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1 Safdar Sial

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Does Corporate Social Responsibility Mediate the
Relation between Boardroom Gender Diversity and
Firm Performance of Chinese Listed Companies?
Muhammad Safdar Sial 1 , Chunmei Zheng 1 , Jacob Cherian 2 , M.A. Gulzar 3 ,
Phung Anh Thu 4, *, Tehmina Khan 5 and Nguyen Vinh Khuong 6
1 School of Economics and Management of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China;
safdar.sial786@gmail.com (M.S.S.); meiz6523@whu.edu.cn (C.Z.)
2 College of Business, Abu Dhabi University, P.O. Box 59911, Abu Dhabi, UAE; jacob.cherian@adu.ac.ae
3 Waikato Management School, The University of Waikato, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand;
4 Faculty of Finance and Accounting, Nguyen Tat Thanh University, Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam
5 School of Accounting, RMIT University, Melbourne 3000, Australia; tehmina.khan@rmit.edu.au
6 Faculty of Accounting and Auditing, University of Economics and Law, VNU-HCM,
Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam; khuongnv@uel.edu.vn
* Correspondence: pathu@ntt.edu.vn; Tel.: +84-772525700

Received: 10 September 2018; Accepted: 1 October 2018; Published: 9 October 2018 

Abstract: Although the relationship between board gender diversity and a firm’s financial
performance has been investigated before, the current study provides a valuable contribution by
exploring the complex phenomenon of the mediating impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR)
performance on a firm’s financial performance. The current study aims to explore whether corporate
social responsibility (represented by the proxy variable of CSR reporting) mediates the relationship
between boardroom gender diversity and firm performance. We use the pooled ordinary least square
(OLS) regression to examine the above relationship by using data from 2008 to 2015. To control the
likelihood of endogeneity we also use one-year lagged and two-stage least square (2SLS) regression
models. Our results show that boardroom gender diversity is significant, positively correlated with
firm performance, and CSR fully mediates the relationship between boardroom gender diversity and
firm performance. In addition, four control variables (independent director, Chief executive officer
(CEO power), board member meeting frequency, Big4, and leverage) have some influence on firm
performance. These findings hold for a set of robustness tests. Our findings have the implication for
the investors and regulators. For investors, our results show that the existence of female directors
on the board can improve the firm performance. For regulators, our results advise the worldwide
policy maker to give the importance to boardroom gender diversity. The paper contributes to the
existing studies, by pioneering the investigations of the mediating role of CSR in the relation between
boardroom gender diversity and firm performance in Chinese context.

Keywords: sustainability; corporate governance; boardroom gender diversity; CSR; firm performance;
China; Baron and Kenney’s

1. Introduction
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a broad concept that entails sustainability accounting
(social and environmental) as well as sound corporate governance practices. CSR studies are
intertwined with numerous disciplines like ecology and society [1]; standard value and ethics [2,3];
institutional monitoring, social, and financial/economic systems [4]; and many other disciplines.

Sustainability 2018, 10, 3591; doi:10.3390/su10103591 www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability

