J Pharm
90:161–169, 1993.
10. Potts RO, Guy RH. Drug transport across the skin and the attainment of steady-state
flux. Proc Int Symp Control Release Bioact Mat 21:162–163, 1994.
Mathematical Principles in Skin Permeation 87
32. Lauer AC, Lieb LM, Ramachandran C, Flynn GL, Weiner ND. Transfollicular drug
delivery. Pharm Res 12:179–186, 1995.
33. Hueber F, Wepierre J, Schaefer H. Role of transfollicular routes in percutaneous ab-
sorption of hydrocortisone and testosterone: in vivo study in the hairless rat. Int J Pharm
5:99–107, 1992.
34. Jadoul A, Hanchard C, Thysman S, Preat V. Quantification and localisation of fentanyl
and trh delivered by iontophoresis in the skin. Int J Pharm 120:221–228, 1995.
35. Craane van Hinsberg WHM, Verhoef JC, Bax LJ, Junginger HE, Bodde HE. Role of
appendages in skin resistance and iontophoretic peptide flux: human versus snake skin.
Pharm Res 12:1506–1512, 1995.
36. Scheuplein RJ, Analysis of solubility data for the case of parallel diffusion pathways.
Biophys J 6:1–17, 1966.
37. Scheuplein RJ, Blank IH, Brauner GJ, MacFarlane DJ. Percutaneous absorption of ste-
roids. J Invest Dermatol 52:63–70, 1969.
38. Barrer RM. Diffusion and permeation in heterogeneous media. In: Crank J, Park GS,
eds. Diffusion in Polymers. London: Academic Press, pp. 165–217, 1968.
39. Higuchi WI, Higuchi T. Theoretical analysis of diffusional movement through hetero-
geneous barriers. J Am Pharm Assoc Sci Ed 49:598–606, 1960.
40. Finger KF, Lemberger AP, Higuchi T, Busse LW, Wurster DE. Investigation and devel-
opment of protective ointment IV. The influence of active fillers on the permeability of
semisolids. J Am Pharm Assoc Sci Ed 49:569–573, 1960.
41. Flynn GL, Roseman TJ. Membrane diffusion II. Influence of physical adsorption on
molecular flux through heterogeneous dimethypolysiloxane barriers. J Pharm Sci 60:
1788–1796, 1970.
42. Paul DR, Kemp DR. The diffusion time lag in polymer membranes containing adsorptive
fillers. J Polymer Sci Polymer Symp 41. Transport Phenomena Through Polymer Films,
Kumins CA, ed. pp. 79–93, 1973.
43. Guy RH, Hadgraft J. A theoretical description relating skin penetration to the thickness
of the applied medicament. Int J Pharm 6:321–332, 1980.
44. Addicks WJ, Flynn GL, Weiner N, Curl R. A mathematical model to describe drug
release from thin topical applications. Int J Pharm 56:243–248, 1989.
45. Crank J, Park GS. Diffusion in Polymers. London: Academic Press, 1968.
46. Potts RO, Francoeur ML. Lipid biophysics of water loss through the skin. Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA 87:1–3, 1990.
Skin Transport
Whitehall International, Havant, England
The skin is a tissue that separates the internal living organism from the external
environment. It has a complex structure and performs many physiological functions
such as metabolism, synthesis, temperature regulation, and excretion. The outermost
layer of this organ, the stratum corneum (SC), is considered to be the main barrier
to the percutaneous absorption of exogenous materials. The skin barrier is important
in the maintenance of water within the body and in protection of the body from the
ingress of compounds, particularly important from an occupational viewpoint for
workers in the cosmetic and agrochemical industries (1).
Figure 1 Prevention and management of various conditions using the skin as a delivery
diol, testosterone, timolol, fentanyl, and nicotine). The number of compounds being
screened for potential transdermal application is increasing.
(3). The metabolic enzymes in the skin can also pose a problem, and some drugs
are almost completely metabolized before they reach the cutaneous vasculature (4).
Another problem that can arise, which is sometimes overlooked, is that some drugs
can be broken down before penetration through the SC by the bacteria that live on
the skin surface (4).
E. Sebum as a Barrier
The surface of the skin is the first point of contact for a topically applied formulation.
Under normal circumstances, this is covered by a 0.4- to 10-m irregular and dis-
continuous layer of sebum, sweat, bacteria, and dead cells (12–16). The presence of
this layer is considered to have a negligible effect on percutaneous absorption, as it
allows polar and nonpolar materials to penetrate (12,17–19). Furthermore, no cor-
relation has been found between the hydration state of the SC and the removal of
the sebum layer by swabbing with solvents, the total amount of sebhorreic lipids,
or their composition (13,14,20). Therefore, the contribution of these endogenous
Skin Transport 93
1853 Determined that the epidermis was more impermeable than the dermis 253
1877 Theorized that intact skin of humans is totally impermeable to all 254
1904 Determined that the skin is more permeable to lipid soluble 255
substances than water or electrolytes
1909 Discovered that penetration through ichthyotic skin was similar to 256
that of healthy skin not less than, as was expected
1919 Determined that mustard gas penetrated into the outer layer of the 257
skin readily, but was unable to rapidly penetrate further
1924 A theorized electrical barrier between the stratum corneum and the 258
malpighian layer that reduced the permeability of the skin to ions
1930 Outlined the significance of lipid solubility in skin permeability 259
1939 The various layers of the skin can be exposed by stripping with 260
adhesive cellophane tape
1945 Suggested that the stratum lucidum was the skin’s barrier layer to the 261
penetration of both ions and uncharged molecules
1945 Suggested that the entire stratum corneum was responsible for the 262
high DC and AC resistance in the skin
1951 Separation of the epidermis from the dermis used for the first time to 33
determine the differences between their permeabilities
1951 Determined the horny layer is the barrier to diffusion of water 33
through the skin
1953 Determined that the permeability of the skin to water remained 263
unchanged until the lowest lying layers of the stratum corneum
was removed, indicating this region must contain the rate-limiting
1953 Conceded that the stratum corneum is uniformly impermeable to 264
water penetration regardless of distance from the surface
1954 The stratum corneum was still thought to be a porous membrane 265
through which ions and large molecules could freely permeate
1962 Determined the outer layer of the stratum corneum greatly impedes 266
penetration of substances, the concentrations decrease exponentially
with distance from the surface
1964 Techniques involving drying and staining of skin samples before 267
microscopy alter the appearance and barrier function of the skin
Source: Ref. 5.
surface materials to skin transport processes is effectively discounted and will not
be discussed further in this chapter.
As stated earlier, the skin is an important barrier to the ingress of undesirable
compounds and a potential drug delivery route for therapeutically useful compounds.
Therefore, it is important to understand how molecules traverse the skin and how
these processes can be influenced to enhance permeation. One aim of this chapter is
to define the current understanding of the processes involved in the transport of
solutes through the skin from their application site through their eventual diffusion
94 Roberts et al.
into the systemic blood supply or into deeper tissues. Figure 4 shows the concepts
addressed in this chapter. Earlier reviews of the literature listed in Table 2 may be
used to provide a more substantial reference list of the historical developments in
percutaneous absorption from pharmaceutical preparations.
A. Transcellular Pathway
It was originally believed that transcellular diffusion mechanisms dominated over
the intercellular and transappendageal routes during the passage of solutes through
the SC (21). However, transport by the transcellular route would involve the repeated
partitioning of the molecule between lipophilic and hydrophilic compartments, in-
cluding the almost impenetrable corneocyte intracellular matrix of keratin and ker-
atohyaline. Scheuplein further suggested that polar and nonpolar solutes permeate
Skin Transport 95
1950s 1970s
1954 Rothman (265) 1971 Idson (128)
Katz and Poulsen (281)
Scheuplein and Blank (5)
1960s 1972 Katz and Poulsen (282)
1961 Wagner (268) 1973 Katz (283)
Poulsen (284)
1974 Anderson and Roberts (285)
1962 Barr (269) 1974 Schaefer (286)
1963 Malkinson and Rothman (270) 1975 Idson (287)
1964 Kligman (267) 1977 Dugard (288)
Malkinson (271) Higuchi (289)
Tregear (272) Malkinson and Gehlmann (290)
Welles and Lubowe (273) Webster and Maibach (291)
1965 Stoughton (274) 1978 Scheuplein (22,292)
Vinson et al. (275)
1966 Reiss (276) 1979 Flynn (293)
Tregear (12)
Vickers (277) 1980s
1969 Barrett (278) 1980 Scheuplein (294)
Blank and Scheuplein (279) 1983 Barry (126)
Winkleman (280)
the SC by different mechanisms. The polar solutes were thought to diffuse through
a high-energy pathway involving immobilized water near the outer surface of keratin
filaments. In contrast, the lipid-soluble solutes diffused through a nonpolar (intersti-
tial) lipid pathway (5,22). Our analysis of Scheuplein’s data and our own phenol
data (23,24), suggested that all solutes were transported through a lipid pathway and
ameliorated through the effects of an unstirred water (viable epidermal) layer, as
evidenced by a decrease in the energy of activation for permeation. Although the
lipid route was thought to be transcellular, evidence for its location was not defined.
Scheuplein also recognized that the dermis contributed to the resistance of the more
lipophilic solutes. Most experimental evidence now suggests that transport through
the SC is by the intercellular route.
B. Intercellular Pathway
The intercellular SC spaces were initially dismissed as a potentially significant dif-
fusion pathway because of the small volume they occupy (5). However, the physical
structure of the intercellular lipids was thought to be a significant factor in the barrier
properties of the skin (25). Tracer studies (26,27) provided evidence that the inter-
cellular lipid, and not the corneocyte protein, was the main epidermal permeability
barrier. Chandrasekaran and Shaw (28) also concluded that the lipid barrier domi=
nated. Theoretical evidence, presented by Albery and Hadgraft in 1979 (29), suggested
that the tortuous intercellular diffusional pathway around keratinocytes was the
Skin Transport 97
preferred route of penetration through the SC, rather than a drug diffusing through the
keratinized cells (transcellular route). However, it should be recognized that although
theoretical considerations favor this route, there are difficulties in designing appropriate
diffusion studies to confirm that this route is the predominant pathway (30).
Most evidence for the existence of the intercellular lipid transport pathway
comes from the microscopic organizational structure of the lipid bilayers, the ob-
served histological localization of applied substances within these bilayers following
topical application, and the effects of delipidization of the bilayers by appropriate
solvents. Histochemical studies have shown that the intracellular spaces of the SC
are devoid of lipid (31,32) and that because lipid present in other regions is highly
nonpolar, there is no structure suitable to form a lipid diffusional matrix around the
intracellular keratin filaments. The intercellular volume fraction is also much larger
than originally estimated (33), and experimental evidence using precipitation of per-
cutaneously applied compounds has led to visualization of permeation through in-
tercellular pathways (34).
In 1991, Boddé et al. (35) visualized the diffusion of mercuric chloride through
dermatomed human skin samples by using ammonium sulfide vapor to precipitate
the compound within the sample and subsequent transmission electron microscopy.
Their results indicated that the intercellular route of transport through the SC pre-
dominated; however, after longer transport times, the apical corneocytes tended to
take up the compound, leading to an apparent bimodal distribution. There was mer-
cury both inside and outside the cells in the apical region of the SC (35), whereas
in the medial and proximal region the mercury was located intercellularly. This led
to the suggestion of the presence of two types of cells: apical corneocytes that tended
to take up mercuric ions relatively easily, and medial and proximal corneocytes, that
were less capable of doing so. It has been suggested that, in the corneocytes, the
desmosomes may serve to channel material into the cell, especially in the squamous
region where the desmosomes are beginning to disintegrate. Hence, the cellular lipid
envelopes are leaky, suggesting a reservoir function for the apical zone of the SC.
Elias et al. (36) examined the penetration of [3H]water and [14C]salicylic acid
across the same tissue samples and tried to correlate diffusion with the thickness,
number of cell layers, and lipid composition of leg and abdominal skin. They found
that differences in the thickness and number of cell layers in the SC were insufficient
to account for differences observed in percutaneous transport across the leg and
abdomen, and that total lipid concentration may be the critical factor governing skin
The lipid lamellae in the SC play a key role in the barrier function of the skin.
The major lipids are ceramides, cholesterol, and free fatty acids (37,38). Figure 5
shows a diagrammatic representation of the lamellae, dimensions of lipid arrange-
ment in an individual lamella, and the types of lipids in an intercellular lipid bilayer.
In reality, the lipid composition and arrangement is much more complex. For in-
stance, the lipids present in epidermis could be further classified as phospholipids,
monohexosylceramides, ceramides, cholesterol, cholesterol esters, cholesterol sulfate,
triglycerides, and fatty acids (39). Furthermore, at least six subclasses of ceramides
have been described in pig SC (37,40).
Bouwstra et al. (41), in a summary of the X-ray analysis of the SC and its
lipids, concluded that the lamella is the fundamental structure in intercellular do-
mains. An individual lamella is about 13 nm (130 Å) in width and comprises two
98 Roberts et al.
or three lipid bilayers (see Fig. 5). Although 13.4-nm (134-Å) lamella is dominant
in human SC, an occasional 6.4-nm (64-Å) lamella was observed. In mouse SC, the
dominant lamella is 13.1 nm (131 Å), with an occasional 6.0-nm (60-Å) one. The
actual organization of (pig) SC lipids is as two lamellar phases with periodicities of
approximately 6 and 13 nm, respectively (40). At the molecular level, Bouwstra et
al. (40) suggest that the short periodicity phase is composed of only one bilayer,
akin to phospholipid membranes. In contrast, the long periodicity phase consists of
two broad and one narrow low–electron-dense regions. It is suggested that the two
broad regions are formed by partly interdigitating ceramides, with long-chain fatty
acids of approximately 24–26 carbon atoms, whereas the narrow low–electron-den-
sity region is formed by fully interdigitating ceramides, with a short free fatty acid
chain of approximately 16–18 carbon atoms.
finose across intact and ethanol-treated human epidermal membranes. From the rel-
ative permeabilities of these four solutes and hindered diffusion theory, effective
pore radii estimates for intact and ethanol-treated human epidermal membrane were
between 1.5 and 2.5 nm (15 and 25 Å) and 1.5 and 2.0 nm (15 and 20 Å), respec-
tively. Further studies on the temperature dependence of human epidermal membrane
permeability with urea, mannitol, tetraethylammonium ion, and corticosterone
strongly support the existence of a porous permeation pathway. Interestingly, the
radii estimated is similar to that determined by iontophoretic studies (51,52) for the
pore size range attributed for small solutes to transport through the polar intercellular
lipid pathway. Sznitowska et al. (53) examined the percutaneous penetration of
baclofen, a model zwitterion, in vitro using human cadaver skin with various solvent
pretreatments. They concluded that the polar pathway might be intercellular and
comprises the aqueous regions surrounded by polar lipids. Finally, Menon and Elias
(54) applied hydrophilic and hydrophobic tracers to murine skin in vivo under basal
conditions or after permeation enhancement with occlusion, vehicle enhancers, a lipid
synthesis inhibitor, sonophoresis, and iontophoresis. Using ruthenium and microwave
postfixation methods, tracers were found localized in discrete lacuna domains in the
extracellular lamellar membrane system, regardless of their polarity or the enhance-
ment method. Although extracellular lacunar domains were interpreted as being a
potential pore pathway for penetration of polar and nonpolar molecules across the
SC, the continuity of such a pathway is unclear. Figure 6 is our interpretation of the
possible polar and lipid pathways for intercellular transport.
Figure 6 Partitioning and diffusion processes involved in solute penetration through the
stratum corneum. (Adapted from Refs. 95 and 123.)
K sc⫺v =
asc ␥scCsc
= exp 冉 RT 冊
0sc ⫺ v0
Ksc⫺v =
Csc ␥v asc ␥v
= =
Cv ␥sc av ␥sc
exp 冉
⫺ v0
Ksc⫺v could also be defined in terms of the solubility of the solute in the SC (Ssc)
and vehicle (Sv):
Ksc⫺v = (5)
Solubility, in this chapter, unless otherwise specified, is defined by a phase
being saturated with solute such that the chemical potential of the dissolved solute
i,saturated = pure. As a number of studies have applied various approaches used to
determine solubility in the prediction of percutaneous penetration flux, we now con-
sider the prediction of solubility using these approaches in further detail.
1. Conventions Used for Prediction of Solubility, Partition Coefficient,
and Flux
It should be emphasized that the prediction method is dependent on the definition
of the standard state 0i . Two conventions are widely used in defining the standard
state of a solute (56). In our experience it is often convenient to use convention 1
and established regular solution theory, to derive solubilities of solutes in different
vehicles. This recognizes that, as an approximation, solutes with the same fractional
solubility for different solvents have the same activity. Convention 2 is easiest to
apply over a range of concentrations.
In the first, or Raoult’s law, convention 1, the standard state is the pure sub-
stance as a liquid 0pure. Hence, 0sc = 0v = 0pure and expressing Ci in mole fractions,
␥sc → 1, ␥v → 1 as Xi → 1. Further, applying Eq. (1) and noting that i,saturated =
pure in saturated systems, it is evident that the (thermodynamic) activity of the solute
in the SC (asc) is equal to that in the vehicle (av) and that of a pure liquid solute
(apure); that is, asc = av = apure. Accordingly, noting from Eq. (1) that the mole fraction
solubility (Xi) is related to activity (ai) and the activity coefficient (␥i) by:
Xi = (6)
Xsc ␥v
Ksc⫺v = = (7)
Xv ␥sc
By definition, ␥i = 1 for an ideal binary liquid mixture. An ideal mixture re-
quires that (a) both phases are mutually soluble in all proportions, and (b) the partial
vapor pressure of a given component (pi) is directly related to its vapor pressure as
a pure liquid (p0i ) by its mole fraction in the mixture (Xi), as defined by Raoult’s
law. The extent which ␥i deviates from unity can be considered as a measure of
deviation from Raoult’s law, which is defined in terms of the partial vapor pressure
of a solute in solution ( pi), that of the pure component (p0i ) and Xi (i.e., p =
p0i ␥i Xi). Barry et al. (57) shows an example of such a deviation for the vapor pressure
of benzyl alcohol plotted against its mole fraction.
The second convention is to use the infinitely dilute solution of the solute in
a given phase as the standard state where ␥ * sc → 1 and ␥ v* → 1 as Xi and Ci → 0.
104 Roberts et al.
Note that, following the convention of Davis et al. (58), the activity coefficient from
convention 2 is given an asterisk to distinguish it from the convention 1 or Raoult’s
law activity coefficient. The activity coefficient from the second convention ␥ * i has
also been referred to as Henry’s law activity coefficient, on the basis that this law
defines a constant activity coefficient of 1 with varying low concentrations and a
␥ i* of less than 1 is, therefore, a measure of deviation from this law. Hence, under
ideal conditions in convention 2, ␥ sc* → 1 and ␥ * v → 1, and K sc⫺v = Ksc⫺v. It is to
ln X 0i =
册 ⫹
Tm ⫺ T
⫺ ln
册 (8)
Yalkowsky and Valvani (60) have pointed out that the last term can usually be
ignored without any significant loss of accuracy so that
ln X 0i ⬵
RT 冋 1
They further note that, as the free energy of fusion is 0 at the melting point, Eq. (9)
could be expressed in terms of the entropy of fusion (⌬Sf = ⌬Hf /Tm). Given entropies
of fusion are relatively constant across solutes, Grant and Higuchi (61) have sug-
gested Eq. (8) be written in terms of the conventional centigrade temperature (T)
and melting point (MP) as follows:
log X 0i ⬵ ⫺0.0099[MP ⫺ 25] (10)
In a nonideal solution, ␥i < 1 as a result of solute–solvent interactions. The
dissolution of a solute in a solvent is characterized by the following processes: (a)
dispersion forces associated the transfer of solute molecules from its solution, the
formation of a cavity in the solvent to accommodate the solute molecules, and the
reorientation of solvent molecules around the solute molecules in the cavity; (b)
Skin Transport 105
Figure 8A Processes involved in the dissolution of crystalline solute and the related
Vi I2
ln ␥i = [␦i ⫺ ␦I ]2 (11)
where Vi is the molar volume of the solute, ␦i and ␦I are the solubility parameters
for the solute and solvent, I is the volume fraction of the solvent (I → 1 for dilute
solutions). In a mixed solvent, ␦I = A␦A ⫹ B␦B ⫹ . . . . Hence, combining Eqs. (6),
(9), and (11), the mole fraction solubility of a solute Xi is given by
ln Xi = ln X i0 ⫺ ln ␥i = ⫺
⫺ [␦i ⫺ ␦I ]2
Vi I2
Hence, the solute solubility Xi is enhanced either by the solute’s lower-melting point
[first term in right hand side of Eq. (11) becomes zero when the solute is a liquid;
Skin Transport 107
cept to describe the permeation of solutes through the skin. Ruelle et al. (69) have
suggested that both the usual solubility parameter and the three-dimensional (hydro-
gen bond) solubility parameter are often inappropriate to account for hydrogen bond-
ing, as there is an exothermic reaction with the formation of a solute–solvent hy-
drogen bond. They suggest that stability constants defining interactions between
solute and solvent and between themselves may be more appropriate. Ando et al.
(70) assumed that dispersion forces applied to a nonpolar lipid pathway, whereas
ion–dipole interactions with keratin applied to a polar pathway. The solvatochromic
approach introduced to percutaneous absorption by Roberts et al. (71) and Abraham
et al. (72) allows dispersion, dipolar, and hydrogen bonding to be included as separate
terms. The solubility of a liquid solute can be expressed in terms of the dispersion,
dipole, and hydrogen interactions, using a linear free energy approach:
⫺RT ln Xi ⫹ const = ⌬Gi = ⌬G di ⫹ ⌬G ip ⫹ ⌬G Hi = A␦ 2i
⫹ B i* *
I ⫹ C␣I i ⫹ D␣i I (15)
where constants A, B, C, and D are determined by regression; Vi is the molar volume
of the solute; ␦ 2i Vi /100 is the energy associated with creating a cavity for a solute
molecule of molar volume V * i , I*, and i* are the dipole solvatochromic parameters
for the solvent and solute, respectively; and ␣i, ␣i, I, and i are the solvatochromic
parameters for hydrogen-bonding–donating ability of solvent and solute and hydro-
gen-bonding–accepting ability of the solvent and solute, respectively. Hence, for a
solid solute, applying Eqs. (5), (10), and (15):
ln Xi = const ⫹ A␦ 2i ⫹ B *
i *
I ⫹ C2 ⫹ D␣2 ⫹ 0.0099(mp ⫺ 25) (16)
Yalkowsky et al. (73) applied Eq. (16) in the estimation of the solubility of 185
solutes in water and obtained (r 2 = 0.977):
ln Xw = 0.86 ⫺ 0.062Vi ⫹ 4.9i ⫺ 0.0099(mp ⫺ 25) (17)
According to Eq. (5), ln Ksc⫺v is simply defined by ln Ssc ⫺ ln Sv and, hence, is of
the same form as given in Eq. (16). Abraham et al. (74) showed that for 613 solutes
the solvatochromic regression (r = 0.9974) for log Koct was
log Koct = 0.088 ⫹ 0.562R ⫺ 11.054 H ⫹ 0.034␣ ⫺ 3.460 ⫹ 3.814Vx (18)
where R is an excess molar refraction, the solute dipolarity/polarizability, ␣ and
 the effective solute hydrogen bond acidity and basicity, and VX the characteristic
volume of McGowan. It is apparent that log Koct is dominated by solute hydrogen
basicity favoring distribution into water, and solute size favoring distribution into
octanol. Yalkowsky et al. (73) argue that the octanol–water partition coefficient
method (discussed in the next section) is superior for the estimation of water solu-
bility, as it is two orders of magnitude larger and achieves the same fit with fewer
3. Prediction from Octanol–Water Partition Coefficients
The use of the logarithm of octanol–water partition coefficients (log Koct) for the
prediction of biological activity through structure–activity relations originates from
Skin Transport 109
the work of Hansch (75). Log Koct has also been used in the evaluation of SC–water
partition coefficients (76). Roberts et al. (77) reported the following regression for
45 solutes (r 2 = 0.839):
log Ksc⫺v = 0.57 log Koct ⫺ 0.1 (19)
In theory, an estimate of the solubility of solutes in SC Ssc should be possible by
using Eq. (19) in an extended and rearranged form of Eq. (7), providing the solubility
of solutes in water Xw can be defined:
log Xsc = log Ksc⫺w ⫹ log Xw = 0.57 log Koct ⫺ 0.1 ⫹ log Xw (20)
Yalkowsky and Valvani (60) have suggested that the solubility in water Xw can be
estimated using Eqs. (6) and (7) when the activity coefficient for electrolytes in water
␥w can be estimated:
ln Xw = ln X 0i ⫺ ln ␥w = ⫺
R 冋
Tm 册 ⫺ ln ␥w (21)
Further, by combining Eq. (10) and (24) and assuming rigid solutes, Yalkowsky and
Valvani (60) obtained the following regression for 155 solutes (r 2 = 0.979):
log Sw = ⫺1.05 log Koct ⫺ 0.0012MP ⫹ 0.87 (25)
Hence, an expression for the solubility of solutes in SC (Xsc ) is
log Xsc = log Ksc⫺w ⫹ log Xw = ⫺0.48 log Koct ⫺ 0.0012MP ⫹ 0.77 (26)
Roberts et al. (24) also observed a decrease in the estimated maximum flux of phe-
nols with octanol water partition coefficient and suggested that it may reflect that
the more polar phenols had lower molar volumes. Importantly, Eq. (26) suggests that
highest solubilities in the SC will be seen for the lowest-melting point solutes.
4. Use of Group Contributions to Estimate SC–Water Partition
Coefficients and Make Deductions about the Naute of the Barrier
Group contributions are now widely used in the estimation of octanol–water partition
coefficients, the approach attributed to Hansch and co-workers (75). Recognizing
that the free energy for transfer of a solute from water to SC (⌬Gsc⫺w) is related to
its SC–water partition coefficient (Ksc⫺w), Scheuplein and Blank (5) assumed that
110 Roberts et al.
(⌬Gsc⫺w) was expressed additively by the individual groups in a solute and applied
it to their series of alcohols. Written in terms of transfer from water to SC (5):
⌬Gsc⫺w = ⌬G sc⫺w
⫹ n⌬G sc⫺w = ⫺RT ln Ksc⫺w (27)
They reported a ⌬G ⫺CHsc⫺w of ⫺460 cal mol
at 25⬚C, and noted that it was, in absolute
terms, lower than for the transfer of — CH2 into olive oil (⫺740 cal mol⫺1). Roberts
et al. (78) reported group contributions for water to SC and water to octanol as
follows (in cal mol⫺1 at 25⬚C) — OH (670, 710), — CH2 (⫺410, ⫺710), — Cl (810,
1210), — Br (960, 1550), — NO2 (510, 740), and — COOCH3 (240, 680). Although
the hydroxyl group is similar for the transfer from water to octanol, the nonpolar
contributions are almost half. Roberts et al. (78), in further recognizing the essential
temperature independence of Ksc (temperature range 12.6–34.5⬚C), suggested that
the partition was entropy-driven. In further analyses, they compared the relative
enthalpies and entropies of solute transfer from water into the SC and into various
crystalline states of lecithin. It was concluded that the hydrophobic phase of the SC,
with which the solutes are most associated, might be considered to be in a liquid
crystalline state or more polar. Anderson’s group (79) reported that, at 37⬚C, the
partition coefficients into untreated and delipidized SC were similar. They reported
a similar free-energy group contribution for the transfer of the — OH and — COOCH3
group from water to the protein domain of the SC (580, 160 cal mol⫺1 at 25⬚C).
New free-energy group transfers were (in cal mol⫺1 at 25⬚C): — CONH2 (660);
— CON(CH3)2 (160); and — COOH (30). They also reported free-energy group trans-
fers for — CH2 and — COOCH3 from water into octanol similar to Roberts et al.
(78), but a somewhat higher value for the — OH group (2350 cal mol⫺1). Davis et
al. (58) report a range of literature values for — OH substituents on an aromatic ring
that are all less than 870 cal mol⫺1 (mean 610 calmol⫺1) for transfer from water into
octanol and are comparable with those reported for transfer from water to SC. The
SC–water partition coefficients are equilibrium values, which will also occur
throughout the SC during the permeation process. The differences in the group con-
tributions for a SC protein domain and transport barrier is consistent with the par-
titioning involving binding to protein sites, the exact site of which remains ill-defined
and may include keratin within the cells and desmosomes in the intercellular space.
Interestingly, the solubility parameter for a keratin fragment [11.8 (cal/cm3)0.5] (68)
is similar to that for butanol [11.18 (cal/cm3)0.5], advocated by Roberts et al. (24,78)
as being of a polarity similar to the apparent partition coefficient domain of the SC.
It should be emphasized that group contributions for partition coefficients differ from
those for permeation, which are considered later.
A model of partitioning into the protein domains in the intercellular region and
into keratinocytes during the permeation process is illustrated in Figure 9. It is ap-
parent that the major effect of partitioning is to act as a buffer in the transport process
and, as we will see later, this buffering will decrease the diffusivity and increase the
lag time of solutes traversing the SC. As a consequence, the apparent permeability
coefficient for a solute through the SC can be shown to depend on both the affinity
of solutes for lipids in the diffusion pathway and on binding to other sites [see Eqs.
(36) and (37)]. In summary, SC–water partition coefficients are useful in helping
define the fraction of unbound solute and its ability to diffuse down the SC inter-
cellular lipid pathway [see Fig. 9; discussed later in Eq. (32)].
Skin Transport 111
Figure 9 Partition and diffusive processes in solute transport through the stratum corneum,
assessing an intercellular lipid pathway.
B. Steady-State Flux
As derived in Chapter 3 and presented previously (3), the steady-state solute flux
through the SC per unit area of application J sssc is determined by the concentrations
of solute immediately below the outside Csc(o) and inside Csc(i) the SC:
J sc = (Csc(o) ⫺ Csc(i)) (28)
where Dsc is the effective diffusion coefficient in the SC, with a diffusion path length
hsc. It should be noted that Dsc is defined both by diffusion of free solute and the
instantaneous partitioning into immobile sites in the diffusion path. Chandrasekaran
et al. (80,81) proposed a dual sorption model using this concept to describe the
uptake of drugs by skin. A simple form of their expression can be derived ignoring
the differences in the apparent volumes for partitioning and diffusion as well as the
rates of distribution [Later work will show that these assumptions are questionable
with significance for certain situations (82)]. Under linear binding and ‘‘instantane-
ous’’ equilibrium conditions, the unbound concentration of solute in SC lipids
(Csc,u) is related to that partitioned and bound to other SC components (Csc,b) by a
partition coefficient (K sc sc
b/u); that is, K b/u = Csc,b /Csc,u. If only unbound solute diffuses,
the change in unbound concentration in the SC ⭸Csc,u /⭸t is given by:
112 Roberts et al.
⭸Csc,total ⭸Csc,u ⭸2Csc,u
= (1 ⫹ K sc
b/u) = Dsc,u (30)
⭸t ⭸t ⭸x 2
since Csc,total = Csc,u ⫹ Csc,b.
Further recognizing that total concentration Csc in the SC is related to fu,sc the
fraction unbound in the SC by Cu,sc = fu,scCsc and that fu,sc = 1/(1 ⫹ K sc
b/u), Eq. (30)
can be expressed as
⭸Csc,u ⭸ 2Csc,u ⭸ 2Csc,u
= fu,sc Dsc,u = D (31)
⭸t ⭸x 2 ⭸x 2
since Dsc = fu,sc Dsc,u. Hence, the measured Dsc will reflect a reduction in the free-
diffusion coefficient as a result of binding to immobile components in the diffusion
path. If we assume that the unbound concentration is in the internal environment of
the intercellular lipid bilayer, then
Cu,sc Cu,sc Cw Klipid⫺w
fu,sc = = = = Klipid⫺sc (32)
Csc Cw Csc Ksc⫺w
We now include the SC lipid pathway–vehicle partition coefficient K sc
lipid⫺v , following
the earlier assumption that the solute in this bilayer is unbound and that the lipid
bilayer is the diffusion path:
sc C sc
K lipid⫺v = (33)
Substituting Eq. (33) into Eq. (28), recognizing that the transport pathway is the lipid
bilayer, therefore, accounting for partitioning differences, yields
J sc =
K sc
lipid⫺v Dsc
hsc 冉Cv ⫺
K lipid⫺ve
K lipid⫺v 冊 冉
C ssve = k psc Cv ⫺
K sc
K lipid⫺v 冊
C ve
= k sc
p 冉 Cv ⫺
C ve 冊 (34)
where C ssve is the concentration of the solute in the viable epidermis, and K lipid⫺ve
the SC lipid–viable epidermis partition coefficient, and Kve⫺v is the viable epidermis–
vehicle partition coefficient. Similar expressions could be derived for flux through
the viable epidermis with the dermis as an adjacent phase as shown in Figure 7. An
equation similar in form to Eq. (34) has also been used to describe the flux through
SC into the receptor phase of an in vitro penetration study (83). As stated earlier,
transport through the SC may occur through various pathways. In earlier work (3,83),
we have recognized that k sc p is a composite parameter and may be more properly
expressed as, for instance,
p = k p,lipid ⫹ k p,polar ⫹ k p,appendages
k sc sc sc sc
sc sc sc
where k ,k
p,lipid , and k
p,polar are the component SC permeability coefficients
for lipid, polar, and appendageal pathways. Kasting et al. (84) have discussed the
Skin Transport 113
relative magnitudes of k sc sc sc
p,lipid and k p,polar. They suggest that, whereas k p,lipid may vary
from 0.3 ⫻ 10 to 13,000 ⫻ 10 cm/h, k p,polar varies from 0.1 ⫻ 10 to 1 ⫻ 10⫺5
⫺5 ⫺5 sc ⫺5
cm/h. Thus, k sc
p,polar becomes important only for very low permeability solutes. The
appendageal component is added to Eq. (35) for completeness, given the later dis-
cussion on potential transport through this pathway. For most solutes, penetration
appears to occur through the lipid pathway, with a permeability coefficient k sc p,lipid. If
we assume that diffusion occurs through the lipid pathway and, as stated earlier, that
the distribution volumes are the same, then the partition coefficient of relevance will
appear to be that from the vehicle into this pathway (Klipid⫺v) and not Ksc⫺v [Eq. (36)]
sc Dsc K lipid⫺v fu,sc Dsc,u K sc sc
lipid⫺v K lipid⫺w Dsc,u
k p,lipid = K sc
lipid⫺v = = (36)
hsc hsc Ksc⫺w hsc
so that when the vehicle is water, then Dsc is an apparent value when the partitioning
is assumed to be determined by Ksc⫺v; that is,
冉 冊
sc K sc
lipid⫺w Dsc,u D app
k = Ksc⫺w
p = Ksc⫺w (37)
Ksc⫺w hsc hsc
where the apparent diffusion coefficient (D asc) is given by
冉 冊
app K sc
D sc = Dsc,u (38)
It should be reemphasized that this analysis is based on the binding sites being
present in the diffusion pathway. In reality, the distribution volumes for lipids and
other binding sites differ, and more complex expressions are appropriate (82). Nev-
ertheless, these expressions show that both the SC–vehicle partitioning and diffusion
down an exclusively lipid pathway affect the observed permeability coefficients. The
diffusion coefficient Dsc,u = kB T/6r where kB is the Boltzmann’s constant, T is the
temperature, is the viscosity of the pathway, and r is the radius of the diffusing
Several other heterogeneous skin permeability models have been described.
Albery and Hadgraft (29) assumed that impermeable corneocytes were embedded in
a permeable, homogeneous lipid phase. In Tojo’s model (85), both the lipid and
corneocytes phases are permeable, but with a partition coefficient between them.
Heisig et al. (86) have suggested that the heterogeneity of the SC precludes an
analytical solution. He used a ‘‘brick-and-mortar’’ model of the SC (ten layers with
corneocytes 30-m wide and 1-m thick and a lipid channel of 0.1 m, as shown
in Fig. 5) and concluded that the long lag times and very small human SC perme-
abilities can be predicted only for a highly staggered corneocyte geometry and only
when the corneocytes are 1000 times less permeable than the lipid phase. Plewig
and Marples (87) observed that SC was 15–20 layers of flat cells that are thin
squames with a thickness of approximately 0.5 m and a width of 30–40 m.
A key issue is then ‘‘what is the polarity of the lipid bilayer environment’’ (see
Figs. 5 and 6) in which the solute is diffusing. Anderson and Raykar (88) observed
similar group contributions for polar, hydrogen-bonding substituents from permea-
bility and octanol–water data and suggested, as a consequence, that ‘‘the barrier
microenvironment resembles that of a hydrogen-bonding solvent.’’ It is important to
recognize that this barrier phase is more lipophilic than defined by Ksc⫺v , which
114 Roberts et al.
v = ␥ *S
are used (i.e., a* v v and Ksc⫺v = Ssc /Sv (Eq. (3) and Eq. (5))):
Figure 10 (A) Sink conditions for flux of solute through the stratum corneum; (B) com-
parison of diffusional resistance of dermis and epidermis for aqueous solutions of alcohols.
(From Ref. 5.)
Where Ksc⫺v is the SC–vehicle partition coefficient, Ssc is the solubility of the solute
in the SC, and Sv is the solubility of the solute in the vehicle.
3. Steady-State Flux Through SC Under Nonsink Conditions
The steady-state flux of solute through the SC (J sssc) is defined by Eq. (39) when
Csc(i) = 0. When there is a significant concentration at the viable epidermis interface
(Figures 7 and 10A), a lower flux (given by Eq. (34)) is observed. Equation (34) can
also be rearranged to obtain an equation similar in form to that given in Eq. (39) (90):
J ssskin = k⬙C
p v (43)
where k⬙p is the effective permeability constant for the system, as defined not only
by the usual SC permeability coefficient k sc
p , but also, by the viable epidermis per-
116 Roberts et al.
meability coefficient k ve p , the permeability coefficient associated with the transfer from
the vehicle to the SC (not shown here), and an effective removal permeability co-
efficient k rp , reflecting blood perfusion in vivo or receptor sampling in vitro and
deeper tissue penetration:
1 1 1 1
= sc ⫹ ve ⫹ r (44)
k⬙p k p kp kp
Given that resistance to transport through a phase is defined by the reciprocal
of the permeability coefficient through that phase, Eq. (44) is simply stating that the
total resistance of the skin is given by the sum of its individual component resis-
tances, a similar expression is shown in Eq. (45) [Eqs. (49)–(53) in Chapter 3 express
this concept in mathematical terms]. Scheuplein (91) showed that the SC was the
major resistance to the skin permeation of water using such an expression for the
overall resistance of the skin Rskin [see Eq. (51) in Chap. 3].
Rskin = Rsc ⫹ Rve ⫹ RD = 9.1 ⫻ 106 ⫹ 6.3 ⫻ 103
⫹ 6.3 ⫻ 103 = 9.1 ⫻ 106 s cm⫺1 (45)
where Rsc is the resistance of the SC, Rve the resistance of viable epidermis, and RD
the resistance of dermis. As shown in Figure 10B, the dermal resistance contributes
significantly to the overall skin resistance for the longer-chain alcohols.
冋 册
1 1
k⬙p = ⫹ aq (46)
k sc
p,lipid ⫹ k p,polar
In early work, such as that for the phenolic compounds (24), regressions be-
tween log kp,sc and log Koct were made, recognizing the aqueous boundary layer
defined in Eq. (46), but not adequately recognizing the potential high dependence
on solute size (Fig. 11A). This work is predicated on a linear free energy relation
between log Ksc⫺water and log Ksolvent⫺water, as illustrated by the linear relation between
log Ksc⫺w and log Koct given in Eq. (19) (see Fig. 11B). If D asc /hsc is relatively constant
for the series of solutes chosen, then according to Eq. (39), log k sc p should be directly
related to log Koct when there is no evidence of either a polar pathway or another
barrier in series.
As discussed earlier, there is evidence for a polar pathway with a defined radius
for transport for very polar solutes. Transport through this pathway is expected to
Skin Transport
Table 4 Historical Development of Skin Transport–Structure Relations
1970s: Simplistic kp related to alcohol carbon chain length and Kamyl caproate Scheuplein (5,21,157)
kp phenylboronic acids, alcohols, and steroids related to Koctanol, MW, Lien and Tong (295)
and molar refraction
Flux related to Kmineral oil–water Michaels et al. (8)
kp and Ksc⫺v phenols, aromatic/aliphatic alcohols, and steroids related Roberts group
to Koctanol, MW, and H bond number (23,24,76,78)
1980s Maximum flux related to dipole moment, assuming polar and nonpolar Ando et al. (70)
Maximum flux related to MW and melting point Kasting et al. (92)
Dermal clearance rate related to Koctanol Siddiqui et al. (44)
kp related to partition coefficients Various including (88,296)
1990s: Selected multivariate
SAR of large kp datasets
Koctanol and MW log kp = ⫺2.74 ⫹ 0.71 log Koct ⫺ 0.0061MW, r 2 = 0.67, n = 93 Potts and Guy (94)
Fragmental analysis log kp = ⫺2.76 ⫹ 0.24 (C *) ⫺ 0.47 (aromatic rings) ⫹ 0.46 (halide) Pugh and Hadgraft (297)
⫺ 1.27 (amine) ⫺ 0.64 (nonaromatic) ⫺ 1.24 (steroid) ⫺ 0.47
(OH) ⫺ 0.325 (O) ⫺ 0.36 (amide), r 2 = 0.68, n = 90
MW and H bonds log kp = ⫺2.170 ⫹ 0.07(log Poct)2 ⫹ 0.835 log Koct ⫺ 0.265 Lien and Gao (298)
Hn ⫹ 1.844 log MW, r 2 = 0.956, n = ????
Solvatochromic or similar log kp = ⫺1.29 ⫺ 1.72⌺␣2 ⫺ 3.932⌺2 ⫹ 0.026Vx, r 2 = 0.94, n = 37 Potts and Guy (299)
approaches log kp = ⫺0.51 ⫺ 0.592 ⫺ 0.63⌺␣2 ⫺ 3.42⌺2 ⫹ 1.8Vx, r 2 = 0.96, Roberts et al. (71)
n = 46
log kp = ⫺5.24 ⫹ 0.44R2 ⫺ 0.412 ⫺ 1.63⌺␣2 ⫺ 3.282 ⫹ 2.01Vx, Abraham (300,301)
r 2 = 0.96, n = 47
118 Roberts et al.
Figure 11 (A) The relation between log k sc p and log Koct for phenols; (B) the relation
between log Ksc⫺water and log Koct for phenols; (C) theoretical prediction of overall log k⬙p
versus log Koct for a solute with MW of 300 and the contribution of various diffusion pathways
to this transport; (D) the relation between activation energies (Ea) for phenols (●) and alcohols
(䡩). (From Refs. 78[A]; 24[B].)
be characterized by a k sc p,polar [upper limit 0.15 cm/h (84)] independent of log Koct.
Kasting et al. (84) also refer to an aqueous boundary layer with k aq p = 1 ⫻ 10
cm/h. Figure 11C shows a plot of the predicted log permeability coefficient versus
log octanol–water, based on these considerations. It is apparent that a sigmoidal
curve results, reflecting transport by the polar pathway at low log Koct, a linear portion
reflecting log k sc
p,lipid versus log Koct, and a limiting aqueous boundary layer perme-
ability at high log Koct. This curvature is consistent with the phenols’ results shown
in Figure 11A. Roberts et al. (23) interpreted the sigmoidal decrease in the activation
energy for permeation for both alcohols and phenols with increasing log Koct (see
Fig. 11D) as additional evidence of the aqueous boundary layer effect they used to
explain the curvature of the plot of log k sc p versus log Koct at high log Koct values (see
Fig. 11A). Kasting et al. (92) suggested that log Dsc may be related to solute molec-
ular weight by Eq. (47):
Skin Transport 119
partition coefficients and solute size as determinants in skin transport is the basis for
perhaps the most widely quoted relation in this area—that of Potts and Guy (94).
They related log k sc
p (cm/h) to log Koct and molecular weight MW (a likely determinant
of Dsc) for 97 solutes and obtained the relation:
as a model for the intercellular lipoid matrix, showed that the steady-state flux of
three groups of solutes could be related to their three-dimensional solubility param-
eter differences with the solubility parameter of that intracellular lipid ([␦solute ⫺
␦O-acylglucosylceramide]2) (Fig. 13).
An alternative process is to recognize that transport is a series of steps, the
first being partitioning into the SC and the second diffusion through the SC. There-
fore, it is desirable to separate out the partition and diffusion components of k sc
p to
better understand these determinants of epidermal transport. The aqueous SC–water
partition coefficient Ksc⫺v was related to the octanol–water partition coefficient Koct
for 45 solutes by Eq. (19). As discussed previously, with Eq. (49), there may be a
need to assume a higher slope consistent with the more lipophilic transport pathway
than the partitioning environment. By using Eq. (19) in an attempt to remove the
influence of partitioning, Pugh et al. (98) showed for polyfunctional solutes (N = 53)
D asc
log = ⫺1.50 ⫺ 0.91␣ ⫺ 1.58 ⫺ 0.003MW r 2 = 0.94 (52)
where ␣ and  are the H-bond donor ability (acidity) and the H-bond acceptor ability
(basicity) of the solute. Hence, diffusivity of a solute in the SC is both a function
of the hydrogen bonding of a solute and its size. The SC barrier was shown to be a
predominantly H-bond donor rather than acceptor with ␣sc:sc = 0.6:0.4. Also, log Dsc
is related to the number of hydrogen-bonding groups on a molecule in a nonlinear
manner and is suggestive of an adsorption isotherm, being maximal for small, non–
hydrogen-bonding molecules and reaching a low minimum with about four hydro-
gen-bonding groups (98). Comparing Eqs. (49) and (50), it is interesting to speculate
whether the melting point term found empirically in Eq. (49) is, in fact, a proxy
measure of hydrogen bonding, because hydrogen bond donor ability, and other in-
termolecular forces and molecular symmetry, are predictors of melting point (99).
2. Other Vehicles
The number of studies on structure–transport relations of solutes from other vehicles
is more limited. One of the earliest studies reported is that of Blank (100) in which
it was shown that whereas the permeability coefficient of alcohols through human
skin from saline increased with the number of carbon atoms, the permeability co-
efficients from nonaqueous vehicles decreased (Fig. 14A). Similar results have been
shown for phenolic solutes (see Figs. 11A and 14B). Roberts (101) attempted to
predict the observed relations using data for the epidermal permeability from aqueous
solutions and the estimated permeability coefficients. Arachis oil–solvent partition
coefficients were measured for a number of phenolic compounds using water–
ethanol combinations as solvents (see Fig. 14C). Noting that Ksc⫺v is related to Koct
for this series of solutes by Eq. (19) and the partition coefficient between arachis oil
and water Koil–water for these solutes are defined by
the apparent SC–arachis oil partition coefficient can be predicted by a suitable sub-
stitution of Eq. (53) into Eq. (19):
Table 5 Flynns’ Dataset for Skin Permeability Transport Relations
Aldosterone ⫺5.52 1.08 164 26 PEN/STR A 0.83 313.80 * 0.40 1.9 3.47 4.00 302
Amobarbital ⫺2.64 1.96 158 32 Buff 7.4 B 204.40 303
Atropine ⫺5.07 1.81 192 30 Ring 6.5 B 266.10 1.81 * * * * 8
Barbital ⫺3.95 0.65 192 32 Buff 7.4 B 155.60 303
Benzyl alcohol ⫺2.22 1.10 25 a a
C 0.61 89.24 ⫺0.62 0.33 0.5 0.87 1.36 21,5
4-Bromophenol ⫺1.44 2.59 68 25 DDH2O C 91.95 ⫺0.20 0.67 0.2 1.17 1.28 24,76
2,3-Butanediol ⫺4.40 ⫺0.92 25 30 a
C 89.64 21,5
Butanoic acid ⫺3.00 0.79 25 25 a
C 0.18 81.56 ⫺0.96 0.60 0.45 0.62 1.64 21,5
n-Butanol ⫺2.60 0.88 25 25 0.9% NaCl C 0.40 81.95 ⫺0.70 0.37 0.48 0.42 1.38 21,5
Butan-2-one ⫺2.35 0.28 25 30 a
C 75.20 ⫺0.25 0.00 0.51 0.70 0.93 21,5
Butobarbital ⫺3.71 1.65 127 32 Buff 7.4 B 188.10 303
4-Chlorocresol ⫺1.26 3.10 48 25 DDH2O C 103.90 0.36 0.65 0.22 1.02 1.29 24,76
2-Chlorophenol ⫺1.48 2.15 25 25 DDH2O C 87.90 24,76
4-Chlorophenol ⫺1.44 2.39 45 25 DDH2O C 88.17 ⫺0.12 0.67 0.2 1.08 1.28 24,76
Chloroxylenol ⫺1.28 3.39 116 25 DDH2O C 119.30 1.08 0.64 0.21 0.96 1.26 24,76
Chlorpheniramine ⫺2.66 3.81 25 30 Ring 6.5 B 246.20 3.39 * * * * 8
Codeine ⫺4.31 0.89 145 37 CPB 7.4 B 254.30 0.89 * * * * 304
Cortexolone ⫺4.13 2.52 208 26 PEN/STR A 1.36 317.00 ⫺1.00 0.35 1.57 3.45 3.36 302
Cortexone ⫺3.35 2.88 138 26 PEN/STR A 1.57 309.80 0.48 0.15 1.13 3.39 2.26 302
Corticosterone ⫺4.22 1.94 183 26 PEN/STR A 1.23 316.50 ⫺1.62 0.40 1.63 3.43 3.51 302
Cortisone ⫺5.00 1.42 228 26 PEN/STR A 0.93 320.80 ⫺0.55 0.35 1.84 3.50 3.38 302
o-Cresol ⫺1.80 1.95 34 25 DDH2O C 1.03 88.42 0.25 0.52 0.3 0.86 1.26 24,76
m-Cresol ⫺1.82 1.96 25 25 DDH2O C 1.03 88.97 ⫺0.35 0.57 0.34 0.88 1.40 24,76
Roberts et al.
p-Cresol ⫺1.75 1.95 34 25 DDH2O C 1.03 88.87 ⫺0.19 0.57 0.31 0.87 1.34 24,76
n-Decanol ⫺1.10 4.00 25 a a
C 178.30 * 0.37 0.48 0.42 1.38 21,5
2,4-Dichlorophenol ⫺1.22 3.08 60 25 DDH2O C 102.40 24,76
Diethylcarbamazine ⫺3.89 ⫺0.31 49 30 Ring 6.5 B 195.50 8
Digitoxin ⫺4.89 1.86* 240 30 Ring 6.5 B 682.60 8
Skin Transport
Ephedrine ⫺2.22 1.03 39 30 Ring 6.5 B 156.00 8
b-Estradoil ⫺3.52 2.69 179 26 PEN/STR A 1.66 255.30 0.88 0.95 3.30 302
Estriol ⫺4.40 2.47 282 26 PEN/STR A 1.36 262.40 1.40 1.22 3.36 302
Estrone ⫺2.44 2.76 254 26 PEN/STR A 1.66 249.50 0.56 0.91 3.10 302
Ethanol ⫺3.10 ⫺0.31 25 25 0.9% NaCl C ⫺0.31 50.72 ⫺2.10 0.37 0.48 0.42 1.38 21,5
2-Ethoxyethanol ⫺3.60 ⫺0.54 25 30 a
C 90.21 * 0.30 0.83 0.50 1.92 21,5
Ethyl benzene 0.08 3.15 25 25 DDH2O C 97.78 3.00 0.00 0.15 0.51 0.28 305
Ethyl ether ⫺1.80 0.83 25 30 a
C 83.31 0.60 0.00 0.45 0.25 0.82 21,5
4-Ethyl phenol ⫺1.46 2.40 45 25 DDH2O C 104.60 0.23 0.55 0.36 0.90 1.41 24,76
Etorphine ⫺2.44 1.86 215 37 Tris 7.4 B 368.20 1.86 * * * * 306
Fentanyl ⫺2.25 4.37 84 37 CPB 7.4 B 314.70 4.37 * * * * 304,307
Fentanyl (2) ⫺2.00 4.37 84 30 Ring 6.5 B 314.70 4.37 * * * * 3
Fluocinonide ⫺2.77 3.19 311 37 Succ 4 B 412.00 $
Heptanoic acid ⫺1.70 2.50 25 25 a
C 1.78 129.30 0.45 0.60 0.45 0.60 1.64 21,5
n-Heptanol ⫺1.50 2.72 25 25 0.9% NaCl C 1.48 130.10 1.01 0.37 0.48 0.42 1.38 21,5
Hexanoic acid ⫺1.85 1.90 25 25 a
C 1.08 113.80 0.24 0.60 0.45 0.60 1.64 21,5
n-Hexanol ⫺1.89 2.03 25 25 0.9% NaCl C 1.00 112.80 0.45 0.37 0.48 0.42 1.38 21,5
Hydrocortisone (2) (HC) ⫺3.93 1.53 214 32 Buff 7.4 A 0.85 326.00 ⫺2.04 0.70 1.87 3.49 4.36 303
HC Dimethylsuccinamate ⫺4.17 2.03 223 37 Succ 4 A 437.50 79,309
HC Hemipimelate ⫺2.75 3.26 112 37 Succ 4 A 449.20 79,309
HC Hemisuccinate ⫺3.20 2.11 171 37 Succ 4 A 401.80 79,309
HC Hexanoate ⫺1.75 4.48 152 37 Succ 4 A 424.00 79,309
HC 6-OH-hexanoate ⫺3.04 2.79 144 37 Succ 4 A 1.58 432.10 —* —* —* 79,309
HC Octanoate ⫺1.21 5.49 115 37 Succ 4 A 455.90 79,309
HC Pimelamate ⫺3.05 2.31 185 37 Succ 4 A 452.70 79,309
HC Propionate ⫺2.47 3.00 196 37 Succ 4 A 375.80 79,309
HC Succinamate ⫺4.59 1.43 227 37 Succ 4 A 405.30 79,309
Hydromorphone ⫺4.82 1.25 267 37 CPB 7.4 B 250.70 1.25 * * * * 304
Hydroxypregnenolone ⫺3.22 3.00 150 26 PEN/STR A 317.60 302
17-Hydroxyprogesterone ⫺3.22 2.74 220 26 PEN/STR A 1.60 311.60 0.40 0.25 1.31 3.35 2.73 302
Isoquinoline ⫺1.78 2.03 28 32 NaOH 7.4 C 96.32 303
⫺2.04 ⫺0.52
Me-4-hydroxy benzoate 1.96 128 25 PBS 7.4 C 111.90 0.69 0.45 1.37 1.76 24,76
Table 5 Continued
Roberts et al.
n-Octanol ⫺1.28 2.97 25 25 0.9% NaCl C 3.00 144.50 * 0.37 0.48 0.42 1.38 21,5
Ouabain ⫺6.11 a
190 25 Ring 6.5 B 490.30 8
Pentanoic acid ⫺2.70 1.30 25 25 a
C 0.48 98.75 ⫺0.92 0.60 0.45 0.60 1.64 21,5
n-Pentanol ⫺2.22 1.56 25 25 0.9% NaCl C 0.70 96.99 ⫺0.40 0.37 0.48 0.42 1.38 21,5
Phenobarbital ⫺3.34 1.47 178 32 Buff 7.4 B 180.50 303
Skin Transport
Phenol ⫺2.09 1.46 42 25 DDH2O C 0.73 73.12 ⫺0.82 0.60 0.3 0.89 1.36 24,76
Pregnenolone ⫺2.82 3.13 192 26 PEN/STR A 1.70 310.10 3.77 0.32 1.18 3.29 2.59 302
Progesterone ⫺2.82 3.77 130 26 PEN/STR A 2.02 304.30 3.77 0.00 1.14 3.29 2.08 302
n-Propanol ⫺2.85 0.25 25 25 0.9% NaCl C 0.30 65.51 ⫺1.52 0.37 0.48 0.42 1.38 21,5
Resorcinol ⫺3.62 0.80 113 25 DDH2O C 0.25 79.80 1.10 0.58 1.00 24,76
Salicyclic acid ⫺2.20 2.26 160 32 Buff 7.4 C 94.75 303
Scopolamine ⫺4.30 1.24 25 30 Ring 6.5 B 263.90 1.24 * * * * 8
Styrene ⫺0.19 2.95 25 a a
C 87.66 0.44 0.00 0.16 0.65 0.29 310
Sucrose ⫺5.28 ⫺2.25 187 30 Succ 4 C 267.40 $
Sufentanyl ⫺1.92 4.59 97 37 CPB 7.4 B 346.40 304,307
Testosterone ⫺3.40 3.31 155 26 PEN/STR A 1.36 270.20 3.31 0.32 1.19 2.59 2.60 302
Thymol ⫺1.28 3.34 51 25 DDH2O C 3.30 135.80 1.62 10.0 0.52 0.44 1.51 24,76
a a
Toluene 0.00 2.75 25 C 82.84 2.89 0.00 0.14 0.52 0.26 310
2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ⫺1.23 3.69 66 25 DDH2O C 117.30 24,76
Water ⫺3.30 ⫺1.38 25 25 Water C 16.75 21,5
3,4-Xylenol ⫺1.44 2.35 68 25 DDH2O C 1.28 104.60 0.28 0.56 0.39 0.86 1.47 24,76
Data not stated or unavailable
Succ, succinimate phosphate buffer; PEN/STR, aqueous solution of penicillin and streptomycin; Ring, Ringer’s buffer; CPB, citrate–phosphate buffer; Buff, buffer
(specific constituents not stated); DDH2O, distilled water.
Figure 13 Dependence of transepidermal flux (Jss, mol cm⫺2 h⫺1) on the difference in
solute (␦solute) and o-acylglucosylceramide (␦o-acylglucosylceramide) solubility parameter [␦solute ⫺
␦o-acylglucosylceramide] for (A) steroids; (B) a mixture of various drugs; and (C) analgesics. (From
Ref. 68.)
Skin Transport 127
Figure 14 (A) Effect of alkyl chain length on the permeability of alcohols through human
skin from olive oil (䉭), isopropyl palmitate (●), and saline (䡩); (B) epidermal permeability
coefficients (kp) and octanol–water partition coefficients (Koct) for several phenols from an
arachis oil vehicle and an aqueous receptor (䡩), ethanol 47% in water vehicle and receptor
(䡲), ethanol 95% in water vehicle and receptor (▫), and arachis oil in vehicle and receptor
(●) at 25⬚C; (C) aqueous alcohol partition coefficients (K) versus octanol–water partition
coefficients (Koct) for a group of phenols. Solvents used were water (䡩), ethanol 47% in water
(䉭), and ethanol 95% in water (▫); (D) relation between permeability coefficients for the
group of phenols and the relative humidity generated by the receptor phase used in perme-
ability studies. (From Refs. 100[A]; 101[B–D].)
128 Roberts et al.
Thus, a negative slope is predicted. The slope of the observed relation for an arachis
oil vehicle to aqueous receptor ⫺0.34 was of a magnitude comparable with that
predicted of ⫺0.41. A lower observed slope would be consistent with a higher li-
pophilicity in the SC diffusion pathway as discussed earlier [see Eq. (34)]. A com-
parison of predictions for other vehicles with observed values shown in Table 6
shows that observed and predicted slopes are similar in magnitude.
It should be recognized that linear relations between logarithms of the partition
coefficients of solutes in different solvents with the logarithm of the octanol–water
partition coefficient have been shown for many polar and semipolar solvents (75).
Leo et al. (75) point out that for nonpolar solvents, the relation with the logarithm
of the octanol–water partition coefficient is poor. A satisfactory correlation is ob-
tained when a hydrogen-bonding constant is added to this relation.
Hagedorn–Leweke and Lippold (102) quantified the transdermal permeabilities
and maximum fluxes of various sunscreens and antimicrobial compounds applied as
saturated solutions in a propylene glycol–water mixture applied to human skin in
vivo. A linear relation was found between the logarithms of permeability coefficients
of the penetrants and their corresponding octanol–vehicle partition coefficients. The
slope of 0.38 reported in their relation may be explained as being much less than
unity as a consequence of the SC being more ‘‘polar’’ than octanol, as deduced from
the aqueous partition studies [see Eq. (19)]. An additional reduction in the slope is
also expected through the cosolvency effect of propylene glycol. A slope of 0.32
was obtained in a later study on the uptake of homologous esters of nicotinic acid
by the skin of healthy volunteers (103).
3. Hydration
It should be emphasized that this approach can be used to predict only slopes and
not permeability coefficients, the absolute magnitude of which are also influenced
by vehicle effects on membrane properties, such as hydration. Indeed, as shown in
Figure 14D, the permeability coefficients in the different vehicle systems used vary
by two orders of magnitude and appear to be related to water content, as defined by
the relative humidity for the receptor solutions used. Scheuplein and Blank (5) had
previously reported that the diffusion of alcohols differs by 100-fold between hy-
drated and dehydrated SC. The role of skin hydration in percutaneous absorption has
been reviewed (104). The mechanism of water enhancement of skin permeability is
considered in a later section on vehicle–skin interactions. In their overview of the
effects of hydration on solute penetration, Roberts and Walker (104) noted that the
reported results were equivocal, with some studies reporting increases of up to ten-
fold for some substances, and others showing a very small effect. They commented
that the major effect of hydration may be on solubility in skin lipids, citing the
greater enhancement of pure glycol salicylate relative to methyl or ethyl salicylate
by hydration using the human in vivo data of Wurster and Kramer (105). A similar
enhancement was shown for methyl ethyl ketone (106). Figures 15A and B sum-
marize these in vivo results. Occlusion has been reported to have a greater effect on
Skin Transport 129
log k sc⫺v
p vs. log Koct
Vehicle log Koil⫺v vs. log Koct Observed Predicted
Figure 15 (A) Cumulative urinary salicylate excretion data showing the influence of hy-
dration on the percutaneous absorption rate of glycol salicylate, hydrated system (●) and
dehydrated system (䡩); (B) expired air concentration data for the elimination of methyl ethyl
ketone showing the influence of hydration on percutaneous absorption rate: hydrated system
(▫); normal system (䡩); and dehydrated system (䉭); (C) percutaneous absorption of four
steroids in humans as a function of penetrant octanol–water partition coefficient and occlusion.
(From Refs. 105[A]; 68[B]; 107[C].)
Skin Transport 131
Figure 15 Continued
pendent of concentration for any vehicle, is that the flux (Jsc) for a given solute
concentration (Cv) in a given vehicle [see Eq. (43)] can be predicted from J max sc and
Sv; that is, Jsc = J max
sc Cv /S v. It is emphasized that such a prediction assumes that neither
the solute nor the vehicle has affected D asc or Sc. By using the data in Table 3 from
Sloan et al. (62), Zatz (109) estimated a theoretical Ksc Sv (i.e., =Ssc) and thence
J max
sc /(Ksc Sv). In theory, this latter ratio should be constant [see Eq. (55)]. In practice,
the ratio for the various vehicles used to apply theophylline to hairless mouse skin
were isopropyl myristate 50, octanol 490, dimethyl formamide 4.7, propylene glycol
3.2, ethylene glycol 2.2, and formamide 2.7. Evidently, the vehicles had caused
varying changes in skin permeability. Twist and Zatz (110) and Barry et al. (111)
have previously shown that the respective constant steady-state flux for methylpar-
aben through polydimethylsiloxane membrane and the bioavailability for the topical
steroid desonide, as measured by vasoconstrictor response, were independent of for-
mation when applied as saturated formulations.
Equation (55) suggests that the maximal flux of a solute through SC J max sc can
be enhanced by three mechanisms: (a) increasing the diffusivity of a solute in the
SC; (b) affecting the partitioning between the SC lipids and other SC components,
or (c) by increasing its solubility in SC lipid components. Tojo et al. (112) showed
that the permeation steady-state rate of progesterone and its hydroxy substituents
across the intact skin and stripped skin of the hairless mouse was approximately
proportional to the solubility of drugs in the SC or in the viable skin, respectively.
Note that Eq. (55) is a reduced form of a more general expression, analogous
to Eq. (34), which recognizes the potential effects of the viable epidermal resistance:
J max
sc p Sv (1 ⫺ fSve )
= k sc (56)
where fSve is the solute concentration in the viable epidermis C , expressed as a
fraction of its solubility in the viable epidermis Sve (i.e., fSve = C ssve /Sve).
132 Roberts et al.
Figure 16 (A) Steady-state flux of hydrocortisone through polydimethylsiloxane membrane
from saturated solutions in various vehicles that themselves are not sorbed to any significant
extent by the membrane (mean ⫾ SD); (B) an inverse relation between drug flux at steady
state through excised human skin and penetrant melting point (MP) (dg, digitoxin; ou, oua-
bain; es, estradiol; at, atropine; ch, chlorpheniramine; fn, fentanyl; sc, scopolamine; ng, nitro-
glycerin; dc, diethylcarbamazine; ep, ephedrine). (From Refs. 68[A]; 116[B].)
Skin Transport 133
134 Roberts et al.
Figure 17 (A) In vivo percutaneous penetration of a series of salicylates (䡩) and of other
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (●) plotted as a function of log Koct; (B) in vivo per-
cutaneous absorption of phenols in humans under occluded (▫) and protected (䡲) conditions
as a function of penetrant log Koct. (From Refs. 117[A]; 68;324[B].)
Skin Transport 135
of the esters, a linear relation was found between log J max sc ⫹ (1 ⫺ 0.32)log Koct
versus log Soct. The maximum fluxes of transdermally absorbed sunscreens and other
solutes were also estimated from the disappearance of the solutes from saturated
solutions of a propylene glycol–water mixture which was applied to human skin in
vivo (102). The maximum fluxes were then related to the octanol–water partition
coefficients and octanol solubilities for the compounds.
sc = ⫺0.18
Hinz et al. (118) have suggested that the significant parabolic (log J max
⫹ 1.35 log Koct ⫺ 0.30 [log Koct]2) and bilinear (log Jmax = ⫺0.17 ⫹ 1.08 log P ⫺
1.95 [log( ⭈10 log Koct ⫹ 1)]) dependencies obtained may reflect a change in the
rate-limiting transport step (for compounds of high log P) from diffusion across the
SC to partitioning at the SC–viable epidermis interface. Bucks and Maibach (107)
also observed a parabolic relation for phenols in vivo using deposited solids (see
Fig. 17B). Hostynek and Magee (119) concluded in their analysis of human in vivo
skin absorption data for 28 solutes that the maximum flux was increased by
Roberts and Sloan (120) modified the Potts and Guy equation [see Eq. (49)]
to apply to more lipophilic and more polar vehicles than skin. Maximum fluxes for
39 prodrugs from saturated solutions in isopropyl myristate were best described by
the relation:
log J max
sc = ⫺0.193 ⫹ 0.525 log Sipm
⫹ (1 ⫺ 0.525)log Sw ⫺ 0.00364MW r 2 = 0.945 (58)
where Sipm is the solubility in isopropyl myristate, Sw is the solubility in aqueous pH
4.0 buffer and MW is molecular weight. The significant difference to the earlier
expressions derived to date is the inclusion of the water solubility term, with a slope
suggesting that it is almost as important as lipid solubility in predicting flux. A similar
model was used to analyze the maximum flux data of Kasting et al. (92) from
propylene glycol (PG), but using propylene glycol solubility SPG instead of Sw:
log J max
sc = ⫺1.673 ⫹ 0.599 log Sipm
⫹ (1 ⫺ 0.599)log SPG ⫺ 0.00595MW r 2 = 0.852 (59)
This work, using solubilities in polar and nonpolar solvents as predictors of flux,
suggests that the bipolar nature of the SC lipids needs to be recognized in modeling
maximum fluxes from different vehicles.
To date, our analysis has been limited to the prediction of maximum fluxes for
solutes on the basis that, consistent with the theoretical considerations defined by
Raoult’s or convention 1, the activity of a saturated system from any vehicle should
be identical and equal to that for a pure liquid compound. In reality, solutes and
vehicles interact with the skin affecting both solubility and diffusivity. Deviations in
maximum fluxes between vehicles or in the ratios of a flux through epidermis and
an inert membrane between vehicles (121) is evidence of either a drug–skin or a
vehicle–skin interaction as discussed in the following section.
the viable epidermis [see Eq. (28) and Fig. 7]. A maximum flux is attained, therefore,
at the solubility of the solute in the SC [see Eq. (55)], recognizing that solubility
may include the thermodynamically unstable potential supersaturation. The concen-
trations of solute in the SC may be related to those in the vehicle by a partition
coefficient. Our analysis also shows that the apparent diffusivity is a function of both
the diffusivity of unbound solute down the intercellular lipid pathway as well as the
fraction of solute unbound in this pathway. Finally, solutes may be transported in
the vapor phase as has been shown for the alcohols (5) and for a homologous series
of acetate esters (122). In the latter, the vapor pressure of the pure solutes decreased
as the alkyl chain was increased. The observed SC permeation rate decreased with
the decrease in vapor pressure. We now consider factors affecting each determinant.
Figure 18 (A) Penetration flux of phenol through rat skin (䡩) and polyethylene film (●)
at 37⬚C for various concentrations of phenol in water; (B) Fluxes of octylsalicylate at various
concentrations: (left-hand axis: polyethylene membrane (䡩) and nylon membrane filter (䉭);
(right-hand axis) human epidermis (䊱) and dialysis membrane (●); (C) penetration flux of
pentanol from an olive oil vehicle through human skin (䡩) and polyethylene film (●). (From
Refs. 101[A,C]; 325[B].)
138 Roberts et al.
the solutes in the vehicle. The permeability coefficient is relatively constant; but
increases abruptly at about 2% phenol as a result of several changes (123). Figure
18B shows a negative deviation from a linear flux versus concentration relation
through membranes other than nylon. The negative deviation here arises from octyl
salicylate self-association in the vehicle at high concentrations and is accounted for
in Eq. (40) by a reduction in Ksc⫺v as a result of a decreased ␥v [see Eq. (7)]. The
positive deviation from linearity for the nylon membrane suggests that octyl salic-
ylate has increased flux by plasticization or other effects on the membrane. Figure
18C shows a negative deviation in flux from a linear flux concentration relation as
a result of an effect such as dehydration and a reduction in Dsc , arising from the
high concentration of solute in the vehicle.
Twist and Zatz (124) reported a parabolic relation between flux and solute
concentration for methylparaben and propylparaben through polydimethylsiloxane
membrane from 1-propanol. They proposed that the propanol vehicle is sorbed by
the membrane and creates an environment (‘‘clusters’’) in which the paraben can
dissolve. The resultant paraben membrane concentration and flux is higher than if
the propanol was not present in the membrane. At high paraben concentrations, the
propanol activity in the vehicle is reduced: less partitions into the membrane. The
paraben solubility and flux therefore decreases. Another nonlinearity that may arise
is the nonlinear binding of components to SC. Bronaugh and Congdon (125) showed
that hair dye binding to human epidermis could be described by a Scatchard plot,
and that permeability values followed the rank order of dye permeability and par-
alleled the partition coefficients only when the binding sites were saturated. Wurster
(122) has reported the adsorption isotherm for sarin’s uptake on p-dioxane-condi-
tioned callous tissue.
B. Drug–Vehicle Interactions
Figure 19A shows that the penetration flux of phenol decreases through both rat skin
and polyethylene owing to a higher affinity of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) than for
water, even though DMSO is a very strong penetration enhancer. A similar profile
is observed for glycerol, an agent that has less effect on the epidermis (see Fig. 19B)
(123). The effect of the DMSO and glycerol relative to water is simply a reduction
in Ksc⫺v owing to a greater solubility [see Eq. (42)] or low-activity coefficient owing
to the high affinity [see Eq. (40)] of phenol for these vehicles than for water. Indeed
when the logarithm of the penetration flux is plotted against the percentage glycerol,
a linear relation is observed (see Fig. 19C) consistent with the relation (126).
log Js = log Js water ⫹ (log Js (glycerol) ⫺ log Js (water))(1 ⫺ fg) (60)
Where (Js) is the penetration flux for a given binary composition, Js (glycerol) and
Js (water) are the penetration fluxes of phenol from glycerol and water vehicles, re-
spectively, and fg is the fraction of glycerol in the glycerol–water vehicle.
Vehicles may also affect drug release by a diffusion limitation in the vehicle
with a range of expressions being presented (see Chap. 3). Other effects such as
vehicle evaporation, dissolution kinetics, solvent flux through stratum corneum, and
changes in vehicle composition with time are dealt with elsewhere in this book and
the literature (83,126,127). In the present context, the shape of the cumulative amount
versus time profile is often indicative of whether flux is membrane-limited as dis-
Skin Transport 139
Figure 19 (A) The relation between flux of phenol through polyethylene film and excised
skin, and the percentage DMSO in the vehicle; (B,C) penetration flux of phenol through
excised skin from a 5% w/v (▫) and a 2% w/v (䡩) aqueous glycerol solution and through a
polyethylene membrane from a 2% w/v (●) aqueous glycerol solution. (From Refs. 330[A];
140 Roberts et al.
Figure 19 Continued
冉 冊
Dv t
Mt ⬵ 2C0 (61)
The derivation of the expression for a suspension of drug with an apparent concen-
tration Ctotal (total amount of dissolved plus undissolved solid per unit volume) and
a solubility in the vehicle Sv , described originally by Higuchi, has been reported by
many authors, including Barry (126). When Ctotal >> Sv , Mt is given by
Mt ⬵ (2Ctotal Sv Dv t)1/2 (62)
Hence, a square root relation for the amount of solute released with time is expected,
whether or not the vehicle is saturated with solute. The range of vehicles used in
topical applications is discussed in greater detail in the following chapters.
increased with the proportion of ionized drug. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
studies by Ongpipattanakul et al. (139) later suggested that polar channels were
formed by the lateral phase separation between oleic acid and indigenous lipids.
Enhancement of the skin permeability of ionized salicylic acid by DMSO (140),
another enhancer shown by DSC to cause intercellular lipid disruption (141), has
also been suggested to occur by the creation of polar channels in the intercellular
lipids (137). The effect of surfactants on skin permeation has been reviewed (109).
As discussed earlier, one mechanism for nonionic surfactants is an increase in av
Skin Transport 143
Solvent/Vehicle Effect
[see Eq. (40)] and a ‘‘push’’ mechanism (see Fig. 8B) (65). Ionic surfactants affect
Dsc with peak effects for a given series of surfactants often occurring at C12 or C14.
Several methods have been used to assess the effects of enhancers on mem-
brane permeability. A low flux or permeability constant through the skin from a
given vehicle does not necessarily imply that enhancement has occurred. The ratio
of fluxes through skin and an inert membrane from a given vehicle is independent
of the activity of solute in the vehicle (121) and defines the ratio of the permeability
coefficients through the skin and the membrane. Table 8 shows the results obtained
for phenol from different vehicles. Also shown are the partition coefficients between
light liquid paraffin and the vehicle. It is apparent that the moderately polar hydro-
gen-bonding vehicles, and known penetration enhancers, of dimethyl formamide and
dimethyl sulfoxide have a high affinity for phenol, as is evident by their low, light-
liquid paraffin–vehicle partition coefficients and low permeability coefficients
through the inert membrane. Their permeability ratios between skin and the inert
membrane show, however, that they have markedly enhanced skin permeability.
144 Roberts et al.
constant (N = 5)
(cm min⫺1 ⫻ 103) Partition coefficient: Permeability
light liquid ratio skin:
Vehicle Polyethylene Skin paraffin–vehicle polyethylenea
Light liquid paraffin–water partition coefficient/arachis oil–water partition coefficient.
Figure 21 Relation between benzophenone membrane flux and vehicle solubility parameter
(␦v) for (A) epidermis and (B) polyethylene. (From Ref. 330.)
solutions. In a more recent review, Bach and Lippold (145) highlighted the quanti-
fication of enhancing effects on drug penetration that is possible by an indirect de-
termination through the measurement of pharmacodynamic response. They suggested
that the enhancing effects may be determined from the activity–response lines ob-
tained with and without enhancer, respectively.
A range of methods have been used to define the mechanisms by which vehicles
affect skin permeability. These include fluxes, partition coefficients, various spectro-
scopic techniques (146), and differential-scanning calorimetry. Lee and Tojo (147)
used differential-scanning calorimetry to show that the skin-enhancing effect of vi-
tamin C is through its effects on skin hydration and a ‘‘solubilizing action on the
protein domain of the SC.’’ Enhancement may also be by lipid extraction (123).
Goates and Knutson (148), in examining the influence of alcohol chain length on
mannitol permeation in human skin, used FTIR spectroscopy to show that SC lipid
conformation and mobility was unaffected, but that there was evidence of a lipid
extraction altered SC protein conformation.
E. Drug–Skin Interactions
To date, drug–skin interactions have been examined mainly in terms of the solubility
of a drug in the SC and the diffusivity of the drug in SC lipids. Drug–skin inter-
actions are also of interest from two other viewpoints: substantivity and corrosivity.
Skin Transport 147
Figure 23 (A) Aqueous solubilities (●) and aqueous threshold concentrations for damage
(䡩) for various phenols and their octanol–water partition coefficients (Koct); (B) permeation
rates (Js) of the alcohols as pure solvents (●) and as solutions (䡩) through the epidermis. The
curves cross each other near a value of log Js = 1.6, units for Js = mol cm⫺2 h⫺1. (From
Refs. 101[A]; 157[B].)
Skin Transport 149
toluene, n-heptane, and water). They suggested that the differences were reflected
by the partition coefficients and the amount of penetrant entering the SC membrane.
They also suggested that whereas liquid fluxes were membrane-controlled, an inter-
facial effect may account for a low vapor permeation.
Various authors have shown that skin irritation can be related to the solute’s
pKa. Berner et al. (159) showed that, for a homologous series of benzoic acid deriv-
atives, which permeate through human skin at comparable rates, skin irritation and
pKa were correlated for pKas less than or equal to 4. For basic permeants, skin
irritation in vivo increases with increasing pKa (160).
Quantitative structure–activity relations (QSARs) have been derived relating
skin corrosivity data of organic acids, bases, and phenols to their log (octanol–water
partition coefficient), molecular volume, melting point, and pKa (161,162). It is ap-
parent that these relations reflect permeability limitations, such as those defined by
octanol–water partitioning, molecular volume, and melting point (discussed earlier
in Sec. III.C.) flux, together with intrinsic acidity of the solutes as defined by pKa.
F. Drug–Vehicle–Skin Interactions
Barry (126) has considered several models concerned with percutaneous absorption
from binary solutions.
1. The ideal case when neither SC solubility nor diffusivity was affected by
either the vehicle or the solute
2. When a vehicle or drug leads to an increase in solute solubility in the SC
(the ‘‘pull’’ effect, see Fig. 8B)
3. When an added cosolvent reduced the partitioning of a solute into the skin
4. When alterations occur in the diffusivity of the SC
First, we consider the ideal case when neither SC solubility nor diffusivity was
affected by either the vehicle or the solute. Maximum flux in this instance is, as
described earlier, at the maximum solubility of the solute in a given vehicle, provided
release from a given vehicle is not diffusion-limited. A greater effect may be achieved
by adding other solutes with the same action to the solvent system. A combination
of three corticosteroids exhibiting independent solubility, partitioning, and diffusion
behavior resulted in a higher total steroid concentration in solution than was possible
for any steroid alone, with evidence of greater in vivo human vasoconstriction than
observed for the individual steroids (163).
In the second case (126) a vehicle or drug leads to an increase in solute sol-
ubility in the SC, the ‘‘pull’’ effect described earlier in Figure 8B. For instance, Kadir
et al. (65) reported that addition of paraffin oil to a propionic acid solution increased
the flux of either theophylline or adenosine through enhancing the flux of propionic
acid into the skin, and promoted the partitioning of the purine solutes in the modified
skin barrier (‘‘pull’’ effect). Similar effects can be achieved for adenosine using
binary vehicles of hexanoic acid and propionic acid or isopropyl myristate and pro-
pionic acid (64) and for theophylline (63). Harrison et al. (143) have shown that
transcutol enhances cyanophenol’s solubility in SC lipids. From binding studies, it
was suggested that the enhancement in the permeability coefficient of tamoxifen by
5% w/v menthol and thymol in a 50% ethanol solution was, at least partly due, to
improvement in the partitioning of the drug to the SC (164). Indeed, menthol also
150 Roberts et al.
G. Non–Steady-State Solutions
The mathematics for the non–steady-state condition is more complex owing to the
need to solve the second-order diffusion equation with various boundary conditions,
reflecting the system used (e.g., finite dose, infinite dose, viable epidermal, or clear-
ance limitations, and so on). Many of the solutions for various conditions are pre-
sented in our recent work (83) (see also Chap. 3). Even more complex solutions
arise when the diffusional processes in each phase are considered simultaneously. In
practical, conceptual terms, the most important consequence of the diffusion process
is to impose a lag time on the appearance of a solute at one edge of the membrane
after application at the other edge. Figure 24A shows typical profiles for the uptake
into, accumulation in, and transport of a solute through a membrane after application
of a constant concentration. The Laplace and analytical solutions are presented in
our earlier work (83) and are not reproduced here as they require appropriate non-
Skin Transport 151
Figure 24 (A) Sorption and permeation curves for a simple membrane showing the total
quantities of solute entering the membrane (Qin), exiting (Qout), and accumulating within it
(Qmem); (B) a compartmental representation of the SC as suggested by Zatz. (From Refs. 22[A];
linear regression techniques to fit relevant data. In contrast, the steady-state expres-
sions are straightforward and can be solved by linear regression, noting the concerns
raised in the previous chapter. The expressions for the steady-state portions of the
profiles for the amount entering the membrane Q ssin(t), amount leaving the membrane
Q ssout (t), and the amount remaining in the membrane Q ssmem(t) at different times from
a constant donor concentration are
Q ssin(t) = k pssCv (t ⫹ 2 lag) (63)
Q ssout (t) = k pscCv (t ⫺ lag) (64)
152 Roberts et al.
Ksc⫺v Cv hsc
Q ssmem(t) = (65)
where lag = h2sc /6Dsc [see Eq. (27); Chap. 3]. More complex expressions for lag
times, taking into account the resistance of deeper layers and clearance limitations,
have been given (90). An alternative approach is to use a compartmental model to
represent skin penetration kinetics. Many of these models have been recently re-
viewed (83). Zatz (171) presented a compartmental representation of the SC, five
compartments being the diffusion path, and another five being binding sites in the
diffusion path. They suggested that binding affected lag time, but not steady-state
In the next section, we interrelate the principles of skin transport to pharma-
cokinetic considerations. The important variable for this purpose is the absorption
rate or flux of solutes, defined as J = dQ/dt.
Pharmacokinetics is the time course of drugs in the body or in individual tissues
after input into the body. Relevant to transport of drugs through the skin, solutes are
normally applied to the skin for local or for systemic effects. The desirable require-
ments for the two effects are different. Systemic effects are usually best achieved by
the skin providing minimal resistance, binding, and local metabolism of solutes. In
contrast, local effects are best achieved by relatively high cutaneous concentrations,
with desirably minimal spillover to the systemic circulation so that the body load of
the drug is low or barely detectable. Therefore, we will consider both systemic and
cutaneous pharmacokinetics in this analysis. Given that a number of mathematical
models used to describe various aspects of percutaneous penetration in terms of the
underlying physical processes and representation of those processes by diffusion and
compartmental models have recently been reviewed (83), our emphasis will be placed
on approximate forms useful for interpreting the effects of vehicles and solute struc-
ture on systemic and cutaneous pharmacokinetics after topical application. Our earlier
work reported model solutions and showed cumulative amount and flux time profiles
for a range of boundary conditions and situations, as well as considering topics such
as physiological pharmacokinetic models, pharmacodynamics, deconvolution, and
methods of pharmacokinetic analysis. To minimize confusion associated with the
differing notation used in various published papers, our own earlier work, and the
previous chapter, we have adopted a convention of representing J as flux per unit
area, and the permeability coefficient as k ip . We first consider quasi–steady-state
solutions for systemic and cutaneous pharmacokinetics with a constant flux from a
vehicle and with depletion of solute in the vehicle. We then consider flux in terms
of its determinants so that the role of vehicle and solute structure on pharmacoki-
netics can be related to the physicochemical properties of the solute and the vehicle.
Finally, we consider both biological and physicochemical factors reported to affect
the determinants of flux and the resultant pharmacokinetics.
A. Pharmacokinetic Principles
The concentration C(t) of a solute at time t at any site is defined by the input flux
to the site (J(t)) and the transfer function (tr(t)) for this site:
Skin Transport 153
B. Systemic Pharmacokinetics
When the solute concentration in the vehicle (Cv ) can be assumed to be constant
(i.e., no depletion in the vehicle at the skin surface with time), the flux for the skin
system per unit area (Jskin(t)) becomes constant (or at steady-state) after a lag time
lag (see Fig. 24a). Jskin(t) can be expressed in terms of an effective permeability
constant for the system (k⬙),
p defined by Eq. (43) when t > lag.
Roberts and Walters (3) have pointed out that if there is significant skin me-
tabolism or irreversible adsorption, the in vivo flux will be reduced, as defined by
the cutaneous availability F defined by the ratio of topical and systemic areas under
the plasma concentration–time curves adjusted for dose differences. Hence, Eq. (43)
can also be rewritten as
Jskin = Fk⬙C
p v t > lag (69)
Anissimov and Roberts (90) have commented on the limitations associated with Eq.
(69). In most studies, an ‘‘instantaneous’’ transfer of a solute from the dermal blood
supply to the systemic circulation is assumed so that I (t) can be assumed to be a
value of unity. A range of models have been used to describe plasma concentrations
after intravenous administration and include a single exponential (also referred to as
154 Roberts et al.
described by Eq. (71) (3,83):
t < lag
Jskin A
(1 ⫺ exp[⫺kel (t ⫺ lag)]) t < lag ⫹ T
Cp = Clbody (71)
Jskin A t ⱖ lag ⫹ T
(1 ⫺ exp[⫺kel T])exp[⫺kel (t ⫺ T ⫺ lag)]
Figure 26 shows the extent to which this quasi–steady-state absorption model plasma
concentration–time profile after topical application corresponds to an absorption
model, defined by the diffusion equation, only when the lag time is small. The
greatest deviation between the quasi–steady-state model and the diffusion-predicted
model occurs at the termination of the topical application. Hence, although Eq. (71)
is most appropriate for iontophoretic delivery with its very small lag times (172), it
should be used cautiously in describing passive percutaneous absorption kinetics.
Under steady-state conditions Eq. (71) reduces to Eq. (72) (3,84):
Jskin A
C ssp = (72)
Hadgraft and Wolff (173) used Eq. (72) to show that it was possible to predict
nitroglycerin plasma levels from in vitro patch-release data. Equation (72) can be
rearranged to estimate the flux rate that is desirable for a transdermal delivery system
to achieve a desired steady-state plasma concentration (174):
F ⫻ dosing rate = Jskin A = C ssp Clbody
= target blood concentration ⫻ clearance (73)
Hence, for clonidine with a clearance of 3.1 mL/min kg⫺1 and a target blood
concentration of 0.5 ng/mL, a dosing rate of 0.156 mg/day is needed for a 70-kg
person (174). Table 9 gives some examples for other drugs of interest.
Usually, plasma concentration–time profiles of solutes applied to skin are also
modified by the significant depletion of solute in the topical product with time. In
the simplest case, referred to by Riegelman (175), topical absorption through the
skin is assumed to be first-order, with a rate constant ka . Plasma concentrations are
then described by the first part of Eq. (71) up until the product is removed at time
T, if at all. The plasma concentrations after product removal are then described by
the second part of Eq. (71).
Skin Transport 155
Figure 25 (A) Pharmacokinetic compartment and physiological models of the body; (B)
diagrammatic representation of the pharmacokinetic processes involved in cutaneous per-
156 Roberts et al.
Figure 26 Plasma concentration–time profile after topical patch application and termina-
tion at 10 h. Solid line represents modeling to concentration with the diffusion model, and
the dashed line shows approximation by the compartmental approach [see Eq. (71)]: (A) a
lag time of 1 h; (B) a lag of 0.2 h. The upper curves of both (A) and (B) involve a half-life
of 2 h and the lower curves a half-life of 20 h.
0 t < lag
ka Fdose
(exp[⫺ka (t ⫺ lag)] ⫺ exp[⫺kel (t ⫺ lag)]) lag < t < lag ⫹ T
Cp = Vbody (kel ⫺ ka)
ka Fdose
(exp[⫺ka T ] ⫺ exp[⫺kel T ])exp[⫺kel (t ⫺ T ⫺ lag)] t ⱖ lag ⫹ T
Vbody (kel ⫺ ka)
A simplified form of Eq. (74) arises over very long times when absorption is much
slower than elimination (i.e., ka << kel ), as occurs when slow-releasing patches are
applied to the skin. Hence, during the application phase, the plasma concentration is
given by:
Skin Transport
Table 9 Effective Plasma Concentrations, Epidermal Permeability Coefficients, Clearances, and Physicochemical Data Used to Predict Required
Solute Transdermal Flux (Js.a) [from Eq. (16)] for Passive Topical Delivery Systems
Estimated Js.a
Plasma level required t1/2 MP
Solute (g/L) Clbody (L/h) (g/h) (h) MW (⬚C) log Koct
158 Roberts et al.
Cp =
再 ka Fdose
Vbody (kel ⫺ ka)
(exp[⫺ka (t ⫺ lag)])
t < lag
t ⱖ lag
Hence, the logarithm of the plasma concentration should be linearly related to the
time after application over very long times. The urinary excretion rate is an alter-
native pharmacokinetic representation amount of drug in the body with time. Beckett
et al. (176) showed that time to peak urinary excretion rate was longer and the actual
peak height lower for transdermal applications than for the oral route. A comparison
of the loglinear profiles for the oral and transdermal products shows that the terminal
phase for the topical product has a half-life of 8.4 h whereas that for the oral dose
is 3.3 h (175) (Fig. 27A). This behavior is consistent with the terminal pharmaco-
kinetic phase being controlled by the rate of topical absorption (i.e., ka << kel ). Such
a relation may also be expected with a 7-day patch of timolol, which has an elimi-
nation half-life of 4.1 h (3). Consistent with this prediction, McCrea et al. (177)
reported an apparent linear decline in plasma timolol concentrations during the ap-
plication of a patch designed to release 50% of the timolol over 7 days.
The interpretation of ka in terms of the underlying physicochemical properties
of the system is not straightforward. In principle, if the vehicle is assumed to be
homogeneous, ka may be equivalent to the permeability constant k⬙p divided by the
thickness of the vehicle film on the skin. However, this approximation applies only
when the lag time is very small relative to 1/ka (i.e., ka lag << 1). In other cases, a
quasi–steady-state assumption is inappropriate, with deviations most likely to be
seen on cessation of dosing, as shown for constant input (see Fig. 27). Modeling of
the plasma concentration–time profiles using model representation of the processes
is more appropriate in these circumstances. Solution of expressions for finite vehicle
applications show that, in general, an exponential absorption process exists under
pseudo–steady-state conditions (i.e., t > lag) when a diffusion model is used to
describe transport across the SC (82), the exponent (equivalent to ka) being a complex
function of vehicle thickness, SC–vehicle partition coefficient, SC diffusion time,
and other variables. An alternative approach is to use a compartmental representation
of the skin (116,178–181), a multiple compartmental representation of the body, on
a combination thereof. The pharmacokinetics of hyoscine (scopolamine) in the body
after topical application has been described in terms of urinary excretion rate and a
two-compartmental representation of the body (81). It is apparent in Figure 27B that
the urinary excretion–time profile has four phases: (a) an absorption phase to peak,
(b) the absorption nose associated with two-compartment kinetics, (c) a loglinear
decline while the topical application continues, consistent with Eq. (75) and (d) a
loglinear decline due to hyoscine elimination kinetics from the body as defined by
Eq. (71) for t > application time ⫹ various lags. Plasma levels after multiple dosing
have also been described with such a model (116). Berner (182) has described the
pharmacokinetics of drug delivery from transdermal controlled-release devices con-
sisting of a membrane plus a reservoir or a monolithic slab.
When the pharmacokinetics associated with skin absorption are uncertain, it
may be more appropriate to use some form of deconvolution. One of the earliest
forms used in pharmacokinetics is the Wagner–Nelson model based on the assump-
tion that the disposition of a solute after intravenous administration can be described
by a single exponential. Birmingham et al. (183) used such a model to suggest that
Skin Transport 159
Figure 27 (A) Excretion rate following oral (▫) and topical (䡩) application of norphedrine
HCl. Subtraction from the extrapolation line represents a process involved in drug absorption
and excretion (●); (B) excretion rate profile of in vivo transdermal hyoscine in humans show-
ing a comparison of theory (solid line) and in vivo data (points) after a single application.
(From Refs. 176[A]; 332[A].)
160 Roberts et al.
salicylic acid has an apparent first-order absorption rate when applied topically to
rabbits in vivo.
The clinical effect (pharmacodynamic response) associated with topical deliv-
ery is commonly examined in terms of the subsequent relations between pharma-
codynamic response and plasma concentrations of solutes. The Emax pharmacody-
namic model, defined by Eq. (76) (184) has, for instance, been used to relate
postexercise heart rate and plasma timolol concentrations Cp achieved after weekly
application of a timolol patch (177).
Emax ⫺ Cp
E = Eo ⫺ (76)
IC50 ⫹ Cp
where E is the suppression of the postexercise heart rate, Eo is the baseline exercise
heart rate before patch application, Emax is the maximal suppression for timolol, and
IC50 is the Cp corresponding to 50% of Emax. Dermatological corticosteroid products
are usually assessed for their clinical potency by skin blanching, as defined by a
vasoconstrictor assay, and is related to the dose absorbed, as defined by dose dura-
tion. Singh et al. (185) have recently attempted to validate the vasoconstrictor assay
dose–response relation using an area under the effect curve for each dose duration
and the Emax model [see Eq. (76)]. They found that model fits to all individual subject
dose–response data were unacceptable for all dermatological corticosteroid products
tested, but that population dose–responses were adequately described by the Emax
C. Cutaneous Pharmacokinetics
In cutaneous pharmacokinetics, the goal is to target a given region of the skin as
shown in Figure 25B. The first approach has been to estimate skin target concentra-
tions based on a knowledge of the flux to the site and clearance from the site.
Siddiqui et al. (186) first applied this approach using methotrexate. Later studies
applied the approach with steroids (44) and phenols (101). An extension of this
approach is the use of skin target-site free-drug concentration (C*) estimated from
in vitro flux data to predict topical in vivo efficacy. Such a model has been applied
into examining critical factors that influence topical bioavailability and bioequiva-
lence (187) and in interpreting the activity of solutes such as acyclovir (ACV) in the
treatment of cutaneous herpes simplex virus-type 1 (HSV-1) infections (188). In work
to date, the target site has presumed to be the basal cell layer of the epidermis. Patel
et al. (189) have applied the C* concept in predicting the topical antiviral efficacies
of ACV formulations for the treatment of cutaneous HSV-1 infections, using a hair-
less mouse model. They found that, over a wide range of efficacies, the predictions
based on C* (estimated from the experimental in vitro fluxes) were in good agree-
ment with in vivo antiviral efficacies measured at the end of a 4-day–treatment
protocol. The physical model involved validating a ‘‘three-tiered’’ model for finite-
dose drug uptake and transport in skin with experimentally determined input param-
eters (partition coefficient K, and steady-state permeability coefficients P, for the SC,
viable epidermis, and dermis) (189).
Values of the steady-state unbound (or ‘‘free’’) concentration C* ss at different
sites in the skin (see Fig. 25B) are related to the total concentration at that site Css
by the fraction of solute unbound at that site f* u , and is defined by the input flux to
Skin Transport 161
that site and removal clearance from that site. An expression for the steady-state
concentration at a given site Css, such as the receptor solution in an in vitro situation,
has been defined (83). Hence, substituting C* ss = f*C
u ss into that expression, C* ss is
given by Eq. (77).
u p v
ss = f*Css = (77)
(Cl*/A) ⫹ k⬘(K*/K
p m)
where k⬘p is the apparent permeability coefficient to the site; C is the concentration
of solute in the vehicle; Cl* is the clearance from the site divided by the area of
application A; k⬘ is the SC–site partition coefficient (K* = Csc /Css); and Km is the
SC–vehicle partition coefficient (Km = Csc /Cv). Siddiqui et al. (44) and Roberts (101)
used in vitro skin permeability coefficients for steroids and phenols together with in
vivo dermal clearances to estimate C* ss . The different estimated concentrations C*
for phenols and steroids shown in Figure 28A, reflect the different magnitudes in
the clearance per unit area (see Fig. 28B), and the apparent permeability coefficient
corrected for partition coefficient effects.
D. Clearance
As shown in Figures 4 and 25B, solutes may either be carried away by the local
blood supply on entering the dermis or transported into deeper tissues by perfusion
or diffusion. Lymphatic transport is significant for the larger molecular weight solutes
(190). Microdialysis studies have shown significant penetration of solutes into deeper
tissues of human subjects after topical application (191,192). Muller et al. (193) have
found that when a diclofenac foam (5%) was administered epicutaneously at the
thigh (80 mg/200 cm2 twice daily for a period of 7 days) of healthy volunteers,
significantly higher skeletal muscle concentrations of diclofenac (219.68 ⫾ 66.36
ng/mL) were found compared with that found in plasma (18.75 ⫾ 4.97 ng/mL).
We have examined the disposition of a series of solutes assuming a compart-
mental representation for each tissue (194) (Fig. 29A). In general, the localized
targeting of solutes to deeper tissues is seen most readily (a) at early times after
application when there are negligible tissue concentrations as a consequence of re-
circulation (see Fig. 29B); (b) when there is a high body clearance for the solute;
and (c) when vasoactive agents are used appropriately (194). The steady-state con-
centration in each tissue C iss is described by
ki⬘p Cv A
C iss = (78)
Cl i ⫹ kpi⬘ A(K i/Km)
The free concentration in each tissue is described by Eq. 77. According to Eq. 78,
C iss can be increased by one of two methods. The most usual is to reduce the clear-
ance from the tissue and higher tissues by the local blood supply using vasoconstric-
tion or removal of solute (Fig. 30A). The second approach is to facilitate transport
to deeper tissues by using the local blood supply (195) (see Fig. 30A). We have
shown higher tissue levels at early times with methyl salicylate, consistent with the
increase in blood flow induced by methyl salicylate in human cutaneous vessels
(196). Figure 30B illustrates the effect of vasoconstriction on the loss of lidocaine
from a dermal cell relative to anesthetized blood flow and no blood flow (197). The
corresponding tissue levels of lidocaine at various depths of application after 24 h
162 Roberts et al.
Figure 28 (A) Epidermal concentration (Css)/vehicle concentration (Cv) ratio for phenols
(䡩) and steroids (●) and their octanol–water partition coefficients (Koct); (B) clearance of
steroids from dermal diffusion cells against their octanol–water partition coefficients (Koct) for
sacrificed (●) and anesthetized (䡩) rats. (From Refs. 101[A]; 44[B].)
Skin Transport 163
Figure 29 (A) Tissue deposition of dermally applied solute assuming compartmental rep-
resentation; (B) salicylic acid concentration in different tissues and in the plasma after the
application of an aqueous salicylic acid solution to the dermis. (From Ref. 194.)
164 Roberts et al.
Figure 30 (A) Diagrammatic representation of the effects of dermal blood flow on the
clearance of topically applied solutes; (B) effect of phenylephrine on the dermal clearance of
lidocaine applied in aqueous solution to rats; (C) effect of phenylephrine on the fraction of
dermally applied lidocaine penetrating into deeper tissues in rats; (D) distribution of hydro-
cortisone in human skin in vitro (䡩) and in vivo (●). (From Refs. 197[B,C]; 127[D].)
Skin Transport 165
Figure 30 Continued
under such conditions are shown in Figure 30C. In Figure 30D, the distribution of
hydrocortisone after application to human skin in vitro and in vivo is shown. An
apparent logarithmic profile is observed in vivo consistent with a constant removal
by the blood supply through the depth of the dermis. In contrast, the in vitro profile
plateaus, as would be expected if there was a clearance limitation (see Fig. 30D).
Protein binding of a solute may also affect tissue levels as shown in Figure 31
(190). Plasma protein binding will facilitate removal into the blood supply (see Fig.
166 Roberts et al.
Figure 31 (A) Diagrammatic representation of the effect of protein binding on the diffusion
and clearance of topically applied solutes; (B) effect of protein binding in perfusate on the
tissue distribution of diclofenac applied dermally to the perfused hindlimb of rats. (From Ref.
Skin Transport 167
31B), whereas tissue binding will impede binding into lower tissues in a manner
similar to the way binding can slow SC diffusion. We have recently described a
physiological disposition model for solute disposition below a topical site (198). The
model predicts that the half-life for elimination of a solute in an underlying tissue
is related to the volume of plasma in a tissue (Vp) with an extravascular water volume
(VE), the perfusate flow rate (Qp), perfusate protein binding ( fup), and tissue protein
binding ( fuT). An approximate solution applying in most cases is Eq. (79).
0.693VD 0.693 fuP VTE
t0.5el = ⯝ (79)
Hence, the retention of solutes in tissues after topical application is dependent
on the relative magnitude of binding in blood ( fup) and tissue binding ( fuT) as well
as on the tissue blood flow Qp. Interestingly, diazepam and diclofenac are highly
bound to underlying topical tissues (198) and, according to Eq. (79) are more likely
to be retained in these tissues than the more nonbound solutes.
E. Skin Metabolism
Metabolism of solutes in the SC and epidermis are also clearance mechanisms, which
can affect skin permeabilities and resultant pharmacological effects. The metabolism
of solutes by skin enzymes has recently been reviewed (4). In relation to skin trans-
port, difficulties may arise from the as yet undefined anatomical distribution of me-
tabolizing enzymes, both in the various layers of the skin and appendages and the
variable activity that may arise from processing skin for permeation studies. For
instance, the activity of some enzymes is reduced by the process of heating used to
separate the dermis from the epidermis (199). Some of the key enzymes involved in
skin metabolism include aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase, deethylases, hydrolases,
monoxygenases, esterases, peptidases, and aminopeptidases. This skin enzyme activ-
ity can vary among species and may be induced. A major outcome of these enzymatic
activities is the skin first-pass effect whereby a significant proportion of the solute
is metabolized between application to the skin and diffusing to its site of action in
regions of the skin or into the systemic circulation. Nakashima et al. (200) used
intravenous and transdermal ointment administration of nitroglycerin to estimate that
the fraction of nitroglycerin avoiding this first-pass was 0.68–0.76 and was com-
parable with values reported in rhesus monkeys (0.80–0.84). A higher skin first-pass
effect has been reported for methyl salicylate, for which the first-pass availability in
both humans (190) and rats (201) is very low. It has been suggested that the new
retinoid, tazarotene, is superior to those used orally because of its limited percuta-
neous penetration as well as its rapid esterase metabolism in the skin to a more
water-soluble active metabolite tazarotenic acid. The latter has a resultant systemic
absorption of between 1 (normal) and 5% (psoriasis) on repeated applications
Bronaugh et al. (204) have also reviewed some aspects of cutaneous metabo-
lism during in vitro percutaneous absorption. From the perspective of skin transport,
skin metabolism can be adequately modeled only by using a two-phase model. One
of the first studies in this area was that of Ando et al. (205). Higuchi’s group have
since then reported in several papers on the effects of skin metabolism on solute
transport (206–210). In a later study, the influence of low levels of ethanol on the
168 Roberts et al.
Hence, assuming C ssve → 0 and using Eqs. (63), (64), and (65), results in Eq. (81).
ss a
M sc D sc
J sssc = 2 (81)
Hence, the steady-state flux is directly proportional to the amount of solute in the
SC, providing that D asc [see Eq. (38)] is constant. The observed flux for percutaneous
Skin Transport 169
absorption of small solutes, varying 40-fold, was very similar to that predicted from
amounts present in the SC after 30 min of contact (221). This relation also exists
for variable application time, application dose, vehicle, and anatomical site (222).
H. Species Differences
There is a substantive and often contradictory literature on species differences in
percutaneous absorption. Walters and Roberts (226), who summarized the variation
in lipid content and SC thickness among the various species, reported the results
from a number of studies in which differences in percutaneous penetration among
species have been compared. Figure 33A shows the results obtained for the penetra-
tion of paraquat and water permeability coefficients through the skin from various
species (227).
Figure 32 (A) Correlation between in vivo and in vitro transdermal drug flux: each da-
tapoint represents a different drug, dashed line indicates perfect correlation between in vivo
and in vitro transdermal drug flux; (B) fraction of total concentration of topically applied
methylsalicylate determined in microdialysate or in vitro diffusion cell studies present as
salicylate following application of a 20% methylsalicylate formulation. (From Refs. 332[A];
Skin Transport 171
Figure 33 (A) Effect of species on the in vitro absorption of water and paraquat through
excised skin; (B) the influence of skin application site on topical bioavailability determined
from cumulative urinary recovery of salicylate following application of 5 g Metsal (methyl-
salicylate)/50 cm2 for 10 h in human volunteers. (From Refs. 227[A]; 224[B].)
172 Roberts et al.
transport, back in the 1940s, were largely qualitative histological studies based on
stain and dye localization within the appendages (Table 10). Table 11 outlines some
of the literature supporting the existence of follicular penetration of topically applied
solutes. Scheuplein (91) suggested that appendageal route dominates transport early
before the lag time is reached for transcellular transport. However, at longer times,
transcellular transport dominates (Fig. 34). Although it remains generally accepted
Preferential staining of hair follicles following Guinea pig, Mackee et al. (261)
topical application of iron, bismuth, human
sulfonamides, and dyes in a number of
different vehicles
Changes in pharmacological response to Human Shelley and Melton
epinephrine and histamine applied in (311)
propylene glycol observed with changes in
follicular density
Follicular deposition of vitamin A observed by Guinea pig Montagna (232)
quantitative fluorescent microscopy
following application in various solvents
C-Labeled pesticide absorption and urinary Human Maibach et al. (236)
excretion increased over follicle-rich areas
such as the scalp and forehead, follicular
route ‘‘possibly’’ contributing
Trichlorocarbanalide compound deposition in Guinea pig Black et al. (312)
follicles and sebaceous glands seen to vary
with vehicle
[3H]hydrocortisone from hydroalcoholic Rat Illel and Schaefer (313)
vehicle penetrates normal skin 50-fold faster
than follicle-free skin. Retention also 20 to
30-fold higher in normal skin
Particle size dependency of follicular Rat Schaefer et al. (314)
penetration, optimum 5 m
Greater concentrations of hydrocortisone and Rat Hueber et al. (229)
testosterone observed in epidermis and
dermis of normal skin, particularly at the
depth of sebaceous glands, compared with
follicle-free skin. In vivo effect less
pronounced than in vitro
Flux and absorption of caffeine, niflumic acid, Rat Illel et al. (315)
and p-aminobenzoate threefold slower in
follicle-free skin
Particle size dependency of follicular Mouse, Rolland et al. (230)
penetration, optimum 5 m. Targeting of human
the antiacne drug adapalene into follicles is
achieved using 5-m microspheres as
particulate carriers
Skin Transport 173
that the intercellular route may dominate during the steady-state penetration of com-
pounds, it has been argued that the skin appendages (hair follicles, pilosebaceous
and eccrine glands) may offer an alternative pathway for a diffusing molecule.
tinized cells. Dense capillary networks closely envelop the bases of both the hair
follicles and sweat ducts, providing access to the circulation for most molecules
reaching these regions. Hueber et al. (229) used the observation that a higher res-
ervoir and permeability barrier function in appendage-free (scar) SC than in normal
SC, as supporting evidence for a significant contribution of the appendageal route
to overall skin transport.
There are estimated to be close to 500–1000 pilosebaceous units/square cen-
timeter of skin on areas such as the face and scalp, each with an orifice with a
diameter of 50–100 m and 4 ⫻ 10⫺5 cm2 surface area. These orifices represent
0.1% of the surface area of the skin in low-density areas and up to 10% in high-
density areas, such as those on the face and scalp. The openings lead down to an
epithelial surface which does not have a protective SC, and exists only from the
ostia of the sebaceous gland upward to the skin surface (Fig. 35). These character-
istics have been used to selectively target drugs into the hair follicles and sebaceous
glands. Given that the exposed surface area of appendages is much higher than that
of the openings used in earlier evaluations and that the current intercellular transport
also has a restricted area for transport, the role of the follicle as a pathway for
transdermal delivery is being reconsidered. In the hair follicle, for example, the outer
root sheath (see Fig. 35) is thought to be of greatest importance for drug delivery,
as this layer is continuous with the epidermis and is indistinguishable from it, which
potentially allows for increased surface area for absorption beneath the skin’s surface.
In addition, there is increasing demand for localized drug delivery to the hair follicle
itself, particularly for the treatment of dermatological disorders such as acne, alo-
pecia, areata, and androgenetic hair loss.
One of the most important determinants of targeted follicular transport is the
particle size of applied materials. By using fluorescent microspheres, Rolland et al.
(230) showed that the degree of penetration into the human hair follicle was inversely
related to particle size. The optimum size at which microspheres selectively entered
follicles was 3–10 m; below this size, particles were also seen to be distributed in
the superficial layers of the SC (see Fig. 35). The depth of penetration into the follicle
was also determined by size, with beads of 5–7 m reaching the deeper parts of the
upper follicle, though rarely penetrating the superficial SC, and those between 9 and
10 m were observed to concentrate only around the opening of the follicles, but
not inside them. No beads larger than 1 m were observed to penetrate as deep as
the hair bulb of the follicles.
Recent studies using fluorescence-labeled oligonucleotides and dextrans applied
to fresh human scalp skin confirmed earlier findings that follicular penetration was
determined by size and also charge (231). These studies also identified that the
primary anatomical structures for the pathway(s) of intrafollicular delivery of these
molecules were along the junction of the inner root sheath and outer root sheath (see
Fig. 35). Although this pattern of distribution was particularly evident with oligomers
formulated with cationic lipids, the molecular features that allow a selected agent to
move into and through this region await definition. In the same study, it was also
noticed that rhodamine-labeled dextran (3000 MW) applied in a hydroalcoholic for-
mulation (40% ethanol) was present in the center of the hair shaft as well as within
the follicle. It was speculated that this region of the hair shaft may be more amor-
phous relative to keratin content compared with the rest of the hair; therefore, it may
be more permeable to certain agents, although whether entry occurred by diffusion
across the hair shaft or down the cut end of the hair was unclear.
The concept that vehicle and formulation significantly influence the rate of
drug localization within hair follicles, following the application of vitamin A in
various vehicles to guinea pigs back, was noticed in 1954 by Montagna (232). Re-
views covering formulation effects, in particular the use of liposomes, to optimize
transfollicular delivery can be found (233,234). Some of the literature in this area
pointing to the favoritism for lipophilic vehicles in follicular targeting is outlined in
Table 11.
It can be seen from Table 11 that alcoholic vehicles are among those tending
to increase transfollicular penetration. Bamba and Wepierre (235) speculated that, as
ethanol is primarily a lipid solvent, as well as increasing the fluidity of lipid areas
within the SC and extending the hydrophobic domain between polar head groups, it
was also acting on the sebum within the follicles and allowing the more rapid mi-
gration of solute in the sebaceous glands, thereby making the transfollicular pathway
predominant in the initial stages of absorption. DMSO is thought to act on normal
SC by creating a ‘‘solvent pathway’’ through the skin or fluidizing the lipids (140).
However, in the studies of Bamba and Wepierre (235) the concentration was too
weak to have this enhancing effect through the whole epidermis, and it was suggested
Skin Transport 177
that its solvent properties would favor pilosebaceous migration by incorporating the
drug in the sebum.
The contribution of transappendageal transport to systemic clearance, rather
than local deposition, was considered by Maibach et al. (236) following the topical
application of radiolabeled pesticides to human volunteers. A greater urinary recovery
was noted after application to follicle-rich areas, such as the forehead and scalp, than
after application to less hairy areas such as the forearm. The authors concluded that
transfollicular transport could not be ruled out as a contributing factor to the observed
differences. However, studies examining the effect of increasing hair folicle density
on percutaneous absorption (237) failed to show any correlation with the amount of
solute absorbed, suggesting that the follicles’ overall contribution to transdermal
delivery is negligible.
In the recent review by Lauer (238), it was concluded that the contribution of
the pilosebaceous unit to localized and percutaneous absorption may have been un-
derestimated in the past and that a more detailed understanding of formulation fac-
tors, such as drug and vehicle physicochemical properties and particle size, may
allow optimization of follicular delivery. The potential clinical significance of the
ability to selectively deliver drugs to follicles for the treatment of associated der-
matological disorders warrants the pursuit of this area of transdermal research.
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of the National Health and
Medical Research Council of Australia and the continuing encouragement of the
Lions Medical Research and PAH Research Foundations. In addition, one of us
(MSR) also thanks Jonathan Hadgraft, John Pugh, and Karen Milne for our often
lively discussions on which convention is best applied in using chemical potential
and activity as determinants of skin transport. The authors would like to thank Brett
MacFarlane for help in preparation of the manuscript.
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Methods for Studying
Percutaneous Absorption
There is an increasing demand for data describing the rate, degree, and route of
penetration of compounds across human skin. First, there is a requirement to optimize
the delivery of dermatological drugs into various skin strata for maximum therapeutic
effect. Second, the transdermal and topical routes have become popular alternatives
to more traditional methods of drug delivery. A third stimulus has been the toxico-
logical and risk assessment implications of the everyday use of a wide range of
potentially harmful materials in the agrochemical, chemical, cosmetic, household,
and pharmaceutical sectors. This has been driven largely by regulatory and safety
bodies and a perceived need for improved data on the permeability of the skin to
xenobiotics. For example, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is cur-
rently addressing the issue of the dermal absorption testing of 80 compounds des-
ignated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA) and the In-
teragency Testing Committee (ITC) as worthy of particular interest (1,2).
Although drug delivery and toxicological considerations are perhaps the most
important factors, it is also clear that increasing the overall database on percutaneous
permeation will enhance our understanding of the mechanistics of this process. The
need for relevant data, produced under reproducible and reliable conditions, has led
to an increase in both the development and the standardization of in vitro and in
vivo test procedures. There have been numerous recommendations on in vitro and
198 Brain et al.
Date or author Type Ref.
in vivo methodologies, and many of these have been collated as guidelines by both
regulatory bodies and committees of interested parties. Perhaps the most widely
known of these guidelines are those produced following Food and Drug Adminis-
tration and American Association of Pharmaceutical Science (FDA/AAPS) workshop
on the performance of in vitro skin penetration studies (3). However, more recent
publications also contain useful information. For example, see the European Centre
for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) workshop report on Methods
for Assessing Percutaneous Absorption (4); the documents from the European Centre
for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (5); and those from the European
Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery Association (6) (Table 1).
ditions can be controlled precisely, such that the only variables are the skin and the
test material. Although a potential disadvantage is that little information on the me-
tabolism, distribution, and effects of blood flow on permeation can be obtained, it
has been reported that such procedures were more effective than several other meth-
ods for the assessment of differential delivery of hydrocortisone from commercial
formulations (7).
It is essential to consider the ultimate use of generated data when developing
experimental protocols. Routinely, simple mathematical models, which are based on
certain assumptions or boundary conditions, are applied to experimental data. The
most commonly used solutions to diffusion equations that are applied to the in vitro
situation make the following assumptions:
1. The receptor phase is a perfect sink.
2. Depletion of the donor phase is negligible.
3. The membrane is a homogeneous slab.
None of these assumptions is wholly true in practice, and the potential signif-
icance of these imperfections must not be overlooked. Careful experimental design
can be used to achieve a close approximation to reality, and the following section
discusses how this can be achieved in practice.
1. Diffusion Cell Design
In vitro systems range in complexity from a simple two-compartment ‘‘static’’ dif-
fusion cell (8) to multijacketed ‘‘flow-through’’ cells (9) (Fig. 1). Construction ma-
terials must be inert, and glass is most common, although Teflon and stainless steel
(10) are also used. Excised skin is always mounted as a barrier between a donor
chamber and a receptor chamber, and the amount of compound permeating from the
donor to the receptor side is determined as a function of time. Efficient mixing of
the receptor phase (and sometimes the donor phase) is essential, and sample removal
should be simple. Neither of these processes should interfere with diffusion of the
permeant. Comprehensive reviews on diffusion cell design are available (11–13).
Continuous agitation of the receptor medium, sampling from the bulk liquid rather
than the side arm, and accurate replenishment after sampling, are important practical
considerations. It is essential that air bubbles are not introduced below the membrane
during sampling.
Static diffusion cells are usually of the upright (‘‘Franz’’) or side-by-side type,
with receptor chamber volumes of about 2–10 mL and surface areas of exposed
membranes of near 0.2–2 cm2. Cell dimensions should be accurately measured, and
precise values should be used in subsequent calculations, with due attention to an-
alyte dilution resulting from sampling and replenishment. The main difference in the
application of these two static cell types is that side-by-side cells can be used for
the measurement of permeation from one stirred solution, through a membrane, and
into another stirred solution. This is of particular advantage when examining flux
from saturated solutions in the presence of excess solid if accumulation of solid on
the membrane surface must be prevented. This type of cell can also be modified to
allow the absorption of permeants in the vapor phase. For example, volatile material
may be retained in a small depression in the donor chamber so that the membrane
is exposed to only the permeant in the gaseous state. Upright cells are particularly
useful for studying absorption from semisolid formulations spread on the membrane
Studying Percutaneous Absorption 201
surface and are optimal for simulating in vivo performance. The donor compartments
can be capped to provide occlusive conditions, or left open, according to the objec-
tives of the particular study.
Flow-through cells can be useful when the permeant has a very low solubility
in the receptor medium, and designs are continuously improving (14). Sink condi-
tions are maximized as the fluid is continually replaced using a suitable pump (at a
rate of about 1.5 mL/h) (15). However, the dilution produced by the continuous flow
can raise problems with analytical sensitivity, particularly if the permeation is low.
Flow-through and static systems have produced equivalent results (16,17). Auto-
mated flow-through systems can allow unattended sampling, and commercial systems
are available. However, these have significant cost implications and are generally
limited to small numbers of cells (⬃12). For example, Moody (18) has described an
automated in vitro dermal absorption (AIVDA) system using only 0.07 cm2 of skin
per cell, held by autosampler vial inserts an autosampler carousel, with samples taken
robotically. Although such methods are undoubtedly elegant, adequate validation of
automated methods is essential.
Standard upright static diffusion cells, which offer a simple, low-cost, and very
versatile system, can be employed on a large scale (⬃144 cells) and adapted to meet
the particular requirements of a wide range of studies.
To summarize, a well-designed skin diffusion cell should
1. Be inert
2. Be robust and easy to handle
3. Allow the use of membranes of different thicknesses
4. Provide thorough mixing of the receptor chamber contents
5. Ensure intimate contact between membrane and receptor phase
6. Be maintainable at constant temperature
7. Have precisely calibrated volumes and diffusional areas
8. Maintain membrane integrity
9. Provide easy sampling and replenishment of receptor phase
10. Be available at reasonable cost
2. Receptor Chamber and Medium
Receptor chamber dimensions are constrained by the conflicting requirements of
guaranteeing that the receptor phase can act as a sink, while ensuring that sample
dilution does not preclude analysis. A large receptor volume may ensure sink con-
ditions, but will reduce analytical sensitivity unless large samples can be taken and
subsequently concentrated. Concentration of permeant in an aqueous receptor phase
may be possible by lyophilization, or by techniques such as solid-phase extraction.
The ideal receptor phase provides an accurate simulation of the conditions
pertaining to in vivo permeation of the test compound. As a general rule the con-
Figure 1 Basic diffusion cell designs: static horizontal cells may be jacketed (as in the
Franz-type) or unjacketed (and temperature-controlled using a water bath or heating block).
Flow-through cells usually have a small receptor chamber to maximize mixing. Side-by-side
cells are used mainly for solution vehicles.
202 Brain et al.
centration of the permeant in the receptor fluid should not be allowed to exceed
approximately 10% of saturation solubility (3). Excessive receptor-phase concentra-
tion can lead to a decrease in the rate of absorption, which may result in an under-
estimate of bioavailability. The most commonly used receptor fluid is pH 7.4 phos-
phate-buffered saline (PBS), although this is not always the most appropriate
material. It has been postulated that if a compound has a water solubility of less
than about 10 g/mL, then a wholly aqueous receptor phase is unsuitable, and the
addition of solubilizers becomes necessary (19).
Receptor fluids described in the literature range from water alone to isotonic
phosphate buffers containing albumin and preservatives. Albumin increases solubility
of the permeant (20), whereas preservatives inhibit microbial growth in the receptor
fluid. Microbial growth can produce problems by partitioning of the permeant into,
or metabolism of the permeant by, the microbes. One particularly useful fluid is 25%
(v/v) aqueous ethanol, which provides a reasonable ‘‘sink’’ for many permeants,
while removing the need for other antimicrobial constituents. Other examples of
modified receptor phases include 1.5–20% Volpo N20 (see later), rabbit serum, 3%
bovine serum albumin, 50% aqueous methanol, 1.5–6% Triton-X100, and 6%
Poloxamer 188 (15). It has been suggested that there is a need for formal protocols
to determine the suitability of receptor-phase composition (21).
It is important to recognize the possibility that solubilizers may interfere with
the barrier function of the skin itself. Bronaugh (19) examined several commonly
used receptor phases and made several recommendations. One of the most useful
receptor phases was an aqueous solution containing 6% Volpo N20 (Croda Inc.), a
nonionic polyethylene glycol(PEG)-20-oleyl ether surfactant. This did not influence
the flux of either water or urea across rat skin, when compared with normal saline,
suggesting that Volpo N20 did not disrupt the barrier function of rat skin to hydro-
philic compounds. Rat skin usually responds to penetration enhancers to a greater
degree than human skin and thus one would predict that Volpo N20 should have a
negligible effect on the flux of hydrophilic compounds across human skin. Com-
mercial Volpo N20 is a mixture of PEG-oleyl derivatives that averages at PEG-20,
and it has been our experience, and that of others (22), that this diversity of com-
ponents can produce complications in sample analysis.
The problem of very lipophilic permeants has been addressed by the use of
nonaqueous (23) and nonliquid receptor media. Sheets of silicone rubber (0.02-in.
thick) were used to collect pesticides with low water solubilities, which were then
desorbed from the rubber with an appropriate solvent and subsequently analyzed
(24). Other solutions have included the use of flowing gaseous receptor phases for
volatile permeants (25).
It is also important to appreciate that the pH of an aqueous buffered receptor
solution may markedly affect the apparent ‘‘flux’’ of a permeating weakly ionizable
compound. The pH of the hydrophilic viable epidermal layers may be ‘‘altered’’
by the receptor solution, and this can theoretically result in modulation of the par-
titioning tendencies of ionizable species. This was well illustrated experimentally by
Kou et al. (26), who determined the permeation of a weak acid and a weak base
(nicardipine) through human skin into receptor solutions of varying pH (Fig. 2).
Quite clearly the data show a receiver fluid pH dependency on flux, and the authors
caution against indiscriminate use of nonphysiological receptor pHs in diffusion
Studying Percutaneous Absorption 203
Figure 2 The effect of receptor fluid pH on the flux of a weak acid (pKa 2.60) and a weak
base (pKa 5.68) across human skin in vitro: skin permeation of the weak acid increased with
increasing pH, whereas that for the base decreased. (From Ref. 26.)
uted. Williams et al. (34) examined the permeation of 5-fluorouracil (644 determi-
nations from 71 specimens) and estradiol (221 determinations from 28 specimens)
through human abdominal skin. Here, where site variability was excluded, the data
were lognormally distributed. A lognormal distribution implies that the use of normal
gaussian statistics is inappropriate, and that use of geometric (rather than arithmetic)
means should be considered.
b. Age and Sex Differences. The questions of how age and sex affect the
permeability of human skin have been rather poorly addressed to date. Some studies
have concluded that, in vitro in humans, there was no discernible dependence of skin
permeability on age, sex, or storage conditions (34–39). The literature on the effect
of age and sex on percutaneous absorption in other species, for which more data is
available, is confused. For example, it was reported (40) that the dermal absorption
of certain marker compounds was lower in older rats, but that, for different com-
pounds, the reverse was true (41) or indeed, that age did not influence dermal ab-
sorption in rats (42). Hairless mouse skin permeation generally increases with age,
corresponding to the single-hair cycle, but decreases with a return to the hairless
state (43,44).
The effect of age on percutaneous absorption has been examined in vivo in
humans, with variable results. It was postulated (45) that reduced hydration levels
and lipid content of older skin may be responsible for a demonstrated reduction in
skin permeability if the permeants were hydrophilic (no reduction was seen for model
hydrophobic compounds) (Table 2). The reduced absorption of benzoic acid dem-
onstrated in the elderly (46) was in line with this suggestion, but not the reduction
in absorption of testosterone (lipophilic) (47), or lack of change in the absorption of
methyl nicotinate (more hydrophilic) (48), with age. A number of potential physio-
logical changes that may be responsible for age-related alterations in skin perme-
ability have been suggested. These include a noted increase in the size of individual
stratum corneum corneocytes throughout life, increased dehydration of the outer
layers of the stratum corneum with age, decreased epidermal turnover, and decreased
microvascular clearance (49). The issue of age-related variability, however, is far
from resolved. If the variability of in vivo data is actually slightly lower than that
of in vitro data (31) then the small increase in variability in vitro may make any
such differences indiscernible.
c. Racial Differences. Several authors have documented differences between
the permeabilities of skin based on its racial origin. White skin is slightly more
permeable than black skin (50–55), which correlates with observations that black
skin has both more cell layers within the stratum corneum (SC) (56) and a higher
lipid content (57). A recent study (52) of white, Hispanic, black, and Asian skin
ranked them in order of permeability to methyl nicotinate as black < Asian < white
< Hispanic. It has been reported (58,59) that the corneocytes of black, white, and
Oriental skin are of a similar size, but that there are differences in spontaneous
desquamation. It has also been reported (60,61) that there may be differences between
black and white skin in microvascular reactivity, following dermal application of
vasoactive agents, but this is possibly due to subjective, rather than objective, mea-
surement (48). No differences in the permeation of water through black or white
skin in vitro were observed (35) and, similarly, there was no racial difference in the
in vivo percutaneous absorption of diflorasone diacetate (62). More recently, Lotte
et al. (63) have determined the penetration and permeation of several compounds
into (skin-stripping; see Sec. II.B.1) and through (24-h urinary excretion) Asian,
black, and white skin. There were no statistical differences in penetration or per-
meation of benzoic acid, caffeine, or acetylsalicylic acid among the races (Table 3).
These equivocal findings highlight the necessity for further systematic research in
this area.
d. Storage Conditions. It is unclear whether the proposed lognormal distri-
bution in vitro is an experimental artifact caused by excision and isolation from the
body, or by storage conditions before use (e.g., freezing). Some authors concluded
that freezing had no measurable effect on permeability (36,37). Yazdanian (64) re-
ported an effect for cattle, although there was no general pattern of differences be-
tween frozen and fresh skin. Wester et al. (65) have cautioned against the use of
frozen, stored human skin for studies in which cutaneous metabolism may be a
contributing factor. It is, however, important to appreciate that the state of hydration
of the tissue before freezing may influence subsequent permeation characteristics
(66). As a general rule tissues should not be hydrated when placed into frozen
e. Anatomical Site Variations. Perhaps the clearest data available on varia-
tion in skin permeability deals with anatomical site-to-site variation (46,67–75). Site-
to-site variation of skin permeability has been examined using the tape-stripping
method (71,72) and correlated with corneocyte diameter (46) and, hence, diffusional
pathlength. Although, in practice, skin permeation of compounds follows a different
pattern in different skin regions, it is generally agreed that some body sites (the head
and genital region) are uniformly more permeable than others (extremities). For
example, transepidermal water loss and skin permeation of benzoic acid, caffeine,
and acetylsalicylic acid decreased in the order forehead > postauricular > abdomen
> arm (74). Similarly, the permeation of hydrocortisone decreased in the order scro-
tum > jaw > forehead > scalp > back > forearm > palm (Fig. 3) (67,6), and abdomen
was more permeable to methyl salicylate than either the arms or feet (75).
For in vitro permeation studies, it is advantageous for donor skin to be from
anatomical sites relevant to the objectives of the study, although this may be logis-
tically impossible. Because it is difficult to reach any definitive conclusions about
the variance and distribution of skin permeabilities, the best advice is that experi-
menters should be aware of the possibilities and test their data appropriately. An
adequate number of replicates, with skin from different donors or sites spread evenly
throughout all test groups, should be used.
f. Membrane Preparation. Different methods can be used to prepare human
skin. The membrane is one of the following:
1. Full-thickness skin, incorporating the SC, viable epidermis, and dermis
2. Dermatomed skin, in which the lower dermis has been removed
3. Epidermal membranes, comprising the viable epidermis and the SC (pre-
pared by heat separation)
4. SC alone (prepared from step 3 by enzyme treatment)
The most suitable type of tissue is dependent on the nature of the permeant.
The environment of skin in vivo differs somewhat from that in vitro. In vivo the
continuously perfused subcutaneous vasculature, which penetrates the dermis to a
significant degree, can rapidly remove permeants reaching the epidermal–dermal
junction. These vessels, if still present, are not perfused in simple in vitro models.
In vitro the relatively aqueous environment of the dermis will inhibit the penetration
of lipophilic compounds, whereas in vivo this barrier is circumvented by the capillary
bed. Hence, the use of dermatomed, epidermal, or SC membranes is more appropriate
for particularly lipophilic permeants.