Sustainability 2018, 10, 3591 2 of 18

CSR ideology is used to make the company accountable for the environment and society so that all
stakeholders can prosper and companies’ negative environmental impacts are reduced [5]. The most
widely used approach for companies to use to inform stakeholders about their CSR actions and impacts
is through various forms of reporting, for example, through annual reports or other means such as
information disclosed on websites, newsletters, and monthly magazines covering these concepts [6].
As a result, we have used global reporting initiative (GRI)-based CSR reporting as a proxy variable
for firms’ CSR action and impacts. In a large number of countries, there are no laws or disclosure
requirements. As such, most of the information is disclosed voluntary; therefore, there has been
a growing interest in exploring the reasons/factors that impact companies to report CSR-related
information. To be CSR-responsive, companies aim for a beyond-the-profit approach, and they are
required to consider all stakeholders and are expected to seriously consider moral values, norms, and
principles [7].
Female representation on a company’s board has a significant impact on a board’s serious
consideration of CSR [8]. The more female representation on the company’s board, the more enhanced
the CSR performance becomes. There is also a positive relationship between board diversity and
a firm’s overall performance [9]. Gender diversity at a board level is considered an important strategic
management of stakeholders’ expectations and has become a dominant approach through which
companies manage their stakeholders’ expectations. The companies that are socially responsible try
to make/develop better and sound relationships with stakeholders, for example, with employees,
shareholders, and customers ultimately leading to better overall financial performance [10–12].
Even though China’s economy is the world’s fastest-growing, many companies fail to survive
and close down in the initial years. According to Carroll [13] and Friedman [14], in developed markets,
CSR is considered to be a duty and a demonstration to stakeholders that the company is a legitimate
social entity, whereas in countries like China, which is developing, it is considered as a business tactic
and used to gain or maintain market share. Furthermore, it is done for improving the company’s brand
(image) and is used to increase financial performance and shareholders’ wealth.
China is a fast-growing economy and its growth has been occurring at the cost of social and
environmental impacts [15,16]. Disclosures and other CSR practices are in the initial stages in China [17].
The big multinational giants and local entities have lowered their labor, environmental, and other
standards, and have caused serious damage to the environment. Examples of such negative impacts
include those caused by large multinational corporations such as Reebok, Nike, Mattel, and Gap.
The lax environmental standards in China have attracted corporations to shift their operations to
China [15].
There have been serious breaches of the code of business ethics, a common working style adopted
in China. For example, there have been breaches of food safety regulations [15,18], an excessive
promotion and use of cigarette and tobacco [19], excessive usage of chemical fertilizers [20], and
violations of copyright and trademark laws [21]. The international community has raised serious
concerns about these issues.
China has been accused at national and global levels for its approaches towards inadequate
environmental, ethical, and trademark issues, as well as other social problems. Experts including
accounting professionals, the business community, and academics have suggested that China should
have its own environmental and social standards [15] strictly enforced on businesses in China.
Corporate governance laws extensions and reforms have been undertaken in China to cope with
international institutional requirements. Multinational entities operating in China are expected to
conform to global, environmental, social, and ethical standards [18,22,23]. In the recent past, China has
aimed to resolve environmental and social issues of the country, and from 2006, many standards have
been made and enforced in true letter and spirit. First, it is required to set up a board of directors for
the corporation and limited-liability firms. Second, the number of board of directors should vary from
3 to 13 for a limited liability company and 5 to 19 for a corporation. Third, the governing body also has
the duty of recruiting and removing management. Lastly, directors and managers must realistically
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3591 3 of 18

carry out their tasks, protect the organization’s interests, and eventually respond to owners. Chinese
companies are scrutinized and are required to show that their actions are in accordance with the
regulation and standards.
Factors like listing status, ownership structure, and improvements in corporate governance
legislation influence the reporting behavior of Chinese companies [24–26]. Accounting bodies and
global market pressures compel companies towards CSR reporting homogeneity, where cultural, social,
and economic aspects are heterogeneous factors relating to CSR practices. As a result, it is suggested
that CSR approaches in China are different from other countries.
Government in China is the key factor for driving CSR [27,28]. China is the second-biggest
economy of the world but viewed as a new and transitional economy having distinguishable aspects
from those of Anglo-Saxon countries, such as the U.K., USA, and Australia. Most of the corporate
governance literature uses the Anglo-Saxon environment and setting while explaining CSR phenomena.
Only recently, have studies started to consider economically developing countries’ contexts, yet most
environmental damages have been occurring in countries like China.
One of the factors that has been studied recently in relation to CSR practices is the impact of
female representation at the board level. According to Dutta and Bose [29], there are three justifications
for women being on the board. First, women have a better understanding of the market as compared
to men; this leads to effective decision-making at the board level [30]. The second justification is that
society views the corporations better when there is gender diversity representation at the board level,
ultimately leading to a good performance on all matrices [31]. Third, and most importantly, women
directors increase the level of understanding of the business environment, hence facilitating better
decision-making [32]. Gender diversity is now an important issue for modern organizations [33].
There is increasing pressure internationally for nominating and having more female directors at the top
level of management. It is also important to mention that, many countries have undertaken various
initiatives, both regulatory and voluntary, to have increased female representation at the board level
Vinnicombe [34].
The key aim in this article is to ascertain the impact of gender diversity at the board level from
the perspective of female board representation and whether CSR performance has a more dominating
impact on firm performance than gender diversity at board level. This is a critical contribution of this
research to gender and governance literature. The contribution of this paper is the unique aspect of
identifying whether CSR performance (represented by CSR reporting) is more dominating compared to
just gender diversity. Two critical questions are addressed in this research. First, does female director’s
participation at the board level lead to increased firm performance? Second, does CSR mediate the
relationship between boardroom gender diversity and firm performance?
Although past literature has considered the impact of gender diversity on Chinese listed
companies’ financial performance [35–37], our research explores this relationship from a unique angle
related to the mediating impact of CSR performance on a firm’s financial performance in the presence
of gender diversity at the board level. As a survey approach that has been usually adopted in prior
literature suffers from non-response and biased sample representation [11,38], an entire population
analysis in our research has addressed the weaknesses associated with the survey approach.
We collected the 4257 firm-year observations, representing thirteen industries such as manufacturing,
agriculture, electrical power and supplies, mining and dressing, engineering construction, wholesale and
retail, information technology, public facilities management, journalism and publication, conglomerate,
real estate, transportation, and business services.
Previous studies have not shown how boardroom gender diversity and CSR impacts company
performance [39–41] and very few studies have considered the three variables together [36,42,43].
The study of the mediating relationship of CSR between boardroom gender diversity and firm
performance has been lacking in past studies. Although our study has looked at the Chinese companies,
the results from our study are generalizable from the perspective of the complete mediating impact of
CSR reporting (as a proxy for CSR performance) in comparison to just the impact of gender diversity at
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3591 4 of 18

the board level on a firm’s financial performance. The remainder of the paper is organized in different
sections, which are: Section 2 shows the theory and hypotheses development; Section 3 relates to
research design; Section 4 describes the empirical findings; and the last section, Section 5, provides
conclusions with implications for further research.