Other considerations may justify the use of epidermal membranes, even where
the dermis does not present an artificial barrier to a permeant. For example, if a
study involves an assessment of the skin content of permeant, it is much easier to
extract or solubilize epidermal membranes, or SC, than full-thickness skin. Con-
Studying Percutaneous Absorption 207
1–3 h); on removal from the freezer, the upper plate is gently warmed to ease
removal from the SC; the plastic sheet is removed and a dermatome used to remove
strips of skin of the desired thickness (usually ranging from ⬃200–600 m). Care
must be taken in the preparation of dermatomed skin to ensure that damage to hair
follicles is minimized because, if these are severed, erroneously high penetration
figures result. The use of ‘‘hairless’ varieties of animal and relatively ‘‘hair-free’’
types of human skin may reduce, but not eliminate, this problem.
For human skin, the separation of the dermis from the epidermis (SC and viable
epidermis) is a relatively simple technique (35,77). First, the subcutaneous fat is
removed by blunt dissection. The full-thickness skin membrane is then totally im-
mersed in water at 60⬚C for about 45 s. Following removal from the water, the skin
is pinned, dermal side down, to a dissecting board and the epidermis gently peeled
back using a pair of blunt curved forceps. The epidermal membrane can next be
floated onto warm water and taken up on a support membrane (membrane or paper
filter). It is then ready to be mounted in a diffusion cell. Alternatively, a microwave
technique has been proposed for the separation of epidermis from the dermis (78).
To isolate the SC from epidermal membranes, the latter are placed in trypsin solution
(0.0001%), incubated at 37⬚C for 12 h, rubbed (with a cotton bud) to remove the
epidermal cells, rinsed in distilled water, and air-dried on a surface from which they
can be easily removed (79).
4. Permeant and Application Technique
The manner in which a substance is applied to the skin surface can be a major
determinant of its subsequent absorption. Several factors must be considered in se-
lecting a suitable application procedure, including the nature of the vehicle, the
permeant concentration, the amount of vehicle applied, the mechanism of application,
the exposure time, and the method for removing an applied vehicle (if required).
Many of these issues may be intrinsic to the purpose of the study. For example, risk
assessment involving the study of the skin penetration of an ingredient in a cosmetic
or agrochemical formulation should be performed with the material in the formula-
tion as it is marketed or used, and with a regimen that mimics, as closely as possible,
the ‘‘in use’’ situation (e.g., 80,81).
a. Application Method. There are two basic approaches to applying sub-
stances to the skin. Infinite-dose techniques involve application of sufficient permeant
to make any changes in donor concentration during the experimental timeframe,
caused by diffusion or evaporation, negligible (i.e., the dose is effectively infinite).
This is desirable if the experimental objectives include calculation of diffusional
parameters, such as permeability coefficients; or for investigation of mechanisms of
penetration enhancement. Finite dose techniques (82), designed to model in-use con-
ditions, involve application of a dose that may show marked depletion during an
experiment. Depletion occurs where the proportion of permeant entering the mem-
brane is large, relative to the amount applied. Alternatively, the permeant may be
removed from the skin surface during, for example, the simulation of a rinsing or
washing procedure. With finite dosing the permeation profile may exhibit the char-
acteristic plateauing effect that accompanies donor depletion (Fig. 4). The finite dose
technique may involve application of permeants or enhancers in small volumes of
volatile solvents (e.g., acetone or ethanol). This allows assessment of the gross effects
Studying Percutaneous Absorption 209
Figure 4 Sample cumulative permeation patterns following finite- and infinite-dosing reg-
imens: with infinite dose, permeation normally reaches a steady-state flux region, from which
it is possible to calculate permeability coefficients and diffusional lag times. In finite dosing
the permeation profile normally exhibits a plateau effect as a result of donor depletion.
of enhancers, but results are more difficult to interpret mechanistically. Direct com-
parisons of finite- and infinite-dose applications are relatively rare, but the predicted
effects have been investigated (83,84).
b. Dose Level. There are conflicting reports on the effect of dose level on
the degree of permeation through skin. For example, increased dosage did not pro-
duce proportional increases in flux of ibuprofen or flurbiprofen across human skin
in vitro when deposited as a thin film from acetone (85). Three concentrations of
each drug were applied in only 50 L, and the authors concluded that as the acetone
evaporated from the skin surface the thermodynamic activity of the drugs increased
until saturation was reached, at which concentration maximum flux would be ex-
pected. When all of the solvent had evaporated, leaving a plug of solid drug with
poor dissolution properties, the flux always dropped. The effect of volume on the
permeation of minoxidil from ethanol was linear between 10 and 50 L (86), but it
was concluded that it was the total drug loading, rather than the application volume,
that was important. Note that this is only true for a volatile vehicle that evaporates
rapidly from the skin surface. In practice, the actual skin permeation of volatile
compounds, such as dimethylnitrosamine (Fig. 5) and 2-phenoxyethanol, is signifi-
cantly reduced by evaporation (80,87). Other literature covers the effects of formu-
lation, application time, dose variation, and occlusion on ibuprofen permeation (88),
210 Brain et al.
Figure 5 Permeation profile for dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) across human skin in vitro:
DMN was applied at finite dose levels in an oil-in-water emulsion vehicle. Note that per-
meation was significantly reduced by evaporation following a 6-h exposure. (From Ref. 80.)
the effect of application formulation (89), theories of finite dosing (90,91), thickness
of the application vehicle (92,93), and contact time effects (94).
There are several published recommendations on both the expression of dose
levels and the specific quantities involved. The FDA/AAPS guidelines (3) suggested
a universal application weight of approximately 5 mg/cm2 of formulation. COLIPA
(6) proposed 5 L/cm2 for liquid formulations, and 2 mg/cm2 for semisolid formu-
lations (or 5 mg/cm2 if these are being compared with a liquid). Distribution of
accurately measured amounts of such small quantities of semisolid formulations as
an even film over the surface of skin membranes presents considerable practical
challenges (93). Pretreatment of the skin before mounting in a diffusion cell may be
easier than treating premounted membranes. Semisolid materials can be applied and
spread with a small preweighed formulation-coated spatula. The precise weight ap-
plied is determined by difference, and all test materials should be applied by the
same operator. Evaluation of spray-on formulations raises even more complications.
Practical evaluation of the effects of enhancers is best made by their incorporation
into appropriate formulations, rather than the more common procedure of pretreat-
ment of the skin, which does not model the in-use scenario.
The issue of dosage levels is of particular interest, although there is a dearth
of appropriate nonclinical data concerning dose–response curves for topical formu-
lations. Numerous topical formulations have shown clinical equivalence despite con-
taining different concentrations of the same drug (e.g., 95; see also Chap. 8). This
can be rationalized if each of the formulations were saturated with drug because,
provided that the excipients had no effect on the skin, similar flux would be predicted
Studying Percutaneous Absorption 211
from each of them (96; see also Chap. 6). Alternatively, if all of the formulations
were very poorly bioavailable, then increases in drug content may not have any
significant effect on clinical efficacy. The dosage form, level, and exposure time
must be carefully considered to ensure that a study will produce appropriate data,
particularly in the view of any regulatory bodies involved in subsequent inter-
c. Use of Radiolabeled Permeants. The use of radiolabeled permeants is
attractive, as this greatly simplifies sample analysis, particularly for mass balance
experiments. Guidelines for the choice and use of radiolabels in permeation exper-
iments are provided by COLIPA (6); although not all problems are addressed. It is
essential that radiolabeled material is homogeneously mixed with nonlabeled per-
meant. Where a radiolabel is used to evaluate a formulated product it is prudent to
incorporate the radiolabel at the same stage of manufacture as the cold permeant.
This may be possible for formulations for which exact constituents and method of
manufacture can be reproduced. A less rigorous alternative is to manufacture a small
quantity of labeled formulation and blend this with a larger quantity of cold for-
mulation. If the test formulation is a marketed product, for which exact manufactur-
ing process and ingredients are unknown, incorporation of label in these ways is
impossible, limiting the options to spiking the market formulation with radiolabel
dissolved in the most appropriate solvent. A test for homogeneity of distribution of
the label in the final formulation is always essential. It must be appreciated that in
a complex, formulation containing discrete phases, homogeneous distribution at a
(sub)microscopic level may not be achievable by spiking and that solvent used to
incorporate a label may alter the performance of a formulation.
The greatest problem in the use of radiolabels is the lack of specificity. It is
essential to ensure that the integrity of the permeant is maintained during the ex-
periment and that counts attributed to permeation of the target molecule are not due
to impurities, degradation, exchange, or metabolism. This can be achieved by chro-
matographic separation of the analyte before counting, although this may remove the
major advantage of the radiolabeled approach.
5. The Permeation Experiment
a. Duration. Although some workers have extended the duration of experi-
ments to 120 h (85), it is recommended that they be restricted to 24 (6) or 48 h (4).
It has been suggested that 48 h may be too short to establish a steady-state flux from
an infinite dose, leading to misinterpretation of the data (97), and the ECVAM (4)
report suggests experiments may be extended to 72 h (in the presence of antimicro-
bial agents) in such instances. From electrical resistance measurements and perme-
ation parameters (Table 4), human epidermal membranes were shown to retain in-
tegrity for up to 5 days (98), provided they were supported on suitable non–
rate-limiting membranes (e.g., Millipore GSWP filters). In the absence of the filter
membrane support, tissue integrity was compromised by the physical stress accom-
panying sample withdrawal and skin washing. Investigators should, however, be
aware of possible barrier degradation over extended time frames.
b. Sample Interval. Sample intervals should be of an appropriate frequency
to allow realistic assessment of such parameters as lag time and steady-state, or
pseudo–steady-state, flux (if possible). For a compound with unknown permeation
212 Brain et al.
25 44 0.48 42 —
50 35 — 40 0.64
75 27 0.94 38 0.78
100 23 — 35 0.70
125 — — 37 0.76
150 — — 37 0.80
characteristics, samples should ideally be taken at 2-h intervals for the duration of
the experiment. Early samples (1–4 h) may be important in identifying compromised
cells showing anomalously high early permeability.
c. Number of Replicates. Given the high intra- and intersubject variability
in human skin permeability (see Sec. II.A.3.a), a large number of replicates for each
dosage regimen is recommended. The most widely quoted recommendation for num-
bers of replicates in in vitro studies on human skin is 12 (3), and comparisons should
be matched. Fewer replicates may be employed, if cost, time, or skin availability is
a problem, provided that the limitations of replicate reduction are recognized. The
permeability characteristics of laboratory animal skin are, in general, more uniform
than those of human skin, and fewer replicates may be successfully employed.
d. Temperature. In vitro skin diffusion experiments are normally conducted
with a skin temperature of 32⬚C (the in vivo value). This is achieved by maintaining
the receptor solutions at 37⬚C, either by immersing cells in a water bath or by using
cell jackets perfused at the correct temperature. An apparent nonlinear dependence
of skin permeability on temperature was demonstrated for flurbiprofen (99). The skin
accumulation of flurbiprofen decreased with a rise of temperature in an in vivo
experiment, but not in an equivalent in vitro experiment, suggesting participation of
increased blood flow in vivo. Over the range of 22–90⬚C the in vitro permeability
coefficient for water through SC rose in a sigmoidal manner by a factor of about 70
(100). Similar increases in skin permeability have been shown for sodium lauryl
sulfate, nickel chloride (101), and ketoprofen (102). This temperature dependence is
probably a function of lipid fluidity. Skin lipids undergo major phase transitions
between 40⬚ and 70⬚C (103), which may explain the sigmoidal pattern.
e. Skin Integrity. Skin integrity can be addressed in a qualitative manner by
simple visual examination of specimens or, more quantitatively, by measurement of
transepidermal water loss (104), or by the flux of marker compounds, such as tritiated
water (32,35,84,105) or sucrose (80,81,106). The generally accepted permeability
coefficient for water diffusion through human skin is 1.5 ⫻ 10⫺3 cm/h, or less,
although an upper limit of 2.5 ⫻ 10⫺3 cm/h has also been used (35). Samples show-
ing particularly high permeability are often rejected as outliers with questionable
Studying Percutaneous Absorption 213
integrity, but may actually represent the real population spread if their distribution
is indeed lognormal (see earlier discussion).
f. Permeant Analysis. The quality of the data derived from any experiment
is ultimately dependent on the integrity of the analytical method employed, and all
aspects of the analytical procedure should be included in the overall experimental
design (107). The ideal analytical procedure provides accurate assessment of both
the quantity and nature of the material present at a given time, and the detection
limit of the method must be capable of producing data of practical significance.
Preliminary prediction from existing data or physicochemical modeling can give
‘‘ballpark’’ estimates of requirements, and potential routes of degradation and me-
tabolism should be taken into consideration. When no permeation is detected, this
should be reported as ‘‘less than’’ the detection limit and not ‘‘zero.’’ As replication
and multiple time point sampling are common, analysis should not be unnecessarily
complex, although the integrity of the method must be beyond doubt. High-perfor-
mance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is particularly useful as relatively large (⬃200
L) aqueous samples can often be handled without preliminary processing or con-
centration, although the inherent properties of the permeant can limit detection. Ul-
traviolet detection is commonly used, provided that the permeant has significant
absorption, and interference from extracted skin or formulation components can
cause problems, particularly at low wavelengths. Native fluorescence is less subject
to interference than absorption, but is also a less common phenomenon. Derivati-
zation may be necessary for detection, but is generally an undesirable complication
that increases both cost and variability. Investigations of permeation of commercial
materials consisting of a range of related compounds pose particular problems (108).
Interference can arise from leaching of material from the skin or components of the
test material or components of the diffusion system. The magnitude and composition
of skin leachate depends on the type of skin membrane and the time frame. It may
interfere directly with detection, or it may bind permeant, thereby making it un-
available to detection. These effects can be adequately investigated only by real-time
comparison with appropriate controls, including permeation from placebo vehicles,
and by confirming recovery of permeant from spiked samples.
Determination of permeants in tissue samples necessitates some form of ex-
traction or a solubilization process. When radiolabeled permeants are used, tissue
samples are routinely taken up in commercially available solubilizers. Such aggres-
sive products are often not applicable in other cases for which more traditional
extraction methods are required. Recovery of permeant from SC tape strips is less
demanding and can often be accomplished by vortexing and sonicating with rela-
tively small volumes of solvent.
6. Assessment of In Vitro Skin Metabolism
Metabolism of a xenobiotic is a detoxification and elimination process involving
formation of molecules that are more hydrophilic and easily excreted. It can be
summarized as a two-phase process. The first stage is the exposure or addition of
functional groups to form a primary product by, for example, the production of free
hydroxyl, carboxyl, or amino groups. The second step usually involves conjugation
with a polar molecule (e.g., glucuronic acid) to form hydrophilic compounds that
are readily excreted (109). It is widely established that there is potential for biotrans-
214 Brain et al.
formation of molecules within the skin (110,111). The nature of skin enzymes differs
quantitatively and qualitatively from those in the liver (112). In general, the activities
of many metabolic processes are much lower in skin than in liver (111,113,114)
although certain enzymes, such as N-acetytransferases and those involved in reduc-
tive processes, have demonstrated fairly high activity (115,116) (Table 5).
The specific activities (percentage of hepatic) of several phase-1 and phase-2
enzyme–substrate systems in skin have been assessed. Phase-1 conversions ranged
from 27% (for the cytochrome P450–7–pentoxyresorufin system) to less than 1%
(for the cytochrome P450–coumarin system). Phase-2 examples include the gluta-
thione S-transferase–cis-stilbene oxide system (49% of hepatic activity) and the
UDP-glucuronyltransferase–3-hydroxybenzo[a]pyrene system (0.6–2% of hepatic
activity) (117). Induction of phase-1 enzymes in skin has been studied using topically
applied classic enzyme inducers, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
Many cutaneous enzymes respond substantially (e.g., cytochrome P450 metabolism
of retinoic acid is 500–1000 times higher in the presence of a PAH inducer).
Most metabolic investigations on skin have employed epidermal homogenates
(118–121) or epidermal cell cultures (122). These are useful for the study of enzyme
activity per se, but have little predictive value for the in vivo situation in which
permeants may not contact cellular systems (123). A more appropriate in vitro model
uses metabolically active intact skin mounted in a diffusion cell under conditions
that maintain viability. Bronaugh (123) emphasizes the importance of using fresh
skin. Full-thickness skin must be dermatomed (⬃ 200 m) to ensure an adequate
supply of nutrients and oxygen (9). The receptor fluid is usually HEPES-buffered
Hanks’ balanced salt solution or Dulbecco’s modified PBS (124).
specific activity
Enzyme system Substrate (% hepatic)
These techniques have been used to investigate in vitro permeation and me-
tabolism of several compounds (114), including estradiol and testosterone (124);
acetyl ethyl tetramethyltetralin and butylated hydroxytoluene (113); benzoic acid, p-
aminobenzoic acid, and ethylaminobenzoate (125); benzo[a]pyrene and 7-ethoxy-
coumarin (126); azo dyes (127); butachlor (128); atrazine (129), and retinyl palmitate
(130). The use of cultured skin for metabolic work has also been investigated
Figure 6 Typical pattern of permeant content in tape strips removed from the stratum
corneum following a fixed period of exposure. Note that most of the permeant is found in
the first few strips.
dyes (146)] (Fig. 7). However, ‘‘steady state’’ may not have been attained or the
nonlinear dependence of concentration on strip number may be a result of nonlinear
removal of SC.
There is little published data on the use and validation of in vivo and in vitro
skin-stripping techniques. Pershing et al. (134) claimed that although stripping skin
in vitro produced the same net loss in weight of SC (approximately 1 mg/cm2 over
ten strips), the pattern of skin removal was different in vitro from that in vivo. They
reported a linear relation between tape strip number and weight of SC removed in
vivo, but a nonlinear pattern in vitro when proportionately more was removed in the
first five tape strips than in vivo. In contrast, Trebilcock et al. (76) found similar
nonlinear relations between strip number and mass of SC removed in vivo and in
vitro and concluded that there was no significant difference between in vitro and in
vivo tape stripping for assessing skin distribution after percutaneous penetration.
The reasons for these disparate results are unclear, although a linear correlation
can be closely approximated by an exponential one, depending on the decay constant
(147). It is also probable that the particular tape used and precise experimental pro-
tocol, will affect SC removal. The tape used can affect the resultant concentration–
depth profile (148), as can the time of application of a particular vehicle (149).
Monitoring changes in SC concentration–depth profiles as a function of time requires
appropriate controls conducted for each time point so that results can be normalized.
Studying Percutaneous Absorption 217
Figure 7 Aciclovir content in tape strips removed from human stratum corneum following
24-h exposure to Zovirax Cream (5% aciclovir): The cream was applied to skin in vitro at a
dose of 5 mg/cm2 formulation. Data are mean ⫾ SE (n = 12).
the membrane (e.g., with petroleum jelly); (d) the solvent–solute system under study
is placed in the trough; (e) the spectrometer is linked to a computer equipped with
the appropriate software and FTIR spectra taken at the crystal–membrane interface
over a time period. The IR beam penetrates the membrane to a depth of only about
2–3 m; therefore, only the interfacial region is probed. As permeant enters the
interfacial region there is an increase in the IR peak areas associated with the pen-
etrating species. The major limitation is that the permeant must have an IR absorption
in the transparent region of the membrane (e.g., compounds containing cyano- and
azido-groups or deuterated compounds). The data obtained is the concentration–time
profile at the crystal–membrane interface, which builds up at a rate related to the
diffusion coefficient and gradually plateaus at a level related to the solubility of the
permeant in the membrane under study. These two parameters can be estimated by
a nonlinear curve fit to the data by using a solution to Ficks’ laws of diffusion.
ATR–FTIR spectroscopy was originally used to study diffusion through simple
homogeneous synthetic systems, such as silicone membranes (152,153). The tech-
nique was applied to examination of diffusion into semisolids (154) and to the in-
vestigation of ethanol diffusion in glycerogelatin films (155). In conjunction with
bulk transport techniques, it was used to show that values of diffusion coefficients
(in synthetic membranes) calculated using the two methods were similar (156). The
methodology has been specifically refined (157,158) to permit its use with human
SC (159), and it has also been applied to the investigation of morphological differ-
ences between the upper and lower layers of the SC (160,161). Data from regular
diffusion cells and ATR–FTIR spectroscopy showed a high correlation (160,161)
and has been used to predict diffusional pathlengths in SC.
tube. The superficial epigastric artery is cannulated and the tubed flap is transferred to the perfusion chamber. (B) The perfusion chamber used to
maintain viability of the isolated skin flap: The chamber is temperature-, humidity-, and pressure-regulated. The perfusate is a modified Krebs–Ringer
bicarbonate buffer (pH 7.4) containing albumin and glucose. (Courtesy of Dr. J.E. Riviere.)
222 Brain et al.
Figure 9 Relation between the flux of various nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents across
human skin in vitro and across a lecithin–cyclooctane organogel held between cellulose nitrate
membranes. (From Ref. 219.)
cations that the organogels provided a more structurally representative model of the
skin barrier than the other two membrane systems.
Table 6 Some Animal Models Used for In Vivo Percutaneous Absorption Studies
Species Ref.
mans than smaller laboratory animals (232). This is also true for the integument;
therefore, it is predictable that the pig and rhesus monkey (233,234) are preferable
to such species as the hairless mouse in the prediction of human skin penetration
characteristics. If skin permeability properties of different species were related to the
body size and average physiological life time, skin permeability would be expected
to be in the order: mouse > rat > guinea pig > rabbit > monkey > dog > goat >
sheep > pig > cattle > human. As stated previously, SC thickness increases with
animal size, whereas the lipid content decreases with size. The lower amounts of SC
lipid are reflected in the observation that the permeability of many un-ionized and
lipid-soluble solutes through skin appears to be lower in the larger animal species.
2. Ranking in Skin Permeability
Investigations on the usefulness, and predictability of animal models have been of
two types: (a) those in which percutaneous absorption of one or more permeants is
measured in several species; and (b) those in which absorption of one or more
chemicals is compared between the experimental animal and human. If the data from
animal models are to be used for extrapolation to human, it is important that the
investigators appreciate the differences in the behavior of the animal model and
human tissue. The skin permeability of the animal tissue model must be the same
as that of the human, or easily related to it by a constant ratio (4). Furthermore, any
response to permeation modulators (physical or chemical), formulation excipients,
and occlusion must mimic the response in humans (235,236).
Norgaard (237) reported that the species ranking of skin permeability rates for
cobalt ions was rabbit > guinea pig > human. Tregear (238) ranked the species
permeabilities for metal ions as rabbit > rat > guinea pig > human, whereas that
given by McCreesh (239) (for two ill-defined organophosphorus solutes) was rabbit,
rat > guinea pig > cat, goat, monkey > dog > pig. Scott et al. (240) reported the
permeability coefficients of the dicationic herbicide paraquat in a range of species.
The observed permeabilities for paraquat relative to water are shown in Table 7.
Two features of paraquat permeability are readily apparent: (a) human skin is much
Table 7 The Observed Permeabilities for Paraquat and Water Through the Skin of
Various Species as Measured Using In Vitro Techniques
Permeability coefficient
(cm2/h ⫻ 10⫺5) Animal/human
ratio for
Species Type Water Paraquat paraquat
less permeable to paraquat than any other species examined, and (b) the hairless
mouse is particularly susceptible to paraquat penetration. Given that the skin of most
of the laboratory species studied lack sweat glands, but contain more hair follicles
than humans, these different permeability coefficients may reflect differences in fol-
licular transport for this permanently ionized compound. Unfortunately, data on the
penetration of ions through larger species, such as sheep and cattle, appears to be
lacking, which precludes a more complete analysis.
Durrheim et al. (241) and Huq et al. (242) reported that the permeability of
alcohols and phenols through hairless mouse and human skin was similar. The aque-
ous concentration of phenol required to damage the human epidermis, rat, and hair-
less mouse skin was also similar at about 2%. However, the effects of hydration on
the permeability of hairless mouse and human skin differed markedly.
Table 8 summarizes some of the in vivo data reported on the penetration of
several un-ionized solutes through the skin of a variety of species (243–245). In
general, the magnitude of difference in skin permeability between the species is less
than fivefold, with a rank order of rabbit > rat > pig > monkey > human. More
recently, Moody et al. showed that absorption of the insecticide lindane was similar
in rats and rhesus monkeys (246) and also suggested that animal models for dermal
absorption of phenoxy herbicides may be useful in predicting human dermal ab-
sorption (247).
Sato et al. (230) have investigated species difference in the percutaneous ab-
sorption of nicorandil, using hairless rat, guinea pig, hairless mouse, dog, pig, and
human, and have attempted to relate this to the amount of surface lipid in these
species. As part of this study the influence of the penetration enhancers Azone and
isopropylmyristate on nicorandil permeation was also investigated. There was a clear
difference between the amounts of lipid extracted by acetone from the skin of smaller
laboratory animals (hairless mouse: 212 g/cm2; hairless rat: 273 g/cm2; and guinea
pig: 225 g/cm2) and that from man (60.5 g/cm2). This difference was reflected in
the permeability studies. Both permeation and permeation enhancement of nicorandil
Table 8 The Observed Permeabilities for Several Compounds Through the Skin of
Various Species, Including Humans, Measured Using In Vivo Techniques
was much greater through the skin of the hairless rat, hairless mouse, and guinea
pig than through human or pig skin. These data reflect the significance of SC lipids
for both the permeation and penetration enhancement process. Similarly, Roberts and
Mueller (248) have compared the in vitro flux of glyceryl trinitrate across hairless
mouse, pig (Yucatan), and human skin, and concluded that mouse skin was an un-
acceptable model for the prediction of human skin permeation behavior.
It is apparent, from the overall data available, that the preferred animal models
for human skin in vivo are the rhesus monkey (223,249) and pig (234). It has been
reported that permeability across hairless rat skin is similar to that of humans (250)
(for certain permeants) although the more general suitability of this species has been
questioned (251). There are certainly differences between the behavior of penetration
enhancers on the skin of hairless rats and humans (252).
To conclude, several general observations can be made on the use of animal
skin in percutaneous absorption studies:
B. Experimental Procedures
This section is based on the recommendations and guidance offered following the
FDA–AAPS workshop (Washington, 1989) on in vivo percutaneous penetration
(261) and the ECVAM workshop report (4).
At the end of the administration period, the chamber is removed and assayed
for residual adhering permeant. The skin site is then washed and the washings an-
alyzed. A new chamber is again applied to the application site and the process re-
peated. The skin may also be tape-stripped at this time to determine drug residence
in the SC. These techniques are simple to perform and urinary elimination can be a
useful mirror of the plasma concentration if the clearance of the penetrant is rapid.
Blood sampling has been used widely to determine the systemic availability of
transdermal products (280–285) (Fig. 10). However, for locally acting topical prep-
arations, blood sampling is of little use because, usually, blood (but not tissue) levels
will be very low (286). It is also questionable whether systemic levels are clinically
relevant. This issue was addressed by Singh and Roberts (287–289), who showed
that (in an anesthetized rat) topical coadministration of a vasoconstrictor (phenyl-
ephrine) with other permeants significantly increased the uptake of solutes by the
local tissues (Fig. 11). This effect was probably due to reduced local blood flow and
therefore reduced uptake of the permeants into the systemic circulation (290). In the
absence of vasoconstrictors, direct penetration of solutes into local tissue is more
evident after short periods because recirculation of permeated substances returning
to the dermal vasculature from the systemic blood supply tends to dominate at later
periods (287). An isolated perfused limb model (291,292) has been used to remove
the contribution of the systemic circulation and, thereby, permit examination of local
vasculature uptake and tissue distribution of permeants (293).
2. Skin Grafting
Recent developments in animal modeling for skin absorption have involved the use
of skin-grafting techniques (234,294–299). Human normal or cultured skin is grafted
onto congenitally athymic (nude) laboratory rodents (usually mouse or rat) and the
area of graft used to determine in vivo absorption. To avoid rejection of the graft
the host is immunosuppressed before and after surgery, using specific therapy, such
as the cyclic polypeptide cyclosporine (300,301). The surgical technique is straight-
forward: full-thickness sections of host skin are removed, together with the under-
lying fat layer, and split-thickness human graft skin or supported cultured skin is
attached to this site using sutures or surgical tape. It was estimated, based on surface
electrical capacitance measurements, that in grafted cultured skin, a stable skin tissue
developed by 8–12 weeks following surgery (296).
Transepidermal water loss and tritiated water permeability through human skin
grafted onto mice are similar to those for human skin in situ (181,302). Similarly,
the absorption of several compounds of diverse physicochemical properties across
grafted skin showed good correlation with human in vivo data (29,234,294,303).
A refinement of this approach involves the surgical preparation of a skin sand-
wich flap on an independent vascular supply (304–306). This procedure results in
the host animal (usually athymic nude rat) supporting grafted human skin. The sur-
gical procedures are fully described (304). There are three stages in the procedure.
Briefly, split-thickness skin is grafted to the subcutaneous surface of skin on the
abdomen of the rat to create a sandwich. Graft and host skin are then sutured in
place in the normal anatomical position. Two weeks later, the sandwich is lifted,
together with the associated vasculature, on three sides to create a sandwich flap,
and the exposed wound is covered with a syngenic split-thickness rat skin graft.
After a further week, the sandwich flap is relocated to the rat dorsal surface, but the
Studying Percutaneous Absorption 229
Figure 10 (A) Mean plasma levels of estradiol following application of two different
transdermal systems to healthy women. (B) Serum drug levels (mean ⫾ SE) before and after
application of various concentrations of testosterone to the scrotum of hypogonadal men.
(From: A, Ref. 407; B, Ref. 40.)
230 Brain et al.
vasculature remains intact and accessible. The sandwich flap was healed and is ready
for use, 2 weeks after the final surgical procedure. Thus, the flap is viable and has
functional skin on both sides: rat skin on one side and human skin on the other.
Because both skin types have a common vasculature absorption across host or graft,
skin can be assessed (Fig. 12). The ability to sample and analyze blood exiting the
flap before dilution in the systemic pool minimizes the effect of postabsorption met-
abolic activity and considerably enhances sensitivity.
The permeation of benzoic acid (304,306) and estradiol (305) has been mea-
sured using the skin sandwich flap. Although this technique can provide useful data,
particularly in comparing local and systemic effects, there are limitations. The pro-
cedure is time-consuming and costly; graft survival rate is low, and there is a limited
experimental duration because of the anesthetic requirements. Furthermore, as for
standard grafts, animals with surgically produced skin flaps must be treated system-
ically with immunosuppressive drugs, and the effect of this treatment on skin barrier
function is unclear (261).
3. Residual Analysis
Techniques that assess absorption by residual analysis or difference monitor the dis-
appearance of material from the surface of the skin. Such methods are often referred
to as noninvasive because they do not involve surgical procedures or physical sam-
Studying Percutaneous Absorption 231
Figure 12 The grafted skin sandwich flap: The surgical procedure is described in the text.
The vein draining the flap is cannulated to facilitate collection of blood samples. Percutaneous
absorption can be determined through both host and grafted skin, as both are served by a
common vasculature. (From Ref. 304.)
pling of body tissues or fluids. Two general approaches have been described: single-
point (307) and continuous monitoring of permeant uptake (308). In the single-point
method, the test chemical is applied for a fixed time, and the residual formulation is
subsequently removed from the skin surface and analyzed. The technique requires
only small quantities of permeant, making the use of radiolabel both cost-effective
and ethically feasible. The main disadvantage of the single-point method is that it
provides only one assay per site per application. If absorption kinetics are required,
multiple application sites are necessary. Validity of the method is enhanced if it can
be demonstrated that the test chemical is not removed from the skin surface by means
other than percutaneous penetration (e.g., through contact with clothing). The amount
permeated is calculated as the difference between the amount applied and the amount
recovered and, if penetration and permeation are low, there may be a large error
associated with the result.
There are various techniques for application of materials. The simplest method
is to apply the test material to a defined area of skin as a solvent-deposited solid.
232 Brain et al.
Once the solvent has evaporated, then the area can be covered with a protective
material that can be either occlusive or nonocclusive. This approach can also be used
for semisolid formulations such as creams or gels. The application of materials as
solutions requires a means of restricting the material to the defined area of skin. This
can be achieved using wells attached to the skin with acrylic or silicone adhesive.
Commercially available devices, such as the Susten Skin Depot or the Bronaugh In
Vivo Ring (Fig. 13) may be modified to provide adequate restrictive devices.
Collection of donor–residual concentration data over time allows kinetic anal-
ysis of permeation. Following application of the test chemical to the skin surface,
disappearance is monitored, either spectroscopically or using radioisotope techniques
(308–311). The technique is very simple and can be performed easily using human
test subjects. For infrared spectroscopic techniques the test permeants must have
distinctive infrared absorbencies in the transparent region of the skin spectrum. Higo
et al. (310) used ATR–FTIR to follow the permeation of 4-cyanophenol across hu-
man SC. The compound was applied for periods up to 3 h in solution in propylene
glycol or propylene glycol containing oleic acid. At the end of the exposure period,
an ATR–FTIR spectrum of the treated surface was recorded. The SC was then re-
moved sequentially by tape-stripping, and an ATR–FTIR spectrum recorded follow-
ing each tape strip. The presence of cyanophenol at various depths in the SC was
determined and quantitatively validated by 14C-spiking (Fig. 14). The data demon-
strated that ATR–FTIR could be used as a technique to quantitate skin levels of
permeants and also as an in vivo method for evaluating skin permeation and pene-
tration enhancement in humans.
234 Brain et al.
Spectroscopic techniques have also been used widely in skin lipid biophysics
(312) and to assess the water content of skin in vivo and in vitro (313–315). Other
spectroscopic methods that have been used in the investigation of the properties of
skin include fluorescence (316), impedance (317), and neutron (318) spectroscopy.
Optothermal-imaging techniques (such as optothermal transient emission radi-
ometry; OTTER) have been used to monitor disappearance of material from the skin
surface (Fig. 15). The technique is nondestructive and noninvasive and has been used
to characterize skin condition (319,320), to follow the disappearance of sunscreens
and other materials from the skin surface (321,322), and to monitor emulsion break-
down on the skin (323).
4. Skin-Stripping In Vivo
In Section III.B.1, the basics of tape-stripping and its use in vitro were outlined, and
here, the in vivo applications are discussed. The in vivo technique is based on the
reservoir principle (324–328). It is hypothesized that if a compound is applied to
the skin for a limited time (e.g., 0.5 h) and then removed, the amount of drug in the
upper layers of the SC will be predictive of the overall bioavailability of the com-
pound. It follows that determination of the SC content of a permeating material
following a short-term application will predict in vivo bioavailability from a corre-
sponding administration protocol. Data obtained in studies of this type have shown
reasonable predictability for several compounds (Fig. 16).
The use of in vivo skin-stripping in dermatopharmacokinetic evaluation was
discussed at an AAPS–FDA workshop on bioequivalence of topical dermatological
dosage forms (Bethesda, USA, September 1996). Although opinion was divided, it
was concluded that SC skin-stripping ‘‘may provide meaningful information for com-
parative evaluation of topical dosage forms’’ (150). Furthermore, it was established
that a combination of dermatopharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data may pro-
vide sufficient proof of bioequivalence ‘‘in lieu of clinical trials.’’ However, much
remains to be validated in skin-stripping protocols.
An outline protocol for skin-stripping bioequivalence studies has been sug-
gested (150). The basic protocol has two phases: uptake and elimination.
1. Test and reference drug products are applied concurrently at multiple sites.
2. After exposure for a suitable time (determined by a pilot study), excess
drug is removed by wiping three times with tissue or cotton swab.
3. The adhesive tape is applied with uniform pressure. The first strip is dis-
carded (skin surface material). Repeat if necessary to remove excess sur-
face material.
4. Collect nine successive tape strips from the same site. If necessary collect
more than nine strips.
5. Repeat the procedure for each site at designated time intervals.
6. Extract the drug from the combined tape strips for each time point and site
and determine the content of drug using an appropriate validated analytical
7. Express the data as amount of drug per cubic centimeter of tape.
Studying Percutaneous Absorption 235
Figure 16 Correlation between the amount of compound absorbed through the skin, as
determined from total body analysis or total excretion over 4 days, and the amount of com-
pound recovered from stratum corneum tape strips following 30-min exposure. (A) Data
obtained using hairless rat (200 nmol/cm2 applied to dorsal skin). (B) Data obtained using
human skin (1000 nmol/cm2 applied to abdominal skin). (From: A, Ref. 410; B, Ref. 411.)
Studying Percutaneous Absorption 237
1. As for the foregoing steps 1–3.
2. After a predetermined time interval (e.g., 1, 3, 5, and 21 h postdrug re-
moval) perform foregoing steps 4–7.
The results may then be expressed as shown in Fig. 17 that plots the amount
of drug recovered from the tape strips against time. Uptake and elimination phases
are observed and ‘‘bioavailability’’ may be predicted from the AUC.
There are several sources of variability in such studies, all of which must be
considered in standard-operating procedures. The major causes of concern are vari-
ability in the following:
1. Drug application procedure
2. Type of tape
3. Size of tape
4. Pressure applied by investigator
5. Duration of application of pressure
6. Drug removal procedure
7. Drug extraction procedure
8. Analytical methods
9. Temperature
10. Relative humidity
11. Skin type
12. Skin surface uniformity
Nonetheless, following further validation, the technique will have several ad-
vantages. For example, basic pharmacokinetic parameters such as AUC, Cmax, Tmax,
and half-life (329) may be approximated from the data obtained. In addition, the
approach could be applicable to all types of topical preparation.
Pershing et al. (134) validated an in vivo skin-stripping protocol by correlating
the SC strip data obtained for betametasone dipropionate with a skin-blanching bio-
assay experiment. Brief details of the stripping protocol were as follows: 180 mg of
formulation were placed in a 1.2-cm–diameter Hilltop chamber (Hilltop Research
Inc., Cincinnati, OH) and attached to the volar aspect of the forearm, with an exposed
skin area of 1.13 cm2 (i.e., a dose of 159 mg/cm2). A maximum of three chambers
per forearm were used, each being 2 cm apart, at least 6 cm above the wrist and 6
cm below the elbow. At the end of a 24-h period the chamber was removed, residual
formulation on the skin surface wiped off, and the skin wiped with three separate
dry cotton applicators. After air drying for 2 min, the skin was stripped ten times
using 0.6-cm–diameter disks of Transpore tape. The amount of SC removed by each
tape strip was assessed by weighing each tape before and after stripping. The relation
between tape strip number and weight of SC removed was linear (r = 0.996), with
an average of about 30 g of skin removed per strip. Drug was extracted from the
tape strips by vortexing in 200 L of acetonitrile, followed by centrifugation and
analysis of the supernatant by HPLC. Skin blanching was assessed at 1, 24, and 48
h following removal of formulations applied under occlusion for 24 h. The corre-
lation between the amount of betamethasone dipropionate in skin and the skin-
blanching score was good (r = 0.994) (Fig. 18), although the skin-blanching scores
were not entirely objective because they were assessed visually, rather than with a
238 Brain et al.
assay (or skin-blanching assay) used for measuring the dermal absorption of gluco-
corticosteroids (134,339–341). The basis of the assay is the correlation between the
vasoconstriction produced by the compounds and their overall clinical effect. Al-
though such methods are inexpensive, internally consistent, and qualitatively reliable
(4), objective methods for quantifying the response are essential. Assessment of color
change can be quantitatively determined using chromameters (342,343). Pharmaco-
dynamic measurements are fully discussed in Section V of Chapter 8.
7. Clinical Evaluation
Clinical efficacy testing will always be necessary to demonstrate the effectiveness of
any new transdermal or topical therapy. For example, an extensive review (344) of
estrogen replacement therapy that addressed the key pharmacokinetic and metabolic
differences between oral and transdermal forms, with particular emphasis on their
effects on gonadotropins, hemostasis and coagulation, lipid metabolism, hepatobiliary
function, and bone, concluded that the transdermal route was a viable alternative to
the oral route of administration. Lin et al. (345) described the development of a
transdermal nicotine delivery device and generated clinical evaluation to demonstrate
the efficacy of their product. This approach was also used by Shah et al. (346) in
the development of a transdermal verapamil system.
The clinical assessment of transdermally delivered substances is often coupled
with the generation of pharmacokinetic data. However, it is more difficult to generate
pharmacokinetic data during evaluation of the clinical efficacy of dermatological
products, such as antifungal preparations, or locally acting topical products, such as
Studying Percutaneous Absorption 241
Table 9 Comparison Between Some In Vitro and In Vivo Penetration Data Using Rat,
Mouse, and Monkey Skin
In a similar study, Surber et al. (369) examined the in vitro–in vivo relation
in the penetration and permeation of structurally related phenols and steroids across
hairless guinea pig skin. The para-substituted phenols varied in log PO/W from 0.3
to 3.5 and in water solubility from 0.3 to 12.6 mg/mL. The steroids varied in log
PO/W from 1.5 to 3.9 and in water solubility from 0.003 to 0.39 mg/mL. Penetration
into, and permeation through, the skin were determined following application of the
test compound in either water or isopropyl myristate. The data are given in Table
10 and shown in Figure 20. As is usual for such studies, a parabolic relation between
permeation and test compound lipophilicity was observed for both the in vivo and
in vitro experiments. For the phenol analogues, the in vitro measurement overesti-
mated the values obtained in vivo, but this was reversed for the steroids.
Kasting et al. (377) determined the in vitro and in vivo rat skin permeation of
three lipophilic capsaicin-like vanilloids, varying in log PO/W from 3.74 to 8.02. The
degree of correlation between the data sets was dependent on the nature of the
receptor fluid in the in vitro experiment and the time over which comparisons were
made (Table 11). At the 24-h timepoint, there was closer agreement for the lipophilic
permeants when the receptor fluid was designed to accommodate such permeants.
Mostly, however, at the 72-h timepoint oleth 20-containing receptor fluids tended to
overestimate the in vivo absorption. The authors rationalized the time-related differ-
ences between in vivo and in vitro absorption by proposing that they were the con-
Studying Percutaneous Absorption 243
Table 10 Comparison Between Some In Vitro and In Vivo Skin Permeation and
Penetration Data Using Guinea Pig Skin
4-Acetamidophenol 23.9 17.3 15.5 7.6
4-Cyanophenol 408.6 317.2 154.3 122.7
4-Iodophenol 242.6 156.7 103.6 90.5
4-Pentyloxyphenol 60.8 89.9 34.1 83.2
Hydrocortisone 1.4 2.2 1.1 1.0
Estradiol 0.8 3.6 0.9 1.1
Testosterone 4.0 5.3 1.3 1.6
Progesterone 0.6 1.1 0.3 0.5
4-Acetamidophenol 33.1 24.7 7.3 6.9
4-Cyanophenol 2221.8 1373.4 345.6 237.6
4-Iodophenol 537.3 280.0 113.7 84.2
4-Pentyloxyphenol 79.6 56.8 94.3 79.5
Hydrocortisone 2.0 8.6 2.0 15.3
Estradiol 4.0 13.9 9.2 64.7
Testosterone 9.3 41.3 16.7 104.2
Progesterone 2.4 15.6 7.4 64.8
Compounds were applied as saturated solution in either water (A) or isopropyl myristate (B).
Source: Ref. 369.
sequence of an observed gradual decline in the in vivo absorption rates, not observed
in vitro, possibly occurring as a result of skin turnover.
The most comprehensive studies on in vitro–in vivo correlations using human
skin are those of Franz (8,82). In these experiments conditions of application of the
compound to the skin were as similar as possible in the two protocols. The data
obtained in an initial study (8) are summarized in Table 12. There was a rank order
correlation between the two sets of data (p = 0.01) which was remarkable, given
that the in vivo data was obtained using forearm skin (263) and the in vitro data
using abdominal skin, in different laboratories. Furthermore, the correlation was con-
siderably better for those compounds that exhibited greater penetration. From the
data given in Table 12, it is obvious that for poorly permeating compounds (< 1.0%
absorption in vivo), the in vitro system significantly overestimates absorption. This
may be rationalized to some extent by a consideration of the differences in the
dynamics of the two systems. In vivo there is an average loss, through desquamation,
of about one cell layer of SC per day and it can be assumed that, for slow penetrants,
a significant proportion of the applied dose of permeant will be lost in this process.
Because of a lack of desquamation in vitro this loss does not occur, and the per-
meating compound will remain in the SC over a longer period and thus continue to
be available for diffusion into deeper epidermal layers.
244 Brain et al.
Figure 20 The in vitro–in vivo relation for the permeation of structurally related phenols
across hairless guinea pig skin: permeation was determined following application of the test
compound in either (A) water or (B) isopropyl myristate. A parabolic relation between per-
meation and lipophilicity is observed for both the in vivo and in vitro experiments. As can
be seen, here, the in vitro measurements overestimate the values obtained in vivo. (From Ref.
In a follow-up study (82), the compounds that showed the greatest difference
between in vivo and in vitro absorption (nicotinic acid, hippuric acid, thiourea, and
caffeine) were reevaluated, with a slightly different protocol. In this instance, ab-
dominal skin was used for both in vivo and in vitro application, and in vivo urine
was collected until the permeant levels had reached background levels. In addition
the area of application was washed 24 h following application, which should mini-
mize the differences that may have been caused by desquamation. The data obtained
in the follow-up study are shown in Table 13. The modified protocol in this follow-
up experiment produced a much-improved correlation between in vivo and in vitro
Studying Percutaneous Absorption 245
Test permeant
Vanillylnonanamide Olvanil NE-21610
results. In most cases, quantitative agreement was excellent. The difference observed
for nicotinic acid is attributable to the observation that only 15% of an intravenous
dose of this compound is excreted in the urine and, when this is factored, the value
for in vivo absorption becomes 2.1%, virtually identical with that obtained in vitro.
It is further evident from the data given in Tables 12 and 13 that a slight alteration
in protocols caused a significant alteration in the in vivo data for each compound,
although the in vitro data (except for caffeine) was comparatively unchanged.
Bronaugh and Franz (365) studied in vivo–in vitro comparisons in the human
skin permeation of benzoic acid, caffeine, and testosterone from a petrolatum vehicle.
Good agreement was obtained (Table 14).
In summary, comparison between in vivo and in vitro data for compounds
penetrating and permeating human skin have shown that a high correlation exists
between the two sets of data. In most cases, for poor penetrants, the in vitro data
has slightly overestimated the values obtained in vivo. However, it is important to
appreciate that, as pointed out by Franz (82) and Kligman (387), when discrepancies
occur between in vivo and in vitro data, it is more likely that the in vivo data have
been measured inaccurately. It can be concluded that, provided the experimentation
is performed using suitably designed protocols and that the in vivo ‘‘in-use’’ con-
ditions are mimicked as closely as possible, valuable and realistic data on skin pen-
etration can be obtained using human skin in vitro.
There is no doubt that measurement of skin permeation both in vitro and in vivo
can play a major role in the optimization of formulations for dermal and transdermal
drug delivery. The good correlation between in vitro and in vivo measurements adds
support to the usefulness of the former, more cost-effective, option. In addition to
the pharmaceutical considerations, regulatory concern about potential dermal ab-
sorption leading to possible local or systemic effects, is now a major concern for the
cosmetic and chemical industries. For products in these sectors to meet increasingly
stringent requirements, conclusive evidence for their efficacy and safety is required.
With the recent loss of the option to conduct in vivo animal testing on cosmetics
and their ingredients, and the ethical and cost constraints of human in vivo studies,
one of the most viable remaining approaches for assessing dermal absorption is that
of in vitro human skin permeation evaluation. Although in many respects these tech-
niques may appear straightforward, it is important to appreciate that a generalized
protocol may not provide an appropriate framework for a particular study, that it is
essential that studies are well-designed to fit their specific purpose, that they are
competently executed by experienced scientists, and that the resultant data is inter-
preted appropriately taking into account all of the relevant factors discussed in the
248 Brain et al.
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Formulation Strategies for Modulating
Skin Permeation
SmithKline Beecham, Weybridge, Surrey, England
MacroChem Corporation, Lexington, Massachusetts
University of Greenwich, Chatham Maritime, Kent, England
Whitehall International, Havant, England
An-eX Analytical Services Ltd., Cardiff, Wales
Because of the barrier properties of the stratum corneum and, also, depending on
the physicochemical properties of the drug, transport from simple vehicles will often
be insufficient to achieve therapeutic drug concentrations at the site of action. The
therapeutic target may be the skin, or the local or distal subcutaneous tissues, de-
pending on the intent for local, regional, or systemic therapy. Simple vehicles are
defined as those in which the drug is at or close to saturation solubility, and neither
the vehicle nor the drug has any interaction with the stratum corneum to reduce its
barrier function. From this definition drug–vehicle interactions in subsaturated or
saturated solutions will not be reviewed. In these simple systems, depending on the
saturated solubility of the drug in each vehicle, large differences in skin penetration
272 Davis et al.
can occur between vehicles that are at a fixed drug concentration. Vehicles in which
the drug is at or near saturation will show enhanced drug penetration, compared with
those in which the drug is subsaturated (1–3).
It is often necessary to increase the amount and rate of dermal or transdermal
drug delivery to achieve the required therapeutic drug levels. In these instances skin
penetration enhancement strategies may be evaluated. The modeling of skin pene-
tration and permeation as a diffusional process allows consideration of the mecha-
nisms by which enhancement may be achieved. In its simplest form, the steady-state
flux of drug per unit area across the skin can be expressed by Fick’s first law of
J= (1)
where D is the diffusion coefficient of the drug in the stratum corneum and ⌬Csc is
the drug concentration difference across the stratum corneum; L is the apparent
thickness of the stratum corneum, accounting for tortuosity. In reality, the concen-
tration in the outermost layers of the stratum corneum is very much greater than that
in the innermost, Co >> Ci and
J= (2)
which is equivalent to the more usual form of this equation
J= (3)
where Cf is the drug concentration in solution in the vehicle, and K is the partition
coefficient of the drug between the stratum corneum and the formulation.
It is apparent, from Eq. (2), that the physicochemical determinants that can be
manipulated in an attempt to increase skin penetration are D and Co (in the following
discussion the difference between Co(sat) and Co(supersat) will be outlined). Classic chem-
ical enhancers, such as SEPA, laurocapram (Azone), oleic acid, dimethyl sulfoxide
(DMSO), propylene glycol, fatty acid derivatives, and others are defined as vehicle
components that enter the stratum corneum and increase drug diffusivity within the
barrier membrane (D), and increase vehicle drug solubility–partitioning (Co(sat)), or
Most investigations of penetration enhancement concern the evaluation of ma-
terials, such as oleic acid, that penetrate into the stratum corneum, interact with
intercellular barrier lipids, and alter D. Structure–activity studies with this class of
enhancer indicate that polar head groups linked to long alkyl chains are required.
Although chemical enhancers have been used successfully to increase skin penetra-
tion, in many instances these materials also possess some potential irritancy (4). A
typical example is sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS).
One mechanism whereby Co(sat) may be increased is enhancer-induced modifi-
cation of the polarity of the skin, such that drug-saturated solubility in the skin is
increased. Here, it is beneficial to use solubility parameters as a measure of polarity,
because this value is known for many compounds and has been approximated also
for the stratum corneum (5,6). Coenhancer systems, for example fatty acids with
Formulation Strategies for Skin Permeation 273
propylene glycol (7), are particularly effective, and this is probably due to a complex
synergy in which each individual enhancer promotes the delivery of its partner as
well as that of the drug.
Equation (2) is a simplification of the exact physicochemical parameters that
control flux. To be more exact, the driving force for diffusion is the chemical poten-
tial gradient. Higuchi was the first to apply the more rigorous solution [Eq. (4)] to
the process of percutaneous penetration (8).
J= (4)
where a is the thermodynamic activity of the drug in the vehicle (and, assuming
equilibrium, also in the outer layer of the stratum corneum), and ␥sc is the drug
activity coefficient in the stratum corneum. As a/␥sc is equivalent to Co, Eq. (4)
corresponds to Eq. (2). From this, Higuchi predicted the potential of supersaturation
(a compound having a thermodynamic activity greater than unity, for which 1 rep-
resents the compounds activity in saturated solution) to increase percutaneous pen-
etration. Supersaturation is an enhancement mechanism that is specific to the indi-
vidual drug. Thus, there is no overall reduction in skin barrier properties and less
potential for irritancy of excipients. The effect is best described as an increase in
‘‘push’’ of the drug into the stratum corneum. Supersaturation causes an increase in
drug solubility in the stratum corneum, Co(supersat) beyond and independent of saturated
solubility. From this, enhancer and coenhancer systems affecting Co(sat) or D, and
supersaturation, affecting Co(supersat), should work independently (possibly in synergy)
and be capable of multiplicative increases in penetration needed to achieve thera-
peutic levels of some drugs.
This chapter will concentrate on recent developments in the areas of chemical
penetration enhancement, supersaturated systems, and vesicles. For the chemical
penetration enhancers, only those molecules specifically designed to act as skin pen-
etration enhancers will be discussed. Other chemical enhancers and physical mech-
anisms for enhancement, including formation of prodrugs, iontophoresis, electropor-
ation, and ultrasound, have been fully discussed elsewhere (9–11), and they will not
be included here.
exists in the monolayer with its seven-membered ring structure in an orientation that
is approximately perpendicular to the alkyl chains that are parallel to the DPPC
chains (15). A representation of this is shown in Figure 2.
Further research in which Azone was incorporated into more complex lipid
mixtures (more representative of those found in the stratum corneum) indicates that
Azone reduces the condensation state of the lipids, which corresponds to increased
fluidity (16). X-ray-scattering and differential-scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies on
similar complex lipid mixtures show that Azone reduces the phase-transition tem-
perature of the lipids and that it was intercalated into the lipid structures, which
induced lateral swelling. These findings could be explained on the basis of the shape
of Azone, which has a large interfacial area and head group compared with its alkyl
276 Davis et al.
Figure 2 The expected orientation of Azone (left-hand two molecules) and N-0915 (right-
hand two molecules).
chain volume (17). X-ray diffraction has also been used to examine the interaction
of Azone with partly neutralized fatty acids in water (18). Azone transformed the
original reversed hexagonal phase into a reversed micellar phase. This is consistent
with similar observations between Azone and soybean lecithin–water or monoolein–
water systems (19).
Figure 2 also shows the Azone analogue N-0915. Monolayer experiments on
this compound show that its presence in a DPPC monolayer causes condensation of
the lipids (14). Additionally incorporation into DPPC liposomes produces a slight
increase in the phase-transition temperature (20). This is indicative of a stabilization
of the lipid structure; hence, an increase in microviscosity. The results were explained
in terms of the ability of N-0915 to hydrogen-bond with adjacent lipid molecules,
causing the condensation. Included in the publication (20) was in vitro data on the
penetration of metronidazole and the mosquito repellent diethyl-m-toluamide through
human skin; N-0915 retarded their penetration.
Transfer studies have also been conducted on model solid-supported liquid
membranes, such isopropyl myristate (IPM) incorporated into a cellulose acetate
membrane. The presence of Azone in the IPM facilitated the flux of sodium salicylate
across the membrane. This was attributed to the ability of the nitrogen atom in Azone
to protonate at the pH used and to ion-pair with the salicylate anion (21). However,
alternative explanations have also been produced (22) in which a model of the ex-
traction coefficients using pKa, of weak acids was developed to account for the
observed variation in partition.
Formulation Strategies for Skin Permeation 277
2. In Vitro Experiments
Many in vitro experiments have been conducted on the effects of Azone and its
analogues. These can be divided into animal and human studies.
a. Animal Studies. One of the major difficulties in conducting animal ex-
periments is to find a species that can be used to predict effects in human tissue.
The indication from the model membrane studies is that it is the ability of Azone to
intercalate into the lipids of the stratum corneum that is important. The precise nature
of the skin lipids will be important, and it has been documented that these are very
species-dependent. The results from animal experiments, therefore, have to be taken
with some caution, but could be indicative of what may be expected in human skin.
Numerous species have been examined and some comparisons determined. For ex-
ample the effect of a number of enhancers, including Azone, on the penetration of
hydrocortisone through the skin of hairless mouse (HM), hairless rat (HR), and hu-
man cadaver (HC) has been measured (23). The enhancement ratios found for Azone
were HM: 18.0; HR: 13.1; HC: 5.5, showing that, for hydrocortisone, at least, the
effects are far more pronounced in rodent skin. Shed snakeskin has also been a
popular choice for enhancer experiments. Experiments on the transport of acetamin-
ophen and ibuprofen through shed snake skin showed that the addition of Azone
increased the amount of acetaminophen, but not the amount of ibuprofen (24). The
acetaminophen studies showed that the mechanism of enhancement was an increase
in partition coefficient K, with no significant increase in the diffusion coefficient D.
For the ibuprofen formulation, Azone provided a slight increase in D, which was
offset by a decrease in K. These results highlight the importance of partitioning in
penetration enhancement. Because Azone can sometimes have a detrimental effect
on partitioning of the drug into the skin is often ignored.
A species comparison between snake skin, rabbit skin, and human skin has
also been conducted (25). Model drugs, indomethacin, 5-fluorouracil, and propran-
olol were chosen. The relative permeation improvements in human skin, snakeskin,
and rabbit skin were 10–20-fold, 5–50-fold, and 20–120-fold, respectively. Azone
significantly increased the permeation of both the lipophilic and hydrophilic com-
pounds. Rabbit skin was considered a poor model for human skin in vitro, whereas
snake skin was closer to human skin in terms of transdermal permeability. The
relative enhancement of several compounds through snake skin was dependent on
the lipophilicity and the molecular size of the permeant, with a greater permeability
increase for more hydrophilic and larger-molecular size permeants (26).
Hairless mouse skin is often used in skin permeation studies, and a species
comparison has been conducted using dihydroergotamine as the permeant. In this
study, Azone increased the flux in the order rabbit > human > rat > guinea pig >
hairless mouse (27). Guinea pig skin has also been used in a systematic study of
Azone and some analogues (1-geranyl and 1-farnesylazacycloheptan-2-one). Seven
penetrants with varying lipophilicities were examined. Large enhancement ratios
were found for drugs having octanol–water partition coefficients close to unity (28).
Hairless mouse skin has been used in a range of studies examining the enhancing
activity of Azone and its analogues (23,29–39).
b. Human Studies. Sophisticated biophysical techniques have been used to
probe the mechanism of action of Azone in human skin. For example, deuterium
278 Davis et al.
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has shown that a mixture of Azone and propylene
glycol causes structural disorder of the intercellular lamellar lipid structures (40).
DSC has been used to examine the effect of Azone and its analogues on lowering
the phase-transition temperatures of human skin lipids (41). X-ray-scattering exper-
iments have shown that treatment of human stratum corneum with Azone, and its
analogues having alkyl chains of more than six carbons in length, results in disor-
dering of the lamellae. These results are similar to those obtained by thermal analysis
(42,43). Electron-spin resonance (ESR) has shown that Azone increased both the
fluidity and polarity of the environment close to the 5-doxyl stearic acid spin label
(44,45). These were similar to the results found for a similar ESR experiment con-
ducted with the enhancer oleic acid, suggesting a related mechanism of action (46).
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has indicated that perdeuterated
Azone (47) distributes homogeneously within the stratum corneum lipids, in which
it induces fluidity (48). This contrasts with the mechanism of action of oleic acid
that appears to phase-separate and form liquid pools (49). Clearly, there are differ-
ences in the mode of action: the sodium salt of heparin has its flux enhanced by
Azone, whereas oleic acid is ineffective as an enhancer for this permeant (50). FTIR
has also been used to show two discrete types of enhancer mechanism. The presence
of Azone increases the diffusion coefficient of the model permeant 4-cyanophenol,
whereas the enhancer Transcutol has no effect on D but increases the solubility of
the permeant in the skin (51).
In a structure–activity study, several permeants (alkyl anilines and phenyl al-
kanols) were examined. The log octanol–water partition coefficients (log Koct) varied
from approximately ⫺1 to ⫹4. The efficiency of Azone depended on the lipophilicity
of the permeant (see foregoing results with snake skin). The effect was dependent
on the concentration of Azone used. At 1%, it acted on compounds the log Koct of
which was < 1; however, at 5% the Azone threshold was increased to a log Koct of
2.7 (52). Compounds that are hydrophilic (e.g., methotrexate) also have their per-
meation increased by Azone (53). Because Azone influences skin lipids, the meth-
otrexate must transfer through or across the lipid domains, suggesting that hydro-
philic molecules do not permeate through a unique polar route.
Azone and its analogues (see Fig. 1) have been investigated in vitro using
human skin and the model permeant metronidazole (20). The results are shown in
Fig. 3. Enhancement ratios calculated at 40 min are Azone, 6.7; N-0539, 6.4; N-
0253, 3.4; N-0721, 1.4; N-0131, 1.1; and N-0915, 0.2. The sulfur analogue of Azone
(N-0721) is significantly less active than Azone, and the short hydrocarbon chain in
N-0131 renders it ineffective. The phase transition temperature of multilamellar
DPPC liposomes is lowered by the presence of the enhancers in rank order of their
enhancing abilities, except N-0915, which increases Tm. This can be explained by
alteration of the lateral bonding within the stratum corneum lipid lamella. A model
based on molecular graphics of Azone and N-0915 and their hydrogen-bonding ca-
pacities to cerebrosides has been proposed. It is possible that models such as this
can be used in the future to design more specific and active penetration enhancers.
One of the problems of penetration enhancers is that they tend to be nonspecific
in their action. A study on Azone and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) showed that the
presence of Azone in the skin enhanced the subsequent absorption of the SLS
(54,55). This has implications in the use of penetration enhancers and precautions
Formulation Strategies for Skin Permeation 279
species has also been used in a study on acyclovir and its ability to reduce the herpes
simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) (58), on nitroglycerin absorption (59) and methotrexate
(60). In vitro and in vivo experiments have also been conducted using rat skin with
the permeant bromhexine. Azone enhanced permeation both in vitro and in vivo
(61). A novel dopaminergic D2 agonist, S(⫺)-2-(N-propyl-N-2-thienylethylamino)-5-
hydroxytetralin, was also tested, using a rat model. Azone was effective both in vitro
and in vivo (62). Similarly, the -adenergic–blocking agent pindolol has been ex-
amined in rabbits, which comparable results (63). Nitrendipine patches containing
Azone have been examined in humans, with encouraging results. There was no
apparent irritancy problem in either humans or rabbits (64). Various experiments
have been conducted on the topical corticosteroid triamcinolone acetonide (TA).
Tritiated steroid was used to quantitate the amount of drug absorbed. In the presence
of Azone, higher amounts of TA were absorbed (65).
Several investigations have been conducted into the distribution of Azone in
the skin and its subsequent elimination and metabolism (66–70). Owing to the high
lipophilicity of Azone (estimated log Koct = 7.8) it rapidly penetrates into the lipids
of the stratum corneum. Further transit into the viable tissue is hindered by the very
poor water solubility of the enhancer.
4. Synergy
The predominant mechanism of action of Azone is to increase the diffusion coeffi-
cient of the permeant in the stratum corneum. A simple evaluation of Fick’s first law
of diffusion [see Eq. (3)] shows that enhancers should be capable of acting on the
diffusion coefficient in the skin as well as the solubility of the permeant in the skin
lipids. The foregoing experiments (51) showed that Azone influenced D whereas
Transcutol altered the solubility of the model permeant cyanophenol. Fick’s law
demonstrates that, if both enhancement strategies are used, there should be a mul-
tiplicative effect (i.e., synergy should be seen).
Many publications indicate the use of Azone in combination with propylene
glycol. It is probable that synergistic effects have inadvertently been masked. When
relatively systematic studies have been conducted, synergism has been demonstrated.
For example metronidazole penetration is enhanced both by Azone and by propylene
glycol alone: together synergism is found (71). A similar effect is seen for combi-
nations of Azone and Transcutol for the permeant prostaglandin E2 (72).
Recent interest in peptide and oligonucleotide delivery into and through the
skin has promoted interest in physical methods of penetration enhancement such as
iontophoresis, electroporation, and ultrasound (sonophoresis). Theoretically, syner-
gism between physical and chemical enhancement should be possible. In the limited
studies reported in the literature, it is difficult to produce guidelines in formulation
strategies. Azone appears to act synergistically with iontophoresis in the delivery of
metoprolol (73). However, there was no apparent synergistic effect for sotalol (74).
In vivo impedance spectroscopy has shown that an Azone–propylene glycol mixture
had a profound effect on the postiontophoretic skin impedance, considerably ampli-
fying the effect of current passage (75).
Fewer experiments have been conducted with ultrasound, but synergy has been
reported for the combined effect of 150 kHz ultrasound, at 111 mW/cm2 intensity,
and Azone. Aminopyrine was the permeant used in the study with excised hairless
rat skin (76). Clearly, more work is indicated to determine the precise mechanism
Formulation Strategies for Skin Permeation 281
B. SEPA (2-n-Nonyl-1,3-dioxolane)
SEPA is a registered tradename and an acronym for ‘‘soft enhancement of percuta-
neous absorption.’’ SEPA represents a patented class of compounds containing var-
ious substituents (77). The ring system may be dioxane or dioxolane, and the side
chains may vary. SEPA 0009 is 2-n-nonyl-1,3-dioxolane (Fig. 4)—the congener most
widely studied—and is the dioxolane for which the most safety data has been com-
piled. ‘‘SEPA’’ is used in this section to represent SEPA 0009. Because SEPA has
only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, minimal central nervous system (CNS) or other
untoward pharmacological activity is not expected, and none has been observed in
safety tests. It is also metabolically benign, being metabolized and readily excreted.