2. Theory and Hypotheses Development

2.1. Boardroom Gender Diversity and Firm Performance

Agency theory suggests that female representation on a board usually brings a new point of view
to the various problems and eliminates biases relating to information in new strategies development
and solving issues [44]. Women officials on a board are also considered to play a more effective role
than other members on the board [45].
Female representation has also been found to be linked with higher moral principles at the
board level [46] by considering questions regarding unethical behaviors [47]. Gender-diverse boards
demonstrate teamwork effectiveness and participative leadership style [48], and addressing of CSR
related issues in depth [49], leading towards enhanced performance.
There are mixed results in the literature about boardroom diversity and a firm’s performance [50–52].
According to Carter, Simkins [33], there is a positive and significant relationship between the percentage
of female directors at the board level and its market performance. Some studies have also shown
negative relationship between the female directors at board level and its market performance [53,54],
and some have shown no association between the mentioned variables [55–57]. The differences in
the results may be due to different research methodologies, statistical tools and techniques, and
timeframes selection.
Adler [58] collected a sample of 500 entities and found a strong relationship between board
level gender diversity and the firm’s financial performance. Carter, Simkins [33] conducted a study
using a sample of 638 Fortune ranked companies and found a strong association between board-level
diversity and the firm’s performance represented by Tobin’s Q [59–61]. This relationship has been
supported by other studies as well [31,62,63].

Theoretical Underpinnings for Superior Board Performance with Greater Female Representation
According to gender role theory, males and females have the same normally prescribed behaviors,
which also concern communications. Females are expected to be assigned more womanly roles,
based on the characteristics of gentility and empathy [64]. Whereas male characteristics have been
determined as being more aggressive and self-confident compared to females. Furthermore, females are
found to be more flexible, leading towards better compatibility and capability, especially in uncertain
situations [65]. According to Arfken, Bellar [66] females may have a better understanding of customers,
clients, and markets as compared to their male counterparts. We are thus expecting to see a positive
relationship between females at the board level and a firm’s performance.
According to human capital theory, an individual’s characteristics correlate with the board’s
output, and innovative/creative personnel at senior levels are an asset that leads to increasing the
organization’s performance [67]. Moreover, both genders have different human capital skills and
experiences, hence creating a competitive advantage through diversity [68]. We thus propose the
following hypothesis:

Hypothesis 1 (H1). Boardroom gender diversity has a positive effect on firm performance.

2.2. CSR and Firm Performance

CSR reporting (as a proxy for a firm’s CSR performance) has received significant consideration
in the literature and the relationship between CSR performance and a firm’s financial performance
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3591 5 of 18

demonstrated through disclosures [69,70] has been tested. Numerous studies have been undertaken
worldwide on CSR disclosures and corporate performance; some have shown positive relationships,
on the other hand, others have shown negative results, and in many cases, mixed findings have been
found. According to Tsoutsoura [71], there is no relationship between a firm’s performance and social
disclosures. Margolis, Elfenbein [72] examined books, research working papers, research dissertations,
and 251 published research papers to find the association between corporate social responsibility and
market-based factors of firm performance and found a small positive relationship between CSR and
corporate performance.
According to stakeholder theory, not just shareholders but other stakeholders are also impacted
by a company’s actions. Such stakeholders include the local community, environment, and employees,
and thus have to be considered seriously in managers’ decisions [73,74]. According to Brown and
Forster [75], long term firm performance is affected by relationships with stakeholders and stakeholder
management has a critical role to play in the success or failure of a company or organization.
A company’s overall performance includes market share, sales growth, and net profit, which has
been found to have a positive relationship with the disclosure of corporate social responsibility [76,77].
Slack resources theory was used by Waddock and Graves [78] to describe the significant relationship
between CSR practices and performance of the firm, as firms investing slack funds and resources into
CSR activities have higher firm performance [78,79]. Julian and Ofori-dankwa [80] found, using slack
resources theory, that companies are more inclined to be involved in CSR practices with slack financial
resources. This positive association is also found by Surroca, Tribó [81] using a sample of 599 firms
from 28 countries.
Chen and Wang [11] studied the relationship between CSR and a firm’s performance by utilizing
a sample of 141 Chinese companies. They divided CSR disclosures into different categories based on
stakeholder needs, for instance, those of employees, society, and customers. They found a positive
relationship between CSR performance and a firm’s financial performance. Van Beurden and
Gössling [82] studied 34 papers on the association between CSR and firm performance and for
23 studies (68 per cent) they found the relationship to be positive while 9 studies (26 percent)
showed no significant relation and only 2 studies (6 per cent) showed an inverse relationship on
the CSR-firm performance link. Research on the relation between CSR and firm performance in
China is limited. Zu and Song [83] studied the nature of managers’ perceptions toward CSR in China
through a questionnaire survey and found a positive relationship between CSR commitment and
firm performance. There are very few studies that have directly examined the relationship between
CSR and a company’s performance in China. The agency problem with Chinese listed companies has
been found to be severe as the Chinese government has the most significant ownership. Based on the
findings in prior literature, we have developed the following hypothesis.