These safety properties are the reason for the ‘‘soft enhancer’’ designation.
1. Safety
SEPA has undergone extensive safety testing in animals, including testing for acute,
chronic, and mutagenic effects, with no problems arising. In addition, human safety
studies have been conducted as follows:
Irritation studies: 73 volunteers
Sensitization studies: 358 volunteers
Phototoxicity study: 30 volunteers
Photoallergenicity studies: 156 volunteers
Phase II and III studies: more than 3500 patients
2. Efficacy
SEPA’s broad-spectrum activity is best demonstrated when compared with other en-
hancers. Studies were performed in a conventional vertical Franz-type cell using
neonatal porcine or human transplantation skin. The formulations studied were stan-
dard hydroalcoholic gels, with drug and enhancer present in equivalent amounts. For
equivalent formulations that contained the lipophilic drug papaverine, SEPA was
approximately twofold more effective than zone over a 24-h period (Fig. 5). Azone,
although less effective than SEPA, does show useful transdermal applications for
this drug. SEPA also showed good penetration enhancement for estradiol (Fig. 6);
although, in this example, Azone showed little enhancement over the control without
an enhancer. SEPA was also a more effective enhancer than Azone for ketoprofen
(Fig. 7). Therefore, SEPA displayed a broad-spectrum enhancement that was not
totally dependent on the molecule being delivered. Both polar and nonpolar drugs
are strongly enhanced (78,79).
These example results were generated using in vitro testing methods. It is
absolutely crucial to have a transdermal in vitro testing method in place that is
Figure 5 A comparison of the effects of SEPA and Azone on the percutaneous flux of
Figure 6 A comparison of the effects of SEPA and Azone on the percutaneous flux of
Formulation Strategies for Skin Permeation 283
Figure 7 A comparison of the effects of SEPA and Azone on the percutaneous flux of
predictive of the in vivo condition. The following are two examples of in vitro–in
vivo correlation studies that have been carried out using SEPA.
3. In Vitro–In Vivo Correlation
a. SEPA Minoxidil Solutions. Figure 8a shows the results obtained after a
series of optimization studies had been performed using neonatal porcine skin. The
10% SEPA formulation shown had been selected earlier through a series of studies
to be the best in vitro performer (drug-delivery performance criteria were selected
from factors including peak flux, time to peak flux, and total drug delivery) from an
array of prototype formulations. As described earlier, the porcine skin model gives
results comparable with those of human skin in vitro models. Figure 8a shows how
this chosen optimized candidate performs in vitro versus the appropriate unenhanced
control. Figure 8b shows the results obtained after minoxidil (Rogaine) solutions
were applied twice daily to the scalp of human volunteers. These solutions were of
similar composition, except for the amount of enhancer, SEPA, added to the for-
mulation. Serum minoxidil levels were measured at appropriate time points. Figure
8b shows plasma minoxidil values expressed as nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) of
serum. The serum profile clearly shows enhancement above the Rogaine reference
treatment; moreover, the optimal SEPA concentration is clearly seen to confirm the
choice of the 10% formulation, as forecast by the earlier in vitro optimization studies.
b. SEPA Ibuprofen Gels. Figure 9a shows the results obtained after a series
of optimization studies had been performed in human skin with an ibuprofen-con-
taining gel. Similar to the minoxidil approach, the 10% SEPA formulation containing
5% ibuprofen had earlier been selected from a series of studies to be the best in
vitro performer from a group of ibuprofen formulations. Figure 9a shows how this
optimized candidate performed in vitro compared with several commercially ob-
284 Davis et al.
Figure 8 A comparison of the in vitro and in vivo effects of SEPA: (a) in vitro minoxidil
permeation enhancement (n = 6, porcine skin); (b) in vivo serum levels of minoxidil following
topical application (n = 21, human volunteers).
tained products; much higher flux and cumulative drug permeation were measured
for this one than for any of the other formulations. Figure 9b shows the results
obtained after a phase 1-2 clinical study on volunteers with the same composition
gel. The delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) model for exercise-induced pain in
the triceps muscle was employed. Forty-eight hours after heavy exertion of the tri-
ceps, 2.5 g of a hydroalcoholic gel, either pooled placebo (placebo with and without
Formulation Strategies for Skin Permeation 285
Figure 9 A comparison of the in vitro and in vivo effects of SEPA: (a) in vitro ibuprofen
permeation enhancement (n = 6, human skin); (b) subject global evaluation of pain relief
following exercise (severe pain group).
4. Mode of Action
There are three major areas that are currently under investigation to explain or predict
penetration enhancement results. These areas are generally thought to be barrier
function modification of the stratum corneum, partitioning effects between the for-
mulation and the stratum corneum, and thermodynamic activity of the drug in the
There are several changes to the stratum corneum that may influence transder-
mal penetration. These include alteration of the cellular and intercellular lipid com-
position (e.g., by increasing fluidization of lipids, such as with SEPA and other
lipophilic enhancers); by removing lipids, such as with dimethyl sulfoxide or ethanol;
effects on intercellular organization and cohesion; disruption or reordering of the
water structure; and alteration of stratum corneum proteins.
Some workers have suggested that there may be two pathways through the
stratum corneum barrier: one lipophilic, the other hydrophilic. The lipoidal pore
pathway has been proposed on the molecular scale based on observations of the
effect of alkyl-pyrrolidones on the hairless mouse skin permeation of steroids (80).
Large lipoidal ‘‘pores,’’ in a gross morphological sense, have also been described
with lipophilic terpene enhancers postulated to form pools, possibly adjacent to the
stratum corneum intercellular lipid lamellae (81). Apparent aqueous pores have also
been shown after hyperhydration of the stratum corneum (82). Engstrom et al. (83)
have suggested a mechanism of action that describes ‘‘Azone holes,’’ complex struc-
tures that combine both lipophilic and hydrophilic conduits. The phenomenon of
disparate pore formation appears logical from a physicochemical perspective, as any
reduction in anisotropy to produce a hydrophilic pore must concomitantly produce
the corresponding lipophilic pore, akin to a partitioning effect. It may also be the
best explanation for the broad-spectrum action of SEPA, which may provide the best
combination of the two proposed actions: membrane fluidization anisotropy and dis-
ruptive reordering to form conduits that are both aqueous and lipoidal.
The thermodynamic activity of any transdermal delivery system, whether a
liquid, a semisolid, or a patch-type system, is of large consequence to the percuta-
neous absorption of the drug and the enhancer. This will be discussed in Sec. III,
particularly relative to supersaturated solutions.
However, there is a more fundamental underlying mechanism that needs to be
discussed, an aspect of dermal and transdermal delivery that cannot be overly em-
phasized and is the facet least explored. The underlying physics, however, are well
characterized, based on fundamental physical laws, and have been utilized in the
past by other disciplines, such as polymer science, the science of films, film for-
mation, and coating technologies.
As a background for this discussion, recall that Fick’s second law of diffusion
[see Eq. (5)] describes the way in which concentration changes over time for any
region of a solution. It does not, however, apply to non–steady-state conditions,
concentrated solutions, or conditions of partial miscibility.
= D (⭸2c/⭸x2) (5)
The Fickian diffusion coefficient is here defined in terms of a concentration
gradient. However, the actual driving force for the flux of any component in a more
Formulation Strategies for Skin Permeation 287
complex system is not the concentration gradient, but the chemical potential
Di = Bi (␦i/␦xi) = 0 (6)
Equation (6) describes how the chemical potential (i) of a nonideal solution can be
related to the diffusion coefficient Di at constant pressure and temperature. Bi is a
mobility term that is always positive. This relation is well known in the physico-
chemical field of film forming, specifically in coacervation technology (84), and it
pertains to partially miscible systems, such as those that can be obtained with hy-
droalcoholic solutions, gels, and emulsions.
Figure 10 shows a hypothetical, but typical example of a partially miscible
system containing three components that include a lipophilic phase (which may also
contain an enhancer), a hydrophilic phase (aqueous), and a homogenizing phase (e.g.,
alcohol). As alcohol is allowed to evaporate, such as happens after placement of a
hydroalcoholic gel on the skin, line AB in the phase diagram is traversed (for ref-
erence, composition A in the phase diagram comprises 60% homogenizing phase,
30% lipophilic phase, and 10% hydrophilic phase). As the homogenizing phase either
evaporates or is absorbed, next indicated is composition X, the point of the phase
boundary condition. After crossing this point into the miscibility gap, phase separa-
tion, or phase inversion occurs, usually very rapidly. At this time the migration of
solution components proceeds from an area of low concentration to high concentra-
tion (an almost pure one of each phase).
Migration of a particle (of a solvent or a solute) from low concentration to
high concentration seems contrary to Fick’s second law (but recall that Fick’s law
is only for ideal conditions. The enhancer can also be driven into the stratum corneum
according to this physics. When a solute (drug) starts out dissolved in the homoge-
neous phase (at compositional point A; see Fig. 10), and it subsequently finds itself
in the miscibility gap after separation into two phases, it can now be postulated to
be in two distinct solutions, supersaturated in one or both. If it prefers one phase
thermodynamically, it may (and probably will) not have time to equilibrate into the
preferred phase before the phases separate (kinetics overrule). Now, the chemical
potential for the drug (and enhancer) realized may be of temporarily very high mag-
nitude. The solute (or permeation enhancer, or both) may now relieve this potential
energy by partitioning into the stratum corneum membrane (or by giving off heat,
crystallizing, etc.). If the formulation can produce a chemical potential gradient at
the moment of interfacial skin contact, and preserve the gradient for the appropriate
time fame (assuming the barrier is opened by the appropriate enhancer system), then
a formulation can drive high amounts of drug into the stratum corneum. This is also
true for concomitantly driving molecules of the enhancer into the stratum corneum,
preferably in the same time frame, so that enhancement may be optimal.
This effect may be termed an energetic epidermal injection, or hyperflux, con-
dition. The effect is largely to be measured empirically, because of the complexities,
and each drug must have its formulation optimized for amount of drug delivered
and the time course of delivery. Another way to say this is that the escaping tendency
(fugacity) of any formulation component (drug or enhancer) will change over time
and can be maximized for each component following physical principles (tending
over time to always decrease enthalpy and increase entropy).
Figure 11 shows the complexity arising after evaporation of even a very simple
emulsion (85). After evaporation of the decane and water, different compositions and
complex structures may appear. Prediction of fluxes from such structures becomes
very difficult indeed. The structures and forms that appear depend on the balance
between thermodynamic and kinetic considerations as time progresses after dosage.
Formed structures that are low-energy (low-enthalpy), such as the lamellar liquid
crystal depicted in Figure 11 may lower the fugacity of any single subsumed com-
ponent. On the other hand, if phase-inverted systems appear, then the kinetics may
be such that the phase (or the solute, or both) may be injected into the stratum
corneum with ease.
Three postulations can be summarized as follows: (1) a metastable state can
be achieved by combining solvents of limited miscibility; (2) when the homogenizing
solvent evaporates, situations can be produced in which the gradients of solute con-
centration and gradients in the chemical potential are of different sign; and (3) in
this state, the diffusion coefficient, defined by Fick’s law, will be negative. Thus, a
component can be induced to flow from a region of low concentration to a region
of high concentration within the vehicle or within the stratum corneum (101).
Formulation Strategies for Skin Permeation 289
the enhancer was applied in solution in polar solvents, such as dipropylene glycol,
triethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, glycerin, water, or triethanolamine, enhance-
ment ratios varied between 1.5- and approximately 67-fold. However, when applied
in solution in more lipophilic solvents, such as ethanol, isopropanol, oleyl alcohol,
isopropyl myristate, or hexylene glycol, no enhancement was observed (Table 2).
These data stress the importance of optimization of the delivery vehicle, not only
for the drug, but also for the enhancer. Combinations of HPE-101 with cyclodextrins
appear to be useful means to improve drug permeation across the skin (88). All of
the available data, however, have been obtained using hairless mice or other small
laboratory animal skin. Small laboratory animals, especially the hairless mouse, can
be uniquely sensitive to skin penetration enhancement and, as yet, the effectiveness
of HPE-101 on human skin has not been reported.
2. Dermac SR-38
Dermac SR-38 is one of a series of oxazolidinones, cyclic urethane compounds,
evaluated as transdermal enhancers (89). The compound was designed to mimic
natural skin lipids (such as ceramides), to be nonirritating, and to be rapidly cleared
from the systemic circulation following absorption (90). In animal and human safety
studies, Dermac SR-38 demonstrated a good skin tolerance (no observed irritancy
Vehicle ER a
3. NexACT 88
NexACT 88 (dodecyl-N,N-dimethylaminoisopropionate; DDAIP) is one of a series
of dimethylamino alkanoates, reported to be biodegradable, which were developed
as potential nontoxic skin permeation enhancers (92). Much of the early work was
carried out using shed snake skin and, with this model, most of these compounds
were equal to, or more active than, Azone (25,92). Studies using human skin indi-
cated that dodecyl-N,N-dimethylaminoacetate (DDAA) was a more effective en-
hancer of absorption of propranolol hydrochloride and sotalol than was Azone
(74,93). Structural optimization of the compounds led to the identification of the lead
candidate dodecyl-N,N-dimethylaminoisopropionate (94,95) that appeared to be more
effective than DDAA. Mechanism of action studies indicated that the distribution of
DDAIP in stratum corneum lipids was somewhat different from that of DDAA (96),
suggesting that other interactions were contributing to the penetration enhancement
effect. It is possible that, in addition to its effect on stratum corneum lipids, DDAIP
may interact with keratin and potentially increase stratum corneum hydration.
Dermac SR-38
Drug Vehicle (wt%) ERa
Preliminary animal toxicity studies carried out using DDAA and NexACT 88
indicated that these compounds had low toxicity (92), but may be mildly irritating
to rabbit skin at high concentrations. The overall safety and efficacy data suggest
that the dimethylamino alkanoates may be useful as transdermal penetration enhanc-
ers. More human skin data would be beneficial, and it is important to appreciate that,
in common with other skin penetration enhancers, reduction to practice in a clinical
situation is a prime requisite for determining efficacy.
4. Others
Other compounds have been identified and have undergone preliminary evaluation
as potential skin-penetration enhancers. The data are, however, very limited and the
candidate enhancers are mentioned here solely for completeness. The biodegradable
fatty acid esters of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-pyrrolidone (decyl and oleyl) were synthe-
sized and evaluated for enhancer activity using hairless mouse skin (97). Permeation
of hydrocortisone was enhanced twofold. The activity of n-pentyl-N-acetylprolinate
as a skin permeation enhancer has been determined using human skin (98).
Figure 13 Diagram showing the critical degree of supersaturation and the different stability
states of supersaturated systems. (From Ref. 124).
294 Davis et al.
Figure 14 The effects of various polymer additives on the rate of crystal growth from an
eightfold supersaturated solution of hydrocortisone acetate. All of the polymers studied
showed some effect, with the 1% hydroxypropyl methylcellulose system showing no change
over 3 days compared with a 30-min half-life in the no-polymer control. (From Ref. 109.)
showing no change over 3 days compared with the 30-min half-life of the untreated
Kondo et al. (101) studied the effect of a wide range of polymers on plasma
levels of nifedipine following application of supersaturated solutions to rat skin. All
polymer systems generated much higher plasma levels than control systems. For
example, polyvinylpyrrolidone systems gave 40-fold increases in plasma levels of
nifedipine, and CAP systems demonstrated 75-fold increases. Recently, Ikeda et al.
(102) demonstrated superior effects of hydrophobically modified HPMC over HPMC
in inhibiting recrystallization of indomethacin in a topical gel. Other authors have
also published in this area (103–105). It is clear that for many compounds high
levels of supersaturation can be stabilized using polymeric systems. The ability of
additives, particularly polymers, to stabilize supersaturated solutions over useful time
periods is the key to the practical use of supersaturation in topical drug delivery.
Thus, a major area for further research is structure–activity of polymer antinucleant
Other compounds that are similar in structure to the crystal molecule may work
by a poisoning mechanism (i.e., partial blocking of step-and-kink sites) to inhibit
crystal growth. To our knowledge, however, these have not yet been used in topical
drug delivery systems.
Figure 15 The mixing of system B (saturated solute in 100% solvent b) with system A
(no solute in 100% solvent a) will result in systems C (subsaturated), D (saturated), and E
and F (both supersaturated), depending on the ratio of A to B used. In practice, systems A
and B may themselves be mixed, and system B need not necessarily be saturated. (From Ref.
296 Davis et al.
with the experimentally determined value of the saturated solubility at that same
composition. Thus, supersaturated solutions of known ‘‘thermodynamic activity’’ and
drug concentration can be produced readily using a simple-mixing process. This
process is similar to the premix process currently used to manufacture topical semi-
solids. Because of their versatility to form supersaturated solutions at specific drug
concentrations and degrees of saturation, mixed cosolvent systems are being used
increasingly as research tools (122–126).
Figure 16 Diagram of a simple physical model (after Higuchi) that illustrates the theoret-
ical thermodynamic activity gradients in the skin after topical application of supersaturated
systems. If immediate precipitation of the drug occurs in the outer layer of the stratum cor-
neum, the thermodynamic activity gradient is as shown by the path A–B–C. If no precipitation
occurs, there is a linear drop in the thermodynamic activity over the barrier along path A–C.
Formulation Strategies for Skin Permeation 297
However, the mechanism of transport through porous membranes is not fully rep-
resentative of membranes in which transport is dependent on partitioning into and
diffusion through the membrane and in which efficient exclusion of additives from
the membrane may occur.
b. Silicone Membranes. Silastic (polydimethylsiloxane; silicon rubber) has
been widely used as a model membrane for the comparison of relative penetration
rates in transport studies (128,129), and has been validated to show response to
changes in thermodynamic activity (122,128). Davis and Hadgraft (122) used mixed
cosolvent systems to form supersaturated solutions of hydrocortisone acetate, stabi-
lized with 1% hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose as shown in Figure 14. Figure 19 (122)
shows that, for systems up to eightfold supersaturated, flux across Silastic is linearly
proportional to the degree of saturation. Pellett et al. (124) studied the transport of
piroxicam across Silastic from supersaturated solutions in propylene glycol–water,
stabilized with hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose. Owing to precipitation problems in
the donor phase, an upper limit of four times supersaturation was evaluated and
donor solutions were renewed every 12 h. Figure 20 (124) shows that, for systems
up to fourfold supersaturated, flux across silastic is linearly proportional to the degree
of saturation. Megrab et al. (126) studied the transport of estradiol across Silastic
from supersaturated solutions in propylene glycol–water, stabilized with providone
(PVP-2). Flux across Silastic from saturated solutions of estradiol increased with
increasing propylene glycol content owing to the effect of propylene glycol on in-
creasing estradiol-saturated solubility within the membrane. For this reason, flux
from supersaturated systems was normalized by flux from the corresponding satu-
rated vehicle. Figure 21 (126) shows that only at low degrees of supersaturation (up
to fourfold) is normalized flux linearly proportional to the degree of saturation.
Throughout these studies no apparent instability was seen in the donor phase, even
at higher degrees of supersaturation. Thus, the possibility exists for precipitation
Formulation Strategies for Skin Permeation 299
within the Silastic membrane. Similar results have been obtained with supersaturated
solutions of diclofenac (130).
c. Human Skin In Vitro. In two studies (124,126), comparisons of flux across
silastic and human skin were made. Pellett et al. (124) found, as with Silastic, that
flux of piroxicam across full-thickness human skin in vitro was linearly proportional
to the degree of supersaturation. Figure 22 (126) shows that for up to approximately
12-fold saturation systems, flux of estradiol across epidermal membranes was linearly
proportional to the degree of supersaturation. From these data it appears that super-
saturated states may be more stable within stratum corneum than in a Silastic
d. Synergy Between Supersaturation and Chemical Enhancers. There is an-
ecdotal evidence for synergy between supersaturation and chemical penetration en-
hancement. For example, the patent literature describes several results that suggest
enhanced percutaneous penetration in systems containing a drug in solution, a vol-
atile solvent, a residual component (often a potential lipophilic enhancer), and an
antinucleant additive. For example, Kondo (101) described supersaturated formula-
tions of nifedipine based on acetone (volatile) and propylene glycol plus isopropyl
myristate (nonvolatile) solvents. The degree of saturation in the residual phase after
evaporation was calculated at 12-fold, yet up to 75-fold increases in flux were ob-
served, presumably owing to the known coenhancer effects of propylene glyco–
isopropyl myristate mixtures.
Earlier, it was suggested that the increase in the drug-saturated solubility in the
stratum corneum and supersaturated drug concentration in the stratum corneum were
independent variables. Megrab et al. (126) measured uptake (solubility) of estradiol
in stratum corneum from saturated and supersaturated solutions in various propylene
300 Davis et al.
Figure 20 Transport of piroxicam across Silastic membrane: (a) diffusion profiles; (b) flux
as a function of degree of supersaturation. For up to fourfold supersaturation the flux across
Silastic is linearly proportional to the degree of saturation. (From Ref. 124.)
Formulation Strategies for Skin Permeation 301
Figure 21 Transport of estradiol across a Silastic membrane: Only at low degrees of su-
persaturation, up to four, is the flux ratio (flux normalized by flux from the saturated vehicle)
linearly proportional to the degree of saturation. Throughout these studies no apparent insta-
bility was seen in the donor phase, even at higher degrees of supersaturation, and it is likely
that crystallization occurred in the Silastic membrane. (From Ref. 126.)
Figure 23 Uptake (solubility) of estradiol into human epidermal membrane from three
vehicles (20, 30, and 40% propylene glycol; PG) at saturation and at 18-, 11-, and 4-fold
supersaturation, respectively. The theoretical uptake values for the supersaturated systems
were obtained by multiplying the uptake from the saturated system by the theoretical degree
of supersaturation. The figure shows the potential for synergy between enhancers working to
saturated solubility in the stratum corneum and supersaturation. (From Ref. 126.)
synergistic interaction between oleic acid, which is thought to enhance skin perme-
ation by increasing drug diffusivity in the stratum corneum, and supersaturation in
human skin in vitro. Penetration from saturated, oleic acid-pretreated skin, sixfold
supersaturated, and oleic acid-pretreated skin with sixfold supersaturated flurbiprofen
systems, is shown in Figure 24. The results demonstrate the potential for synergy
between enhancers working to increase drug diffusivity in the stratum corneum and
Figure 24 Penetration across human stratum corneum from saturated oleic acid (OE)-
enhanced (pretreated skin), sixfold supersaturated, and OE with sixfold supersaturated flur-
biprofen systems: the potential for synergy between enhancers working to increase drug dif-
fusivity in the stratum corneum and supersaturation is shown. (From Ref. 131.)
fidence that future developments in this area will provide greatly increased skin
penetration and permeation and improve dermal and transdermal therapy.
cream or saturated control, and the authors suggest supersaturation as one possible
Heat-premix processes are commonly used in the manufacture of gels, creams,
and ointments. Cooling and mixing a premix of drug in solution with miscible non-
solvents (e.g., water) can be expected to result in formation of supersaturated sys-
tems, at least initially. Henmi (136) described a heat process that gave rise to a
supersaturated indomethacin gel, which subsequently showed reduced release and
skin permeation with time.
Potentially large increases in skin penetration and possibly therapeutic effect
can occur from inadvertent supersaturation during manufacture. Of special concern
is that during the clinical development program, during which freshly made formu-
lations are used, high skin penetration (and efficacy) data may be generated, and this
may not be matched by the stored commercial product. This puts a great responsi-
bility on the use of stability and bioequivalence techniques to ensure quality and
efficacy on storage. It is important to consider this potential problem in dermatolog-
ical and transdermal development programs.
Finally, it is also feasible that supersaturated conditions may inadvertently occur
during actual therapeutic use of transdermal patch systems. Many transdermal sys-
tems are occlusive and will accumulate water as a result of physiological transepi-
dermal water loss. This may produce high activity states for the drug and thereby
enhance penetration into and permeation across the stratum corneum.
A. Liposomes
Mezei first suggested that liposomes could be useful drug-carrier systems for the
local treatment of skin diseases (137,138). The suggestion was based on drug dis-
position data obtained following topical application of the steroid triaminolone ace-
tonide incorporated in phospholipid liposomes formulated as lotions or gels. Encap-
sulation of triaminolone acetonide into liposomes resulted in a vehicle-dependent
4.5- to 4.9-fold increase in the amount of drug recovered from the epidermis. Sim-
ilarly, topical application of liposomal preparations of hydrocortisone resulted in
higher concentrations of the steroid in skin strata, compared with application of the
drug in an ointment formulation (139,140). Continuing work by Mezei’s group gen-
erated further data for other dermatological drugs, such as econazole, minoxidil, and
retinoic acid (141–143). Overall, the work of Mezei suggested that application of
the dermatological drugs in liposomal form, when compared with the conventional
formulations, led to increased drug concentration in the skin and subcutaneous tissues
and decreased biodisposition in plasma and remote sites (Table 4).
These encouraging early observations were followed by several confirmatory
research and clinical investigations, most notably those of Weiner’s group at the
University of Michigan (144–148) and Korting’s group at Ludwig–Maximilians
University in Munich (149–151). Many other studies have indicated the potential of
phospholipid liposomes to increase the skin content of topically applied drugs. Toui-
tou et al. (152,153) evaluated the penetration of xanthines (dyphylline and caffeine)
in liposomal and nonliposomal formulations and found that delivery to the skin was
markedly influenced by the formulation in which the liposomes were applied. Thus,
Formulation Strategies for Skin Permeation 305
Triamcinolone Retinoic
Site acetonide Econazole Minoxidil acid
B. Niosomes
Niosomes are another vesicle system that has been investigated for potential modi-
fication of skin permeation (163,164). Niosomes comprise nonionic surfactants, such
as polyoxyethylene alkyl ethers, and may be prepared as single or multilamellar
vesicles. Surfactants of this type enhance skin permeation (165), and this is likely
to play a role in any modification of permeation using these vehicles. The effect of
nonionic surfactant vesicles on the skin permeation of estradiol was dependent on
the physical state of the niosome (164). Thus, whereas niosomes prepared from
polyoxyethylene(3)stearyl ether and existing in the gel state did not increase estradiol
permeation, those prepared from polyoxyethylene(3)lauryl ether and polyoxyeth-
ylene(10)oleyl ether—both existing as liquid crystalline vesicles—significantly en-
hanced transport. Further experiments, in which the skin was pretreated with un-
loaded niosomes indicated that the enhanced transport of estradiol from drug-loaded
vesicles was not wholly a result of surfactant-induced penetration enhancement. The
authors postulated that niosomes fused at the surface of the stratum corneum, gen-
erating high local concentrations of estradiol that resulted in increased thermody-
namic activity of the permeant in the upper layers of the stratum corneum.
C. Mode of Action
The precise mode of interaction between lipid vesicles and skin remains unclear.
Certainly, despite earlier claims (159), there is considerable doubt about the ability
of whole vesicles to permeate intact stratum corneum. Most evidence suggests that
vesicles can penetrate the outer cell layers of the stratum corneum (166–168) where
desmosomal linkages have become disrupted and, presumably, the keratinocytes are
less tightly bound and surrounded by a mixture of intercellular lipid and sebum.
However, continuing diffusion of vesicles through the approximately 60-nm inter-
cellular space of the deeper layers of the stratum corneum seems unlikely. Current
thinking suggests that lipid vesicles fuse with endogenous lipid, either on the surface
or in the outermost layers of the stratum corneum (168,169). The fusion is followed
D. Transfersomes
Despite the evidence to the contrary, Cevc (172) suggested that it was possible for
whole vesicles to cross intact stratum corneum. The basic premise for this hypothesis
was the driving force provided by the osmotic gradient between the outer and inner
layers of the stratum corneum and the development of specific mixes of lipids to
form modified liposomes, termed transfersomes. The requirement for the osmotic
gradient to be maintained suggests that transfersomes will not function in occlusive
conditions, and careful formulation is necessary. Because of their unique structure
(described as a mix of phosphatidylcholine, sodium cholate, and ethanol) (173),
transfersomes are reputed to be very flexible vesicles and capable of transporting
their contents through the tortuous intercellular route of the stratum corneum. Thus,
dermal application of local anesthetics in transfersomes was ‘‘nearly as swift in action
as an injection’’ (173), and the application of the corticosteroids, triamcinolone ace-
tonide, dexamethasone, and hydrocortisone, encapsulated in transfersomes, resulted
in more reliable site-specificity for the drug (174).
E. Follicular Delivery
Lieb et al. (175,176) proposed that liposomes may be useful for targeting drugs to
skin follicles for the treatment of diseases, such as acne and alopecia. Their initial
experiments, using the hamster ear pilosebaceous unit, demonstrated that carboxy-
fluorescein, incorporated into phospholipid liposomes, was more efficiently targeted
to follicles than when formulated as a simple aqueous solution, a propylene glycol
(5%) solution, or a sodium dodecyl sulfate (0.05%) solution (175). However, most
of the carboxyfluorescein was located in the epidermis. In later experiments, appli-
cation of cimetidine, incorporated in phospholipid and nonionic liposomes, was com-
pared with its application in a 50% alcohol solution (176), and generated data that
was similarly equivocal. In this case, although small amounts of drug were located
within the pilosebaceous unit, most was located on the surface or within the stratum
corneum (determined by tape-stripping). Nonetheless, the data showed that the li-
posomal formulations were considerably more effective at delivering the drug to the
stratum corneum and the follicles than was the alcoholic solution. Interestingly, the
phospholipid liposomes delivered approximately twice as much drug to these com-
partments as the nonionic liposomes.
308 Davis et al.
More recently, this group has demonstrated that nonionic liposomes were ca-
pable of delivering the macromolecules cyclosporine and interferon-alfa into pilo-
sebaceous units (177). Three nonionic and one phospholipid liposome were evalu-
ated. The most effective vesicle comprised glyceryl dilaurate (57% by weight),
cholesterol (12%), and polyoxyethylene(10)stearyl ether (28%), which facilitated the
follicular deposition of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs. The authors spec-
ulated that the low-melting point of glyceryl dilaurate (30⬚C) may have resulted in
fluidization of the liposome bilayers following application of the formulation, and
this led to partial release of polyoxyethylene(10)stearyl ether (a known skin pene-
tration enhancer) (165), which further led to an enhancement of drug deposition.
Given these studies, the authors investigated the liposomal delivery of plasmid DNA
to the skin (178). Their results suggested that nonionic–cationic liposomes (com-
prising glyceryl dilaurate, cholesterol polyoxyethylene(10)stearyl ether, and 1,2-di-
oleoyloxy-3-(trimethylammonio)-propane) could deliver expression plasmid DNA to
perifollicular cells and mediate transient transfection in vivo. These data show prom-
ise for future topical gene therapy for a number of dermatological diseases caused
by abnormal regulation of soluble cytokines.
Other recent data on liposome-mediated drug delivery to follicular regions has
been contradictory. Whereas, Bernard et al. (179) demonstrated that phospholipid
liposomes were useful for targeting delivery of an antiandrogen to the sebaceous
gland, Tshan et al. (180) found no enhancement of follicular deposition of isotretinoin
when applied in liposomal formulation. Overall, the number and variety of constit-
uents from which lipid vesicles have been constructed, the large number of permeants
and formulations studied, and the diversity of experimental methods render it difficult
to establish any systematic ground rules. It is clear, however, that although there is
considerable evidence for improved drug delivery characteristics, much remains to
be achieved in this field.
In this chapter several strategies for enhancing skin penetration have been reviewed.
Quite clearly, there are many occasions when the ability to increase the rate and
extent of dermal and transdermal drug delivery would be beneficial to therapy. This
is reflected in the considerable research effort in this area. In recent years, much of
this effort has focused on the development of chemical penetration enhancers, the
use of supersaturated systems, the use of vesicular systems, and physical methods,
such as iontophoresis and ultrasound. Limitations of space have precluded a discus-
sion of physical methods of enhancement. However, further and more extensive
information on physical and chemical enhancement of skin penetration can be found
1. Poulsen BJ, Young E, Coquilla V, Katz M. Effect of vehicle composition on the in
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25. Hirvonen J, Rytting JH, Paronen P, Urtti A. Dodecyl N,N-dimethylamino acetate and
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26. Itoh T, Wasinger L, Turunen TM, Rytting JH. Effects of transdermal penetration en-
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27. Niazy EM. Differences in penetration-enhancing effect of Azone through excised rab-
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28. Okamoto H, Hashida M, Sezaki H. Effect of 1-alkyl- or 1-alkenylazacycloalkanone
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29. Fincher TK, Yoo SD, Player MR, Sowell JW, Michniak BB. In-vitro evaluation of a
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30. Godwin DA, Michniak BB, Player MR, Sowell JW. Transdermal and dermal enhancing
activity of pyrrolidinones in hairless mouse skin. Int J Pharm 155:241–250, 1997.
31. Michniak BB, Chapman JM, Seyda KL. Facilitated transport of 2 model steroids by
esters and amides of clofibric acid. J Pharm Sci 82:214–219, 1993.
32. Michniak BB, Player MR, Chapman JM, Sowell JW. In vitro evaluation of a series of
Azone analogs as dermal penetration enhancers 1. Int J Pharm 91:85–93, 1993.
33. Michniak BB, Player MR, Fuhrman LC, Christensen CA, Chapman JM, Sowell JW.
In-vitro evaluation of a series of Azone analogs as dermal penetration enhancers 2.
(Thio)amides. Int J Pharm 94:203–210, 1993.
34. Michniak BB, Player MR, Chapman JM, Sowell JW. Azone analogs as penetration
enhancers—effect of different vehicles on hydrocortisone acetate skin permeation and
retention. J Controlled Release 32:147–154, 1994.
35. Michniak BB, Player MR, Fuhrman LC, Christensen CA, Chapman JM, Sowell JW.
In-vitro evaluation of a series of Azone analogs as dermal penetration enhancers 3.
Acyclic amides. Int J Pharm 110:231–239, 1994.
36. Michniak BB, Player MR, Godwin DA, Phillips CA, Sowell JW. In-vitro evaluation
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116:201–209, 1995.
37. Phillips CA, Michniak BB. Topical application of Azone analogs to hairless mouse
skin—a histopathological study. Int J Pharm 125:63–71, 1995.
38. Phillips CA, Michniak BB. Transdermal delivery of drugs with differing lipophilicities
using Azone analogs as dermal penetration enhancers. J Pharm Sci 84:1427–1433,
39. Michniak BB, Player MR, Sowell JW. Synthesis and in-vitro transdermal penetration
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40. Bezema FR, Marttin E, Roemele PEH, Brussee J, Bodde HE, Degroot HJM. H-2 NMR
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Azone. Spectrochim Acta [Pt A] Mol Biomol Spectr 52:785–791, 1996.
41. Bouwstra JA, Peschier LJC, Brussee J, Bodde HE. Effect of N-alkyl-azocycloheptan-
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42. Bouwstra JA, Devries MA, Gooris GS, Bras W, Brussee J, Ponec M. Thermodynamic
and structural aspects of the skin barrier. J Controlled Release 15:209–220, 1991.
43. Bouwstra JA, Gooris GS, Brussee J, Salomonsdevries MA, Bras W. The influence of
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79:141–148, 1992.
44. Quan DY, Maibach HI. An electron-spin-resonance study. I. Effect of Azone on 5-
doxyl stearic acid-labeled human stratum corneum. Int J Pharm 104:61–72, 1994.
Formulation Strategies for Skin Permeation 311
45. Quan DY, Cooke RA, Maibach HI. An electron-spin-resonance study of human epi-
dermal lipids using 5-doxyl stearic acid. J Controlled Release 36:235–241, 1995.
46. Gay CL, Murphy TM, Hadgraft J, Kellaway IW, Evans JC, Rowlands CC. An electron-
spin resonance study of skin penetration enhancers. Int J Pharm 49:39–45, 1989.
47. Groundwater PW, Hadgraft J, Harrison JE, Watkinson AC. The synthesis of perdeu-
terated Azone (D(35)-1-dodecylhexahydro-2h-azepin-2-one). J Label Comp Radio-
pharm 34:1047–1053, 1994.
48. Harrison JE, Groundwater PW, Brain KR, Hadgraft J. Azone induced fluidity in human
stratum corneum—a Fourier–transform infrared spectroscopy investigation using the
perdeuterated analog. J Controlled Release 41:283–290, 1996.
49. Ongpipattanakul B, Burnette RR, Potts RO, Francoeur ML. Evidence that oleic acid
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50. Bonina FP, Montenegro L. Penetration enhancer effects on in vitro percutaneous ab-
sorption of heparin sodium salt. Int J Pharm 82:171–177, 1992.
51. Harrison JE, Watkinson AC, Green DM, Hadgraft J, Brain KR. The relative effect of
Azone and Transcutol on permeant diffusivity and solubility in human stratum cor-
neum. Pharm Res 13:542–546, 1996.
52. Diez–Sales O, Watkinson AC, Herraez–Dominguez M, Javaloyes C, Hadgraft J. A
mechanistic investigation of the in vitro human skin permeation enhancing effect of
Azone. Int J Pharm 129:33–40, 1996.
53. Brain KR, Hadgraft J, Lewis D, Allan G. The influence of Azone on the percutaneous
absorption of methotrexate. Int J Pharm 71:R9–R11, 1991.
54. Patil S, Szolarplatzer C, Maibach HI. Effect of topical laurocapram (Azone) on the in
vitro percutaneous permeation of sodium lauryl sulfate using human skin. J Invest
Dermatol 106:947, 1996.
55. Szolarplatzer C, Patil S, Maibach HI. Effect of topical laurocapram (Azone) on the in
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56. Hadgraft J, Williams DG, Allan G. Azone mechanisms of action and clinical effect. In:
Walters KA, Hadgraft J, eds. Pharmaceutical Skin Penetration Enhancement. New York:
Marcel Dekker, pp 175–197, 1993.
57. Chatterjee DJ, Li WY, Koda RT. Effect of vehicles and penetration enhancers on the
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59. Higo N, Hinz RS, Lau DTW, Benet LZ, Guy RH. Cutaneous metabolism of nitro-
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60. Hwang GC, Lin AY, Chen W, Sharpe RJ. Development and optimization of a metho-
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61. Ogiso T, Iwaki M, Tsuji S. Percutaneous absorption of bromhexine in rats. Chem Pharm
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62. Swart PJ, Weide WL, Dezeeuw RA. In vitro penetration of the dopamine-D2 agonist
N-0923 with and without Azone. Int J Pharm 87:67–72, 1992.
63. Ogiso T, Iwaki M, Tanino T, Oue H. Percutaneous absorption of pindolol and phar-
macokinetic analysis of the plasma concentration. J Pharmacobiodyn 15:347–352,
64. Ruan LP, Liang BW, Tao JZ, Yin CH. Transdermal absorption of nitrendipine from
adhesive patches. J Controlled Release 20:231–236, 1992.
312 Davis et al.
65. Wiechers JW, Drenth BFH, Jonkman JHG, Dezeeuw RA. Percutaneous absorption of
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J Pharm 66:53–62, 1990.
66. Wiechers JW. Absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of the cutaneous
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67. Wiechers JW, Drenth BFH, Adolfsen FAW, Prins L, Dezeeuw RA. Disposition and
metabolic profiling of the penetration enhancer Azone 1. In vivo studies—urinary pro-
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68. Wiechers JW, Drenth BFH, Jonkman JHG, Dezeeuw RA. Percutaneous absorption and
elimination of the penetration enhancer Azone in humans. Pharm Res 4:519–523, 1987.
69. Wiechers JW, Drenth BFH, Jonkman JHG, Dezeeuw RA. Percutaneous absorption,
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longed application under occlusion. Int J Pharm 47:43–49, 1988.
70. Wiechers JW, Drenth BFH, Jonkman JHG, Dezeeuw RA. Percutaneous absorption,
metabolic profiling, and excretion of the penetration enhancer Azone after multiple
dosing of an Azone-containing triamcinolone acetonide cream in humans. J Pharm Sci
79:111–115, 1990.
71. Wotton PK, Mollgaard B, Hadgraft J, Hoelgaard A. Vehicle effect on topical drug
delivery 3. Effect of Azone on the cutaneous permeation of metronidazole and pro-
pylene glycol. Int J Pharm 24:19–26, 1985.
72. Watkinson AC, Hadgraft J, Bye A. Aspects of the transdermal delivery of prostaglan-
dins. Int J Pharm 74:229–236, 1991.
73. Ganga S, Ramarao P, Singh J. Effect of Azone on the iontophoretic transdermal deliv-
ery of metoprolol tartrate through human epidermis in vitro. J Controlled Release 42:
57–64, 1996.
74. Hirvonen J, Kontturi K, Murtomaki L, Paronen P, Urtti A. Transdermal iontophoresis
of sotalol and salicylate—the effect of skin charge and penetration enhancers. J Con-
trolled Release 26:109–117, 1993.
75. Kalia YN, Guy RH. Interaction between penetration enhancers and iontophoresis: effect
on human skin impedance in vivo. J Controlled Release 44:33–42, 1997.
76. Ueda H, Isshiki R, Ogihara M, Sugibayashi K, Morimoto Y. Combined effect of ultra-
sound and chemical enhancers on the skin permeation of aminopyrine. Int J Pharm
143:37–45, 1996.
77. Samour CM, Daskalakis S. U.S. Patent 4,861,764, 1989.
78. Gyurik RJ, et al. SEPA penetration enhancement of econazole in human skin. In: Brain
KR, James VJ, Walters KA, eds. Prediction of Percutaneous Penetration. Vol. 4b. Car-
diff: STS Publishing, pp 124–126, 1996.
79. Gauthier ER, Gyurik RJ, Krauser SF, Pittz EP, Samour CM. SEPA absorption enhance-
ment of polar and non-polar drugs. In: Brain KR, James VJ, Walters KA, eds. Per-
spectives in Percutaneous Penetration. Vol. 5a. Cardiff: STS Publishing, p 79, 1997.
80. Yoneto K, Ghanem A–H, Higuchi WI, Peck KD, Li SK. Mechanistic studies of the 1-
alkyl-2-pyrroloidones as skin permeation enhancers. J Pharm Sci 84:312–317, 1995.
81. Cornwell PA, Barry BW, Bouwstra JA, and Gooris GS. Modes of action of terpene
penetration enhancers in human skin; differential scanning calorimetry, small-angle X-
ray diffraction and enhancer uptake studies. Int J Pharm 127:9–26, 1996.
82. van Hal DA, Jeremiasse E, Junginger HE, Spies F, Bouwstra JA. Structure of fully
hydrated human stratum corneum: a freeze–fracture electron microscope study. J Invest
Dermatol 106:89–95, 1996.
83. Engström S, Forslind B, Engblom J. Lipid polymorphism—a key to an understanding
of skin penetration. In: Brain KR, James VJ, Walters KA, eds. Prediction of Percuta-
neous Penetration. Vol. 4b. Cardiff: STS Publishing, pp 163–166, 1996.
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84. Strathman H. Production of microporous media by phase inversion processes. In: Lloyd
DR, ed. Materials Science of Synthetic Membranes. ACS Symp Ser 269:165–195,
85. Langlois B, Friberg S. Evaporation from a complex emulsion system. J Soc Cosmet
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86. Yano T, Higo N, Furukawa K, Tsuji M, Noda K, Otagiri M. Evaluation of a new
penetration enhancer 1-[2-(decylthio)ethyl]azacyclopentan-2-one (HPE-101). J Phar-
macobiodyn 15:527–533, 1992.
87. Yano T, Higo N, Fukuda K, Tsuji M, Noda K, Otagiri M. Further evaluation of a new
penetration enhancer, HPE-101. J Pharm Pharmacol 45:775–778, 1992.
88. Adachi H, Irie T, Uekama K, Manako T, Yano T, Saita M. Combination effects of O-
carboxymethyl-O-ethyl--cyclodextrin and penetration enhancer HPE-101 on transder-
mal delivery of prostaglandin E1 in hairless mice. Eur J Pharm Sci 1:117–123, 1993.
89. Rajadhyaksha VJ. Oxalodinone penetration enhancing compounds. U.S. Patent
4,960,771, 1990.
90. Pfister WR, Rajadhyaksha VJ. Oxazolidinones: a new class of cyclic urethane trans-
dermal enhancer (CUTE). Proc Int Symp Controlled Release Bioact Mater 24:709–
710, 1997.
91. Pfister WR, Rajadhyaksha VJ. Oxazolidinones: a new class of cyclic urethane trans-
dermal enhancer (CUTE). Pharm Res 12:S280, 1995.
92. Wong O, Huntington A, Nishihata T, Rytting JH. New alkyl N,N-dialkyl-substituted
amino acetates as transdermal penetration enhancers. Pharm Res 6:286–295, 1989.
93. Wongpayapkul L, Chow D. Comparative evaluation of various enhancers on the trans-
dermal permeation of propranolol hydrochloride. Pharm Res 8:S140, 1991.
94. Büyüktimkin S, Büyüktimkin N, Rytting JH. Synthesis and enhancing effect of dodecyl
2-(N,N-dimethylamino)-propionate (DDAIP) on the transepidermal delivery of indo-
methacin, clonidine, and hydrocortisone. Pharm Res 10:1632–1637, 1993.
95. Turunen TM, Büyüktimkin S, Büyüktimkin N, Urtti A, Paronen P, Rytting JH. En-
hanced delivery of 5-fluorouracil through shed snake skin by two new transdermal
penetration enhancers. Int J Pharm 92:89–95, 1993.
96. Turunen TM, Urtti A, Paronen P, Audus KL, Rytting JH. Effect of some penetration
enhancers on epithelial membrane lipid domains: evidence from fluorescence spectros-
copy studies. Pharm Res 11:288–294, 1994.
97. Lambert WJ, Kudla RJ, Holland JM, Curry JT. A biodegradable transdermal penetration
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98. Harris WT, Tenjarla SN, Holbrook JM, Smith J, Mead C, Entrekin J. N-Pentyl N-
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102. Ikeda K, Saitoh I, Oguma T, Takagishi Y. Effect of hydrophobically modified hydroxy-
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104. Pearson A. Inhibition of a growth in a model pharmaceutical semisolid. PhD disser-
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105. Yeoh TY. Use of polymer additives to inhibit phenytoin nucleation and crystal growth
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106. Morita M, Horita S. Effect of crystallinity on the percutaneous absorption of cortico-
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108. Lippold BC. How to optimize drug penetration through the skin. Pharm Acta Helv 67:
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109. Davis AF, Hadgraft J. Supersaturated solutions as topical drug delivery systems. In:
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110. Fischer W. Trends in transdermal drug delivery. In: Junginger HE, ed. Pharmaceutical
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111. Zatz JL. Enhancing skin penetration of actives with the vehicle. Cosmet Toiletr 109:
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116. Corrigan OI, Farvar MA, Higuchi WI. Drug membrane transport enhancement using
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120. Merkle HP. Transdermal delivery systems. Methods Findings Exp Clin Pharmacol 11:
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122. Davis AF, Hadgraft J. Effect of supersaturation on membrane transport: 1. Hydrocor-
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123. Pellet MA, Davis AF, Hadgraft J. Effect of supersaturation on membrane transport: 2.
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124. Pellet MA, Castellano S, Hadgraft J, Davis AF. The penetration of supersaturated so-
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125. Pellet MA, Roberts MS, Hadgraft J. Supersaturated solutions evaluated with an in vivo
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126. Megrab NA, Williams AC, Barry BW. Oestradiol permeation through human skin and
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127. Higuchi WI, Farrar MA. Drug membrane transport enhancement using high energy
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130. Pellett MA. Unpublished observations.
131. Pellett MA, Watkinson AC, Brain KR, Hadgraft J. Diffusion of flurbiprofen across
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132. Potts RO, Cleary GW. Transdermal delivery: useful paradigms. J Drug Targeting 3:
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316 Davis et al.
Over the past few decades there have been many advances in our understanding of
the physicochemical properties of both formulation systems and their ingredients.
These have led to the ability to develop physically, chemically, and biologically
stable products. There has also been a significant increase in our knowledge of the
properties of skin and the processes that control skin permeation. The ground rules
for skin permeation were laid down by Scheuplein and Blank in the late 1960s and
early 1970s (1), and these have been updated on a reasonably regular basis (2–8).
We have learned, for example, that the permeation of compounds across intact skin
is controlled fundamentally by the stratum corneum, and it is the chemical compo-
sition and morphology of this layer that usually determines the rate and extent of
absorption (9,10). Similarly, we have discovered how to modify this barrier, by
chemical or physical means and, thereby, alter the rate of diffusion of many per-
meating molecules (11,12).
A basic deficiency, however, in the application of our understanding of the
barrier properties of the skin to dermatological and transdermal therapy is that this
knowledge has largely been generated by investigations on normal, rather than path-
ological, skin. The relevance of such information to diseased skin, for which per-
meation characteristics are probably significantly altered, has yet to be fully estab-
lished. There is some data on transport across skin that has been artificially damaged
(13–18), and limited information on permeation through diseased skin has been
obtained in the clinic (19–22).
In modern-day pharmaceutical practice, therapeutic compounds are applied to
the skin for dermatological (within the skin), local (regional), and for transdermal
320 Walters and Brain
(systemic) delivery. Whatever the target site or organ, it is usually a prerequisite that
the drug crosses the outermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum. However, a
major function of the stratum corneum is to provide a protective barrier to the ingress
of xenobiotics and to control the rate of water loss from the body: Evolution has
generated a robust and durable barrier that fulfills its biological function throughout
an individual’s lifetime. A basic, yet thorough, understanding of the structure and
transport properties of this membrane is essential to the rational development of
topical dosage forms, and this has been provided elsewhere in this volume.
ketoprofen, and hormonal steroids, such as estradiol and testosterone, have been
developed and marketed in semisolid preparations. A major problem with transdermal
semisolid preparations, however, is that of control. Drug concentrations in plasma
or duration of action, are not reliably predictable for several reasons, including the
amount and area of application and dosage frequency.
The specific advantages of transdermal therapy have been fully discussed else-
where (24). Briefly, transdermal devices are easy to apply, can remain in place for
up to 7 days (depending on the system), and are easily removed following, or during,
therapy. The reduced-dosing frequency, and the production of controllable and sus-
tained plasma levels, tend to minimize the risk of undesirable side effects sometimes
observed after oral delivery. The avoidance of extensive hepatic first-pass metabolism
is a further advantage. The major limitation to transdermal drug delivery is the
intrinsic barrier property of the skin. Although marketed patch-type transdermal de-
livery systems are available for only a limited number of drugs (e.g., scopolamine,
nitroglycerin, clonidine, estradiol, fentanyl, testosterone, and nicotine), several other
candidates are at various stages of development. Many of the drugs under investi-
gation do not intrinsically possess any significant ability to cross the skin; therefore,
ways must be found to improve their transdermal delivery. This could be achieved
by the use of prodrugs designed such that they are more rapidly absorbed than the
parent compound, yet are metabolized to the active species before receptor site oc-
cupancy (25,26). Physical methods, such as iontophoresis (27), electroporation (28),
and sonophoresis (29) have proved experimentally useful for increasing the skin
permeation of several compounds. Alternatively, the barrier may be modulated using
thermodynamic strategies, or chemically modified to reduce diffusive resistance by
the use of penetration enhancers, both of which are discussed in Chapter 6. Such
developmental strategies will increase the number of candidate drugs for transdermal
delivery in the future.
Preformulation Task
diseases, as currently practiced, has its origins in science.’’ To this day a practicing
dermatologist would prefer to apply a ‘‘wet’’ formulation (ranging from simple tap-
water to complex emulsion formulations, with or without drug) to a wet lesion and
a ‘‘dry’’ formulation (e.g., petrolatum) to a dry lesion. The preparation of such for-
mulations as poultices and pastes is extemporaneous, and it is unlikely that the
industrial pharmaceutical formulator will be required to develop products of this type.
Solutions and powders lack staying power (retention time) on the skin and can afford
only transient relief. In modern-day pharmaceutical practice, semisolid formulations
are the preferred vehicles for dermatological therapy because they remain in situ and
deliver the drug over extended time periods. In most cases, therefore, the developed
formulation will be an ointment, emulsion, or gel. Typical constituents for these types
of formulations are shown in Table 2.
1. Ointments
An ointment is classified as any semisolid containing fatty material and intended for
external application (United States Pharmacopeia; USP). There are four types of
ointment base, and these are listed in the USP as hydrocarbon base, absorption base,
water-removable base, and water-soluble base. Only the hydrocarbon bases are com-
pletely anhydrous. The anhydrous hydrocarbon bases, which contain straight or
branched hydrocarbons with chain lengths ranging from C16 to C30, which may also
contain cyclic alkanes, are used principally in nonmedicated form. A typical for-
mulation contains fluid hydrocarbons (mineral oils and liquid paraffins) mixed with
a longer alkyl chain, higher-melting point, hydrocarbons (white and yellow soft par-
affin and petroleum jelly). The difference between white and yellow soft paraffin is
simply that the white version has been bleached. Hard paraffin and microcrystalline
waxes are similar to the soft paraffins, except that they contain no liquid components.
These anhydrous mixtures tend to produce formulations that are greasy and unplea-
sant to use, but the addition of solid components, such as microcrystalline cellulose,
can reduce the greasiness. Improved skin feel can also be attained by the incorpo-
ration of silicone materials, such as polydimethylsiloxane oil or dimethicones. Sili-
cones are often used in barrier formulations that are designed to protect the skin
against water-soluble irritants.
Although the nonmedicated anhydrous ointments are extremely useful as emol-
lients, their value as topical drug delivery systems is limited by the relative insolu-
Table 2 Constituents of Semisolid Formulations
324 Walters and Brain
bility of many drugs in hydrocarbons and silicone oils. It is possible to increase drug
solubility within a formulation by incorporation of hydrocarbon-miscible solvents,
such as isopropylmyristate or propylene glycol, into the ointment. Although increas-
ing the solubility of a drug within a formulation may often decrease the release rate,
it does not necessarily decrease the therapeutic effect. It is well accepted that simple
determination of release rates from formulations may not be predictive of drug bio-
availability. For example, when formulated in a simple white petrolatum–mineral oil
ointment, the release rate of betamethasone dipropionate was considerably higher
than when the drug was formulated at the same concentration (0.05%) in an aug-
mented, and more clinically effective, ointment that contained propylene glycol (Fig.
1) (32). It is also important to appreciate that various grades of petrolatum are com-
mercially available, and that the physical properties of these materials will vary
depending on the source and refining process. Even slight variations in physical
properties of the constituents of an ointment may have substantial effects on drug
release behavior (33).
The preparation of ointment formulations may appear to be a simple matter of
heating all of the constituents to a temperature higher than the melting point of all
Figure 1 Release rates of betamethasone dipropionate from ointments into various receptor
fluids. (1) 5% hexane in acetonitrile; (2) octanol; (3) acetonitrile; (4) 60% acetonitrile in
water; (5) 95% ethanol. (From Ref. 32.)
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 325
of the excipients and then cooling with constant mixing. The reality, however, is that
the process is somewhat more complex and requires careful control over various
parameters, particularly the cooling rate. Rapid cooling, for example, creates stiffer
formulations in which there are numerous small crystallites, whereas a slow-cooling
rate results in the formation of fewer, but larger, crystallites and a more fluid product.
Further information on temperature effects and ointment phase behavior are available
2. Gels
The common characteristic of all gels is that they contain continuous structures that
provide solid-like properties (4). Depending on their constituents, gels may be clear
or opaque, and be polar, hydroalcoholic, or nonpolar. The simplest gels comprise
water thickened with either natural gums (e.g., tragacanth, guar, or xanthan), semi-
synthetic materials (e.g., methylcellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, or hydroxyethyl-
cellulose), synthetic materials (e.g., carbomer–carboxyvinyl polymer), or clays (e.g.,
silicates or hectorite). Gel viscosity is generally a function of the amount and mo-
lecular weight of the added thickener.
There are a variety of semisynthetic celluloses in use as thickeners in gel
formulations. These include methylcellulose (MC), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC),
hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC), hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC), and hydroxypropyl-
methylcellulose (HPMC). These celluloses can be obtained in diverse molecular
weight grades, and the higher molecular weight compounds are used at 1–5% (w/
w). In the development of prototype gel formulations, it is useful to evaluate a variety
of different types of cellulose. For example, if clarity of the gel is a major require-
ment, HPMC is preferable to MC. It is also important to appreciate that some cel-
luloses may exhibit specific incompatibilities with other potential formulation ingre-
dients. For example, HEC is incompatible with several salts, and MC and HPC are
incompatible with parabens. This latter incompatibility limits the choice of preser-
vative for gel formulations that are based on MC and HPC. Finally, the presence of
oxidative materials (e.g., peroxides, or other ingredients containing peroxide resi-
dues) in formulations gelled with celluloses should be avoided because oxidative
degradation of the polymer chains may cause a rapid decrease in formulation vis-
cosity (37).
As the branched-chain polysaccharide gums, such as tragacanth, pectin, car-
rageenan, and guar, are of naturally occurring plant origin, they can have widely
varying physical properties, depending on their source. They are usually incorporated
into formulations at concentrations between 0.5 and 10%, contingent on the required
viscosity. Viscosity may be enhanced synergistically by the addition of inorganic
suspending agents, such as magnesium aluminum silicate. Tragacanth, a mixture of
water-insoluble and water-soluble polysaccharides, is negatively charged in aqueous
solution and, therefore, incompatible with many preservatives when formulated at a
pH of 7 or higher. Similarly, xanthan gum, which is produced by bacterial fermen-
tation, is incompatible with some preservatives. Alginic acid is a hydrophilic colloidal
carbohydrate obtained from seaweed and the sodium salt, sodium alginate, is used
at 5–10% as a gelling agent. Film gels may be obtained by incorporation of small
amounts of soluble calcium salts (e.g., tartrate on citrate). Many gums are ineffective
in hydroalcoholic gels containing more than 5% alcohol.
326 Walters and Brain
The natural clay thickeners (e.g., bentonite and magnesium aluminium silicate)
are useful for thickening aqueous gels containing cosolvents, such as ethanol, iso-
propanol, glycerin, and propylene glycol. These materials possess a lamellar structure
that can be extensively hydrated. The flat surfaces of bentonite are negatively
charged, whereas the edges are positively charged. These clays swell in the presence
of water because of hydration of the cations and electrostatic repulsion between the
negatively charged faces. Thixotropic gels form at high concentrations at which the
clay particles combine in a flocculated structure in which the edge of one particle is
attracted to the face of another. The rheological properties of these clay dispersions,
therefore, are particularly sensitive to the presence of salts. Bentonite, a native col-
loidal hydrated aluminium silicate (mainly montmorillonite), can precipitate under
acidic conditions, and formulations must be at pH 6 or higher. A synthetic clay
(colloidal silicon dioxide) is also useful for thickening both aqueous and nonpolar
gels. The concentration of clay usually required to thicken formulations is 2–10%.
By far the most extensively employed gelling agents in the pharmaceutical and
cosmetic industries are the carboxyvinyl polymers known as carbomers. These are
synthetic high molecular weight polymers of acrylic acid, cross-linked with either
allylsucrose or allyl ethers of pentaerythritol. Pharmaceutical grades of these car-
bomers are available (e.g., Carbopol 981NF; B. F. Goodrich Performance Materials).
In the dry state, a carbomer molecule is tightly coiled, but when dispersed in water
the molecule begins to hydrate and partially uncoil, exposing free acidic moieties.
To attain maximum thickening effect the carbomer molecule must be fully uncoiled,
and this can be achieved by one of two mechanisms (Fig. 2). The most common
method is to convert the acidic molecule to a salt, by the addition of an appropriate
neutralizing agent. For formulations containing aqueous or polar solvent, carbomer
gellation can be induced by the addition of simple inorganic bases, such as sodium
or potassium hydroxide. Less polar or nonpolar solvent systems may be neutralized
with amines, such as triethanolamine or diethanolamine, or a number of alternative
amine bases (e.g., diisopropanolamine, aminomethyl propanol, tetrahydroxypropyl
ethylenediamine, and tromethamine) may be employed. Neutralization ionizes the
carbomer molecule, generating negative charges along the polymer backbone, and
the resultant electrostatic repulsion creates an extended three-dimensional structure.
Care must be taken not to under- or overneutralize the formulation, as this will result
in viscosity or thixotropic changes (38). Overneutralization will reduce viscosity, as
the excess base cations screen the carboxy groups and reduce electrostatic repulsion.
Hydrated molecules of carbomer may also be uncoiled in aqueous systems by the
addition of 10–20% of hydroxyl donors, such as a nonionic surfactant or a polyol,
that are able to hydrogen-bond with the polymer. Maximum thickening will not be
as instantaneous using this mechanism, as it is with base neutralization, and may
take several hours. Heating accelerates the process, but the system should not be
heated to more than 70⬚C. Because they are synthetic, carbomer bases vary little
from lot-to-lot, although batch-to-batch differences in mean molecular weight may
result in variations in the rheological characteristics of aqueous dispersions (39).
3. Emulsions
The most common emulsions used in dermatological therapy are creams. These are
two-phase preparations in which one phase (the dispersed or internal phase) is finely
dispersed in the other (the continuous or external phase). The dispersed phase can
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 327
Figure 2 A tightly coiled carbomer molecule will (a) hydrate and swell when dispersed in
water. (b) The molecule will completely uncoil to achieve maximum thickening when it is
converted from the acid form to the salt form on neutralization.
Figure 3 Oil-in-water emulsions may be stabilized by (a) nonionic surfactants, (b) polox-
amer block copolymers, or (c) polymeric materials. The hydrophilic chains produce repulsion
by mixing interaction (osmotic) or volume restriction (entropic).
330 Walters and Brain
HLB = 20 冉 冊
where S is the saponification number of the ester and A the acid number of the fatty
acid. When it is not possible to obtain a saponification number (e.g., lanolin deriv-
atives), the HLB can be calculated from
(E ⫹ P)
where E is the weight percent (wt%) of the polyoxyethylene chain and P the wt%
of the polyhydric alcohol group in the molecule.
From the foregoing equations it is apparent that hydrophilic surfactants have
high HLB values, and lipophilic surfactants have low HLB values. It is generally
recognized that surfactants with HLB values between 4 and 6 are W/O emulsifiers
and those with HLB values between 8 and 18 are O/W emulsifiers. It is also generally
recognized, although poorly understood, that mixtures of surfactants create more
stable emulsions than the individual surfactants. The overall HLB of a surfactant
mixture (HLBM) can be calculated from
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 331
Emulsion type
Constituent O/W W/O
Liquid paraffin 12 4
Hard paraffin 10 4
Stearic acid 16 —
Beeswax 12 5
Castor oil 14 —
Cottonseed oil 9 —
332 Walters and Brain
Figure 4 The gel network theory suggests that when a cream is formulated it is composed
of four phases: bulk water, a dispersed oil phase, a crystalline hydrate, and a crystalline gel
phase composed of bilayers of surfactant and fatty alcohol separated by layers of interlamellar-
fixed water. (Courtesy of Dr. G. M. Eccleston.)
theory also offers an explanation for the observation that nonionic O/W creams
thicken on storage. This change is related to additional gelation in the continuous
phase as a result of slow hydration of the polyoxyethylene chains of the surfactant,
which reduces the amount of free water in the formulation.
A relatively stable emulsion formulation may be prepared from a simple four-
component mixture: oil, water, surfactant, and fatty amphiphile. In practice, however,
things are never that straightforward. In addition to the four principle components,
a pharmaceutical emulsion formulation will also contain a drug, and is likely to
contain a cosolvent for the drug, a viscosity enhancer, a microbiological preservative
system, a pH adjusting–stabilizing buffer, and an antioxidant system. All of these
additional components are required so that the formulation is capable of delivering
the correct amount of drug to the therapeutic application site from a formulation that
is free from microbial contamination and is essentially physically unchanged from
the day of manufacture.
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 333
Antimicrobial activitya
In-use pH
Preservative Gram⫹ Gram⫺ Molds Yeasts Conc (%) rangeb O/Wc
Interestingly, despite their widespread use and excellent safety profile, there is
increasing interest in the potential systemic exposure to preservatives following ap-
plication in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. Skin penetration data are not
available in the literature for many preservatives, and much of the publicly available
data has been obtained under conditions inappropriate for risk assessment. By far
the most available data concern the parabens.
Although most studies on skin permeation of parabens have evaluated one or
two of the homologous series, recently Dal Pozzo and Pastori [46] reported on the
in vitro human skin permeation of six parabens (methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, hexyl,
and octyl esters). The permeants were applied to abdominal epidermal membranes,
mounted in diffusion chambers, either as solid compounds (deposited in acetone) or
as saturated solutions in various vehicles, including three typical emulsion formu-
lations (two O/W and one W/O). Following application of the unformulated pure
substance, maximum flux decreased with increasing lipophilicity, from 65.0 g/cm2
h⫺1 for methyl paraben to 13.7 g/cm2 h⫺1 for hexyl paraben. Similarly, when applied
as saturated aqueous solutions, the maximum flux decreased with increasing lipo-
philicity. In the latter case, however, when flux was normalized to the vehicle con-
centration of the permeant, the permeability coefficient increased with increasing
lipophilicity. Addition of 50% propylene glycol or 20% polyethylene glycol 400 to
the aqueous solutions did not alter the profile of permeation, although the perme-
ability coefficients were somewhat reduced. On the other hand, when the parabens
were dissolved in liquid paraffin, the relation between permeability coefficient and
lipophilicity appeared parabolic, maximum flux occurred for the butyl ester, and the
highest permeability coefficient occurred for the propyl ester. These results are con-
sistent with theory and demonstrate that the application vehicle can significantly
affect skin permeability characteristics of compounds.
In emulsion systems the existence of two distinct phases (oil and water) results
in distribution of the parabens according to their physicochemical characteristics, and
this can be influenced by the presence of other ingredients, such as cosolvents and
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 335
surfactants. Furthermore, these excipients may also affect skin barrier properties. It
was observed that permeation of the parabens from two O/W emulsions was higher
than expected, based on the data from simple vehicles, and that permeation from the
O/W emulsions was higher than that from the W/O emulsion (46). These results
were rationalized on the basis of permeant release from the formulation, and it was
assumed that the external lipid phase of the W/O emulsion retained parabens.
It is difficult, however, to relate this data to conditions of actual consumer
exposure because, in the DalPozzo and Pastori study (46), the formulations were
applied at infinite dose (which effectively generated occlusive conditions) and at an
artificially high permeant concentration (0.7% w/w). When low finite doses are ap-
plied to the skin surface, the vehicle is continually changing. Whether the vehicle is
O/W or W/O, the water content will be released by the shear forces generated by
application to the skin, most of the water will evaporate, and this should tend to
reduce the skin penetration of these preservatives.
It is theoretically possible to reduce skin absorption of the parabens by for-
mulation manipulation. This may be achieved by altering the distribution pattern of
the preservative within the formulation or by complexation. Care must be taken,
however, to ensure that any formulation modification does not interfere with the
antimicrobial activity of the preservative system (47). One such modification in-
volved the complexation of methyl paraben with 2-hydroxypropyl--cyclodextrin
(48). Although the aqueous solubility of methyl paraben was increased considerably
in the presence of the cyclodextrin, the percutaneous penetration of the preservative
through hairless mouse skin in vivo over 24 h was reduced by 66%. Even if this
system clearly had benefit in terms of potential reduction in systemic absorption of
the preservative, there was no indication of any possible alteration in preservative
efficacy. Incorporation of butyl paraben into liposomes prepared from phosphatidyl-
choline–cholesterol–dicetyl–phosphate had no effect on preservative efficacy, al-
though the antimicrobial effect was proportional to the free, and not the total, con-
centration of the preservative (49). A further study by these authors demonstrated
that incorporation of butyl paraben in some liposomal systems had little effect on
the permeation of the preservative across guinea pig skin in vivo or in vitro (50),
although incorporation of increasing amounts of lipid into the liposome tended to
decrease the percutaneous absorption.
Although there is considerable evidence that parabens can penetrate the skin,
permeation and systemic availability of intact compounds are likely to be consider-
ably reduced by transcutaneous and systemic metabolism. Furthermore, because these
preservatives are present at concentrations of 0.1–0.2% w/w in topical pharmaceu-
tical formulations, in use, dermal exposure to these compounds is relatively low. In
the cosmetic industry there is a trend toward preservative-free and self-preserving
formulations (51). However, before taking this route, the pharmaceutical formulator
must consider the potential implications on efficacy and safety of the product.
Figure 5 Illustration of the use of release rates from semisolid preparations to determine
drug solubility within a formulation. Data shows the release rates of benzocaine from pro-
pylene glycol/water gels as a function of drug concentration in the formulation. (From Ref.
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 337
Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, May 1997) that recom-
mends the use of in vitro drug-release testing in the scale-up and postapproval
changes for semisolids (SUPAC-SS). The FDA intends to promote the use of this
test as a quality assurance tool to monitor minor differences in formulation compo-
sition or changes in manufacturing sites, but not yet as a routine batch-to-batch
quality control test. Thus, although the agency is suggesting in vitro release rate data
for level 2 and level 3 changes in formulation components and composition, such
data are not required for a level 1 change. In the former case, the in vitro release
rate of the new or modified formulation should be compared with a recent batch of
the original formulation, and the 90% confidence limit should fall within the limits
of 75–133%. Similarly, in vitro release testing is suggested for level 2 changes in
manufacturing equipment, processes, and scale-up, and level 3 changes in manufac-
turing site. Recently, the use of in vitro testing as a quality assurance tool has been
questioned, especially for a hydrophilic formulation containing the highly water-
soluble drug, ammonium lactate (58), for which the method was insufficiently spe-
cific to differentiate between small differences in drug loading or minor composi-
tional and processing changes.
2. Biopharmaceutical Considerations
A fundamental consideration in the development of transdermal therapeutic systems
is whether the dermal delivery route can provide the requisite bioavailability for drug
effectiveness. This is ultimately determined by the skin-penetration rate of the drug,
the potential for metabolism during permeation across the skin, and the biological
half-life of the drug. Penetration rates may be modified, if necessary, by the use of
penetration enhancers, but drug metabolism and plasma clearance cannot be influ-
enced by any simple means. Although prediction of skin penetration and bioavail-
ability of drugs from transdermal therapeutic systems has been reasonably accurate,
there is no doubt that testing of formulated patches in vitro and in vivo will continue
to be the most accurate means of evaluating their usefulness.
A wide variety of experimental approaches have been developed for in vitro
drug permeability determination through skin, and guidelines have been established
to rationalize this aspect of pharmaceutical development (see Chapter 5). In the early
stages of product development, skin penetration rates from prototype vehicles and
patches are usually determined in vitro using simple diffusion cells and skin from a
variety of animals. Although, the use of in vitro systems provides little quantitative
information on the transcutaneous metabolism of candidate drugs, a major advantage
is that experimental conditions can be controlled precisely so that the only variables
are in the prototype formulations. In the latter stages of product development, when
quantitative skin permeation data is required, human skin should be the membrane
of choice for use in in vitro systems. Although methods are available to improve the
sensitivity of in vitro skin penetration measurements (61), it is essential, at this stage,
to ensure that account is taken of the inherent variability in human skin permeation.
Factorial design and artificial neural networks have been used in the optimi-
zation of transdermal drug delivery formulations using in vitro skin permeation tech-
niques (62–64). For example, Kandimalla et al. (63) optimized a vehicle for the
transdermal delivery of melatonin using the response surface method and artificial
neural networks. Briefly, three solvents (water, ethanol, and propylene glycol) were
examined either as single solvents or binary and ternary mixtures. Measurements of
skin flux, lag time, and solubility were made for ten vehicles and compared with
values predicted from both a response surface generated from a quartic model and
an artificial neural network employing a two-layered back-propagation network with
all ten design points in the hidden layer. Predictability of flux using both statistical
techniques was good (Table 6), suggesting that such models may be useful in pre-
liminary formulation optimization.
A major drawback of transdermal delivery systems is the potential for localized
irritant and allergic cutaneous reactions. At the earlier stages of formulation devel-
opment, it is, therefore, important to evaluate both drugs and excipients for their
potential to cause irritation and sensitization (see Chapters 10 and 11). This is true
for all transdermal systems, but especially for those that may stay in place for pro-
longed periods. The degree of primary and chronic irritation, and the potential to
cause contact allergy, photoirritation, and photoallergy should be determined. Nor-
mally, the drug and excipients are initially separately evaluated for contact irritation
and sensitization in animal models before evaluation in human subjects. It must,
however, be emphasized that animal data are often not predictive of the human
situation. Evaluation of skin irritation and delayed contact hypersensitivity should
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 339
always be carried out using the final and complete formulation in human volunteers.
Fortunately, most of the observed skin reactions to transdermal systems are transient
and mild and disappear within hours of patch removal.
3. Design Considerations
All patch-type transdermal delivery systems developed to date can be described by
three basic design principles: drug in adhesive, drug in matrix (usually polymeric),
and drug in reservoir (Fig. 6). In the latter the reservoir is separated from the skin
by a rate-controlling membrane. Although there are many differences in the design
of transdermal delivery systems, several features are common to all systems includ-
ing the release liner, the pressure-sensitive adhesive and the backing layer, all of
which must be compatible for a successful product. For example, if a system is
designed in such a way that the drug is intimately mixed with adhesive, or diffuses
from a reservoir through the adhesive, the potential for interaction between drug and
adhesive, which can lead to either a reduction of adhesive effectiveness, or the for-
mation of a new chemical species, must be fully assessed. Similarly, residual mono-
mers, catalysts, plasticizers, and resins may react to give new chemical species.
Additionally, the excipients, including enhancers, or their reaction products, may
interfere with adhesive systems. Incompatibilities between the adhesive system and
other formulation excipients, although undesirable, may not necessarily be impeding
and designs in which the adhesive is remote from the drug delivery area of the
system may be developed (see Fig. 6d). There are three critical considerations in the
selection of a particular system: adhesion to skin, compatibility with skin, and phys-
ical or chemical stability of total formulation and components.
All devices are secured to the skin by a skin-compatible pressure-sensitive
adhesive. These adhesives, usually based on silicones, acrylates, or polyisobutylene,
can be evaluated by shear-testing and assessment of rheological parameters. Standard
rheological tests include creep compliance (which measures the ability of the adhe-
sive to flow into surface irregularities), elastic index (which determines the extent of
stretch or deformation as a function of load and time) and recovery following de-
formation. Skin-adhesion performance is based on several properties, such as initial
and long-term adhesion, lift, and residue. The adhesive must be soft enough to ensure
initial adhesion, yet have sufficient cohesive strength to remove cleanly, leaving no
residue. Because premature lift will interfere with drug delivery, the cohesive and
340 Walters and Brain
adhesive properties must be carefully balanced and maintained over the period of
intended application. This can be evaluated only by wear-testing, in which a placebo
patch is applied to skin.
Skin adhesion is affected by shape, conformability, and occlusivity and round
patches tend to be more secure than those of sharply angled geometry. If the patch
is able to conform to the skin contours it resists lifting and buckling with movement.
The presence of water may affect adhesive properties; therefore, the occlusivity of
the system must be taken into consideration. Occlusion for prolonged periods can
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 341
lead to excessive hydration and problems associated with microbial growth that may
increase the possibility of irritation or sensitization to the various system components.
The backing material and release liner can be fabricated from a variety of
materials, including polyvinylchloride, polyethylene, polypropylene, ethylene vinyl
acetate, and aluminium foil. The principal requirement is that they are impervious
to the drug and other formulation excipients. The most useful backing materials are
those that conform with the skin and provide sufficient resistance to transepidermal
water loss to allow some hydration of the stratum corneum, yet maintain a healthy
subpatch environment. The release liner must be easily separated from the adhesive
layer without lifting off any of the adhesive to which it is bound. Liners are usually
films or coated papers, and silicone release coatings are used with acrylate- and
rubber-based adhesive systems, whereas fluorocarbon coatings are used with silicone
adhesives (65).
4. Drug and Enhancer Incorporation
The three principal methods for incorporating the active species into a transdermal
system have led to the loose classification of patches as membrane, matrix, or drug-
in-adhesive types. It is, however, quite possible to combine the main types of patch;
for example, by placing a membrane over a matrix, or using a drug-in-adhesive in
combination with a membrane–matrix device to deliver an initial bolus dose.
Membrane patches contain a delivery rate-controlling membrane between the
drug reservoir and the skin. Microporous membranes, which control drug flux by the
size and tortuosity of pores in the membrane, or dense polymeric membranes,
through which the drug permeates by dissolution and diffusion, may be used. Several
materials can be used as rate-controlling membranes (e.g., ethylene–vinyl acetate
copolymers, silicones, high-density polyethylene, polyester elastomers, and poly-
acrylonitrile). Ideally, the membrane should be permeable only to the drug and en-
hancer (if present) and should retain other formulation excipients. Membranes have
also been designed such that they allow differential permeation of an enhancer and
drug (66–68). This type of membrane, sometimes designated as a one-way mem-
brane, is useful when the drug is present in the adhesive and the enhancer is for-
mulated in a reservoir.
Asymmetric polymeric membranes have also been evaluated for use in trans-
dermal delivery systems (69). Asymmetric poly(4-methyl-1-pentene) membranes,
fabricated using a dry–wet inversion method, were used to control the delivery of
nitroglycerin. The release rates of nitroglycerin were strongly influenced by the na-
ture and amount of the nonsolvent (butanol) used, together with the solvent (cyclo-
hexane), in the casting process. This is, perhaps, not surprising, as increasing the
amount of nonsolvent increases the porosity of the cast membrane. The concept of
fine-tuning delivery of a drug through a given membrane by subtle adjustment of
the porosity creates some exciting new possibilities in transdermal technology (70).
In all marketed membrane-controlled transdermal systems, the rate-controlling
membrane is fabricated from synthetic polymeric materials. Thacharodi and Rao (71)
evaluated the potential of two biopolymers (fetal calf skin collagen and chitosan) in
membrane systems for delivery of nifedipine. Chitosan (deacetylated chitin) is a
widely distributed major constituent of the shells of marine shellfish. It was con-
cluded that the permeability of both biopolymers could be readily adjusted by altering
the fabrication method or cross-linking and, because these polymers were biocom-
342 Walters and Brain
patible, they were more suitable for use as rate-controlling membranes in transdermal
A variety of materials can be used in the drug reservoir, ranging from simple
formulations (such as mineral oil), to complex formulations (such as aqueous–al-
coholic solutions and gels, with or without various cosolvents, and polymeric ma-
terials). A definite requirement for a reservoir system is that it can permit zero-order
release of the drug over the delivery period. Essentially, this requires that the res-
ervoir material is saturated with the drug over the period of product application,
which can be achieved by formulating the drug as a suspension.
The second type of transdermal system is the matrix design, in which the drug
is uniformly dispersed in a polymeric matrix, through which it diffuses to the skin
surface. Here, the polymeric matrix, which may comprise silicone elastomers, poly-
urethanes, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinylpyrrolidones, and such, may be considered
the drug reservoir. Several steps are involved in the drug delivery process: principally
dissociation of drug molecules from the crystal lattice, solubilization of the drug in
the polymer matrix, and diffusion of drug molecules through the matrix to the surface
of the skin. Many variables may affect the dissolution and diffusion rates, making it
particularly difficult, but not impossible, to predict release rates from experimental
or prototype formulations (72). For a drug to be released from a polymeric matrix
under zero-order kinetics, the drug must be maintained at saturation in the fluid phase
of the matrix, and the diffusion rate of the drug within the matrix must be much
greater than the diffusion rate in the skin.
Several methods can be used to alter the release rate of a drug or an enhancer
from a polymeric matrix, and some of these are illustrated by a study on release of
several drugs from silicone matrices (73). Silicone medical-grade elastomers (poly-
dimethylsiloxanes) are flexible, lipophilic polymers, with excellent compatibility with
biological tissues, that can be coformulated with hydrophilic excipients, such as
glycerol, and inert fillers, such as titanium dioxide, to alter release kinetics. Increasing
the amount of glycerol in the matrix increased the release rate of indomethacin,
propranolol, testosterone, and progesterone, whereas incorporation of inert fillers
(titanium dioxide or barium sulfate) tended to reduce the release rate. Hydrophilic
drug-release rates from polydimethylsiloxane matrices were also increased by up to
three orders of magnitude using polydimethylsiloxane–polyethylene oxide graft co-
polymers (74). These data demonstrate that release rates can be modulated to achieve
a desired profile by simple formulation modification.
Perhaps the simplest form of transdermal drug delivery device, which is now
most commonly employed, is the drug-in-adhesive system. This involves formulating
the drug, and enhancer if present, in an adhesive mixture that is subsequently coated
onto a backing membrane, such as a polyester film, to produce an adhesive tape.
This simplicity is, however, deceptive and several factors, involving potential inter-
action between drug or enhancer and the adhesive, need to be considered. These can
involve chemical interactions resulting in interference with adhesive performance,
breakdown of the active species, or formation of new chemical entities. Additionally,
the physicochemical characteristics of the drug and adhesive system may provide
very different release rates for hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs: for example,
silicone adhesives are typically lipophilic, which limits solubility of hydrophilic
drugs within the adhesive matrix.
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 343
‘‘paddle over disk’’ (which is identical with the USP paddle dissolution apparatus,
except that the transdermal system is attached to a disk or cell resting at the bottom
of the vessel that contains medium at 32⬚C); the ‘‘cylinder-modified USP basket’’
(which is similar to the USP basket method, except that the system is attached to
the surface of a hollow cylinder immersed in medium at 32⬚C), and the ‘‘recipro-
cating disk’’ (in which patches attached to holders are oscillated in small volumes
of medium, allowing the apparatus to be useful for systems delivering low concen-
trations of drug). Researchers at the FDA have developed a modified paddle proce-
dure (essentially the ‘‘paddle over disk’’ method) for determining drug release from
transdermal systems (81). One problem with the original method was the mode of
maintaining the patch in position in the dissolution beaker, and a device to improve
and maintain placement of the patch was subsequently suggested (82). Although the
industry is moving rapidly in method development, much remains to be established
in the field of pharmacopeal standards for transdermal drug delivery systems.
A. Nicotine
1. Smoking Cessation
Data on efficacy, safety, and pharmacoeconomics of transdermal (TD) nicotine ther-
apy for smoking cessation up to 1994 were reviewed (86). TD nicotine more than
doubled success rates of smoking cessation in motivated subjects smoking 10–15,
or more, cigarettes a day. Application site reactions (erythema or burning ⱕ16%,
transient itch ⱕ50%) caused discontinuation in 10%, or fewer of subjects. Sleep
disturbance due to nocturnal nicotine absorption occurred in less than 13% of sub-
jects. Attempts to develop a nicotine transdermal system (TDS), with reduced adverse
skin reactions, used in vitro human cadaver skin permeation to demonstrate a per-
meation profile comparable with those from Habitrol and Nicoderm, and a clinical
study compared systemic bioavailability and pharmacokinetic profiles (87). Imme-
diate effects of TD nicotine on sleep architecture, snoring, and sleep-ordered breath-
ing in 20 nonsmoking subjects with a history of habitual snoring receiving placebo
or a nicotine TD system delivering 11 mg/24 h were reported (88). Patches were
applied at 6 PM and removed after 12 h. Mean nicotine level was nondetectable with
placebo and 7.8 ⫾ 2.3 ng/mL with active therapy. Nicotine significantly decreased
total sleep time by 33 min, sleep efficiency from 89.7 to 83.5%, and rapid eye
movement (REM) sleep from 18.8 to 15.1%. Although sleep index was unchanged,
mean snoring intensity decreased by 1.1 dB (p = 0.01) with nicotine. Nausea (50%)
and vomiting (20%) were predominant side effects.
Concurrent administration of the nicotine antagonist mecamylamine and nico-
tine TD was evaluated (89) in a trial with 48 healthy smokers. Nicotine TD (6–8
weeks) plus oral mecamylamine (2.5–5 mg twice a day for 5 weeks) was compared
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 345
this effect was unrelated to success in quitting smoking. The 44-mg dose produced
significantly higher frequencies of nausea (28%), vomiting (10%), and erythema,
with edema at the patch site (30%) than did the 22-mg dose (10, 2, and 13%,
respectively). It was concluded that there was no general, sustained, benefit of ini-
tiating TD nicotine therapy with a 44-mg dose or providing intense adjuvant ces-
sation treatment.
The effects of using nicotine gum with nicotine TD were evaluated in healthy
subjects (374) at their work-setting in a 1-year trial (94): 149 subjects received
nicotine TD plus nicotine gum; 150 nicotine TD plus placebo gum; and 75 placebo
TD plus placebo gum. Treatment duration was 12 weeks with a 16-h 15-mg TDS,
then 10 mg (6 weeks) and 5 mg (8 weeks). Gum use was unrestricted during the
first 6 months, with recommendation to use at least four pieces a day. It was con-
cluded that adding nicotine gum use to nicotine TD use in subjects smoking 10, or
more, cigarettes a day increased abstinence rates. Efficacy of TD nicotine as an
adjunct to advice and support in patients attending hospital was investigated (95) in
234 in- and outpatients with smoking-related respiratory or cardiovascular disease
(ages 18–75 years) advised to stop smoking. Advice was reinforced by a Smoking
Cessation Counselor initially and at 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks, supplemented by a 24-h
TDS in adjusted doses over the study period. Patients, who no longer smoked at 12
weeks, were followed up at 26 and 52 weeks and then self-reported abstinence was
validated. Of patients receiving TD nicotine 24/115 (21%) were verified as non-
smokers at 12, 26, and 52 weeks, compared with 17 of 119 (14%) of the placebo
group. Cessation was related to increasing age and lower Fagerstrom score. Minor
skin reactions and nausea were more frequent in the nicotine group (47 vs. 34% and
12 vs. 3%,, respectively), but severe skin reactions were rare (about 5%).
Nicotine concentrations in gastric juice, saliva, and plasma were monitored
after Nicorette TD systems (15 mg/16 h) were applied to seven healthy volunteers
(96). Nicotine concentration was highest in gastric juice, followed by saliva then
plasma which suggested ion-trapping of nicotine base in acidic gastric juice.
The incremental cost-effectiveness (based on physician time and retail cost of
nicotine TD and benefits, based on quality-adjusted life years; QALYs), of addition
of nicotine TD to smoking cessation counseling was investigated in men and women
smokers (25–69 years of age) receiving primary care (97). TD use produced one
additional lifetime quitter at a cost of 7,332 dollars. Incremental cost-effectiveness
of nicotine TD by age group ranged from 4,390 to 10,943 dollars per QALY for
men and from 4,955 to 6,983 dollars per QALY for women. A clinical strategy
involving limiting prescription renewals to patients successfully abstaining for the
first 2 weeks improved cost-effectiveness by 25%. These data provided support for
routine use of nicotine TD as an adjunct to smoking cessation counseling and for
health insurance coverage of TD nicotine therapy. Metanalysis estimated cost-effec-
tiveness of nicotine TD as an adjunct to brief physician counseling during routine
office visits (98). Depending on age, average costs per year of life saved ranged
from 965 to 1,585 dollars for men and from 1,634 to 2,360 dollars for women.
Incremental costs per year of life saved ranged from 1,796 to 2,949 dollars for men
and from 3,040 to 4,391 dollars for women. It was concluded that the nicotine TD
is cost-effective and less costly per year of life saved than other widely accepted
medical practices and that physicians and third-party payers should recommend the
nicotine patch to patients who wish to stop smoking.
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 347
(115). A total of 522 customers who smoked ten or more cigarettes per day were
randomized to either nicotine or placebo patches; 24-h patches were offered for a 3-
month period. Those smoking 20 or more cigarettes per day started with patches of
21 mg/day. Those smoking less started with 14-mg/day patches, and all participants
were gradually reduced to 7-mg/day patches. There was a significant increase in
smoking cessation rates but, after 8 weeks of follow-up, only among smokers who
used 21-mg/day patches. No significant differences in smoking cessation rates were
seen among smokers who started with low-dose nicotine or placebo patches. The
Collaborative European Antismoking Evaluation (CEASE) was a multicenter, ran-
domized, double-blind placebo-controlled smoking cessation study, the objectives of
which were to determine whether higher dosage and longer duration of nicotine patch
therapy increased the success rate (116). Thirty-six chest clinics enrolled 3575 smok-
ers, who were allocated placebo or either standard- or higher-dose nicotine TD (15
and 25 mg daily) each given for 8 or 22 weeks, with adjunctive moderately intensive
support. The 12-month sustained success rates were: 25-mg TD for 22 weeks, 15.4%;
25-mg TD for 8 weeks, 15.9%; 15-mg TD for 22 weeks, 13.7%; 15-mg TD for 8
weeks, 11.7%; and placebo, 9.9%.
Nicotine plasma levels and safety of nicotine TD in smokers undergoing situ-
ations suspected to result in increased nicotine plasma levels were assessed (117).
Effects of increasing nicotine intake through sequential administration of nicotine
TD (day 2), TD followed by consumption of nicotine gum (day 3), and TD followed
by gum consumption and cigarette smoking (day 4) were examined; nicotine plasma
levels increased transiently after addition of each nicotine source. Mean AUCs (0–
24 h) for nicotine were 453 ⫾ 120 ng h⫺1 mL⫺1 (day 2); 489 ⫾ 143 ng h⫺1 mL⫺1
(day 3); and 485 ⫾ 143 ng h⫺1 mL⫺1 (day 4). A second study evaluated effects of
physical exercise on kinetics and safety of two types of nicotine transdermal device.
Mean delivered dose was higher with Nicoderm than Habitrol, and the products were
not bioequivalent. During a 20-min–exercise period, nicotine plasma levels increased
by 13 ⫾ 9% for Nicoderm and 30 ⫾ 20% for Habitrol. After exercise, subjects
taking Habitrol had a higher incidence of adverse events compared with baseline
values, but safety profiles remained acceptable. It was concluded that both super-
imposed nicotine sources and physical exertion resulted in short-lived plasma nico-
tine elevations and temporarily increased nicotine pharmacodynamic parameters, but
without increased risk.
Short-term effects of TD nicotine replacement in pregnancy were examined
(118). After customary smoking cessation efforts had failed, six prenatal patients (28
to 37-weeks gestation) who smoked one to two packs per day were admitted for a
period of 21 h. Maternal and fetal assessments, including vital signs, biophysical
profile, and electronic fetal monitoring, amniotic fluid index, and umbilical artery
Doppler examinations were made, and salivary levels of cotinine and nicotine levels
were determined. There were no measurable differences in fetal or maternal well-
being. During TD use salivary nicotine levels increased to 19.0 ⫾ 13.5 g/L at 480
min (consistent with levels in nonpregnant adults).
Surprisingly, salivary cotinine concentrations were much lower (⬃50 g/L)
than those in smoking nonpregnant adults and varied little over the period that the
patch was worn. Weight changes in subjects receiving variable doses of TD nicotine
replacement were assessed in 70 subjects receiving placebo or to 11-, 22-, or 44-mg/
day doses of TD nicotine and 1 week inpatient treatment with outpatient follow-up
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 351
through 1 year (119). The study included 1 week of intensive inpatient treatment
with active TD therapy for a further 7 weeks. Counseling sessions were provided
weekly during patch therapy, with long-term follow-up at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months.
Forty-two subjects were confirmed as nonsmokers at all weekly visits during TD
therapy, and their 8-week weight change from baseline (3.0 ⫾ 2.0 kg) was negatively
correlated with the percentage of cotinine replacement (r = ⫺0.38, p = 0.012) and
positively correlated with baseline weight and age. Men had higher 8-week weight
gain (4.0 ⫾ 1.8 kg) than women (2.1 ⫾ 1.7 kg). This suggested that higher replace-
ment levels of nicotine may delay postcessation weight gain in both men and women,
but did not identify predictive factors.
TD nicotine use, nicotine and cotinine levels, and fetal effects were investigated
in pregnant cigarette smokers aged 18 years or older, whose fetuses were beyond
24-weeks gestational age (120). Serial measurements of mother and fetus were made
at baseline while the mother was smoking, while abstaining from smoking, and while
using TD nicotine therapy for 4 days in the hospital. Nonpregnant women smokers
of similar age were used as comparators. No evidence of fetal compromise was seen
while nicotine patch therapy was administered. Morning serum cotinine levels were
significantly higher in nonpregnant than in pregnant subjects, but afternoon levels
were not significantly different. Steady-state urinary levels of nicotine and cotinine
were also not significantly different between pregnant versus nonpregnant patients.
On inpatient days 2, 3, and 4 for women not smoking, but wearing nicotine TD, the
morning fetal heart rates were significantly reduced relative to baseline when subjects
were smoking.
Abuse liability and dependence potential of nicotine gum, TD, spray, and in-
haler were compared in 504 male and female smokers (121). No significant differ-
ences between products in terms of satisfaction or subjective dependence, except at
week 15 when no patch users rated themselves as dependent. Continued use of
nicotine replacement at week 15 was related to rate of delivery of nicotine: 2% for
patch, 7% for gum and inhaler, and 10% for spray. Cessation of nicotine replacement
between weeks 12 and 15 was not accompanied by withdrawal discomfort or in-
creased frequency of urges to smoke. It was concluded that abuse liability was low
for all products.
2. Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is largely a disease of nonsmokers and anecdotal reports have
suggested that smoking and nicotine may improve symptoms (122). Patients with
active ulcerative colitis were treated with either nicotine TD or placebo patches for
6 weeks. All patients had been taking mesalamine, and some were also receiving
low doses of glucocorticoids. These medications were continued during the study.
Incremental doses of nicotine were used and most patients tolerated 15–25 mg/24
h: 17 of 35 patients in the nicotine group had complete remissions, compared with
9 of 37 patients in the placebo group. Patients in the nicotine group had greater
improvement in global clinical and histological grades of colitis, lower stool fre-
quency, less abdominal pain, and less fecal urgency. More of the nicotine group had
minor side effects (23 vs. 11 in placebo group), and withdrawals owing to ineffective
therapy were more common in the placebo group (3 vs. 8).
The value of TD nicotine for maintenance of remission was studied in 80
patients with ulcerative colitis in remission, using either TD nicotine or placebo
352 Walters and Brain
patches for 6 months (123). Incremental doses were given for 3 weeks to achieve a
maintenance dose (most tolerated 15 mg for 16 h daily). All patients were taking
mesalamine at study entry, but this was stopped when maintenance nicotine doses
were achieved. Twenty-two patients in the nicotine group were prematurely with-
drawn from the study, 14 because of relapse and 8 for other reasons, including side
effects and protocol violations. In the placebo group, 20 patients were withdrawn
prematurely, 17 owing to relapse and 3 for other reasons. Among patients using 15-
mg–nicotine patches, serum nicotine and cotinine concentrations were lower than
expected, which may have reflected poor compliance. Side effects were reported by
35 patients, 21 in the nicotine group and 14 in the placebo group. TD nicotine alone
was no better than placebo in maintaining remission of ulcerative colitis, and early
withdrawal because of side effects was more common in the nicotine group.
Nicotine alone was compared with prednisolone in 61 patients with active
ulcerative colitis treated with either nicotine TD or 15 mg of prednisolone for 6
weeks (124). Incremental nicotine doses were given for the first 9 days. Of the 43
patients who completed the trial, 6 of 19 in the nicotine group achieved full sig-
moidoscopic remission, compared with 14 of 24 with prednisolone. In those who
completed this study, nicotine alone appeared to be of only very modest benefit in
acute colitis.
Use of TD nicotine in mildly to moderately active ulcerative colitis was in-
vestigated (125) in 64 nonsmoking patients with mildly to moderately active ulcer-
ative colitis despite the use of medication. These were stratified (on the basis of
smoking history, extent of disease, and concomitant therapy) and assigned to daily
treatment with TD nicotine (n = 31) at highest-tolerated dose (11 mg for 1 week and
then ⱕ22 mg for 3 weeks) or placebo (n = 33). At 4 weeks, 39% of those who
received nicotine showed clinical improvement compared with 9% who received
placebo. Four patients receiving nicotine discontinued therapy because of side ef-
fects. At week 4, the nicotine group had trough serum concentrations of 12.3 ⫾ 8.4
ng/mL (nicotine) and 192 ⫾ 95 ng/mL (cotinine). It was concluded that transdermal
nicotine at ⱕ22 mg/d for 4 weeks was effective in controlling the clinical manifes-
tations of mildly to moderately active ulcerative colitis.
A pilot trial of nicotine TD as an alternative to corticosteroids in ulcerative
colitis was reported (126). In ten patients with mild-to-moderate clinical relapses of
ulcerative colitis during mesalamine treatment and with a previous history of poorly
tolerated steroids, TD nicotine (15 mg daily) was added for 4 weeks. Clinical re-
mission was achieved in seven patients and persisted for up to 3 months after nicotine
A second study (127) investigated long-term effects. Patients with mild-to-
moderate clinical relapses of left-sided ulcerative colitis during maintenance treat-
ment with mesalamine were allocated additional treatment with either TD nicotine
or prednisone for 5 weeks. The first consecutive 15 patients in each group with
clinical and endoscopic signs of remission were followed-up for 6 months, while
continuing mesalamine maintenance treatment. Relapses of active colitis were ob-
served in 20% of patients formerly treated with nicotine and 60% of patients in the
prednisone group, and relapses occurred earlier in the latter group. As patients with
mild-to-moderate active colitis treated with mesalamine plus TD nicotine appeared
to suffer fewer relapses than patients treated with mesalamine plus oral prednisone
a long-term follow-up was carried out (128). Thirty patients with remission of distal
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 353
colitis were monitored for 12 months and relapsed patients retreated in a crossover
manner. Recurrences were observed in 14 of 15 patients initially treated with steroids
and in 7 of 15 subjects who received TD nicotine.
3. Other Indications
Individuals with major depression have a high frequency of cigarette smoking, and
TD nicotine can produce short-term improvement in mood. The effects of nicotine
patches (17.5 mg) on 12 nonmedicated outpatients with major depression were stud-
ied over 4 continuous days (129). Two patients dropped out of the study because of
nausea and vomiting. There was significant improvement in depression after day 2
of TD nicotine and patients relapsed 3 or 4 days after the final nicotine dose. Al-
though nicotine TDS produced short-term improvement of depression, with minor
side effects, nicotine TD was not recommended for clinical use in depression because
of the high health risks of nicotine. It was concluded that analogues might be de-
veloped that can improve depression without major risks.
The therapeutic response to nicotine TD was investigated in patients with Tou-
rette’s syndrome (130). Twenty patients (17 children and adolescents, 3 adults) were
studied following application of two patches (2 ⫻ 7 mg/24 h). There was a broad
range in individual response, but each patch application produced a significant re-
duction in the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale scores, for an average duration of
approximately 1–2 weeks. This suggested that TD nicotine could be an effective
adjunct to neuroleptic therapy of Tourette’s syndrome. Nicotine gum and nicotine
TD were used to reduce motor and vocal tics of children (age 8 years or older;
weight ⱖ25 kg), adolescents, and adults (131). Reduction of tics was seen during
chewing of nicotine gum, but improvement lasted no longer than 1 h after chewing.
With nicotine TD, motor and vocal tics were reduced 45% over baseline in 85% of
35 subjects within 30 min to 3 h after patch application. Relief of symptoms with a
single 7-mg patch, left on the skin for 24 h, persisted for variable periods up to 120
days. Application of a second patch for 24 h when symptoms returned resulted in
similar reduction in tic severity and frequency, which persisted an average of 13 ⫾
3 days.
Short-term nicotine injections have improved attentional performance in pa-
tients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but little is known about prolonged effects of
nicotine. A study evaluated clinical and neuropsychological effects of extended TD
nicotine application in AD subjects over a 4-week period (132). Patients were treated
with nicotine TD (Nicotrol) for 16 h/day at the following doses: 5 mg/day (week 1),
10 mg/day (weeks 2 and 3), and 5 mg/day (week 4). Nicotine significantly improved
attentional performance, with a significant reduction in errors of omission, which
continued throughout nicotine administration, and variability of reaction time for
correct responses was also significantly reduced. Nicotine did not improve perfor-
mance on other tests measuring motor and memory function.
4. Poisoning with Nicotine Patches
To evaluate potential adverse effects from inadvertent exposure, three marketed TD
nicotine products: Nicoderm (drug reservoir and rate-controlling membrane); Nico-
tinell (nicotine solution dispersed in cotton gauze between layers of adhesive); and
Niconil (nicotine in gel matrix), were administered topically and orally to dogs (133).
Topical nicotine doses were 1–2 mg/kg 24 h⫺1 for all products, with plasma con-
354 Walters and Brain
absence of iloprost, but the clinical significance of the antiplatelet effect of TD GTN
remained unknown.
The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of TD GTN was studied in 21
patients with mild to moderate leg varicose veins who underwent vein sclerotherapy
in both legs (139). The vein in one leg was treated every 8 h with GTN and compared
with a placebo ointment applied to the vein of the other leg. Inflammation signs
were observed in all cases 15 min after first application. Intensity of inflammation
signs were 26% in GTN-treated veins and 61.5% in placebo-treated veins. One hour
later only 63% of cases in the GTN group, but all cases in the placebo group, showed
signs of thrombophlebitis. All veins in the GTN group were free of signs of throm-
bophlebitis in fewer than 48 h, whereas, of the placebo group, 45% required more
than 48 h.
Intermittent TD GTN therapy with a 10- to 12-h–patch-free period each day
has documented clinical benefits. The antianginal and anti-ischemic effects of three
dose levels of TD GTN applied for 12 h daily for 30 days and the development of
tolerance and rebound were assessed (140). There was a significant increase in tread-
mill walking time to moderate angina in each GTN patch group, compared with
placebo, at time points up to 12 h throughout the 30-day period. Secondary efficacy
parameters supported the primary efficacy results,and there was no evidence of tol-
erance or rebound. Transdermal GTN is widely used to treat angina pectoris, but
development of tolerance is a major problem (141). The effects of short (5 h) and
prolonged (3 days) exposure to transdermal GTN patches on the development of
tolerance in terms of hemodynamics and vascular reactivity in the conscious rabbit
were, therefore, investigated. It was concluded that in the rabbit, prolonged exposure
to clinical GTN patches caused hemodynamic compensation and baroreflex resetting,
but no evidence of vascular reactivity tolerance.
The efficacy of adding transdermal GTN or oral N-acetylcysteine, or both, to
conventional medical therapy was examined (142) in a trial of 200 patients with
unstable angina, followed-up for 4 months. Death, myocardial infarction, or refrac-
tory angina requiring revascularization occurred in 31% of patients receiving GTN,
42% of those receiving N-acetylcysteine, 13% of those receiving GTN plus N-ace-
tylcysteine, and 39% of those receiving placebo. There was higher probability of no
treatment failure when receiving both GTN and N-acetylcysteine than with placebo,
N-acetylcysteine, or GTN alone. However, combination of GTN and N-acetylcysteine
was associated with a high incidence of side effects (35%), mainly intolerable
The relation between tolerance development, counterregulatory responses, and
arterial vasodilating effects were studied in 20 patients with stable angina pectoris
who were exercise tested before, after 2 h, and 24 h of nitrate patch treatment (143).
Effects observed after 2 h of treatment on exercise duration, ST-segment depression,
blood pressure, and heart rate were usually lost by 24 h, although effects on arterial
pulse curves persisted after 24 h, with a mean change from baseline of 29%, com-
pared with 33% at 2 h. After 24 h, a significant decrease in hematocrit and an increase
in body weight were observed. Hematocrit changes correlated with loss of clinical
efficacy. It was concluded that clinical nitrate tolerance may be observed despite
maintenance of arterial vasodilating effects, and that tolerance is more related to
plasma volume expansion as a counterregulatory mechanism.
356 Walters and Brain
The efficacy of TD GTN and intravenous ritodrine as tocolytics was also eval-
uated in an international study (151). A total of 245 women with preterm labor and
intact membranes between 24- and 36-weeks gestation were randomized to TD GTN
(10 to 20 mg patch) or intravenous ritodrine. GTN and ritodrine prolonged gestation
by 74% to 37 weeks. There was no significant difference in the proportion of women
receiving GTN or ritodrine who delivered within the specified days from study entry
or weeks of gestation, and no serious maternal side effects were reported for either.
It was concluded that there was no overall difference between GTN and ritodrine in
the acute tocolysis of preterm labor, but there was a suggested advantage of GTN
over ritodrine in reducing preterm delivery rate. Maternal side effect profile and
treatment discontinuation rates were fewer for GTN, suggesting it was the safer
The nitric oxide (NO) donor morpholinosydnonmine has been reported to in-
hibit insulin release in isolated pancreatic islets; accordingly, the effect of TD GTN,
an alternative NO donor, on glucose-stimulated insulin release was studied in healthy,
young, male volunteers (152). Oral glucose tolerance tests were performed in the
presence of placebo or TD GTN (⬃0.4 mg/h of GTN) in the same patients, with a
2-week intertest interval. Glucose-stimulated maximum increases in plasma insulin
immunoreactivity were 36.3 ⫾ 5 and 78.8 ⫾ 6.1 mU/mL in the presence of active
and placebo patches, respectively, although both fasting and postload blood glucose
levels were equal. Active patches significantly decreased blood pressure with a mar-
ginal increase in heart rate. It was concluded that inhibition of glucose-stimulated
insulin release by TD GTN without causing hyperglycemia may be a novel com-
ponent of the antianginal action mechanism of nitrates.
Benzoxazinones are a potent new class of organic nitrates used in cardiovas-
cular therapy that have a coronary vascular selectivity greater than that of GTN and
isosorbide dinitrate. The ability of these new derivatives to reach therapeutic steady-
state plasma concentrations after TD administration was investigated in vitro using
human skin (153). Two members of this class: sinitrodil (ITF 296) and ITF 1129
were compared with GTN, isosorbide dinitrate, and nicorandil at two concentrations
(0.08% w/v and saturated solutions). Sinitrodil was considered a good candidate for
transdermal administration.
C. Estrogens
Numerous clinical studies have compared the effects of TD and alternative delivery
strategies for steroid hormones on a range of factors and, also, comparisons have
been made between reservoir and matrix type TDS, as well as topical gels. The most
common use of TD steroids is in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women.
The reduction in estrogen production in menopause may cause hot flashes, sweating,
mood and sleep disturbances, fatigue, and urogenital dysfunction. The effectiveness
of estrogen-based HRT in ameliorating these symptoms, and in preventing long-term
effects, such as osteoporosis, is well established (154). Comparative trials indicated
that 625 g of oral, conjugated estrogens, 20 g oral ethinyl estradiol and 50 g
TD estradiol had equivalent efficacy in relief of mild-to-moderate menopausal symp-
toms and prevention of bone mineral loss. Concomitant progestogen therapy is usu-
ally included, if the uterus is intact, to protect against endometrial hyperplasia and
carcinoma. Addition of progestogen maintains and may enhance bone-conserving
358 Walters and Brain
or Estraderm TTS 50 (reservoir-type) twice weekly for 12 weeks. Oral progestin was
also given for 10 days each cycle. Significant reduction in hot flashes was observed
in each group compared with baseline. There were no significant differences in mean
plasma estradiol levels and mean estradiol/estrone ratio (>1.0) in both groups after
10 weeks. Menorest 50 showed better local tolerability than Estraderm TTS 50.
Effects of daily intrauterine release of 20 g of levonorgestrel by an intrauterine
device on climacteric symptoms, bleeding pattern, and endometrial histological fea-
tures in postmenopausal women receiving transdermal estrogen replacement therapy
was evaluated in 40 parous postmenopausal women over a period of 1 year (160).
Twenty women receiving a continuous TD daily dose of 50 g of estradiol had a
levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine contraceptive device inserted, whereas the con-
trol group (n = 20) received a continuous oral dose of 2 mg of estradiol valerate and
1 mg of norethisterone acetate daily. Both treatment regimens effectively relieved
climacteric symptoms.
The effect of TD estrogen replacement therapy on lipoprotein (Lp␣) and other
plasma lipoproteins was studied (161) in 30 women who had undergone a total
abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy for benign gynecolog-
ical conditions treated with 1.5 mg of 17-estradiol gel applied daily for 12 consec-
utive months. Plasma lipoproteins were measured before treatment and at 6- and 12-
month intervals. There was significant reduction in Lp␣ levels during the first 6
months of treatment, with median values falling from 7.87 to 6.16 mg/dL, but during
the second 6 months, median concentration increased to 9.38 mg/dL. Significant
reductions in apoprotein A-I, apoprotein B, HDL-C, and HDL(3)-C were present
after 6 months, but at study completion these values were no different than those at
baseline. By avoiding the ‘‘first-pass’’ effect, this method of delivery did not appear
to produce the sustained changes in lipoproteins seen with oral treatment. After
menopause the hemostatic balance shifts toward a latent hypercoagulable state and
the effects on hemostasis of HRT with TD estradiol and oral sequential MPA were
evaluated (162). The balance between procoagulant factors and inhibitors were stud-
ied in 255 women in physiological menopause for 1–5 years, allocated to 1 year of
treatment with cyclic TD E2 (50 g/day for 21 days) plus MPA (10 mg/day from
days 10 to 21), continuous TD E2 (50 g/day for 28 days) plus MPA (10 mg/day
from days 14 to 25), or placebo. Continuous treatment gave significantly lower final
values of fibrinogen, factor VII, antithrombin III, protein S, and heparin cofactor II
than placebo.
Effects of HRT on bone mineral density (BMD) and disease activity in post-
menopausal women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were investigated in 62 patients
with RA, 22 taking placebo and 40 receiving HRT (TD estradiol patches twice
weekly for 48 weeks plus norithisterone tablets when clinically indicated) (163).
Fifty-nine percent of placebo and 78% of HRT groups completed 48 weeks. At entry,
BMD values in the lumbar spine and femoral neck were similar to those in matched
controls, whereas at the distal radius, BMD was significantly reduced to about 50%
of control values. In the HRT group, spinal BMD increased significantly by ⫹0.94%
at 48 weeks, but BMD at femoral neck and distal radius did not change in either
group. In the HRT group, there was significant improvement in well-being and ar-
ticular index. Because older women often experience side effects with conventional
HRT, a low-dose preparation (Estraderm 25) was compared with conventional HRT
(Estraderm 50) in patients with bone loss (164). A total of 196 women were studied
360 Walters and Brain
over 1 or 2 years, with 80 reaching 3 years of treatment. In the lumbar spine, BMD
increased maximally in year 1 in all groups, and the gain was maintained after 3
years. Only 3.9% of patients were nonresponders at this site after 3 years. Mean
changes after 3 years were 8.1 ⫾ 6.8% for Estraderm 25 and 9.0 ⫾ 8.3% for Es-
traderm 50. At the femoral neck, 10.4% of patients were nonresponders after 3 years,
and changes were significant only in Estraderm 25 in women older than 67 years,
and Estraderm 50 in those younger than 67 years. BMD change over 3 years at the
lumbar spine and femoral neck correlated with menopausal age. Use of Estraderm
50 was not associated with a greater response of bone mass and there was no evi-
dence of increasing BMD response as estradiol dosage per kilogram of body weight
increased. It was reported that oral and transdermal 17-estradiol provided similar
benefits in clinical studies (165). The lowest effective doses were 0.625 mg/day for
conjugated estrogens, 2 mg/day for oral 17-estradiol, 1.5 g/day for 17-estradiol
gel, and 50 g/day of 17-estradiol TDS.
Decrease in incidence of osteoporotic fractures was achieved only when the
duration of HRT exceeded 7 years. The responses of various biochemical markers
for bone turnover to TD estradiol were measured in 11 postmenopausal women over
24 weeks (166) and compared with the within-subject variability of markers in 11
untreated healthy postmenopausal women. Mean decrease in markers of bone for-
mation ranged from 19% for procollagen type I C-terminal propeptide to 40% for
procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide (PINP). The mean decrease in markers of
bone resorption ranged from 10% for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), to
67% for C-terminal cross-linked telopeptide. The ability to detect a response differed
between markers and was not dependent on the magnitude of response to therapy.
The highest number of responders were found using PINP (9 of 11) and osteocalcin
(9 of 11), and free deoxypyridinoline (8 of 11) and total deoxypyridinoline (7 of 11).
Lumbar spine BMD defined four patients as responders.
The comparative effects on BMD in routine clinical practice use of tibolone
and estrogen (unopposed or combined with cyclic progestogen) in postmenopausal
women who had not previously received estrogen or other menopausal therapy were
assessed (167). BMD was measured in the spine and hip at 12-month intervals over
3 years in 82 postmenopausal women referred for climacteric therapy. Thirty-five
women received tibolone, 24 TD estradiol alone, and 12 conjugated equine estrogens
together with cyclic progestogen; 11 received no therapy other than calcium. Spinal
BMD increased significantly in those taking tibolone over 3 years. In those receiving
conjugated equine estrogens and cyclic progestogen, spinal BMD also increased sig-
nificantly over years 1 and 2, but not year 3. Although spinal BMD rose over 3 years
in women treated with TD estradiol alone, this was not significant. No significant
change in BMD of spine or hip was observed in the control group.
A significant difference in increase of spinal BMD between treatment groups
was observed at 2 years in favor of those taking tibolone or conjugated equine
estrogens, compared with TD estradiol. The most common side effect and reason for
discontinuation with Norplant use is bleeding disturbance and, therefore, a 6-week
application of a patch releasing 100 g/day estradiol was investigated as a method
of reducing this problem (168). Of 98 Norplant users, 34 had normal, and 64 ab-
normal, bleeding patterns. Estradiol (33) or placebo (31) TDS were randomly used
to treat patients with abnormal bleeding. Although there was clinical improvement
in the estradiol group, this was not significant.
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 361
in a multicenter clinical trial (173). The patches were applied twice weekly for 24
days of each 28-day cycle, over 4 cycles. Oral progestogen was taken by nonhys-
terectomized patients for the last 12 days of estrogen therapy in each cycle. In the
Oesclim 50 group, 4.2% of applications caused a local skin reaction, compared with
9.5% in the Estraderm TTS 50 group. Both were well tolerated, although 7 patients
in the Oesclim 50 group, and 12 in the Estraderm TTS 50 group, discontinued owing
to adverse events. There was no significant difference between the percentages of
patients with signs of hyperestrogenism (20.3% in Oesclim and 20.0% in Estraderm
TTS 50 group). Adhesion was significantly better for Oesclim 50 (6.0% detached)
than for Estraderm TTS 50 (11.3% detached). Greater adhesion of Oesclim 50 was
particularly apparent, with three times fewer Oesclim 50 systems becoming detached
during a shower or bath. Each treatment produced significant and comparable im-
provements in vasomotor symptoms, other menopausal symptoms, and gynecological
assessments. A near-maximal effect on vasomotor symptoms was observed after ap-
proximately 1 month of treatment, and this was maintained for the entire treatment
The local skin tolerability of Oesclim 50 was also compared with that of Es-
traderm TTS 50 (174). In the first study, the modified Draize–Shelanski–Jordan
method of sensitization was used to compare cutaneous tolerability of repeated ap-
plications of patches in 24 healthy postmenopausal women. This indicated no sen-
sitizing potential or induction of allergic reactions. The second study was a multi-
center clinical trial involving 283 healthy menopausal women over 4 months. In this
study, 4.2% of applications in the Oesclim group provoked reactions, compared with
9.5% in the Estraderm group, and 25.9% treated with Oesclim and 39.9% receiving
Estraderm experienced one or more reactions. Redness and itching were the most
frequent reactions in both groups. Durations of reactions were significantly shorter
in the Oesclim group, with higher percentage of durations of less than 1 h and lower
percentage of durations less than 48 h. No reactions in the Oesclim group led to
premature removal, compared with 11 in the Estraderm group. One patient in the
Oesclim group discontinued treatment because of an application site reaction, but
seven in the Estraderm group discontinued.
A comparison between efficacy and safety of two sizes of Lyrelle (matrix type)
and Estraderm TTS 50 (reservoir type) TDS was made in 394 hysterectomized post-
menopausal women in a multicenter trial (175). A significant decrease in mean num-
ber of hot flashes per day was observed in all groups from the end of cycle 1,
reaching 90% at the end of cycle 7. There was no significant difference between
Lyrelle 50 and Estraderm at any time point for any parameter, although between-
group differences for Lyrelle 80 and Estraderm occurred in cycles 1–3 in favor of
Lyrelle 80. A similar effect on blood lipid levels was observed in all groups.
The efficacy, bleeding patterns, and safety of continuous TD and sequential TD
progestogen therapy were compared with those of oral progestogen therapy in post-
menopausal women receiving TD estrogen (176). In a 1-year (13 treatment periods,
28 days each), study, 774 postmenopausal women received 50 g/day of continuous
TD estradiol with either continuous or sequential TD norethisterone acetate (NETA)
in daily doses of 170 or 350 g in a single TDS or sequential oral progestogen (1
mg norethisterone [NET] or 20 mg dydrogesterone per day). The average number
of hot flashes per day decreased from prestudy by over 90%, and this reduction was
unaffected by different progestogen regimes. With sequential progestogen, the bleed-
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 363
ing incidence and number of bleeding days did not change over the course of the
study, but were lower in the low-dose TD progestogen group. With continuous pro-
gestogen, the incidence of bleeding decreased in both low- and high-dose groups,
from 35 and 45% in treatment period 1, to 25 and 15%, respectively, at the end of
treatment. Adverse event incidence was similar in both groups, with 23–36% re-
porting events possibly or probably related to HRT (excluding vaginal bleeding).
Lipoprotein-␣ was reduced in all but the oral progestogen group. It was concluded
that continuous and sequential TD estrogen–progestogen treatments with estradiol–
NETA are effective and safe alternatives to continuous TD estrogen and oral se-
quential progestogen for treatment of menopausal symptoms. Continuous TD therapy
with estradiol–NETA may be more acceptable for most patients (i.e., those who wish
to avoid monthly bleeds), whereas the sequential regimen may be preferable when
monthly bleeding may be appropriate.
The safety and efficacy of TD estrogen replacement therapy in liver-trans-
planted menopausal women was investigated (177). Thirty-two menopausal women
who had undergone liver transplantation at least 6 months earlier, received TD es-
tradiol replacement therapy in combination with progestin (Estracomb Ciba, 50 g/
24 h, 250 g/24 h) if the uterus was intact, or estradiol alone (Estraderm Ciba, 50
g). Liver function and hemostatic parameters were measured at 0, 3, and 6 months
and gynecological transvaginal ultrasound (TVS) performed at 0 and 6 months. Ef-
ficacy of hormonal treatment was assessed from serum concentrations of estradiol,
estrone, FSH, LH, and SHBG, by measuring endometrial thickness with TVS and
recording changes in subjective climacteric symptoms at 0 and 6 months. Safety was
assessed by measuring liver enzyme activity, liver synthesis functions, and coagu-
lation factors. Therapy did not impair any liver parameters measured, no thrombotic
effect was detected, and hormonal effects of the regimen were verifiable biochemi-
cally, clinically, and by TVS.
Effects of continuous TD estradiol, with or without sequential oral MPA, on
serum lipids and lipoproteins in menopausal women were investigated in 62 healthy
menopausal women (178). Group A included 38 hysterectomized women treated with
continuous TD estradiol only (50 g daily). Group B included 24 menopausal
women, with an intact uterus, treated with TD estradiol (50 g daily) and MPA (10
mg daily for first 12 days of each calendar month). Serum lipids and lipoproteins
were reviewed after 6 months. In group A there was a small reduction in total
cholesterol (⫺5.5%) and slight lowering in LDL-cholesterol (⫺5.7%). In group B,
there were no significant changes in total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol. HDL-
cholesterol levels did not change significantly with unopposed TD estradiol or ad-
ditional sequential MPA. Serum triglyceride concentrations decreased significantly
in both groups (⫺13.9 and ⫺13.4%, respectively). Serum lipid changes did not differ
between groups. A multicenter trial (179) compared incidence of amenorrhea in 54
postmenopausal women (mean age, 54.9 ⫾ 0.6 years) who underwent six 4-week
cycles of continuous HRT combining progestin–nomegestrol acetate 2.5 mg/day with
one of three estrogens: percutaneous 17-estradiol gel (1.5 mg/day, group G), TD
17-estradiol patch (50 g/day, group P), or oral estradiol valerate (2 mg/day, group
O). The rate of amenorrhea varied significantly according to type of estrogen prep-
aration (calculated cycle-by-cycle, rates were 67–83% [group G], 25–56% [group
P], and 53–61% [group O]). Overall rates of persistent amenorrhea were not different
between groups for cycles 1 through 3, but for cycles 4 through 6, significantly more
364 Walters and Brain
women in groups G and O (67 and 46%, respectively) experienced amenorrhea than
did those in group P (12%). Amenorrhea rates for the entire six-cycle period were
78% for group G, 48% for group P, and 60% for group O, although these differences
were not statistically significant. Differences in rates could not be attributed to en-
dometrial atrophy, because endometrial thickness did not differ significantly among
groups. Calculated as a function of the number of women included in the trial, the
percentage of amenorrheic women was highest with group G, although findings were
similar for group O. Two 11-week, placebo-controlled studies (180) compared the
Climara 7-day matrix patch (at two dose levels) with 625 g/day oral conjugated
equine estrogen, found that both the 50- and 100-g/day estradiol patches had a
positive effect on climacteric symptoms. Tolerance was good and similar for both.
Studies of skin irritation and adhesion revealed that the 7-day patch was well tol-
erated and that, although irritation was similar to that associated with Estraderm,
adhesion was superior. Absorption of estradiol was higher and more consistent from
buttock than abdomen, suggesting that choice of application site may require further
Efficacy, safety, and tolerability of an estradiol gel (1.0 mg of estradiol daily;
Divigel/Sandrena) in HRT of postmenopausal women were compared with those of
an estradiol TDS (50 g/24 h estradiol, Estraderm TTS) over 12 months with 120
postmenopausal women (181). Dydrogesterone tablets (Terolut), 10-mg daily for the
first 12 days of every month, were used as the progestogen component of therapy.
Twenty-five women without HRT served as reference group for BMD measurements.
Both treatment regimens were equally effective in alleviating climacteric symptoms,
preserving BMD, and were equally safe. A trend toward heavier bleeding was de-
tected in patients treated with the estradiol TD. A nonsignificant decrease of total
cholesterol and triglyceride, but no change in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
was observed in both groups.
Acceptability of treatment was higher in the gel (96.4%) than patch group
(90.7%). Only two (3.3%) women using the gel complained of skin irritation,
whereas 28 patients (46.7%) using the patch reported this effect. Two doses of TD
estradiol gel (Divigel/Sandrena) plus oral sequential MPA were compared with oral
estradiol valerate plus oral sequential MPA (Divina/Dilena) in postmenopausal
women with climacteric complaints or already using HRT in a 2-year comparative
study (182). Groups received either (a) 1 g of gel containing 1 mg estradiol for 3
months plus 20 mg of oral MPA during last 14 days; (b) 2 g of gel containing 2 mg
of estradiol for 21 days plus 10 mg oral MPA during the last 14 days; (c) 2 mg of
estradiol valerate tablets for 3 weeks plus 10 mg of oral MPA during the last 10
days. With each preparation, climacteric complaints were significantly reduced, good
bleeding control was obtained, BMD was maintained, and bone turnover was re-
duced. Lipid parameters showed no unfavorable changes. Continuation rates were
similar in all groups, with 74% of patients completing the first year, and 94% of
patients who elected to continue completing the second year. Tolerability of gel was
good, with only 1.7% of patients discontinuing because of skin irritation.
Estradiol and estrone concentrations and bioavailability were compared after a
single dose and at a steady state during oral estradiol valerate, TD estradiol gel, and
TD estradiol TDS treatments (183). In study A, 12 healthy postmenopausal women
received 1.5 mg of estradiol as a TD gel or a 2-mg estradiol valerate tablet daily for
14 days. In study B, 15 postmenopausal women were treated for 18 days with 1.5-
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 365
C(average), or fluctuations in plasma estradiol. T(max) was significantly shorter for Men-
orest than for Climara, and C(max) and C(min) were significantly higher for the second
Menorest patch than for the first. Three cases of erythema with Menorest and a total
of 21 skin reactions in 15 subjects with Climara were reported. Systemic tolerability
was similar between treatments with 8 estrogen-related adverse events in 8 subjects
with Menorest and 13 events in 10 subjects with Climara. It was concluded that
although the bioavailability of estradiol from these TDS was similar, the products
were not bioequivalent because T(max) was significantly shorter for Menorest than for
Climara. A comparison of continuous combined TD delivery of estradiol–norethin-
drone acetate and estradiol alone for menopause was carried out to determine whether
a continuous estradiol–norethindrone acetate TD delivery system reduced incidence
of endometrial hyperplasia in postmenopausal women more than that of TD estradiol
alone (188). A total of 625 postmenopausal women were assigned to one of four
treatments: TD estradiol 50 g/day, or TD estradiol–norethindrone acetate, with 50-
g estradiol and 140, 250, or 400 g/day of norethindrone acetate. Endometrial
hyperplasia was found in 37.9% in the estradiol-alone group versus 0.8%, 1%, and
1.1% in the estradiol–norethindrone acetate 50–140, 50–250, and 50–400 groups,
respectively. Uterine bleeding was less frequent in the estradiol–norethindrone ace-
tate 50–140 group. The estradiol–norethindrone acetate combination TDS showed
skin tolerance comparable with that of estradiol alone.
Bioavailability of two 100-g daily 17-estradiol TDS (once-a-week matrix
patch and twice-a-week reservoir patch) was compared in healthy postmenopausal
women (189) in a two-period, crossover study with two 8-day treatment periods
separated by a minimum 7-day washout. Subjects were assigned to either (a) matrix
patch applied to abdomen and worn for 7 consecutive days, or (b) reservoir patch
applied to abdomen and worn for 4 days, followed immediately by a second reservoir
patch worn for 3 days. Three-hours after patch application serum estradiol levels
were significantly higher than levels at time of patch application. After 12 h, mean
serum estradiol level in women with matrix patches was 98.20 ⫾ 44.97 pg/mL,
significantly higher than in women with the reservoir patch (62.20 ⫾ 16.21 pg/mL).
An AUC (0–168 h) with the matrix patch was also higher than for reservoir patch.
Left ventricular heart function and its response to long-term estrogen replace-
ment therapy was assessed in 30 postmenopausal women, 20 of whom had modest-
to-severe hot flashes and 10 of whom had never had them (190). Continuous TD
estradiol was given to women with surgically induced menopause, and a combination
of TD estradiol and sequential MPA to those with spontaneous menopause. Although
HRT significantly improved heart function in healthy postmenopausal women, there
appeared to be some minor differences in response between those with flashes and
Effects of TD estradiol on serum triglycerides in menopausal women with
preexisting mild-to-moderate hypertriglyceridemia were evaluated (191). Forty-four
women (posthysterectomy and maintained on 50-g unopposed estradiol for 6
months) were divided into those with normal baseline triglyceride concentrations
(0.4–2 mmol/L) and those with raised baseline readings (>2–4 mmol/L). Significant
reductions in serum triglyceride concentrations occurred in both groups (⫺9.6 and
⫺17%, respectively). TD estradiol therapy may be a useful treatment option in men-
opausal women with preexisting hypertirglyceridemia.
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 367
The effects of four doses (0.025, 0.05, 0.06, and 0.1 mg/day) of a 7-day TD
17-estradiol delivery system on bone loss in postmenopausal women were evaluated
in a multicenter study (198). At 24 months, doses of 0.025, 0.05, 0.06, and 0.1 mg/
day resulted in mean increases in BMD of the lumbar spine of 2.37, 4.09, 3.28, and
4.70%, respectively, and increased BMD of the total hip by 0.26, 2.85, 3.05, and
2.03%, respectively. All increases were significantly greater than placebo. Consistent
and significant improvements in biochemical markers of bone turnover were also
noted in all treatment groups.
Two estradiol TDS that released 25 or 37.5 g/day were compared with a
placebo patch on 156 patients in natural or surgical menopause suffering from at
least five hot flashes per day, treated continuously for 12 weeks, without progestin
opposition (199). ‘‘Responders’’ (patients with fewer than three hot flashes per day
at end of treatment), were 82 and 90% with 25 or 37.5 g/day, respectively, both
significantly more than placebo (44%).
Efficacy and tolerability of a matrix patch delivering estradiol at doses of 0.05
and 0.10 mg/day (Estraderm MX 50, 100) in treatment of moderate to severe post-
menopausal symptoms was compared (200). A total of 254 postmenopausal women
received 0.10, 0.05 mg, or placebo for 12 weeks continuously. TDS were applied
twice weekly to the buttocks with each patient wearing two patches simultaneously.
Patches containing 0.10 and 0.05 mg estradiol were superior to placebo in reducing
hot flashes per 24 h after 4, 8, and 12 weeks of treatment. For all other efficacy
parameters studied, both dosage strengths were superior to placebo at all time points.
It was concluded that this matrix patch offered an effective and well-tolerated dosage
form and may be particularly suitable for women who experience local sensitivity
to alcohol-containing systems.
The effect of the administration route and cigarette smoking on plasma estrogen
levels during HRT was evaluated in 14 healthy postmenopausal women (6 smokers
and 8 nonsmokers) (201). All patients randomly received cyclic therapy with estra-
diol and norethisterone orally or TD, each for 6 months. Plasma levels of estrone,
estradiol, and estrone sulfate, all were 40–70% lower in smokers than nonsmokers
when HRT was given orally. Oral dosing caused higher extradiol/estradiol sulfate
and estrone/estradiol sulfate ratios compared with TD therapy in smokers (40.2 vs.
7.0; and 3.2 vs. 0.8, respectively).
Pharmacokinetics of Fem7 (an estradiol matrix-type TDS, applied once weekly)
was investigated in 36 healthy postmenopausal women at doses of 25, 50, 75, and
100 g/24 h (202). Maximum plasma estradiol and estrone concentrations occurred
14–20 h after patch application, remained within the therapeutic range until removal,
and returning to baseline within 12 h. Plasma estradiol concentrations increased in
a dose-dependent manner for all dose levels, and plasma estrone increased for the
three highest doses. Treatment was well tolerated at all dose levels and no severe
adverse reactions were reported.