Hypothesis 2 (H2). There is a positive relation between CSR performance (proxy representation being CSR
reporting) and firm performance.

2.3. Boardroom Gender Diversity and Firm Performance: The Mediation Role of CSR
Many past studies have supported the positive relationship between female directors at the board
level and the firm’s performance [84,85]. If female directors can influence CSR practices of a firm, then
CSR has a positive relationship with the performance of the firm [86,87]. It is considered that firms
committed to CSR actions identify and assess the demands of different stakeholders. The result is
an increase in efficient corporate governance, leading to adaptation to organizational changes, i.e.,
a successful change in management process. It has also been found that female directors and CSR,
when combined, enhance consideration of stakeholders needs [36]. The CSR can be said to serve as
a “filter”, facilitating relations between the organization and its board and the environment [88]. These
are the basis on which we can say that boardroom gender diversity and a company’s performance
relationship can be tuned through CSR.
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Hypothesis 3 (H3). CSR mediates the relation between boardroom gender diversity and firm performance.

3. Research Design

3.1. Sample
We collected the data from Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchange’s listed companies for
the period from 2008 to 2015 from the Chinese stock market and accounting research (CSMAR)
database. We collected the 4257 firm-year observations, representing industries such as manufacturing,
agriculture, electrical power and supplies, mining and dressing, engineering construction, wholesale
and retail, information technology, public facilities management, journalism and publication,
conglomerate, real estate, transportation, and business services. All variables were winsorized by
replacing two values at both extremes.

3.2. Measures
We measured the dependent variable, firm performance, by using market-based measures
(Tobin Q). We used the Blau index (BI) as a comprehensive measure of boardroom gender diversity [89],
which is measured by using this formula 1 − ∑in=1 Pi2 . The Blau index is a superior measure of
boardroom gender diversity as compared to the percentage of female directors as a high percentage
of females will indicate more homogeneity in terms of gender on the board [90]. For the mediator
variable, we used the CSR reporting index in line with previous studies [63,91,92]; the measurement of
the CSR index is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Corporate social responsibility reporting index.

CSR Reporting Items Binary Scale

1 Referring to GRI sustainability reporting guideline or not 1,0
2 Reporting protection of shareholder interests or not 1,0
3 Reporting protection of creditor interests or not 1,0
4 Reporting protection of employee interests or not 1,0
4 Reporting protection of supplier interests or not 1,0
6 Reporting protection of interests of clients and consumers or not 1,0
7 Reporting environment and sustainability or not 1,0
8 Reporting public relations and social and public welfare or not 1,0
9 Reporting social responsibility system construction and improvement or not 1,0
10 Reporting secure production or not 1,0
11 Reporting deficiencies of company or not 1,0
The total score of CSR reporting has been computed based on the following formula: ∑1n x
n × 100, where x equals 1
if the item is reported, otherwise 0, and n represent the number of all items.

In line with previous studies (Khan and Vieito [63], Abdullah, Mohamed [93], McWilliams and
Siegel [94]), and to measure the effect of control variables, we included independent director, CEO
power, board member meeting frequency, firm size, leverage, Big4, board size, board member average
age, and firm age as control variables. Table 2 provides the list of all variables with their measurements.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3591 7 of 18

Table 2. Definitions of variables.

Variable Name Abbreviation Description

Boardroom gender diversity is calculated by using the Blau
Boardroom gender index, which is measured as 1 − ∑in=1 Pi2 where Pi is the percent
diversity of male and female in the board and n is 2 representing number
of categories (male and female).
Proportion of Total number of female director divided by total number of
female director director on the board.
A dichotomous procedure is adopted whereby a company is
Corporate social
awarded 1 if an item is reported and 0 if it is not reported, and
responsibility CSRRI
the total score of CSR reporting index has been computed based
reporting index
on the following formula ∑1n nx × 100
(Total assets market capitalization—book value of
Tobin Q TQ
equity—deferred tax liability)/total assets.
Independent Number of independent directors divided by total directors,
director multiplied by 100.
A dummy variable equal to 1 if the CEO has the also chair role,
CEO power CEOP
otherwise 0.
Board member
BMMF Number of board of directors’ meetings in a year.
meeting frequency
Firm size FS Natural log of total assets.
Leverage Lev Total debt divided by total assets.
A dummy variable that is 1 if a listed firm is audited by one of
Big4 Big4 the international Big 4 audit firms or their joint ventures in
China and zero otherwise.
Board size BS Total number of directors on the board.
Board member
BMAA The average age of board of directors.
average age
State owned A dummy variable equal to 1 if the firm is a state-owned
enterprise enterprise, otherwise 0.
Firm age FA Number of year of listing.

3.3. Models Estimation

We tested the mediation hypothesis of CSR on the relationship between boardroom gender
diversity and firm performance. According to Baron and Kenny [95], we used the following pooled
regression research model:
TQit = β 0 + β 1 BGDit + ∑ β n (1)
i =1
CSRit = β 0 + β 1 BGDit + ∑ β n (2)
TQit = β 0 + β 1 BGD + β 2 CSRit + ∑ β n (3)
i =1

According to Baron and Kenny [95], the following conditions must hold to establish mediation:
in the first model, TQ is influenced by boardroom gender diversity; in the second model, boardroom
gender diversity must affect CSR; and in the third model, when TQ is regressed on both boardroom
gender diversity and CSR, CSR must affect TQ. Perfect mediation holds if boardroom gender diversity
does not affect TQ in the third model. For a detailed description of variables, see Table 2.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3591 8 of 18

4. Empirical Results

4.1. Descriptive Statistics

Table 3 represents the descriptive statistics. The average value of the Blau index is 0.18, and the
mean value of CSR and TQ were 0.73 and 1.80 respectively. The mean value of CEO power was 0.17,
i.e., for 83% of the companies, the position of CEO and Chairman are separate. On average, nine boards
meetings are held in one year, and 50% debt exists in Chinese companies. A total of 16% of Chinese
firms have their financial reports audited by the Big4, and on average, 60% of Chinese companies are
state-owned enterprises. The descriptive statistics can be found in Table 3.

Table 3. Descriptive Statistics.

Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev

BGD(BI) 4257 0.1844319 0.1590432
CSR 4257 0.7319474 0.1480728
TQ 4257 1.808066 2.078244
ID 4257 0.3699925 0.0662303
CEOP 4257 0.179704 0.3839858
BMMF 4257 9.966643 4.441063
FS 4257 23.07651 1.749106
Lev 4257 0.5098044 0.2168527
Big4 4257 0.1654135 0.371597
BS 4257 9.545455 2.309339
BMAA 4257 51.27363 3.826847
SOE 4257 0.599859 0.4899843
FA 4257 11.58388 5.634835

4.2. Correlation Matrix

Table 4 presents the correlation matrix. The maximum correlation among the variables does not
exceed 0.60. Therefore, no multicollinearity problem can affect the findings.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3591 9 of 18

Table 4. Pearson correlation.


BGD(BI) 1.000
CSR 0.070 *** 1.000
TQ 0.077 ** 0.026 * 1.000
ID 0.027 * 0.000 0.025 1.000
CEOP 0.080 *** 0.069 *** 0.152 *** 0.086 *** 1.000
BMMF 0.050 *** 0.043 *** −0.065 *** 0.042 *** −0.012 1.000
FS −0.073 *** 0.221 *** −0.441 *** 0.054 ** −0.132 *** 0.170 ** 1.000
Lev −0.064 *** 0.131 ** −0.502 *** 0.017 −0.125 *** 0.192 *** 0.595 ** 1.000
Big4 −0.074 *** 0.140 *** −0.170 *** 0.053 *** −0.079 *** 0.061 *** 0.546 ** 0.227 *** 1.000
BS −0.029 ** 0.110 *** −0.216 *** −0.246 *** −0.141 *** 0.023 0.445 ** 0.257 *** 0.264 *** 1.000
BMAA 0.098 ** −0.063 *** −0.110 *** 0.077 *** −0.065 *** −0.035 ** 0.201 ** 0.073 *** 0.072 *** 0.062 *** 1.000
SOE −0.163 * 0.077 *** −0.222 *** −0.029 *** −0.230 ** −0.072 ** 0.291 *** 0.212 *** 0.167 *** 0.193 *** 0.153 *** 1.000
FA 0.033 * 0.095 *** −0.185 *** −0.014 −0.127 *** 0.061 *** 0.189 *** 0.262 *** 0.029 ** 0.040 *** 0.205 *** 0.313 *** 1.000
Note: n = 4257, ***, **, * represents p < 0.01, p < 0.05, and p < 0.1, respectively.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3591 10 of 18