The efficacy of two strengths of TD estradiol matrix with daily oral doses of
conjugated equine estrogens in reducing the frequency of moderate-to-severe hot
flashes in postmenopausal women was evaluated (203). An estradiol TDS (Alora
0.05 or 0.1 mg/day) administered twice weekly or oral doses of conjugated equine
estrogens (CEE 0.625 or 1.25 mg) administered daily were given to 321 highly
symptomatic postmenopausal women for 12 weeks. Results indicated no significant
differences at any time point in mean frequency or mean percentage reduction in
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 369
frequency of moderate-to-severe hot flashes between patients given Alora 0.1 mg/
day or CEE 1.25 mg/day, or between the Alora 0.05 mg/day and CEE 0.625 mg/day
groups by week 12. There were no serious or unexpected adverse events with the
TDS, and local skin tolerability was excellent. Other estrogenic effects were com-
parable between TD and oral administration groups, except for lower incidence of
bleeding in women receiving the lower transdermal dose.
The effect of estradiol TD in postmenopausal women with confirmed pollaki-
uria and urinary incontinence was investigated in ten women using Estraderm TTS
2 mg for 8 weeks (204). In seven cases, severity of urinary incontinence was ‘‘very
effective’’ in three cases, ‘‘improved’’ in two, ‘‘slightly improved’’ in one, and ‘‘no
change’’ in one.
Postmenopausal women (especially those older than 60 years) prefer HRT that
avoids cyclical uterine bleeding and continuous combined HRT regimens were pri-
marily introduced to avoid bleeding and increase compliance. In a multicenter study,
136 women at least 2 years postmenopausal, with mild-to-moderate menopausal
symptoms, received either Estragest TTS 0.125/25 (delivering 0.125 mg norethister-
one acetate [NETA] and 25 g estradiol per day) or placebo for 6 months (205).
After 4, 12, and 24 weeks the Kupperman index was significantly lower in the
Estragest group, and the severity of vaginal dryness and dyspareunia at 12 and 24
weeks was also reduced. The proportion of superficial cells increased significantly
in the Estragest, but not the placebo group. The percentage of patients reporting
amenorrhea with Estragest ranged from 80 (month 2) to 87% (month 6). In a second
multicenter study lasting 1 year, 441 postmenopausal women received one of three
continuous combined HRT regimens: group A, Estragest TTS 0.125/25; group B,
TDS delivering estradiol 50 g and NETA 0.25 mg/day, group C, oral tablets con-
taining 2 mg estradiol and NETA 1 mg/day. During treatment cycles 4–6, amenor-
rhea was achieved in 73% (group A), 47% (group B), and 66% (group C). During
treatment cycles 10–12, proportions increased to 86% (A), 65% (B), and 79% (C).
Bleeding patterns in groups A and C were not significantly different, but superior to
those in group B. It was concluded that Estragest TTS 0.125/25 was effective in
treatment of mild-to-moderate menopausal symptoms and urogenital complaints, in-
duced a high rate of amenorrhea and provided good endometrial protection.
Effects of three commonly prescribed estrogen replacement therapies (oral con-
jugated equine estrogens [CEE; n = 37], oral micronized estradiol [ME; n = 25], and
TD estradiol [TE; n = 24]) on the concentrations of blood sex hormone-binding
globulin (SHBG), estradiol, and estrone were studied (206). Increases in SHBG con-
centrations were 100, 45, and 12% for subjects receiving CEE, ME, and TE regi-
mens, respectively. Decreases in the percentage estradiol not bound to protein and
increases in the percentage of estradiol bound to SHBG correlated with therapy-
mediated changes in concentrations of this protein.
Systemic bioavailability and plasma profiles of 17-estradiol after application
of three matrix patches: Menorest, Tradelia, and Estraderm MX, claiming to deliver
50 g/day were evaluated (207). All patches were each worn randomly by 21 post-
menopausal women volunteers over 96 h, separated by an at least a 7-day washout
period. Tmax (32 h) was the only pharmacokinetic parameter identical for all patches.
Menorest produced the highest estradiol bioavailability, judged by the AUC(0–96 h) =
3967.8 ⫾ 1651.8 pg/mL h⫺1, C(average) = 41.3 ⫾ 21.3 pg/mL, C(min) = 36.8 ⫾ 8.6 pg/
mL. Tradelia (AUC(0–96 h) = 3737.9 ⫾ 1637.6 pg/mL h⫺1, C(average) = 38.9 ⫾ 17.0 pg/
370 Walters and Brain
mL, and C(min) = 33.8 ⫾ 26.7 pg/mL) was not significantly less than Menorest.
Estraderm MX showed the lowest estradiol profiles (AUC(0–96 h) = 3192.1 ⫾ 1646.0
pg/mL h⫺1, C(max) = 38.9 ⫾ 25.1 pg/mL, C(average) = 33.2 ⫾ 17.1 pg/mL). Menorest
showed the smallest fluctuation over the entire test period, similar to Estraderm MX,
whereas Tradelia showed the highest fluctuation and the highest C(max) = 48.0 ⫾ 20.3
pg/mL. When estradiol baseline levels, before patch application, were individually
subtracted from the subsequent estradiol level, Estraderm MX was not bioequivalent
to Menorest. A circadian curve pattern of estradiol plasma level was observed for
all patches, and in the evening, higher plasma levels were always detected. Individual
comparison of AUC(0–96 h) for each patch showed large interindividual variability
(2000–8000 pg/mL h⫺1) for all patches, but relatively small individual variability.
Women with high estradiol bioavailability (high-responders) maintained high bio-
availability with all patches, and women identified as low- and medium-responders
remained the same, regardless of the applied patch. Side effects were approximately
equal in all patches, with a maximum after 72 h.
Two long-term multicenter studies compared the efficacy on climacteric symp-
toms of a new active matrix estradiol TDS (CAS 50-28-2) with a reference reservoir
patch (both releasing 50 g/day) (208). One group received the matrix patch and
the other the reservoir patch in 4-week cycles, with twice-weekly application of
patches for 3 weeks, followed by 1-week washout. Progestin opposition was with
MPA; 5 mg/day orally in the last 11 days of patch application in a German study
and with 10 mg/day in the last 12 days of patch application in an Italian study. Each
study was divided into two parts: (a) with three 4-week cycles and (b) for ten 4-
week cycles. In the German study both patches quickly relieved climacteric symp-
toms during the first 3 weeks of application, as shown by rapid decrease of the
Kupperman Index. At the end of part 1, 91% (matrix) and 96% (reservoir) group
reported relief from climacteric symptoms; at the end of part 2, these were 98% and
95%, respectively. Both patches were systemically fairly well tolerated and only 4.5
(matrix) and 3.9% (reservoir) discontinued owing to adverse reactions. Relative to
local skin reactions, the matrix patch was significantly better tolerated and adhesion
was better. In the Italian study both patches relieved climacteric symptoms during
the first 3 weeks of application. At the end of part 1 both patches relieved 95% of
patients and at the end of part 2, 100% of patients were relieved. Patches were
systemically equally fairly well tolerated with premature discontinuations for sys-
temic adverse drug reactions in 5.0% (matrix) and 3.9% (reservoir) groups. As in
the German study, matrix patches were significantly better tolerated.
The effect of short-term HRT with estradiol and norethisterone on the phar-
macokinetics of phenazone was investigated in ten women at least 6 weeks after
ovariectomy (209). Each patient received TD estradiol (4 mg, every 3 days) for a
period of 18 days, and subsequently oral norethisterone (5 mg/day) for 10 days, with
an interval of 1 day. Pharmacokinetic studies were performed before estradiol ad-
ministration, on the last day of estradiol treatment and on the last day of norethis-
terone administration. Short-term administration of estradiol did not modify the phar-
macokinetics of phenazone.
Percutaneous absorption of progesterone in postmenopausal women treated by
application of progesterone cream to the skin was evaluated in six postmenopausal
women over a 4-week period (210). Transdermal estradiol, 0.05 mg, was applied 2
days before first application of progesterone (30 mg/d) and continued throughout the
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 371
study, with patches changed twice weekly. Progesterone cream was applied once a
day for 2 weeks. On days 15–29 progesterone cream was applied twice daily (60
mg/d). Serum 17-estradiol and progesterone were measured over 24 h on day 1
and at weekly intervals for the study duration. Individual serum 17-estradiol con-
centrations ranged from 40 to 64 pg/mL, but intraindividual concentrations remained
constant. Serum progesterone concentrations were 1.6–3.3 ng/mL. After 2 weeks of
percutaneous dosing, progesterone concentrations were sustained for at least 8 h and
were consistent within an individual. An increase in progesterone concentration oc-
curred after 4 weeks, compared with 2 weeks. Individually, a significant correlation
was seen between absorption of 17-estradiol and progesterone.
Serum and urinary hormone levels following short- and long-term administra-
tion of two regimens of progesterone cream in postmenopausal women were eval-
uated (211) in a multiple-dose study using 24 healthy postmenopausal women. Sub-
jects were allocated to progesterone cream, 40 mg daily, or 20 mg twice daily, for
42 days. Serum progesterone was measured on days 1 and 42 before the morning
dose, and at 2, 4, 6, 12, and 24 h after the morning dose. Serum FSH, estradiol,
testosterone, and urinary pregnanediol-3-glucuronide were also measured on days 1
and 42. The mean progesterone concentration rose at each sampling time between
days 1 and 42 and there was evidence of a rise in pregnanediol-3-glucuronide over
the study course. There were no changes in FSH, estradiol, or testosterone and no
differences were detected between the regimens.
The use of TD progesterone cream for vasomotor symptoms and postmeno-
pausal bone loss was also investigated (212). One hundred two healthy women,
within 5 years of menopause, were assigned to TD progesterone cream or placebo.
Subjects were instructed to apply 0.25 teaspoon of cream (containing 20 mg pro-
gesterone or placebo) to the skin daily. Subjects received daily multivitamins and
1200 mg of calcium; symptoms were reviewed ever 4 months. In the treatment group,
69% and 55% in the placebo group initially complained of vasomotor symptoms.
Improvement or resolution of these symptoms was noted in 83% of treatment sub-
jects and 19% of placebo subjects. However, the number of women showing a BMD
gain of more than 1.2% did not differ significantly.
In addition to the widespread use of HRT TD, steroid delivery has also been
investigated as a means of contraception. A once-a-week (monophasic) contraceptive
TDS was designed to simultaneously deliver a low-dose combination of levonorges-
trel (LNG) and 17-estradiol (E2) for fertility regulation in females (213). In vitro
permeation studies using human cadaver skin indicated 6.0 ⫾ 0.9 g/day cm⫺2 of
LNG and 2.9 ⫾ 0.5 g/day cm⫺2 of E2 could be delivered. A 7-day dermal toxicity
study on six rabbits indicated minimal potential to cause skin irritation, and histo-
pathological examination revealed only mild-to-moderate inflammation. A phase 1
bioavailability–dose proportionality clinical study, consisting of pretreatment, treat-
ment, and posttreatment cycles, was conducted on fertile Chinese women. During
the pretreatment cycle, 48 subjects were given placebo patches to study wearability
(including skin irritation and adhesion tests). During the treatment cycle, each subject
in the test groups received weekly application of 1 (A), 2 (B), or 3 (C) 10-cm2
patches, and group D received daily 150 g of LNG and 35 g of ethynyl estradiol,
orally. The wearability study indicated patches were very well accepted. Residual
assay of used TDS indicated delivery of LNG and E2 at rates of approximately 5.0
g/cm2 day⫺1 and 4.0 g/cm2, day⫺1, respectively, during the treatment cycle. Ra-
372 Walters and Brain
D. Androgens
An important aim in treating male hypogonadism is restoration of physiological
concentrations of testosterone and metabolites. New methods for testosterone deliv-
ery that have provided increased options for men requiring hormonal replacement
therapy have been reviewed (217). Intramuscular administration of testosterone is
associated with early, high serum levels followed by a gradual decline over the
dosing interval. The TDS now available as alternatives include Testoderm (applied
to the scrotum) and Androderm (applied to nonscrotal skin). Most patients achieved
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 373
normal serum testosterone levels with circadian variation and normal estradiol levels.
Serum LH levels generally decreased, but not to suppressed levels, and Testoderm
use leads to an increase in plasma dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Clinical response in
mood, energy level, and sexual function were improved with both systems and were
generally comparable with intramuscular injection. There were no clinically signifi-
cant changes in laboratory parameters, including prostatic specific antigen (PSA),
and prostate size did not increase above normal. Skin reactions were common and
may require discontinuation of therapy. Patients with inadequate scrotal size may not
achieve satisfactory results with Testoderm. Although patches are more expensive
than intramuscular (IM) injections, they require less frequent office visits and both
transscrotal and transdermal systems offer a good alternative for hypogonadal men
who do not desire fertility during the treatment period.
Scrotal testosterone patches can produce normal serum levels mimicking di-
urnal variations. This was followed in hypogonadal men treated transdermally for
up to 10 years (218). Eleven men (age 35.9 ⫾ 9.8 years) at start of study were
treated with transscrotal patches (Testoderm) because of primary (n = 4) or secondary
(n = 7) hypogonadism. Clinical examinations were performed every 3 months during
the first 5 years and every 6 months thereafter. On daily application of one patch,
testosterone levels rose from 5.3 ⫾ 1.3 to 16.7 ⫾ 2.6 nmol/L at month 3 and re-
mained in the normal range throughout treatment. Serum DHT rose from 1.3 ⫾ 0.4
to 3.9 ⫾ 1.4 nmol/L and estradiol from 52.3 ⫾ 9.3 to 71.3 ⫾ 9.6 pmol/L and
remained stable. Patients reported no local side effects apart from occasional itching.
No relevant changes occurred in clinical chemistry and hemoglobin and erythrocyte
counts remained normal. Bone density increased slightly from 113.6 ⫾ 5.4 to 129.7
⫾ 9.3 mg/cm3. In the nine patients who were younger than 50 years prostate volumes
showed a small, but insignificant, increase from 16.8 ⫾ 1.5 to 18.8 ⫾ 2.1 mL during
therapy. In two older patients, prostate volume remained constant or decreased
slightly during therapy. Prostate-specific antigen levels were constantly low in all
The possibility of immediate adverse effects of short-term testosterone admin-
istration to older men with low bioavailable testosterone, especially on the symptoms
of benign prostate hyperplasia, was investigated (219). A 9-week intervention with
either intramuscular testosterone enanthate (200 mg every 3 weeks), TD testosterone
(two 2.5-mg patches per day), or neither, was followed by a 9-week observation
period. Twenty-seven men (age 74 ⫾ 3 years) with no medical conditions known to
affect bone turnover and with total testosterone levels less than 350 ng/dL or bio-
available testosterone levels less than 128 ng/dL were included. All men receiving
testosterone treatment increased levels above their own baseline, but only six of nine
men receiving TD testosterone achieved bioavailable testosterone levels in the nor-
mal range for young men. No side effects were reported using intramuscular delivery,
but five of nine men using TD testosterone developed a rash.
As part of a phase III multicenter study, pharmacokinetics and metabolism of
a permeation-enhanced testosterone transdermal system and the influence of the ap-
plication site were investigated in 34 hypogonadal men (21–65 years of age) (220).
After an 8-week androgen washout period, two patches were applied to the back for
24 h. Serum concentrations of total testosterone (T), bioavailable testosterone (BT),
DHT, and estradiol [E(2)] increased from hypogonadal levels into normal physio-
logical ranges and declined to baseline levels within 24 h after system removal. Peak
374 Walters and Brain
syndrome. A pilot study of the effects of androgen replacement therapy was con-
ducted to determine efficacy in terms of change in serum testosterone, safety param-
eters, and tolerability, and to investigate testosterone effects on weight, body com-
position, quality of life, and functional indexes (223). Fifty-three ambulatory women
with AIDS wasting syndrome, free of new opportunistic infection within 6 weeks of
study initiation and with serum levels of free testosterone less than normal reference
range, were enrolled. Subjects weighed 92 ⫾ 2% of ideal body weight, and had lost
17 ⫾ 1% of their maximum weight. Subjects received two placebo patches (PP),
one active and one placebo patch (AP), or two active patches (AA) applied twice
weekly to the abdomen for 12 weeks. Nominal delivery rates were 150 and 300 g/
day, respectively, for AP and AA groups. Serum free testosterone levels increased
significantly from 1.2 ⫾ 0.2 to 5.9 ⫾ 0.8 pg/mL (AP) and from 1.9 ⫾ 0.4 to 12.4
⫾ 1.6 pg/mL (AA). Testosterone administration was generally well tolerated locally
and systemically, with no adverse trends in hirsutism scores, lipid profiles, or liver
function tests. Improved social functioning and pain score were observed in AP-
versus PP-treated patients. These data suggested that testosterone administration may
improve the status of women with AIDS wasting.
The literature on androgen replacement for erectile dysfunction was evaluated
by metanalysis (224). Study inclusion criteria were testosterone given as the only
therapy for erectile dysfunction and a clearly stated definition of response for eval-
uating treatment. Sixteen of 73 articles published between 1966 and 1998 were in-
cluded. Overall response rate was 57%, and patients with primary versus secondary
testicular failure had a response rate of 64% versus 44%. Intramuscular and oral
methods of delivery were equivalent (response rates 51.3 and 53.2%, respectively)
but response to TD therapy was significantly different (80.9%).
It is acknowledged that women may experience symptoms secondary to an-
drogen deficiency, and there is substantial evidence that prudent androgen replace-
ment can be effective in relieving both physical and psychological symptoms of
androgen insufficiency (225). Testosterone replacement for women is now available
in a variety of formulations. It appears to be safe, with the caveat that doses are
restricted to the ‘‘therapeutic’’ window for androgen replacement in women, such
that the beneficial effects on well-being and quality of life are achieved without
incurring undesirable virilizing side effects.
For treatment of adult hypogonadal men, nightly 24-h application of the An-
droderm testosterone TDS (5 mg/day) has been demonstrated to be effective by a
series of clinical pharmacokinetic studies (226). For treatment of adolescent males,
physiological replacement can be approximated by modifying the dose and duration
of Androderm application to mimic patterns of nocturnal testosterone secretion ob-
served during puberty. A clinical audit was reported on the acceptability and efficacy
as a treatment for hypogonadism of the first transdermal testosterone therapy avail-
able in the United Kingdom (Andropatch), compared with existing androgen replace-
ment options (227). Serum testosterone and questionnaire data on treatment efficacy,
side effects, therapy preference, sexual dysfunction, and partner’s attitudes to therapy
were obtained from 50 hypogonadal men prescribed long-term testosterone replace-
ment. Eighty percent returned analyzable questionnaires and, of these, 84% experi-
enced adverse effects with TD therapy, usually dermatological problems. Twenty-
two percent elected to continue with TD therapy, 72% returned to depot, and 5% to
oral therapy. The reservoir patches were judged to be too large, uncomfortable, vi-
376 Walters and Brain
sually obtrustive and noisy; thus, the pharmacokinetic advantages were largely out-
weighed by low patient acceptability. The pharmacokinetics of three testosterone-
containing TDS were evaluated in healthy male volunteers (228). Type 1 and 2 were
nonscrotal membrane patches differing in adhesive type. Six subjects were treated
with low-dose testosterone type 1, high-dose testosterone type 1, and low-dose tes-
tosterone type 2. To eliminate the influence of endogenous serum testosterone, se-
cretion was suppressed by the GnRH antagonist cetrorelix. Physiological testosterone
levels were achieved during the 24-h application period. Maximal serum levels were
achieved after 4 h with both types, and both enabled a physiological circadian profile
to be achieved.
Effects of TD testosterone replacement therapy using a permeation-enhanced
system on plasma lipolytic enzymes (hepatic and lipoprotein lipase), LDL, and HDL
subfraction concentrations were assessed (229). Ten patients with primary testicular
failure were started on Testoderm therapy and evaluated before and after 3 months
of treatment. Serum testosterone level increased to within the normal range in all
subjects, whereas serum DHT increased to supranormal values. Plasma hepatic lipase
(HL) activity increased after testosterone replacement (24.7 ⫾ 7.5 vs. 29.2 ⫾ 8.3
mol free fatty acid released per hour) and the increase in HL correlated with the
increase in DHT. No significant change was seen in the HDL2 subfraction but HDL3
decreased after treatment (0.93 ⫾ 0.17 vs. 0.79 ⫾ 0.14 mmol/L). Whether these
changes adversely influence the cardiovascular risk in the long term remains to be
Local skin reactions at application site are common adverse events with trans-
dermal testosterone and an open-label, controlled pilot study evaluated whether top-
ical pretreatment with triamcinolone acetonide, 0.1% cream, reduced the incidence
or severity of chronic skin irritation in health volunteers (230). At all assessment
points, more subjects had lower cumulative scores with pretreatment than without
E. Fentanyl
Transdermal fentanyl has been used widely in the United States since it was approved
in 1990 (231). The first clinical report of TD fentanyl therapy in cancer pain involved
five patients. Pain relief was established with intravenous fentanyl and a TDS se-
lected to deliver the same hourly dose while the intravenous infusion was tapered
over 6 h. The TDS was changed every 24 h for a total of 3–156 days. The initial
study demonstrated steady-state plasma levels were linearly related to the fentanyl
dose. A multicenter trial was conducted in 39 patients. The TD fentanyl dose was
established from a conversion table based on the dose of oral immediate-release
morphine required to control pain. The fentanyl patches were changed every 72 h
and immediate-release morphine used on an as-required basis for incidental pain.
This trial further demonstrated that patients could be converted from oral morphine
to an equianalgesic dose of transdermal fentanyl and that pain relief could be main-
tained for a lengthy time period on an outpatient basis.
The analgesic, pharmacokinetic, and clinical respiratory effects of 72-h appli-
cation of two TD fentanyl patch sizes in patients undergoing abdominal hysterectomy
were evaluated (232). Fentanyl TDS, releasing 50 g/h (TF-50) or 75 g/h (TF-75)
fentanyl or placebo patches were applied to 120 women 2 h before abdominal hys-
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 377
terectomy under general anesthesia. All patients had postoperative access to supple-
mental morphine using patient-controlled pumps. VAS pain scores, supplementary
analgesia, fentanyl plasma concentration, continuous hemoglobin saturation, respi-
ratory pattern, and adverse effects data were collected. Visual analogue scale (VAS)
pain scores and supplemental morphine use significantly decreased in the TF-75
group in the postanesthesia care unit, and for both TF-50 and TF-75 groups for 8–
48 h postoperatively. Between 5 and 36 h, the TD fentanyl groups had significantly
increased abnormal respiratory patterns, including apneic episodes and episodes of
slow respiratory rate, and a significantly increased requirement for oxygen supple-
mentation. Nine patients in the TD fentanyl groups were withdrawn because of severe
respiratory depression, but none in the placebo group. Although fentanyl plasma
concentration were higher in the TF-75 than in TF-50 group, differences were not
significant. Fentanyl plasma concentration decreased significantly 48 h after patch
application. Although good analgesia was the result of this combination therapy, it
was associated with a high incidence of respiratory depression requiring intensive
monitoring, oxygen supplementation, patch removal in about 11% of patients, and
opioid reversal with naloxone in about 8% of patients.
It is generally recommended that patients should be titrated with a short-acting
narcotic to control their cancer pain before they are converted to a fentanyl TDS.
However, immediate TD fentanyl therapy in patients with uncontrolled cancer pain
with direct titration of fentanyl TDS according to clinical necessity on a day-to-day
basis, with the availability of morphine solution for rescue medication has been
evaluated (233). The major objective was simplification of therapy. On average,
sufficient pain control was reached within 48 h of the start of TD fentanyl, and VAS
values at all follow-up times were significantly lower than pretreatment values. Mean
fentanyl doses were 70 g/h (week 1), 98 g/h (week 2), 107 g/h (week 3) and
116 g/h (week 4). Mean morphine doses as rescue medication steadily decreased
from 11 mg/day in week 1 to 3 mg/day in week 4 of treatment, although differences
were not significant. It was concluded that titration with a short-acting narcotic before
conversion to TD fentanyl was not necessary, provided the patients were well
A comparison of TD fentanyl with placebo for postoperative analgesia in or-
thopedic surgery was reported (234). Forty adult patients had general anesthesia with
propofol, isoflurane in nitrous oxide, and oxygen, and small bolus of alfentanil or
sufentanil. Preoperatively, one group received TD fentanyl (75 g/h) for 72 h, and
the second group a placebo patch. Morphine was given postoperatively as necessary.
Eleven patients receiving fentanyl needed morphine, compared with 19 in the placebo
group, and mean morphine dose was significantly lower in the fentanyl group. One
fentanyl group patient had decreased oxygen saturation and intense sedation, neces-
sitating administration of naloxone. The mean maximum plasma fentanyl concentra-
tion was 1.63 ng/mL.
An alternative fentanyl TDS was evaluated (235). Male adult surgical patients
received 650 or 750 g of fentanyl intravenously as part of the induction of anes-
thesia, and plasma fentanyl concentrations were measured over the following 24 h.
On the first postoperative day a fentanyl TD was placed on the upper torso for 24
h and then removed. Plasma fentanyl concentrations were measured for 72 h after
device application and each patient’s clearance and unit disposition function were
determined. During the 72 h after application of the TDS, the amount of fentanyl
378 Walters and Brain
absorbed and the absorption rate were also determined. Residual fentanyl in the
transdermal device was measured to determine absolute bioavailability. Of 14 sub-
jects receiving TD fentanyl, 3 had clinically significant fentanyl toxicity, mandating
early removal of the TDS. In the remaining subjects the fentanyl concentration from
12 to 24 h varied over a 20-fold range (0.34–6.75 ng/mL). In subjects wearing the
device for 24 h, terminal half-life of fentanyl after device removal was 16 h. Bio-
availability of transdermally administered fentanyl was 63 ⫾ 35% and rate of fen-
tanyl absorption from 12 to 2 h in subjects still wearing the device ranged from 10
to 230 g/h. In two subjects, the rate within the first 6 h briefly exceeded 300 g/
h and both demonstrated fentanyl toxicity, requiring early device removal. It was
concluded that the Cygnus transdermal fentanyl device produced more highly vari-
able plasma fentanyl concentrations than those reported for the Duragesic device,
which is contraindicated for postoperative analgesia.
The use of transdermal fentanyl was evaluated in ten patients aged 9–16 years
with sickle cell pain crisis (236) who received TD fentanyl at 25 (n = 7) or 50 (n =
3) g/h and morphine use was >2.5 mg/h. Average TD fentanyl dose was 0.77 ⫾
0.37 g/kg h⫺1 on day 1 and 1.17 ⫾ 0.46 g/kg h⫺1 on day 2. The fentanyl con-
centration at 24 and 48 h was 0.60 ⫾ 0.31 and 1.18 ⫾ 0.44 ng/mL, respectively.
There was a significant relation between dose and fentanyl concentration and no
difference in any clinical-monitoring parameter between day 1 and day 2, although
seven of ten patients reported subjective improvement in pain control. No adverse
effects were noted, but it was concluded that improved understanding of dose–effect
relations for TD fentanyl in children and adolescents was necessary before adequate
pain control could be achieved by this route.
At the start of TD fentanyl treatment, depot accumulation of the drug within
skin results in a significant delay (17–48 h) before achievement of maximum plasma
concentration (237). However, concomitant use of short-acting morphine maintained
pain relief during the titration period, and supplementary medication decreased with
duration of TD fentanyl treatment. Patient preference for TD fentanyl was indicated
by the number of patient requests for continued use at the end of the study (up to
95%). Although postoperative TD fentanyl is contraindicated, supplementary patient-
controlled analgesia was significantly reduced in patients receiving 75 g/h TD fen-
tanyl, compared with placebo. Some patients with previously uncontrolled pain be-
came completely pain-free. The most common adverse events during TD fentanyl
therapy included vomiting, nausea, and constipation. Most serious adverse event was
hypoventilation, which occurred more frequently in postoperative (4%) than in cancer
patients (2%). In surgical patients, fentanyl-associated respiratory events usually oc-
curred within 24 h of patch application, although there were isolated reports of late
onset (up to 36 h).
Respiratory depression was observed in a 2-year-old boy unintentionally ex-
posed to a fentanyl TDS (238). He was found unresponsive after sleeping in bed
with his grandmother and, after intubation and ventilation, a fentanyl TDS was dis-
covered on his back. Removal of the device and treatment with naloxone resolved
symptoms. This was the first reported case of secondary exposure to a fentanyl patch
causing clinically significant respiratory depression in the pediatric population, and
it emphasized a new hazard.
A multicenter evaluation of TD fentanyl for cancer pain relief in 53 patients
who required 45 mg or more of oral morphine daily was reported (239). After 1-
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 379
clearance and volume of distribution of transdermal fentanyl were equal, but vari-
ability was less.
It has been claimed that fentanyl patches are less suitable for patients who are
elderly or terminally ill and dying. However, a retrospective survey of 205 cancer
patients who died within hospital-based home care in Norrkoping, Sweden between
January 1997 and June 1998 reported that 34 patients used fentanyl TD, and in 30
it was possible to evaluate analgesic efficacy. Estimated efficacy was good (93%) or
moderate (88%) in patients younger or older than 65 years of age (245).
Constipation and use of laxatives were investigated in patients with chronic
cancer pain treated with oral morphine and TD fentanyl (246). Of 46 patients, treated
with slow-release morphine, 30–1000 mg/day for 6 days, 39 were switched to TD
fentanyl (0.6–9.6 mg/day) with a conversion ratio of 100:1. Median fentanyl doses
increased from 1.2 to 3.0 mg/day throughout the 30-day TD treatment period. Mean
pain intensity decreased slightly after conversion, although the number of patients
with breakthrough pain or who requiring immediate-release morphine as a rescue
medication was higher with TD fentanyl. The number of patients with bowel move-
ments did not change after the opioid switch, but the number of patients taking
laxatives was significantly reduced from 78–87% of patients per treatment day (mor-
phine) to 22–48% (fentanyl). Constipation is an almost universal side-effect of pro-
longed opioid analgesia, and resulting discomfort can be more severe than the pain
itself, leading to reduction of analgesic use and consequently increased pain (247).
Because of higher lipophilicity, fentanyl penetrates the blood–brain barrier more
easily and lower doses are possible; thus, comparatively less opioid is available in
the gastrointestinal tract to block local receptors. The cost of treating constipation
among terminally ill cancer patients receiving TD fentanyl and 12-h sustained-release
morphine in Ontario, Canada was examined (248). Cost of managing constipation
in a patient receiving TD fentanyl and 12-h sustained-release morphine was estimated
at 31.77 and 52.76 dollars, respectively, during the first 2 weeks of treatment. When
the acquisition costs of opioids are included, the two-week cost of managing a patient
with TD fentanyl and 12-h sustained-release morphine was 123.24 and 119.70 dol-
lars, respectively. It was concluded that acquisition costs alone should not dictate
treatment, and care should always be tailored to the needs and preferences of indi-
vidual patients.
The issues involved in switching opioids to transdermal fentanyl in a clinical
setting have been evaluated (249). Case records of patients treated with TD fentanyl
were retrospectively examined and conversion ratios calculated. Opioid therapy was
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 381
switched to TD fentanyl during inpatient treatment for 53 patients and during out-
patient treatment for 11 patients. Before conversion patients were treated with slow-
release morphine (48%), immediate-release morphine (17%), buprenorphine (11%),
tramadol (11%), levomethadone (5%), tilidine/naloxone (5%), and piritramid (3%).
Reasons for opioid rotation included inadequate pain relief (33%), patients’ wish to
reduce oral medication (20%), gastrointestinal side effects (31%), vomiting (13%),
constipation (19%), and dysphagia (27%). Reduction of side effects was reported by
10 of 19 patients. In 12 of 21 patients, when medication was switched because of
inadequate pain relief, reduction in pain intensity was reported. It was concluded
that conversion to TD therapy may readjust the balance between opioid analgesia
and side effects.
F. Anti-inflammatories
A multicenter study of comparative efficacy, tolerability, and acceptability of a flur-
biprofen local-action transcutaneous (LAT) patch (40 mg b.d.) and piroxicam gel (3
cm, 0.5% q.d.s), was conducted in general practice in the United Kingdom in 137
men and women with soft-tissue rheumatism of the shoulder or elbow tag, epicon-
dylitis, tendinitis, bursitis, or adhesive capsulitis (250). Patients received one therapy
for 4 days before crossing over for a further 4 days, followed by 6 days of their
preferred therapy. Assessment of severity of pain, tenderness, and overall clinical
condition was carried out at baseline and at 4, 8, and 14 days. There was a significant
reduction in severity of pain in favor of flurbiprofen LAT (42 vs. 26%). Eligible
dataset analysis revealed significant differences, in favor of flurbiprofen LAT, in
severity of lesion tenderness and overall change in clinical condition. Superior effi-
cacy was also indicated at the end of the crossover phase when 69% chose to con-
tinue treatment with flurbiprofen LAT. There were also significant differences in
favor of flurbiprofen LAT in assessments for night pain, quality of sleep, and patients’
overall opinion of treatment.
G. Clonidine
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties and safety, of a TD clonidine
system (M-5041T) were evaluated after single and repeated applications (251). In
the single-application study, one patch delivering 4, 6, or 8 mg was applied for 3
days to eight healthy subjects. In a repeated-application study, A (0–72 h), B (72–
144 h), and C (144–216 h) TD systems delivering 6 mg were applied in seven
healthy subjects. In the single-application study, plasma clonidine level, Cmax and
AUC increased in a dose-dependent manner, but not significantly. The blood pressure
(BP)-lowering effect of 8 mg was greater than that of 4 and 6 mg. Adverse effects
were reported, but did not cause withdrawal. In the repeated-application study,
plasma clonidine increased up to 48 h after application of patch A, and remained
stable until removal of patch C. Cmax and AUC did not differ significantly. During
an active period, BP decreased significantly during treatment, but BP at midnight
did not change significantly. Mild erythema and systemic adverse effects were re-
ported. In a second study (252), TD clonidine (M-5041T) was compared with oral
clonidine (Catapres TTS). One TDS containing 6 mg of clonidine was applied on
the right chest for 3 days or one tablet of Catapres TTS (0.075 mg) was given orally
every 12 h for 3 days in eight healthy subjects. Plasma clonidine concentration
382 Walters and Brain
increased gradually after application of TDS and decreased gradually after removal,
whereas it increased rapidly then decreased rapidly after each dose of Catapres TTS.
Elimination half-life of clonidine after patch removal was significantly greater than
after the final dose of Catapres TTS. There was no significant difference in Cmax,
AUC, or BP-lowering between the treatments. Adverse symptoms occurred more
frequently during Catapres TTS therapy and were observed when plasma clonidine
concentration was relatively high.
Clinical pharmacological evaluation of a clonidine TDS was undertaken in a
variety of phase I volunteer studies to assess potential effects of site of application,
pharmacokinetic linearity, and absolute bioavailability (253). Delivery of clonidine
from Catapres TTS was influenced by application site. The order of permeability
was chest > upper arm > upper thigh. Pharmacokinetics of clonidine following TD
delivery were linear with slight nonlinearity between devices of differing area. Ab-
solute bioavailability of clonidine from Catapres TTS was approximately 60% and
calculated in vivo absorption rate (4.32 ⫾ 1.68 g/h) was in good agreement with
claimed performance (0.1 mg/day).
Premedication with oral and TD clonidine in postoperative sympatholysis was
investigated in 61 patients undergoing elective major noncardiac surgery (254). The
treatment group were premedicated with a clonidine TDS (0.2 mg/d), applied the
night before surgery and left in place for 72 h, and were given 0.3-mg oral clonidine
60–90 min before surgery. Clonidine reduced enflurane requirements, intraoperative
tachycardia, and myocardial ischemia (1 of 28 clonidine patients vs. 5 of 24 placebo).
However, postoperatively, the heart rate decreased for only the first 5 h, and incidence
of postoperative myocardial ischemia (6 of 28 clonidine vs. 5 of 26 placebo) did not
differ. Clonidine significantly reduced plasma levels of epinephrine and norepineph-
rine on the first postoperative morning. It was suggested that larger doses of clonidine
should be investigated for their ability to decrease postoperative tachycardia and
myocardial ischemia. Surgical trauma induces diffuse sympathoadrenal activation
that contributes to perioperative cardiovascular complications in high-risk patients.
Regional anesthetic and analgesic techniques can attenuate this ‘‘stress response’’
and reduce rates of adverse perioperative events, but their postoperative use is lo-
gistically difficult and expensive. Hence, use of transdermal clonidine to blunt the
stress response throughout the perioperative period was evaluated (255). Forty pa-
tients scheduled for major upper abdominal surgery were entered in a clinical trial.
Patients received either clonidine (0.2 mg orally plus clonidine TTS-3 patch the
evening before surgery plus 0.3 mg orally on call to operating room) or matched
oral and transdermal placebo. Preoperative transdermal (plus oral) clonidine admin-
istration resulted in therapeutic plasma clonidine concentrations over the periopera-
tive period (1.54 ⫾ 0.07 g/mL) and reduced preoperative epinephrine and nor-
epinephrine levels by 65%. Plasma catecholamines increased in both groups after
surgery, but were markedly lower over the postoperative period in patients receiving
clonidine (who also had reduced frequency of postoperative hypertension).
A study was performed to determine if a lower than previously reported oral–
transdermal clonidine regimen could reduce postoperative morphine requirements
without producing systemic side effects (256). Twenty-nine healthy females under-
going elective abdominal hysterectomy received preoperative oral clonidine, 4–6 g/
kg plus a 7 cm2 clonidine TDS (0.2 mg/24 h), or a placebo tablet and patch. Low-
dose clonidine had no potentiating effect on morphine analgesia and postoperative
Drug Formulation and Transdermal Systems 383
morphine use, VAS pain scores and morphine plasma levels were similar between
the groups. The clonidine group experienced a significantly higher incidence of in-
traoperative and postoperative hypotension and bradycardia than the control group,
but no differences were noted in incidence of nonhemodynamic side effects.
Clinical and pharmacological indications suggested reduction of noradrenergic
tone occurs in cluster headache, during both active and remission periods, but that
sharp fluctuations of the sympathetic system may trigger the attacks (257). It was
postulated that continuous administration of low-dose clonidine could be beneficial
in the active phase by antagonizing variations in noradrenergic tone. After a run-in
week, TD clonidine (5–7.5 mg) was administered for 1 week to 13 patients suffering
from episodic or chronic cluster headache. During clonidine treatment, mean weekly
frequency of attacks reduced from 17.7 ⫾ 7.0 to 8.7 ⫾ 6.6, pain intensity of attacks
(VAS) from 98.0 ⫾ 7.2 to 41.1 ⫾ 36.1 mm, and duration from 59.3 ⫾ 21.9 to 34.3
⫾ 24.6 min. This strongly suggested that TD clonidine may be effective in the
preventive treatment of cluster headache.
To test a previous clinical observation that approximately 25% of patients with
painful diabetic neuropathy appeared responsive to clonidine, a formal clinical trial
of TD clonidine was conducted (258). In stage 1, 41 patients completed a random-
ized, three-period crossover comparison of TD clonidine (titrated from 0.1 to 0.3
mg/day) to placebo patches. Twelve apparent responders from stage 1 were entered
into the second stage, consisting of an additional four double-blind, randomized, 1-
week treatment periods with TD clonidine and placebo. Stage 1 showed that, for the
total group, pain intensity differed little between clonidine and placebo. In stage 2,
however, the 12 apparent responders from stage 1 had 20% less pain with clonidine
than placebo (95% CI: 4–35% pain reduction), confirming that their pain was re-
sponsive to clonidine. Post hoc analysis suggested patients describing their pain as
sharp and shooting were more likely to respond to clonidine. These results support
the hypothesis that there is a subset of patients with painful diabetic neuropathy who
benefit from systemic clonidine administration and also demonstrate the value of an
enriched enrollment technique in analgesic trials.
Efficacy and tolerability of TD clonidine in inner-city African-American and
Hispanic-American patients with essential hypertension was evaluated in multiple
community-based primary care centers in a 12-week trial (259). Patients with dia-
stolic BP higher than 90 mmHg were given TD clonidine (0.1 or 0.2 mg daily). The
drug was titrated after 1 month if diastolic BP exceeded 90 mmHg. At 12 weeks,
change in blood pressure, adverse effects, and patient satisfaction were assessed.
Transdermal clonidine significantly lowered BP by 15.7/12.8 ⫾ 18.1/9.6 mmHg, and
heart rate by 3 ⫾ 9 beats per minute. There were no differences in BP reduction
according to race, ethnicity, gender, or age. Most common adverse effects were
pruritus or discomfort at the patch site, dizziness, dry mouth, and fatigue (11%
discontinued owing to adverse effects). Sixty-seven percent of patients reported that
TD clonidine was more convenient than oral therapy.
H. Miscellaneous
Intraocular pressure (IOP)-lowering effects of a TD system containing pilocarpine
that was designed to avoid common side effects in glaucoma treatment with con-
ventional eye drops were reported (260). Two patches, each containing 30 mg of
384 Walters and Brain
erated and improvements favoring the selegiline group were suggested on single tests
of verbal memory and motor–psychomotor performance.
TD patches of diltiazem hydrochloride were formulated using ethyl cellulose
and polyvinylpyrrolidone. Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic performance of
diltiazem hydrochloride after TD administration was compared with that of oral
administration in male New Zealand albino rabbits (266). Pharmacokinetic param-
eters were significantly different between transdermal and oral administration. Ter-
minal elimination half-life of TD-delivered diltiazem was similar to that of oral
administration. Skin irritation studies indicated no recognizable changes after patch
removal. It was concluded that relative bioavailability of diltiazem hydrochloride and
therapeutic activity were fivefold higher after TD than after oral administration.
Transdermal histamine has been successfully used for amelioration of symptoms of
both relapsing–remitting and progressive multiple sclerosis (267). Of the 55 patients
using TD histamine cream 67% had improvements in one or more areas (extremity
strength, balance, bladder control, fatigue, activities of daily living, and cognitive
functioning) sustained for up to 3 months, and 33% had improvements in three or
more areas.
The occlusive properties of a range of hydrocolloid patches on the penetration
of triamcinolone acetonide, and hydration, were assessed in vivo using visual as-
sessment (268). There was a significant difference in rates of hydration of patches
containing either NaCMC 39%, or pectin 39%, although changes in hydrocolloid
composition did not significantly alter the blanching response.
The feasibility of use of water-activated, pH-controlled silicone reservoir de-
vices for TD administration was investigated using timolol maleate (269). Two ti-
molol patches were applied to the arm of 12 volunteers for 81 h and absorption
compared with that from an oral tablet formulation (Blocanol). In vivo plasma levels
were also compared with those predicted by kinetic simulations. Both steady-state
timolol concentrations in plasma and duration could be controlled with water-acti-
vated, pH-controlled patches, although considerable, interindividual variability in TD
absorption occurred owing to the high fractional skin control in timolol delivery.
Timolol patches were well tolerated, skin irritation was mild, and after removal of
the patches, skin changes were practically reversed in 24 h. Preclinical tests were
also reported (270) including release of timolol from patches and timolol permeation
across human cadaver skin.
Systemic effects, local tolerance, and effectiveness on the penis of topical gel
formulations containing alprostadil (prostaglandin E1) plus 5% of the penetration
enhancer SEPA versus SEPA alone (placebo) were evaluated in men with erectile
dysfunction (271). Application of prostaglandin E1 gel correlated positively with
erectile response (67–75% of patients had an erection compared with 17% of
A soft, stretchy adhesive patch (10 ⫻ 14 cm) containing 5% lidocaine (700
mg) has been used for topical treatment of pain associated with postherpetic neuralgia
(272). Systemic absorption was reported as minimal in healthy subjects and patients
with postherpetic neuralgia (3% of dose). In clinical trials (12 h–24 days), treatment
resulted in a significant reduction in pain intensity and increased pain relief compared
with vehicle patch.
Transdermal drug delivery systems are increasingly popular, yet few data exist
on emergency medical outcomes after exposures. A retrospective study (273) using
386 Walters and Brain
In this chapter we have described some of the considerations that are important in
the design and development of pharmaceutical products intended for application to
the skin. In addition, we have described some recent clinical observations of trans-
dermal therapeutic systems. Space limitations dictated that we could not provide an
exhaustive review of all factors, and the reader will appreciate that preformulation,
scale-up, and safety are not covered. However, these aspects are fully covered either
elsewhere in this volume or in some of the recent excellent and fully recommended
texts (7,8,83). We have attempted to share our knowledge of the formulation types
that are applied to the skin, together with their properties, problems, and clinical
usefulness. We hope that our comments will provide the novice formulator with some
insights borne of experience, and the experienced formulator with some novel in-
sights in the field of dermatological and transdermal products development and
their use.
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Bioavailability and Bioequivalence of
Dermatological Formulations
Kantonsspital Basel, Basel, Switzerland
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare, Weybridge, Kent, England
Official guidelines and current textbooks define bioavailability as the rate and extent
to which the active ingredient or therapeutic moiety is absorbed from the drug prod-
uct and becomes available at the site of action. From this, bioequivalence is defined
as the absence of a significant difference in bioavailability between pharmaceutical
equivalents or pharmaceutical alternatives, the latter being dosage forms in which
the chemical form, dosage form type, or strength of the therapeutic moiety, differ.
The absolute bioavailability is defined as the extent (here, the rate is usually
considered unimportant) to which the active ingredient or therapeutic moiety be-
comes available in the organism from a dosage form in comparison with an intra-
venously administered standard form, which is taken to be 100% bioavailable. The
relative bioavailability is defined as the rate and extent to which the active ingredient
or therapeutic moiety becomes available in the organism from a dosage form, com-
pared with a standard form administered by the same route.
After the early description of the physiological availability of vitamins in 1945
(1), erratic reports in the early 1960s (2–5) provided the first indications of the
potential for bioavailability and bioequivalence problems with multisource drug
products. Variations in absorption of active ingredients from different formulations
were soon recognized as a potential health hazard when episodes of drug toxicity
were reported following changes to the excipients in the pharmaceutical delivery
402 Surber and Davis
but still somewhat remote from, the application site, and (c) the systemic circulation.
The objective of the latter is to mediate pharmacological changes at a site totally
removed from the application site. The following comprehensive definitions of the
different modes of delivery to the skin have been proposed by Flynn and Weiner
1. Topical Delivery
Topical delivery can be defined as the application of a drug-containing formulation
to the skin to directly treat cutaneous disorders (e.g., acne) or the cutaneous mani-
festations of a general disease (e.g., psoriasis), with the intent of confining the phar-
macological or other effect of the drug to the surface of the skin or within the skin.
Although systemic absorption may be unavoidable, it is always unwelcome. Semi-
solid formulations, in all their diversity, dominate the systems for topical delivery,
but foams, sprays, medicated powders, solution, and even medicated adhesive sys-
tems are in use.
2. Regional Delivery
Regional delivery, in contrast, involves the application of a drug to the skin for the
purpose of treating diseases or alleviating disease symptoms in deep tissues beneath
the application. Here, the intent is to effect or accent pharmacological actions of the
drug within musculature, vasculature, joints, and other, beneath and around the site
of application. A selectivity of action over that achieved by systemic administration
is sought. Regional activity requires percutaneous absorption and deposition, one is
depending on backleakage of drug from the venous drainage of the application site.
At best, backdiffusion would be an inefficient process; consequently, substantial sys-
temic uptake, although unwelcome, is unavoidable. Nevertheless, regional concen-
trations are thought to be higher than can be achieved by systemic administration at
the same total body exposure to the drug. The focusing of drugs into tissues in this
manner has been difficult to prove unequivocally, and thus considerable scepticism
exists concerning the validity of regional therapy. Regional delivery is accomplished
with traditional ointments and creams as well as large adhesive patches, plasters,
poultices and cataplasms.
3. Transdermal Delivery
Transdermal delivery involves the application of a drug to the skin to treat systemic
disease and is aimed at achieving systemically active levels of the drug. Although
such traditional dosage forms as ointments can be employed in this kind of therapy
(e.g., nitroglycerin ointments), adhesive systems of precisely defined size are the
rule. Here, percutaneous absorption with appreciable systemic drug accumulation is
absolutely essential. Ideally, there would be no local accumulation of drug, but such
accumulation is unavoidable. The drug is forced through the relatively small diffu-
sional window defined by the contact area of the patch. Consequently, high and
potentially irritating or sensitizing concentrations of a drug in the viable tissues
underlying the patch are preordained by the nature of the delivery process.
404 Surber and Davis
in the dosage scheme recommended for the indications claimed, and they should
compare frequency and severity of side effects with a standard treatment or with a
comparably approved drug product.
D. Statistical Considerations
The standard experimental design for bioequivalence comparisons between two oral
drugs is a crossover design that permits comparisons with far greater precision than
a parallel group study with the same number of subjects, or equally precise com-
parisons using fewer subjects.
For topical drug formulations, an experimental design that corresponds to a
crossover is a bilateral-paired comparison, in which both formulations are tested in
the same subject at the same time, on contralateral body sites. With simultaneous
testing of topical preparations, it is possible to test more than two sites on the same
volunteer or patient at the same time. By doing so, it is also possible to test more
than two formulations simultaneously. Alternatively, the formulations being studied
could each be applied at multiple sites on the same subject. This within-subject
replication would further reduce statistical error, with the consequence of greater
precision of results or a reduced sample size requirement. Advantages of the bilateral-
paired comparison design relative to crossover designs for oral products may be
partly offset by the apparently greater variability in absorption of topical drugs in
comparison with oral drugs, (19). A bioequivalence study of topical agents, therefore,
may require a larger sample size than a study of oral agents, with their less variable
When bioequivalence studies are performed for oral drug formulations, there
is an explicit attempt to select healthy volunteers within a narrow age range to
minimize interindividual variability to focus on variation between formulations. The
issue of whether observations in such a group can be generalized to patients in whom
the drug might be used has not been fully resolved. Similarly, for topical prepara-
tions, it is not clear whether the results of tests carried out on healthy skin can be
generalized to patients with diseased skin. This issue of the interaction between the
formulations and the absorption site has received little study (24).
In conducting statistical tests of bioequivalence, it was the practice, until the
early 1980s, to analyze the results using a standard statistical method, such as a t-
test or analysis of variance (ANOVA). These methods are designed to test the alter-
native hypothesis of a difference between the agents against the null hypothesis of
no difference. These methods are not applicable to bioequivalence studies and do
not validly test equivalence (25–27); they do not address the study hypothesis that
such studies should address, which is that two formulations are bioequivalent. Hauck
and Anderson (26) reasoned as follows: The test for formulations in the analysis of
variance is specifically a test of the null hypothesis that the average bioavailabilities
are equal, against the alternative that they differ. If the study is sufficiently sensitive,
it is possible to detect significant differences of little clinical meaning. Alternatively,
if the study is sufficiently insensitive, large differences will not be detected; the
evidence will not be sufficiently strong to accept the alternative hypothesis. They
believed that when one has a hypothesis to demonstrate, in this case the hypothesis
of bioequivalence, the logic of hypothesis testing requires that the hypothesis be
demonstrated to be the alternative hypothesis. They proposed a new decision rule,
408 Surber and Davis
starting by interchanging the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis in con-
nection with preset lower and upper bioequivalence limits, 1 and 2 , respectively.
For the multiplicative model, with 0 < 1 < 1 < 2 , the hypotheses are as follows:
Figure 1 Classification of in vitro models for the evaluation of topical formulations. (Ex-
panded from Ref. 33.)
1. Drug-Release Models
A simple, reliable, reproducible, relevant, and generally accepted in vitro method to
assess release of drug from topical dermatological products would be highly valuable
for the same reasons that such methods have proved valuable in the development
and batch-to-batch quality control of solid oral dosage forms. For this reason, the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Division of Bioequivalence in the Office of
Generic Drugs, and the Division of Anti-Infective Drug Products in the Office of
Drug Evaluation II, recommends in an Interim Guidance (34) the development of in
vitro release methods for topical dermatological products to accompany in vivo phar-
macodynamic and pharmacokinetic data. This guidance (July 1, 1992, final guidance
June, 1995) provides detailed recommendations to pharmaceutical sponsors on meth-
ods to document bioequivalence of topical corticosteroids.
The two major categories of topical products, transdermal patches and der-
matological (topical) products, pose different issues for the development of an in
vitro release method.
a. Drug-Release Methods for Transdermal Patches. At present, the United
States Pharmacopeia (USP ) has identified three different apparatus–procedures for
410 Surber and Davis
determining the release rate of transdermal patches (35). These procedures are com-
plex and not universally applicable to the different types of patches presently on the
market. Therefore, they have developed a simple method that can be employed to
determine in vitro release profiles of all marketed transdermal patches. The method
employs a watchglass–patch–Teflon mesh sandwich assembly and the paddle
method (USP apparatus 2) to determine the release rate of the product, as a quality
control procedure to assure batch-to-batch uniformity. The method is applicable to
all brands, shapes, and strengths of nitroglycerin patches (36) and gives a release
profile that is comparable with that obtained with other more complicated and cum-
bersome compendial methods (37). The watchglass–patch–Teflon sandwich method
has also been applicable to the release test method for scopolamine, clonidine, and
estradiol patches. It also yields release data comparable with those obtained from
other methods (38).
b. Drug-Release Methods for Semisolid Formulations. Among the first ex-
periments performed on the release of drugs from ointments were those developed
by Reddish (39) and Christoff (40). The Reddish procedure involved the measure-
ment of the antiseptic properties of ointments containing various drugs. The exper-
iments were performed by applying ointment to agar that had been inoculated with
Staphylococcus aureus. After incubation, the agar plates were assessed to determine
the presence of a zone of inhibition. Thus, a crude measure of the ointment’s ability
to liberate a drug was achieved. A variation of this method was introduced (41) in
which the minimum time required for an ointment to cause inhibition of bacterial
growth was used as an index of ointment efficacy.
Two procedures, one in which the drug product is placed in direct contact with
the receptor phase (42–45), and the other in which the drug product and the receptor
medium are separated by a membrane (46–52), have been used. In the first case, the
possibility of product mixing and sloughing into the receptor media exists, making
the release rate determination difficult.
Recently, researchers at the FDA have developed a simple method to determine
the release of corticosteroids from cream, ointment, and lotion preparations. The
method uses a commercially available static diffusion cell system and a synthetic
cellulose acetate membrane. The use of a commercially available synthetic membrane
obviates the problems associated with the preparation and variability of skin mem-
branes. In a recent study (32), hydrocortisone cream was placed in the donor chamber
on the synthetic membrane and the aqueous buffer was used as the receptor medium.
The release profile of hydrocortisone was determined over a 6-h interval and plotted
as the amount released versus t 1/2. Hydrocortisone from different batches of the same
manufacturer showed similar release rates, but these differed from those of hydro-
cortisone from another manufacturer (53). When the procedure was used with creams
containing sparingly soluble corticosteroids, use of a hydroalcoholic medium as a
receptor phase was essential to increase the drug solubility to maintain sink condi-
tions. Betamethasone valerate cream from two manufacturers showed significantly
different release rate profiles under such experimental conditions (54). When em-
ploying a hydroalcoholic medium as a receptor phase, there is a question of back-
diffusion of alcoholic medium through the synthetic membrane and alteration of the
integrity of the cream preparation. With betamethasone valerate cream, for which
ethanol–water (6:4) was used as the receptor phase, mere traces of alcohol were
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence 411
detected in the cream (donor chamber) at the end of a 6-h study. Microscopic ex-
amination of the cream before, and after, the in vitro release experiment showed no
differences (55). Thus, the concentration of ethanol had a negligible effect on cream
integrity (test criteria not presented!). Hydrocortisone ointment showed a much
slower rate of release when compared with the cream (32).
c. Conclusion. The objective in development of drug-release models is to
minimize the effect of the membrane on in vitro release. Systems without mem-
branes, which are feasible only if the polarity of the vehicle and the receptor fluid
are very different, are not widely used. Today, systems with membranes are more
common. The membranes used may vary from relatively wide-mesh mechanical
supports (56), to microporous membranes (57). Corbo et al. (57) and Shah et al.
(32,53–55) provide some excellent examples of the development and validation of
these methods. Guy and Hadgraft (58) have argued the case for flexibility in the
design of these models, especially in the composition of the receptor phase, to allow
the test to be optimized for drugs of different physicochemistry, especially aqueous
solubility. Most methods use the static diffusion cell system (Franz-type cell). This
cell has been automated for ease of use and to improve reproducibility (32,59). Very
recently the ‘‘Enhancer Cell,’’ a modification of the USP tablet-dissolution apparatus,
has been evaluated for in vitro release testing of topical products (60).
The importance of measuring the in vitro release rates of drugs from topical
preparations and the usefulness of drug release data is further discussed elsewhere
2. Drug Absorption Models
Drug absorption models are useful in the design and development of formulations.
Some of these methods are described in more detail in Chapter 5.
a. Synthetic (Artificial) Membrane Models. Synthetic membrane models do
not measure rates of transport equivalent to human skin, nor do they predict the
interaction of vehicle components to modify skin permeability (e.g., effects of chem-
ical enhancers). Silastic (polydimethylsiloxane; silicon rubber) has been widely used
as a hydrophobic membrane to model diffusion relevant to transport across human
skin. For example, Flynn and Smith (65) found a linear relation between the per-
centage saturation, thus, thermodynamic activity, of p-aminoacetophenone and its
steady-state transport across Silastic. Also, Tanaka et al. (66) measured the transport
of hydrocortisone butyrate propionate from various vehicles under open conditions.
Transport was directly related to drug solubility; hence, the thermodynamic activity,
in the vehicle. Because Silastic models may show the t 1/2 plots, validation of the in
vitro model is required to ensure that transport is rate-controlled by thermodynamic
activity only. Davis and Hadgraft (67) have described the development and validation
of such a method for use in design of supersaturated solutions of hydrocortisone
acetate. Hadgraft and Ridout (68) developed novel artificial lipid membranes to
mimic the stratum corneum barrier. However, transport rates are approximately 100
times less than across stratum corneum. Other systems, which may be suitable only
for use in the design of formulations to optimize thermodynamic activity, include
transport across cell-cultured epidermal membranes (69,70). However, these systems
may, more readily than Silastic, also respond to effects of vehicle components on
the barrier, which may complicate interpretation of the results.
412 Surber and Davis
b. Skin Membrane Models. Skin membrane models, both human and animal
skin, are widely used in the development of topical dermatological formulations. The
consensus of the FDA/AAPS-sponsored Workshop on Principles and Practices of In
Vitro Percutaneous Penetration Studies (30) was that human skin is the preferred
membrane, although the value of studies on animal skin in the formulation devel-
opment stage was recognized. Human skin is notorious for its high level of barrier
variability (71).
3. In Vitro–In Vivo Correlations
Several authors have described the correlation of in vitro release or drug absorption
studies with pharmacological effects, such as the onset time of nicotinate erythema
(72–75) and vasoconstriction of corticosteroids (54,66,76,77). Furthermore, the per-
meability of artificial membranes was also correlated with pharmacokinetic param-
eters, such as the maximum plasma concentration and the amount of drug excreted
in urine for salicylic acid (47), indomethacin (78), and nitroglycerin (79).
In vitro release will be influenced by several factors, including bulk viscosity
and microviscosity of the vehicle, polarity of the vehicle relative to the receptor
phase, hydrodynamic pressure and, also, the thermodynamic activity of the drug in
the vehicle. Of these factors only the latter affects permeation in vivo. Thus, and
considering only simple vehicles without enhancers, in vitro-release studies have the
potential only to predict in vivo permeation when thermodynamic activity dominates
the release process. Figure 2 gives an example in which release rates correlate with
the amount of drug that penetrated into the stratum corneum and to a pharmacolog-
ical response (vasoconstriction) (77).
Also, as shown in Figure 3, Shah et al. (54) found a similar correlation with
betamethasone valerate creams. However, no correlation was found in an earlier
cently presented the first mathematical approaches that may help explain some of
the foregoing observations.
The tape-stripping technique has also been used to analyze biological activity,
thus taking into account binding, decomposition, and metabolism of a given drug
(82,114–119). Pershing and co-workers (120–123) simultaneously compared a skin-
blanching bioassay with drug content in human stratum corneum following topical
application of commercial 0.05% betamethasone dipropionate formulations (phar-
maceutical complex vehicles). The rank order of the betamethasone dipropionate
formulation potency is similar between the visual skin-blanching assay, the tape-
stripping, and the ‘‘a scale’’ on the chromameter. The rank correlation between tape-
stripping method and the skin-blanching response was moderate to good.
Owing to a series of still unanswered questions and the potential of the tape-
stripping technique a variety of parameters, such as the properties of adhesive tapes,
vehicle effects on the harvesting of stratum corneum, and tape application and re-
moval procedures, are currently under systematic investigation (120,124–126). Re-
cently a Draft Guidance for Industry Document has been published by the FDA
(126a). This guidance, available on the World Wide Web (FDA, CDER) has caused
a heated debate (126b).
b. Skin Biopsy. The most invasive—but still practicable—method to access
skin compartments is the excision of skin tissue. In contrast to the other methods
described, the punch and the shave biopsies allow a direct ingression into the com-
partment of interest. After removal (optional) of the stratum corneum from skin with
an appropriate technique (tape-stripping, glue) the punch biopsy will represent parts
of subcutaneous tissues, dermis, and epidermis, and the shave biopsy will represent
mainly epidermis and some dermis. Parts of the stratum corneum may remain on
the epidermis, depending on the method used for stratum corneum removal. Sub-
cutaneous tissue can mechanically be divided from the dermis, and dermis can be
separated from the epidermis by heat (127). Human skin samples larger than 100
mg are difficult to obtain, and the usual amount that can be harvested is less than
50 mg.
Surber and Laugier (128,129) compared the acitretin concentration (synthetic
retinoid) in human skin after oral and topical dosing using three different skin-
sampling techniques: punch biopsy, shave biopsy, and suction blister. All three skin-
sampling techniques have been used by various investigators to quantitate drugs and
xenobiotics in the skin. Each technique gives access to distinctive skin compartments
(Fig. 4).
Despite that therapeutic acitretin concentrations were found after topical and
oral treatment, no beneficial effects in psoriasis, or other disorders of keratinization,
are observed following topical administration of this drug. Similar observations have
been made with methotrexate and cyclosporine (130,131). One may postulate that
drug concentration at a particular site within the skin following both routes of ad-
ministration could be different owing to the direction of the drug concentration gra-
dient. This hypothesis has also been postulated and illustrated by Parry et al. (118),
comparing the clinical efficacy of topical and oral acyclovir. Model predictions and
in vivo data agree that the topical administration of acyclovir results in a much
greater total epidermal acyclovir concentration than after oral administration. How-
ever, mathematical modeling of the acyclovir concentration gradient through the
416 Surber and Davis
Figure 4 Schematic diagram of intact skin (left) and the skin specimens taken using three
sampling techniques: BS, blister skin; BF, blister fluid.
epidermis revealed that the drug concentration at the target site of the herpes simplex
infection, the basal epidermis, was two to three times less after topical administration
than after oral administration. Furthermore, one may postulate that drug metabolism
could be different, depending on the route of administration. Data supporting this
hypothesis are still incomplete.
Despite skilled experimenters, sophisticated sampling techniques, and instru-
mentation, the information gained from tissue sampling is probably only an estimate
of the chemical distribution within the skin. Because of possible interlaminate drug
contamination, accurate and specific information on drug localization within a par-
ticular skin compartment following both routes of administration is not obtained by
these methods. The following two techniques have been used to obtain skin sections,
parallel to the outer skin surface to a depth of about 300–600 m.
Semiautomated skin-sectioning technique. With this approach the skin tissue
from a punch biopsy is placed on a cryomicrotome table and 10- to 40-m sections
are cut parallel to the skin surface. This technique is excellently summarized in the
form of a standard operating procedure (SOP) (132,133). When the cylinder-shaped
punch biopsy is placed, dermis-side down, on a microtome chuck maintained at
⫺17⬚C it is essential that the stratum corneum surface is parallel to the cutting plane.
This can be accomplished when several metal rings of a total thickness slightly
greater than that of the skin sample are placed around the tissue, and the rings are
filled with embedding medium. Subsequently, a flat, precooled surface (glass slide)
is pressed against the stratum corneum, resulting in a flat outer surface. The whole
assembly is then frozen in approximately 10 s and can be stored. The technique,
however, does not take into account the dermal papillae, and a clear separation of
histologically distinct compartments is not possible. The method has predominately
been used to characterize the pharmacokinetic and metabolic behavior of topically
applied drugs (15,104).