4.3. Multivariate Analysis

Table 5 shows the regression results of testing the mediation effect of CSR performance represented
by the CSR reporting index on the relation between boardroom gender diversity and firm performance.
We applied a three-step regression to test the mediation effect [95]. First, we regressed firm performance
on boardroom gender diversity. The coefficient of boardroom gender diversity proxy (BI) in model 1
was positive and significant at the 5% level (β = 0.3406, p < 0.05), supporting our first hypothesis that
boardroom gender diversity has a positive effect on firm performance. This result is consistent with
previous studies [36,59,61] and supports gender role theory as female directors are considered to be
more flexible, which leads to better capability to manage uncertain situations [65]. Female directors
and managers also understand the customers and markets in a better way as compared to males,
which leads to improvement in firm performance and human capital as individual characteristics
are correlated to its output, and creative individuals are an asset leading to improvements in firm
performance [67].

Table 5. Mediation effect of CSR on the relation between boardroom gender diversity and firm performance.

Model 1 (TQ) Model 2 (CSR) Model 3 (TQ)

Coef. p-Value Coef. p-Value Coef. p-Value
BGD(BI) 0.3406 ** 0.041 0.0849 *** 0.000 0.2507 0.151
CSR 1.1510 *** 0.000
ID 0.9556 ** 0.030 0.0081 0.819 0.9628 ** 0.028
CEOP 0.3279 *** 0.000 0.0151 ** 0.011 0.3465 *** 0.000
BMMF 0.0151 ** 0.016 0.0012 0.813 0.0151 ** 0.016
FS −0.2668 *** 0.000 0.0157 *** 0.000 −0.28481 *** 0.000
Lev −3.399 *** 0.000 −0.0035 0.786 −3.399 *** 0.000
Big4 0.2892 *** 0.001 0.0147 ** 0.040 0.2706 *** 0.002
BS −0.0066 0.631 0.00076 0.499 −0.0075 0.583
BMAA −0.0066 0.135 0.00073 0.225 −0.0121 0.104
SOE −0.2413 *** 0.000 0.0011 0.820 −0.2418 *** 0.000
FA −0.0091 * 0.085 0.0012 *** 0.005 −0.0104 ** 0.049
Constant 9.9181 *** 0.000 0.8319 *** 0.000 8.9619 *** 0.000
F 160.53 25.71 151.50
Adj-R2 29.67 6.00 30.27
Note: n = 4257, ***, **, * represents p < 0.01, p < 0.05, and p < 0.1, respectively. For detailed explanation of variables,
see Table 2.

In the second step, we regressed CSR on boardroom gender diversity proxy (BI) and the coefficient
of the BGD in model 2 was also positive and highly significant at the 1% level (β = 0.0846, p < 0.01).
Finally, in the third step, we regressed firm performance on boardroom gender diversity, as well as
CSR together, and the coefficient of CSR was positive and highly significant at the 1% level (β = 1.1510,
p < 0.01), supporting the second hypothesis. This finding is in line with previous studies [11,82]. This
result also supports stakeholder theory as good relationships with stakeholders positively affects
long-term corporate performance [75,76,96]. Moreover, slack resources theory is also supported as
firms with slack financial resources invest in CSR projects to reach a higher standard of corporate
performance [78,79]. The reason for this is suggested in organizational theory as follows: with sufficient
slack (availability of extra resources to allocate to CSR activities), there can be a solution to every
problem such as stakeholder management [97]. Slack acts as a buffer that insulates the technical core of
the company from environmental disturbances [96]. It is also a facilitator for companies to undertake
strategic behavior such as CSR [98]. When CSR is included in the full model, then the coefficient of
boardroom gender diversity proxy (BI) was found to be insignificant in model 3 and the coefficient of
CSR was found to be significant at the 1% level (β = 1.1510, p < 0.01). CSR, as a strategic motive, acts to
negate the impact of gender diversity on the firm’s financial performance. One reason for this can be
the implication that gender diversity is a type of CSR [9]. Thus, companies undertake multiple forms of
CSR, including gender diversity at the board level, and allocate slack resources to these efforts to create
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3591 11 of 18

a positive impact on the firm’s financial performance. These results are collectively indicating that CSR
fully mediates the relation between boardroom gender diversity and firm performance. Hypothesis 3
is also supported.
Moreover, among the control variables, independent director, CEO power, board member meeting
frequency, and Big4 were positively related to firm performance and leverage was negatively correlated
to firm performance.

4.4. Robustness Tests

4.4.1. Alternative Measure of Boardroom Gender Diversity

To ensure the robustness of our findings, we used the proportion of female director (PFD) as an
alternative measure of boardroom gender diversity [44,99,100] by dividing the female directorship
(number of female directors) by the total number of directors serving on each company in the
boardroom. The coefficient of PFD was positive and significant in model 1 (β = 0.4438, p < 0.05)
and model 2 (β = 0.0935, p < 0.01), and insignificant in model 3. The coefficient of CSR in model 3 was
significant at the 1% level (β = 1.1517, p < 0.01), indicating that CSR fully mediates the relationship
between boardroom gender diversity and firm performance. The results of Table 6 were also consistent
with our main findings.

Table 6. Does firm performance mediate the relation between board gender diversity and CSR reporting?

Model 1 (TQ) Model 2 (CSR) Model 3 (TQ)

Coef. p-Value Coef. p-Value Coef. p-Value
PFD 0.4438 ** 0.042 0.0935 *** 0.000 0.3457 0.112
CSR 1.1517 *** 0.000
ID 0.9448 ** 0.031 0.0108 0.760 0.9549 ** 0.029
CEOP 0.3281 *** 0.000 0.0149 ** 0.012 0.3464 *** 0.000
BMMF 0.01524 ** 0.015 0.00015 0.770 0.0151 ** 0.016
FS −0.2669 *** 0.000 0.0157 *** 0.000 −0.2850 *** 0.000
Lev −3.3998 *** 0.000 −0.0041 0.750 −3.3992 *** 0.000
Big4 0.2881 *** 0.001 0.0143 ** 0.047 0.2700 *** 0.002
BS −0.0055 0.687 0.0010 0.373 −0.0067 0.625
BMAA −0.0109 0.143 0.00073 0.229 −0.01190 0.111
SOE −0.2385 *** 0.000 0.0010 0.838 −0.2389 *** 0.000
FA −0.0094 * 0.076 0.0011 *** 0.006 −0.0107 ** 0.044
Constant 9.9145 *** 0.000 0.8358 *** 0.000 8.9537 *** 0.000
F 160.58 24.96 151.56
Adj-R2 29.67 5.83 30.28
Note: n = 4257, ***, **, * represents p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.1. For detail explanation of variables see Table 2.

4.4.2. Problem of Endogeneity

In Table 7, to control the possible problem of endogeneity, we used alternative models. First,
we used the one-year lagged values of boardroom gender diversity proxy because women directors
need some time to affect the decision-making of the board. The coefficient of the Blau index (BI) was
significant in model 1 (β = 0.074, p < 0.1) and model 2 (β = 0.070, p < 0.01), and insignificant in model 3.
Moreover, the coefficient of CSR was highly significant in model 3 (β = 1.173, p < 0.01), which confirms
our main results. Second, we used a two-stage least square (TSLS) method [101] by considering the
lag value of the Blau index (BI) as an instrument variable that likely meets the requirement that it is
not correlated with the firm performance but related with the decision of female directorship in the
boardroom. The coefficient of the Blau index (BI) was significant in model 4 at the 10% level (β = 0.119,
p < 0.1), in model 5, it was significant at the 1% level (β = 0.112, p < 0.1), and insignificant in model 6.
Moreover, the coefficient of CSR was highly significant in model 6 at the 1% level (β = 1.173, p < 0.01),
which was consistent with our main findings (see Figure 1).
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3591 12 of 18

Table 7. Does firm performance mediate the relation between board gender diversity and CSR reporting?

Lag of Independent Variables Two-Stage Least Square (2SLS)