With excised human skin and tissue grafted to athymic mice, the in vitro and
in vivo concentration profiles of salicylic acid and salicylate esters were obtained for
the outer several hundred microns of the skin (15). The results show significant
differences in the extent of enzymatic cleavage and distribution of metabolites be-
tween in vitro and in vivo studies. The data also suggest that in vitro results may
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence 417
Figure 6 Manual sectioning technique of skin biopsies (see text for details). (From Ref.
excretion was 72.7 ⫾ 5.8%. This was similar to the 77.2 ⫾ 6.7% estimated from
the plasma total radioactivity AUC. The estimates from urinary 14C and plasma 14C
were in agreement. The absolute bioavailablity estimated from the plasma’s un-
changed nitroglycerin AUCs was 56.6 ⫾ 2.5%. The difference in estimate between
that of the absolute bioavailability (56.6%) and that of 14C (72.7–77.2%) is the
percentage of compound metabolized in the skin during absorption. For nitroglycerin
this is approximately 20% (137).
Nitroglycerin is an example of a drug with a high absolute bioavailability.
However, most topically applied drugs have low absolute bioavailability. These data
demonstrate absolute bioavailability of topical steroids and retinoids ranging from 1
to 4% (91,103,111,138–142). Although not reviewed here, other series of com-
pounds, including azole antifungals, antivirals, and vitamin D3 derivatives also have
absolute topical bioavailabilities in this same range. Where bioavailability is low
there is potential for increased absorption owing to biological or pharmaceutical
reasons (see Sec. IV).
2. Dynamic Models
a. Quantification of Skin Color Changes. Skin color is predominantly deter-
mined by pigments such as hemoglobin, melanin, bilirubin, and carotene. Those
skin–color-determining components can be altered significantly by radiation (UV or
infrared light) and several substances (drugs or irritants). The quantification of ex-
perimentally induced color changes is a widely used method in dermatological and
cosmetic research, for the magnitude of the color response can be used as an indicator
of skin properties (integrity of the skin barrier or sensitivity), drug properties (con-
centration and bioavailability), vehicle properties (formulation and enhancer), pro-
tection properties (sun screen, and such) (143,144).
Until recently, assessment of skin color was performed by visual grading, based
on semiquantitative scales. Visual grading, however, needs a panel of trained exper-
420 Surber and Davis
imenters. Thus, only a limited number of research centers were able to generate
reproducible data. Despite that the human eye is highly sensitive in the discrimination
between colors close to each other, it has also been postulated that the human brain
is unable to memorize colors. As a consequence, the human eye is inadequate to
make comparisons at different times or at distant sites. To improve color readings,
standardized methods have been developed to express color in a more scientific way.
In tristimulus reflectance colorimetry, the reflected spectrum is analyzed at three
selected wavelengths, simulating the human color perception system. The three mea-
sured values can be converted to different color-indexing systems (Yxy system, Mun-
sell system, and the L* a* b* system) (145). Skin color measurements based on the
L* a* b* system proposed by the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE)
has become an accepted color-indexing system (144–146). Color is expressed in a
three-dimensional coordinate system: L* represents brightness (varying between
white and black), a* represents hue and color on the green–red axis, while b* rep-
resents hue and color along the blue–yellow axis. Today the Minolta Chromameter
(Minolta Camera Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan) is the most widely used instrument.
Erythema and tanning of the skin after photoprovocation with UVB were as-
sessed using the L* and a* parameters (146). Seitz et al. (147) used the a* parameter
to quantify the erythema, whereas the b* parameter was used for quantification of
the tanning. A positive relation between the a* color parameter and the perfusion of
the skin microcirculation in the quantification of the methyl nicotinate-induced ery-
thema was also detected (148). Wilhelm and Surber (149) challenged the skin with
different sodium lauryl sulfate concentrations. The irritation was evaluated with re-
flectance colorimetry, transepidermal water loss measurement, laser Doppler flow
measurement, and visual scores. All evaluation methods detected a significant sodium
lauryl sulfate dose dependency (dose–response). Moreover, a strong positive corre-
lation was detected between the different evaluation techniques. A similar positive
correlation was detected between transepidermal water loss measurements and the
a* parameter in the evaluation of surfactant-induced stratum corneum irritation
(150,151). Quantifing the erythema by means of skin color measurements (a* param-
eter) seems to be the most realiable method (152–154). Other approaches (e.g., laser
Doppler or transepidermal water loss) produce results with greater variability than
does the chromameter. The simultaneous use of these approaches is justified because
information from a different depth of the skin is collected.
Use of tristimulus color analysis for the quantification of skin color changes
induced by topical cortiosteroid prepartions has stimulated new research in bio-
screening for measuring topical corticosteroids potency (154a–c). For further infor-
mation see Guidance; Topical Dermatological Corticosteroids: In Vivo Bioequiva-
lence (21).
b. Skin Blood Flow (Laser Doppler Velocimetry). Laser Doppler velocimetry
(LDV) is a noninvasive, optical procedure allowing continuous, real-time monitoring
of skin blood flow. The measurement principle of the laser Doppler instrument is
based on the Doppler shift when reflected from moving particles. A low-energy
monochromatic laser beam (633 or 780 nm) is guided to the skin. The light illu-
minates a hemisphere with a diameter of 1 mm. The light is reflected by static
structures (not Doppler-shifted) and by moving red blood cells (Doppler-shifted).
The magnitude and frequency distribution of the backscattered light is related to the
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence 421
number and the velocity of the red blood cells moving in the illuminated volume
(flux). The flux is measured in relative and dimensionless arbitrary units. The small
size of the illuminated volume causes a moderate-to-low reproducibility when the
probe has to be repositioned because of inhomogeneities in the microvascular ar-
chitecture. To decrease the spatial variability, the probe can be positioned above the
skin surface to increase the evaluated area and volume. Recently, the laser Doppler
technique has been considerably improved. Instead of a single-point measurement (a
major drawback of conventional laser Doppler flowmetry), readings are made with
either integrating probes, which use the signals from various adjacent measuring
volumes, or they are carried out over a scanned skin surface (up to 5 ⫻ 7 cm) to
build up a laser Doppler image (155–157). The new scanning laser Doppler tech-
nique is very useful in patch testing and psoriasis studies, because both the degree
and the area of increased blood flow can be determined.
The laser Doppler technique is particularly suitable for the assessment of local
pharmacodynamic changes induced by topical administration of vasoactive chemi-
cals. The technique has been extensively used to examine the vasoresponse in hu-
mans to topically applied esters of nicotinic acid (which are potent, local vasodila-
tors). Furthermore, these experiments have been analyzed to provide (a) insights to
percutaneous absorption process itself and (b) an understanding of the the effect of
formulation on the topical bioavailability of an applied drug (Fig. 7) (158–161).
c. Rhino Mouse Model. Adult rhino mice are hairless mutants that carry the
rhino gene, a recessive allele of the hairless gene (hrrh/hrrh). At birth, rhino mice are
indistinguishable from their nonmutant littermates. Shortly afterward, and before the
end of their first hair growth cycle, a defect in catagen results in irreversible hair
loss. The pilary canals widen, accumulate keratin, and undergo a transformation into
Figure 8 Effect of treatment with topical commercial preparations of retinoic acid: number
of (a) epidermal comedones; (b) comedo profile; and (c) epidermal thickness were measured
by image analysis methods (165). Animals were treated with (1) placebo, (2) Aberel gel,
0.025%; (3) Aberel cream, 0.05%; (4) Aberel lotion, 0.03%; (5) Retin A cream, 0.05%; and
(6) Retacnyl cream 0.025%. 100% control values were 69 ⫾ 1 epidermal comedones per
centimeter length of stratum corneum, comedo profile 0.6 ⫾ 0.02; epidermal thickness 21.0
⫾ 0.6 m.
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence 423
of the comedo. The surface of epidermis from an intercomedo area, the length of
the corresponding basal layer, and the number of epidermal comedones are further
parameters. These factors can be used for statistical analysis.
Commercially available topical preparations of retinoic acid, used clinically in
the treatment of acne, presented similar comedolytic activities (number of epidermal
comedones and comedo profile). The only significant differences observed among
the Aberel formulations, Retin A, and Retacnyl were related to the degree of epi-
dermal thickening. From the foregoing data, it would appear that comedolytic and
epidermal thickening activities of retinoic acid can be dissociated by formulation
changes. In consequence, differences in retinoic acid-induced skin irritation in for-
mulations such as Retin A and Retacnyl may be anticipated.
Possible systemic effects of the treatment were not discussed. Repeated appli-
cation (3 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 50 L) of formulation to the body surface of the rhino mouse of
30–40% may produce systemic drug levels. Inadequate housing and animal behavior
may result in ingestion of formulations.
d. UVA-Induced Neutrophil Infiltration. A variety of human and animal
models have been developed for assessing the anti-inflammatory activity of topical
corticosteroids. Vasoconstriction is a rapid and popular screening technique, although
skin sites can vary in sensitivity to the assay (166). Human studies are troublesome
for both technical and ethical reasons: individual responses are highly variable, and
the tests are burdensome.
Based on an observation by Gilchrest et al. (167) that 50 J/cm2 of long-UV–
radiation (UVA) to human skin resulted in a modest infiltrate of neutrophils Wood-
bury et al. (168) and Kligman (169) irradiated hairless albino mouse skin with a
single large dose (195 J/cm2) of UVA. This produced a massive influx of neutrophils
into the dermis. This dramatic and quantifiable event formed the basis of a new
model for assaying topical corticosteroids.
Fifteen name brand corticosteroids (100 L each) were evenly applied to dorsal
trunk skin immediately postirradiation and again 12 h later. Biopsies were taken at
24 h after irradiation when the density of neutrophils was at peak. The number of
neutrophils in the dermis was counted in ten fields per specimen (blinded) (Fig. 9)
(168). Further refinement and validation of the test (169) confirmed the initial study.
The data from this model are very promising and further investigation on sen-
sitivity and the influence of dosing regimens are necessary to prove the validity of
the assay.
In the following section some background into approaches that have been suggested
to evaluate bioavailability or bioequivalence for topical products for the skin are
1. Grading of Disease States
Diseases that can be assessed and graded by objective means are rare in medicine.
Thus, the definition of numerical severity indices to grade a disease is helpful and
permits one to follow the course of a disease and to assess a particular treatment or
treatment modality of the disease. Particularly in dermatology, scores and severity
scales are widely used to grade a disease and to follow its course. A crucial part of
any assessment is the choice of what is to be measured to assess each patient’s
The most primitive form of measurement is the grouping of individual obser-
vations into qualitative classes. Such a nominal scale is used in all studies in which
the patient’s response is classified as ‘‘success’’ or ‘‘failure.’’
If the measurement classes can be arranged in order of magnitude (e.g., the
overall grade of acne severity) (170), then one has an ordinal scale. In such a scale
each observation can be placed only on one class and the classes can be arranged
in order. Although ordinal measurements are often expressed as numbers, arithmetical
manipulation may not truly summarize the response measured. That is to say, the
mean score may be a poor way of summarizing responses measured on an improve-
ment-rating scale; the median, a nonparametric measure of location, is usually better.
Quantitative measurements of lesion area, lesion thickness, or other properties,
as determined by bioengineering techniques, duration to clearing, and such, add
greatly to the discriminatory power of a trial, and an attempt should always be made
to use them.
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence 425
Frequently, the rating scales in dermatology are used only by their author, who
assumes that the scale measurement correlates with the responses under investigation.
In some areas of dermatological research important steps have been taken to develop
a consensus on the most meaningful rating scales (e.g., for atopic dermatitis: Con-
sensus Report of the European Task Force on Atopic Dermatitis; 171).
Lesion counts are a well-established method for assessing response in acne. A
potential bioequivalence study design may require a double-blind, 12-week, multi-
center, parallel study, including brand, generic, and vehicle in patients with mild-to-
moderate acne (grade 2–3). The primary endpoint will be lesion counts (inflamma-
tory and noninflammatory) and a global evaluation by the investigator. Patients are
evaluated at baseline and at 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12 weeks. Irritation and sensitization rates
will also be determined (F-D-C Reports. T&G-11, April 2, 1990; Topical antifungal
and acne drug product bioequivalence workshop, Nov. 16, 1989, FDA, Rockville,
MD). In several other studies the area, diameter, or thickness of lesion or the amount
of skin involved, expressed as an ‘‘intensity score’’ or as a percentage of body area,
have been used (172–174). Complicating factors include the need to instruct the
patients thoroughly on the use of the drug; assessment of patient compliance (e.g.,
by periodically weighing the residues in the container); the influence of menstrual
cycle in the course of acne; and the high placebo rate associated with acne treatment.
Published studies using photographic assessment are few, given the obvious
dependence of dermatology on visual skills for assessment. Despite that the accuracy
of photographic reproduction has been found unsatisfactory, presumably because the
many variables are not easily standardized, attempts have been made to find a con-
sensus (175,176).
In 1978 Fredriksson and Pettersson defined a ‘‘Psoriasis Area and Severity
Index’’ (PASI) and successfully assessed clinical efficacy of three different dosing
schedules of etretinate (177). The PASI score is based on severity and area of pso-
riatic lesions and is calculated by grading clinical symptoms (Eq. 1).
head trunk
For calculation of this, the four main body areas were assessed: the head (h),
the trunk (t), the upper extremities (u), and the lower extremities (l), corresponding
to 10, 20, 30, and 40% of the total body area, respectively. The area of psoriatic
involvement of these four main areas (Ah , At , Au , Al ) was given a numerical value:
0 = no involvement; 1 = <10%; 2 = 10–30%; 3 = 30–50%; 4 = 50–70%; 5 = 70–
90%; and 6 = 90–100%. To evaluate the severity of the psoriatic lesions three target
symptoms; namely, erythema (E ), infiltration (I ), and desquamation (D) were as-
sessed according to a scale 0–4, where 0 means a complete lack of cutaneous in-
volvement, and 4 represents the severest possible involvement.
This index was further modified by adding the grading of the clinical symptom
‘‘pustulosis’’ and by reducing the grading scale to 0–3 (178,179). These values can
then be used for calculating a remission index (RI) giving the percentage improve-
ment in the psoriasis at the time TX , compared with the starting time TO (Eq. 2)
426 Surber and Davis
RI(%) = ⫻ 100 (2)
Despite that the PASI is easy to calculate, data collection remains inconvenient.
The main difficulty is the grading of the severity of the clinical symptom and ques-
tions of reproducibility may arise. For example, the grading of the ‘‘erythema’’ de-
pends highly on the grading of a previous observation. A score 2 will become 3 in
the case of an aggravation and will become 1 in case of an improvement. However,
it is impossible to say that a decline from score 3 to 2 depicts the same improvement
as a decline from score 2 to 1. The problem of grading becomes even more complex
when a scoring system is used in a multicenter study. The main problem of scoring
systems in dermatology is the mixture of clincal parameters of very different nature
that are more or less related and that entities of a very different nature are added
and multiplied, therefore, may be questioned. The localization and extent of a lesion
is easily assessed; however, the handicapping nature of the lesion remains in the
dark. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that the scoring system of clinical signs
is supplemented by patient judgments (e.g., pruritus, sleep loss, pain, or other). Per-
centages of change for an individual or a group expressed as numeric values from
clinical-scoring systems, therefore, should be supplemented by patient judgments
and, whenever possible, by additional means (colorimetry, histology, photography,
or other). An excellent example is the study design of Kimbrough–Green et al. (181)
for which the topical vehicle-controlled tretinoin treatment of melasma in black pa-
tients was studied. The melasma area and severity index (MASI) was supplemented
by colorimetric, photographic, and histological means.
Despite the problems inherent in scoring (scoring systems are usually devel-
oped for a particular disease), these systems, when standardized, are valuable in
assessing clinical signs more accurately than simple global evaluation. In some cases
the scoring systems have been used to study the influence of pharmaceutical strat-
egies (vehicle effect) by evaluating the pain-producing or pain-releasing effect [pain
questionnaire (182); pinprick test (183)].
Table 1 Influence of Topical Treatment with Drug and Placebo Formulations on the
Allergic Contact Dermatitis Test Sites in Domestic Pigs
FK 506, 0.4% 72 77 64
FK 506, 0.13% 66 68 51
FK 506, 0.04% 75 51 40
Cyclosporine, 10% 9 8 4
Dexamethasone, 1.2% 31 38 25
Clobetasole, 1.2% 53 87 44
Clobetasole, 0.13% 44 76 37
the vehicles used (solution, emulsions, multilamellar and large unilamellar lipo-
somes) only liposomes prepared by the hydration–rehydration method were effec-
tive. The authors hypothesize that the dehydration and subsequent rehydration of the
liposomes facilitate partitioning of interferon into liposomal bilayers, where the drug
is positioned for transfer into the lipid compartment of the stratum corneum. They
further note that liposomes do not appear to function as permeation enhancers, but
seem to provide the physicochemical environment needed for transfer of interferon
into the skin. This report describes a therapeutic model in which the influence of a
particular preparation technique (dehydration–rehydration) of a topical semisolid for-
mulation was observed.
A novel method based on the measurement of free drug concentration (C*), or
thermodynamic activity of drug at the skin target site, has been developed (193,194)
to assess bioavailability and to predict efficacy for antivirals and other dermatological
formulations. To measure C* following the administration of a topical formulation
entailed, first, establishing a correlation between the steady-state dermal drug flux
and an elicited efficacy. This was accomplished using a novel animal model in which
hairless mice were infected in a small spot at a lumbar skin area with cutaneous
HSV-1 (195,196). This induced, 3-days postinoculation, a narrow band of skin lesion
development along the peripheral neural path toward the spinal cord. Taking advan-
tage of this unique pattern of lesion development, an antiviral agent, such as acy-
clovir, was applied to a laurocapram (Azone)-pretreated skin area, dorsal to the virus
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence 429
inoculation site and in the predicted path of lesion development, to limit the lesion
development. Five days after virus inoculation, the lesion development was scored
for each mouse and two different antiviral efficacy parameters were assessed sepa-
rately: (a) ‘‘topical’’ (local) efficacy, measured the antiviral activity of acyclovir de-
livery topically to the local skin area directly under the drug application site; and
(b) ‘‘systemic’’ efficacy, measured the antiviral activity of acyclovir delivery through
systemic circulation to the target site, presumably the epidermal basal layer (197).
To quantify drug flux, a transdermal delivery system was developed in this animal
model and the amount of acyclovir delivered to each infected animal could be con-
trolled during the time period of drug therapy through a rate-controlling membrane.
The actual (experimental) flux was determined at the end of each in vivo experiment
by carrying out an extraction of the residual acyclovir in the transdermal delivery
system. This extraction assay served to validate the expected (theoretical) flux or,
alternatively, provided the bounds of uncertainty to the drug flux in the particular
experiment. The results clearly showed a quantitative relation between the antiviral
efficacy and the experimental flux of acyclovir obtained from in vivo experiments.
Topical efficacy increased with increasing acyclovir flux in the range of 10–100 g/
cm2 day⫺1. Given the relatively high precision of topical efficacy results, it is believed
that the quantitative nature of this animal model should be valuable in screening of
new antiviral agents for topical treatment of cutaneous herpesvirus infections and
the optimization of topical formulations. Two factors may limit the applicability of
this elegant approach to other classes of dermatological formulations. First, the drug
was delivered from a transdermal delivery system at a constant rate over several
days (with semisolid formulations, formulation application and formulation changes
are difficult to control) and, second, in the foregoing approach, the target for acy-
clovir (cutaneous HSV-1) and the localization of the target (epidermal basal layer)
is known. Unfortunately, the target sites for many dermatological agents are still
b. Fungal Infections. In March 1990, the Division of Anti-infective Drug
Products and the Division of Bioequivalence published a draft guidance for the
performance of a bioequivalence study for topical antifungal products (198). During
the course of developing a new antifungal drug, a minimum of two well-controlled
clinical trials are required to show that the product is superior to the vehicle control.
For a generic product, a single, randomized double-blind, three-way parallel group
study has been proposed, comparing the test drug with the innovator, as well as with
the vehicle used for the generic product. The vehicle control helps eliminate inves-
tigator bias and permits a better measure of the effectiveness of the generic product.
If the reference product is approved for tinea pedis, the patients should have the
disease, as confirmed by clinical examination and mycological testing. If the clinical
efficacy is confirmed, then the generic product may be used for all of the conditions
of use specified for the innovator product. The evaluation is to be conducted 4 weeks
after starting treatment, at the time treatment is discontinued, and 2 weeks later. This
last evaluation is the most important in determining bioequivalence. Assuming the
test and reference products have identical success rates of 50%, it is estimated that
at least 108 evaluable patients will be needed for the test and reference products,
and 60 patients will suffice for the vehicle dose, as it should be easier to show a
difference between active product and vehicle than between active and active prod-
430 Surber and Davis
uct. If the success rate of the test drug is different from the reference drug (but still
within the equivalence region), more patients will be needed.
If the reference drug is approved for tinea pedis, the patients enrolled should
be infected with tinea pedis, proved by clinical examination and positive mycological
testing. Patients may be entered into the study and randomized on the basis of clinical
presentation and a KOH examination. Cultures should be taken, and only those
patients with clinical signs of tinea pedis, a positive KOH, and a recovered derma-
tophyte will be evaluated. Clinical and mycological examination (KOH and culture)
should be performed at the end of a 4-week treatment period and at 2-weeks
The evaluation of therapeutic equivalence will be based on the percentage of
patients in each group who have a clinical cure and a mycological cure. A clinical
cure means that the signs and symptoms of the disease have cleared. Both the KOH
examination and culture must convert to negative to qualify as a mycological cure.
Each of the clinical and mycological outcomes with the reference drug must be
statistically comparable with those of the test drug. In addition, the cure rates for the
test and for the reference drugs must each be statistically superior to that of the
vehicle control for each measure of outcome for the study to be a valid evaluation
of the test product. Although these comparisons should be evaluated at the end of
treatment and at the 2-week follow-up visits, primary weight will be given to the 2-
week follow-up evaluation in determining whether bioequivalence has been
A well-documented example of the foregoing types of studies that are appro-
priate in evaluating new formulations (199) involves bioequivalence studies of a
lotion and a cream formulation of the antifungal drug cyclopirox. During the devel-
opment of the products, in vitro studies were carried out using both human cadaver
and domestic pig skin treated with two formulations (cream vs. lotion). In vivo
studies included an animal model, during which guinea pigs were inoculated dorsally
with Trichophyton (tinea[sic])mentagrophytes and after 3 weeks, the resulting lesions
were treated with the lotion, cream, and the two vehicles. This test was followed by
a human model, where four sites on the forearms of human volunteers were inocu-
lated with T. mentagrophytes. Each site was treated with the lotion, cream, or the
two vehicles. After 15 days of treatment the sites were examined clinically and
mycologically. Finally, a multicenter, double-blind, parallel-group clinical trial was
conducted comparing the lotion with the vehicle in patients with plantar, interdigital,
or vesicular tinea pedis. Assessment was based on criteria that basically furnished
the base of the FDA guidance (see foregoing).
The efficacy of cyclopirox (ciclopirox olamine) lotion 1% was clearly manifest
in patients with interdigital tinea pedis. The plantar form, however, is difficult to
manage and usually requires a longer duration of therapy than was provided in the
c. Bacterial Infections. Topical and systemic antibiotic therapy is common
in dermatology. Apart from considerations on the development of antibiotic resistance
(200) or the development of allergic contact dermatitis (201), it is difficult to find a
rationale for a particular drug administration route in some diseases. In several com-
parative studies on antibiotic therapy of impetigo (Staphylococcus aureus or Strep-
tococcus pyogenes), the superiority of topical or systemic treatment regimens could
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence 431
not be found (202,203). In a rare trial, in which topical or oral tetracycline was
allotted to acne patients at random, Schwanitz et al. (204) found no significant dif-
ferences between the two routes of therapy. Since 1982, when Eady and associates
(205) in an exhaustive review, felt that the question of topical versus oral acne
therapy remains open, no new information can be added to prove the superiority of
topical or systemic antibiotic treatment regimens.
4. Local Anesthesia
Topically induced anesthesia is of great value in clinical practice, particularly in
pediatric patients. The need for the development of an effective topical anesthetic
preparation prompted researchers to try various approaches.
The pharmaceutically unique eutectic mixture of the local anesthetics lidocaine
and prilocaine provides dermal anesthesia–analgesia following topical application.
The term eutectic refers to the phenomenon whereby the melting point of the two
anesthetics is lower after mixing than that of either anesthetic alone. When lidocaine
and prilocaine are mixed at 25⬚C, an oily liquid is formed that can be emulsified in
water (1:1). Thus, eutectic lidocaine–prilocaine cream is an emulsion, with the mix-
ture of local anesthetics as the dispersed phase and water as the continuous phase
(Broberg/Evers, 1981; EU patent no. 0,002,425). Whereas the cationic form of a
local anesthetic is responsible for blocking neurotransmission, it is the uncharged
(base) form that diffuses into the tissues after topical administration. Because skin
penetration is facilitated by the presence of an aqueous solvent, absorption of the
anesthetic mixture is enhanced by the high water content. Unlike other topical local
anesthetics, which are generally limited to use on mucosal membranes, eutectic li-
docaine–prilocaine cream achieves effective dermal anesthesia or analgesia follow-
ing application to intact skin under an occlusive dressing. The principal indications
in which eutectic lidocaine–prilocaine cream have been successfully studied are the
management of pain associated with venipuncture, intravenous cannulation, curettage
of molluscum contagiosum lesions, and split-skin graft harvesting (206).
The standardized pinprick test (183,207) has usually been used to determine
effectiveness of topical anesthetic preparations. Kushala and Zatz (208) successfully
applied a new method to assess the anesthetic activity of various topical lidocaine
formulations. A commercially available electrometric device to determine tooth pulp
vitality can also be used to stimulate the nerves within the skin. The device delivers
low-current electric stimulation in the form of bursts of pulses. Contact of the probe
with the skin initiates a series of low-voltage bursts; successive bursts are of incre-
mentally higher voltage (ⱖ 300 V). The voltage is transposed into arbitrary units
from 0 to 80. The digital instrument reading is proportional to voltage. To apply this
technique to humans, the subjects have to be instructed in the testing technique.
Briefly, under supervision, the subject places the device against the skin of the fore-
arm. The subject removes the probe from contact with the skin when a sensation,
usually described as a mild buzz, is first felt. When the subject is comfortable with
handling the device, the consistency of their response is evaluated. Subjects exhib-
iting inconsistent or nonreproducible results are rejected. This technique may be
considered to be a promising alternative to the conventional pinprick-test (Fig. 11).
The comparison of the mean effect values, determined electrometrically,
yielded one group of inactive formulations (two placebos) and two overlapping
groups of active lidocaine formulations. Statistical analyses indicate that all the li-
432 Surber and Davis
Figure 11 Mean effect for one lidocaine cream, five lidocaine suspension formulations,
and two placebo formulations: C14-T, tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide; SLS, sodium
lauryl sulfate; C18-T, octadecyltrimethylammonium chloride. Bars indicate SEM. (From Ref.
1. Skin Microflora
The skin surface supports a microbial population that has the potential to carry out
biotransformations of topically applied therapeutic agents. At present, there appears
little in vivo evidence to suggest that the microbial transformation of compounds
applied topically for percutaneous absorption have any greater significance than the
metabolic action of the skin itself (211–215).
2. Skin pH
The pH of topical vehicles affects the extent of dissociation of ionizable drug mol-
ecules and, thus, their thermodynamic activity, partitioning, and skin penetration
(216–218). Normal human skin has a surface pH of 4–6. A pH gradient exists within
the skin (83). The influence of the pH of the skin surface or in the skin on penetration
of an ionizable xenobiotic has not been directly studied. The use of pH-sensitive (or
temperature-sensitive) delivery systems (e.g., liposomes) has been suggested and may
also offer new therapeutic approaches in dermatology (219).
4. Temperature
Temperature changes on or in the skin are always accompanied by other physiolog-
ical reactions, such as increased blood flow, or increased moisture content of the
horny layer. These factors themselves can contribute to higher percutaneous absorp-
tion. Furthermore, increase in temperature increases drug solubility in both vehicle
and stratum corneum and increases diffusivity, both of which will lead to a further
increase in percutaneous absorption (225,226). In clinical practice, temperature may
be of minor importance, but in occupational dermatology, temperature may be an
important stimulus (227,228).
5. Blood Flow
The transepidermal resorption process feeding into the cutaneous microcirculation
brings compounds into the underlying tissues or the systemic circulation. Early stud-
ies with thyroxine and steroids (229,230) showed that the cutaneous vasculature
apparently does not function as an infinite sink that transports all topically applied
drugs to the systemic circulation. Part of the drug accumulates in the superficial
dermis and diffuses into deeper parts of the skin (231–233). Under these conditions,
cutaneous blood flow can modify the concentration levels and the accumulation of
substances in the dermis or deeper parts of the skin.
Vasoactive drugs (topical and systemic), or blood flow decrease obtained by
ligation, can modulate the transdermal delivery of drugs (234–240).
434 Surber and Davis
Potency group
Drug Vehicle type (U.S.)
Diprolene Ointment I
Diprolene AF Optimized cream I
Diprosone Ointment II
Diprosone Cream III
Diprosone Lotion V
relevance. Moreover, ointments or heavy creams may occlude the skin and increase
drug penetration. However drug delivery to the skin is controlled by the vehicle
excipients, as these effect partitioning into and diffusion through the stratum cor-
neum, as described later. It remains speculative whether one can assign particular
structural features of a vehicle to a specific effect. Furthermore, it is difficult to
formulate a vehicle with the same ingredients and different structural features (314–
2. Formulation Excipients
The effects of formulation excipients on the rate and extent of drug absorption are
greater with topical drug delivery than with any other route of drug administration.
For example, comparing alternative formulations of the same drug, differences in
extent of penetration of 10- to 50-fold and higher have been reported (317–320). To
put this into perspective, 50–100% (up to onefold) differences in extent of absorption
by the oral route are rare (7–9).
The potential for large differences in the extent of absorption between topical
formulations is due to the complex interactions between the drug, the vehicle, and
the skin, which control partitioning into and diffusion through the stratum corneum
barrier. However, it is the low extent of drug absorption under ‘‘normal’’ conditions,
often in the range of 1–5% of dose applied, that allows the potential of these inter-
actions to be realized as large differences in extent of absorption. Thus, one may
consider the low extent of absorption—low absolute bioavailability—as being a
significant factor leading to the potential for topical bioinequivalence and therapeutic
inequivalence. The case for the use of rational dosing—reduced drug concentration
in topical formulations—is developed in this chapter.
Literature describing the effect of formulation on the rate and extent of per-
cutaneous absorption is enormous. Here, we will only try to explain, on the basis of
a simple physical model, how formulation may influence the various parameters that
control the percutaneous absorption process and, thereby, affect bioavailability, bio-
equivalence, therapeutic equivalence, and potentially result in bioinequivalence and
therapeutic inequivalence. For this latter point, which will be reviewed in more detail
in Sec. IV, we will need to consider how formulations that have been declared as
bioequivalent (i.e., in a volunteer study), may interact differently in the true clinical
setting, for which variation in skin conditions, particularly anatomical site, and in
dosage requirements of individual patients may exist.
438 Surber and Davis
440 Surber and Davis
gether with an extracellular lipid mortar. Most agents are believed to permeate the
stratum corneum by the extracellular lipid route. The intrinsic permeation of a drug
through the stratum corneum lipids is dependent on several physicochemical param-
eters (325), and it is useful to classify these into those factors that affect solubility
in the stratum corneum lipids, such as partition coefficient and drug-melting point,
and those that affect diffusivity through the barrier, such as molecular volume and
hydrogen-bonding potential (326). Small, low-melting–point, hydrophobic com-
pounds, such as nicotinates, salicylates, and nitroglycerin are, thus, relatively well
absorbed; accordingly, they are less likely to suffer from problems of bioavailability
and bioequivalence. Large, crystalline compounds, such as corticosteroids and reti-
noic acid derivatives, even though such structures are generally hydrophobic, are
relatively poorly absorbed to the extent of 1–5% of dose applied; consequently,
problems of bioavailabilty and bioequivalence may, and do, occur (327). Large, crys-
talline polar compounds (e.g., peptides) are predicted to be poorly absorbed and
prone to problems of bioavailability.
␦ Q C v ⫻ Pc ⫻ D
= (3)
␦t L
where, ␦ Q /␦ t is the steady-state rate of percutaneous absorption per unit area of skin;
C v , the drug concentration in solution in the vehicle; Pc , the partition coefficient of
the drug between the vehicle and the stratum corneum; D, the diffusion coefficient
of the drug in the stratum corneum; and L , the apparent thickness of the stratum
corneum. For convenience, these interactions can be considered to fall into two areas,
drug–vehicle (thermodynamic) effects and vehicle–stratum corneum (penetration en-
hancer) effects. In Eq. (3) the term C v is an approximation for [C v (t = 0) ⫺ C v (t =
t)] that is used under conditions of nondepletion–infinite dose where C v (t0 ⫺ t )
approaches zero.
Thermodynamic effect. The driving force for diffusion is the thermodynamic
activity of the drug in the vehicle which, in turn, is related to C v and to the activity
coefficient of the drug in the vehicle. Thermodynamics being an illusive discipline,
it is best to consider C v and Pc (which is proportional to the reciprocal of drug
solubility in the vehicle) as being the factors that control drug–vehicle interactions.
The higher the value of the product of C v ⫻ Pc , the higher the thermodynamic
activity and the higher the drug permeation.
Effect of drug concentration in solution. From Eq. (3), in a single vehicle,
thus, under conditions of constant Pc and D, change in C v is predicted to produce a
corresponding linear change in permeation. For example, in Fig. 14, Davis and Had-
graft (67) showed a linear increase in hydrocortisone acetate flux across a Silastic
membrane as drug concentration in a single vehicle of propylene–water (56:44) was
increased up to saturation at 0.02%. Many similar results have been reported, in-
cluding the early classic studies of Poulsen et al. (328,329) and more recently
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence 441
Figure 15 Transport of hydrocortisone acetate, 0.02% w/w, from various propylene glycol–
water vehicles across Silastic membranes. Response to vehicle partition coefficient expressed
as reciprocal saturated solubility. (From Ref. 67.)
Cskin = C v ⫻ Pc (4)
Under stable, equilibrium conditions, flux will be at a maximum when the outer
layer of the skin is saturated and, by definition, this will occur when the vehicle is
also saturated with solute. From Eq. (4), it is apparent that there is an inverse relation
between the saturated solubility of the solute in the vehicle and the partition coef-
ficient between that vehicle and the skin, such that for all saturated systems, their
product is a constant: that is, the saturated solubility of the solute in the stratum
corneum (328).
C v(saturated) ⫻ Pc = constant (5)
Equations (4) and (5) are the basis for the statement commonly found in the
literature that all saturated vehicles of the same permeant will give the same flux,
independently of concentration, provided that the vehicle components do not alter
the barrier function of the skin and that significant depletion of the permeant from
the vehicle does not occur.
Many authors have published experimental data to support this argument
(65,67,328–330,332,333). Figure 17 shows that transport of methylparaben through
Silastic membranes is the same for all saturated solutions despite a 95-fold difference
in drug concentration in solution.
Figure 18 shows data (333) on the vasoconstrictor response of betamethasone
benzoate from five vehicles of differing ratios of mineral oil:myglyol (85:15; 60:40;
40:60; 20:80; 10:90, respectively). Addition of myglyol (a triglyceride) increases
saturated solubility of betamethasone benzoate and decreases Pc . In Fig. 18, open
symbols represent subsaturated solutions and filled symbols the single, saturated
solution and suspension systems for each of the five vehicles. This data allows an
excellent summary of the importance of drug–vehicle interactions. First, in relation
to the potential for bioinequivalence, for a fixed C v , vasoconstriction is strongly
Figure 17 Transport of methyl paraben across a Silastic membrane from simple water–
glycol-saturated solutions. Transport is dependent on thermodynamic activity, otherwise ex-
pressed as Cv ⫻ Pc. (From Ref. 65.)
444 Surber and Davis
dependent on the vehicle (Pc ), as discussed previously. For example, any vertical
line (fixed C v ) drawn between the 1- and 10-unit doses shows a large variation in
vasoconstrictor response depending on the vehicle composition.
The response to increase in C v is complex, again depending on the vehicle. In
any single vehicle, an increase in C v results in an increase in vasoconstriction up to
saturation (this strongly suggests that the limit of vasoconstrictor response is con-
trolled by drug absorption and not saturation of the pharmacodynamic response in
these systems). In suspension, a further increase in drug concentration beyond the
saturated concentration does not lead to any further increase in penetration or va-
soconstrictor response in a single vehicle. Across all the vehicles, saturated solutions
(the first filled symbol in each series) give essentially the same response. Thus, a
dose–response to increase in concentration will not always occur, as has been pre-
viously reported (327). Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic control of dose–
response is discussed further in Sec. V.
Bioequivalence is usually based on single-strength comparisons. Thus, assum-
ing bioequivalance at a single strength, a further issue is one of the potential for
bioequivalence—therapeutic inequivalence when topical products available in a
range of concentrations have different dose–response relations because of formula-
tion differences, as illustrated in Fig. 18.
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence 445
Figure 19 Transport of water across human stratum corneum from a series of miscible
vehicles in which the water was at half saturation. The horizontal line shows the estimated
transport of water from water at half saturation. Vehicles with water transport significantly
above the line (> ⫻2) are considered to have interacted with the stratum corneum to reduce
the barrier function. (From Ref. 334.)
446 Surber and Davis
Loss of volatile solvents, such as ethanol and isopropyl alcohol, because they
are better solvents than the residual phase, often results in an increase in thermo-
dynamic activity until saturation is achieved, which normally sets the maximum
thermodynamic activity. At this time, the drug is anticipated to precipitate, where-
upon its flux should remain constant as set by the driving force of the saturated
solution. However, the drug may supersaturate and flux levels significantly greater
those set by a saturated solution may be obtained (352,353). Clearly, in such for-
mulations, there are large differences in drug penetraton between initial and residual
states and thus also under occluded and open conditions. Especially for these types
of vehicles (alcoholic gels and lotions), biopharmaceutical studies in volunteers
should not be conducted under occlusion unless this is also used in clinical practice.
Furthermore, uptake of water from the skin, brought about by occlusion of micro-
emulsion vehicles, may result in supersaturation (354).
Cheng et al. (224) have shown that skin-surface lipids may mix with vehicles
to change drug solubility at the vehicle–skin surface–lipid interface and thus influ-
ence permeation.
Because of the complexity of theoretical models and experimental setups, only
limited data is available on the metamorphosis of the vehicle (98,355–358).
5. Factors Influencing Dose
In most medical and toxicological investigations, the dose administered is precisely
defined. Unfortunately, this is not always possible when a chemical is applied to the
skin. Because the dose is a reference value and thus of utmost importance in bio-
availability and bioequivalency considerations, the issue of dose is thoroughly dis-
cussed. Dermal exposures (amount of drug absorbed) are defined in terms of dose
(amount of drug applied), surface area, time of exposure, and frequency of
a. Dose Prescribed. The dose prescribed in a clinical sense includes amount
(e.g., number or quantity [weight]) of the dosage form, the strength, and an instruc-
tion on the application modalities. The quantities prescribed are usually governed by
the total surface areas to be treated, the application schedule, and the likely duration
of treatment. The total dose prescribed includes a special consideration relative to
possible toxicity (e.g., local or systemic effects of topical steroids).
Textbooks and guidelines in clinical dermatology give various recommenda-
tions (359–365). Polano (359) recommends 10 g of cream or ointment per appli-
cation per day as the minimum amount feasible for whole-body application (⬃0.6
mg/cm2 day⫺1). Schlagel et al. (360) found 12 g/day (⬃0.7 mg/cm2 day⫺1) the min-
imum amount necessary, and ‘‘liberal’’ applications of emollients may entail using
more than 100 g/day (⬃6 mg/cm2 day⫺1). Griffiths et al. (361) (Table 3) give the
most practical information by presenting recommendations for a 7-day treatment
b. Dose Applied.
Dose applied in clinical situations. The dose applied in clinical situations
reflects the compliance of the patients with the dose prescribed or recommended.
Lynfield et al. (366) determined the amount of dosage form that is applied in ‘‘clin-
ical’’ practice by both ‘‘patient’’ and by health care professionals according to the
following instruction: ‘‘Put this on thinly, covering. . . .’’ (Table 4). The data clearly
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence 449
reflect the variation that is present in clinical practice. This table’s data confirm
results of others (367).
The sun protection factor (SPF) is the ratio that estimates the protective efficacy
of a sunscreen against sunburn. The generally accepted methods that are used to
determine the SPF of a sunscreen require that the amount of formulation applied is
1.5 mg/cm2 (DIN-Norm) or 2 mg/cm2 or 2 L/cm2 (FDA), forming a homogeneous
film of a defined thickness (20 m) (368). The applied thickness of a sunscreen is
important for the degree of photoprotection (Beer’s law). In a field test, Bech–
Thomsen and Wulff (369) found that the amount of the applied sunscreen was on
average 0.5 mg/cm2. A sunbather’s application of sunscreen is, therefore, probably
inadequate to obtain the sun protection factor assigned to the preparation. Previously,
in 1985, Stenberg’s data indicated that the sun protection factor under ad libitum
conditions was only 50% of what would be achieved using 2 mg/cm2 (476).
Another important aspect of applying a semisolid formulation on to the skin
has been addressed (370). In this report recent observations were noted that although
the frequency and amount of sunscreen may be adequate, the application technique
may be inadequate. The investigators observed that the pattern of coverage was often
incomplete and was dependant on the region treated (Fig. 21).
Dose applied in experimental situations. The dose applied in experimental in
vitro or in vivo percutaneous absorption studies may be expressed as mass per unit
area of the neat substance or vehicle. According to the recommendations of the
Topical Therapeutic Products Workshop (March 26–28, 1990; Crystal City, VA) 1–
3 mg or L of formulation per square centimeter should be applied to the skin,
usually with inunction, corresponding to films of 10–30 m in thickness (film thick-
Formulation Dispenser (g) Application g/m2 mg/cm2
ness is an estimated value calculated from the dose volume and the estimated body
surface). This guidance reflects usage in the clinical situation. The skin should be
left open to the atmospheric conditions if this mimics the clinical use situation (371).
The amount of dosage form applied in experimental human in vivo studies to
investigate percutaneous absorption are in general considerably higher than the
amount recommended by Shah et al. (371) and Griffiths (361) or for that found by
Lynfield and Schechter (366) (Table 5).
d. Variation of (a Single) Dose. A single dose can be varied using four gen-
eral approaches (123):
Dosing Bioavailability
Category technique Loading Comment (estimate)
In the following paragraph the four methods are presented and referenced.
Whenever possible some recent examples are given of a (pharmaco)kinetic (K),
(pharmaco)dynamic (D), or clinical (C) investigation.
Concentration method
(K). For many compounds, in vitro and in vivo, the relation between dose
(concentration) and the dose absorbed is roughly linear over a broad
range (75,112,394–396, and others) provided that the compound is in
solution (354).
(K). Application of various concentrations of betamethasone dipropionate
(0.020, 0.040, 0.050, and 0.063%) for 6 h was associated with a statis-
tically significant (p < 0.05) linear increase in drug uptake into treated
human stratum corneum up to the 0.050% concentration. Increasing the
drug concentration applied beyond 0.050 up to 0.063%, however, did
not further increase drug uptake (p > 0.05) (123).
(D). The increasing drug concentration (betamethasone dipropionate: 0.020,
0.040, 0.050, and 0.063%) was not associated with a corresponding in-
crease in pharmacodynamic response over the 24-h observation period.
Plotting the maximal visual skin-blanching response, as a function of the
drug concentration applied, demonstrated that the maximal pharmaco-
dynamic response to this corticosteroid occurs at strengths substantially
lower than the strength marketed for clinical use (123).
(D). A similar disparity between drug concentration applied and pharmaco-
dynamic response was previously observed with the use of topical cor-
ticosteroid formulations (374,397–399). Several authors used the dilu-
tion method to create a dose–response reaction. This, however, has the
inherent danger of altering the physicochemical parameters of the drug
in the vehicle, particularly the thermodynamic activity of the drug, which
will influence drug partitioning and permeation (400).
(C). Double-blind studies directly comparing clinical effect of the different
concentrations of the same steroid in the same vehicle are rare. One
clinical study comparing 2.5% with 1.0% hydrocortisone cream in ec-
zema revealed no difference between the two concentrations (313).
Film-thickness method
(K). In carefully controlled in vitro percutaneous absorption experiments with
halcinonide, Walker et al. (401) observed, at clinically low levels of
application (i.e., less than 5 mg/cm2 of a cream), a dose-dependent low
rate of permeation. With applications of 5 mg/cm2 and higher (increasing
vehicle thickness) the rate of permeation appeared constant, although the
total amount permeating the membrane was dependent on the dose.
(D). Jackson et al. (402) studied five different marketed betamethasone val-
erate 0.1% creams and six different marketed triamcinolone acetonide
0.1% creams, in two groups of 12 subjects each. The subjects received
five 10-L portions of each cream spread over different skin surface
areas to yield doses of 20, 10, 2, 1, 0.6 L/cm2. The area of application
was encompassed by a Plexiglas ring open to the air. The creams re-
mained in place for 6 h. Statistically significant differences were found
454 Surber and Davis
Duration method
h–cure rate was high (96 and 98%). There was a significantly lower cure
rate in the 2-h group, in which only 82% were cured (416).
e. Multiple Doses. The dose can also be defined in terms of frequency of
application. Intermittent therapy can be one, two, or more exposures per day. Pro-
longation of the dosing interval up to several days is also possible and may help
avoid adverse drug effects in cases for whom long-term application is necessary.
Most percutaneous absorption studies have employed a single administration of the
compound under investigation; however, the relevant clinical (and toxicological) sit-
uations usually involve multiple contacts of drug (xenobiotic) with the same skin
site. Despite this obvious relevance of topical pharmacokinetics following multiple
topical application, there has been only limited investigation of the subject.
(K). The in vivo percutaneous absorption of hydrocortisone through the skin
of the ventral forearm of the rhesus monkey, quantified by measuring
C in aliquots of urine over 5 days, was no different when 13.3 g/cm2
was applied as a single dose or when 13.3 g/cm2 was applied three
times, totalling 40 g/cm2. However, when 40 g/cm2 was applied as a
single dose, absorption was substantially increased over that of 13.3 g/
cm2 applied either once or three times. Additionally, when the skin was
washed between applications to remove previously applied material in
the three-application experiment, there was a statistically significant in-
crease over not washing the skin (417). The study of Wester et al. (417)
has recently been repeated in humans. When a single dose (13.3 g/cm2)
was tripled (40 g/cm2) the amount delivered through the skin increased
by nearly three times. Three serial doses, with and without soap-and-
water washing between the doses, increased percutaneous absorption re-
markably (142) (Fig. 22).
(K). With a similar experimental protocol (417), the short- and long-term (8
days) administration of hydrocortisone in acetone or in an emulsion oint-
ment base was studied in the rhesus monkey (418). Absorption signifi-
cantly increased during long-term administration, whether applied in an
acetone or in an emulsion ointment base. A placebo study in which only
an acetone vehicle was applied for a long period followed by [14C]hy-
drocortisone application, showed no enhanced absorption. It was sug-
gested that long-term application of hydrocortisone alters the skin barrier,
resulting in enhanced absorption. After short- and long-term (8 days)
administration of a methylprednisolone aceponate ointment (Advantan),
percutaneous absorption, assessed by cumulative urinary excretion of
C-labeled substances (<1% of dose applied), were not statistically dif-
ferent, suggesting that repeated application of the vehicle does not
change the barrier and reservoir functions of human skin (373,419).
Azone cream was topically dosed on the ventral forearm of humans for
21 consecutive days. On days 1, 8, and 15, the Azone cream contained
C-labeled Azone (375). The skin application site was washed with soap
and water after each 24-h dosing. Percutaneous absorption, determined
by urinary radioactivity excretion after repeated application (8 days),
nearly doubled (p < 0.002), but stayed the same after continued repeated
application (15 days). It is concluded, that repeated application of Azone
458 Surber and Davis
D. Conclusion
From this review of effects of skin conditions, vehicle effects and their interactions,
and consideration of dose, we can identify certain primary factors that influence
bioavailability, bioequivalence, and therapeutic equivalence of topical products.
1. Bioavailability: Under most clinical and experimental conditions, the use
of infinite (and hypertherapeutic) doses leads to low absolute bioavailabil-
ity, often in the range 1–5% of dose applied.
2. Bioequivalence and bioinequivalence: The low, absolute bioavailability of
topical products significantly increases the likelihood of bioinequivalence
when formulation differences lead to differences in drug partitioning into,
or diffusion through, the stratum corneum. From this, a rational approach
is to reduce the dose, which in the clinical situation, requires reduction of
drug concentration. Low-concentration topical products with absolute bio-
availabilities in the target range of 50–100%, yet bioequivalent to current
products, are suggested as a future standard. This is discussed in the final
section of this chapter.
3. Bioequivalence and therapeutic equivalence: Even when bioequivalence
has been established in a volunteer model (e.g., vasoconstrictor assay),
there is the potential for therapeutic inequivalence (11–13). One concern
is that the allowable limits for bioequivalence (e.g., ⫾20%) may lead to
therapeutic difference in compounds with a steep dose–response curve
(438). Also, there is the possibility of therapeutic inequivalence owing to
differences in absorption between the volunteer model and clinical situation
(13); for example, because of differences in absorption between anatomical
sites and on diseased skin, as discussed in Sec. III. Finally, there is the
complex issue of dose–response, when topical products are available in a
range of strengths. We have seen that bioequivalence at one strength is no
guarantee of bioequivalence or therapeutic equivalence at another. These
points are discussed further in Sec. V.
A. ‘‘Biological’’ Variation
Interindividual differences (‘‘biological’’ variation) exist in virtually all steps of drugs
interacting with the human body. Application of pharmacokinetic (absorption–dis-
tribution–metabolism–elimination; ADME) or pharmacodynamic (concentration–
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence 461
Figure 23 The log dose–effect relation with its four characterized variables. (From Ref.
462 Surber and Davis
the ointments. Shah et al. (460), Jackson et al. (402), and Olsen (461) have since
confirmed bioinequivalence within commercial topical steroid formulations contain-
ing the same active substance at the same concentration.
All of the foregoing studies used the vasoconstrictor method to measure bio-
equivalence. Relatively few data are currently available for corticosteroids deter-
mining bioequivalence using drug level measurements in vivo (120,121). Recently,
Agrawal et al. (462) compared the bioavailability of hydrocortisone from seven com-
mercial products using a standard in vitro technique. Total permeation over 48 h
ranged from 3.0 g (1% cream) to 0.13 g (1% ointment), with large differences
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence 465
Case A Case B
Formulation Occluded Open Ratio Formulation Occluded Open Ratio
(creams) conditions conditions (%) (ointments) conditions conditions (%)
Figure 27 Schematic showing the effect of finite and infinite dose situations.
468 Surber and Davis
Figure 28 Schematic presentations of the effect of enhanced low-concentration formula-
tions: (A) Chemical enhancers or supersaturation are pharmaceutical means to enhance drug
absorption through the skin. Chemical enhancers act by fluidizing the stratum corneum lipid
barrier (pictogrammed as opening the funnel), supersaturation acts by increasing the ther-
modynamic activity of the drug in the vehicle (pictogrammed as arrows). (B) Variation in
skin site and skin condition, including disease and disease stage, as well as the individual,
influence topical bioavailability. Bioavailability of topical dermatological agents are generally
low, leading to a potential for dramatic increase in absorption depending on skin permeability.
(C) Increasing bioavailability by pharmaceutical means (e.g., supersaturation) does not elim-
inate variation owing to skin site, skin condition, including disease and disease stage, or the
individual. (D) Variation in bioavailability may be reduced by reducing drug concentration in
the delivery system and, at the same time, increasing the delivery efficiency (e.g., supersat-
uration) from the delivery system.
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence 469
470 Surber and Davis
means (e.g., chemical enhancers or supersaturation) is possible (see Fig. 28A); how-
ever it does not account for the different permeability of the skin (see Fig. 28C) and,
therefore, does not avoid differences in bioavailability (high variation). To avoid this
source of variation, one may reduce drug concentration in the delivery system and
at the same time increase delivery efficiency from the delivery system (see Fig. 28D).
Reduction of the drug concentration in the delivery system reduces the potential for
excessive delivery. This maneuver is important for individuals with highly permeable
skin (newborns), for body sites with highly permeable skin (intertrigo), or for indi-
viduals with impaired barrier function. Increasing the delivery efficiency of the de-
livery system increases drug delivery in individuals with less permeable skin (adults),
increases drug delivery in skin sites with low skin permeability (forearm) or with
increased barrier function. The skillful combination of these two strategies—reduc-
tion of the drug concentration and increased delivery efficiency—therefore, will most
likely ensure equivalent therapy and lead to a drug delivery system with highly
increased bioavailability, preferably in the range of 50–100%. By definition, the
variation in dose absorbed, depending on skin permeability, will decrease dramati-
cally. Pharmaceutical technologies, such as supersaturation or chemical enhancers,
are required to deliver low doses to the required bioavailability standards of 50–
100%, and further work to apply these to enhancement of low-concentration for-
mulations is required.
Marks et al. (464) have established that these enhanced low-concentration for-
mulations are as efficacious as conventional high-concentration formulations (Fig.
29). In study AI/AII the vasoconstrictor responses of the 1% hydrocortisone acetate
(HA) and 0.02% eightfold-saturated HA are not significantly different from each
other, yet each of these is significantly different from the control treatments (p <
0.05, Wilcoxon-matched pairs-signed ranks test). Ideally, these comparisons should
be made under nonoccluded conditions because occlusion will increase absolute bio-
availability. Nonoccluded vasoconstrictor studies on HA are not yet feasible owing
to the relatively weak response of HA in the model. However, these results dem-
onstrate bioequivalence of the 1% HA and 0.02% eightfold-saturated HA formula-
tions under the conditions of this study. In study BI/BII—the surfactant-induced
erythema test—the significance level was at p < 0.05 using the Wilcoxon-matched
pairs-signed ranks test.
From our recent in vitro membrane permeation experiments (463b), it was
concluded that drug flux can be increased supraproportionally with increasing donor
concentration (drug [super]saturation [proportional]) beyond what would be antici-
pated based on ideal donor concentrations and partition coefficient considerations
alone. These findings could not be confirmed in an in vivo investigation, probably
owing to additional vehicle effects (e.g., enhancement, irritation, or drug-binding)
that must be expected and could have altered the integrity of the stratum corneum
and, thereby, topical bioavailability.
teers or patients, then one may titrate to that specific dose of drug that best suits an
individual patient. For example, in concentration-controlled trials (CCTs), the dose
is varied between patients to obtain a specific tissue, usually plasma, concentration.
CCTs address the issue of variation in pharmacokinetic factors. Levy et al. (444)
have discussed the importance of variation in pharmacodynamic factors and have
proposed the strategy of varying the dose to obtain a specific pharmacological end-
point, the so-called effect-controlled trials (ECT). They provide convincing evidence
from the literature that, contrary to current paradigm, variation in pharmacodynamic
factors are the major source of variation in therapy. Thus, there is a growing belief
that the current, fixed-dose, paradigm is outdated, and that one should be developing
new dosing strategies for dose titration and improved health care (444,465,466).
Whether this is possible with our current armamentarium of topical dermatological
products will now be discussed.
ing the dose applied by frequency (intermitting dosing) (425). Generally, no such
relations with topical dermatological products are observed. Again, using the corti-
costeroids as a well-studied example, there are many reports of lack of, or poor,
dose–response (393,397,399,467–472).
For an increase in dose applied to result in an increase in response, both the
dose applied–dose absorbed relation (pharmacokinetic) and the dose absorbed–re-
sponse relation (pharmacodynamic) should be linear or approximately so. Thus, when
the response from increasing the dose applied is flat, this can either be due to phar-
macokinetic control (dose applied–dose absorbed is flat) or pharmacodynamic con-
trol (dose absorbed–response relation is flat), or both. Pharmacokinetic versus phar-
macodynamic control of flat topical dose–response has been the subject of some
discussion (333,460,470,473). Variation in pharmacodynamic dose–response is wide
among subjects (466), and this will confound the use of pharmacodynamic param-
eters to predict pharmacokinetics, including bioavailability and bioequivalence. As
part of a program to improve the sensitivity of the vasoconstrictor test, the recent
Guidance Topical Dermatologic Corticosteroids: In Vivo Bioequivalence (21) pro-
poses the screening of subjects into detectors and hypo- and hyperresponders. De-
tectors, subjects showing linear pharmacodynamic response to dose absorbed, are
selected for bioavailability comparisons.
Barry et al. (470), in a study designed to show pharmacokinetic control, have
shown no difference between the vasoconstrictor response and clinical antipsoriatic
response to 0.05 and 0.1% desonide creams. Both concentrations of desonide were
saturated in the vehicle and, thus, as described in Sec. IV, were predicted to give
rise to the same extent of drug penetration. Because there is no increase in dose
absorbed as dose applied is increased, there can be no difference in vasoconstriction
or clinical activity. What is not fully appreciated is the importance of lack of deple-
tion in the flat relation between dose applied and dose absorbed. Saturated vehicles
saturate the skin and thus the initial rate of absorption is the same. Only because
they are infinite doses do these vehicles remain essentially saturated and thus con-
tinue to give the same rate of drug absorption. To achieve a pseudo-dose–response
(increase in dose absorbed with dose applied) with current high-concentration for-
mulations it is necessary to increase the thermodynamic activity of the drug in the
vehicle as concentration is increased. For example, if the highest drug concentration
in a given vehicle is just saturated, then lower concentrations in this same vehicle
will give a dose–response (333) (see Sec. IV, Fig. 17 and discussion). Although
increase in thermodynamic activity can be used to generate a pseudo-dose–response
with high-concentration formulations, it is not (theoretically) possible to provide a
dose–response to increase in drug dose varied by the amount of product per skin
area (52). Again this is because of lack of depletion. The key to provision of a robust
dose–response between dose applied and dose absorbed is depletion or, put another
way, the use of rational, low but therapeutic, doses with optimized delivery to give
bioavailability in the range of 50–100%.
2. Dose Titration with Enhanced Low-Concentration Formulations
On the basis of simple pharmacokinetic modeling, low, yet rational, doses formulated
in enhanced low-concentration topical delivery systems, are predicted to produce a
strong relation between dose applied and dose absorbed (52). Although this is almost
self-evident, there are, currently, few in vivo experimental studies to support this
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence 473
prediction. Figure 30 shows experimental data in volunteers for the irritant response
(on the forehead) to increasing concentrations of a sixfold supersaturated topical
retinoic acid system. Despite significant between-subject variation in response, in-
cluding the presence of hyporesponders, there was a clear dose (concentration)–
applied response indicative of a strong dose-applied–dose-absorbed relation from
this type of enhanced low-concentration formulation (52,474).
Standards in topical bioavailability, bioequivalence, and therapeutic equivalence,
both in methods and protocols for testing, and also in biopharmaceutical parameters
of current products, are some 10–20 years behind those standards that exist in other
(e.g., oral) therapies.
Developments in methods and protocols for bioavailability and bioequivalence,
including new statistical evaluations, growing knowledge in design of studies, and
the extraordinary range of analytical assays, provoked the revision of many older
regulatory guidances. Significant attempts have been made by the authorities of many
countries to eliminate the vagueness in older guidelines concerning the investigation
of bioavailability and bioequivalence. The various recommendations emerged from
a series of international symposias (e.g., 2nd EUFEPS Nürnberg Conference: Sym-
posium on Quality and Interchangeability of Topical Products for Local Action, De-
cember 8–9, 1995, Nuremberg, Germany; or FDA/AAPS, October, 1996, Washing-
ton DC) help to aim for a coherent body of terminology on, and understanding of,
bioavailability and bioequivalence that can be used in international harmonization
on this subject.
Nevertheless, numerous issues and areas of research still require further in-
depth discussion and experimentation. The vasoconstrictor test has been utilized as
a tool to assess bioavailability and bioequivalence of topical corticosteroids for sev-
eral decades. However, work is still needed to establish the mechanism of action to
determine to what extent skin blanching is actually related to the therapeutic use of
such drug products. The vasoconstrictor test has also provoked a heated debate on
the possibilities and procedures to show dose–response relation with topical corti-
costeroids to meet some of the regulatory requirements. Topical corticosteroids rep-
resent just one class of dermatological therapeutics that can be judged by biophar-
maceutical means; however, for most other dermatological remedies, less-developed
or no bioassays exist.
Therefore, clinical trials appear to be the only means of assessing bioavaila-
bility–bioequivalence of many topical dosage forms in the foreseeable future. Es-
tablishment of bioavailability–bioequivalence criteria tailored to specific diseases, to
specific groups of chemicals with the same indication, or to special patient popula-
tions are currently being discussed.
Topical bioavailability of most currently marketed formulations is low, in the
region of 1–5% of dose applied. From this, given the profound effect that formu-
lation can have on drug partitioning into and diffusion through the skin, bioinequiv-
alence can be anticipated and, from the data available, seems widespread. Even when
bioequivalence is established in volunteers, the known occurrence of large variations
in absorption between skin sites and depending on skin condition, give little assur-
ance of therapeutic equivalence in the clinical situation. Major improvements in the
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Scale-up of Dermatological Dosage
Forms: A Case for Multivariate
Optimization and
Product Homogeneity
The objective of any drug-delivery system is to deliver in vivo the active drug moiety
to the target tissue or receptor site. Whether the delivery system is simple or so-
phisticated, it is the responsibility of the formulator, and other product development
support functions, to design a drug-delivery system capable of consistently achieving
the desired pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic profile as an outcome of formulation
and manufacturing process development and optimization. To achieve a robust for-
mulation and reproducible product manufacturing in which product quality specifi-
cations are consistently met is not always an easy and straightforward exercise.
Driven by formulation obstacles, processing complexities, an ever-increasing regu-
latory environment, health care cost-containment measures, and other pharmaco-
economic challenges can certainly influence the approach to and outcome of both
product and process development. To achieve rapid and successful development of
a drug-delivery system, there is an increasing focus on experimental design tech-
niques, product scale-up planning, and process technology transfer activities. Addi-
tionally, and often considered the bane of many projects, is cost. This financial aspect
is mentioned because there is a growing requirement within the pharmaceutical in-
dustry in specifying target values for manufacturing costs as early as possible within
the life cycle of a project that could constrain the final production process. A
500 Olejnik and Firestone
knowledge of the effect of cost, estimated or otherwise, ensures not only that the
criteria for efficacy, safety, and quality of a product are achieved, but also that the
economic and environmental implications in product manufacturing are understood
and deemed acceptable. It further augments the necessity in the implementation of
well-planned, systematic methods, and the definitive need for understanding the per-
formance characteristics and the critical aspects of manufacture of a product, partic-
ularly in its scale-up and transition to the production environment.
To address all these factors leading up to a successfully developed and man-
ufacturable drug-delivery product that meets predefined criteria or target values
would be a major undertaking. Although not dealt with here, their influence in any
drug development project should not be viewed as insignificant. One aspect is im-
portant to stress, which centers on multivariate optimization. This technique, when
used in experimental design, offers valuable information in understanding and im-
proving formulation and process development. To the reader the application of design
optimization techniques may be well understood and considered commonplace; how-
ever, it may be surprising to learn that these enabling techniques are infrequently
applied within the pharmaceutical industry. Although available information from a
survey on 68 pharmaceutical companies was somewhat dated, 14% consistently uti-
lized optimization methods, with 35% reporting occasional use (1). This translated
into 51% of those companies who, it must be surmized, have adopted some other
iterative or time-consuming trial-by-error system in developing their drug-delivery
systems. Product quality and cost under these circumstances must surely be nega-
tively affected. Either way, these approaches are inefficient and can cause problems.
Beyond phase I, attention to scale-up and process technology transfer becomes crit-
ical to the extent that reliance and implementation of multivariate optimization tech-
niques is considered a necessity, as well as the practice of good science. It is, there-
fore, considered meaningful in discussing multivariate optimization, that is,
experimental design methods with the intent not only to maintain an awareness of,
but also to promote their utilization, especially when the intent is to conduct process
scale-up studies.
In the broad context, the practices in the processing of pharmaceutical dosage
forms have been reviewed elsewhere (2). Additionally, a workshop summary report
on the scale-up of liquid and semisolid disperse systems provides useful guidance
(3). The focus, in the second part of this chapter, is on a particular aspect of scale-
up—namely, product homogeneity which, if not adequately understood and con-
trolled, can have a catastrophic effect on product quality and performance. Homo-
geneity of topical products is a subject that has received scant discussion in the
pharmaceutical literature compared with solid oral dosage forms. Because of the
complex nature of many topical products as being multicomponent semisolid for-
mulations, there is rising awareness of the importance and challenges in obtaining
acceptable product homogeneity. This is particularly true for topical products that
are difficult to mix (viscous systems), involve dispersed solids or emulsified liquids,
or contain low concentrations of potent active substances. Achieving acceptable prod-
uct homogeneity places prime importance on choice of manufacturing equipment,
manufacturing process design, validation, and appropriate product stability monitor-
ing to assure consistent product quality and performance. From this perspective the
mixing operations, mixing equipment, and mixing parameters are highlighted. A final
Scale-Up of Dermatological Dosage Forms 501
section deals with the verification of bulk homogeneity and content uniformity of
topical products.