Variables Model 1 (TQ) Model 2 (CSR) Model 3 (TQ) Model 4 (TQ) Model 5 (CSR) Model 6 (TQ)
Coef. p-Value Coef. p-Value Coef. p-Value Coef. p-Value Coef. p-Value Coef p-Value
BGD(BI) 0.074 * 0.066 0.070 *** 0.000 0.0055 0.974 0.119 * 0.066 0.112 *** 0.000 0.008 0.974
CSR 1.173 *** 0.000 1.173 *** 0.000
ID 0.947 ** 0.031 0.012 0.728 0.958 ** 0.029 0.952 ** 0.030 0.006 0.864 0.957 ** 0.028
CEOP 0.333 *** 0.000 0.014 ** 0.015 0.352 *** 0.000 0.332 *** 0.000 0.015 *** 0.008 0.352 *** 0.000
BMMF 0.015 * 0.013 −0.002 0.666 0.0154 ** 0.013 0.015 ** 0.013 0.008 0.869 0.015 ** 0.013
FS −0.265 *** 0.000 −0.016 *** 0.000 −0.284 *** 0.000 −0.266 *** 0.000 0.015 *** 0.000 −0.284 *** 0.000
Lev −3.41 *** 0.000 0.005 0.663 −3.41 *** 0.000 −3.41 *** 0.000 −0.002 0.852 −3.413 *** 0.000
Big4 0.282 *** 0.001 −0.014 ** 0.051 0.264 *** 0.003 0.283 *** 0.001 0.015 ** 0.035 0.264 ** 0.003
BS −0.006 0.642 −0.0006 0.566 −0.007 0.600 −0.006 0.644 0.0007 0.529 −0.007 0.599
BMAA −0.012 0.103 −0.0006 0.264 −0.013 * 0.078 −0.012 0.110 0.0008 0.167 −0.013 * 0.080
SOE −0.256 *** 0.000 0.0005 0.917 −0.255 *** 0.000 −0.252 *** 0.000 0.002 0.610 −0.255 *** 0.000
FA −0.008 0.123 −0.001 *** 0.002 −0.009 * 0.068 −0.008 0.115 0.001 ** 0.011 −0.009 ** 0.072
Constant 10.0 *** 0.000 0.8358 *** 0.000 9.02 *** 0.000 9.98 *** 0.000 0.822 *** 0.000 9.026 *** 0.000
F 159.97 24.51 151.16
WaldChi2 1765.66 270.83 1819.51
Adj-R2 29.60 5.73 30.23 29.82 6.13 30.43
Note: n = 4257, ***, **, * represents p < 0.01, p < 0.05, and p < 0.1, respectively. For detailed explanation of variables, see Table 2.
considering the lag value of the Blau index (BI) as an instrument variable that likely meets the
requirement that it is not correlated with the firm performance but related with the decision of female
directorship in the boardroom. The coefficient of the Blau index (BI) was significant in model 4 at the
10% level (β = 0.119, p < 0.1), in model 5, it was significant at the 1% level (β = 0.112, p < 0.1), and
insignificant in model 6. Moreover, the coefficient of CSR was highly significant in model 6 at the 1%
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3591 13 of 18
level (β = 1.173, p < 0.01), which was consistent with our main findings (see Figure 1).

Figure Mediation of CSR on board
of CSR gender
on board diversity
gender and firm
diversity performance.
and Note: *** and
firm performance. ** represents
Note: *** and **
< 0.01 andpp<<0.01
0.05.and p < 0.05.

5. Conclusions and Future Research

The current study investigated the impact of boardroom gender diversity on firm performance and
extends the mediating role of CSR on the relationship between boardroom gender diversity and firm
performance by using 4257 firm-year observations ranging from 2008 to 2015. Our findings show that
boardroom gender diversity had a significant impact on firm performance. Second, besides establishing
the direct link between boardroom gender diversity and firm performance, we have contributed to
the boardroom gender diversity literature by theoretically proposing and empirically showing that
CSR completely mediates the effects of boardroom gender diversity on firm performance. We found
that CSR fully mediates the boardroom gender diversity–firm performance link. Therefore, this study
responds to calls to examine the underlying mechanisms of boardroom gender diversity [102,103] and
fills an important research gap.
In other words, the implications from this study suggest that board gender diversity has a positive
impact on firm performance, yet the reason or cause for board gender diversity could be to enhance
CSR performance as CSR performance has a positive and significant impact on firm performance.
In other words, the key implication of our research is that boardroom gender diversity is one of the
features of a firm’s CSR activities and that as one of the many elements of CSR activities Weber [104],
it had a positive impact on firm performance. Yet, when CSR performance was considered through the
de facto representation by CSR reporting [105,106], it takes over as an impact on a firm’s performance,
being a strategic resource slack measure by a firm. This implication also supports the theoretical idea of
addressing various stakeholder needs including, but not limited to, the increasing demand for gender
diversity on the board [44]. There are other CSR performance measures (as represented by the CSR
reporting index) that have proven to be dominant in their impact on firm performance in comparison
to the sole impact of board gender diversity.
The direct effect of boardroom gender diversity on firm performance was not established due
to other mediator and moderator variables that play an important role in the relationship between
boardroom gender diversity and firm performance. Although we have taken CSR as a mediator
variable, several other variables exist that will mediate or moderate this relationship (e.g., state
ownership, firm performance, and institutional investors). Future studies are required to investigate
other possible CSR variables that could impact firm performance in various contexts, including in
developing country contexts. Future research should be able to divide the CSR disclosures into
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3591 14 of 18

sub-categories to investigate the detailed relationship between boardroom gender diversity and each
category of CSR and firm performance.

Author Contributions: M.S.S.: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Writing—original

draft and Writing—review & editing; C.Z.: Conceptualization, Writing—review & editing, Supervision; J.C.:
Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing—review & editing; M.A.G.: Conceptualization, Writing—review &
editing; P.A.T.: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing—original draft, Writing—review
& editing; T.K.: Conceptualization, Writing—review & editing; N.V.K.: Conceptualization, Writing—review
& editing.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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