A. Factorial Design
When the number of variables are limited, generally to five or fewer, a two-level
factorial design can provide a significant amount of information from only a few
experiments. Such a design allows one to measure the influence of several variables
simultaneously. This particular factorial design consists of all possible combinations
of two levels of each of the variables. If two variables are involved, the full factorial
design involves 22 experiments (i.e., a total of 4). The expression for the full factorial
design is given as
N = Lk
where N is the number of experiments, L is the variable level, and k is the number
of variables.
A two-level, three-variable design requires 23 or 8 experiments. These eight
experiments can be represented in four different ways, in terms of:
To better illustrate this, designate the three variables as X, Y, and Z; and use
the notation approach, in which (⫺) signifies the low level of a variable and (⫹)
signifies the high level of a variable, the eight experimental trials can then be rep-
resented as
502 Olejnik and Firestone
1 ⫺ ⫺ ⫺
2 ⫹ ⫺ ⫺
3 ⫺ ⫹ ⫺
4 ⫹ ⫹ ⫺
5 ⫺ ⫺ ⫹
6 ⫹ ⫺ ⫹
7 ⫺ ⫹ ⫹
8 ⫹ ⫹ ⫹
The second approach, using ‘‘high’’ and ‘‘low’’ descriptors for each of the variables,
can be represented as follows:
Interpreting these high and low or (⫹) and (⫺) descriptors obviously requires
definition of the conditions under which the specific variable is being evaluated. For
example, in studying the homogeneity effect of a product under two different mixing
times (60 and 30 min), 60 min is then the high or (⫹) level of the variable of interest
(i.e., mixing time) and 30 min is the low or (⫺) level of mixing time.
The eight experimental trials, as presented, cover all the combinations of a two-
level, three-variable design by which these combinations can be shown in the form
of a factorial block:
1 z
Trial 1 Trial 5
1 (1) z
Trial 2 Trial 6
x x xz
Trial 3 Trial 7
1 y yz
Trial 4 Trial 8
x xy xyz
Scale-Up of Dermatological Dosage Forms 503
In the absence of a letter, or if the number 1 is present, this refers to the low level
of a variable. If a letter is designated, then this represents the high level of the
variable (e.g., x represents the high level of variable X). When interpreting this
factorial block, consider the treatment combination xyz. This xyz block is in the x-
row, the y-row, and the z-column. Consequently, the test sample is required to be
prepared at the high level of X, the high level of Y, the high level of Z, which is
trial number 8.
The fourth, is a geometric approach in representing the 23 factorial design. A
three-dimensional schematic is used, in which the vertices of the cubical form rep-
resent the experimental trials as follows:
Each of the four ways described in the foregoing offers its own merits, but
selection is frequently based on preference. For example, in the scale-up of a for-
mulation the mixing of components to achieve product homogeneity may involve
the following variables: temperature, mixing time, and excipient supplier. It is also
assumed that the study is to determine the effects on some response of interest: here,
product homogeneity, of two levels of temperature (40⬚ and 20⬚C), two levels of
mixing time (30 and 60 min), and two different suppliers (supplier S1 and supplier
S2). Accepting the designations for temperature, mixing, and supplier as variables X,
Y, and Z, respectively, then the designations of the three variables can be described
as follows:
Variable X (temperature)
1. 20⬚C is designated as the low, or (⫺), or (1) level of variable X.
2. 40⬚C is designated as the high, or (⫹), or (x) level of variable X.
Variable Y (time)
1. 30 min is designated as the low, or (⫺), or (1) level of variable Y.
2. 60 min is designated as the high, or (⫹), or ( y) level of variable Y.
Variable Z (supplier)
1. Supplier S1 is designated as the low, or (⫺), or (1) level of variable
2. Supplier S2 is designated as the high, or (⫹), or (z) level of variable
In taking the previous example of block xyz, experimental trial 8 can be de-
scribed by any of the four following designations:
504 Olejnik and Firestone
Similarly, all of the eight factorial blocks (treatment combinations), previously de-
scribed, can be defined in this manner. By taking an individual sample at each of
the eight treatment combinations any observed difference between result 2 and result
1 would be assigned to the high level of X versus the low level of X, assuming the
absence of any other experimental variables. On this basis, the same would be true
for samples 4 vs. 3, 6 vs. 5, and 8 vs. 7. Here the effect of variable X would have
been measured a total of four times. By theoretical computation, this number can be
shown to be a number necessary in making a valid decision. Additional and more
detailed information are provided in other texts that deal with complete factorial
designs, to which the reader is referred (9,10).
where r is the resolution code of a fractional factorial design; f is the fraction of the
full factorial; N, L, and k are the terms presented previously. For example, a half-
fractional ( f = 1), two-level, five-factor design would be expressed as 25⫺1 resulting
in a total of 16 experimental trials. If the fraction is one-quarter ( f = 2) then 25⫺2
trials are required (i.e., eight experiments, or all of the experiments of the full design
are conducted. The limitation to this type of design for testing purposes is that there
is a loss in the degrees of freedom. A calculation of three-way and higher-order
interaction effects would not be possible owing to insufficient degrees of freedom.
A half-factorial design for five factors at two levels was used by Schwartz et
al. (11) in the optimization of an existing solid dosage form. In this study, three
additional levels were selected, resulting in a total of 27 experimental trials. Data
from the study were subjected to computed regression analysis to determine the fit
to a second-order model. Despite limitations in restricting the model to second-order
polynomials, the resulting equations were good predictors in subsequent computer-
ized experimentation. Associated with computer-generated graphs, such as those of
Scale-Up of Dermatological Dosage Forms 505
A. Product Physicochemical Properties
Important to the assurance of product homogeneity is the design of manufacturing
processes that are capable of producing a well-mixed, homogeneous product at the
bulk stage, and that this design is maintained throughout product transfer, filling,
transport, and shelf-life. This requires a thorough understanding of those physico-
chemical properties of the product that drive the choice of equipment and the design
of process unit operations that compose the overall manufacturing process. For top-
ical products the following properties are often considered:
506 Olejnik and Firestone
Viscosity (rheology)
Shear sensitivity
Settling and Sedimentation rates
Solubility and dissolution of the active components
Stability of components (actives, antioxidants, etc.)
Particle, droplet, or globule size
Heating or cooling requirements
Other physicochemical properties (e.g., crystal morphology, solvation, poly-
morphism of active component)
B. Mixing Operations
The design of bulk–product-mixing operations should consider the type of mixing
that should be applied to the product to obtain the desired outcome. A diverse range
of mixing operations are commonly employed during manufacture of topical products
including the following:
Blending of multicomponent systems
Dispersing of solids into liquids
Emulsifying one liquid into another
Promotion of heat transfer between the product and vessel wall
Each of these operations requires suitably designed mixing equipment and the
application of the appropriate type of mixing under a specified set of mixing param-
eters (rates of component addition, mixing speeds, temperatures, mixing times, etc.).
Mixing can be thought of in terms of the applicable mixing scale required for a
particular process. The distinction between macroscale mixing versus microscale
mixing has been made for the purposes of discussion as now defined (13):
1. Macroscale mixing: Mixing that accomplishes adequate product flow in all
regions of the mixing vessel both side-to-side and top-to-bottom to prevent
stratification and ensure macroscopic homogeneity.
2. Microscale mixing: Mixing that accomplishes separation or dispersion of
individual components (particles, droplets, etc.) to obtain the desired par-
ticle size distribution.
Macroscale and microscale mixing can be considered pumping and shearing
processes, respectively. It follows from this discussion that virtually all multicom-
ponent products will require adequate macroscale mixing (pumping) to be rendered
homogeneous. However, macroscale mixing, while necessary, may not be sufficient
for some products. Dispersed systems may, in addition, require microscale mixing
(shearing) to render the desired particle size distribution.
C. Mixing Equipment
A diverse array of mixing equipment is available to use for liquids and semisolids
in topical product manufacture. Generally, a cylindrical tank is employed that is
equipped with one impeller agitator or more to accomplish the desired mixing op-
eration. The following types of impellers are commonly employed.:
Scale-Up of Dermatological Dosage Forms 507
A vessel equipped with one or more of the mixers just listed may be required
to provide the needed balance between macroscale mixing (pumping) and microscale
mixing (shear).
D. Mixing Parameters
Once the mixing equipment has been chosen to provide the appropriate type of
mixing for a particular product, the determination of optimal mixing parameters
(rates of component addition, mixing speeds or tip speeds, temperatures, mixing
times, and such) needs to be made to ensure that a homogeneous product is consis-
tently obtained. Because undermixing or overmixing can have undesirable effects on
the product, such as stratification, clumping of solids, incorrect particle size, or vis-
cosity loss through excessive shearing, process development studies should be con-
ducted to establish the optimal mixing conditions, including definition of all param-
eter ranges. This activity may also be required for in-process subparts that may be
produced, depending on their physicochemical properties and the criticality of the
mixing operation. The mixing parameters, often under worst-case conditions, are then
formally demonstrated during process validation.
From a well-known mixer power consumption law, the following equation re-
lates the power P consumed as a function of the mixer speed N, and the impeller
diameter D where K is a constant (14):
P = KN 3D 5
This equation can be further partitioned into terms describing pumping and shearing
as follows:
508 Olejnik and Firestone
P = (K1N 2D 2)(K2ND 3)
shear pumping
The foregoing equation shows that a change in mixer speed N has a strong influence
on the shear component of mixing, whereas a change in impeller diameter D affects
the pumping component most strongly.
The considerations of product physicochemical properties, type of mixing re-
quired (pumping or shearing), equipment selection, and specific mixing parameters
(speed, time, temperature, etc.) should guide the development of optimal mixing unit
operations. This will ultimately lead to a manufacturing process that consistently
produces homogeneous product that can be easily scaled-up and validated.
are discrete (e.g., tablets, capsules, and suppositories). The same definition may be
applied to topical products, as discussed by Train (15,16), but becomes harder to
quantitatively define because of the bulk nature of the product in the final container–
closure system and the imprecise nature of product application in the hands of the
patient. Clearly, what is needed for content uniformity testing of topical products is
a standardization of dose uniformity.
Hersey and Cook discussed the standardization of content uniformity for topical
products (17), although formal standards have not yet been adopted by the phar-
macopeia for topicals as they have for solids. Orr et al. defined a scale of scrutiny
for ointments based on a ‘‘minimum ointment thickness’’ necessary for a therapeutic
effect and a ‘‘minimum discrete area’’ of topical treatment that can be considered as
a separate entity from surrounding areas of skin (18). Although they recognized that
a minimum thickness of ointment film cannot be exactly measured, they reasoned
that it would fall in to the range of 10–100 m. They also suggested that the
minimum discrete area for an ointment layer 50-m thick should not be greater than
1 mm2.
In actuality, the minimum discrete area should be defined on the basis of the
product’s clinical indication, as greatly differing areas may be involved whether one
using a product to treat acne, skin rash, or psoriasis. Estimates of total affected areas
and the minimum film thickness for a given product will permit the definition of the
appropriate scale of scrutiny. Provided that this dose level is practical from an ana-
lytical perspective (weighing or assay sensitivity, etc.), the single-dose quantity is
suitably defined for the purposes of content uniformity testing. This sampling quan-
tity can then be used to establish content uniformity for product from multiple lo-
cations within a single tube (closure-end, middle, and seal-end of expelled product
or center-versus-side wall product after cutting tubes open) as a function of product
age and storage conditions.
If we take into account that all the foregoing elements and requirements can
lead to a well-defined and controlled product, achieving and maintaining the ho-
mogeneous state of a topical, semisolid formulation through scale-up and beyond is
without question a desirable goal.
In the real world, demands for the rapid and successful development of pharmaceu-
tical formulations and product-manufacturing processes require the application of
enabling tools, such as those of good experimental designs. Unfortunately, the tools
and techniques available to the industrial pharmaceutical scientist are not always
effectively applied or, indeed, considered. From a regulatory perspective, discussions
on the guidance for chemistry, manufacturing, and control changes have emphasized
the need for sound scientific and engineering practices during any scale-up or process
change, which certainly underscores that effective and meaningful scientific practices
are followed (19). Through an awareness of experimental design, a solid foundation
on which the actual scale-up and process manufacture of products can be accom-
plished. A further emphasis placed on product homogeneity adds and expands the
ability of the pharmaceutical scientist in achieving a successful outcome in the con-
trol and consistent manufacture of the final product.
510 Olejnik and Firestone
1. Shangraw RF, Demarest DA. A survey of current industrial practices in the formulation
and manufacture of tablets and capsules. Pharm Technol 17:32, 1993.
2. Lachman L, Lieberman HA, Kanig JL. The Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy.
3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1986.
3. Van Buskirk GA, Shah VP, Adair D, et al. Workshop III report: scale-up of liquid and
semisolid disperse systems. Pharm Res 11:1216–1220, 1994.
4. Fonner DE Jr, Buck JR, Banker GS. Mathematical optimization techniques in drug
product design and process analysis. J Pharm Sci 59:1587, 1970.
5. Schwartz JB. Optimization techniques in product formulation. J Soc Cosmet Chem 32:
287, 1981.
6. Wehrle P, Korner D, Benita S. Sequential statistical optimization of a positively-charged
submicron emulsion of miconazole. Pharm Dev Technol 1:97, 1996.
7. Taguchi G. Robust technology design. Mech Eng 115:60, 1993.
8. Bohidar NR, Restaino FA, Schwartz JB. Selecting key parameters in pharmaceutical
formulations by principal component analysis. J Pharm Sci 64:966, 1975.
9. Anderson VL, McLean RA. Design of Experiments: a Realistic Approach. New York:
Marcel Dekker, 1974.
10. Anderson RL. Practical Statistics for Analytical Chemists. New York: Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 1987.
11. Schwartz JB, Flamholz JR, Press RH. Computer optimization of pharmaceutical for-
mulations I: general procedure. J Pharm Sci 62:1165, 1973.
12. Schwartz JB, Flamholz JR, Press RH. Computer optimization of pharmaceutical for-
mulations II: application in trouble shooting. J Pharm Sci 62:1518, 1973.
13. Scott RR. A practical guide to equipment selection and operating techniques. In: Lie-
berman HA, Rieger MM, Banker GS, eds. Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Disperse
Systems, Vol. 2. New York: Marcel Dekker, pp 1–71, 1989.
14. McCabe WL, Smith JC, Harriott P. Unit of Operations of Chemical Engineering, 5th
ed. New York: McGraw–Hill, 1993.
15. Train D. Pharm J 185:129, 1960.
16. Hersey JA. Drug Dev Commun 1:119–132, 1974–1975.
17. Hersey JA, Cook PC. J Pharm Pharmacol 26:126–133, 1974.
18. Orr NA, Smith EA, Smith JF. Int J Pharm Technol Prod Manuf 1:4–10, 1980.
19. Lucisano LJ, Franz RM. Pharm Technol 19:30, 1995.
Safety Considerations for Dermal
and Transdermal Formulations
Cutest (Skin Toxicity Testing Company), Cardiff, Wales
University of Wales College of Medicine and Cutest (Skin Toxicity Testing
Company), Cardiff, Wales
Unlike our ancestors, we now live in a complex environment full of a variety of
synthetic molecules. On a day-to-day basis contact is made with a wide range of
compounds and almost everything that comes into contact with the skin has the
potential for inducing adverse cutaneous reactions. A brief review of the dermato-
logical journals dealing with contact dermatitis will reveal that someone, somewhere
has reacted to something that they have been in contact with for short or long periods
of time. Contact dermatitis reactions may be immediate or delayed, chronic or acute,
irritant or allergic. An additional cofactor in the development of cutaneous reactions
may be ultraviolet radiation (UVR). UVR has the capacity to energize molecules,
and in this photoactive state, these molecules can produce phototoxic (photoirritant)
and photosensitive (photoallergic) reactions. With topical formulations the cause of
adverse reactions may be the vehicle and not the drug itself. Similarly with trans-
dermal delivery systems the adhesives used to produce intimate contact with the skin
may be a source of cutaneous reactivity. An additional problem with transdermal
delivery systems is that the physical process of removal from the skin can induce
mechanical trauma to the skin surface leading to erythema and edema. A further
complication may be that the mechanical trauma leads to altered barrier function of
the skin which, in turn, could enhance the percutaneous penetration of materials at
or near the skin surface. Whatever the mechanism, adverse cutaneous reactions are
512 Dykes and Pearse
a frequent problem with materials that come into contact with the skin. The resulting
contact dermatitis can be a source of considerable discomfort and inconvenience and
limit the usefulness of a topical formulation or transdermal delivery system.
of application patch, the number of subjects, and the duration of the study. The
central feature of these assays is that the product is repeatedly applied to the same
site such that the exposure is exaggerated. In addition, the site is occluded, such that
the barrier function of the skin is compromised, allowing greater penetration of
potential irritants. By virtue of this exaggerated exposure, it is hoped that the infor-
mation gained from a relatively small panel of individuals (usually 25–30 subjects)
will predict the likely behavior under conditions of everyday consumer use.
The cumulative irritancy assay normally consists of either a 14- or 21-day
application period. There is still some debate over whether the shorter time period
is sufficient to detect very weak irritants, and the decision between the two time
periods is usually made according to the product being tested and its proposed usage.
Thus, for products that are in prolonged daily contact with the skin (e.g., dermal and
transdermal therapeutic systems), the longer test procedure may be desirable to give
the necessary reassurance of product safety.
Another variable in the cumulative assay is the number of applications over
the test period. Some protocols call for daily applications and assessments (Monday
to Friday, but not weekends), others for application and assessment every 2 to 3 days
(Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). In both protocols the subjects continue to wear
the patches over the weekend. There is very little to choose between the two sched-
ules because both give continuous contact over the test period. The advantage of the
daily regimen is that if severe reactions develop quickly, then the application can be
stopped and, therefore the subject is exposed to minimal risk. However, this is not
likely with the types of products generally tested, especially if they have been sub-
jected to a 48-h test previously. The more frequent patch application and removal
schedule has the distinct disadvantage that trauma to the skin surface by repeatedly
applying and removing adhesive dressings may lead to severe ‘‘plaster’’ reactions
that mean that the subject is no longer able to continue with the study. This is
obviously more likely to happen in the 21-day protocol.
The nature of the application patch is also a variable in this assay. Many of
the original assays used gauze pads (Webril pads) covered with impermeable tape
such as Blenderm. We prefer an alternative system, 12-mm aluminum Finn chambers
on Scanpore tape. The advantages of this system are as follows: Scanpore tape is
not occlusive and minimizes the ‘‘plaster’’ reactions seen with occlusive tapes, such
as Blenderm; the chambers have a fixed volume and when used with filter papers
can be used for liquids; an impression of the raised rim is clearly seen on removal
of the patch, giving the reassurance that occlusion was continuous and that the sub-
ject had complied with the conditions of the study. The chambers are available
commercially as strips of chambers at fixed intervals that are perforated to allow
subdivision. A possible disadvantage of the Finn chamber system is that the area of
application (12-mm diameter = 113 mm2) is less than the gauze pad. However,
although the area of application is important in terms of the intensity of the response
(11), above a certain level (approximately 100 mm2) this effect is minimal.
With transdermal systems the patch itself is occlusive, and by its nature will
produce cutaneous reactions such as folliculitis. An additional problem when testing
transdermal systems is the pharmacological load on the subject. Topical formulations
for treating skin diseases are designed to deliver relatively small amounts of drug
locally. In contrast, transdermal systems are designed to deliver large doses syste-
matically through a relatively small area of skin. The amount absorbed from a topical
516 Dykes and Pearse
C. Facial-Stinging Test
Products may pass tests such as the cumulative irritancy test, but still cause problems
for the consumer. Disagreeable sensations may occur, particularly when products are
applied to sensitive areas such as the face. A not infrequent complaint is that of
stinging or burning or itching after application. Signs of irritation, such as erythema
or scaliness, may not necessarily occur in this situation. Part of the reason for such
sensations is that facial skin is very permeable and has a rich nerve supply. It is also
exposed to weathering and a constant bombardment of cosmetics and cleansers.
These may all contribute to increased sensitivity of this area. A method to assess the
stinging capacity of topical materials has been described (13). Subjects who are
sensitive to the stinging sensation of lactic acid are selected as panelists for testing
0 No reaction
0.5 Slight, patchy erythema
1 Slight uniform erythema
2 Moderate, uniform erythema
3 Strong erythema
4 Strong erythema, spreading outside patch
5 Strong erythema, spreading outside patch with either swelling or vesiculation
6 Severe reaction with erosion
Safety Considerations for Dermal Formulations 517
new products. Their subjective responses are noted, and a cumulative score is derived
that is considered indicative of the potential for stinging in the general population.
Allergic reactions to topically applied materials are much less common than irritant
reactions. Many sensitizers will produce allergy only in a small percentage of the
population, possibly less than 1%. As such, it is difficult to devise a test that will
accurately reflect the incidence of sensitization when used by the population at large.
The need for predictive tests was recognized more than 30 yeas ago, and the essential
features of such tests were established (14). More recent examples of sensitization
protocols indicate only small variations on the original procedures (15–17).
Essentially all protocols are based on the guinea pig assays developed to predict
allergens and the original human studies by Draize et al. (18). Thus, there is an
induction period, during which repeated exposure to the product occurs. This is
followed 1–2 weeks later by a challenge to a previously unexposed site to determine
sensitization. The test site for the induction phase is usually the back, although the
upper arm is favored in some laboratories. The challenge should take place on pre-
viously unexposed skin, either at a site on the back, well removed from the original
test site, or preferably on the upper arm. A control application of either vehicle
without the active ingredient or a transdermal patch without drug is essential in
interpreting any reactions that occur.
A. Induction Phase
The induction phase varies according to the protocol, but essentially consists of
multiple applications, under occlusion, that are either continuous, as in the cumula-
tive irritancy protocol, or intermittent (24-h on–24-h off). Typical examples are as
1. An induction period of 42 days consisting of 21 ⫻ 48-h applications, each
to a fresh site, as used for a transdermal nicotine patch (16).
2. An induction period of 21 days consisting of 9 ⫻ 24-h applications, 24-h
on–24-h off, applications to the same site (17).
3. An induction period of 15 days consisting of 6 ⫻ 48–72-h applications
to the same site (i.e., continuous application with inspection and reap-
We favor the latter variation because it gives continuous exposure to the same
site and is probably equivalent, in terms of the immunological challenge, to an
intermittent exposure over a longer period or to the longer exposure to fresh sites.
Continuous exposure to the same site under occlusion maximizes the percutaneous
penetration of any potential allergen. Intermittent exposure allows for barrier recov-
ery and, therefore, may not be as severe a provocation.
A major variation to this induction procedure is the use of chemical agents to
damage the skin before patch testing. The most common departure is the use of
sodium lauryl sulfate in the maximization procedure (19). Briefly, an area of skin is
treated with a 5% sodium lauryl sulfate solution for 24 h to induce a moderate
inflammatory response. This is followed by a 48-h application of the test material to
518 Dykes and Pearse
the same site. The sequence of 24-h irritant and 48-h test material application is
repeated five times to the same site. This procedure is designed to maximize pene-
tration of potential allergens. However, severe cutaneous reactions can develop with
this approach, and this may be unacceptable to volunteer subjects. In addition the
possibility of interaction between any sodium lauryl sulfate that has penetrated the
skin and the test material cannot be ruled out. Such an interaction may alter the
immunogenic potential of the test material.
B. Challenge Phase
In the challenge phase there is less variation in protocols. The main differences are
the use of a single 48-h challenge or two consecutive 48-h challenges (back-to-back).
The latter is claimed to be more sensitive in terms of detecting weak allergens (20).
What is perhaps more critical is the use of appropriate controls and the time of
assessment. Controls consisting of vehicle or transdermal system without active drug
must be tested alongside the product of interest to interpret any reactions. At least
two observations should be made, one assessment within 15–30 min after patch
removal, and a second assessment 48 h later to determine late reactions. Sensitization
challenges are usually carried out under occlusion and must be at sites remote from
the initial induction site (e.g., the upper arm if the back has been used in the induction
phase). The only other variation is the maximization procedure, which again uses
pretreatment of the challenge site with sodium lauryl sulfate solutions.
C. Population Size
The number of subjects used in sensitization procedures varies from 25, in the max-
imization test, to 200 in the Draize test. The sample size must be large enough to
give confidence, in terms of predicting what will happen in general use, but not so
large that adoption of the procedure becomes expensive and time-consuming. The
mathematics of extrapolating from a small test population to many consumers has
been discussed (21). Briefly, if there are no reactions in a panel of 200 subjects, then
as many as 15 out of every 1000 of the general population could react (95% con-
fidence limits). For 100 and 50 subjects the figures are 30 and 58 out of every 1000
of the population. The possibility that the sensitization test may not predict a potential
sensitizer may result from a variety of factors, such as skin site, variation in the
frequency of application during the induction phase, poor release from the vehicle,
and the dose applied. Clearly, to reduce the level of potential reactors in the general
population to fewer than 1:1000 would require an enormous number of volunteers.
The compromise is to use 100 or 200 subjects, which gives a reasonable level of
confidence in the test. The choice of 100 or 200 subjects rests, to a certain extent,
on the type of product. A cosmetic product that may be a reformulation or that does
not contain any new chemical entities may require only 100 subjects. It may be more
prudent to test a new pharmaceutical agent in a panel of 200 subjects. Any possible
regulatory requirement of countries where the product is to be sold must also be
taken into account.
D. Dosage
Undoubtedly the induction and elicitation of an contact sensitization reaction is dose-
dependent. The higher the concentration, the more likely it is that individuals who
Safety Considerations for Dermal Formulations 519
are predisposed will become sensitized. With final formulations the test concentration
is predetermined. When a range of therapeutic doses is being considered, the highest
dose likely to be used clinically should be tested. With raw ingredients, the highest
nonirritating concentration may be tested, depending on the likely exposure. As with
irritancy, the area over which an allergen is applied is important. With a potent
sensitizer, such as 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB), higher dose–response curves
were obtained for a constant dose per unit area when the area of application was
increased from 8 to 80 mm2 (22). However, in a separate study with DNCB, at a
similar dose per unit area, no difference was found between areas of 180 and 710
mm2, neither in terms of the number of subjects sensitized nor in the challenge dose–
response curves (23). Thus, with the potent sensitizer DNCB, the critical surface
threshold area appears to be between 80 and 180 mm2.
It is possible that topically applied or systemically administered chemicals or drugs
that have little or no potential to promote an irritant or allergic reaction in the skin,
may do so in the presence of sunlight. Although photosensitive reactions may be
rare, relative to irritant or sensitization reactions, the development of such reactions
can lead to withdrawal from the market (e.g., the antirheumatic drug, benoxaprofen)
A. Sunlight
Electromagnetic radiation is classified according to wavelength ranges. Electromag-
netic radiation emitted by the sun ranges from very short wavelength cosmic rays to
very long wavelength radio waves. Short-wavelength, high-energy forms of radiation
such as gamma and x-rays, are termed ionizing radiation, whereas longer lower-
energy radiation (more than 800 nm) is nonionizing and increases molecular motion,
giving a thermal effect. Wavelengths between 200 and 800 nm are capable of causing
chemical changes if absorbed by molecules in the skin. Ultraviolet radiation falls
into this category and is between 100 and 400 nm. Fortunately for us, no wavelengths
shorter than about 288 nm reach the earth’s surface, because these are filtered out
by the earth’s atmospheric ozone layer. Damage to this important protective layer by
man-made chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) is currently under review
and the subject of much discussion. UVR is subdivided into UVC (100–280 nm),
UVB (280–320 nm), and UVA (320–400 nm). UVA can be further subdivided into
UVA II (320–340 nm) and UVA I (340–400 nm) (25) (Table 2).
Although sunlight that reaches the earth is essential to most living organisms
and has many beneficial effects for humans, it is UVB and UVA that are responsible
for most of the cutaneous photobiological events (26). These include DNA and RNA
damage, inhibition of protein synthesis, damage to liposomal and cellular mem-
branes, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects and erythematous responses. Chronic UV
exposure is also responsible for dermal connective tissue injury (elastosis) leading
to the changes known as photoaging (27).
B. UV-Induced Erythema
It is important to remember that sunlight is a continuous spectrum and that it is in
its entirety that it causes erythema or sunburn in exposed skin. The paler the skin
the greater the erythematous response for any given dose of UVR. Thus, skin type-
I burns far more readily than skin type-VI (Table 3).
UVB is primarily responsible for most of the erythema seen in human skin
following excessive sun exposure. This response is apparent approximately 6 h fol-
lowing exposure and is maximal at 20–24 h. In contrast to UVB, UVA can induce
an immediate erythema that usually diminishes within 2 h of exposure (28). It can
also give a delayed erythematous response that reaches a peak at 6 h. UVA contrib-
utes to about 10–20% of sunburn and passes through window glass, in contrast to
UVB, which is essentially blocked by window glass. UVA can also induce an im-
mediate pigment darkening response (IPD) (29). This reaction appears within seconds
of exposure and fades within a few minutes. The pigment darkening is due to a
photochemical reaction involving the oxidation of a low molecular weight form of
melanin in melanosomes. The response is clearest in skin type-III, -IV, or -V indi-
viduals who have higher levels of melanin. Prolonged exposure to UVA can lead to
persistent pigment darkening (PPD) or tanning of the skin (30).
The effects described so far are the results of UVR itself; however, photosen-
sitivity reactions can occur when an exogenous or endogenous chemical (chromo-
phore) absorbs UVR or visible light. These reactions may be either phototoxic (pho-
toirritant) or photosensitive (photoallergic).
C. Phototoxicity Reactions
Phototoxicity refers to skin irritation that is produced through the interaction of
chemical substances and radiant energy in the ultraviolet and visible ranges. Pho-
totoxic or photoirritant effects are immediate and nonimmunological. When testing
for the phototoxic potential of topically applied chemicals, the output from the re-
quired radiation source is UVA only. This is best accomplished by using a suitable
D. Phototoxicity Assays
The development of procedures for assessing both the phototoxic (and photoallergic)
potential of chemicals has, in general, been carried out in laboratory animals. A wide
range of animal species have been used, including rabbits, mice, guinea pigs, squirrel
monkeys, opossums, and swine. All methods require the skin to be irradiated with
UVA following application of the test substance. However the measurable end result
is not always similar to that obtained from human experiments. Increases in guinea
pig (44) or mouse ear thickness (45,46) has been used to quantify phototoxic re-
sponses. Dermatitis and the increase in weight of the mouse tail has also been used
522 Dykes and Pearse
(47). However, hairless mice and albino guinea pigs have been used where simple
erythema was the toxicological endpoint for assessing a phototoxic response (48).
The results obtained from such experiments may be false-negative or false-positive
when extrapolated to humans.
Kaidbey and Kligman (49) suggested a method for identifying potential topical
phototoxic agents in humans, although the title of this publication misguidedly refers
to photosensitizing, rather than phototoxic agents. Human testing is ethical as only
small areas of skin are irradiated and clinical experience of phototoxic reactions
indicate that when the stimulus is removed the dermatitis subsides. As with all clin-
ical trials the informed consent of the subject and ethical committee approval must
be obtained. The method we recommended is based on that of Kaidbey and Kligman
and is suitable for assessing the phototoxic potential of topically applied drugs, chem-
icals, transdermal, and skin care products.
In the protocol for phototoxicity testing, a test panel consisting of a minimum
of 12 healthy white adults with untanned back skin is required. As the dermatitis of
a phototoxic agent can be produced in almost every subject, given sufficient expo-
sure, it is not necessary to employ a large test panel. Two sets of test products and
appropriate controls (usually vehicle or base alone) are applied occlusively to the
midback area (one set on the left and one set on the right). In our experience 12-
mm aluminum Finn chambers on Scanpore tape are suitable for product application.
They are occlusive and ensure optimal product contact with the skin. An empty
chamber should also be fixed to each side of the back. Six hours after administration
of the materials and chambers, these should be removed and one set of applications
only irradiated immediately with UVA. The chemical-to-skin contact time is rela-
tively short compared with, for example, the 24 h needed in a vasoconstriction assay.
If longer times are used (e.g., 24 h), light exposure will often produce negative
results. The test sites should be irradiated with 20 J/cm2 of UVA. The radiation source
should ideally be a xenon arc lamp solar simulator.
Such a system could typically consist of a 1000-W ozone-free xenon arc lamp,
the output from which is filtered with a Schott WG 345 filter of 2-mm thickness.
This filter will block all erythemogenic UVC and UVB wavelengths below 320 nm.
In addition unwanted longer wavelength visible and infrared radiation can be re-
moved using a combination of a suitably coated dichroic mirror, water filter, and
UG11 filter. If this is not accomplished then the subjects may feel heat and or pain
from the irradiations. It is often convenient to deliver the UVA radiation to the skin
surface using an 8-mm–diameter liquid light guide. A broad-spectrum thermopile
should be used to measure the output of energy from the solar simulator, typically
expressed in milliwatt per square centimeter (mW/cm2). The thermopile should be
calibrated against a known standard from, for example, The National Physics Lab-
oratory in the United Kingdom. To calculate the time of irradiation necessary to
administer a dose of 20 J/cm2 to the skin, the formula in Table 4 should be used.
Skin assessments should be made immediately following irradiation and at 24
and 48 h after photoexposure. The grading system in Table 5 is suitable for recording
any cutaneous reactions. The irradiated sites should be compared in each subject
with the nonirradiated sites. If the response in any one subject at the irradiated site
is greater than that seen at the nonirradiated site, then that product or chemical is
deemed phototoxic. Phototoxicity is relatively easy to detect and therefore prevent;
Safety Considerations for Dermal Formulations 523
t(s) =
Therefore, if a reading of 200 mW/cm2 is obtained
from the thermopile and a dose of 20 J/cm2 (20,000
mJ/cm2) is required then:
t(s) =
t(s) = 100 s
E. Photoallergic Reactions
Photoallergy (or photosensitization) refers to a dermatitis that is produced through
the interaction of chemical substances and radiant energy, in the UVR and visible
wavelengths, to produce an allergen. The chemical substance may be orally ingested
or topically applied (photocontact allergy). Unlike phototoxic reactions, photoallergic
reactions are often delayed, immunological, and less dose-dependent. Photoallergic
and particularly photocontact photoallergic reactions are relatively uncommon when
compared with phototoxic reactions. Clinically, photocontact allergic reactions pro-
duce a dermatitis that resembles allergic contact dermatitis, appearing as an acute
dermatitis affecting primarily, but not exclusively, light-exposed skin. A characteristic
histological feature of photocontact allergy is a dense perivascular round cell infiltrate
in the dermis, which helps distinguish this dermatitis from a phototoxic reaction (50).
A second and rare type of photoallergic reaction is solar urticaria (51). This occurs
after only brief exposure to light and is characterized by an immediate urticarial
wheal-and-flare reaction within minutes of exposure. The reaction usually subsides
within 1–2 h, is associated with degranulation of mast cells at the site of exposure,
and the release of neutrophil chemotactic factors and histamine into venous blood
near the reaction sites. Photoallergic reactions, when they occur, may apparently be
0 No reaction
1 Mild erythema, possibly with scaling
2 Moderate or strong erythema
3 Moderate or strong erythema with a papular response
4 As grade 3, but with definite edema
5 Vesicular or bullous eruption
524 Dykes and Pearse
triggered by irradiation alone (in the absence of known sensitizers) or may be due
to exogenous chemicals and UVR. Photoallergy, whether photocontact allergic der-
matitis (delayed hypersensitivity: type IV reaction) or solar urticaria (immediate hy-
persensitivity: type I reaction), is an acquired reactivity dependent on cell-mediated
hypersensitivity or antigen–antibody interaction (52).
Test procedures designed to identify potential photosensitizing chemicals were
developed in response to the outbreak of reactions caused by the use of antibacterial
halogenated salicylanilides in the early 1960s (53). A minority of affected individuals
developed a persistent photodermatitis that lasted several years despite the avoidance
of contact with photosensitizing phenolic compounds (54). It therefore became clear
that there was a requirement for a laboratory test to detect potential photosensitizing
agents and avoid such situations.
Several photocontact sensitizers have been identified, including coumarins and
coumarin derivatives, musk ambrette, fentichlor, bromochlorosalicylanilide, chloro-
2-phenylphenol, and benzocaine (55–57). Certain sunscreens have also been reported
to produce photocontact allergic dermatitis, most notably para-aminobenzoic acid
and derivatives, benzophenone 3, mexenone, and cinnamates (58–60). Several es-
sential oils have also produced photoallergic reactions (e.g., sandalwood oil; 61).
Also, 8-methoxypsoralen, which is used in PUVA (psoralen ⫹ UVA), can also be
photoallergic as well as phototoxic (62).
F. Photoallergenicity Assays
Test procedures to identify potential photosensitizers have received less attention than
methods designed to detect either ordinary contact sensitizers or phototoxic chemi-
cals. Landsteiner and Chase (63) demonstrated that low molecular weight haptens
can produce contact dermatitis in guinea pigs. They also observed that allergic con-
tact dermatitis could be conferred on immunologically naive guinea pigs by the
passive transfer of mononuclear cells from nonsensitized animals. Furthermore
guinea pigs develop edema and erythema after contact with topically applied sen-
sitizers and, to some extent, develop a response similar to the clinical response in
humans. These observations became the cornerstone of photocontact allergic der-
matitis research over many years and led to the guinea pig becoming the most
commonly used animal in photoallergy studies (64,65). On the other hand, mouse
ear swelling is claimed to be a more sensitive model (66), but is even further removed
from the human response than that of the guinea pig. To induce contact photosen-
sitivity in any animal it has to be repeatedly exposed to the test molecule in the
presence of UVR. For this induction phase a broad-spectrum source is necessary,
which should include UVB as well as UVA. The period of induction should be
similar to that for testing contact sensitizers, followed by a rest period and then a
challenge on a previously untested site with the test chemical and UVA alone.
The photomaximization test for the prediction of photosensitizers is conducted
on humans and is similar in design to a sensitization test, but with the addition of
exaggerated UVR exposure of both the chemical and the skin to which it is applied.
In an ideal world, this type of test would be carried out on a large number of subjects
(>100) to more accurately predict the incidence of photosensitization reactions in the
population at large. From a practical point of view this is not possible because of
the demanding nature of the protocol; therefore, a test panel of 26 is normally rec-
Safety Considerations for Dermal Formulations 525
ommended. The method described here is based on that of Kaidbey and Kligman
(67) and is suitable for identifying topical photocontact sensitizers.
The photomaximization test is a 6-week study and is divided into an induction
phase and an elicitation phase. A solar simulator, as described previously, is an ideal
source of UVR. During the induction phase a 1-mm–WG320 filter and a 2-mm–
UG11 filter should be used, allowing both UVA and UVB (290–400 nm) to reach
the subject’s skin. For the elicitation phase, a 2-mm–WG345 and a 1-mm–UG11
filter should be used to allow only UVA (320–400 nm) to reach the skin. The test
chemical together with the vehicle control is applied occlusively to the midback of
each subject using 12-mm aluminum Finn chambers on Scanpore tape. Twenty-four
hours later, the patches are removed and the test sites wiped clean and allowed to
air-dry for approximately 30 min. Each site is then exposed to twice the subjects
minimal erythema dose (MED) of solar-simulated UVR. The sites are then left un-
covered and exposed to the air for approximately 48 h. This procedure of application
and irradiation is repeated such that each subject has six applications and irradiations
over a 6-wk period. The sites are evaluated 24 h after each irradiation and, if the
reaction becomes severe such that further application and irradiation is undesirable,
then application of the material and subsequent irradiation is carried out at an ad-
jacent site.
Following completion of the induction phase, there is a 2-wk rest period, with
no applications or irradiations. Approximately 14 days after the end of the induction
phase, two sets of test materials are applied to previously untreated sites on the
midback, again using 12-mm–Finn chambers. Twenty-four hours later the patches
are removed, the skin wiped dry with a gauze swab, and one set of applications
irradiated with only 4 J/cm2 of UVA. The sites are then evaluated at 24, 48, and 72
h after the elicitation irradiation. The grading system for all irradiations (both in-
duction and elicitation) can be seen in Table 6. If one or more subjects develops a
Table 6 Grading System for Photoallergy Test: Induction and Elicitation Phase
0 No reaction.
1 Reaction readily visible, but mild unless letter grade appended (see E and F
grades). Mild reactions include weak, but definite erythema, and weak
superficial skin responses such as glazing, cracking, or peeling.
2 Definite papular response (appended E, F, or S if appropriate).
3 Definite edema (appended E, F, or S if appropriate).
4 Definite edema and papules (appended E, F, or S if appropriate).
5 Vesicular–bullous eruption (appended E, F, or S if appropriate).
E Strong erythema at patch site.
F Strong effects on superficial layers of the skin including fissures, a film of
dried serous exudate, small petechial erosions, or scabs.
S Reaction spreading beyond test site.
I Itching.
B/S Burning or stinging.
(Applications must be either terminated or moved to an adjacent nonirradiated site if a reaction score of
2 or higher occurs).
Descriptive letter designations may be added to the numerical score if experienced at the test site.
(Any other signs or symptoms (e.g., wheal-and-flare responses) may be described separately).
526 Dykes and Pearse
reaction at an irradiated site during the elicitation phase that is greater than the
corresponding unirradiated site, then that chemical is considered to be a photosen-
sitizer. In practical terms there are usually many or no reactors in a test panel making
the decision as to whether a product is a photoallergen relatively easy.
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13. Frosch PJ, Kligman AM. A method for appraising the stinging capacity of topically
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16. Jordan WP. Clinical evaluation of the contact sensitization potential of a transdermal
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17. Gerberick GF, Robinson MK, Stotts J. An approach to allergic contact sensitization risk
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19. Kligman AM. The identification of contact allergens by human assay. III The maximi-
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20. Jordan WP. 24-, 48-, and 48/48-hour patch tests. Contact Dermatitis 6:151, 1980.
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21. Henderson CR, Riley EC. Certain statistical considerations in patch testing. J Invest
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22. Rees JL, Friedmann PS, Matthews JNS. The influence of area of application on sensi-
tization by dinitrochlorobenzene. Br J Dermatol 122:29, 1990.
23. White SI, Friedmann PS, Moss C, Simpson JM. The effect of altering area of application
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24. Allen B. Benoxaprofen and the skin. Br J Dermatol 109:361–364, 1983.
25. Fitzpatrick TB. Ultraviolet induced pigmentary changes: benefits and hazards. In:
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27. Pathak MA. Sunscreens: topical and systemic approaches for protection of human skin
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28. Whitman GB, Leach EE, Deleo VA, Harber LC. Comparative response to UVA radiation
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29. Kaidbey KH, Barnes A. Determination of UVA protection factors by means of immediate
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30. Pathak MA. Activation of the melanocyte system by ultraviolet radiation and cell trans-
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31. Pathak MA. Phytophotodermatitis. In: Pathak MA, Harber L, Seiji M, Kukita A, eds.
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32. Kochevar I, Armstrong RB, Einbinder J, Walther RR, Harber L. Coal tar phototoxicity:
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33. Rappersberger K, Honigsmann H, Ortel B, Tanew A, Konrad K, Wolff K. Photosensi-
tivity and hyperpigmentation in amiodarone treated patients: incidence, time course and
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34. Ljunggren B, Winestrand L. Phototoxic properties of quinine and quinidine: two quin-
oline methanol isomers. Photodermatology 5:133–138, 1988.
35. Bjellerup M, Ljunggren B. Photohaemolytic potency of tetracyclines. J Invest Dermatol
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36. Diffey BL, Langtry J. Phototoxic potential of thiazide diuretics in normal subjects. Arch
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37. Stern RS. Phototoxic reactions to piroxicam and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
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38. Diffey BL, Daymond JJ, Fairgreaves H. Phototoxic reactions to piroxicam, naproxen,
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39. Kaidbey K, Mitchell F. Photosensitizing potential of certain non-steroidal antiinflam-
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40. Daniels F. A simple microbiological method for demonstrating phototoxic compounds.
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41. Mitchell JC. Psoralen type phototoxicity of tetramethylthiur-ammonosulphide for Can-
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43. Edwards SM, Donelly TA, Sayre RM, Rheims LA. Quantitative in vitro assessment of
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10:111, 1994.
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44. Stott CW, Stasse J, Bonomo R, Campbell AH. Evaluation of the phototoxic potential of
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47. Ljunggren B, Muller H. Phototoxic reaction to chlorpromazine as studied with the quan-
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49. Kaidbey KH, Kligman AM. Identification of topical photosensitizing agents in humans.
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50. Epstein JH. Photoallergy and photoimmunology. In: Stone J, ed. Dermatologic Immu-
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52. Epstein JH. Phototoxicity and photoallergy in man. J Am Acad Dermatol 8:141, 1983.
53. Wilkinson DS. Photodermatitis due to tetrachlorosalicylanilide. Br J Dermatol 73:213,
54. Smith SZ, Epstein JH, Photocontact dermatitis to halogenated salicylanilides and related
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55. Kaidbey KH, Kligman AM. Photosensitization by coumarin derivatives: structure activ-
ity relationships. Arch Dermatol 117:258, 1981.
56. Raugi GJ, Storrs FJ, Larsen WG. Photoallergic contact dermatitis to mens perfume.
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58. Thune P. Contact and photocontact allergy to sunscreens. Photodermatology 1:5, 1984.
59. Szczurko C, Dompmartin A, Michel M, Moreau A, Leroy D. Photocontact allergy to
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60. Parry EJ, Bilsland D, Morley WN. Photocontact allergy to 4-tert-butyl-4⬘-methoxy-di-
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61. Starke JC. Photoallergy to sandlewood oil. Arch Dermatol 96:62, 1967.
62. Fulton JE, Willis I. Photoallergy to methoxsalen. Arch Dermatol 98:455, 1968.
63. Landsteiner K, Chase MW. Experiments on transfer of cutaneous sensitivity to simple
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64. Harber LC, DeLeo VA. Guinea pigs and mice as effective models for the prediction of
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65. Harber LC, Targovnik SE, Baer RW. Contact photosensitivity patterns to halogenated
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66. Maguire HC, Kaidbey KH. Experimental photoallergic contact dermatitis: a mouse
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67. Kaidbey KH, Kligman AM. Photomaximization test for identifying photoallergic contact
sensitizers. Contact Dermatitis 6:161, 1980.
Transdermal Delivery and
Cutaneous Reactions
North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota
University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco, California
Drugs and excipients have different sensitization capacities for inducing contact al-
lergy. The risk of skin reactions produced by chemicals depends on their inherent
allergenicity and ability to penetrate into the normal skin or damaged skin. As fully
described in earlier chapters, the penetration of chemicals into the skin depends on
skin condition, anatomical site, chemical characteristics of the substance, lipid sol-
ubility and concentration of the chemical. Penetration is also influenced by external
factors, especially solvents, surface-active agents, alkalies, moisture, temperature,
extreme dehydration, and mechanical effects. The length of time that a substance
contacts the skin is of great importance. Skin irritation influences the cells of the
skin and results in an increased sensitization risk. Such cell damage can be produced
by variety of chemicals or by mechanical means.
Irritation is the nonimmunological evocation of normal or exaggerated reaction
in a tissue by application of a stimulus. Irritation may be subjective or objective.
Subjective irritation refers to transient pruritus, stinging, burning, or related sensa-
tions without subsequent visible inflammation (e.g., alcohol on an open wound). A
chemical substance that evokes inflammation on initial exposure is called an acute
(primary) irritant but, on repeated exposure to an identical site, will cause cumulative
irritation. In the past, soaps, cosmetic materials, and pest control chemicals have
530 Singh and Maibach
Four techniques (skin color reflectance, TEWL, laser Doppler flow (LDF) mea-
surement, and visual scores) have been compared for their ability to quantify sodium
lauryl sulfate irritant dermatitis in humans (9). The study concluded that, although
TEWL measurements may be an accurate and sensitive method in evaluating skin
irritation when stratum corneum damage is present, color reflectance measurements
may be a useful complimentary tool in the evaluation of skin damage. Detailed
documentation on these bioengineering tools can be found in recent text books (15–
Table 1 Comparative Sensitization in Humans and Guinea Pigs by the Guinea Pig
Maximization Test and Human Maximization Test from the Following Chemicals
Aluminum chloride 0 I 0 I
Apresoline 80 IV 100 IV
Atabrine 90 V 78 IV
Benzocaine 28 II 22 II
Formalin 80 IV 72 IV
Hexachlorophene 0 I 0 I
Lanolin 0 I 0 I
Malathion 54 III 100 V
Mercaptobenzothiazole 40 III 38 III
Mercuric chloride 32 III 92 V
Monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone 50 III 92 V
Neomycin 72 IV 28 II
Nickel sulfate 55 III 48 III
Penicillin G 100 V 67 IV
Polysorbate 80 0 I 0 I
Potassium dichromate 75 IV 100 V
Sodium lauryl sulfate 0 I 0 I
Sulfathiazole 36 III 4 I
Streptomycin 72 IV 80 IV
Tetrachlorosalicylanilide 72 IV 88 IV
Turpentine 64 III 72 IV
Vioform 20 II 0 I
Source: Ref. 8.
Clonidine Petrolatum 1 76
Petrolatum 9 77
Estradiol Petrolatum 5 75
Nicotine Water 10 84
Nitroglycerin Petrolatum 2 79,80
Water 0.02 81–83
Scopolamine Petrolatum 1.8 4
Water 0.25 78
Testosterone Petrolatum 5
To be determined.
1. Estradiol
Estradiol is available as transdermal therapeutic systems, licensed for hormone re-
placement in postmenopausal women. After assessing data from those trials involving
more than 100 patients (and up to 15,194 patients), the reported incidence of skin
reactions to the transdermal therapeutic system was between 5 and 35% (91–96).
Most reactions consisted of mild erythema or pruritus at the application site, which
generally resolved after system removal. However, a small percentage of cases have
been of sufficient severity to cause patients to discontinue treatment. Erkkola et al.
(92) noted that 8.8% of patients withdrew from transdermal estradiol therapy because
of skin irritation, although the number of patients withdrawing from treatment for
this reason in other studies has been less than 5% (91,93,95–97). The most common
adverse effect observed using transdermal estradiol was local irritation at the appli-
cation site (98,99).
Similar results have been found in long-term (1-year) studies. Nachtigall (100)
reported skin irritation in 14% of 138 patients receiving transdermal estradiol ther-
apy; 3% of patients discontinued treatment for this reason. Randall (101) reported
on 29 patients, 10% withdrawing because of skin irritation.
Unpublished tolerability data involving 11,562 patients using estradiol trans-
dermal therapeutic systems have shown a comparable incidence of dermatological
adverse experiences. Treatment was either cyclic or continuous and, in some cases,
included concomitant oral administration of progestogen. Duration of treatment var-
ied from 8 to 52 weeks. Pooled results showed that, on average, the incidence of
local skin reactions was 14.2%. Skin reactions were the most commonly reported
adverse experience, accounting for 47% of all reported adverse experiences. These
reactions caused 6.3% of the patients, on average, to withdraw from treatment (data
on file, Ciba Geigy).
Several studies have specifically investigated the effects of the estradiol trans-
dermal therapeutic system on skin. In many cases, the cutaneous adverse effects
reported have been overcome by changing application site. Allergic contact dermatitis
has been induced by the components of the patch, as well as from the estrogen. The
components of the patch, such as adhesive (102), hydroxypropyl cellulose (103),
534 Singh and Maibach
enhancer, such as alcohol, present in the reservoir (102,104); as well as the estrogen
(102,105,106) have been shown to cause contact dermatitis, but this is uncommon
2. Clonidine
Clonidine is a centrally acting ␣-agonist used primarily as an antihypertensive agent.
A common adverse effect associated with transdermally administered clonidine is
the development of local skin reactions to the clonidine preparation. Reports of such
dermatological reactions range in incidence between 5 and 42% (109–112). These
reactions vary in severity from mild erythema and pruritus to vesiculation and in-
flammatory infiltration of the skin beneath the transdermal patch. Rarely, develop-
ment of a generalized maculopapular rash has also been reported to occur following
transdermal clonidine therapy. The majority of the skin reactions requiring discon-
tinuation of therapy are mediated by a delayed-type IV hypersensitivity reaction
(allergic contact dermatitis), which can be confirmed with patch testing using com-
ponents of the clonidine transdermal device. In most of these patients the allergic
reaction is due to clonidine specifically, whereas in other patients, a specific com-
ponent of the transdermal system (polyisobutylene) functions as the allergen
There is an effect of race and gender on the irritation rates from clonidine patch
systems. For example, occlusive transfermal clonidine patch systems show sensiti-
zation rates of 34% in white women, 18% in white men, 14% in black women, and
8% in black men (113). Itchiness under the patch and contact dermatitis were re-
ported from clonidine transdermal patches (114). The long-term safety and efficacy
of transdermal clonidine was evaluated in 102 patients for over 5 years. Transient
local side effects occurred, mainly between weeks 4–26; thereafter, the incidence
clearly diminished and adverse events did not cause any withdrawal related to skin
reactions from 1 year up to 5 years. Overall the long-term transdermal clonidine
treatment was highly accepted and was well tolerated by the patients (115). It is
important to point out that predictive patch testing for allergic contact dermatitis
potential requires special techniques, not only for clonidine systems but for trans-
dermal systems in general (79,116).
3. Scopolamine
Scopolamine, a belladonna alkaloid indicated for nausea and vomiting associated
with motion, radiotherapy, anesthesia, and surgery, was the first drug approved for
use as a transdermal patch-type delivery system. There are three reports of allergic
contact dermatitis to scopolamine. In a group of 164 sailors, 10% developed allergic
contact dermatitis after 1.5–15 months of use (117). Patch testing with 1.8% sco-
polamine in petrolatum (2) or 0.25% in water (80) has been used to confirm allergic
contact dermatitis. Patch testing with structurally related alkaloids has failed to dem-
onstrate cross-sensitivity, indicating the specific nature of the antigenic site for sco-
polamine (2,118).
4. Nitroglycerin
Nitroglycerin is an organic nitrate used for the prevention and treatment of angina
pectoris caused by coronary artery disease. Erythema under the nitroglycerin trans-
dermal patch is frequent and represents the capacity of nitroglycerin to cause vaso-
Transdermal Delivery and Cutaneous Reactions 535
dilation. Rubefaction at the margins of covered skin, noticed with a similar frequency
in placebo and active nitrate patches, is indicative of mild irritation (119). Irritant
reddening disappeared spontaneously within a few hours. A more severe reaction,
localized to the site of nitroglycerin and subsequently placebo patches, has been
described (120).
Allergic contact dermatitis to nitroglycerin, both in ointments and patch-type
transdermal drug delivery systems, has been reported (81,83,85,121,122). Some de-
livery systems have employed acrylate adhesives, which have been implicated as the
allergen in several of these cases (123).
5. Nicotine
The pharmacological side effects of transdermally absorbed nicotine have assumed
greater significance following recent research in alkaloid delivery through the skin.
Percutaneous administration of nicotine may reduce the craving experienced during
abstinence from cigarette smoking and, thereby, serve as useful supplementation
regimen during the behavioral modification process (124). Percutaneous nicotine ad-
ministration induces predominant sudorific and rubiform responses in the skin that
may be accompanied by subtle pyloerection, hyperalgesia, and pruritus (125).
The most common adverse effects of nicotine patches are cutaneous, charac-
terized by itching (16–29% of patients), erythema (7–25%), and edema (2–7%).
Poor cutaneous tolerability is a significant problem, resulting in withdrawal of the
treatment in 2–5% of patients (126,127). Bircher et al. (86) investigated 14 volun-
teers with a history of adverse skin reactions to nicotine transdermal therapeutic
systems. Five of 14 demonstrated contact sensitivity to 10% aqueous nicotine solu-
tion. Irritant reactions in 9 individuals were due to occlusion. The safety, tolerability,
and efficacy of transdermal nicotine patch was studied in 80 patients who smoked.
Side effects, such as itch and local erythema, were reported in 4 patients (128).
6. Testosterone
Testosterone transdermal therapeutic systems are used in the treatment of hypo-
gonadism in men. One system is designed to be applied to the scrotum and requires
changing daily. Three male subjects of nine reported transient pruritus with the pla-
cebo patch; however, none reported this with the use of testosterone transdermal
therapeutic systems (129). An alternative system for application to glabrous skin was
recently been commercialized in the United States. The package insert lists blister
development in 11.5% of the phase I–III clinical study population (130).
7. Fentanyl
Fentanyl is a narcotic analgesic used for medication before surgical procedures. Ad-
verse effects on skin (erythema) have been reported (131,132). The physicochemical
properties and adverse effects of transdermally administered fentanyl have been de-
scribed. Dermatological reactions to the fentanyl patch are generally transient and
mild (133).
B. Iontophoresis
Iontophoresis increases the penetration of ionized substances into or through a tissue
by application of an electric field (76,134–137). Iontophoresis has the potential to
536 Singh and Maibach
Observation time
Ethnic group removal 60 min 1440 min
White PA 1p
AA 3p AA 2p AA 1p
Black AA 3p AA 3p AA 1c
Hispanic AA 8p AA 7p AA 3c
AC 1p
Asian AA 8p AA 10p AA 6c
AC 5p AC 5p
Entries are frequencies of subjects (n = 10) experiencing papules (p)
and papules in dry state [i.e., crust (c)]. Entries are listed as active
anode, AA; active cathode, AC; passive anode, PA; and passive cath-
ode, PC: for example, PA 1p at patch removal immediately after
iontophoresis indicates one subject developed papules at the passive
anode site at observation time immediately after patch removal and
AA 1c at 1440 min (24 h) indicates one subject still had papules in
dry state (crust) 1440 min after iontophoresis at the active anode site.
Source: Ref. 142.
538 Singh and Maibach
stood. A general theory proposes that the whole spectrum of cutaneous sensations is
signaled by differences in the patterns of activity; hence, any particular neuron can
signal a variety of sensory modalities. However, the finding that high-frequency,
electrical stimulation of large myelinated axons in the peripheral nerves of conscious
humans consistently evokes painless sensations argues against such models (154).
An alternative view proposes that an individual neuron transmits a specific type of
sensory information. Itch sensation evoked by percutaneous microiontophoresis of
histamine on hairy human skin was studied (155). Iontophoresis of histamine evoked
sensations of itch in human subjects; therefore, itch sensation may be implicated
owing to release of histamine during iontophoresis.
Under proper conditions, touch sensations, such as thumping, vibration, and
pulsing, can be elicited by electrical stimulation of hairy skin (156–158). In contrast
with hairy skin, the threshold sensations on glabrous skin are touch instead of pruritus
(159). With electrode paste used on six subjects as a conductive medium, half re-
ported painful sensation, similar to acid burn, but with saline they felt itch (160).
Changes in electrode size may alter the quality of sensation from itch to pain (161).
Recent advances in defining C-fiber function is described (162).
3. Burns
Burns occur if the patient uses excessive stimulation with small-area electrodes or
if the interface between the skin and electrode is dry (163). Shealy and Maurer (164)
demonstrated that the electrode surface area must be more than 4 cm2 for a 500-s
85-mA–pulse, 185-pps stimulus. The heat produced must be less than 250 mcal/cm2
s⫺1 to avoid localized burns. Burton (165) described another type of injury, micro-
punctate burns. The explanation was that current flow is not distributed over a wide
surface area, but is concentrated in small punctate areas (usually hair follicles). Be-
cause of the concentration of the large volume of current in small areas, current
density is high, resulting in skin burns. These micropunctate skin burns represent
true thermal damage to the skin, but Burton (165) feels that they are of little clinical
significance, in themselves, as with allergic reactions, simple discontinuation of use
of the electrodes permit recovery.
4. Virus Activation
In humans, one isolated case of an outbreak of molluscum contagiosum, a DNA
virus of the pox group, at the site of hydrocortisone iontophoresis has been described
(166). It appears that the phenomenon is more related to the drug being delivered
than to iontophoretic mode of delivery.
C. Electroporation
Electroporation involves alteration of lipid bilayers when transient and pulsed electric
fields lead to the reversible formation of nonlamellar lipid phases: a pore. Iontopho-
resis utilizes existing pathways, such as hair follicles or sweat glands. These sweat
glands and hair follicles comprise only about 0.1% of the total skin surface area.
Thus, a high-charge density occurs around sweat glands and hair follicles, which
may potentially lead to localized skin irritation. In electroporation, the other 99.9%
of the skin’s surface area is reversibly altered using a brief pulse of electricity. As a
Transdermal Delivery and Cutaneous Reactions 539
consequence, the current density is distributed more uniformly across the surface;
thus, potential for irritation may be reduced (167).
The effect of current and voltage on pig skin was evaluated under conditions
of iontophoresis and electroporation (167). Pigs were treated with either an ionto-
phoresis or an electroporation protocol. The study evaluated irritation, not drug de-
livery. Current densities used were in the range from 0 to 10 mA/cm2, and the applied
voltage ranged from 0 to 1000 V. The potential was a single pulse followed by 30
min of iontophoresis. Irritation was measured at 0 and 4 h after treatment. Skin
biopsies were taken for histological examination. Irritation was measured by the
visual scoring system of Draize et al. (6). Use of conventional iontophoresis, when
there was no applied voltage pulse and current density was near 0.2 mA/cm2, resulted
in no significant difference from the no-pulse values in either of these measures. The
skin response was measured in terms of erythema at the anode and the cathode.
Again iontophoresis produced a value not significantly different from that of a pulse
plus iontophoresis at both the cathode and the anode. These results showed that a
pulse voltage of up to 1000 V had no effect on erythema or edema. Erythema and
edema are equivalent for iontophoresis and electroporation. Thus, one can conclude
that electroporation under these test conditions produced no measurable damage to
skin or tissue.
Adequate evaluation of irritation potential of chemical substances depends on a thor-
ough understanding of the variables influencing the irritant response. Guinea pig
testing and the local lymph node assays constitute a first step in evaluating the
allergenicity of new compounds or products. With the traditional Draize test, potent
irritants can be detected. Substances that irritate in humans also do so in some
animals. More sensitive animal tests will identify weak irritants. The comparative
sensitivity of these various tests is still under examination. There is a reasonable
degree of correlation between the GPM test and the human maximization test.
Transdermal therapeutic systems have proved to be a useful adjunct for ad-
ministration of systemic medications. Their potential for future applications seems
excellent. However, the systems carry a risk of either irritant or allergic skin sensi-
tivity. Avoidance of reapplication of patches directly over the previous site, should
help minimize the incidence and severity of such irritation. Keep in view that with
the delayed onset of some allergic reactions, safety data based on short-term expe-
rience should be considered with caution.
There is increasing interest in the use of iontophoresis. Such therapy may re-
quire long-term delivery and the extended wearing of delivery systems. Irritations in
such patients may be greater than those found with the more brief applications for
which iontophoresis is most widely used today. There is no doubt that iontophoresis
can be a safe and effective method of drug delivery by the innovative application of
modern electronics and material science; however, extensive skin toxicological stud-
ies are warranted. Alternatively, electroporation followed by iontophoresis can be
used to lower the skin irritation. With electroporation, new pathways are created. As
a consequence, there is more even distribution of charge; hence, there may be a
lower potential for irritation.
540 Singh and Maibach
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Absolute bioavailability, 401, 452 Allergic contact dermatitis, 426, 512, 531
Absorption base, 322 influence of vehicle, 427
Acetaminophen, 178, 277 to nitroglycerin, 535
Acetylsalicylic acid, 205, 206 Allergic contact hypersensitivity, 52
Acitretin, 415 Allergic reactions, 362, 517
Acne, 47, 48, 49, 176, 307 Alleviation of pain, 285
Acne treatment, 49 Alniditan, 215
Acne vulgaris, 48 Alopecia, 176, 307
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Alprostadil (prostaglandin E), 385
(AIDS), 56, 374 Aluminum chloride, 531
Actinic keratoses, 459 Alzheimer’s disease, 384
Activation energy, 86, 118 American Association of Pharmaceutical
Activity coefficient, 101, 114, 136, 273, 440 Scientists, 198
Acute toxic contact dermatitis, 512 Aminobenzoic acid, 215
Acyclovir, 56, 217, 280, 415, 429 Aminomethyl propanol, 326
Adapalene, 172 Ammonium lactate, 337
Adherens junction, 7 Amorolfine, 178, 179
Adhesive acrylates, 339 Analytical method integrity, 213
Adhesive performance, 342 Analytical method interference, 213
Adhesive polyisobutylene, 339 Anatomical site variations, 169, 206, 374
Adhesive silicones, 339 Androgen deficiency, women, 375
Adhesive wear-testing, 340 Androgenic hair loss, 176
Adsorptive capacity, 83 Androgens, 372
Adverse cutaneous reactions, 511 Angioedema, 530
Age Angiotensin-converting enzyme, 356
and percutaneous absorption, 436 Animal models, 223
physiological changes, 204 extrapolation to human, 225
Alcoholic gels, 448 Animal skin
Alcoholic lotions, 448 preparation, 207
Alkyl pyrrolidones, 286 suitability, 203
550 Index